r IT ii mm iui mi if whim m "THE UNION," established in .SllIYMe Nf, 5,633. BY 0. N. WOBDES AND J. & CORNELIUS. LEWISBDRG, UNION CO., PA., TDESDAY, SEPT. 1, 1863. r c THROIt'LE. esiauUiiieii in is rjw.ua. Ho., l.Uif. At f per Tepj Mltrarf In Adrstsjcsu t IJ . .ii. riBllMIM Krat-WKEKlf TupsJuJ Morning; fc Friday Afternoon. LcTWcll Enough Alone." "('raise the Bridge that carriea ya over Safely." Io (be defence of oar Goverotfieol against the traitira seeling to destroy it, all parlies concede that Gov. Curtis' Administration has been, active and energetic. As he bad been tried and Hot found wanting, tbe People demanded bis re-nomibetioo, tbo be bad declined, and did not want it. In neb lime as ibis, tbe publio safety re - quire the best services of ever man. When officers do Well, no egobaage is do- . , , . , t...; ,! airabl or safe, ne know Uunm to be : , . , ; loyal and earnest we do not know ood- j ward to be either, and tbe evidence is gaiosl BIB. Daniel Agnew, Tbe Union eaudidata for the Sapreme Court of Pennsylvania, was born ia Trea tun, N. J., is 18C9, and is now 51 years ef age, in good health and the fa lie I zeroise of well-trained, powsrful mind. hi mother (who resides with bim) is daughter of Richard Howell, who was elected Ooveroor of New Jersey nine limes in euocessioa. His father waa celebrated physician, who settled in West ern Innsylvania at an early day. Dan iel has long stood foremost at the bar, and on the bench, and no man hat a more fair character for purity ani judgment, while bis popularity aud loyalty are oodoubted. Ilia address in Uarrieborg, last winter, showing tbe adaptation of the U. S. Coo titntion to deal with the present Rebell ion, gave him an enlarged reputation, and should be widely read amoog lawyere and tbe people io general. Two years ago, he Waa re-eleated district judge without op position, sad will call oat a large vote. NOT ONeV WeicbMge with 25 or 30 "Democratic" papers. Of all these which support Woodward and Lowrie, not one argae for the right of the eoldiers to Vote ; not out says a hearty word agaioat the Rsbellioa which is the War; not one fails to villify and misrepresent tbe Ad ministration j not one urge tbe people) to Volunteer, or to respond to the draft, to top tbe war. Oo the contrary, these pa pers all seek (by meant most foal and un fair) to clog all efforts to defeat the Rebels, nd to exeoae their insurrection. But all thesw Democratic papers which attain CutTIN AMD Aqnew, approve of tbe soldiers voting ; all condemn the Reb el War, anequivocally ; all uphold the 'Government which it atruggling agaioat the foe of God and man ; and all aid and cucoura , both tbe volunteers and the drafted meo, without whom the lava-tide of war wonld desolate fair Psnnsylvania nd the tforth at it bat Virginia and tbe Booth. Which are the (ran Democrats T 9nTThe massacre and robbing (at mid night) of tbe people of Lawrence and the hardly paralleled by tbe ..v.ge. of North j . s. T , ... u.u. aj.o. auu u.uci. WHH are chasing op tbe murderers, give them Bo quarter, and 80 are known to be killed. Horrible as is tbe punishment, no other swam, to ba adequate, aod lh-y can plead no law who outrage even military law. Tat there are paper, excusing Qiao, trail', gang 1 Tb. "Selinsgrov. Times" (a Woodward paper) ssys, "Lawrence wst settled by the meanest sort of Abolition is, avAo deterged almost any fate." So tbe Border Rnffisn. .nd the Copperheads appear on. in feeling, and tbe pretent it nly the continuation of the War to force 61avery apon Ksosat against tb. will of the people. .To shew what loyal Marylander. think af G.v. Cortin, we tske the follow iog from tba Hsgerttown Herald: "Few men enald or wonld have done for Pennsylvania what Gov. Curtio has io these trying times ; and feeling as Mary. landera, and atttsena ot tbe old county in Maryland which baa materially suffered from tb. Rebel iovasion, that oar peril. Were identified with those of oar oeigbbors s cross tbo lino, and our reliof from those perils tha tame, wo thould be wantipg io gratitude were we to withhold thia poor meed ef praist from oo. who to richly deserves it," Picrpocrits About. I,a(t week, io ar Post Office, two women (oeitber of them abl. t0 bear tbo loss) bad their potket. pieked of all their money. We bare beard of other aimilar reports, until it it no longer doubtful tbat there are pick. pocket, id onr midst, or passing from' Lcwilbnrg to adjacent towns. Buspioion ! as on im aiert, and every honest eitiieo should avoid carrying money into crowds or amoog strangers, tod be ready to aid the .uthoriiiet when they make stroke, Plam. Tbe Rebels, it ia supposed, Bow etvntemplate two campaigns. One it rem ftatt j.nnea.ea to Louisville, and tbo other from Virgini to Baltimore. They bop, to gi thoM n tided by tbe Democratic party io tha ftortb overthrowing tbe Administration they tbmk tbey can have their own term. I'leonum, or entir. despotie eontrol of the eoptinent Tbey elaim to bar. 130,. 9 0 t50'0Q '"der Lee' . WSe. Anditor'. notice in eu. of b"'l Hsnpt, of HartUtnn also rtrd ef ow Tu Shop, io Miffliuburg. j A Word about Lewisburg. A correspondent of the (Kridgntno) Wttf Jertry Pioneer, having described tbo Iowdi oo tbe PJurtb Drauch, notices ie- ; linsgrovc, Suobary, Norlbamberlaod, and : finally rest in our oWo towo. Respecting ts, be makes a few crrora of observation, but we shall not controvert any other of hit codomiaras m eoataiued ia the fallow ing extract ! " Falsing above Northumberland, yon I M00 eume t0 ,h9 shining oity, Lewisburg ; 1 and if jou receive What others report of this, you will understand tbat It is a very beautiful place, and I am not at all dia- posed to report it otherwise. It stand ou r. , ,r , i nice, Uvol ground j w itself of quadrangu- Uf bip.( ioleriec,e(l ky ,bou, i mide (treats, cutting it DP into 114 stiUii .q-iaret. While H possesses mucu ot aod to the taste and things that can be ' World, Chicago Times, and Cincinnati ' tisis, or to tbe United States, but desires ,g8 W(.r9 dr,,B from the box to tqceess numbered, measured, weighed, aod rolled, 1 Inquirer which support the very pesce-1 tbe history and testimony of good meo ; ion. The only colored man iq the place ' ' r m " a. a a S.S 1 . - . 1 f l! i. ,L. it J ... Wet a a I.L .n II, at vet the chief merit and beauiv of Lewis- ttnra ffoft.l.ta IB tbimra that t.ud to adorn. .I.a.ia. and diffmlv the a.ml. Ita liierarv r : : I I i: lusiuauous, iia euugiiiunii vuii reiiiuu. . privilege. its Uuiversity, its Lyceum, its : Academy, itsSiioary,and its many flaej public ed.fiees, and public hails, tbe eul' tors, tbe taste, aud tbe publie spirit of ita eilisooa make this tbe Athens of Central I'enasylvaoia. Tbo grand College build' iog stands on a bill, a little dUlaoce from .1.. . i....:,. ; .. . , out above tbe oak forest that embiwcrs it. Few are aware of tha magnitude of its edifice. The Academy, and the LidieV .u .u.u, ..... at. ui . ovum v u?a ! Seminary, connected with the Uuiversity, are ettaated on ine same plot 01 ground. The Theological Department of ibis Io- i dl " this, has long siuce ceased to iuflu stitutioo is of tbe Baptist school. A most , enc liv,nIE uten- majestic and beautiful Court Uovse, aud 1 Where do you bear tbat peaeecan bare 1'ie.bvterian Church, have been reeentlv : 'turud hooorahly by withholding means erected io the centre of tbe towo. Here for the first time since I came from the State uf Hem York, I Cud a daily news paper. Rlfobtkr. A True I'Nigger" Candldite. Among tbe paper, found oo the premi ses of Jiff. Davie, taken ia Mississippi by the Union soldiers, was tb. following : PaiLtauraii. March 7. 1860. Mr. Jefferson Davis My Dear feir : Can jou tell oie if Geo. Larmaa ia likely to remain much longer in Kicaraoguat I should like to go lo that country, and help tipc if to dntitation aid to nigger. I could eel strong recommendations from the Presi- deni'a present friends ia Pennsylvania for the place, were the mission vacant, and I : ihink I would prove a live Minister. I am tired of beme a wbite slave at the' Nnnb, aad long Jr name in tie tunny1. Suutk. Please let me hear from you wbee ynu have leisure. Mra. Brndhead unites with me ia eroding kiud remembrances lo Mrs. Davis and yourself. Sincerely and gratefully your friend, JOHN BKODIIBAD. The above cringing letter was publish ed, broad east, weeks ago, aod it was well known the writer wat a promineot "Democrat" of Philadelphia. Hat after tbi. knowledge was communicated to the world, the Democrat! of Philadelphia (fast free) nominated that JoHJI BaoUHBAD for City Treaturer! I Hero i. a confessed "Nigger lover" and iiM-Hgi.f Jeff. Davis tbe candidate tha arch Rebel for a high office of the eo celled Democraey of Philadel phia ! and yet, we .oppose, torn, of them woold feel offeoded if they were called Copperheads or Tories I Bat read tbe letter, and see his rewsrd for writiog it. lc9Mr. Walker's address, Friday eve ning, was before crowded audience, who paid the best possible attention for ooe boar tod a half. Tbe argument for the Union, and for every sacrifice neoessary to sustsin it.wat strong and irresistible,aod heighteoei by tallies of bnmor and earnest appeals to tb. holiest and best principle. Tbe meeting at New Berlin wat well attended, and wa. addressed by Simncl II. Orwig and John II. Lea., in pertinent, practical remarks. Some wbo hsd never besrd Mr. Orwig before, were plessed with bi. plain, unpretending style so much like tbat of their former fellow eitiseo, Samuel Weirick, Esq. appealing to tbe ' reason aod the better feelings, aod avoidr iog rant and forensioal display. J&Tb. following "puff," from the Juniata S''Mlind, indicato. that th. Op position are patting forth every exertion possible to carry tbo District, and they mast b. counteracted by bard work on onr tide : CnrriMs l Rreavisip. Saturday last, the friends of Jeff Davis held a meeting in Richfield. Robert Swineford, of Krw Berlin, made the dutch speech Joseph Bacher of Lewisbarr, and Jack Com mings, of Seliosgrove, "saved the Union" in English. All their speakers arc worn out, broken down, political backs at home hence they are sent to Richfield. They emptied themselves of the usual Copperhead slang. sjrThe 8elingrove Putt say. of tb. new principal of tbo Lewisborg Female Inritote, "Miss Rnndell ia an excellent lady, ao ae- Biimpn&ned teacher, and we arecoofident that Ihe Seminary will be ahlv and anmnturullv , conducted whilst ander her supervision." Miss Celmda F. Uilker, tbe recently eboseo Assistant, is well spoken of as teacher io the Milton public tohools, &Tbe Goeat displsy of plnms we bats seen, is from the garden of A. M Lawsha, Lewisburg." They are of tb. Magnum Bonum variety very large, lusoioot, aod thrifty. tesTThe ngt Peon's State Fair i. at NoinHawo, last of Sept. tod 1st of Oct. , The Soldiers' Opinions. f to our paper of the 13 in alt., i asked our readers among tbo Uoion ( armies to give their views on tbe coming j political ecn lest in I'eonsjlvania and Ohio. The following Is tbe first response We have ; rcct)ived. Itig frm one who, (wiih sll bis large atid influential fatuity! was in I early life an ultra Aoti- Abolitionist, but coi.cc.iou. r ......... ( j,,Ilg( one or tbe boys .poke up, aa lot who has been in service two year. .gS.in.1 Socie,J d"Irc" ior, ' ''. "K0 j low. ; "Hold oo, there, you h.vu't en the tJlaveholders' lUbeliio.. mct.tive, and biographical books, p.o- rolled the old dog J 'zmg to a dog J - turet.autogr.pbs.manuscriptt.aDdrecords ly log by lbes.de or the hou-e. ' Well, LoLIbVU.f K, Ky., Aug. 21, 01. 6 j . .;.:.;:.,. savs the officer. "I havo all his pup, Pear CuaomtLE ;-Iu the paper ofM general of departed or living mioi.ter. d ,he;. niWe, for the first tbe ISih inet., you a.k a response, from . devoted members or that order, parMO- , in(l , Tb)) bnf enUttmfi the meo In the Union .erviee, with regard ' ularly, io all ages aod pnuotriea also j to the opinions of themselves, and iheir ' Minutea periodicals io full or broken I Among the peculiarities of the draft io compatriots. Io reply, I will take a ! filf. ,ermons, 4o. ic. JJo matter how ' IofO, were the following I five pair ri'"'6'i oo.liie menu uei waere an mey ' rirPII I 1 1. IT1 llMl I HK I V l.ll in IIIB IflUf I i I never saw a eopy of either of tbem, io , j . j . 1 fhi miMAPMnion of a flaldinr. nor in HDlfl. or i I . -r garrnoo. 1 do not believe copies enough " tse"i ,0 tha ry of together in yri ,u P1T lor ,uo P"Pari P' maK" the issue ol any ot tbem it made upon tingle diy. I Where do yott hoar ths "Constitutional ! "ghta of our Southern brethren" most fn nuentlv advocated 1 Is it io the aroiv f , 1" J - tt - : " 1 Soldiers have a very decided opinion, that traitors io arms have forfeited their I 'ghs, d 'hey know that the South has had all and more tbao all, tbat abe iroui lue coveromeoi io prosecute iuc i war; ? Is it io tbe army J Tbe question I itself shows its absurdity. Search the army through, and the number of men found, who bold this doctrine, would not cfasoge the result of an election in the good eld towo of Lewisburg. Where do yon see meo opboldiog tbe curse of Slavery 7 It it io tbe army f no I Soldiers, wbo have coma. Sonib ia favor of Slavery, will return Emancipation ists, almost to a man. That which, when viewed at a distaooe, wat to tbem a mat- ter of indifference, bat become to tbem a . thing ao abbojreol so vile, to inhuman, 1 that no one, wbo has seen it, and is a man, ' cao do augbi, but detest the vert nam. of .lavery. I cao not sneak strongly snoegb, up00 ,hi iabiect words utterly fail me. .1 . : .-, " " 1. wH U(7WC9ai0l J It it enormously expensive. It cripples the energies of the people. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. It is a curse to tbe blsck man. It ia a curse to tbe wbite tnao. It ie a moral evil, ao stupendous, tbat I could not pollute my pen, by wri ting what I no know, and what every person must know, who has lived at tba South. Do yoo think that I am some violent Abolitionist f Well, yon may bo right. 1 sm sure I don't know exsctly where I do staod. Ask Mr. Wordeo if I ever was so regarded, north. Do not deceive yourselves. Tbe army, wbioh has advan ced sooth, has likewise advanced io knowl edge, and you will sooo God, tbat tbey, pretty much all of them, believe just aa I do. Tbe sturdy, inflexible meo, who ootnpose tb. army, staod shoulder to .boulder, aod their influence will be felt aod known. Tbey carry their bead, erect, and their brains in tbem. I tell you, tbat maoy of tbe people at home, are a loos way behind Ihe times. Tbe belief tba: Slavery will soon oease to exist id tb. country, i. a living thought in tbe army. It is gaining ground among Uoion men every where, in tbe booth, and yon who do not believe that oar "peculiar institutions" ean bo interfered with, will soon see each an array of Emancipation ists, in Kentucky and Tennessee, as will make ypur bead swim. What is worss tbsn a Secessionist f worse even than a trader in human flesh and blood f A miserable, vile, stinking Copperhead a Northern pimp to a South ern Slaveholder, whose children and cbil drens' children will execrate bis memory. AJP. M. tjavCentre county ooming first on tha list in that Diatriot, the drafted men and substitutes are examined and passed on from Williamsport 21 on Monday week, 33 on Wednesday, and a oar load y ester- day morning. Nearly 300 men of tbat eonnty paid the S300. Several substitutes having deserted, they are now placed io the guard boose nntil tbey are sent off. Invalid soldiers keep sll straight ia Wil lismsport. Den.lt is believed that Lt. Tucker and George Stapleton, of East Boffaloe, were the only members of Capt Evans' Co. E. who were killed at Gettysburg. Mr. Sta ploton was wounded, and died in lb. Hos pital. His remains bsva been interred iq the Lewisburg Cemetery. Relief Emergency.- Tbo Committe. calculates tbat one third, or 66 ii per cent, of tbe sums subscribed for tbo Isst militia, should be paid, in full of the aooonnt, at Lewisburg Bank. Ja9W. see in tb. Copperhead papers reported "Trial of Abraham Liocolu'' by the Country. Verdict of Kentucky 50,000 majority for Old Abel Dr. George Byers, of Seliosgrove, bas been appointed a Surgeon, and taken oharge of one of (be Uoepiiala at L&am beraburg, A little boy, only child of Daniel Fish er, of Milton, wss drowned last week by falling ioto ths Canal IntOTBwUng Labon, Tboogb disabled from public ddtiea. the . . . , ..i, i i i mind .nd pet, of Rev. Dr. Howard Mai- com are devoted to the interest, of the Am. Baptist Historical Society, so ineer- porated institution of which be is 1'resir dent. His industry, long-life devotion, ! gen,'r, information, well qualify hi eu ii'n.nj uim for tbe position, and wo learohat the i I..-1.1. Tk. j r j0c0apleie. a 1 may have value. ,od women 10 every country, and proceed- It 1 ar.a- ..m- irjf t of 111 dodqtuIvq Bjgiciiej ui ima ur i pastd.yt. The Society hat oo paid of5- 3 eert or agents, bat defray! postsge or freight oo eontriboiiout directed to 530, Arch St., Phil.. Joseph Meiiell, Lewis burg, will receive aod forward donations left with bim from this vicinity. Mr. SAStutr, Ansiw, N. W. corner of 11th and Filbert Sis , Polled., is perform , ... . ii- j lug a similar laoor 01 love y eouocimg , .11 works oo both side! of the question of l Baptism and Communion which he pre- I tCQt8 Q ,he yDr,r, 0f ,B0 lresbyteriau Seminary at Priuoeton, N. J. Ttiiatiumtiila nt nr ilt in W mAitiirisilal sSaii , , ..... . , . j-.: ..,. tcemeu oi kiuo ii any vaiue oy luumuua.s and lamtliet, aod to danger I utter loss, sre garnered by tnese organisations, into libraries, and collections, which can be consulted by all persons under proper regulation.. The refuse of garrets aod eorner. thus often aids ia rearing noble monument, wonb their weight io gold. To auke tat a flla ot tba VertbawberiaaS Aaw'a. a enp. ! wasted of th Ili.utM for ISit. foe ls-w aod 'at, (rum IMi U lUi but. laeltwiml, fur lull, and ISaS. The 8oldiebs Voir Ths loyal press of tbe State urge tbat aoldiera belonging to this State, ho have been in tba ser vice over two years, aod wbo at bom. are legal voters, send io their names at ooca aod be assessed tbat they may vote. Wa trust that lb. Government will permit them to come home to exercise a right of whieh none bat Copperhead Jadgaa woald deprive tbem. This matter is important, as, contrary to propriety, Woodaard, lb. Democratic candidal far Governor, retain, his scat in tha Sapreme Court, and may construe acts bearing apon this point lo be constitutional or aneonstilauoaal W sail bis prospects. Alsrmed at the prospects, certain o prioeipled Democratic leadera in Ohio are urging Vallaadigham to decline, or to come oat for the War, aa tbo July victo. ries bad killed him beyond hope, sad tbey don't want to die with bim. Bat Val. "wont die, and wont resign." H. sticks to bis party like wax, and will make tbem dink or swim" with him. Woodward is in tbo same boat. Kentucky strikes the key-note of the Fall Elegtioos, and both meo art doomed Col. Wm. F. Wagenseller, who hs jot returned from a visit to the Western States, reports that tbo Vallandigham and Rebel-loving Tory party is much below par. In a Columbus paper which ba ban ded us wo observe calls for fifty-eight Union meetings during the month of Sep. tember. We hope tbo energy whieh ie displayed by tbe Union men io the Buck eye State, will bo emulated ia Penosylva. nin.Selintjrove Pott, Bright Skies. Tbe Union cause nev er looked to bright, tino. tb. beginning of tbe war, at it doet now. Since the first of July tbo rebel srmies have lost oo. hundred thousand men, and an immense amount of stores aod more important still, their two stronghold, in th. .eotre of the rebellion. Now is th. time to tske ooarsge, and stand ahoulder to shoulder in topport of tbe Government tad oar gal lant armies in the field, The Franklin lirpotiiorg .ays of Gov. Cartin ; In obedience to the call of the loyal meo of Pennsylvania, b. is sgiin before the people for their suffrages. Ths responsible trust bts been accepted, and onless penosylvanians shall turn noon themselves with saioidal bands, when th. old flag it about to wave again over a uni ted Republic, bo will bo chosen by the largest popular msjoritv ever cast ia ths Information from Fayette county shows that three hundred old lino Democrats of that county have affiliated themselves with IT . . ... union Leagues, ibis makes bole in the Copperheadism of Fayette, as large as Gen. Gilmore. 200 poood Parrot, have knopked io the wall, of Fort Sampler. Tba sonseqaeno. is, th. Copperhead lead ers of that eonnty arc exeessirelv embitr tered sgainst tha League., Fisher (Copperhead) having declined to roo as Governor of Iowa, they havo taken op Sen. Tattle, a War Democart. His letter, accepting the chance, ia patri otic, bat it i. not published by Democrat. io pspeis generally, and sows openly re pudiate bio)- ' Tbo Copperheada haviog got tb. con trol of tbe Democratic win. in Wiaoonsin, tbe War Democrat, arc lo have a Conven tion of their own, and depido what to 4r to .ay. tbo country. In Bedford county, Virginia, the Reb el, are compelling men from vxteen to nr veara of aJa. to arm and nrenar. I T.. ... at.ll a. att. : -l: . or so. ama m.wm ta IUU( oauaw Ol netdlegt wsurrecuoo. I I A Good Osb to one of the r"0- Mv t MKean count,, there dwell, a father and acveral sons, whq belong t , cU((i f cilil,os a,b0 always vo.e'tb, jckcl a0eed democratic, and who still j believe that Geo. Jackson rune every four years for the I'residoocy. When lbs en- rolling officer came around recently, ina anna nf this faniilv ridiculed the officer and ... . ..' . .- , ... l. I a)--- --- -" n: ' Z . . J suiji .o .u. m... u...., ... - y- ua nm ajllau n. w U Ullivu wav awvav a ; - . . . . . j . .,;- in two. fi,e were , dr,f,e(li ,bu. exactly "cleauiog ool" the j company's treasury. Tbe Democratt of Ceotre oouotj have nominated for Assembly C.T.Alcsaoder, Belief on te. Sheriff Riobard Oounely, Gregg. Protboootary J.H Liptoo, Hileaborg, Register Philip Uepaart, I'enna. Treasurer John Shannon, Potter. Commissioner Foresmao, Snowsboe. Assistant Surgeoo J. II. SuIIivao, re- t ceotly io charge uf Camp Curtio hospital, nas neen aiaiuissea irotu toe service, oy i Surgeon General Wea. A. Hammond e drnnkeonesfc lie is a Southerner, ; aQj eotetea tno Berf ic torn Georgia or : i lond Dr. Ci. A. Knwea. of M .WPns.llIn lata snrge0B 0f ,h, W.out Street Hospital, Uarrisburg, aod who wa. drafted, is one of four brothers, three of whom are draft ed, and the fourth one is a prisoaor at Richmond. Tha Uoioo ticket for Lyeoeaiog county i. as fallows : Assembly Clinton Lloyd. Treasurer Thomas WaddelL Reg. &, Ree. Theodore QilL ' Commissioner Peter Belts. The Erie Ditpatch heretofore neatra has com. out for Curtio aod Agoew, aa tha only ears friends of tbe Constitution and Unioa agaioat tha Babel horde which tramples on both. So baa the Jluntinj dom Olube, n Douglas paper. Col. Stephen Miller, a native of Perry county, and one of the truest meo io all respecte above grouod, baa been nomioated by the Uoion Republicans of ths Slate of Minnesota for Uoveraor, ur, ' Miss France Parker waa enrolled, Lewistoa, in Blaine, as "Frank Parker sod Frank Parker is drafted I Tea colored volunteers enlisted reek in Bellefonte. last TswaaaaAaass T.T AawaasasM aUnbCall XM CW D T-. Tbe draft in New York ia fioiahed, and 19,000 names sre drawn. Gold, 124. Official reports from Gen. Gilmore ssy that Fort Sumter is no longer capable of defendiog Charleston, the bombardmeot of which continues, and ths triumph hopeful. It is "reported" tbat Jeff. Davit calls for half a million colored men lo defend I Sefleaaia. .nd nff-ra aanh anliti.r fiflw .sr.. ! of land. (That it hardly pooititnlion. tod w. don't think they'll abandon tba object of the Rebellion .0 soon by turning wholesale "Abolitionists," there by bringing their Northern co workers to moontolable grief.) It it believed that the Rebels are svsa nating Chattanooga, aod oar arms are prospering io that quarter. GTSee Sew Advert Isementa. ' a I'aloa County Fair Wsdaaadajr to rt).J, Ort-7, 8 and 9, 1SSI The Ladies' Soldiers' Aid Society will tnrrt 1 IWi HlMk, Tkird Streat Mar Maik.l, TlltKSDAY arrKK.NHU.N.atdo'clM'k. CmrrtUti Wettljf Wheat, new 11,20 FJggs I 12 Wheat, old 1,25 Tallow -,. 10 Ryc......M.... 90 Lard... ......... 10 Cora, old 75 Clover seed 4,00 Oats 60 Wool, 60 Flaxseed 1,50 Potatoes ,. 50 Dried Apples, f 1,00 Shoulder 6 FirkioButtcr 15 Ribs A Sides 6 Fresh Butter... 20 Ham ,..,...12 Rags.. ,...4, 5, sod 6 Country Soap 4 4 6 UarleyUO to,l,Ul MftftfttEDa By Rc? Jtl n.arh, lltb nil, IIKNVV OROOVSRaad HiailSISKI .. mil . .1.1, BOIQ D. MHIivur. Br K Ww W tMk alt. LSWKI.l.VN fKOSSBR M Kluoia.lmr aad Hua aistll B ant, o wrKa Br Rrr Dr Watasa. Sntll alt. ISSSC W.VOT, nartorf vo, as, ana a.wassi . iia&,mnut,f In Miltoa.Uth OIL, WILUAM WOiriMflKR, aged TO j-ara. la Mllto, 21tb alt, tgTa CAOWAILADEB, agrd S7 jmn. Ia ralrt.ld. Io,Tth alt ktra.JSSg CBSII(.Srst-rlr at Palawan T, in bar SJd raw. In Aradratia, ITtk alt. M t Rl 4 M. danicblae of Mt J. and Laerrtia m. PATTEkSON, ac-d jaara. H0TICJ?. A MEETING of the Executive Commutes of Ibe Urn County Agricultural Soci ety, will be held at my Olfice, oo 8aToav, the 6th day of September nest, at o'e, P M. The Oommitt. will bd puaetual is I their siness of luiportsnee will b ,4 b.fnr, (h,,, I. A. MtnTZ, Bee 1 6c y Auj.t, 18M REWARD will pe pant for the retura of the fine lines Tafcle Clo b takva awav lat rri'tay rvenm. -ine pero is kiown. and will ba let off, if it ia returned before the week closer Auditor's Wotice. flllC oader-igned, Anditor, appointed to J diMribule ihe money in l ourt ari.inj . from the sale of Ihe real estate of S.WH't'.l. IIAI.'Pr. wtll anri1 to the duliri of bi jppmnimrnt. a; hiy'Oiii'-e. ia iha h'roui;h of l.rwUhurj, oi) SyrusauV. Ihe 13th day of. Sepiemnrr, 1H8 I. ' AH parue inlerrxlnd can j aurnd if ihey ihiok proper. v A. ii. DILI., j Aug. ID. 164 Auditor NciTTin Shop. W1 EHRR ft SMITH will onto, a naw Tin Shop, on the 3d of September, in ine uoruua 01 T T I r T J T Y XT TT T I 1 L 7 in th fcrmrr Siorebnu'.a door sbove Utckard'sfl 'lel, CP STAIRS, and Intend to keep on. bauaV all kino's of TI.V WARE, Sell-Saliqj and other Frail Cans. hiuve f ipe and Spouur,t.s,Aa. RF.PAIRI.MJ One at sbwrt notice, t-nar-n oderaie. l ne public are invited ia tali tud etamlne our aloelr. 8.J.WKiLK. pdlm i. R SMITH fatut a5ljion5. 1863-4. Just received the latest styles of Fashions fir the Fall of 1SC3, and Wir.ter ofiSOl, and will continue u, CL'T AND MAKE LP clothing in the most satis factory manner shop on North Third 1st. JOHN B. MILLER Lewisburg, Aug. 2, t"C:l Graham's Estate. rplIB undersigned bas been appointed by I the Orphans' Court of Union county, as Aaditur to distribute the balance in the hands of Jsa P. Lisa. Executor of ALEXANDER (iK AH M, late of Lewisburg, deceased, and will meet the persons interested in said elate at ihe (itand Jury Room in Lewisburg. on .Husmr, tbe l lth day of September. I86J. at j 10 o'clock. A M. A. BVMJtrOHU, A0.1. Special Notice. The Proprietors ef the GIRARD HOUSE, PHILADELPHIA. Respectfully call the attention of Businas Ms aad ihe Traveling community to ihe superior aecomntodalicDaand comfort pffervd in their establishment. SialOII KAN AG A, FOWLEft CO Notice to Drafts Men and Soldiers. 1)APER3 lo procure Eiemptions from Ihe Uraft, and applications for bounty, back pay.aod pensions, ean be procured b sailing oq JAMES r.&J014N p. LINN. isvWMOwrg Five-Tweiity U. S. Loan I TUK I.EVViBLRU BANK, of L.wiibard, Union is Agent tor Ihe sal of tha United Slates jtix per Cent. Fivc-Tweatv Vears' Loan. I Amounts can be had to suit the means of d.aerent individuals. Th. inter,., o. this Loan is payable aad will be paid id Uold. ana j . 1 fUtate of Jacob Targer, dee'4. NOTICE i, hereby given, .hat Le.terst - tamentary en Ihe last will and testament of JACOB, YABtiER. deceased, late of Har- lleton boronsh. Union eountv. have bee a I erattted wthe undersigned, by the Besisterof; : 1 010,1 co1""'' da (o of ' ; P"son , t ki.ifl. rla.m. ar.in.l caiit .t.l will invtuilt them, and those owing said estate are reques ted to make immediate payment, to JOHN VARtiER. Execs. LEWIS YARtiER, ) tors HstrUrton, July 31, iSC:i pd ... -' 1 -a- r Auditor's ffotice. THB nndersigoed hins becq appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Union county to audit and make distribution among ihosa entitled lo receive the same, the funds in Court arising from the sale of Ibe Real Esiate of Trniwaa Hun, by vinne of Wnl of Plo. F- Fa. Kn. ID. May Tern. I8fi3. will meet all persons interesied in iha said fund at the Office of Orwig it Hayes,ia the borough of Lewisbnrg. no Thursday, the 10th day of, (September, 1K6 I. at 10 o'clock, A M, at wbieh time and place all may attend who think pro-' per. 8. H. OBWIO, Auditor C. D. J3REWEP, Attorney at Law, UwisKtao, ntov re rt. rvPFICR (on Market St.) formerly occupied J by wm Uameron eron, Jr. ther professional hnsinrs to. iSlaims for Pensions, rs of pay dne from fSov't, pallsctions snd pi promptly attended ifooniies and arrears or pay made out and collected June 1, 1883 Tbo Secrctarj of the Treasury has authorised m to continue my Agency for period. brief, j I Aod until fnrtber notire, I shall contino to receive Subacnpiiona to tba 5-20' LOAD AT PAH, At my Olfice. and at the different fob-Ag.B Cie. throughout tbe Loyal Hiatea, JAF COOKB, Subscription Agent, lit South Third Street, Philadelphia Cash paid for jut- I WISH io purchase a large qnaatily Pf , my Tannery' Vard in Lewisburg. for which I will pay ta nignest price in . Slay is, iboj. .i.. ICE CREAM EVERT Cveniog parintj th tafoa. Pr um tapphed on hnrt boucp. . 1 una i r V47. i u A VTVTt? WAitante Deed for ilc .t this oflic. 81 tlJL FURNITURE! Broke Out In a New Place I DURE A U 9, I rr.Itot'.. - FINE DRESSING BUREAUS, fRK.S.VCRETAUlES; a DESKS, c Ac. BEDSTEAD., from (1 te SOS ( JO diRr.nt patoraa aad latest TABLES, Ert .. II -t aaJ .p.-trt. Onl . H . Bad. Card, liinlna 't.n i.. .l, tmkht, j f ... IM c Vuud .l-.irr-l.Kut V.lnui. V-V- .... wd HaaW voud !) aa band Lt IB. tfM. STASIA, T.pnr. Wkat tot. SVwins. is. iaj SOFAS, l,OL'-NGfcS, latest patterns; CHAIRS, Cihnl.trrrd, Lai. Arm. SVauif, Parlef CtUaa atwaff aa hui4: la.Can- ftrt Lan iBSWSMSlra, ' WiBii-r'hair rz and amtt anekrta, Tab. ad Cb)dn-a' i b.tr aiy a Imd. TOW E L-n A C K S.DOUG II TRAY3. BOOK and SHUW CASES, Ac T Furniture cf my ok maufi?1v( taswrta) on year. p- 3. I intend, in a abort lime, a. sooa aa can set up a fine Hars-) lo aitsad .to tha UNDERTAKING BL'iilNBaUi I will some iweaty-ltve of more different sized Col tint, finished, and alwava realty oa short ao lice, and will sell twenty rr cent, cheaper than has ever b. en done ia lewisburg. Call act see before purchasing elsewhere. ' RECAiaiNt. done imas-diately, HAS. 3 BELL. VkamhUn-i Ma. UsWbart, tab. 31, IMS. TU 0 GOING 2 THE SPRtKG ARRIVAL 0? mm AT AT It iifitirkM a ro 4 dtjaia.vasajA a 1 . - M . . . NEW GROCE&Y ANQ Provision Store ! rpHG subscriber has just opened a family roeery and Prorisioa Ctlurv, ia Kodess baugh'a bmldin; (late K reamer's Tinahip) I West end of Market Square, I , . , where he has 1051 received a well selected ' '- ! GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, . ,uco as CflVe, Tea, Chocolate, Sugar. Rica, Molasses. Fish. Salt, Spices, Vjnecar, Raisin, itrnnn. p,.hM Th. ni,.. n.. Cheese. Ers. Fruit. Fruit Cans, Oranges. LfHns. trackeri, Clulhti f mj, Flour and Feed, Corn, Cattle Powder. QL'EENSWARE, Window Shades, Match, Stove Pulih. Nats SarjIT, Tobacco, Cigar and everything else ia the Orucery line alt of which he otfcrs.at th lowest prices for Cash or Country Produce. CIIA'3 ROLAND. Lewiabu-e. May 7. I86J THE UNIVERSAL 9 aj r 'of' ' K f , r m I ji; " . , . VTQ Wringer ean be durable without Cog 1 W keels. The Universal Wringer took tbe first Premium (silver medal aad diploma) pi the New York Fair.U.. It was proeonneed SVPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS in Ihe World's Fair at London. 186X. and has always taken Ihe first Premium ia every Stat .nd County Fair when ia fair competition with utber machines. It is the Original aad Poly Pennine and Reliable w ringer before lb. People. It surpasses all others in Strength of Frame, papac. of Pressoro, Power of Actio. f . eaallsaa Mm VrM-we drt alt raastta It .area Time, Labor. Clothes aaat Money I Ii will wear for Vears wiihoal Kepau! No bersant ean Break it Using! A child eighi years old eaa Operat kt No caution or alsilf is required ia its ate! It save its coal in clothing every six roatht feT-Every Wringer with Cog-W heels ia warranted in every particular. 1 CANVASSERS WANTED! To men who have had experience as ssa. vassers, or any who would like lo rpgage in Ibe sale of this troly valuable invention .liberal inducements will be offered and good territory givrq them (they paying nothing for the Paien Jiighi)ia which (bey shall have ihe eiclasisa aale. Editors desiring a Wringer caa pay ie) .4t'rn,SIB. BEOWWNG, General Agent, lOOftmS 3t.1 Broadway. Vew York 35,000 wanted: VJtT prson having from Oo i five Tn.Hf.and Hollars, can hav ih sam ssielv invested ia Jodsmeats upon valal real state in this 'r-;P?" pp mvV J F. dr JO UK B- tlAN. Lswisbarff, July l, I'SJ .a am