Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, September 08, 1863, Image 2

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    From a Freedman la Louisiana.
Wasiiisoton, D C , Aug. 19, '63.
lo h. tJJto- f tb. N'. V l.tahic Port:
I send j on a letter, which bis much
pleased1 me, and may ioterest others. The
writer of it, is onlj ooe of thousand who,
auinng the millions of igoorant and degri-
j j i ..... . .
ucu negro suves, are intelligent, earnest,
Christian men, freed by our liberating ar-J
mies, nd Lave rallied under the starry
flit; to fiLt for their own and their
euuntry'i freedom. Three years ago, ibe
father and mother of this man and bis
m mIkt, were permitted to buy themselves
from their oarucrs, in Richmond. After
their departure, nurtb, the three young
mco who bad been brought up as mill
ers, and wore active intelligent fellows
were sold to the far South, lest they should
b.-conie uneasy and excited, and attempt
to run away from their master (whom of
course, they "loved devotedly") aod to
r j .in in freedom their mother and father
(f.r whom, being "mere brutes,' they ccn'd
Lavs no natural affection.) Their trials
were sora. They are now United
States soldiers. I think any one with a
heart, or even an avcrago mind, who will
read the simple and brave but touching
words which follow, can not fail to discov
er the spring from which gush such noble
.deeds as the world saw at Baton Rouge,
Milliken's bend, Port Hudson, and Fort
Wagner. Cut the letter tells its own
etcry best. J. II.
. "Baton Rouob, La., July IS, 'G3.
"Dear Father: I take this oppertunity
of ritio yon a Few lines to inform you and
all the rest of the family that we are all
Well at present and I hope this few linos
will Cod you all tbe sam. It has been
aouie time sence we have berd from you,
It lit i bops now that wa shall hear from
one a n.ithcr oftner bow sence we are free.
1 thauk God that We arc all our own
men now. I am happy to say tj you that
we are all three living yet, and my wife
also. I am in tbe army, and James and
William also, and my Wife she cooks and
washes for our Cornorl and Mager. Wc
are all in La yet, We ara snlgcrs, and our
regiment is the 4 Li. Nativ Uards. I am
tbe 0:dly Sargent in the first company,
that is Co. A., and Brother James is a
f argent in tbe same company. Brother
William is a Coprill in Co. C.
"We have been blest, among a thonscn
men, that we have not been sick onto
tleih. We bsvs been sick, but not very
Lad. Our regiment is now bnlJing fort
William, in the town of liaton Rouge. It
was torn time in New Orleans that we
fade, and we visited the old Church, and !
, . i - . i, t . .
tucir we got a quanted with Jirotber iNe!-
Sun nantlers.
re llA la fh rtctne r.f t hat '
-rs. lie is tne pastor ol mat .
their we Saw Ilrolber Tim Stulos !
church. Tb
a deron of tbe same church
also nianv vf the tiler brethren that came i
, i,- t i a
from KichiuouJ. We bare meetiogs in i
our regemrot oftcc, ana also as we arc
Etifgcrs in the United State?, tie are
Mill trying to be solders f ir Jesas CriBt.
Ev-r 6euco we have been fold frnm Uich
mond, we haveat our trnt io God, be
luTing that be would bring us throu
Cupkers and more (ban Conkers.
'rieas tel aunt R. that tbe day Las
Irolio. and tbe Iod rraide for time iscm 1
,,,, . .. .
at. . . ai.il i . il I. .a ltAa,l IhA VBiaiinftA Ikal :
ui;w, iuu uuu u tiLii u iug fi.tjuia tun i
vn.i iwtn r.rat hm vn lit r ! n in t he
Coiocrd of tie fire tide and was afraid to
jok up. 1'Ieas aek fitrr B. is she and !
tisier 11. arid cson A. Tingto bdp u
all to thaik God for bis bleescn tbat bet
baa bcrstode on us. We bave not faearJ
from atit M. but Once Sence We bave teen 1
Tt: t tw'L- U .L.i i.
juusicu. uo va ui ul nisi, nuir, vu
M nrloviniT aKnnt tii.n!o Janioa Wt !
. ft , , , . ;
lieard from bcr through , we aw cim in I
X a"al Il... a .11 3 ak.a, V. t
iHWV..i'-. i K' - i-i. j-.i- j
z scufl' ner ccai love to Der ana too a.f t
a tbe cbildren, and sbe must Ki-s them
fur us. We th&ok God for bis Lintst to
ua ic regard of our children. We bad
three, but God tsaw fit to take lb em from
us. and we thank bim fur bis goodoe?s.
We bave been tbrcu some uiity bird ehip
seoce we lolt iticomona. e aiu nave a ,
verj bard mister, but thank (jod, he took provide fur the election of Judges of llicscr
tjs awsy from bim aLii Duw lie can fro- j ''r"' courts of this Commonn'calth, and to
claim freedom.
..in fi i
riea give mj lOVe IO UrOtncr layier, i
and tel him that we three is solars io tbe
United States for three years. We j dried
rn tbe 31 cf Jaoary. James and William
j lined about lhe same time. I gets 21
cr month, and brother James gets $18
per month.
itrotber Willim to CCtS 613 i
" , i it j J 1 . . 1 . . I
per month. W e baved hone to tol von a j
t0Qt the War. bat I eant tel TOO all DOW. ! J,-'l-, re-inir-d to he learmduiUM Uw.on another
- t-t . pamta -e f paper.
ow I D.l enm to a Close. I leas rite , Aree!lIy lo ,he provisions of the s.x.v-
a.ion and tut n her frnm you all, at.J jou fir5, s,c,ion nf saia ant -everr eneral and
ancer tLi. Yon Pc-rcct your Iclters to Special election shall be opened between ihe
Ooroorl Cbarls. W. Drew, 4 Ucgcnicnt La. h mr of eijhl and ten in the forenoon, and
IN'atife (Jjrds. shall continue until seven o'clock in the even-
iij. , r 1 :a -li i. in?, when the polls shall he closed."
'3o oow I most Ltd jou all Good by The Rjfun) 'j,,., of the sera, district.
1 remain your true son, i wj mP jfi ,he ,.nIlrt ,lollse at .Pa.is,nr!:.
ELLIXOTOS Ha WKISS. nn ,e third dav after the election. (bein! Fri
'P. f. The first orp'Tiunity tbtt we ' div. the lth day of October.) to do and per
et we will all scad you out Ih'goritips." ! f"r'n 'hse duties enjoined on them by law.
'''k K"",rn Judges of Cnion, Snvdcr and
. . , m ... -,. . i Juniata counties are required to meet at lhe
arMen of this elafa, with tbe wive. (.onrt u jn ,he boI!()11h of Mld(,1.hur
and cbiMreo DOW really Tlltia OWN for on M.m.liv lhe 19ih of October, to make out
the first time in tbtir lives, are tbe olieets ! returns for the members of Assembly.
.... . . .... ' lljied at the Sheriffs Ollice. I.cwiihurg,this
f .)r wbich tbe essoeiation is laboring, that , iUy of sepiember, A. P. one thousaud
is rcforred to in the following notice : i eight hundred and sixty-three.
tyRer. Mm. Bradley, A ?nl of Ihe N
I'onal Kreedman's Kelief Associaiimt, will j
lecture in tbe Lewisburg Lutheran Church i
rn Tdinir evemn: next, 8 b ept. Vou and
everybiHly are invited lo cuine aoii hear.
Tlie Verdict cf History.
Hereaficr, when tbe American people
aliallsetia deliberate j-idmeoton tbe eon
duct of men wbo claim to lead tbe Dtino
tialie parly, tbe verdict must assuredly be
fine of absola'e eiDdemnation. So ut'er'y
liielict to virtue and p-Llitm bad these
meo become, so exclusively ii.Bucbeed by
t-iCsh aoi venal motives, that not even
this great rebellion, with all i's tuomtn
tua macs, could lift tbrm up (f at tbe
low statid-pviut fiotn wli. h tbey surveyed
a 1 political questions. Tbey bad tr lddon
to lore in base aod miry paths, that they
could not aeend to loftier grouud, aod so j
ihey groveled s-ill on lower levels, wbiUt j
statesmen and pi'riots sere rcuii:g the C. D. BREWER,
People to do battle against duoptitinm. I Attornejr at Law,
):ily a few from among these leaders came ! LEWisnrBC, rI0!t r M.
t rth to pariiripate in the glorious strua- i vFFICE (on Market 8t.) formerly occupied
f V, aid redeem their lisiuts from tbe!' ' v,m Cameron, Jr.
Iiistine nlianic bicb must ciiojt to ail aba, 1 c""''"""s and other professional hnsiness
d reeily cr mdirectlr pl.jed into tbe
L.tds vf Ueidjn. Xilh Anurican.
General Election Proclamation.
WHEREAS, in and by an Act of the
General Assembly ol this Siaie.enlitled
An Act to regulate the general elections of
.his Commonwealth," enacted on the 3d day of
luly. 1839, it is enjoined on me to give public
lotice of such elections to be held, and to
numerate in sui-h notice what officers are to
je eic
je elected, I, L F ALBRIGHT. High Sheriff
j jf lne C(lUnty of Union, do therefore hereby
make and give ihis public notice to ihe electors
' a,lh.?a.
j ELEC J IUX will be held in said comity un the
Sirosn Tui:kii or Ocxonsa hext (being lhe
i:tih day of the said month.) at the several
Districts composed of the following lownsnips
and boroughs, v:z:
1 district, at the late Commissioners' office
in and for New Berlin borousrh.
II district, at the house of Thomas Purse),
in ami for I'nion township.
Ill district.at the house of Theobald Sanders
in and lor White Deer township,
IV district, at the honse of James Lawson,
id and for Kellv township.
V district, at the house of George Wolfe,
in and tor East uuualne township,
V I district.at the house of James M'Creight,
in and for Bonaire township.
VII district, at the house now occupied by
J.icob Dvckard, in MillUuburg, tor VI est Uul
faloe township.
VIII district, at the pnblie school honse in
anil lor Northward m Lewisburg Dorougn.
IX district, at the Buflaloe House, in and for
South Ward in Lewisburg borough.
X district, at lhe house now occupied by
Wm. Iiiliott in and for Mifflinburg borough.
XI district, at the I.aurelton School House,
in ami lor Hartley township.
XII district, at the honse of Peter Wehr, in
and for Limestone township.
XIII district, at the election house near
John Reish, in and for Lewis township.
XIV district.at the house of William Wolfe,
in and for Harileton borough.
XVdistrict at lhe house of J P Hagenbnch,
at l.nioutown, in and for Brady township.
At which time and places there will be
elected by ballot
One person for Judge of the Supreme
Court e f this Commonwealth I
One person for Governor of the Common
wealth ;
Two persons as Representatives of l.'nion.
Snyder and Juniata counties in the General
Assembly of this Commonwealth:
Oue person for Register and Recorder of
Union county;
One person as Connty Treasurer;
One person as Connty Commissioner
One person as County Auditor.
" Tint eterv rerxon. exneMinv Juatiees of tbe Peaea,
who shall hold any ofliee or at"intoient of prnut or
trust under the l.niteil Mates, or of thin ."UU", nr any
city or incorporated district, whether a eirnimisnioni-d
oflleer or otherwise. eiilrtohoate ottiree or agent, who
is ur ehall lie employed onler the leatelatite. exeenliTe.
or jij.li. iary department of this State or of the Lnited
Mule, or of any ifirorporitted dt'trirt ; and also that
erert meialer of Congress anil of the State lel!latare,
and ,.f the select or couiiniin eoiin-il of any city, or eoni-
uilSM.nier or any incorporated di'trtrt. In by law incapa
ble of hol.iinir or exereisinjr atqi meeea- time, the ot!t
or appointment or jiMjre. inspector or clerk of any eleo
ti"u ol tin. Common wealth, and that no inpeetor,juil:e,
or any oflicer of auch election shall bo eligible to be then
o.-l dr.
No iieraon shall he permitted to Tote at any eteetton
as aforesaid, than a wliile freeman of the age of twen-tv-one
years or more, who ahull hate refilled in thia
Mjil.' at least oneyear.and in the election 'listriet where
he i.tti rii to rote at le.iit ten days immediately r-reoodinff
siii'ticlcelinn. and within two yearn paid a Mate or eoun-
"I- ui,h "h" w" ""es-ed at leant ten day
before the election, huta e4lien or the Inited Sutea
h.. has .n-ri..uy been a..i.im.j yoter ..r thi ut.
u'1 m""fei wiereirom inu niumiM, auu e.iv oae refe
d, , tll. ,.u ji,trirt ,nJ p,i,i use aforeaaM.
thall ! entitled to rote after iwidinn this Stale aix
I moiiiht : rfTitlttL That the hit frwmvii. r.tiunji of
tlt L'Ditd State, tctwe!! Hit? mfex of treulv-on aud
tr,Tity -tyw. who have ruwd intiv riwiindta.
s f"rft-l ta tixrt phall bi coUUetl to TOtr,
ii in-tnuu FUiiu u- prnn i ui u vinw winisit! name if
not tt .iiUnititl io thn list of tmxable inhabitant furnir h-d
l-y Itn 'tmiirtfnf'rst, nnlt'M, Kirrt, bcprmlao & rfKipt
(r tlifpurmmt within two y-r ol a iLat(irr)ountj las
iifLMil aenttfably to the I'onftilutixB, and pWt ntUffavrv
t.iiy ?TiieDr cither n hi nwm oath or aftrmalion or
tin- th or affirmation of another thai lir hut pavl u--h
tax. or uu failure to prtflnw a r-i.t i-hall malt oatb
t th- I'.-ttturat thttmit. or rWottd if Iwclnim a riht to
hy hfinit an rlwtor hr-two tbr aK'- of twfnt-on
and twfittr-two Tram h shall dctto.icon oath or affl rn ta
li u that lie ha n'tn lnd in the etaO at loi-t one tvt
b(nre hit- flpj'tiratino and make Jurh proof of niilftice
in tii'd-nri HfcMuired iy uii art ad that he d -.
rii U-liifrrfnun tl.e arount irm-n him lhat he ifofthe
.a a
nin - m are, an.j pive ucn inri'n-e ai i miiiri
I Vii to Tote tatiatl he inrttil in the alphsitwtica. Itt hj
"T ' nr.ir,,r,n V1 wr r " T .T""."
- i iinns-i-torn and not male opMvitr therein l.y writiite
I t!it- word tux if he .hull be admitted to vote by r-aon of
liavitir paid tv, or the word (fjr if he ihall he a-iniitfwl
vott- I'V reamn of nuh ae, unl he milled Out to the
IcrKu who filiaii makr the like Doles in tbe iwUof voter
' k'-f t ly 1 1 i rj.
If any perwo rt(ll Tobi at mire than one election
I li,frii-t or rt lie r ax a f r ti.1 left 1 1 v wtitc mot th .-in nnrt
on tlirmmedajr. nrvhall fraudulently li.ld and deliver
t-.lheMi"pM,t'ir two ti kt-ti" toatr-thT with the ttiint itle-
pay to oi or a.lTiae and procure .....ilr no to do. he
r lliev eo f-fl' iid:in: !halt rnnvirtiun le fiitfd In any
fnim o-t If-f th fiftv nor more than fire hiin'lred dol-
ira.and betmprtMMediHiifcwt
twflvw Utontlt!.
..,fanr(M.r,n Bat-i.iahfiM to Totr In thi. Common.
"im, aim-. -niiiy u. taw. (exrepi in wm ot .(mtt:iiHi
uifux. t rhetil appear at aT plar o: w-tton for the
purpose of i-mtin ti-krtJtor if iiirttieurinjr the eittrna
u'.iti d l4 vote-, he .liall on eon it ion. f'rfit and pay
utiv mini not rt -liii2 one huiHired dMii.-iri P-r e'-rr
nu h !cn'4'. ati.i Im imprisoned furanjr term not vxceetl-
inree uiontl.s.'
Fur the it. formation nt the electors of Union
ciiniv. I r,ib!,sh the following bein, the 4th 1
ci.etin nf the set rf ilia luhiirsl A c.Aml.l.
o( ,h(. Sessjn of isr.l, entitled - An Act to
rnlaie certain Judicial disinrts
r.Tc.4. i nai rue eteouon tor Jnl!r'a fJtnll oe nein ana
rnlurt-din the everal rlertton rlintrirta. in th-ame
iiriiT and in a!l rrfitn-U rlertion f r r-ire'nta-
tirtr are or hhall ! held and eondm-ted, and bf tli
f tui'1 jiiilk'1. npeo and nchrr otti'-ern; nl the pro
Tii.i)! of the art of the central ti-iM.mt.lv. entitled An
A -t r l'inrrto itn- fl-rtii(p of thi (niinonwfalth. ap
prowM the fwond dT of Jnly nd it tu.-verr'l unp-
(1. ni'-iilt and aM other like lawn. ai far a the niim
a-liatl !f in force and ai'tti'ahihll hedn.eil and taken
t I1P'T to ih- eleerion Prr Jndps: PnwMed, That the
fct-riiM etertor Phatl Tote for JoflCW ol ine pr-mt
r,Mlrt cn - of tm9PT. ail mv-r
mm mm
jV. R. Zlmmerman's ?
bouutiea aud am-ars of nav doe from Gov'i
J made out sod coikcttd June 1,1603
"X'te aiS)ucbaniia 3itttna."
A". 2elfmar Ci)itrr unto Jjvcrau!gcbfr.
Eirt jn Vtsriburj irtrn rettttttiia in tfttt
febfr Spratbc brrauecern, nnb ijt tic arejjtr
ttutidf 3rttng f!if t am iSrflbrfln.t nSrtlid; c
farrictura jtcrudtirirt.
Xitfr 3(ituna brt'nat rtr aRiKmrinnt ??uriitfn
nb mtpcrctra tir tcfonttrrn "Jicttijlcittn trr Ceun
ttti iut Witttl ytnitjBlsanitn, erin fit lirfttlirt.
1'rci $1,011 raJ JUtr, trcnn?craui tr?ahlt, ctcr
in ten trfUn 4 Kcdtn. l;2it n'tun ti-jablt in
tin (rjicn 8 ficttaUa tci5 iibxtf, nnb $1,50
tttnn fvdtcr.
S?iir lcf,tnntmiidiurtitcn trfrb rcincf i tin
2.iuiutcn l'2 Siftl'cn i'rcjirr fiir mo Suht
Mutjcit (fdiintuiuttunacn in !!ft halniif;.
THE understgned.havinw loaned hisfurni
ture, fixtures and utensils lo Mr. H. I..
M'.VfiHiM for ihe period of one year, and is
about lo remove temporarily from t.pwisburg.
takes this method of reluming his Ihanks to
the people of Lewisburg and vicinity for their
uniform Lindness and the liberal support they
have given him during his residence among
them. lilOHAKII M. COOl'UK,
Lewisburg, April 20, 18G3
r THE nndersigned. having obtained the use
I of the furniture, futures and utensils of
Mr. Richiid M. Cooria, will continne Ihe
Bakery, tJonfeetionery and Notion business.
at lhe old stand, on Market street, for Ihe pe
riod of one year. He hopes by strict attention
to business to merit the patronage heretofore
extended to Ibis establish ment.
Lewisbnrg, April SO, lffi:i
Snuff and Tobacco Manufacturer,
(formerly 42 Chambers ntrert, New York.)
WOL'Ll) ca'l the attention of Dealers In
to ihe articles of hismauufacture,viz :
Marcher, Dewijeroii,
fiae RappM. iure Virctnta.
t'oariH Kappee, Naili'ti.iea,
Ameriean Oentleoan, Copenhagen.
Seoteh. Honey Imw Seofeh.
High Toaat Seotrh, r'rexh tloney liew Penteh,
Irih llih Xoaftor Londyfoot, Fre.-h Adch.
0Alfrttm a rollrd tit tht Inrtf rlwlion in prvvi of
Vw-."w ( Aeienvr awl .Vmoitnj 'iotacaif. kiaica will U
fttuttd yf a tiupvrur u.iiy.
ewoKiKa. rrit tt'T f-u..wisa
P. Jacn,
Irfinf;, P. A. I.., or plain.
No. 1, Careudih, or faeet.
No. a. Sweet Seented Omnoca,
Noa.l A S tnxd, Tio roil CaTendiAh,
JN. B. A circular of prices will be sen ton
applicatinn. March 10, '6:lyl
jijgj" The nndersisned have as-
sjiv;w!.js',cia,e'' ih'mselves into coparl
.ar m,qim ueriihip for lhe purpose of carry
fcuA '"anst on lhe I.umbennj, Planins,
andCarpenienng bu.iue$ in ail Iheirvarioua
branches, at the
Cctoioburg Gleam planing illilla,
where they intrnd to Iryep a sli-clt of Pine
Hemlock, Walnut, Cherry, Poplar, sh, Ma
ple, ami all kinds of Lumber, Flooring fchel
viag, 8n1in. Hhingle.s Lath,. foists, Studilin;,
Fencing, Pickets, Door and Window Frames
Poors, iShnuers, Blinds, Sash, Mouldings,
Brackets, &c. Planin, Slittinp, Scroll Wan
ing, 4c, done at short notice and all work
warranted io (five satisfaction, both in rice
and workmanship.
Lewl,nr Planing Mills, April 1, 1SC0.
LB. CHRIST, Eq.,has remoTfd hi" Of.
. 6ce to the buildin of Jonathan Spyker.
Xorih of the Conrt House, and immediately
opposite Ihe Buffalo House, where he will at
tend lo all manner of business at his office
wiih dispaich and promptness in his line of
business. (Speaks both English and tJerman.)
April I. I84. 1.. B. CHRIST.
J.S.Jtan.h. K.XborkIry. r.f .Short !ri. P.BeaTfr
j. S. MArlSrl 2l 0,
(-irccusoiu to aeirinte, mak!w a co.)
I.citltbiu?, Pa.
WB bare coaatantly on hard anil fur sate,
ff'oner. .leieer apfl Clirrer llarr'tt'n: Grain atiH Win
Urd'Tt; Hand awl thr WC Slfllrri; on-.Txm
ami Fir lorif Trwl. .Vier-p avi Ml llnnm ; r!rr
'' lai!
ae.Ac.aml hold mirelTe rea.lv al all time. t W Lt
atsnsor rorsr.tl Rrmtwi w'th Ihe iitinoeteurntn-
and ili.atch Work or Manafjctnrea iiiar:ab!r
warranted as recommeaea. uriere re,.-.iiiiij
soliciteil andpromrll' at" - led to. June 1. ISM)
Omqh, To.?, h'farfiia, f rmip. virnjn, Jtrtme0U,
J-nr-umttun, inaof the lovlt,t rainy from OJJ,
Ainwn fmwpfi"n- and tor th rthrf and (if nt nil
jwtioi'. curtaf ValirnU tn adramxd ttagrt oUtt tatter
TH K BatFnmie Cordial Is entirely a Vejjetahle produe
tion.eomhinini the ht-tlin? prierti-i t-f th ltnlam.
aith th- iniKtratiiiKinalit.en of a Cordial, prodimina
eonibioettion eo well adxplfJ tn the purpoKex intended,
that thre art hut frw nwn tf iMtwaj wl.n h M ill not. at
an early period, nutxumb to iU UtaiiDj; and lile-giting
For Rres ha the treatment of pulmonary dieaj te.
enpied I lie Kr',r portion of the attention of the rin
titie of the medtral world, hut none tt tiirHt more mi
nfttt-e tn hio treat mnt of thi d(tMift, thun th cele
brated PrnUn lr. Iloofland. the orliniitor f tbe r.l
nnie Cnrlial. II i" life ds-Toted to the produrttotiof
renedie that would ittund unrrvaied. Mow wII h &
ttureeeded. the Amriran people are stole ttjule: and
we positivel aowrt. that nn prepftrattonft that hT evr
been pluevd llbre thni, haveer.nferred the -nine amount
nf henefit no fuff.rtne liunntniiy. or hve eliritetl
many eummendaHon from all elme nf wiei. at th
rcBisdiffi of Iloofland, prepared hj Dr. C. M. Jackon A
Co.. of I'hiiads lphia.
The Cordial i-dfiTnesI for arlmnof dinemnt mor en
era! and wtore fatal than any other to which the people
Of thia eoomry are huojih-i tnoe pni':mi irom a
alight eoVd." Tbut eminent authoring Pr B-1I. mt:
1 will not ar that CUn are to our inhabitant what
the Plarue and Yellow FYer are tn thoe of olhr enun
triit: hut I ean ar-r mnfidntiy thxt thry nolivr In dt
eaaeol irreateroomplieity aud mortality than theae Utter
Henri what the eminent Gla Manufacturer. JOHN M.
WUlTALL,ayaof the liALSAMIC Colt DIAL.
D. C M. JACKMIt Keaperted Priend : Marine for a
lone tlm heen ae.ntnti-d with the yirtur of thy BAl
fiAUIC tKlIAL inCoufha.rMa. Inflammation nf the
Lnnjr, Ae. I thua freely Iv-ar tftimony to ItHeftiraev.
Ynw aeeeral year I have never been without tt In my
fmilT. It i atno Rivf me plfaatire to Htate that I han
uaed it with entire More in tlie reatment of Howel
Complainta. Thy friend truly, J'lII N M. U MIT . I,U
riflh Mo. 17, l'o. Itsoe at. ahnve 4th, Pbilad'a.
starThee medir.inea are 1hr aale he all reiipctahl
Prnrslt nd rfwalcre in mMitHne in the (?nit-d Stat'-a,
Cauxlaa, Brttib Provineea. and Wet indie, at 75 eent
per botf I. Beaiire and ret the rrnulne. with the rti); na
ture of C. M. JaHtanuon the wrapper nf eaeh bottle; all
other areeHinterf-tt. Prinripa) tHHrv aud Slanufkcto
ry. 41H Areh atreet, Phllaletihia. Pa.
Old Post-Office Stand.
A LARGE soppljof Eooks,Stationery,
Perfumery, Jewelry, Toj's, Confection
eries, Teas, Spices, Fruit, Nnls, Hankies,
Piciores, and a variety of KICK NACKS for
sale cheap by
763 H W CftOTZER. Iwisbur
JOHN A. MERTZ, EsqH has removed his
Orhe on Market 81. two doors west of
Ihe Lewisburx Bank, where he will attend In
all manner of business in Ins line wiih
siness in Ins line wiih i
is both English and fo r-1
1, lt63 t
promptness. Speaks
Lewiiburg, April
i i (taTB x. raiasa ana co.)
fegy Lewisburg Planing Mill,
aa-lSSawii r consiantly on hand and
auanuUciure to order FIorlnff. (tiding,
UuorH. Sh.Sult-ra. IIHadH.
itluul2iti;K of all paiterus,
and all other descriptions of Wood Work used
iu liiiililing.
Orders respectfully solicted and promptly
filled. All work warraniedtn give satisfaction
0"An extensive lot ol I.umkcr of all
descriptions on hand for sale.
tarlurxi mi iWfi second .ilrccl,Lewitturg,l a
April 23, l.r.9.
rTWB subscriber keeps constantly on hand
B a tartje assortment nt tne very rest !na
niukiii and Wilkes-Harre COAL, for limeand
stove purposes, which he will sell at the very
lowest prices for Lash.
Also, r.-WA' Coal, Planter mil Salt.
Wish it distinctly understood, that I will not
be undersold by any man. Having good
weih-scales, full ei;ht will be eiveu.
Coal Yard near Weidensaul's hotel.
Lewisbura;, May 27,'5i.
For the Harvest of 1S63!
The most approved Agricultural Imple
ments now in the Market !
Lett Isbure;, I'a.
TPHE unprecedented success of the " Bttck
1. eye" is the stron;esi prc-.f of its superior
excellency. The ULCKEVE has caused a
complete Kevolniion in the Manufacture 01
KEAPIXH AM) MOHl.XG Machines, ami
its reputation is so well established that it is
scarcely necessary to particularize its advan
lazes. We will, however, call lhe attenlion
of the farmers io a few of us merits.
Pawls and Springs, by which lhe machine
mav be thrown out of sear, or be hacked
without vibratins the knives theSieel Culler,
liar the Wrought Iron tiusr.i, with Hardened
Kiel Face or Cuttin; Kdire lhe Double
llinsed Joint, by hich lhe Culler Bar mav
be folded ihe lon Crank Shaft the Siecl
Sprin; and Wheel, by which lhe Culler Bar
mav be raised and lowered so as to cut as
low to the pround as may be desired Ihe
Steel Pitman and Brass Box its Light Draft
(no Wide Draft) no weight on the horses'
necks hacks as easily as a cart all of
which form a combination nf advautages
which no other machine possesses.
No Gearing cn the Driving Wheels.
A leatn of horses weighing 9011 lbs. each,
will cat an acie of rrass an hour with ease.
The machine is furnished with two Cutler
Bars one forciitiini, grass, and the other for
culling erain (each expressly adapted to the
use intended).
No ell on will be wanting to maintain lhe
Buckeye in the enviable position it now occu
pies, that of being Ihe
Best Hachine in the World !
The subscribers return Iheir sincere
ihanks lo their friends for lhe generous sup
port ihev have received in introducing lhe
celebra'cd Buckeye Ueaper and Mower inlo
Central and Northern Pennsylvania, and are
much indebted lo them for iheir warm greet
ings and kind offices in recommending it to
Iheir friends and neighbors.
For Certificate, ic, see Circulars, which
mav be had of any of Iheir Agents.
They also manufacture Mpjcr'S Pal"
cut I'iton (.i-alii .Mill, which is
aeknowledsed to be the BEST SEED SOW
ER IN USE, and the only one which
Also, the Sirs Miotic Clovr-r Hiillrr,
which cleans tlioroUKtiy, without in lhe Itasi
injuring the seed. Will clean more in lhe
same time lhan any other machine in use.
They also manufacture and keep on hand
for sale llnrlins't Trrad l'wr and Tlircher ;
Trrgraph VMtr Culler (two rr) . Conking
'Store, among whirh is the celebrated " Con
linentalj" Parlor anil ('JT-ee Store, anil all
kiwi of Cost anr! Wrought hnn anil Ura't
Central t'uuudry, Lewultnrg, Pa.
Mserh 31. Wi.
rpHR Pennsylvania Railroad Company
1 having this day taken possession ol the
Philadelphia At Erie Railroad, under Ihe con
ditions agreed on with the Philadelphia A
Erie Railroad Company, they have appointed
JOSEPH I). PO I'Tis, tieneral Manager there
of. lo whom all Otlicers and Employees will
report for instt actions.
President Penn'a Railroad Company.
Office of lhe Penn'a Railroad Co,
Philadelphia, Jan. 30, 18ti3. $
General Order, no. 1.
To tnl;e. Effect on and after Jin. 30, 1 SV2.
I. The Wrslcrn nUIlon, from
Warren lo Erie, will be under the Superin
tendence of JAMES LEWIS, whose title will
be Superintendent ol the Western Division.
His Olliee will be al Erie. Employees on this
Division will be onder his charee, and will
make all communications respecting their
dtnies or lhe bus.ness of the road, to him,
except as otherwise provided in this Order.
II. Tbe Eastern !llloii, from
Sunbury to Whetham. will be under lhe sup
erintendence of SAML'EL A. BLACK, whose
inle will be Kuneriniendent of lhe Eastern
Division. Employees on litis Division will be
under his charge' and will make all commu
nications respecting their duties or the busi
ness of ihe road, lo him, except as olherwue
provided in ibis Order.
III. The Accounts) of Freight and Pas
senger Business will, on the Western Divis
ion, be in lhe immediate charge of JOHN C.
BOfiGrt. whose title will be Assistanl Audit
i.e. His Ollice will be al Erie. On the Eastern
Divistr n ihey will be in immediate charge of
THOMAS M. DAVIS, whose line win oe As
sistant Auditor. His OlSce will be in Will
iamsport. He will also have charge of Ihe
distribution of Passenger Ticket over both
All communications respecting Freight and
Passenger accounts by Employees on either
Division. will be made lo the Assistant Audi
tor thereof.and respecting supplies of Tickets
to I'uonas M. Davis.
JOS. 1). POTTS. fJeneral Manager.
9. iienerai si a
I Company,")
ie R. K. I
ice, I
to. isfii
Pennsylvania Railroad
Lessee Philad. &. Erie
General Manager's Office,
Williamsporl, Jan. 30, 1863.
u3 on Market Square, l.cwisburj;. TJ
A good snpply of CHalrft. Tablets,
HurcitUM. SlaiiON, Ac.im hand or made
jrdcra DAVID Ul.YI LK. .etstvj
Fino qualities Laities Gaiters at
Best quality hoine-mndc Kid and
Morocco IIooU at
A lar?;o a&tnrtiwiit of Balmoral
Doo Id aud Gaiters
at equally low prices.
Oprosile the Bank, LewLshnr,?.
(.riilleiiirn'M I'urniNlilns Store,
sAl JIarict St-, Just above tlte Hank,
l he subscriber has removed inlo Ihe new
fiitid and commodious Storeroom of Thomas
Reber.where he has just received a large aud
well selected, slock of
Cloths, Casimeres. Silks, Shirts. Drawers, A-e.
best slyleand most reasonable terms. Being
a practical Talor, and employing the best
workmen, I can confidently invite both Old
and Arte Cwiliimm do n't forget lhe Sign
The Kcd Door !
May 2, 1X61 J H BEALE
a T an Election held bv the Rtnrkholders
V. of Lewisburg Oenielerv.ihe under-
ued was elected I reasurer, and all moneys
for lots, grave-digging, Ac, must be paid lo '
him. Persons interested will please note Ihe !
1 hose now indebted lo the Cemetery Asso.
riaiinn are requested In make immediate pay
ment. Mfll.llMll". HIT IT If i
l.ewibnr, Jan. 211, Isv.Jiuit
v' A l: lv i
"HCIiK we will fiud a laisr assortment
...test styles
such as French and English all wool Cloih,
Irom i..r)0 np M $111,011. Knotty Boys' Cas
siniere.andSilk Mixed Cassimeres. Satinelts,
Ac. lot Ilillg; nf all descriptions ; Men's
and Hnys1 Wear Whole Kuns lor $12 311
thai is.cloih coat, satin vesl, eassimere pants.
Summer funs for fj.SO. Also, a large as
sortment of Hats. Caps. A-c, such as M'Clrl.
!n, ti.iribalili. Opera, high and low crowned
Hats, Hose, Handkerchiefs, Collars, Shirts,
Suspenders, I'liibrellas. Neck Ties. Ac.
to save from 85 to 5U per cent., and get the
Latest Siylea.
Also, lionris Cut and made In order, and in
the latest style. Always from five lo len
hands at work. !
Call opposite John Walls & Co.'s Store, j
Market street. Lewisburg. 1
dHttp of Union (Cnnntn.
A 1 Ot'NTED on rollers.vurnished.engraved i
Jl. and lithographed in Philad. in Ihe best j
style of the art :;o by 41) inches in sue on j
a scale of li inches lo ihe mile. This Map .
was carefully surveyed in IHSB, and is rea-!
onablv correct. Each Township is colored, '
and there are iheTown Plots and No.s of Lots
in Lewisburg. Milllinburg, New Uerlin, Har-1
tleton, and New Columbia. Mountains and j
S:reams are traced the Public R.ads, with i
lhe distance in perches between roads which 1
intersect also Names of Farm Owners gen
erally. Church and School Houses, Mills. Ac.
The Court House, two of the Lewisburg I'ni- !
versity Buildings, the Lewisburg Boat Yard, j
Ihe l.'nion Furnace at Wintield, and I'nion
Seminary at New Rerlin are represented in a
separate engraving each. I
Every Farmer and person of business sh'd
have one of these Maps for ornament or for 1
reference and information.
The original subscription price was $3,50,
now reduced 10 $S only. t"t?"For sale al i
lhe Star 4; Chronicle Olfire. and by
Dh. IS. I BECK, Lewisbnrg
Last and Best News!
AVTE have jnsi received from Philadelphia !
and Af York, a very large and well
selected Mock of
which we oiler at very reduced prices. We
have paid particular attenlion in ihe selection
of this stock of Goods a very large assort
ment of DRY GOODS of every descrip
tion. Purchasers will find it iheir advantage
to give us a call as in prices we defy any of
r ur neishbormg towns lor competition. W e
have also replenished our slock of trM'
rieft, Hardware, iucciiitia, are, Ac.
rL ASTER, &c.
lluVe 3ltrh Lime, Calcined natter,
and Hydraulic Cement,
always kepi on hand.
tVCOl'XTKY PROnVCE taken in Ex
change lor Ooods as usual.
N.B. Cash paid for all kinds of Grain.
Lewisburg, April 23, 18'i3
An aperient and Stemaehle neeaafatlnn nfTnnVnnrt
Bed oluiT'en and earbea hy enmboMnn in hrdroaea.
sanetioned br Hie hnttieet Jl.dical Aulhtirities. leilh ia
Kuroi aad tb. United SlaUa, aal ureatnlMil ia Ibeir
Th. experlenra of thousands dally imm that aeyee-
J'rt'ii',n "f Ire" ean be europareil wiih it. linpurilieaM
the boast, denmaaino ol vital enerity, pale and otiierwisa
sielclv cini.ei.ina,iniliealeiUnereiwitriaaluostverf
onne4.Tahte ease.
Innoxious in all maladies la whirh It has bsea tried
It baa pro.e.1 abwlutelj enralir. ia aaca of tlx follow
Hi onsnr-taints. is :
1 Utbilitjf. Xtrwut A ff'Ctiaiu, Smatialim. !y.pepns,
lj'l'ptm. lharrhimlfyUfTif. Incipiml OinjuMvin,
u?'"'"" r"'e'"'. ii'Aeirts. JVttaanurrauiliav,
Hv-il'S, tlnmMS. IAtt ftomphwitt. ffinrnic Urddach,
AAraatoluat, JnUrmiUUnt Htm, Ample an UW fhm, ate.
Put op in neat flat metal hnseaoontaiainc 60illl,
pnee So oenl per bo ; for .ale b. ilruiocieU an.l Oe.lera.
w ill be arm ir-e to any aiMreea on reeeipt of tbo prtos.
au letters, order. etc..henlH he sdilreMied to
b.H LOCKS A Co. tieneral Agents.
lj't a)CLDaeT., M.T.
Sulil in Isirisburif ly
Baker k lu I K Ntkafflc g ft Calswcll
lil If I HiKn ('li
--wiiii;.-.. ta
A Joint Bcsolution proponing certain .
AwcuJiucnU to tlio Coiistiluliiiii. '
BE it resolved by the Senate and House of!
Reprrseniauves of the Common wealth
ol Pennsylvaaia in OeneraJ Assembly met, j
J all ine IO IU W IUX iiiiryuw.aij y
... ii.. l'.....i. inn. .n nt the Commonwealth, in
accordance wiih the provisions ol lh lemh
article thereof.
There shall be an additional section lo the
the third article of the Coiistilutu.n, to be des
ignated as section fmir, as luilows I
-Sir ri 4. W henever any of ihe qualified
elector ol" this Commonwealth ahall be in
any actual military service, under a reqiuss
tiuii trom the President of the foiled Sla'M.
or by the authority of this Commonwealth,
such electors may eiercise the right of uf
frase in all elections by Ihe nliilens. under
...I. r.n laMnns a. are or shall be described
by law.as fully and etleclually as il Ihey were .
present at their usual pianes tu tm.
Time shall be two adliiional sections
the elevemh article of lhe Constitution, lo b.
designated as sections eight and nine, as
HccTinx S. No bill shall be passed by Ibe
Legislamre containing more lhan one sut jeel,
which shill be clearly expressed io lhe Ulle,
except appropriation btlls-
Sernos !. No bill shall be passed by lhe
Legislamre granting any powers cr privileges
in any case where lhe autbnniy to grant such
powers or privileges hdS lieen or may neie
after be conferred npon the Courts ol ihis
Commonwealth. JOHN CESSNA,
Speaker of lhe House of Representatives
Speaker of lhe Penaie
Ollice cf the Secretary of the, Common-
wealth, llai risburg, July 1, 1HB3. j
ss I do hereby certify that the foregoine
ts ; and annexed is a full, irue and correct
copy of the original Joint Resolution of
Ihe tieneral Assembly, emitted "A Joint Kes
olunoii proposing certain Amendments lo Ihe
Constnution," as the same remains on Cle in
this ollice.
In Testimony Whereof I have hereunto sel
my hand, and caused lhe seal of the Secreta
ry's otfii-e to be affixed, lhe day and year
above wnuen. ELI SLIFER.
Secretary of the Commonwealth
LIXDSEY'S Improve.!
rv iii.ooi M"in iiKR,xi
For tlie S(ieelv.ea,liral anil elfeetu.1 rare of AI.LillMaseS
arL-iu Inin 1.M1-IKI1 V Of Ills; ItUHilll
II 1 P mfjf rint ha wrought (.bv m.t atiracaloeari
in Ji'it in-rate riutrs ul
'kiinrosjsi rorsaDHioi""
Kroi-liS Kfrtlts,
rv Kfe-. FriU Hm1.
);h-.i.uatir diwruvr.
ft it Khoom,
l-r.. rl sVrlitT.
IMta of Apelit
li'.iul Mrms'li,
rtjtitnvH Ui il.afawi,
l'imtar( en fhr fan,
Oiii. fctiibix ro ticern.
Tftts-r lit in.
lvtppxi, fUBtiiect
Klcn iirial ii"Mtrai(
l.iwr C'BlplaiBt.
I."W Siiirit;,
baiiiig tbvlronii.
in an iioture tite ol th Hlo. .1.
Thr jiiVswa. i B .nrtrnit -1 ltJ WTirT of !Tf
Tw.,(io. nn thr .Amt any ol Aus;ua)t.l. matiatlhiav it
nI..rr Jut!:f ttorlrT that hr wot treat s-J lor Ihf riir".
Caclb I. thr-- phsfiriansof tU-Jfnrd mnntjr.and b?r ,r.
NriwtnQ pf ttiv fcr (fftir Coilri;r, Cinr;ntiati. t-r p fuJ
of ttrarU fli'lit otOBtha. ootwilbitaBtlint which hi tip,
ns.'f. ott' n pu turn of his thttk rrt mtflif mUn
cwtty lid j.tul giu up all h'jr, br hartl of tbr
"m4x1 snrrlivr." ati'l wi initurrfl to try it. jVour brt
tlesrumt bim. anil attiinuch Mtilv litifrurJ t thrrr 1
n iiii'(ipo hut thia invaluable m-diriu aat 4 t-tt life.
The full partirulnr of ihis rrinnrkftblr m- may brvrB
in a 1'irriilar t br ha-i of an? nf th A nta.
W alwt r fT to a mr of Nanrv Kink Br r. of EMrrtoa.
Arn!trotiif ', Tn.-rurxJof M BoriLAaftcr briug ooal 1
to C-t out of h-J l T Ibrrr mri.
To thr nw(.fla ly in AnwnH!r. ClrarflrM Co ho
aUo afHiVtnt w itli i-mf ul in if worai frrn.
To thr rnrsr nf ti.-orn Mrirl, rri'ltns in ITarroIltown.
Catnhtia tV I'a.. wbo va mtt b-iy afl.M-ta-s with rancrr
that it eat Lin rntirr nwf off, aoJ bis nk waa ayurav. if
lyiHr. 1 1' an M't 'rrwr.
rite art)rulariiuf thsat raaim mrrw on of whirh waff
currtl hy thr o tf thr --Biosi Srar-lir" Dim aln b
IbuDtl In rin-oNr tn IW b4 f mw of fhr .ritlai.
.. II. KFWK. PMpHrlor, Htllburr. T-
tl.atVinitrv tr Ihr tumiiliM'tur-attl Mi.nt-ar thr
IV no 'a Hilnat'lVrt. Ilnllilaahnrr. !'hi hr C.
W. Srhatlir. l.-trift-uri;: l i rvi-t.l Ilaurk. Bulfaloo X
I.oxl4: UuiJv A .'hiiniH'ln irh. r";truirrtllf ; rnmiittuira
k H itnif-r, Ilartlfton; I. II. Kim!). M ftlint nrt ; U 1.
StMHim, Win be!i; fhlDtlie A W a,rro?rlWr, SrliurroTr;
ICE...fr...CE !
TPHE nn.leesisneil are putiing op an ICK
X HOI Mi larze enough to supply all our
people wrh Ice during the whole year. Ire
can be delivered in town, daily, at a cheaper
rate lhan private Ire Houses can be filled.
reCall on either of us on North 4th Ml. or
cl the Ice House below lhe River Bridge.
it A.wr.iti:srr..
Ie.wi.hoee.XoT.il. 10 SHANK. ANilSTAUT
T71 L. M0 WRY has removed his Photo
t. crapli i:stlallisiliitient to ihe
rvew Building on Market street, recently oc
cupied by Or. Riirlan, OPPOSITE THE
BANK, where he has lined tip one ol the
Finest Galleries ia the Country !
Having superior facilities and a long ex
perience, he is aiisfled that his work cannrt
be beaten. Call and lest his workmanship.
Lewtsourg, Aug. 15, '152.
THE undersigned intends supplying lhe
citizens of Lewisburg wiih Pure Milk,
commencing about the liiih inst. Persons
wishing lo be supplied, will please send in
Iheir names lo him, at the Lewisburg Rridee.
The Milk will be delivered (daily escept Sun
days) morning or evening, as preferred by a
majoriiy nf customers. SAM'L SLIFER.
Lewisbnrg, April 10, l.
Scicnco still on tbe Advance !
CURfiEON and Mechani-
O eal Uenllat. Ollice in lhe
Dr. Brugger's new building. Markei streei,
(western entrance, np stairs) LEVMSBI liG.
Dr.BUKLAN is now constructing Ihe Non
seciioual Block work, baked on 1'lalina base,
which for cleanliness, beauty and strength
has no equal also leelb mounted on the var
ious Bases in nse and having had a long
and extensive practice, and being perfectly
familiar wiih every department of his proles
sum, he feels safe in warranting entire satis
faction in all his operations, which shall be
carefully and skilfully performed.
Please call and examine specimens. Tl e
superior qualities nf Ihe Nno-seclional wotk
will be evident io all who will give it an im
partial examination. Dr. Burlan is the only
prrsoa who constructs this excellent work ia
this seciion of country.
rtTChargc shall correspond with the
limes. Lewisburg, Sept. J, 51
"IT 7 ILL be paid by the School Board of East
V BulTaloe township In any person who
will inform npon any one commuting tit pre-
nation or defacing in any way any ol the
School llonses of said District, during ihe
present year. By order of the Board :
W. 1. LINN, Btc'y
. . N - . s s v ,-
Provision Store !
rPIIR tofoeribfr has rpford pa
I liroeevy and rroviaioa (More, i ii1-t. '
baugh's bailding (late Kreainer's Tinshipi
Wc.jt end of iljtrkct Srjuare,
where he ha. just received a well e,(.,.
assertmtnt of fresh
such as ColTee, Tea, Chocolate, Sugar, K,r,
Molasses. Fish. Salt, hpices.Vmear, Raisttt,'
Bnwims, Brushes, Tubs, Buekeia,Snap,gUtfr'
:heese. 'Eggs. Fruit, Frail Cans, OraU"C,'
Lemons, Crackers, Clothes Pins, '
Fluor and Feed, Corn, Cattle Powder
t,l'EEXiVVARB. Window Shades, Matcbvs'
Move Polish. Nuts Hnnff, Tobacco, Cigars-!
and everything Ue in the (Irocery line 1'
of which he oilers at the lowest prices ijf
Cash or Country Produce.
Lewisburg. May 7. IHS1
rjHE indrrsigiied has opened a New
in the rooms recently occupied by W. M. E!!ii,
near Ihe ni t Hayes stand. Market street, l.rw.
isburg. where he is always prepared to
furnish the public with Ihe best of
l otlre. Tea, Sugar, Spice. Suln,
t'andien, I'ruilM, I'ikIs. Flour
X leel, lieeiae, 4vt Jkc,
together with all oher articles usually kepi
in such an establishment al the lowest prices
'Jail and give hnn a trial.
Drake's Plantation Hit'ers for sale.
TTEST 11RANCH Insurance Company.
V or Lock Hat en, i'a.
Insnres Properly in both Town and Coun
try on as reasonable Terms as auy oilier
good C mpany.
1 he Urge increase nf Premium Notes makes
it a reliable Company to insure in.
Anmuut af Prraalum i les Mat In Mirre. (3sw.0M.na
J U'.CuirsAs, "ee -ti.C.Hiavir, Pres
Dee l. D'Bl Lewisbnrg
Waitlies, Jewelry and Miver ware.
TKK undersigned would
resnectfullv invite rnne 11.
itVCi enlion 10 h s well selected
.io. U "1 l-'me tiold and Hilver WATCHES,
Fine Cd.l JEWKI.KV. ,.l every vaneiy of
styles comprising all of the newest aud most
Also, sui.lD SILVER WAKE, equal t.t
Coin and the best make of Sitter Platiit
lY'ire Each article is tnirr-inted to be as
I"?- Watches an I Jewelry carefully re
paired aud satisfaction guaranteed.
JAt'lii! HARLEY.
(Suerejafr to Stuujfrr d; Jlarleu )
r eornary
I.LT.MI5i:!i! l.t'AIIJKIi!!
IHE sub-rriber. harefor sale , aaj . ,
I. .Is In suit .lurchasers'attal aa.a
a lae. shrk ol
Pl.XE HD A It .S-Panel tsmfl
PUnk, Ac. Also .VOOO PiAc tiAll.s.
2H inch Sawed Shingles superiur quality.
Also .1 itare Timber fur Buildings :
Which are oriered low for cash, alour M 'li
on Si.tith Branch 'f the White Peer Creek it
Hartlev township or delivered on Ihe Brnsh
Vallry Marrows road at lhe end of unr Roait
IVA Diploma for a superior sample 01
Planks and a Premium for Rails and Shing
les,were awarded ns at the last I'nion CoJg.
Fair. JOHN M'tJALL & SONft,
ly- "ores! Hill P O. Cnion Co, Pa
New Mand---Kew Goods!
JOSEPH L. II.UVX having taken the
tJ rooms under the Teleiraph and Chn nicle
ollices.retiiled lht ui,and lilled in an exlensivs
variety ol
Hit, Clip, Gentlemen's Clothinfffifr.
Also a larre and splendid stork of CLOTHS
CA-MMERE.S,4c, which he will muktupta
ordtr, he still continues the Tailoring Bust
ness. He is prepared to esecute all wik
entrusted lo his care, to the satisfaction of the
N. B.
Cutting and Repairmgjrt done U
Lewisbnrg, April IU, 1861
sdw.,.s MASON A. CO. --"
J !OT Chestnut i. Philadelphia.
V a.Tr.sMincCar.- nf the aewert stvlea. Viatlinir aasl
RutDe-a rar in, em:rsri4 and printe.1 at the alrlet
noths.. A er. f-itl a.s.,rtn.enl ef KIM tatioajerv
alai.vt. o Ii3li-t. Initial in r. I.r, anJ eaerv vartet. or
licines-iiij. artisti, all.r esi-eutsl. Aev ,tvt. nf I'apcV
ao l Kneelofee mail. In or.ier Juae'u, lM
friIE subscriber con-
I unites to carry on the J
Lit civ llnsiliiroai a:S
Ihe Hid Mtand on Month
Third street, near Market, and respectfuil)
S'&cits the pa'ronase ol his friends and ilie
public generally. CHARI.E4 F.JJE.
Lewisburg. May 32, 1S.MI
II Y PI E tl 0 L 0 G Y !
ACl'KIOl M and rnfrtainn; Mule Book
(all about Matrimony, Monty, and olh
er mailers.) lor iheamusemeni of every body
(alto !he yrong folks, also.) on long winter
evening., rainy days, etc. Price, SO cents.
Wholesale, H Cems. Men! by mail for sens
3 ceni stamps. For sale at the- Win-4 ''!
set" otf.ee. W ORDEN A CORN EI. 1 1 s.
Publlabera, Lea i.-torr. Ta
f4s? Attention, Musicians.
2tif-im A large assrnmenl of
C ! V) Violins, Guilars. c, of al!
'3i' kinds also Violin. Guitar,
and Banjo Strings, Bringes. Pegs, Ac. and Ibe
best Violin Rosin call at lhe Post Office and
examine. 'i W FORREST
ar P I C - N I C .
Wall jnmp into tha Wagoa, aad all taka a nJa
I. A ROE, handsome arn
and verv enmforta- J sa
ble WAUOX hasbeen.aaSj
lined np lor lhe especial accommodation o
Pic-Nic and other similar excursions. Term
moderate. Apply lo JOS. M. tlOlSEL.
Lewisburg. June 3, 185S.
tiIoi CiJti)ig 5Ufc JLitotiurg Cbfi'ijisi.
jy i.tn-ixtK r FABtirJomytt
heard Frlaajsat Lraiskrg,alaa cetsi), fris's
TERMS $i Ml a. r year, to KB rtro m sTse-aJ
at tbe saaia rale r a kuueror.knrter p-tld. TBVr
eta a ill pay Sn- t sr ttioniba, TSrUfpr six BMiall'-' Z
tut eiiiht nienlhs, 'idel. anr aislwrn nentbs, A'l. s r l
year., i tor fr nr eoyias ana y.ar. SIS s.r len et '
soar. to. Sinsle Mo 'i rla. Paj sirnl. by Bail itswi
reeet.ej ia (..ld. Hw ataaipa. ar kaak nous al U
value here. Meat kinita ef 1'rodae reeei.eu ia rT- ,
U k .;- ...ireaisr arhL-h. eseer is Biala
(ualeas w hate a ruoniotr acevual) it la PlOrfl H.
AlTSTtslni..xn. handeenielt pnStisbeJ, al 5 r
aqnarv jar wrvk, S& (U tub aftrr inaartioa).
i.k atler maerlMMa, a ik i -Halt
a a,uare--J r'
lu.4ao. n.un. lerhaBtaa'
Dontn. dot. frr rar. nan
Bjt-I. ..iintk w.t Sviarr,., w-, ' llVf
art orrr n I. nrlh of a ratuatiB. lOdfl. Pr -r. ,
.. A. ... kw asa.n.1 naa.ta A fta.HB.rr 1 it
i.aU-t trpr. or 16 of nr-tlarffrf. A4triltrWM
.x-l- in 1 - li M4t dBJttl-
Co mm
uunwicatioa ptV- of '
arrm(.air.l bv th writrr'a rral ur ",t
i MA.Ntmc'TBI.M-RAI'H i b-unl
. Star ( 4iMklT which tffflrt rrttIlUB
til art-
ri i urn .vor r ( trrmi' t-.rT wnm - T ' -
in aiivaDrr of Ihr fhilaU- lHjil- . mc.i
'mnmi4 f!b thr OrtW are ia I "trr"t.j . .fc
....rl, of JOB I RiBTIKO. hi. h Nr ruJ"
s-alnt-M. ,j,J .h--, h aa. F aorahlr t,,tvej.-ol