Ill ill I Ml HUM (Mill a "THE UNION,'' eiUWshnl in 1S14 Wiiuie No,. 1023. BY O. X. WOUDEN AND J. R. CORNELIUS. At Pcr anr. aMvny In Advance. LEWISBURG, UNION CO., PA, TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1863. 'CHR8NICLK,"e-iHi:yiHtl in lSi:i--Wh?rt Ktr, 1.607. rlCU-BKD RKMI-WKKklf TnfS'faT .HrtrninsS'Jfc r nnaj Aliernnnn. help is .t..ei.t jordur "emergency" U Jack io the invalid crops j ibwnrk J :.. uri ... . rrCSSIHil-nUia IOU . "CMVUIMtWl ....... 'greater tnon than 4'b i July," or St. JVrick'a day in the roaming ?'' Where. fure, we can not iesua another paper thia , .... k ! Onr County Ticket Since the Rattleeuakc Rebels are routed ... . . iii oat of l'eooylvania, and the Copperbead Biotrr have eluok to their dena io New York city, all boneat aud patriotic peoplo breathe freer. Those lw ei.aes oi ! traitors have demoo.lrated that Vace' professions are, and that force Mily mo restrain lawlras violence. The Gavernment must aubdae, or be suhdui d. What iulrlligeot, candid mail, can doubt whether Liberty and Law are not pceatly trfbla to Slaverv and Anarch) T We i - auat, aa sucb, opeoly sustain tbe party io opposition Id Ibosa fouieotert of this vast civil war. Individual men are necessary to make ajp company, and compmire and rrgiui. aits are parts of conquering army. Io like niaoocr, Cuuty and State efficer are parts of the machinery by which the Gen eral Government may be sostaioed or be drstrojed. By a fair election, personally made by half our voters at home, we bave before us tbe standard bearers of Ibose opposed to the Itebellion party. Samukl II. Ouwio E q. for Assembly Laila from one of Ibe oldett,iont ropectcd families in the western port of our county. We first knew biw, ten yean ago, striving, wilb but little if auy assistnce,to improve Lis mind and advance in knowledge. Ky teaching school at was enabled Io graduate, at the Liw Scbwt in New Haven studied with Judge Kelluy in J'hiUdelphia settled in Lewi-burg mar ried a daughter of tbe late Col. Jackson M'Fadden aud by bis induMry and busi ness assiduity bas gained a pleasant home nd a respectable practice. Puliiioilly, he waa of a Democratic household ; but tbe Kauris and other acts of tbe Slsveocracy (all under the name of deiuocrac)) early convinced him, aa they have hundreds of tbouaanda of olbers, that lbe Republican principles are ocarest ibosa of Washing ton, J.fferaoo and Jaeksoo, and be haa at limns voted with, and been a thorough nd iifliocbing woiker for, Ibe existing Administration party. Not a brawler of modest and nnassuming appearance and : deportment bis election ss Hurgess of our borough last year, and Jhe vole for hia BoaioatioD this year, prove tbe estimation in which be is held at borne as a man of fair talents, sound judgment, sod personal integrity. We happen to koow that from the first outbreak of lbe Uebelliuo be bas been aosious Io enter the Union Army hut aa all bis wife's brothers, and all hia em a at borne, volunteered, be thought bis . first duty was to bis owo and bis father's family. For bis means, no man bas been '. tors active or more liberal among us fur : the cause. On the return of one brolbcr, I did - j : enliat waa "sworn tu" as a private and DM performed aetual bard service for over - -..h nd Cant. Shortlev. of 28th ..J I in.a.ifin niniDp, . . m- . , . 1, . P.V.M., ip the Cumberland alley. His acrvice thus longthe exhaustion caused j hi it and lhe peeesaity of attending lo business for others disarranged by bis ' 0f ,jce ., ignorance, where they vole 1 applauded M'Clellan, be despised them, absence will be a sufficient reason if be slmost unanimously their sort of ' Dem-! and would bave sulducd them at tbeir fails to visit all parts of the Disirist. As ocracy." The country generally want the ' own expense. If correct, tbis incident a Legislator, we would confide io bim as a ' Rebellion crushed, aud act accordingly. shows that M'Clellan is not entirely spoil faithful, reputable member. ia Auburn city, there was ao immense ' ed by party praise. EMeHA II. Weiki.k, pear the Kelly X procession, a crowd, music, cheers and) TBiUMrii of Sd.miuby, Trcitixcns .UNr, ..r.r.c. u. iiuii. 1.... ... a . til at mmrn Ksasaea saaa f.a, naKI bnnaavt f nnnsi " years, a. a school teacher, and bas a few ? , 5, Co,unilji. conn,T ,W4 j Foft Aogutl.ibe,een6u0bury aod North acre, of land poder cultivation. The vote ,nd io F.,,t W,miog coonty-two towns omberl...d, tbe Railroad Companies bave 10 but own and adjoining townships at the OTet.belmingljCoppcrbead-eaeitedmen, accepted it as Ibe site of a Round House, pr.msry election, ia only tbe of minformed by wicked leaders, armed Machine Shops, &e. Tbis is a good work, m PJBievaJ DICalifJi vuio aaa . w wiwuiv a a a a T an, 01 irreproacnsDiecnsracer, a superior ,, .very way competent, and firmly : bat tldly "ortbodox 00 tbe great ques- ! imp. 01 tue osy, pis success is uoaouoiea ,B .biUdelpbU Cooocils, tbe Copper aad will ba a favor well bestowed. betdf ,ried ,0 ,be dfaft hj , j , White Deer is lbe largest election disi- ,0 bnJ off ,b8 bjIe nombor net io oor eouoty-bed no Commi.sioper ; B-l ,be Ww Demomtt ,j ,be Uepob. for 16 10 20 year, pasl-and pow presents : liciM Mied jng ,h doBf M- u candidate whose capacity and personal : ,propri,liog . blBdsome aum to the av . a t) l. a-. .-.,.., ... vj an, .no .re , . recognised aa valid claims. SAMUEL Nabbbau. not long since failed, bv a few oles, of election lo this office, for reasons Bo longer operative, of which tba principal ' was an allegatiop tbat his nomination was S made by "trading iff," among Delegates ; oo tbe exploded Caueua system. Ue i, 1 now selected by a atrong, direct vote, of tbe people themselves. Some voted against a.: j . i - . . i ! aum, urairiDg io compliment a oi(oour, Mr. Kelly, sod pot to ii jure Mr. Marshall: ; such men will take eare pot to repeat tbat ! while tbe Confederacy was exhausting it folly, bat will vote for tbe map tbey want ! of men, money and property. John A. to bave elected, hereafter, and not waste ' Gilmer, Bedford Browo, aod other lead their votes, aod defeat friends, by "com. ing meo, agree with bim io opinion, plimtntary" voles never returned. But, ! There are said to be Ibousands ia West Ibo' thus defeated, Mr.M. showed himself ' North Carolina wbo stand out agaiast the Ibe map; since I ben, as before, be has Jiff. Davis Government, d.fiintly, sym stood op for bis party, aud labored, night j patbiaing ia feeling (aod will io action) and day, for lbe iriumpb of what be holds witb all lbe Mountain region. When ! 0Bt bJ edoeaday. to be correct prioctpies. Socb a correct, ; .,t seep by our forces, lbe State II .gj Lmtr u,MViTtht Sor msgosntmoa eouie, bas gained bim (ipste.d of the Copftdciate) was fljiog at L,f0f Geoeral a office, Leavenworth, Kao ' fiksdi astl tun oforlcti. i Washiojtoo, N. C. j (as. j- Wll.l.MM JoNKS, Ksii , was f'lh.rle-g at n early ige. I!y the exercise of in dUf"ry' "0.d enUr8'"K la qlii. he haa gained a Handing second to f. w in our borough, ills eleolion as "treasurer ... is conceded. ' Dr. Wim.iam F. SsEnoiD of llartleton la well knuwo to roost ol our ciiii.-n aa a wan of intelligence and capability from one ol ibe most patriotic ana it.oueotui fainilicn nf the e.iuntf. wad nave neld but I . r.hli, .,u.iu, few public statioua. t , Thi, h ,be Uu;00 T;cket for o;j . unjn- These men were leoied as bun- hy, and are arri-iiefced in by their nluc.CPMfu r,4 , cordially, as the : of ,uch eonle;i ,dmil. Th tear. , ,he fricod of lhe Admioitralioo are pot ,0 b, y, or pmit lbeir 0ipo0MlU ,0 d(J tij lbe jhe pere ,ro vaking up 0 ,ba iroprtnce of a c'mteat second 0 t0 lb,t 0f lbe IVeiiideney : they will ... . ... unite, aa they did last fall, aud intend tu elect all lbeir uomiuces by an iucrcased majority. Good News. Johnson's giviug up of Jaekson, and retreat eastward, throws into tbe Union oossesaiou an amouut of railway stoek. engiues, Sit., which the Ribuls confess la : a great and irreparable Ick-8 to tlicin. Gen. Bauk officially reports the liopbies of Fort Hudson, at 5,500 prixmcrs and two Generals, '21 heavy guus, 5 batteries of 31 pieces, a good supply of pr j xtiles fur light and heavy gnus, 5 000 stauds of arms, 4 i, SCO pouuds of powder, 150,01)0 rounds, two steamers, and a small amouut of stores of various kinds. t Com. Porter reports extended and en- lirely successful expeditions up the Red River and its brauobes, capturing men, . guns, boats, and ammuuitioo, and iutcr- cptiug the supplies of Rebel forces. I Gen. Foster bas been successful, from the South, in severing connections leading ! towards Kiuhmood. I Julv HO ib. at Newbern a desnateh from ....... . l.eaufuri says tbe Union forces bave com-! plcte possession of Morris Island, which commands Charleston iu j Protected by guuboata, weekly paviga-: lion for trade ia oow to be started between ; Cairo and New Orleans. J A Uuioo cavalry force advanced and ! cut ibe Railway at Wylbesville, Va , with j some losses, men and women firing upon them from tbeir bouses, which were then destroyed byour force. It ia believed that Roseerans will now attend lo the liberation of East Tennessee, working from tbe South. Meade and Lee's armies are io motion, and it is claimed that Meade baa obtained ; positions that give bim tbe decided advan- j lage ot Lite. Any day, we may pear again tbe shock of arms between the two forces. ! .. .. 1 Saturday, tbe Rebels were at Port Royal, West of iba Ulue Ridge, but tbeir cavalry waa driven from Manassas Gap. And lhe ('"iperhead$ of lhe Xorth are becomimj vrrg tame they discard Ibe uPPeroed badge some of Ibem bave eulisted they " talk happy" about lbe ' Uo,;,n l.ptaa od bop. at least ,0 8ee thea ml1 tUrn Plr,0,, nd ,hu8 suoour stop the Slavehulders' Revolt. I V ! aeSrOpeo resistance lo the draft is con- : sutj. in v.. York State, tn ih mirli-n. i ouzxis inr tne " Uratt," the Union, Uld I .a m Abe. ueo. iieaae, our recent victories, ate. ! ; themselves to resist the eorolmenl, but , . ff . . . f .-;... fofM 0, Uttul aea whh 0M in ,bcir t j .. f ... . . . , g2s.Tbe Southern Wbigs we're almost I nnapimously opposed to tbe Rebellion, bat eome of them fell into lhe current, Their last candidate for Vice President, Hon. Wm. A. Graham, bas published io b.t m whin- r.n !.. Kaleioh Reifis- ier, a strong article against Secession as a wrong under tbe Union, but an obvious ' - . . I ngnt under tbe Confederacy, and that tbe ' Lnioo had oever hurt North Carolina ; C'oiiiiiirnc'iMiit ITcek. DaaVUev. Genrgo I'rcar, of Heading, pret.h, d io the Baptist house., L-wi-burg, j ,., morning. u - ii. l.M.i. Kev. Ur. I'.ddy not; : arrivi ,be gociel. 0f Inir, held po i meeting. 1 be icrnxin ol I tut. Aautrson, i in the eveniug, was from Jer. ni, 2d . : and 3J verses, lie argued that tbe win- j illry f lje prcse0, atJ were to waru Ibe ! , , al of ,uejr jn(ii,idUal and : i l .. i r .i .: .: I I i ' , , , T . : ,l . it i f.. thfu n-ss mid Into, and With I 1 nJ discrc,ion. Th8 lwo great ai0s of our nation be held to be contempt j of lawful auibori'y. and denial and dite- ' cd of tbe brotherhood of man. ! .--r. ....j .x n AdjreMe, bett)re ,be EJocalioo s . - . .. . . WP""" eftoon, at o Simon I'. Wolverton, K' , appoio- tmA titmtnr f... I h . Aliimm la l! flf " - UM,.IIJ IU .UP 1U..I... IvC, V. uarmy oe nonic in season io speaa, iui tbe Alumni intend to bava a ' Uuiou," anyhow, tbis evening. N0TICI3. The Anniversary eiereises of the graduating Class of the University Female lustitute, will bo beld nu Wednes- , day afternoon, 2 o plnpfc, July IV, in inmereement Hall o me university. InTAII Ibe Graduates nf the U Liver si. ty Fein. Inst, are requested to meet at Ibe lustitute, Wednesday July 'J, at 1 fJ. ICjrTbe Young Ladies' Festival in aid of the Soldiers is altered for W'tductdaj eveniug of this week. Thursday COMMENCEMENT. First Battle in Ohio. John Morgan is the Stonewall Jackson of Ibe West io all except piety, to which he makes no pretensions. About Ibe middle of July, bo bot across Kentucky into Indiana and Ohio, with 5,000 or G,000 borscinen, sod began lo plunder and burn. The people of the South part of both States began to arm, and turn out, pel'-mell, as best they could, watohiog for and peppering him at every corner and woods, and redueini. Lis strength dailv. :..... . Ou tbe 19tb mat., be made a desperate j attempt to cross the Ohio into Virginia, and landed upon liuf&ngtoa's Island, io tbe Ohio, where our troops and gunboats began lo operate upon bim. We took pear 2,000 prisoners, and several guns,and supposed Morgan bad capitulated, but he got away, io disguise, with a few hundred wearied horses and men, the latter singing io earnest, "O carry me back to old Yir ginny," lit tbe Yankees won't let them go. liiirning railroad ties and buildings, plundering nieo and women, rape, and even murder, tire cliareed unoo Ibis band of "Soutberu eeuilemen, 6 'tiling for . their rii-lits." Tbe father of "Geo.! M'Conk killed in one of tbe skirmish- es. Morgan was last beard from crossing the Muskingum between Zioesville and ibe Ohio. His death or capture woold be ! 1 1 a Rebel loss equal to thousands of meo. Good for M'Ci.r.i.t.A.v. It is stated that Gov. Ssymour sent for M'Clellan, and begged him to pacify bis " noble friends," thai Copperhead mob which hung O'Brien, murdered policemen, j U. S. Soldiers and unoffending negroes, ! and burned down so Orphan Asylum wiib I other buildings. M'Clellan replied tbat , . . . , . . ! .11 the speech he would make would be "''' "" Tois disgusted Scy- j mour. but shows, that, thouiih Ibe mob 1 I 2am(v.asw kaaaaiaanrw f. . t K Jk WMSf SlKntli I i UI OUUUUl 1 ve'iUK eve i-wiivww 0 ss .1,;.,. ..... .r 1....1 .... ih. ; nf flU 1 end puts Sunbury iu the way of enlarge ment and substantial progress. Bgutlow proudly Philadelphia bow contrasts witb New York ! The draft in Pbilad. was harassed by 00 mobs, aod before it waa through lbe men "hit" begao to regard themselves rather "lucky" tbao otherwise. Omperheadt are not Democrat True, tbe Copperhead leaders are tryiog . .. .... . lo make the honest Democrats think tbey are all one, but ibey are not War Dem ocrats despise Copperheads as much as the Republicans do. rarWby should not drafted men, as ' well as volunteers, be paid a bounty t We PP' "f 9kiog from ,be nexl Le' 8isl,,orfl placing ibem npoo an iquality, . i. : . I I: ... ... ......... I. ,ur ,ul:,r "S" tot lno,e eT,nI families. tQt.Tbe German Reformed Metvtnger, of Chambersburg, refutes tbe claims of the Copperheads, tbat tbe "gentlemanly" Rebels "respeeted private property," and "paid for wbat tbey look." ta.Our 28ih P. V. M. bave reached Harriaburg, aod expect lo be mustered I AWFUL Libs. The Rebels at Vieks- ! burg and Tort Hndaoo, boasted of their supplies of food uutil they surrendered, ' . . . .1 t ii .1. v.. I... wueu uey en upnu in !" ......... aa ii nan laniisoeu. ai in iiur.. they confessed Ibey bad eaten their hl node, which they thought "pretty good ""'l " - '6 3-Ooeof our Kuektado, t.ken prloo. er h,j nothing to eat from Wedneaday ' .. . . . . . aan"a'' 9M " Mpg '"e''"8 ..r" L. .... I.; . In.f .,r ui hwiij, . ( .i. . . 1 . tuMeri ,od B.,,M, Heats all tbe loaf, j nut be batter did not hold out, while tbe I mo9se came out even." - - " IfcTThe Copperheads are stwl Irytog to j ,,.,. ,ha nt.lou.i -... One of I tbeir Judges pronom.oed trea.ury notes pot a legal louder, in order tu injure value. Iber would use to eel a anave . ..... II- on men,, so aa to cneai me poor somar j 0, pjj 0 nw ,0)eit pgj. - ---- - - J'JJ Mtivit mjnt triitg or tirKtonrg, bis center at UKttjljnnj, and bis left wing it jreo l'trh, timwm .It tin kaill liiatAn wiiliin a fort' l. u . t . M tight. Sucb a succession of disasters do, . , , unjust CBlle uau iu cuiiuiv. ... . . . o f. mrt understand by lhe Sunbor, Atneripan, that when Gen. Smith found out tbe uopperneadism ol it it u. Miner, be dismissed bim from service ou hia staff. ... ... - ... WW ..... eSrSee Notice for School Teachers and Examination at Ibo lioyer School Unuse in Kelly township, Saturday moroiig pelt. t.lly an advertisement for leltiog, it I.. ... ih. nn. .nnj;j innih W..J " School Building ia nearly ready for ue stjult is now believed the draft, at Harriaburg, for our Congressional district, will come off tbe first of neat week. aWTbe Itorougb Statement das some . mouthe since will appear in our next BOW DID TDK MHPIIR TOTE r DnorT a.i;a i.w 4.1 li X.UOU lUpi a. ras. lli..l lo.aio 14ST4 ,-iIS ! ri.jrl.anU-Ort. 1S1 , iiiimMiunr, ims v)'uia-.Nv. isea ll.IMt Itap. tTnloa) Majority SSuul 4 P.,. t'nlo u 1 Pnsu ay-Tnry .wnnM bav. 9oU4 la Um mm pfyartWl M mryKBrStat.,aBaaM thaa(atarallrlswUlftta Sar wboai tbair Itvaa at al aaka.1aa laltostoa ibe Catholic priestsare mostly drafted, and in Salem lhe Protestant min- isters. 1st New llaveo Ibere waa drawn the Mayor, lhe Congressman elcr, tbe Hoard or borollmeot, hair Iba police, aod ; lota of printers representing each establish-; meni. All a family of three brothers wero "bit." p;.. ,i.j .j..j 11.K.1" ,:ti on Ibe Gettysburg battlefield, kindly ! cared tor by our surgeons. Jlaoy of them, ! " reported, bave asked not lo be sent f005,b'whe? ,h' "'J1 be,6ain -PHe- An li ill th llnmn nuivuaj waav suaavtii' auuuvcu IUI CUtUI " A svnAMsW itka a St An St sarl.l .1 mA akwafrtSB cing Ibe draft is the probability of a war with England, in view of Ibe recent ! atcision in toe Aiexanara case, legalizing the I raffia of fitting nut privateers to prey 00 our commerce, under tbe Rebel Big. Proof accumulates that 'lhe New York mob was ao organised effirt, long delayed, to lake tbe city, if not tha State, out of the it: i-i. ....v..,t i..,i.. .11 Union. 1 be copperhead leaders were all j luvoiveu in . a ue crusnmg 01 tue not WM ,De "8 P CJ' Henry H. Payne, who was tha Demo cratic candidate for Governor of Ohio against Gov. Dennisoo, and was a dele gate lo Ibe reeent Democratic Convention which Dominated Vallaodigbam, bas repu diated tbe aetioo of the Coovcniioo, aod will do! support,!!. John A. Plon, soo of Rev. Cm!y Plot, of Williamspori, waa killed at Pt Hudson by tba last ahot of tbe Rebels' big gun. He bad beeo ia service some time, was once taken prisoner, sod escaped wilb some valuable information. Oo Monday one of the largest hauls of fiih we hava ever beard of being mado io Spring Creek was taken at Irvin'a Dam. A party weal :o seine it, and tbe first haul they caught between piue hundred aod a ' thousand suckers. Woodward baa beep smoked oat, ia part. He wept ao far as to say he was ia favor of resistiog Lee's raid into Peoosyl- ;" V9 " 8"' o ar, yet, aa to ueoiaro in faror ol putting duwo. the Rebels. Just ia proportion as tbe Rebels are io a way to be put dowo, do tbe " Peace people" of the Njrth manifest a determi nation lo plunge ioto war neighbors. with their ; Congressman Cuffrotb denies the bat. termilk and railfence speculation, and aara h aill .hn. i h.t k. :. nn.-...l... J i aaya be mil abow tbat be ia no Copperhead. r. . ..... I iispi. a. ii. Martin m appoioicu fro Ibonotary of Juniata couoty in room of R. M. Sterretl, deeeased. Gen. Sebeock baa issued ao order for bidding army officers to atop at Barauoi'e Hotel. Notice. Tba Nonpareil Ladiea' Aid Society will give a Featival at Indepen dent Hall, Wednesday evening of Com mencement week, (9tb iost.) Doors open at 7 Tablean at 7) o'clock. Tbe pro ceeds for tba benefit of the Soldiers' hos pitals. Ail are lavrtea lo aiuoa. Ad- mittanec, 10 tenia. Refreabaenta extra, The Srraieua a Okie etawrtlac lallaa4laiiea. j The Jermsu Democratic organ at Cleve- ' land baa taken Ibe name i f Vallandiuhem 1 from its columns and rained that of John ; , ,.,. n.ivernor. The editor eava. ..-B , , - in explanation of bis eourae, " Aa will bo noticed by our readers, we put today at tbe bead of oor j paper tbe name ii Mr. Broogh for Gov ,r- This la nu hasty sup j but we nayp conciuueu, ner inaiurn igoiiuni- '101 ioq and consultation with many of oor Im..or.tie friend, to lay aside for tbe . j .. . precui pany uin.-rences, ana irj oe . almost of our influence t aid ts vietory the party I bat advocates the euppreasioa ; . tbe rebellipp. The difgjatefol seenea wmco lew u.js ago oecarreu io new 1 lk city, prove that tt riquree Ibe uoi-ed tllort of all eood eitiien., witbowt regard to party, to anstam tne pooiie ibe duty of every one who cares for tbe : .., .. . . ..:.i ' f considerations and to support our toosti ! InlinnMl Haii rnnifal. j Traitor Valla ml yhom will fall 100,000 I bebiud Drongh, and bis friend and en. dorser, W'miicarJ of 1'eon'a, will share bis fate. Ohio and Pennsylvania never will elect Governors who sympathize with ' f tbe Kebels. VUI- V IHIVU III 14 Vl.ll. MIIMUKCI . (be . jn Vork .n(16 ,beT b bi witb , rea roDe. f b, bad n.i r l.l..b ...i.:.t.. P ... used grape aud canister, they would bave respected the argument. Treason and mobs are not lo be southed or frightened anu..d - j .maaBaaa . Tuesday illornln'a IVcara. earThe College Gradnattog Uass are ' here uncertain wbeo Ibe remainder, of v v .J cii.M..'. ..n... I . ' " Plea arrive pernaps auia svkuiuj, pctuapa . l .v:. k lo-uiprrow morning. E-q. Orwig, and Lieut. Dill, bava re-; turned, very much prostrated by fatigue, and illness. j Last Suuday, in Ohio, tbe Rebel Mor gan aod bis " last man" surrendered un conditionally, lo Gen. Shackelford. Tie Uuion troops made a second gallant attack on Fort Wagner, Morris Island, but were repulsed witb severe Insaes. Crettei Wteklg Wheal tl,25 Bgga f 10 Rye 90 Tallow 10 Corn, alii 75 Lard 10 j Qta 65 Clover seed 4,00 t TaXaod 1,50 Wool GO j Dried Applea. 1,00 Potatoes SO Firkin Butter 12 Shoulder 6 p're,!, Ratter... 12 Ribs k Sidoe no sale 4 5 lnd 6 Ham l Country Soup 4 & 8 ftsMlfttED. JJS a. N?atTjiu iVikM Je'-n.0- Kj K r. i Oray, -M lo.l. MIClUV.I, SMITH. Hill-' h-tiD. ul CATIlAl.l.NK HAl'CKKK. Li.Ha eounlf . t School Teachers Wanted. I riATt'RDAY the, 1st of August, punctually . ! O at . A M, at iae Royer Bcljiiol H..ue iu r - . . Wndfnl ben ,nd rb aU interested are invited lo atienO.' JAMES IIIELD9, Sec. Kelly Twp, July tft, 1963 pd PUBLIC LETTIUO. ) Proposals fur makinc ( II materials for the same) 1UO Srboal Uesks, to be of the same sivle, material ! fi(mh M hose in ()e Noflh Wa.d . Honse.and to be completed and placed in the f.iuih Ward Hchool Building on or before the A.k. .. r w 1 . . I L. .. . L. - uiu ui orpu nrn, will or ireriim iiic retary of the Lewisburg School Board. Let ting on Tuesday evening. Ang. 4. 16:1. July 24, 1863 WM. JONES. See ATTEXtiOX ! Substitutes For Drafted Persons. Wan DtviaTMSMT. Provost Marshal General's Ollice. Washington, D. C, July 13, 1863. CIKUULAK, No. 44. riH) answer inquiries made to this office, it . 1 is announced- rirtt. An. drafted nerson. navinc three ! c r,t. Anv drafted person, paring three I hundred dollars, under Kectioii 13 of the En- rolment Act. is thereby exempt from further liability under that draft, but not from any subteouent draft. i hundred dollars, under iectioa 13 of the En- j subsequent draft, Sramd. Any drafted person furnishing an accepted substitute, is eiempi from military service for the period for which said substi- ,u" ' """tered into the servic. Third. A snbsiitute once mustered into the service can not be drafted while in service. Fourth. A drafted man can not pay com- : - a.. - .ri. ' ia- aa tWP JaTlw he has reported himself to the Board of tn- , rolment for examination. fc Fifth. Men who on the 3d of March. 1S63, j - .. .. . . -l .T: l I II UiailllU Uliriirw 1I III Wut huojmiuiv were in me military service oi me uoi-ru Si.tes as substitutes onder lhe draft of ICtW. and whose term of servics have since eipired. are not liable lo the present draft, but the persona for whom they were substituted are ; liable lo draft the same as though they had not been drafted or furnished substitutes un- ' der the draft of last year. j i"txa. In serving the notice as required . . . . . r ... if I O V circular no. n trom tnia onice, a. reason i able time to report shall in each ease be 1 granted by the Board of Enrolment to men ! ' 8u"e aervice wbo have been or may draf,e(1, JAMES B. FRY. be Provost Marshal (ieacral Provost Marshal's Office. Uih DistrieL i Marrisounr.ra-.jniy it. ibiij , The attention of lhe citizens nf the Kih Enrolling District of Pennsylvania isdirecied ' . ... . 1 to the above Circolar from lb, war Depart-; menl of the Coned sta I . JNO. KAV.CI.EMENT, Captain aad Provost Marshal. $5,000 wanted! ANV person having from One lo rive ThOWsand Dollars, can ha the -a-n, aalslv investad in Judgments upon vt oa e raal state ia this Coamiy, opnn app'icatioa io J. F. JOiiM D. Lewisborj. Jaly IB, Id63 The Secretary of tie Treasur- has auihorzril in to continao my Agonoy for a liff jiciioil, Anduatil further nnlice. I .hall enntiaas lo receive Subscriptions to the 5-20 LOAN AT PAH, twice, and al the different 8k . . ,, , a . i. a.. Al my and at he different 8b-A,,n- Cies thfuogfiual the Loyal Saialea. i.y cookb, ttotnerlpiinn Agent, 1 14 Uonih 1'bKd Street, I'bnaitelpbia Jo all who may ba Drafted. nan UiritTSDT, i PrnviMI Marshal lipnrral'a tlflire. r Wahmjk.a, it. C July 10, lt63. ) CIRCIil.AR. No. 43. i ' rnHE lollowin extracts from laws nf lhe I Unnrd laie. now in lore, are pub- , li.hed for the lulurmaiiuo and guidance of all Concerned. Section 12 of the Enrolment Aet, afier Jir- , , ... Amf. k- .....i.,.,.,! ... . Anu'lbe pernn so drawn shall be no.ified of ' .... iha un. within iwn Aavs iherraflpr. bv ft wrif- ,. or prii,d notice, to be served persoaally or by leaving a eopv at the last p!ace of rem- : Hence, requiring him to appai at adeixoated ! place of rendezvous to report 'of duty." I fept'oP I of ,he Knri.lmeat Act cuniains lhe following: - And any person faihn5 to report, afier due service of notice, as heieia , ..I...1 .L .... f l. . . I.. i. ; . tfn.,,rti therefor, shall be deemad ii. and BaJl ba arrested by lhe Provost Marshal, and sent lo live nearest ' i mililarv noat fiwr irwal iu umri mart iqL Bnless, I ' . ' . ... upon proper allowing ihal he is not liable Vo do military duly, the lloard of Enrolment shall relieve him from the draft." The 2Uih Article of War contain lhe foi lowinf : -AH nflicers and soldiera con-! victed of having deserted, shall offer tun. or siren other punishment as by sentence of. court-martial shall be inrtinrd." JAMES B. FRY, frovust Marshal General. Provn.tMar.harsOme. ,,,h ric,i hose,ffedr.,.3d Those who may be drafted, and the public generally, are directed lo siody lhe above I ...j h. ..1.H..I .mi h. ii m..u..... - ........ .... ...... - j . I- .t .. I . 'II l See. 13 of tbe Enrolment Act will be rigidly snfiFTcrd in this District. I JOHN KAV CI.EMEJIT. Caplaia and Provost Marshal, ' I4ih Oiatrict, Pennsylvania . FURNITURE! Broke Out In t New Place! B V K E l tJ 9, frMn10tSiS. Fixe dressing bureaus. froa. 'Ju to i'A. SECRETARIES, DESKS, &c. &c. pric . BEDSTEAD?, ' frasa S3 la Si-Ai diOcirat patteraa aad lats.1 .t,:.;. TABLES lEt..ri. 11 IM sn.i nr, H-T, Ti.crt, mnuiim ami, invaaiafi. bm. ar ant kins cl uu4 4inl. bt Walnut. WmImitiiiiv and Uumwr womI rm hand tor um UaJ. STANDS, T.pnv, Wbal-NU, Srving, St. Sr. a t lllVfrj 1 . . .1 0OA, liOlAUh!, latest pattern?, CHAIRS, UphoItml, faainew Am, 8 !., Psrlrvf Chftfr ! OO haVBiJ : l!n.Cai lVt. Latrtf Roltrf sjejel Narpaa. WiBvarr Chsir. hrx wfirj mall HotpOT. Tabisj nd Chllttrra'at'baltA ' oft ftmti. T0WEIa-5ACKS,D0UClII-TRAYS, BOOK and SlIOW CASES, &c. Furniture of my own, manufacture, i mured one, gear. P- S. I intend, in a short time, as Soon as 1 f!?J?'?J W .nt'a,.to. ,ht 1 U.NDEBTAKIMU BtSINEsW-I will kep some twenly-five or more diuerent sized Cof- some tweniy-nve or more diuereat sized Uol- nnisned and always ready oa short p Bnisbed. and always ready oa short a "'".and will sell twenty per cent cheaper ,h hav e"' b. e done in Lewisburg. Call " re 'J,,.re Purchasing elsewhere. ixcrAiKi.M. none immraiatriy. CHAS. 8- DEI. I., ChamUUh't BUk. SPECIAL NOTICE. i fPHE Books of EVASS COOPER are io . - - mw kanalsi flVir aaillaaw l..n All MaPaaai I aaw a.a atdltlaa sKasaaa SkIIiI vawall ika ' "Villa, ovrvnc ajvvnuiiin, wv imJ Book. a, my 0tJiee v D gKEWER, Lewisburg. July 18. Attorney at Ut i . n.,-i. vkiiii-. a.i a Etat " DennlS PWlllpS, deC'd DMIMSTRATOR SJTOTICE. Whereas. iV. Letters of Adimnistritlion on lhe eMate of Dennis Phillips, late of Lewisburg boro". deceased, bave been granted lo the subscriber I by the Register of Lnioo eonnty in doe form I o. law, therefore all persons Indebted to said ' estate are requested to make Immediate pay. ...... ... . I I - . . mcui, ana inuiv naving ius.i cmiuis neninti ; the same may present them do'y authenticated f for settlement, to the subscribers. vMl;bL EK, Adminis- JOHN B.LI.NN, i tratora LMrMarg. April , 1SSI Five-Twenty U. 8. Loan ! raw. bt.iSBl;u d--v. o. -- I Union Co- is Agent for the sale of the , . a- . United tstates Six per CenU Five-Tweaty lean i.oaa. Amounts can be bad to snii tha means ol different individuals. Th Interest on Ibis Loan is payable aud will be paidia Gold. 993 -II. GERUART, DENTIST, has removed to South 3d street. fnor dnnrs from tha Tower Ck:k. LEW. FSBUKO PA I Lost, Sunday evening;, berwiran th Prtsby j terian aad Baptist Chore b. a plain Ueld I Hracelei to p left al Utia Olbc. r' .SAPONIPIBB, f)R Concent ratea I-yei, THE FAMILY SOAP MAKtff, ri'HB pnh!ie are i:.I.TlBI ett lfc I bl'UKIuus akii' i.t-j r ire i.r maitina "oaf c n.w .uVrrit (t salf. Tb i onlv (.K.tlE and Palenled Lye M that made lj lhe Penna Salt Manafaeturlns Company,' their traJr-mark for it brias; " Saponffier, or Concentrated Lya." The great aoceess of ibis article baa tfd unprincipled parim to endeavor lo imttott It la violatum of ibr Coiapaav'a Patrais. ... . . .- .. 1 1 . i A" ataauiaciiwn, ur srurn . u ,re hr,,r Bol,fi,4 lhjk tbe Coiirpaay hare employed aa tbeir Aiwrv tejrs. G.-o.lIartlinp;, E-q., of PMIad., ami Win. li.ikev.cll, E.-(i., of 1'itlstBig. and thai all Manulaciurn, U.-er or tttiisra of in violation ol the riins nf iba Cum panv. will hr Pr.era.ed m unre. . The KA rVMr lr.H. or iy;net niraita j.yw , is lor sale by all Uru;gr?la, irocris, acd j eoumry Stores. TAKE NOTICE f Th, 1'iiited State Circuit Court. VTeMent Ui.tlrici of Penn-ylvania. So. nf May Teins in 183, io sail of - The Penntfvania Sail Manufacturing; Company, v. Thu.tS t'base."" deererd ti lh l oinpauv. on X'V. 15, !, rhe EXCLUSIVE n-hi tranted by a patent owned nv tbeni lor ibe n.r.ixina. raicnl ' '''POM lajuaetio, ' .utsr.lJ THE PENXSYLVAXIA , , . vvp t ( rt'l? fYP CIIIP'7 O.l H iUAAL r At It K1.U tUJiT . i OFFICES t J27 Wain int St. Pkiladelpliia. ... . M VVa, .Piiuhsrr. )iiitie?ne a 3ui9Vltnide NEW GROCERY AUB Provision Store ! fl'lIB sohr;ber has jusi opened a Family 1 (iroceiy and Provision Store, ta Hodan. baugh's butldiug (late Kreamer's Tiaship) West cud of Markot Square, where ba has just received well aclaoiei asseriment of fresh GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. ! such as Coffee, Tea, Chocolate, Sugar, Kie-, : BTubsrBuc ZX Molasses. Fiih, Salt, hpicesv inegar, Uai-:n lreh,3oap,tluller( i r . iM.... j ' . 7. '.,1 m...V.. p.-7 f . Vlfiup orit K0il Piirn Pattl Pnwirar . i ivm ... a l W. VW. M, V ...V V . . W ytrEENSWARE. Win-low Shades. Maxhcs. biove Polish. Ruts e)n uff. Tobacco, Cigars and everything rise ia the Grocery line all of which he offera al th lowest priasa fuf Cash or Country Produce. CUA'3 ROLAND. Lewisburg. May 7. 1861 THE UNIVERSAL . A'0 w''nS can be durable without Cj- i Wheel. The Universal Wringer lo. k , lhe flrs' Fferoiom (-ilVrr medal and diploma) Sl lhe Ne Y"rk 'air.IBttl. It was pronoonce4 ( SL rEKlUK TO ALL OTHERS l in the World's Fair at London. 1362, and haa j always takeo the first Preminm io every Staia I and County F.iir when in fair competition I with other machines. It is the Original and 6..... ..... 1 only Genuine and Reliable Wringer before the People. It surpasses all odien IB Strength of Frame, Capacity of Prc?nre, Power of Action. We raetleaKf the World-w arfy all rawsnlilM I It saves Time, Labor, Clothes and Money I It will wear for Years without Repair! No Servant can Break it in Using! A child eight years old can Operate itf No caution or skill is reimred in its o.e Ii ave iL col in clothing every all month-! r7R..n. U'r....r .ih f?...U' """-" ,r 3 n , To men who bave had experience as ean- I va9rrs.or anv wno vou;a live to enga!;r in the sal nf this trnlv ralnahle invention. liberal ' inducements will be offered and good territory i given them (they paying nothing for the Patent I Kight In which they shall have the exc'uMva j sale. Editors desiring a Wringer caa pay ia adtrertising. R. C. BROWNING, Reneral Agent, ISutt aw ijiuti 345 Broadway, New Yo.-si Executors' Notice. "VfOTICE is hereby given lhal letters tes X mentary on the last will and totamans of ANUKEW HAtiEMJIICH. laie vf EasS Bulfiloe Tp. Union Co. deceased, have ber . . . ... a Union county In due form of law; therefor alt neronsindebiedtosaidestateatereqaeadM granted to the snoacrmera iy me nrgiairr m mate immediate payment, and those having elaim against the same will pro-eat them properly authenticated for setilrment to tha I I .. . . ..'l'll . U I 1 1 1 Kautura, .sn... -'- t " . . i" .S. vv.Z'Sl'' Or OH IO a UaratS, lbir U J, L.i-4rs Juna II, Ifa - FOR SAUE. 'fHE. andersigaed. desirnw af closing nn bOHiurss in Lcwisbnrg, before lhe oii'l- die ,.l April, oflers, ai Prrva.e Sale, th. emira ... ,r. . ' . .7-. .... ..r outfit af bis shop, consisting of Tools, Furniture, c, fee, at former prices. He atsooftVrs a fine Hesrsff. Marca . vt SOUMON YOUNG. Cash paid for Baik. T WISH in nntrhase a large qoanto 1 ROrit 0K 1MRR. my Tannery Yard tn twnr. fur which I will pay lhe hiRhrat price to cash Maw H, IBti E. J. HCLI. BLAN KS ' n "ChronkW 04 ' f