Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, August 07, 1863, Image 1

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in mill ssai m hi
At I.!W pet tent-, alwa)l In Advance.
ftfMy Mornins k Friilay Afterniws.
ANDREW Q. CUUTIX, cf Pel!cfOB'.(!.
1)ANIEL A'LNElV, of Dt'aver county.
visTKifT Asn f.r-.rr- titkkt.
iwakly-kimri H. nr. ml i.. at laloa raanlr.
ita. fcrri-llUilU II: wMfcl.l, nf Kelly 1 few.
raaaiMtarr-MMm kMMMLL.WatvlHBkla-trraaarrr-vilLlIt
JtilFS. Ic.l.bart.
KL-ctioniTocdlOct. 13, 163.
JtjrState Contention met at Pittsburg
CO Wednesday. To promote harxony,
Cor ode declined io favor of new man,
but Curtin's friends refused to reciprocate
nd re-nomioated bits by 4 rote of two to
Ooe. Thil is not io ac:srdan:e with oar
judgment, bat it is the rightful choice of
snajjrity of the delegates, and io every
foiot we prefer Curtio to Woodward.
The nnaoimoas sclectioo of Judge Ag
Dew for the Sapreme Cuurt, is gratifying
lie is an able, popular lawyer, tad we
trust bis Speech oo tba adaptation of the
lower of oar Government to the present
triais, wiil be very widely circulated.
la ocr oett, we wiil copy, (side by
tide,) ibe Tlatforms of the two parties.
W A geutlemaa raised tnd educated
in Southern Penn'a end Northern Mary-
laud, will speak oo a Certain point of the
War, at Independent Hall, to morrow
Saturday evening. Turn out. Mr.Anlba
is a guest of Rev.Mr.Lsiobacb.
llove Again ! Wednesday ianmiog ;
of this week, Ibe Union county ffiilitie, ;
drafted last fall, reached borne all safe
and feearty, none lost by violence or dis-,
tase. Two of their number enlisted in a ;
cavalry company, leaving but 13 to repre
sent our eoanty, with ibe drafted from
Snyder aud Xoribuuibt-rland, under Col.
Charles Kleckncr. We don't bear that
any of them advise anybody who may
"come out cf tbe wheel" to bum '
down bouses, destroy an orphan asylum,
murder soldiers or policemen, bang tinof
fcndiDg colored people, or damn tbe Pres
ident and hurra for Jtff Davis, as did the
Copperheads in New York. They were
tattooed at Yorktowo, Va , most of tbeir :
time, and did not happen to eocoanter ss ,
tnucb as others bare done.
MkTT the honor of L'ninn county b
it said, not a drafted man of IS '32 failed
to reapond either in person or by substi
tute. Her people are law-abiding, aad
all the denueciations cf the Administra
tion aod of the Draft, by Copperheads in
or oo'side ber borders, failed to mske ooe
cf ibsm a traitor. Perhaps none were
aaaiou lo gn, but all were willing to ward -if you uphold the-foes of the Gov
stand io tbeir lot and place, in person or ' ernment in this straggle you m iy nt to
by proiy. May tbe historian bave the
tame to tell of those who maybe drafted ,'
In 1SG31
Os Tin Move ! Already, drafted tcea
cf 1803 are joining tbe old regimen's in
tbe Potomac Army. It i greatly to the
advantage of men unaccustomed to camp
Usage, to be stationed with men wbo are.
ocb men are at once taught bew to pre
serve health, comfort, acd life ; tbey
re aaade soldiers, at once, by personal
eentaet with soldiers; tbey do not roa as
much risk of raw, inexperienced, untrust
worthy, unpatriotic officers; and no time
i lest in organisation. Meade's Army
will soon be swelled to each numbers as
te be able to finish what is left of Lee's.
aWAuguslus H. Lung, a teo years'
graduate of lb University at Lew is burg,
peached here, Sunday last, after two
year service as Chsplain la a N. Y.
Regiment oo lhe Potomac. It was bra-:
ciog aod healthy to tee aod hear such a
creditable specimen of those students, be-
ginaing to exercise a decided influence :
poo the country. j
ataTThe draft for Dauphin county will
occur, Monday to Wednesday next. Io
Union eoanty, probably, week after next,
All wbo are liable, by getting their work
ad business all ready, as far as cooveni. gent" Mot, were taken prisoner by the ; iufftfrin- ls tbey ,ref ,0 ,5SUme a dicta
ot, will feel .11 the better when their 're,r"l'DS R.ebeI'' 'fter:"j9 I torial air to our Government; bat the
"tin. t...i... .u- iu:." :
comes," whether tbey "bit"
or i
Old Hartley's Ruts, home ! Yes-
today moraine, we met on tha street '
Cant. Wm P j
tb Lewis, lUrtletnn t.A U .rUw v.
-uia avjas.aivj V VUI"
paoy, lately in the three months' eervice.
W suppose CapL R.b'. also will soon
be discharged. j
'The Coancil of Lwiburg has or-
j . , ,
oercd tbe Iavine of pavements on Sonth
Fourth tri..t- n m rnmnlpt. . .i
, - , -
walk for the children and others to tbe
sa.L i u , . .. ..
" uuul 'a
term. &ee jiew dvts., and see that the
work is done.
Mar-Only one rria- could be properly '
warded at oar last Commencement that
was Appleton's New Cyclopedia, to Rob't
A Towosend, of lhe Junior Class Mi
Amanda Taylor was presented with a gold
atch by ber former pupil.
aV3a.Abr.ham Dolby, acd S. Flarlcy
Slifer, volunteers, recently tick in Cum-
t'r ani Valley, retained to
ts w;tk, :i, fvfLuvr f.il! t&ii'jg
Fall Campaign, 1 803.
The first election after the Itebrl raid
io Pennsylvania and tbe Copperhead riot
in "Tew l nra. was in 1 iv l . ca
- . . --Tl-jTl-
Mondsf last, for Governor and Members
of Congress. Candidates for Governor
Uoeondittosal, Straipbt out, Union at -
any-cost, Administratiooist Bramktlc.
Union as it was, Anti Adtninistratinn,
Anti Emancipation, Anti Conscription,
Aoti Confiscation, Conservative Democrat,
(voted, for by evrv Uebel or CoppethesJ
legal voter) II 'uUjfe.
Hramlette is a man bet little known,
while Wickliffe bad ercry advantage that
wealth ati J a locg public life could give.
But the "Abolitionist." Ubavi-ette, is
reputed to have 20 000 mijority, and
the Congressmen, as far as beard from, are
of the same stripe.
Herra for Old Kentucky'!" Having
tasted of Kclcl rule, she prefers remainiog
io the Union, even if Slavery be sacrificed
fur it. The eUc'ion was as g-neral and
free as eirenmstanees would admit of.
Principles before Fleo.
list year, the democrats in Masischu-
setts hoped to better tbeir cause by run-
niog a "Conservative" General for Con-
gress against Andrews, a "etay at-home
War man." The people of that patriotic
St,te fPIniJe ,De DrerJ of GeD-
Devinf, then tn tbe beld, but, as be was
i 0B ,Be 'ong track politically, they
' n. l, ' I . 1. r. i k
cuuiyu k cici. uiiu uue wuu wu
So io the Chester district, Penn'a, the
Copperheads took up Geo. M'Call, late
leader of the Pa. Heserves, for Congress.
Hut neither the soldier boys, nor tbe "boys
friends," would touch bim with a furty
foot pole f.jf a civil station on that ticket,
though tbey endorsed bis heroism.
Unmindful o these facts, it is believed
the Copperhead leaders iu Unioo county
intend to try to swell tbe vote f r Wood-
t j.-w j
dier. should not vote-by taking np two
soldiers fjr minor efficei, (Capt. Roush
for Assembv, and Capt. Woife (or Regis-
. n - ". ... -
ter.) This would be very incongruoue
the bead of the ticket squeaking for
Peace, and the l.i. of it "Licking for
j War," as the Copperheads call re.unog
i lb Rebellion but those leader care
nothing for consistency or pnncip.e, 1
tbey can get vottt. Caj-tt. lluiuh and
II r - 7, ; ; . , I ..... 1. '
""'tTr 'W"- 'i - e-
i uci uci uai'a tuiua. iuvj van g v"3
. t V.I t u i: a .1 "
We reck io out. Oar bojs who Live face J
the Rebels' mosic, will be ?erj pt lo say.
"If jou support VaHaDdigbam atiJ Wood
rAem for your cottt. You bave chosen
your partners, and must abide by it.
There are only two fide you bave
chosen tbe wrong aide."
Who" should walk into our cSce i
ttdn.v. Untinai .. tirklrnl and j
as natural as ever, but Mai. Francis M.
Ziebach, ol Ifakotan, lanktoo ter., woo,
has been on the frontiers for six years s-ve aoy one because of bis color, tbe
past, sticking tvpe, fighting Indians, Io- i offence shall be punished by retaliation
sing bis fair c'omplcxioo, and erj,jiDg ; "n the encm, . prisoners ia our posses
himself generally with his family of half,610!" i9 therefore ordered ths.t for every
J . 1 ft 1 . t . . , ...... .
uor.su more or iesa i nignt glau to ges
the grip of his bear of a paw, aod to see
him look so hearty, with 6u::h a wholesome
dislove of Copperheads, savage or civilized. :
To Friends in Town and Country. 1
roaTH..c-aoiocn j
We would direct the attention ef every
lover of our soldiers, to tbe great and good '
work tbe U. S. Sanitary Commission is
doing io behalf of our wounded aod sick.
And as this noble society is supported by
the voluntary contributions of the people,
let os remind them that it is tbe duty of
every man and woman to do what ihey
can in tbis time of need. After the battle
of Gettysburg, hundreds would have died
for want of care and supplies, bad it not
been for tbe speedy arrival of tbe aid
and stores of tbe Sanitary Commission. !
maeea, so prompt were iney, that tne Lrst ,
boxes to tbe car, arrived daily at Gettys-
. - . --tl '
I burg from the Philad. rooms. Several :
times tbe Society sent, right to tbe field, '
,B Arc,ie ear (Refrigerator) filled with
hundreds of lbs. of freb meat, vegetables, ,
nn 1 1 Anna jl-m I st aa naauia in cAat Iha
.- " Mas, L i
pita!, to estimate the good done. These j
kindnesses, to the brave men wbo bave!
stood betweeo ns and destruction, we cao j
enable tbe Society to do, by sending on j
.... t 1 . M . . I 1
mpoucs. ii as sol urges mem iu
it,;. t i. ..-'.s j. t'
, -
scasoo of fruits, bat can and dry for
Ulluu vi ii una, uui cau iuj ut I ui :
int-.. t. . i,i ... ... J
- .
iuo uiackoerries are jusi 1
"pening. We cao make tbe eordial, ! position is as timely as it is just. The
which.th.nn , a. j ' U vi... i....t m.i ih.
,. r " ,: u" "',cu i -
lives. We append tbe I
.aaitary receipt Let those bo have!
means, da Eener.mslv. and .h.
ho h"e sn,11' not hhold the off,rin i
oi grateiui nearts. in alter times, we will
ft mint if. k rfnrilf t r ritw n1 ji I
-or.ed f .r .he defender, of our country
Rlackderrv Coai.iAt,. Two ortt of
blaekberrv ioics. add ol, and a h.lf Ih. !
white sugar, half ounce cinnamjo, half'
- !
ounce oiiiBfi;. ooa rurta ouacd clof c?, !
one ounce allrpice.
ai! lofl.pe f..,
ho.t lime, aud, when 3id, aid one pint.
brahdv. I
Our nag mux I I'ibtett all Our
Washington end othen io Ihe War of
the Revolution, and Perry. Jac&soo and
others io thd War of lsli, saw nd ao-
knowleoVe the meritorious services of eol-
ored men. They were treated, as far as
... , 1 , . - - 9
meir leeai ricnis were couccrueu, as u.uci
' American Soldiers end Sailors were treat-
: ed, without regird to color or oatiSnality
: It was thought that all tbey who fought
for a country, were tutitled to all the pro-
tection it could afford to all alike !
Wbeo this Siave-hiteoaioo War was
L V. t . ,1,. nhlii
j mind debauched so deeply had the Slave
! Power suck us into mental da.knes. and
' degradation that the President did Lot
: deem it expedient to offend the prrjudioes
oi a greai poniu oi our peuptu vj cm-
ploying colored men as 6oldiers. l!ut the
l'.ebeia tmplojed them in various ways :
j Mj. Wiotbrop is said to have been killed
by a negro's Cre : and there are many in -
stances ol too lUbulJ driving or ninug
free and slave Blacks as well as Savages
to aid them in their dark designs. j
Fremont acd Cameron were condemned
for recommending the enlistment of color
ed men io our favor instead of having all
tbeir power employed against ns. bat ,
: successive disasters opened the min i of the
people, and the President at last felt at
liberty to invite the very arms that be bid
' fKlt compelled to rciect. Oo the Missis-
sippi, and the Atlantic coast, the enrolled
black men showed that Ifcey Bad an ear
oestoess and a courage most snrprieiog.
t it r - : J - J . , 1. -
jq. iavis, uowevcr, is.-uca U VIUCI IU
-black soldiers and their shite officers
rhocld not be entitled to the benefit of tbe
milder usaae of war. Ojr Government
wailed lo see if the Rebels would earry
, 3 ,. t.
liuason, .u.niaens i.ena, ana .u orris .s-
Isnd, oitr vohii'M Uarh$ vtre d:tpn!chfd
trt4 bnuonmti or I'ctrs, the vuhnrmeil
priuvrrt tAil into Shvfy, and tchite
.ftltn tn,t to rrtV-n. Fw'men vorkhj
....a .-A .1,,,
djicn, aith and cotd
Uood. ice Pres. Stephens' recent at-
' '
tempt to reach Washington, it is said, was
:.. t i
to remonstrate againat our employiog col-
ored soldiers, as it did not please tbe
Rebels 1 (Wonderful, if nnr pe.ce.b.e
people have got lo ught only as our assail-
ants shall please to let ns !) Under these
circumstances, the luiiowing Proclamation
is issued:
, - r . 1
"' ,T T. ifiA,
j -j - j
It is the duty of evsry government lo
give protection to i's eii.i D", of whatever
clats, color cr condition, and especially to
those who are duly organized a soldiers
in tbe public service. Tbe law of nations
and the usages aod customs of war, a
carried oo by civilized powers, permit do
Oistinciion as io coior is id. ireaimem oi
prisoners of war as public enemies. To
sell or enslave any csptored persoo, on
j account of bis color, aod for no tffencs
m- - I ; . l . . .
against tne laws oi war, is a relapse into i
'.b "4 "iln9 Sin,t lne '!;
1 ,De . ... i
T. - . ., jrt.r.li.Ki.i..!"" KU,CUM lu" t
Tbe Government cf the Lotted States i,...!,,., ,.Th. hn . nt :,h .
-Ill .... .V.. n.o.tinn mail ifa.nl. :
diers; aod if tbe enemy shall sell or en
l9Uler of tbe L nitcd States kuled io no-
latioo of the laws of wsr, a rebel soldier
shall be executed ; aud for every one en-1
led by th e enemy or sold into slavery,
a rebel eoidier shall be placed at bard
Ubor n ,,bte Pnbiic, rk?' B.nd 'TTl4
ar nn,:1 ,,n9 ?Ber 801, be
released and receive th treatment doe to
P"oner of war
By order of the Secretary of War S
E. D. Townse.nd,
Assistant Adjutant General.
This is only common sense and fair ;
play the "world over. Mr. Stephens, and
his brother Rebels io arms, seem still to
think the Nation is a mere slave-clanta- .
tion; that they can shake their whips over
our beads as tbey like, and we must all
tremble and cber. It illy becomes Uebels, ;
mor desperate they are, the more imPu-
dent tbey become. Our Government does :
not desire to bave either black men or :
Bhi!e n,en fi2ht ; and if the Rebels don't
- . :, , .J .v..;, :
wetpoos tod make the best lerms tbej cao.
TbB of Icy'Dg bem three or four j
millions of pairs of bands to be used i
against ns, is preposterously absurd. We j
,blj nse ,hem jf we cl0 for the cause of j
the Lnion
Pres. Lincoln bas felt tbe
'iuulvui'.'u. a,B Mmmiti u.a .
: ... , , .. -
mmkii. nni.. .ni, til. nrm imnrpinin ,
, , . . li I
Dablio culse. and bis firm, impregnable i
jame protection as the greatest, aod the
- 'J ,
:i.1i;-.n ih. nphpl th inntir tha ;
U,J' " "
Po"bnenl hc dee5,cg;.
Now, if ever, is the golden hour of tbe
RePublio - lf wo "ouU rel'"h pelC9' "
must be by u,Sh,J. 'oUo, inJ
wuelming Clo
Thp rohpl i.in M reelmff. I
.. ,
, ;
Se! ,he crie' f d??Piir tht c"m9 from
PfArD K.infrinrfi iniar-n .f r r 1 1 1 K trAWiArl at
' J
""u,r un"" ,ue ",r,n In ons wi'goiy ar
flit n,I thpn ad.snpn .Inn,, th. I inp. ,
Victory is as sure as suuliht after tbe'ri'bt to e'ipUin ? I challenge iha an-
j .-- ' ' . rr ' n . . t :! ie,-i '
Another warWorn Democrat !
Geo. Jons A. Lot) A was elected Io
. Congresa from "Egypt" or Souther 111
. inois. bt 13.000 uisi-iritv I lis was ar
ultra, l'ra-SIatcrj, iNegrj-tiailog nemo
erat, and co man made more firej, viodic-
m r T T . - T, .
tiva speeches against bit opponent, than
' . . t , 1 I 1 .1 -na4.
uen. uoaan. n nen war uau wii---u nuo
i time, be went to Richmond, to confer
abont peace. The ltebel told bim that
if the U. S. Government would give them
j a blank sheet cf paper Io prepare their
owo terms, they wouU agree to Doming
bnt eoninlete and eternal Cecaration.
I T ...J. V.. minil that tha 1T
: could only be ended Ly the sword absn-
; doned his non coercive pjlicy-wenl home
rallied lis neighbors around the Old
. Flag, ,nd for two years has been doing
i gooa service iu ma uiuuuj uiua i i
' Kentucky to Vicksbarg. I.ait week, he
; came .borne through Cairo, when thoua-,
ands gathered around bitu Lr a speech, j
! We extract a few specimens : j
; it mates no aincrtnte wnetner ynu
' call me Democrat, HcpuMican, or Aboli
tiooin as scCie have of late named me.
I am for my country cvrry time for my
country Erst, last aud always: and I am
fighting for the right of that c-juntry to j
be numbered among the honored nations j
of the earth. Until that is brougbtabout,
and this rebellion crushed out, 1 am but
an American citiztn. When that right
shall have been asserted, then, should we
find there is sometbiog wrong in the fabric
that our fathers reared, something we :
desire to ohacg, it will be timo enough
to come iu aud uemana tbe eLanee. .'j
we bave this accursed rebellion to root out.
It must be rooted out. 1 am for using
every means and all means for patting it
to an end. If the people at tbe North
would use the same force Jeff. Davis and
, bis minions use.Jf'us war troull or were
JaUg lerminuf-i itt man three monuu.
m says, be traveled ovr
md hii not met miD
and tag not met man,
.the ConftderacT
Koain of chilJ mi0 d(je9 B0, wgUin ,he
W4ft M(j ,ti0 j3 00 determined 10 fiht
it out to tbe death or tbe bitter end. Yal-
landigbam here simply lies. He lel.s
hat is not true, and he knows it. The
people who are fi-htmg against this Gov-
senmr n f ll.a rn..r tat I. i(ai Hfimririiilif I h f
jf eulon-ninnth,
0f titm da not know what they are
Belting for : do oot know what they are
c i..;. . a r ,km
fighting against. A. majority of ih-m
" " eny.niug. aUJ uuourtua uev -
' '". A-ncao
ja triaiBpb. They do not know Ihe
Fourth of July, or anything else that i
e:od. But, soor acd ignorant a tbey
iff lot thriii nnnu their own free minds.
l .1 :tl . an.,n,t m
. speedy termination of tbi.
Ull UJC Will, kuiub. w m U4W, .""u
ar would
submit to almost anything rather than
fight one dsy longer as tbey bave been
fighting. It is only by the force of bay-
ooet that tbeir army is kept together.
Even that can not prevent their deserters
from flocking into Jackson by hundreds,
lo take the oath of allegiance or to j iin tbe
Union ranks. Aod I tell you whst I
kow hen j thtt wijj B0, bs manJ
d , ,b, eoljre Sule, of Mif5i,(ippi
,nd TenneS5ee wiil be knocking loodly
u re.ldaiissio0 ,0 ,be Uoion. 6
...Bti:in- r ,.; naitAi r ,,i .
by tbe Kternal God, there never vu a
more truthful seoteocs than that of
..... . . . .. . " i
against ns;" and I reiterate it and add that
those wbo are not with os should be bung, ;
or saoel J bs w:ta taeir fcoutbera brethren, ;
Eghtiog with them.
"To ail copperheads, peace-men, egita-)
tors, anti war men I have a word to say
on the bebail of cur brave soldiers, l oa
he bc0 told ,bl, ,be W1, b cpp0!,e..
jn be rloks of ,be rjoion utmJ lt is tn :
,eeurged and foal aspersion upon the fair
fame of men who are willing lo spill iheir
hl ;.. ,hrlr f. .h.ir -nontr.
TleJ Me for onr Uoion- Th
the people and their country ;
They fisht for '
f jr lbs Sup-
pressioo of the Rebellion.
"Let me say to all orposeM of the war, !
the time will be wbeo meo composing this ;
army wiil come to tbeir homes. Tbey have j
watched tbe progress of eveots with inter- j
est. Tbey bave had Iheir eyes noon those
nnmitigated cowards, those iipponcnts of
the country aod tbe Administration and
be Administration, I contend, is h"Codo-
"J '"7 ru ,uo
eoui oi every iroe loyai man goou io see
tb. Rumm.r- m,nn.r ; (.;. th aill
cause these sneaks and peace agitator 13
seek tbeir bole.
Tne Captures of Gen. Grant.
Washinhto.h, Aog. 3 A despatch j
from Gen. Grant reports that in bis opera-'
tions he has paroled thirty-one thousand i
meo, and sent about eight thousand North
prisoners, making thir:y-nine thousand j
captured by bim since the first of April. I
lo addition to tbe five thousand bead of
cate and five hundred thousand rounds of :
ammunition captured near Natchez, be
has taken over two thousand moles, of
wbicb be bas sent two thousand to Gen.
!!.- - 1 I ..I T JT Lt. M.t.J I
ceieorateu ranuv ivcmoio ujiimoj i
n - ., 1 o . .j a !
n , . ,
Pierce lijtler.
ifrrn i,iii,r nit, nn iipr. .iiu iteu
-.v a.- 1 .i.i;.,
some years with him on a , great plantation.
V bile there, she kept a daily private rec
" - ' I
orJ of what she saw and heard. Since tbe
war has broke out, she has published
.. : - . .1. j: i..:- . . !
mow pon nm oi .a. rnnj mn up
Slavery. It is a Providential and most
remarkable work, and more telling against
tbe system than Uncle Tom's Cabin.
"Whatrioht his the North assailed?
is ns, iiiaiif.a ns. n.pn nnipn " an.i wuai -
. ...
claim founded
in justice aod riht bas:
l :.ll.u1 .o ,:.l .t . - 1
oeeu winioeia i euuer oi ou m u., ,
- i ..ll
name onestngie act oi wrone. ueiiwvsiny
and purposely done by Ihe Government at'
W.cninfnn tt m,kiph til. .ntiff. haA a
swsr. HJii. .1. u. t3:iv.i, ut icji. -
,i-1 . . . i j r.i i L-.'lnivn,i .an4
AUGUST 7, 1863.
-A correspondent state, at a Uemo-
cratie meeting bc!d in Sohoolhouse No. 3
io liradv townsbiii. ooe of tte ipttstti
abused the President, calling hio a liar,
&e , and said he (the speaker! could hot
, , . . ,
condemn the New 1 or not. Tbefe wore
two other fpeakers, little if aoy better,
and Ibe whole lone of proecediSge waa
; such at to satisfy unprejudiced bearer
. that tbey were ol ibe euanaignam,
; Copperhead tribe, rather than of the old
: Jefcrsonisa and Jackson tchool cf Vim -
0CeJ- ,
rhln.xi iK. ,m9n. k.M s nii.
in. r.il. .nJ.nin.J Ik. n.i.k i.
j Vurk, and resolved not to oppose the
t draft a3J called opon all the Germans Io
n'Tn cien.nAw nl ike II neraaon mar, n ri in
j guch .f Ketjoa mKA h ul,Bg
fla:s throoghout tha whole country since
i ibe traitors inaugurated tha Tfew York
' mob to help Jeff. Davis.
j 69Gov. Seymour and other Copperhead
cfEcials have warmly seconded Pres.
; Lincoln's day for Thanksgiving for resent
' 5ational successes. Victory is a wonder
. ful eye-opener, and the "President' San.
day" was very well kept.
lw4.The Union Yictoriel of July, are
having a great effect upon pabiic opinion
.. , , f , t, .
10 Lurope. The Ilebel loaa tambled
down 0 por cent.
A letter, received at Wasbing'.oo, by
a brother of a distinguished Rebel officer
and engineer, captured by Geo. Grant at
. . tl . t v t.
icksburg, say : "The capture of ickt-
burg and our army, is fatal tfl car Caase.
We on never reorganise another army io
the West. Tbe war may gi on for some
time with guerilla fighting, which 1 think
would be unworthy of the couotry, and
which I will not approve. We have play-
ed a bi. am?. acd lost. As soon as I am
eschl Bj j 'thM Ie, lhe Confederacy
"V , 1 ' r """"""J
lnJ thfl clQi8 fuf L,Jrape...
The Right Wat The City of Port
land, Maiue, is about to provide $300 for
every man who shall be drafted from that
city to srve io the Armies of the Union,
providing be stands the draft, either by
.rnir.,1 I .a Ih4 T r. ims f rir he loenrin
Tn ubsTi. ThU ial.tng lo
the purpose. Pay whatever is fair and
just to recruit the National Armies, but
j.t... ..a
never a cent to deplete and cripple Ihem.
1 . ...
L laitcey, a N orthern villifier--a man
of great powers of oratory and endurance,
,U11U ue prosiraiea 10 tne worst 01 causes.
Dieing io tbe midst of a hideous rebellioo.
be bad neither tba lova nnr tha hnnnr nf :
nor uia opponensa. lie loia
; We fcootft it would be a little affair they
eou" eaauy eubjijgate the 1 ankees 1
The Iemoerats of Iowa met to Oorri- i
cate a Governor, and, not daring either lo ;
l ike up a v ar democrat or a Uopperhead,
they tried the Polk game, aod nominated
a cew, "uncommitted" man, named FUh
cr. Rut be "don't bile" be declines,
aod tbey are without a candidate, which
14 inaf atoll . 1 1 1. a Stnl.llaM mt . n f--
; ' j
At iPaiiicsville, and other points io j
Ohio, not one Democrat is known who will I
I vtl -.l- r - ,1
'V",!" . .. " "aora -
oy ne ooawara party in reooy vania.
..... '...
nominaliog the pet of tbe Rebels to gov
ern the first boro of the Ordinance of
V"-t Fu ' ,uu' "J
One of tbe Roman Catholic priests of
Newark, N. J., told bis fi xk some days
since that if be should at any time hear of
lo perpetration, cy aa xrisnmao, of any
outrage whatever upoo any colored citiien,
be should immediately seek and protect io
his own bouse tbe person so assailed.
: ,
Vallandigham is now id Canada, wbcre
. P,Pers r quoting from his old Mexi-
cpcctuca auu uis ucrca ueuuuoi
".uu' "'o tor tneir aristocracy
' Abolitionism. He is about a happy
" "oia was aner nis aanesioo ,
19 lbe w" Pprwion.
Tsbrible. New York papers state that
,.h,.. f u.n.j .u. .
n,0b in New York will EXCKKDTUUEK
nr'DRED AH tlU by Copperhead
eiJers fSeiting ,be ignorlot ,Dj deprat-
ed to resist the law and aid Jeff D.tU in
destroying our 3overnment 1
la Athens, Ohio, tbe Democrats could
net agree oo the Yallacdighatn question,
and tbeir paper is therefore discontinued.
I be editor say be will melt his type be-
fore Be wj;i iUpport Vol., and would as
BQon ,boo, tbem gt f, jm M lt jc j jjaf ;s
A democrat of the Jackson sebcsl, who
recently died in tbis vicinity, left a hon
dred and seventy thousand dollars io
ored ana eventy
United States 7 3 10 6's, 5's aod certifi
cates of irdebtednexs. liottun Tramcrqit.
Yalitndigbani ia wealthy, bat has per
mitted bis ag;d mother, for four years
past, lo receive per year from tbe
Presbyterian fund for the " need' wid-
.f A, ...... A w.l.l.inm.
una oi uctctseu uiiuutejs.
Merchants and basinets men of $ew
York are discharging their riotous employ
ees io considerable numbers, and employ
ing peaceable and reputable men, without
recard to eolor aa much aa ehaneter.
; ;
Gen. Schenck bas promptly assessed
.,,.,. , rti r. !
upon the disloyal men of Harford county :
i., tbe fall value of certain property of i
Unionists destroyed a few day by j
If, t Dr. Howard Maluom. is PreideOt ;
0f t j,e i American fears SociotV, ana, io
' .. ,-!
fue pf blj prmciplea, two ol bis sous are
Two ..f Gen. Meade'. 9M art drafted in
"TIIK USIILN; estaMisSeJ id 1811 Whulo No., 2.629.
''fliRGNICLE." estatlisheJ in 1343 Athu'i Xi, i.wji
Lewisburg Union League.
A irrrtir.e of the l.firtfs ill be held
Saturday evening, at 7J o'clock, at Iodrpen-
dent Hall. An a !-Jie will be delivered by
' Mr. J D- Ai. cf llageraiii.n. Ml.. -n,.
ill anas. an exposition of the objects, aiens,
( rrips rf h, Kn,gh., f the ii,.,i0 ttr-
e!t. The p'Jb'.ic :i iniiri 10 at'em!.
f 1 HI HMEL.Prei.
7i fmiaftitrrr fWarftrr.
j Cirt,j Wuilg
, . , ,j 0)
S 10 ;
10 j
, 10 1
4,00 i
. .0
...12 1
! When!, old
1,25 Tallow
nye.. .......
Corn, old..
90 Lard
.. 75 Clover seed..,
60 Wool
1,50 Potatoes
l.t.K) Should-r
11 R.bs Sides
12 llam
: f 'V'
; TV
: i.-rfn ftuttcr,
Rags 4, 5, and 6 Couttry Soap 4 4 6'
bf r r't liar, j'tn :t. trt u. 0 riritB. r.
T,aa M IliBHIir M LIVI.MijMN. B.il.)oi
I;, s T l.u l. r. V- . !!. US a tU.1tB od liMa
B.M:I'M J kt.tDKi'. Taibumlic
Oa tb S24 a't. a rhilJ cf Pt,r an Haj OSOVI, tf
Vlat baffvi.. - K' a Hi, ae4 1 4J.
no tb l' 4 olt. a 4aghtr fff li?,aaI ao4 Hsrriwt A.
K .! u:".tni:)!H!,a.
Oa Ih -.Tta alt tft tf JualiCB ae4 IrA
IIKKB-T. &f K.rf buB.K. -s ts, 11 . 13 ilr
Ret Ice lo SttJool Teat her 4.
! THE Schonl L'irelcr ,cr U:t ooin of
: I Lew;barg w!ll BpM a Public Eiamma-
; , cf Teacher, on FRIUAY. the ast of
j Aue;ut, '63, ;a the North Ward sichx lhoue,
I 0 comiceuee at 9 o'clock, A M, for the pnr-
I pose of wleetmg TEX TEAOHEKS to tali'e
charae of ihe Pufcl;e schools f aa;i beroosb
"r nsuinCTerm. Schoojs to open on
i Miindav. the 14:h of piember.neit, and lo
CuB,.na' Sll lnonlhl b"; otitr of t& Botld.
i W. JONEs, Sec y.
J Lecisburg. Acg. 4, 1S93
j Bcrongh Ordinance.
; "I)E i! crdained ty the Eurjess and Town'
J Council of the bor.iush of Lewisbur.
' ' h'rror "etel bj lb: autnoniy o:
: Ue '?mF-ThaI lht .w'";s "roP"e,u" of
. uls ioomj on fast side of foona nffii,
, f Mtu Ulwrea ?L L(,U1J d R.
,.-',- in r-skethe narcmfi.;. in front of
tar .,tv (to be Ihe latre widil; as pavemem.
now made cn said street north of said point. 1
irntn the bu:ldinz line of the lot U the lice ct
tne curb, properly graded with the :refi, and
thai ibe same be completed by the luih day
. , a .
shall refuse or neglect to make the said pave-
menis wi:h:n the lime herein specified, the
. sirset CoaimiSiioner of tbe boroueb i hereby
ihe same at the eipense of said owner, and
j Attest W. josia. Tow. Clerk
i Lewreburj, A?g. 4, 1863
85,000 wanted!
. , . k .
; ,1 " f. . ' n . '
; jnirf51ed , Jud.'meau upoB lB4tlie
j rM estale in lhi, t0oniv, anon application to
i. F. h. jOil.t 1J. LINN.
Lewisbor;. July 18. 1st 1
The Secretarj cf tie Treasury
has authorized m
to ccrcticDe my Agency for a brief
And Cnlil fonher notice, t shall continue lo
receive Subscription to tke
offic. and at th ditTrrent Sub-Aevu-
C!e. ihfougKti tbe Loyal fiatea.
Subscription Agent.
114 South Third Street, rciiatelpki
B B iok u( EVANH A (.IIOpER lr. in
I ray hands tor collection, ah prn
desiring lo settle their accounts, will find the
Books ai my Oilier. U. D BREWEK.
I.ea-isburg. lulr 13. Attorney at La
New btand--Niw Goods!
TOSEPH L. HAWS baric? takra the i
J rooms under the Teletraph and I'hnSirie j
otfices.reaiied tbera.and filled ia an enrasiv ;
variety ol j
Iljts, Cars, Gnlltmm'$CioiK:2id-c.
Also a laree and splendid stock of CLOTHS :
antrr, ;
r. as be sti'l coniinrfe the Tailoring Etisi '
' " prepared to r.ecDie a.i w, r.
entruted loh.scare.to the aatislaccoa cf lbs
wfontrt j
. .. ..j ..,,.- t :
prder. Le-isburg. April l". l6l i
. j
has removed to Somh Sd streei.foor
doors from the Towa Clock, LEW. j
Lost, Sunday evening, betwrro the Prasbr
tenaa and Barti-t Chare, a p.i.n Uoid
Brace:! to te left at s.s 05;e.
Real Estate.
LOT vu Nunb Forrh strret.
March IH. H P. IIEf.LLL.
TPffO dcirat:e Blll.WMS I.OTSaitaMi
f on Brown street, t Hivtr r a4 ) l.awn
byry Inqmra uS II. G'KJiHART. .'J St- -it
Market J5ne 17
jfov Salr
ADOVbLE KOI si;, (with Loi) suitafcie
for II.U laniilie. U i- uuaietl
N..rh Kuurih street. Th re a: a Ei...i .f.
bie aud oibrr ouibuildin. tril a never Ui.
ittX well uf water on the picri:its. fvt j ar
UCaliTi a&J lerms enquire bf
Lewitar. April it, 16-!. if
tR SALE. That nrw. WflM.a:'
V iwn-torey,doubie Brici Maasin.i l .
i'b an Out Kitchen, and txrr. i,r. tU pr-i,-
ar at lh wtt en-l r f Mafli-; iwittir?.
b'tveea Tih aad P:h Sis. There i a Well . f
t!e Lirt, an3 a:f kierts :t ;-cd fru.-t T rti?
gro:'a. Lot li feel ! r.t.
June i- KEI BEN N YDR.
THE asbscriber offer f." ;a!e ihe farni
unoa irh;ch he re?Jes fi Eat But!
Ice iownh:p. a mile and a ba'f-r.uth U Lev"
-burg. It crniaias tl Acres mie &r Itsi,
ail cleared and in a good state cf cuisv::uiij'
t.,ge:ber wnb 10 Acres rt Tiaibsr Lnai nras
br. The Karci f-nf roveir.eau are a Trair.c
mllceriin; House. Frame liaru. Tcnai.t
House, and saiiable Ouibaiid.&js. .1
good orns cear the hesst. aod a s:r-aci if
vaier thn'Csh the fare .o a!i nail
of fruit. f Ihe best varieMes.
The farm is bcundrd on the nrih ty VTnt
Brown, east by Pec or and linndy. aooih bv
the Saickeiewn aad river tcai, wtai ty .'ac;b
?Jy. .
For Terms, enqn.re co the preralses.
Apr.l 6, e.?ai6 UDPFKEY DECK-
i A 7LUjiIl3 IA2Mj
i ,.r,.,. ., .u i. ,
Q! f tATED nrosrty in the Poroo:h of Ha.-
and enend.ns a'most in tntire lens'.b.
, mat "
: "- oiv.aioo ana ic mio io -junt r,
are well Timbered. A siuail Strtara ol
2.wa'er Hows nearly throntf us ee:ir.
1 he iffprovements are a good rrarae
Hoove acd Bark Bars, with a Tenant s'l
Hou.e at the NorA end of the farm. Twd
Appl Orchards, one in full braricg, the
younger b'linnins 10 bear.
Also i?o 4 re of Tlmfjtr Lai.9
sita:ed 10 Hart:y towesb:.
Ful Term:, apply to
Si7m cr WM.F.VTILsO.N. Hen etoa.l'a
A Joint Resolutien pTopojr certaia
j AxenJa?eut3 to the Constitution.
' TIE it rrsolvrd by tbe Senate end Hon cf
' J) Kepre sentauvts of the Comznoa weaittf
Penatvlrania in Ueaera! Assemb:y laat;
That the trl,t.tirg aiiindsieiii b pr.-nose j
to tbe Crnstilction ol lhe Commorttrea.:h. !.t
accordance wuh the previstuns of ti? tsatS
melt thereof.
1 acre sta.'. be ao a i'mcaai sectica io lb
; lhe tn.rd arl.cle of lhe Constitolicn, tg b tiyS-
igoaied aa section lour, as tollowsi
"eiEcnos 4. Wbenevrrany of the t;aa;i34
t!ec!crs of th; Commonwealth "shall be la
any actual oi'itary service. m Vr a requisi
tion from tbe President of tb; I nitrd taij,
or by Ibe authority of this Commonwtsllhj
such electors may exercise the r.ghi of sui
frase ta a!.' rleciicns by the citirens, CaJti
' orb regulaiioBS aS are or shall be prescriWj
' bv law, a fully and efec!na'y as if they w4
present at their usual places of eieeticw.
There shall be two ad liuonal aectiuns IJ
the eleventh article of lhe Constitution, to La
deiigna:;d as aecltos. e:shl and nice, as
follows :
Ste-rio . 5io bill shall b parsed by ft)
I.'jis'a'ar eoatainin: more than one aol jeat,
which sbill br? clearly expressed in tbe u'.le.
evept appmpr'atu n bills.
Si'tios 'J. J!o bill shall le passed by the
f.egislatnre grauting any power or priViirjeg
in any case where the au!horr:j tt grant sui ft
powers or privileges bas Le cr may herai
after br conlcrred upon th? Oxir's of :htJ
t'oiuuionrallh. JOHN EsiS.NA;
Speaker of ihe House of Representatives
Speaker of tbe t?na;
Office of the Se reiary of the Com won- 1
l wea'-h, Harrisbnr;. July I, 153.
- -- I do hereby certify that tie fi resoir..
- La J-anJ anneied it a luH.tru and correct
v-. Copy oi the original Join! Kee.tltni. r; .!
i Ihelieneral Assembly, entitled "A lomi R't
ofutioa prppiSing certain Amendturnw t iIki
Ccniitation,'' 2s lhe s.!tn remains oa bl iu
th's r irice.
!n Trtimony Wherrof f have b'rennio si I
my hand, and caused Ihr seal of the J-rrrta
tarv's cS-r to be allii' l, th- and vear
above writien. Fl.f SLIFCR,
6c reiary of ihe CommoawraliU
ICE ..IC'f;...ICE !
fJ'HE nm!ersined are puum: cp an M'li
1 IIOI SK larce rn-3;h U i:rp'' all out
people wuh Ice daring tbr holr yea,-. ?
fan b dflivcred in town, daily, a' a rirpt
rat tTian private Ice H'tisrs can !? ?'! t.
IVCall on either of us on fiorth t-S mi. cf
CI Ihr Ice Hoose below lise R.rer iiri:r.
H WEii-r
. t f.t
t-ailbbra-. .iv.ST l!CO
I" L. MOYVRT has remird his rhot
j. eraplt l.aiabli'lameDl to inn
Ne But! !tn cn .Mjrkei streeu receailv oc
nipird by V'. Builart, tXTUSITi: Tijil
: BANK.mhere he has tilled up one of the
Finest Galleries in tbe Country :
Having superior faciluies and a 'o fi
prp.nre. he is at;s5ed that his work rar.not
be beaten. Call and test his workmanship.
Lewisfti-', Aug. 15. '62.
tpHE ondersienej mirnds shpp'y? 'h-
L c.ttzres ol l.ew,,nrt w.:.i . ar'
commrnciny about the l.h mst. In sobs
iSh,Dg it. br aepplkd. w.ll plras, al
Ihrir aaars tn Rim.at ft twisbars Bri.-jr.
The M.Ik will be deli-ereJ (dai!v xrrpi fi-r-
cays) morning or ctea:nr. a- nn-i '
majomy of cdsiomers. " I. SI If I K.
Lrwisbarg. April 1".
"Fantf-d. lnimrIMi,ly
NE r-od STOVE Wi'LUn.
g;Sd age
n r i'5Kvrr
t?cic Havta,
.Mr::, ui rJ
1 .'