I STAI HI IMM ran BY O. N- WOK DEN AND J. R. CORNELIUS. At fl.SO per Year, uUaj In Advanrc. 'THE UNION," established h lbl l m No.. 2,6 13. LEWISBURG, UNION CO., PA., TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1863. 'CHRONICLE," established ia lS43wb.ii!e No., 9P2. If AM llfll. flSLWIKD hKMI-WKlKLT- TueI.v M'TIlinS Jt 1 rWaji Afternoon. I'.VIOX LEAGUE Persons in favor of forming a Uuion league in Lewisburg, are requested to meet at Independent 11 all, This (Tuesday) E.'ening, at a quar ter past seven o'clock, Rev. Dr. Dickson, Rev. Mr. Reese, aud perhaps others, will address the meeting. Corl'EKilKAD Raii IS r.KAinxo. A German named l'hilip Iluber, rei-idinjj Star the line of Iterks and Ltue-a'cr Counties, Las born nr(.-at.iziug s cret socio- ties among the Copperheads of Herk, sol- mnly swearing to resist the Conscription Ac: abduct 1'resideut Lincoln, establish . v..,i..i., A,,i f,,U.fv. n J wtfr u divers other feats p'easitig to the eyes and ears of tbe chunk-headed frateruity. The tnovemeuts of tuts lat'er-day disciple iiUliiiwvaviM . w - . - ( tiaving been discovered, be was " arbina- ily arrested," in Heading, on 1 uufday last, aud conveyed to Philadelphia, and Stowed away in Moyaniensitg p.ison. Next day, three of his c inverts wcie rrested and also mkeu to PhiMelphia - This disturbed the nest rather too unph a- . it i... ,. " - santlv. ana tne u'"-" t""" " fc-- Lissand fouirm. tlulbursaay il squads and kuots, they Readinir to rcseua their niastc o inarched throui;U the ci'y style, 280 s'rong, proceed, d surrounded lhat " itis'itu'ton waited for souictbiug to tu short time tbey were surrounded by the ciiiiens, who were expecting an attack. The Mayor appeared, aud warned them to desist from auy overt act. Not relishing tbe scenery, the ' gallyant knights" surrendered, slunk off homeward, and have not appeared since. Br.i.The tew questions growing out of jj. of Williampirt, whose course in tbe Rebellion, inevitably result iu van- di(JlM honelcssness. reconciliation, or nccs of opinion as to details of matters in which one end is sought. Among those elected to tbe L. S. Senate as menus ot tbe Administeation, .Senator Cowan, ofi Penn'a, bas often differed with his fellows j who sustain tbo general policy of the Government. In the great debate, mar the close of the recent session of Con-: gress, when tbe President was indemnified , in cases where be bad thought it proper , mike military am s9. Mr. tiwao tDuic commgia to fivoror tor)ppise, above-boarJ, might perhaps be advantageously chtoged; ! d f fater tD(j other9 decided ground io favor of 6usiaiuiog the any measure which concercs lia. Iut it j but many aeem to thiuk one which bas j ,r 8 't( gefl tfae wrutchind idooti rreMdent. He thought tho " tupeusion would be a relief to decent meo to see one ; beco bo long and honorably cooduoted, j jr; if e js t0 maQ eea with the 111 IUC l" ik" - - r t times be beuifijial f jr the Government not ouly, but also the iudividual. He exhorted Senators to abstain from cavil- ing and ac-u.atioos, aud stand by the country nntil the storm is over then would be ample time discuss the quarter from whence tbe adverse wiud sprung, and also tbe wisd-jm of the orders of the Cap tain in saving the Ship of State. Yot'Jf.r a A'y-o In Scott township, LczTue county, the Ccrpcrheads threw tbeir votes fur Constable in favor of IVm. Fogg, the only olored man in the township. He is a true l uion man, and more respected than many who voted f ir him in derision. The Copperheads are in a minority, and did not elect their can didate, but tbey put themselves on the record as voting fur a Negro. As negroes can not vote nor bold cCk-c, we can't see how tbe Copperhesds caa reconcile tbe ir Totes with tbe "Constitution," and with their attempt to prevent such men from cettling in our borders! "Tbe Constitu tion," in their hand, is a mere lump of dougb, to be twisted to .suit them hi n iH.'in'iiii ...... t. o.-iii'nrviT lUlUil-NiiLliU t Ui.ltL,M'tJ.MJI..t.. Saturday, April 4. Last night, the session was ia Senate until 11 reeling off plenty of work for their Beriberi. However,commencing by 7 this morning, in a few hours we had the atisfaotion of seeing all tbe Senatorial nothooks reduced to something like order (if not propriety,) and as tbe Senators had mostly gone home or to Philadelphia, .. . .. ineirolhcers bai a boiiiay ine nouse was in session nntil 1 P. M. Tbe "Dem- ccrats" happened to be in the minority, Dtl went to "tilnbustering to keep the ''Abolitionists" from doing some business. uer an nour s lolly in calling yeas and av. aooui p ointg of no interest whatever ; to posterity, the hour arrived which cut Bhort the contest. As the noisy crowd passed out a lame, blue-coated man, who uau pruunuijr ueicr oei.ire seen tbe ''wise hundred" io solemn deliberation, expressed his opinion of them in no honied terms -the honest soldier indignantly "cussed" them as trifling creatures. The day bas been too winJy to walk touch, jet, as I strolled by one block of dwellings, a child at play arrested my at- U3l UB B00gril l , per. feet .tranger-never... her before: and 1 yet, her, is a look and a smile upon a faea that seems natural. Stonmno 1 ... ... Dt0PP"g, and trying to recall and assure myself who ... . ... , . " wno and where tbe ehnd and I were, she said ' . . , -r.., .... .... O0KID ,, rnee of h digintrested ad.iee 1 -and a. she spoke the ton. and ex- pnM hm b p k ,M who pte.s,0B reminded men her moiber, with (haf9 prM;h( ,afh' M th, bom I ... .cnrtainted, many year, ago, j Toric, htd b- w hr of ,,,, ia wbese perfect itnaSe aa iu childboiw'., IWution. ; day wan moving before rue, bridginjr all the lapse of years which seem as but a day. MONDAY, April 0. i the claica of the several charitable insti List Saturday evening, during tbe in-j tulious asking aid annually from the tense darkness, a very bright light was State. It is the opiuion of many that suddenly seen nilected upon the clouds up there is carelessness in these sppropria aml over the river. The changing ' tions, and that while it is well to aid in "licking" shapes that played opto the un- : the ttartimj of these institutions they der surface of tl.e clouds, would have are such as 6hould soon become self-sus-seemed most beautiful, bad they not indi taioing. Messrs M'Candless, Stein, and cited a fearful rolling of cno.-utniiig flame ! White were appuiuted a Committee to in beneatb them. Hundreds started for the ' vestigate such iustitutioos. i scene of cnnQigratioo, and ooe engine was drawn thither. It proved to bi the Nail .. ...t Ji. .... .: or as ana itoiung .inn at rairview on the Connedogwinnct, 2 or 3 miles above the rity : they are said to be th.i pmp-rty of the M'frmicks, but leased by the - Haili'js. Tho workmen had stopped ( labor at nnnn, and the fires were put out. ; .so that the heavy los of 000, which deprives 100 or 200 faiuilii-s uf a liveli- bojd, is suspected to hava been the result pf wanton malice. The Friendship steam engine saved some of the machinery a . L - I . pr.T-r., ue.onfjmg .o me works. J I have purchased 4u0 espies of tbe "Phes of Messrs. bite, l.owry, Penny, 1 M Candles", l?oun 1, Litrrenae. and , garnering .., v . .... uo .... i put s'amps upon mail matter irom miijiuii.uouitiicii.iu uci.-u uirmuuuu. , -j. I-mM. it, ivin'-n t.r.ieecil. d to fMceptton oi u vernors Johnson and berlaud, to hold an election to decide the i. , i tk i,iiu. ihereunon I A bearer ol uispatelics lroni AUiui-; .n s. e-ri sc-nii w,b.o, d-r. rs. They " luuci.picsoi luespeecnes ijuesuou, oy a iujirnj oi me 6UBrLS ; 1(i(,ryicd a bill allowing the clerk to buy , 1 1 ."I1"" "ua """""s i ur.uuiifd. , iu military ?f -hose d.stinguished K-moeratic Union- voted on, f-r or against removing that ! ; (r , the,emiilDiet 0f ,he , !'f ,paicnea mnc not oeeu mauu i--"'--"- .u.. : .; isis in u arrisour. l tiesn i i.ave iiir.iiri isanK t.i nurmiirv. i . . ..tl.i...,. i . . ' . J ...,U ,K - a.. .... " t...... 4 . v:n i ol"'uu i NEWBEB3TE, A. C, April O. UCn. ( U f '. II ( 1 f I ) I , ... . . t""35 eumiiug cm o.."" w. . v,-.-e i OPUT lias uevii i unuorccu. uiiu uuu, rnup. In a woose names i coum recall, at the van .us to prevent cal ana iron dealers irom ; ,r,.,on-Ue document. fruln B0W nntil the ! .ho r,.Wl, back. those who receive them, after carefully readins, pm them ov-t to th y.r nci'.bo , an I ke 'p th"tn gi ing until worn out. They are eloquent speeches, pregnant with f jod for prof mud reflection to every person. The Jersey chi re liwm liill passed the House lo-dav. wiih consent nf Mr gyme u,isc,)ncpptioDi 0 ,he part of tLe ; pcop,e of V iUiarxmport. - Tuesday, April 7. Hopkins of Washington is urging in ihe House a bill making projeuionul horcri to come under the provisions of the aw respecting pickpockets. These rcg- ular, stereotyped, "Third House" in- triguers, are unclean characters indeed, Xo one objects to any respectable man n ' - - j ference of men (of both parties) contriv- i. : jng schemes to enrich themselves, or kin- dred parties or corporations,! tbe expense 0f the Mate ireasury. 1 bey claim to ('control" tbe votes of this Senatar or that Assemblyman, and regularly contract sell -bargain away their votes, as a huckster sells chickens in (be market. These crea tures seem to be shameless, as well as destitute of all pretensions to honesty as far as tbe public purse is concerned, al though perhaps honorable and op- right in private life. It is confessedly j bard to get up an Act to spot aud fix tbe slippery rogues, but every honest man .. .. . - v j would rejoico to see tbe race banished. ... ; The election of firm, intelligent, indepen dent men, who would know and spurn every influence of tbe kind, is the best practical remedy. Two old gentlemen from tbe West, both natives uf the State, I encountered the other day, and bad very pleasant chats with. Oue was born opposite Danville, but went to school near Harrisburg. lie related his first visit, with his preceptor, : to tbe Legislative halls : at that day, be ,: i , i . c . . . . .1 : : r: j i i ... "" - ...j.uiSa, uouj. , be thought not one of tbe Senate wai ' under furfy years of age, whereas, now, ; n ; ' ir , e, they seemed to be younger men than those in the popular branch. Tbe other !., .n ...1- ..... : tii::. , . . and was exhibiting to bis growo-op daughter fan Illinois born law) some of ! nrlera .nrl nf hi. .;.,! gtlfe which hfl gtill 8ecrfleJ I0 think ,he ! ,. f ,n ,he IToion. Both rav-he.deJ ' " , seca) greatly to enjoy the ieenery of j fb - ;r voulbful davs. and are hiahlv erati- I gej j gtlDding again upon the aoil of i Pennsylvania. Whenever Satan attempts to control ,De Christian pulpit, yon may be sure he , j. ,fraij 0f jti ad has some big j ib on hinrj. Tbo iltri,Jt & Union of this city ig nt remarkable either for piety or Methodism-and yet it contains a most sanctimonious and Uriah Ileepish sermon to Mr. Jackson, tbe newly appointed preacher to the Locust St. Methodist church warning bim how be must preach j to win the cash and tbe eouotensnce of ! tbe Seceah sympathisers. (That sort of ; iuiks aon t darken church doors half as much as tbey do drinking saloons, Sun- d But n(( Mcher wnrth heMing tr ki ,Dy edjtor wbtt he sb. .ball not pre.cb, an, more than an editor . j - . . . wor,h reading asks a preacher what he i. n a. n . . at t i hall or shall not print. Mr. Jackson j . t- L oouducts his services as if in happy igno- Mr. M'Oaudless (iho young Senator! from Hmlcr) moved the appointment of a eomnnttce to investigate and report upon i Messrs. Clyun-r and Lamberton pre- ; beuted a miuority report from the Cotn- ... ..... . umtee on l-ederal Kclatious, in Uvor ot a national convention to amend the consti- tu'ion. The report was referred to the comtniltce again, where it will repose. w WtDNiBlMY, April 8. Ooe handred guns were fired this mor - ning in honor of the Connecticut Election, and of the municipal elections in tbe West. They only show that where the Uuionists WORK and Till they carry the day. Tbe people are right at heart, . . . . . . : and only neea to Know tne iiutu, lo vole Right. A bill bas pwsed allowmg tbe Direc- tors or 20 stockhoM.rs, rcpresentine ono- ... .......... cavinc workmen io store orders. Should it pass the llouse, its provisions will re ceive a close eonst'd-rati m, for it is poten tial iu its requiruieuts, or it is nothing. There were railway accidents on the railway through Lancaster, and that t irough Reading, Saturday last, doing mucb damage, happily without loss of life or limh.but with some remarkable escapes some of tbem quite laughable when the danger was over. AW.'-Both Houses to-da, "re called ! from the Governor" tbe bill to allow a vote upon removing tbe Northumberland Rank over to Sunbury. Senator Bucber of Cumberland said be bad voted under j the impression that it was the newer j "Bank of Northumberland County," at j $hsmokin, when be voted for the bill. A reoently formed institution like that. . biiuuiu uj uimui ut.U vcjja;vs auj ma tut; 1 . . . . ii distaoce of a mile or two was but a small i gain to any interest afftcted. J Mr. Brown (Northumberland Co.) bas 1 introduced into the House a bill to ineor- ' porate a Company to makes turnpike from tbe Lowisburg Uridge to tbe Kail road Depot in Chillisquaque a epot of road in which half of Union county have more or less interest, sometimes a very Jeep interest. It is extremely desirable it should be accomplished. To day, over 120 bills came before tbe ;aiuu uumiD mo Senate, half from its own Commi:teP, and; . utua.c, u... ,u , , balf from tbe House many of tbe former reported with a recommendation that tbey i . 1 he neeattved. : o Brow. -Tbe Jersey Shore Boom bill came un eeain. air. Johnson sam, mat, r b ' titb a sincere desire to reconcile the inte- r s's of his constituents, at bth Jersey Shore aud Williamsport, be offered cer tain amendments, which, he thought, ; would be satisfactory to those who contest- ed tbe favor asked for, and should be ascep- eo. iueiayor asaeu.ur, uu u table to Its friends. 3Ir. Uoand OppOSOd tbem, as too much damaging the Act Mr. Wallace, of Clearfield, opposed tbe i . i . .. i - , t i. ... . nr. ';tn r ! wuoio puuoy u. uUUU.a. . Tiona. would not vote for the bill, ifi voio lor me um, ui a . .1, . coupled with an . , .... , . . thought, would make it lesa objectionable : . ... . .v . ,. to his constituents, so that those who ... , i a . j i . thought proper could float down logs or; . I . ., t. . rr rafts without their being stopped. Tbe amendments of Messrs. Johnson and Wil- i - .li ,ftH rl-n Mr H7hii nf Iadi40 ,Is0 ke wilh muca feonDg ia j fn, nf wiviff iLa hard. laborers all over ! o ' I tba forest regions, the chance of reaping the best rewards for their toil, rather than capital should absorb the whole lum ber trade. On the motion to piss the Bill, it was rather unexpectedly iW Yeas 14, Nays 17. A bill presented by Mr. Wilson, repeal ing a bill urged through some weeks since by Mr. Wallace, was taken up aud passed It was a manly trial of strength and skill. (There are too many bills pushed through without the proper attention of Senators.) In the llouse, this evening, Judge Shannon, of Pittsburg, held spell bound for three hours, a crowded audience (ladies crowding Members out of their seats) io a brilliant speech on the state of tbe country Shannon was a favorite of tbe Roman Catholio Democracy, but he can not go with the leaders of that party in opposition to the Administration. The Democrats bad intended to force their eanous resolutions through to-night, but concluded they bad better try to reply lo Judge Shannon, and adjourned about 11, P. M. Thursdat, April 9. Ia Senate an set allowing tbe Soldiers to volt by proxy, was p4 eferj "Democrat" in bis Beat votiog against it; it was ton "nn-ccn-sii-tn-tioo-al.' The bill to allow Wm. Steans and James Lawsoo, to sell and convey part of the real estate of the Presbyterian congre gation of Buflaloe X Roads, passed Gually- A majority and minority report on tbe alleged Senatorial bribery case, were announced, the former was ordered to be printed. The bill passed, vacating a certain street ia Northumberland. Friday, April 10. Our Democratic friends, fellow citizens, and sojourners, in tbe Hon. tbe House of . n. I Keps. of this great and gel oriout State 01 ! IVnu'a, are io pickle. One of its genus J Copperhead has been for two year trying ((1 niek a duarrel with Deraoer. the P. M. I - - r 1 1 administration of bis office. No P. M. is j obliged to put stamps upon unpaid matter ; th,t ia the duty of the person depositing j. ; but, for tbe sake of the pr. fit on the ,a'C8 0f the stamps, the P. M.'s bere have ,i put stamps upoo letters and .. .1 ; documents, thus saving great labor to tne Houses. Uut so annoying and serious were ,he churgeg of the Rcx lf)re9lid that ! ,, .. i, Ti.,. tn hik m "i "f -- .- j election, tbe Senate refused to concur, but j ; limited the amount and time of paying' for matter from the House : ihe Democrat- ' I ic Senators insisted upon that monstrous j 1 grant of power : between tbem, the bill , , fell. Ftr ten days, tbe House folks have : to pay their own postage which is bard on the Copperheads, as they bad various li.I.,Aan.rt..l9' Ktailtinn trurn.nn.ainn At I h t expense of Mother Peon. The prospect now is, tbey must take tbem away col- ! cur fhion.hBbkf ,0 1:ex Last Fall an iutereatinir cirl of fonr or five tpir. nanieil Liixifl German, was decoyed into the woods near Ilarrisburg, and inhumanly murdered. lne case j ..... - . ... i i I excited intense interest, among an ciassea. A man ia on trial at Dayton, Ohio, for tbe murder of a man, who has as good as confessed himself the destroyer of tbe ; , . . . Sominationt. Tbe Governor nomina ted Francis B. Penniman, of Wayne Co. John H. Briggs, of Dauphin Co. Jacob C. Bombcrger do Trustee of the State Lunatio Asylum from lit Fcbrnarv Lot and ,, " ' , , Charles K. Coburn, of liradrord county, for superintendent of (Jommon .... . . Schools lor the Mate, Irom 1st J una next. Prof- Coburn'a nomination will be , ., , . . , . . , . ,. . .". ... . n . t.l . 1, .niJ c8Dsc.a . m the i K!n.tli.f nqrt nf nnr KlntA Horn in lha ... r .. , . . , .. .! 1 wilderness and inured to all hardships of ' . ,., ... , . . I ! frnntirr lifa aith fw advantages, vet Mr. . . . . n ; , .... j i. .l : .rjnt ih.rat fur k noar leflfre. ana bv tne i vuuu.m J f I i ardent thirst for knowledge, and by the light of the fireside and of tbe stolen can- ; JU ...trail il.i olomsntarv hook 4 nf in. i , ,. , , j stroction witbm his reach. W ith advan-j , ,' j -,,t m,. ' u,ou,", - , " I hood to the full maturity of !1 bis powers . - . . . ... . . a .r..lnn.a ;n oil hoi- VW j W n not know i orednated at a oollee- but . . . . " , ... - , . doubt whether any man has a tetter prac- Heal knoicMye of common xhoUt as a J . , pupil, Teaobcr of every grade, two terms f i . as county Superintendent, and always , . . .. - ,-. I mabinit nnnnlap oriiirahnn hia ItiATIl ' making popular education bis rvecialilu. r ,. .. ,. .. . f He h 10 h" d,"P08,,,on. P-. Me ,n character, loval in every impulse, ni bis elevation to Me executive charge 01 tl,e P-,,e 8CB00I 01 ,ne mmonwa till be particularly gratifying to those : Educators who have met Mr. Coburn in various parts of the State. Ecenimj. An animated debate on National topics in tbe House. In tbe Senate, a bill relative to fraudulently sellioe Railroad tickets, incidentally i , T. .... . btought out an amusing tilt at arms, j between Senators Lowry and Wilson ; l. oond.he.rterl nn. of Irishmen, who ' thrust and carried with sufficient freedom. W. No man should talk of "ennui," or "dark ages," or complain of want of solid j enjoyment, so long as there are thirty thousand volumes in the State Library. Tbe new Librarian has appointed as his Assistant, Mr. Morgan a gentleman for merly in the newspaper Hoe, who seems to have passion for books tod who is engaged in re-orderiog tbe books and other publications in bis ebarge. The Library is now distributed in three spart- mene.tesoh of two storeys. Three books pre- ..j k .u. if....u L- :a enrcu uj .u. ..i. .,...... have eost $500. There M not room enough for tbe safe keeping, the fair dis play, or tbe best management of this mass of reading matter. To furnish aceomoda- j bere, charging various errors upon tbe!whi(.u started some of the rivets in tions for this and other interests, tbe ad dition of two wings to the Capitol, east ward, is suggested. Tbe present Capitol bas been erected about forty years, with out any considerable enlargement or alter ation. Tbe proposed change, I think, would be approved by all who could see and feel its desireableness. Latest News Advices have been received, at New , , ,.. - -ii i . oi k and Laltiinoie.fi om Charleston, through Union Sources. The Steamer Peaboiiy left New Orleans On the 31st ult., aiid arrived at New York on the 12th nist. As she passed llilion Head, the monitor Nahant was there repairing dama'res. tihe had been hit ; about 500 times by the rebel latteries, the turret, thereby preventing the working of the puns to advantage, lie liad nl.so live holes in tier Stnoke- j stack. 1 he injuries were slight. The battery Keokuk was gunk, as ! rel,orleJ by the rebels, and OUC man Q Cjiarjeston ar the Tea- bo,y ko solmJ guil,)0ats'( but ob. t;lii;L.J , ncwg csce,jt lliat Jcn. ltt.. .... il.n I: .v n.. onn nn 1UM, ......!.. ..j ...v. . j,-.. New Yiiiik, April 12. It is repor ted that (Jen. M'L'lellan had handed in his resignation. a nion Prayrr MerlinRtt b-reat'ter jo Hie Luihtran huli-e, at 4 o'clucK, Sabbaih al'terno i i.s. Ml are invited to attend " i- " 1 - ii- ? t 1 . 1 he badies ol,liors Aid .eio - ; iVrr.uWa. I)ickm, KVKUV FlilHV JKNMK 11. UFA IKK. Kmc. Svc'y ' J D. itcujtsours SHarfcct. Carrrctrii Weekly Wheat SI, 40 Kggs 14 ! live.. 1)0 Taliow . 10 10 ' ''urD old.. ... 80 70 2,50 Lard , Clover seed. .4 00 ! ; pj!gj Wool. Dried Apples. $1,00 Potatoes 62 FirkinlJutter 12 Sides & Shoulder 6 w.-.fc H..tie ... 20 Kiha k. Shoiildor R ItagN 4, 5, and G Ham Country Soap 4 & 6 W DifD, On th. Hh nit- In MiildlrrM-k Tp.. Snyder Co, Jlri.. MAUI A IjU.JK, al to jrearft, 1 mnnlb and i daja. In Sunhurj, on the ilh in.L, WILLIAM A. COVERT, Xu ah,iut Jj jear. . , , , ... , " T, " lO Hie SdlOOl Directors Of L Bl0nt0.,ra. S-H EXTLEME.V In Pursuance of ihe 43d I T section of the Act of 8ih May. 1854, v..u nr. herehr nntif.ed lo meet in (invention. kt Ihe Court House, on the Ftrt Monday .,, l, 4 It iKr!S. fhein. ik 4ih riav of the : month) at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, and se- ' lee'-"' "' by the majority of the whole i number of U.rectors present. One Person of scjenu(-ic and iterar, aennirements. and of ; skill and exoer.ence in the art ot teaening.as i ,.r-.,-,..-r r-x-nr-r, ivt.m cli ui.ir.u.. i, for the three succeeding years ; determine ihe i amount oi compensation lor uir siimr, im ; cer,,,V ,h? result to the sate superintendent : .t Harrithnrv. as renmred bv l ie 29lh and 40th sections of said Act. 1). HECKEXDOUX, New BVrlin, April 4, !8i3. County Superintendent. LEVyJSBiJR S ACADEMY , i iw r. sc h kmmm commepiin .iui, I . 1 nrniL , iouj. Tuition per Session, including contingent i expense i PKIMAKV Readiny, Writing, Definer, Arithmetic, Oeog, Gram, and V. S. ADVANCED ENGLISH, all not inclu- ! , d ab"'e5 6 5n LANGUAGES. 7 5(l I V. No dedue.nonn ereent for nrntraeie.l sickness. April II, 1863. RANDOLPH, Prini-ipal. PUBLIC XOTICE. 4 LL persons holding Orders issued bv the Overseers of the Poor of the Borough I i"Vi, ai Town C ., . next, a will b r L'wisbure;, dated prior to the 1st day of April, are required to present them to the ; Cleric on or before the 1st day of May After that date, no old Poor orders . recoznized by the Council. By order of the Town -Council, WM. IOXES, Town Clerk. ! I,. ..hurt, AprlUO, 1SK1. FAKDI FOR SALE. j FTIHE subscriber offers for sale the Farm nnnn which he resinpc. in r.asl IlnrTA. , r,wn-h:p. a mile and a half south of i.e v- bure lt contains 61 Acres more or less. all cleared and in a Rood state of cultivation, together with 10 acres of Timber Land near by. The Farm Improvements are a frame Dwelling House, Frame Barn, Tenant Jj lS House, and suitable Outhuiltlinss. A good Spring near the house, and a stream of j water flows through ihe farm, Also all kinds , of fruit, of the best varieties. Th, farm ls bnn,,d lhe norlh by Wm. Brown, east by Penny and Gundy, sou'h by xi oketown and river road, west by Jacob Gandy. For Tf rm, inquire on the premises. April 6. '63m6 GODFREY DECK. BLINDS & SHADES. JJ. Street. Philadelphia, Manufacturer of , wTV U7II f I 4 Vll IC lVAaib. C m V. artiTliv an Itnt .nrf U.Sallf amav aaa mr.v urivi'iiiiktr awm inrc i IT W WW 9ll.sVai.'s i tTThe largest and 6uest assortment in Ihe city, at the lowest prices. Blinds Painted and Trimmed equal to new. Store Shades made and lettered. Estate of David Simpler, dee'd. ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE. Whereas letters nf administration on Ihe estate of DAVID SIMPLER, late of White DeerT'p. in Union county, deceased, have been gran- . 1 . - . 1 J .. ... ...... .... . Lnna-illir ib. I '-"' lhnseves indebted lo said estate are reques- ted tn make immediate pavmvnt ; and those i having claims arainsi ii win mri.i mciv properly aoihenticaied for set"met to THOMAS ARbl'CKLE, Admin'r. t'niontown, Afnl , 1861 Fire-Twenty U. S. Loan ! rpHK t.EWIBCKG BANK. ofLewiiborg, I Union Co- is Agent lnr the a!e of the I mter Slates Six per Cent. Five-lweuty s of .k. IOI l ears Loan. Amounts can he had to snit the man different individuals. The 'Merest .n J Loan is payable and will he paid in Gold. 'J'ji TO J AX COLLLITOUS. ALL Collectors knowing thcoielve in debted for taxes for the year 1S6S and previous years will pav over their indented ness bv Mav Court at furthest. Ail Collee- I tors will immediately proceed and culled ihe ! w" TV; "s lh' b1"un,',', lory ,he '"'- I leers to till up tne old rejur.eiits luuM lie paid. ; apd fur sup'pi.n ol lh, fn,. Tbe vr Tax is now legalized and approved bv Ihe ' Governor. Mari-l J. A. VERfZ.Treas. i:sTAiiLisiii:i, i7oo. PETER LOIULLARD, Snul and Tobacco Jhnufacturcr, 14 k 18 CHAMBERS ST., (Formrlr 4 ChsiuUrs atrveC, Nw Vurl.) OI.'LO ca;l the aneiition of JJ-alers lo lo the articles of his maQulaclure.viz saun.v s.Mif. Macstar, iK-mirit'. Jiui Rsppe, 1 r Virginia, auiri( o iJrMIrman, Ci.n.uii.ft-a. UUUW SMKF. aootrh, liuovy i-w Scotch. High Tat Scotch, rfh Uoot; lr 9cftcb, lnh likb lotrntor Lumittout, rtL krc.cii. n-Attolliu U tilllfi tlttt Itr;,' rtducti.m it frit, :f ll'li. II i. u. flxttLi .itiS0. iwn WHrJRi;.s, on the lsi day (,f March, leos. the Burgess anil 'l oan Council ot me iliiroush of Lewiburg rassel an Or dinance diieciing that the pavemenis n I lie j ea: site ui' r'lliii street, be of the widih til' j ten leei trutnthe building line to the euro, and I hit thm a,it .n4 1 ta rmnrr1 lh cam. ... t b' ma,)e line lare nrm acJ " south from Market street, now. He 11 luriher enacteJ by the authority of the ' same. 1 hat the owners c! rn-perty al'.ns the ; M(le of saiJ stwe ,, M'3rt siial, i make their pavements in pursuance of su: i j oraniaiice, aud the same are hereby required. to lie made south front Market street to Mt. Catharine's street; Ihe same lo be cnmpleled on or before the Huh day of Mav. A. D. 1hj. SAM I. It. ORWHi, Buraees. Attmt ; WM. JONI.S, Tub Clerk. Marth i,'C3. HEREA, it has been deemed eipedi- ; 1 f ent, by the Chief Burgess anJ Town ' tiillneil l,f ihe Riirniinh nf Lpvivhurn In adi'pt a duff rent form of proceedins. so a to i : change the manner uf conducting ihe affairs ; j f the said Borough with view iu better the financial eonUiiioa, and to insure more saie : aud convenient mode of transacting Liisiaest, A, ,V....f...n &.C , therefore, Be it resolved by the Bargfii and Town Council of the Boroueh of 1 ewisburtr. and it is hereby enacted by the authority i.f the same, 1st, That the Offices of the Bi-.rJ (to win Town Clerk-and Bori-ugh Treasurer) shall not be held by one person. 2d. Thai ihe Col!eeti,rf of the Road and ; Poor T I of Ihe said Borough are not allowed, ' . and by ibis ordinance are prohibited from ' receiving in payment of tax, any ordeiswhat- evef ccept said order- are issued by direc- 11 1 tne council, signed by the Burgess, and aliened by the Clerk. 3d, That all orders issued by the Street j Commissioners and also by the Overseers of! ! lh" '"or- be presented, by the holders there, f, ; ' Town Council (or approval, and there- uPon a borough order, properly a;tested, be : o.....u.... ... i the Street or Poor orders be charred to the j proper officer, to be accounted fur iu his i r ietiiement with said Borough. ; in, l nai mis act in it taha enecr, and grt into operation, at the time of the urbanization in, lrli.m of Ihe nffie.rrx nf ih T.,-n Council for the ensuing year. By order of the Council. SAM L H. ORWIG, Attest: WM. Junks, Town t'lrk. Burse's. (Marth 1. W l Furniture ! Furniture ! ! Broke Out in a New Tlaee! from ilu V ii. FIXE DRESSING BUREAUS, frtna $M to $6. SECRETARIES. DESKS, ic. ic. dttlrrt'tit pric'K. BEDSTEAD?, from 3 to (-0 dirfcrvnt pattrrnt and lattt stjlr. TABLES, CxtfTtrri-ta. 11 fwt an1 upwanlit. lVntT.Pii', Eni,rr!, aUmiDst 'two 8i. HrrKlYiaitr. iniii of any atinj of Winxi tta-mr-il. btt Wial nut, Jftu it-tnj ami itJM wuctl aiwuvii to htn l for liw txaU. STANDS, Tepoy, Klmt-.Not, S-wmg, ke. Ao, SOFAS, LOUNGES, latest patterns' CTI IUS I Frhnhtml. l.aiv Arm. Sfwlnir, I'arlnr Coairn ata; vn han,l; al-. .'an S-at. Lar K. r anJ Ni.r-, Hin,"r i'hir. Iar and umall K.Kk.r Tabia a.n.1 Cliil'lnnCkair. ala-ava on ban,!. ' TOWEL-RACKS.DOUGII-TUAYS, 1 Pin itr o,l iiiiui' r ;rj t. , BOOh. and S-UOW CAsL;, ic. Furniture of my oirn manufacture, insured j Jone: year. j P. S.-I intend, in a shorl time, (s soon as ! I ran sei up a fine Hoarse.) to alien.' to the LNDEKTAKI.NlJ Bl 1.N EsSI will keep some iweniy-fiv. or more different s.x-d I Cof- "IIS. nuisneo hed, and always ready on short n"- : will sell twenty per cent, cheaper , UCf, ana , , . . , I avichitrn and see before pnrehasing elsewhere. lllUtl liev rri uc-tcti it-"' c iss -"- REPAIRING done immediately. CHAS. . BEM Chamberbu't Block. lwiKburit. rl- 2. lf"3. SAPOVIFICK I SAPONIFIER ! ItT Ihe FAMILY SOAP-MAKER. All Kitchen Grra-e can he made iuto good SOAP by using SAHOS1F1EK. nrtlirecuon accompanying each Box SOAP is as easily made with it, as making a i cop of Coffee, Manufactured only hy the Patentees renn'a Salt Manufactnrins Companj, Jo KT. Walaat 9f, rXHjL?H.r3IA. feb 10, 183yl i - " j-y morn. ! '.Furniture Establishment FOR SALE. i fP,,K ont!',rigne,I. desirous of closing rM bosinrss tn l,rwibor befre th ici. ' i,r "' APr''f offers, at Private Sa, ihi anuia : mni;i ..f' li .k..n .. m . ;. ... t outfit of his shop, Cif.sistim of Tacts, Furniture, &c, tc a! f rmer prices. He also otfers a fine Htaraa. March a, 63 SOLOMON V OL'.G. LATEST NEWS! JUS r as we go to press, we received a dl paicb sialiog inai tneie would ba a Iar iut oi Pri...)?!:. Om 1 ITlPTll '1 1 TrPt"? I L'verureens, Grape Vines, tCsaA Xr A r fr at iriit r.!ar4. in ihi Mnnn. ifi a Xurtrry t ic tide of iht liivtr. Thrv wrtl be brmht fr m the old Laaral KnifP Mur-ery, It rmcriv beiunsinjr io LtwU t). Hjnim-r. iut now to Shplltti, I.kwjj tfe Hi'uvKR, who havt eiuerefl into a co-partof ship furihe purpnMi. e!ablihing a regular urfry a! th:: place- The old Laurel Kidg nr-rr i5 i:ma;fd in Adams Co Pa., is a ueil-f MaMivhtJ nursrry. and contains aa pti'-d a viriety t" ;res ; ) sny in the Siateuf Penn'a it -, i L rk. Mr. Hnrnmerthas hid cTt-nifiif !v pxti-i'i in tl tofiimi frote bis y oat few Tbe (fUU.-f f 'ta t- U-T-t WKii-tTDiaHl 1rvf,tf ItwS WrTHt- i I-.tte-t Tn V. iiio Ki-bipf ti purohtw iT Liu firm. tiAi Jtifr in tiiir rd rs wet,M Itia'. wcuu rmj liit kin i-itrjiiY'-tt: lui tbet will bn mo tm bruk!l u m tr.- ur.-rv ihiao ni b awtwf t-Hi. f.r.irr-t. mi"l I'Uri'liitsa-r cmn thon-fur th traaa tl m tiivii,;. it th v mmti l. W annex a lUt of tr (:.( iinvt..n inn-!: tiut wr esn not rDTotaitlv niiMj. ril" th Uitlerent rterlitH; but tb pubtM WM biii it v.:.-l.'Jf t the Dime Saving luittitutln. Avvl A ,ft 1'' r- t hzh-fntm 15 to 'Mntmtk P-rh. froru 4 t . irft Luh. 12 to la rta. ch Miidr.l IVar, to4 t- t i.uh. -H) t U eU. mIv I'witri t'-r, - Ui 4 u-rt buti. to 4u ct. acb. I h-rry, f lu !- hiu, .j U ' rt.-. ttarh. Fiuibp, fo f.l'ira .:j-k. 4 to f t bifih, ''ftT tilth Mr ar:t;. yn tic , ni Ai-rici U. cU. Mob. Ur- i n. rjft to i each. Currr.tJ". IO tn 1 Ucin wii. i'Vhbrri, lScte.Mi biark.b-rntl. ea-h, or T;'.et. per liia. Kpi.H-rti-!i, ltt- t. '-b. rr l pr 'Ir.iafa. ttrtTTiM. ieti. ptr 4ozf-n. or 'bcU. psJf badaW. Iiba'jrl, 10ct. earh. j.rr iozra. (rum.uUl trw, trum ui:U. t" $1 acb. KTttrriMa ir-trtt, Inra -totts 10 9L tcb. isHCLLEUdc HUMMKR. LmwULotic. Jan. 23, 6&. SPECIAL NOTICE. 31 O X E T TO UE SATED JOIIX Ql IltHS has just retorne4 trum l'..a te:phia, with another larga lot of HOOTS AND SHOES purchased si ihe l.nrest prices. Those la want of B'ots and hoes, will find it lo uaair advantage to ca l a'ld examine his large Stock of II ne-H-'ade Work. -nieii u.r .ic inu unanij can noi oe aula I parsed in I m. a cuniy or tiae.here. fien fine Ca'f Boots S Ba Lades tine Morocco, hich heel ISO A fine quality Balmoral Boots 1 7J M,,se and Children's Shoes at very Io 'riC(.s fur CasQ at Squirt' Union Eoct anl S7we Slot, nTopposite the Bank:, j Lewisbarg, Jan. 1, I8n3 , - I A'CilCC -I CaCC I l l ---' TT W. r''n nTuUtim! ptwp. f m i nnfry nfHiwr Wr'ii ( tl diHMlH for y o . iuor pneva ar sWJw 7Kn ei .tfur i;triitiuii. anJ pet of your ear. Anil our Lry liocus ttDti olhf r n ww. Wf'i lrct9 nd Cliilticw. and ?tin rnrhQ-( Anl I himiir-yat iDraam. nt fir Huol f !-tp:;- airj M"tiwir, aixt I rii.ti for voa all Su.-h a imuv i aud C"chf;co's jiiit gi?e tu a oali. We'w 1ilin m! Pln-rtineK ('m Tir tn - f j ff'tr i.ktn-j f r l..ia atid ilnit (.mh for ent; ri-.'tli. at !l prtv?. f r JutT oJ coat. Wit; rJj mm-j Civitio u chop v t. Atokv tT, Cmrm Hottw ani C.rt. .ind Crionlliie 9k(Tw Ami Ifc-o.if titl 1 t'-rfcirjvf.r .Ira it- mnd aihirra, c t llIt trt'tif ah 1 i o!!r for Diin mthI for bof We've rbiafcrrs t"-r iauiir-, but Jcu't i!rl in tojsw nf Oil-Ho'h'w ti l Curpft tr OTr Tfnr So, Hr'w SiiA-I-it tor your wukIowiii nl Rn c tot tuh ttae Wv-Hui iel'r'l Hj-k. tn :n1 K tirifwr of alots Ue r 6amT na . cdr kr Isuikci orCtaUS, W't Bruh ami KVttVt. bH kinrfu Af Qnttvnswa Sri .tlt ti4 ss.min-. ttrts Kin ip,; ln btrv: You'll ffri'l h on M rl-t trvt't. pifr f twrt At allKI.I fcK s out -tmn.i K. .1BK BltOlTllv Lwit ur', A (Til , IlEMOVAL! ' "" L. MO WRY has removed his rbote i lj. cr:iili I ta!flitinicnt to tha ' New l!uil,.irii; on Market sireet. recently nav copied by Dr. Btirian, OPPOSITE THB j U where he has fitted np one of Ihe ; Finest Galleries in the Country! Having superior lar.iliiics and a long V , perience, he U satiRed that his work ran aw ' be beaten. Call and test his workmansbiB l.ewiburjr, Aug 15 Hew Stand---hew Goods I t ! T0SEP1I L.1LUVN havin? taken It U ruuin uunci ue i ricsmfii dim imwyiwiw rtSces.retiited iheui.aud lilied in au eittnaive variety ol Jills i '(7P. (7enemf?lS ClothifC. f. 1 ' " '.. Also a lar"e ar.ll splendid toflr Of i- 1.0TWW cashmeres. ic, wh.eh he w.ii artirr,s he still continoes the Tailoring Bus. BMJ; He i rrrrared t,. eieeute ail work entrusted to hu care, lo the sausfaciioa of what eustoroer. X. B. CDttins and Kepainn doim order. Lewisbnrg. April 10.1881 niLLirEUT AHD STRAW GOODS I a.. WE hare ,he .tisatf! o inforninf lha( we ,re w prep,red to offer. ai our Hid Stand os. 103, lOi & 107 North SECOND St.. PHILAD A. a well selected siock ul Millinery and Mran Goods) in every variety, of the latt-t importation, and of ihenewestand most fashionable styles. OCR STRAW VEPARTXEXT will rnmnrise everv varietv of Boaneis, Fata i and Trimmings to be found in lhat iiue.ot the i latest and most approved shapes and styles. i , . i . -. . . . I .. ..II 1 r.m.in y' RrtfnV. 11. WARft Philad., March 16. IH6:tw4 1 JIIOIOUKAPa ALUMS, MOMRT, for sale by f - !; r i