Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, May 22, 1863, Image 2

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From a IVna'a Man 5ow id Dixie.
Corruaptir.-;i,ca of the star A Cbreulel..
Namivui.k, Term , May 5.
I have no timo to tell 70a of the eijlU
tea, and the e-XM-rience of tliree aontLi),
among the Rebel of Tcnaes--.ee. Saico
fi.T the present; tint the Vuia cause u
progressing rapidlj Tie stringent T.ar j
Order that ill ji-rr-ju if jc-ceah prccli-i- j
lies mast takf the 0th, be pF.ro'.od atd j
give Lends, or leave for down below has j
wrought a ' mighty cba'iff hi puL'tc sonti-,
rnent here. Svvmt tAv the ontu of nllegi-!
encc, and that i: calkd '-Iron clads ;"
Others the pai-nkd, whk-lt ia termed "Cop
fcrbottoiucd ;" but scarcely one will go to
l)ixla. The most wonderful change is
among the Ladies. But I tvill resurao
that subject for a letter at auotliiT time.
I enclose a Son-, very popular in the
r -1 f . . 1 ..I . 1 't T -
-Army 01 iae um.uuu. a itooutej
wnn tl,-., i cr,.,!' .2 ft., olioiur tmanlTnooa
3 I , , , ,
eentiuteut of the uruiv. Iheic may le '
found a "Copperhead m the ranks, bat !
so few that their liictiitig ia never beard j
onlv as thev are drummed out. or forced I
, , . , . ,
to resign for the good of the ncmce. 1 1
do not know its author, onlv that be is i
true soldier. Its publication will ia
, . T T'
more good than anything I could say. If j
the "Copperhaa-U' iu Fennsvlvania doult I
1 . " . . . i
the aentimeut of the army on that subject,
let them teud dowu a "spcciiu. u" to vkit
Vlb, and he will soon be satisfied.
'k rtoomoai rrpeut hJ thick, Brrtt contneted
tll htrt rtet. r dark aul moi-t plavo ir 00
wulDg of it proiiioltj fnrdoa ioir.riDnU MtJt.rt'-.,
nd M4ot0 atUftCb nt n U lo Dtl flttmny lu it no
Uoo. oi a vry hjut Oiutr ataiB Ut ktii It it la
MilCil "Cbaak! ,d.
rllor-sul'litT9 of the CuiulfirUui. lojal,
brave aud true,
Who have left your Xorthtro fimides,
Southern traitors to buI-Iuc.
Let's .send home tor a ,Coperhdlw a !
regular blatant cw.
A ad the bcauik-u of a suidier's life mule
Lim to share with
We'll put him hi a 'pup tent' with the
cold ground t- r his bed.
With no rubber bluuLet underneath, no
ErovTnmriit" overhead ;
Let him shiver thre till tu jrning, slp-
1-jsi aud in pi: ii, I
And each snccfedinr; niirht should he the ,
earns thing uo aaiu.
At breakfast timo, nn dain
dir.h bij !
appetite icould t"mpt.
For from su.-? little laattrifa most sjiiicrs
are ricmpt ;
'Sow-Deny snouii ue bteatla.it on. rusty, j
.. poor, and Mark,
Accompanied bv coffee weak, an3 mifcra-'
ble "hard tack "
Then proration iiu:k!y uiikc. get every-
thing in trim,
March him olf on p'ukt-t, sad may a Se-
cesh "pick at'' him.
May every hush a Kehtd Be rn, strange
sounds e Uaie hia tars,
Aud all be !-ei and all ho hears but Bcr v?
to wake his fcar3.
Let him ''iilh'' 'round sWIie ia the
mud, into the pit 1 !!? fall,
And alwav hte to dinner he, aud iho at I
, i" ii .
.,.. ?. .' . , , r !
"tthile thiveniig roun.i the c-r.tr- fi.e,
may he burn his boots and c!jt!.cd, j
May the smoke blow always iu his eyes, j
" and curl (tinging up his n e. j
Jliy he bix mjnthn witi'O'it py bs, and '
do trusting sutler bout, '
j .ui.i v.- ... i.:. .t.j
Alia BUUUi'i UD i:vt Ul taijLv-ru uticj, ,
:. , , t...... 'i ! ,..!. . ... . 1
rlay he n- vr have a posujo a'.smp, and
for his aching jaw
Of tobacco not quite half ev.'.
half a chaw '.
i,-h foreveii
Forced marches may he bare to make, in
rain and snow and mud,
The driving raiu his clothing eoak, the
chill wind freeze his blood ;
And that the bcautios of a march he
might the better sec,
.Rheumatic twiiije- all day have, and the
chronic diarrhea.
From Nashville down to Huntsvill'?, the
coming summer days,
Let him "hoof it" on the dttfty 'pike, be
neath the sun's hot rayt
Ilia feet with blisters covered, hia limbs
all weak and lame,
And I guess he'll think a soldier's life is j
aoythiug but tame.
Infcated msy his clothing bs with all the
little fry
- That the soil of Alabama can so abund
antly supply ;
Ilave all his dirty shirts to wuh in water
6cant and black,
"Shiftless," unshaven, weeks to fro no
clean rags for his back.
And when the conflict rages fierce, keep
bim always in the front,
Let him feel, besides exposure, the battle's
fiercest brunt :
Lt Minnies whistle 'round bis head
shrieking shells bnrst near
Let him keenly feel the SKOCiea wbich '
iilone the ?ai!ty fer. j
ft . , I
And, finally, lis a Hospital, minus a lessor i
80 .
Somewhat emaciated, and moot drcadfullv :
n1r " j
tv ti 1 t. . 1 r. r t r 1 j-
We 11 lay what left of "CtTpeiheai j
npoD a dirty bunk, j
To regain hia wasted energies cm weak 1
tea and tough juuk.
,, f y- 1 , 1
To the call oftnclc Abraham, we cheer- i
fully all flew !
Severed the ties which bound our hearts,
bade cherished ones adieu :
And we will not brook the insults which !
are heaped upon our heads
By the trait'rous Jforthern cowards, the
slimy ''Copperheads."
Germany for our Sounms One t f
tbe steamers of the Hamburg and Ameri
can Steamship Company, lately arrived,
tr Might to the port of New fork over
eyh'y Urge packages of fine l'.neu and lint,
which had beeo contributed by the friends
of the Union along tbe Rhine, for ihe ben
efit of our sick and wounded inldier
home of ihe packages were of the sire of
hogshead, aod all were rnsJe op of tbe
best material. These packages were s
pi ft of tbe freedom ltmog men and women
of Rhine and, were brought over fit by
iua Hamburg aud American line.
JUS l'n go lo press, ire received a dis
petch staitog thdl Itiere wuuld be a large
tut CI
i fruit and Ornamental Trees.
jtvcrgretDS, KxU ineS, JRlK
&c 4c, for sale at this place, in liic surma;,
-.- .... . 1 ? r.t r-
n a JfUMry attitude of the lliotr.
Thf. wjJ, be broah, from he M Lai.r,.
Kidne Nursery, formerly belonging to Lewis
- Hummer, but now to Shelies. Lewis &
11 cta, who bare emered luto a co-partner-
h,p fortbe purro-.e of establishing a regular
Kurai-ry at ibis place. The i.ld Laurel Itidge
s'"i'i,rd la Ada,nf ;- Fa-,sa
isiabliahcd nursery, and contann as
good a variety nf trees as any in the t-iaieof
Penn'a or Aew York. Mr. Jlumraer.has had
oidrbi cxMriDctt to tti bu'tne from hi voutb.
, puu.ic buHi urr, wn li.rmca iro, of iu
bwtauj Ute t vftriLlvti. I'vr'-oT.ri wlahtniT to burchi
ttt tbiii fir at, hud litjr til in tbvlr irtlvra two, bo
tuat cd brlDff lh kloJn Jn,ir-il, bul tl iv will bw mur
tri'ca bruuiftit ftooi u Nurwr) tlitu will tw urccsaatf
lu &U tn Jr, and uicliatern cu lhr Uf tie tnx
btfut bayinaj, il they wifb to. W a anti-x a Hit of Lrcra
wliirlt a hive uq Iiuu J; lut c cnd mt couf niutly
f nuiH Tt tilt tiillrut fstirtittk; but the public will
tai 1 cuialogue at tlt iita aviug lutuilut u,
Aptle trt-ft. 6 to 10 f--t bih, frm 15 to 2J i:ti.acb
PMCh, from 4tt( irt Uiih. 12 to 16 ru. each
:tu1. irti Peir. 3 to lrt Uih. 40 to fty cts.eacb.
lrl IV ir, J to 4 twtit hili, 5 to tU cactt.
Cbrr. 0 to ? fet-t bah. -j t ctir.tatl.
Pimui, on plum kUk kn. 4 to o f-t biti, 49ct ench.
KorUarln! Qimiced, and ApnouU, wcU. cacb.
tiraoe Viuo. lictf l a Jl ecch.
CuTrarta. iu to lftct a;b. OtxisWrriwn, l&cts. arb.
Harkbttrriwa, Set, etn-b, or 7cts. per dojeu.
KaaprMrrira, 10cU. t-acb, or Si ptr dtxu.
FtrMwbrriifp. icen. pr doien, or Txu. jr bnodrad.
hbubri, I'u. nf bt l f ttr drin.
OroaawDLal trt. from 2brf $1 :.
teisrro Utvt from 40ru to $1 ach.
Lisburc, Jan. 23, ld3.
"VTOTICE is hereby eiren thut the Copart
nehip brreiolore esiMinn between
Tnoitmoa Evans and Albert S. Onnper,
under ihe firm name of KVA.N9 COOPER,
1 this day dsssolved by mutnal consent- '1 he
tjuC'ks and accpuutt aie in the hand 'd 1 O.
Evanj. who i authorized to settle the bun-
ne of the !se frm.
All knowi i r ihem'res Indebted will
please call at llie old stand, and sett'e the
same. X O. EVANS.
ALliEKl' b COOrtE.
Lwlt ttrf , Msxeb X
gnrd h.'ivini
rvtjE ,
I . m:e
st of Albert 3. Cocper in ihe late
nr" ' K"an C'oi p.r. uiil continue
Urorery aud I'rvthlitn basioe
he oi l nai.d.
I Saks this oppor'.flniiy to return niv thanks
to '.he puMic f r a lihrral pflironare. and tiope
' studying the wants of my friends and en
deavoring to supply them lo merit tlieir pa
tnnare in the future. T. G. EVANS
L9wli.ui,r. March 2.
Estate of David Simpler, dee'd.
A le'ters of admmiatration cu ihe estate
oi i)WU SIMPLER. late of While leer T'p,
in l:"i"n c ii"ty, dec''. ve be gran
'! 'o ,iie nn tersigned. ail persons knowing
themselves indented to said estate are reque-
ted m r.it immediate payment ; and those
bivinrj ,r,.t It will present them
pic,j,tr'y au'h-ntieaterl for senlco.ent to
I'tiiontoa n, April 6, 1S63.
"--hf eiir -
t.S.Brit f.ni Block. ,
- -
Furniture ! Furniture ! !
Broke Out ir. a New Place!
from 310 to .S.
froml-Sj te IM.
diT'-r-rnt t.rics.
tiom j(J to ( (i dijcnmt patterns uni latest itrics.
Extnaio, 11 ft aud upwrJa,Oeutra. Pir, End. Card,
Ii.Tiii (, wn aiz), itrtpaKi'aoi, mnuu oi aoy aiuj ci
wood dMit4. but Walnut, lb griy aod Hw
wetd alwava on baud tor the trai.
TepoT. Wbai-Sot, Sew lug. ic. le.
SOFAS, LOUNGES, latest patterns
rpbolatord. Large Arm, Sewing. Parlor Cbair aTwaya
uu hand; ai-i. Lauti S-at, i.ar; r.nrjicrr and Nurae
W indoor Chain, lurgti atu tii ill Ki-cltre. Tabla
and Cbl.drun'a Cbalrs, alvaja on hand.
BOOlv and SiiOW CASES, &c.
Furniture of my oati manufacture, insured
one ytar.
P. 6. I intenl. in a short time, fas loon as
I ran eet up a fine Hearse.1 to attend to the
i:srEKT..Kl.u DCsIxess I will keep
some twenty-five or rSore dilTerent sizd Col-
f111Si fiIllshed, and always ready on short no-
nee, and will sell twenty per cent, cheaper
ihan bas ever been done in Lewisburg. Call
ao 1 see before purchasing elsewhere.
JtEPAlRIN'ti done immediately.
CH s. s BELL, CAamftcrtn'a Block.
Lebar., r.b. a. lsea.
rpHE undersigned are potting up an ICC
,ioi.'e5B 'arge enougn to supply all our
ore . ce during the whole year. Ice
will be delivered in town, daily, at a cheaper
1 rate than private Ice nouses can ne nttea.
BTCall on either of us on North 4th St. or
at the Ice House below the Ktver Bridee.
11 a.wr-.irirNssct..
LewUhare.Sor.ra. 18W) VHANK- ANtibTAbT
II L. MO WHY has removed his PbotOw
graph i:stablls!i mem to the
New Building on Market street, recentlv oc
cupied hy Pr. Burlan. OPPOSITE THE
IIA.NK, where he has fitted up one of the
Finest Galleries in the Country!
Having superior facilities and a long x
penenrt. ha is satisfied that his work can not
be beaten. Call and lest bis wurkmansb'O
I.ii-r org, Aug 15
5HxtPiy has removed lo South 3d jtreei.four
eoors Irjiu ibe T;n U9.H, L
JOH.f SQt lBES has just returned
from fbiladelphta, with another Urge
purchased at the lowest prices. Those in
want of Bunts and Nhoes, will find it to their
advantage to call and examine In
large Stock of Home-Made Work,
which for style and quality can not be sur
passed in Union couniy or elsewhere.
Cents' fine Calf Uoota $3 SO
Ladies' fine Morocco, high heel 1 SO
A fine quality Balmoral Hoots I 75
Misses and Children's Shoes at very low
prices for Cash, at
Syuirei' 1'num Bnt and Shoe Store,
C7"opposite the Bauk,
Lewisburg, Jan. I. 1863
THE undersigned, desirous of closing ont
business in Lewisburg before the mid
dle of April, oilers, at Private Sale, the enure
outfit of his shop, consisting of
Tools, Furniture, &c, &c,
at former prices. He alsoouVrs a fine Hearse
March i, '03 SOLOMON VOU.NO.
Peace Peace !
DFAR fritn1ii, and kind pntrooi,frmeouDtry andtnwo
IVe'va JitW bOoi-i tor yoo a nince prim are down,
ThiD (rite our atu-utioa, and pt-rt if jour ctv,
Aud wsi our llrjr Uutdd aud ulaivr finv ara.
We'vn Berfiavi and ('hallleit, and Sntin DurbnM,
An4 Cbaaibraya and intchain. anJ fine H wol tVLalnaf
H fopllna aod Muhaim, and t'riuu tor jrou all
Sucb aa bra)(u'a aud Cuchecu'a juat jfiva ua a vail.
W' M uI1dp nd Sbwttinrit from Ten to Tvuve eanU
Wf're blocking t'T lJi- Mid lUlf llu for p-oU,
W Clcaha at all prict, for dutem and eoata,
U'a rvadjr -mad CivLbiog aa cheap aa ti. tokra.
ffr'tf Cair Hoops and &nta, and Crtoollaa Shtrta,
Aod Ltruiuia aud CbwkiDKf fur drawera aud abirta,
U'a'e Hhirt Krontu nd Col lam fur m-u at id for boi,
Ue'vsbakra fur ladiea, butduu'i dval in tvyt..
VTc'vt OH-Clothra and Carprta to eovr your floor,
Wr're Shade-a for Tour wtiidow ami HngB f r ymr door,
Wf tf Kuckrti and lliohfti anl (Cutirw-ra of line,
W a r Sugars and ColI tut l'aubL'ca or Cuta.
DVtt Ilruahaa and Ktttlea, all ktu.1i nf Qnerniwu
9n call U't xaniiu. cru bavlug tvbvre;
Vu'tl find n on Market nrwt, cntir of town
AtyJIKi.i.tK'soi.l.-i-i.d- K. F. ABt BiiOtt.
- lewisburg, April 8, lhtii
ystr aooust
' fjr.L J.vr nv.vrr
rOK ALL A.l fl. TIKI
klK!HH. trcirRB 4 rn
AA, M-fLl'IlK 4- CO
LvltMlrs, 1S6S
LDWII r;:lHi:i., l'rwprllor.
rpHIS new Hotel is situated opposite tht
X Court House, in the most fashionable and
beautiful part of the town, and for style and
convenience cau not be surpassed in Central
Those visiting the University, or attending
Court, will find it the most convenient and
reutral public house rharges will be the
most reasonable and neither time or expense
will be spared to bestow every comfort opnp
those who may call. Persons in the Couuty
si- i 1 1 hr cliaiped 55 cts per meal.
Lewisburg, April 1, 1S62
0ii.it (Sets (qablt fat Sumpcu !
The highest Cash prices paid for COT
PERS, WASTE PAPER itc, at the store of
Where may be foond a varied assortment of
for sale at reasonable rates.
iQaat cfh bfjahft far Sumpcit !
Cash paid for Rags.
CLOCK Maker and Repairer,
titew Shop on Souih Fifth St.jgj
Lewisborg, April 23, lt6
iTawa. THE undersigned, having removed
jrV3her Watch and Jewelrv esiahlishmenl
Crtswell's New Building, Market St.,
between Front and Second, she is prepared tn
Repair Watches, - Jewelry, Musical
Instruments, &c.,
in the most approved and satisfactory manner.
She keeps on hand an assortment nf choice
IF VL'Pr.RV. for Ladies and (Sentlemen. which
she offers at prices to suit tbe times. Alio.
CLOCKS ana waitnta.
All work and wares warranted a represen
Uwiaborj, May S6, 1 Ma-
Daily ISorning News.
AM 'I, SLIFER has commenced furnishing
the Ilarrlnburg Telegraph
mornings,at nne rent per copy the very latest
rtews, al cheapest rates June 34
TXTE have an extensive assortment of the
fc above Goods, to which we invite the
attention of purchasers. Call and examine
Ihe quality and price before purchasing else
where. EVANS eV COOPER, I.ewsbg
NTwrwrLwD CntmTr Banc, )
' fhamnkm. Pa., Nov. 4. I8S2. '
rpHlf bank has declared adtvrdend of 4 Iter
j X cent, for th l n monh
J F. W. l OLIOCKTres.
. Olfice ol Jtt Cooaa. Subscription Agent,
AT JIT lUilEI A lw.. B4-atiu,
114 South Third St.
PuitADEtraiA, Nor. 1, 1887.
THE undersigned, having been appointed
8ubv.nption Agent by the Secretary of
the Treasury, is now prepared to furnish
New Twenty Year C per cent. Bonds,
of the United States, designated as "Five
Twenties," redeemable at the pleasure of the
lioverntnenl, after five years, and authorized
by Act of Congress, approved t'ebuary 25ih,
The COL'POX BON'US are issued in sums
of S0, $100. sji'.lM), $1000.
The REGISTER BONDS in sums or 50,
$ I uo, $500, $ I noo and $5i00.
Interest at Six per cent, per annum will
couimenre from date of purchase, and is
scml-annnalty, which is equal, at the present
premium on gold, to about EIUUT PER
Farmers, Merchant, Mechanics, Capitalists,
and all who have any money to invest, should
know and remember that these Bonds are,
in enVcl. a FIRST MOUTUAUE upon all
Railroads. Canals, Bank Stocks and Securi
ties, and the immense products of all the
Manufacturers, Ac, &c, io the country,
and that the full and ample provision made
for the payment of the interest and liquida
tion of principal, by Customs Duties, Excise
Stamps and Internal Revenue, serves to
make these Bonds the
IScst, Mont Acaitubh ami .Vott. Popu
lar Inctttment in the Mirhet.
Subscriptions received at PAR in Legal
Temler Notes or notes and checks of banks
at par io Philadelphia. Subscribers by mail
will receive prompt attention, and every fa
cility and explanation will be atfoided on ap
plication at this office.
A full supply of Roads will be kept on
hand for immediate delivery.
JAY COOKE, Subscription Agent.
EXCISE TAX.---Assessor's Notice.
Xotire to Tux I'iiyor. j
rrWAT in accordance with an Act approved
July 1, 180'.', entitled An Act to support
the Government and pay inierr-i on Ihe pub-!
lie debt," every person, association, partner
ship, or corporation, desiring a license to en-1
gae in any business, trade, or occupation I
named iu the 61tb section of said act, mnt i
register their an application wiih the Asms- I
taut Assessor of assessment division in which j
such trade or occupation is to be carried on !
Manufacturers, liable under said ant m py
any duly or lax, are required lo turnish to the I
Assistant Assessor a statement, subscribed !
and sworn to in the form
(Hth section of said act.
prescribed by .he 1
uiatiKs ana mtor- ,
inntiou may be obtained from the Assistdiil I
Assessors in Iheir respective divisions.
Division No. fi, 14th District, I'd., comprises ;
I'uion couniy, Peiiii'a. ;
Assistant AssesMir, Division No. fi, !
Olhce, in M i ill i n bu
Communir'ations may be addressed to me j
at Mtddletown, Dauphin :.. Pa.
Oct.3l Assessor 11, li Assess, hist. Pa '
mm, Minima
Mieet Music. Muic Books, Music Merchan
die.and all ktndsol usil-al Illlru
licllts, at the lowest possible prices,
v. TUB Horace Waters' MuUern lm-
Cr it TSpro.-J o.ertruii(r
fr?! YSinox iittMi: n.txot
arr juttlj prutiounctHl ltf the I'r.an and Mufir Ma-Ur i
t lt atiptirior lnntrumnt-. Tby ar hot It ot thr hi-t-t .
a)d oi'Ml tb-T'-uchlj twafonrd Ualrliala. nud wit rtttmt
any ct-it: Th. ton- n ai-ry tK-te-j.. round, full ait
tnwllow ; th to-h el"tr-.. raeh I'innu warrant t.-d tt-r
tbrctt T-ar-. Pri (mm lTf t 7i-"i T-rnit baud
'" !
rtano at f rat hMrialui f rit-rc fr-ni f Zl to
llnrare iTalers' .M-lolOII",
RnfewiKKl Ca.e.. Tttlleit ttie Faust T.-Jnprraniri.t, with !
tli t'au-ul bi.ided ewell ana 4jlo Mop.
Nn. V 1 M-Uve, eeroll It-n,
No iU "
frcm-C to ,
- rt,P,
" . tu V.
f t V,
- S to K,
to .etRof reeU.,
No a...
No. 4.-5
.., t. S
No J a
rtano -Style,
two rto an.
two bak Pt - - - - 'XiQ
No. S. i oetara orat, 1.l,Hle..ne, two Eauk. ot
fc-y., wrtl l.a. feur at.4 IX st,i.fs f.'io,
ati-i Ji'. I
Thera MEodenua remain in tuna a long time. J.ack ;
UlodM.u warrauted lur ihre. ,eara.
The AleMiiKlre Orpnn
la a eee.1 tn.triinjeat.enrreepoDdif.ir in uwer ond com
paMi to tu ordiiiarjr to feet (jipe Oraa.
la roaewooil caiM-5, 6 atop, f lr-"
' ' " I"
ISatopa, with p.-rcuMloa,
la atopj., with pereu.ptoD, and "esprea.lon,"
Sook i&J!2ri?
cutiulied on the nnt hTsfrxl terfiic
4l Rroailway, New Vork
A New Kinging Book for day schools,
called the Hay School Bell, is now ready. It
in. .ho,., M.l,oi.-eKoni:. ltoonJ.:atrhe,Huett,
Trioa, g.iarretu a.l t:i,oroma. kuut oi uiroi ---....I.
,1... work. bu.i.laa 22 .eilee or the Kl.
m u I
rilta-la I
ot Marie. Th. Kleoieiit at. eaey ana prosreeMve,
that ordinary t-h. r. will Bnd theml. entirely eue-
rewlul in InatrtietloK even youns eclioiara to a.n, or
reclly an.l arleDl.tle.U3r, whil. Un t.oiea .o l word. .
brae, .orh a v.rietT ol liely, altrartiv. an.) .nl at.r
nngmueicauantl0ient,th.luotrout.lewillbeeap,. rleired in tD.lnciuu all becionera to to on with seal ,n
.rnoirinirkllliwoo.orthenio.tl.e.sltt)Kirina,t.auly Im
.rovlna. h-Pfioeeyielainf and ord. r-vr.s1urii.s ej.rri
,f Jhool 1,6,. lo .imoheity of it. eleneMs. ID arletv
aod adapution of oiaelc. and io esrellenee and nomher
ol it. aoo6.. orisioal, aelected aD.I a l.pted. It el.lue t'T
murh toeseel all cmpelit-.. It will be found to he
th bter iaeue.1 lor Seminaries Aeadenile. aii.l Pub
lic Schooia. A tew .ample pacea of the Klemeiiu., Tone.,
and eoaca are eleew in a rk-eular: .rod and aet one. It
la compiled by UOBACB WATKKS, author ol -sabbath
Seh.Kil Bella." No.. I and 2. wbi.-h have bad the emr
nowa ..la of 7n0.M ooplea. frioai-paper eovae 20
twuu. tli lr lovi boaod, 30 oenos, $li per K; cloth
bnuod n,oo.d, silt. 40 nto. :tn per 1M. ! oopie.
farniabadat lbs let) rriro. Mailed frea at the ratail pries
'" HORACE WATERS, Publisher.
4S1 Rroadwav, New York.
fur Salt 6 LtPriXCOTT CO. iiuialj..
The Horace Waters Pianos &Melodeons
sod UKJtNHRE ORGANS, dT. Oilhert t Co'areta.
btatrd ilian Pi.noa. are tb ne.t lo.trum.ot. for
parlota and cburebe. now la asa. A larae a-ortownt
can bcaeenat lb. new warerooioa. No 4S1 llroadw.jr.
betweea Orand aod Hroomo itreeta, which will be sold
at eitrrmelv low prices. Pianoa and aieloneona irrm
euodry m.k.re, new and aeeood hand. tVcind-hand
PtanoaaDd Helodeonaaturaat baraina: priree from .S
to ilOO. Sheet Muale, Mu.ie-B.uks, and all kinds of
Music Merchandiee, at war prteea.
Ojrnn vm nf Or trru.
"Tho llnraet Water. Pianoe are known anmig tba
very beet. We are enabl-d lo pek of theae in.tnimenu
with ..ne devreeof o. leliee. rrom perwonl h nowledce
of their exotllrnt t.weaad durable quallljr." Aeaj lor
EtanytlitL ,
Sabbath School Bell Ho. 2.
.O flnfl Mt.l., twant.
It faaa entin naw wftrh of naariy
on Ei. or ibAtuoea and hytnna wei
r i even
espria.lv tfcr thia votunia. It will ar-.a be aa popol.r aa
lu pred.cr.aor (Hell . 1.) which faaa ro. up to th.
enoVruou. namb-r .f S2U.O0O cpiei.ot.trlpplnr any
Suodav School Book of Ita iaaued in thia country
Alao l.tb eolumeaar. bound In one to accooimod.ta
acbooU wh-blngthem in that form. Price. oflleJI No.
I. paper eor.ra. t centa, 12 per lo.). Bound. 2j cent..
SIS per inn. Oloth boond. eniboKl. gilt, an eenla. fa
Pr luo. Ball N. 1. Pe' "era, U eenla. ftu per US).
Bound. 20 centa, 1S per 100. Cloth bound, emooeeed,
tilt, 25 eetita, ttn par 100. Bella Not. 1 and 2 bound to
letbar. 40 eenta. per 100. 24 eopie. turnlehed .t tb.
l"0prtce. Cloth bouod.rmboaaed, ailt. M) ceata, S4U per
lot). Mailed poalare fre. at the retail prlea.
May 2,-02-lSinei, 4S1 Broadway. Sew Vork.
Control Fnnnrlrv snrl Maehinn Shnn
surer, wans, Niriaer t f.
Mannfaetorers of Bullock's Iron
Mower and Reaper, Uarling a
Endless Cham Horse Power
.,.,. , r.-i li.... 1
vvitisnu a iciegrapn rouaerui-.
ter. Riches' Iron Plows,W itherow s Self-Sbai-
pening Plow, and Michigan Double Plow.
Also. Store and Castings of every descrip j
All kinds of Agricultural Implements kept
on hand for sale. I
Jobbing Work in Wrought and Cast Iron t
and Brass done to order. . , t
Counirv produce tplten In eichsnge.
Cei. l uth t Malta! 3t- rf , Fa
j. a mtrrisKiuka aii suissea j
Xcw Furniture Eitabllnhmtnt. ,
rPHE subscribers have opened a Furniture I
1 establishment, on Market Si. Lewisburg, ;
(opposite Chainberlin's buildings) where they !
manufacture to order and keep on hand all :
varieties of CAB I SET WARE usually kept
in such establishments Bureaus, Bedsteads,)
Tables, Chairs, Sofas, Stands, What Nots Ac.
of all patterns and prices.
L?Kriiaisa in the best and must exped
itions manner.
IIMnrRTiriMG in all its branches
attended to at verv low rates. Heady-uiade j
Collins alwavs on hand.
Lewisburg, April 16, lnt.3
Provision Store,
on JIarkct street, between 3d and 4th,
Call and .Satisfy Yourselves.
OUR STOCK is large and well selected
embracing everything usually kept in a
first-class GROCERY STORE including an
assortment of
Til. U. LYAS
Lt'wiiur, March Is, lsi;l.
News Agency.
TPIIE undersigned having opened a W!
1 Otlice in connection with his BOOK,
STATIONERY, and VARIETY Store, he is
therefore prepared to receive subscriptions
for the following
SEflKPAPERH, M.lfi.tZlNES, 4c.
Vbflxteliihis Inquirer, Pre, lytfrr SHtnr'laT fre'ir;
I'opt, llolUt !Ywffisur, Tti l'rr,lijtt-rijin, Chrlrtim
AJoeat k Juomal, Tli Mothclt.t, Ann-ririin AKrit-ol-turtiit,
Tw V.,rk tlrHl.l,Trtuuetriul.'li.VoriJ.tIarr
Wm-kly, rnnk Lr.lir, N. Y. Le.li.-er. Slrrurr. Itstrrte;
MngDiine. It'jme Juurnat, Ynnitee Vntions, Nk-k srke.
lllarkwcKrft, l-Xerie, MarperV M.-flzloe, VtteTton'M,
UHleyn Lnity' Ur,uk, Atlantic MuitlLty
and any others desired. Persons wishing anv
of the above had better call soon to have
advantace of i'hih Katm. tiOrders from a
distance promptly attended to.
H. W. CKOTZER. Xew Auet.
Lewisburg. Pa., Dec. 1". IHf.l
James F. Linn, J. Merrill Linn.
T F. & J. Jf. USS,
o Aflorncyi
orncyw ut Law,
Union County, Penn'a.
. Jtt ltlMLL ll roxossisrt for ItjeFlaUof I w
with fKer to take lti.ili.!i,ft''kuw Uti-zr Vrvrtx.&r
Aurlloa surt ConimlKslon House la LrwUhuig.
UCTIO t-1 s
Leil Auciioneer!
! V, t.lOIK'liuiV'r Uavingl een appointed
' srle Auctioneerlor l.ewisbt.rg, is prepared to i
' atlend lo all calls in his line iu town aud '
country. I
commission saies.
In April next, I intend In open on Marke
street a Room for the reception, and the sale
at slated limes of all kinds of Goods at Auc- ;
lion. Anv one wishing todispo.eof any arli-
rle can dep.. -on with me and I will sell it at
the besi advantage 1 can and charge a per j
centage for ihe same
Feb. 2t, I5t F A DONEHOWER j
NOTICE L'enllt'nien ! j
1III.LNS of I.ewitbure and vicinity are
I V re-1
has bought t.ul the imerest of E. L. Hikes in
the business ol !harmx and llnr Culling, and
ef.nlin.,e. t. -,me at thr r.M unj ha.rmrnt H wi..
t Amntfta. bleek. hrtwren c .. VaiftJ. lto.iKht.n'.
I wtiere t.y arn.-t attention t' bu.in-.! he ,om.. lo iriva
i aatiefartion to al) who may I'it.or bim Willi tbeil fatri.ii-
iaite at all tlniee esee4't Ull,lNe.
To all who tarrv here lilt thir Ijeard. irrnw long -!
To Ret a pleae.nl .bi,., poi.t a. narl-er erer ear.-.
Jn.l eII on 1'U.i is .t hi.- saloon. I.n-y oi'.ro.ee or noon,
i Towel, rlean. rators eharp anJ .cistMir. ke.-n.
i AiTtl S, 1S--.1 A. w. I'll-LIN. Pn-f. rb-
Aear Hill M' lOll, Uiiiint Cu., l'a.
THE subscriiier, lliankful !
for pat patronage, would inform
his iriends and the public in gene
ral, that he continues to manufac
ture all kinds of Woolen CiuodN, such as !
Cloths, Cassimeres. Tweeu,Satunetfs, Jeans, ,
Ulankets and Flannels; also. Carpet and
,Varns- ,I,s be,n; o.' :!ie
best of workmen, he feels sate in saying 1
lhat bis work shall not be surpassed, by
. a. 1 : 1 . . . u a 1 !
any f slat lihment in ihe rountrv- A good sun
ply of the above gotxls krpt consianlly on hand j
for sale or lo exchange for wool, at prices j
thai can not fatl to please. WOOL will he J
notice. Terms for carrMn. cah on the de
'"Cia III IMC UtTi IlHlllliri a II (I I ' U ttl-T fllli'H--l
livery of the rolls. MARK HALFPENNY.
WinfieM .Mills, March 30, 18'.7.
IHE partnership heretofore existing be
tween W. Vu loi.in and A. H. Hiel,
in the practice of the law, is this dv dis
solved. A. II. HILL.
Lewisburi, Jan. 5, IRfiS.
LcwlHbur?, Pa.
R. G. HETZEL, Fao'a.
FINITE undersigned returns his sincere thanks
I for Ihe patronage extended towards him
by the citizens of Union and the adjoining
counties, he would most respectfully solicit a
continuation of the same.
Lewisbnrg, March 13, 1862 m3
"A RPETS a large and choice vari-
j eiy, Irom Jl cis. upwards, tor sate tv
April 10, '61
Are manufaclnrins and have
Wwassjconsianlly on hand a large quan
tity ol 4 leet Palmgs and 3 and 4
feet Lath al the following prices:
I'allUKH headed in a new style, from $9
to $1U per M
Lath 3 and 4 feet long, f 1 to f 1.62 pr M.
Mlinirle at $. lo $7 per thousand.
Palings and Lath made to order, any length ,
parties may aesire
l.whiburs Stran Sawmill. Dec. 16, UM
ssat't a.oawm. sirnsn betes
Attorneys at Law.
F?ICE on South Second near Market 8i
April l,'6l Eeewlwburs;, lu.
The Dimes Saving Institution of Le-
. WlSDUrg
ytj ready to receive any amount on Deposile
I from Ten Cents and upwards. Four per
. . . .
cent, per annum interest will be raid on all
special deposiles of Two Dollars and upwards
if deposited two months and longer. Office
it James Geddes' brick block. .Market St
H. P. 8HELLEII, Treasurer
Lewisbnrg, Oct. 10. 1860
a e.e ta f!U ft, ll... e.k.i...i.i.
" . , ...... u''a'aulY
l"n " sVur o) (. VtH.
wiavuig . .
'" ..
ft 'HE Son, a a ess iu commences .
I AeatiW, UU.J.
Toitios per Se-non, including eoatineent
PRIMARY Readiog, Writing, Defir.ef.
Arithmriic, Geo, Gram, and L".
History. so
ADVANCED ENGLISH, all not inclu
ded above 6V
ti'-No deducnous except for protracted
A(,r.l U, 1B13. rnoeip
The Family
Prug Store
Ready !
If voa want nore Urn?s, eo lo St'HAFFLE
Uiur A. Chemical Linpt-riom. where is kepi ,
a larfje an-1 general asi.rtinrr.l alwa
For aoy article usually kept in a hrM claa
callanhe '
C. W. SC 1 1 AF1'L.K,
I.ewi-burg .... Pennsyl'a
HAVK rrmoved iheir 'i;ilr and a
blo( H are-room to Ihe litr;rr
ami m. re cotntni'dioiis rooms, late the reaiti-
! ence of Wm. Frick, un ihe
it'urarrof Third and Varkel LewtVharc.
here they have un hand the LAKliKST and '
BKST ASSOKI'MEXT of VVurk eer ...T-red
to the public in this viri,ittv,ctnprisii.g Uress j
i Ritrran aud Vnry Wanhtarxiai of tha latt tl,
2t. Ilairiatat Chaim. ('an-)t l.'bairs. Kcaioc Chair". .
EtnitrrwK. Hat K:fk.Tr)l Hrka. JvnnT l.tntl and ot- .
a K-nrral aasM)rtoi--t.t of t'OHVltS WORK alwaro on
; band lijrrotKB and Oltlee L'haira W l.r.lt-i-a! or hrtail.
! We aUu attend in the F'.NDEUTA KlX(i j
bnninca In ail lt lrKrori t.'ini rroTielswt with r'ancy I
ll h Alt rsMt,d rhk's Patent M rial Mr Kurlnl I im.
' and OKKtN! of -Mir ow u oianutar'tma alwayi ri baud,
w-ar rra-Ir at snr t.-n1. witltin an hnnr'i notl-w. to
wait uDvn ait and all wba w favor ua with a rail.
Having ti"ne but ihe tel workmen. welj
I WAtUMNTall F'Jrnitura uiaiiafatrturi-d by u, aud I
I dely ooiBrrtl'ieo ltbr in prir or ty 1. wJ ;
Mnvjttrtnry nn X. t Street,
where Cabinet and House Turnin?. Scroll anrl '
; Kip in; doe ou nbort nut if and rvna nabl trrnia. I
I A so-i asnrifiiPitt f.f l.t'MHKK a!wav on ;
' hand for Newel Potn, Unnui-'t-ri and II aud tiatltu-.
' I tKr.rAiKi to of all kinJ? ilone as usual.
; N M. Anv work nut on hand will be made
j aa tenon aa ott!.
I Thankful for pa-t favors, we ill eipect a
eoutiaunur nl tb aiu.
Unlrltinaker, Jeweler t f:lldrr.
Opposite lletwl's Hutrl, Market St. Ual.burg. P.
Having opened a Shop in P.
(..oilman's Cl"ihing it.r. is
prepared to all IcihK of Work
n his line. Having worked in
Urge elites all his time, he is
prepared lo repair Watches.
(.'locks or Jrwelrv.and in do Engraving. Pla
liria. Oildinz or (ialvamzing in the best style
of the ar'. All work warr.inied io give entire
satisfaction, and done at ihe verv lowest cash
prices. Also Aecnrdeons and Melodeons
repaired in ihe best manner.
'all in before you so elsewhere, see for
yoursell and save your money. Oct. 5. 151
Boots and Shoes.
The suVertber has just received
a his ."tore (neii rti or In ihe K0..1 1
iiSi-el a full supi.iv of Hoot A.
SIloOH of every atyle and variety suiiahle lo
particular csre, an1 will be alf-rde.l at
ir.ttr REiirrro pkiiI-s vnv, rf..iui rtSH. !
His old lueioia and customers and the public
general!' aie luvi'eil tn call and esamine his
stork and judce f.n ihem-.elves. t?.MAN i
t FACTI KI.NO and REPAIRING as hereto '
f,.re will be attended to with promptness and
at reasonable rates. 1
'frSr--Ji , Maaarartarer ef
Iiarncsa, Bri
WTfij i. common and t lie
r piltral aoliNt' (DLL t Utt.warrantetl U hart no hoiaa
Dralrr In
x-ib o on, mp$ m;p u'w.
inn n
1 aiU'V (I (I It T", HameSS Marti W art,
- .
rrlih saUscril'cr, having earned on
I bu-in
tt for HfTral ycari. and snini-d a rnutarln !
t-r mafcinkf aajcood Harney 4r. a any ftahlinhment in
thi. n-j:itn and th I niort . Vinitr Arnrullurai Ssn-iefy
ha.lna aaardrd INK IE PtiPMIVMS Ut artifle- of bia f
wurknnnMbip would vxprcw hi t;ratitudo tr tavnr i f J
ths tradine pal'lir alrt adv rrrtvel. and aak tinix conti- 1
nued patronairc at hi NhtV MTAND. i
T.. I ...lh.. l. n .W- V a a, I t- I
th old way. and will !a.t r..r rar. 1 rtniliy the brt
"'"1 uiv-u uwrrwvw mr own niiAiuRtii tri'l am lfuna in
my .'hep at all amtai'la honri. My (toed and Work ara j
wurrants-d.aud it not arprvfntt'd may be rrturutd or 1
rxrbiniicVd. ( all and ae ma, and if 1 d not ta yn '
th worth of your money I will nut aain aak Kt your
REPAIRING promptly atteniled to.
tw.rilK.pf rCAJIl or RCAliY PAT In no.t kinds
of t'ountrv Prodnee.
Lewii.u'nr. April 1, IfWl. O. P. SUIVEt.T.
A New and I.eautifnl Edition of I
The Mistake of Kduculed Men.!
Y JOHN 8. HART, LL.D.-Iu I Sow i
muslin, price SO cents: paper covers,'
25 cents. Copies of this book will be sent by '
mail on receipt of the price in post stamps ;
please address J.c.l.lARKH.tFS.rblli,bep,
148 South Fourth Si. Philadelphia
I "Vtnst received a larae assortment of the
newest and best MUSIC comprising .
Sacred and Secular Hooks, Instructors for
different Instruments. Ball Room tactics, Ac,
together with a choice selection of Sheet Mu
sic, among which the patriotic sort is well
represented. All of which is for sale, cheap. 1
em. OLD POST OFFICE, Lewisburg. 929 :
Ily C. J. ST A III
HINDERY on M strrct, a few doors
-ntlh of Market. LEUISKCJca. Pt
AMERICA Philadelphia.
(Inoorporated. 17D4.)
Capital SaOO.OOO.OO ;
Asst't3, Jan. 18til, - 1234.719.81
CHARLEsiPLATT. Secreiary i
rjBmldiugs annually or perpetually, Mer-,
"auuize, i.ram, ruiuitnre, oic, insured, at
currant rates of Premium.
934m3 Agent for I'uion county. Pa;
"I ,.,,
Lewisburg, a Bl CK-
LOST. On Main St
SKIN GLOVEbelongtngloaSoldier F.eat-e
leave, immediately, at the Chronicle Ortice
PARTES DE VISITE at Muwry's Gallery !
y f holograph Albums al Mowry s Gallery
Photographs large sue al Mowry'a Uallety
Photographs in Oil al Muwry's Gallery
Ivorytypes at Mowry'a Gallery
Hallotypes at Mowry'i Gallery
Ambroivpes, and
All kinds o'lvpes al Mowry's Ga'lery
MilttRV" (iM.l fRi , in Maiket sir.ei.
t opp one tht Sank - Lewisburj 94
: I I O Til l'lk il I
STILL AHEAD! Come oae ! come a..
and examine for Vour-eles tbe larr,,,
and cheapest stock ol Hume made )W
and tsht.es in Luton coui.iy I
I? Just received a FliEfH U PPI V
City made work at nnasaally low prir,i.
"iiuieL Salttu and tDiall Frofiis"
is Ihe order of the day al M(l IKI'
Opposite the Dink, l.e,,i,UI
Just opvuetl, opposite thcKitiere
House, iu the Room lately
occupied bj A. linger.
A FULL and eomjilete a.vsorijnro nt
I Kl ft nfh flv.rrn.K fir... .. . ..
" " T.I . .. -..-...-a ..Mill. Ifg.
ness Luals, and Coals of ever, style aa. rat.
tern ; and Pantaloons and Vei, I(, iail a,M,
a large variety of I'nder Cloihts-, sarb as
Drawers, Shm.., Ac. ' Also, a line assortment
of Hoys' Clothing of Ihe latest sttles. Aiso
Ha TS and CA I'S erjual lo aoy ollered ia tb .
cnuuirv. In fact. I have everything necessary
in the shape of Clnihiiig, which J offer it a
very small advance for cah.
tsVAII kind of Conntry Frrrtuee takea la
eirhame for (iuods. Lewisburg, OeL Xi.',
Seal I'reati lunurarlarera,
SO, .S-.u'h Third AY, PkihtMphin.
N. B. Special aitentioa given to Masonic
aod other K,.cieiy seals. 6m?SJ
Variety and News Depot.
M'lIE subscriber keeps constantly for sa!e
1 at ihe PI, ST OFFICE (below the Riviere
House) a weil-ac.'ccted slock of
Futility Groceries. Coiifcctionnry and
Fruit. Fancy No- SSpZfyZi
tions, I'd ftiuicry A- enMSjot
Soaps, Willi I ,o"j.. r-TS?afc1 JwijT
ami Oil Shade., Traviiinv: Unge
Blank. Stdiool ontl Hymn Booke.Ac.
1'aiser and MagaiiBra-ei baad
or in older, from llosion. Ntw York or Phila
delphia such as the Tnl.une,Tin.es. HetaM,
Ledger. Weekly. Clipper. Pohee l.azene. .Ver.
curv.Waveilv, Literary Compamrn, Harper's
ai.d Leslie's llluMrated Weekly, (.t dey'j and
Harper-, Magazines, latLte oli.ns aad
ic N'acs, Ac. Ac.
ail vr fliniH jke Mun inrir tk rtsn,
Lewisburg CEO. W. FtlKhE.HT
JACOB (J. IIKOW !, having
ted in feeding the hnn-rv o
g assis-ry
eil Law-'tt
jsburg and vtcinny. for nearly three year
past, wnb the best of
Beef, Pork, Veal, &c,
would return his grateful thanks tn his nume
rous customer for their patronage ard aa
bounces thai he intends to continue the bust
ness as hereto,-.. re in the Meat .Market H. st
hfiween Mchiffies and Baker A Co.'s l)ru
Mores, Market Square.
MassisKi-Wr.lnesdavs and Satnrdays
CASH is ihe system. Public patronage re
specttutlv solicited, and satisfaction insartd
March IS. M. . SJtR.NEK. A .
iTsdifiBjJiil 'mil,
(Lufe Mliile Swan;
Tare Sireef. above 3J Fhilaffflphia.
Terms, 1 .2-3 per day.
ef,! T thf rId tii?!ctnrr al tbia rll liiwwi Hanaa
V,k w dt-mre t a. tit bava renrvratvd. irtue
and na-wly furtMrli-d th aaoi". and tbalw rie
foU at'lfrit a rx.ntluuai.f of tv-ir aatrat.
."trartpft-r. tra rin. anri ittn w nriial!y Irtvftr te
th- h- pirlitv nt tb -Nutional" to ariaa al ai--4
jntlff- Ur thtntM-Ur of ita Bdiittfr aad atnia.
Our location fc rntral. and ronvcDiant tor Men-ban ti
. ap-t Lttiitii vn enteral. t.
I Ue will endrirnr tn afnrtr th wanta and raa
forta r-f our auritria. aud a it It h- iiiraRrv of Mr C
A. tfrri.t. iHir alfabia and ttrattva d irrk, wa ltl wl
frcarl to keep a gaed Hoti, a" hf.p m fe renral
I'Hiuas, Feb IW1 j (Jotl i(-vra.
FSlliOnablB BOOt dlld Sh06 13 elk CI;
Sonth F!flh St., Isvithttrij,
KEEPS constantly on hand, and manufac
tures tn order, all descriptions of
Being an experienced tsh.maker, and anx
I ions to merit a share of Ihe public patronage,
j he will warrant all work which may pas.
! through his hands.
I Particular attention will be given lo Ladies
Work. . . -
j His Prices are as low as those of any oibes
; dealer in the vicinity. He solicits a lair mat,
i confident lhat he can satisfy ever; peraajav
Lewisburg, Aug. 31, ISSU.y . ,..
American Life Insurance & Trust Co.,
(Capi-al Stock $SO0.0l)0)
OMTANY'S Buildings.Walnui street, E
corner of t ourth rkiMtlpnim.
fir Lives insured al the ttsnal Mutual ratea
or at Joint Stuck rates about per cent, less
oi al Toial Abatinence rales the lowest ia the
worM. A. W HILL DIN, President
Jh.w C. Sim. See.
747 GEO. F. MILLER, eiir.Lewisbura
RF.Btnio?! or rmuRT.
1st Hms 45 nau psv 1IW powwda. '
2d do 40 do do
M do S3 do . d.
4th do 27 do do
Soerl.1 22 do
W beat, Rye aud Cora, U esato ywr basktL
Philad. Depot with
Freed, Ward d Freed, ! I Market
Thanklu) for iheliheral patronage gives o
we hope by s'rirt aitrniion to bumeaa,re
I merit a continuance of the same.
For further information apply to
ty795 C R M'GIN LY. Agent, Lewisbu'l
IIOMtt:01ATIIIC l'Ul'Sll'Ws
I FFICE in his new Brtck Block. Mark-.
1 I I .. . h ,A. k.,.,... i,h and :h-
s - . k .-m
(up stairs.) I.awisburf mo"
s l-o roianlssliHier af reb ' ul",. .i.r
w.,i. . .i i.i,uslE..uilioriea to
Oatha. aad use ti.po.luow. and ASWasita "J
t Adas ita to be u.
Miher o th. alw.,e tul.1 at.a wl So - .
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ther ot tn. alw.,e cut. a. ,r ia
Maa.i.wt or proof ol any Dwd er ollwr f tromee,
r.t. r.o-a In rth-t . J
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VMN Bt'OKS-t-ievier... "' , .'
and lu'hvian, t L-'i"-