UNION COUNTY 1ST All k LEWIS BURG (JlirkONJCLE-AU(. II, 1MB. i i I - i vi SIMLA lv IH1,1L.Y! r.I W. OI.AND BOURSE. Jr'r-:ik boldly, Freemen! fbile t.Vilay Tlif strife is rising fierce ami li'idi, tiir-l uii I lie armor ttliile Jo may, In lmly lui'i.s lo win or dio: Tli- Aif i TrtitliV wide battli- M-l, The Pay i.- sit tiuiilitu' u i lli tin- Nielli ;) 'ir 1'iiedoiH bath air.iiii revcali-d i A Maraluoti uf Loly liglit. ',' 'k boldly, Horn! while tin- foe Tri ads onward Willi tlio iion lit-t-1 ; "'trite steady, with a frianl Mow, And fi:ifli nlol't tile ulirlif 1 steel ; 1!.- l rtii-, I ) Warrior '. to tliy lul ; .Man and tliy Cud lii.lliinuk lo thi-i-. I'm: 1 1 110, ul' Milk HWay 1. 1 lill.-l ; 15c true, or licnec to darkness ilei-. F.i-nV Im.I.'Iv, Prophet! h-l llie fir.; I If I Ita in come down fin ,-iiti-i cursi-il tV'In-ie lend priests and wi-rs conspire T jiv tln-ir Moody ru.!n.i"v liiM ; J!o inn-, O I'na.lti-r '. let ttiv tniinit.. Speak li alio.-.-, for tin- words an- lliine ; Voids that by iiuuiiino slurs m-iv sun:.-, 'I hat .ntu'i l" liytni-' d in strains divim-. r-p.-.-.l boldly, I'm t ! 1.1 thy pen l! nerved with lire that in;y "Ot dio, J-'ps-nk. fur li t rights of 1-li-rtliiiL' nu n Yho look to l!o:ivin villi tearful eve. li.- Inn-, O Writer! let thy name lio lionoivd where tin- weak have trod, And in the -iiiiimit nf iliy fiino J!o trui! lo ilia" ! be true Ui ll.l. S'ju'-ak IkiMIv, IJri'tiVis '. waku and t-om ! The Aiiikirns are pres-iiiL' on '. it- 'riloiif- strife he in v. r dinnl., liird iiasiiiii- l-ladis all is oii ! 1m- tnio, isi-t-.'i '. Irmh is sttoin- ! 'I In; I'.m- shall sink ln-iiralh l'"- '! ; While love and bli. -s .-iiall thrill lio- s..iu That Trui li to Man is 'J'rulli to lio I. Last Hope ot" the Rebels. Fiotn tbo Mi-u'tti"" 'IriunH i J- hri.u AU.ijjt.. Apj.r-,?t" Since tha fall uf Vickbur, a i-haiL-w itf elonm eeoiiis t: havo seitici up ni Ibi i c-.uutenani-.es of miny, aid their In n.. et j liiunipU havii siiiTerod at least I mrary i . . i i .-i , eclipse. A cilui and iinninul survey i.f : tlio past, aud coDiansuu wi'h our then i M-j-1 our rrcsu-nt siiuaiioa, and a giiuci! at our fuiuro .ra.-pcets, o tiunk ciu Lot tail tu dibpql dujli dcsiomji-ncjr. Wiilim I lie la-ttcive m.mihs,cl.-m!ntii of liiDeord, discnoleul, and division Inn: run tip in tin Narih r.. i.7i mur-i.t Vittt thf Anli-V'tr .'i.'y en l-i;nnr. n y.-e 1-ilJe uit'f J'nn'tAtultlt, and bitli ..', e.. imj, t't ort fltfii in tlti: Ijnicntn A mints tiiifinit mill Ittirf it (rum jnnr. r. Tii tt"t tltC li lt! tlttfi"iitlttf I' Hilt '' t-"' l.-'lt 'ti yrtiiiiil'JitUmi. TtlC tuny "J thr .-ittft tfl h ca i Ji'-ilii ili In oi'.' n Vji, tin! this ;' it-i Ij fix jail f'tttjn tisntioit J if tin' re rsf.-i v hnrr miitniiiiil. If wo are disci eel in I Ihi future, a'i-1 d.-vola nur ener 'io to the dj-lruutiou tf the army wljitli Limiilii j now Inn III our Irrrilory, It Is nur cm vie tniu thai tlf i' ltir tmrtu trill iln u ist nf i-u .r-i.y..f ill il trill In' rt Miniri-il in Irmil i . . ... i " ' -v ' ' ' " 3 : - .1...... . ir . i... r. ,.r ' IIU UOk UllU Uli H"'il i "'- di.rs, is a buuiiliaiiiiiz coiil' ssiou, and ue i radiug to our cUacaetcr. Iu ahlu-bodicd ineu wo ou'numbi-r iln-ir forces on oursoii , . i n ,i . ; . , , ll rce.ooue, ami all that Is wanting lo j dnc tlieiu li-in nur Couutry, or bury , tliem heueaiU its sod, i-i resuluiiuu. cuur- i age, uud dvtiiuniiuliiiD. The Anprul first L.iile3 from Memphis, j hero it was the most uud of all Sct-crh , whero it was the most mad of all Scccru i .urnab, Lilt had tu "chat.p.. its IW to j ui ui. , fc Grenada, tu Jackson, and now Atlanta. I'lif tun-ru of the "y.-iei'tDi-Iuoeralir) ; . ' , i . , .. i y ,ny, is llie real last l.opo of tau Apr-.tl j llouuet Llouiocruts ! see what UsO these I 11. tels e.. ct you tn he put-it in to "do 1 ' . ,, . . . most of the Emitting' lo"aehieve f.ir them j b tiual scpatatiou nf the Union I You to tilit the Adinioislratioa iu the North aud they io the South ! I'are ynn d i it ? I'urc 'ii-r. The "IVmuCTata" eule'jralcd the 4th of July at lobride. K l;ar couuty, Souibc.ro Illinois, whereat they vociferously t ., , . , , , lo-solved lb.it we h.-r.-by un.hvnlr.Py P1'-'1 r eives one io anoih- r that -.- will not n-n.trr support M the rr.-s. ut A.lmiiiiura-1 lion in e..r,vn.? mi tins Al.,.li-i..n r.ii-a le .-'.. i'.. thr. or-v-ainl that we will p. r I tun no arbitrary arresls In be made anion; us I ( ibe minions ol 'ihe A.innni-.'r.iiion. Iti-snlveil that we rr-uard ihe Kmancipairoii Pio.-iamaiiou as the lin.il blow lhat ba i!e. iroyed ail hopes nl" rr.coiiir'jelni2 the I nion as it was. VVe aUo view il as the i-iii'-nri wrdee which wijl ultimately divide the Mntdli: ami Aorin-u.-sierii Ernies iii.iu nur lui-eniei : niakinf!, piirii.uiiral, lananeal, .ew lowland ' i'ii-iitif ii, .inn iniaov uuiHiiiiiitir in uie inima- li -n ol . ll.lH.l li A I u; KI.I'M.l.li: oul nl llie IMid.Ile, ill" urih western, and .Ni.iliern !Siaie- - and lor THIS we are iakriu" That is pure enpper pure treason. At Ihe tine, jce was marcliin;,wilhout hiudrjuce apparently (as tbeso Dcuiocrats thought) upon llarridbur, Philadelphia, New York, Baltimore and WahingtoD l hen they c mid east eff New KnoUnd, aud Jiff Davis' Slave Republic would be safe, and their ort o Democracy triumph! S'l'.n e linn, the patty leaders may have heard from (iellysturg, Vicksburg, John Merman, AS. IJy tJ.i time, they probably wish they hadn't "gone and done it"., hut there it is, iu indelible colors! The Frederick (MJ.) ( iV'-tn a demo cratic piper biys that on ibe fth, during tho mufemeuta iu Maryland and I'euiisyl v.r.ia, an iulcllig!-ot negro uiau was discovered io tbe viein ty, and imparled itifoimation to t ur cotnmsudcr cooceruiog Ilia bumbtr aud location of a bodv of i'-t. .1 . ftt i - i.in ..r,,,-, ,r..,,3 pn -ou, ..,,,un,ai.i, wu.cu, firinuf(iw f ,, is hereby piven m all per il J to tho capturo nf Uftceo buudrtd of : tons knowm; themselves lo lie indebted tr tue enemy, wub a larte buuibcr or buiscs, Kif'ti" and amhulances. It Would be p.-in ruua reward, to return hiiu, asecrtaio people propose, to chaiug and iuliuiy. Voy are uiiiirr, Miks ! We arc glad to see tin is are ft uulv patriots auion nur aji'plcd citiz lis, ultlio' Onpi-rbeads li J to uiiklead tLviu. j he I. jiuUiam, of , MouIiom-. aavs an Irishman iu that ullaee was nveiheard to siy to another, "1'at, do ..u know what I'd do if I wan drafu-d ?" ; . , , ,, , . ,, , 'Aud what wouid you do, M.ke.' "1 ,? I. .,-.- me ,im ,mil 10, swe, nm 10 tue bat y..ki.'' That is Ihe true spirit. the i.iurn nl I 1110. u. j -rtlKt IB !'. inu-kj 11 iw c 'util over ol' t't'tl. ' . . - i ; LETTER "A" Jamilt) 3cu)in3 ladjiaf, With all the new improvements j llcmiucr, ISraidur, Fuller, Tucker, ) Corih r, Uatherer, A is the chenp I e-t, and host, ami must bountiful of all nut-hiiies fur Family sewing and light iiianufucturing uii'pose.s. It makert llie interlocked ftitcli (which i is alike on ho lli sides,) uud lias great capacity fur sewing ALL KINDS OF CLOTH, ami with ALL KIXPS OF TIIKKAR Fvi'ii Leatlier, a well as the finest i .Muslin, may lie sewn to perfection on . this machine. It will use cpool j entimi us well as No. ".ll linen thread, j What it can do can only he known j liv rti-eing the machine tested. T1IK FOLDINUTOF CASH is aiming the most valuable of all the j new improvements. Jl may he opened out as a spacious and sul'Staiitial talde to sustain the work, and when the machine h not iu use it may be l'"i.t'i:t into a box, which protects the working pin ts of the machine. Tin-re is no other machine to eipial the Letter A in Sl.Ml'LlClTV, lUiai:iLITV, It A Fi MTV, and CLUTA IN TV of correct action at all rales ot .-peed. Th(, .imiv Sowing Machine is fa.-t . . '. . , lieeiiuiii'r as iionu ar lor Iain l use a.s """"n I I IN':i:it A- Co.'s Mamilacturing -Ma- chines aro for manufacturing purpo ses. The nrunch Offices are well .supplied -villi tiilk, twist, thread, needles, oil, Ac. of the very best ipiality. Semi for a pamphlet and a copy of " Sl.WLU A Co.'.S ( rAX.ETTK." 1. M. SIN'CFFt Sc V., 1 ) 3 1 J r oa d w ay , N e w Vo r k . Fhilail.-lphia Ollie,;, MO Clicsnul street. Mies m. s. .i i:i:k, A-'cnl iu Lewisbiirg. f'lu 1 Olll Rotate of Mrs. Sarah E. Davis, dee'd V HMIMSTUATllU'S NOI K'K. Lrners , nf arnniiira'jon on tin 'ldle of wiilnw i Si.. 1-1 ll.iui. ilrr.easfiL IH nl l.i'Wtshnr: imi'iii; lurn f-raun-il lo Ibe subscrilic-r ly ihi ;,-j.,t-r of I i-iuiovni tine I. mu nl law. all prrvon. nnli-hn-.t to sai.l piale arp hnrpl-v ii..nfie. m makr nnmnliair pavmeni, and all h.ivin-anv int elanns a;amt lb' same mav ,,,;.J, a,hrllr...,, ,r SPlem.-n, Jo JAMKS M. UUCKWBI.I.. AHmin'r. orn.oKo r. MiLi-tai, L oiiur, Ai-m ri- Attention to Orders ! rpilK umh-rsi-.-ni-d bavin:: recti veil an lion I .rable,l,scbar?cfron,,l, i.a.y .rv,ce I. s. based Uion biireeon s cerlil-atp ,,i iH .:ilnliy, baa returni-d biotie lo ain-ml to busines ai HieOI.l) I'llsTtlFKICK ST A Ml, wbeie be will be cla-l to see his olil Iriemls a,, rn1(im,.rs . he has ,,, issur, u,c f.dlu- wln? llrder: a" " lo,v,al eM? wh" bave tmellled aecnnnls b.r Poslasr.MitiM-ni llins , ,Hlkanr.ounis,wtll r. pon diem-lves at his Head yiiarlrrs lor settlement, as be is ih'l inuiler them oul of Ihe srrvirr, II W-riSOTZER, Captain coniniamltng REMOYAL. T,n? snWriber respeeifutly informs her II Irienjs ann pairons mat snc nas nioven y , 1.ppr.s a;, , rrller f Tlllr,, ; aui) 1aikpl .sts where she w. kei-p on baml a mn ;1,Mir,mrI1, nl I..MMK.-' I KIMMIMJ. ; K-;,.lON.s ,, NU !I)S ol all s.-inl i-alsn ulimM I'njlts (.. 'K,l It. M'-MullOII BAKERY. I Wllt'l.ll respi e.U-illy aniimiriee that hav lie: tal.i-0 Mr. I'oi prr's eviablisbmeiil i slnill keen on band I'l esh ItK-ail. Cakes. aK Brall wheat ami Indian ami Ke when r,i,.r,.,. q CREAM and Cniiieeiinm ry )t, ,'V(-y variety 11. 1.. M MAliON l.ruiwr-, My II, is.t flOTJCE. ASSE.ssMKXT ma le bv Ihe flonrd nf Hireeiors nl Ihe l.VCOMI.Mi Ml 'I l:AI lASlllJAM K tlOMPANV is now in ihe bands ot Ihe tintlrinil rnrenlleeimn. The Ity-Laws ol the I -ouipany rt-ipiire the same m be paid within ihi rl v (lavs alter this dale. All concerned will plt-a-.e lake mine. &(M.OMI) KIITI.I5, Agent I.ewisborx, June 'il. INtill 5 Reward TtI.I, be paid hy tlieSelmnl tinard nf Kasl ) lliilfalne inwtiship lo any persnti who will inform upon any one r.ommiltins d-pre-daiinns nr ilelacinx in any way any of the Sehno! Houses ol Slid Ilistriel. rfurins ibe present year. I)y aider of ihe Board : DAVID aCllhACK, I'res't W. I. I.INX, Krc'y Estate of Sirs. Sarah Blaiie, dee'd. 1 TIIKKKAS, l.cltrrs Tesiameniarv npon V the estate ol Widow aiah Maize, laie ot Limestone Inwnsbip, I'uinn cnuiiiy, dee'd. have leii granted lo Ihe subserilier in due said csialc, to make itnmeiliale paymeni ; and those bavin; claims asainsl Ihe sami, w ill present Hiew dnlv anlhi-imeated for sel mem, lo MIL'IIACI. M. MA1ZK. Bxec'r New Berlin, May 5, 1MJ pd T. M. KITNK1I, rp.iII.OII over t.'aldwell's Urn; flore. I oppoMie ibe Telegraph and I'hrouiclr ; "'S. Market Siinare, Li-aMiure. I'a. j W n"" b prepared u. fnl nnrt Male up 1 " . one .... short noiiei-ami ri-asoiiabl. lerms. Ki-nainn; , n.llv. Wl,rU war,a sall,r,.,rv. ('nunlry Produce taken in paymeni (:! - I 3 i rr sale 1-7 MOWBV. SAP0JV1FIER, ''li ' j: R ; '. 1 X t'onccnlfalc-rt E.JO, . ,' 1. -THE FAMILY SOAP MAKER. fPHB pnhlie are t:AL'TIOXE against the J sri iuoi s Anrici.t:s of i.yn t,.r niakiiii; Soap Ac. now nlfrri'd for sale. The oiilv ii:M and I'alemed l.ye if Ibat made by Ihe ' l'cna'a Salt IIanuf.iclurin Conipany, their trade-mark for il briiig " Saponilier, or- Concentrated Lye." The great success of this article has ld tiiiprnieitletl parlies lo emleavor lo iiiiitult rt iu violation of the t"ouiianv's Patents. All Maimlaeliirers, Uovors or M-llers of lhee spurious l.j-es, are hereby noiilinl uat the I'ouipaiiy have employed as their Attor neys, (leo.IIarding, Kstp, of I'hilatl., nnd Win. Uakewcll, Kbij., of Pittsburg, an.l Ibai all Mannl'aenirers, I'sers or S-lli is , nl l.ye in violaunu ol Ibe rights nf lite Ueiti panv. will tie troseiineil at once. The N.I roMI llCli. or INiticeniratr.l l.ye is lor sale by all Druggists, l.rocers, and couiury Stores. TAKE NOTICE! The ITnilei stales fircuil L'ourl. WrMcra llislrie.l il' Pennsylvania, No. I nf May Tenn in Isfi-.', in sun of "The Pennsylvania halt Maiiuratluriii3 Company, vs. Tho.t! I'liar," ileereil lo ibi- f'niniaiiy, nn Nov. lo, IM.2, Ihe KXl-I.I'M V'B rijlil Kr.niled by a palml nu-neil by iheiii lor the .Sai-iisiiii:m. I'an-iii ilaleil Del. SI, lb.riu. Peipetual iiijillicliou awanleil. T1IR l'KNNSYLVANIA SALT MANlTACITBIXi COMFY. m i it i:s , l-J" Walnut St. rhiladclphia. 1'iUSt.aud HiHpiesne Way,rittsburg. aiii!eiini-.ite S?"First ol" the Season! FROM Fill LAD. AMD XI'. XRW (JOOILS MAV CI)OI NKW ;imi.s NEW COOMS For the Spring and Summer. Tor liie Spring and Summer. For Ihe Spring and Summer. For tho Spring and Summer. Call axi Skd. Call axi Ski:. Call axi Si:i:. Call ai Si:i:. Jim.II CoutliiiaH.Murhft St.,Ixvisliurg .1 mi. I U ioro! nt;i n, Mh rkct M., Lew islmrg J i!o.II.ii(iiiilrnan, Market SI., Lowisliiirs Jini.lI.l.'iMMlnian, Market SI., l.pwiMmrj! ti 'AII Knots of lirain bioilu for l.'ab. 7 i;!ILS. M:iekon:l. Nos. I aud 1, .IMI. II. lioOliMAV. ( HID F1S1F for sale bv J JXO. II. flikiPMAV. 1I1TK aud 131ue Flaster for sale Jo. II. i;oiii!N. ? ALT, in barrels and sacks for wile IS". II i.,i" l -s. Of) (i(M) ltTS- f ;,ts wanted, JMI. ll.fiool.MAX. l'cacc Peace ! DV. U friftrl. t'l Viml (inrtfi.fr"mrtnr.trT ltll town Wf'tc rw liiHids lor n M,Mm-tt iTi.- aru tlonu, Tbt-n Kin ytiur ;Lt t ion, and pTt (iljourare, AuJ riL-e our Vij Viov-jV A)iil ntlti i fno ware. WV lWZf k aixl r(tilli'', mt-1 S:ilin Diii h-nrti. Anl fli tnl.rys iitti-hHUi. an-t iii V.il lfiiftef WV IVtilni" kihI Mniir, aii-l I'rintc f'r oii all .Sut U Sjti :igue' auilCUi"Cw'iaAtgittf U a call. Wv'we Miwl'nn an4 Shpftinjri-from Tri to Tn vkwdU W.- v .-i' -vin- I t l-t.li- HH t'-r V. -ul; tt . Cl.irlis at nil riwi. .r Iii.-Its ui ni.itH. We i rd ittade Clt'lliiug w liirB a O. stok'. An-J Itrniinrt nd t'bft-hnuw for lrMT Rttirli, liirl r-'rtift rfti'l filnrt for nun mill t-r bJ, Wtr'vr thahtre i -r la-ii-is but dn"l lr in Uy WVtc Oil-r,(.tnK n'l r:.rft- tn rorer your ft'ior, Shu'l.-jt fcf T"'r wiinI'mM tt1 Kntr" fr voar door, H v't Kurlii-ts Hurt Hn-ki'U ati'l KiiM- r- -t xiic, Wt:'e ffuAr.tatid Cotl.f fur I'wiuti E or CHINK. UV- Ilrulir rtifl Ktt1r. nil kind nf ijxi. vM- Vi-u'll titQ'l n- vn Murk- rlrcct, n-nttr f frr n AtMIKI.I.KKVnl.lSiaii.l- 11. V.k A life. I'.KOtt I.iwtur2, A i i i H, 1'1. r.KXKPlCT ALr.KKT, CLOCK Maker an.l ltrpnirer, AMI tUllkS AMI WtTIIIIS FUR SILK. t"i New shop on Snu'h Fit ill fl.Jj l.ewisbiiri?, April 2-1, !s'i COooD ICcms Ifcm i&oote. .vf.'ir Htioosi SEni.oiiiwi .;ir itmtiist .Vill'GOC'.S ..- FM.r. Ar irrxrrnt tult A I.I. AMI WIXTKKt ri'll tAI.I. .I.VO WISTHil fuK FALL ASH WIXTbKI VAt.l. A Ml SI Kt CAt.l. A.l .St Kt tAI.I. AMI SKKI CALL AMI MMt A iiK.vy.it, trrt.vnr. k . ..v in I I L K I II Ktit:ut:n, xiluke e in l-wt.Birff, leov. 1RC2 BUFFALolioUSE LEWISIU'R':, I'MO '., I' A. I.KWIS i:illi:i., IToprlclor. rpilIH new Hotel is siiualid opposite ihf I t'oori House, in the most fashionable and beaimlul part of ihe town, and for style and convenience can not be surpassed in Central Pennsylvania. Those visiiin" Ihe University, or attending (.-onru will litid it the most convenient and central public hou-e charjes will be Ihe most reasonable and neilheT time or expense will be spared to bestow ;very comfort upou those who may call. Persons iu the County will be rhareed 2.r els per meal, l.ewisburs, April 1, WfiS WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. TUB nnilersisncd, having remnred her Watch and Jewelry estahlishiiiem 10 t.'nswell's Kcw Uuildin., Market t., between Prniil and -ecninl,she is prepaiedlo Itepair tVatclics, Jewilrj, Musical Inslrumi'nls, &c, in the most approved and satisfactory manner. She ki-eps 011 hand an aisortni.nl nf choice JKW lll.KV, for Ladies and tiemleuien, which she nlb-rs al prices lo nit ibe limes. Alio Cl.llfKS and W ATI '11 B.S. All work aud wates warramed a rpresen ted. - MAKIA !. ZI IIUR. j li.hre. ly 2, ISf-t j Daily Horning Iews. j (JAM I. SMKKI! I.a i nniiiieiii-rd furnishin; ; O the Hun Islinm IVIriiraiilt j iiiorninv-i.at "ii mtt pri cq-y- ihe vi ry laiesl 1 ,is a rhi-aee.i iaie June i n A e.ent, " . 1. ) - tAT Jt llinht IS, llANMlis, 111 fcoulh Third M. - vwf il'HiMiiiiraia. Not. rPHE nndersiened. havinz been appointed X Subscription Aeut bjr the 8ee.reiary of Ihe Treasury, is now prepared lu iurnisb. .e Kcw Twenty Year G per cent. Bonds, nl Ihe (Inili-d Slates, desiznated as "Five Twenlies,'' redeemable at the pleaure nl the (invernmenl, after live years, and authorized by Act of Congress, approved Kehuary 2.'nh, l!K. The COI'PON BONUS are issued in sums of !j-5ii. sfii m. -f riiio, $iimi. The ItRCtSTRK IIU.NT In sunn of 0, .IOo, .'s.'.iill, f loiiu and s-:. null. Interest at Six per cent, per annum will commence from dale of purchase, and is riVAiti.i: i : oi.i, seini-annually, which is equal, ai ihe present pri iniiiui nu old. in about KHjllT 1'CK I'KN P. Pllii A.M.M.M. Karnn-rs, Mi-rrbaul, M-chanics, Capitalists, and all who have any money m hivpm. should kunw and reim-inber lhal iln-se llnnds are, in elleet. a I I lis 1' MOK I'HAt.K upun all ll i-lioail.. Canals, Hank htneks and Berlin lies, and the iiiinieiise produeis nl' all the Manuraeliirer-, e., &c., in the e.niinlry , and lhai Ihe lull and ample provision made for Ihe payment of Ibe interest and liiinda inoi of prineipal, by t'utnin Unties, Uxeise Siainps and Internal Kcvcnue, serves lo make these liutids Ihe Zicsf, M't Aiui ilahtc ami Must Pnj'U Air Ini rstment in tlte M'trkit. MulKeriptinns reeeiveil at PAR in l.epal Teneer !otcs or nines and ehi-eks of banks at par iu Philadelphia. iSuh-cribt rs by mail will ri-eeive prompt alleniinn, and every la eilny and rsplanaimn wilt be afl'oidcd nu ap plicailmi at ibis nlliee. A full supply of Honds will be kepi on hand Inr iinmediaii- delivrry. J Y IHHllvli, Kub.criplinn Ax'in. EXCISE TAX.Assessor's Notice. .lif tu Tax I'iijtis. 1 AT in accordance with an Acl approved July I, IMtiS, ei:ttl!ed "An Act lo support tin l.iiyi ruuient and pay iiueresi un the pub lic ib-lii," evriy pi-rson, asnciaiioii, jiariii'-r-slnp, nr rorporaimn, desirin; a license n.4-11-;Me in any biiNine.-.s, trade, or nccupatmn nano-il 111 the ti-tlh sectinn of said acl, muM register then an applicatiou wall ihe Assis lanl Assessor of assessment division in which sin li trade nr nrcupation is to be carried on Maniilat-Hirers, liable under said acl to pay any diny or lax, aie required in luriin.h lo the AssiMant Assessor a statement, subscribed ami swnrn lo in the form prescribed by Ihe IlKih sieiinn n1 said acl. Illaitks and iiiiur uniMoii may be obiuiued .Inmi Ihe Assistant A-.-.rsors in their ie.-.pecuve dtvisinns. Iliviion .Nn. i, 11th llisiricl, Pa., comprises fiiimi cniiniy. Prim a. Asi-taiil Assesor, IliviMnii Nn. 0, CltAKLI'S H. MIKINLi:. IMb.-i-. in Mifltiiiburq. fiimmniiiealinin may be ad.lressi-d lo me at Mnldletown, llaiibin V,u.. Pa. l.AMKI. KIlMiKJ, lli-t.:tl Assessor I lib Assess. Uisl. Pa ijAMr liiiaibUJlDii ALKXANDItE ORfJANS, Sln-el Music, Music l!.mk. Music Mi rehan-disi-.and allkuntsnl 1! Illicit I lllKlril III 4' II I l, at Ibe lowest possible prices. TIIK llir Wati-rt' Modern In rra"nri"M il Ovriklrllni; iho ritiMi: iitos it r- sti ri'r In-tniUH-Mt. Tlt-yrr nl thf imI t(i'.r-t-lilirM-3WUi"l Hinl iUU.mimI nv c. Tim i t-ry l'-is rouml. lull miiI inelhiw; llif tmfli lKtit;. !". Il litn wnrrnt-t ..r Ihr.r. vt i,ri. I'ri.h (n.tii IT. l Horace lrr MHin!t on Ho--w wxl l'ns Tnti.-il tlif Fim1 T' lfiKranu nt, willi th.- !.tt Dt tnil-tl .wfll M'il Colo tl V- N.i. I - 4 n, txr. wrnll zt ttt-m CtoO, Jlf. IVl 7.1 1IM No i. " M ' t- r, Ni. 4.-5 Tim Pfvl, K t K, N.&.- to r, N - h two ftoj'SJinti two tof rfidf k. ? " and 1M two .t1s of hfn. - - - SOU So. 8. 5 iftji Urartu M. i.l.on-. two hmnl "t d. y, H-ditl t.iuw, toor mid ix cto(i, il',.. i.U.l M. Thitm MHofinnii rmmin In tniw m kmj limo. Eacb M loUnou wrriiUd tur Uir- yrn. The Alrxamlre Orpan in 11 r. ii tnnriinif nt. n.rrW'miMiff in puwur cn In rwwobJcjiif, h t , V (4 J' I -..a... Mill. n.,il.lnl Sill l.l Kl'.fM nitli i-ercu.if.n, an.l,,fTpTfpirtn,,, A liu-rsl 1li-r.m11! 1.1 Cl.-rjryni.-li. Ch-inlii-. Pt-I.iilli P.-li-l-, Isilzm. Sfminiirii mid T.chcM. ll"t Tniilii MUl-elkli llic nnt IiIhtjO t-rlits. JIOK.MM-: WATERS, Asenl. 41I IIriHrT, Nc" Vurk. TIIK DAY SCHOOL HKLL. A New Sinking Pont Inr day schools, railed ihe Day Kchnol Bell, is nnw ready. Il en u!.iin annul.: i-Jcli""--- l:mili.li..Ctrli.j,iiirU, Truis. llii.iin llf nr.il Cl,r , i.i oina Hm-iii rill.-ii . l.r.--ij f.r Ihi" ..rk.hi-i.l:Ui!:i-l 'I" M'"'1"' i.l Mll-K. Uii. ht. n ri- n..-.-y IHt T.-,-nMI.-, th:.l ..r.liimrv .-,,.-li.-r II tln-t ih. in .-l..-i i-.ilir-li m.c . r.-li.liil iiiMrii.-ni.tf O'" iH-liiilnrn li. "Oil- r..,r- r 11, ..-t M-i-i.tiii.-i.iij. "- """ '-;' t.n.. ..Mi. l.iii tv ..t llT-lr. llr.-t.i. in-l r- .,.u..r l.. .-,.lili.-0-. tl...ll,..r.,nl lll f-ry r r II.1-.I in in.lii.iu-- .01 l- ri...irr In fo im .ll. !, in .ir..,irini;l.illiuulii.ltl.-l...ll.-lllii:tll":.l"V'"'- ,,r..vinc. I.,...in. ? i- lao.fi' r..-r-,.r.lii.-ii.i--;i- l- 1... f . Iir..l 111.-. I n siini.lii-itr.-t ll . l. iii... "i rir ,u I Wl,.-Itu.i. nl i.iil.n-. .. I in rri-nrr ntrt numl. r ,,l il H.HSK, ... teiniil. -l-l Hl-l"l. ' l.r niii.-h U. .-M-.-I nil o.mi-lil- ri. Itill b.. I..01..I t" b.. th. In-1 ..-r i-u.-.l I.T sm.in..ri.-. A. :.li nil.- I ul. I, n-IuaIa. A Irw n.pl.-.. i l lb' Kl.-m.nt.l un.-.. ..! S,.iif rr tiv.-n in . ir.-.0i ; "' '' e" "I"'- " i, ,i...,l.ii I.. IIOIIACK WA I :!. si.l In. I nl s.il,l'.illi Srh..ol II. Il.'' N". 1 ml -. lo- li Li"" b I '"'' -IS l- r ino; lonn.l. u-nl-. e..-1 -r l.l: rlnlh linuwl. .-o.l.oP.-.l. iilt. 4U 1-i.t--. - .-r l"H. , mru.fii.asi in- l. o. ri.n i-.; :;, r f"' JKHiAUi: WAI KI. rublisher, 4-l l'.r.w.(W:il-. VOTk F'r Salt y LlMXt OTT rf Cu , ll.ilMUtyltta. The Iloratc Waters l'ianos &Melilfnns s.i.1 tl.KltMIIK lli:i.A. 1 T. liitt-rt C...Ve-l.-r "r.'l 1 .i..li,i. !. ' ftni-tin-trnn . . i. ;n iiua A Urn n-titrUnt-il Iik n nri..l i..l llrm.mi- lr. 1. win. ! .11 1 t rxtrmnrlv I... .ri.-.. -ii..n. ! SI. I- J- -unan n.k'.-rs. ..- nml -' !i'".nJ b"".',' -ii,..; ... H. li.l...illirr. i.t tar2.iu: .n.-e (mm f ... O. JIIHI. Sl.-I Muri.-, Mn..-l"-l., " """ ' J1U.-K Menaiauiliw, t r .rin. ; !...., i.th. t 'r.it. "Tin. linram Wsli-rs I'm in m l-ni-n .mens tin' U-.t. W- ,r.-.isl.l.-.t lo-l-k "f lb'" i.i-lriili.-i't ilil..m-d. ar..'.l.lllrn';'ln''l,,,a,,,"l k"'"'' nt lii.-ir.il,uHuueai.ilclirl'l--lii)ity."-rw J ErauyliU. Sabbath School Bell IUo. 2. Sn.lHm ..!.-iwnr.1. Il lnitlp-ww workof nrly In ,u.p. Manv i.f tl. tuD-f .ml li.v' re "tf -,.;-lr f..r Ihi. ...Hon-- " "! .M-P-1-' ' h ,.red.-..r(ltell Nn. I,) whii-b has r.n . ' .su...v S. h..l B. of it ri i'd l" '' ";' Als Mlb ...Iuui. ii .m b..i.iiJ l one to aer..iuiooill j..N.lwi,l.ii.8ll.. uiiu llmt I "1- '.,'."'" .'J- 5. !..,-r tZ laeenUS 12 f-W IW. " ""j IS ,-r ii. Cl.itl. Ik.uo-1, euil.li-. !, tilt. '"V",," per 11.1. W-ll Nn. 1, v. 1 1 "nf-f 1 l I' IU,n.l.-.Dr.-nif. fis per l.l. Cinlli U.ond. rwl.o.w.1. sill. a., cut.. r-r i"0. n--n e-II.et. 40 neon.. per UK). i!S .-nvk-j lurnu-boil l ihe lou. MaiM l"-'".s- fr.s- ' the r.-lil .ri.-. HOKAUU WATEKS. Publisher. Jy IMueq 4-1 UrnnJwiiy. New Y. r. Central Foundry and Mat hine Sliop Siller, w alls, Nirlncr ' P-raTaa-wa-Vaunlaclurers of llullnch's Iro Je-if jaeitwer and Ueaper, Uarlio;' V-aVl Fh. Jlexs Chain Horse Power fiJaSiStt'ilUoH's Telezraph Fodder Cm- j ier, llichea' Iron Plows.Wnherow s heii-Shai- peiiing Plow, nun siicitiati i.ouoie i iuv. Also, Sioves ami Casuunsof eveiy deacrip ion. Allklodw of Aricelmral Implements kept on hand for sale. e J.it.binj; wnilc in Vt'rnunbt and Cast Iron and llrass done to enter. Cioilitry pro.liH-e lakeii tn erhsttce. L'..r in-aitih A Meikt rl- ...jmsbllri:. F Ollii e of Jti l'i.iiKic,Mti!iicrit:nn Aei-nl, T.G. EVAJSS, FAMIJiY' Ol.OCJEP.Y . '. And ' .; ,-v ; I'rovision Slorc, cn JIarki't slrcrt.lii'lwfen Hil and 4th, LGWtSSfcfJGs Call ash SATtspr Your.sELvti3. Of'll STdfK is lar?e and well selecl.-d embracins; everything usually k.-pi in a first-class CltlHJ&Ry 8TORE including an assurlinent of (ji i:i:xswATjr:, UATin-AVAnc, CKDAIt and WlLLOU'-WAlli:. I take this opportnniii- to return my ihank' ti ihe public inr a libtral paironasr.and hope by flu-lying ibe wants of mv Irien.ls and en' deavi-ritlw lo suppiv ihein in merit iheir patronaje in Ihe fuiiue. T. II. EVAN--4. L.-wi.ll.uii;, Mah u t-t. j. k. niifrr.Mrjirita lislfl scttbl. s I'tiriillnrc i:slalili.sliiiitiit. rjMlK '1IB subscribers have opened a Flirnimre lablishmi ni, r-u Market Hi. Lewtsl.tir-', (nppnsiti- I'liamtieriiti's tni;l.inii;) wherr Uvy iiinniilariurf In irl-r anl kut-p ou harm all v.m'U.-.s vi CAMMiT W AMI Mi:illy lrqit in sticli pt;ilWihiiitiits lltiii'au', i!''Iiti-a'h, 'J'aj!t-.,i;iair-?. 8.las, sian.lf Wha; 2iois SvC ol all paUt-riis anl pnrcs. ikirnniMf in the brsi and most t-jt pvi JtKMt's tnafiiier. UNDERTAKING in all us branrhrs ali".ilt(i to at very I jvv idles. Koa'ty-iaaiie 4J(iJliiib always on hant. J K MCrKKNDKHrKR V CO Irwis!mr, April 16. 1 News Agency. rpilR underpinned having npein-d a 1 llM - IU coiiueelli.il with Ins DHHK, .sPATIu.MlKY.ainl VAIIIKTV Sinre.be is iherel. ie prepared In receive subscriptions fnr the iollnwiiii; M.WMMI'UKS. Mtl.AZIMS. Ac. l'lii'-l-ll-l.ia In.ii:r.-r. I'rei, I...--J;.. r, Sitarttnr Kti-'it P---1, I... liar N..wl--tn-r, The l-r.-aloterian, i:l.ri-lian A.l.--.ile Jc Journal, Thn Mitln-li-U Im. nnn Auri- uh Inri-t. . n V..ri, lerKl.l.Tri4-illie, 1'iiu,-., Vvril.lt;r..'r We.-t.lr. r rui.k Lel.r, .N. V. l.- Ui-r. ler. urv. Wa.er!ev Ma:izin.-, Il'.unt Jnuriml, Yai.k.-i! N..I ii.i.n, $ i' k N krf, r.la. kuru.1, i:.-l. lie, Iljrtr'a Ms'aia.-, reU-rmu'e, 0,-iet-a u,y- Hunk, Atlantic M-ntlil) and any mhers desired. Pcrsnns wishing anv nf the above had belter rail soon in have advantage of t'iub Untm. I"?"Or Ji rs from a dislauce prninpilv am-ndefl In. 11. w. ;hiit.i:k. .ws Aoit. l.ewisbiir?;, J'a., Icc. I". I-"'.I James F.Linn. J. Herrill Linn. I F. Jt J. M. LIW, J Alloriu-ji at I-:W, LEWInui.ui;, 5.1 l.'uioii Cuiiiy, Penn'. J. MKIiliILL lll C'-miwi. -inf-r I lie SC-.le c.f Tow. with L-r lu Uke o.-.uriiii ai-faehliowti-ii OeeoV..: Aurilun ni'i I ..ainil-.-li.ti House la Lrolskurf.-. I'. A.ltoiK'llutS r bavinvbeeu appoinird soli A 111 ll..iii'1'r lor Lew t l.l. r.. i nrenareiiln - - 1 1 .. ain-nd lo all calls in his line in town and couutry. Commission Sales. In April nej;, I intend in open on Msrke 'tree! a Room for ihe rcre piion, and Ihe sale at slated times. n all kinds ol (iooils al Auc tion. Any t:ne wtshine, ioiltsp.ei.f any arii ele caint.-pi.siiii u nit nie and I will sell il at the best advania;' I can and charge a per t.ciitae;e lor ibe a.aine Feb. 2, IH.vj r A linXF.MOWKH iuTl(E-"(.'ciilltnien 1 . C1ITIZK.S ,f farwisbnr and vicinity arr reprcliully inlnriiit'd hai the subscnbpr has luiji:hi i-ui the itiicr ;. ol E. L. Hik in ihe luisiurss ot Sfi'trmg arnf llatr ('utfmtatn (ntinm (hi- unrw at lh oh. tii-l l.nfc nir-ot of wi-idw AnimmitV Mck, lt-t--ii ' lvitii'aiif Mnnihln Mli-r- 1'V nt iirt attention to l-uiiiw.'ii li ht" u pitU.-lartiiin iti all who rtiNy ITr Ltia ill) I Lull alruu m-'v at ail tiim-s rxf,'l i-uinl.tri'. Tr all who tiirry iWi- till th.-ir h-ani frow leng To tfft a lrncaut i-hitvt, p.L-J . t..kriH-r fti'C K' Attt -ii m 1'h.i.iji Mt Iik .nn. hny iOfrn.fTeornOODi Toweln rlffin. raicm hry an l srinnupii k en. April h, ts-1 A W- mi.Ll.N, Prof. It ,rb. WINFIELD FACTORY! Aeur llal'lU'loW, I'liion Cu., I'a. THE suliscrilicr, thankful for past palronaire, wmild inform Ins triends and ihe public in gene ral, thai be cnniiuites In manufac ture all kinds of Wniilen Uoods, such as ninths, t.assimeres. Tweeu-, Saitineits, Jeans. : lllankets and Flannels; also. Carpet and Stocking Yarns. His machinery beiny nf the I best kind in use, and having empinyed Ihe best of workmen, he feels sale in savins j lhal his work shall not be surpassed by any establishment in thecoitnlrv. A goodsup- j ply i.l ihe above oods kepi constantly on hand I for sab- nr lo exchange for wool, at prices j thai can not fail lo please. WOOL will be Carded in the best inannerand on the shortest ! nnliee. Terms fnr carding, ca- h nn Ihe de livery of the rolls. MAKK IIALFPUXNY. U inlield Mills, March Jin, 18"7. lUVJKHM HOUSE" IaCtvlliii-, la. k. U. mn zzu rno'n. rfIin undersisned returns his sincere thanks I for Ihe patronage exlended towards him bv the cilit-n? of lriiinii and the adiointn? cminiies, he would most respectfully solicit a I conltuaalion of Ihe same. R. C HETZEL Lewisbur?;, March 1.1, lns ma- C i;iprS a larseaud choice vari ety, from .11 els. npwards, for sale by Aped IU, bl BIJOWN dt UKO. iFor Snlr. FRICK, BILLMEYER & CO. er-a!- . Aie man ii factnr in; and have r!a! 'm le.ntisMiiily on hand a larse iuan p.1'iiy of 4 feet Pa).n?s and :i ami 4 t'&ircV-'Mlteet Lath at the lollowins; prices: I'aliltXH headed in a new style, from $8 to H per l La 111 3 and 4 feet long, $1 lo $1.62 pr M. Mlitivjlc-H at $" lo $7 per thousand. Palings an.l I.aih made to order, any length parties may desire Lril.ur2 8l. au sawmill, Dw. 26, Is 60 SA't B. onwio. SLraan uaiLS OltWICr A HAYES, -Attorneys at Law. OFFICE i n Sonih -cond near Market Si April l. lilj LcttlKllUIr-, I'a. The Dimes Saving Institution of Le Wisburg I 5 ready to receive any amonnl on Peposiie I from Ten Cents and upwards. Four per c-ut. per annum Interest will be paid on all tptrhil tleposiies ol Two Hollars and npwards if ilepnsiied I wo uiouihs and longer, iubce in James Ceddea' brick block, Matkel ti H. f. Mil 111, I.LI., Ttea.urcr Lewisbnrs, Oct. Hi. Ie6tl j A $35 Iron City C ilege Scholar.ship liiiK sab- at the War 4 CAr" HU, ,V '.ewisbmj rlrt: sieaf.'iu-icoiinuCuce Moavit, J AraiL li, ixr- l. ""1 : 'I'lriTius perSeision, including contingent expense-- ' . ... PlilMAItV Headin?, Writing. Definer. Arithmetic, tieo, (ham, and I. llmlorv.l $:.Hti AliVA.NLHIl E.Nt;i.!sII, all not inclu ded al.nvel j !. A. Mil. A (ills, 7-.il I VSo deductions except for pn 'rai led j sirki.es-. J. KAM'Ul.l'lf, I Auril 14. lsOi. l-iii.nt al , The Family Always Prtt Stflrt Ready ! Il you waul pure Drugs, go io SI'IIA r FI.K'K lima A I'le-mii al Kinp-.f nun, !i-re i-. k. pt a lar"e and . -nei.il nsi.r!inen! nluavs. For any article usn.tlly kepi tu a brsl class Mil!) call at the family ikl (i stork of o.w.ssciiafiij:, I-ewlshiirt - IVnnsyPa DAVID GINTER k SON ! T TA Vi: rmfVed tbeir linlr an.l f u ll lilnrl n ai i-ruuiii m tlie ur;. r ; ami inon- coin inoii-.. us ro.-ius, ta.e ine resiu-. et.ee of Win. Trie:.-, on the j t nnrmf Thlr4 anil Market si. Lewl.hure. j where thev have nu baud llie LAIttit'.P1 f an;' j IlilsTAsstlll l'MIlM' of Wi rk ever ..Here.' Inihe puiilie in la- vu-iiiitv.eonipr-vn, l.res j iluri-.-oi en.l F .nrr W ol.-l or I- ,.f II.- .... .v.-. Sel.-ia, ll:Oral l;l..lr. Can. i at Cilair... llork'n- Cli-Ora. ia..-r-ie-. H-l lia.-.T...f. i h .-1.. J. i;S I.1..0 -I... I .it-a:S- II- .IMe-.i. I:..l.-V h--:iii-.'. K.-i.. v T .M--.4.--a ten.il a--.-. t:.i. r.t .-i iiiv... il - - . .1 liai.-l t'..-r..'.iu :iu-l 1 I h .ii ai--.-i 1.. .hri. VVe also ar.et.d lo Ibe I N I'K!! I'A k INti A K I . 1 l-.irin. in all ' - l.r I.e I:. ... ; i. i :., -al tr J,,'? II KAK-P-a.il risks l-ilnil itUlr liaii. a.t-l Col 1 I . s ' t -nr Il u.a.t UIH.-I nr.- :.i w iy - t .. ii 1 ae are rea-iv at anv tun.-. Mill.:., an l.....r . n..i:..-. i; aait UI...O a..- atei all a r.o u.a) :..,-r u- itli a e:Oi Having none but the Le- wot kim n.we W Kli .r all V-ir.iitiir mart ..f ,.-..r. .1 l.r u.-,aaj h- !3 ut-ijf enuiiwliti-'D .-i'h-r ill y. Jr.- l.r -I. !e. Miniijttt tnrjt un K. l.'f Strrrt, where f'abiitel and llnn-e Turnin;. Scroll anil till, eawtiij ili.ub on al...rt Lolir.- ami rea..nal.ta teTm.-1. A cor.d assortment nt LI Mil 11 1' always on bau.l r-r Newel Poat. Ilanni-lers aud llan.l kailio-j. 1 3?Kr.riwii i, all kinds done as usual. N il. Anv work nut on hand will be made aa a.a-.n aa puarihl.. Thankful fnr pa't favors, we still espect a rnuiluoauca ol lb-aaisu. " " " WiH. F. GHAi.SLL.il, Valclitii;ik4-i-,.l.-t t-lt-i- K allU-r, OiPO-llc Uila's llutrl. na.-krl "4. Lrl-hu rp.Ta. li.ll .r. opened a Sh. ,'1 III P. ir.io.iittati . i i.-iiiil; Jtore. t prepared to all kinds nt work A- -k in his line. Having worke-l in Cjiipwv lame cities ali his time, he is ' prepared In repair lAaiches, Clucks nr Jewelry, and in do Knravin', Pla-lini-. liildin nr lialvaitiin to ihe bcl stile of ibe art. All wink warranted lo "tve enurp sattsVaction. and done at the vtTv lowest ra--h price. A No Armrlt'ns anl Meludeuns repairei! in ih host manner. Jail in bet.-re uxi go ciefthere, see ftr your-rll ami Nave your loi nry. lt. ft. ISM Ego's and Shoes. The snb-enber has just receired waJ-awaWat tin fl'-P" ( it I'S I door to the Pus i itilii-e)a lull supple of Rnolm X illOIa tf every al-.-le and variety sltitafiie to the season. The stuck ha-, been selected With particular care, an I will be alll r led al Villi IlllHifii mills till; l:MIU run. His nl.l friends and cttslomers and the public irenerally are invned to cull and examine bis slock and judire fni Ihemselves. TirMAM LFACTI'KI.Mi and UKPAIKIMi as hereto lore will be attended lo with prnmpiuess and al reasonable rales. joas Horcimi", Arf. Lewil.ur.ivt. 1, lfO. O.P.SHIVELY. Jftr.fi '?.-Sty?S .Vie.f S,Har -m'Tt f'TrX-TC. a - HjituiiwiMirr r Xf lUxnirt. JSriJ -3ttjj. v coiiiTnon ;ind the me w pslrnl UOliSt. (Of 1 1 KK rro u-a to hart no horw lrnlt r In Rl t r'UO li'HIFJt, RLWkKTS, MFH.II KFLLS, Fancy iSadtllery, Harness llardware-Jte. rPIIE Sail.-criltcr, having carrud on tniiin-fia f..r Sa -Til jfr, ai.J ruiiw-.l k reputation tr maklnif mir'Mtl f(nrnr Ae. n-i any rstt!tPhm.nt iu llii r-kri"n and It; I'tuini JinTT A jrir-ultur.-il ucit tj hwTinj rtwar!-! TUR HE fHPVii V.s l.r rticl.nf hi orkinan-tiii woultt tm l.i Kratittulf hr iact if ttif I rush ii j; jiiil'lH- iiinmiv r-rtv-i, ami oak liii-.r culiti ufii imtptiitas- st liin NKW STANl. Th l-rath.-T hy im in if tit Terr bst. tannvd im tin- olJ mty, hitJ ill lae-t t-T f;irs. I -Tnj.ii.v Ih Ih -t ' Worknirfi o rivr mt hub uin-- n.I urn f..unH i my hop nt ail -oitbif bounu l OoiU ii'i WtX :irr i w-ir7;inifrt. arnl il r."t a.- rt- fivwnt. I mny It r ttiroid .r I c xrhanr. rl. i t!) an 4 mc, nnd if 1 tin net ictve vtt tlir wiutti ot jour isioaey 1 mil nut tuu uak tor our ptnmair'. ! KErAlRTXO promptly nttended to. .C;iKAr f-rCAII or I.tAUV PAY in mo.-.t kiud ! ot Cuuntrv I'rfHhirs. i Uu-'.-ur. Aanl 1,11. O. I. SIUTKLT. ' A Now ami IJcntit iTnl IMitinn of The ?Ililakr l i:lii4-all .llpn. )Y JOHN- S. IIAKT, I.L.H. In l-.'tno ) muslin, price 50 cents; paper rovers, 'ij cents. Copies nl this book will be sent by mail on receipt of the price in post slauip: please address J.r.i. AUIli,t K-i.ruhlMice. u'n 'iinh Philadelphia .fij, UII SIC. H. W. CIJOTZEK has; ijjiisI received a larse assnrtinent of the .f newest and best MOIl' comprisiuat . Sae.ie.l and Mi-ctilar Books. Instructors for i dilfereni Instruments, Ball llooin tactics, Ac., 1 tnireiher with a choice selection of fhrei Mn sie., anions which ihe patriotic sort is well represented. All nl which is for sale. cheap. ai ai, o,I Pt'ST tiKKlt.'E, Lewisbur?. !CJ . If)- . J. ST ill I- IXTi:UY on strrot, a few doors ..rtb of Market, Lf.Wl.tHL Mli, i'a FIRE inSDRANCE. INSI KA.VCE COMPANY OF 50TKH AM EKICA Philadelphia. tlneorpiirateil, Kill.) Capital 8-100,000.00 AaioU, Jan. 1S01, - 125-1.71U.S1 ARTHI It (..cnFr'LN, Resident Til MJl.Ks PLA IT, taerrelary t Bntldiiis annnally or perpetually. Mrr rhairdizr, Crain, Furniture, ic., insured, at cm rani rates ol Premium, JOHN B. LINN. fl.'ilmU Agent for L'liiuu county, Pa. LOST. On Main Si, l.ewisbnrw, a Bl CK lKL lil.OVK beloitcin'to aMoldii-r f'.rase leave, iuiniedialely, al the l hii.li tele Ollice. CIAKI'U.S Di: VLsI TR at M-.-wiy's Cillery I'hotoitraph Albums ai V.. ry's I." tilery ; Phnlograi'lis -larte sue at M..vriv's liallery Phoiosraphs in Oil tn Mowrv's liallery ' lvorViyaCS 1 MllWI v' (Jrtlleiy llalloivprs ai Mou ry's tmlb iy , Atobrnti pes. and All kin.is o'lvpes at Mowty's Ua'Ierv MHW IlV's li M.I i:KV. hi Mattel -Utti, . f vpoatte lie. aus l-ew,.-t tt STILL AHEAIi.' Come one c n.e ti and esam.ne for yourselves ihe laira i:..-f rheapesl slots- of IluillC 1UUI Boo' and sh..e-. m I'lin-n rnumv ! IV Jusi receir.d a FHEfH ff"PP.y , Cll J Isiude work al unusually luw pr.c .3 (Jiiii-k Sale;? ami Small I'rolha" is the order ol the da; a! Hfi IICI' lippo-ne the ftank. I., -wtsi,,, j Just ojiPiiC(J.r)iiiosite thf? 1,'inVi i!oue, in tlio Kooin laicjy fjccujiicJ Ly A. Si.-.ocr. i-TO FFLL astl enmplple a-nrtmrnt ei FALL !l VINTER CLOTH- I N G,sneh a Overcais. Ii., ., ( , 1 u i.rss lleais, S'td L'nais t'f ever;- aiJ( ra .-rn ; ami PaiiiatonLs aud Ve.t, r...j ; Ar.' a lar--e tarn-iy i.f In.', r I'l. -i...;, .;irh I ilraw. rs. Miiiis. Ac. Also, a fme svi.rtts . 1. F l!..v-' I !. - li r r s 1.1 t.'ie laii n-v les. Ai, j II A V.s' and f.l'.s .-.iiial to any -rfr-ie.l in ihi j coui.rry. In laft. I iiave ever,;t it, nn e.-a, j I llie shap of t.'ioihin", v Inch 1 oiler m g ; very suiuli a.Han.-n lor raii. , I HM.IP (idiOMAN, A,. All kind- nl Country Produce i.,keu ! etchanse lor fii i.ils. l.ewii.iir;, fjel. , J. VAIKER & SONS, r.ra r. . 1 - a . r. t. a -t--vsi DIL .SLNkl.EiS FAGI!A AM. firnl I'rrss lilannfiitflirri . 'M, Sunk TUinl Hi., '.." :.l !rl,;,-. 7C. H. Spi c::l aneiii.ou given lo .V,i ,3 and i.rher Kvt;ety reals. fnin- I ariely and iVr.vs DcjKif, ri. MIE si.bM-rfi. t-t een ene-'anilt tor '9 .MS 1 ai lii I't'ST f.Kf'H'H il-i li.wtlicli House) a Well -st o-elid -In k nf Family (Jnn.-erics. (.'oii.rLc(Ionnry and Fruit-. Fancy "Sty iKr? tioii-", J "i-rJ'iiiiii-r v .V -i&ttc?"?. Sotij.-i, W'nli jVf ri5.,asjr- itinl Oil Siiadc-o, Truvtiins Hags IJhiiik, Schoiil iiml Hymn li)k,ce. Inp-r si ml 7l:ii:a7inrii n hand nr lo i.r.l'-r, In-m Pns..-n. New VWrk or Phila-ileiphia--nch the Tririiine,Timrs. Heral.f, : I.e.iL-er. ei-Kiy.i upper, i i:-ee ii.i.'rrte, Ver I cury.VVaver'v, l.iieiaiv Cmnann n, )l..ri.-r' 1 and Le-lie's t i -Irair-il v "eeslss. fimlrv's anrl IL-.rprr's Mapaii.cs, Vanl.ee oti. ns.and j ic .acs, Ac. Ae. ALL UK WHHH l.ewt.-btira; Ail will, rnrtp ri rsn. tii:. w. Fni:i.Er i .MEAT AM) U.N10N! Ti r.ll! li. BIJOUX having assi-fw? led in lerdiiis the hrjtiry of Let . tsl.urs ami vicinity, for nearly three year. : pail, with Ihe best of j Beef, Tork, Veal, Sc., wrnl.J return his "ratefiil '.hai.Srstn Ms nn-ms- rolls cti-.it mers for their p?n.,-ite--ard aa n.-tineev ;l,ar be niterots to i-onntnir Ihe bust i.es as hi i en. I. ri in the Meal Mat ket Il.-u I bet we.-n s-h:Vs a-. 1 Eai.cr i Co. Jiti 1 -.i.re-.. Mar,.-! nare. Me -. Weill. e-d?vs and Saiorlart :lie sysirm. Public palri-tirti;.- it CASH spi i-tlu v s.-b.-ne, , and saiivfai-ti.-n i;;st 1. S. S-TI.K.r.U. As Marrh lli. til. Hiiijom ami (I.ale Mlille- Mrao) Kafe Slrfctj almve J i'hilaifelpliia. ( ILI.M XX d I1UTKR, rttOI KHTVK3. Tarnid Sat -I'k . r i I ... 17 T" th olfl fosb wirra tS- well known Haiim . iIimt ti hwt, iiift Im" rt-"iia- .it.... ..( art nt-wU ftimihtj th ai.A that wr r. tui-i JL. j lull m.1 lot a cs'IiMuumdo- I'l iri'-ir (.air-nis. j Str.ti.-'i-r. triiTt-ls-rM fi1 r w- n.r liu'lr -n-ifr !thf h.wptl.ilir t.f llie ".Niitit'-ial" 1 rti-n aa-i aii jiiJC" Inr lirHUvi "f lis i"iaiita-r. ai. l .1.-. llur lv ,tj,.ti i t-fntri!. miti cvnv-nirui t-r Mtrrhan t mitt boin-am .t-n c-ii-ralljr. We M i w,, vp -t)ii-aT.-r f" tJv tf w.tnt- "il t j fi'rf rf .r pu-f. nv4 ith t i!itrwf Mr i't'9 ."tiu.i. nur UiM ahi attfili d lra. t--) l.r. ( jr. .1 I . kfri. C.-uti UvU 1, I I'' ''"rji iattwraw-fae. f IIKKY ifl llAMlKi, J. M. KOWERY Fashionable Boot and SHoe Haker, Huuth Fifth SV., LrltiJ.ur'J, KEEPS constantly on hand, and manufaea lures lo order, ail ilcM-ripuons "l bsUdXiSj Ail'li 3iiM3 Iletnj; an experienced shoemaker, and an" inns to merit a -hare of the public pain-pa;, he will warrant all wi ik which- may f ait lt.ro in; h his hands. Parucular atlrnlion will be -irrn to Ladies Vi rV. his Prices are as low as those of any oiher ib-aler iu ihe vicinity. lie sol.ciis a lair trial, confident that he can satisfy every persosv. Lewisburz, Aug. :il, Iflit'-y i " " ; AQjt'rkaj. Life Insuranfe & Tru.-f fCaoi' alMtoek $."iw,nM) COMTANY M Bii!?.!:i.s.Waliit street. M. miner of Fnuiih y -" ''' IV Lives tn-ured al ,l,e t.st,:il Mutual rales or at J.-int rti.-ek rates ai . t l ,r oi at Total Abstinence n.' 'w lowest in the world. A. IIILLU1S, President Jim.i C. ft"", fee. 747 tJKO. F. MILLER. J:;, Lewisbnrj PEIPHEFl'S LINE T AM FIM PHILADELrHlA i;kuutio of KKtibiti. .t CIvaa as cnt per luo pean-ls. 2.1 do 4i - do aU 11 S-l do Uo 4th do '.7 do o Si-. r. '2 do tlo w i.t-a. 1' vo aaia) Cora, 1J CVBta Owr bQahvk Pl.ti.nt )i poi With ,-., tViir.i 4 Freed, 811 Market St. To.i'..u; f--r ihe liberal pair. n.f.-.- sues r we hope Uv strict allention to business,! uiciu a continuance ol ihe same. THUS PElPHfB For firther information apply U ,yVj:. ; K M i;iNLY,.ts-ii, LrisV-J DR. I. BRUGGER, 01IU.01ATIIIC 1"USI " I) KFILE in bis new Unci Block. l:i.i.ei Mrrei, south side, beiwccu -lib '" (up siair.) Lewisbury John TTOKAIal' li. T.1NN, a -a a a 1 l.l.WIMU.'Kr. PF..NN - " w it- ai.riiiiaislieri inn - f Mils I....I Mlr..iiM. !..- ' '' "t "',, . .-. ...-.l-iae l.,-Hl-a..l ":'","'1, , ...- ...I,... -.1 il.e al--..-si....- a. .1 ..- - I- ' . . tat ir... . ... ,.i-i --. , i, ,1 ... . III., r ..! -I '- " " " V. L.ii'bS ,rt L jihei as a'