Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, June 09, 1863, Image 2

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    The Love of Ibe World, detected.
Thus says tlie Trophet of the Tnrk :
"Gtxxl Minmilinun ! abstain from pork.
There is a part, in every twine,
No friend or follower of mine
May tiute, whate'er his inclination,
On pain of esoiiumuiiicatiou."
Kueh Muliomet's niyiterijuis charge,
And thus he left tlis point at large;
Had he the sinful part expressed,
They might with wifely cat the rest,
J5ut fur one piece they thought it hard
From the whole hog to bo dubarred,
And set their wit at work to find
What joint the Prophet had in mind.
Much Controversy etrait arose :
These choose the back, the belly those;
15y some, 'tis confidently said
Ha meant not to forliil the head ;
While other at that doctrine rail,
And piously prefer the tail :
Thus, conscience freed from every clog,
Mahometans cat up the hog !
You laugh 'tis well the tale applied
May make you lauli on t'other cide.
''Kunouncc the world '." the preacher cries.
'Wc do !" a multitude replies.
Hat on, quite innocent regards
A stills' an. 1. friendly game at cards;
And one, whatever y.iu may eay,
Can see no evil in the play ;
Some love a concert, or a race,
And others, (-hooting and the chase.
Reviled and loved.renounced and followed,
Thus by bit the world is swallowed ;
Kach thinks his neighbor makes too free,
Yet likes a slice as well as he ;
With Ruphistry their sauce they sweeten,
Till quite from tail to snout 'tis eaten.
One Eonth of Rapid Work.
The failure to take Vieksbnrg from the
river side, has caused a change of plans,
which bs thus far been worked oat with
wonderful energy and swiftness. A few
dates and points will eij lain.
April 29 Com. Porter bombarded Grand
Gulf, 00 miles beluie Vicksburg, at
mouth of Big liiack river.
April SO 3en. Grant landed at Bruins
burg, 10 miles further down.
May 1 Gen. OsUrhaus, io advance, de
feated the Rebels at Anderson's
Hills or Thompson's Mills.
May 2 Union forces occupied 1't.Gibion
on a liver below Dig Black.
May 3 Porter occupied Grand Guff.
May C News of Col. Grierson's raid thro'
ths State of Mississippi,
do Grant commenced his march vp
15 if; Buck, which lies to the hast
of Vicksburg, nearly parallel with
the Mississippi.
MJ 11 Grant rcaebed 11 Mile creek.
May 12 Gen. M'Paerson took Raymond
May 13 Grant, at Mississippi Springs,
defeated Urepg and Walker, driv
' iog them N. J3. towards Jackson.
Ma; 11 Jackson, the State Capital, was
captured 35 miles E.of Yicksburg
by railway.
Mat 14 M'l'herson occupied Clinton.
May 1G Grant turns vest, towards Vicks- i
burg, anil detests i eruoerion near i
Klwards Station.
May 17 The Rebels driven beyond Big
Black river.
' do bridge at Drandon.eist of Jackson,
turned by our cavalry.
May 18 Grant invests Yicksburg with
bis army on the East, and Porter
with gunboats on the West.
Msy 20 The Union fl jet captured Hatos'
Bluff, just above Yicksburg, and
commanding Yazjo river.
May 22 Grant assaults Vicksburg, but
is ropulsei, and com menses a reg
ular siege.
May 25 Com. Porter reports that Com
mander Wralkcr had destroyed the
large Rebel navy yird at Yazoo
City, up the Y&zoo river.
It must be borne in mind that all this
bas been accomblishcd, under hot aun,
io an enemy's country.
Grant's preventing a junction of the
Rebel forces under Jo Johnson (outside,)
and Pcmberton (within Yicksburg.) was
well done, and crushed their destgo.
. Eo our whole plan striking belew, and
catting off io detail the railways, bridges,
and all other sources of supply from the
Eastward was masterly, and was never
better devised or executed by Napoleon,
Washington. Jackson or Scott It was a
complete surprise to the Rebels.
But the work is not done. Ileroio
and self sacrificing sb have been the efforts
of our brave officers aod men, tbey have
not gained the end. Yicksburg is found
to be as formidable in the rear as in the
front Bjck of it are hills and ravines,
admirably calculated for defence. Every
appliance of art is added to make it strong.
Cannon etokn from the Union arsenals are
placed, by men educated in West Point at
the expense of the Union, to ahoot down
Union men fighting under the Old Flag.
Pavia is said to have promised Pambcrtou
100,000 men to assail Grant and destroy
or drive away his farce. It is an anxious
bour io a momentous straggle. To raise
the siege of Yicksburg would prolong, as
much as lis capture would shorten, tbe
war of the Slave Power.
Condition or tub South. An officer
of a Connicicut regiment, who was lately
taken prisoner and carried to Richmond,
write as follow to the New Ilaven Pall,
dium :
" Before being taken, I was somewhat
under the impression that we could never
whip tbe South. Since taking a free trip
to Richmond, I have come to the conelu
eion that w are whipping them every day,
and that the time is not far distant when
they will bave to knock under, whether
our army advances or not. Yoa would be
astonished to see the miserable condition
tbey are io."
Yaixasdiouam's Si'eecdm. The
Kew Orleans Era affirms that the speeches
of Mr. Yallandigham have been printed as
political text book in the Confederacy.
Tbe editor says: "We have seen one of
.these books, published at Fraollio befoie
Geo. Banks' occupation of that place, eo
wall paper, and advertised fur sale at fifty
cents per copy."
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IToliJays Bant3 close on
Ktw Taar'f Dbj ith July Thankgir iog Chris tm
Union Connty Ocial Record.
AuociaU JudfftJ H W. BiSKiKTrm. MlfflmbUfS
do Jou.f Walls, Lcwubui-j do
Arijf LAFATmt Albmqbt do do
rroOum.4ry Jamcs W. 8KM Uo do
By. 4 Gcqjmc Mniui.Lt do do
District Jt'meif Awrro lUlEI do do
Trt&turtr J or if A. Mekti, do do
Commisnnrr F it IloitXMrt.Mifflinbarj do
do Jbsri M. Waltrk, W inflid do
do Koueiit Ran, Ijaareltna do
Commiuionrrt'CTk KDt i.i&Hu,lwbuTt
do (hvnstl tf. J do do
do I'emterw Worji 4 CORKVLlTIt do do
MfTtautSt Afypraifr Wu. RugHOxa, Ni-w Berlitt do
Surveyor Con ud SnccKLBR, ForMt UUl do
Coroner Kuba erp.AOu. Iwlnburr do
AudiinrX) hum. 8Brrw, do do
do UeRTiirKft TnonKoy, Miffliubarg do
do J. P. liAGExmicit, b lifer do
School SupnrinU-ndcnt D.IItcststwiEJf.Ne Berlin do
A tfttor Slave War ilix-C.II 8!iRiAER,llifliiDbarg do
OAifUr do JkssK Cuva, Hiutteld do
rost-Olliccs in Union county.
Alrim in Bnnly Unnhiii D jStmbekfr, P M
$l,fr (L'ainntown. KraJv Tp) - Arrmrkle
H'AitV trr iltils (UtgUtowu, VVh D Ti t Tli M Kinir
.w Onlumhim. - JK Oirry
Uet MUUm (KlTri ... John lHtman
lwitbnnj (uuU tat) - - - Ue H' Forrft
ihrH llui (FarmemiUe) - Martin KiiJy "
JH-jllinlmrg-m. - Mure t Strrn "
art'rtrtu Tlflt i" liaya w
isxHvrWm wjit J Hartley Tp) 3Iark llalfinny
H'ai'e Spring-LimveluM Tp J 8 ltani-nbu-h n
yt lUriin - Ktiwti tnitli
HV-iW lryVaI-y, Union Tj) - gamlAVVaJu-r
Regular Union county Courts open
Third Monday io FebruaryMay gertenib'r Dscemb'r
nAVI.N'ti located in I.ewi&bur, solicits a
share of the public patronage. Resi
dence and Office on Market St., Dearly oppo
site the Riviere House.
Ltwitburff. March &, IHtin.
Watches, Jewelry and Silver Ware
THE undertignrd would
-c'.;?"'t .i.-
'N". respeciiuny invue your ai-
ub:eouxi to bis well selei'tea
sioci of Fine siold and Silver WATCHES,
Fine Gold JEWELRY, of every variety of
styles comprising all of the newest and most
beautiful desipn$.
Also.SOi.lU SILVER WARE, ttjunl to
Coin and the best make of Silver Plated
Ware. Each article is warranted to be as
HTWatches and Jewelry carefully re
paired and satisfaction guaranteed.
(Surresser lo Slaujfcr d; Hurley.)
February 37, ISC3.
rilHE subscribers havefor sale
a (in nns io suit purcnasers;
PISE BOA HPS Panel Htufiii3M
Plank. Ac. Also 5.000 P1E KAILS.
S6 inch Sawed Shingles superior quality.
Also Square Timber for Buildings:
Which are offered low for cash, at our Mills
on South Branch of the White Deer Creek in
Hartley township or delivered on the Brush
Valley Narrows road at the end of our Road.
?"A Diploma for a superior sample ot
Planks, and a Premium for Rails and Shing
les, were awarded os at the last Union Co.Ag.
ly-1 porest Hill P O, Union Co, Pa
J 7 Chestnut Si. riiitadrlphin.
WA.Weridinf Curd, of th newert styt.d. Vipitioie n4
BuioM Cnl, enitrmTd nd printed at the tioiteit
aotire. A vrrr full ft.MrlmeDt of FINK utunerv
.IwaynAn band. Initial In Cnlnr,and erery varielyof
KmDnMUnK arlmurauy exreutro. Any atjrie or faper
and Knvelopea made to ordvr June 20, lhoo
THE subscriber con
X tinues to carry on the
Livery KiiKlneati ai
the Old Stand on South
Third street, near Market, and respectful))
solicits the patronage of his friends and the
public generally. CHARLES F. HESS.
Lewisburg, May 22, 1(450
Attention, Musicians!
ftVY$V A large assortment of
CJliMt'j Violins, Guitars, Ac, of all
w5'-V kinds also Violin, Guitar,
and Banjo Sinngs, Bridges, Pegs, ire. and the
best Violin Rosin call at the Post Office and
examine. W FORKEST
rTIHE undersigned has opened a New
in the rooms recently occupied by W. M. Ellis,
near the old Hayes stand. Market street, Lew
isburg. where he is always prepared lo
furnish the public with Ihe best of
Coffee, Tea, Susar, Spleen, Salts,
Candiea, Krulla, rials, Flour
Ji, Feed, Cheese, .c, &.C.,
together with all other articles asually kept
ia such an establishment al the lowest prices
'Jail and give him a trial.
Drake's Planuiion Diners for sale.
If any person kills or poisons any of,
my chickens, tomes or any other
living thinr.as I have lawful fences.
they shall be fined five dollars according to
law. Mrs. SARAH sTAHL
Liuntown, April 24, 1863 2t
'EST BRANCH Insurance Company.
or Lock UaveB. Fa.
Insures Property in both Town and Coun
try on as reasonable Terms as any other
food Company.
The la rge i nc resse of Pretn i n m Notes makes
it a reliable Company to insure in.
iBMMl or Frcalaai Sue ! force. 30,om.M
J.Wflirnaa, Sec G.CH.avas. Prea
DeelS, 1MI UwUburf ,
i 2! a 4 s it 7
s 9110 II 1 is!l4
151C17 iSjlB 20121
n ie 27iiS
I '1 2! ! 4
C 7 K 9ilH llll3
13 I4lil.17 1119
Sjf& VE have Ihe pleasure of informing
voo that we are do prepared to offer.
at our Old Stand o$. 103, 105 tt 107 North
SECOND St.. PHILAD'A. a well selected
Stock of JM llllncr: and Mraw Goods
in every variety, of the Uilft tmpnrtnliunt,
and of the newest and most fashionable styles.
will comprise every variety of Bonnets, Hals
and Trimmings to be found in that line, of the
latest and most approved shapes and Myles.
Soliciting an early call, I remain
Yours. Respectfallv. H. WARD. I
Philad., March 16, IN6I4 i
THE nnderaiRned, having loaned hisfarnl.
ture, (iitares rnd mensils In Mr. H. L.
M'Mahoi fi r the period of one year, and is
about to remove temporarily from Lewisbur?,
takes this method of returning his thanks to
the people of Lewisburg and vicinity for their
uniform kindness and the libera! support they
have given him during his residence among
Lewiibarg, April 20, I8C3
THE nndersigned, having obtained the use
rf the furniture, fixtures and utensils of
Mr. Richard M. Coorm. will continue the
Bakery, Confectionery and Notion business,
at the old stand, on Market street, for the pe
riod of one year. He hopes by strict attention
to business io merit the patronage heretofore
extended to this establishment.
Lewisburg, April 80, 1K3
Snnff and Tobacco IJanufactarcr,
16 ic 18 CHAMBERS ST.,
(FnrnKfty 42 ChaiebM itrect, Nrw York.)
OIJLD ca'l the attention of Dealer to
lo tbe articles ot his mauufaeture.viz ,
Bitun .v SMTP.
Jrin Ruppw. rare Virginia.
Aittttriiao OffltlDatl, Co.'tfoba;!.
Scotch. non l"W Srntrh,
High Toant Sttrh, r"r'''h Ilony lSWtrh,
Irib llib imr.or bontiytooi rru!n rrmen.
Attention it ailM to the l&rg rfluriitm in jrrt of
Fine-Cut i h'tctwi ami AmoAirj looaccv. KfiuJi tutli 4
TOB T 0.
tang, P. A. L . or plain, P. Juco,
No. 1, Catpntli.h. or woet, riimii),
N. A hwvt rr-ntol Oronoco, ( iiiiti'r1
Not 1 tSaiX'i, lio VM Cavendish, lurkinb.
15. circular of prices will be sen ton
application. March 16, 3yl
The undersigned hare as-
iSJSjig sociated themselves into copart
jTi,VM?7iiership for the purpose ofcarry-
n on the I.umbenn;, rlaninj,
andCarpentering business in all their various
branches, at the
Cctuisbttrg 5tram planing ill ills,
where they intend tn keep a stock of Pine
Hemlock, Walnut, Cherry, Poplar, sh, Ma
ple, and all kinds of Lumber, Flooring (Shel
ving, Siding, Hhineres, Lath. Joists, tsuiddinj.
Fencing, Pickets, Door and Window Frames,
Doors, cthuiters, Itlinds, Hash. Mnuldinzs,
Brackets, Ac. Planinrr, Slitting, Scroll Saw-
in;, &c, done at snort notice and all work
warranted to give satisfaction, both in I rice
and workmausbip.
J. ll. iiEr r r::lKKr EKt
Lewlabnra Ptanlfix Mills. April 1. 1SCO.
TB CHRIST, Esq., has removed his Of
J, ce to the building of Jonaihan Spyker,
North of the Court House, and immediately
opposite the liutlalo House, where he will at
tend to all manner e( business at his office
with dispaich and promptness in his line of
business. (Speaks both English and Cermnn.)
April 1, lnt. Ij. D. l-IIMSI.
J. S. Marsh. E.Miorlrj, f.C.SBorklf j. F.Bravtr
E.evlNbur;r, Pa.
E hate constantlj on hrnid und fr
Rfopr jfnv-er and Clcrrrr H.irritrt; f train and Gmtt
&r'ir; Hand and Hnrt iWT tWm SHllr$; Onr.Twa
end fir Inrtf Tread. Sweep end Itoll i r.wert ; Cfnwr
fullerg. Fd Cattert, Thresher i . Vorfi. Hells, Irvn
FnmU far luiidmfft. Jrn Fenres. Haxlwgt. Milt (tearing
Jtc. ic.,nl holrl ourM-lvritr-ady tt all timet to t all
KIKDp KuLRbar l!i iwxciM withtli1 UDO)ti'rrs-rtiw'PB
aod difpntrh Work or Manufaotnrca InTariably
warranted at recommejided. ontrr iiwttullj
solicit! anlpromtttly a "" Wd to. Junel. lfctiO
to tui pKEnr ccre or
Cnttijhs, Odds, I"fiumtaf frmip. If tarrenesr, TtrnmeMis.
JlwHimii, Iharatet the win, anximj mm fhd,
Jmrifnent O-n'umpivm, and fur th- relief and ( at all
pnmUe) cure of 1 'attcnU tn advanced sUjfts of Ute tatter
dteas. "
TDK Balnatale Corllal 1 eotlrrlT a YfmtablV prMnc
tinn.cnmbinin liiv bnt finirtif o' tb- Italftam,
with tli iiivisnratiiiff quatlii' of aCordinl, prrdueinir a
combination an well adatri to th purpi-Mw intended,
that there ai but few ti of diac-um wlitrb will not, at
an mrly irivd, succuub to ll ln-'itliiis aad lifr-givtug
for ha the treatment of palmonary di'camt w.
fupird the ftrtattr prtion of th atWntion of tlie irin
tific of th mdiral aorld. hut none acquired mre tmi
nnt in hi treatment of th-. di sea !". than th cl
hratd ProMlao lr. llooflan-1. thr.2intorof th Bal
aam. Cordial. His lifwa dtd to th produrtionnf
fmUes that would tand unritalnd. How wll h baa
aucnId. the Arorimn pop'1 ar able to ju lir: and
w pofitiTi ly anwrt. that no preparation that have Tr
bo pl-d bfor them, bar eon frri the em amount
of bem-flta on ntT riutT humanity, tr hare l idled o
Inanr ommndatlr.ni from all claf of norleiy. aa lb
rin1t nf llooflatid, prepared hj lr. C. M. Jarkoo at
Co, of PWa-telphia.
Tbe Cordial Ic J'-fljrnwJ for a elaw of dtwawnraor fun
eral and more (atal than an j other to which tb people
of thia country are iul.;et those fprlnctni from ft
"fiiti-ht cold " That eminent authority, hr. 1111. wt:
MI will not aay that CoMr are to our InlmVilnntx what,
tbe Plague and Veilow Kver are to thou of other oan
tria; but I can ar ronfldentiy thnt thy nhr In din
eaae of greater oompltrity and mortality than thear latter
Read what the eminent 01a Manufacturer. JOHN M.
IB. C M. JAt toa Rctd Frnd ; Having for a
king tint hn attainted with th rirtuea nf thy BAL
SA MIC 0RIM.L in Ougha. Told". Intlammatbn of the
Lnoirit. 4c, I thn freely har t-'tlmony to it efficacy.
Fir aTral yara 1 hara never hn without It In my
famllr. It la alo Kirea me pb anr to Ktat that f have
od It with entire f uec- In the treatment rf Rowel
Complalnta. Thr frWnd truly, JOHN M.WIIITM.
Fifth Mo, 17, 1 - Rare at. ahne 4tb, Philad'a.
CatvThcee medi'lnee ate ftf aa!e by all retpertahle
1ruKtrlta and deabra In mdidn in th Unite.! Slatea.
Caoadaa. Drit1h Provlr.. and Weat Indie, at 75 ent
per bottle. Bttra and gt the genuine, with th fltrna
ture of C. M. Jarknnon th wrapper of each l-oftl: atl
otbm arountrfeit. Prtnrirtal OfTIre aud Manufacto
ry, 418 Arch ftreet, Philadelphia, Pa
Old Post-Office Stand.
A LARGE supply of Books.Stationery,
Perfumery, Jewelry, Toys, Confection
erie, Teas, ripices. Fruit, Nnis, Daskies,
Picture, and a variety of NICK KACKS for
sale cheap by
?6:iJ U W CROTZER, I.ewisbnr;
JOHN A. MERTZ, EqM ha removed his
Otfiee on Market St. two doors wot of
the Lewisburg Bank, where he will attend to
all manner of bniness in his line with
promptness. Speaks bulb English and Ger
man. J. A. MERTZ
Lewisbnr;, April 1, 1802
Warrantee Deedi for sile at this office.
(hts i. riLiisa i co. J
Lewisburg Planing Mill,
icco constantly on hand and
nianulaciure to order I'loorlne, Cildlns;,
IuorN.Sali. Sliutlersi, inindu,
SIouldiuuN of all ratterns.
and all other descriptions of Wood Work used
in Building.
Orders respectfully solicted and promptly
filled. All work warranted to give satisfaction
If" An eilensive lot of lumbcr of al!
descriptions ro hand for sale.
Factory on Korlh Second ttrut.tewitburg,r
April 33, 1839.
fflHE subscriber keeps constantly on hand
J a large assortment of the very best Sba
niokin and Wilkes-Barre COAL, for lime and
stove purposes, which he will sell al the very
lowest prices for Cash.
Also, lilackfmithf Coat, Piaster and Salt.
Wish it distinctly nn'?erstood, that I will not
be nndersold by any man. Having good
weigh-scales, full weieht will be given.
Coal Yard near Weidensaul's hotel.
Lewisburg, Slay 7,'5l.
For tbe Harvest of 18C3!
The most approved Aricullaral Imple
ments now in the Market !
nMFtiinr BT
riMIE unprecedented success of the " B'.ick
J. eve" is Ihe stroncest pro-if of Its superior
excellency. The BUCKEYE has caused a
complete Revolution in Ihe Manufacture oi
REAP I Mi AS I) MOWIM; Machines, and
ils reputation is so v.ell established lhai it is
scarcely necessary to parlicularize its advan
tages. We will, however, call the attention
of the farmers to a few of us merits.
Pawls and Springs, by which the machine
may be ttrown out of gear, or be backed
without vitiraiing the knives iheSiee! Culler
Bar the Wrought Iron (iuani, wiih Hardened
steel Face or Cutting lM;e the Doahle
Hinged Joint, by which the Cutler Bar mav
be Folded the long Crank .-haft the Sieel
Spring and Wheel, by which tlie Cutter Oar
may be raised and lowered so as lo cut as
low to ihe ground as may be de'ired the
Sieel Pitman and Uras B'H lis Light Draft
(no Ride Draft) no weight on the horses'
necks backs as easily as a cart all of
which form a combination of advantages
which no other machine possesses.
No Gearing on the Driving Wheels.
A team of horses weighing 900 lbs. each,
will cut an acre of crass an hour wuh ease.
The machine is furnished with two Cutler
Bars one for cutting grass, and the other for
culling grain (each expressly adapted Lo tbe
use intended).
No eflori will be wanting to maintain the
Buckeye in the enviable position it now occu
pies, that of being ihe
Best Hachlne in the World !
- The subscribers return their sincere
thanks to then friends for Ihe generous sup
port the have received in introducing the
celebrated Buckeye Reaper and Mower into
Central and Northern Pennsylvania, and are
mnch indebted lo them tor llieir warm greet
ings and kind cilices in recommending it to
their friend and neighbors.
For Cenificaies, &c, see Circulars, which
mav be had of any of their Agents.
Thev also manufacture iIV l"'w Psit
ent Pl.it oil Grain Drill, which is
aeknowledsed to be the BEST SKEI) SOW
ER l. USE, and the only one which
Also, the Kej alone ( lovrr Uullcr,
which cleans thoroughly, without in Ihe least
injuring the seed. Will clean more in the
same time than any other machine in use. '
They also nianulaciure and keep on hand
for sale Darl'mm's Tread J'ntrer and Thresher;
Trlrgrapli Fodder Cutter 'two sizes) ; Cooking
'Stores, among which is the celebrated "Con
tinental ;" Parlor and Djjirt Stores, and all
kinds of (list and Wrought l-an and llrast
Central Foundry, Lewitburg, Pa.
rnilE Pennsylvania Railroad Company
1 having this day taken possession of the
Philadelphia & Erie Railroad, under the con
ditions agreed on with Ihe Philadelphia &
Erie Railroad Company, they have appointed
JOSEPH D. ri)TT.s, General Manager iht-re-of,
to whom all Officers and Employees will
report for insltuctions.
President Penn'a Railroad Company.
Office of the Penn'a Railroad Co., )
Philadelphia, Jan. 30, lbC2. J
General Order, Ro. 1.
To tnle Effect on and after Jin. SO, 18G2.
I. The Wralern IivIlon, from
Warren lo Erie, will be nmler the Superin
tendence of JAMES LEWIS, whose title will
be Superintendent of the Western Division.
His Office will be at Erie. Employee on this
Division will be under his charge, and will
make all communications respecting their
duties or the business of the road, to him,
except as otherwise provided in this Order.
II. The Fadern IMiInIod, from
Sunbnry to Whetham. will be uniier the sup
erintendence of SAMI EI. A. BLACK, whose
title will be Superintendent nf the Eastern
Division. Emftlovees on ihis Division will he
under his charge, and will make a 1 1 commu
nications respecting their duties or the busi
ness of ihe road, to him, except as otherwise
provided in ihis Order.
III. The Account ofFreight and Pas
senger Business will, on the Western Divis
ion, he in the immediate charge of JOHN ('.
BOGUS, whose title will he Assistant Audit
or. His Office will be at Erie. On the Eastern
Divisir n they will be in immediate charge of
THOMAS M. DAVIS, whose liile will be As
sistant Auditor. His Office will he in Wi!l
iamsport. He will also have charge of the
distribution of Passenger Tickets over both
All communications respecting Freight and
Passenger accounts by Employees no either
Division, will be made to the Assistant Audi
tor (hereof, nnd respecting supplies of Tickets
to Taoaas M.Davis.
JOS. D. POTT8. General Manager.
Pennsylvania Railroad Company,")
Lessee Philad. & Erie R. R.
General Manager's Office. - I
WilliamsDorL Jan. 30. 1RC2. J
REWARD will be paid for the nearly
01 new Case and Silver SPECTACLES
designed for a near sighted person. They
wtt st in town some lime siace. (Please
lent; at the Chrouicle Oilice
GrolIemen, I'urnlRhlna; Store,
v Market St., just altoce the Bank,
'I'h .nhcrriher haA removed into the Dew
fiilid and commndious Storeroom of Thomas
Reber.where he has just received a large ami
well selected slock of
Cloth., Casimeres, Silks. Shirts, Drawers, Ac.
I also CUT AM) MAKE TO ORDER in the
best style and most reasonable terms. Being
a practical Tailor, and employing the bel
workmen, I can cnnlidently invite boih Did
end A'ric Customers do n't forget the Sign
The Red Door!
May 2, ISfil J H BBAI.E
AT an Kleciion held by ihe Stockholders
of Ihe l.ewishurg Cemeierv.lhe onder
sisued was elected Treasurer, and all moneys
for lots, grave-dizzin?, Ac, must he paid to
him. Persons interested will please note the
Those now indebted lo the Cemetery Asso
ciation are requested to mate Immediate pay
ment. sor.OMO.N.KITTER.
Lcwlnburs, Jan. 2d, lsnjinrt
l !
' --Tn - ' -
XTHERE we will find a large assortment
f latest styles
such as French and English all wool Cloth,,
from .f 2.5 up to $10,111). Knotty Boys' Cas
simere.aiH Silk Mixed Cassimeres, Salinelts,
Ac. ("lot Clin? of all descriptions ; Men's
and Boys' Wear Whole Suits for .$1150
that is, cloth coat, satin vest, cassimere panis.
Summer Suns for $5.50. Also, a large as
soriment of If.tts. Caps, Ac, such as M'Clel
!an, Garibalili. Opera, high and low crowned
Hats, Hose, Handkerchiefs, Collars, Shirts,
Suspenders, I'mbrellas, Xeck Ties. Ac.
to save from 25 to 50 per cent., and gel the
Latest Su les.
Also, Goods Cut and made to order, and in
Ihe latest style. Always from 6ve to ten
bands at work.
Call opposite John Walls A Co.'s 8lore,
Market street. Lewisburg.
jfllfijj of Union (Honutrj.
MOUNT!-"!) on rollers.varnished.engraved
and lithographed in Philad. io ihe best
style of the art :tu by 40 inches in size on
a scale of t i inches to ihe mile. This Map
was careful y surveyed in IH.'iS, and is reas
onably correct. Each Township is colored,
and there are iheTown Plots and .No.s of Lots
in Lewisburg, Milllmburg, New Berlin, Har
ileton, and New Columbia. Mountains and
Sireams are traced the Public Roads, wuh
the distance in perches between roads which
intersect also Names of Farm-Owners gen
erally, Church and School If 'uses. Mills, Ac.
The Court House, Iwo nf ihe Lewisburg I'ni
versiiy Buildings, the Lewisburg B"at Yard,
the t'nion Ptirnnre at Wtntield, and Cnion
Seminary at New Berlin are repreaented in a
separate engraving each.
Every Farmer and person of business sh'd
have one of these Maps for ornament or for
reierence and information.
The original subscription price was $3.50,
now reduced to 2 onlv. I"5For sale al
the Slur it Clironicle Office, and by
Da. B. L. BECK, Lewisburg
Last and Best News !
VtTE have just received from Philadelphia
V and New York, a very large and well
selected stock of
which we ofler at very reduced prices. We
have paid particulara:tention in ihe selection
of Ihis stock of Goods a very large assort
ment of DR.Y GOODS of every descrip
tion. Purchasers will liud it their advantage
to give us a call as in prices we defy any of
our neighboring lowns for competition. We
have also replenished onr stock of GroCC
riCN, IIai livarr,l(icciiKiTare,Ac.
iriite Jlftrsh Lime, Calcined Plaster,
ami llytlraulic L'tment,
always kept on hand.
change for tioods as usual.
N.B. Cash paid for all kinds of CJraln.
Lewisburg, April 2 1, 1.SG2
An atwrirnt and Utomacnii- rr-j-Mntloti oflltONpuri
Bed of nin and mrhon ly cnitu.tion in hidroirrn.
anetioned by the hiAert JWical Authoritim'. both la
turop. antt the I niua etaUa, sod pre.cribeil in their
Thee zperienranr thonran.l. daily TTOTe. that nopra
paration of Iron ran W ,mr-ir.-.l . ith It. Iiupnritin.
tlie Mood, depmuioa ot iiti coer,!.. pale and other ia.
trkiT eitmplriiona, iadicatt iu nreeuitviD almoat.t.n
eoaeeiTable eaee.
Innn.ioiu in all malad!r hrwhlih It ha. been tried
u ha. prnre.1 ah.olute)T euratir. in each ot Uit follow
In. complaint., via :
PrMilg, .rrr m, Jfediems. Enaeintiim. Pftrirpsia,
(mUp.itum. rHarrhvJHtentm,. fa.i,, Onmtitm,
WtoWom Tvhmlrit. Mil Kh,um. JtuaoMnMlim,
JiJ.I. rhwroeis. lirer Omplamls. Iliremir. Jl-idmh'J,
klimmatum, Jnttrmiltmt Fevers, J-imples on the fact, 4k.
Putnp tn Mt fiat metal bora, i-ontainlni SnpllU.
pr retOcent.per boa; for l,by druiu anddaalera.
w ill rm nt frre to ant a.ldres.. t.n receipt of th urloa.
AU Ittcn,order.. etc..ho.il,t l arirtrrrted to
, -B- B- HKHX. i Co . Ornerai Ant.
'J841 2l)ClDAtt.,N.T.
Sold in Lev-hlurij ly
Halter t To r W SrhatTte F R faldwcll
Mr. STAI1L itook Hinder has
returned lo his Shop in Lewisburg, again lo
attend to all kinds of work ia his line. Bring
along yonr Books, Magazines, Newspapers,
Ac, f.ir ihe Book-Binder.
Seed Potatoes for Sale.
UUU LINUS, comprising the following
varieties : Garnet Chili, Cuzco, Central City,
Callaoe, and Pinkeye Kustycoat.
Also 50 bnshels of EARLV JUNES..
PRICE $2:50 per barrel, delivered at the
Pittston Depot a barrel to contain as many
of the sorts as yon choose.
Packages (of each surf) seat by mail, post
paid, at 25 cts each.
RCash to accompany all orders. Refer
ence given if desired.
P. SUTTON, Ransom, Loz. Co. Pa
rocket HookM and other ffnnrfs
ol l ha ) kind ou hand or loorJrrhvih4,tXf
Lcwnburg Uookbudcr, CU; STAHL
""tan &X2l
1 O J.; , ia-iV
' i - I aaw.
I ssa
LINDSEY'S Improved
tar the aneedv.ra.Heal aed elTeetual en f al.Ldik-ura
arlilns tro IMftKITT OV TUB UXJD)
rpiHS modlclw. ba. wrought tbe mo.tailracaloa.eor..
la deaoerat. cJ.. oi
Cancerna. formattoaa,
Kr.eip.iaa, Holla,
Pore tyea. Scald Hand,
Kheomatic diavrdara,
S ilt Kb. urn.
Ueueral ,1.1.111(7,
liO.. of Apoetlta, m
CiuanH dimaw.,
Finplecoa tb. face.
Old. .lubU ra L lc.r.
Tetter aReetiolie.
Ilyapepeia, JauadJea,
Mercurial diveaaea,
Deer Complaint,
hnw ep.rlt.,
V,,ul Stom.ch,
VMiale tmplalnfa anitall d!aaM bat IDS tarlrongta
ia ma iaipura atUi ol the iiiood.
Thi above l m fHjrtnK of lh.M MTraarT of Xpln
Twp.whn.nn th lt Jy of AuKUt,liHT DiBdafllv it (
Inform Jutir Oorly thai b ' trrnltl lorthrrur- ;
Ccck b three .hfir.i.of !ilfnr.l w-unty. mad h lir. :
Nt wttro of tlie trlwrtir Cotl, Cinrinnati. tor p rxil
Of near) vltilit BMnthii. OotfilthMalaOtuv whirh his ttp,
nne, amd a partem hts left chek trr em'tnlf ent'M
otwiy ll haJ yiven up all bop-, httu br brd mt tbm
"UWkhI Smrhvr," and iu inluf--t tn irv it. Pour bt- f
Dm rnrcfl him. and .'although rajly dblizorad) thrr t 1
Doqux-ftioD but tbU inraluaM tnwdirin aavrd hi lift. ,
Tha full rrtirularii of thl remwrkabl ra muj bciwa i
in a Circular to bal of any nf th AaiU. I
We bIo rrfrr to a cna of aiwy ItUak ny. of Rldrrtna, 1
Armtivnir Co.. Pa.,rurrd of .-raorii-AafUr bciof onabla '
to ft out of bM for thrsr yM. , ;
To the rannfa lady in A naonTill.C?iarflId Co, who
waaalM afflicted with Srofula in ita worat form. (
To th rane nf Gwrit M.-i!, ridinf in Uarrolltown, j
Cambria Co.. fa., who wwim bailly attirtd with Canar'
that it eat hisntirs -, off, and bi caae u worae, if
po!Ms, than M'Ofnrv'a.
Tho artlrulara of th-a cm e ttt ono of whih wii
enrrd by th ni nf tbr -Ulonl Srnrrh-r" may alao ba
found In a rirraUr b hd nf n nf fha Agent. j
tit.O. II. fcr .M- K. Proprir.or, ritcbtirfft r. i
T"Lanrlnr fnr the mamlaturf ar aaie. nr tho
Pf-on'a I altmad'lrfot. IM!idavunr. I'a. iM by C.
W.iVhattlr. IwtRhurc: M't'rfi.'bt H-t.rk. Hoflaln X f
Rnttda; kud at llimmrlni-h. f arniervill : Cu rant intra i
A WHiner. llnrtleton : 1 11 Rf-. il. Mifllinbur; L. S. (
tsUmrn, Wiufitjld; ftbiudle k WaenMlkr, clioigrofr;
So. M, Arch SU riiiladclphla,
On of th lart-ft and mnut enroplvte Oallariaa tn thai
United rtatvts. wh-rr tl.e beft Itcturea known to tb
Pbt4traphi art a Uk-n at prtre no biffbar
tb.n an paid fr ntioeraMe rarictor.
THE I'rrprtetnr. a I'rartrml Kbtxrphjr. attend n,
perannallT. e ry it1iit anj allow no pieturn to
lea the ltry onl it .:ie perftH-t ati faction.
Unfftirnvntipea an-I Aatrtitype.oi abntor deoeaard
friend. phoUstfi-apbsid to any r-itired i. r taken on
Ca-nTasia. life fixe, and painted in Oil by the heat Artist.
At thi tiallery picture ran te t-vk-n tn any wethr
a perfect in rlouJy day aa when the nun rhinea.
Pernnn Ticitlnr the ritr are reaprtfnlly initi to ex
amine our apeciuiena. which for price nod quality defy
ftlualructions given In tbe art nf Phntrvrapby.
K Nr W H.U
OllXUtr or Akt, 724 Atrh Street, Philadelphia.
From ffnn htm V.Cuxnrth, )I.C.,Oht
My family and friend all tvneur In tf opinion that
the (.Newell) Pii-tutv ia more lira like than any thine
thev ever aw. My liken ha been repet-dly taken
by different Artit In larK-u way, but I be neer
yet had no which present o true to natnre.aH too fea
ture aop expreifi'tnnaot eountenantw a thin.
Frnnt Hon. K. Jt Moksia, late Minister tn Italy.
The es'iui-ite 8nih. TeKuty and anfln nf your por
trait, conjoined with their dur..iity of rolorand faith
fulne a .ikeneaM", ean not fail t commend then to
tha attcntiun and patruaagv of ail who appreciate true
If mm Cot. JjtwE Pacs.
IfarlnsT neenefon fur a pnrtrjsit. 1 prnenred an from
Mr. Rot-ert Newell, of the eity nf Philadelphia, a as in la
tum in ll C-nlnr. ttnilrrthe new rrnrrg .htcrrrft Ktm.
and take a rent pleaurw in expreneinK the aatiftfaeiinn
Civen me. not only b the areprary of the liken, but
it artiatie fioinh in all reypeefft. and recommend bin to
tbe patronage of thoae du-poeed to cnccoraicw tbe beuti
fol art- fcT-toKj Jtnca Pasa.
'Tic Susquehanna Jcitwnd."
. iielfmar iff iter nub yrriiucfrcr.
SK?irt jit nrioburij jttcxt Tcnntrla$ in brat
fctcr 2practc trriiuCjirn'ttn, nut ift tie tri;pif
tmtfitc 3fttun!)trcl(l,r am cfti'ran ncifcliti) ren
arrivbur rtiucft trirb.
Xtfff 3"W brinat tie dtT,rai(inrn 97itfiri6tfn
unt auficttrm tic befenerrrn rabtfritrn ttr tleun
rifi im IVitlfl yrnnfrlvanint, tttfrin tic irfulirt.
yrct? $ltm) tdi wtbr, tPfimreraui tf;alilr, cttr
in ten trjicn 4 SOed'cn. trenn tqabft in
ten rrftcn 8 2?Ienattn Ui oatjrc nnb $1,50
cnn frarrr.
ftiir ffiinntntaidrUnarn trirb bfrrnrt ; fin
Sduarr ren V2 iHtilcix rr-'ifr fiir r.i?' Mbx JJiH.
Mursrre cfannimaduinrn in crhairnip.
Mammoth Photooraph Gallery,
S.E. Corner Eighth and Arch St. Philadelphia.
(fUraat on K gKtk itiruL)
VFTER many rears1 experienre in all the
various branches of ihe Art. the Propri
etors contiilentty invite the attention of their
friends and the public lo their extensive esta
blishment, which presents the opportunity or
procuring ihe best Pictures, equal at least lo
any first-class Gallery in the L'mied States.
Preparations are complete lor executing all
the ImprPTed atyb known to tha Art. They have a
patent arranecment for copying Uaffnerrentypee, Ac. Ac,
making theni Lifecise.if desired the only one of tb
kind in thia conn try. Attached to thia establishment
are three coloring Artiets.
fuoToourMd, inrludmtr Painting, a low aa $3 00
do with frame j0 j g-j
do l Pho. t75et. Rxtra copies M rta.
or fo per doa. Liferize Photorraph an bw a $3, and
1 Tory type at aame phot. Xturabl Ambrotypea at bo
cent and upward.
A moat extent-iv aortment of Oilt Frame, embrae.
inx n elect and rboic variHv of the lateet atylea. .Pri
ce irom f eenie anti npwaru.
KnpnHal ait.niion kp.t.i nmn T.ifr-aiini photo. !
Taha in Oil. tran.f rrl from fmall pictax.a,ajidlroai
t.Inatrortion- iriTfa la tba Art Silly
Chromatic Printing.
HAVING purchased Ihe right to nse Rna
aim's process for Printing with Dry
Colors, for Union Co. Ta-.we are prepared lo
execute orders for
CARDS, Show-Bills, &c.
Ai Red, Green. Sims, Brmen. Sitrer, Piammd, er CtJi
colors, in good style, ( iTat the Olfice of the
"Star & Chronicle," Lewishnrg.
Jrm,lS4 WORbK.N a COKNELirS.
Science still on the Advance !
ITltr.FOX nr.d Mpfhani-
O eal DentiMt. Office in the
Dr. Brugger's new building. Market street.
(western entrance, up stairs) LEVl!Bl ISO.
Dr.BL'RLAN is nw crnsirurting the Non
sectional Block work, baked on Plaiina base,
which for cleanliness, beauty and strength
has no equal also teeth mounted on the var
ious Bases in nse and having Lad a long
and extensive practice, and being perfectly
familiar with every department of his profes
sion, he feels safe in warranting entire satis
faction in all his operations, which shall be
carefully and skilfully performed.
Pleasa call and examine specimen. The
superior qualities of the Xon-seclional work
will be evident 10 all who will gie it an im
partial examination. Dr. Burlan is the only
person who constructs this excellent work in
Ihis section of country.
RTCharges shall correspond with tha
times. Lewisburg, Sept. I, ' 151
J OD Market Square, l.ewisbnrg.
A good supply of t'liairH, Tables,
Bureau, MantlN. Vr.,ou hand or made
jrdersr DAVID OI.MLR. 826
Cold Croiiailici, u4
Varvrrrtn, Mva? 3nth Da- IMS.
Dt.J.C.Am: i to nt k-ruac tw may
the net remedy I bave ever fcsond fc-C
'0Uba. Ilaaraeie. Inflneaxa. aivl Ui
eMtcnntijM(t ayiaptumawl'aCsM.laytHir
Oitaaar Parrat. trsil n- In w
my practice antl m limily thai lt
lea eswe W lMwn ei ro pn ewpa aaj
rir virraee fnr tbe treatiwent of thee
oumi-Uiiita. KHfcXKNK.IIT.JI.fi. 4
A B. MOKTI.KT. Kw.-ftnca. X. T-wTftee; - j
aed your wrai myeelf and f my Umdt mrmr iZZ
yoa tuvenUd it, and believa M Ibe beet ntys,nm lZ
pitrpaF eer put eit- W ith a Im1 r4d I ., tf mrtn
par twentv Ave ltiar fr a boUtc tiia dv niUMutiL
take any other truae.iy.'
Crunp, Hhoopinr Conth, Inflnenw.
rairWiruL. t eb - .
PaoTOa A Tin: 1 will cheerful)- rwrtjr ir ryJI-i
la Use beat reaaedy we p.w- l wtmf4 9tJ
cmutjh. eronp. aal theebeet b.wnae ..f rhtMren. J
your fraternity ia tbe Mrh apfc ute j.mbt akiU. ana
CuuuueuJ jfwir anodic ine lw onr pvn !-.
I11KAM XNK.It.3l D.
AMOS I.KR. FXO. Mowtw.it, T wrtis-a,3U Ja
" I bal a telin liinitviiBn. whtt-b mnhu.! M )M 4,
mi wcaka; k nnuiy m-ifuiiaa wilhMtt ee)f; assj
tried yonr lrtttmt by ttte lice of our cierxynun. Tae
iret relieTrd the autwtM-aw in my tbnaat and lat.f;
eea than mie hiUf tbe U it tie mad me completely ,(.
Ymr niedinnea art tle rhee;-it asa well a the be tj
ran Imy. and we e-teet jn, iluclwr. ami yuan najailiw,
aa tlie poor nun fi k'teL
Asthma or Phthisic, nnd Ttroschitin
war MA-is-iiaaraa. Pa, w. 4, 19&.
tn: Twir Cherry lnrul la perforMi! awrvelUea
rnrea In thto eertion. It ha reikvei nreeral rVm alarre
tnc Tmptint of cjnmrapliii. and ia mm- cawing a aaia
wbo hue .Nletred nutlef an nfT tr d the Innapt fee the
last forty year. J1K.NKY L. PAKKS. Merchant. .
A. A. RAMKT, . Aunow. Ma. Caw W
nrriten, rVtpt. .V-4: thirinr my prnrtiraett rnnwy yenr
I bare a.owd nothinic ettal to year fWr IW-tw' fu
Itimne ease and re.,af u cuuawmpct puamU, a enring
a h aa are cwrabm.'
We mibt add volnmea ef erelwnew, hmt thm amat aaa
vtnciOK pnof of tbe triune of U;ie remedy la ftma4 la Ua
a&eta opun trial.
Probably no one renieHy baa ever beea known whlrfc
eared eo many and each dansreroaa raawa aa tbia. ffema
no nnnian aid ran reach ; bnt eiea to thuea tbe O-trrg
ItitortiL afTonla relief and owiM.
Atto llorsa. Nrw Voa Crrr. Vareh ft, 1M
TVorroft Am. LoKi.t: I toel it a rinty and a plcaearf
to tnf rm yt what ?ir fi-erry V-mcaV baa alone far mf
Wilia. 2 he (kid keen five month tahonnx nndr tbe dan
Kemna aymptoma of Psinennt ptvm, fnm which no aid we
ernild pew-nre jrae hermitch relief. be waa ateadlly nut.
In?, until Ir.Mruc. of tht city, where we taerecum W
a-1 w reromoenlel a trial of yonr medicine We btwe
hi kiO'lueaaa. aa w do yourvklll; fnraba baa rereeered
from twjff dey. ffbe W not yet aa atrrmc aa abn need lj
be, but 1 ft em fr da her enimh. and ealla berarif wail.
Xoure Ub gratitude and rvcar !,
okla.n lM tlibmv, or fnurvnuL ,
"fnnireTcirei. do not daapair till yon have tried Arn
Cnsaar PtrroatL. It ia maufe by one of tbe beat madWj
rhemieia iu the wocM. and Ha ewrea all amwnd na baafMaat
tlie htk menu aT it virtue. l'kdudt!psm tdfrr .
Ayers Cathartic Pills.
TltK erVncea of Cbemistry ami MediHna have be
taxed their utmost to prudnca this beat, moot per(er
pamtire whb-b im known to man. Jnnnmerable ptnen)
are ahowa thai tbeae Piixa hart tlrtnes which Mi-yam it
eTCellenee tbe ordinary medicines, and that they win tn
preredentedly apn the mteem f an men. Tbey aramm
and pleaunt to take, bnt powerful ta cure. Tbevrpenaa
tratinic proper! lea aiimnlate tbe riul activitieeof tbe batty.
r'Ue the 4trartion of it orjr-uia. porify the blee
and expel i!eajte. Tbey parftool tbefbnl kwmorawbklk
breed and prt'W d intern per. stimulate alwpciab ar eme
ta-rel onrana into tbrir aeiural m tkm.anl impart mwJthy
boe with atrnt:th to tbe nboto rratem. Not only 4m
tbey cure the every-day complaint of erecy body, but
ale frirmMable and dancerowe dirweea that have baffle!
tbe beat of huuiaa ekilL V. bile tbey produce powtrml
eflecta. they are at the aame time, in dimhinhed kaM.tae)
aaieet and heat phyaic that can be employed fcr rbrMnvn.
Heint aurar-mated. they are pleaaai.1 to fake; aad being
purely VeewaMe. are free from any rtak af barm. Cwm
have been male which nr)ae) belief were tbey not ab
tantiated hy men of tarh exalted poeitkm and chararaar
aa to ftHrl'id the eii-pick-a of nntrutb. Many eminent
clergymen and pbyiciana bave lent their nma m eetttfy
Ut tbe pnNie the reliaMliry of ay remediee. while etbera
have aent me th aeturance of their eonviction that mf
Prepnrationa contribute immmmly to tbe raftef of mf
afflicted, miflerinc teliow-mcn.
The Atrrnl briow named ni pleaaed to firrrtrah era tie my
American Almanacrontaininc directiona tor their aaeaatl
certitUatea of kxir curee, of tbe a 1 low me compbunu:
C'Mtivwoeaa. ftilioue Cwiflaivie. Rhammnfiaaa. Dreeey,
llearthnrn. llexUche arttns frvm a .ul attjmaeb. .leae
aea. Indietie. l.rlitd loan titm etf the Boweleand Paraj
arietnx tbecefnm. tlatiili-m'y. Lw of Appetite, alt t'lear
on and tittanna I'wwe wntt-n require an evamawt
wedictne. .Vrofiilaor Km Kit Thoy Vo by porify
in; the Moanl and atimitlatina; tha erte.n. mre amay
rtmiplaint wbkb it wou'd b ba smpeecd tbew rawldl
r-sw h. anch a iKasfrv. Partial Bliftdnem. Nenrairia and
Nervona lrritaHiity. IVranernent of the liver and Kiev
neva. ticut. and ether kindred eomplainu arietnc from a
b'W Btata of tbe bvuly or oltmctin of it fnnctiona.
Do not be pnt off by nnprincir4ed dealer with mma
other pill they make more profit on. Aak W Aria's
Pltu. and take notbhtK eNe. other tbey can ffiv
yon compare with thia in it mtriaaic valne or curative,
powera. The aick want the beat aid there ia ta? tbemt
and tbey bould have H.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. A TEH.
Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, KamV
hid 313 Cra. m Rox. Piti Boxm ra $ 1
t"F"8oM bv C V PrhJiffle and F S Caldwi
Lewi hurt; I'd ward ?mith. ew Berlin; D Widena
Centerville: rhindel A Wezeneeller. 9eHofTov; J D
Kaat, Mitflinbary; Corny A bro. New 4.amb.n andj
dealer averywhrra ytuotreow
PICTURES A bease can not be said
to be well furnished without some well
selected Pictures.
want can now hm
supplied at
Spring and Summer Tashions 1863,
Tbe Best Work and La I est Sfxlt
thankful for past favors-,
wonlil state that he has ra
cri verl ihf Spring & Summt
Fashions, and is prrpared to
garnimts as nsnal. He ajit
endeavor, as heretofurr, ta
exreote his work aniisfcnn
rily. Lewiburg, April, Mt
ACl'RIOfS and f ntrrtairina; fill! Book
(all about Matrimony, Monry, and ol0j
er niad-rs.) for the amDvrmrni of evrry body
(ano the yonn; folks, also,) on lonr viaita-
evening rainy days, etc Price, SO eenla.
" holesafe, 11 Crnts. Sent by mail for sevea
3 cent stamps. For sale auhe".S7rr 4 Chrmt
ide" office. WORDEN A CORNELIUS,
PoblUh.ra. ta.l.anrg, Pa
MW.H junp Into th. Wafoa, aad all uk. arid
A LA ROB, handsome 1
and verv comfurta-d
ble WACiO.Y hasbeen.
a ' especial accommodation 0
Pic-N ic and other similar excursions. Term
moderate. Apply to JOS. M. IIOCSEL.
Lewisburg, June 3, 1859.
Horseman's Friend, or
rocket Companion.
Ftity-Two valuable Receipts for ihe Farm
aod Horse Pealer fir sale (!tj cte) by
ij J STAHL, Biuikbipder, LrwKborg
il.V typMXrik'SDKMT FAMILY JOt R..4t
bsacd f rldajsal Uwh.iit,UiM CwwBi), Trm
TEBMS $M ft year, tw u pi is o-awi an
at tbe aame rate r a loafrorrbortcr period. The,&w
eta will pmy -r font aanailia, 7&ctaihraii atratha. 1 e4.
forraaiht mnotha.2dol. tor aiiteea wteatba. 3 tw !
year. $5 lor lour cor woe year. $10 tor Ira evaiaa
year. Ma. ifiaele Nc'a a eta. Fa.vaarat ay vail
rewired ia gokd. roxtafw atajapa. ar beak aotra at taviff
alo hr. Mnet ItiaU of I'Totiace refneaii ia ray-
0 eTWba the tine iirvfcr whfrh a paper h aiallaa,
(aakaa v bar a ruoainc arroaat) tt i ifTtH-PI P-
AariRTiKKatXTB handMBirly paMfehrJ. at ft F
tqaarw aav wrk. 2 eta earhalterlaat-rtitt, S4ol- tor aiS
Moatha, ft dol. prr year. Half a aquir -' eta. 15 e.
aol.34l. Tweaquarvw M.4W,a-U. Mvpcbaatw. aa.
Bol arrr oaa-tourth of a roluava. 19 del. per yt-ar. D'
iree. ae. aa Bay be aatrred apoa. A auaiw ta Wliaaet
nialleat type, or 16 of aextlarrr. AdvantaeaiaBta ef
demaraliiiiir.Hl'Yal.orwindhn)t vadary aoCadaat't"
ConnaantcationJi aWirtt oa topiea l earai iatrreat
and aernenpanvd bv tbr wrttrr'a real an at a4 nMrt
The MAUMCTH' TKLKtiKAfU la lecatrd ibe'"
af the SUr r r Awa" t-.bv whM-b woliwa iaaerlitapwrtaBl
Scwa ia advaarv of tb fbtlad Mtvila.
Caanertwt whb the are a a pie Bjaterlatafrraiort
kiada of JOB f-RINTIIva.wbivbwill bewi-da
Mtnaa aad stVapairb and taawab!a trraia.
.raaial adva-rtiaraM-oU U K paid Phra
to-J b Work v.twartrlnTv-1. Ad Wmwpi'' J
cc0or !rai,a JlkvWa-rv .-tih ..dr.N T!T'