TOTimw inffliiniHmvTO'' wrnimrn nmm ' iriminnrimiiiimnin (mnTnDrttiWTKninfl HP WIO ' SIM Mi MiJlMUJIW IIW "THE UNION," established l 1314 Whole St. 1.6J1. BY 0. N. WOKDEN AND J. R. CORNELIUS. LEWISBURG, UNION CO., PA., FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 18G3. "CIIRONICLE," established In 1343 Whole Ka, 1.000. a.t ft&O Per '" always In Advance. ' " rrBLWHEB SKMI-WKEkll-. eThe Union Petninary, at New Bor- Tu)r Mumins k Friday Afternoon. I'm, had a pleasant time aud h eudim- ryrsee Sew Adveitlsienieiits. in the cea at tbeir closing exercises, tbit week. The Address of Rev. F. Ileodrickt wss a manly, stirring incentive to young men to take the right aide io the iniportaut movements of the day. Wednesday, the ladies read essays and the gentlemen spoke orations and received appropriate diplo id" Letter from Wm. Heed, works before Vicksburg, io oar next. tx7Tbe closing exercises of Dickinson Eeminarj,will eommeoee on Sunday next. JoT-George Eicholfr, Seliosgrove, waa j mas for the completion of their coarse of lioensed to preach at the late mectiog of studies, as follows : tbe Lutheran Synod in Mifflmtowo. mornino. JKclio, LAl'R.t GROSS, Hew Berlin. B-We are informed a Union : Angels, miry Vw Berlin. Is to be formed at the Royer hebool bouse, , y. tn;a we Conquer, 10 Kelly township, this (tridayj evemug Kiilguln or ttic Golden Circle In Ilcrku Count)-. i.Ueory Hummel, late of Kelly Tp, i ! serving wnu iui si muu... which bss been doiug such laborious Lut gallant service around Vicksburg. gtjy-Our first ripe strawberrie, last wear. 4 th of June: this vear. 9th- J U. Goodman exhibits first ripe cherries, ; Man's Knowledge v a - Jl i we saw tbis year, za June, ine niras BUKKIKT VaLLKRt'HAMF. w Berlin, Miracles, a Proof of Christ's Divinity, auu wtiatu. run lrctoruia, t iiiiirht have been. KMILIE "IIVIN. .lew Berlla. A Grave without a Monument, mat V. KunxUS, milrnbars. KVtNINO. M.-rlt S TRAITORS UNMASKED. In April last, it will be remembered, several men were committed, io Berks county, on tbe charge of conspiring to embarrass illegally the War measures of tbe General Government. The first witness was a detective officer, Wm.Y.Lyon, who swore as follows : Saturday morning, Cist of March, 18G3, I received information tbcra was to be a I mectiog; proceeded to tbeplsce wborotbe meeting wag to be held ; went on foot to Mariou towusbip, and concealed mysolf in tbe barn of Mr. Zollcr, uudor the straw. There might have been a hundred men io tbe barn, altogether. Itefore tbey pro ceeded to bmiuesH, Mr. lluber told tbem to searoh the barn, to see if tb-re were any spivs concealed in it; I can not name . . .1 upvrmr i jurtu, Tuesday Morning's Keftsu The expedition of a part of looker's thm the member were to raise their halt three (me; ibis would lesd to tbeir a. i.H L. an...alnn..t. lliail rrnrin. .nold not b. distorted. If one 1 '""J "" th' lUppahiD.ook, drove the memhe; met another he should sa, II O. i beu 0ut of 0M r,n89 "B k and if the other man was a member he ! 100 Pnrooers, ww.tii I1 ranlo Ii I TKa trr n mmm oi vnn In e.rh man he llnhr. and ha eznlaiiiml it. ! ericksburg,, f Here witness shook bands with the in terpreter, to show tbe sign. It seems to be tbe pressing of tbe forefinger on ibe wrist where tbe pulse beats. Hober said that whenever a meeting was desired to be beld, they must write to him, and he would come. Tbey must not mention anything about tbe meeting, bat merely say in tbeir note the word', "Cams and pay your debts." He would undcrstaod by this what tbey nieaut. I knew nearly all the men who were there, here the witness mentioned over tbe names of a number of them; tbey all lived in the neighborhood. 1 his witness was subjected to a very and ascertained that Lee's army was still in large force around Fred- It wss a gallant, successful expedition, with bat little loss. An intercepted despatch from Pember ton indioates that the Rebel supplies are small. Gen. Blair bad returned from a satisfactory expedition op the Yaxao, and foaud plenty of supplies. Grant was b-tubarding Vicksburg with great effect. Usterbaus with a good force is on the V. side of the Uig Black, and Jo Johoaon is supposed to be on the E. side, between it aud Jackson. Jy Cooke & Co. sold $1,031,600 ia U. S. five-twenties, yesterday. Grumblers, Partial, It. T. DcTOOaa, Lew port. I. B. Wbsdkujck, New Berlin. found tbe first ripe ones with us, about the , jWoV(.,.y a Mtive ,., Adventure 8th. KrTbe following are tbe enrolling offi ears for tbe upper end of Northumberland county : CbillisijUique, John Fruy ; Mil ton, P. L. Hackenburg ; Turbut, Jacob M. Follmer; Lewis aud Turbutville, John Cbristmao ; Delaware aud M'Ewensville, Wm. M. Armstrong. Union Lengue in White Deer Twp. We are advised tbat a meeting will be j beld ia tbe brick school-house, No. 5, near the Forest Iron Works, Monday evening J Beit, (June 15,) to form a Union League. Let there be a good turn-out. Subsequent meetings to be beld in other school-bouses. UlLU'.s L.LHER, W hile Deer Mil. The Bulwarks of lciitisin, WiixiAM O. tiEuNi, New Berlin. Perseverance knows no Impossibilities, J L. B. Kiciukd, Uutfelo X Roads. ! The Pilgrim Fathern, ; UtLitT MTTimrs,Mltemille. I ( 11F ColllltrV, josiri L. B4tu, New Berlin. Au Karly Epic, c. w. trtn, Miiito. National Ballads, oumu R. Rohl.-t.. uiwd, A-;T-j-tf.rf,vr of iUctltwr La. wVfjr. Martyrs to Liberty, Tn h. orwiurj, K-prtMtitivr of .ViwwMa LU. Sxul). (Exeu.rd from pprakioK ) Mr To aid establishing UniorJ Leagues, we submit tbe following short form, which may be varied to suit localities or cir:um ttances : I'mstllettaa er Ike Talaa teaarae. 1. The members of this League ytinll consist of persons of mature age professing tbe parlies whom be was addressing; be long and tedious crots-examinatinn. Not directed tbem to rua A dnng fork or bay- being tbe least disconcerted, fortified with fork into tbe straw, to see if there were j native modesty, artlcssoess, and troth, any spies conelcd under it ; after this I the stood the fire of tbe legal batteries. was done, be oidered pickets to be thrown j The father of tbe young lady, after she outside the baro ; tbis was as. near as 1 bad finished her evidence, returned with can judge, betweuu eight and bine o'clock; i ber to tbe reception room. the uieu went out, then tbe men inside I n ... i . . . . u.i. ki . m ii i , i V Henuy B. Sciiordleii wss next called,:... . x. ... 1 j .1.. i i " . aud unjust ; he fiiil the tociety km a mill ion ttrumj ; be stated that it first tout or ijmizrd in the &utli ; tbat tbe society bad siVhj, puttKutilt, ami yrijit ; he adminis tered ibe obligation; wbntber tbe men awore on a Bible or not, 1 can not say; tbere were eighty-tbrce men, to tbe best of mv knowledge, who joiued tbeo : the ISTTbere bis been soma bail near Harrisburg, recently. Latest News Our General and State authorities have information that the Rebels con template a desperate raid. Northward, to revive their sinking hopes. Gen. Conch had taken command of " Sus quehanna Department," east of Johns town and the Laurel Hill range, and to join; be told me tbis oo tbe night of Gen.Wm.T.ll.Brooks commands the Ua being sworn, be said be Seidle belonged to a secret society, for be bad told bim so, and wanted biin B-The threatening aspect on the Sou thern border of our State detains Col. M'CIureatChambersbarg,and Mr.Kunkle is also deprived of his anticipated visit, here. But Hon. Frank. Bound, of Mil-1 effort to suppress the exu-ting Rebellion. I to address the Lewiebare l 1. The object Ls to promote, by social, cne election, last spring, near bis owa house ; I went to tbe Democrat io club room with him, he asked me to j in tbe society, to pay a dollar and be iwora io. Jacob Werner, sworn. I live io ,.l.l .,... . ho ..,. ,i.o ' Berks count v : know Jacob Hober : ha men should swear; I don't koow whether I UM heeo holdiog meetings op tbere ; I Men, to save I cnnsylvania from bemg they kissed tbe Bible or not, I could not ' g n,y "lno 10 tin td piid my dollar j ravaged like trgiaia by the Iebcl exacll-v see: thev all answered vcs. after i ,nJ went ''',0 lb swt mtetinj, io tbe locusts. tbd obligation was spoken to them. He kitchen, at Beoneville Oxenrider's ; this adverties a mcetinc to be beld at a cer- ' w in APri' I4' i " ' " meetings; . t t s AtA tint hnlil win aw. aw K ....! I . I- at.. laio piace a man a nouse ana alter mis j - . . -7 u.u-. . iu. . i, t ..j t whPn lis wsrln.nlv ,!.... i. . . - .h- other members, and therefore da not con-! Pjuks.' "S... when he was cloe!y "Department of the Mouongahela," west of the above line. Every precaution is taken, but the State necessities may require Gov. Curtin, any day, to call upon those, accustomed to arms, to become Minute Last Monday, Gen. Grant informed the President that he heard from Gen. NOTICE. WHEREAS, various persona bare been trespassing upon my property pa While Deer Creek, by driving oa cattle to pasture, fishing, hooting, carrying off apples, graprs. cutnog down chesout irees, burn nig rails, fcc, I am tliereiore under ihe oeressliy of warning all persons from doing so, or otherwise inter lenug with ihe same without my permission, and 1 will reward any person woo will inform me of persons so trespassing. June, 1863. 8. L. BECK members siirn a list, and nav one dollar ! 'der that 1 was sworn in. J be oatb tbat i , ' ; unqualified loyalty to the Government of . . tie . i , . ' , . . i sign, go into . ; the I nited Mates and unswerving support , ' , "'' ! of its constituted authorities in their j , ' ' investing Port Hudson. Vicksburg .. . Tiriia diiii v irAfn ii a i r iijin ntt iiv' I ,rni.T ...I. in th. r,rt !... ii.... -h..! was administered was tbst tie mrmbert ..D.;v--....;uih " . ' .. - . .t rt i. : ii'hr. rTrirfnii nr fenr nf thft fi.nj in .nSA - a - a l. .1 TlMJir tl'i IHH1IHHI lilt! r.mtini'1 JlilUsM. '-!- " w ' I ' w.w " v ww aw.u u uiu sicurci , iuubc wou uu uuv i if j r " r . t r i l k..;.i hi... .i.- i.i: ' mtlton. otiaintt the Cuntiscutwn Bill. ami. " ruur. ivemtorcciuuuia unvu I cation ton.haa eonaentad to address the Lewiabart? Union Leatras on Tueulau Kcenina next. ! "TjA aul1 Hi'iwil influences, a feeling Turn out and bear an earnest, patriotic tpeaker. 13. We are informed that Gen. Clem ant has appointed Col. Wm. L. Ritter, Deputy Provost Marshal for Uoion county, aod Dr. J. Y. Sbindol for Snyder. John Crossgrove,eorolliogoffieer for Lewisburg ; Wm. L. Harris, East Buffiloe ; M. Klcck oer, New Berlin ; John Riokert, Lime atooe; R. V. Liucoln, Hartley; Joseph Sannders, Lewis and Uarlletoo; John Hayes, West Buffaloe. The Next Governor Movements. Tba K.C C.'i bad decided upon lliester Clymer as tbeir ('Democratic') candidate, but Wm.H.Witte has been making inroads npoa tbeir "slate:" we regard Witte as the most objectionable of all, and in tbe hands of the worst men. W.Bigler also is moving io tbe matter, aod a "new man" talked of. All the candidates art to be helved, and Gen.W.B.Fraoklin (to whom Gsn.Barnside attributed tbe failure of tbe first attack on Fredericksburg) proposed as "compromise" candidate. Tbe fate of Gen. M'Call who ran for Congress, last fall, in tbe Chester district, and was so badly defeated seems to be forgotten by these wire pollers, who have bad Franklin endorsed by Cumberland county. A good Soldier will ran well on tbe right side, bat poorly on the wrong side. Copper beads will not vote for a thorough War Democrat, and War Democrats will not knowingly vote for a Copperhead. In the Cass of tbis Franklin, "Ton my not tell, when im hin track, It be', f uia( South, or coming bsca." First Riga ea tbe laloa side. Old Westmoreland County made tbe first move on tbe Union side. An entbuaiastio pnblie meeting was beld, par ticipated in by all sub-divisions of the friends of tbe Government, and addressed by Senator Cowan aod Jadge Kuhns, when tbit (among other) resolutions was adopted by acclamation : '"Tbat wo endorse the Hon. John Covodi as the unanimous choice of West moreland county, in Mass Convention, as the next Union candidate for Governor. His unflagging industry, his undoubted loyalty, bis strict honesty, aod acknowl. edged integrity, taken in connexion with bis eminent fitness and competency, all point bim out as tba mao, above all others, at ibis time to elect as tbe next Governor f Pcnoaylvaoia." Tbe majority of the Philadelphia dele fatioo are for Covode. Perry eounty instructed for Morehead. Montgomery and one or two other oanties iostroeted for Cartin, who is not candidate. Whether tbis ia a mere compliment, for some one wbo hat "an axe to grind" with tbe Governor, or to give delegates a chance to trade off their votes, is yet to appear. It is eertaioly trifling with Cortin, who hat repeatedly declared he should not ran, tod whose health would not endure another three yeare of toil soeh as the faithful duties of the office requires. Alleghaoy county bad a few votes for Jobosoo, bat her delegates are uoaoimous- Examined by Mr. Coffey . Now think aod tell us wbat the obligation is. ii I - i j . I i . . . r ol love for the United States ol Ainencr. , T . .f ., J J .. , , . ,i. 1 1 Abraham Liucoln f VJ uoiuiiili; All'!. iunui, in iiuuiau wuv. i rtl'-. 1 r i 3 .1 ni r -r ,, . . , i e . ; I rWituess.l I beard tbis : "by force, if in rimmi i hatriMi and laetious onnosi- .. J ' beard bim give tbe obli-' "'"-, ocaiuit the Confiscation Hill, ant, j mint retitt the draft. I didn't take tbe oatb Q. Did lluber ssy anything about members baiog in tbe South f A bers ol been Swnt to Grant. Our arms in Kentucky and Ten- nn-jsnn worr snf pnuful in rpront 1 es, sir ; be said there were mem- hcavJ skirmishes, I lbs society in the iSouth at tccll at : tioii to the Administration and to gam au honorable, Listing peace, by subduing the traitors waging cruel war against us. 3. The League shall annually elect by ballot a President, J Vice 1'resiJeuW, a Treasurer," Recording and " Corresjsjn- ding Secretaries, and an Executive 0m miUoe of J. A majority of these officers dulv convened shall be a quorum for the transaction of business, and their duties : shall be such as ordiuarily devolve upon such officers. 4. By-laws may be made, upon previ ous notice, at the discretion of the League. BS.Tbe courage, the agility, and the bull dog perseverance thus far exhibited by tbe colored troops, bas confounded their enemies, and exceeded tbe expecta tions of those who had been friendly enough to give them fair play. North Carolina is chafing significantly nodor tbe Davis despotism, and her news papers aod people speak threateningly of withdrawal from tbe Confederacy. In tbis is another proof of tbe supreme folly of tbe Secessionists. If tbey bad a right to break off from a "perpetual Uoion," as ours was designed to be, at any time, tbeo (of course) any State, when dis-pleased, can cut loose from the mere Confederation, or "affinity." It is a mere rope of sand, unworlby the name of a government, and is only beld together by military power which crushes out the real desires cf tbe people. ArPuECUTiVB. The Richmond En quirer iotimatea that lbs south will not receive iur. V aiiandigbam, and ssys tbey "will not permit tbe Southern Confederacy to become a penal oolony for tbe United Stales." This is, pcrbap, the bitterest insult tbat the Rebels North Lava yet received from their friends in tbe South, while at tbe same time it exhibits a proper appreciation of tbe character and motives of tbe present leaders of the Dem ocratic party. I'ren. Tbe song, "Down with tbe Copper heads." tune by the ladies at tba reception given to the gallant boys of the "Columbia County Uuards," Wednesday last, eauiea considerable sqatrming amoog tbe tnaket. It is evident that somebody was "nit. Oar young ladies have no sympathy for Copperheads, aod are not backward in letting it be known. Jilaomtbuiy Kepuo lican. John C Shannon, of Lewis, Northum berland county, was killed oo Friday iry. "Are ynu in fivor of a Xorth-wettern Confiderary T" "Are ynu in fie r minting the Draft or the CoHtcriition act f" By Mr. Coffey. Well, sir, did they swear to these nbligatinna ? Witness Yes, sir they antwerei Yet. Aootber witness testified tbst they were told to thoot the nfficert, in their leyt, so as not to kill tbem, however! Some Three Hundred of these deluded men came Into Reading, four abreast, and demanded tbe release of lluber. But tbe Mayor and others explained the law to tbe mob. Tbe Uoion people heard the alarm also, apd began to assemble ; tbey compelled the K. G. C.'s io tske the oath of allegiance, or receive a flogging and very soon, amid laughter and execrations, these patent Demoorats fled to tbeir homes some of them immediately renouncing this new, clandestine organization. I&rlt was after this first bearing that fcxyihe Democrats of Berks county with sWCIymer,Ancona, &o., aiding publicly Mrdeclared tbat Secret Political S'xietiet tdrare rijht, and tbey would proteot them j orii toe government am not. the A i-A ; I can't say exactly wbat bis remarks were on tbis point ; be did say ! in the public meetinj that we were for tbe Great Cavalry Triumph. Early Tuesday morning last, Gen's Pleasunton, Duford, and Greeg, being Juion and the Constitution ; be said in i fome miles up the Rappahannock from the private meeting that tbe war can not; Falmouth, pushed acro?s the river at be settled by fighting ; be said that tbe j Kelly's and Beverly's fords, surprised object of the Society was tosettla ihe war ; ' a larger Rebel force (under Gcn.Stu- tbis was to be done, that when our army j art,) drove them oat of entrenchments, met tbe other, and the signs of reoogoi-1 anj pursued them to Brandy Station, tioo were made, neither party should Dcar Culpepper C.II. Our men used shoot at the other. their sabres, with great effect. The iQ a , I b0",1rM.,,t,D ,h,?"f'' Rebel loss is much largest. This was what did be say abou t loading gun. f I ft a ff ; anJ . jd A. lie taut we mnjlit load our aunt .1 , , , . , with talt. and lire at mhcer. from Jk;.1 l" UV?. -"u. cuvairy , m j ----- fence ; be might have said it in a jibe. Examined by Mr. Jones I told tbe members tbe next day tbat 1 did not want to be a member of such a society ; I did t stlted State Internal Revenue VSSESSOR'3 NOTICE. The tax-payers of this District arc hereby not 1 lied that, pursuant to the provisions ol the Act of Con gress passed July t, 1862, eatiUed "An act tu pruvnle Internal iteveoue to aupport the Government and pay Interest on the Public Debt," and ihe act to amend the same, passed March 3, IN63, the second annual aeuirut will be made on and after the brsl Monday (1th day) of May lost. The assessment will embrace tbe fallowing items s I. I scon as All incomes for the year endiog lec 31, 106:1, must be returned to the Assistant Assessors, under oaib, ia accor dance with tbe instructions of the Commiss ioner of Internal Kevenue, upon ibe blank forirs proviJed for that purpose. E;."h person will be required 10 return his total income, so far specifying the sources from which it is derived aa 10 enable the Assistant Assessors 10 decide what deductions shall be made therefrom. HUSBAND AND WIFE. Where a husband and wife live together, and their taxable income is in excess of $600, Ihry will be entitled to but one deduction of bOO, that being the average fixed by law as an estimated commutation lot ibe expense of maintaining a family. Where they live apart theT will be taxed separately, and be each entitled to a deduction of $600. GUARDIANS AND TRUSTEES. Guardians and trustees, whether such trus tees are so by virtue of iheir office as executors, a linimitrators, or other fiduciary capacity, are required to make return of ibe income belonging 10 minors aod other persons, which may be beld in trust, as aforesaid ; and the income tax will be assessed upon ihe amount returned, after deducting snch sums as are exempted from the income tax, as aforesaid ; Provided, that the exemption of six hundred dollars under section 90 of Ihe excise law, shall not be allowed on account of any minor or other benefictaiy of a trust, except nprn Ihe statement of Ihe guardian or trustrrs, made under oath, that the minor or beneficia : y has no other income from wbico t'.ie saiil amount of six hundred dollars may be ex- I erupted or deducted. INCUMDRANCES.RENTS AND REPAIRS. Interest paid by any person on incumbran ces opon the dwelling-house or etv.? npon which he resides, may be deducted irem in. come.aUo bis payments for necessary repairs, as well as the amount actually paid for rent of any dwelling honse or estate which is tbe j residence of the person assessed. Persons receiving rent may deduct there from ihe amount paid for necessary repairs, insurance, and interest on incumbrances opon such rented property. The cost of new struc tures, or tmprovmeota to buildings, aball not be deducted from ineome. FARMERS. Every farmer or planter will be required to mane return 01 me value or the produce ol bis lartn or plantation C. D. BKEWEK, Attorney at Lavr, ir.wi.inf k. tm cff. ft OFFICE (on Ufarttet St.J formerly eeevpirrj by Wm Cameron. Jr. Coder rioes and other professional bosfoes promptly attended to. Claims for Pewsiows, Bounties and arrears of pay doe frost 0v't made oni and collected June 1, ISA' a am The PrimaryElcctiofi Union County Convention. The votrra of I'ntoa eoanty wiiboal regard to former distinctions of party, who desire to unite ia sustaining the National and State administrations in their patriotic elforts M suppress a sectional and wnbcly rebellion) aumnst the rightful authority of Ihe Kepabhe) all loyal voters who, without cavil, sapper by every power of the Government oar broth ers in arms who are braving disease and t perils of the field to preserve iVW Union of aw lathers are requested to meet at Saeir aawal place of election, each ia his owa drstrictra sataraar, SOib Jane. VAJ, at t, F.tL, and after choosing a Judge, two Clerks, end) an Inspector or Inspectors if desired. Vela by ballot for One Person for Governor, One Person fur Member of Assembly, One Person for Register dt Recorder. One Person for County Commissioner. One Person for County Treasurer, One Person for Conoly Auditor, asd One Person as Hetnrn Judge of the lawful votes so polled, to receive the certified vpy thereof. The polls to close at 7, P M. ttaid Return Judges to meet in the Court Room at Lewiabnrg, the Monday 'ollowing (June Xd) at 10, A M, 10 add np and declare the votes returned, appoint a Standing Committee, and) designate Conferees to meet on the Z5tb June and select Delegates In Ihe Stale Coavcntiosb JOHNSON WALLS, Cb'n Co. Con D. F. Foresman, John Iicish, Michael Brown, Charles Penny, Geo. E. Sheary, John Starnm, James Glover, Fredk Smith, shemSpigelinyer, Michael Kleckner, David llerbst, Taschal Clingnn, Jesse Beaver, E. Osborn. Co. Aaaemblr. rOTER9 of Union County Please con sider JESSE M.WALTER. Kq , of Union, aa a candidate for Assembly for ibis District. He is a man of extensive acquain tance in this and Snyder counties, of goed judgment and business habits. UNION. PLEASE announce Rev. HIM ON WOLF, fie Derlio, as eaadidate for Assembly from tbis district. He is a man of good) character and ability, and would ssake a, respectable and attentive Legislator. BUFFALOH. FOR the 8tar A Chronicle. Permit me la recommend SAMUEL H. ORWIU Esq. as a man eminently qualified 10 represent trap District in the next Legislature. Should be nominated hta election would be certain, and the district have an able Representative, L'NtoX. not suppose that we were to go to South Carolina to.keep tbe negroes io slsvery. By Mr. Coffee. I understood that the draft is to be resisted by the men I expedition which was to have started ! that very morning to ravage Maryland I and Pennsylvania ! II V TELEGRAPH. Washington, June 11 midnight. Latest from Vicksburg Fight on tbe Ya 110 river tbe Rebels routed. Govern ment has advices from Grant's army to Register Jt Recordor. . To th Editor nf UM Lnwlakarg Chronic 1. I can not express my gratitude to my friends who have recommended me f' f Register A Recorder for Union eounty. Bat. nhont deduction for ihe i , u , . . , ' . refusing to go; we were not to give a man ' tbe 8th inst., when, aeoording to the die- or a aonar tor toe aralt. patches, tbe siege was progressing. By Mr. Jones. It was understood 10,000 colored troops are to be raised ' ncrr. wjujm. oenre we waul 10; for (jen. f rement. mis was toe luierence 1 drew Irout what I beard at the trcond meeting. By Mr. O'N'eil. The dollar paid was to be appropriated to get anybody out of a scrape who resisted when drafted ; there was nothing said sbout tbe Constitution or tbe Uoion io tbo tecret meetiiui ; I Iwa wv s u s v w a wmw evviM NHdiny y 4 , doo't know that we were to test tbe law; in Philadelphia. Some witnesses testified very reluctantly, as if in secret fear it was necessary to fairly wrench every fact out of them. Tbe officers bsd a difficult time in sobpecnaing witnesses, sometimes being resisted by threats aod even force, by people wbo were msde to believe tbat their right to vote was to be takon away ! Tbe following evidence was given in : Samuel Mosir, sworn. I reside in Berne township, Berks county ; koow Mr. Soidle ; be swore me into a secret society ; I paid one dollar; we were sworn to sup I don t know wbat you mean by test ; I wss a school-master once, but am a farmer now. Tbe Commissioner briefly tommed np the evidence tbst hsd been adduced at tbe several hearing, and disposed of the case as follows : Harrison Oxeorider wss required to enter bail in $1000, Dr. F. Illig 81,500, aod Qaber $3,000, to take their trial at the next term of the U. S. Court. So it would seem that, generally,the frit Tbe Governor of Illinois adjourned tbe Legislature to lSOD. Wasoington, June 12 The bark Whistling Wind, from Philadelphia,bouad to New Orleans, for Government, was burned by a pirate. "North Carolina robelling against Jeff. Latest from, Vicksburg. 'The Kobe Is starviog out... women and children hiding ia eaves.'' Tbe City Councils of Baltimore have officially approved tbe baoishmeot of Val landigbam, wbo it now enjoying himself nigbiy among tbe Kebcls. Tbe reported madness of bis wife is a perfect falsehood. iwfvnntEo, By R, C V TMninger. Tth In.t, OKO. GRIsSIJGKB anil Mus MIMsllV A MtVllAKr, boin uf Lanlnbiirf. Br Um time, 8th lnt, Mr. K. B. WINTKKS of Saw iwrlln ana 11M KLM1RA MoUKlS of Jluocr. week, bv a niece of timber falliog on him Ha was engsged in building an addition to bis barn, when the timber fell. Henry Winter Davis it the Union nom inee for Coogress in plsee of traitor May, in Baltimore. Davis is pledged to sustain the Administration without reservation. A special election in Illinois for State Senator, last month, gave a Deal. Msj. of lot. Last rail, tba Uem. Uj. in lame district, wss over 2,000. Tbe lUbel papers say of Vallandigham, "He is our style of a man, aod we admire him because from the start he hat been sgsiost Ibe war." That'e boots t. A Union League baa been formed in M'Ewensville. Hev. J. P. Hudson, Pres ident; F. C. Carver and Rev. F. Gerbart, Vice Presidents. U'm T.nnla C limn 1 elected ta f!nn. ly instructed for Penny, with Covode at ' .rest from the State of Delaware, last fall, ber tecood choice. I by a small majority, died last week. Ketcbam will carry several 0f (be I aHugiTllawkins, Lock Haven, bat Noftbera cjuutici. received a patent fur a Water Elevator. port tne union ana ne oasuiat.oa ; oo hi ,fl (mM be tM ,h mwt , said we must be drafted ; we were eworn , ' ' . . ' . not to ,W,t the draft, but to sunnort it : I bJ 108 Constitution and Laws, and resist tbe dollars tbe members paid were to ! not ,n9 drtft- B ho. they have "felt purchase flags, io. Mr. Seidle did not j a men sufficiently to trust bim, tbey have make any speeoh; the meeting lasted an a SECOND or "SECRET MEETING," Hour; tbere were signs ot recognition tbat in wnicB they piefige him T0 0PP08E BT we were sworn to keep secret ; we were J roRCB( , constituted autuoeities aworu uv Hie upiinvu uauu i wo nit uciu i ...... n . .Kin . .lira r. w id. IT..I.J Ck.l.. I Ai.i nana vi iuo u micu umai 11. Umm t. I It K. "I I . . II -IT I r-T I B i: t.i i.- 1 nr. . m.-j 7j"-r.r:r.vrv.""""" ""... uiociiue wuuiu w nijinu Acuiouisi, nuu m km .qn, n. i;i.kmb?it, rsnnoury. np our right bands; tbere was nothing eaid about war; I do not remember tbe passwords ; I wst at one meetiog only ; don't know how many were initiated ; the meeting wai a common Democratic meeting; I doo't know why we were to have signs and pass-words, only to keep tbe party tf gother; 1 have heard of other secret meelinqt, but dun t know tbat aoy of tbem are opposed to tbe principles of the Demo cratic party, or the Know Nothing party; never beard they did anything against tbe Know-Nothing party; 1 am 20 years old. Miss Sarah Bauer, sworn. I live in Lower Ueidlebcrg, Berks eounty ; I koow lluber ; was at the bouse where be was; a private meeting wst beld by bim and other men ; I think the meeting was beld in the first part of Msreb ; I was ia tbe kitchen when the people eame in and went into the room ; there were about forty . persoos there; beard Huber tell them tbat if they should get drafted they should get their pittn't and resist being taken ; this was ajUr they were sworn in ; I did not hear all tbat waa said; they were standing with tbeir hands uplifted ; I waa lookiog through a knot bole in tbe door of tbe room; Huber was standing by a table aix feel long ; he was talking against tbe Republicans. Heard him toy if the Seustioautt were tvertocume Aorf i, , This week, an enrolling officer io tbe tame eounty was so annoyed by threats, discharge of firearms, and other grost violations of tbe Constitution aod Laws, that he resigned bit positioo. This is a part of the K.G.C. programme. Such are these aotive, secret, political eonspiratort infamous and illegal. Tbey originated tbeir order amoog tbe Rebels those now openly in arms against us who are trying to wire tbeir way into all tbe Loyal States, aod under, tbe name of "Democracy" to precipitate at nil into the tame gulf of rnin and wo wherein they have plunged tbe South. We bave not a doubt bnt one or more of these tecret societies are burrowing in Union county. Freemen ! patriots I yon must counteract their "deeds of darkness" by "vigilance, the price of Liberty," and by open, manly support of the Government. Col. Montgomery, with a colored regi ment, recently drove a superior foree of Rebels, north of Cbsrlestoo, destroyed tbeir town, and inflicted a loet of nearly a million of dollars. The Uuion loet wat trilling. DifO, Tn Uwhfctjrtr. 12th tort., WM. II. BRIO flT, only of Joewcph tind Lydift bright, aga4 23 jTMrt. f uner)., &lurtlw.j avfUrouoa.. Id Suobury. 34 Inst, IR4 001 of Ivjplttu Cleaeot. gr-d about 17 year. NOTICE ! MY daughter,RACUEL FETTER, having left my house without any just cause or provocation, I hereby forbid all persons harboring her or trusting on my account, as I will pay no debts whatever of ber contract' in?. BENJAMIN FETTER. Buffaloe Tp, May 18, 1863 Executors' notice. NOTICE is hereby given that letters testa mentary on the last will and testament of ANDREW HAtiEJXBUUH, late of tail Buffaloe Tp, Union Co. deceased, have beea granted to the subscribers by tbe Register of Union countytn due lormol law; inereioreaii persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them properly authenticated Tor settlement to the EiKUtorl. ASUUKW C lUl.KMimi.) rc.l.mill. SAMl'KI. IMI1KNBUCI1. I Columbia Co. Or to PETRR HAUKNBIR'II, Wert Milton, Union Co. Or OKW1U UAXKS, w,lr Att'js, bsnUDarg Jun. II, 1SA3 zuutfitmra jaarbtt. Corrected Weekly Wheat 81,35 Eggs til Rye 90 Tallow 10 Corn, old 80 Lard 10 Oats 55 Clover teed 4,00 Flaxseed 2,50 Wool 60 65 70 Dried Applet. 1 1,00 Potatoes 50 Firkin Butter 12 Sides & Shoulder 6 Fresh Butter... 14 Ribs St. Shoulder 5 Rags 4, 5, aod 6 Ham 10 Country tiosp 4 4 6' J any portion of such produce consumed by bimselt aud family. The amount paid by any farmer or planter for hired labor aod necessary repairs upon his arm cr plantation, including the aubsistrnce of tbe laborers, and the manure purchased by farmers to maintain iheir lands in present productive condition, will be allowed. Farm produce, which tbe producer has on hand on tbe 31st day of December. 1863, must be appraised at its market value on tbat day. S. EsrcaaaATBB Asticlis. All articles named in section 77 of the law (schedule A.) will be assessed for the taxes to which they are liable, for the year ending May 1, 1861, viz : Carriages, kept for nse, for hire, or for passengers. Yachts. Billiard Tables. Silver Plate. Gold Plate. These returns most be made to the Assistant Assessor within Tin sits frome'date of delivery ot the blanks. eglect,ol refusal to comply within the lime named, imposes the duly on the Assessor or Assistant Assessor to estimate the income and tax upon enumer ated articles, with an addition of buy per centum. The entire ineome tax of every person will be assessed at ihe residence of ihe parly, and not at ihe place of business. LICENCES. All licenses assessed in accordance with Ihe act of March 3, 1863, will continue in force until the first day of May, 1864. And all licenses granted after the first day of May in any year, will expire on ihe first day of May following, and will be issued up on ihe payment of a ratable proportion of the whole amount of duty imposed for such licenses; snd such license so granted wilt be dated on the 1st day of tbe month in which it is issued. Provided. Tbat any person, firm. or corporation thai on ihe first day of May, 1863, held aa unexpired license, wilt be assessed a ratable proportion for the time between the expiration of the license and ihe first day of May, eighteen hundred and sixty-1 four." ! All persons doing business within this district must apply fur new license lo run from Ihe dale their present license expires (which in most eases is September 1st, 1863,) to the 1st of May. 1864. Whenever, by the amendments, new ratea nf license are established, ihe new license will be assessed at ihe new rates, and in all esses where the present license expires September 1st, 1863, the new license will cover a period of eight months, and mnsi be assessed to pay two- thirda of the yearly tax. ' PENALTIES. When an assessment for license hss been made, npon neglect or refusal lo give the list or make the application within Ihe lime re quired, and the assessment is returned ia tbe annual list, the fifty per centum penalty prescribed ia section II must be added, and can not be remitted, either by the Assessor or Collector. By the act, March 3, 1863. the penalty of two years imprisonment is added to the pun ishment provided in former acts for those who fail to take out license when required by Ihe excise laws of the United Slates. The former snnual assessment was mnrh embarrassed for waut of information, on the part of citizens, with regard to the duties im posed on them by the excise taw. It is man ifest tha. with the knowledge now attained on the part of the tax-payer, and with Ihe assistance rendered by this circular, lhal ignorance of Ihe law ran no longer be plead ed by delinquents in the hope of avoiding tbe penalties provided. UA.HEi. KE.-VUIt. . C. 9. Assessor itth District, PenE'a i WiLuix Rosasns, in Ihe paper as a candidate) also, and be being the oldest man, and nnabln lo work, I cordially decline in bis favor, and wish him success. JOH5 A. ETTIMjER. Yorklowa, Jane 4, 1863. FELLOW Citixens of Union county Rar ing often been solicited by my friends ia various parts of the county. I oner myself as a candidate for the office of Register and Re corder of said county. Should I be so fortu nate as to be aomioated and elected, I pledge myself io perform ihe duties of said office with fidelity, impartiality, and (I hope) wills satisfaction to all. May SS,ls63. E Lid HA H. WEIKEL. IELLOW citizens Circumstances render it necessary for me lo offer myself as a candidate for Register & Recorder of Union county, subject to the decision of ihe Union Primary Election to be held the SOlh of June. f-hjuM I be ao fortunate aa to be nominated an 1 elected, 1 will try to perform the duty of tbe office with fidelity. WM. ROSHONO J.w Batlln, May 18, 1963 fllHE subscriber offers himself as a candid J. ate for the office of Register A Recorder of Union county, sabject lo the decision of ihe Primary Elections of 20th June next, pledging; himself if nominated and elected lo fulfill tba duties of said office with equal care and sat isfaction, as heretofore, as Deputy forUeorge Merrill, Esq ORIUGS MARSH - UirUbnrg, My 1. County C'onirulswloner. OUR old friend. MICHAEL KLECKXER.of New Berlin, has consented to ihe nse of bis name as County Commissioner, subject to the decision of the SUih of June. A Bia of good judgment and experience, he would prove a good Officer. MANY. FELLOW Citizens I am a candidate for County Commissioner, provided you so . decide ai the Primary Meetings, Join of June. If nominated and elected, I will try to do my whole duty with laitblulness. JACOB KLINE. West Buffaloe, June 3, 1863 MR. Editor Having seen ae one named for County Commissioner, permit me to propose F. BOLENDER Esq. for re-elee- Uon. It is not customary lo re-elect, out ia this case it would be safe, as be is a worthy man. A Citizen of White Deer. MESSRS. Editors: Allow me lo recommend Mr. SAMUEL MARSHALL, of W hile Deer, as a suitable person for Commissioner of our county. This large township has nul bad a Commissioner for iwenty years or over, and as the Souih-Easl and West of the eoanty are aow represented ia the Board we deem it no more than just that ihis end have the aex Commissioner. Waive Daaa County Treaanrer. 7"OTSRS of Union county In the last pre liminary election for Treasurer of Ibis eoanty. the vole stood as follows John a Mwti, W SS ajaj. rtrr Hnmn, Sua Hiving cheerfully supported Esq. Mertz est hat trial. I aeain offer myself fur the same office, at the Union Election of tOih June, and if nominated and elected will be grateful lo you and faithful lo my trust. rtil EA Uian Urnbait,MaylS.lin OFFER myself as a candidate for Ibe office of Treasurer of Union coonty jubjeeito thedeeision of the primary elections to oe neiu on luc aum uy WILLIAM jUiSM lawiskanr. stay , 1SS r Pick your Choice!