Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, June 02, 1863, Image 1

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MM W II Ml IIWIS11IM fflllll
At $1.50 per Tear, always In Advance.
j 11
THE UNION," established. Id lSUWboIe No
"CHRONICLE," established in 1843 Whole No 898.
H IIUSUKQ 8Kl-WKKklT Democrats, Think .' Your party is now
TfsJ;iy Morning & Friday Afternoon, le.i did ruled by such old-Una Whigs as
Win. B. Reed, Cbss. J. Siddle, and Geo.
M. Wharton of Fbilad., II tester Clymcr
may wish 10 purchase iron Mailing 01 any .... n i i l t r n i i
" ' . . , ... , , . . of Berks. C. H. Uuckalcw of Columbia,
description, or Iron Work of a decorative , t B ... , , ...
' lR&an K llmtnr of Lancaster, and others.
We direct tba attention of all who '
descendants of the rankest old Federal
character, to the sSvertisernent of Wood &,
Perot, I'tailad , in another column.
King Cotton.
Tbe Rebels began tba War, boasting,
tbat, m their Confederacy produced the O Copperhead I" Those stern old Deui
most and best cotton in the world, they I ocrats, Cass, Johnson, Dix, Uolt, Pickin
Late Rebel Raid in N. W. Virginia.
LESM).i roiTtwrKKutitKi.
A gentleman who left Western Virginia
on account of its internal war, now visiting
the region, mentions tbo annexed iucidents
in a private letter to a friend in Lewisburg.
Should the Rebels succeed in invading
. . . .
aristocrats 01 our couu.ry, wuo .re iryiu IenosJitoill lhe Aoti-Administrationiets
to excite war against the Admin istration , necd M. , aDJ beUe, ,reatlucIlt ,n4D
of tbe Government. "These be thy gods, - . ,. . , . ir ;,,
could nionnpnlizs it, could control the
market, and could dictate terms of com
merce and morality to all creation.
Tbe braggart pretension at once caused
a decrease io the use of all manufactures
from cotton fabrics stimulated its pro
duction "elsewhere and, especially within
the Uoion, has saued thousands to turn
their attention to Flax culture. Linen,
manufactured in the family, is probably
io tbe long run tbe cheapest and most
serviceable for general use.
Since tbe Rebels found tbeir game was
failure, they have endeavored to harass
mankind, and tbe leaders to speculate, by
preventing tbe growiog of cotton among
themselves, and by burning np all they
feared might come into Uoion hands. In
this way, tbey have impoverished thous
ands of tboir own people, and robbed the
earth's inhabitants of what it bad brought
forth for tbem.
Notwithstanding all this, at tbe end of
two years war, cottou fabric have fallen
in price, and raw cotton is nearly 100 per
cent, less than it was at one lime.
Gen. Ranks' recent successes have bro't
200,000 bales of Cotton into market, and
wherever the Uoion forces reach, tbey'fiud
more or leas cotton, previously concealed,
wailing emancipation.
The Rebellion subdued,- cotton may
Boon become cheaper than ever. Instead
of establishing, tbe Rebels will have des
troyed, America's power to monopolixe
the cotton market.
Bt&.Tbe return of the nine mootba'
men has a decided effect npon Copperhead
newspapers, makiog tbem discbarge less
venom than heretofore. They no longer
deolare them slaves, obliged to pass loyal
resolutions at tbe bidding of superiors.
Tbay no longer falsify tbe truth aod seek
to discourage and disgust tbe volunteers
by copying each stuff as the following :
"Kern eeMler BQt be leyel. and his Offlrwra Ahev,
Tho' h. Iiee. a eanalae bteeuil. Mi4 ftht ellhout m;
If hie wif- at htme ttrvlnc. h. vast net bti.conteiit.
Xha' ba wall, aia munttie f.r greenback at is par oent. '
Flaht fnr the nicer.
Tlie .M went.d lia.fer,
Tti a-Ml!v-hadM ou'irer,
And tba Ahollllca crew."
The men who print such vile efforts to
excite sedition in the camps, every trne
oldier despise as contemptible wretches,
who only lack tbe courage to be Rebels in
arms. Still, the generous soldier accepts'
son, Stanton, liutler, Champneys, Urady,
I'orter, Van Ruren, Wilkin", M'Clercand,
Sbaunon, and thousands of others, adviso
all true Democrats to sacrifice everything
necessary to put down the Rebellion, and
to sustain tbe Government unreservedly.
Which are tbe best leaders 7
gQjSii brave, fine young men, (brothers
and cousins, we believe) named Huffman
bave enlisted from Lewis aod Hartley in
Uoion county. One was killed at Cam
den, one is uudor lturnsidc, three are in
Kvans' company and the sixth Solomon
Huffman, was wounded in battlo, and
while disabled was elected (without bis
knowledge) Justice of tbe Peace for Lewis
Tp. He is now discharged, and accepted
the position offered him by his neighbors.
KaVDANiET. Rower, who has printed
in Lewiaburg, Jersey Shore, Clarioo,
Lock Haven, Wiliismspirt, andShamokin,
is now 1st Lieut. Co. II. 147th 1'. V.
He was in the battle of Cbaoccllorville,
where be was wounded (not dangerously, j
though painful,) being struck in tbe left !
leg, above tbe knee. He is assigned to
the Invalid Corps. Every third man of
his Company was killed, wounded, or
taken prisoner.
taySunday last, the Evan. Association
church of Lewisburg dedicated their neat
and commodious house of worship, S. 4th
St, with appropriate aod interesting servi
ces. Tbe building is very creditable to all
concerned, aod mostly or quite paid for.
Icrju-Tacob Kline, of West Buffaloe, has
had five sons enlist in this war, and now
asks to be County Commissioner for a
towuship wbioh bas long time bad nothing.
snTbe i'ittstoa Gsxette corrects the
reported wounding of an officer by a
deserter in tbat town. It was told us by
one directly from there.
ley-Tbe Seliusgrove literary institution
have their Spring closing exercises the
beginning of this week.
.Color-bearer Daniel R. M'Gregor is
at borne, from Army at Port Royal, S. C.
What, now, is a Tory paper ?
It is a paper which prate about Party
just a tbe old Tories did for the King.
It glories in effete Democracy just as
every proffered hand, hoping the disloyal ,heJ did ;n elpiriog Royiy
It says, "Things will never come right
until tbe Democratic Party rules again,"
just as tbe Tories shook their beads and
cried, "All goes wrong we must bave
King George again."
Tory papers soccr at, traduce, and seek
to depreciate tbe National Currency, which
may se improve in head and heart as to
stop in a course which only prolongs the
war and does no good.
"The Chattaaooza Hrhel says. The Demo
cratic, ladies of New York have purchased a !
magnificent sword, at a coil of $l,!(i, as a j
present to Gen. Lee, of the Rebel army."
Yes, aod you may search io vain, in ,
very Democratic paper io tbe Free States, is the life of its credit. Just so did tbe
for a condemnation of tbcsedisloyal women, j Tories with the Continental money, which
But you will find, in nearly every Demo-' became worthless because the same Tories
oratio paper, foul and abusive denuncia-' prolonged tbe contest,
lions of Miss Anna E. Dickenson, a highly j Tory papers try to discredit Congress,
respeotable young lady of Philadelphia, and to misrepresent its acts, as they did
who is addressing numerous large and SG years ago.
delighted assemblies in defence of tbe Tory papers talk about "Lincoln mak
Union and against the Rebellion. Now iog war," iu tbe face of Sumpter 1 Thus
If "out of the heart the mouth speaketb" ' did their spiritual ancestors denounce "the
where are the real sympathies of these
Democratic Editors?
Uxioirrows, Faiitti Co., Pa, Mat 3", 1SCS,
Tba Uuion uieu of this region think tbe
late Rebel raid in West Virginia bas done
our cause much good. The Uoion men
generally sent their borses away, but tbe
Rebel sympathizers kept thoirs, cotifileut
tbat their go.d friends would not rob
them. When the Rebels dashed in, thcie
men shouted f ir Jeff, and said, "We are
your I'rieoJs glad you have come," &e.
The Rebels replied, "Why, then, are you
not with usT Come, shoulder your rifles,
and light for us, and with us, aud you
will prove the sincerity of your professions.
As yuu bavo not endured tbe hardships of
1 he war, you surely can not refuse a contri
bution to the good cause so, bring out
your borses. "U, we bave done aod
said all we could for tbe South, and
prayed for you : and will you rob us V
"Thank you for your woris aod your
prajer.s,6iif tee can nut rile them me waut
something to help accomplish what you
pray for briny out your horse." Thus
the Rebel syuipntbiz rrs have been tbe
chief sufferers, and they have taken some
salutary lessons in tbe science of Rebellion,
su:h as tbey needed to receive, aud auob
as their unscrupulous masters know how
to give.
lir. Hickman of Morgantown, bad all
his means in bats: the Rebels toi.k tbem,
and beggared hitn. Rr. Calleudine is a
Uoion man, but bis sou-io-law is a Rebel,
and bis (I IV) wif has gone to him in
Kichmoud. The Rebels wre repulsed at
Rowlesburg, or our friends on Ruffaloe
creek would have suff .Tcd greatly. Rr.
Orpheus was compelled to sleep in tbe
fields and glens for a long time io tbe
early part of tbe war, while Rebels were
prowling around with tbe iuteotioo of
f.iroiog him aod bis sons into tbeir army.
Due night, be and Oscar slept on one side
of a duster of elder bushes, aod two
Rebels on tbe ntber side, neither party
having knowledge of the whereabout of
tbe other, uutil morning, when the Rebels
left without knowing that our friends were
there a most Providential, hair-breadth
The same gentleman encloses an illus
trative extraot from a Wheeling paper:
11 Sudden Conversion. During the
recent expedition of tbe militia, we were
made acquainted with tbe following facts.
Col. Copeland, who resides near Clarks
burg, a wealthy and influential citnen,
bas always been regarded as a most un
it is
CorraaponJeooa of Uia Star A Cbrunicla.
Tbe nine months Volunteers belonging
to Uartleton aod its adjoining townships,
arrived here late Monday night, the 25tb
inat. Arrangement Were immediately
made to give them a reception in jhe
afternoon of tbe followiui day. Tbo
interest, energy and activity manifested by
tbe ladies of Hartleton and its vioinity in
making preparations for tbe splendid
repast, reflect no small degree of honor
npon Hartleton. It speaks well for it
patriotism : it ahamea out treason, and
seems to aay, Crush oat the Rebellion.
Tbe variety and abundance of the good
things prepared, we think, could not,
under similar circumstances, be surpassed
by any other place. Tbe respectable
number of people in attendance ; tb
quietness, and order; the sooiability and
cheerfulness, manifested on tbe occasion ;
the graceful procession of tbe little band of
soldier to the place prepared for the
repast; the beautiful, soul-tbritling,
patriotic song, (which was sung twice;;
the cheers for the Uuioo, for the soldiers,
and for tbe ladies of Hartleton are all
matters of interest, and worthy of note.
The most we bave to regret is, tbat our
worthy friend, Capt. J. J. K. Orwig, was
not present to participate with us and give
us an address suitable to tbe occasion.
Hartleton, May 28, 'C3. W. G.
We understand tbe patriots of and
around Miffliuburg also intend to honor
Capt. Orwig's Company, the last of this
week. Kuitob.
poa rua star caaofticLS.
Mem I-Weekly Hews S Years) old.
Fnattlvaala agggj-jy racket,
LANCA.STEK: Printed bjr Jom Dimtr, la Queen ..tract.
Mir 6, 177S.
The above named paper oftliis date
advertises more Deserters more Lot
teries. Ship "Carpenters are called
for, and assured that they shall be
protected from insults and military
rule. Team Drivers are wanted. All
persons having concealed horses, and
other property belonging to the U.S.,
are warned to give them up.
Individuals having bonds then due,
secreted, them, in order to avoid pay
iu a depreciated currency.
Thirty-one Tories, near Carlisle, it
was published, had joined the savages
in the horrid plan of scalping; their
former neighbors.
"The Commissioners of Cloathing
for Lancaster coutttv" make a rather
On! Ho! TheSteubenville I'aion, in
noticing the overwhelming defeat in tbat
town at tbe Spring election, thus confesses
tbe truth in regard to oertain Democratic
leaders :
"Tbe causes wbieb led to our defeat,
can be found in tbe fact, that men who
assume to lead the Democratic party sue
eossfully, must express themselves as
loyal to tbe Government, or may expect
to be defeated at every election. We
know tbe masses of tbe Democratic party
are loyal men, aod it is extreruly unfortu
nate that eertain men insist on leading the
party to tbe devil. At another time, we
shall speak more fully and freely."
That certainly approximates to sound
ense. Let the loyal men of tbe Demo
cratio party scourge out tbeir disloyal
leaders, or desert them, and let tbem "go
to the devil" in a party by themselves
as tbey will be sure to do.
Si.avf.holdi.no Nobility. Tbe Lou
isville Journal publishes letter from
Paris, from a person intimately connected
with the French Court, who says tbat a
singular letter bas been received at tbe
court, from Jeff. Davis aod eeventy-two
other leading men of the South. Tbey
urge Napoleon to recognize the confedera
cy, because it is their intention to establish
a nubility in the S'ulh when the war is
over, and tbat Franc onght not to encour
age democracy.
In the speech which led to bis arrest,
Mr. Vallandigbam said tbat he believed
Abraham Lincoln was endeavoring to
erect a despotism ; that "in less than one
month Lincoln had plunged the country
into this cruet, bloo-ly and unnecessary
var." If such sentiments should become
general, how long would a President remain
io the executive chair of Ibis great nation 7
Would not tbe indignation of tbe people
burl biuj from bis high position ?
On Friday, tbe American baptist Miss
ionary Uoioo,io session at Clevelaod,Obio,
adopted a series of resolutions, character
izing the war as just and holy, declaring
their belief that tbe author of tbe Rebell
ion have inflicted tbe death-blow to Slavery
in tbe District of Columbia aud tbe Rebel
States, believiog the war to be completely
successful, exhorting the Uoion to sustain
the administration by its prayers, influence,
and personal sacrifices.
VI.Ii persons are bertby notified that on the
first day of April last(IH63) I sold to
Pirsa Br. Ja' S. Mia and Dr. Ltvi
RiMiai, all my ni:lit,litle and interest in I'ninn
Furnace, situated in I'nion township. Union
county, Penn'a. and in all real and personal
property connected therewith.
Danville, June 2, 18N3
Wanted, Immrdiuicir..
ONE good STOVE MOULDER, to whom
good wages rill be paid in Cash.
Lock Haven, May S2, 1863 pd
Estate of William Thomas, dee'd.
iTOTICB ia hereby given, that l.ner of
1 Administration npnn the Estate cf
William Thumas, late of East BufUlne Twp,
Union Co., deceased, have been granted lo
tbe undersigned, by the Register of I. nion
coonty.in due form of law; therefore all per
sons knowing themselves indebted to said
estate are requested to make immediate pay
ment, and those having just claima aqatnM
the same are also requested to present ikta
properly authenticated fcr settlement to
LLWI3 L A.s. Admin r, at
Jtafcanor Cite, ScborlH.ll Co . or to kia Att't anil A(U
air at, lsua. . VAStiKzmt, uueo.-.
Ltwisacaa. Mav S, 136.1. j
THE Dimes Savin; Institution of Lewisburg
has ihis dav declared a Dividend to the
Stockholders of FOUR per cent oa.the capital
slock paid in payable on demand.
THE undersigned intends supplying the
citizens of Lewitburg with Pure Milk,
commencing about the 15th imu Persons
wishing lo be anppiied, will please send in
their names to him.at the Lewitbnrg Bridge.
Tbe Milk will be delivered (daily except Hun
days) morning or evening, as preferred by a
majority of customers. SAM L SUPER
Lewisburg, April 10, 1863
Provision Store !
1'HE subscriber baa jost opened a Family
(irocery and Provision Store, in Rodeaj.
baugh's building (late Kreararr'a Tiaahip)
West end of Market Square,
where he has just received a well alle4
asserimeot of fresh
.such as CotTee, Tea, Chocolate, 8ogar, Rica,
Molasses, Fish, Salt, Spices, Vinegar, Raiaina,
Brooms, Brushes, Tubs, Bueketi.Soap.Batta'r,
Cheese, Eggs. Fruit, Fruit Cans, Oraagaaj
Lemons, Crackers, Clothes Pins,
Flour and Feed, Corn, Cattle Powder.
QUEENS WARE, Window Shades. Match,
Store Polish, Nuts Sooff, Tobacco, Cigars
and everything else io the Grocery line all
of which he bfiers at tbe lowest prices fe
Cash or Country Produce.
Lewisburg. May 7. 166
Latest News
THE subscriber respectfully informs act
friends and patrons tbat ah has aov4
to R M Cooper's late stand, corner of Third!
and Market bis, where she will keep o baadl
a good assortment of LADIES' TEIMMlfla,
RIBBONS and NOTIONS of all kinds alsa
Callaher's celebrated SOAP. Motto
"Snail l'rt.fiu and Quick SuUsx."
R. M'MahCMa.
I WOULD respectfully announce that lav
ing taken Mr. Cooper's establishment 1
shall keep on hand Freab Dread, Cakaa,
also "ran. Wheat and Indian and Ry wheat
ordered. ICECREAM and CoofeciiMart;
in every variety. H. L. M'MAHON
Lawlabarc, Ma; 11, H -3
5 Reward
Stray Heifer.
rIAME into my premises about the 18th
I inat a ttPlpe'lt whiff, ki k... ahnllt
for aome time. She U mostly black, bat has ! '',on ' defacing in any way any of ikw
ck and telly. I
VI TILL be paid by ih-School Board of Seat
Bufaloe township to any person wb
will inform upon any one committing dpr
a white face and white on back and telly
The owner is desired to prove property, pay
charges and lake her away.
White Deer Twp, May 33, 1863
8TRAYED away from tbe sub
scriber, Monday. 16th inst, a light
red COW, a dark face with a while
streak along the back; she is a fresh cow;
large horns. Any information of her where
about will be reasonably rewarded.
Winfield, May 35, '63
Washington, May 2911, P. M.
Offioial despatches from Geo. Oraot, dated
near Vioksburg, Monday, May 25, bave
been received at the War Department lo-
; day. Tbey represent tbe eeige of icks
compromising secessionist. It is gener-
ntla. ti.liano A t li a t hitri.alf ml familtt li a aw 1 -
!e.n th. It-h-la m. an-Jc. oirl than an ! WllO WCrC alwat3 With
g " .
Io time of peace, a few years ago,
Wbig war" io sight of Lexington !
Tbe patriotic preachers in our day of
New Koglaod, especially are condemned
precisely as. the same were in '76. Aod
-TndffA k'in. aanl P.aimAra tTil liimann In i "
, , ... , i Tory preachers, now as then, are ostenta-
prison, and kept him there loos time i. r ... , . , ... ,
, , .1 tiously rewarded for :heir truckling, and
for no treason, no breach of peace, but ; ' , .....
, . , , , . . , , applauded for their "piety by very poor
because be to Id the truth to a slave of a ' .rr. .1
.. ,. ... judges of the article.
North Carolinian, that, on being bro t by . v f
, 1 a i -pDe nugutes, excesses, wrongv, crimes
tbe master to a free State, tbe slave was . ' . , ' 6 ,'
. I of our country, and us lawful rulers, sre
free. Tbon, not one Democratic press . ,
, , . .L I magoifiod, while those of the enemy in
condemned tbia flagrant outrage of the 0 .... . '
. 6 . . , arms are bidden. Ditto 10 .6.
Constitution, incarcerating in a dungeon, n , . . .
' . , . - , , . .. Our losses in battle and elsewhere are
&o. All these might be violated, in time , , , , , ,
, ..7,1, . . . . , ! laituiuiiy recoruca, auu eniargea iuii uu
of peace, to aid a slaveholder. But, to aid .1.-1 1
Liberty and Union in time of war (they , ' '.
. ..-,, very charitably concealed
argue) no one can use the pnvilcce of i . . '
"suspension of habeas corpus" authorized
1 t. 1 1 . . 1 - r . r '.
uiinu rcierence to us cuiuraiuon. u m b progte!);)iDg ,.ti.f.0,orl,, nd tbat
a certain law against the sale of , Gr,n, it .t,anJ.ntf. ,bl, l0 m.jnUin hi
goods by vendue. j inTestment of tbe town, and repel any
The Cowboys that class who tho't j attack on bis rear,
"something wrons on both sides," Fortv-Cve hundred Rebel prisoners
the majority, captured by Grant, arrived at Memphis
nthor famil. in that neighborhood, and 1 OH, ready to SllOtlt lor tlie Victors
one of his daughters is now coufined at r5 satirized in a long poem, entitled
Camp Chase ebarged with carrying letters j "The Birds, the Beasts, and the Bats,"
to the Kebel army ooncealed io ber noder ' closely resen)bliDr the Unionists, tho
clothing. (Jen. Jones, in his passage Sccesh, and the Copperheads of our
through Harrison county, took Col. Cope- day. The Bat sometimes played the
land's bouse, aod allowed bis thieving Bird, and sometimes the Beast, until
raiders to steal from tbat gentlemen eight both "persuasions" picked and kicked
hi m out,
thus improved
'.Moog.st us, too many, like the Bat,
Incline lo this side, or In that.
As int'rest leads or wail lo aee
Which party will the strongest be.
Let such, old -E sop's fable lake.
And conscience th' application make."
Mat 13, 1778.
The "Council" refer to the rninons
or ten noe horses, aod sixty or seventy
cattle, besides a large lot of other stock.
After tbe r ill, tbe people of Clarksburg
and vicinity were greatly embittered
against Copeland, on account of bis known
Kebel sentiments, and some of tbem went
so far as to demand the destruction of bis
property. Several nights ago, a party of
soldiers or citizens, whether by proper
authority or not, went to Copelaod's house,
with a view of practicing a deception upon
b i m, and inducing him to commit himself,
that bo might be sul j .'ct to arrest. Tbey
dressed one of tbeir u umber in the uniform
of a Kebel officer, aod sent him alone to
tbe bouse. Tbe supposed Kebel officer
approached Copeland, and congratulated
bun upon the success of the Kebel raid,
stating that Le had defeated Honker
that tbe Federal army bad been beaten at
Vicksburg that the Yankee forces tad
been scattered and demoralized everywhere,
and that the recognition of the Southern
Confederacy was a fixed fact.
Col. Copeland replied : "Sir, yo will
excuse me, if you please. Ever sines tbe
Tuesday Morning' IVewt.
The Yazoo cleaned Out.
Flagship Blackhawk, Mississippi ")
pquadroo, near Vicksburg, May
25 via Cairo, May 30, 18G3. )
The "moral" of the fable ia Hon. Gideon Welles, Sec'y of tbe Navy :
Sib I bave tbe hooor to inform yon
that the expedition I sent up the Yazoo,
under command of Lieutenant Comman
der Walker, after taking possession of the
forts at Bains' Bluff, was perfeotly suc
cessful. Three powerful steamer rams
were destroyed at Yazoo City, one a
! monster three hundred aod ten feet long,
condition of the roads aod highways iuch fiue D, witn
Estate of Dennis Phillips, dee'd
Letters of Administration on the cstat
of Dennis Phillips, late of Lewiabara; boro',
deceased, have been granted to the subscribe!
by the Register of Union county in due form
of law, therefore all persons indebted to said
estate are requested to make immediate pay
ment, and those having jost claims against
the same may present them duly authenticated
for settlement, to the subscriber.
BAwl'EL SI.IFER, Adminis.
JOH.N B.LINN, trators
lewl.larf. April S3, 1B
New stand New Goods!
JOSEPH L.HAWN having taken the
present year. By order ef the Board t
W. I. LINN. Bre'y
Estato of Era. Sarah E. Davis, dso'i.
of administration on the estate of widoss
Sarah E Davis, deceased, late of Lewisbarg.
having been granted lo th subscriber by the)
Kegibier of Union county in due form of law,
all persons indebted to said estate are hereby
notified to make immediate payment, aad alt
having any jost claims against tbe same nay
present tbem dalv authenticated for settlement
to JAMES M. BLACK WELL, Adnia'f.
ar to QBO. t. MILUlB, LawUbT. lal
Re Tort, SUv a. Its
Five-Twenty U. 8. Loan I
mHE LEWISBURG BANK, of Lewisbara,
I Union Co., is Agent for th sal of that
United Bines Six per Cent. Fiv-Twaiy
Years' Loan.
Amounts can be had to salt the means at
diJerent individuals. Tbe Interest oa thut
Loan is payable and will be paid in Gold. IBS
Estate of Hrs. Sarah Halle, dee'd.
ITTHEREAS, Letters Testamentary npom
V the estate of Widow Sarah Maize.lal
of Limestone township, Union coonty, dee'd.
J rooms uuderihe Telegraph and Chraniel t are b"n Rmed to the subscriber in due)
of the State, and require legal pro
ceedings as to them.
Sixty or seventy men, of variousa
positions in life.are advertised to give
themselves up for' trial for high trea
son, or they will be attainted of that
crime, and must endure its penalties,
pains and forfeitures.
Mav 23, 1778.
The following popular and infalli
ble Medicines were duly heralded :
Doctor Hill's genuine patent medi
cines Tincture of Spleen ort, for
lirpochondriachal disorders Elixir
accession of Virginia, every impulse of my j of Kardana, for the gout and rheutna-
by the Constitution!
isteney !
What base incon-
often, in a transient riot.
martial law is proclaimed I how often,
rioters, disobeying tbe authority, are shot
down in tbe streets "without trial by jury
or habeas corpus !" Yet now, when the
tens of thousands of men bave been in
riotous rebellion for two years, tbe Presi
dent is denounced because be puts fomen-
ter of tbe trouble where tbey can do do
barm. Now, can Mayor and magistrate
do more in time of peace, tban tbe Com
mander in Chief of Army and Navy can
do in time of war J Treposterou silly
absurd 1
SS-The Danville Feocibles returned
last Wednesday. Two receptions were
ofisred tbem one by tbe Uoion League,
and tbe other by some very good sort o'
folks including some Copperhead. The
biya chose the "Leaguers" a on tbe
hole the soundest, and had a nice good
Welcome borne.
per cent., while our enemy's losses are
So did their
Tory fathers before them.
The plots to force Pres. Lincoln to
resign on account of failure and incompe
tency, are but a repetition of rain cabals
formed to oust Gen. Washington.
Tory papers were alarmiog and distres
sing tbe people all they could, pretending
sorrows for losses and regret for bloodshed,
tbe work begun by our foci. Are there
any such, nowadays?
All along tbe Revolution, advocates of
the Union as it was" found out tbe worst
news (real or fabricated) first, and every
unfavorable omen or rumor was paraded so
as to do most barm. Wo have just such
editors again.
Tke reaatertell Js Baak r Konaankertaa.
This counterfeit is an imitation of a
former plate of tbe bank. The genuine
J5 plate now in nse by tbe Bank of Nor
thumberland contains tbe letters Fits, in
tchite, inserted in the body of tbe note
below tbe vignette, and 2 or 300 five' in
small cap letter, covering the epaee
extending the whole length between tbe
twe female beads, wbieb letter are not
in Ik. .niinl..l..t eTL n i ! i n .... It .
j also a red lint.
heart bas been in sympathy with tbs
. Southern cause. Myself aud family bave
endured aod sacrificed more for the cause
than any other people in tbe eonnty. A
day or two ago, a force of mounted Hebels
came into Ihis couuty. They bave acted
tenfold worse than tbey aid Yankees would
do. They bave robbed and plundered
both friend and foe. They bave been
guilty of every imaginable crime, even to
murder, lo a pecuniary point of view,
tbey bave placed me where I wa ten
years sgo. I bave lived in comparative
peace among those who have been opposed
to me in sentiment, and I can no longer
consent to affiliate with murderers aod
highwaymen. You wilt be good enough
to leave my bonse at onco, and say to your
friends that I never want to see tbeir face
The disguised Union man reported tbe
conversation to his friends, and tbey went
away thoroughly convinoed tbat Copeland
bad experienced a sincere conversion.
Tbe New York Union League lad
monster meeting at Utioa last week. Sev
eral Regiments of returned Volunteers
attended. Tbe feeling seemed lo be unan
imous to sustain the President and Gov
ernment. A Hawkin Ziuave man had a
M'Clellan dig, but all else were enthusias
tic for Hooker.
Petnberton, the rebel in command at
Vicksburg, who bas been so thoroughly
beaten recently by Gen. Grant, is a Pbila
delpbian by birtb, and a renegade who
followed the fortunes of a rich southern
wile till tbey Ud Lim tobetr-.; hi eotu.tr.
tisTi, &c. tincture of Sasre, for
strengthening the stomach, to give
spirits, fcc. Essence of Water dock,
for scurvies, all cutaneous disorders,
dec. Balsam of IIonev,for coughs and
consumptions, tc. But people died,
Henry Ilartman, wagon master of
Northampton county, is made respon
sible for a horse stolen from Gen.
Green's division, by somo wagoners
from that county More deserters,
and stolen horses Thievish soldiers,
again. Altogether, there seems to
have been more corruption, and an
unhealthier state of society, in pro
portion to population, than now.
A writer in tho Providence Gazette
of 25th May, says : "Let me tell you,
words do not convert lions into lambs,
serpents into doves, nor Tories into
Sons of Liberty. Remember, as our
Savior was betrayed by one of his
disciples, so is our country by her
pretended friends. But how ridicul
ous and destructive is this to allow
persons a right of property in any
country, where they employ both their
talents and properties to destroy its
immunities, and even to sacrifice the
blood of its inhabitants, to satisfy the
wanton cravings of a greedy monster.
The Ladies' Soldiers' Aid Society
will Beeflt ia B.a.er'1 Bloak, Third Street Bear Market,
TUCKSUAY AirrERSOO. at 2 o'clock.
Ualoia Vomtj Fair
WeaaeaiU to frUaj, Oat T, t a4S,lSoi
machine shops of all kiods, saw mills,
blacksmith shops, ia., were burned op.
Tbe property destroyed and captured
amounted to over two millions of dollars.
Had tbe monster ram been finished she
would have given as some trouble. One
battery was destroyed at Drory's Bluff.
Our loss in the expedition is 1 killed, 7
wounded. David D. Porteb.
Nothing additional ef importance from
the siege of Vicksburg.
Col. Phillips cheeked Rebel advance
at Fort Gibson, on tbe Arkansas.
Doslag Eiclacs r laloa Sraataary.
Ennday, Janaf . Mornings 8e(BUo before the Society of
Religion. Inquiry by O. R. Bliss, U. D.
Monday, June S Kx.minatinn of Ladle Senior Clans.
Taenia, June Kxamioation of tbe other Claeeaa.
M 14 Evening. Oration before the Escalator
and Neeneaian Literary SoeieUas by
Key. F. Hendrii-ki. A. M.
Wednee4aj,Joile 10 Morning. LaUiee'GraneiieaiBent.
Evening. UanUaDMn'lUloain( Ex-
Correeleil Weekly
Wheat 11,40 Eggs I 11
Rye 90 Tallow 10
Corn, old 80 Lard 10
Oats 60 Clover seed 4,00
Flaxseed 2,50 Wool 60 65 70
Dried Apples. $1,00 Potatoes 50
FirkinButter 12 Sides & Shoulder 6
Fresh Butter... 14 Ribs & Shoulder 5
Rags 4, 5, aod 6 Ham 10
Country Soap 4 & 6
INVERT Evening during the season. Par
'i ties supplied on short notice.
WOOD & PER0T,1131,Ridge Arenue,
OFFER for sale upon th Most Favorable
Terms. NEW and BEAUTIFUL Designs
in great variety of Iran Railings-for Ceme
teries, Residences 4tc. of Cast aad Wronght
Iron, and Galvanised Iron and Brass Tubing,
Iron Verandas, Balconies, Stairs, Counters,
Fountains, Gates, Columns, Hitching Posts.
Lamp Btaads, Vases, Tables, Flower funds,
Bofas. Chairs, Statuary, Animals and all other
Iron Work of a Decorative character.
Designs forwarded for selection. Parsons
applying for asm will pleas state the kind
of talk nerded mW
offires.refiued them, and filled in an cxtansiv
variety oi
Hats, Caps, Gentlemen's Clothing, x-a.
Also a larce and splendid stock of CLOTH"
CASSIMERE9, Ac, which he will makeups
order, 3 be still continues the Tailoring Bust
ness. He is prepared to execute all work
entrusted to his care, to the satisfaction of th
. N. B. Cutting and Repainngs; doni to
order. Lewisbnrg, April 10, 1861
TAILOR over Caldwell's Drag Store,
opposite the Telegraph and Chronicle
offices. Market Sqasre, Uvlskirg, ra.
Where he is prepared to Cut and Make ap
all kinds or work in the TAILORING line on
short notice and reasonable terms. Repairing
done neatly. Work warranted satisfactory.
Country Produce taken io payment (993
Concentrated Vy,
rpHB pnblie are CAUTIONED against th
making ttoap Ac. now offered for sale. Tbe
only GENUINE and Patented Lye is that
made by the
Pena'aSalt Manufacturing Company.
their trade-mark for il being
" Saponifier, or Concentrated Lye."
The great success of this article has ltd
unprincipled parties to endeavor lo imitate il
ia violation of the Company's Patents.
All Manufacturers. Buyers or Sellora of
these spurious Lyes, are hereby notified that
the Company have employed as their Alton,
Oeo.II arding, Esq., of Philad., and
Win. BakewcU, Esq., of Pittsburg,
and that all Manufacturers, Users or Seller
of Lye In violation of the rights of the Cera.
pany, will be Prosecuted at once.
The SAPOS1FIEK, or Concentrated Lye
is for sale by all Druggists, Grocers, aad
country Stores.
The United States Circuit Court, Western
District of Pennsylvania, No. 1 ol May Terns
in 1862, in suit or -The Pennsylvania Salt
Manufacturing Company, vs. Tho.G.Chase."
decreed to the Company, on Nov. 15, 1868,
the EXCLUSIVE right granted by a patent
owned by them for the Saromnaa. Patent
dated Oct. SI, 1856. Perpetual injanction
127 "Walnut St. Philadelphia.
Pitt St. aud Duqnesno Way, Pittsburg;.
form of law, notice is hereby given to all per
aons knowing themselves to be indebted t
said estate, to make immediate payment a
and those having claims against the ama
will present ihem dnly authenticated for sev
men i, to MIC HA EL M. MAIZE, Exea'r
New Berlin, May 6. 1863 pd
1QR many years we have made tb enltU
1 vation of SHALL FRIT ITS a spe
cialty, and taking into account vaaiarT, aaaw
titi and tiiutr, our stock of Viaea aad)
Plants of
hr.n BurtBRBBTO,
is uneqoaled any where, which we offer oa tha
most favorable terms. Parties' wishing aa
purchase would do well to correspond wild
ns, rr send for our Price List, which will bw
sent lo all applicants free of charge.
Our &ed Store and Ilortirulural Boms
is at so. 29 Finn street,
where all articles belonging to such aa estabj
lishmem can be had of the best quality. -
98 J. KNOX, Box 155, Pntsborg, Pa.
University at Lewisburg.
The next Session will epest oa Thursday
morning. April 33d, ia the
J. R. LOOM1S, President
mm mn
N. R. Zddierhax's t
Executor's Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given, that Letter tw
tamentaryon the last will and testaaeat
of BENJAMIN ANGSTADT, deceased, late)
of Lewisburg. Union county, have be)
granted to tbe undersigned, by the Register ef
Union county, in doe form of law ; all person
having claim against said estate will present
them, and those owing said estate are reqavw
ted to make immediate payment, to
Tl.hnee Marc S. lSSS.
Qt lnd after JULY 1st. 1863. the prlvitacw
of converting the present isso of LE
ly called Five-Twenties") will cease.
All who wish to invest in the Five-Twenty
Loan most, therefore, apply before the 1st
ScBKBtmow Aaianrr,
Ap. m3 No. 1 14 S. Third 3f, Phil j
THE Seeona Quarter of the preseal s
sina will commence March x6,aad eon-
iiaue till Jane 10. 18SS- . ,
Rsv. JOHN H. LEAS. A. M, Principal. ,
l Prof. F. C. Hvrw. A. as.
Assisted by J MlJJ KtT1 rjwixaren.
Few Berlin. Mar-ll 1. "