Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, July 28, 1863, Image 2

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! i
i I
Poelic-ul su,f rt?.T..tltu.
IVt Master Sir: This letter tako,
An.l bear it to n.y wif :
I loft lier fur swot Fri-cloui's sake
For lirr I my lift?.
Jler ;:'n u:wi- is l.t'CY Ann,
Her Iiu-baml'-, name: is Atwr.
Tim wll'-samc tliap, jrixJ Cucle Saw !
Is tihtiii"; for von now.
In .!umn 'J, Allegheny Co.,
New York, iil-ides my .lour;
0 liaml you llii. from said 1'. O,
A 11 ' I brim: :in .inswor here.
tr., i ....... ... !,, t.
Jim t'l 1 tKiir.Air lut r. ....-
FpKECH." CoiiPthi.d!i re nnular'y
inconsistent. Tl.rjr 1'io.iiy c'uun.r for
Free Fpcccb," ai.J ct bate leva i's
ftinst Tiolei.t of.posi.r.-', er.d n'ill biiierly
rppnta it nbn ibit ppctBh iu not in iln ir
favor. As no illustration : At the diiii
onu'tatioo belli in New iT.uk to ilt'iirimcf
the arrest of YtiuDQiliuni, aii'l wvr
lbs ribl of !. ;. 'i, an ol g.'ntli'ii.a'i
tit iutrodaced to the platf.T'U, nbd uii :
"Fellow JJemscruN. I tn l:ot .lobn
lirown I am not Horace (Jrovl) 1 am
nr.t WciiJ-ll I'biliitij I am no r..i.in ii
bf ibe HeralJ I am lint Abraham I -n -
coin I am a 1'. mocrat a !if loi fl
llt'uiocrat. I uevpr vo'pi for any but a
Democrat. A brain in l.inco':i (III not
commence lliii war II isM's ami applaiic.
floU'li Carolina comuiynP'ol llus war, bj
attacking Fort uinj.t. r." 'I'ut bin.
down " An.id grrst confusion, tl.o oi l
man ratacd lm voico and coulinu'-d, " I
berv, tu-r.iybr, tl.rougb au invita'ion
of poiiirn all over ibe chy, a a friend ..f
frfe speech." f-l'ut l.iai d mn !" and in
. ruuib m .uner llie old n.aa ttas draS.-d .
frtiiu tho rjsrrutn 1
That's f ha kind of "free freed.' tin- ;
CnrprhcaJs (j,vot at m uicttiiii csllcJ.
.Slhe, to prulec. -free P,.Hcb." .
Such wu.IrcU n,ut thick that the fro- ;
pi. t of idiot,, and cao not see
tbrooiih nch c'.urir.J inconpi.siei.L-us. j
FEAl.r.1. litx-oun-Ac arm, . fli-i.r
riie. from LoUia l .be !: !.,,. ;
rcii'j)'. that lie camps of the IJIark r-gimini
in Hauls' arm, arc uiodr-l.s uf in'a'ni .-s and
order, and that but on: n an in lu
ll hole cummand baa bciii p.ui.ibtd f !
tniscnoduct. X. ver were meii r. ea (
fi,;bl wiih uioro JjuuiK'S council and
devotion than tLeeo raw r.cruita. lie .
dd : j
' Krrry mm pretentina t.i:r.rlf to
recruited mips to the skio, la be survej. d i
V, the Surpeou. We nut areep' one i
ha! lhat off-r. On Tuesd iy, rut . f bJ . I
00 1, 3'i were ar.-p'e.l. 1 face dtrret. I ,
pi, Suroeoiis to keep ivurte lits of the
causes of rj".'i'.D The, report to no .
lhat .f one in ti'iffii icjur J.nni nvul.-
of u-eere nsiin. JI k ibau one ball nr.
t'j .etpd becausn of disability tuisiitp from
I'thhinij with 7i'yw nml 7e Lilimj ftl-y
fill ibeir c.Wes and thighs. It is Irioht
ful. Iluudrcdg of tbeiu have w. l's on
Iheir back as lare a one of your largest
fin per 9. 1 intend to have these mtiuoaoda
eillrcted and pubiishud, ith ccrl:licatc.
uf Surgeons.''
S'me iJjT'tcncr Tbe correspainlen's
of t lie A '. liibmie captuitd by the
Fiet'i I-, are held iu va; titi'y iu I tic l.tl.tu
ri0Ls. YolluMtli'jhnm is feast, d, I. '!'
d, pctuJ, pii.uegltd nut it t i Ksli-h
cbipp, nud all lo aid iu umaii.o the .V'Hi. :
mo In rrnlnnv ll.p V.r ! Tbe South i
. . , . . p, - - ,
luow wbu are tbtir friends to let loose,
ktid bo ara tbtir emmic to keep fast.
Tbe, lighllv claim aLl recopti zo Val. as
n effieif ut ah) : bo advised, at Newark,
N. J., the "invasion ef the Xor'.h," aud,
following Lisciuost!, cibt or teu tbuus
ed men were slain, and twico thai uuia
Icr wounded, at Gettysburg.
Capl. rtrici O'Murj hy, 115 b I'enn
cylvania, baa be. n dUuiisBcd for drunken
tiPSS. Hcf pital Su trnrd Chan. N.uj.l. r,
II. S. A., ha", also been d;.-mis. d fir
tiruiikPtinps,. Col. Wiliiaiu Xor'h. d-,
67tb X. Y. Y, has bicu di-missed th. i
ftcrric f.r attempting lu meito in'j'iiiy.
The tjovcrnmeul aut t.i do u. ii justice,
but ibe, weed out bad uicti a last as they
taicl, cao.
A crrrepoiid'ul in la-avinwrtli siy
ibat tbe 1st K.is.s Colored iJ t.iotit
' ia tbe but di-ciplincd and most p-1 fee'
1, drilled reimeut iu ihe Ci iou strn.-e."
I he, "ere jiillir.g for nine n:ot,tLs btf jn;
the (iuveriimcul would receive ihcni as
aoldicrs. The wriur proposes, after th.
war, a standing aim, ol 100,000 cj'ured
A j;...eK fn,n. fl ... tl .. !
1 . , , , .
' tbe rear guard of Lee a army led Mar-
lioaburgat '2 o clock on is.turday luoriuiio.
few eavalrjtoen picketing tho other aide
cf the Tutomac. O U whole f.'ICs is ac ross
tbe river. Tbe Totumac is falliua rpidly.
Ood. Lee it retreating bia main force by
o . , ... . .... .,
btrasburg aud dianlun, not bj Cu pepper,
The Catbnlio lib-hop of Iuwa, on Sun-
da; neck, in a sermon at. Dubuq ie, point-
edlj denounced tbe Gulden Circle or Cop-
ferbead secret orao iilioo. lie would
rito tboae members of the cburcb v, hn 1
r . . i
liad joined the organnitiuu, two we.ks tn
Icaee it, and then, it ibey still continued :
in it, tbpy miht consider tbeuiseivcs
Gen. Uurnside'a order denourcing trai-
oralo bo bot, and removinj; rebel ym
pathilirt beyond lbs rebel lines, has !
produocd a magical change iu bia depart- j
nieni. Men who furtneriy cp .rtcd rebel
emblems, bars .juicily removed- them,
and tbia goven.m. ni ia more respectfully
ipokeo oi than before in the barrooms.
Tbry are offering rewards for tbe recent
rioteis in New Yoik', recoverinjr pr pcrtj
atulun, and bulding iuqucats ou the dead,
f 1 be leading merchants ara liberal to the
"c 'e.u.ug uie.cuau.a ....e... .u ...e
tuffereu, aud tbe Brst lawyers aid colored
people in trcuriug Ibeir rion'g. ana lUC
draft it to be oouipleted foribwilh.
Both tbe tons of the Hon. E lward
Kferett one of ahota bus j 1st graduated
tr Cambridge, l'm-laud b.vc bctn dtaf -
d in Uoelon. li-ta have made np their
rrnit , .ubetiiute or f.Yii.e the S:HU
uueu u.e f.y,a tt.e s.ttit.
31.1 Sill &
iamil9 Swing UflfDinf,;
j With all the now inirnvrmciit!
Ik'nniior, llniiilcr, Fuller, Tinker,
j Conlrr, tlitliiiTer, Ac i.s lite i-ln';i-
est, ainl !-t, !iml iiin-t li'Miulil'ii! of
mi tna.biin's lor i-iuiiiiv sewing ami
liirlit. tn:a ii itt.Krt tii'i uvr piirjioses.
niakos l!ie intorloekeil flitch ( w hieh
I'll Loth .-i.le.s) an.l li.i.s e.ieul
eajiii'.-ilv 1'ir ?cwnig
;u.l u iih
Kven L'MlloT. as well si tin: lineal.
Muslin, may lie .-ewn lo l. cli..ii on
this iiiael.iiif. Jt will tire (Hl spool
.-oil. hi as well as No. ".!l linen tltica.l.
Wl.at it caa v! ean only lie kno'A'ii
. ...... . i
M i in llie mael.im: le.-tetl.
Tin-: folium; Tor cask
t valmd-Ie of all l.ie
s. ll niav l.eopenetl
is aiming tin; most
new ini.i-. Yemenis. II may l.e op.
out a.s a f-paeiou-; ami .sulislantial j
t:il !e lo sustain llie work, ami when
i!te ma.-liiiii; is, not in us.; it m:iv he
n into a liox, which protects
,j, h, !,;,,;. j,;il .s of iie machine,
- .
' '" " Olhcr inacliino to ViVw
l!n LrU r A m
RAI'll'l I , ait'l ;
CLlU A1N 1 ;
ofcorreet notion at all rales ol sped, j
'JM,,. Familr Sewin" Maeliino is fast :
Iioeomiu" as potiutar for l.imilv use as ;
;v ,.(ls .Aml(Mtt.. Mu. !
, , 1 i
u. .u. ....a..u.uvn.....ri
The r.rnuch ( inirrsaro well supplie.l
villi silk, twist, threa.l, nee.Jles, oil
Ac. of I he eiy hett ijuality. i
ScihI f..r a pami-hi.kt ami a copy of!
1 J
" MXi.Kt: t CO. S t.AZU'TB.
I. M. S1NCKR A- CO.,
1 ' S 1 1 ro a 1 1 w a y , X e vv Y'o r k .
Fh;ia.Iel.liia Ollice,
t-1 Cliesnul sirect.
Miss M. S. ZFRKR.
AgeiU in Lewiahurg.
Estate of firs. Sarah E. Davis, dee'd
of adoitniirai..n on Hip Psiale of u t.tow
Saiah K. ll ivis. d, e.-ase.l, lale ol l.e lsburi.
bavins been entiled lo llie sulisriiber bv Ibe
Ke-isier of r.n...i Ki.untym due form ol law. LEWISRVKi:, VMOX f'fl., I'A.
all persons in, I. bled to said r-tdlf ate l.- leby , ;i:lltl:i., I'rOr trior.
llolil'i...1 to make inline, bale payment, and a;iri,ls nrw i,P ,s sitnaleil opposite ll.i
Itavtn; anv j.ist ciatins .Hraiuvl llie same may . foitn llonsp.in the most fashtonalde and
prp5eut ibe.uil.ilvaii'ii. iit.ealed for senleineui ! tjeaiaiifiil pan of the town, and for Myle and
JAM1.S. lil.M ku i .omin r, ,
T ti. ' Ko. I. Jlll.l.l.l:, le'O.sl.tin;
Nr Vrk, 1 N I"'
AttC&tlQn tO Orders !
'riir. underMai.e.l havu.s reeeive.l an hon- j
I . labie diseliarp liotii the t.iiiiiai y service j
..f ttie I. is. ba-o'd upon Siiicei.n's certitieale
of i!ialili'v. bs returned boinp lo ailPl.d lo
IMI,. ai iheiil.l) l' im r Mi:r. si A.M,
'heie be will be -lad lo see his old friends
and cnsioiiier.s : be bai jusl issued Ibe folio-
an; I Irder :
.No I. Thai all true, loval citien, h
Live ui.sptited aecnunts f.-r Postage. Snbscr.p
Itons oi ll..i.k a.;contti.,'vtll report lb. mselves
al Ins Head U.iailers f..r settle. nenl, as be is
d-iprinttied i.. publish a roll of tctin.i?nt
and uinsttr Ihein out ol the service.
II ( KOl .ER,
Cjpt'uu coainiat.d.n
HE siicri'T rtrr rifinlv inTiTms birr
ft itii. is airl n itt itii1. slic i:t mnvnl
tv UMi'-inpers laic sianii, corner ol Tliir.1
1 M..l. ... v.. k... . t... ....II I I. .. .1
KICDUN ami NUTJONs of ali kind also
tJallaher'.s cel.-! tat- d MIA I. .M.itt.i
"Smat'l J'r'ti dii'l S-ilr"
It. I Mlutioii.
IWfltT.H respi . ifully announce thai hi;
in; tak'-t. .Mr. per's esti.bli b.i.ei.1 I
sbail keep on b ind I'tcsh 11 !, t'akys.
also lira... Wheat and lu.li. in and live lim
ordered. ICE C R E A M a"'1 Coneeininery
in everv vai icty. H. I.. .M'M AHOM
laf.istHiril. May ll, I soil
I 4 If 4
- A sS l,.-sl M I. A I' made bv Hip Hoard ol
l, l:rec...rs of the I.ViiMI.i Mill AL
j fc1, luxri.: :(nu:S is now iu the
I , lnp u,t,.r.:.n,.( 'r riie.noii. The j
li.-l.ivs of ibe 1'ompany reipure ihe same lo
; bp paid wiibin tbtiiy days alter this dale. All
concerned will please take i,it..
j , , t'-,Mr,1im:K-
I.ewisburj. June S, 1st..!
j RoVtll'd
. . , , hp j , v. h. s,.mul n..arj vf nast
, U.ill.loe township to any person who i
will inform upon any one enni.ntiiins d. pre-
daitons or deiacu it. anv way anv ol' ihe
ii ... ..r . i i.. i ' .i ,
"eno... ....uses ... sam uisinci. iu. in; me .
P"""' rar- , "7'".';! '"' m""!:1 ! .. !
W . I. I I.N.N, Sec y
Estate of ffirs. Sarah ITfai7.p. drrM.
XVHEr!F.AS. ,Pprs Testamemary upon
,ie esiaie ol Widow Sarah Ma'.ze.laie
(.f l.ime;one township. IJnn.n coun.y, dee'd,
have been granted to ihe subscriber in due
,,,rra s nereoy s.Veni.. an per-
sons knowing themselves to be indebted lo
said estate, to make immediate payment;
and ihtise having claims against the sami,
will present them dulv autheniteaied for sel
mcm. to MICHAKI. M. MAIZG. Kx-cV
New Berlin, May S, lfi;;j pj
T. m. i:itm:i:,
rp.i IMHi-ovpr Indwell's Urn- Store, '
.iPps,e lhje Teleeraph and irhromcle !
, ollices, Mirket Siuarp, LrHlsaurz. fa.
j Where he is prepared to Cut and Make up
all kinds ol work in Ihe '1 All.l i!l.N: Imp on
'short notice aud reasonable terms. Kepainng
""e neatly. Wurk warranted satisfaciory.
"un,rr Produce lakeu in payment (!t:
Tiiftlr ! Ull A l I'I'mV"
1 c , .
for .al by MO'ARV,
StfFirst ol' the Season!
FU OM rill LA D. AXD X. V.
xkw coops
i!. vii,.r Hiiinmnr
... ...v. ....
v., .1... c....; I J
j-. u.v; . ...... . .
Fur llie Sjnitiij :iml Siiiiiinei
For I lie Sjiring and Summer.
Al.f. AMI Sk.k.
Cam. ami Skk.
! Cxi.i. AX1 See.
' ;.i.i. ami i;k.
J nil. II (iillllliliiin, Market Sl.J.ewisllIirS
I..., II l.',ulni..n Ml-.i vi I ;v1p,r
' , . . ,
J lid. i 1 .1 1 "II. I lli.l II, .11 il Thl'l .M ., I.C Vi IMMI IS
Inn IN.',,...: m ill Marki'll I puilinro
iii. II.L'imJman, Market St., Lrwislm
c ' All UuiiU ol (Jraii. b"iii:bi lor Cash
" ... ....
l I l..l.. .MaeU.'n-l. .n. I ami
.. ( r M.I. lo-
J.o. II. .l..l.AX.
"10) FISH for
ale l.v
. w
'1UTF ;...! Rlue Flasler for sale
J.l. II. li.MIIM AX.
SALT, in baiield ami sn.-ks for s:i!e
l.v JNO. II. iai.ll.MAN.
OQ ,000 t
. . . .. .. "' u."."iU'Max.
Peace Peace !
ni: m: rn.-n
U,.- Ni-
Ifciit-I iitrr" from i-otiiilri-nnt town
NrM fiid tnr u k milt irtt-i.j. tir d.u.
I lien "iir Mtii'iitioti. nni pi l nur t'tir-,
An-I pec our luy iituxl. ntU' t ttoe ;rf.
V'v lU-ri-Cff untl ('flail:-, ntul S;ttin Tin h' iV'.
Ait I li.ti:i)ra ti't ;iii:h;nii. : t -1 h-i- Winl lI(liii
'- nixl M tlini, nii-i I'ntiU f-r you all
It Sj'ryi;tir'ii iii O'lh fi".-- jutit iiiv us a call.
Wh'th Mu-Iinr- an. I lui'lin re- from tvi U murr wnl..
W vr 1.h liitiz- I T mi'l Mult IIm- I t xrul;
U'o'v,. (Tl.iitin at l-rif-s. f..r .rtitTM Jtn.l .-imt.
WVv, ,,,,,. r;,t. ,
yi.,.!. tt . ,
.. tu,;;.r.o.ivu,-i..r ...ui.E..rc...k.
....,:...,. k.i.h -i-.O
'tXZZZZ! '.X;.. -
Ats!,M.l.iai--...ldP...l- IUF..llKia:Ott.
.-U,t -. April K Is
XhlV 1,',1'lfMf
rm rut. Ar niTrrrr
fin y.u.i. j.n ni.srf.Kt
fVli FALL AM) niSTt.Kl
VAl.t. .iro syr.1
VAi.t. A.r khhi
AltKMRtt. M i r.l ltF. T rn
KI. KVH1I. tri-i.ru k ro
A KfWKK, nrri.ri.t: H lit
KKtltHK, tri Ll UK j ro
lwi.l.nrir, Nov. s.".2
rnnV(.n.,., ran uol be .surnasspd in Central
Thoe vi'inni; the I'nivprsiiy, or atiendinj
''oiirl. uill find it the most eonvenipnl and
will be spared lo bestow pvpry romforl npon
Ih ise who may pall. Persons in the bounty
will lip phar?p.l sr. cts ppr meal,
l.euisbur;, April I, I WW
j aar Wcl tcjrttilt fur Vumpcii !
The h.yheM Tasli prices paid for t'OT
TON and WIH.I.KN Ii Mis. (,II MJWM'A
I'EKS, WASTE PAPEK sVc., al the su.ie of
Willi l'l'ihU 3IlIiL,,
I MUX (Of Ml. VvA A .1. I
Where may be lound a varied as-orlnienl ol ;
DitV noons,
for sale at reasonable rales.
r-.i.tr (4c(t trjolitt fur SJuntpctt !
Casli paid for lias.
CLOI'K Mnker and lN'paircr,
J ami (Links ami vtiitiu.s tin: silk.
T New th(,p n South Fifih isi.j
l e'e.shnrs, April "d, G'Z
THK nndersisned, flavins removed
her Waieh and Jewelry establishment
u, tViswell's New Buiblms, Market t.,
be.wee.. From and tSecond.she ,s prepaid lo
lit'luir Watches, Jewel rj, Musical
Instruments, Sc.,
in Ihe mosi approved and satisfactory manner.
slh Ln. ..n hand an m,.,,.. . r. !
.1- .. ,.-r i.v r. . I -a -'.: ,
jr. ...... i, .... ....i.e. a.... "enuemen, wnicn ;
she oilers at prices 10 sun me unies. Alio
All wuik and wares warranted as represen
ted. MA Kl A S. ZLBER.
Lewi.httTT, May isr.2.
Daily Morning News.
SAM'I. Sf.lKKt! ha comii.e.irpd furnishiti;
ihe llarrissli.it ff T-lrs;i'Mpli
j inorniiiss.ainie crnf pei cupy lhe very latest
News al cheapest rates June SI
EASTS, stc.tc.Ae.
iTT.havean extensive ay-r!incm cf the
above t; ools, to which we n.vitp the
ailpiion of purchasers. Call and rxa.ntne
, ''lualtty i' prn;e hef .r-p.i.ehasinj else, j
'where EVANS A. C'fJOPKH, l.ewsbjj '
rf ol .In Cm a. Subscript n Aspni,A !
AT J lotikK tl.. IMMkEKs, 1
uulh 'i bird M. f
. I I'm iv nr.Lrni a, Nny. t. ISf.3. )
at .
1 14 Suulh
rpHK undersigned, harm; been appoint..) '
I Subscription Aseni by III Secre.arv of;
! at. '.... ue,. iv miu rkrIMrMl tn furnish. I
tuc a ..wsu.j, r
Vinv Tviimlv Yi-ir li iw rpnf linnik
......... .. . ........
of Ihp 1'nilol Stales. desi;naied as "Five-
Tw-enltes." fpd nahtc al ilie pteaMir ol ilip
((.vprniiipiii. after five yar. a'xl auitinri-t 1
I !t Acl of Uoii?res. a nnrovril Ffbuarv S5ih. I
. . - ..
: I""
; ... . ,., ,.,, , OOMIS are b.sacd in sums
of sin, sSIimi. !.".li(l, .-smim.
'Hip KKIilS'i'KK lll.lS in Minis of .i.'i,
Sum. v."". mmmi and m.im.
: ,. ; z ; .
mi t hi. r. i uot.tt,
pini.nnmi:itli. i-Kipl, al .hp nrpcpnt
: p..-....,,... .... mi.i. i,. about EIUIIT J'Klf
I i i:m-. i i'i: A.M M
i r arnoT, Mfrrhanl, Mprnantrs.rap.laiiNls,
anil all who have anv iih.i.pv lo .i.vp-i. l Id
know and r'in.nbrr thai lio-vp llon.ls arp.
,,..,!. .. Kll.'sr Mll'.'l'CM.K i,,...n
n. pIVri, a flKSI Hi M.I-. no
' K iilroa.l., ':i'ial. Haul. MlorUs and Sfi uri
j lips, and ill. nii'io'iis protbiri ol all the
! Ma.inl.o-li.r.T.. Ar., An., in ll.p r.o.ii.irv.
I antl ih.tt tiip It.. I mid an.plp provisit.n uui.!,.
for ll.p pav.tH'i.i id Ibe ii.ipipi and lupoda-
) iii. i. ol piii.ctpal. by INj-inins Pinies, Ux.-.-e
; s.ta..tps and ji.ternal Keveiiue, sprve to
: 'nakp iIip-p Bonds tbe
j Ji at, Ml Ar,iil,,l,!r nml Mist '..pn
' iir I it rslmrnt ia (he Mi' f.'t.
j Siihsn ipiions rppeivpd al IWK in l.rzal
i Ten.'pr Notes ..r notes anj p-lieeks of banks
I al par in Philadelphia. .-'bsr,ril-rs bv mail
I ii'.ll leee.vp nroini.t attention, and pvcrv la
ctlity and rxplanation will be arloidcd oil ap
pliratii.n al ibis t.ilie.p.
A I. .11 s.ipplv of lb. nds will be kept on
band l..r inn.u-dia.p delivery.
JAY COOKK, Subscription Akphi.
EXCISE TAX.---Assesscr's Notice.
o(l c lo Ta I'uyriN.
flll AT in aepordatiep iih an Acl approved
?ht (ovcritiiit'iil ami pay iuierei on Hie ptili
he drill," every prr.nm, asociaiion, pariiier
-hip, or cot pnranon, desinni; a license lo en
?ae in any htiMne-.s, lraie, or orcipjiinn
ii:iiifil in U (.Iih sec 1 1 on of said acl, mux
reitr liietr an appiic.ilion wiih the Ass:
1.111I AseNSirtl aiNsincni divthioii in rmrh
such iratl' or iccnpaiion is lo I'f earned on
M.iinitHcitirtrs lial'lc under atd art to pav
a'ty dttiy or lax. are required to lurmh in (he
AsMMan! As-essttr a stalentrni, snhsrnbeil
and sworn in in the form pp-senbed by ihe
liHih M-ciitin nr sai l act. ltiank and inlnr
niiitiMii niHV he olitatntd froin iht Aistaiil
A.si-nrs in th-ir ripclive ilivisions.
IhviMi.n No. ti. 1 1 1 It District, Pa., comprises
t'nion entmiy, iVnn'a.
Asbislatit A-"essi.r, Division No. fi,
Olur.p, in Mitntnlmr?.
i'ominnnicationv may be addressed to me
at Middletou-n. Dauphin V.. Pa.
OclJtl Assessor I lib Assess. Uisi. Pa
Slice! Music., Musjr. Books, Music Merchan
.lise.aud all ktndsof .llllHical lllNlril-
IK'lllM, al Ihe loesl possible prices.
-y. TUB llrtrmi. Water. Mtslrrn lm
fX- X "3 ir.ir(t lverir.i.ir
ti filKOX I'ltiHi: I'IAXO-a
r jutly i-rt'imuncml tjr tlir lrtnatt.l Min-ir Mat-rt
to lt- (tii-rmr ln-truni-ni!t. Tttfv r built l Hit- Sf-.t
nl mt thnrii:h- iwaRntioH BiatTiHl.it.t will iVint
fimrt eim it. 1'Iih t"n-- in wry diwp, ruiil. lull hikI
mfll.rw; Hi- ttHirh r-tli-. V.rh I'inn.i wtarrautt! !
thttw ymrn. Crir.-t. frftm tn fiTfi l.-.iil-lian1
lr 1 ! ut great barcH!?- j-rir. frioi $-U to f nm.
Horary Water' McIcmIcoiim,
Ilf-w'iw C'a-i, Tinir.! tin I'nal T mp touitnl, with
ibe l';it III (lt.-il t'ni-ll 9l.il Mi'l'.
N.. 1 - i 4h-i iTi-, iwn.u !.., ftf-in r t r,
No " " CtoV,
No .-,; " " M YV T.
JJ.-5 " Piano ?tvlt, " V tn , Iimi
& " V tn Yf Uo
N.t. J two "tof m ati-l twonrtunf r rj.-. .n
No.7. 5 " " ' " "!
tWtl.alV Of liPV. llrll
No. 8. 5 orl.H (irjii ! U 'It on. two linn of
U--r. pilnl K-s.s, ft.ur and X sty, $-l
Thoju 1.-1o.1h.ii rfmin in tnnt a long tlui. taiii
Mflojtm warrai.ti-dfor Ihrt-r jt-arn.
The .4l'aiuli-r Orpn
ia a rfl inxtrtttnmt. rtrnf pulini; in owtr ni eom
jtMi to tlif orjinary 1 f--t pipe Orgu.
In roufwood rwuMi, ft tM.(i, f Ifti
1 ;
I" .tnprt. ith preu.l..n, eln
I.l MtOH. with errus.iit. ami "exprewien,'. S;:.
A lilieral lisco..nt tn Clrtfvnin. 1'lo.rrhe.. Pt l-slh
Si-hn..!, lflns. sii.i:,riH aiel readier The Trade
sueelieduu llie n....l ol.-n.l t. r.n..
HUIt.;C VATKRt, Arent.
4s lin.N'iway, Sew Vurk.
A New Sinjins liook for day schools
called the Day fclinol Rell, is now rea.lv.
1 i-i'iilMin. atiul :e.iti..i.... Si.l,--.. Uf.un.t... alrlies.Oui'll.
I 'I'.....;. 0..aft..t j.ii.l .'li... ii... li.io.v.'l ....... .r.ii.n
! . .f.-.-lv litr llo w..rk. l.-.i t'v il-I'
1 th Kl.-.it- ni-
l .. The Kleuie,,.. are
t-ni-v anl nriar.-t-.-iv-.
ilinarv tfarii r ill rl'l ih'-mn'-iv.-f rinir-1 nr
I f-wt.il in tnVtiii' tti: f.-it yinij: frlit'lurr lt units .or
t - ... - Ti ! m i. ut.ti.-Mlv. uliili! Ih- lun.- aii l wnnl
yTAiV url, lv ,,( Hfiy. aiir.niie M.nUtir
rii.l mufir aii-1 i.tlnn-nU. ih-t i ln iul win ift-xj-ir
ti-i I in in l u. i n r all lr-itinnr.it to nu ith fnl in
Iaiinirin -kill in on 'ttln-m' lhttll iriJnu.ii-atiiy iiii
.ni tn;. hapj itir-i- y ).-!'! atni t.rl-r-p: tluririi e r- i-m-
.r-.-lifl lit-. In -iini'ti- ilyof Hi -l-m-iiij". in -nifty
f an t ailM-t-'tiin "t m.i-ir. ami in rxfell iif nihI numtr
of itf FMiif. fi;u;n:il. U' l1'! "D" ft'-apU'l- H "imiu nj
III lift) to t- J.-.-I all iN.l,i;-lil TP. It will hj foiinrl t Ik
Hit hrt vrt i.-U'-l lr St-iiiinari' . At-ii.l.'Hiii anl I'ul -In-
.-hoo!5. A ft-w.inmpl-l-asff of lh- Hi-nt-nt", Tun. -,
,ii sv..n.-ai an. irivt-n in a rtrntlnr: fvinl ami K"t on. 1 1
t. li. ii- kt-K U t THUS, aiilhfr ut "SatiLalh
I Sth.-tl n.-lif!" Nop. I an.l . whi' h bavt- li-t I tliff-nr-
liMMlM -U- of 7tH nft'1 flirt I'lin-it papfT c'.?r. a
p.n,a !. n,.r IWi: WitiiKl. r'nts. -f U pr rlt th
houlvl.vmU"-'aiit- o-i't. Pr opia
SSZi;;:- vZuS,:,,:
ihi;aci: w atbi:s. r..bijber.
M,, ;""
Tlie lltiracc Waters l'ia mis &MiIo,!i'ns
VT"1":Z "iV i
tr lorn an-l.bur.-hff. now in ui. A larir.- arlm-n
r.ri te rtt-t-u at U.f n-w war-n-ma. ti
li'ltieeti ran.i anil liromur "i"-. - r - -
at "-xtrvrfwli luw prirt-. I'laum an.l Mt-lotl tn Irom
funilry makfr, new aitl ("wn.l hai4l. S-coii'l-hsti'l
Piann' aitrl M.lo-tt-nnat L'rat iKiriEaiim: pri.fi; from f -
to Hm h'htt Mimic, Mum IltMiko, nutl all kinds of
Mumc .Mfrcbandta, at war prus-a.
rliMifVf.ii. f Ou I rt.
"The lli race Wa.rm l'ijni. are known aa amnne II" 1
yeeyia-.t. near.en.ons, i...,-a .... ;
Sabbath School Bell No. 2.
S...n.Miro.i.is.u-d. ll i an entire nw work nf nearly
?. p.:e.. Slany of Ike 1...... af.il hvmnn weiv wr.tn-n
s.rei..l for .1... aol.ime. II will won oh aapo,uUr a.
II. orritf-eworillell No. I.) whii-h haH run up to llie
eoormoua uumbvr f 3...a. n.pira.ul.ltip.ns any
Snt.Uay S-'hool Book of its i.su.d in (hi. cmnlry
Also, both olnm'a are bi UN I n one 10 aeeomtnoniite .
peho.il. wifliinl Ih.m ... lhat form, l-r.ei-.ol -rll
a .,,,. I;. r.iU. f.' rr lux. Hound, cr...
$u ,..r t lo.h
ImiiioiI. enirHa.se.kaUI. at. renta.fri
pT nm 11.-11 No 1. f-r eoTi-r-. .2 rrn.a. so. n-r o.
Ilf.nntl. ?n er-n!. $ls ner l.s. .'loll. Ifoun.1. rml.o.neiJ,
i't, 'S't is-uta. ti" !er 1H. Itelli' Noa. 1 ami i Irfluud Iih
ff.-lh.-r. 40 eenla. ? per l". -- enrl.-a lurnjsl.eil .1 lite j
lnOprir.. -lolhlKun.l.rnili-.sl.ailt..f'llCHiit,5;eo.-r '
lw. Mail.d poftac. feie a. the yls'l prl.s.
Vay ISinen 4sl Broadway. New Vork.
Ct,l,al HSHZ
I i'1-e.a.,, Maniifaciurprs of Bullofk's Iron
J,j!.Mtter and Rpaper, Uarlin3
t5"-::ii'!Rndless Chain llore Power
ir!iMsSaSWills.ifiKTpPKrapb l edder Cut-
ler, Uiches' Iron PlowB.Wiiberow's Splf-Shai-
peninz Plow, and Michipan Double Plow.
Also, Sioves and Castings of every descrip
All kinds of Agricultural Implements kept
on hand for sale.
Johbinj work in Wrought and Cast lr"B
and Hrass il.mp lo ur.ler.
Countrr produce taken ia eichanae. I
t,t t sum 4 Uark.i si.smsbrtrir, Ta.
nri- ni .in c
Y. 6. EVANS,
Provision Store,
on Markii Street, LrlWiTR Hil and
' i rw.sftmsn.
Cam. a.nd .Satisfy Yourselves.
, , .... w'iu-v js ar, ,v-. .plpP.,,l
rinbrarin.. rvpryiiinu usually kepi in a
I lii'Ni-cas tJIJDCUItV S'I'IIKK -incloilitig an
assorlmeiil of
; qckkxs WAHF. IT ARD-WARK,
i cf.dar mui willow-wark
I lal.e ihU opportunity lo rrturn myihanks
ti the public for a M.rr.il pair nap. ami liopr j
by .studying the wants of inv lii' uds an.l pi.-
d.-avorinc lo m.j p'v liwin lo mprii ibptr
patroi.aup in the In nire. T. ti. KVAiS.
I..-W utiuri, M:ir. Ii
j. e. tMi rn.Mir.Kira paN'-j. nr m k
v I'm nif ur V.st al.i!iui-nt.
'Ill Mil'vrrihci.s h;ive onri.ei! a Kiirnimrp
rt;ilhshiio-hi, on MrirMi In. I.t u il urs, i
(oppt sjie I HHtiiSicr !in s tuiiiuin-) w ht iv tUry
ni;iniitac!iiif ti trlT :inl kcn n han-l all
vanetips ol t'MilK ' ll'.l.'' usiiallv kepi '
tn such e-iuMi'vhiiii'i.is IJiuean", Hr ira t.
'I'ahles, Chairs. Suias. Suudt Wl1.1l N'ols c
ol ah pa'tt'tns anil prices. I
4." lortiKnii in the best 'and most exped :
ilioii manner.
U N D E RT A K I N G iu hrnnrhe '
altruded lo at very low rates. Kraty-made ;
Collins alwas on hand. j
j k i!i;rn:DF,RFKR & vo
I.ewNbnrs, April 16. It:l I
News Agencv. I
rPHR tindersi?np l hi vins nppnp.ra owta
J OSJire in conupe.n n with bis IllltiK,!
sTATIOAKIiV.an.l VAIIIKTY Sn.rp.be is
ibprelnip prepared to receive aubscripiions '
for tbe f. Mowing j
SKWsP.ll'FRM. UM7IM:s, ir.
riiil..lel..i. Ii....ir'r. 1'rn.H. I.i-lj:r. Palunlar Kec j
I't.hl, I.i.IIm. N.-w...,..r, Tti.. I'n .t.tti-rii. , I liri.lisn j
Ailv.M.iTr X' J..rnl, Tl.w Mftl.fNlt.t, Amrirnn Arirut j
..iri.t. Six. V...1. (I...I.. T.O Ti. . U .....I I.-......-
U-eekljr, Frank Imlip. S. V. Uln. M. r.ury. i .,r!ey j
Mnff:ixtne, II, .roe Jnarnnl. Ya:ik. Notiin.a, Nick NiM-k.. !
ItlarkwoiHl, K-lrrtir, llarHrN Mai;nzine, IVterroo'i. '
ii.le)'ii I...I,'. n. ii, Aiia.rtir M . nil.lv j
aud any oihers desired. Persons wishine anv ;
d' llie above had belter call soon to have
advantage of Chili Hit-. I VOrders from a
dtslance prou.ptlv atie'tded in.
h. v. fi!iT.r:i:, ,f.w at.
I.pwisbur;, Pa . Dec. IU. I "hi
James F. Linn. J. Merrill Linn.
T F. & J. M. LINN,
J t 4ilru(.-3M at Lair,
6.4 Union Cnunly, Penn'a.
J. MKItltlU IW rt.iia frr tb ute of t.
itli ...in iotke I'. p..Mii..n.,a.kD.iwir.li:eUeeJ.t
Anrlinn an4 l i.minis-h.n ,IUsr la Lmisbargr.
litieTinm .- iiii. t
4k5kL2 LtTtA AUfllOnt'Cr!
l'.4.loll'lltt it havinshppn appointed
sole Auctioneer lor l.ewtsl.i.rs, is prepared to
mend lo all call iu bis line in town an.l
Commission Sales.
In April next, I imenil loopen on Marlte
trppt a Room for the reception, and Ihe sale I
al stated limes ol all kiuds ol tioo.ts at Auc
tion. Any enp wtshiu: lo.!
cle ran den:si n with mp ;
n and char-e . per
ppntasp for the same
Keh. j. r a iinxEiiownii ;
atitii'l' .-!...... t i
i,u i .. i. ... i.ui-ni. ii ' ;
(tITKEXS rf I .ewisbnrc and vtpinttr are I
J respicilully in lorined lhat the subscriber i
lias bo.if.-hi out ihe interest .. K. I.. iir in j
ibe business of hnr.n" m,il ll.rr Cuttiri;.stu I
rontiniic 11m rtm at Iht m-t ftain.l hmtftiient ( wiIdw
A tmtH.n' Mft-k. Ita n U.IVn n v'h an.l J. l..nlit,,nV
tn'ri- l-yctrit t atO-nti.in lo hu-inM hat hnp tn 2ir
i4lsfuriiii to nil Im u.y Uvr him with tlirii fatruu
airt at all time xri-pl Siin!uj-a.
To all nho tarry hTi till t!i-ir S.-ar.tt yrow long
Tn irt a tNaiit -fliav'. utmkI harbtr fTfr rar-,
.ItiNl rail on I'ULir at bi .alion. l-u-i tnorn.trv Or HOOT),
Tew In f!fnn, raxorp "harp and ftrisaur ki-t-n.
April . 1t'l A. V. MI.UN, Prof B ,rK
Aeur HarllClon, Union Co., 1'a.
THE subscriber, thankful
for past patrona;p, would inform
his friPnds and the pnblic in eene-;
r.l l,..l k. ..nll..... ... ... C. I
...r,n kir ,- . 1 bi itmw Roitix ni.wi.Kis. s:i,n m:iw.
turc all k.nd. ol W oolt-li (.ooiIm, such as .. ... ,, ,, , !
Cloths, Cassimeres.Tivec.,;s,Saltineits, Jeans, . r ftllfV MtlllkTV, lliriil'S 1 1 U. T ti "A" 11 TP ?& C . j
lllankets an.l Flannels; also. i;arp?t and'riMP eilwriiLpr Invinn- fmi,.il r...
Slocktni: Varus. Hts machinery beii of ,he ""llijZ I
nest ktuil in use, and having employed the '"r niiins a c.l lisrnr. .e. a..y-.t .i it.i . i
bsi of workmen, he feels sale in savin" 1 r,,r'''n "''''"' 1 ",1n 4-r,""l,.in.i s..miv j
.ha. ris work .hall no, be surpassed h - XZ?
any esiatlishmpnlin the couniry. Agoodsit-i iiMbi puldie lrr.i.r r.ret.e.1. ui mrk iWu evnu- i
pty of ihe above poods kepi constanily (m hand r""w.i N.r .-rwn. ,
for sale or lo exchange for wool, at prices ' 't","th" I'l ""' ": ll" "rT '""""i '
! thai ran not fail lo please. Willll. will be
I' lrded in Ihe best r, .inner and on thp shortest
ii . tier. I erms lor carding, cash on ll.p dp.
livery of the nil's. ... A li K HAI.FI'EXNV.
Wtnlield Mills, March :il), I."i7.
.. ,. f,n..,. . I
.,,,, . . 7 "f;,KI- r"""-
I for ihe natronafre exipndpd tni-:inls; K.n. '
lhe c,...'n.s of Union and ,h, adj... i,- 1
c;;p,. he w,.ui,i m.,s. respectful!, soi.c.i a ,
continuation of the sa.,,P.
Lcwisbnr;, March 1:1, 1SC3 m:i
pAltPKTS- icRarl choice vari-
I j rt from :.l CIS. upward, for sale hy
April H', 1J lifiOW.N tV
iFor Snlf.
i-frr-a.".. Are lltaillllaCllirillQ and have
m - irrr. icousianii v on nan.i a larce onan-
.Mhy '"" a3-nd i ;
iVscatieei l.atn al Ihe lollowino prices:
laliii:i headed in a new Myle, Irom ?s i
t.) H per M I
I.illll 3 and fpet long. ?l lo f l.flij pr M.
SliiliKlV' ai 5 lo Si? ppr ihousaml. I
PalniRs and Lath made u. order, any lcii"ih;
parties mav dcvire I
laoaieburic Mean Uawmill. Ilea. o6, 1S60
- :
airaao nur
X; If AYFs,
.... . V
iklturnejS ai JaaW,
FFICK cn Sn.iih Second near Market Si
April 1. 61 jslMlt y, I'M.
I WlSOUrg .
LTS ready lo rpcrive anv amount on Deposiie
I from Ten Cents and upwards. Four p. r
c V" annum Inleresi will be paid on a I
."'' deposiies of Two Dollars and upwan'a
; f1 depoaned two months and longer Ollice
j in James IJeddes' brick block. Market ft !
H. P. sHKI.I.Elf, Treasurer i
! Lewisburg, Oct. 10, 18(i0 !
i - .
A $35 lion City Ct kge Scholarship
17R -ale ai llie ,uvr 4, t Ae" lhc.v
X '-t-'iabur .
Tii rn.i jrf tv-fcioii, including cfttttrn.
i iprne
Uk'i a i v m ,tttiCT l rliii.v !j. fit., v
a mti in1 lifi.?.. t.raui. and I . s.
I lM,:"'-L
aivam:i;i r.MJi.isii, nil n..i ii.tin-
.l l al'.orl '"
lAMil'Alil's, , 7'o
i"i. ilnliiriioas f icppl for rf ''ra.-.cil
sirUiiPs. J. It M''I I'll.
j ' A(ltj ltj ltti
The Fa mi ly
H vnu want purp iru:". l" i S(M NKFI.K'N
lru A 4.'lifiii4al II n: p i nun, Vt i' Urpt
a I ;n i: ;iim1 ipial atiriicfui atw:iv.
fur anv aitic: iimi;iIIv !; ! in a iuM cia
r:ll a Mc
;.v. SCI I a rrjj:.
l' l.l.svl'i.
AVK remtived ilo-tr 4 hair ami a-
IM1-! f3i i" iii" !,i;-f r
and ni". com'iio:i..us r rb, hue ihe resid
ence of Win. Fiiek.on ihe
Inrnrriff third and 11:n S. ImShrirc.
wher :h" hnve on h,,i;d ihe I, KiT and
HKS'P ASSOt! I'M UN r ! Wrir eVrr oifr red
to l lie puldie. in ihisvieirittv.rornprisn.s Dre-w
Itiirfiin ami K inv W 'tan - l llf . t,-t i.f.
laf. Ilairj.-ttt ;t,iir-. i'm.'w hair. i:4Tknic ' if-.
KMjr-r. lift I!-Ivm. Ti.wi-I ;;.p..hi.t I mil ami I it-
IloiNtrfN r IH'-V l.tti" - r-UK'T I'.llfa. 4f ;
irnifra I (-. rl iii.-lit i-t cm.V V'.V II '. A atvur It
han I li-iroN'M ami tilltf-e Chmr-H l.n. nlr i.r l;-ial.
We also attend M lh I.NDK liTA K
ht'-in iti t ir l.riH h-. It- ; n 11 :tr. f Nt
Iir.(;.KSan.t Kth P.itt nt MaMIr Rirlal I k.,
aii-t ti if'M S ..I i.nr t-wtt u.'iH'n tut.- niw.. - m iiaml.
ar. ar rfiwly it aiiftim- within an kour 11.1 l
mt uir-tii jtiir an t n mint mny Ai..r um wjfti a tail.
Ilaviti none Ivit the h-i viirs.ifn.'p vi
W A K It A .NT all r'urttitim nnt,t ii-(iir. I liv u, atol zto
Jeljr t)iii'titin "illi'-r tn pi r .-I v le. CtJ
Ml niij.li turi on A Is' Slrrel,
where fahtnel and I lo.l-e Til rn i n 2. Sere It a nil
,SP Sw'' .i. n on te-rt n..ti. .T..1 r..ii...il.!. tprm.
A eood assnrtnieni of I.I .MliKI! alwavs on
,'n'1 ' " N '" liannoter . Hani
t"7'l!i:riHin it all kinds don as usual.
.inv worn not en nana win oe mane
r mmio a 1 1 ).
Thatirifiil tor pa I favorf we still expect a
rniatlllUalir' if th- r.iDle,
M alrliiiiuhcr. Jrrlcr . I.il.lor,
li;.o l.c liilci's Ibxrl.il irkrl M.l. isiaie.pa.
Il.iviii.. i.;..Tia a hi p in p. ,
(i.u d,i:.ti.- tlotlllti' '.tp. is
nrenired If. ul L,i..lw .a .i...
; -vi ' '
f. Tt m his t.t p. Having worked in
Jiv5"aL larse cii.es all h,s iiir.p. he i '
1 prepared ... rep tir Watches,
; ''locks or J-r!iv. ..n.l to .!.. Y.n ;i;.i-,n;, l'ia- ,
I ni.;. liiblinr or ti tlraiezm; in the bet stvle 1
' -.1 ihean. All w. rk warranted 10 a.ve pnerp
! salisiac.iion. and d oip al Hie vt rv l.ovesi eab
; prices. u Aecor.leons and .-Jei, , Icons
I repaired in ihe nest manner.
rall iu befi.re v".i so eUewtierp. see f,.r
yoursell and save your money- t-i. f. ISM
Dools ami Slincs.
sl. ."r"-r) " " "n1"
Sllo'JI ol pvery style and varipiy s.uial.le i,.
-;.;i:;Zr w"h
ESI -:": rmt for Rnm cwi.
n frien,ls anj, rMi nlPrs n,, lhf ,,,
ceiierallv are invi'ed lo call anT examine bis
si. .ek and jn.lje foi ilo-m-elves t"F VN '
I'FAt.TI'KINI. an.l RKPAIK'I.Mi as hereto
fore will be attended lo Willi pioinpincss and
j at reasonable rates. ;
Jilf! HI't(.!ITll. t;f. I
Itri-l-nr?, ovt IS, WO.
ru,- O.P.SHiVELY.
' Murl.t iop. ,Tt .
r (- ttit.er 1 111, ft'
1 comiiionand the
fWpatrnl llllKSKt "M li;s.w:irMntftitoLurtDui..ir j
Dralrr in (
A -;b) flilO Oiiiil ?HiiIS a.lj 'Hiiih f.-uii;? I
1 l
w.-ve,..,,!;,,.,.., . m, . l . Z "' .
mv .-'"'I' " '"''- I r. t. .... a. w. ri. sre
irrHntt-it. ami u u .t rft.r.--i ni. ,i n.v tu. r. i.ir... ,
' fx.liie. f. Ij.ll ai A "ft: ui,. a. I.. I it I
! tht wnrili r your m-ut-j 1 ,H D t ak f..r your
! liKPAIIiIXCi irnm.tl, attrn.lctl to.
t9.CIIK.4t- f.r.A.sil or KtAPV 1'AV lD ra.t kiuja '.
j ol .'rt.intry hnsluei'.
1-wii.i.uri.. April 1. 1S..I. 0 I'. Sit I V KI.V.
A Acwainl I'oaiitifiil K.liiion ol
The MIsitaKoi. ni i:li:.t,,i yim.
1)Y j,X s. AKT. I.L.O.-I.. IV -
I i JI'T
r T'"'', h Tl 'TS '"
u'i"fi s "" be tM l,jr
piease address J.I .1,1 ttmit.t rs. l-uhilsher. :
1 fi","h 1'u"r"' Sl- i'".id..iph.a ;
j-.Y'Just recetie.l a tarce assi.riiiieiu of lhe
,-et"iiewps and best !tll' coii.pri.-in!
Sacred and t-ecnlar lto,,,-s. lasirncior, l..r
tliih-reni Insiru.nei.is. Ball l.'oom larnes, Ac, '
toeiher w ith a choice selec'in ol Mieel UU.
sic, ainons which ihp pau...i.c son is well
reprpspiiied. AH ol which is for sa'e. cheap,
a' "- OI.lt I'OMT OKFIfK. I.p rt. rm
yj. c fASA .niuniii
lit; ('. J VI" A II I-
"m XPERT :l door
I) -ortbif larket..;.r.s.7Ji,,-.rt
T N-sT:M:i: IllMl'ANV OF .NOTKIl
J. AM EKIK A Philadelphia,
(li.corf.iraUd, IT'Ji.l
i-.-oo.noo.no ;
Assets, Jail. lC.l, - .7 I'.I.S 1
CHARI.K.s'l.ATT. Secretary
t 3'"luildins annually or ..ernein.-illv br.
rhi,,llze, tirain. Furniinre, Ac, insured, al
currant rates ol Premium
Agpnl for l.'uiou county. Pa.
I.OST.On Mi. I. .1.1-i.u- !
f KIN (;l.OVE belo!;i;;i:.asobl.er-F..a.e
leave. i.,ed,a.ely, al the Chrontcle Otl.ee. ,
CARTES DF. VISIT E al Mowry's tiallery
PlloJoora.ti Albums i Mowry's I. illery
Photographs lar;e sue al M..wiys tiallery
Phoiosrapbs iu Oil al .Mowry"s tialU ry
Ivorylypes ai Mowry's (iailcry
llaliotype. i Mowry'kt'a'Irry
Ambrouppv, and
All kinds o'lvpes al Mowrv"s tla'lery
y.iH urn itM.l.ERV. in Maiku ii.e,
opi'usile lhe Bank Lcaisbui.
hfel Ready !
Til. I. AIIKAD!-foap one! cd,p ,n
ao.! piartiii.p l.r ronrrlvps tp
"a.r-i .. ... aiuMii- mauc u,.u.
an-f Mn f m riii.. routov f
t ir J.ii iprnvnl a HiK.MI Ml'I'Pl.y l(
i itj lliadv ort al iii.i.MMllr l..r pr.ee,
'"IJuirk Sal. s ami Small I'rofiis''
i ibr orlpr ol 'hr day al I'll! IHKv
' li...Mip ll.p Itai.k. ,rhi.,', ,
Jii.t openetl opposite iheRiviire
Jloi..-e, in llie Room lately
ocenpied l.y A. Si;iorr.
HI.L r.n'l c(.i!' fete assortDipnl u
I O . n tvt-ir-iii. i ttrs I t Kin. jtj
itt-.tN i niiis. ami l nais ii fvny,i,i(.
e an,' pau
I' rr ; ainl IVhiUm fi.- aii t. i..
"a Also.
H ol I toler 1 l...l.lfc.. M11 u
.1' 1'ii.ffr I h'iVn
,r.i. crs. .sh.ii.. Sr. A!so.a tine mri.rit
of l'ov" ibine of llie la'ptsn'es. Also
II. t I S and r.t'.s eijtial l anv . Ifeieit ,n th,,'
ii .. 1 i v. J.. ,'aci. I ba.peve.yihir.; iec(ssar.
1 1. the vi,;,pc ,a i;i, ,.h,ns. '-.eh I idler at a
verv mi a'l a.lvai.e. lor ca-h.
l UII IP MinnMA.V A-i.
f r'A'l k.rd. of ('i.t.mrv Produce taken
ppbri...p ti r tJei.ds. I.evisbnrs. tlct.
J. WAIfclR & few?,
I) 1 1: s 1 . k v. 1: s. kx c. 11 a y e
ral I"re .Hanufai Ittrrra.
.8. i:itih Tliinl Ut., I'kitoMpki'n.
N- II Serial aitenlion given lo Masoi.it
at. d oilier s..nety seals. fiuwNa
Variety ;in(! New? Depot,
MMIE snh-cr-her Uffps 1 tn.s'anily for sa'
1 ai ihe I OsT OKKM'K (heiow the Kivif t
Honr) a wriifieieried stotk ol'
Family (Irot'encs. fonfertionnrT and
Fruits. Fa n-y N'r- iTrSS
t'otis. I'l'tfnTiifrv A- &;st&:zf'
.coas Wall FuVrrJrS.tfl
Mid i 1 SIuiiIl. Travt'iinir Cir
l.Iaiik, Srimol and livtnti Cookii.A'C
I;iM'i i ami lapa'inrn n hand
or 10 oi'lrr. Item ltitin. Nrw Vi.rk i r I'hita
lit'ltihia urh a- iHe Trirne,Tinies. Heral.f.
LeU'-r. w kly. Tiipper. rvet l.anr. 1rr-
curv.Wave.lv. l.iterarv t'ompann n. Harp.r'a
a. a l.sitp s iiinstraien eekivs. i.eriey s and
Harper's Magazines, labkee .N. n. ns and
Nic .i.cs, Ac sVp.
in uf tt:tui Act M'tn niFtr fib rv-n.
I.ewibiirj t;Kl. . HIUhlCST
T Al'nli ti. HHOW.N. havin? assis-jfJ
J led 111 leedii.z ihe bunsry ol Lew yJLi.,
tshur and victmiy. f..r nearly lhre year,
pasl, nl'i the best .if
Beef, Pork, Veal, Sc.,
would return his graief.il thank In his nnrr
reus cum. uners I. r !h-ir l atronaicP aril aa
noiinces tl ai he intends to ronm.ne the hi.si
n.s a neieiio. re ll. llie lea! MarHet H' Us
1. .owe, 11 ,-)!:. (l! s and ilaker & I'o.'s l)ru
t, res. Mattel S0jt;aff
V.insis.. U e,!i,es.iar ae.l Satnrdart
A 1 1 is ihe sysiem. P.irdic patrnnasP r
speri'ij'!,- M.lic.led, and salislaeMen llsn'.4
March IS. -in. I. s jsTKKNKK, As'l-
1 . . 7. '
, (lile tlhiff Klian)
i Racr Surer, 8l.ovf 3.1- J'hilat'flphia.-
t -v "". i h-oikir.Toits.
Terms, M..r prr day.
T" tTt.- (.(! -utMnirti .f bi? ll-kfiowii Ifn9
I,,-.. ' 'I' I" 1T- :"t w,m l""t rHaNi. mt-rr-itat
Aanaaiiii rn w'.x iirnit. ! U vaoi-. inl tl.at ri arr
ful!v In :l n n r.tiiiQ.it,v f 'Yt '.r tr-'itfrr.
tr:tin;fr. t ; ! t and lelt- r - r.lat' inr M
th-- l:.-tit.-ili' t.f rl:- "Vnti'-nMl" ! n.ui' ami B4
;u I; ! r tli-mp--Itt- if it- ;.! r-nti;;.--xiti aiorif.
l.ir Ii-nrii ti i- rfMral. ni ri'iiti-im-nt fT M-rrtinV
i i:-in.- ;i n ieiii tuily.
B'f at' I n)n: ntl.-aTor u Plntlrr ihv santp and wfr
r.-ri I ..ut z-frl. amt ith th. ..!. - rf Mr i'm
A firnt. .iir i!.ti.;- und att'-itt Irrk. w fvl
l-r. i ar- -I It. kr a HUtti llolrl. ami hftf si CWrral
-ittt-tMfi. n I IIKM.V VI M LMAN,
ridi t!.. r. b , lv 1 y JOHN Ui-YKK.
Fashionable Boot and Shoe maker,
H-iulh f'jih !(., LiKitbunj,
KUKI'Scnnstanily on hand. and manufao.
lures lo older, all descriptions of
Ileio ail ep ro need h'e.ni.krr, and aaav
ions to nierii a sharp ol lhe public pairohase,
he will wairani all woik, which may pass
ibronnh his hands.
i'arncular aneniion wi;lp .jven lo I.adiea
Mis Prices are as low as ihose of any othet
i ' . h "T'
eu?"'"n lh;" h. M
b a!er in llie vicinity. He solicits a lair trial,
ntt.leni that be can satisfy eveiy person,
l.ewisbur;, Aug. 31, ISt.O.y
American Life Insurante & Trust
(t api'al Mock .0,linn)
111)11 MA i s liuildinss.M alnut sirecuo u
I Coiner of Fourth 1'hilr.ililfhia.
Vv Lives insured al ihp usual .iiuu.ai raiea
or al .l. u.l .Si. rk rales alioil -.'U per crnl. Ies
o. al i olal Alislinen. e rates ine iowcsi in tna
w.,,1,1. A. Willi. I.U1.N, President
J..MS t". Si. Sec.
1 17 j (.ilil. F. MILLER, Jgenl, l.ewisburj
1.1 dag. 4.'i cenU par 1UU pound.
3d do 4.. do an
o.l do aj do do
4,h di 27 dn do
eril S3 do do
V lua.. Rye and Corn, 13 cell la pep buahal.
Pbllad. I'epol With
I r.,. I ll.,.V Frtirt HI 1 MtL.. Hi.
,-s.... , ,k.i.i..,.i ...
we" hope bv strict attention lo business u
merit a ci.unuuance of the same.
THU S PEI I'll Ell
For furlh-r iiiformation aPf.lv lo
1V7!,:' ,; K M'CJIN LY, Agrnt, Lpwisbnr
liOMU.OI'V. H1X- I'lllMt 1 1,
lH". " "is new Urick llbck, vari'i
' "tW "'! lm,twi
"'P M",r-' '""r "-'-
.Toiix i;. lixx,
VTlt)Ki:Y AT I. AW,
:pu oinn1lssl.nef ui Hints b.t lhe Stale. of 11.11
N.lls a...l M l.oSMA aioh-r,...! lo alnon.sler
Hail,.. I l.i We i'H'.i l .l5la.t 1" tr d '
I II her ..I th ''. M... ed , a Ih' """
k- e.ii.i..,.. ,,...,.,i !e,. or rtl.ei in-lrnmeil U-t
t... r Inl in ...l .-t oi .....l s...- Ma- l"'
YM. bti.'hS - I le-bjieriati. Metn.si.ai
aud Luihi-in,a MJKKESTS.
r-i i-