Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, May 22, 1863, Image 1

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'THE UNION," established in 1SU Whole No- 2,613.
At il.ftO per Year, alwajs In Advance.
CHRONICLE," established In IS 13 Whole Nov 537.
in iiii ail m in MUM mm
ftL M. I -' - -
rrmtMIrD MlMl-TUrkn
fBfsJay Morning k Friday Aficrnnnn.
TrJi lr--. ' . i
union County Convention.
... . '
10 former distinr.u.m, of pariv. wh.. desire to
t lie TUlfl. VI I'llltFii .(uilir WIHIIIUI irFHTIl
anile in sustaining ihe .Naimnal and Stale
administrations lu titeir patriotic efforts 10
against the rightful authority of the Kepublic
all loyal voters who, without cavil, support
dt every power 01 me uovemtneiii our oroin-
er. in arm. who are b.av.n disease and the
perils of ihe field tu preserve ihe Union of our
father are reqtirMed I., inert at their usual
place of election, each in his own district, on
Rat..,. lk Jane, IsM. .1 S. F.
and after choosing a Judge, two Clerks, an I
an Inspector or In.pector it desired, vole by
ballot for
One Ijjrson for Ooveroor,
One Prrsosi for Member of Assembly,
One Person for Register & Hecorder,
One Person for I'oumv Commissioner,
tine Person for County Treasurer,
One Peraun for County Auditor, and
One Person as Return Judge of the lawful
Totes so pulled, to receive the certified ropy
thereof. The poll to close at 7, P M. Said
Return Judges to meet in the Court Room at
Lewi.bor,. the Monday 'ollowm- (J. n- Md)
t 10, A M. to add up and declare the voles (
returned, appoint a landing t'oinmit:re. ami
designate Conferees to meet on the 25ih June
aad select Delegates lo the SSuue nventiou.
JOHXSOX WAI.I.fi, fh1!! :o. Coin
P. F. Foresitiiiii, John ISoi-li,
Michael IJiown, ClintK'n 1'cnny,
(ico. E. Sliearj, .John Stamm,
James Glover, Freil'k Smiilt,
ShcmSniwlmver. Miclia.-l Klcckncr,
n. ..: i rli ..' i i in:
j-aiu utTUM, 1.1MU.U ii.i.ui,
Jesse licavcr, E. Osburn. Com.
Above is tbe call for making tbe next
Nominatmns for the dominant party u
People, and confer upon Delegates, the
power of selection, was not urged npou '
luo Vsommutee. 1 tie nine was Died
by the farmers, who thought that before
Harvest was better than any period after-
Wards. This gives only a month for
electioneering, and in that respect will be
relief for candidates and people. It will
pnt our ticket first in tbe field, and thus
lend to call out, over the Slate, ao early '
and efficient rally for tbe good cause,
upon the success of which, in October
next, so much depends.
Now let every voter think for himself j
who would be tbe best men for office, and , base in its infamous life, has been formed
who are most deserving. Be not "con- ' l .ur b."e nd U "preaditig its cor
. , . .. , , : ruptiug 11 fiuciice over our friends and
trolled by any other men, or any local r . ,e . . . , . .
' , 1 neighbors, and that each loyal man must
feeling, but select, independently, the : eudL.,I0r b, cvt,ry meh0t ,0 SIop ,hc in
BEST MEN, and avoid complaint and luke- f(Ctiuo and crush the cause.
warmoess by scattering
whole eouotv. Fitata
them over the !
uncf vcirthiatu'
re tbe main things, and tbcro are good
nd deserving men in every section. A
fair aeleetion an bonest vote by tbe
IB a j or part of those united iu sustaining
tbe Administration will be ratified at
tbe ballot box: and 00 that account the
Preliminary Election is as important as
lbs General.
R the Rtar A Chronicle. Permit m to
r recommend 8AMi:EL H. ORWIfi Esq
aa a man eminently qualified to represent our
District in the next Legislature, should he
be nominated his election would he certain,
nd the district have an able Representative.
fP'Please annooaee Rev. Sunt Woi.v
of Mew Berlin, a a candidate for Assembly
from this district. He is a man of ernid
character and ability, and would make a
respectable and attentive Leejslaior.
Regldtcr Jl Recorder.
X)LEA8E recommend lo the Union voters
I of this county (subieci 10 ihe choice of
SOth of June) Capt. JOHN A. ETTINGER of
ew Berlin as Kegister A Recorder. He is
worthy man, well qualified in every partic
ularis deserving ol the position on parly
frroonds and having enlisted three times in
the defence of our countiy, has won the best
wishes of every patriot. He is serving wiih
the Militia, at Vorklown, Vs. 10 he home in
rpHE subscriber offers himself as a caifdid
J ate for the office of Register 4 Recorder
of Union county, subject to the decision of the
Primary Electioat of 20th June next, pledging
himself if nominated and elected to fulfill the
duties of said office with equal care and sat
isfaction, as heretofore, as Deputy for Ueorge
Merrill, Esq URICiUS MARSH
iMriabwa, May IS, 1SS3
IELLOW eititens Circumstances render
it accessary for me in offer myself as a
candidate for Register St Recorder of t'ninn
county, subject to the decision of the Cmon
Primary Election to be held the SOth of June.
Whould I be so fortunate as to be nominated
and elected, I will try to perform the dutv of
tbe office with fidelity. WM. ROSHOXU
w SWrha, May is.
CMsatjr Commlsnloner.
ME88R8. Editors : Allow me to recommend
leer. as a suitable person for Commissioner
of onr county. This large township has not
had a Coainiuin. l., .,.. ...... , ...,
andaa the South-East and West of the county All our detached boys Morris, Wilson,
re now represented in ihe Uoard we deem 11 1 Man, Pontius, Wolfe, Showaller, Sechler,
rsWto,hU"'whwlfe"',,:p"llh ,leisb' BlDk Fees, Fullmer, and
March 1, !S3 " Waiva Uasa Corp Jrowntr9 a80 t00 good patriots to
MR. Editor Having seen no one named ! hiVe nneld lneir D,ule bd ,he? bee0
for County Commissioner, permit me : bere. A. G. fllCKER.
to propose F. BOLE.N'DER Esq. fur rvlec-
(ion. It is not customary lu re eled, but in I
. l 1. u t . . r. 1. , . t '
man, A Uiuzen of White Deer. 1
CsMIBtr Treasurer. j
T OFFER mys,f ., a candidate for fhe 1
I offlr. r t. r ii. ,,.
aohjeettn the decision of the primary elections '
te be held oa the 20th day of June next. j
iMwtsbarg, May , ism j
VOTERS of trn,oncoon,yI the last pre. "f"'0 10 Be,r 0Uf ,B ,Dd
V limmary electioa for Treasurer of this 131st, but yet know nothing as to when
county, the vote stood a follows : , lne, wjH ,rriTe perhaps Saturday, 8un-
Joka A Merta. an as sJ ' . , - . t. j i.
tWHanh. aos j day, or Monday. Any week day, a pub
Haviag ebeerfaHy supported Esq Mer'r on lie receptiou awaits tbem, as oear tbo pub
thai trial. I arata obTvr myself for the tame .... . . . u-
o(See.ai the tJoi. Klertioa of 10th June.. ,d lu,be1 rfJ" may be. Wew.ll
if aominated aad sleeted will be grateful in endeavor to exteod tbe news as far as wo
yoa and laitbful to my trust.
i t i t'R IH H
U.ktanj, Ma; ll.isw
- I ... -
ay-The me-t og uf the Lewisburg)
Uoioo League, Tuesday evening, wis tba ;
largest of tbe sctBin, and earnest and !
... ....... 1
encouraging 10 us spirit. Mr.Aikeo gave
. . . ...
,l" 01 Bis Happy illustrations. Mej.
Sbriner made a speech of an hour and a
half, which in logical argument, clinched
by indisputable facts, in the best of tern-
per, bas not been excelled, in this cam-
.it .1 .l .
P"g. Pur c0UntJ' !Ie Pr0Ted ,h,t
Abraham Lincoln, Commander in Chief
uf De Army and Navy, in nutting down
,. , , ,, . .,. , ' .
"ful ". one M far.
in conscription, martial law, and employ-
it,g colored soldiers, as did a Major lieue-
I ral (Audrew Jackson; in resisting an
! open eneufy at New Orleaus. Mr. S bri
uer compilation 01 i.et. suou.u no wiae.y ,
heard and published. j
""g m 'DB !
was tbe reported addition of aome eighty i
new members, including the following, ;
fron, ,(, Company, coinmauded first by i
.... . J j
Merrill, then by 0ens, now by Lvans :
To Jimih Ilutnmrlf lq.
1'rrtiJeut of tDtrl lruiou Leitgu, Lwlaburg, Pa.
' c " www " CHia, v., I
. f r yr h m it o v '
At a meeting of Co. L. II d Reg. P , j
! adopted, and b.uded to me with a request :
. ... ..j !
l .1 j j. . .
1 that fLev Ite muttt la viiur huJv nf Inval
!; ' . ' ' :
Whereas, our be oved countrv is now !
involve! in a tnouirutous 6iruL'jle for its
""'""i"" '""""'"'"'i uur
....1.. ...I ... 41 M .
Uesolvvd. that it is tbe sacred dutv of
cry cl,iltfIli wlthnu, di-tiv,ci..o of party,
to give bis earnest and uudivided support
10 bis country 10 us nnur or neec, and
bould not only refrain from expressions
of doubt and distrust lu tbe Aduiinistra-
lioo and its Officers, but ebould austaio
the (joveruiuoot by thorough exertions
tor Inn maiuteuance of (be uatijual honor
aud tbe national lift).
Resolved, that we are endeavoring to
'' "ur duty, by serving in the Army of
,hc Un,.on' "J j l,ut 8,,i'k -n. dan-
Resolved, that a party, hostile to the
Government, base in its origin, doubly
Resolved, tbat they wbo lead, and
,DeJ bo knowingly follow, are traitors
at heart, aad d-s--re the djim that those
should bave, wbo endeavor to destroy our
Resolved, tbat we believe tbe formation
uf Union Leagues will bo of great service
in couotcractiug tbe base designs of tbe
Copperhead frateruiiy, an 1 tbat we, mem
bers of Co. K, do n quest to be admitted
as members of tbe Lewisburg Union
Lesgue,plcdging all our talent and strength
to the overthrow of treason and rebellion,
nd to the punishment of its infamous
sympathizers in the North, (signed by)
Capt. Cbas. It. hvans
1st Lieut. Andrew O. Tuikcr
HJ Lieut. Isaac S. Kerstclter
let Sergt. Scott Clingati
tsrrgt. Samuel lirowu
do John V. Miller
do Thomas P. Wagner
Corp. Jacob II. Rankes
do Nathaniel Sirahaa
do Henry 11. Sprcht
do John Gillenger
Private William L. Ammon
do George baker
Solomon lioyer
Jobn P. Deibert
Theodore Faogboner
Jackson Gillinger
William Geible
John Hoffman
Henry W. Hoffman
Noah Hoffman
Thomas Houghton
John Kline
Frank P. LeFevre
l?e: jmiio W. Minium
John A. Minium
Jacob Moser
Henry C- Penny
George Keicbley
Henry Raboss
Davis Root
George Stapleton
William Shields
Henry 31. Smith
Since tbis last movement, and resulting
from tbe bard marching and severe expos
ure during tbe continuance of it, several
of our number bave bceu laid up through
fatigue, and are now at Windmill Point
Hospital Dooacby, Raboss, and Scbaff
er who, were they with ns, would will
ingly place their names among the rest.
WTbe casualties and disturbances of
unPoes and Regiments, consequent ,
upon the late battles and Disrobes along
the RaDDahannoelr h,wm o.naod mneh '
ub d d , . . !
"J musienog oui ana psy-
'ng 'bv9 months' men now in Harrisburg.
The money and paymasters are all ready
for tbe proper papers. We are hourly i
can. aa soon aa the dirid of Ptcbsblo ttri-!
val ia kuowia.
L . A' . 1 U.- .. -
l.Tbe moat important business of
the Uuioo Count; Court, ibis week, was
the trial and conviction of several aecom-
. a ,, , ,
puces of the deserter, Hummel, for
1 I . . . , . L
; aseauu ana oaitery, ana rio, ag.iusi iue
: IT. S. authorities charged with his arrest,
Tbe same parties were en triil Friday
! morning, for the more serious offence of
; inciting a soldier to desert. The charge
ef the Judge on law pointi waa lenient to
the Defts, who bad a fair trial.
Messrs. Hubley D. Albright, Charles
D. Urewt r, and Spyker G. Kennedy, were
admitted to the bar of Union county
new members of tbe fraternity.
Full proceedings in our next.
l3Assistant Surgeons M'Cormi:k and
Toorn,ona!40 Chaplain Johnson, and
Ijiea, WmW rf ha 135)h p V.be
been in Lewisburg, this week, on furlough
Also Wra. S. M'Cormick, of 102d P.
y ou ,e in d
, 'f,m l,;m
fowmg letter from bim,
Li mother, before his ai
health. The fol-
was received, by
arrival :
U. S. St'r Ktpresi, May 16, 'C3.
It has been q iito a while sioce I bad
the privilego of addressing you, owiog to
circumstance, over which I bad nocoutrol.
, bl,e befn iloner siuce ,he , , of
i. 4 . i. t fit: ,.t ... . . ......... ...l
, V. WUV, ; . i 1.; - .
'. ' . . - . 6
lolt,Jut " frout tut oeT.er "'""n '
Coroa was rUrettltiif. Oeu. llooXer has
' .u 1.-...1. .;
eTer hlj Th(.y otTe 0r iwenty-five
thousand wounded. We still Have conn
dence in Hooker. Ilo is tbe best General
. . . '
we have ever na. 1 nave oecn qutio
well .mo I Uat wrote We are aa well '
treater as could bo expected, but were
nearly starved, yet we got as much as the
Kebel soldiers. There are quite a outn-
bcr of Uuioo people in Richmond and
Petersburg, whu would like to cut away
We were 00 Helle Isle abile at Richmond
We marched 110 miles in four days. I
d ioot kuow whera we will be sent. I
will close, as we are nearing Fortress
M juroe.
ith much love, I remain,
Dayton, iu Oiiio, is a Sue, flourishing
city, but at last elcc'ion was fooled into
voting for "Democratic" officers. When ,
Vallandigham was arrested for trial, bis j
friends collected, burned down a press of :
the Uuion style, and other houses, and .
cut tbe wires and railroad connections, j
All tlie irA.e, th,-.i Dtmocratte M;yrt j
uwt other taorn Ojicer, luoM oh and JiJ
wjihiHj to rtttore order. Tbe military !
had to be called in to suppress the riot of
these "friends of tbe Constitution, the I
Laws, free speech, and free press." The j
law will now take its course, aud the hon-
est people generally pay the damages
caused by their infatuation in voting for
"the Democracy." Tbe whole cost, and
punishment in j ail in addition, should be
put upon the Copperhead leaders Tbe
"Democratic" Direotors of the Publie
Schools in Dayton bave also forbi ldon
children wearing Union badges, 00 the;
ground that it was "political," and might 1
offend tbe Secesh sympathiz ts, who
claimed a right to wear their badges also
Heaven belp Dayton get rid of such
officials !
Ccrre.oDj.nre of tbe Star k Cbrooiele.
Near Stafford C. II., Va., May 18.
At Antietam. I was wounded, and cave
orders to our uiailboy to send me the co'P"". nd Coogress mod the People sus
Chronicle at ibe Hospital, but for some i i"Dei lhcta in o doing,
reason I did not ret it there, which ac-1 The Constitution also says.
counts for my long silence. When I '
came to Ibe Regiment, I found it bad
been received regularly, and as you kindly
tent it to me since Sept. '61, please find
$3 enclosed. I can not be without it
during these hard contested political times ; commands that Military Department, and
in my native State. All we ask of you kindly, earnestly warned all the people to
is to keep the Copperheads quiet until refrain from aiding the rebellion by oppo
we get through with thoir bolder brothers , sing tbe government. Vallandigham,witb
bere in Disie, and we will take care of
them after we get borne.
At CbaDcellorville, Sunday morning,
tbe 3d inst., we were in a little tbe
hottest place I bave been in during the
war. but I cot through safe. In about
three boars, we each gave the Rebels 1
sixty rounds of "Uncle Sam's leaden pills, I
and drove tbem three-fourths of a mile,
taking a number of prisoners. We were
in tbe 12th Corps, Maj. Geo. Slocum.
The common report that tbey lost twice
as many as we did, I think is correct in
this case. They repeatedly ruthed m
our Artillery, and concealed infantry,
column, after column, and tbe first tbey
knew tbey didn't know anything.
Mr At the oalled meeting of Physicians
of Unioo County, held at Lewisburg,
Tnesdav last. Tb. II. Wilson was called
to tbe chair, and N. C. Purdy appointed
Kerretarv. After consideration, it was
resolved to form permanent medical
Ml0ciation, and Charles Wrilsoa and Jo-
1. l T ... nf V.w H.elln David II.
V ' , K p,j.
.uiiier 01 uouo'(i v -
aud Samuel Blair of Lewisburg, were
appointed lo report Constitution and By
L1W1 ,t tbe nest meeting to bo held in
LcwUburg, 2d June, at 1, P. M.
taTRev. Wm. T. Johnson, chaplain of,
jMfc- ,
tbe diseharged 135th P. V., is settling at
Washington as Pastor of tbe 2d Baptist
Church, near the Navy Yard.
a it.. .... M..tl.hr '
A liBlilll AIaatllii at PllliaiflDUaT. -
Tuesday dsi Court week lo udr '
" -
count;. A Urge rally is exf acted. I
Ruckles Dkivino. Public sireets
ire not made fr race courses. Wednesw
day afternoon, a buggey turned Sd and
Market atreeti with such force as "spilt"
one of the occupants against tbe curbstone
in a most dangerous manner.
j driving, and wearing concealed weapons,
are piblio offences, and one or two exam
pies of lawful penalty would be most
Fire In York Valley, Hartley Twp.,
yesterday about noon, tbe bouse of John
M'Call, was found on fire probably
originating from aparks falling on the roof.
Tbe family codld only get out Mr. M'Call,
with hia bed, important papers, Sits., before
it burned down. Loss $2,000 to 13,000.
Mr. M'&ll is lying very ill with dropsy,
which makes tbe loss more distressing.
aWln tbe next Congress, from all
glorious New Fngland, there are ihrte
men elected as Anti-Administrationista.
In tbe last Congress, there were line such
men. But all elected this year professed
to be War Democrats, and one (Kuglish
of Ct.) voted to abolish Slavery in tbe
j ,. 7 , , ..
tavs "another such a
1 ...
' mo"1 ,,ctor' M U ' 00 ,ha KarPDn
nock, will ruin bis army,
accounts, their losi must
l!y all
bave been
,lhl.. e t,.M .. .nl the. tun
: they can not stand losses as we can.
AHfucnht . A ciuo lor ine ctab
f. t - :. ..:..J . , ii:.,t.i'
. tuawnua ociog nuo. v mum
Hotel ml (!luha at the Post OfGeti in
iuffaioe X Roads, and at Uuiontown in
tra,j v rlI,jre w:ta Del month Please
i t j
rcnew' ' J" desire in time.
tOr The .V-f ,rink!er is again sadly
needed. Can nut some one aevise a sutt-
. 1 1 t. : 1 , :. 1 1 .
"uuld " wel1 wor, 6ooa pajneI-
tea-Col. A llabacb. of the 131st. was
presented with a splendid gold watch by
his rffiers since bis relurn. Capt. T. R.
Jones assisted in tbe ceremonies.
Uff-Wednesday, in Pittston, a deserter
"s ,mllei wuo eB01 omcer luro ,ue
h6 befor".5tfcJ,id;
What Says the Constitution?
,.This Constitution, and the laws of the
rj g m,,jc Jn purnu,,,,, thereof, shall be
,,e ,uprrme loie 0f (he (Dd anything
. t 1 1 rr .!.!.
in the Constitution and laws of any Slate
to tbe contrary notwithstanding."
That i'onsiitutiou says expressly.
- Habeas corpus shall not be suspended , but euuld not bold out.
inleftM tvbeinnca.se of REBELLION' t r Jackson is the Capital of Missis
mvs,o ihe public aafe.y may require ,1. i Bi,,,: about 4;i miIe3 east ofVicks
"Invasion and rebellion against tbe L. , i,ur(rf to which is a Railway. The
S. authority exists. The President is sworn , holding of Jackson is important for
to faithfully execute bis office, and to take : thu reduction of Vicksbur.
care tbat tbe laws be all enforced. ! - -
He is an executive officer, and therefore
the suspension of a power is an executive
act. It would be impossible to assemble
Congress, in an emergency, to ry.sue a
suspension, now matter bow essential.
in tune ol war, all civilized nations give
their naval and land commanders power to,
suspend ibe civil laws.
Vhifnn Ja,sk.nn .ml fift. (...
American officers lave suspended habeas
"Treason against ihe U.S. shall consist only
in levying war against them. or in adhering in
their enemies, giving ihem am sun coxruaT."
If "aid aod comfort" was ever given to
pur enemy, it was notoriously so by C L.
Vallandiqham of Ohio. Gen. Burnside
all his arts and eloquence, defied the U.S.
ntbority, aod stirred ap all tbe sedition
he eould. Burnaide brought bim before a
military tribunal, for trial.
Vallandigbam denied tbe jurisdiction,
and applied to the United Slates District
Court for a discharge 00 habeas corpus,
Tbat Court refused tbe demand. Vallan-
digbam was found guilty, and sentenaed
to "cool off" awhile tt Fort Warren.
Tbe United States Courts decide dispu
ted questions of constitutional law.
sWNow, as both custom and law, and
as tbe Executive, Legislative and Judicial
authorities of our Government, unite in
saying habeas corpus may be suspended in
military emergencies, what falsehood and
folly to try to harass tbe Government by
declaring it to be unlawful !
The following are tbe Officers of tbe
Unioo League of Milton : President,
Capt. John M'Cleery ; Vioe Preaidents,
Col. D. Follmer, Tboe. Satlesbon, John
Runkle ; Recording Secretary, George J.
Piper; Corresponding Secretary, R. M
Frick ; Treaaurer, W. C. Lswson ; XeC- ,
utive Committee, John M'Cleery, W. C.
l.awsoo, R. 31. Friok, Charles blout, W
P. Wheeland.
The La easier l'il Keg. had two sap
pers offered tbem ou return to tbe city
yJifh wfnt ,kW,Jlt0,!i HBS P'0"
vawaa ww w vvvvv(wvwh waw v w VVW
sorting 'with the Patriot Daughters and
Union Leaguers at the Court House.
Karl Van Doio his been shot by
o husband whoso right bo bsd violated,
Van Don. i. lb. Rebel ;
.. 1 .. . - .- I tr f
H...hI Imrnritn. in .iMlm.ik. 17
.. , ..,
8. protsr'y io Texas, sod hat act fl'.tin i
.. .... . .
What Riles Us.
To bear men who never read "tbe Con
. .
stitutioo," nor never beard
about its "violation."
" '
To bear men, who never do a days a
work, howling about the influx of niggers
and tbe injury to wbite laborers.
To bear men whose hearts and habits
re blacker than any nigger ever born,
spitting their venom at slaves.
To bear men rave about tbe President's
violation of the constitution, who are ao
utterly etnpid or knavish that they bave
never ascertained that the Rebellion i in
"violation of the constitution !"
To see men wbo came from ignorance
and despotism to a land of free school and
free suffrages, trying to destroy the Gov
ernment which bas protected them.
To see men who, were tbey South,
would be treated as the poorest and
meanest of "white trash," upholding tbe
very men who eo degrade labor and depise
those who do not own niggers.
To hear men justifying Jeff. Davis and
the South, who bave not tbe manhood and
deeenev to si South and seek a home
wbbh tbey like so welL
. , ,
To see a man who loves slavery more
than bis couotry and freedom.
Tn bee the hiss of a aha Conoerhead.
justifying the most infernal system of
wholesale prostitution the sun ever shoos
To bear a man talking about peace and
compromise, after he has been kicked out
... ..... .l
nu spit upon oy ine oouta.
j "Dr S- E- Charlton is appointed
1 M''',lir1 Surgeon for this Congressional
District, in place of Dr. Lo'z, resigned.
Capt. liradford. Provost Marshal, in
; pUce of Ketchem. Capt. P. 8. Knpp,
rrovost -uarsaau lor uerss county icin
... 1 1. t r. 1 . .0.1.
, Dist.)
Tuesday morning's News.
j Grierson's Union Cavalry made a
j ra.d of MM) mi leg, tbro Mississippi,
I to Haton lkO'ue, Louisiana.
I Com. Porter captured Alexandria,
1 v , 150 miles tin the Red River.
The Richmond Enquirer, of 14th,
ndtniu Union successes nnder Gen
Grant, below and cast of Vicksburg.
The "Chattanooga Rebel," of 16th,
ha3 the following despatch :
MoitlLK, Thursday, May 14.
JaeVsm, Miss., is occupied by tbe ene-
r l r - - f 1 . 1 ,,j
Latest News
I it i 7 n"i r.i
V ititllHTn Ma VI 1hS f.illritaT.
; reCeived to-dav at head ausrters :
Jackson Mi Mav 15 IStill via
Memphis, May 20. T Mnr General
. II'. JLiHeck. General-in-Chief. Tbis
place fell into our bands yesterday, after
I a 'Gitbt of about three hours. Joe John-
l,on w" in ."- T.ba enemy re-
. ...... nna.v la llDl.lnnl I ft WW 1 1 h 1 h A HtlBl.tn
of joining the Vicksburg forces.
U. S. GRANT, Mj. Gen.
a. inner irum 01. auuiuas. Sill 1, d.yo .
a 1... c. Ti . u. .
Ou tbe 30th April, Ihe U. S. steamer
Vanderbilt arrived iu Portland, and after
a few bnura delay atarted for Martinque,
oere, tt is reported, tbe U. 0. steamers
6 J '
Alabama aod Oneida bave the Alabam
aliaa 200, blockaded into an oat bay, and
tbe Admiral declares that if he finds her
there be will sink ber, let the consequen
ces be what tbey may.
Capt. Newcomb, of Gen. Schurz' staff,
on Monday made four important captures
three of rebel soldiers and tbe other a
citiien wbo bas been giving aid and com
fort to the enemy.
The Rebels say tba Union party eould
better lose Hooker and bis whole army,
than tbey can lose Stonewall Jackson,
whose death is undoubted.
Tbe Republicans earried Lansing, the
capital of Miebigan, for the first time, in
tbe late election.
Be R pTf Ofi.f, SIM la. WM. tt. FSKVR and
Min KLIZ4BKTU daughter oT ThoaiM H. Cornelia, of
Bt r.t s w mw. lite tn.t Lmt REEDY and !
'oi ejBHEK, douoi Boms nrj.
HrkTjrwmpofe,ZMaii.JonMTKTSorSoaS '
tow. aud Miw HANNAH PEKSIKO of Irk V.ll.y. I
In Uviibnrg, 21st Ian, ALBWT n. BTKKS, afad
29 jnra.
In LloKstnM Tp. isth hMt, AX. wlli tf Chrbtlaa
M. ebively, mf4 4a jams and I Mnolh.
In Maw7Cn.kTp.Uth last. Col. JACOB SlEBkR,
agd 7 ywmn.
At Braoki Statloa.Ta,lltk foot. Cot AND VI CSS KR,
(U-th P V.)aTd itjmf-t Briuk Vl.j, Pk.
ll.rtl.loa, lit k alt, MAKOAKET wlf ml Joarsh
giojoyrrwaa. ofod SB fan. -
SU jemra.
In SbaaMkia Twp, th iaat, UAIAU MORGAM, ag4
In feat Baftalm. 18a Int II AH. robot of tba law
'm. Tboajaa, agod about 4v jmn.
I Uwi.Tp,Sth last, Mra. MARTHA WILKrNSOX
lata of WiUiaaupurt, afd akou in jwra.
XLtxatfliiurfl jttarUct.
Corrected Weekly
Wheat ...... 11,40 Eggs f 11
Ryo 90 Tallow 10
Cora, old......... 80 Lard 10
Oato 60 Clover seed 4,00
Flaxseed 2.50 Wool
60 65 70
Trei AvmiMM Si. Oil PotAtrvsa
' wiV." " 'll S.d- Sha.lder
riraiUDUiwr a i.woymi"i
.. .. n. . l , j e
" ' .. -
Iresa Butter... H nios ooouiuer a
.- 1 S ! A Ham.
' Country Soap 4 & 0
On Putting Down the Rebellion.
In his recent speech at the great Anni-
! ftea.r meetinv at Madison Sauare. New 1
i York, John Van Bcrex said:
- ! .... ... . . .
i 00 not oeiieva iiiai aii.ipijr (; j ,nirI Fuundry, on Markei siret.iaj.
to the democratic party, will end tbe war; ,eiiburz. Tb:s pn perty is pleasantly lo.
that bas le.'u going on these two years. ' ca ed. and the house is large and well ar
Since I belonged to the party, J. ff. Divia : rneJ d ra dwelling,
claimed to be a member, so did M.s o A'.,.. ae au.i Lot '"f
..j ,, 1 j . ,u.. .k.. ..J. of Seveuin and S:. Louis atrerts. TheiAX
and Slidell. I do not see that that ends fc ose haj bal p!r,.,n,ir
the war. hat would be thought of the - .MlrJi ,n w,n aiiapled fcr a small fai.
passengrv of a ship, wbo, in a dreadful jir. f ut particulars aud terms applv 10
gale, found that tbe vessel bad sprung a ! Ap. 10 MK3. PE.XOUMAXL'tS.
leak, and who wouU sv to tbe others, TT
"Find out where tbe leak is ; stop it at : FOR SALE.
all hazards; if our masia are all carried
we beiooa to me Uomocrano pany.
Laughter If that abip ha J to be light-;
ened to be aaved it is easy to see what
part of the cirgj ought to have been
t 1 r,..i. 1
brown overboard. Applaoss and
laughter. j ...
There is botons thing to da that n,t
fight. Did anybody ever hear that when '
people make war upon sou, ynu are !o
supplice forpe.ee? Why, if wc ye!
conquered, of eourse we mast sue fr
. ...: . J .1.
P if " "i ;"VJtd- ,Lfn
; all we have to do is to SsuL Suppose a
1 . . ' . T
miJt came up to you auJ took you by tae
tbroat. would vou call upon vour friends
n. n k.t i.rn.. h .nnlil .itl7
; L.ngbter I know of 00 -ay except ,0
delena yourself, ana oetena yourseu oy ;
assailing bim ia bis most vulnerable part. ;
Applause. j
Hon. Daniel S. Dickinson, on the:
same occasion, spoke thus :
Tbis war should be brief and terrible.
We bave all tbe eletuents for success, and
should burl them upon it in a single blow,
We wsot 00 General who would cotquer
! . .-1 - J.
peace nrsiau reoeiuou oc
. h r . .
' onnnnur neace. t a want a united ceuDie
, .,i .1.. nn th h.n.u f ti.
AdininiHtraiion. and sheer it onward.
The failure of expeditions, temporary;
! "P". '"V.T? ,"" I: .?
, Zg way, Richmond b trembling
j undef ,he m8D4C8 of lb, gsI1,Q, Hooker,
, 4ai Charleston, thoagh not taken, is
! doomed.
i Let all bs of ood cheer, elose op the
! "nks, and pres. on the column, and our
. . .
uenr ligi win 09 reecueu irom ws u...u.-
nations of conspirators in counoi'.s and
rebellion iu aroia.
-jl i .
rota die TUilwiy enclosnrv at ihe I-rwiphr
l.-pot. 19th inst. rOVR MARKET CATTLE
beloiwn- 10 J.c.SMIIH.-Migar alley. tne
' I a larse rra rosin row, one a u urn am vrinwv
red eow with
vhe feet and
i c.ilf, and the other red and wh
' some white ahnut the hea I.
I A suitable Reward will be ma le for re-to-
ring said caitle or eivin; information where
they may be found. CH. W. CO.SEH.
pdlw Riviere House, Lewisburg
Estate of William Thomas, dee'd.
OTICE is hereby given, that Letters of:
William ThoiDis. laie of East BufT.loe Two.
i lrnion Co., deceased, have been granted to
. . ....... .- -
countv.in due form of law, therefore all per-
i sons knowing themselves indebted to said j.
estate are requested to make immediate pay -
ment, and those having just claims against
Ihe same are also requested to present them
properly authenticated fcr settlement to
LEWIS EVANS, Admin'r. at
Hahanov CUT, Scbu.lkill C . e to kin Alt'j .nj A j t.
M; i, 1803. Wit. VA..M.L4KO, Kaq. Lraubuni.
Lcwisacao. May 6. 1363.
THE DimesSavtng Institution cf Lewisburg
has this dav declared a Dividend to the
Stockholders of FOUR percent on the capital
, . ; ,,.,,. rf.m.n,!
r H P sHELLER. Treas.
Cash paid for Bark.
T WISH to purchase a large quantity of j
HOCK OAK HARK, delivered at
my Tannery Yard in I.ewisourg. lor which I
will pav the highest price in cash.
May 14, 1S63. E. J. HULL
mm bodd3
V f-m rw
3l. IV. iIM3IKRMA S J.
. ;
Stkay Sheep.
Came upon the premises of 'the
suossiioer, about ibe middle of April, rOl'K ,
on tiiir one an old large fcwe. wun an ear
off, one Ewe with horn', and the others no
',;... . . . . .u "'
particular marks; three of them abs.nl Iwj
year olds. The owner will prove proptny.
pay coargea ano te mem away.
JfHI.N BETZ. Hartlev Tp.
Near Halfpenny's May 18. 111:1 pd
Estate of Hrs. Sarah E. Davis,
, J
:K. Lei'ers ,
.A of
' administration on the estate of widow
; Sarah E. Davis, deceased, late uf Lewisburg,
having been granted lo tba subscriber by tbe
i. .... . e i I
negiaier oi union coun'yin uuc iim wi iw, j
all persons indebted lo said estate are oerebv I
notified to make immed.aie payment, and all ,
hiTinr iir in.i e.l.iina against ihe same star I
present tbem dulv authenticated for settlement i
ortoOE V. MILLIK, Wwuourf, A(.ot
Hrm Tork. . 1-1
Executor'! Notice.
IS4TOTICE ia hereby given, that Letters les
1 tameniary oa the last will and lestament
oi BENJAMIN A NliST A UT. deceased, la'
of Lawisburg. Co 100 county, hsve been
STllt 10 ,b onderaitned, by the Register of
l ... ......... .. j .. i n .n
. . . ' "
"!'!! iT'"
iiirm, . ini u wiiia aaiii Hiiir I c rouura. i
ii,rm ,an.l those owing said eaieie are rounea-
leu to make immri 'ate pavment. ia
lVRr8 BHUW.. Executor
Lcvlsburg, Starch 5, isftj.
away, rig a jury-mast ; 11 you can t save ; Oft'L'ATEU niost'y in the Bornuzh of Maf
tbe ship, save tbe passeugtrs ; construct a O ileum, adjomins the villa oa ih su S
raft; be sure and aave your lives, and as exteadinj almost its entire lenrh, mall-
, . ... f I , j ,1 . int us division and sale 1010 lots qmteeonva-
for tbe rest, ve mtt ..I htrt an l UrmU eontam,n tit Acre. 1 1 -h .U
Real Estate-
...; ,8A,LE w
LrpjIE Hooseand Lot atoimng ihes.
j j LUSl'S 'fAJLVJy
.,11 imitttd. A small strtan t
2f Water fl'ws nearly throofh in centre,
The Improvements are a r.d Frame s
Hus and Ban Barn. itbj a Tenant AxJ
H"4se oa the aoib end of the farm. I we
orrhard.. one in full b.x.r.lf. u.e
juung-r hegipnins 10 bear.
A o. HO trrrt nl Timber land,
nmrf I in Hartley township,
ror Terms, apply u
M" t?Zlt8Jr t
otuiCI or WM. P. WILMJ.N.Hariletoo.ra.
' -
STOItE ROOM on Market stre-t, Lw!
burv, beluDjinr to Wm. Fnck, now oei
Diei bv Washington Hutchison.
I Zni
ov,f Jai(, rnom-oa Markel ,!r,.
iqir? of rjan26w.il WM. JONES.
I Foor
tcTtwo families. I', is situated on Anna
Fourth-street. There are a Rood s'abie ant!
. other outbuildings, aad a never-failing writ
i of water on the' premises. tr particular
! nJ 11U eotuire of
, t,w;sbor. Apri l4. JS83 tf
rilWO STOREY Brick HOlSE and
I LOT on North Fourth street.
March tn. '63. R. P. HELLfcK.
. W1?hlp. miie and a half aouth of M.
j isbur. It contains 61 Acres more or less.
1 cleared and in a good state ef cultivation,
i ether w,ih 10 acres of Timber Laod aear
tir itii. rjm imDrovemeuis arc m I rtn
j I)wellin8 House. Frame Darn, Tenant
. jj, ya0se. aad sutiable Outbuilding. A
! good during near the hose. and a stream of
water flows thioash the farm. Also all k;4
of fruit, of the best varieties.
j 1 ne iarm is ooc&cra on me noria oy w iw.
Crown, east by Pennv and GonJy. sou h br
' Ik. al ....- ..t rs aa-rl . v.iail aaaaf tl lav. a
rr" in3nire on th,
A . 6 ,63m6 (JODFREV UECK.
, , , , ... .
j fig- q CaSOa !
!vpw ftimiN
t.My n()0()s
I jJJk)j
j For the SprillZ and Summer.
! . . . O
For the Spring and Sotnmsr.
For the Spriuir and Summsr.
1 Or ine spring ana SUnimtr.
Call and See.
Call axd ?eg.
Jd.o.11 GoodmaD.Market St.,LewIsburg
Jno. ILGoodaian, Market St., Le wisbarl
tt i, iti., c 1 .-(,. I
; JBO.H.GOOdlliail, Market bULeWisburg
jDO.JI.GooJnian, Market St.,LeWiaburg
rTAII kinds of Grain brnthl for I'asb.
50, X':
S. Mackerel. Xos. 1 and 2, .
ad wbol barrel, frr wl Itj
J.Nll. li. UOObMAV. '
OD FISH for sale br
UITE and Blue PIa?ter for salo
JNi. H. OoiPMSt
SALT, in barrels and jacks for sala
by JNi. II liislbMAN.
90 nCW 1 of Oat3wanteil,
w -Vvvr Aairh !lwbkh4poM to.sub. Vy
Good News! Good News ! !
rpHH t.rr.T.ST Telearam announces thjt '
Jl l.ienu W. 1). Himmelreich made a most '
successful rrconnoisanre ot i'hiia, on the
7(h inst- and cn the following two days the
y iake'r City was belfacuered by a strong
force of Crotrer-s (.ITirigMai) Batterv. wai.h
resulted in the capture of about 300 Infantry,
a large assorimeoi of
Bird Cages, Jewelry, Perfumery.
Uoklrry, stationery, HaKkrts.
and all manner of FA.NC'V ARIICLES.
Also, a fine lot of TOB kt'CO, (Cbewma;
and Smeking) the VEUV t!3r mat Kcbei
dom affords !
These Inmda are lo be disposed of CK'op
have been forwarded to Cros-
aer's Headquarter, in
lhe s,j Lieut, (being d
in Lewisburg. Pa when
detailed for lha purpose)
will make a traad review ever day and eve
ning until further notice. Let the tntrtkmi'ng
public wa'k in !
Lewisburg. Aptil lo;
tt i, , r . i
tlRlVerSllV Hi LCWlSDUriTi
The neit Session will open on Thursday
morning. April 23d, in the
J. R l.i'OMIsi Presid-nr
fllHE Second Quar.er of Ihe present o-
I tun i I cMimraiw Jtarcs. "
..n r,... i,i iuaa.
".""John H.LrAS.A.M.Pri...L
.. ., .
Assisted by J y, K,T1 owijrafi, Frrc
h.w BrUa, Stu:h 10, !.