fV VS..... TTY . - ei . . iie djca. way m rui nuney um B.I . Interest. The following informa'ioa we insert io onr columns for the benefit of oar reader: (From the Philadelphia Ledjer, March 27. One of the w,bi suririaitie tbiuns in tho recent conversions tf crceuback oitei i'ltj tbi-popular l-'ive Tweuty aix per ceut. Government loan at par, is the universal- ty of tbe call. We happened in. jester- daj, at the office of Jay CYoke, ho is the egenl fjr tbe sale of these ljau9, and tbe coovertioo of tbe rrconback.4, and fuund Lid table literally covered with orders aod acoampmying drafts fjr almost ail mouuts, from use thousand to a hundred thousand dollars each, aod from all parts of the Uni in. Tbe little States of Dela ware and New Jersey are free takers, as re also 1 eno.-ylvauia, ew York and the New EugUnd States. But tbe West is most especially an active taker, as well through her banks as by individuals. The amount of orders lying before us, all received during the diy, amounted to over Jijlcen huntlrvd Ihousnml dollars. itn this fP' ntaoeous rn ffer of moticv, Sccre- tary Chase must feel bin 8 If entirely at ; Government owes enough more in tbe ease, and will take care to put himself j shape of L gil Tenders, Deposits in tbe beyond those money sharpers, whoso chief Sub-Treasuries, Certificates of Indebted Study is bow to profit themselves most j ncss, &o., tc increase the debt to eight or from tbe troubles of tbe country and tbe I nine hundred millions. Secretary Chase necessities vf the treat-tiry. There are : has calculaced that tbe debt may reach millions of djliars lying idle all over the 1 oue thousand, s-. ven hundred millions, if country, aod while the uncertainty existed ' the Hebelliou lasts eighteen months as to what Congress would do, and the ' lunger. It is, however, believed now tbat bullion brokers were successful io running ; it will not last six months longer; but tip gold to the discredit of the Govern- even if it does, our National Debt will be tnetit issues, this capital was elutcbed 1 sroill compared with that of Great Britain close. But as th? policy and measures of , or France, whilst our resources are vastly the Secretary of the Treasury are gradu- greater. ally developed, cauEJeoca ia the Goveru--! 12. I have no doubt tbat the revenue meat and in tbe future is strengthened, ; iriH not only be ample to pay the ordi nd holders are now anxious to make : nary expenses of the Government and all their long unemployed means productive . Interest on the debt, but leave at least one hence the ready and liberal iuvtstment in tbe Five-Twenty loans at par. Almost every town and village throughout tbe country has iudividual holders of raoocy, to larger amounts probably than ever be- fore atone time, f. r which eali.sfictory takers can not be found. Many of those are now investors in tbese loans, and the Dumber of such is likely to increase, until the demand- glial! put all the Government loans on a par with, at least, the loaus of the various incorporated cm.pinies. Tho country banks are als free taker for themselves and tb'ir cost jmers. On the 1st of Ju'y tLis r.ve-Tweuty Year loan Kill, under the hw, l e r t drasvo. ,I!erks t'.i.. i'a., Miroit -UC3. JAY CUUKE, E ., United StfU L-j'in Aj'nt. 114 Anuria I'mau Sr., Fuilad. Dear &it : I see by our pap;rs tbat yaa are selling for the Uovcruuienc a new Loan called "Five-Twentiet.." I expect to have hortly a few thousand d jilars to spare, and 1 have nado up my uiind tb t tbe Government I.iuns are sufe D I good, and it is my duty and imere- at ibis tim'j,tu pat tuy nioury into tbem in preference over any other loius orstook . I write to j.it infcraiatiun of yoa as fo.iows : 1st. Why ate they calUd "Five Twenties?" id. Uo yea taie country money, or only Legal Ttndar Nite, or 1 1 a check on rbiladolphia, or "c for subscriptions ? 31 Do you sail the Bonds at Par ? 4th. As I cm cot cjoio to PhilaJul pbia, how am I to get tbe ban Jr.? 6;h. What Iuurest da they piy, and i t ji :. 1 I now anu wucu anu wnere . ,.a:u, .uu k i aiu iu uuiu ui uu ' O h. How does Secretary CuasE get mooch Gold to DiV this Intercut X ' I 7th. Will tie face of the Bood be t.a.d in Gold when due 7 j , . , .i i i n . I hih. Can I have the Bonds payable to : ijrer with Coupons, or registerud and ( pavablo to my order f 9 h. What size are the bonds? 10:h. Will I Lave to pay the same tax on them as I n"W pay on my ltail toad, or any other Moods ? Ilih. What is the present debt of the Government, and what amount is it hk dv to reach if the Kcbeliioa should last a year or two longer ? 12th. Will Secretary Chase get enough from Custom House d-ities aod Internal Revenue, Iucomo Taxes, : Interest punctually ? I have no doubt that a good many of my neighbors would like to take these Koods, and if you will answer my ques tions I will show the letter to tbem. Very Kcpectfully, g M F . OBlea of Jt Tooea. SutwriiitiuD Ac ntTat 1 Offlceof Jxl Couat i B-ur. Ill . IbiH St. f aiuiiJ'aia, Marcb -a, lsoo. Dear Sir: lour letter of the U;h lnst.ts r-coived, nd I will cheerfully 've you the infor- j tnation desired by answering your ques-! tioos in due ord.r.- - . 1st. These Honda are cal.ed "I'ive- Twenties" because, while they are taeniy 1 1 1 .1 L 1 . . -A Kn ' ... t , . the Government m OOLU at any time , after ne years. Many people suppose that the Iutcrest is only 5 -0 per cent. I This is a mistake; they pay Six Per cent, j Interest. " 2nd. Legal Tender notes rr cheeks upon rbiladolphia or New York tbat will j brine Lecl Tenders, are what the Sccre- tary allowa me to receive. No doubt i " 1!.V .1,1 iv- vn a check I or lgJ Tenders for your couotry fuoda. Si The lijudi re M t Far, the juiii ai '- j : j Interest to commeoca the day yoa pay the i.fc T Wa nrrfirjTemen(s with i l?.b- Kxilroe mhft sril! yOOr DUaicoi uaa v ---- " liv have ths bonds on hand. If not, JOB can aeoa idb money iu uie uy Fznress. and I will 6end baclt the Loud 1 t - - free of cost. 5tb. The Bonds pay Six per cent. In terest in Gold, three per cent, everv six months, on the first day of May aod Noveoiu-r at tbe Mint in Philadelphia, or ! at aoy Sab-Treasury in New lork or elsewhere. If yoa have Coupon BjoJs, all yoa have to do ia to cut the proper Coupon off each eil months, aod collect it yourself or give it to liauk for collec tion. If yoa have Registered Biods, you can give your iiiok power of attorney to collect tbe Interest for you. 6th, Tbe duiiea on imports of all articlea fioio abroad luiist be paid in (ioLD.aud tbia ia the way Secretary Chase set hi t 'Id. It it now being pi id iuto he Treasury at tbe rate of Two Hundred i Tb iuaaiid ltolHrs each dy,wbicb is twice as muob u he Deed to pv the Interest ia Gnlii. 7th. Congress has prnvidrd that the Honda sha'l be Paid in Gold when due. 8th. You cjd have enber Coupon Bjuds payable to the Bearer, or llenia- ' tered lionds payable to your order. ' 9th. The former are in 50', 100's ; 500's. ibe latter in same amounts, also j.(Ws and ?10 000. ! 10:h. Si! Yuu will not have to pay j any taxes on these liauds if your income i frin them dies not exceed S300: and on nil ab ive 8000 you it ill have to pay one- i , nail as mucti income lax is U your money was invested io Mortages or otber Securities. I consider tbe Government Bonds as firtt of all all other Bunds are taxed one-quarter per cent, to pay the In terest on tbe Government Bonds, and tbe ; Supreme Court of tbe Uuited States has ! just decided that uo State, or City, cr I County can tax Government Bonds. I 11th. Tbe present bonded debt of the ; : C lilted htates is less than illllEE I1C.N- : DttKD .uu.MO.ns, including tbe seven and three-tenths Treasury Notes; but the hree-tentbs 1 reasury Aotes; ! hundred millions annually toward paying ' off the debt, and that the Government will j be able to get out of debt again as it has j twice before in a few years after the close of the war. j I hope all who have idle money will at j once purchase tbese Five-Twenty Year i Bonds. The right to demaud tbem for j L-gal Tenders will end on tbe first day of July, 103, as fw-r the following notice : i HKOIAL NOTICE, J Oi and after JULY 1st, 18C3, the j privilege of converting tbe present issue I of LKGAL TENDe.lt NOTES INTO THE NATIONAL SIX PER CENT. LOAN (commonly called 'Five-Tweu ties") will cease. All who wish to invest in tbe Five Twenty Loan must, therefore, apply be fore tbeJErst of JULY next. JAY COOKE, Subscription Agent, Xo. 111S. Third Street,' Philadelphia. Those wh( neglect these Six per cent. Bonds, the Interest and Prineipal of which tbey will got iu GOLD, may have occasion to regret it. Iam, very truly, 'yonr friend, JAY COOKK, Subscription Agent, At Office of JAY CUOKK &. CO., No. Ill 8. Third St. P1111.AbEL.rniA. Tbe ISiuks and Bankers of your and adj, lining Countica will keep a supply of these Bonds on band, if you prefer to go mere and get tbem. Regular Uffion comity Courts open Third MonJay ia February May Sep Umb'r Dirjemb'r rjHE subscribers havefor sale J. Cln ,0,s 10 suitpurcnasers; a are slock of VISE BOAK PS Panel StulT l'lank, Ac. Also S.OOO PJAi 'KAILS. inr,h Sawejl sh,:n:;l" "I"' aiix!- Also square Timber for Buildings: Whjch are ofIered ()W f(,r cash a, our Mills on jsolUh Branch of the While Deer Creek in Hartley township or delivered on ihe Brush alley -Narrows road at the end of unr Road. rVA Diploma for a superior sample oi Hanks, and a Premium for Rails and Shing les, were awarded ns at the last Union Co.Ag. Fair. JOHN M'CALL & SONS, ly'"t "oresl Hill P O, Union Co, Pa FIRE INSURANCE. INSURANCE COMPANY OF NOTRII AMEK1CA Philadelphia. (Iueorporatrd, 1734.) - - - 8300.000.00 Capital Vsicts, Jan. 1S01, - - 125-1.719.S1 ARTHI'R C. COFFIN, President CHARLES PLA I T, Secretary IVBuildings annually or perpetually, Mer chandize, Cram, Furniture, &c, insured, al currant rates of Premium, JOHN B. LINN. 931m3 Agent for Uuion counly. Pa. rIMIE subscriucr con- L tinues to carry on the 1 : Livery HukIiiCkn at i lie "iu kiaiiii ifu kuuni Tbir, f,treeu n,ar Market, and respcctfull) solicits ihe patronage of his friends and the public cenerally. CHARLES F.HESS. Lewisburg. May 22. 1850 REMOVAL. TOHN A. MEKTZ, Esq., has removed his ) Oihe.e on Market Si. two doors west of ,he Lewisbura Bank where he wiM allend IO au manner of business in Tiis line with promptness. Speaks both English and tier- man. . J. A. MEKTZ Lewisburg, April 1, 1888 NOTICE. rpiIE Dimes Savin? InMituiion of Lewis- L bur; ha, this day declared a Dividend ot Tour PI Cnl- 00 the m0U? S,oclf paid in. Payable to ihe stockholders in lireniy dav from date. s... , nw. a- r. silt l.i. tit. Treaaurer iCE...r:;...icE ! rPHR nfrsi?nH are PuUin? UP IIOI larze enough to supply all onr people wiih Ice during the whole year. Ire will be delivered in town, dailv. at a cheaDer rai man private ice nouses ean oe hiied. rfi.'all "n either of as on Nonh 4ih St. or at the Ice House below the River Under. II A.WKlhKNsaCL, Lrviaharg, Not., 1660 aKANK. ANtifcUbT V.T7EST BRANCH Insurance Companv, V of Luck llaren, l'a. Insures Properly in both Town and Coun try on as reasonable Terms as any other good Company. , The large increase of PreminmNotes makes it a reliabl Coo piny to insure in. annasl mf Prnaluia ( le no, la ror(T,JM),000.00 3. W-Caimas, See G.V.Uaavav, Prea LAKIiOA" PK088, A tent, Dec 18, 1361 Lewisburg II. GERII 4RT, DESTIST, has removed lo South 3d strrei.fnur dixira from Ihe Tuan CWlt. LEW. I"l!t'K' PA 5t"avl"J I UNION COUNTY STAR CO-PARTNEllSIIIP. jjj'j" 1 The undersigned have as- V, 3!!fc!pSSi octated themselves into copart j, , ?t1?S nership for the purpose of carry iiiMii VviiiBBtag 0 ,),e Lumbering-, Planing, and Carpentering business mall theirvarioua branches, at the Ccuriebnrg Steam planing mills, where they intend to keep a slock of Tine Hemlock, Walnut, Cherry, Poplar, Ash, Ma ple, and all kinds of Lumber, Flooring Shel ving, Siding, Shingles, Lath, Joists, Sluddin?, Fencing, Pickets, Door and Window Frames, Doors, Shutters, lllincls, Sash, Mouldings, Brackets, Ac. Planing, Slitting, Scroll Saw ing, Ac, done at short notice and all work warranted to give satisfaction, both in (rice and workmanship, J. 1). DIEFFE ADERrEK, MARTIN DRKISBACH, HIRAM DRE1SBACH LowlKtinrt Plauine, Millii, April 1, IS'iO. REMOVAL. TB. CHRIS P, Esq., ha removed his Of. j, lice to the buildup of Jonathan Spyker, North of the Court House, and immediately j 0pp,,sjle n,e Buffalo House, where he will at tend to all manner of busi business at his office wiih dispatch and promptness in his line of business. (Speaks both English and (.ermau.) April I, 166't. L. It. CHRIST. ron SALE. N Inventory was taken of the Stock com l. prising H. W. CROTZER'S VARIETY STORE, during his lale visit home. The Captain now oilers this splendid establishment for sale. It is impossible for him to annul to business matters. The sword and musket now demand his whole anention. This is a capital opportunity for some individual who may be desirous of investing in this line of trade. The establishment po.sesses wide no toriety, an extensive patronage, and is located in the most pleasant part of our village. Terms liberal. Nov. 7, '64 JOW ovvs Hammotl Furniture Warehouse, 809 & 811, Chestnut St., PHILADELPHIA. Late Levy & Co.'3 Dry'Goocte Store. GEO. J. HENKELS. rormcrly li t, IValnut St. Sej-t. 1R.-.2 r.ra Estate of Lieut. J. Gilbert Beaver. i DMIMSTRATORS NOTICE Letirrs .' of Adminisirauon on the eiate of J. Gil bert Beaver, deceased, late of Lewisburg, having been granted to the subscriber by the Register of Union counly in due form ol law, all persons iudebted to said estate are hereby , noi.nea to m.ite iminruia.e ,.ay .c..., -.m UdVlll liy junviaiu.1 au.u... ...w present them dulv auiheniicated for setllement io l'KTER BEAVER, I.ewisbursr, Administrator with the Will annexed J.S.Xah. K.Shoraloy. t'.C.Shoiklrj. F. Beater vj. S. MARSH & CO, (L'CCKSSoKS TO OJabUKE. MARSn CO.) LEWISliUlia FOUNDItY ASD AGRICULTURAL WORKS Lewhburs, Pa. WE bate eomtantlt on hand and lor al, ' WIluI.ESAI.B OR RETAIL, Rraprr. wr avd rtmrr Harvftm; flrain ami Bran Sndrt ; Hnnd av4 Hnrv " Sh'lltrt : On'. Tm ami Fimr Uorf. Trad. Sicrrp and itnll i'lrmrrt ; .rer lluUrrt. PrM lllrrt, Thmhm, llmat, Slnwrt. It'll.', Irtm Frtmtt far lMin. 7ronrnee. Kailiy: Mill OuriHK, e. c.,aml hold ourwltea ivady at alftimea to BO iu Rl!D9'r KouaiiBt KrsiMM wiih tbe utintei.rreetneiia and dijpatcb Work or Manofactaraa invariably warranted as Tecommciidod. Orlrn renirtfullj olicitwt andpromptij a" - ted to. Jub1. lfcu DR. HOOFLAND'S BALSAMIC CORDIAL, FOR THS CCKE OT Ctjh$, Colli, JnftnxCL, frovp, IIr$fnst, finmchOi, J"nemonti, I a at of Vit llorHt, arttmft frtm (W, Jiuynt 1bn.mmrfi. and or ths t'ivf atd ft at aU fKUuirWc) cure of I'utitnU in advanced ,tage$ oftfte latter tit tea tt. ..... . THK BalMunle Cor.llal iJ ralinlj a VfUWe prrxjur tion.wniUuiuc the ht-alinic pn-purli-fK-f th HalfUkio, with the itiTitoratiti(( qtiliii-H f aOrlil, ftraducinjca combination m well adai'letl to tbe purptww intendf-J, that thr ar hut fw er9 nftIia.- wbich will not, at an frly ptTiLKl, Buccuuib U iW Urliug aud Uie-gif mg propvrtifft.! For an- ha the trottm nt of pulmonary diee Mf. tupted the irrvatcr p rtiti of the attention of the scien tiiv of th mdi"3l wurhl. hut non tiir--l more enii-tn-iap in bin treatm-ut of th-w tltfaM, tfljn the e-le-hratd 1'rttMtitn t(r HootlttnJ, th originator of the Ital Mniiv CoHiat. Hi" lifcwieTotcl to the produftionof rviaedito that would tanl uurivattsd- How well he baa imfritled. the AioTtcan people ar aMe toju-Ij-: and we in.! lively aeoert. that no preparation that have evr ' . ,-L a-.W..m k..u&.nft..l tha..m....r..... I nf luanaafita nn antT-rinir hutuanitT. or have elicited no nutnr coin in-nilat ions from ail elaitwa of aorieiy. aa the rftnedleii ot llootlnnd, pn-pareU hj Dr. C. M. Jackson k Co., of I'hilwit-lphia. ThaCordtal tt J-Mne.l fur aelaaa of dlseaKen moreren ernl and more fatal than any other to which the paople of thii country are subjtwt tho- aprinsinK from a 4 (lieht rold. That eminent authority. Ir. Bell, aaya: 41 1 will not cay that Coins are to our inhabitants what the i'lavue and Yellow Kever are to thoae nf other eotia trien; hut I can aver confidently that theyuher lo dis ease of greater ccmplirity and mortality than these latter lUad what th eminent 01afa Minnfai-turer. JOHN M. HIT ALL, says of the BAIAMIO Ct) It DIAL. De. C M. JACKftow Itetpert-d Friend: Mavin; for a IrnjE tim- heen aequatnt4d with the virtues of thy BAL 8A.M1U CORD! AL in t'ouahs, (lila. Inflammation of the l.tinKS I thus freely bear testimony to its efficacy. Forsevtral years I haTe. ner been without It in bit familv. It ia also jrifes me pleasure to state that I have ud It with entire !.urtfa in the treatment of Rowel Comptaints. Tbr friend truly, JOHN M. WHITALU Vifih Mo. 17, JhiS. Kace st. above 4th, rbilaJ'a. 9-T1iese mrd Wines are for sale by all respectable DtfJfrirlKt and dealers In medicine in the United States, Oanadas. itrttih Proineea, and West IndifS. at 7 oents per bottle. Be sure and fct the Pennine, with the riifna ture of C. M. Jat-ksnn on the wrapper of each bottle: all other are counterfeit. Prineipal mee and Manufacto ry, 418 Arch street, Philadelphia, P. VARIETY STORE AT THE Old Post-Office Stand. A LARGE snpplyof Bnoks,S(ationery, Perfumery, Jewelry, Toys, Confection eries, Teas, Spices, Fruit, Nuts, Bakles, Pictures, and a variety of KICK NACKS for sale cbeap by 76:1 H W CROTZER, Lewjsbnr BLINDS AND SHADES. n. J. W I I.I.I 4 MS, No. 16 Nor. Sixth 8treet, PHlLAUrJLl'HIA, Manufacturer of VEXITIAN BLINDS and WINDOW SHADES. The largest and finest assortment in the City, at the lowest Prices. Blinds painied and trimmed, equal to new. Store Shades made and lettered. April II, 18G3 . 3m f4s? Attention, Musicians! &jK' A laree assortment of L' tt jSu". - Violins' Guitarm, 4c, of all ""ap- kinds also Violin. Guitar, and Banjo birings,riaees. Pees, Ac. and the best Violin Rosin call at the Post Office and examine. fj W FORREST Warrantee Deed, for ! st tbi. offioa,. ! '' & LEWISBURG CIIRONICLE-AITJL 1-1, .863. PALMER, BOSS ft. CO., m n (lit i. ramaa au c.) igSdpj Lewiskrg Planing Mill, JljJ.eep constantly on hand add manuiaciure to order Flooriuar, Siding:, Doors, Sah, Shutter, IIIIuun, MouldiuKM o( all patterns, and all other descriptions of Wood Work used in Building. Orders respectfully solicted and promptly filled. All work warranted to give satisfaction r?"An extensive lot of Lumber of al! descriptions on hand for sale. Factory oil Knrtk Second ttrcet.Lattubvrg.l'a April Ti, 1859. CO AL COAL COAL. THE subscriber keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of the very best Sha mukin and Wilkes-Barre COAL, for lime and stove purposes, which he will sell at the very lowesi prices for Cash. Also. Illacksmiths' Coal, Planter and Salt. Wish it distinctly understood, that I will not be undersold by any man. Having gooo weigh-scales, full weight will be given. Coal Yard near WeidensauTs hotel. ;EOIi(iE HOLSyEIX. Lewisburg, May 2758. BUCKEYE ALL RIGHT For the Harvest of 1863! The most approved Agricultural Imple mcnls now in the Market ! MtMFttTlKhl) RT SLIFER, WALLS, SHRINER & CO., LenlNbur, l'a. pucker limjjfr & Jltajurr. ' j'HE unprecedented success of the ' Buck J. eye" is the strnneesi pro if of lis Miperinr excel lenry. The BUCKEYE has caused a cn.npieie Revolution in the Manufacture 01 KEAI'iyu ASU MOWISG .Machines, and its rrpuiation is so well established lhat it is scarcely necessary to particularize its advan tages. We will, however, call the attention oi the farmers to a fe w of us meriK. The TWO lRIVI.(i HEELS the Pawls and Springs, by which the inarluue may be thrown out of pear, or be backed without vibralinj I lie knivs ihe Steel Cutter Bar the Wroueht Iron Guard, wiih Hardened citel Face or Coning E.le the Double Ilinged Joint, by which ihe Culirr liar may be Folded ihe long Crank fhafi the S'eel fprin and Wheel, by which the Culler Bar may be raised and lowered so as io cut as low to Ihe troand as may be desired ihe .Steel Pilman and Brass B, i us Lihi Draft (no bide Draft) no weight on ibe horses' neck barks as easily as a cart all of winch form a combination of advaniaees fc h machine possesses. No Gearing on the Driving Wheels. A team of hones weighing 900 lbs. each, will cut an acie of grass an hour wiib ease. The machine is furnished with two Cutter Bars one fnrcotiing grass, and the other for calling grain (each expressly adapted to the use intenJed). No effort will be wanting to maintain the Buckeye in theenviable position it now occu pies, lhat of being Ihe Best Hachino In the World ! The subscribers return Ihir sincere thanks to their friends for the grneroos sup port thev have received in introducing the celebraied Buckeye Reaper and Mower into Central and Northern Pennsylvania, and are much indebted lo them for Iheir warm greet ings and kind offices in recommending it to their friend and neighbors. For Certificates, &c, see Circulars, which mav be had of any of their Agents. Thev a'so manufacture Meyer's Pat ent I'iHton (.rain Ii til. which is acknowledged to be the B EST EED SOW ER IN l.'tsE, and the only one which SOWS OATS PERFECTLY! Also. the Keytitone Clover llullrr, which cleans thoroughly, without in lie Ira injuring the seed. Will clean more in Ihe same time than any other machine in ue. They also manufacture and keep on hand for sale Uarlinn'i Trend Power and Thrneher t Trbgrnph t'odd'T Cutler (two sizes) ; Vaulting 'Mure, among which is the celebrated Con tinental ; Parlor and Offrec Slot, and all kind! of Ca.it ant' WrmigM Inm and ISrasi Work. SLIFER. WA I. I.S.SH lilNER A Co. Central foundry, LcwUburg, Pa. MaTrh3t,lM. GENERAL ORDER. rpHE Pennsylvania Railroad Company 1 havins Ihis day lakrn possession of Ihe I'hiladelphia & Erie Railroad, under the con ditions agreed on wiih the Philadelphia 4 Erie Railroad Companv, ihey have appointed JOSEPH U. POTTS, General Manager ihere of, to whom all Officers and Employees will report for iosliuclions. J. EDGAR THOMSON. President Penn'a Raiiroad Company. Office of the Peno'a Railroad Co., i Philadelphia, Jan. 30, 1862. j General Order, No. 1. To tiliR Effect on and after Jan. 30, 1862. I. The Western Division, from Warren lo Erie, will he nnder ihe Superin tendence of JAMES LEWIS, whose title will be Superintendent ol the Western Division. His Ofliee will be at Erie. Employees on this Division will be under his charge, and will make all communications respecting their duties or ihe business of the road, io him, except as otherwise provided in this Order. II. The Eastern Division, from Sunbury to Whetham. will be under the sup erintendence of SAMLEH A. BLACK, whose title will be Superintendent of the Eastern Division. Employees on this Division will be under his charge.' and will make al commu nications respecting their duties or the busi ness of the road, to him, except as otherwise provided in this Order. III. The Accounts orFreight and Pas senger Business will, on the Western Divis ion, he in the immediate charge of JOHN C. BOGGS, whose title will he Assistant Audit or. His Office will be at Erie. On the Eastern Division ihey will be in immediate charge of THOMAS M. DAVIS, whose title will be As sistant Auditor. His Office will be in Wi! iamsport. He will also have charge of the distribntioD of Passenger Tickets over both Divisions. All communications respecting Freight and Passenger accounts by Employees on either Division, will be made to the Assistant Audi lor thereof.and respecting supplies of Tickets to Tioiu M. Davis. JOS. D. P0TT8. General Manager. Pennsylvania Railroad Company, .mpany,-) K.K. L 1 861. -) lessee rniiacl. &. Erie it. General Manager's Office, Williamspon, Jan. 30, 186). rtl REWARD will be paid for Ihe nearly 01 sew Case and Silver rlPECTACLES desurned for near-sighted person. They wer. ,n ,0!". '"" l la; ail me L'tuouiUe Office JOHN H. EEALE, MERCHANT TAILOR AMI eiitlemen's Furnlshlnff Store, viJ Market St.,jutt above the Bank, J2 LEWISBL'BO, PA. 'J'ne subscriber has removed into the new Stud and commodioustorero(.in of Thomas Keber.where he has just received a large and well selected stock of MEN'S CLOTHING, Cloths, Caimeres, filks. Shirts. Drawers, Ac. I also CUT AND MAKE TO ORDEffin the best style and most reasonable terms. Being a practical Tailor, and rmpioying the be-l workmen, I can confidently invite boih Old end Arte Cuntomrrt do u': forget the Sign The Red Door ! May 2, ISfil J H BEALE CEMETER7 KOTICE. AT an Election held by the Stockholders of ihe Lewisbar; Cemetery, ihe under signed was elected Treasurer, and all mone s fur lots. grare-diz;in, &c. must be paid to htm. Persons interested will please note the change. Those now indebted lo ihe Cemetery Asso ciation are requested to make imired'at pay ment. MOLOMU.N HITTER. L. wiburg, Jan. 25. lmS oi,n lop ""amerinaa-s Sj CLOTHING i "ITHEKE wewill find a large assortment latest stvles SPHINS ArD SUMMER GOODS! such as French and English all wool t.'loih, Irom $3.5u up to $I0.IM. Knoitv Boys' t'as stinere, and Silk Mixed Cassnnere. Satinetts, Ac. C lot liilagr ol a!l descriptions ; Men's and Boys' Wear Whole tuits lor jiS.M that is, cloth coat, satin vest, cas-imere pants. Summer Siiii for $! 51). Also, a laree as sortment of Hats, Caps, Ac, such as M'Clel !an, C;.ir ibal.i t. Opera, hili and lnw crownid : Hals, Hose, Handkerchiefs, Collars, Shim, Suspenders, l iuhrellas. Keck Ties. Ac. j K0W IS THE TIHE ! ! to save from S3 lo 50 per cent., and get the Ealrst S'yles. ANo, (iooils Cut and made tn or?er. and in the latest style. Always Irom five to ten hands at work. Call opposite John Walls A Co.'s Slore, Market street. I.ewishnr. Match It. '113 N. K. ZIMMERMAN. fihy of Union Conati). I MOU.NTKU on rollers, varnished, engraved and lithographed in Philad. in the best siy.e of the art :io by 40 inches in s.zc on I a scale ol 1 incht-s to ihe tn!e. This Mnp . was Citreful y surveyed iu I8."6. and is rra- onably corn ct. Each Township is colored,; and there are the Town Plots and No.s of Lots in Lewisbure, .MitHruburg. w Berlin, Hr- tleton, and New Columbia. Mountains and '. Streams are traced the Public Roads, wi:h ' the distance in pfrches between roads which MM inleriect also aNa'nfs of r arm Oxners rn- trait. it.j" nJ with tb-tr tinraMuty ot rob.r ant! Mih rra.lv. Church and School If tosrs. Mill. Ac. 1 f"lDM 'i')1I1t', n.nd th-u. t A ... . thm at'rDUoa ai.d patronaa nf ail who apprtrcUttt Uua The Court House, iwo ol ihe Lewtshurjr I m- mit rersity Buihlings, the irwisbur? Bnat Vard. I rrm Cot. Jt Ptni. the 1,'mtin Furnare At Winlir!,! ami I'tiion Hlnf w-foti f. r a .-rtr.ait. I t r iror. on fmm tne inion rurnareai v iniiciu, an.i c mon Mf j.,,, Nn. f tb rity .f 1'iile.i-lphm. a rain -tseimnary ai INew Berlin are reprented in a j Iur in )nuviorp. tn-v jwti.x-vrrH-y im. separate eneraVtll; each. j al taka rrpat p!aur In tnrifi!'.r th. ati'bt-tiin i Every Farmer and person of business sh'd , f-"T- ",,.,;n,7 b;,t,,, but , J . - , ! Its artitl Unicb in alt rsprt-i. and rrifnmnil him to bare one ol these Maps lor ornameni or lor , th ptroDir of ti;.-r uuuvu toeucouratii baUu- reference and informHtion. - jtuiart. s::tm6 Jiiw 1'aje. The original subscription price was .$.1.50, now reduced ti onlv. Tor sale al the Star 4- l'hnmicr Otfr-e, and bv V. S. BUCK. Leviharg Last ami Best News! "1T7E have just received from Philadelohia and .New York, a very large and well i selected sloi-W of C11MtCn ffyfSTSU aj U t. UVVit) I which we otftr at very reduced prices. We have paid particular attention in ihe selection of this stock of Good a, very large assort- ment of DRY GOODS of every descrip- ; lion. PurCha-rrs will tiod it their advantage . give n. a call-as m price, we defy any of our neighboring towns for compet.tM.n. We have also replenished r-nr stock ot fcroce- SLT FISlf. COAL. I'LAsTEH, AC. j II Kite Mtrsh Lime, Calcined Plaster, and llytlrnulie Ccment9 alwavs kept on ham.. rircOCXTUY PRODUCE taken in Ex-! change lor (ood- as usual. jN.B. Cash paid for all kinds of Grain JNO WALLS & CO Lewisbnrg, April 2:1, 1862 TATKOSl 0I. OIL! warranted X'N KXPI.OSIVE, and equal lo any KEROSESE. Whv buy an explosive Oil, when a few cents more per gallon will furnish you wuh a per- feci Oil! Made only by Penn'a Fait Mannfuctnrintr Company, I K..I1J. W nutSt..riltL.iUKlPIlU. Feb 10, It-65yl J. M. C. RANCK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lrwiftiiiri, Union Co., Pa. O FFICE on Market St., three doors below Cooper & Evans . April 1, 186'.'. aperii-nt and Stoma, hlr pn palatloa ofHtONanri tll ofnayif n ami rarbon hv rrmbuatirsn in hvdroitcn. aancuoned br Ui- binh.t .Mrjleal Autbnritira, both in l.urapaand ihe United statea, and preacritaid in Uitir prartica. Tha pinrrtanre nf thooKanJi daily provea that no pr. f"011 uf Iron nn baromparnl ithit. Inijinritlraol ttia Mood. drprn.iin of itI i-nariT, pair and athrrwiaa iraia tjompleah.na, indicate iu nraaaitv in almoat.ter. coneaWable eaae. Innoiioiu in all naladln in whlph It haa be tried " baa proaetl ahanlutejj cntatiie iu each of tba follow InKenmplainta. via: In IMnltty, jVVrmeii Jfrrtimt, Imae'ntian, Z)jfijienf'a, ItoiuKpmtiom. UiarrhcKUsitntery. AnpvwnmMaivnvm, .vrnUosu IVmal, .s,, l;l,nm. Mammtruatiim, 'fawarii, Lirrr fkmplainf. Chnnic Htniacha, Klmtmatwm. Intermittent tnm, Fxmplu tn tht ftia, at. Pot op In neat flat m.tal boxaaaonuininit 5Upilla, wiiT C 0nt f" bo1 "' v dromrtula and dealera. a ii i to ,ddr" " reci). of tba rlea. AUlattera,ordrn.eto..abotild ba addreaaed to B.a. LOCkK to , li-n.ral ea. 'J'" 20 Osoaa H. t. Sold lit Leu-ishury by Baker k ia I W Rrballe 1 s f alswell SFUaifflTUIiE WAREaOUSE.lS Jj ou Market Square, Ijewitibur. 3 A good aupply of hairn. Tablet., BiirHU. MnnrlK. Vc.,ou tiamt nr maue nuer IMVIU tjl.Mtli. l.b'.bj LINDSEY'S ImproveJ , OTIILOOD Si:tRCIIER,.P A STASDAKI MEUICISK j lot th pt. rd lnl a " ! af A LMIwiMa mtZioi tnm JJlPt ir Jt Hi KLoou: j THIS aiMtlrltM ta wrourfbl the moat mlratuloaacnra In 4i-lirat ca ut lancroBF iwraiauons. Catftlimaflf diMMAfl, Fitt.pl! "B thfc, O d, tiithrn I leer., T-t'fr fIei-tioii iTCUrtai lirXIMVVtf. lfr Sen Id !ltMia RhumaCia iliajcara Kill r:hur:i. railrromplBiiit-aiirl11 tlir Uielrorlgia hnw ."pint Uuura it.u ot ib. Bimd. M-"'.Xm ti 1 vT-' v v -' ThaboTii a ,ortr.:t A IM VTrvarT. f II Twp,wlm,.D rlif :;tit ! f A-iu-t.! timJa- (h'!T if twf.re Ju-lfi- iiur-y tiiat h trfstenl ir-r Ihr rum Ct:r.lt l-r llir-r I'lo ch-.hu tr iUr- rutmlt. nJ ty Or. Nfwton of tl- Krt-vtic Coll jf. rin.Mii-aiti. .-r .t ri"l of nt-arlv -iyht tr"ntr'. imt ii h-in.'n ,t rii-!i ftu ip. not, and a puri-m uf An ' "" wrt mttr,!; aU irraf li tim up all l";. ben lif hra t tha hlr-od Ss-ttrclnT." mt'i in iur--. irtr H. Viir tot tM rnrwl titn, tnl ; !tf 'nih trAlv :hfiurv1 1 tbrrw 1 !! (K-'trnU but t hit inVtlUNl-l III lilr-tn KHTi ti liitt lita. Th lull mr:iutTf t-I ! Li - mum: t s: .. r-- tnaj ! h in Cirru-ar t i.' ot n 1 tl.v A-:nts. U alon rlT lo a f' nf ;.ni- liirtskiiw.of K' Irrn. Arm-trmr l'a rur. .f .-''rt.tjr!. la t.f;ir unable to ct ottt i.f ln-i Tor ii,rf fr. T-t tli i-tpao of s 1 l It -i,.nMTi:V.0i'mrffMro.,wb' Witts nl-o hfl)irtl with -ffjlT. Id irRrt f.-rm. T ti- t:i t-f U" it; M. i- I r-i !.tx in t'-rr-.Mt' wn. Cambria C(... l'a.. wl,o i o l.a.l'v ntnt1 with ' anrvr that it mt bis ntn nr i-ff, Lie cast; wa i, if poatpitil. than T rvj. tt.r i articular f thaM- ttv on of wh;rh fi ntrwl by u i.f th "Mien! Srnrhr" may uls-j be fouiitl its n Cir.-nli.r t" h !"'! r.f sn i.i 'b . tfrtirn. I.FII. II. Kr Vsr K. rrnyrlctor. PHlsburs, Pa. tLal-"ra.r f-r lL niatJiaffctur ati! Hal nnr ih TVnn a ailral .t. -ir- pa. r M y C. V". a. hatHv. Lwt-t.uiv: MCrt-t.lit llaiik. Buffalo X Kf4-: Kuiiv st IfiuittM-lr-fi h. r'-irmi-rft'-V: f-uom-Mfw A WitniT. Harti.Un: U II. t.i-vl), Msfliinhunf ; L. a. i?tnt!m, Wintititl; cli-.D-it: 4. ttt-itrP :ir, arlitiPf:rot; yyll R. PIIOTOGKA Tli CALLERY, o. ircii St risllnrtclpuia. Oo fifth lar-e-t an1 m-t PTii;.Tt JaiVr. in th L'Ditr-i MaU-it. h-re tvt I'lt-tur uon to tb. fu' lora.-b;. art rr t.K. it at jr:'- no bi.'bfr than ar pat-! f--r mi-praM- ..a'.i urf TIIR rrfri.'.T. a Vr. -1 T f -v. nsyh-r. V-p I,rionailv, t-r si:' iJ an I a-b-!-no ittir l: l-aT tti iir!:rv it-. I. civ.-.. .-rfr. .t;.fa. n.ii Ii(fi rrrf r--- antl AU,i-rt; j -.tf ab--i.t -r fr;twd fr;n If. .fti.r.-i.b-i ! I'HT r- ,'ir- t or t;.k-n t n C'atiTtt'". lif-- . ar'i p.i!nt-iJ iti lii tb- bt Ar!l-t". At Ibia t;:si!t-rv ! r it- - chn lt;K'-u in k lif .'iliitt a prIVrt in -Ii 'y J y a b-n tK 'tin -n;n-. 'rfrfiD nnitm tb '-ilv rt- r-.(cttu! iuil-I to -srmin our ptcitunij, hictt Tor jfic auJ quality titty eoniiti!iim. aulusiructiouf girn in th art "f Paitoffrapcy. K. SKV.K.1.U CaUXKI or A?, T'.'4 Arfh Street, I'LUaJi-IfMaw CJ.V.Hr PA Trt.VA Trrm Hon I' CwrnLi, M.C.,OhIo Mr famiiv nl fiifOtl all mn-ur i tb .iv.:on tat th "NHtif .'i tiir ia '-ra li hk than any thing thv frw. Mr hicn l".a h:i t---pat.tiy UW :i hy dW-ivnt Arti-ta in tarlo"' way. bt I ba nr yt hail on bk-h rrffr tr-f-to natur. ah lu Ia turea anp ijr"a-iniia cfiuntt:a';-f a- ibw. from IImii. K J- T M-tta. I at V!ri-ir to Italy. Th .Miiit 'iih !: tv ml "f y-ur por- LARKIX & CO., j Mammoth PiioTor.uArn Gallery, j S E. Corner Eighth aci Arch S FhiUdclliia. -(Entrance on Eiyhth XtrcrL) j FTER manv years experience in a!l the variooi branches of ihe Art. ihe Propn- ! eiors confidently invite the aticnin n of their friends and the puhne to ihi"ir extensive esta- bliahmeiit.whirh present the oppiirtonity lor procurine the bei t'ictiires. riial at lea-1 to any first-class Gallery iu the t'nitd Males, Preparaiicns ore cmr-lt-ie (or executing all th imt.rol .tyi. kn-wn .-ih. art. tim-t b. a J,,.,,,,, ,h,m ua-s-a.-, if d.r-.i-tl.a omy aer th. kiail in thia ecuotrr. Attach?! tu ttna cjtabiirhiaeut Jf p.totj m1a9flt9 d w.-h fr.m. -i.. ,,-t , . ?Zr I cantramtupa-aril.. I 1nS a -Prt aui cho, r,,,. l th. latitat,!,,. Tri- u ron 1. 1 ft !X-i otv THibit in .til tmn-f rn-tl ti-nu 5oitil fictur;, aod from hi. lrirfK fit'in l. to f : 9.Iiittru-ti'0! (rivo in th Art 8Sly FC0T0GRAFET, IS ALL US UKASCHES, E XECL'TED iu Ihe bet style known in the art, at C. G. Crane's Gallery, 532 Arch Street, E,it vf Sixth, lMiilatH'lpliia. LIFE SIZE IX OIL AND TASTIL, STEREOSCOPIC PORTRAITS, . . Ambrolvpes, Dapnerreoljpes For Cases.Meda!!.ons.Pins,!fines.&c 86fiyl C'lii-omalic l'l inline. HAVING purchased the rich! to use Roa ar.n'a process for Printing wiih Dry Colors, for Union Co. l'a., we are prepared to execute orders for CARDS, Show-Bills, &c. tn JTf, Grren. Blue, Ilrntcn. SHvr, Ihimoiitt, or OM colors, in good style. lITat ihe Otnce of the "Sur ot Chronicle," Lewisburg. Jrsr.Ilt68 W11KDKX 1 CORNEtrS. Science still on the Advance ! CURCEON and Mechanl-)SC?w O eal UentiNt. Ortire in the-UXft5 l)r. Erucger's new buililmtj. Market street. (western entrance, np Mair) LEU ISBI'Kti. Dr.BURLAN is m.w c. nsimctine the Xon- sectional Block work, baked on Planna base. which for cleanliness, bean-y and strensih nas no equal also leein mnunteil on Ihe var equal also teem mnunteil on Ihe var - . ious Baes in nse and harm; had a lont; and extensive practice, and beinj perfectly familiar wiih every department ol his profes sion, he feels safe in warranting entire satis faction in all his operations, which shall be carefully and skilfully performed. Please call and examine specimen. The ....in ...,i;i... r ,k. v., . .: 1 1. .Ill Kai i. .11 .Ill -. :. .. : partial examination. Dr. Bnrlan is the only person who constructs this excellent work in tiiis section of country. CVCharges shall eorresponr with the j limes. Lewisbnrs, Sept. 2. ' 131 1 rvu. sTitii wna, ntn.i. i,.. av 1-1 noiiaiwiiu Bv.a.sise - remrned to his Hhop in l.ewisbnrc. again to! attend to all kinds of work in his line. Brin A. f .!, i- k,. I... rtri- alone your Book. Mtvazines, Newspapers, Ac, for the Book-Binder. Ji.l JVO (-onslHbles.lor snle . ur fStiuivJ U. cai:r , ttl llie Clttuuicle O'Hcc 0 KOr,L MR 1.1 AYER'S CIIKIUtY PKCTOUAL, V rR THK R U'iD CI KB Of CoI;K, .'nufii, ami FjtnnD, yiii aV'th f 1HT.5. la. J.C A tts : 1 I'lUiit tM-itNtv inmf lh' vt ri.i'tir I !. ar ttf fc.r ru.'M. it ;r-ii-hiH ii.j. al lit WCUttllt-laJ. i:i(,tount a C"M. WfitHW it I14r rtl Mm M. I. tu iMartit-tf aiwl my U'tul. tli I lM liai itft r (r it, ( rut ir:n-w I'.i' tn- Irattitifit t o..-; !-m,i. hXI-.lir. H. I A B. H-KCU Y. Ka.vf I'tk-. X. T.. wHtar -T Im U. y.ur fn-r.,1 m-if :.. m w; Umiv t jru iN f.t.il ii. h i.. I (-. I . ii iht lt m-Hii. lur ,rS tui"M rar put - W.lh m Iwl e,At ) iJ mmnmw rt.T tws-iit fit .l-.li" r--r a. UjUU t!LM ftv ttWnl IK. UK any o;lr imii v Croup, Vvhoopin? Conch, Inflaeazn. PcTrt Arxtt: I .l,,-.li(, fwrIir ,iUf r b, tl.- t-t r,ir , r Mi ,ur-., .U.Bf en7i'. ci-'ti . an. I fh i h"wl I, .i. , ,,f ,-ii..flHI wmrJ y..ar I.aI.-i ..ty in tUm li ,,-r- nur . Cjtt.nwaiJ vtitir ii.v-ljc.uc tw- :t t- i.. ' f.lT P-i. Mownfam. I rit-. lSMf 1 btta tr-t.iii lu.ltta'nxH. vltta it r'.;,:tf I :iw ia ditwr tix t- lu-aiiy ui -I im-s wt'hoi.l reltrf; finally j trii-J tir f u tb t h jr-v nf uur rierKomn. Th ftrfct rvi. I..- r -'a in mv lint aiwl Imupa ; ! U'mi tlinn o i hti.r t'-f t-a'i-- in uU tn- nit;tty ) ur Mi' J- -it. .ti- t'i- .). !.' -t a iw-tt an lit Wt mm ! ear i Tu v. m-. i w- -? -: .ii, IAaLoT, an i ytr m-tiTf, j ma tfi j.- K.. uui!. - r. . i. i.'' A ilh nia or Phrh.-ic, naJ flrnnrhltis. j . vir W H-Jirata. I h. 1. IMA. ( ?;a: V 'r C-r-i t t ,r ! t ft.r;.un rnarvvitousl fit- in U i. I ba riiwif I cvral fruot alarm in' t . 1 1 ii .ifiti!iitti"ii nit 1 i mm r.inns; a masi Uo ii- UN.ivi itiaui-r an afT- I;-.o f rb Inna far tlM Ut L riT tt-KV L. PAltKS M-rtW. A. A. Rvl-rV, V Alv, MifliMi Wi tr, ii ' I'.'.: - nini. .it r t-i awtii " tnaii y I bat : iiift itotniri; e-W:il U mr Cherry iWfaritl foC Ki lil -y rrii l U C'SUUUipil iMUwSt, Wt WI11a aui-h aa ar t-ur.il!."1 W tuv'it 1 1 t I it hi nf erilnr. fut tlt wait mam vlnHnr r-" I tb" Tutut..r tbi rmilj k ImuA im to ctfrt D;n ntai. C'otiirimption ! IV-VaWT ItO ont rm.iy im mr iWm kfwMra wnk CBrnl many an-1 su !i iiuwrHi tbia. Soawr human ail ran rt h : but veta to thuem tba OiWrjf ird'.-r alt'iflw r'i.-f art-l 'j:firt. Nr -n C:tt Vwi S. P-"T & A i .. I., t" ir.'-cn T"'i r -'. .-b. h;. 1 ki i : 1 f-l it a tfntv ti-J a .ltani nr '"rr-tf .-. iti ha bsr fr mf 'r ntoijiiiia uiol'f tb 'tarv ' .ifa-i't.pti .k. fi. mi whu-t io ail w i-T : )l-t. r-IM. bwanwtaalilTlaiU I (tit- rtiv. a l;rru tr hit rttmf tic a :r..l ( t ur in1lHn. Via blras) ! "tir -Mil . rut. had rror4 L nut jvt aa ttrns as ii na4 r ........ ... i -iiu iiiif wU. w -. u b..- k: fl'.IU I br. b rf tlllHa-H.lt' ti;.--. .iit .!a--. ?hi u.l al iar-t. biil.AL liA.lii.'jf HFUTTtLU. t1ftiumi tirr. ii.it i.-!p:.:r tt!I u hav trlwl Art, f-ia.at.tl I' ' ! - Ml III... tn by UL'ti of lb Maitv-1 rl.t i: .! Hi ll- til. .: ' rii- mil .iniiii. u li 1IMa ti.W lll. I. Ua. l tla ul itt i:tus. fhiknir yttmrt Lfyr Ayer's Cathartic Pills. r-:i-- ttf i"br i-trv ktr.c! Mttij.ina ham m t4Ju- tLis lrt. BKt batfrrt -I i.i : ti.. ti l. Ii:.iti. Iuni;mrrablv prwfi ll- ii-- t ir:u-9 alt, li sarnasa t ii..'.b. ii u-t rbot tb-y wia n, .i-ju ..fa,, tnn. 'Jbryarrm .i: r-i; 1'i.ur. bebpi irrti t.-:!,- a nl tii::sof tha kwdy. : hi ! it oiifaa. purify tba Wms 1 ! p ir-.- uf tU-fi-itl Imwrt hjrl. (.tri-i-r. saimulata irtnrtib r diaot tltru utuiut a -ian. an J i tin-art hsnltby r-!i to ait ! i:-m- ly iV . ! -li-l ta-r j-ai.-i t a v H h t thi-y .'ur lb atrrjrtly o-niplamTa wf vary k-dy. but nl-j t ir.it. i.J latj n;i .Jis-;i-h- tbat liar twfl1i ' tlitf ht't i'f biii;it si it!. Vfi'i tt)- pr.-in,- prwarnal j rftrta. tb -! tb an' tut'. : !iin:tiilitl r!-". th Milt-fl an I I "ft Lh iiijT ! (:- ici 1'T rhiWrtU- Bin atir;ir-i-..atfL ti . ;! -:r i. tnl- : ao4 brilHt i pni-(v i-r-r ti'!-. sr. t- :n ty r--k t.f hartn. fwn U.n ' ju u;a-!r w :in 'iiij'm H-;if vitf tby Bott anb :.-i. i ; t ! .. ur!i rjif.!ia-l ;--i:ion and rlianajrtr .-ta t I' t'i . t -i iu of untrtrh. Many autnnt i irrim n aini pit--; i.tn hae lnt tb-ir uanwa to rtrfy I t-. -: '. 'f i' b.;;y tf n.r rr.li.a. hil at bar Ijir.- --at iuo id' ii:ran v of Tb-iin-m j-ti. n that n I Pi-.j.iirif:r!i f i'-ur- iti!ti:u-ij to tba raUt-f of aiy ' a btl. ii.ffi-. ::i-' b Hi w-b. -ii. l'h- .-!.: ! t-!'-a r.tMi ai j-i.-ftS"! to fornift. gratia my A in- r Ti - I'iciii - -r i.aitnf b--t t ! r,r l-iri' NMatMt ' citi." i' "f h- 'rir' , v.f t,- fi H.,tripf t"vroi!t!it: (Wtiir-t'-'-. i;i!if-n l.rt.ftnls. r,baiiii.-a,riaa. IrOBayr Hti m.ii-.'. M -a-1-., a: if-t . a ft-n. rotia-k. Swm fn.iiar-(t '. I i'-il li.a-of ;tt- f!i'w.-. nf Pmm mn-u-.s tii'-;. i -j;.il.-:i I if Ap'iila. all I'lra i.i.a. ,t: I l ii'ii - ii iw.,a r-; b w-tiiire ftm va-nant rua-i tn ? --r h:!n-s tlvil. 1ity V.n. ty aairtfy i;-sr tb tU-.-i ;i-u'v:i. tv " t .ti. mm many Ct-llibHItl" Viii I: ir a..t;!.l i:. n; p"St) tb-T rtMtlJ rt-u b. i. .m'i.. l'-;l ! ri.n n . s. -nrai(ri ar-1 ii yr.i I n it- ; : y I, an .- uiif .if ibr I itrnr1 Kk4- :t. ti-: -br Hi" !. ti ;i.(ii.iuits arta!Ta (run a ..w -it.ift o it 1 ii.-t 1 l vi .-It: i-:i n of it fiintins. If bv nt:rinr;;.itvi ilnirk With auOM W t -r pr- fl .'U. Ak for Arn'S ' i : t !-. tthr thuy ran c nftirr :! liny man r.Uji. 1 ts n ' n t in:nn--ir jlu nr nratf 11 k-c want tbo beat aid thrra is bjT ihrnig thr h ut.. it. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AVER, Pmetita! and An! tiral Cfietnist, Lowell. Kass. 1-Lita -43 Ci?. i'lr P -t. r-ra Bo2.aa r-a 1. t--l.t kY n Sold bv C W Schaffle and F S Caldws- Len ithtiri: ; I JwrJ c:h. ri Bt-r!to; D VTridrBaatji r. nfTT- : Viin.M J HisairnrllaT, 8tlii.cTte: J D RICTURES.-A he use can not be said to be well lurntvhed withmt some well 'l"'ed P.ciures. This wan.-can no- ba fXinZ aVl I SmHttCr I aDitnS lb63. The Heat Uitrh and Latest Sljlesj TAILORING. JOHN B.MILLER thankful for past favors wnnM state that he has re ceived ihe Sprinz A Suaime if tjj Fa-hions, and is prepared to , Ci: r, M AKE, and REPAIR ? 1 ff.rm.nl. aa n.n.l U . 11 . .... ..... . j u u . i. xis: .11. j 1 endiavi r, as heretofore, le ra&2a.eirrtic his work satisfacto rilv. I.ewiMhurg, April, 1HK HYHEWOLOGY! C I'RIi I S and rnt- r:ainne little Book., (all ahnut Matrimony, Monry, and oth A er mhitrrs.) lor ihe ;n.UMrinent of everybody. (anu !iie yi-iinc; io k, aNo.) on lonar winter evet.tnc... rainv days, etc. Price, SO cents. Wholesale, 1 " Cents, fenl hy mail for sevea 3 rent stamps. For sale at the-Star o)- Chrn icle" ofliee. W OROEN A CORNELlVS, HnMi-hara. Lawiabwrc, F a fcS-P I C - N I C.tm "Well jump into the T15-.11, and ail take arid V LARGE, handsome fr'?'. "j -m and verv comlorta- AJSiSSM ble n.H.OV y'?ltT1r. fined tip lur the especial atci ninnHlarton o Pic-Xic and other similar exror-irns. Term j mnderaie. Apply to J-'t. M. JIOl'SEl. Lewi-bur June 'I. 1S9. fL- Horseni.in's Friend, or (XJ I'oi-ket Companion. KinvTwo Valoahle K.t-etpts f.-r the Farmaat ! auJ Horse liraVr r -a e ".'-J cis) hy j i STAHI., klrOer. Lewtbiirg ' . M.. ,., .... K'..t. . X .-hv.sWi tr ira?afcls I . If IL If S.t'1'lflt. &-I.II IS - -I M . ' : ' 1 Issue Ftiriujs. w u isiiars.l aioa cotmi- rraa- rrir.w.v-; w ir r--ar. to at '""Ir at thr r.l. f- r a u,i...ri-rhlinrtrt r-ti- eta .ill . t- r I ur m.....t.. 76.tt. r ifrrtS. t..r .i;hl nientlK, . J- i ft Halav. ni. oil :. - " J.ara. Si tor li ur rotK-a on. Jear. IU t-r tf ''"JJ.v J..... s.-.l. N.. . S ct. 1-a.n.toli-1 ""''. rf": 1 i 1 1 ... m . .r.ror,. or bnnk v t. at uwia value twre. to5t l.da ol 1-ro.luo. .e. in jar - vi i.- ,k. tiI,..xoilalnlrwtlirhalrrv, alias, 1 lunmv o.. arunni acrounti it iK','., ADvaartsisi'STi haod-m.. p-it libl. at SO tt Tv a.)nara o 'rk. ti et earh alter irarri-.-, - - - . m -..ths. 4 d-l. ir je,t. II. if a ...r-jS r' ' aa. dot. 3 Jot Tw..iuarea lio.4i-o.sot). ",l"' not o-r on. fourih of a ml inn n. 10 dot. PT?rr.,tjBrt,dl men. . e aaav be atreril upon. A rar l ( . fc. e mallett t.n.. nr lt ol neat larffrr. ilTero-.-,,-. B,.m.r.-.r. ...... .-v. - ..i .atrr" Commnniea tictia .w - ''J'r"' . 10- M..co-1-r.i . "- -:.. ...-. it" 1 .. . ..... . . i.,i ihJ -a le -a ire s.Mi.f i f- i r.i r--r n. .. .....uaii of th. e afro.fra.M .Mob ..often lawr""''" uaa NcainadTanoeofth. ftnlad M.ila- .i.l.t-rr Connn-b-d a lib lb' Offl. e are ample tr'V.4... birds of JOB PRINTING. hwb .ill ,"" e-,tnra. ae.l drapatrh and oa reaeaanble "" trV4 .a.ual ad..rti ai.nla U. be raid lr lth b," J..V Wor -b. delirewl. All , jas i. if-a J I 5 i II