Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, April 17, 1863, Image 1

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    in mm mi m
"THE UNION," etfaWishel la 1S11 Whole No.. 2.6 IS.
At l.50 per Year, always In Advance.
"CHRONICLE," established in 1S43 Whole No., 59-j.
ruaiMitu KKMi-ttM:kir
TucsJay Mornins & Friday Afternoon.!
gfiZiMMEtiMAN has removed his Clo-'
Ihiog hstablibboieot two doors up-strcet :. ......
,. . . , . . ..men and lie eased its prime green color
intending to put op (the coming season)! , . . .
handsome Krick lilock, at his old stand,
Opposite W alls .
9l.Gov. Curtio's intcrcstiug and ira
pnrtant Message hat crowded out a letter : cbuTMj-atten Jcrs was a doxsu lion, 'eat
from Lieut. Tucker, (in type,) giving a er than on a certain snowy SuudiJ It
history of Merrill's or 0eu's now Kvan's ; oiu'l Ue that Christian people, biessed
Company. We have other soldiers' letters, ! with gd health, turned out because the
Dot jet read. air was most balmy apd so many bad new
Jury List, Trial List, and Registor's j bats or coats!, ltitbr ludir "v. to see
Notice, in our next. some come in with hand in m i1 and furs
- . " " , . ion their shoulders 1 ? ".! off the
rax oi union uouniy, reaucea.
The Commissioners of Union county in
session at Lewisburg last Monday, after a
careful examination of her Cuance, thought ;
fit to rtdure her County Tux one mill on a
dnlUir. Considering her ability to pay.we
believe no county in our Commonwealth is
less burdened with taxation, for ordinary !
County purposes, than happy little Vuiou.
QuOuc George Nurhood, living near
Millheim, Center county, is published as
having taken a child 40 or 50 miles, into
Chapman Tp, fnyder Co., where bo found
a clergyman, named Henry Loos, thought-
Jess or heartless enough to load the child
by ehristeuing him "Jeff. Pavs," It is
needless to add, both are "1'eu.ee" men....
After It -urofoiirt's election as. Mayor of
llarrisburir. we heard "Democr' '"
eboutine aloud for "Jtff.Davis."... "Straws
chow" bow tbe current runs with such.
Lewitburg Union League.
In pursuance of notice published in
Tuesday's Chronicle, a large number of
o.zcos oi irfwisourg, on me eveu.ng o.
. r I ,. - r
tbe same day, met at Independent Hall.
Tbe meeting was called to order by A. M.
Lawsbe. Prof. Geo. R. lilies was chosen
President, and Griggs Marsh, See. Rev.
Dr. Dickson delivered an able and patriotic
address. 1 he followiue com mil tee was
ppoinrea lor maKing arrangements to
. , r t
r i " . . .
Iv. Geo.' W. Forrest. S.'ll. Orwic. Jacob
linmmel, Wm. Vangrzer.
A permanent Organiziiion will be ef
fected Saturday, April 18, at 7 o'clock P.
M. All loyal citiz-ns. without distinction of
party, wbo are io favor of sustaining tbe f
Government and s-jppress.ng the Kebcll- j
Z .... in-iirad r nttir.d and ann (ham.
gWU mv iu i j ivvi iv aiiLuu u u i u v a a iuviu
selves on tbe list of tbe Loyal Union
League of Lewisburg.
Gttiucs Marsh, See.
tSrTuaJctt ecniHij next, a Publie
Meeting at tbe same place, and ad
dresses delivered. Tbe Ladies are in
vited, and. expected to attend.
Saturday, April 11.
Spring appears to be opening io reality.
My hours of duty are now very long say
from 7 io tbe morning nutil bear mid
night : bat yesterday I took an hour's
troll a! on 2 Mark-it and Second, the
streets of Harrisburg. Young and old,
rich and poor, white and black, were all
out enjoying tbe day. Babes in their
carriages crowed and gesticulated most
xnltiogly. Canaries in their cages
aeetned to eing sweeter than ever. Chil- j
dreo never appeared happier, as they I
trolled along their boops or danced with
the untaught grace of nature in perfect
joy. Ladios could hardly look any love
lier, as tbey swarmed out with all tbeir
dressy glory on, and languidly, yet with
sprightly step and lustrous eyes, lingered
under tbe mellow, melting rays of tbe
tun, and drank in tbe sweet air of Spring.
Even the cats and dogs if we might
judge by tbeir contented looks yielded to
tbe gentle influences of tbe inspiring
season. Tbe erasses acknowledge tbe re- j
vivice forces of looz-dormant nature, in
tbeir most winning richness of hues. Tbe j
Wild birds sang, and the frogs croaked, as
if they bad enjoyed a long rest, and ven-
ted their rapture with renewed zest. I
Everybody was far more satisfied witb j
everybody tbaa usual. In short (for I j
... 1
have not time to be poetical, particular, or
tbapsodical) it leant like ylvrioui Spring
time, aiid I bopo it will prove to bs true
aud lasting
The House to-dav passed an aet fixioe '
the '
those conscieneiomly opposed to bearing! Assemblyman Brown and Senator
arms, at Three Hundred Dollars. j Bound, of Milton. Tbe bill came very
The Act has passed both ilonscs, cz-1 ',c t'ia 8Cas'0Di Dut toe experience and
tending the time for commencement and j personal influence of those gentlemen eo
eompletioD of the Jersey Shore, Pine j Dla toem t0 earry it through. (It ia
Creek, and Slato Line Railroad Company, : signed by the Governor also.)
with a proviso that it must make Hloss- The bill for tbe restoration of the Tax
burg a point if tbe road touches the Tioga ' ttion on tbe Penn'a Railroad, and to re
Valley at all. store what tbey wrested from the Treasury
Tbe Suobury Bridge Company has a'.to in 18C1, was delayed by its enemies from
extension of time for that enterprise. Philadelphia frittered away by "gassing"
Both Houses were in session nntil near ! d failing to harmonize among friends
tnianignt. AcU, by tbe custom, most I
Jasi at least one branch of the Legiela.
lore oy mis night two working days be
fore adjournment or lie over until next
ewion : consequently, there wai a great
tush to day. Tbe Senate Clerks bad all j
their passed bills transcribed, and sent to
the House, io season well done, "though i
ay it ourselves, as shouldn't say it," J
Wearied, brain worn, and past tnidoicbt. '
I seek lo woo Ibe welcome power of
io woo Ibe welcome power of
Hired .iur..,i,:t leiibrer, uimy ni-f. f the
Monday, April 13.
Yesterday was a warm, bright day-
two small bat precious showers, which
i i i - i i .
weather seemed to be strong opon those
whose religion is more of feeling than of
principle : at any rate, the Dumber of
: sweat from their
' themselves !
-vVg to ee
' sable dames o
holding tiny' pt.r
4 .ineir faces (to
preserve the pe' ss) even in the
shade !
Heard two solid, plain, instructive dis
courses from Mr. Li venture, a graduate of
Krown University, who was driveu from
: urth Carolina for refusing to be a Rebel.
His narrative of sufferings in and escape
from St-ccssia, are deeply interesting. I
hope he may Cud a home in Pennsylvania,
I Tha giniU pox g,in prevVl9 in rjjrriiJ.
' b(lrg( ,nJ per.on 00 ,he riiwaj Mrg
lDvwherei M weIt M pMS;og tbrongh the
cityi ig iab , be inf!Ct(.j. TIie p,pers
ootbine of it. but I Lear of individual
cases, every week. Wm. II. Miller, Con-
! grcssman-elect, is recovering from an
attack of small dox or varioloid. Some
persons are very careless in running about
with tbe scabs still on their faces. Scar- 1 DJ ,"ree or IuUr 01 ,Be 1 """'P0"""
let fever is sometimes mistaken for the j -AnJ fr,,m 2 : 30 '" ,ho Meu-
tmt .raw a an tha f . J
- r--, - - u. - ue.r
, girl, just opposite m, boarding-house,
, who ' playing in the street on Friday,
nd the next Sunday was buried. Accord-
iog to tbe last Census Report, more die of
measles (and I believe of Scarlet fever)
i than of the small-Dox which last, thouph
' '
, mod, tbe most loathsome and dangerous
n..r.lly,eao be ameliorated,
"d mlmolt or 1uit0 '""''ed, by vac
Tuesday, April 14.
Tbe Senate was engaged until after ten
o'clock, last night, in discussing the Ton
ntga ?mK question. There was a free and
buaine6,.ike iotc.rot,oge of thought nol
running in a party cbannel. As a
a proof
that ih.
r ,
Favor of
of the popular feeling, I notice
new Senators seem to be in favor
substantially restoring to the Treasury
not only the mon y due it from the Pcon'a
K. R, Company two years ago, taken
therefrom by the Repeal Bill, but to re
impose a fair tax npon that and all similar
coporations. Tbe House Bill tax was
opon tonnnife, irrespective of ability : tbe
Senate amended it by making tbe burden
lie substantially upon the profitt of the
Company. In this form it passed to
third reading by a decided majority.
This morning, tbe officers of the Senato
presented Speaker Lawrence with an ele
gant gold beaded walking-staff an honest
token of their personal regard for bim,
and of their estimation of bis efforts, as a
presiding officer, to preserve order, and
maintain me oignity oi tne Senate ol tbe
Scranton has a charter for Bank
under tbe Free Banking Law. No other
new Bank wis incorporated, and very lit
tle if any extension of banking capital.
Tbe general impression seems to be that
the present system of banking most give
way to another basis. No shakey bank
could have beeo re-inoorporated.
Tbo bill for the payment of a half
month's wages to tbe militia wbo rallied
against the Rebels in September last, bas
passed. It was originally designed to pay a
mooth's wages, but Lamberton, (Cop.) of
Clarion, raised such a howl about the
dreadful expense of the "half month they
wera " " ""ice," that the majority
yielded, and left it in that shape paying
tnen who lost nearly a month, wearing
cioiues, ana lurnisnmg taemseivcs pro-
i . i 1 I : L : .1 1
i visions and some aceontcrments paying
for all this, and lost of time, less than a
I Legislator's pay for one day !
Tbe bill for the Lewisbnrg & Chillis
WW Turnpike Road passed finally
thanks to the care and influence of
od finally killed by an unexpected and
extraordinary deoision of Speaker Law
rence (of tbe Senate) at a late hour this
Both Houses adjourned about eleven
and no bill can properly be laid before
tbe Governor after 8 o'clock to morrow
Wednesday, April 15.
Adjournment. Tbe hundred dayi up,
Legislature adjourned according lo
gii.re aojouroea eceoraiog .a i
ltepaiatioo, and iU deed done nd
omitted go to the people for their cousid
In the Senate, Speaker Lawrcnce,in ro
signing, stated that one fourth of
winters of bis actio life bad been spent
in Harrisburg, and he now closed his
Legislative oareer. John P. Penney of
Allegheny was choseu Speaker for the in
terval between now and tbe next session
and becomes Governor in ease of the
death, removal, or resignation of Gov.
Curtin, whose handsome and thoughtful
announeemeut that bo wi.l not be a candi
date for re-election will be published in
your columns.
I happened in tbe House just as Spea
ker Cessna was thanking the officers for
their presentation to him of a splondid
cane. The Republican Members bad pre
sented the Cbief Clerk, Mr. Ziegler, with
' a similar int uiorial. Mr. Cessna made an
cloqiicn' and impressive oration at dos
ing, lie b opt dry toe couut would again
be united, under our fathers' flag, aud
tbo Hebelliuu crushed. He believed in
the upward advance of man in the raco of
progress. These sentiments were heartily
applauded by the Republicans and by the
crowd, while tbe Copperheads looked sul
len and listless a few even refusing to
vote a compliment of thasks to Speaker
Cessna for bis fairness. Hopkius of
Washington made some impressive general
remarks. Twenty-three years ago (before
Railroads) be came over the Mountains
with eight other Members, all of whom are
now dead, while he, at that timo tbe fee-
blest of them all, survives. The "Star
! t!Png'ed ttun" was sung in conclusion
UCl O UU 3 Ul lUU ClUaiVi a uu-jv.
- --B -
1'eU8 0Dce ,n "uue "1,n a nj0,l eJe
i as ,ueJ BD0CS lne otDU 01 0De aa Blu"
, cerolJr nonored ,ua n
i nour9 ,hcJ P,rt m06t of them 10 mect 00
: morB ou cr,u-
message from Gov. Curtin.
Executive Chamber,
Harrmburg, April 15, 14t3. j
To the Senate aud House of Representa
tives of tbe Commonwealth of Pcuusyl
vania :
Gentlemen: In taking leave of yon
at the close of tbe session, I think it
proper, under existing circumstances, to
go beyond tbe usual formalities.
The partiality of my fellow oitiuos
! placed me in the office which I now bold,
at a period of great publio disiractioo,
I . P"""" 5 j. . ,
which soon culminated in tbe breaking
out of the Kcbellion,wbich is still raging,
Tbe country had so long slumbered in
unbroken tranquility, that we bad in this
State almost forgotten tbe possibility of
auy violation of our domestto peace.
Even our militia laws had been suffered
iu tan iuio uittuBo, inn wh iouus.su u
i f . f.,
I II .1: J I ... .
uniformed volunteer companies in various
merely uitaai iu vigiui.iuu wa m itn
parts of the State. Ine whole mind ot
our people was directed to peaceful end
iudustrions pursuits. Conscious tbem-
selves of no intention to inj'ire the rights
or interests of others, or io any way to
sinUm thn (:onatitution under which we
had thriven, tbey were unable to realize
the designs of wicked and abandoned liberate opinion, and shall openly, can
men, even after tbey bad been publicly didly. and zealously act in accordance
and boastingly proclaimed. j with it.
Although for many months war bad I Of the warm hearted friends, to whom
beeo actually levied against the United . I owe so much, and of tbe people of the
States, in South Carolina and elsewhere, Commonwealth, who, regardless of party,
it is a fact that the people of this Com-' have never tired of cheering my toils and
monwcaltb were first startled into a sense I anxieties by tokens of their generous eon
of the common danger by tbo bombard- C lenee and approval, I can not speak with
ment of Fort bumpier. Ibe Legislature ,
was then in session, aud immediately made
such provision as wag at the moment
deemed neio sary. But, shortly after
its adjournment, events having rapidly
advanced, aud the Capital of tbe country
being io apparent dangcr,I deemed it ne
oeseary to convene it again early io May,
1 80 1, to adopt measures for placing tbe
State on a footing adequate to tbe emer
gency. This wan pi imptly and cheerfully
done. Five hundred thousand dollars bad
been appropriated at tbo regular session ,
for military purposes, and to that sum j
was then added authority to borrow three
niillinns of dollars. This loan, notwith-!..."?
standing the depressed condition of tbo
finances of the country, and tbo alarm
and distrust then prevailing, was prompt
ly taken by our own citizens, at par; and,
.,: f ,h. li'..,;B. I...
at the suggestion 01 the executive, taws ,
were passed lor organizing our military
forces, and especially for immediately;
1 . ,1,- ..nn
raiaiug auu rP""'8 ,
the State a body of fifteen thousand men, !
called the Reserve Corns, to be ready for '
... . , ' 1 TL- I
immediate eerviee when required. The
uoveroment 01 tne unuea oiaies uaa
called out seventv-five thousand militia to ,
I SeVeniy-HVO inOIUBUU Ullllil 1W 1
three months of which tbe Quota
. . . ,- j " , j
sylvania was immediately iur- i
serve for
of Pen ns
nished. The Reserve Corps was raised,
equipped and disciplined by the State,
and contributed largely nnder Providence
in saving Washington after tbe first disss- ;
tcr at Bull Kun ; and Irom that time, we
continued to add regiment aftet regiment
as tbe service of Ihe country required.
From the first movement until the
nresent hour, tbe loyalty and indomitable
spirit of the freemen of Pennsylvania have
beeo exuioited id every way uu-evwj
casioo ; they have flocked to tbe standard
of tbeir eonntry in Der noar 01 pern, auu
t. .I.inrinaal V on battle fields
uatc , ,, ,
. i j ir: .nl Lfantnnbw i
irom oiaryiauu, v ,rB u '
IO sue lr ouum u j
have tlAVer faltered lor a moment. 11 OSS rrayer. reaning ine oiuie, pri-. meniuunm anu re-
nave never laiicriu tor aim igionjeoner.ation,were heralmost eonaunt employ,
been my pride to OCCUpy a position WUICn Brat. a. might be expected, her cod waa calm and
enabled me to beeome familiar with alT ""i ..prightMdi--hoidthejo,tfcrth.dar
their patriotism and Self doVOtlOn, and that man ! peace. Ot let me die the death of the right
. . . , I, ill J I eow, and let my laat end he like hia." Let aa aeek lo
tO gUlde their efforts. 1'OStOrlty Will OO; r.w .. .he Inllowed Chriet; theameyw.
ihom m., justice, uver, reT....- -
the Genciol UoveinmeB
lliHUl full i'lstlce. Evert rellleltlon Ol h
ly fulfilled ; all legislation in support of The conversion of legal tender notes iu
thc cause tug been enacted without dela); i to five-twen'ies. at Philadelphia, last week,
and Pennsylvania is entitled to be ranked ' reached $3, 000,000. Subscriptions are
.... - . 1 1. .. ,.t.. !... L I ' .n,,v:nn ;n fmm ..., nn.ri.p TriAflrtV-
throngUout anSiaebiDg in their determi -
ca ion to subdue the sacuugious wretches
who are endeavoring to destroy the last
Temple of Liberty.
Tbe State has not been insensible to
tbe sacrifices which her sons have made.
No effort bas been spared by her authori
ties to secure tbeir comfort and wclfarw.
Under legislative provisions to that effect,
her sick and wouudud have been followed
and cared for, and, when practicable,
brought borne to be nursed by tbeic
friends ; and the bodies of the slaio, when
possible, he been returned for burial in
the soil of tbe State. Tbe contributions
of her citizens, in supplies of luxuries and j
comforts, for all ber volunteers, have been
almost boundless, and nothing bas been
omitted that could encourage and stimu
late them in the performance of tbeir holy
duty. They have felt, upon every march
and in every camp, however desolate tbeir
immediate surroundings, that the eyes
and hearts of the loved ones at home Wero
npon and with tbem.
Tbe result is, that Pennsylvania is act
ually in a position on which it is my duty
to congratulate you, as her representatives.
Notwithstanding the immense drain of
ber population, her industry is thriving at
borne, and so far as it may not be hurt by
causes over which she bas nocootrol, must
coutiuue to prosper. Her finances were nev
er iu a more healthy condition her peo
ple were never iu better heart.
That the labors, anxieties and responsi
bilities of ber Ltecutive have been great
and harassing, I need not say. I have
I to them my nights and days, with,
i l'" iole. ce to lhe Publio 7,f";
& vi.iiu uu rfeiiai uigiit iu lull. ft WUUIU
have been unworthy to bo called a man
bad I done otherwise. If I am proud of
tbe result, it is that I am proud of the
people who have effected it. To be called
, freem,n .enn8Vlni. henceforth
j , uave , tit)o of hoDor wherever , ,,
patriotism and tbe m.rtial virtues are
cherished. It is to be observed, moreover,
that tbe labors which 1 have necessarily
undergone have already impaired my
health. I should have serious cause to
apprehend that a much longer oontinu
ance of tbem might so break it down, as
to render mo uuable to fulfill the duties
of my position. It is to be added, that,
. ... - .
as the approaching season will probably
be the most eventful period in tbe history
of tbe country, I will be able with more
effect to discharge my duties, if I avoid
being made tbe centre of an aotive politi
cal struggle. Under these eircumstanees.
it has pleased the President of tbe United
States to tender me a high position, at
' states to tender me a nigh position, at
I the expiration of my presont term of ofSoc,
! and I have not felt myself at liberty to
. ... . .i.- r i r
do otherwise than accept this off ;r. As I
shall, for all these reason", retire from
I office at tbo close of mj present term, I
1 navo thought this a not inappropriate
J mode of aunouncing that fact.
10 tagine leave ot yon, 1 ma be per
mitted to say, that, as Governor of the
l.k I I . :
v.ouj uivu v.., iu, i uii, gucu, 3 u my
J...- ...I l,ll - .; . ; ...:!
uu.j, uuo..ati vvu.iuuo iu gi.o, bu auiivO)
1 and earnest support to the Government
ol the united states, in its etlort to sup-
press the existing rebellion. As a private
j citizen, I shall CJOtinue heartily to uphold
. the l'resident and bis administration as
; the only means by which this result can
I be attained or. in other words. th innn.
, try can be saved. I give this as my de-
composure. I can do no more than express
to tbem tbe deepest, truest, and most
heartfelt gratitude.
Hoping that you may safely return to
your homes and families after your publie
labors, and witb tbe best wishes for your
individual welfare aud happiness, I now
bid you farewell. A. G. CURTIN.
By Her v B M.rr. lith lint. OKoitiiK srnNURR Fi '
"'TTnT'1 -7.B t o!v tK1RCi""",br-
Li'lu ntTh Sl.'?; l V " .
By ll.t M Bhodn.'th pit, TlliVS slKTZOARofrork
I Hi f II A S.Mr. .s.M OKI! ,.f .SonhilfT.
dc0,n.i it,, makv ouivkr. u.iT.
" -" in". John bkiccukr ant Miw
KI.MIKA UAIiKMT, both of Lewii Tp.
On th.l3th init, WILLIAM F. MOVER, .r Kelly T.p, !
ln ' Tp. I -IS in. t. WII.I.IAM V A.aon of Lot W
4 M.rTj iTmiB,m..i ,.. 114. I
'""'n "i;.ii,wioowoiMie
bi 4 Tin mr.
in Sunburr. Mth ott, la her 13th 7r, LOUISA,
dam - bur of sin mh. biiiiogton.
-w.t.rof tha nnt dith,ia PhiirfHphi., of
Mi" MARI CALVIM, originally from near Wuhlo
, nni, tiau , nMJt of UaUtUa in Uajo
,.... &u. wm, . id, 0f n.ii mind. nimi nii i
iiucr, nun, mm m nnni 01 grimier uniuipin, naa
"t- knowMi-e of milrine,ln the practice of
whkh be ariirrir eos.gnt. Lon( will he be
toBilj renMmo.rM fct b mnjr ,jrtttM(a pobJh!
litwnl heart, anil as a aieini of gnater uMruinaM, had :
wrll as In print, life. W.
Died at ber ntiMenre, In Lewfuhorr, Fa., on tbe ISth
of March, Mm. Maria M.tiraham in th 7"th year of hr
agn, after a eerere and protracted illoe'e, which abe
bore with chriKtiaa fortitude aud mination. Sue was
born lu Uerllit Co..l'a..on the .,th of Julv.lTHffnd emigra
ted to this Dart of the State in the year" 1WI0. Sh'nniU!d
with the Krangelieal Lutheran Churrh, of which her pa
rents were Bemoan in her hfleentb year. Sometime
after this, she waa united to Alexander Graham in mar
riaee, when she traafla-rred ber connection from the
Lutheran U tlie Presbyterian Church, of which ahe con
tinned to be a worthy and uerful member until her de-
for the laat thirty
almoat a eonatant .nfferer. Ilaeins been long trained
in the eehool of affliction, the knew well how to aympn.
thiae with tbe aorrnwrdt and the Buiftrrinr, and waa
ever ready to minieter to their eomfbrt. Her naturally
amiable dfnpoeitioo. Mnetified by grace, made her a
nleamot and profitable companion She had many warm
years or iier lire, ine was
''hinda. and but few if any enemies. She waa an a Sec- i
uooate wue, lenuer motoer, eonxani rriena, ana an I
i. i. a , ai . M...k.Ki. ...
toeerythin like reiidous onunutina. she had been !
long anxioumy waitiov ror me nour or ner ncpartnre. j
jr - -.i S.. ..iTS
u. 1
p. apeely aod raMloa wa inoaa
1 ernment credit was never better, notwith-
' standing ton ettorts of Walt Street opecu-
lators and Copperheads to destroy it.
It has been decided by tbe Supreme
Court of Pennsylvania that tbe legislative
act of April, 1861, providing that no civil
process shall issue against a soldier during
tbe term of enlistment, is constitutional,
and that proceedings on mortgages execu
ted prior to tbe act, are within its forms.
Tbe last bit of Parisian news is that
Slidell has offered the person who controls
tbe French press five hundred thousand
bales of cotton to favor the Southern
causa, or to publish, or to allow them
(the Southerners) to publish all they
wish in the papers of France.
The "Democratic' Commissioners of
Northumberland county would not grant
the use of tbeir Court House for tbe for
mation of a "Union League." But a good
one was formed, nevertheless.
"Huwto intw Tithunn" This work gives
most complete instruction; upon tobacco cul
ture. .The details are staled so plainly that
any one can cultivate the crop, even though
he had never sern a lubacco plant. Eighty
five experienced growers each wrote down
exactly what is to be done, and how to do it.
From these, the best given by fourteen diffe
rent men, resident in different pans, arte
selected, and printed in this work, the prepa
ration of which cost nearly $500. The book
is sent, post paid, for 25 cents per copy, by O
JI.'IIL), Keillor of the American Agriculturist,
41 Park Kow, New York
I'nlon Prayer Meeting hereafter
in the Lutheran bouse, at 4 o'clock. Sabbaih
afternoons. .ll are invited to attend.
University at Lewisburg.
The next Session will open on Thursday
mornmc, April 2 kl, iu the
J. K. LOOM IS, President
To the Physicians of Union County.
0 I N invitation is hereby extended to the
Lewisburg. at 10 o'clock A M of Tuesday the
nk..:.,... ..I skA . m..s ;
19th day of May neitfoi the purpose of orga-
County Medical Society, and the
transaction of such bosiness as may be tho't
advisable. A grneral attendance is requested.
rpHE Public Schools of NORTHUMBER
L LAND BOROUGH will be let for the
Summer Term nn Satnrdav. Anril 25. IRC:!-
; at t o'clock, P M, ai the Center School House
in Northumberland. There will be FOUR
in Northumberland. I here will be
! Schools. The Term will commence o
''v. May 4th. and will continue three n
i Applicants are desired to be present
Letun- Bv order of the Board s
on Aion-
at tbe
J. P.TUSTIN, Sec'y
i. K. DiErrmDEarEa daviel scuiuck
It'eiv Furniture Establishment,
iuf ..k...;l.... L... .1 f :...,
runuo. -
establishment on Market Si. I.twburg,
I . . . . "'....!
(opposne unamuer in s oui oings; wnere tney
manutactore to oroer ana Keep on nana an
f ejuivrr iriip ....11.1,..,
i in sucn establishments Bureaus, Bedsteads,
iciics ut vn,,.'u , ,. uju.hi p.
" ' j
0 tK'ISVthe brat and most eiped-
itiu.s manner.
j U N D E RTA Kl N G inall itsbrawehes
, attended to at very low rates. Keady-made
I v-ottins always on nann,
Lewisburg, April 16, ltt3
Borough Settlements.
rpHE Auditors of the Borough of Lewisburg
X and the several Collectors are hereby
notified to meet at the Othce of the Clerk for
the purpose of settling up the different
accounts of said Boronsh.on WEDNESDAY
the 6th of MAY next, at 7 o'clock, P M
April 17, 1S63. Treas. and Clerk
ator's Notice.
given, that Letters
ion on the Estate of
JOHN STw.RR.UteV White Deer township.
Union Cpi, deceased. Jiave been eranted to
Ihe undersigned, by lha. Register of t nion
.v... ,,, w, lai ...c.c.Mr n ,.:,- ,
sons knowing theselvesndebled to said
estate are requested to mak. immediate pay
nient, and those Jiavinr just Vlaims against
,he same als requited torresent them
Properly autheXated f. r wlllLi
j, I . piahh. .1 u in I ii
tofn, North'd Co April 10, 1863
THE Executive Committee of the Union
County Agricultural Society will meet at
Ihe O.Tice of J. A. Menu, in Lewisbur?. on
Saturday, the ISth April instant, at 1 o'clock
:..L t.- . I -
' viiiiniiiicc win uc iuiieiiiii iu
their attendance, as business of importance
W1, br iaja before ,htn, j. A MERTZ,
April 7, '63.
Keeording Secreury.
. nion County Court Proclamation
"T7-HEREA8,the Hon. 8AM'L S.WOODS.
y President Judge for the 20th Judicial
District of Pennsylvania, composed of the
counties of tniou, MilHtn and nyder, and
Jso WSisotj andJuH.l Walls Esqs.,Asso-
- -. -.... " - 1 -
ciaieJudges in Union connty, have issued their
precept, bearing date the 31st day of Feb'y,
mu3t anj lo directed, for the holding of an
! Ornhans' Court. Court of Common Pleas. Over
and Terminer, and General Quarter Sessions
at LEWISBURO, for ihe county of UNION,
on the Third Monday of MAY, (being (the
ISth day) 1863, and to continue one week.
Notice is therefore hereby given to the Cor
oner, Justices of the Peace and Constables in
and for ihe connty of Union, to appear in their
own proper persons with their records, inqui
sitions, examinations and olher remembrances
to do those things which of their offices and in
their behalf appertain to be done; and all Wit
nesses and other persons prosecuting in behalf
of the Commonwealth against any person or
persons, are required to be then and there
.tleuding, and not depart without leave at their
jrr. . t,J in he nnnrlnal i
peril, jurors are requestea to oe punctual i
their attendance at the appointed lime agreea.
,e to notice,
Given under mv hand and seal at the Sher
iffs Office in Lewisburg the 17th day of
April, A D 1863, and the 86th year of the
Independence of ihe United Stales of Amen
ca. -God save ihe Commonwealth!
Bl A M If 5 at the "Chronicle" OJk
OUMlw r
MOTICE is iKrebv
XI r4 ndminiatlai
Real Estate.
WILL be ollWed at Public Outcry, at the
Itiviere Hons, Lewisburg, Penn'a.on
Taenia, the 28A l"y of April, 1,C3,
at One O'clock, P. M, all that Real Estate
known as ihe
now occupied by Slifer, Walls, (Shrincr &
Co., in Ihe manufacture of Stoves. Azriruliu
ral Implements, etc., one of lh BEST HI'SI
SYLVANIA, consisting of
Foundry, Stables, large frame Ware
Room, etc.; Steam Engine in com
plete order, &.c.
At the same time will be sold a larje lot of
Patterns, Lath Ilenclics, Tools, Flask?,
and other Personal Property appurtenant t
the business.
At the same time and place will be exposed
to sale the large MANSION HOUSE ol Major
William Frick.
Terms made known on day of sale by
Att'ys for Maj. William Trick.
Lewisburg, April in, 1m3.
Br virtne of sundry writs of Vend. Ex. and l
Fi. Fa. issued out of the Court ot Common
Pieas of Union County, and to ine directed, :
will be exposed 10 public sale or i.-'cry u.
iVi'ifory, 31iy 1, liC, j
at the Public House of Jacob Deck .' I. io the
Borough of Milllinburg, county a.. - .j. 1, at 1
10 o'clock A. M., a certain Lot of .. '. :d, !
situate in the borough of Mifriinburg,boum!?e'
east by lot of David Fanst, north by the turn
pike, west by lot of James Chambers, and
south by an alley, containing fine-fourth of
an acre, whereon are erected a two-storey
dwelling house, wash-house, a log stable, &c,
with :he appurtenances, as the property of
t'rederick Outelius.
A'r, on Saturday, Mty 2, 1SC3,
At the Public House ot Wi.liam Wolfe, in
the Borough of Hartleton, and county afore-
said, at 10 o'clock A. M a certain Tract of
Land, situate in Lewis township, county of
Union, bounded on the north by land of Mr.
Ke.sh,on tne east by land of Chr.snan
Mench. on the sonlh by land of William
Hoffiuan, and on the wet bv land of heir of
Wm. Tate, dee'd, containing one hundred
and fifiy acres, more or leas, whereon are
erected a two-storey brick dwelling house,
a bank barn, with other Outbuildings, with
the appurtenances, Ac.
.o 2. Also, a certain Tract of LaoJ.
! si'oalV ;Ha"'7 0Ws.hiP; JrTV
i f"r"l. h"aail"X ?' a ! fJ.Tr
U.nith nn lh 9tl hff and nl Hail K3 TSf T-
Smith, on the east by land of Daniel Kaihrr-
man, on the south by land of Jacob Feese,
and on the west by land of Abraham Mover
and others, contaimog one nunuiea ana nny
acres, more or less, whereon are erected a
two-storey frame dwelling house, a barn, a
well with a pump, and other Outbuildings,
with Ihe appurtenances, lie
No. 3. Also, a certain Lot of Ground, sit
uate in the Borough of Hartlelun, county
1 aforesaid, bounded on Ihe east by public road
' leading from Hartleton to Orvrig's mill, on
the south by an alley, on Ihe vest by Jacob
Yarger. and on the north by olher lot of'
Samuel Hatipt, containing three acres, more
or less, wnh the appurtenances, Ac.
N"o, 4. A certain Lot of Ground situate
in 1V1. twiniimk r( Haril.rrtn tA lunnir
, .f.iresa d. bounded on ihe east bv nub ic road
- r ". '
, Jin from Harllelon , Orwig's mill, on
; ,he sou!n b mner ot o Samuel Haunt, on
! .u. t. heir. r J..hn P v;inn iWM
i ,m TO '"r"' ",nl .i.on ncc u.
c west by heirs ol John r . vv iison dee tl
rt on the north by Shem Spigelmeyer, con-
taming six acres, more or less, with the
appnrienanees, Ac, as the properly of
Simufl Haupt. L.'F. ALBRIGHT, Sheriff.
SnenfTs Office, Lewisbnrg, April 1. IS63.
Lewisburg. This property is pleasantly Io -
Stwlir lafe 8nd"e"
Also, a House and Lot on the corner
of Seventh and St. Louis streets. 1 hejji.
house has been recently built, is pleasantly :
situated, and is well adapted for a small faia-i
ily. For particulars and terms arplv to
THE subscriber offers for sale the Farm
upon which be resides, in East Buffa
loe township.a mile and a half south of Lew
isburg. It contains CI Acres more or less,
all cleared and in a good stale ( f cultivation.
together wnh 10 acres of Timber Land near
by. The Farm Improvements are a frame
lj-t Dwelling House, Frame Barn, Tenant I
Ho a Hiisi. and snitahle OulbuildiniTS. A '
Rooa spring near ine nouse, ana a stream oi .
water flows through the farm. Also all kinds
of fruit, of the best varieties
The farm is bounded on ihe north by m.
Brown, raM bv Penny and Uundv, sooth by
the Smoketown and river road, west by Jacob
For Terms, inquire on the premises.
April 6. '6Sm6 GODFREY DECK.
CflTUATEl) mostlv m the Cornugh ot tfr.r-1
lVj ll.ln ..I.Minu.. 1 1. ;iln. nn Ik. f. K
mg ihe village on the r.-r;h
and extending almost lis entire lensth, n,:
ing its division and sale into lots quite ctn -nient,
containing h1 teres, IK of "It cs
2? Water flows nearl, thr.,ffh iis '
The Improvements are a good Frame fm
House and bank Barn, with a Tenanti lJ
r ..
House on the north end of the farm. Twv
Apple Orchards, one in full bearing, the
younger beginning lo bear.
Also, no Acre of Timber Land.
siiuaieu in Hartley township.
ror lerins, apply to
hxTutrir itf J. F. II i-J". eVff .
or WM. F. WILSON, Hartleton, Pa.
STORE ROOM on Market street, Lewis
bnrg, belonging to Wm. Frick, novoru
pied by Washingtoa Hutchison.
Also. Store Koom of Rev. Jacob Roden-
baugh, and Daguerrean Gallery immediately
over said room, on Market street.
Inquire of jan26w3 W.M.JONES.
LOT on Norlh Fourth slreei.
March I. "64. HHHGI.LEK.
has removed lo South 3d streei.fnur
doors from the Town Clock, LEW.
BHGGEY and a one-horse Spring Wa;
n. lou lire of 9. W. MURRAY.
rpHE ondersijned intends supplying the
citizfns of Lewisburs wi!h Pure MOW
ciiminrncing about the 15th intt. Persors
wishinj to be supplied, will plrase send in
iheir names to him, at the Lewiotri; Under.
The Milk will be delivered (daily except Sun
days) morninr tir evening, as preferred by a
majority of cuslnmers. SAM'L SLIx'Lul
Lewisbnrg, April 10, 1S6.I
Good ievs! Good News ! !
rpHE LA TEST Telegram announces that
1 Lieut. W. D. Himnielreieh made a most
successful recnnnoisanee ol l'hila-, nn tha
7ih in;t and on the f dlowing two days the
(Quaker City was beleaguered by a strong
force t-f Croizer'a (Dingbat) Battery, whittj
resulted in the capture of abuul'JOO Infantry,
a large assortment of
Bird Cages, Jewelry, Perfumery,
floslt-ry, Stationery, Itakets,
and all manner nf FANCY ARTICLES.
Also, a fine lot of TOIItCCO. fChewin
j and Smoking) the VEHY 11 EST tnal Kebel
j d m affords !
i'hrse Goods are If he disposed of Chtnp
' .- Cu.A, and have been forwarded to Crot
i : r' Headquaiters, in Lewisburg, Pa, where
; : i" 2d Lieut, (being detailed for the purpose)
I wdl make a grand review every day and eve
. uir-g until further notice. Let the purchasing
pnMic walk in ! Lewisburg. April 10
TOR many years we hare made ihe entti-
ion of SMALL. LIU ITS a spe
cialty, and taking into account vamrrv, e.ui
titv and uun, our stock of Vines and
Plants of
tstrr. BLirsiiniKiF.'i,
MR i whkkries, i.(mu;h:i:i iw,
nASPBKHKII.S, 11 liK AS fi. Ac. kt
it onequaled anywhere, which we offer on lbs
most favurable terms. Parties wishiag to
purchase would do well to correspond with,
I or sd foronr Price List, which will be
; stnt 10 a" applicants free of charge.
j Oar Seed Stire and Rtrticulural Boute
: , an rln. c
' u 15 at -. U Street,
' "n"e a" articles belongingto such an estab
1,shraenl can be had of ihe best qnality.
J- KNOA. Uoi 155. Pittsburg. Pa.
I ,
JiiXeCUtOr 8 KOtlCe.
, "NOTICE is hereby given, that Letter I
1 tamentarvon the last will and testament
I of BENJAMIN ANGSTADT, deceased, lata.
a? HT'l p"'
V """signed, by the Register of
I n nn Punnlr in fiio ftrTn r 19 av 1 1 wlbmam
Union county, in due form of law; all persona
; having claims against said estate will present
' them, and those owing said estate are reiOca-
; tea to make immediate payment, to
lw1itmTir. March A, lsi3.
S-First of the Season !
VriV flrtOfK
, -py pufWiJ
Ivi'tU" Jrir
-hW 0(3' I).
T T r?IWlMi
- vv-.j
For tbe Spring; ami Sumraor.
For tlie Spring and Summer.
For the Spring' and Summer.
For the Spring aud Suuinie.
Call axd See.
I Call and See.
j Call and See.
i i V L JM, .EE
j jno. II Goodman, Market St..lewfsl nrg
: Jno. II.GoOllDiaD, Market St., Lr isbllU
j Ls"AH kinds of Grain bought for Cash.
rf) BBLS. Mackerel, Xn. 1 and 2,
JJ In bmlf and whole bamis. r al hr
J.VO. 11. I.O0DUA.
COD FISH for sale bv
JNO. n. onnDtfAV.
7IHTE aud Blue Plastrr for calo
T JS'. H. flODMX.
SALT, in barrels and sacks for ?a!o
r JNO. II. 0O.11HI AS.
20 000 BUS. of Oats wanted,
I VyV7VJVy for which UKhkhCTt l ai.l inch. y
y JNOL 11. lliNlLUAN.
i -
Estatft flf Mr Maria It flraliam Aan'il
-r FTTr; Tcstamennrv nn th
Estate of
i:tDurg ,,,,,, l njon connt; ', bu
franted 0 john G- Bo;!,s a sonJ iD,,eh.
a ,h-Peio r.,,..i , 1:
u,. ..f 1
paynieni,and tho having.claims onleraands
against the same will present them for settle
ment to JOHN G. HOGGS, Executor,
or A. H. DILL, his Attorney.
Lew, .Mrg, March 26, 1863.
partnership of S. linn and C.
-., trading nnder the hr-m of Hurrt
A. R 'ia. J. is this day dissolved, by mutual
Consent. The business will hereafter be ron
linned VjS. Hursh, at the old stand. Tha
dpoh": aun rapers will be left at the Store
lh . d-T of May. All in eresied will
r irase lake nonce. H. H I KSII.
Lewisburg, April I, 1863. C. ROLAND.
Executor's Notice.
"TOTICE is hereby given that letters testa-
mentary on the last will and testament
ot JAMES DALE,"1 late ol Lewisburg
) borough, Union couniy. deceased, have been
' granted to the subscriber, by the Register of
' L'nion eoonty.in due form ol law; therefore alt
persons indebted to said estate are requeste I to
make immediate payment, anil those having
claims against the same will present them
properly uiucun,icu aruirmrui in tua
undersigned. T. H. WILSON, M.D., Es'r.
Lewiaburg. March 12, '63.
ON and after JULY 1st, IW. the privi!er
of converting the present is.ue LE
ly called "Fivw-Tweaties") will cea.
Ail who wish to invest in the Five-Twen'y
Loan most, therefore, apply before ihe 1st vC
Sraairrl".i AutT.
Ap- 3m3 No. IUS. Third St.. Phitad
fllHE pannersh.p herei-lore i, ; t-e,
I tweea W. Vats G.aaa and A. II- I".".
in the pracuce of the law, is .h.s
Lewisfrurg. Jan. s, lf .