1: : t 1 ! 1 - H II 3 1 $ I I I if 4 ? 1 r! 1 1 'I :; i !4 The Chameleon, or Pertinacity exposed. Oft has it been uiy lot to mark A prowl, Cuuceitcd, talking ep:irk, "With eves thit hardly served at most To punrd tiioir uixli-r 'praiiint a port; Yet 'round the vwrl! the bhidir has Li-eu, To-eee whatever eouhl lt seeu ; Ki'turuiiig from Lis tiui.-hed tour, (irtiwn tvn f hue pr-rter than Lot'ori, V.'hutt-ver word j ou chance to drop, This traveled fool your mouth will stop : ..VlJut, if my judgment you'll allow, I've eecU' and, hure 1 ouht to know So bejrs you'd pay a due biibuiisiiou, . And acquit'sce in it is decision. Two travelers of tuck a cast, As o'er Arabia's wilds they passed, And on their way, in friendly chat, Now talked of this, Mid then of that, , discoursed a while, 'luutig.st other matter, Of the Chameleon s Win and nature. "A otruuger animal," cries oue, ''Sure never lived tWiicnth the auu ! .' -A lizard's body, lean and h'tijr, A fish's head, a serpent' fcinirue, ' lis foot w ith triple claw di.-joine I, And what a length of tail behind! How slow its pace ! and then its Luc ' AVho ever saw so lino a blue !" "Hold, there," the other f(iiick roj.litf, ." Tin GREEN I saw it with these eyes, .As late, with open mouth it lay, Aud warmed it in the sunny ray, Stretched at its case the beast 1 viewed, And aw it eat the air for f Mjd." - "I've seen it, friend, as well as you, And must ntrain affirm it blue. At leisure I the beast sun-eyed, Kxtcndod in the cooling shade." " "l'is reeu, 'tis green, I can assure ye.' ''Green V cries the other, in a fury, "Why, do you think 1 've lost my eyes?" Iwere no creat loss, the trienu replies, 'For if they always serve you thus, You'll find thcui but of little tt-e." .Ho high, at last, tin; contest rose. From words they almost came to blows, When luckily came by a third To him the iuestion they referred, And becired he'd tell 'em, if he knew, Whether the thinir was irreen or blue. ' . "Come," Kiys th' umpire, "cease your pot tier. The creature's neither one nor t'other! 1 CaUL'ht the animal last night, And viewed it o'er by c.'iudlc liht; I marked it well 'twas bi.M'K as jet! Tou stare hut I have j;ot it yet, And can produce it." "Pray, then, do, i'or 1 aui sure the thinj; is blue." And I'll enirage that when you've seen The. reptile, you'll pronounce him preen. " "Well, then, at once to ease the doubt, Kcplics the man, "I'll turn him out ; And whou bcf.re your eyes I 've set hint, If you don't find him black, I'll cat him." lie said, then full before their siirht Produced the bea.-t, and lo 'twas white! A II stared ; the judge looked wondrous wise; "My children," the chameleon cries, (Then first the creature found a tongue,) "You are all riht, and all are wrong : When next you talk of what you view, Think others see as well as you, Nor wonder if you find that none I'refors your eye-sight to his own." Meriuck. The Contrast When that architect of ruin. Jeff Davis was about asstiiuiog the rciug of power in fail military Confederacy, bo thui assured hi maddened, tnisgaidffd supporters : -The time for compromises is past, and we a rr now dcirriitined to maintain our position an J make all irAu irP"e tmrll .Sgulfurn gunpnuJer and feel Southern ttcel." Lovely devil ! imiallo work ! All who would adhere to the Old Union to suffer from firearms and the swnrd ! And "On to Wmliinyton !" was the erj of Vice Free. Stephens, as perfidious Virginia stealthily sought to scizo Harper's Ferry and Furt te4 Monroe. Contrast the " gunpowder and steer' threats of Davis with the ealiu, gentle manly assurances of our lawfully chosen President, Abraham Lincoln, when assu ming bis office. He said : In view of the present aspect of affairs, thrrt need he no bloodshed or war. There is no necessity for it. I am not in favor of such a course; and I may say in advance, that there will ne Bn bloodshed, unlet it be farced upm I lit Government, and thin it will be compelled to act in telf-drftnce." True, noble words, worthy of the man who occupies the chair of Washington, and bas a greater work to do tban be had ! A striking contrast, in temper snd in design ! Let him that "taketb the sword unlawfully perish by the sword." ' The enermica lo the Government hav lately 'dopUd a stounin thing in tbe way of a Cadge. It's a hefty idee immense. They tear orf tbe defenseless fcmail wot lives on copper pennies, wbo has her bed tied up iu a rag with Liberty onto it just as they have bin tearin tbe pin feath ers out ov tbe liurd ov Liberty, an tryin to smack every else that has ennytbing tu rlo with Liberty. This badge tbey pin onto tbar kotcs, an thiuk they'll pari fer pit-rioti cr any other riots. Tbey muchly remind mo of tbe lUbcl wen they display tbe Stars an Stripes to betray oor solders to gory graves. Artemat Ward, Jr. - One of two eootlcmen recently convers ing about tbe National llridge of Virginia, remarked that there was an extraordinary incident connected with it, for that Gen. Washington once threw a dollar complete ly over, an acbievment which has not been performed eiuce. "No wonder," replied bis companion, "for a dollar in those days could be made to go a great deal further than at the present time." Sricsi Marsh. En., formerly of this borough, now deputy Kegister & Keeorder of Union eonnty, we learn is a candidate f.ir tbe position at the next election. Mr. March is one of those wbo neither fears nor favors a Copperhead, and such are tbe men we admire for positions as tbe abov. Milt" Would you cat healthful dinners? Eat slowly. Would you eat social din bars? Lat slowly. Would you eat relisbable dinners ? Eat slowly. Please auffer a short word of exhortatiou eat lowly. A love-smitten young man sent lady rdse as a declaration of love, attaching a flip of paper on which was written, "If not accepted, I go to war." In return she sent biui a pickled mango (man go ) LATEST NEWS! SS.V, 1 ;! .-7 11 JU r as we go to press, we received a dis patch Mating Hi at there would be a Jarge lul ot Fruit anil Ornamental Trees Evergreens, Grape Vines, &c &c, for sale at (his place, id the spring, in a A artery cicA ride f the River. They wi!! be brought from the old Laurel !idi;e Mursery, formerly belougiug lo Lewi U. Hunirr but now to SutLLfcit, Ltwis &. Humnkr, who have entered into a co-partnership forihe purpose of eMab'hing a regular N ursery at this place. The old Laurel Kidge .Nursery is situated in Adams-Co., Pa., in a well-ehtablislieJ nursery, and contaius as good a variety t.f trees as any in the Kialeof lenn a or INew 1 ork- Mr. Hammer has had cotit)itlT.il ririfticc in the buinan from hid youth. Tu put'Hr cm u expect Urjt, wll-fortniHl tmi, ! tlic U-ttiJ aUhH an i lea. I'crsoni fi.IiiiiK to purrhtw of ttilf firm, hud ttlr N-nti iu tliflr orjrrp mxu, no tliat n ttriiiK th- kiti'U tit-but ttirr- will ht more trtwa hruu;lit Iruui the Nurtry tlun will b newisir tt- liil tirj-ris urh)iirs can tliT-lrr r th tnu bnftite tmyiuff, if lhy wich to. H e untie x li-t of lrua whteii w- baveou hsul; hut we rau tn- cviivcnit utly fiitttnvnau the diilereut Turiftitw; but the public will Hud a caUio;ui at. the Uitue saviug limuiution. Ap If trot-R, A to 1 rt hiph, fmm t& to "A) rti.each IVarh, Jrtmi 4 t- 6 ttHl hifh, 1 to lit rt. earb Staiiilanl 1'oar. 3 to 4 ftt-t hirh. 4u to i) eu. at-u. Dwarf IVar. 3 to 4 f-t hiLh, to 40 rt. ach. Cht-rry, 6 U K leet bifrh, Lj U ;VJ cU rarb. Plum, on f.lum itt tckt. 4 to H frt IhkIi. 4Xtli eacll. NrtarineH. yuiutvs, and AprirU, cta.acb. (J rap Viof, licU to a l each. Cur rani. 10 to l&ctarh. (ionwWrrii-w, l&rts. each. Hlarkbcrrif, Set, earh, or 76ct. pr doxeo. Kawptterrir, )0-u. en-h.or $1 pvr dotra. ptraa bfrrien, Z-Scta. p-r dozeu, or 7icla. per boodrud. Khdbarb, IOcId. earh,$l per doxen. Urnanontal trts-n. trom 'Zbrln. to $1 rarb. Lrergreen tree, tr-jtn 4ucU to$t each. tSHrJI.LEKA, JIUMMER. Lewiburf , Jan. 23. IbtiX "VfOTIC'E u hereby qiven that the Copart- " v j i - Thomson . Evans anil Albert S. .ooper, under ihe firm name of KVA.NS & COOPEK, is this day dissolved by muiual consent- The lt.tr.trc n.l ai.Aiit.tt: n rm in ihn h:lllil& nf T fi Evans, who is auiliorized tu scale the busi ness ot Hie laie nun. All lnnu.iti(r ihmJm Im1f.htr1 will please call at Ike old. slant), and utile the same. T (i. EVA MS. ALBERTS. COOPER. NOTICE. rilUE undersigned having pnrrhased the I interest of Albert !S. Cor.ner in the late firm of Evans At Cooper, will continue the Cirocery land I'rotlnlon business at he old stand. I take this opportunity to return my thanks to the public for a liberal patronage, and hope by studying tbe wants ot my Inends and en deavoring to supply them to merit their pa irnnaze in Ihe luture. T. U. L AINa Lvwicburs March 2. Estate of David Simpler, dee'd. VDMIMSTKATOU'S NOTICE. Whereas leiieri of adiniuisiration on the estate of DAVID SIMPLER, laieol While DeerT'p. in Union county, deceased, have been gran led to the undersigned, all persons knowing iheinsrive indebted lo said estate are reques ted to make immediate payment ; and those having claims agaiust it will present theiD properly authenticated for settlement to THOMAS AKBIXKLE, Admin'r. I'niontown, April 6, 1863. Furniture! - Furniture Broke Oat in a New Tlaee! UUKRAUS, from $10 to S18. FIXE DRESSING BUREAUS, trtrm $M to SECRETARIES, DESKS, Ac. tc. diff-rent pnejft. BEDSTEADS, from (3 to (20 dtir. rrnt patterni and latent Itjln. ' TABLES, EtnKlo,11 Wt fid npwiirrls.O'ntrvj.Pier, End. Card, Ijmnctwn aizen), Rrvakntt. fnid of an kind c( wood desired. hut Ualnul, Mahtntijr aud Uuae vovd alwayf oo band for Uiv trade STANDS, Tpy, bai-Xot. iswiDH, kr. 4e, SOFAS, LOUNGES, latest patterns' CnAIRS, rpholftrr-d, Lzrg Arm, Hrwinn, 1'arlor Chefre always on baud; alxn. tn tat, Lart! Kfk.r and Num. HiUdfforChatrn, tare and rmiall Korkra. Table and Children' Chair al way on baud. TOWEL-RACKS,DOUGII TRAYS, BOOK and SHOW CASES, &,c. Furniture of my oitH manufacture, intured one year. P. 8. I intend, in a short time, (as soon as I ran get op a fine Hearse.) to attend lo the UNDERTAKING BUI.ES3 I will keep some twenty-five or more different sizd for tius, finished, and always ready on short no tice, and will sell twenty per cenl. cheaper than has ever been done in LewiUurg. Call and sre before purchasing elsewhere. REPAIRING done immediately. CHAS. 8. BELL, Chambcrhn't Block. Lnitbarg, Feb. 21, 1803. ICE...fCJ....CE ! rpHE undersigned are putiin; up an ICE i IIOI'SE large enough to supply all our people wiih Ice during the whole year. Ice will be delivered in town, daily, at a cheaper rate than private Ice Houses ran be filled. tV'-'all on either of us on Norih 4th St. or at the Ice House below the River Bridge. II A.WKIOKSS.IH., Lewiabarg.Nov.SS, 10 (HANK. ANtibTAUT REMOVAL! T1 L. MO WRY has removed bis Photo graph EHlabliMliment to the New Building on Market siren, recently oc cupied by Dr. Burlan, OPPOSITE THE BANK, where he has fined op one of the Fiaest Galleries in the Country ! Having superior facilities and a long z perienre, he is satisfied that his work can not be beairn. Call and test his woikmansbio Lewisburg, Aug 15 U. GERIIAR.T, DESTIST, has removed to South 3d street, four doors from the Town Clwk, LEW- ISBUEG PA UNION COUNTY STAR g-First of.: the Season ! NEW GOODS! FROM 1'UILAD. AND iV.K NEW GOODS NEW GOODS NEW GOODS NEW GOODS For the Spring and Summer. For the Spring and Suimnur. For the Spring aud Summer. For the Spring aud Summer. Call asd See. Call and See. Call and See. Call and See. Jno.II Guodman,Market St.,LcwiskTg Jno.lI.GooiIman,Market St.,LewisbBrg Jno.II.Goodman, Market St., Lewisburg Jno.iI.Goodman,MarkelSt.,Lewisburg CP"AII kinds of Grain bnusht for Cash. PO BBLS. Mackerel, Nos. 1 aud 2, hall' and wboU barm:, for ! hw JXq II. iO0lMAk OD FISH for sale by J-f. II. Ill w II 1 A . "7IIITE and Blue Plaster for sale V by JNO. II. UOHDMAN. SALT, in Larrcld and sacks for sale by J NO. II.OOOUMAN. on nrn f 0ats wanted, JJ mJVJVJ f,r whkh the hliH-M pli inranh. by " JM). II.UUOU.la.. Peace Peace ! iKalt frlen.il. .nd kin J patrom.froincnootryaBdtnwii Vtf rw lriM4k lor ym a ni. prim- are doau. Then gi.e your atttrutiun, an-l part olyour car., AuiKM ouz Ury Goods autl olhr tu ware. Wi'n Borrem and Cliilll. and Satia Dm-h.m And Chambray aud Uiuehains. and llnr Wool UrLalnea We're Poullnn aud Mohair., and Printf for you all Such aa Spranuc'a and Uocheco'a jtut us a call. We're Munlinii and Sbertlnpa- from Trn to twfltb rents We're miockiniir 'r ladiea and Hair Uim aeuu; We're Clothi at all prirea. for dutori and cot. We're rnMly -uade tloUuug aa cheap ax O. !Uael. We're Cane Itoopr and Com-ta, and Crinoline Kklrta, Aud bvniuu and Choi-kina)' for drawer, and rhlrta, W e're Shirt Front anj Collar for nivn aud 6r boji, Wt'ir Shaken fur ladiea, but don't deal in toys- We're Olt-ClotliMi and Carpetr to rorer your floor, W e're lbadea for your window and Huj: f-r your door, We're llueket aud Ua.kete and Knbben of sine. We're Sudani and Cptfee Ibi f austcl or Cmsa. We're Brube and Kettle, all kind of Queenswa flo cell and examine, ere buying elaewhere; You'll lintl n on Market Rtreet, renter ot town At SUKIXKim Old Stand- B. t. ABE KUDUS. tiewuburg, April S, IMii. (6n0D Hems Kctn l&wte. FEwcoonsi ' HEW GOODS I AKiroonD.ii XEWGOODSI ton FAIL A.yi vnXTKRt for .alt. jyn ui.ti:ki FOR FALL jyn WIXTHRI FOR FALL ASD W1X1KRI CALL AXD SF.K1 CALL AXD SEF.1 IALL AXD SKK1 CALL AXD SKS! krkmkr, jrrr.rrE ro KkEMKR, HCl.VUF. a? CO JiKKMKK, HTCLI-KK f W KKEMEK, 3TU.LKE ! CO Lrwiabtirc, 1ot. 1RI12 BUFFALO HOUSE LEWISBVRG, CMOS CO., PA. LEWIS UKIBEI., Proprietor. rpills new Hotel is situatrd oppoaite thf L Court House,inthe uiokI fashionable and beautiful part of ihe loan, and for style and convenience can not be surpassed in Central Pennsylvania. Those viMlinj the University, or auenilins Court, will find it the most convenient and central public house charges will be the most reasonable and neither time or exprnse will be spared lo beslow every comlort upon those who may call. Persons in the County will be chareed S5 cts per meal. Lewisburg, April 1, 1S62 CASH PAID FOU RAGS. SSaat CtclD tcjat)tt fur fiuntpcu ! The htchest Cash prire. paid for COT TON' and WOLI.KN K(i.S,(ll,U .NEWSPA PERS, WASTE PAPER Ac; at Ihe store of CHAKLES M. KING, WHITE DEER MILLS, CA'IOX COUNTY, PENiVA, Where may be found a varied assortment of DRY GOODS, KOCEKIES, CROCKERY, HOUSEKEEPING ARTICLES, &c, for sale at reasonable rales. SQaat t1 tcjatjlt far Sumpcn ! Cash paid for Rags. BENEDICT ALBERT, CLOCK Maker and Repairer, AMI fUM'KS AXD WATI'Hn Wit SALE, fy New Shop on South Fifth Sl-J Lewisburg. April 2a, Ib2 WATCHES, JEWELRY, fee. Qgjy THE undersigned, having removed K3her Watch and Jewelry establishment j?io Criswell's New Building, Market St., between Front and Second, she is prepared to Repair Watches, Jewelry, Musical Instruments, &c, in the most approved and satisfactory manner. She keeps on hand an assortment of choice JEWr.LRV, for Ladies and Uentlemen, which she oilers at prices to suit the times. Also CLOCKS and WATCHES. All work and wares warranted as represen ted. MAKIA S. ZUBER. LewUbnrg, May 2S, 1M2. Daily Horning Hews. OAM'L SLIFER has commenced furnishing O ihe IlarrlubnrK Telenraph mornings,at one cent per copy the very latest iews, at cneapest rates June 24 GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CHINA WARE, SHOE FINDINGS, LASTS, &C.&C.&C. "IT J"E have an extensive assortment of the V above Goods, to which we invite ihe attentioa of purchasers. Call and examine Ibe quality and price before purchasing else where. EVAAS & COOrER, Lewsbg & LEWISBURG" CITRONICLE-JUNE 12, 18G3. Oifice of Ji C.M.a, Subscription Agent, - -a . .... faltEL'UV AT J II iuokk -v., a.aa 11.1 U..tk Thiril Ml. riiunuiiinmr rwxiT. ..r..) havina- keen annuinled HTn W ' 1 10119 X Subscription Agenl by the Secretary of, the Treasury, is now prepared to furnish New Twenty Year 6 per cent. Bonds, ' of the United Slates, designated as "Five- Twenties," redeemable at the pleasure of ihe , -... Aam mr and anlhorized bv Act of Congress, approved Febuary SSih, 1062. The COUPON BONUS are issued to aums of 50, HH. "". $11)00. The REGISTER BONDS in sums or $00, $ I Oil, $500, 1 000 and $5000. Interest at Six per cent, per annum will commence from date of purchase, and is PAI AUXE l. COLO, semi-annually, which is equal, althe present premium on gold, to about EIGHT PER CENT. PER ANNUM. Farmers, Merchant, Mechanics, Capitalists, and all who have any money to invest, should know and remember that these Bonds are, in effect, a FIRST MORTGAGE upon all Railroads, Canals, Bank Stocks and Securi ties, and Ihe immense product' of all the Manufacturers, &c, &c, in the country, and that the full and amp.e provision made for the payment of Ihe inleresl and liquida tion of principal, by Customs Duties, Excise Siamps and Internal Revenue, serves to maxe inese Bonus ine 2t'f, Mont Available ami J!sf Pfju far Investment in the iltrh t. Subscriptions received al PAR in Legal Tender Notes or notes and checks of banks at par in Philadelphia. Subscribers by mail will receive prompt attention, and every fa cility and explanation will be affoided on ap plication at this office. A full supply of Bonds will be kept on hand for immediate delivery. JAV COOKE, Subscription Agenl. EXCISE TAX. Assessor's notice. Kotlce to Tax Payers. THAT in accordance wiih an Act approved July I, ISG2, entitled "An Act to support the Government and pay interest on ihe pub lic debt," every person, association, partner ship, or corporation, desiring a license to en gage in any business, trade, or occupation named in ihe 61th section of said act, must register their an application with ihe Assis tant Assessor of assessment division in which such trade or occupation is lo be carried on Manulacturers, liable under said act to pay any duly or tax, are required to furnish lo the As.si.Maol Assessor a slaiemeni, subscribed and sworn lo in the form prescribed by ihe 6Sih section ar said act. Blanks and infor mation may be obtained from ihe AssisUut Assessors in Ihrir respective divisions. Division No. 6, 14th District, Pa., comprises Union county, Peun'a. Assistant Assessor, Division No. 6, CHAKLKS H. SHKINER, Oilier, in Milllinhurg. Communications may he addressed to me at Middlclown, Dauphin Co., Pa. DANIEL KENDIf!. Oct.3l Assessor Mlh Assess. Dist. Pa ALEXANDRE ORGANS, Sheet Music, Music Books, Music Merchan disr.and all kindsuf .IIIINlcal InftlrU- IlieulS, at the lowest possible prices. at. Til 8 llnrara Walara' Modaru lm- fr -lj ' ;iiyiI OrrrrlrunfT jfS"llKO. Fit A ME PIASOS ar justly proDOUuenl by the Pri-ar and Mnk Ma.lrra to b au(M.riur ln.trum.-uu. Ttny are built ot On- Iwt nu atnai thoroughly arawmaU matrrial.and wilt rfaaj ar cOmi!. Th ttma i rrry iWp, round, full anil nrlloar; Ilia Inarfc elllo. Karh ftana aarraatrtt lor tbrr yrnrm. Trie from ITS to $T. rW-.n-hantl Planoa at great bariralna r.rira froai $2 ta floo. Ilorarc Walers' Melolon, RoarwiMd Ca,Tunrd th .iial TYmjx-ramrnt, with tb Tatrnt uiritied Swall ana jsulo ttop. N. I. I ortare. arrolt from C to C, ft.'i No.i.-4'i " " CtoF, S o.3.-i " FtoK, 7.1 No..-S " Piano Styla, F to f, 1lK No.i.- " " FtoF, 14 Nu.S. S M twoitopaand ttroaataof read, 1M No.;. " .. anil two hank, of keva, - - - - J00 No. 8. 6 oetara Orpin M-lodrOri, two banka of ky. pedal baaa, four and aiz stopa, $UM, tr.i and S-IIMI. The Maloilron rrmatn In tnna a kmc tima. Karh Mrlodaon warranted for three years. The Alexandre Organ is a rred instrument, eorrerpomlinic In power and com paa to the ordinary 16 feet pipe Organ. In rorewooi eaaea, 8 atopa, m 9 1MS m J3 m 2:is IS rtop, with prruion, 3,0 13 atopa, with pereuwkm, and "eni"i" 3:i " A liberal dieeount to Clerjrmer, Chun-baa. Sabbath grhoola, IKl.-e. rvniinarira and Teachers. Ilia Trade supplied on tba mor liheral trin. HORACE WATERS, Airenl. 4SI Broadway, New Vork. TIIE DAY. SCllOOL HELL. A New 8in;in Book for day schools, called ihe Day School Bell, is now ready. It conUin8l"ul'J.Wchiiii-r8oni;,Konnd,t'alrbe,l"ett, Trio, Quartetl and Choru. many of them written eaprewly for ibi work. beidef 3i paReuf theKlemenU ol Music, ina aiemeni m..oe., -, that ordinary taarher. will And themselre entirely mic-ee.-lol in ionru. Hoc youui! acholara to ain oor- reetly and acientltlcally, wnne in nine. u e.n brace auch a rari.tr of lirely. attrartir. and anul .tlr ring muic and aentiment. that no trouble will be ei pe rieured in induriuc all beginner to to on with leal in acquiring ki!l in onoofthemoat health girinr.heauty im proviug, hapi inens yielding and or.ier-producing exereb aa nf :hool Itlo. t n implicity nf tt elementa, in rariety and adaptation of nioeie, aud in excellence and number of iu onir. original, neleit-d aud adapted. It claims by niurb to excel all competitors. Itwiil be found to ba tbe bterer lsoed tor rVuiinaries, Academie aud fub lir S-hoola. A few sample page of th KlemenU, Tune, and eong are giren in a circular; rend and get one. It i compiled br IIIIKACK WATKIIM, author of Sabbath School llellsi" No. 1 and l, which hare had the enor nuua axle of TlKVHHI eopie. prices paper coeer, 20 cenl., r 15 per 100; bound, 10 cenl, JJ per !: cloth bound, auiboaard, gilt 40 cents. (M per Inn. 2S eople furuiabcdal the 1( 0 prire. Mailed free at tbe retail price HORACE WATERS, Publisher, 4SI Broadway, New York. For Site 6 IUTISCOTT at Co , llulaJtlfkia. The Horace Waters Pianos &Melolcnns and AimntiK OKtiANS T- Oilbert k Co'. cele brated Jiollan Pianoa. are th Bot Instrument for narlora and chnrchee now in use. A large aortinnt can be aeen at th new ware room. No. 41 Broadway, between Urand and Broome treets, which will be sold at extremely low price, fiano and Melodeon from sundry makers, new and second hand. Second-band Piano and Melodeon at great bargain; prices from 16 to fion. r'bert Mu.io, Mueic Books, aud all kinda of Muk Merchandise, at war pricea. Opinion of UK t'rru. " Tbe Iloraer Water I1.no are known a among the vrry beat. We are enabled to speak of these iurlraiucnts with ftome degree of confidence, from personal knowleilge of their excellent toneand durable ijuaJitj." A'cw J'ori Evamytiist. Sabbath School Bell Wo. 2. 0,000 eopie issued. It Is an entire new work of nearly 00 pages. Many of the tunes and hymns were written expreuly t-r this volume. Itwiil soon be aa popular aa ltpredeceor(llell No. 1.) which baa run op to the aaonwou number of 6IH.1OO anpiea ouutripping any Sunday School Book of Its six issued in this country. Also, both volume are bound in one to accommodaU schools wirhing them in that form. Prices of Bell No. 2 ut aoeers. Id reuta, SI- per 100. Bound, id oent. H p.-r 100. Cloth bound, embossed, gilt, .HI eenla, f!2 per 100. Bell No. 1. paper envers, 12 centa, $10 per luO, Bonnd, 30 cents, S18 per luo. Cloth bound, embossed, gilt, 2S orotfl, $3t per 100. Bell No. 1 and 2 bound to gether. 40 oenta, $) per 100. 6 copies furnished at the lie) price. Cloth bound.emboaet, gilt, &0 centa, $10 per 100. Mailed postage free at the retail prica. HORACE WATERS, Publisher. May Z.'l 18mr 4M Broadway, New fork. Central Foundry and Machine Shop Surer, Walls, Rhrlier 4 fa. Manufacturers of Bullock's Iron pSlMower and Reaper, Darling's Endless Cham Horse Power Willson's Telegraph Kodder Cut ter, Riches' Iron Plows.Witherow't Sell'-Shar-peninr Plow, and Micbican Doable Plow. Also, Sioves.and Castings of every descrip ion. All kinds of Agricultural Implements kepi on band for sale.. Jobbing work in Wrought and Cast Iron and Brass done to order. Country produce taken in eiehangp. Cot. of SUtb A Maik.t Sfljiwbkirg, fa. ftAMISL aCUKXL'K Stw Furniture aEatabIlatainent. 'THE subscribers have opened a Furniture 1 establishment, on Market Si. Lewisburt;, (opposite Chamberliu's buildings) where they manufacture to order and keep on hand all varieties of CAHltET WAKE nsnally kept in such establishments Bureaus. Bedsteads, Tables, Chairs, Solas, Stands, What-Nots Ate. of ali patterns and prices. 17'RtPAiMina in the best and most exped itious manner. UNDERTAKING in all its branches attended lo al very low rales. Ready-made Collins always on hand. J K DIEFFENDERFER & CO Lewisburg, April 16, 1803 EyAi.S & COOPER FAMILY OIIO CIS ICY AND Provision Store, on Market street, between 3d and 4th, LEWISBURG. Call and Satisfy Yourselves. OUR 8TOCK is larjje and well selected embracing everything usually kepi in a first-class GROCERY STORE including an assortment of QUEEX.S-WAKE, IIARD-WAKE, CEDAR and W1LL0V-VAKE. III. O. EVANS ALBKRT 8. COOPER Lewisburg, March 18, IBM. News Agency. riMIE undersigned having opened a rV 1 Office in connection with his BOOK, STATIONERY, and VARIETY Store, he is therefore prepared lo receive subscriptions for the following XEHNPmiW. .HAKUUKS. tt. Philadelphia luuuirer. Press, l-edger, SatnrdaT Kre'g Post, Dollar Newspaper, The Preshjterian, Christian Advocate A Journal, Tlia Methodist, American Agricul turist, New York llrald.Tribune, Times, World, Harper Waeklr, Prank Leslie, N. I. Ledger. Merranr, Wa.eriej Maasine, Hone Journal, Yankee Notions, Nick Nacks, Blackwood, Eclectic, Harper's Mai;aEina, Peterron's, Uodejt's Lsdr's Book, Atlantic Munthly and any others desired. Persons wishita any of the above had better call soon to have advantage of Club Rate. tVOrders from a dislance prompilv attended to. H. W. CKOT.ER, Ntws Assst. Lewisburz, Pa., Dec. Vi, 1SI.I James F. Linn. J. Qerrill Linn. T F. & J. M. IINN, J Attorneya at Law, LEWISliLKIi, 574 Union Omnty, Penn'a. J. MKRIIILL II " ComiissioKaa for tbatataof Iowa with power to take Iepositions,arknowleda Deeda-Ae Airtlon inn ComailvsluB Uonae la Irwhbarg. (&3&g3 iesal Auctioneer! r. 4.ln'llots rr having been appointed sole Auctioneer lor I.ewistii.re, is prepared to i atlenU lo all calls in bis Ime in lown and country. Commission Sales. In April nexi, I intend to open on Marke street a Room for ihe reception, and Ihe sale at slated times of all kinds nf Goods at Auc tion. Any rne wiahinw todisposeof any arti rle can deposit ii with me and I will sell it at Ihe best advantage I can and charge a per centage for the same Feb. 8, I8S9 F A DONEHOWER KOTICK Gentlemen ! (IITIZEN: of Lrwisbnrc and Y.cinity are J respectfully inlorraed that ihe subscriber has bought out the iutercl nf E. I. Hihk in ihe briMnrs of Waring and Hair Cutting, 9 nil rntittas thr namf at the old Htand haMmatit of wnlow AramoD- blrtrk, htwB CaNtnuy'ttaiiiJ J. llnaKbtoB'st where by ettrif-t altvuLion to batnrtw b hnp to fte atihffertinn to all wbo may favor bioi with tlulx ption ae at all timea ancept bundaj. To all who tarry hr. till their bards grow long To kI a pleatiHiit htt piod ai barber ever iraT.-, Juat rail on IiLU! at binPaloon, buny morn. eve oraOOB Towels clean, razors sharp and cisaors keeo. April im A. W. P1LLIN, rrof. BrK WI N FI ELD FACTORY! Aear llarllelOD, Union Co., Fa. TIIE subscriber, thankful for past patronage, wo aid infurm his friends and the public in gene ral, lhal he cnntiniir tu maniia- lure all kinds of Woolen Good), such as :ioihs,Cassimeres.Tweeus,cialiineits, Jeans, Blankets and Flannels; also. Carpet and Slocking Yarns. His machinery being of the best kind in nse, and having employed the best of workmen, he feels sate in saying that his work shall not be surpassed by any establishment in the country. A good sup ply of ihe above goods kept constantly on hand for sale or to exchange for wool, at prices that can not fail to please. WOOL will be Carded in the best manner and on ihe shortest notice. Terms for carding, cash on Ihe de livery ofthe rolls. MARK HALFPENNY. Winfield Mills, March 30. 1857. rriHE partnership heretofore existing be 1 tween Wr. Va Guru and A. H. Dm, in the practice of the law, is this day dis solved. A. II. DILL, fewisbar;, Jan. 5, I8C.1. Irteke house aLewlMburg, Pa. R. G. HETZEL, IWn. THEnndersigned returns his sincere thanks for the patronage extended towards him by Ihe citizens of Union asd the adjoining counties, he would most respectfully solicit a continuation of Ihe same. R. G. HETZEL Lewisburg, March 13, lSfiS o3 CAIIPKTS large and choice vari ety, from 31 els. upwards, for sale by April 10, '61 BROWN k BRO. FRICK, BILLOIETER k CO. Are manufacturing and have .constantly on hand a large quan tity 01 4 leet ratings and 3 and 4 feet Lath at the following prices: Paling headed in a new style, from $8 to $10 per M Lath 3 and 4 feet Ion, $1 to f 1.62) pr M. Shingles at $a to $7 per thousand. Palings and Lath made to order, any length parlies may desire Lewisburg 8tan Sawmill, Dee. 28, I860 ' as i B.oawie. iinu aaiaa ORWIG & HAYES, Attorneys at Law. OFFICE cn South Second near Market Si April I, '61 Lcvalsibur, I'a. The Dimes Saving Institution of La wisbnrr T8 ready to receive any amount on Deposile fe.tm T.n I'.n la mnA n B . j. ..v. -"-i f wa.ua. riniipn rsnL nee annnm Inlaeacl wrill k. naU -11 . . u . , rw,u VH Sill tpeciai deposiiea of Two Dollar and upwards it Jn.ii.J . 1. - I uiv.iku ,ww uioiiuia a nu tourer, umce ie James Geddes' brick block. Market 8l H. P. 8HELLEB, Treasurer Lewisburg, OcL 10, I860' A $35 Iron City Cf allege Scholarship TOR sale at the Afar ) Ca" Ac., j -.ewnourf- j. s. DlxrraKpxarH awg mm (Mi-1-?. LWISfiUl.a ACADEMY rHE SoHBtsnSaaaiua commences Masnal.j Aran 17, l63. TriTioa per Session, including contingent : eipenses I PRIMARY Readinr, Writine. Define', Arithmetic, Ueog, Cram, and V. S. I Ilisiorv. J3.00, ADVA.NCEU ENGLISH, all not inclu- i ded above 0 ; l.AMil AtiKS. SO IiTiNo deductions except for protraried sickness. J- HANDOLPH. April 14, lsrj. The Family Always Prug Store Ready ! If you want pure Urugs, go lo SCHAFFI-E'S Drug Sl Chemical Emp-irinm, where is kept a lare and zeneral assornnent always. For auy article usually kepi in a lirst cUms call at ihe FAMILY PRUC. STORE OF ' ' C. V. SCI lAFl'LK, I,rwibur .... Pennsyl'a D VVID GINTER k SON HAVE removed iheir liuir and 'n llll(t Viirr-roum to ihe larzrr and more commodious rooms, laie the resid ence of Win. Prick, on the rorrarror Third and Market St. leaKbnrr, where thev have oo hand ihe LARGEST and BEST ASSORTMENT of Work ever offered tolhe public in thisvicinity.coniprisirig Dress Bureau, and Fanee Wash.tand ef the latest Btrlea, rlota. Ilaireeat Chair. Oanearat Chairs, lloekinr Chair. Etaaere. Hat Racks. Towel Karks.Jenov l.ind and t'ot 'aire Itedstead. Panev Lounre. Panev Tble. Ac also a reneral assortment of t'(V V.V u ul. K alwar en hand Karroout and Olfice chairs Wkolesaleor Ketail. We also attend to Ihe I.'NDERTA KING hoaine in all it" brjifiebe. Below prorided wirb Fancy HKAit-KSan.i Hk'i Palrnl Mrlalllr Rurlal l'ass. and OIK HNS f our own man u tact ore always on band, we are ready at any time, within an hour notice, to wait noon any and all a ho anay faror ns with a call. Hvinj none but Ihe bel workmen. efS WAKRANT alt Furniture manufactured by us, aud v derrcoinprtiti-D either in price or style. SXJ Mintifnrtnri on N. 1 Street, where Cabinet and Hoo.eTurnin;. Scroll and Kip Rawing done on short aotic and resaonabla tarns. A eood asorlnieiil of Ll'.MRER alwavs on band for Newel Posts, Bannister and Hand llailins;. rfRsraiRixo of all kinds done as usual. N.B. Any work not on hand will be made as soon as possible. Thankful for pat favors, we slill eipect a continuance of tbe same. WM. F. GRASSLER, Walcliniakrr, Jeweler & Gilder, Oppvillc Uclrl'a Umrl, Harkrt M. Lralskarg.Pa. Having opened a Shop in P. Gooilman's Clothing Siore. is prepared to all kinds of work in his line. Havin? worked in large cities all bis lime, he is 'nreoared in niir U'.i.k.. Clocks or Jewelrv.and In do Engraving, Pla ting, tiilding or Galvanizing in the best style of the an. All work warranted lo give-entire satisfaction, and done at the verv lowest cash prices. Also Accordeons and Meludeons repaired in Ihe best manner. Call in before you go elsewhere, see for yourself and save your money. Oct. 5, ISM Boots and Shoes. The subscriber has just received waJwsj his Store (next door to the Posi Office) a full supply of Hoofs . Shoes) of every style and variety soitaiile to the season. The stock ha been selected with particular care, and will be alforded at trttr REDriED prkm for tutor tn. His old friends and customers and the public generally are inviied to call and examine his slock and judge foi themselves. trMAN CKACTl'KIXG and REPAIRING as hereto fore will be attended to wiih promptness and at reasonable rates. J0H.1 HIIUIITIIV, jgt, Lewisburg, Oet. IS, ISM. u.r.SHIVELY. Market aSrwnr nrrt m. . T. - - " J7 . Urmn SJr N1! Je9 Saddle. "Wc"-1 common and the BfW plftll H0liF(0LLRS.warrmDtedtohurtiwfaor Dralrr In B! KFAL0 KOltKS RLA.NKETN, KLKK.H r.KLLH, Fancy Saddlery, Harness Hardware.&c. rpIIE subscriber, having carried on 1 X ruiDea for s.'T-ral yt-ar. aod cained a rpaUtio for making atjrcNl llarnra Ac. an any etlahlihmrDt in I this rririon and thf L'nkm ?timt Asrrirultoral Society havinc award-! THKhK I'ti tMU'MS fir artirien nf b workoianstltip would 4xprpw hi tcrtitud fir fNra .f th tradinft public alrtnitT rri-td. ami mk thvit cooti- j nurd patronage at hi NtW TANU. Tbe IVathrr uvd by m it of th wrry bt Unord in I thttAld oar, and will lat fi-r jwn. 1 employ Utr Imt "orkmrn-trTw-w my nwai hui-inriw and am ft-und in my ibop at all mjit.-le hourt. .My i.oorin and Work arw warranted, and if not m rvrinKnt-fl mav It ratiirtta-a. r vxchanKrd. Call and iw m, and if I do not tou th worth ox your saom-y 1 will nut again mk for your patronage. REPAIRING promptly attended to. a.CHKAP ftir CASH or KKADV FA V. in mnt ki,..l. of Countrv Fredue. Lwirsurx. April I, IRfil. o. P. 8111 VELT. A New and Beautiful Edition of The .Wiitake ol" Ldmated Ilen. BV JOHN S. HART, LL.D In 12mo muslin, price SO cents: paper covers, 25 cents. Copies of ihis book will be sent by mail on receipt ofthe price in post stamps please address J.r.Gr.lBi:iKria.rahlr.ker. 148 Somh Fourth St. Philadelphia Ml'SIC H. W. CKOTZER has jnst received a laree assortment of the newest ami best MUSIC comprisftie I Sacred and Secular Books. Instructors for1 different Instruments, Ball Room tactics, Ac, j together with a choice selection of Sheet Mo. sic, among which ihe patriotic sort is well j represented. All ol which is for sale, cheap, a OLD POST OFFICE. Lewishnr-. ra-'O r t, II y C. J. ST A HI. RIXDERY on 3d street, a few doors -orth nf Market i Ait AO. fm FIRE INSURANCE. INSURANCE COMPANY OF KOTRH AMERICA Philadelphia. (Incorporated, ITIsi) Capital 500,000.00 Asseta, Jan. 181 - 1254,719.81 ARTHUR (..COFFIN, President CHARLES PLA TT, Secreiaey Ifo liuildiuRS annually or perpetually. Mer chandize, Oram, Furniture, Ac, insured, at currant rates of Premium, JOHN B. LINN. 934m 3 Agenl for L'uioo county. Pa. I.OST-On Main Sl I.ewishnrw a HIT If . SKIM OLOVE beloopinf to a Soldier p.ease leave, immediately, at ihe Chronicle Office. CARTES DEVISITE at Mowry's Gallery Phoioaraph Albums ai Mowry's Uallery Photojtraphs lar.e sue at Mowry's Oallery Photographs in Oil at Mowry's Oallery Ivorytypes at Mowry's Uallery H allotypes at Mowry's Oalleiy Ambmiypes, and All kinds o' type at Mowry's Ca'lery MOWBY'M t.AI.I FRV. in Market atreet, ojpoue the fiavak Luwubuig 83l UXIU.V BOOT A XI) SlTur STILL AHEAD! Come one! come all and examine for voon-elves ibe lirreT and ehrapot stock of II me ntaele B mi ail l Shoe in Union cuontv ! t'iJusi received a KKMI Hf PPl y (, C'lljr made work at anuaualty low pries.' 'Quick Sales and Small Profits" is the order of ihe day at t IREV Opposiie the Bank. Lewi,t,Jr. JuHt opened, oppoitite the Ririeri liouae, in the Room lately occupied by A. Singer. A FULL and complete assortment of FA LL at WINTER CLOTH ING.snch as Overcoats. Dress tVsis. Butt, ness Coals, and Coats of every style ant! pal. tera; and Pantaloors and VeMs,,,l0lt At9 a large variety of L:nder Cli.ihini, snrli as Drawers. Shut. Ac. Also.a fine assoritntst of Hoys' l l. ihine of the latest stvles. Al, HATS and CAPS equal lo anv offered is couniry. In fact. 1 have everything nrtery in the shape of Cloihin;, which I ctfei at a very small advance for cash. PHILIP GOODMAN. Aj I sAII kind of Couniry Prndoce lakes jg evchanje for Goods. Lewisburg, Oct. St. , J. WALKER a SOWS, DIE SIXKEi:S,ENCKAVZKS, AND Seal Preaa Munuracttirera, SO, Hoitlh Third St., IliilaJelf,,;. Tt.1l. Special attentioa fivea lo'Maaoma and other Society seals. 6m78S Variety and News Depot, rPHB sobsrnher keeps ronstantlv for tt'.t 1 at Ihe POST OFFICE (below the Kititre House) a well-aeiected stock of Family Groceries, Confectionary and fruit. Fancy Xo- Sksr, t.. i,...r. nuns, J I I IlimtTJ fc VJHhalCST - f fcoans. U it 1 1 rrMrd and Oil Sliades, Traveiintr liuet in... t. i. . . i . ti a . . iiuiik,.-?ciiooi ana uymn iitok,Ac. ropers and .llarazlnri-on hand or lo order. Irrro Boston. New York or Phila delphia sorb as the Tribune.Tiraes, Herat., Ledper, Weekly. Clipper. Police Oazeue. iltr. cnrv.Waverly, Literarv f'ompanion. Vrptr and Leslie's Illustrated Weeklys. Oodey s and Harper's Magazines, Yankee Kotiuns and Aic -Nacs, Ac Ac. AU IIF lilt n iUE MIU f HUP FI B CAAS. I.ewisbiir- CEO. W. FOKKKST MEAT AND UNION ! JACOB a. BROWN, having assis-J led in feedint the hnntrv of Lew-' isbnrp and vicinity, for nearly three year. past, witn ine oesi ol I Beef, Fork. Veal, fte.. would rely a his gratefijl thanks to his nata rous customer for their patronage aad aa aounces lhal he inlends lo comma ihe bast ness as heretofore in the Meat .Market Hobs between Srhaffle s and Baker & Cc.'s Dr. biores. Market Square. MnasistBs Wednesdava anil 8atnrdays CASH is the system. Public patronage re spertlullv solirned, and satisfaction insarnl March 15. '61. I. 8. STEBSER, Ag't. (.Late Whl swan) . Race Street, above 3d Philadelphia. QCJLLMAX af BOTE. FE OPM1ETOMM. Terms. M.25 per day. To lh olrt eatftomar ef thta wll-tia Rra ,S lMir to aay. that w kaa ntMratwd, luarnii ftani DwJy friud hy mr. mn4 that f,ayii fullv aulirit a -oDt.ouat.ew of tltair patronafa. StrantTT. traIfr snd if.lra rortiaJly laviu tt th bmapiulitf or th -atioaial to tnmm a ad at mat iutigr tor thrla nf lU JaMtac aa. atvriu. Our I orat mi a to cwDtra), and cot.vt:iiiiu for Jlerclftamti and huiriii trrovrally. Wei atrTaodmTor to fttxt th vanta ! rrt of our $u-ii, aod with ib iwulaiirt of Mr Cm A. tTBt!; our affabt aod attti Ctvrk, w 1 1 wff prrparxt to kep a good Hotel, and hnf w r rrtra MtUfactlea. f I1KNKT VTILLMAKt, J. f.1. MOVERY Fashionable Boot and Shoe Hater, Siuth Fifth St., Leicithurij, KEEPS constantly on hand, and mannfae. tores to order, all descriptions of Being an espenenced Shoemaker, aud am ious lo merit a share of the public paironas he will warrant all work which may pas Ihroucb his hands. Particular attention will be given to Ladies Work. His Prices are as low as those of any othet dealer in the vicinity. He solicits a lair STia confident that he can satisfy every person. Lewisburg, Aug. 31, 1860.y American Life Insurance & Trust Co, (Capital Slock $500,000) COMPANY'S Buildinge.Walnnt street,"' corner of Fourth Philadihpkim. IT" Lives insured at ihe osoal Mutual rate or at Joint Stuck rates about 20 per cent. le or at Total Abstinence rates the lowest in in world. A. VVHILLU1N, President Joms C. -Stws. Sec. 747J GEO. F.MILLER, iljmf, Lewisbarf TiPHEtVS LINE m. AND FROM PHILADELPHIA J. BmCTIO OF FREIGHT. I.t etas i eenta pat 100 peaadl. lil da 40 do do td do a-1 to do 4tb do 17 do do eeial 2i do do Wheat, Rye and Corn, U eanta aar knahaL Thilad. Depot with f'rrro, WardS, Freed, 811 Market . Thanklul f.r the liberal patronage gives aa we hope by strict attentioa to businessaM merit a continuance of the same. THO'S PEIPHER For farther information apply to lT795 U R M'UINLY. Agent, Lewisbnrg DR. I. BRUGGER, m IIO.VvXOPATUIG PU1!ICIT 0 FFICE in his new Brick Block. Mar street, south side, between 4th and (upstairs.) Lewtsburr I ' .TOIIN -IJ. LINN. ATTORSEl AT LAW, rVN... .HLI- i Also rMllMirr of rrw br the Stales NOIS aait lAl.lniKMA-auihoriaea t """, I Oaths, and aa. Oenioiuoas and allldasits t" "r. j either ol the ahoee Mate, aad alen Uke " ' , I srigaeaeat nr i-rool ot as) Deed or oilier ''"PJT I reannted IB either al aaid Ma 1 J' rYMN i bTrt'KS fietytrrwn. Mnlt'-1"1 and Luilictan.at i'oJiKtsi