Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, April 07, 1863, Image 2

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Ail Mt Itnilu'i but a lanle jet
O we're not tired of tilting jet !
We're nut tlio bovs to friirhten vet !
While "Irunia are drumming we'll be
With the b:ill and bayonet 1
For we can hit while they can pound,
Aud 80 let's have auollier round !
Secesh is Imund to lick the ground,
Aud we'll be in their puutry yet !
O we're not tired of tramping yet
Of soldier-life or camping yet ;
And rough or level, man or devil,
We arc paine for stamping yet.
We've lived through weather wet and dry,
Through hail ami tire without a cry,
We wouldn't freeze and couldn't fry,
And havu't got through our rauiping yet
We havn't broke op the party yet ;
We're rough, and tough, and hearty yet ;
Who talks of going pays what's owing,
And there's a bill will smart ye yet !
Fo bang the doors, and lock 'em tight !
rn-cesh, you've got to make it right !
We'll have a little dance to-night ;
You can't begiu to travel yet !
O we're not tired of fighting yet,
Hot ripe for disuniting yet '.
Ucfore they do it, or get thro' It,
There'll be some ravage biting yet!
Then rip hurrah for I'uele Sam !
And down with all secesh and sham !
1'rom Iavis to Yailamligham,
They all ehall rue their treason yet
A late writer in the I'd Had. Frets, as a
means of turning away God's wrath from
this nation, proposes " that the people
Suite in prayer to Him with earnestness
mod faith, that grace may be granted them,
that peace and prosperity may be restored
to onr nation, in tbe way best pleasing iu
Sis divine sight, and that the Holy Spirit
may be poured out upon the souls of all
tbe inhabitants of this conotry." So far
00 good. A bluoderbuss, well loaded, fired
t humanity in general, the contents of
which, by mere accident, hits any one.
It seems strange to the uninitiated that
men's minds are so obtuse in seeing the
true point in issue.
Tbe command, the promise, tbe threat
ening, and the rc-prnmise, to the Hebrew
nation, through their law-giver, Moses,
was, do thus aud so, and ye shall prosper;
"I will be your Cod, and ye shall be my
people. Depart from my statutes, leave
eff worshiping tbe true God, and go wor
shiping the idol gods of tbe nations, and
I will bring calamities upon you, and scat
ter you to the eods of tbe eartb. But,
after all this, if you will repent of your j
eini, aud return unU me, I will return j
unto you all the blessings you have for
feited by your tins."
By the good providence of our God, we
a a nation were brought out of tbe land
of British bondage, and placed in a land
flowing with milk and honey (as of old, 1
the beatben nations gradually melted away
as we expanded) although not by tbe
real declarations of a Moses, yet by that
of tbe "divine mission of truth," which
re in essence tbe same thing ; we Lad tie
same alternatives placed before tu, with
the same promises and tbreatcnings. We,
as nation, through tbe instrumentality
of a class of men called Slaveholders, (in
Scripture language called mco-stealers,)
aided by the moral (or rather immoral)
force of Northern sentiment, for many
years past have been worshiping idol gods,
in the brutalization of some four millions
of human beings, unfitting them for hap
piness and usefulness in this life, and pos
sibly in tbe life to come. We have thus
bsoome an " unrighteous nation," wbicb
is an abomination to tbe Lord. As He
1 .t t.: rnL.:..:
fllu,(orougn me preacuing ui --iiuriauaua
to tbe Jews, for some seventy years colors
the destruction of their city and nation,
Ho baa been ottering bis "still, small
voiee," through tbe preacbiog of Christian
" Abolitionists," (also a term of reproach)
from tbe days of our Franklin till tbe
year 1861. Blinded by an unholy inter
est iu tbe " muck-rake," we heeded not
tbe appeals of tbe "divine mission of
truth," disregarding tbe persuasions of the
still, small voice, (God's favorite means of
drawing sinners to him,) He bas sent upon
ns tbe terrors of His wratb (His ulterior
means) in tbe shape of a civil war, to com
pel ns (having failed to persuade) to repent
of onr great national sin, and destroy the
molten god that we, Jereboam-like, erec
ted for onr worship.
I would, tben, (being quite as presump
tuous as the man of the Prett,) propose
that we, as a nation and people, (clergy
and laity) clothe ourselves in sackcloth
and asbes, repent of our great national
in, as well as all othar sins, of which God
knows we have an abundance ; and not
only this, as repentance without works is
valueless. Let us ecase bruialixiog human
beings, by withdrawing our influence and .
sympathies from those who actually prac
tice it, and throw tbe weight of our influ
ence in with the Government, and the de
struction of our idol will be just as certain
aa tba destruction by Asa of the gods of
bis fathers.
If we thus repent, turn onto tbe Lord,
and become righteous nation, just as
sure aa God's word is true, He will return
unto as, restore peaco and prosperity to
our land, establish tbe right and put down
the wrong ; and we shall bee mire prosper
ous nation than ever,siniply because we shall
be righteous nation. If we do not re
pent, but persist in fighting to re-establish
our Government with the viper ia its bo
som, then, just aa sure as God's threaten
iujta are sure to be executed, we ean now
piaiuly tee our future as a nation, in tbo I
Itiiuinitory tiampk of 'ji't ancient
people in the present day, devoid of all
nationality, peeled and scattered among
many nations.
Alas 1 there are too many of ns like
Gen. Butler and I feel pained that truth
compels me to make the criticism, because
his speech at ;be N. Y. Academy of Musio
was otherwise good. He tays, as a Jack
son Democrat, be has for twenty years
fulfilled all bis constitutional obligations
to slaveholders (as if such a thing as a
legal obligation to do wrong was binding).
They have now broken those obligations
by rebellion, and be is no longer bound to
them. Mark bis words " If the sacred
obligations that bound as together bad not
been broken, I would not thus bave been
apt to follow tbe dictates of G od's law
and of humanity." He might with the
same Christian (!) propriety bave said, "I
faithfully served the devil all my life, up
to the year 1861, when tbe devil broke
the constitutional obligations that bound
us together, which left mo to follow the
dictates of God's law and of humanity,
and thence-forward serve God, and not the
dsvil !"
M O that dome otoe the gift wnotd ri' an,"
To guieelve a" OiuuioteneeMaeee a8,
God has determined to destroy slavery,
whether the Union is preserved or not.
It would be wisdom, then, to let tbe dead
elephant slide overboard at once, and
thereby save tbe ship of State. J.F.L.
Lewiiharg, Pa.
1, Will
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Regular Union county Courts open
Tliird M utility ia Februnry Majr Sf (trroVr Dtjocmb'r
Union County Official Record.
PresuUnt JudjcSL 8. WoubR, Lwiton I'oMtOflie
JUtodaU JudycJwx W. 8io?tu!c, Mttflioburg da
do JOMX H ALUtf La)itllrg du
Sheriff UkVkiwrtz Albkight do
1'rothmniary James W. 8!(M do
K'j rf Kc fleokii MenRiLL, do
Pistrirt Attorney AirRKD TUtM do
TrtoturerJvuM A. MmTl, do
QmmiMsioncr Fredsviiik Boi.iwnm.MitBiiibarg do
do Jmsi M. WLTm, Win field do
do KmiEXT Krku, Lajurfltno do
CommunrmmU i k Knuuiv Kt.ntit,LewUhnrg do
do iuhs1 Wn. J..RFJ. do do
do lnnttrt Wobde.1 A CokMLICB, do do
MrrcantHc Appraiser -W u. Rosuoso, New Berlio do
Surveyor Coxead Shrcilkb, Forest Hill do
Crmer Kusba 8taob, Leviaburg do
Auditor IHmik. SarricR, do do
do Vthi Tmurtoy, Mifflloburf do
do J. P. UwEKWif. btifer do
ScKeot Superintendent b llLi:iunoyfXiBTln do
Anvtsor Slatx War 7hx C II SniNE.MiffliDburg do
OAltCtOT dO JetA&C liAVCB, W id Held do
rriHE subscribers haveforsale
f (in lots to suilpurchasersWHiW
a laree stork rt
Hank, &c. Also 5,000 I'ISb RAILS.
26 inch Sawed Shingles superior quality.
Also Square Timber for Buildings :
Which are offered low fur cash, at our Mills
on South Branch of the While Deer Creek in
Hartley township or delivered on the Brush
Valley Narrows road at the end of vur Road.
CyA Diploma lor a superior sample 01
Tlanks, and a Premium fr Rails and Shing
les, were awarded us at the last Union Co.Ag.
ly' J "oresl Hill P O, Lnion Co, Pa
AMERICA Philadelphia.
(IncorporaU-ii, 1794)
Capital 8500,000.00
Assets, Jan. 1SG1, - - 1254.719.81
ARTHUR fi. COFFIN, President
CHARLES Pl.ATT, Secretary
fjrTBmldings annually or perpetually, Mer
chandize, Grain, Furniture, Ac, insured, at
currant rates of Premium,
93tm3 Agent for Union county. Pa.
THE subscriber con-
X tinaes to carry on the
I.lvorjr IIuslneNN ai
the Old Stand on South
Third street, near Market, and respectful!)
solicits the patronage of his friends and the
public generally. CHARLES F.HE88.
Lewisburg, May 23, 18.r0
riHR Dimes Saving Institution of Lewis
J burg has this day declared a Dividend
of Four per Ctnt. on the amount of Slock
paid in. Payable to the Stockholders in
twenty days from date. H. P. SHELLER,
No. , IS62. Trwurer
rpHE nndprsigned are putting op an ICE
1 IIOl'SE large enough to supply all onr
people with Ice during the whole year. Ice
will be delivered in town, daily, at a cheaper
ra'e than private Ice Houses can be filled.
ty Call on either of as on North 4ih St. or
at the Ice House below the River Bridge.
Uwinbarg, Xov.29, 186 a HANK. ANtisTADT
7 EST BRANCH Insurance Company.
or Io k Haven, Pa.
Insures Property in bolh Town and Coun
try on as reasonable Terms as any other
good Company.
The large increase of Premium Notes makes
it a reliable Company to insure in.
Aaitwal r rreaVan Kle la tarre, $3M.M0.M
J. Wfaaraiaa, Sec. U.CHiavtT, Prea
Dec U, 1861 Lewiburg
has removed to South 3d street, four
doors from the Town Clock, LEW.
The undereigaed bave as
sociated themselves into copart
nership for the purpose of carry
ing 00 tbe Lumbering, Planing,
and Carpentering business in all their various
branches, at the
Cfmiabnrg Strain planing fllills,
where they intend to keep a stock of Pine
Hemlock, Walnut, Cherry, Poplar, ah, Ma
ple, and all kinds of Lumber, Flooring (Shel
ving, Siding, Shingles, Lath, Joists, Studding,
Fencing, Pickets, Door and Window Frames,
Doors, Shutters, Blinds, 8ash, Mouldings,
Brackets, &e. Planing, Slitting, Scroll Saw
ing, &.C, done at short notice and all work
warranted to give satisfaction, both In rice
and workmanship.
lewlibnr Naniuf Mill.. April 1. 1860.
T B. CHRIST, Esq., has removed his Of
I J. See to the bnildin: of Jonathan Spyker,
North of the Court House, and immediately
Annncii in. Rnffaln House- where he will at
tend to all manner of business at his office
with dispatch and promptness in nil line
business. (Speaks both English and German
April 1. 1802. L. B. CHRIST.
AN Inventory was taken of the Slock com'
ittieln. hi tat visit tinm. Th iCsilta
now oilers this splendid establishment lor
sale. It is imposMDie lor nun 10 aiteuu iu
business matters. The sword and musket
now demand his whole atlention. This is a
capital opportunity for some individual who
may be desirous of investing in this line of
i. Th. iahiihmni nna&esses wide no-
Uiriety, an eitensive patronage, and is located
in the most pleasant pan 01 our village.
Terms liberal. Nov. 7, '62
Hammoth Funilture Warehouse,
809 & 811, Chestnut St.,
Lale Levy & Co.'s Dry' Goods Store.
Formerly 114, Walnut St.
Sept. 1M2 3ra
Estate of Lieut. J. Gilbert Beaver.
. of-Adininistration on the estate of J. Gil
bert Beaver, deceased, late of Lewisburg,
having been granted to the subscriber by the
Register of Union county in due form of law,
all persons indebted to said estate are hereby
notified to make immediate payment, and all
having any just claims against the same may
present them dulv authenticated for settlement
lu PETER BEAVER, Lewisburg,
Administrator with the Will annexed
J.S.Maa. B.Shorfclry. (jTAhorkler. r.Beavcr
Lewlabura;, Pa.
WE have conaUntlr on hand and lor t,
flftpr, Mfctr arf HovfT HarvtUn; Grain and Gran
StMrn ; Hand and Ham tmr Own XMIm ; One. Tw
and Four Hnrie Tread. Sarrp and Holt Itatri ; Cttrrr
HuUrri, HM IV.ttrtTlirrthtn, Ilmrn, Stmt. HrlU, Iran
Frimix far builthnvl, IrnnFrnceM. Railing!. MJt Gtaringn,
Ac. Ac, and hold uunwlv o-mily at all time, to no all
aiswi or VoL-anar BrtuitaH with (h- utmoM oorrrctn-M
and d i soiitrh . Work or Mannfactnrea tnTahably
warranted aa recommended. Ordirn renpitlully
aolleiLed androntl7 a-' Wd to. Juaal. 1S60
Omyht, Cotdi, hJLum, f.mmp, Ifmtnmru. Brrmehitis.
J'nswmonta, Ihsmie of tht tiowela, anting from 0idt
Jncipunt Omntmy tvm, and or the relit f nd if at alt
pmnblt) atrt of faticnU in mdranred Uayet of the latter
Ttl( BAlmBiie Cordial is eiitirrljr Vtb1e produo
trOO,cninbiiinE tb braliniE propertlsi of tb Haluai,
with tbe inviKorating qualtlir of aConliftl. prodaeiDEE
eoubiDEtion to well adtrd to tbe parporas intended,
tbt thre are but few ear of ditwaM which will not. at
an tlj period, succumb to iu healing aod lifo-gitiDg
For er ban tbo treatment of pulmonary disease m.
eupird the greater portion of the at tea .too of the fefen
tibc of the medical world, but none acquired more emi
nenre in hi treatment of thene dineaiiee, than tbe orle
brated froiwian lr lloofland, the oriioator f the Kal
amic Cordial. Ill lifcwaw devoted to the prodnetlnuof
remedieit that would stand unrivaled. How well he haft
puceeetlfd, the American people are able to judre: and ;
we poiitif ely atvtert. that no preparations that hare ever i
been nlaned before them, have conferred tbe aame amount !
of beneflu on nlTerioT humanity, or have elicited to
many commendations from ell classes of society, as the
remedies of ..oottand, prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson A
Co., Of Philadelphia,
The Cordial is designed fur a class of diseases more (fen
eral and more fatal tiian any other to which the people
of this country are subject those sprint-ins: from a
slight onld." That eminent authority, br. Hell, ssys:
M I will not say that Colds are to our inhabitants what
the Platrue and Yellow FeTer are to those of other coun
tries; but 1 ean aver confidently that they usher In dis
ease ofgreater complicity and mortality than these latter
Bead what the eminent Glass Manufacturer. JOHN M.
Da. C. M. JcEm Respected Friend : Havinic for a
long time been acq Oslo ted with the virtues of thy BA L
A11C CORDIAL In Ooofbs, Colds. Inflammation of the
Luiie;, Ac, I thus freely bear testimony to its efficacy.
For several years I have never bees wtthout tt in my
family. It is alo gives me pleasure to state that I have
uwd it with entire success ia the treatment of Bowel
Complaint. Thy friend truly. JOIIS M. WHIT ALL.
Fifth Mo. 17, 1HM. Kace st. above 4th, Philad'a.
TaT-These medicines are fnr sale by all respectable
Drutritints and dealers In medicines in the United States,
Canada. British Provinces, and West Indie, at 76 cents
per bottle. Be sure and et tbe genuine, with the signa
ture of C. M. Jackson on the wrapper of each bottle ; all
other) are counterfeit. PrineipaJ office and Manufacto
ry, 414 Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Old Post-Office Stand.
A LARGE supply of Books,Statiancry,
Perfumery, Jewelry, Toys, Confection
eries, Teas, Spices, Fruit, Nats, B a skies,
Pictures, and a variety of NICK NACKS for
sale cheap by
763) H W CROTZER, I.ewisbortt
B. J.WILLKM), No. 16 Nor. Siith
8treet, PHILADELPHIA, Mannfactnrer of
Th. larceat and finest ittnnmni n tn
City, at the lowest Price. Blinds painted
and trimmed, equal to new. Mora shades
made and lettered.
April II, 186S 3m
Attention, Boslclani!
A lance assortment of
Violin. Guitars. &c, of all
kifiHa also Violin. Guitar.
I 11 ... m Uirin.t Rrirtvpa Pn Al anfl thm
best Violia Rosia call at the Post Office and
examine. 'J W FORREST
Warrantee Deeds for ! t this office.
Lewisbarg Planing Mill,
' - consUDtlr on htuid and;
mauuiaciure to order FlMrlDfft 8ldln9
Mouldings) oi all pauerns,
and all other descriptions of Wood Work osed
in Building.
Orders respectfully solieted and promptly
filled. All work warranted to give satisfaction
t7An extensive lot of Lumber Of al)
descriptions on hand fur sale.
Factory on iorthScxundi4rctt.lwifntrg,rB
April SS, 1669.
fTlHE subscriber keeps constantly on hand
L a larie assortment oi tne very orsi ana
mokin and Wilkes-Barre COAL, for lime and
store purposes, which be will sell at the very
lowest prices for Cash.
Also, Btachmiitu Coal. VlaUer and Salt.
Wish it distinctly understood, that I will not
be undersold hy any man. Having good
weigh-scales, full weight will be given.
Coal Yard near W'eidensaul's hotel.
Lewisburg, May 2759.
For the Harvest of 1863!
The most approved Agricultural Imple
ments now in the Market !
Lewlabura;, Pa.
Bnehftje licaprr fibwtx.
riMIE unprecedented success of the " Buck
L eye" is the strong-eat proof of Its superior
excellency. The BUCKEYE has caused a
emnpieie Revolution in the Manufacture oi
REAriyo A SO MOW1XG Machines, and
its reputation is so well established that it is
scarcely necessary to particularize its advan
tages. We will, however, call the atlention
of the farmers to a few of us merits.
Pawls and Springs, by which the machine
may be thrown oat of gear, or be backed
wiihuut vibrating Ihe knives iheSierl Tuner
Bar the Wrought Iron Guard, with Hardened
fSir- Face or Collin; Edge the Double
11 insnl Joint, by which tbe Cutler Bar may
be Folded the long Crank Shaft ibe Sieel
Spring and Wheel, by which the Cutler Bar
may be raistd and lowered so as 10 cnt as
low to ihe ground as may be desired the
Sirrl Pitman and Brass Box its Light Draft
(no Hide Draft) no weight on the horses'
necks backs as easily as a cart all of
which form a combination of advantages
which no other machine possesses.
No Gearing on the Driving Wheels.
A team of horse weighing 900 lbs. each.
will cut an acte of grass an boar with ease.
The machine is furnished with two Cutler
Bars one for culling grass, and the other for
culling grain (each expressly adapted to Ihe
use intended).
No eRort will be wanting to maintain the
Buckeye in ihe enviable position it uowoccu- j
pies, that of being the
Best machine In the World ! j
The subscribers return their sincere
thanks to their friends for the generous sup
port tbev have received in introducing the
celebrated Buckeye Reaper and Mower into
Central and Northern Pennsylvania, and are
much indebted to them for ihetr warm greet
ings and kind offices in recoiumeadiug it to
their friends and neighbors.
For Certificates, fee, see Circulars, which
may be had of any of their Agents.
Thev also manufacture Meyer's Pat
ent Piston Ciraln Drill, which is
acknowledged to be the BEST SEED SOW
ER IS L'SE, and the only one which
Also, the Keystone Clover lluller,
hich cleans thoroughly, without in the least
injuring Ihe seed. Will clean more in the
same time than any other machine in use.
They also manufacture and keep on hand
for sale Darling't Trtad Power and Tkmhtr;
Telegraph Foddrr Culler two liza) Cooking
'Stuve. among which is the celebrated Con
tinental i" Parlor and Office Stove, and all
kiAdt of Caul and 'rnuht Iron and Rrast
Work. olilrKK.w ai.i.s.siiki.nck ot uo.
Central Foundry, Ltwitburg, Pa.
March 31, 1882.
rpHE Pennsylvania Railroad Company
1 having this day taken possession of tbe
Philadelphia & Erie Railroad, under the con
ditions agreed on with ihe Philadelphia dt
Erie Railroad Company, they have appointed
JOSEPH D. POTTS, General Manager there
of, to whom all Officers and Employees will
report for instructions.
President Penn'a Railroad Company.
Office of the Penn'a Railroad Co.,
Philadelphia, Jan. 30, 1662. J
General Order, No. I.
To tale Effect on and after Jan. 30, 1862.
I. The Western Dlviitlon, from
Warren to Erie, will be under the Superin
tendence of JAMES LEWI.S, whose title will
be Superintendent of the Western Division.
His Olfiee will be al Erie. Employees on this
Division will be nnder his charge, and will
make all communications respecting their
duties or the business of the road, to him,
except as otherwise provided in this Order.
II. The Eautern Division, from
8unbury to Wheiham. will be nnder the sup
erintendence of 8AMUEL A. BLACK, whose
title will be Superintendent of Ihe Eastern
Division. Employees on ihis Division will be
nnder his charge, and will make all commu
nications respecting their duties or the busi
ness of the road, to him, except as otherwise
provided in this Order.
III. The Accounts of Freight and Pas
senger Business will, on the Western Divis
ion, be in the immediate charge of JOHN C.
boons, whose title will be Assistant Audit
or. His Office will be at Erie. On the Eastern
Division they will be ia immediate charge of
THOMAS M. DAVIS, whose title will be As
sistant Auditor. His Office will be in Wilt
iamsport. He will also have charge of the
distribution of Passenger Tickets over both
All eommtraieationa respecting Freight and
Passenger accounts by Employees on either
Division, will be made to the Assistant Audi
tor thereof, and respecting snppliea of Tickets
to ToAS M. Davis.
JOS. D. POTT8, General Manager.
.1 nai
Pennsylvania Railroad Company,
Lessee Pnilad. tt trie K. k.
General Manager's Office,
Williamsport, Jan. 30, 1869.
ftl REWARD will be paid for the nearly
0 1 new Case and Silver SPECTACLES
designed for a near-sighted person. They
wetr st town sonae time ainec. (Please
leaf at the Chronicle Office)
- -as
Gentlemen's Fnrnlablna; Store.
Market Sl.,jt above the Bank,
The snbseriber has removed into the new
filttd and commodious Storeroom of Thomas
Reber.where he has just received a large and
well selected stock of
Cloths, Casimeres, Silks, Shirts, Drawers, Ac.
best style and most reasonable terms. Being
a practical Tailor, and employing the bei
workmen. I ean confidently invite both Old
and Hew Cutlamtn do n't forget the Sign
The Red Door!
May 2, 1861 J H BEALB
AT an Election held by the Stockholders
of the Lewisburg Ceineierv.ihe nnder
signed was elected Treasurer, and all moneta
for lots, grave-digging, Ac. must be paid to
him. Persons interested will please note the
Those now indebted to the Cemetery Asso
ciation are requested to make immediate pay.
LwUbarg, Jan. 70, IStKniS
WHERE we will find a large assortment
latest styles
such as French and English all wool Cloth,
trom $2.50 np to -$10.1)11. Kuoity Boys' Cas
stmere.andSilk Mixed Cassimeres, Satinetts,
Ac. Clothing n( all descriptions ; Men's
and Boys' Wear Whole Suns for 12 50
that is. cloth coat, satin vest, cassimere pants.
Summer Suns for ?5 5d. Also, a large as
sortment of Hats. Caps, Ac, snrh a" M'Clel
!an. Garibaldi, Opera, high and low crownrd
Hats, Hose, Handkerchiefs, Collars, Shirt,
Suspenders, Umbrellas. Neck Ties, Ac.
to save from 25 to 50 per cent., and get the
Latest Styles.
Also, Goods Cut-aad made to order, and in
the latest style. Always from five to ten
hands at work.
Call opposite John Walls & Co.'s Store,
Market street, Lewisburg.
March II, '62 N.K.ZIMMERMAN.
fihp of Union Conntp.
MOUNTED on rollers.varnished, engraved
and lithographed in Philad. iu Ihe best
siy of the art 30 by 4U inches in size on
a scale of 11 inches lo ihe mile. This Map
was carefully surveyed in 1856, and is reas
onably correct. Each Tnwnship is colored,
and ihere are ihe Town Plots and No- of Lots
in Lewisborir, Mifllmburg, New Berlin, Har
lleton, aud New Columbia. Mountain and
Sirearos are traced the Public Roads, with
the distance in perches between roads which
intersect also Names of Farm Owners gen
erally. Church and School Houses, Mills, Ac.
The Court House, two f Ihe I.ewiburi Uni
versity Buildings, Ihe Lewisburg Boat Yard,
. l.. 1 ' .. . . .. f 1 : i i i Y ' .
' ijnion
eeminary at itrv lierlin are represented in a :
Separate engraving each. j
Kverv Farmer anri nerson nf hiHmni ihM
j - r
have one of these Maps for ornament or for
reference and information.
The original subscription price was $3,50,
now reduced lo $2 onlv. CVFor sale al
the Slar d Chronicle Office, and by
Da. S. L. BECK, Lewisbnrg
Last and Best News !
ATfE have just received from Philadelphia
V end New York", a very large and well
selected stock of
which we offer at very reduced prices. We
have paid particular attention in the selection
of this stock of Goodi a very large assort- j
ment of DRY GOODS of every deserip-1
tion. Purchasers will find it their advantage !
to give u. , call-as in price, we defy any of j
our neighboring towns for competition. We
have also replenished our stock of fjiroCv?
rles, Hardware, uceiMvTare, Ac.
IIAiVe Marsh Lime, Calcine J llattcr,
and Hydraulic Cement,
always kept on hand.
change for Goods as usual.
N.B. Cash paid for all kinds of Grain.
Lewisbnrg, April 2:1, 1862
warranted NON K.YPLOSIVE,
and equal lo any KEROSEXE.
Why bny an explosive Oil, when a few cents
more per gallon will furnish yon with a per
fect Oil I Made only by
Penn'a Salt Mannfacturinp; Company,
Feb 10, I862yl
Lewisburg, lnion Co., Pit.
FFICE on Market St., three doors below
Coo ft 6l Evans'. April 1, 1862.
An aperient and Stomachic preralalloo of I RON pari
fled of oayaen and carbon hy eombaatioa in bydmcon.
react toned by the highest Medical Aulhorlttea, both in
Koropeand tha United States, and preacriaed ia their
Tbo egnarlenea of thoaaanda daily proee that an are
parattoB of Iron ean be compared with it. lmpnritieaot
the blood, depreaeion of vital energy, pale and otherwiM
aiekly eompleilona, indieaU iu awcaaaity ia almoaterery
ooneeiTabla caae.
Innoxlona ia all maladies in which It baa hen tried
it baa proved abaolntoly enratlre ia each of tba fellow
Ing eomplainta. via :
In 0eMity, Srrmu Jffctitms. Xnumatirm. Datprftia,
Omttipatiam. IHarrktrajltyrntrra. Incipimt Onunmptiim,
Smnlami TnltmlnnM, Salt Kntnm. Mmmttrnatiam,
Whitrt, ChlarnrU, Liner Chmptamtt, Chronic eoeocAal,
Hkmmatitm, Intermittent Vaera, PimnUi an Ut fnca, dc
fntnp In neat flat meUt boxee containing to pi I Ik
arlee eo eenUper box : for aula hydrntcgiata and daalera.
oeaentrraa any addreea on receipt or tnm price.
Ail lolter,ordere.ete.,hiild he addreaaed to
' B.B.U)CEKACo,Oeneral Aganta,
'Ml !0Caa8tH.T.
Sold in Lewithurg by
akrp r c W Rrhallf p a Calawell
a on Market Square, Lewiaborg. S
A good supply of CHalra, Tablet,
Bureau. Stand. Aeon hand or made
jraere DAVID GI.YftR. 828 '
LINDSEY'S Improved
rTBLOOD aEiRt'llER,)
Is tba aandjr.raakal mo4 taVctval nra at A I.MIaaaaaa
ruaaf froam mrUMTY ut YUM ULuub !
THIS BMdknakaaiii(hltlMnwataalaBlaaearM
la daprt uaaaa of
erofula Cancrou tonatatloaa,
Cto4ua dlwaara, t.rKmn, Koila,
JiailM o tb. fsra, Bora , aM llaad,
Old, alubborn Ulcara, Rbumtlc diaordi,
Ttlr n.rtiuo.. rtl.a,
I;iirp.la, JaaMlM, t
M.reuruldlMaaM, llnml l.blllly,
Llr Complaint, ! f Apt'"',
Low fpirlt., foul Blnai.ch.
Vamah CoaiplalBta and all disaaaaa bating tbalrorlgla
la aa iaaas atato af L Kloed.
Th aibof lit ft irtrit of l)atM M'CrearT, of Xaiplt ,
Twp,bo,oa tbn 31nt tlmy of Auicut,lhJn. niiloaf1l It
brfbr Jutir Uorl-jr tbst be m trvwta-d for tfar rur
CavJWCK by thnwbtcia.Di'f Bdlford ce unty, nud by lT.
Nto of tb kkirrlie Col, CintinDtl, f r yrrt
off rl right BKbtlta). notn illialandliic "hih kit hp,
mom, and p-,rtum of Mis left cheek mr tmUrif tutm
mtntf t Ho bod iwB up ail hope?, hn b b-nr f tha ;
MHiooJ Uenrcbrr' ul wnii Indurrd to try it. Tnnr bot- ;
ttoaeuixl UoB, mni tthouith wawjly Ji.ficurod) ther 1
Bo qutrtitioo bat tbU inoftioahl na-dir-tB nmve-4 bit liter.
Tbo full particulars of thi resmarkabl raix mm bcaewa
Id aCirrular lo be Lad vt any .f the? Atfrnt. j
W alaHr-rVr to a caw of Naorw BIkn'.of RKJarron. :
Araastronf i'o. I'a .eurtof CfcOfciiafttr biuf unable
to Kt out of b-l S'f thrre yar.
To IU raw of a la.iy la AnonHI.Clvrflrlfl Co who
iu elan afUirtrl aitb -rorula in it .rt form.
Totha ram- of timrg JM-.1, rs-tniiinff le Carrolltwii,J
Cambria On., fa., who wi po Lazily 1ticttl with t'ann-r
that it eat hia rnttre ana off, and bia cae wm worae. if
aoraihl, than U'i'remry't.
The partk-ular of thee fwm nvrrv oo of whirb waa
rorej by the ue of thvBtontl rfarrhr" may alao be
found In a OlrrrjUr tn ho bsid d n t, th .Aesnta.
I.KO. H. I. K IKK It. Pruprlrtnr. PKI.burc, Pa. 1
fS.Lalwtratnrv tr tbr niauurarturs ami aal. nrar the
fenn'a frailroad'Hapot. ll'.llrdayhnrfcT. I'a. MM by C.
W. grbaftle. Lewihunr: M 'Ot-ittht A flaii-k. Ruffaa.lv . X
Koada; Kudr A lltmmlrirh. Farmeravtllf ; ramtninita
A Witm-r. Hartlrb.n: I) II Kfiftrll. Miftlinhunr;
cUmm, HtnAeld; tfbiadlo A Wakcarellar, i:liBrgro;
Ka. V24, Arch St. I'talladelpbla,
On of tha larput and moat rorapl.t. liallfrir. In Hie
United Statra. ah.r. tt. bnt lictum knoaa tu th
ph4oairlk art an takra at ariraa no higher
tban arv amid ft'r tMralil rarltratiirv..
THK fropriftor. a Prrti.l fhoUtcrapbrr, attmd.,
paraonallr, rr itlin aui allow no pirtura to
fcpava tba Uallary vnlaa it nva rfort aatifar-unn.
Daffu.rrvotviea and Aailin.tvpi.ii.o(ahN.ntur drorajwd
friaada. photoaraphd lo aor rr.(oiTa.1 lia. or taft.n "d
Canra.a. lift- .ixa, aod paiolrd in il by the b,t Arti.ta
At tbtp liallrrv pirtorr ean ha uk.n ia tur wfatbrr
aa perfect in rlon '.j daa aa wtirn tin ram .hloea.
FrraiBi vuitina the eily am rt-sie-rtfull. Intltl tn a
amlne rmr .pccuuena, nLlck lor prlca and qualur dalj
Iuauuctiona aim In the art of Photntrapby.
R. N aw KI.L.
Gxuxai or A at, T24 Arch Street, Philadelphia.
Froea non. tawia t. Canraatl, M. C, flo
My faaul? and frieniiekll eonear in the opinion that
tbe (N.well) fktore ia more III. like man any iniu ,
they eeer aaw. My liheneM haa been repeatedly tak.a :
by different Arti.ta in earKMUi way, but I hae ae.er
yet bad one which preaenteeo trurtn neture.all the ra-
turee aop eapr.a.Hua of snontenanee aa tbia.
rroaa Hon. K. Jnr Mnaais. late Minister to Italy. i
Tbe axuiinte ttniah, tieanty and aoflnca of y.iur por- 1
traita, conjoined nitu their Unratiility of rolorand faith- i
falneaa aa likeneaaea, ran not fail to eoiuMend them to I
tbe attention aod patronage of ail a bo appreciate true j
Proea CoL. Jana Poa.
Ilaefna oreaalon tor a aorlrall. I prneored one from
Mr. Hob,,, x-.ll.ol III. cilr fl.il I.-I ,t
turr in mi oiora. nntt,TUnnrirre.,fii.Tdi.r,m.
and taka rreat nl.aura in -XrainK Ilia .ali-latwB
"'" T. .,T ,u. ou.
it artiatir ftoih in all reapeet. and reenminend him to
the patronago of thoee di.poed to encoarage the beauti-
rail art. STaniS Jaaaa Pava.
Mammoth rnoTOGniPH Gallery,
S.. Coraoi Eighth and Arch Sta. Philadelphia.
tntrunca an giantM StrttL)
VFTER many years' experience m all the
various branches of the Art. the Propri
etors confidently invite the attention of their
friends and the public to their extensive eia
blishmeni, which presents the opportunity for
procuring the best Pictures, equal at least to
any first-class Gallery in the I nurd Males.
Preparations are complete for executing all
tba improved tla known tothaArt- They bave a
patent arrangement for copying Daguerreotype. Ae..Ac,
making Ibeaa Life aiae. it deaired tbe only one of tba
kind ia tbia country. Attached to tbia calabtiahmeut
.'X Painty, .. ,ow a. oo
do with frame do i ( i
do (1 Pho.atTSeta. Kxtrampirali-ui.
or 5 par doa. Lifr aiw rbottvatraph aa la aa $aad
1 tnrt tvna ait aaaina nvHr fiiic Kl aa A mliMtnu a. Val
aatitse ami tinw atrHai I
A moat citansiT aaaorttnant of fitlt Fram, rohraf
Inn a aalrrt and rhoica rarivty of tha lataat atylea. V ri-
Oet iron. i rou ana npwarda.
Kapwal att-nttoD Wrto.ad ttpoti I.itVai.M PhoUw
ftrnpUt- in Oil. tranfrnvft fmu amtil piclurr, afidfrom
UKa. Irie-a from f la to 5 lo.
floatriirtion.ftiTro in tha Art . SSly
1 "EXECUTED in Ihe best style known in
jj ihe an, at
C. G. Crane's Gallery,
632 Arch Street, Eit vf SUth9
Ambrotypes, Daguerreotypes, &c,
ror Cases,Me(.aM ions, Pins, Kiocs.dLic. fififiy I
Chromatic "Printing.
HAVING purchase!, the right to use Ron-;
Bia'a process for Priiiline wnh Irv .
Colors, for Union Co. Pa-,we are prepared to
execute orders for
CARDS, Sbow-Bills, &c.
in Rtd, Gretn. Bttt Brawn, Mileer, IHamrmd, ar Grid
Colors, in t;o)d style, CtT'at the Office of the
Star & Chronicle," Lewisburg.
Joint, 18&S WORD F.N A CORNrirS.
Science still on the Advance !
SURGEON and Mechani
cal Dentldt. OtBce in the
Dr. Brugger's new boiMine. Market streei.
(western entrance. Dp stairs) LEWIBI'KG.
Dr.BURLAN is nnwcunsiractin' Ihe Non
sectional Block work, baked on Planna base,
which Tor cleanliness, beamy and strength
has no equal also teeth mounted on the var
ious Bases in use and bavin; had a long
and eitensive practice, and being perfectly
familiar with every department of his profes
sion, he feels safe in warranting entire satis
faction in all his operations, which shall be
carefully and skilfully performed.
Please call aod examine specimens. The
superior qualities of the Non-sectional work
will be evident to all who will give it an im
partial examination. Dr. Borlaa ia the only
person who constructs this excellent work in
this section of country.
Recharges shall correspond with the
time. Lewisburg, Sept. S, ' )(1
tVMr. STA HL Book Itlnder has
returned to his Shop in Lewisbnrg, again to
attend to all kinds of work in his line. Bring
along your Books. Magazines, Newspapers,
Ac, for the Book-Binder.
TJT A T17" J for Juattcea and
iJlJllll JVO Connlable-o.for sale
or ftiatad Ic cider, at ihe Chronicle 0ke
V ! J
C'oldw, Coiitflt, aud
II ou r?u4.
Rihlb. M aStS Dev.. IH55,
the swstt rvtrvily rfii r &w hT
CMtuTliai. If'vu-M'iifus. Intiixiisji ami U
W! PgXfuS L. i(ai emtiil IUr m -
pr-1i-r jsn-t my f itiil (..r the JT
jrslre ba1 flw- N M m piitMM mipsf .f-i
irttr. fcr Hr- tr.nrnia.vit .4 tiej " M UJIl
my pr-tl-ia a
it a
rtuar i
A H. MOKTLKT t.,.,t !. X. rewrite.: M U
4 Jr lrxt-ral my-wlf ani ti. w, ,(r .,,
J" int.4 It. ats.1 klt.Ta it fh- 1 rtatk-irs- tW t
punn t.r put . rt. Wtib a bss.1 p.4.1 th.i mmi,
par tw.,!. flw .fc.Hr. ft UUlu lUdau siw aitbuul it .
Uka au; u'.Ur r-nr i.- -iiaivut v, ,
Croap, houi-ins; f oaeh, InflurnM.
M'Kiwnriri.b. Mi-.. rt,. ; j,
CUh. CT"UI. ftml that i-Iir-at amMk' . f r-,
your fiattiiiry la lit? Sth a.f ..,'.
CUUaUK ilJ JVMS lirMikllJ Ut Mir pV').!.
A MO" f.PR. Exx, M-xTiraeT. I t
"I llavf a t"Il"ti li.lH'l.t. wliti'li cm
I taw in oVxto
' -"' ai.j ..arit- iilliav.l ra-.VJ. Un -y
triwi yi.ur ict..rut l.v thr tir ..f -ur i-lwt kt man. T:.rj
flrtt riasje rrt.vr-J tl awrtftK-wai in tu tltrut arul lilt,,.
IvM than imio hIf Hi- atn dim 'mtA'-Xriw "
Vnur aw-iln iiH-a ara tin rUf.j-t a. aa tbe Ural
rn hiiy. an-l tt at.--ti ,. OwU-T, iUtd juur rrBknli-ria.
aa Ul LuT Hun I frst-tt'I.'
Asthma or PnthiV.r, find Rrnnrhifi.
tlm: V'nr Cherry ir.tl it f-rttminx wari:.ii
rtTa in tbia a trwM. It rttu.-.- rvraU fruiai aia-iiv
rti; ayuiIattiM f tti)iim'iri. mh-1 ia ur rHiina a utata
bra Lua Ub-irtft O'l JVr r, t'T-ri-.n t4 lh. hinai for ftoa
hut ffwty jemrt. lU.NKV L. PAUK, -rrhaMt.
A. A. RIMrr, M II.. Arjii.r. Mr To., hmt,
write. 6. Pnriir ui t':a-ri,- .f many v-mr
I hare fr-mut rfthmz vpi.tl tu nur ffrernt t t
Ku7 fnI rritf tu coueuti.pt.Ta fNUaaruta, ar ctWaii
aut-h aa are twabk .
Wa mtlit aJl rotmnaa nf yvv.tariKe. ut th
vtnciuie pr"f of the tirtueaof tiiia riuaijr ia avoutl ia lu
effveu upm trtai.
PmbaMy tv on mnifnly bM rr btra ktvrarn wbrh
cum! wv Mtany aul aitrb Uana-ftiu. rmmt aa tlila. 8-ro&
no bnnaan aiI ran rarh; l-nt to tbasat tbe (er. V
. Wwl ajftta rrltef mt.4 cMnfcrt
XT 11 eT-r. Nr T -(: Pitt. larch . lV,
TVv-ror. Am. L-r-.ai.Lr f f.I it a .tnr din i a .t.Hrj.
ha hi arm yu wtirvt .atir f'.rrrj trU, tf i.i ixe try
Wifa. J"bt ha'l haa.lt fr ITOn'tin IsUi iiiat UifiT lh lai.
ICT' nim y m atrttun .f r,ii,AHi.pti n. tr-m ahicti ix; ai I
eoulJ lartM'iire ip hr muh rs-ilff. Siia wa- vt-ylilT fai
iuf. VHfil lr. Mr-ut. f t)n rtfv. wbe-rt w- ha rma ft-r
a'lsHa. rrt-iiatn-n'-l a TnI of your ui.irine. H
hi Rib!nt. m f jr iur mitt turn rorormt
fiotn ll.iel das-. nTltef u not jri K prnsnaj a h nwi f-
Vty Nil t fr fnaQt h-r rti;!i. mnt roJU brraeii imL
a'uui ititli craiitn-ie iti.4 r--rint,
UUL.tNlMJ tllhJ.UV.or .'KEUiiTIlXat,
ttntmptirt. Jt nat drttptir till yon httw trWI Am'9
CM EMM V FeT.-VAL. It U niMdla ..tf ! t,t tie llVrHsVI
s-lia-motw iii ttt- w-jtIsI. ani it -u. all aneHttJ n lee-ai,H-ai
t.H Ltigl. BHtrito irf it virtiter, i'Hrludelfkt Is-tyr.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills.
rphlt r inc- af Clicniitry ard VHie-roa ha lw
A taz-H tliir arm't to prn.n tbii I t. mm aH
pnrfatn wl.h t buwa to man. Iiinumnil U pnnj'
mrn ikiWD that th- 'iu l:.-vr Tirtu- mliieh snrn-i v
KMIm-e tb'f tniinary itmlis i ,). at.. thai th-y wis an.
TT.-aienK-liy ujx-u tb r-tcCi -f alt rn.ru. Tivr mremti
isii IraMiut to t.ika, Inil in-wwrfiil to rnre. Thrir v.pvk
IratiUa, priturfit-.ilmtl4te ilia viul r tit itMof lit tuMr,
n fiHiv) tlia ttri-t)iii4 of it ntpsiis. urify Ui lkea,
ami axpal diseww. Tla-ypurf-,t thlV'tilhtiswr wUirh
IttwhI autl Kr"W diaTennpi'r. ati inula l aliicciah ti"r-Je-r"-!
irDt into llieir natural actKro. anJ .npivit rxalthf
tvtM with atfrwiictti to tha wtn-la Ttrm. tuly tl-j
Ihry cure th ry-iiay rtwtb.nta uf aTary U-ly. but
bImv CisriliiuUbra aad aaaugrn- thsraara tl-jt L.ei I jffl.I
tba bt of honuui -kill. While tb-T pr. -!, x.wrti
ffe-rts. thry ara at th- mmr timv. in iliii-ini-h-I tli
ataleat aitd baat rhyir thxt can trtn,-: -vril f.-r t biUr-n.
Oain aacar-riwiitrvi. tliey aiv j.tnn:it tf tai.?: and bairn;
parvly TrjtraMf. aro ! fi.ui any i iw uf Ilii m. t'iara
li:a hryan Bialt ahkb uqM hftif a-r- tli nat suV
ttaitttati-il lv mm -f u U rial.-., i-ifwn nv.ii chat. r
a lo rt'iJ th i:(..i-i. n tf tinrruth. Ma.iy t-aviitiwit
erej mam ;u.ij pbytt-ian h.e lent thair nataira to aa-rtir
to th. public lb- rrllnMiiiy t my riiistlv. ahila ttLia
hava arnf m; lla aeatuiftis- i Ihir 01,1 Wt n that itif
j I'rfj'aimttunn fiitiil'ui imuituat-ly to tb 1 lief of biy
1 ailjicfs-.l. inillvriii (jlia-ni ti.
! The Aflt brio nat.ir-il yUtiiti. to furnih prati m
! Am n-an A!i'tarc. witarrfiie Jirctjoii ftir rltr-ir Uf Mi l
Ca-rttlir at-- of 'taa-ir rurt. rf the foil- ma: niu))t;iiiaO ;
0ti eMi". n.'.tmm r..i;.ii:a!?.ti r'hmmirrw. .Ti-pr,
Ifaarfbnrfi. Ile-adav ht a:isiti fii-m a (but atfiiiaa'h. .Naif
urn. fn-HsaPtp-a.. Morl-rd Ii.aitit ti .t rh- P. vi an l Hum
amine tlitrrrfrvmi. Flarftlfar. !.- -vf Apprtita. all I'l--sv -mt
and ntaawea I - wht h ruim aa rt-aa-iaa' t
IUaaiie tar. Nrffnta JT Kmc a-'H. ly !. W pnrifwt.
tu a, tha Lls-tMt antt Ktiiiui.iUnc t'rw fpji. rara niaDT
taiplailita vabie-a it wntili n-t h? iiw-s liw rMild
wa a. Mvh aa I v,Tfn.-tj. I'arti.il Ulittit . Nvturnieia an.l
e?r'iM lrrttiiltiiit . Wistittvnttin -f th l.ierani Kiti
rh. ti. nt. and -linr kiiniitd r--!Tjnatv-i nire fr-na a
tv aiavta of ihe buly or 4tiatrnrtiun of it Sinrtionn.
D out la p4 off W nri print-ii.V,. tlcArs aith .!
thar pill tliy aatr rifara f.pft n. Ak f.-r Artts
fltXS. and taVa nThitie o nth-r hjr pir
yon vmiar with this in it inti .'!- T:tit,f i-ir i-MiaiMW
. Th airk ant the .W aiJ tbrre is ti tln-in,
ad they 9hoild hat it.
Prepared hy Ir. J. C. AYER,
Practical and Anilrticjl Ct?n:it, Lowell. Mas.
1'Ui.x 5 tX. r.t I"."- U i f f I.
aU. I'V
fFSoM by C W .SrhHtT!f and F S Caldwe
Le.Nurc; I dwrd rmith. t w h"rlin : P WritirBntj
CVnlcril: Shie-ifl k 1 -BM-li-r, frlintih-Tcva ; J L
it, MilfTinburkT ; Corrry A Bro. S Coiumbia slJ
daairr eTTyl-r yiittow
BICTU RES. A hrae can m I W l
to be well lurni'-hfrt m-ithiut nre w !
selectrJ Pictures,
supplied at
want ran it-w bti
Spring and Summer Fahiitns 163.
. A Br . .-- awi.ijr.a
! TtlC Uet Ofli UU1 Lat?t Mjlf
thankful Ur past fai.T
wnulJ stale that he ha re
reive.l ihe Spnne; & Suame
Fashions, arnl is prer;1'1''' u
garments as usual. Hewil'
fmlrariT. as hereiofure, tr.
eiecuie his work sati-sl'acio
riljr. l.rwi.st-ars, April, inns
ACl'RIOl'S ami rntrr:ainne lili!e Bona-,
(all ahuut .Matrimrnv, Monry, and oth
er mailers.) fur iheamu'emenl of ererv bedv.
I (ano the yi nn; loiks, also,; on ions winitv
i evoi.ins., rainy days, etc Trice. St) cents.
Wholesale, Cenis. Sent ry mail lor seven
3 rent stamps. For sale at the-i Star ( Arms
ide" office. WOKDEN & COll.NF.LIlM.
PnHt.her. Lewi'lore. fa
tar P I C N I C.-M
"Wa jan into th. Ta-n, and all take a rhlw
LARGE, ban. Nome i
ami verv comforta
ble W.4.U hasbeen.
lilted up for the especial accommodation o
Pic-Nic and other similar excursions. Term
moderate. Apply to JOS. M. HOISEU.
Lewisburg. June .1, 1059.
Horseman's Friend, or
Pocket Companion.
Fidy-Two Valuable Rtretprs fcr the Farnitt
and Hor&e Dralrr Tor sa e (ItK as) by
C J STAHK, Bookbiider. Lewi$bure
istepexDMST rA.tiiTJorsAL
lsur4 FrtdAjval LfwM.ant, raloa coini), rmi'a
TiTaVJCt f 1 .50 par y aar, to ptm m aitTASf? ataj
at lha aajM rata frr a toDatrror oborlar period Tfiii", M)
rta will pny for loar bob. ha, 76 rtafor ix atontbH. 1 Jt I.
for rtf ht fitha,d(4.frr alxtora anohtha, dol r to
yeara, a& for for ropies ona year, f 10 fnr tea roii n
year. Am. 9incle No.'a 6 rta. raaevvnu ty a-mil ip"J)
ratwWM la irsld. poataJtaaipa, nr bank art- t tMif
In bara. Moat ktoda of frodtte rrciru Id lT-
44-W hen the lima ripiraa for whtrb a fair - b alinl.
(aaleaa wa hava a raaniDir areoaat) tt M('H'. l-
aDrtmTViiiiN'n hajn)sonn)y pubHfavJ, al a "w T9
qwara eao warfc. 26 cU earh aftar toarrtha. 3 U l u
noBtha, dot. par yar. Half a square '-'A -t".
mrt OTr otM-foarLb of a roluaan, lOUol. par yrr.
altea. An. aa aiay ba arrad ajpon. A rvjoarr i U'i''
tunaileat trpa, or 14 or aeit larcor. -i,Tt,riri' l
wtankitiuttiiMUnrn,ttiling tnttoney . .
Coumnaicatioaa diral n toxica of tjwmi
atsvl acRoaapaniet by tha writer'" real nuioe ar J
ThaMAtiNrnOTKI.f HB U ll ia located - -
aaraiw- ass a-v . 1 V-..-. iurt IIP SOfUB
New in dratrw of tlia rbilal- Vatl.. .
nvnajevrven wnn mr s.'in'-a) are e- . , -
ki.. ant Trtn BDiMTlMd v.kia-1. tw fireM "
aai liaapatrb aod ra reaeoaana "---
aal adt vrliarineaU tu b-j-atd t r '
.ft-J. hW.rfe abeo-h lltfTtM 4iwi'-"-r--
ei ma i a -.IT. -mtiat arrT't'V . '
.".ur'H aCB 21Xk. .,, a. i i La,