SIM Ml HDn JJJJJI WIS! BY 0. N. WORDEN AND J. a.t ! per Tear, always la Advaace. riBUIHKB Utti-WKKKLf-. TuesJaj' Jlornins & Friday Afternoon. I flioa County Fair Watfaraiay to Friday, Oct. 7,1 aa4 9, TnlON LettlTiie. The Lewisburg club meets SATURDAY, May 3,1, at Independent Hall. TURN OUT ! .wiyTbanks to Master Beo. F. Cornelias of Nashville, Teoo., fur bomb-shell which was picked up on the battle Geld of Murfreesboro', having been fired by the Rebels on the 31st of December. STA correspondent of the Selinsgrove Timet goea with Fred. Smith forre-aooex- log Soyder to Union county, aoa idioks that " half the votes of Lewisburg will be given for a re-uuion "! tcnMr. Hates is continued as Deputy Superintendent of Common Schools. Mr. Sleuker, Auditor General, and Mr. Barr, Surveyor General, enter upon their duties to-day. Mr. Slcnker has appointed Samuel 8. Barton Esq. of LewUburg to a clerkship. aLieut. A. G. Tucker is home on t furlough G eorge H arbeson,d iscbarged oo account of wounds, is making bis way, Tocal, to his borne in West Buffalo Capt, J. B. Orwig's (originally Mover's) Company will be discharged about tbe 6th inst. MaT-John Patterson, of Liverpool Corn Market, is visiting Philadelphia, bearing tbe tbanks of Lancashire for tbe gifts of bread from America to the starving in England. He says the hearts of the peo ple of England are more and more with the North, and agaiost Slavery, in this conflict. Tbe Panoramas of the Rebellion exhibited in town this week, are much tbe best specimens of painting wo bave ever seen bere. Tbe artist, Harry H. Davis, is a man who stands high in his profession, and we beard bim spoken of very favora bly in Harrisburg. He witnessed some of the acts be has transferred to canvass. cja.Pearson, Maynard, and other of our ablest Judges, in recent charges to Grand Juries, have enlarged npon the present duties of good eitiiens to sustain the Gov eminent, and enforce and respect its laws. They thereby incur tbe displeasure of the Copperheads, who bate to bear treason denounced from tbe bench as well as from the pulpit. Bradt Tp. The old Hunter Mill (late Hayes') was bought by John Bower, for 48650 The Taxes in the two Bradys vary as follows : Brady. Caton Co. Brady, Lee. Co Coaaty T.I 1 mill on Um dollar. aiilli uuTax S nulla da 4 do Total 4 in 1 Bill la aim an a formor dafleiener. If oar information is correct, Taxation is more than twice as heavy in Lycoming county than in Union. We pay 4 mills on tbe dollar, aod they 10 mills. a4Mr. Fnrness, in bis highly interest ing lecture, noticed tbe faot that Adams' Express Company has atowed away thous ands of mis-directed boxes, or boxes ad dressed to dead, noknown, or removed persons, who eoulu not be found, or did not know where the boxes were. It seems to as articles for the soldiers generally would be better distributed by a central power like the U. S. Sanitary Commission. sWSamuel Milleb (son of the late Hugh Miller of Lewisburg) received a ball in tbe forehead at tbe battle of Fred ericksburg, and died instantly. He enlist ed with the first Buek tails, under Col. Kane, and, by all accounts, was one of tbe bravest scouts in that famed and use ful Regiment, who much lament bis death, fter nearly two years of arduous service. II is tall, thin form, and long, streaming hair, made bim marked man on both aides, and although going under another name bis grave is eaid to bave been marked by the enemy and may be identified. M9We have never known a Fast Day better observed than that of yesterday. Prof. Bliss' sermon was principally npon tho neglect of tba best and most intelli gent of onr people to realize tba blessings f good Government, thereby permitting its mementoni intaneta to be whollv controlled by tho moot corrupt, worthless, nd unfitted of oar people. Many of hose who vociferate most loudly for the "Constitution" never perused that instru ment, and my many of tbea aan not read tbe very ballots they deposit The sermon was listened to with the best atteotion for over an hour, aod was, TboagtMp,rtelMr: tkoogk rrntlo, aotdaU: Strong, witbont rac ; wltboat ovafSowtnf, fall." WThe "copperhead" badge takea off one of the nominal organ grinders for tbe Artjut, by a furlooghed soldier aod other was taxea by another soldier to tbe Army of the Potomae, where it is passed around as a trophy from a home enemy. Tbe despoiled editor sued bit assailants before a Justice' jury, but the evidence as to tbe affray was so conflicting that the jury oonld sot igroe and was discharged. The legal question arises whether tbe unexchanged soldier who assisted in taking i half Rebel badge, has Dot broken bis (role with tbe ful: fledged Rebels 1 ITaee Xew AdverlisemcnU. I R. CORNELIUS. ARMY NEWS. JcyTbere are in the Union armies, as is evident to all, downright traitors. We do not doubt there are, also, good and true soldiers, who still (from old associations or misrepresentations) adhere to and vote for modern "Democracy." Individuals and occasionally a Company vote that way, as they have legal right to do. There is full liberty to vote as they eboose. Yet we doubt not tbe overwhelming majority of the soldiers loathe and detest the spirit of tbe sham "Democratic" leaders. The fou0wjOg j, , additional proof: Camp, Co. C, 66ih Ree. Pa. Vol. near Pratt's Landing, Va., A p. 21. $ Messrs. Worden it Cornelius Please find enclosed $1:50. I have received the Stiu & CaanmcLa almost one year. I have also been taking the Argiu the ame length of time that I have been taking your paper but I also sent tbe Argus a year's fee and told him to discontinue the paper, as there was too much GipperkraH dnctiine in it to suit my princi ples. Why, the greater part of my Company blackguarded me for leading such a paper as the Argun. But yoor paper is very well liked by the boys ( my Company. You please lo continue lo send me your paper for another year. Yours truly, Uio. F.Gi'ixa. One more illustration. John V. Miller, one of the most respected volunteers from Lewisburg, was ooe of onr most ardent Democrat, and even enstained Mr.Hedges after be bad voted against those Union resolutions in Conference. On bis late visit borne, Mr. Miller j lined our Uoion League, and, being asked, said, the Army resolutions against Copperheads were, as be believed, the honest, earnest views of tbe soldiers faeiog an armed foe. tssTh lady writing to us from North Western Calfornia, says : "Your Army Letters continue to interest ns, and many an item, nnnoticed by onr California papers, we get in tbe Chronicle, which comes regularly, now that tbe military keep a weekly express running from this valley oat into tbe world. We are having a war of extermination against those wild Indians who wont be civilized, whose out rages bave caused the Governor to call for volunteers. This will drive many of the Indians into tbe Reservation. One of oar squaws ia looking over my should ers, and saya aha would like to leant to write. I bave tbe satisfaction of having taught the first one in these parts to read some, to spin a little, and knit a good deal Two san read small words, and it improvee their talking wonderfully. What a ridiculous idea to talk about a North Westera Confederacy, and leaving New England oat in tbe cold ! What are we eomiog to, that men who advocate such monstrous ideas are permitted to live and addresa publio assemblies? How long must we suffer defeat and disgrace 1 Wo like Butler tbe bett of any General yet." Corraapondeoei oT tba Star A Cbrooicla. Near Vickeburg, Mai4h 30. Oar camp ia located about 100 yards from the mouth of tho famous eanal, and in good view of tbe ill-fated city lying 4 miles doe east The canal, as far as com pleted, ia 60 feet wide, 14 feet deep, la miles in length, with 5 feet fall There are now about ten feet of water in it, and had tbe lower end been cleared of stumps ''nit trpa a.nrl been duo aumftientlv deen -- i o before the water bad been turned in, any vessels could pass through. Dredge boats bave been at work, but the Rebels shelled them and they were compelled to atop. If tbe canal would be a success, no vessel but ironclads could get through, for, opposite its termination, heavy batteries are planted, and they have acquired ao I correct range as to bo able to blow any transport np, that might attempt to pass. They bave also good range of oar camps, and scarcely a day passes but they send tome of tbeir toys over. On the 10th inst., fire of the ironclads and four mortar boats, accompanied with 500 infantry of onr brigade, stated on an expedition to try effect a passage into the Yaioo, above Hainea Bluff. Proceeded about ten miles np the Yazoo, then turned into Black bayou, a narrow bat deep ttream, and tbeooe into Deer creek, at the month of which tbe infantry was landed and went into eamp, while the gunboats proceeded np. The stream became very narrow, aod nothing larger than a skiff bad ever been teen on it. Yoa may judge of the astonishment of the people aeeing ear monster ironclads moving through tbeir plantations, often within two rods of their doors. It was amusing tosee theoootrabauds : "Da Lor hab merey ! Metta Linknm'i too smart for tbo Sondernsl Bound to whip 'em out," &o. Tbe gunboats moved about twenty miles to Rolling Fork, where a battery of 18 or 20 gnns was opened on them, and a large force of infantry eome rushing oat of tbe timber, as it waa thought, to board tbe gunboata. Tbey were twept with canister. Wa were then ordered up, and before getting to the boats were fired into by a body of Rebels in ambush killing one aoo? wounding two. We returned it, killiog tiz of tbem on the spot. They felled trees across the stream, blockading it, sod it became so narrow that it was found impossible to proceed further and tbe order was given to fall back. Tbe gunboats bad to back fifteen miles before tbey could turn. Tbe Rebels got in lw rear, in order to ent off our retreat Ibsy LEWISBURG, then opened their battery, and wo bad quite a spirited skirmish, bat 'they were rented. We then cleared oat tbe obstruc tions and moved on down, having been gone twelve days and lost four killed aod twelve wounded. To day tbe weather is cool, but for the last two weeks it was as warm as June in Penn'a. Tbe woods are green, and peach trees were in bloom three weeks ago. There is considerable sickness among tbe troops, owing to tbe atsgoated water about our camps. Wii. Reed. Another Union County Man, Out West. Cornaponaaoea or tbe Star a Cbronicla. Camp before Vickeburg, 1 Co. C, 13th 111. Vol., April 14 j A few days ago, Wm. Reed, of Union eounty, called npon me. I was surprised to see him, as 1 supposed I was the only man from that good old county in this branch of the army. I could scarcely re alize that nine or ten years had passed, and I really was glad to see bim again. I was ooe of tbe first to enlist in tbe service of my country. It will be two. years, tbe 24th of next month, since I left my borne, and the dear ones there, because I thought that duty called me. Our regiment is the oldest ia service in tbe army of the West. He spent the first summer and winter in and around Rolls, Missouri, marching once to Springfi:ld under Gen. Fremont then participated in tbe arduous expedi tions under Gen. Cnrtii, through Arkan sas to Helena on tho Mississippi last Dee. joined the army of tbe Tennessee, under Gen. Sherman waa in tbe unsuc cessful expedition np tbe Yssoo in tbe rear of Vicksburg assisted in eaptnring 7,000 Rebels at Arkansas Post and sinee the 25th of Jan. has been again be fore Vicksburg city, in ber traitorous beauty, which, be hopes, will be oars be fore another month passes by. I am glad to see tbat yoa dislike the faction styled "Copperheads." Tbey will soon run tbeir course and I hope tbeir days are few. Tbey should be pat down, and made examples of. I bate them more than I do tbe true traitors of tbe South. I have been gone from yonr eonnty so long, that I may have been forgotten, though I hope not, and it may be my let ter will be read with interest by soma whom I bave not forgotteo. And now, with all my best wishes for tbe Pennsyl vania soldiers, and the brave Illinois, I will bid yoa adieu. Charlie C. Wilson. Upton's Hill, April 13. I am alowly recovering from an attack of bilious fever. Yesterday a eitixen came from Falls Church to get me to attend a funeral, atating that tbe people bad been waiting three hours. I ordered my horse, but could with difficulty mount him ; found tbe house, and a large con gregation, and though hardly able to ataod, managed to get through. In the afternoon, held service in camp to quite a good congregation. I bave no desire to leave my Regiment, as I bave more in fluence on the men tban I bad at first, and bope I may do some good. Besides, I should like to be with tbe boys when our colors are planted on the Rebel capi tal. A. J. FuBMA,Cbap.7th P.R.C. n&Dr. George Lots has been detailed by order of Gen. Biroey to the cbargo of tbe Hospital of 1st division, 3d Corps, at Potomae Creek Bridge, Va. (via Wash ington, D.C.) Hot Pleated with the Connecticut Elertlea. The "Peace" Democrata hoped to carry Connecticut with their favorite Seymour, (who has been Governor heretofore,) and were never so disappointed. It seems by tbe following, from a Richmond Dispatch, tbat tbe Rebels, also, don't like it : "The Connecticut election bas gone against the Democrats Tbe importance of this defeat ean not well be exaggerated, for, if the result had been otherwise, the Northwest would have riien,the Peace party would have litem organized on a permanent basis, the next meeting of Congress would have bee followed by a summary abroga tion of the imperial powers bestowed upon Lincoln by the Abolition Congress just ended, and a cessation of hostilities might have been eocfideotly looked for at or before tbe elose of tbe present year. Tbe Rebels are so near exhausted that "a cessation of hostilities" is now the only hope they have. Conld tbey get Govern ment to recall all ita forces, give np all it bas recovered, and thus save the Rebels time to recruit, raise crops, and import all tho arms aod munitions from Europe they need, the Rebels hoped (in tbe midst of a Presidential canvass) to secure Secessia as an independent power, or to make Slavery tbe ratios element in tbe old Union. This was their 'hope,' which cruel Connecticut baa blasted, and tho Rebels have either to eonqaer or be conquered. To thb Press or thi State. We ask it as a great favor that the press of tbe 8tate, annoanoe through . their eolamns, thai tbs Huntingdon "Globe," the first Dooglets paper in the State, bas been read ont of the bogus Democratic party for Ming guilty of eopportiog tba a Jir.ioiatra tioa and the government, and for rfasing to endorse the Vallandighsm & Ci. Dem ooracv Huntingdon Globe. UNION CO., PA., FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1863. Latest Hews South-Wcstcrn Pennsylvania was in "a great scare" this week from exaggerated reports of little Rebel raids in N. Y. Virginia, which turned out to be small affairs. It is believed Gen. Hooker's army commenced turnip? southward, Mon day last, and the Rebels must fight or run. Another attack upon Charleston, by land and water, is daily expected. Gen. Banks' forces are said to have poscssion of the Opelousa It. It., (in the most rebellions part of Louisian na,) and to have formed a connection with Coin. Farragut, on the river, above Port Hudson. The French are making advances in their sciijc of Puebla, although the Mexicans make a determined opposi tion. The Rebels have been driven ont of Tuscumbia, Ala., CO miles cast of Corinth, by the Union forces under Dodge. The "Anglo-Saxon," with 445 pass engers, was foundered, in a fog, off Capo Race, 237 persons with the mails, were lost. JSfA very large Union League meet ing was held in San Francisco, participa ted in by tbe best aad strongest mon of California, without regard to former par ty distinctions. Among tbe speakers was John Conness ; the new U.S.Senator, who indignantly denied tbat be had any "Cop perhead" about bim, bat ealogind tbe President, tbe Cabinet, and all others en gaged in putting down this Rebellion. New Orleans dates to tbe 19th are at band, and bring good news. Gen. Banks' progress along tbe Tecbe toward Red River baa been highly successful. Oo tbe 17th he reached Vermillionville, in Lafay ette Parish (nearly west from Baton Rouge), after a severe fight at tbe crossing of Vermillion Bayou, where tbe Rebels made a desperate resistance, but were ueteaiea, wnu ooosiueraoie loss on oota sides. It was supposed that Banks would be in Opelousss with bis whole force on tbe nighl of the 18tb. Among tbe results of tbis expedition are the destruction by tbe Rebels themselves of a drzen or more of boats, one a very powerful goo boat abielded with railroad iron, the destruction of the Qaeen of the West and tbe Diana, tbe defeat of tbe Rebels when ever they made a aland, tbe destruction of a large quantity of ammunition and provisions, aod tba breaking np of a (probable,) plan for tbe recapture of Now Orleans. Washington, April 26. Official dis patcher received to-day from the comman ders of tbe army and navy before Vicks burg announces tbat another fleet has successfully passed the Rebel batteries at that point, and joined that which passed them a week ago. Five hundred shots were fired at them, and almost every ves sel was bit, bat no gunboata was sojured, and only ooe transport was sunk. All tbe barges loaded with coal, of which there were a number, safely reached tbeir destination. Gen. Curtis bas issued .orders in his Denartment fSt. Louis. Arkinsnn. An 1 similar to, but much more strict, tban . 1 , . those of Gee. Burnside, with regard to intercourse with Rebels. From Nashville we have news of the ! . capture of a force of Rebel Cavalry known as tbe Texas Legion, numbering 123 men, including eight commissioned officers. A Federal cavalryman writes home from Virginia, "The roads are impassable ; we can not move for mad ; bat if the Rebs attack ns we are prepared to welcome tbem with muddy bands in horse-pistol graves. New Origans papers give apparently (food evidence that the Rebel gunboat Webb, the moat formidable eraft of theirs on the Mississippi, was destroyed during tbe fight at Port Hudson on the 11th nit. A Rebel schooner, tba Alabama, was captured on tbe 17th inst. off Mobile. She waa trying to get in with a contraband cargo from Havana. The British schooner Tampico was captured about the same time, having ran tbe blockade off Sabine trass with a cargo of cotton. California is poshing tbe Pacific Rail road vigorously. Beside tbe regular State aid, several connties bave also voted assis tance, and it is said tbat Ihe road will soon be finished across the Sierra Nevada. Tbe first division is already graded. The Treasury Department bas stopped printing Postage Currency. Hereafter, all that ia taken in by Government will be destroyed, aod new sheets issued when wanted. John Minor Bolts is relieved, and re tired to the country. He keens still, but said to be a staunob friend of the Union, and hopes for a speeiy restoration of its authority all over tbe land. One hundred Negro Soldiers bsve been recruited in Franklin eounty within tbe last ten days. Tbey are intended fcr tbe blaek regiment now being organised in Massachusetts. A number of persons bate been arrest ed by tbe military aod civil authorities, in Southern Indiana, charged with running contraband negroes into Kentucky, and selling tbem back into slavery ! Cspt. J. C. Cook, alias Lee, a well- known alave-trader, who bad run away from bis bail in Boston, was arrested in Brooklyn on Saturday niBht tad sent book for trial. Havrb de Gbace, Md., April 27. A body was fonnd in tho river here to day. Papers found on the person indicate tbat bis name is Charles Folaabee, of tbe 15th New York Engineer Regiment. He wore a medal awarded by tbe Investiga ting Committee for gallantry in White Oak Swamp, and other of his effects are in tbe possession of the Coroner, awaiting identification. Montreal, April 27. Four steamers and some small craft are in port to-day from Winter quarters. Navigation is open to below the Sorel. The ice bridge still holds fast at Quebec. On tbe 18h ult., James Barboar, Eq , of Pluoketts Creek township, was kicked so severely by a horse, upon or near tbe stomach, tbat be died last Thursday. Lieut. Jackson M'Faddoo, (Williams port,) of the 109th Pa. Reg. bas been honorably discharged from tbe army, by reason of wounds received in battle. Rev. Mr. Schuliz, of Middleereek, Soy der Co., has accepted a pastoral call from Vera Cruz, Iod Rev. Mr. Reardon bas resigned his charge at Sunbury. Toledo, April 27. Aloozo Brown yes terday murdered bis brother's wifa and two children, five miles east of this city. He afterward killed himself. Counterfeit $10 greenbacks, altered from $ls, are in circulation. C7"Vm Cameron. Henry Frick, Jn Walls, J M Nesbit. Hush Martin, J D Dieffrnderfer, Eli Slifer, Isaac Frederick, G F Miller, and George Frederick, incorporators of the Lew isburg It Cnillisquaqoe Tornpike Company, are requested to meet at G F Miller's, at 7 P M of Saturday, 3d May, to lake measures to organize the Company. CVRer. Mr. Minck expects to baptiie in the Husqnehanna, Sunday morning next JUtDifltmrs JUarfect. Corrected WecMty Wheat .... Rye Corn, old.... Oats Flaxseed.... 81,40 Eggs S 14 90 Tallow 10 ... SO Lard 10 60 Clover seed 4,00 2,50 Wool 40to50 i Dried Apples . $1 00 Potatoes 62 FirkinButter 12 Sides & Shoulder 0 Fresh Butter... 20 Ribs & Shoulder 5 Rags 4, 5, aod 6 Ham 10 Country Soap 4 & 6 aero, Tn Danville. 30th nit. of enninmptton, Mb AMANDA L. ZUUKR, roomily of U-wtil.urg. In llarUrjr lownihis, 221 oil, aged Si yean, JACOB ZIMMKUMAN. In Limortona, Uh alt, ac 11 Jaia,OEORaK . on of Ocorga Loifthtoa. In SetinagroTe,2Sth alt, agoS aboatyeara,J05XFH SIIAKlFr. PUBLIC SALE. T T virtue of an act of Assembly, the snb- I) scribers, as Trustees of tbe Buffaloe Presbyterian church and congregation, will offer at Public Sale, at 10 o'clock in forenoon of STCBDAT,lfith May, 1863, on the premises, TWO OR THREE LOTS OF GROUND adjacent to the said Church building at Buff aloe X itoads, Union county, Penn'a. jam a laWSOX, WM. HAKHEK, April , 1163. WM.STBA.Nd. (BOUNTY SUPERINTENDENT. J Messrs. Editors: Allow me thro' your columns to recommend Mr. C. E. HA US, of Mitllmburg, as a suitable candidate for tbe office of Superintendent of Common Schools for Union county. Mr. Hans has for the last eleven years taught in tbe common schools of our county, and has during that time always . - , i ! V1"0 a7 acl"e F" ? D"le' "V"n,T anu ; A1311 Itvl Ill.HtmiCW llijliiuoiiuuai.HVBi.o..., literary qn moral character, and speaking abilities are well known to all the friends of education in the county. Our Directors ennld not choose a belter man for the office than Mr Hr. April 30. BL'FFAU)K. C?"Capt. JOHN A. OWENS, of East Buf faloe, (at the request of many acquaintances and friends) is a candidate for Common School Superintendent for Union counly. Mr.Owens bas been identified with tbe system from his youth, and for nearly eight years has been a Dractical and sur.cefnl Teacher. His abili- ! ties, his character, his varied experience and general adaptation to the posilion.we believe to be undoubted. We submit his claims to the Directors. UNION. 8100 11EWAED T7IL1. ba paid for Ihe capture of HARRI W SON J. LYNN, delivered in the Lewis town Jail. He is a man of about five feet six inches in height, about 27 years of age, of a dark complexion, downcast look, heavy eye brows. light gray eyes.the right eye very weak, sometimes wears spectacles. He has been : shot through the right wrist, speaks broken ! English, and often changes his name. The , above reward will be paid by the undersigned. MAROARET DAt.E. PKI.IX McCLINTH'K, ROHKKT U SHAW, April 22, 1W pdlw KOBKKT MEANS. Estate of Dennis Phillips, dee'd ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Whereas, Letters of Administration on tbe estate of Dennis Phillips, late of Lewisburg boro', deceased, bave been granted to Ihe subscriber by the Register of Union county in due form of law, therefore all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment, and those having just claims against the same may present them duly authenticated for settlement, tn the subscribers. SAMUEL SLIFER, ) Adminis JOHN B.LINN, trators Lavlatiarg, April 01, U3 BIILK FOR THE BULLION! mHE undersigned intends supplying the I citizens of Lewisburg with Pure Milk, commencing about the lath inst. Persons wishing to be supplied, will please send in their names to him, at the Lewisburg Bridge, Tbe Milk will be delivered (daily except Sun days) morning or evening, as preferred by a -. . r . a. it It cf iron majority oi customer. u out en. Lewisburg, April 10, 1863 SUNOS & SHADES. T J. WILLIAMS. No. 16 North Sixth JJ. gireet, Philadelphia, Manufacturer of VEXITIAN KEISDS and WIXDOft SHADES. tyThe largest and finest assortment in the the lowest prices, diiiios i aimcu a..u , Trimmed equal to new. Slore Shades made Blinds Painted and ..... and Lettered. "THE UNION," established in 1814 Whole Kt. 2.613. CHRONICLE, established in 1843 Whole No., 991. Court Week I'nlon County Court Proclamation WHERCAS.lhe Hon. 8AM L S.WOODS, President Judse for the 20th Judicial District of Pennsylvania, composed of the counties of Union, MilBia and Sny.l WSiaoa-T andJonif Witusi ' a,lJ so- ciale Judges in Union county, have usu V. iheir precept, bearing dale the aist flay nl teby, 18C3, and to me directed, for ibe t.tfii2 of an Orphans' Court, Court of Ciirm" ;ieas,()ver and Terminer, and General yuarii - Sessions, at LEWISBURG, for the county of CMON, on the Third Monday of MAY, (being the ISth day) 1863, and to continue one week. Notice is therefore hereby given to the Cor oner, Justieea of the Peace and Constables ia and for ihe county of Union, to appear in tbeir own proper persons with their records, inqui sitions,examinations and other remembrances to do those things which of their offices and in iheir behalf appertain to be done ; and all Wit nesses and other persons prosecuting in behalf of the Commonwealth against any person or persons, are required to be then and there attenaing, auu noi aepan wiinoai leave &i weir peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance at tbe appointed time agreea ble to notice. (iiven nnder my hand and seal at the Sher iffs Office in Lewisburg the 17th day of April, A I) 1863, and the 86th year of Ihe Independence of the United States of Ameri ca. God save the Commonwealth! L. F. ALBRIGHT, MheriU GRAND JURORS, May T. 1863. Hartleton John Dale, John Yarger, Simon Katherman New Berlin Reuben B OMuDanl Horlacher. Butfalne Jackson Wolfe, Martin Dunkie, James Irwin Union Lew.s 8elsor Lewis Charles Hower White Deer Geo W Askin, Jacob Leiser West Buffaloe Jacob Kline.Levi Shoemaker, John Hildebrand, Berthier Thompson Limestone Peter Wehr, Emanuel Walter Lewisburg Charles H Cook.Peter H Beaver, James M Mowery, Jackson M'Laughlin Kelly Peter Stahl Mifflinburg George M Royer TKATERSE JURORS. East Boffaloe E B Walter, John H Brown, John V'oong, Adam Aurand Union Aaron VanBuskirk. Noah Stealer, Wm Hummel, Saml Ruter, Saml 8 Walter, Buffaloe Adam cheekier, Howard Anderson. Andrew Kuhler, Thomas Toms, Henry Dorinan, Richard Jordan Limestone Wm Royer, Martin Roebach, Elias Hoy Kelly Thos Clingan.Wm Xoll.David Grove. While Deer Aaron Messinger, Ang A ; Donaskey, Jonathan Deiffenderfer, John F Richart I Wet Buffaloe Daniel Fisher, John Hare, Benneville Reish.David Mattes, Levi Kaup. Mifflinburg Wm Bngar Lewisburg John Pross, Peth M Bond, Curtis J M'NeiUas Blair.Thos M Donacby. Lewis Abram Rudy, Danl Krauss, Wm E Smith, John Reish Hartley Jos Richart, Michael Schnnre. Jos Milter, Jr New Berlin Jos Kleckner,Saml C Millhouse. Brady John Corwell. Jacob Baker Hartleton Wm Wolfe Tavern Licenses. VfOTICE is hereby given, that X DaTid Stittler, of Bartlay Sowaahlp, Anna M. Moor do do John St-in. of Salt nSalM towoablp, GrK Krefohar do do Jonathan Uoeb, of Went Buffalo towaahfp, John Lawrenno do do Thomaa Arbnekl,of Srady township, J. P. llacenboch do do Jooaa Fivher. of Whit near townvhlp, William L. Hitter do do Petor Wahr, of Llaitone townahfp, J. r. Gtbeott, of Union tnvosblp, Samnel BHp. of Uartlvton, William Wolf. do A.J. H.iifcnaaol, Lrotsborg X. W. C. 1). Coi do do K. O. Mtl do do Lr.i Cnmlry do 8. W. Lewia Jib.l do do PriMilla Stealer, BfifSinbarf, and Bma.l Rnum, New torlin, Mirbael Kleckner do have filed their Petitions for Tavern License with the Clerk of the Court t.f (juarter Ses- ' sions of Union county, and they w.ll be pre- ; senied :o the Court upon Mosnax the ISih ' s day of May next. , r Also Wirbiiiftton Hutchison, L.No-?, for a wbole Liquor Stop. J3. W. SANDS, Protbonotary J Lewisburg, April 20, 1863 Issue List for May 19. 1 Abm nnd John Anrand vs Schatli. 2 Mary Beckley v WmDeobler it li Baum j 3 4 5 6 7 Danl Renaler vs J et W Anderson Edward & James vs Levi Rooke and oth C H Shriner vs Wm Rule Kellers for Rule vs C H Shriner wilh not J N Menseh's Exs vs Youngm & Waller J & J Yonng vs Jos M Tbomas Arv Clark's Ad vs Church A M'Michael 8 9 10 do do 1 1 Cyrus Eaton vs J M C Ranck 12 Geddes, Marsh & Co vs Jamas P Ros J 1.1 Chs Cawley vs Menges & Penny wi no 14 Mi Klrckner same 15 CJeddes Marsh St Co vs Wm Moore 16 Cbs H Shriner lor use vs Wm Rule 17 same same 14 same same 19 S R Baum for use vs John M Baum 20 Peacock Woodside 4. Co end. same 21 same same SS Commonwealth TS Wm Brown 23 Wm Dreisbach vs Brown At Dunkie 2t Twp of Limestone vs George Slear 25 Timothy Row vs Church & M'Michael To the Physicians of Union County. AN invitation is hereby extended to the Physicians of ihe County, to meet in Lewisburg, at 10 o'clock A M ol Tuesday the 19th day of May nexi.foi the purpose of orga nizing a Couuty Medical Mociety, and the transaction of such bosiness as may be tbo't advisable. A general atleadaace is requested. A PHYSICIAN. Assignee's Account. VfOTICE is hereby given that Caians CiWLtr. Esq., Assignee of Michael Klerkner and Wife, has filed his account in the Prolhonotary's Otjire in Lewitbure. and said account will be presented for Confirma tion, on TavasnaY, the 21st day of May next, to the Court of Common Pleas to be holden at Lewisburg for the county of Union. ii. W. SaNDS, Prothonotary Lewisburg, April 20. 1863 TO TAX COLLECTORS. ALL Collectors knowing themselves in. debted for taxes for the year 12 and previous vears will pay over iheir indebted ness by M'ay Court at furthest. All Collec tors will immediately proceed and collect ihe War Tax. as the bounties to pay tbe volun- teera to fill up the old regiments most be paid, ard for support of Ihe families. The War Tax is now legalized and approved by the t uovernor. iiar-ij j a ..onu, i f a UL-U'I'T 1 . BLANKS t the Choaidt" ftfKs REGISTER'S NOTICE. N OTICE is hereby given, to all concerned, that the following named persons hava aeuled their accounts in the Register's OtEc at I.ewuburg, Union county, and that the aid accounut will ba presented for confirm ation and allowance at the Orphans' Coart in be held at LE H'lbELRti. for ibe eoantv of j Union, on the third Friday of MAY (next.) . i,,.,, ,! itav of said month, vix: i Tbe account of J A Menx E.q, Admin- I jsirator of Benjamin H Bruute, late of Lai bullaloe Two. dee'd X Tbe final account of Jas F Linn, Esq, Executor of AUxindtr Oraltam, late ef Ilia Boro' of Lewisburg, dee'd 3 Tbe account of B W Thompson, Exec utor of Mary Urutbitch, lale of Ibe itvfo' O MilUmburg, dee'd 4 The account of James Marshal, Admin, utralor of Henry Wclth, late of White Deer Twp dee'd 6 The acconnt of Samnel Bechtel, Admin istrator of O'rorge Sluhl, late of East BuUaloO Tp, dec d 6 The account of Robert Foster and Sam uel C. Tate, Administrators sf UiAum lute. 1 late of Hartley Twp dee'd 7 Tbe account of Robert Aikey and Wil liam Aikey, Administrators vf Leun Aikry, late of Wsvl Butbloe Twp dee'd 8 Tbe final account of Franklin Krieder, Administraior of Levi Wtguner, late of Twp dtx'd 9 The account of Maria Bell anJ Samnel II Orwig, Esq, Administrators cum Test. an. of BerryhiU bcii, late of the Boro' of Mifflia burg. dee'd 10 Tbe first and final acconnt of John Gundy, Esq. testamentary agentor Trustee of hurnet Lluyd, andrr the last will and testa ment of Nicholas Mench,lale of UieBoro' of Lewisbnig, dee'd 11 Tbe account of John Gundy Esq, Guardian of Sarah Ehiru Ut'ffman,;miaor child of Mary Holl'man, laie Alary Walter, dee'd 13 The account of John Gundy Esq, Guardian ol Jam and Sara Sihencovd, min or children of Mary Bilverwood, late Mary M'Paerson, dee'd GRIGGS MARSH, Dep'y Register. Register's Ol&ceJLewisburg. April 15,163 LIST OF VENDERS of MERCHAN DIZE, subject to License, wiihin the County ol UNION, Pau, for the year 1S63. (au.Kratt, Cfctt Aiwanl iiwifBum t inmnuKM Job Walla 4 Co 11 ltaXWIIIfam Yonns IS 1110 Krvmar. Long A Co 11 lo:"0'oofr A naracr 13 luruu Kniwn A Urutbrra 13 10:tt! Wolfi A H7 - IS l'c(4ft I murl llurjh 13 100 1. A J. Young- 13 linw ! Jvbn H tlouumaa 13 Hw UaaarnplagABlddl IS lick ! Wolfe A Wetzrl )3 1U:U J. I. S. Iial IS 10:uo iAI.aAmmona 13 lltOU-S. V My.rt 14 T j W. U IJJ. al'tlnrtrt 14 T:0 It. W.CruUtr U ":oo U. U. Ktswl - 14 70 I J..lin UuugbluaaftU 7:X) llinailor Scbirnra U IjW 1 f. H bVaver H i:1': afcW BUftlUi I'atw Unr,h It 7.tu'E3wnl WiKoa. IS 1H P. A. OooihowOT 14 TaA.UrOM A Lota 14 lt:uw Nathan Mitrbatl 14 M1 K"b-rt awiaaford 14 T O. lorreat 14 '-) kdwanl SnUta 14 J.JO ; J. Hakar A Co 14 7:Uv aaaiT iftVSUil Jobn Sttuira 14 "aftVGeOTg K.. Swop 14 7r00 I C. W. Scbafll 14 p. A C. Alkn. 14 I-uO N. a Zlmtuvrman 14 Truu tWnJunin Braon 14 1 J. L. lliva 14 X A. J. lunwa 14 T J I cbfar. Walla, Sari- I aunroi nrr.At o 14 7:00 William kiUMV It TK ' Charlaa llalna 14 'Itb'K. V. tiloror 14 T. I B. U. M'Mabaa 14 Imu ibem Spistlmyer 14 1:00. T. Q. Lraua 14 7:00 wiamlJj kichard M. Coopar 14 TMrBnmrtCa 11 lko P. 8. t-aJd-U It TwChark t'awlajr 14 Tt as. T. Bitmyr 14 7?tt3asual Waltart 11 T uo John 11. Uaal 14 TJOt biwi row Mm.C. Monach 14 ":0u Cbarlei M. king 14 7:00 rVter Naviua 14 7mH roust iaua Wgaaa PbilipOooilmaaagtU 7:'JU t S Uunler 14 T.-0O Mra.IL Mala 14 ?:M)i atrraioi a aoiM Johnd. Mareb 14 7s L A B llauck ,n U HHX tfrorge Oolatrioa 14 7sXii al'f aloi nVnua T. Nvflbit A gona 14 J Ml Rod A UlanjaV William Peglty 14 -.swj nkb 13 10:00 D. uinlrr A son 14 TrOW auaruT TOau J. K. IHaOendarfcr Barb Ualfpannjr Id TiOO A CO 14 7:00 u.,u. J. S. Marah A Co 14 Ta)u;0 Karat 14 7sjO aau Towxaair uuani'ntMini Jobs UU30xaa 12 IfcSti Joa S kaudVaanah 14 T:0 Jacob Knock 14 ;i wnrrt sua rvv saw cotrnau jVarr A ttrid-y 14 T.OO J. P. Conor A bra 13 taOOi wiar Krraus Solomon IJonrUag 14 T0 EATISO 8ALOOSS. LIWUKLBd Nathan Bawn T llMKI J 11 Wainer T 10:90 airvixiBcM Wa Baark T luwO I Samcrl Slalr V 10:00 I Sa Inboil 8 o Nl Bmn-Iaaae King f VtzM BILLIARD lAPltS" Liwnirao R O liauol, two lat, $0; SO, $10 40:00 AN APPEAL will be held al the office of J. A. Mrriz, Eq., in Lewisburg, on Tnesday. the r.hh day of May, 1SG3, between the hours of 10 and 2 o'clock, whn and where all thoss i ie themselves aggrieved by the above silicauun may attend if they think proper. .w Berlin, April 17, IvjS m. nuMiti.Mi, srreanuat 'Appraiatr . .... i i- i To Trespassers. V"OTICE is hereby given that all persons l entering without leave upon my grounds in ine oorougn oi l-ewisourg, mat ibey will be dealt with according to law. Parents of boys making paths across my lots to reach tr.e crtez to swim, will please take warning. April 22 JOMEPH GLASS Estate of EIrs.iaaria BLGraham, dee'd LETTERS Testamentary on Ihe Estate of Mrs. MARIA M.UKAHAM, late of Lew iburg borough. Union connty. having been granted to Jobn li. Bogs. all persons imleb- lej thereto are requested to ke immediate payment, and those having claims or demands the same will present ibem for settle ment to JOHN U. BO(HS8, Exeoitor. or A. H. DILL, his Attorney. Lewisburg, March 26, 1863. KXOX FRUIT FARM & NURSERY. IOR many years weahave made the eoltl ; vation of SMALL FRI STS a spe cialty, and taking into account viBiTv,a.cas titi and tuuit, our stock of Vines and Plants ot " , - catrit?, EucsBEwtira, STBlWSF.BRIES, tOUXtKriRUIB, RASPBLKIUet, 1 1 KttAT r, r, is uoequaled anywhere, which wr-oder on the most favorable terms. Parties ' wishing tn purchase would do well to correspond with us, or send for our Pi ice List, whiirh will be sent lo all applicants free of charge. Our Seed Store ami Rortii-ulural Iiuiun is at .o, 39 rinia Street, where all articles belonging lo such an r stab) liahment ean be had of the beM quality. 988 J. KNOX, Box 1S5. Pittsburg, Pa. AOLOTIWaV ' THE partnership of 9. Ifraaa and C. Ruuna, trading under the firm of Hursh oV Roland, is this day dissolved, by mutual consent. Tbe business will herra'ler be con tinued by 8. Hurxb, al the old stand. The Books and Papers will be left at the Str-re nntil ihe 1st day of May. All inierrtrd will please take notice. 8. Hl'Rsll. Lewisbnrg, April 1, 1H6.1. C. ROLAND. Executor's Notice. N' TOTICE is hereby given, that Lrlferie- Inm'iiarr tin Ihe la! ui anil tci.tmeri ol lir.NJ VMI.V AMiSTADI . ilereverf, ra'8 of Union cotintv. birr been ) granted to the undesigned, bv ihe Rrsisiev of ! Union eouolv, in doe form of lw; all per-ona having claims against said esuie will preeni (heni. and those owins said estate are re.jn teu to make tmmediaie pavnirnt. . . . ... ii-tur.-, , i-s.