Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, June 02, 1863, Image 2

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Fitting in tin office, was ft lawyer;
Standing in the street, was a lawyer.
On the lawyer's anxious face
You could road a knotty case,
Needing law !
While the sawyer, guant and grim,
On ft rough and knotty limb
ltuu his saw.
Now his saw-horse seemed to ma
Like a double X in fee ;
And the saw,
Whichever way 'twas thrust,
Must be followed by the "dust,"
Like the law.
And that log upon the rack,
Like a client on the track,
Played iu part,
And the tempered teeth of steel
Made a wouud, that would not heal,
Through the heart.
And each severed stick that fell,
In its falling seemed to tell,
All too phiin.
Of the niany severed tics
That in law-suits will arise,
Bringing pain.
Then, methought, the sturdy paw
That was using axe and saw
On the wood,
Hail a yielding mine of wealth,
. Ia its honest toil was health
All was good.
And the chips that strewed the ground,
By some stricken widow found,
In her need,
Fhall with cheerful warmth impart
Ulesoiups on her aged heart
Happy deed !
This conclusion, then, I draw
That no exercise of jaw,
Twisting India-rubber law,
Is as good
As the exercise of paw,
In the handle of a saw
Sawing wood.
0, psha ! faugh I The "Poick" who
composed the above must have stood on
all fours when he "done" it It might.do
for some wooden country, but not where
llolstein and Fcgley and Xesbit and such
lllack Republicans keep Coals on hand.
We'll bet a Confederate S100 bill that the
fellow ncvor sawed a stick of wood in his
life. lie may think it is the "poetry of
motion" to see "broth" of ft Milesian, a
jihli'gmatic Teuton, an American of Ethi
opic descent, or a proud Caucasian to the
"manner" born, bowing and bobbing to a
saw-horse by the hour ; but let him follow
it faithfully for ft day, and if he don't get
the "Chronicle rheumatism," he'll be very
apt to write some more poetry about the
beauty of sawing wood ! "Sawing wood,"
in Juno, indeed ! It almost breaks one's
back to think of it '.
Be One or the Otber.
I was recently in company with one of
those insins young gantletnen who, as
Theodore Winthrop says in bis ''Cecil
Drueme," laud slavery and think they arc
"arietosratie." The fellow "went on" far
time, when Mrs. said, politely,
"If you sympathize with the Rebels,
why don't yon go and join tbam?"
"ME, madame I Why, I assure you I
am perfectly loyal."
"Indeed V
" Well, certainly, I stand by the Got
ernment, not by the Administration."
So Vallandigham says."
" I mean, I am no Abolitionist."
' So Brooks says."
" That is, I fear we are ftlieniting the
- So Tom Seymour says."
" In other words, I am Union man,
but don't think War can restore it."
u So Tonoey says."
" Bat, my dear madam, the war is an
eonsitutionally carried on."
So George T. Curtis tiys."
" I mean, our liberties are in danger."
" So Fernando Wood says."
" But, isn't the war fratricidal J"
u So Ben Wood says."
" Come, then, isn't it bopolesi T"
" So the London Times says."
" Yes, my dear madam, bat what on
eartb do you say V
" I say, that whoever stands against tho
Administration in this war, stands against
the Government. I say, that whoever
ays ha is no Abolitionist, means that be
intends to embarrass tbe war. I say, that
wlioever is afraid of alienating the South,
is afraid of irritating a make that has
already stung him. I sy, that who
ever thinks that force can not restore tbe
Union, does not know that anion is tbe
irresistible instinet of tbe American peo
ple. I lay, that whoever says the war is
aneonatitutionally carried on,is in danger of
beiog split by (he tempest in which be is
trying to split hairs. I say, that whoever
ays our liberties are imperilled by tbe Gov
ernment and not by tbe rebellion, works
and prays for the rebellion and tbe anni
hilation of all eivil liberty and order. I
ay, that whoever calls tbe war fratrioidal,
has no more eooeeption of national honor
than lottery dealers are said to bave of
honesty. I say, that whoever considers
tbe cause of the United States hopeless,
bates that eanse in his heart, and is utter
ly ignorant of the charade of the people
and the faets of the situation. That is
what I say, and that ia what every truly
American nan and woman lays and
Tbe gentleman made ns reply, bat the
next day at club be said to a friend, " I
dined yesterday at Mrs. . Wbat an
awfal Abolitionist ahe is!'' Harper'.
Judge Leavitt, who refused to give
YallaBdiirbam habeas corpus, was appoin
ted to office by a Demoeratie President,
ad still considers himself of the Jackson
school. And Gen. Burnside was allowed
to be a true Democrat until be proved to
be is, earnest in putting dew tbe Rebel
lion, wbicb made bin an "Abolitionist 1"
co !
J !! '
IS 17
23 14
i8 13130131
30 31,
I I 1 1
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12 1314 IS
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8 in 11 12 is!
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10 n!i2lir.;i4
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26i2!27'2K 29130 31
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1 2 3
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: I I I I I I
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e! 7 s 9I111111 12
13il415l 171N19
:!21i22i23 2l2i,2
Ilolidays Banks close on
Kaw Year"! Hay Ith July ThacAngiTicj Christmaj
Union County Official Record.
Prssidtot Judge Sufi S. Woods, Le widow a PortOffloa
Associate Judge lout W. Smoxrn. Mifflinborg do
no wohx e iLu, Mwuourg no
faert-LAFATrrrE AuftfOHT do do
IatJvMotarf Jimu w. Sands So do
Keg el Rot. Georoe Merrill, do do
Harriet Attorney Atrnsn Ham do do
TWajurrr Jon a A. Meets, do do
CbMouifimwr Frepbrics RoivYpm.Mfrnlnbarg do
do Jwi M. Walter. Wlnil.ld do
do Kireht Reed, Lanreltnn do
09mmi$utmrfVk Ajdri KR.ijiBlil.Lewlibnrg do
do ITonnui Wx. Jorer, do do
do ViwferW order A Corrsucs, do do
MtrwtiiU Approver R'M. Rhrroro, Nw Berlia do
Airiwyor Co.nrad Shecrxes, Fomt UUt do
CiriHer FugHA Stragr, Lwiburg do
Auditor Pawifl Shapprr, do do
do Bkktrier TnoHPo?r. Mifflinborg do
do 1. P. ilAaERBUCM, tilifer do
SVomI SuprrinUndntt X.llECKEXltoRR,9riiw8rltD do
J uttnnr Slave fVarTax C,n SnrrxER,Mifninbarg do
OMtctor do Jesse Beater, Wiafield do
Post-Offices in Union county.
Jlrirm (in Itndy tovnship) - . D Strobkw. P M
5i'Vr t'oiontnwn. Kratlj Tp) - PaTkl Arbarkto "
WhtU liter Mdlt (Uicntooa, Wb.D.Tp) ( h' M King " I
.V.w Columbia .... J K Corn- "
Mrrt MtUon (Kelly Tp - John rtitriiniRn
iwirburg f 'ountj Ant) ... Uru W Frtrrwt n
fivfolt X HixuU ... LrTi Hark "
Fnrrrt Ifili iFarmerfrllle) - - Msrtio Itndjr
Mifllmburf ... Mr M Stis "
HurUrlnn .... Tln!.-n C liayol
Is.urrUn (wrtt d llRrtUT Tfi) Mrk f lalfpDOT n
Wkitr fipripg LimcStuDA Tp) . J S KRUdflnbn.b M
A fcrin .... Kdwd Smith "
WinfitUr-4LrrTllcT, CnkioTp) Soml A Walter "
Regular Union county Courts open
Third Mondaj la February Met Saptemb'r Dwcrmb'r
HAVING located in Lewisburg, solicits a
share of the public patronage. Resi
deuce and Office on Market Si., nearly oppo
site the Kiviere House.
Lvwiibunr, March i, 1S63.
Watt'hfS. JeWelrV and Silver Ware.
. . . a. iiir ,r,
No. 622 Market St. PHILADELPHIA
THE undersigned would
respectfully invite yoor at-
lU'fntKin to nis well selerlerl
stock ot Fine Uold and Silver WATCHES,
Fine Gold JEWELRY, of every variety of
styles comprising all of the newest and most
btautiful dentins.
Also, SOLID SILVER WARE, equal tn
Coin and the best make of Silver Plated
Ware, Each article is warranted to be as
CiT Watches and Jewelry carefully re
paired and satisfaction guaranteed.
(Successor to Staujfer e Jlarlci.)
February 27, 1863.
r 1 H E subscribers have for sale
l (in lots to suit purchasers)
a large stock of
P1E BOARDS Panel Stuff,
Plank. Ac. Also 5,000 PAi .KAILS,
26 inch Sawed Shingles superior quality.
Also 8a u are Timber for Buildings :
Which are offered low for cash, at oar Mills
on South Branch of the While Deer Creek in
Hartley township or delivered on the Brush
Valley Narrows road at the end of our Road.
Cd7"A Diploma for a superior sample ot
Planks, and a Premium for Kails and Shing
les, were awarded us at the last Union Co.Ag.
fair. JOHN M'CALL & 80X8,
ly-v. forest Hill P O, Union Co, Pa
ibw.maso. MASON & CO. .a.rcixos
SOT Chestnut St. Philadelphia.
auWeditlDe Cant of the ntwent atvlea. Tititine and
Baoioesa Carta, engravM and printed at th ahorttat
notkw. A Terr full aMrtnnt of FIXB Ptatitnarr
alwayaoo band. Inltiala In Color,and everr varityof
EmtKMMnnf. oruatlrailT rvarttted. Any atyle or Papar
nd Entelopea tnada lo ordar June zu, law
THE subscriber con
X tinues to carry on the
Livery Buttlnettn at
the Old 8iand on South
Third street, near Market, and respectfullj
solicits the patronage of his friends and the
public generally. CHARLES F. HESS.
Lewisburg, May K, 1850
fX&fc Attention, Slasicians!
SVlrV'-. A lars-e assortment of
S'aSOil . .. ... r .ii
kinds also Violin, Guitar,
and Banjo Strings, Bridges, Pegs,&e.and the
best Viol io Kosio call at the Post Office and
examine. W FORREST
HE undersigned has opened a New
in the rooms recently occupied by W. M. Ellis,
near the old Hayes stand. Market street, Lew
isbarg, where he is always prepared lo
famish the public with the best of
CoflTee, Tea, Sugar, Spleen, Knli,
Candles, Fruits, Finn, Flour
& Feed, tlieene, &.C., .c,
together with all other articles usually kept
in such an establishment at the lowest prices
'Jail and gitre him a trial.
Drake's Plantation Biiiers for sale.
r If any person kills or poisons any of
lj?jV my chickens, turkies or any other
li.'n. thing, as I have lawful fences,
they shall be lined five dollars according to
law. Mrs. SARAH CfTAHL
Linn town. April t4, 1663 St
WEST BRANCH lotnranee Cora pa nr.
of Lock Haven, Pa.
Insoret Property in both Town and Coon
try on at reasonable Terms aa any other
good Company.
The I arte increase of Premium Notes makes
It a reliable Company to in, ure in,
.ftawfurt f Pmalaai Kote naw la foree, ISM.M0.M
J-WeCurma, ec.- -0.atet. Pres
Dee 16, Jfcviaborg .
a! 4 si 7 s 9
1011 12113114 15 10
17I!li2cil2;l22 23
24,2ii2()j27!i29 30
'l I I I I
I 1 2l S 4 t S
7 9 11 II 12 13
1415 1 17 IS 19 20
21122 Slu 2i as a
2H2 30 j
WE have the pleasure of informing
,Jyov that we are now prepared to offer,
at our Old Stand Nos. 103, 105 & 107 North
SECOND St.. PHI LAD' A. a well selected
Stock of Millinery and Straw Good
in every variety, of the latest importations,
aad of ihe newest aifd most fashionable styles.
will comprise every variety of Bonnets, Hats
and Trimmings to be found in that line, of the
latest and most approved shapes and styles.
8uliciiing an early call, I remain
Yours. Respectfully. U. WARD.
Pbilad., March 14, 1863w4
THE onderaiRiied, having loaned his furni
ture, fixtures and utensils to Mr. H. L.
M'Mahu for the period of one year, and is
about to remove temporarily from Levisburg,
takes this method of returning his thanks to
the people of Lewisburg and vicinity for their
uniform kindness and the liberal support they
have given him during his residence among
Lewisbarg, April SO, I8G3
milE undersigned, having obtained the use
I of the furniture, fixtures and' utensils of
Mr. Richard M. Coorsa, will continue the
Bakery, Confectionery and Notion business,
at the old stand, on Market street, for the pe
riod of one year. He hopes by strict attention
to business lo merit the patronage heretofore
extended lo this establishment.
I.ewlsburg, April 20, 1S(13
Snuff and Tobacco Manufacturer,
(formerly 42 Chamber ftrMt, New York,)
WOULD ca'l the attention of Dealers to
to the articles of his manafacture,viz ,
MacafcoT, Damiicro,
tan Rappm, Pure Virginia,
Cortm Kappae, NachiUwh,
Amaricao dentlaman, CopeubagcD.
Beoth. lloDev Seotch,
Jlich Toant Siitrh, Prvih llonry brw gentrb,
Iri.b High Xoaator Loodjloi't, Priih Sculcb.
Attention is tailed to the large reduction in prtrci
Fint-Cnt IJtewinaand Smoking Jhbaccoe, which will be
fnund of Superior uohtu.
tanfE, P. A. I... or plain, 8. Jat:o,
No. 1, rareodifh. or Swit, Ppaoish,
No. 2, pwt tfcwoUid Oroaooo, Canaftter,
Nua.l A3raiJ, Tio Fuit Ca,Teodiibf Turkiab.
N. B. A circular of prices will he sen ton
application. March I li, '6:Jy I
The undersigned hare as
sociated themselves into copart
nership fur the purpose of carry
ing ou the Lumberine, Planing,
and Carpentering business in all theirvarious
branches, at the
Cctoisbnrg Ctcam planing tflills,
where they intend to keep a stock of Pine
Hemlock, Walnut, Cherry, Poplar, .sh, Ma
ple, and all kinds of Lumber, Flooring Shel
ving, Hiding, Shingles, Lath. Joists, Studding,
Fencing, Pickets, Door and Window Frames,
Doors, Shutters, Blinds, Sash, Mouldings,
Brackets, Ac. Planing, Slitting, Scroll Saw-
ln? c done at short notice and all work
warranted to give satisfaction, both in irice
and workmanship.
Ln.bor Planlni Milla, April I, lo.
TB. CHRIST, Esq., has remored his Of
jn fice to the building of Jonathan Spyker,
Nonh of the Court House, and immediately
opposite the Buffalo House, where he will at
tend to all manner of business at his office
wilh dispaich and promptness in his liue of
business. (Speaks both English and (Jerman.)
April I. 1862. I,. B. CHRIST.
J. S. Marsh. E.Shorklry, C.C-Shorklrj. P. Beaver
I.ei iNburpr, Pa.
WC haTe eonaUDtlj on band and for Rale,
Fetprr, Slower and Horer Wrrvrtert; Grain and (Srast
IMeri; Hand and Horse I'omer (lorn Skelters; OncTwo
and Four Horse Tread, Sweep and toll lowers ; Clnrer
ItuUrrs, reed Cillers, Threshers, flows. Stores. Hells, Iron
Fronts or lluihltnus. Iron fences. Raxlinns. MtU (tearing,
ke. Ac.. end hold ourala ivady at all timea to no all
RiRna or Pohrdrt Bi'slREsa with th utmoateorrartnaaa
and dispatch. Work or Manufacturea inranablp
warranted a reconunendeit. Ord"-r rmprttullj
aolieiud andTOmptlr at"" ted to. Janel. 18)
Jnapimt (.m'umjtum. and for CV relvf and if at all
jnfsttxbir. ) curt oj i'tUKftu in auranccv twytioj uic tnuer
TUB llalnnn.tr Cftrrliiil 5nttiTly m TefataMf produc
tiofi,comhiDlnf th beHo(T proptjrtt- of the IUItn,
with the iftip(oriitiu)( quliUn of Cordial, prodDciuicm
eontbioatioD so wfll avlaptv-d to ihm purpow in tendril,
that thm ! but f-w aw of difvan which will not, at
an early period, fuecumb to Its lieaJiog and lUe-gifing
Fr p-ii ban tb tnatmf nt of pnl miliary direa ee.
eupid the greater portion of the attention of the arton
tibn of the medical world, but none aea,aird more emi
nence in bin treatment of tberc diiwnusea, tban the cele
brated Prussian t'r. If oolland, the orijtioator of tbe Bal
samic Cordial. Hit ltfewaideTted to the production of
remedies that would stand vnrialed. How well he baa
succeeded, the American people are able to judice: and
we positively assert, that no preparations that bave ever
been planed before them, bavecoOaVnrd theoame amount
of benefits on suffrin bumanttv.or have elicited so
many commendations from ail clashes of socHy, u tb
remedies of lloofland. prepared by Dr. C 1. Jackson
Co , of Philadelphia.
The Cordial Isdesicned fur a el ass of diseases more gen
eral and more fatal tban aoy other to which the people
of this country are autQecttboM aprinefns; from a
"sit, 'it cold- That eminent authority. Dr. Vell.aav:
M I will not say that Colds are to oar Inhabitants what
the Plaicue and Yellow Perer are to tboee of other coun
tries ; but I cava aver confidently that tbey nsher lo dis
ease of greater complicity aad mortality tban these latter
Read Hmt the eminent Olaas Maanfaetnrer, JOTIN U.
Da. C. M. Jartuoa--Resperted Friend: nsTins; for a
loot; time been acquainted wilh the virtues of thy BAU
ft A MIC COKDIAL in Coughs, Colds, Inflamuation of tbe
Lungs, Ac, I tbns freely bear testimony to itaefBeacv.
For several year I have never been without It in my
family. It is also gives me pleasure to state that I have
need it with entire success In the treatment of Bowel
Complaints. Tbv frtend truly. JOHN M. WHITALL,
Fifth Mo. 17, 1K58. ft ace st. above 4 tit, rhilsd'a.
atsT-TbeM medirlnes are for sale by all resftectaM
Druggists and dealers in medicine in the United States.
Canadas. Brlti"b Provine, and West Indies, at 74 cents
per bottle. Vesure and gt tbe genuine, with tbe signa
ture of C M. Jackson on the wrapper of each bottle; all
others are roonterftHt. Principal Office and Manufacto
ry, 418 Arch street, Philadelphia, Pn.
Old Post-Office Stand.
A LARGE supply of Bnoks.Stationery,
Perfumery, Jewelry, Toys, Confection
eries, Teas. Spices, Fruit, Nats, Batktes,
Pictures, and a variety of NICK NACK8 for
sale cheap by
763 H W CROTZER. Lewisbttrf
JOHN A. MERTZ, EqM has removed his
Office on Market Su two doors west of
the Lewitbnrg Bank, where be will attend to
all manner of bnsiness in his line with
promptness. Speaks both English and Her
man. J. A. MERTZ
Lewisborf, April 1, 18!S
Warrantee Deeds for ule at this office.
(nva a. rai-a. c.)
Lewisburg Planing Mill,
kern constantly on hand and
nianuiacture to order t'loorlnar, Biding,
Doors, Saa,Sbutf era, UllndH,
Mouldlaagsj oi all patterns,
and all other descriptions of Wood Work used
in Uutlding.
Orders respectfully solicted and promptly
filled. All work warranted to give satisfaction
CaTAn extensive lot of Lumber of all
descriptions on hand for sale.
Factory on KorthSetxmdstrtet.Lewisburg.Pa
April S3,J8S9.
THE subscriber keeps constantly on hand
a large assortment of the very best Sha
mokin and Wilkes-Uarre COAL, for lime and
stove purposes. which he will sell at the very
lowest prices for Cash.
Also, Blacksmiths' Coal, Plaster and Salt.
Wish it distinctly understood, that I will not
be undersold by any man Having good
weieh-scales, full weight will be given.
Coal Yard near Weidrnsaul's hotel.
Lewisbarg, May 3759.
At -ei-Ttz,
For the Harvest of 18G3!
The most approved Agricultural Imple
ments now in the Market !
LewlMbura;, Pa.
pnckrijc liraprr & Slhmt.
t PHE unprecedented saccess of the " Buck
1. eye" is the stronsest proof of lis superior
excellency. The UUCKEYE has caused a
cnmpiele Kevolution in the .Manulaciure oi
REAPIS'J AM) MOW1SG Machines, and
its repulalion is so well established that it is
scarcely necessary to particularize its advan
tages. We will, huwrver, call the attention
of the farmers to a few of us merits.
Pawls and Springs, by which the machine
mav be thrown cut of gear, or be backed
wnhoot vibrating the knives ihe Sieel Culler
Bar the Wrought Iron Guard, with Hardened
Siel Face or Cutting Edtfe the Double
Hinged Joint, by hich the Cutler liar may
he Folded the long Crank Shaft the Steel
Spring and Wheel, by which the Culler Bar
may be raised and lowered so as to cut as
low in the ground as may be desired the
Steel Piiman and Brass Box its Light Draft
(no Side Draft) no weight on ihe horses'
necks backs as easily as a cart all of
which form a combination of advantages
which no other machine possesses.
No Gearing on the Driving Wheels.
A team of horses weighing 900 lbs. each.
will cut an acte or grass an hour with ease.
The machine in furnished wilh two Cutler
Bars one tor culling trass, and the other for
cutting grain (each expressly adapted to the
use intended).
No eriorl will be wanting to maintain the
Buckeye in the enviable position it now occu
pies, that of being the
Best Qachine In the World !
The subscribers return their sincere
thanks to their friends fur tbe generous sup
port thev have received in introducing the
celebrated Buckeye Keaper and Mower into
Central and Northern Pennsylvania, and are
much indebted lo them fur their warm greet
ings and kind oiBces in recommending it to
their friends and neighbors.
For Certificates, Ac, see Circulars, which
mav be had of any of their Agents.
Thev also manufacture Meyer' Pat
ent Pittton Ciraln Drill, which is
acknowledged to be the BEST SEED SOW
ER I.N L'sE, and the only one which
Also, the KejMtone Clover Ilnller,
which cleans thoroughly, without in Ihe least
injuring the serd. Will clean more in the
same time than any other machine in use.
They also manufacture and keep on hand
for sale Varlinte's Tread Pirwtr and Thresher!
Teleoraph Fodder Cutler (two sizes) ; Conking
'Motes, anion; which is the celebrated "Con
tinental " Parlor and OJJice Stores, and all
hinds nf Cost and Wrought Iron and lira's
Central Foundry, LewitOurgPa.
March SI, I'M.
milE Pennsylvania Railroad Company
X having this day taken possession of the
Philadelphia St Erie Railroad, under the con
ditions agreed on with the Philadelphia tc
Erie Railroad Company, they have appointed
JOSEPH D. POTTS, General Manager there
of, to whom all Officers and Employees will
report for instiuclinns.
President Penn'a Railroad Company.
Office of the Penn'a Railroad Co., )
Philadelphia, Jan. 30, ISC. $
General Order, Ho. 1.
To take Effect on and after Jan. 30, 1862.
I. The Western IMvlxion, from
Warren to Erie, will be under the Superin
tendence of JAMES LEWIS, whose title will
be Superintendent of the Western Division.
His Offite will be at Erie. Employees on this
Division will be under his charge, and will
make all communications respecting their
duties or Ihe business of the road, to him,
except as otherwise provided in this Order.
IT. The Kartern million, from
Sunbnry to Wheiham. will be under the sup
erintendence of SAMUEL A. BLACK, whose
title will be Superintendent of Ihe Eastern
Division. Employees on this Division will be
under his charge, and will make 'all commu
nications respecting their duties or the busi
ness of the road, to him, except as otherwise
provided in this Order.
HI. The Accounts) of Freight and Pas
senger Business will, on the Western Divis
ion, be in the immediate charge of JOHN C.
BOOGS, whose title will be Assistant Audit
or. His Office will be at Erie. On the Eastern
Division they will be in immediate charge of
THOMAS M. DAVIS, whose title will be As
sistant Auditor. His Office will-be in Will
iamsport. He will also have charge of the
distribntion of Passenger Tickets over both
All communications respecting Freight and
Passenger accounts by Employees on either
Division, will be made to the Assistant Audi
tor thereof.and respecting supplies of Tickets
to Taoxus M. Davis.
JOS. D. P0TT8, General Manager.
Pennsylvania Railroad Company,")
Lessee Philad. tV Erie R. R. L
General Manager's Office, 1
Williamsport, Jan. 30, 1862. '
REWARD will be paid for the nearly
new Case and Hilver SPECTACLES
designed for a near-sighted person. They
wer st in town some lime since. (Please
leal', at the Chruoicle Officti
Gentlemen's FurnUblna; Store,
at ' Market St., just above the Hank,
- The subscriber has removed into the new
fluid and commodious Storrroom of Thomas
Reber.where he has just received a large and
well selected stock of
Cloths, Casimeres. Silks. Shirts, Drawers, Ac.
best style and most reasonable terms. Being
a practical Tailor, and emplovinc the bel
workmen, I can confidently invite b"h Old
and irw Customers do n t forget the Bign
The Red Door!
Mays. 1861 JH UEALE
AT an Election held by the Stockholders
of the Lewisburg Cemeterv.lhe under
signed was elecied Treasurer, and all moneys
for lots, grare-diszin:?, Ac, must he paid to
him. Persons interested will please note Ihe
Those now indebted lo the Cemetery Asso
ciation are requested in make immediate pay
ment. HOLOMO.N.KlTfEK.
Leariatmrg, Jan. ?, lscjm6
"ITHEUE we will find a large assortment
I V latest styles
such as French and English all wool '.'loth.
$.50 np to .$10,011. Knolty Boys CaS-
e.and S.Ik M.xed Cassimeres.Satinet.s.
Vc. CIol aling of all descriptions ; Men's
and Hoys Wear Whole Suns lor $12 SO
that is. cloth coat, satin vest, cassimere pams.
Summer Suns fur $!.5ll. Also, a larje as
sortment nf Hats, Caps, Ac, such as M'Clrl
!an, (iarihaldi. Opera, high and low crownrd
Hats, Hose, Handkerchiefs, Collars, Shirts,
Suspenders. Umbrellas, Neck Ties, Ac.
to save from 25 to 50 per cent., and get the
Latest riiyles.
AIm, (iiioiIs Cut and made to order, and in
the latest style. Always from five to ten
hands at work.
Call opposite John Walls & Co.'s Store,
Market street. I.ewisbnrg.
March 1 1, T.J .. R. ZIMMERMAN.
ajllup of Union (Conntp.
MOOTED on rnllers.varnished, engraved
and liihnsrat'hed in Philad. in the best
style of ihe art 30 by 40 inches in size on
a scale of tf inches tn the mile. This M.ip
was carefully surveyed in IKSii. and is reas
onably correct. Each Township is colored,
and there are the Town Plots and No.s of Lots
in Lewisbur?, MilHinburg, New Berlin, Har
tleion, and New Columbia. Mountains and
Sireams are traced tbe Public Roads, wilh
the distance in perches between roads which
intersect alo Names of Farm-Owners gen
erallv. Church and School Houses, Mills. Ac.
The Conn House, two f the Lewisbnr? I'ni
versity Builriings, the Lcurlsburg Boal Vard,
Ihe I. niiio furnace at infield, anil Union
Seminary at New Berlin are represented in a
separate engraving each.
Every Farmer and person of business shd
have one of these Maps for ornament or for
reference and information.
The original subscription price vis tfrt.5,0,
now reduced tn $3 onlv. I"? For sale at
the Star A Chronicle Ollice, and by
Da. 8. 1.. BECK, Lewisburg
Last and Dcst News !
"1T7E have just received from Philadelphia
V and New York, a very large and well
selected stock of
which we oder at very reduced prices. We
have paid partirularattention in the selection
of this slock of tinods a very large assort
ment of DRY GOODS of every descrip
tion. Purchasers will find it their advantage
to give us a call as in prices we defy any of
our neighboring towns for cnmneluinn. We
have also replenished our stock of (ii ocr
rlc, Hardware, qtieeiiM arc, Ac.
HiiVe Marsh Lime, Calcined Plaster,
and Hydraulic Ctment,
alwavs kept on hand.
change for Goods as usual.
N.B. Cash paid for all kinds nf Grain.
Lewisburg, April 23, Iti62
An anarLnt and Str.martilr jTr-alation of ir.ONpurl
fll of oiyarn and rarhnn t.y rombnation In hTdrmn-a.
aanctionrd by tha bifebrat Medical AulhorltU s. Uilb in
Kurope and Ihe toiled Etatea, aad prescribed ia their
Tha axparlenre nf tbonaanda dally prnrcs that n pre
paration of Iron ran be enmpand with it. Impuritieaol
tha Mood. dirrnaion ofaital mariy, pale and otherwise
airbly comlexiona, indicate ita aereasity in almoataTery
eoneriralila raae.
Innosiona in all aialailiea In wtilrh It baa hen tried
tt haa proaed abaolutcly euratlaa in aacb of tha follow
Ing eoiplainta. via:
In Voiftjr. Serrout AJTections, Emaciation, Pysntpsus,
Constipation. Iharrho7a.iJ)srntmr. incipient Ornsumntim,
ferofulous Tuberculosis, Mitt Kheum. Mismenttruation,
Wittes. (Vtloroeis. Ltrer Complaints, Chronic Ifejidarhes,
Mieumatism. Intermittent Fevers, Ihmples on the face, tlx.
Putnp In naat flat inatal boiea containing &0 pills,
prlea Snrrntiper box; for aalaby drnerlita and daalrra.
ill be arnt free to any addrera on receipt of tba prien.
AU letters, ordi-ra.eteabould ba addreaaad to
B.B. LOCK It A Co , General Aienta.
20 Cedar StN.T.
Sold in Lewitlurg Ijt
Raker A r T W SchaBe F Caldwell
C-Mr. STAHI.-Ruok Hinder has
returned tn his Shop id Lewisburg, again to
attend to an ainas ol work in his line. Bring
along yonr Books, Magazines, Newspapers,
tVc, for Ihe Book-Binder.
Seed Potatoes for Sale.
UUU LINUS, comprising the following
arieties i Garnet Uhili, Cuzco, Central City,
Callaoe, and Pinkeye Knstycoat.
Also 60 bushels of EARLY JUNES.
PRICE $2:50 per barrel, delivered at the
Pittston Depot a barrel to contain as many
of Ihe sorts as yon choose.
Packages (of each sort) sent by mail, post
paid, at 35 cts each.
BCash to accompany all orders. Refer
ence giren if desired.
P. BUTTON, Ransom, I.nz. Co. Pa
araet HOOKi and other grmdsaKn
r . i . i. : i . ... ia i2-a
mai a inn nn nana or loonier by the'I.. TV
ietwisourg JJoukbiadcr.CU: STAiiL-"
LJXDSEY'S Improved
I (jrilMMIl SERC'IIER9.0
Wet the IwlTi radical and rftrrl am) cur nf A LtM
annus- trua iiiUJIUTT )M TUX BUtoIM
rpfUS m llrln haa wrounht tha moat mlracaloafcaraa
in drsirarata caaoa of
Cafrooi formation.
yi--lmas Hoila.
Pun Ktm, Pemi tlttad,
f ill Mtivaw.
Oeoernl dvblHty,
Laa Af AppftH;
Vnai toat'h.
lauto diMaMP,
IMmprfPOO th? faro.
Old, tuhb"rn t lrcr.
Tetter alttftioD,
lvtMila, Juaailc,
Irlcl-CUrlMl iHMaiJH-alt
Llrr tB(jlllit,
Low rpirit.
ftnaWCaplainU and all dii
kaviug tbrlronglt)
1b a itoDura Btau of Ui Hlood,
The bo-a to a portrait of TM MTrcarir of Tp! ;
Twp,who.oo lb :tlt day of Auirait.l,niadafhitait
bvfry JuIh-c Uorlfy that he wnn tratrU lor lh rorro. f
Camceb ly thrv t-K .irma of IWUtord rv.uniy. aad by tn. r
Nv wtoa of th Hrlrti Collrc, inrinnMi, for a o-ri4 i
Of Bnarlt-rtel't aiontli". DolMitl.tao'jio( whirfa his lip, j
Mfta, nrf a p-rrli-m uf Aw ' thftk wrt mttvlif mUm
uvMMjfl Ht hvi ti up.li hope, ben b brard of th j
Bl-wd ftmnrrbrT." mnd h fnlurH U1rit. four bot-tlsaeur-d
I.im, avvt ,'aJtiiouph aadiy difigurd thr i
tio (juritioo but ttiln iniuLtlv mvilivinn aavrd hi lit.
Th full partitrulant of tbi retanrkahla ca aaay baes
In a Circular to te baJ of any of Dim ADt.
wV alaao rvfrr V a rajae nf NatOrrT Bleak ary. of Klrlcrton,
Arm-tronjc To.. I'a .r urrd of .-caorna alter being unabia
to Krt out of brd tor thrrt year..
To Iti4- rni. of a la.iv in Anannvl!:t,nrrlVldCowhO
i tun nmtrtvl i.h f-rnftita in it won-t frm.
To the cae i t G-orn Mi.vl, r-tJiOat in rarrolltown,
ramLria Co.. Pa., who ru o ba ll att1ictd with I'anrvr'
that it al bin en lira rrmr off, and bu ease aaa woTtm, if
of"iM. than M'C'rvary'.
The larttrularpof ihi-av rm reryonaof whirh wan
I n-d t.j thv uwof tli-'BIoi arrh-r miy bIo be
j t?!.t',l?'l!fCJZ 12 '"'iS.S!''. i
a-l.araliir, f'-r the niannfirtur ami aal. ii-.r tha
P-nna I allro.it IVit. ItnllMafharr- I'a. r. lit fcy C. ;
W. t"-hie. Iwi.l urc: Mt n ljht a HanrR, Ruirla X
Koaitu: iluj a llimm.-lri.ti-l!. t-'armirvilln : Cnuioiins '
A Witmi-r, llarllrli-n: I. II. Riaarll, Miffiiiibnrg : !,...
gtanini, Wii.naid; thitijle 4 WaganMlkr, Selimsrot
lo. fH, Art; It St. IMiilndclphla,
One of tha larrt and moat eompleta Ualleriee in tbe
I'oiteil Stateii. whi-re ILe lieiit IVtureii knoan to lha
lbtnxratiie art are tuRi-n at priee. no hie her
thnn are paMi fur niirraMe eariraturea.
IlK I'niprieUir. a Prsctii-a! rbotiiaraplier. attenda.
a- iriMinaUT. e-ry ri'tiur an t alioaano picture to
leave theUallerr uoiea.4 il sieea perfei t aati.faitH-n.
DuRiierreiilj 1 art Ambritvpe,r.f abei-ntor deceaaed
frieuila. pliottvrnplie-l to anr renulrel eitr, ot tah.n on
Caofa-a. life .u-, and paioted in ioI by tlia best Arli'la.
At thia tinllery pii-turea can be tftti-a in any weatber
perfect to elno Jy dava as wb-a tbe aim "hinea.
rernouii aii-itioa tlie city are rea&iert!ully iawitd to ex
amine our 'preiiueaa, wliirb for prica and i,uaJity defy
oontpetli iun.
r aluatrucLioas riaea in the art of Photnrraphy.
Gaixui or Art. 724 Arch Street, I'mladaiihla-
From Tton f.swia D. CAwraELL. M. C, Obw
My family and fiienda all concur in tba opinion that
tba (New. 11 l'i- ture ia more lifelike than any tbtng
they ever aaw. My likeneaa baa been repeatedly taken
by different ArtUia in earioue waya. but I haae neaer
yet bail ona which preaenlaao true to natnre.all tba lea
turee ap expn-iialinia of countenance aa thi.
From Hi-n. K Jot MnRRia, late Minl.ter to Italy.
The eAiiiiiite fini.b. beauty and aollneaa of yonr por
traita. cooji'tnrd with the;r Jurainiity of color and fmib
fulneea aa likeoeeia, can not foil to commend them to
the attention and patronage of all who appreciate trna
From Cot Jawca Paor.
Haefna oeea-ioa for portrait. I procured ona reoaa
Mr. KotM-rt eeell, of the city of Philadelphia, a minia
ture In OtlColore. unUerthe neorproeettdiwC'xmrred t.it him. !
ana take greol pieaaure in eai-reMitiii; the eatifjtlon
Riven me. ant onle bt tbe aecuracr of tba likene.e. but
ita artititic fiuiah in all renpeeta, and recommend him to
the patronage of thoae dlfpoaed to enoouraire the Keanti
lui art- e.-lino Jaara P-AflE.
'"Tit icuoqitrhnntta 3ritni."
$(. 2elfuiar irtitor uitb McrdufJfr.
2?irt jtt Varicturo. jtrcn rcnntriijij in tritt-
lairr newest pcrauCjc.-,ftcit, ttnc tit rit ajip.t
tfutfetc 3citunsi wcld'f ant SScfitrandj nertlid; rca
arricturji fittrurftirirc.
Iicfe3cituiia. hiaat tit alTiifmrirm ?iiiiirid;tfn
tint flujirrtfm. tit ttfcnl-rrrn TTctiidff itrrt ttt 6cun
tifi im SXitif! ytnnbiranirn, trcrin tit sirfult'rt.
yrtii tui 3iibr( ttrnnrtrdu rfv'Mt, ctrr
in ten rrftra 4 SL-ediftt. $1,2." trenn rc;db!t in
ttn trficn 8 SicBdttn tcJ 3xbtrt, nnt 1,5)
trenn ipatrr. s
esitr yrfdnntntiid'uniirn ttirb brrftbtirt ; rin
Sauiirt run l! 3citn rr-'irr fiir fdi ;Ubr $i.
iliirjrrr cfanntuiaiiiuidrit in A'citalmif:.
Mammoth Photograph Gallery,
S C. Corner Ciibih and Arch St. Philadelphia.
ttUrauce on Kiyhih Oirett.)
VFTER many years' fipfrience in all ihe
variens branches ol the .An. the Propri
etors conti.Ienily invite the attention of ih-ir
friends and the public to their extensive esta
blishment, which presents the opportunity lor
procuring the beM Pictures, equal !eal to
any first-class (.allery in the t nited States.
Preparations are complete for executing all
th Improfrxl (atvlo-ai known to the Art. Thty htxwt a
fintr-nt arntPcriDf-nt for pr;.Tirist Pnn'rrwtTpi, tcir..
makitir th-ui "Lif fixe, if Ucirt-tl the only fin nf ih
tiled in thin muntrv. Attached to tbia tUtiihtueut
are thrtc rnlonn Artit".
1'llOTijUI'HAt inclmiinpT raintin lev u $2 00
do wilb frsin tio 2 iS'i
do ft lho. BtTSctn. KxtramitisniSOru.
or ft 5 per doz. K.if ue l'bntfrrph tui low mm I'V, and
iTorytyp t nne yric. Iurabl Amhrotpa at fro
A moat exteninve aajartmeDt ef fiilt rramea, embrae. j
In. - ul ....I . K.. .. Ae,i.A I r . .!..-
.a - . ..j .. . ,e .
eea from 02 eenta and nrwaril.. T
Knecial attentien beetowed apna I.ife-aizeit rttntn.
Rraiilia in Oi). tran.fi rrril from amall picturea,aniifrom
life. rrifeefr..mIMiEln(i.
SXJnalriA7tiona airen in lha Art SSly
Chromatic rrinllng.
nAVI.N'li pnrrhased the right to use Ron
r.' process for Priniins wilh Dry
Colors, for I'nion Co. Pa., we are prepared to
eiecute orders for
CARDS, Show-Bills, be.
1n Xed, (irtrM. Hint, Brown, Silrer, IHomond, or OJd
colors, in eood style, li?" at the Ollice of the
"Star & Chronicle," Lewiiliurj.
Scienco still on tho Adrauce !
SURGEON and Mechani
cal Ucntlnl, Ollice in the
Dr. Brugger'a new building. Market street,
(western entrance, up Mairs) LEMSBI K(J.
Dr.BURLAN is nnw ci nsirucnnj the Nun
sectional Block work, baked on Plaiina base,
which for cleanliness, beauty nnd strength
has no equal also teeth mourned on the var
ious Bases in use and having had a long
and extensive practice, and being perfectly
familiar with every department of his profes
sion, he feels safe in warranting entire satis
faction in all his operations, which shall be
carefully and skilfully performed.
Please call and examine specimens. The
snperior qualities of the Non-seclional work
will bt evident 10 all who will give it an im
partial examination. Dr. Burlan is the only
person who constructs this excellent work in
this section of country.
Uncharges shall correspond with tha
times. Lewisbarg, Sept. J, ' 131
on Market S'0are, Iewiburg.
A good sopplv nf liitira. Table,
Bureau. Maud. Ac. on hand or made
rtdcrv DAVIU Ol.MLK. s:t,)
sis I YxVN?W
t J's rrA ' v
Col!. 4?oiitfltfl, a 14
BfftMrmn, . 'juth !. UK.
IhL J.'. Aita : I iv tout lHaatHa4 ks tmy
thm lHt fwHta-ttf ba aVttaftcf tvr
Otfhl. H'Rata-aaV-a, hdlanCta, Mil tit
iiomtlUMt snnptowBstil a 041, Myumr
C:iaWftr rCTuL. J ia evvra(it mm in)
Wf rerticw an my famiiy ( low but
t"a Twm baa aba m H In f ihjkh aHasa.
rtor trriaw-a frvr tUm trvttfHmc f lhaan
OuB(.buut. t.bKH KMtillT. M. I.
A. H. MMtTI.KT, Km,.,' I'tka, . r. VrttM- M
UMrsi vsiur iortd fijrlf Mfl ia mty Itaaily ttw ?
inntr4 It. and twit H tW mh ntmliritm aW
purnw tT J oat. With a laW r-A4 afwrnU
Uka any otW fnuMlj." WOyi
Croup, Whooping Con?, Infoe.,-
ai-.iaarirui. jM IM , r!Tl
Bruther Atrr: I will rhrfu!, WIU M,.L,
la 11.. act r.ata poaM W IK. rur.''
eotig-ti. rniOH mml tho cImmA 4imM ,tt i-kililr. irlf
yoor fr.l.il.11, In I ha RihuI, sfrx, ,,
CiuiutcuJ your Riaillrina lo otir ii-i-l-.
Hf LEfc. t.u Mdvtrret. Ia,rli-iajm,t44,
" I bJ a l.ii"iia lnflH.iim. wliirh mibwwl rm ia '
Wi . WMk.' ImJI Man. ll.i.. .11 . 1. . .. . "
tiled ymr leb-rol by tka ailtif uf tmr riprRyaaui. Tho
Src -Iimv nhn,ril rha mroiiem in my Ibruat aa4 tana 1
tern llian mi. half 11 b-ittb, Biauw mo roaiDtaal,
V'-ur nanlii-ittm ara tlia haaf-wc aa wall aa lb. umn no.
ran aul w a.trtn ynu, Ibjclur, aaat oosss naiiiiaL
aa the k-.a- ma i frKMnl."
Asthma or Phthinic, nnd nromchitia.
Visor UaacHaaTaa. Pa. lorn, a, lata.
irt V-inr ferra I -tord m nmcnnsnsnt aaarvalbaa
ennw ia Ihia artiuft- Jt baa rmsoseet awl ftnaa alarw.
Ine vnim ot cvnauBipliiin. nnd la mm eajriag hu
m h. baa Ubtit-ral aiaJar aa aff-.-li'ai of tba unn Rap laa
but Airly yrara. llfc-SkV L. faltbA Aiii.aaal. ,
A. A. AMrr. St. t, tun,. Vim O., lawa,
wriii. .-Aiil. a. 1 V.A : Ihirinc my practiraaf waaj yaaiR
I hava Voind nnthins winal lo sour fhsrey tnetorml tut
Rivinx aaaa and raiMrf lu otNAaaHDRAiva RaaaaRAa, est awnaa
aurh aa ara rural.;."
Wa ailKliI add volnmaa ot oriAeneo, bwt rba RBaat aaa.
anrinawuor ot tba Tirtaaaof Ihia lalaady la fcaaMt ia lay
aatfrta ap-ia uiaL
ProhaMy net ma remedy baa snot aaaa taaara wtKa
curail au auiny and awh daaxaaiwjs eaaaa aa thm.
BO hamn aid can reach. ; but raaa to tbuaa tba Oetrrn
Jzctorat affimla relief and comfort.
Aaroa ll ira. Xrw VoaR Ctrr. March ft, last
rkTCTOR Ater. Iiwrll: I fuel it a dote and a pleaaaol
to lupirin vn what your Chrrrr Pl'iorol haa dena he eiy
wife, she hid bai.n five miinlha Ul-jein; under tba aaa.
ri'cou. amnf-nt4 of Cnn.umption. froaa wbicb no aid wa
could impure herniu.b relief, bba waa ateadllv fad.
ili,;. nutti lir. Stn.ne-vfthi. Hie. where we baeaMnaajr
a l.Ke. mi atmin-M a trial ot yonr medicines Wa bbwo
bia kib.iii--.. a. we do ynur akill; tr aba baa raeneaiaA
fo-iii th.it d. iUo a. not yet aa etruwx aa ana awed la
be, bill i fi-e fo.iM berei.u-h. and calls herself welt,
Vuura with cratiluile and regard,
oa.la.Mio slit.LUi'.or !rnirau.
Oiafwaiifieafl. do not depnir tilt yna haea trbMl Aran
1 UKebi rii-roaAL. It la nuele by one wf lha beat
rhemi-t. in the w.-!.. anil ita enrea all aniwad me
tltm hixh Bir1taor it urtUM. tf'htlasyri'M Is?.
Ayeis Cathartic ViUs.
rPll K m-tract of CtMttistry and MvHtVin) aav
X fRXml Uicir BfQVatVt IO prodvr Uui haa. aaautaa maji
(Hircative wltirb is known to mo. Ibnnmrm)a arwajj
art ltowa tlit II.- I'll L hmw Tirtncs wbwh nraM t
ti.rtl)-ii lit otiliimry ui-lKinw. and that tbwy win a a.
prorijVnfrtlI npo tlia piiq of ail men. Tbtrv arar.fi
au'l p Iauit tn taka, tut pnwrful to rurax Tliwir yni
Iratiii prort M in o late Tha Tftal attiuof tha Wwf,
mbt) th AtatxwrTtoi of ita wTfiaiRa. purify th aUid,
: anJ irl di -jaae. TbHparKouttat)hBsVAnwaiHw
trtl and jjrv.w diattuf-r. atiaintata aluia. ar diai
( dtriJ iWKaas ifilo thir nat ural artioa). and impart Beatta-
tta with attn(tli to U wbula araitciBj. onl? on
th? mm tha awry-4 cftnptainta of wry had?. Vat
aUo aV-nwi-taUa aMl dutcwrwa du a.raj tltat havo waaAUd
tbr lWt of hnian akill. Wlitla that- frntttc pewtrn-l
fiWta. th ara at th aania time, fn dimfni-lied domm. JtO
aafa-t and - phjnr that ran ha aanplonad far ettlMrwaw
Cainf aucax-atxati-d. th"y ara plraaaut tn taka; and tvadasa;
parvlf fj-trtahlA, ara frva fmn an; riak af haraa. Caassa
barn b.-tn nia-W ntuch autpa-a vlif war li-? att awh
ran titled br man of urh axattcd i)tHa aad cfcaranar
aa to .ri ij tha ui.rifn of an truth. Many aaaiuint
rlarr.vmrn anJ phvairian. haa Unl tbmr aaaaa la avtiiiy
to thf puhln ihm teliaStitT af my i-awjafdWa. whila artwra
Intra ai-nt ma tba aaaaran'a of Ihwir TMiatTtAn that my
rrfparatioTta eontiibura tnimauaalj to tho raliaf of mf
aiTictAd, anflVrinc Wbw-nwn.
Tha Atrnt helow patwad ia pfcaaatJ to fknifah frith ar
Antrirna Almanac orainincdimMMtirUrir war and
aartida-attt af 'btrir rar-a. of law frtfewina; varhiBla:--
Casavfiwatwtwa. Bioa Com plat i fa. KhawajntiaBa, Droaar,
II-wrthurn. Ilaaarfnt ba ariMiijr now a trnl aWbiaMaraa. Saav,
aaa. Iitfiijr-atafa. Uirlid InartMn of tho Btwlaal Patm
arwins lUwrt-triiua. rUtuUncr. Loaaof AppaHita, ail T Inii
i ii and t'itaiatita lwaaaa ahkjj ra,aira am a i a want
nfcr-tih in-. .S-rrvfiila or Kitte'p EiL Thaa Van. my pufr
ing tha M'tod and atintilatinc tha ar4aji. rnro many
rtaatplainta bt b it wonld a b anjapea-d thv cwald
twach. ant h !nid-a, Tarfial Bltaftnaaa. Namraifia atvt
' Nrro IrritaWtilT. larant"nnta of tha Livarnad Kid
Data. Gout, and wrttitr kindr-d f-nmpbinta ariam frtMB m
luw auta of tha bud or ototrnx-two of ita hintniwwa.
ttn neat ha pnt off hv anpTinrhUl rlaalani with Wl
olliar pill thaT tnaka mor prnflt on. Aatt fcr Am
Pills, and taka air hint ataa. No nthar tha ma tra
ynn rfropara with thia ia ita tntTiimr rataa ar rnrati
pmara. Tha atrk want tba teat aid there ia fer tham.
and thajr ahnnld haea it.
Propared by Dr. J. C. AYEK.
Practical and Analytical Chemist, Low ell, jtfaja.
1'aiut 43 Ctc. rsa Pox. Fira Bourn rom $ 1.
resold by C W 8rhaffle and F S CaMv
Faewi-bure; Fdward ?raith. N-w Berlin; D WeiaB-aa
rentar-iil-; !hind-l M W-rn-.r. alinaArroV; J D
r.at, Jlitflinburr ; Correv A Bro, New Columbia- ndl
daatera oeerjwhera yHOtreow
CTURES . A hvose can net be said
to be well lurnihed without some well
selected Pic tore. This want ran now be
supplied at CKfjTZER'S
Spring and Summer Fashions 1S63.
The IJest Work and I.attHt $1 jlet
thankful for past favurs .
would star that he has ra
ceirH ihe Spring A Summe
Fashions, and is prepared to
garmrnts as osnal. He will
ndra-or, as he re lofntr, ta
exrcDie his work satisfacto
, April, 18R5
rilr. l.rwi.sbur!
ACrKKU'S and rmrnainn- 'inle Booh
(all ahrot .Matrimony, Monty, aad oils
rr initilrrs,) fcT the imBCIDflll of every body
lano me vi une tolas, aiso.l on Ion- winter
evemnei, rainy days, etc. Price. SO cents.
W holrsaie, I Cents. Sent by mail for see
3 rent stamps. For sale at the- Strrrt Chrtm
tele" office. W ORDEXA COR.NELIIS.
Pntiliahera, lwiatiarg. Pa
ar P I C - N I C
Welt jump Into tha Wagon, and all taka a rid
V LARGE, handsome i
and verv comforia-1
ble UK.O hasbeen.
mini up tor ine especial accomnioualioa e
Pic-Nic and other similar excursions. Terra
moderate. Apply lo JOS. M. HOL'SEL.
Lewisburg, June 3, 1S59.
Horseman's Friend, or
(T? Pocket Companloa.
Fiiiy-'i'wo Valuable Receipts for the Farm at
and Horse Dealer for sale (12 cts) by
C J ST.MiL, Bookbinder. Lewisbarg
tjilioi, County $kr& JCetrlsfnir-g Cijiviiffe
ax ;.vm'roi.vr rAnrirjoisxAL
Issue Krldujs at UalskBrg.taloa roast). rtaa'a
TSKMS-ti SO per year, to as ai i aita an
at tbe aaaae rale lr a longer or 'barter nerk-d. fnna. M
rla will pay S-r a ur ncntba, 7a cuter aia mi nthe. 1 aaL
tir aiabl moalka.2del.lnr eiJIeen montka. S it kr two
yeara. A6 fur fnnr rr-'iea ana year, Sla tor tea eopiea aaa
year. As. Sintle No. 'a A rta. fajmeala by wail (I'aHl)
reeetaed ia xeld. pottage etaaiae. ar bank aob a at IkeRf
value kera. Jkloat Mode of I'rodnea rseaiaeu in pay-
hea tke time espireemr whiek a parer if mailed,
(nnleaa we kave a mania areoanli it ia tiTon'rO.
ADeaanatMraTa kandanaiely pkli.aed, atW"
aqaare one week. S3 eta eaek alter laaertiow. 3 del tor uM
mo nihil, A dot. per year. Half a eqnere tit. la
dol, 3 ilnl. Twoxiueree l.iO.AM). (). MerebaRia
net aaer oaa-fourtb of a rolama, la dot. par year. -Hb
afiee. Ae. aa may be agreed apna. A aa.aare ia U'llR
amailaat tana, or 16 of next larier. Ada erliaemealu el a
Semoraliiina. lllrrl,cr nwiadlius tendeney ael ada"'"
ComHQanicatlona detred en lepira af general l0,rT
aad aaeempanied ky the writer'a real aanteaad edilre-
Tha MASNKTIO TKI.kliaAPIl ta Mealed ia Ike nRea
af tba Star rfAroairA-.b wbirk weofteainaaitimfoHM
Hewa la adeaaea of tke Pkilad Alaile.
Conneelrd witk the nVe are ample materiala fcr
kimta of JOB rRINTlMS.wkiek will beejeeoted
aeafneaa and dv.palek aad en reaeaaakle terw-a. .
.' tael adaertiaeaarala lo be paid wkea
h- JebW.irk whead. ii.ered. AU M.iF'"''''
Jaa Lite UkllAJi A tAUl..