ii win siM 11 TO) to BY 0. N. WORDEN AND J. R. CORNELIUS. It 91.SO per Tear, always In Advance. "THE UNION," established in 1S14 Whole No., 2.612. CHRONICLE," establish. In 1813Whole No, 991. LEWISBURG, UNION CO., PA., TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 1863. rtBUMIKi SEgMtkiElT TjfsJay Morninj & Friday Afternoon. m.Ai tee go to prat, the MU in liar- rislurg art ringing, newt having reached tliere at noon 'that Charleston hat alien ! .W--Sotae Bi hundred rebel prisoner y.cu iu . special tram, enow eleven o'clock last Sunday night. They wete brought from some of tb Northern vamps, bound for Dixie io exchange for a like number of Union prisoners. tThe bouse of the heirs of William Van Valzab, dee'd, ai Huffaloe X Hoadu, "Union Co., wis burglariously entered, last 'Thursday night, and robbed of a Urge -amount of wearing apparel, principally belonging to tbe young ladiis. No clue to the thief has yet been discovered ; but whoever he tnty bate been, we consider 4im "mighty mean" thief, to steal oot)g ladies' dresses when dry-goods are o high. He should be taken under a bed aod talked to. KL.Tbe per6diou, treasonable and in sulting course which tbe Lewisburg Aryut hs systematically pursued lately, has been severely rebuked by some of our soldiers, gainst whom its villifications have been partially directed. We have not noticed any of tbe traitorous productions of that beet recently, because its own outrageous language is sufficient condemnation; but We cheerfully allow tbe insulted soldiers to express their righteous indignation in our columns. We believe that all the officers whose names are sigoed to tbe resolutions re of Democratic proclivities. James Coupxa, formerly Whig Assem blyman from Adams county, Pa., aod af terwards a U. S. Senator from thia State, returned to bia oative State of Maryland, nd was serving as a Brigadier General in the Union service, when be died, last week. aWTbe following extract from private letter we publish by request of friend of the writer. This soldier uoderstandatbe proper status of tbe Africans, and of tbe Copperheads also : " Miner's Hill, Va., March 25. " We are now in nioe place, within six miles of Wsshiogtoa. Wa get plenty to eat, aod bave a good deal of duty to do, but it in not so hard aa on tbe front. There are a good many tkedaddlers eom ing back to tbe regiment. " I like tbe sentiment, of your letter very well; and if those Copperheads would come down and go to soldiering, they would not think so much about the 'nigger;' aod if we have to eome up there to enforce tbe draft, we will shell them out. They ought to think of their friends who are fighting down here, aod top tbeir fussing. I think the nigger baa aa good a right to lose bis life as s white man ; and I say, let tbem fight. We are doing our share; and afier we cball bave licked tbe South, we will then attend to the traitors at borne. " We will soon give tbe Rebels enough to do. I think this summer will end the war, one way or the other. We are all io good spirits, and think we will come ont 11 right jet. J. W.t Co. D, 6th P. R. C. Wben Gen. liurnside passed through Altoona, there waa a fussy, pompous Dem ocratic leader, named 1'uUt, who calls bimself "General" and who refused to be introduced to Gen. Burnside ! This pub lie insult caused bis being rjeeted from tbe room, aod be is since discharged from place be held nnder tbe Uailroad. Tbe truth is, since Ciysoer sod tbe other leader refused to bear both Johnson end Wright, the Copperhead begin to hate every Union soldier. A Stabbing Affair. On Tuesday- last, Mr. Adams, on the Lackawanna & Bloomsburg Railroad was severely tabbed in the neck by Joseph Vastine, on of Dr. Vastine of St. Louis, formerly of Cattawissa. The affair took place in the parlor of Mr. Vankirk's hotel, in Northum berland, shortly after the arrival of the train there, Mr. Vastine having been passenger in tbe train from Cattawissa. Mr. Adams, it appears, felt himself annoyed by Mr. Vastine, and ordered him to leave tbe room, when Mr. Vastine assumed a threatening position with an open knife to prevent Mr. Adam going Nr. Adams then took op a chair, when Vastine closed upon him, striking turn in the neck with hi knife. Mr. Adams bled profusely, but fortunately the knife did not strike the jugular vein, though near it, We trust be will toon recover from bis wounds, and be enabled to resume bis duties. Sheriff Waldron aa one of tbe physician called in to see Nr. Adam, from whom wa learned the bovn fact. Mr. Adam if gentleman of a quiet and peaceable disposition, wbo hu the aympathy of tbe oommuoily in bis affliction. Mr. Vastine bad a bearing before Judge Jordan on WadnJ... was releaaad on .,..;.. . ' . ,. nona tor XI lal iniiaaMMita saw . Hi appearance at the next sessions. Sunbury American. A would-be prophet down South lately id in one of hi sermons tbat be "was wot to redeem tbe world and all things." Whereupon a native pulled out Coo fed fe thiopla.w and asked bia to fork the tpecie for it. AU hall, Western Virginia ! The vote toward makiog Western Vir- . 6,nu ree a,M lnt unanimously I io Ul f,or- Sinoa b Rebel h,Te ,U,le 8n0rg how themselves, Liberty and Uuion naturally go together. The etate- ! roent in ,he Copperbe.d papers, that ,oldicr( preied peopie ftom Totiog jg . lie m far as regirdi Union people : the llebel murderers would have been arrested hid they appeared at the polla. It is great victory over the Slave power. HakuMxiiubo, April 3. Warmer mora Spring like. The Aet for draining wet or epouty laoda was limited to L'yeoming, Union, Snjdcr, Bradford, Juniata, Dauphin, and Indiana. Tbe Anti-Emancipation Resolutions in the Ilouae passed by party vote. For merly Democrats boasted of their willing ness to pay their ahare in abolishing slavory, and bearing a part of the loss : now they will not pay a dollar even to take away that prop of tbe Rebellion. Tbe Senate adopted the rule of five minu'e speeches, and bave passed the Appropriation Sill with various amend ment. W. Geo. F. M'Farland, late Principal of the Academy in Freeburg, Synder Co., is now Lieut. Col. of tbe 151st I'a. Vols., in Virginia. In letter to tbe liarrieburg Ttlrgrojih, dated 21st ult., be ay : Tbis army will fight against traitors, not ouly iu tbe South, but wherever found; aod Northern doughfaces and traitors will find this a fact to their aorrow if cowardice does not prevent them from putting their tory decriuea and contemptible threat, into practice. 1 nave beard many rejoice over the conscription aot, and aay, 'the time of ay enlistment will expire by such a lime, but if lam then needed toeoforce tbe conscription act at tbe North, 1 am in fur anvtlter term.' Others say, 'Southern traitors are bad, but those in the North, who prolong the war by giving aid and comfort to them, and by embarrassing and opposing the efforts of tbe Administration to crush tbe rebellioo, are thrice guilty of treeson of tbe meancat and most eoutempt ible character.' And bow Can tbey say otherwise T General Sickle in a reeent order told tbe truth very pointedly wben be said tba army of the Potomac, never so formi dable aa it ia to-day, proud in ita loyalty, its fortitude, and in tbe memory of ite beroio sacrifices, acorning the eraven cry of peace wbeo peace is impossible without dishonor, awaits, with impatieoee for tbe coming bour, wben new vietoriea will grace ita standards and complete ita noble mission. Would it not be humiliating and dis graceful if eome of its veteran troops would have to be sent North to put down treason aod rebellion among tbe very men from whose bearthstonea they bave kept a savsge and relentless foe for many long, weary months! But I earnestly hope tbis way never be neeeeaary. I believe whenever the roads and weather permit, thia army will etrike; and wben it does strike, it will be with an irresistible force and unconquerable determination which will rout the armed tebels of tbe South, and eauae tbeir more cowardly brethren of tbe North to hide tbeir heads in shame, as did tbe cowboys of tbe Revolution. A Voice from Crotzer'a Company. Correspondence of tb Star A Curoutele.1 At a meeting held by tbe men of Com pany D, 150th Reg't P. V, March 28, 1863, tbe following preamble aod resolu tions were unanimously adopted : Whereas, we have notieed with much ehagrio, from time to time, tbe secession tendency of tbe Lewitburg Argttt, aod tbe artful manner in which somo articles bave been promulgated, to mislead tbe masses, and that the whole tone of tbe sheet is of a nature to depress lb cause of liberty, to dishearten those in the field, to discour age those at home, and alao, that eertain allusioos casting a reproach upon the pro ceedings of tbis Regiment in regard to ita msetiog of March 11, 18G3, have been published ; therefore, Resolved, That we are unconditionally engaged to put down tbe Rebellion ; that we are willing to aacrince tbe comfort of borne, and endure tbe daogers and priva tions of tbe field, bnt we demand it a a right as a dnty whieh w owe each other tbat we should be heartily initained at home. Resolved, That we regard the publica tion of tbe aforesaid paper as an injury to tbe cause in which w are engaged ; and tbat we condemn in tbe strongest terms the issue of tueh a glaring outrage ; tbat we ask our loyal friend at borne to return to tbe Grand Jury of oar eonnty, at it next session, a paper so anon at variance with true loyalty. Resolved, Tbat tbe resolutions passed by the meetiog of Mareh 11, 1863, met with onr approval, because tbey were of a patriotic character, and encouraging in every way the suppression of this accursed iveoeiuon ; and tbat every intimation by the Aran or from an? other source, that the vote of any single aaa in thia Compa. "J wee not a tree, eonuiiantinna ana ia an insult to onr patriotism and manhood. Keeolved, Tbat we enter the eomioi campaign with hope, eoofidenoe, nnd a i.s waa .ope, ens. aeierminaiion to (land bv our eountrv to me end, until not a voioe ahall be heard a . . against her, and nntil bar undivided treegta shall show her greatneas and glory. Resolved, Tbat tbe editor of the Star f- Ckronide be end are hereby requested to publish the above preeeediag. E. U. WEIDENSAUL, Pre. Pound 8TotJOHrow( Vico Tie. C. HAhbOM, 8to. The father of tbe writer of tbe fol lowing leMer, waa Ilenry Kostenbader, wbo lived and died in Wbite Deer town ship, Union county. - lie waa considered the father of Democracy, being a real Jackson Democrat,wbich means something more aod better than giving aid and com fort to Kebela aod opposition to tbe best Government on earth. lie bad, we think, ten ' sons, five of whom, including Klias moved west The old gentleman waa a man of truth aod honesty, aod hi aon inherit tbe ame qualities. Curuu limn, Auinu,) Much 18th, mo3. Being an old reader of your valuable paper, I must, ask the indulgence of a eorner to give your readers a little news from the shores of the great father of waters, aod bow we feel io regard to tbe present crisis. Wo left Memphis, on the 3d inst. Stopped 25 miles this side of Lake Provi dence, where we lay the greater part pf three days on an Island. We were ordered to return up the river : we went again a little over 200 miles, which brought us in sight of Helena. We landed abont 8 miles below, where we went into camp,on tbe Arkansas sbore,llth inst. It is a very low eampiog ground, and the river is still on tbe rise. From the infor mation that I can gather, we are to go to Moon Like from here. Tbe mouth of Yeiio pass (the entrance from the Missis sippi river to Moon Lake, which was but lately opened for boats to pass through,) it right opposite our camp. Part of Qutnby a Division left us last week and ; bv gone into the Yaioo pass. Tbe j h f . , - . and tbey are in good spirits, thinking tbe North is still gotting more in earnest abont this war more determined to con quer or die in tbe fight. There was great fear among a great many soldiers, tbat the Copperheads of lbs North-western States would succeed in creating a revolution at borne. But onr ! last intelligence gives us the information tbat tbey are not as successful in their fiendish designs, as tbey had anticipated. We hope aod trust tbat tbe conscript bill, tbat baa become a law, will be put in force, and tba requisite number of aoldiers be brought into tbe field, so as we can press this war, aod bring it to an end. Let it not be prolonged on aeeount of tbe lack of men on our side, if all the voluntary patriots bave left home. I hope, if it is necessary, every one in the Northern Statea has that much blood run ning in bis veins, as an heirship from tbeir forefathers, to leave tbe quietude of a happy land, and follow tbeir brothers that have gone before, to defend their country's flag. The Rebel sympathising horde of tbe North, we trust will have little mercy shown toward them. You may rest assured, that, if we could level our guns oo such characters, that live in the North ern State and yet sympathise with Rebel in arms, we would look sharper and pull tbe more severe at the trigger, for we bate them tbriee worse than tie Rebels before us, So much from a member of Company G, 93d Reg. III. Vol. loft. The half of this eompany is ompoiei of men that used to be citixens of the Old Keystone 8tate, many of tbem from Union county. Your very truly, Ei.ias Kostisbader. CorrMpoa4.Dc of tfa Star A Cbroalel. Cmr or m Sth In P. R. 0. Mlo.r'. Hill, Va, March 20, 'SS. Searleaand I arrived here on tbe 26 nit and found tLa boy all in good health and nit-it). Recently we have had a reorganisation of officers io our regiment. The followiog are tbe Staff Officers: Lieut. Col. Dare commands tbe Regiment ia lien of Col. Fisher, wbo mos tb Brigale; Capt Larimer of Co. E, ia Major ; Lt. Caldwell of Co. K, is at pressnt acting Adjutant ; Effenger L. Reber is Seret. Major. The Company Officers are as follows. Those marked with a star from Lewisborg. Co. Castala lit Lint 9d Lieut A Wilson 8 nay Russell B Slater 'Mots Kiener U Smith M'Gaoghey 'Poller D W.H.M Call T. B. Keed J B. Dayton B Dinsmore Lucas Helta F M'Pherran 8haw Baelr G Wolfe Hildebrand Willoot,hby H v Paxtoo Khodea M Nally I Porter 8ope Cover K Collins Caldwell Baynea Our immediate Compaoy Officer, as far aa I can ascertain, are liked very well Our Captain, wbo has recently been aeting Adjutant, has now taken command of s, to the delight of all the boy. Our Regiaent at present number about three hundred for duty. Our company famishes seventeen privates, nod seven non-eommissiooed officers for duty. A nd decrease, is it not 1 W have now a grant deal of duty to perform, too aueh, in fact Fatigue parties are sent out daily, besides large picket, camp and head quarter guard. Wben brought hero wo thought it wu for rest and to recruit our ahattered ranks; but pretty rest we're having, indeed ! Tbe health of tbe boy i excellent, with lbs exception of (light colds, brought on by the frequent change of weather at this essoo of lb yew. Our camp is pleasantly situated and well laid out, about ix miles from Wash ington. Boiog encamped on a bill, tbe ground dries up very rapidly, wbieh makes it much more pleasant than it otherwise would be. We bave no drilling whatever, at pres ent, as the weather won't permit it. Occasionally we bave dress parades, at which the entire brigade turns out. On these occasions tbey make quite a fine appearance, a tbe men are all expected to bave tbeir shoes blacked and accoutre ment in good condition. The all absorbing topio of discussion for tbe present ia the paymaster. We have now five months pay due us, and the boy are aadly in need of fund. A great many of tbe men bave families at home wbo look to them for support ; and how ia it to be done if we are not paid up promptly ? The rehas been great esrelassoe? abown in tbisespeet throughout the entire army; and 1 think it lime the matter should be looked into aod remedied. It seems as if some of our former pro fessed friends (perhaps enemies) are losing considerable of tbeir wonted enthu siasm in regard to thia war. This should not be. Every one should try and in duce deserters to return (according to tbe President's proclamation), and attend to tbe enforcement of the coming draft : and every one wbo resists it, or aids in resistiog it, should meet a traitor's doom, (and tbat is bemp) for tbey deserve it equally as much as Jeff. Davis, prbape more, a be is bold enough to own it ; the sooner it i done the better it will be for the eountry. There is only one feature in this conscrip tion bill tbat don't meet my approval, and that ia the paying of a fine of 8300 in I order to avoid tbe service. Tbis, I think should not bave been insortsd, as a rich man has all in bis favor, whereas a poor man "stands no show." Samuel Reed ha returned to the com pany, look well and hearty. We bave as yet heard nothing of Serg. M 'Michael. I an afraid he is no more. One more sacrifice to tbis heartless and causeless rebellion. Thanks for the papers sent m. Us "soger boys" always bail anything in tbe abape of reading matter with joy. A ' (light bint, yon know, for ome more of tbe same sort. G. W. S. rua tu aria a unoatcu. Semi-Weekly Mewi 85 Teara old. THE PeaasTlvaakt racket. 1 AXCA8TKH: Printed by Jon Drjur-. iVQii itrwt April 1, 1778. Thomas Persoos advertises a Mare takeo np by him, "near Bald Eagle creek, Northumberlaod county." Ensign Forbes, found guilty of "coward ly behavior'' on a eertain night, it was ordered that he be extensively published. To be LT, for a term of years, that noted tavern and Ferry, known by tbe name of Harris', on Susquehanna, with a sufficient quantity of meadow aod pastur age thereto adjoining. (Were John Harris in ay room on tbi Hill to-day, he would bave bard work to find bis "tavern," bis"ferry" or the"mead ow and pastarage thereto adjoining." April 8, 1778. THE GAUAXT TOirXTUR. Cobm oo. mj hearts of trmparad etee), And laave joor (irla aad farm. Vour .porta and playa and holidays, Ab4 bark aaay to aroial Aad to oooque.t wa will K" will go will t And to eonqacat wo will go. A soldier la a aratlemao. His honor is bi. lite. And be tbat won't land to Ms poet, WiU ne'er stand by bis wife. for lore aad honor are tba saaM, Or alee so aar allied That neither ean exist alona Bat Sourish side by side. e e e a Wall char T. the foe from pott to post, Attack their work and lines. Or by some well laid stratagem We'll auke tbe la nil burgoyaea. And when thia war ia over, boys. Than down we'll sit at rase, And plow aad sow, and reap aad BKWa And lira just as we please. Baeh hearty lad shall take his law, All beaming like a star, Aod in her softer areas forget Tbe dangers ol tbe war. Tba rising world shall sing of na A tbonsaad years to eome. And to their children's children tell Tbe wonder, we hare dona. XaxoaaVr, April i, 177b. P. Adjutant Oeneral 8cammel adverts to tbe losses aod hindrances of too much baggage, and urge officer to bave as little aa possible, and put it all io portmanteaus or valise made of duck, as transportation will be as much aa may be on peck bone. (Think of that, ye dandy offioer wbo load down Railroads with your extras and "duds I") April 17, 1778. The most common Advertisement are bout stolen horse Runaway Irish, English, Scotch and Negro "Servant" and Deserters, wbo took away various kinds of property with them. April 29, 1778. "Notice is hereby given to Beojsmia Woser Esq. of Northumberland county to join hi regiment immediately, or ho will be treated aa a deserter." Tin Dmbrtirs from the 13th Pa. Reg. are advertised, by name and personal des cription. Rebecca Tbcnii of Vincsnl towoihip' advertise man calling himself John Jones, express rider, who, with preten ded warrant, took her hone, saddle, and bridle, to go to Beading, and return aa soon as possible. A be did not return, she offers $-0 Reward. . Tbe Legislature of Maine have formal ly eodorsed the emancipation Proclama tion of the President The township Elections are almost two to one Republican. Tbe Tory Legislature of New Jersey adjourned on W edoeaday last, and so re joiced were the loyal eitisen of Trenton thereat, that tbey fired n ealute of 200 guns over its death. Latest IJTev7G Clakksvili.e, April 3. Last night tbe steamers Relapse and Lizzie Mar tin were fired into below Clarksville, on the Cumberland river. Both escaped capture. Several other boats are below. -The Luminary is safe at Fort Donelson. The gunboat St. Clair engaged the enemy and was crippled, but was repaired to-day at Fort Donelson. LonisriLLE,April 3. At Morfrces boro it is rumored that a number of bridges are being constructed across the Tennessee, above Florence, to connect the llebel armies of Tennes see and Mississippi. Washington, April 3, 1863. On Tuesday last tne Rebel Captain Mos- ; by visited Centre ville, with his no- torious guerilla band, numbering about sixty, dressed in Federal uni forms. Tbey left for Drainsville or i ts neighborhood, and on Wednesday morning a squadron of the rirst Vermont cavalry came upon them at a plantation where they were bivou acked. Mosby's men were dismount ed, and received our cavalry with a fire from behind fences, which stam peded some of the raw soldiers. The fight soon became desperate. Mosby threatened his men with death, if they flinched, and himself wounded Capt. Flint with his revolver five times, killing aim. Lieutenant Grout, of the Vermont cavalry, and seven men were also killed. Our loss was about Sixty killed, wounded and prisoners. Mosby was in the bouse neon the plantation when he was surprised ; but we learn that he rallied his men with lightning-like celerity, and when our squadron broke he pursued and hacked them severely. The guerilla chief received a severe sabre cut on the forehead. CorTKtrd Weekly Wheat f 1,40 Eggs I 14 Rye 85 Tallow 10 Corn, old 75 Lard 10 Oats 50 Pork 5 Flaxseed 2,50 Clover seed 4,50 Dried Apples. $1,00 Wool 40 to50 FirkinButter 12 Potatoes. 62 Fresh Butter... 20 Side & Shoulder 8 Rags 4, 5, and 6 Rib & Shoulder 6 Country Soap 4 & 6 Haa 11 MARRIED, Oa the Mb Inst. by Rev. R. A. Flak, SAMCCt 8TCR MK of Lower AucusUTp . and aUasAMti KUZABCTB DOKNSIFf of Cnlllieauaque I p. By Bee. Thomas 8h-rloek. 2d hart-, ALttRT MOT KB aad Nisa MARY A.COLSUKR, both of Ssliaefrove. By Rev. A. n. Hottenstaia, Itth ult, GRORGR At HAND aad Miss V10LKTTA OkMBCRUNO, both of near Shamokin Dam. By Rev. A. 0. Dole, 24tb nit. IDWAID HUSSKT aad LIZZie W. KIKfrKR,allof atiltsa. DlrOa la Cast Buflaloa, Sd Inst. WILLI Ast HURT, son of ft. Mr ead h.rin Ua.d.. mmmA .mm. IO M..lk. and 24 days. I In Chester, on tne 1st last , MARCUS, son of William nnd Abby Carothera, fermerlajof Lewieburg , aged about VI years. i In Turbut Tp., Nortb'd Co.. oa the lath alt- after a 1 short illness, MART, consort of the lata Andrew fol laser, In tbe J 1st year of ber age. In Milton, oa the tli ult, SUSANS A BOWIR, age 77 years. In fellnarrova. on the Slit alt. Mrs. HARRIET B, win of Ueorge W. Keller, ia ber Sutb year. In Sunburv. tld ult, DAVID STtDMA!f. navel M y. Estate of David Simpler, dee'd. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Whereat letters of administration on the estate of DAVID SIM PI.ER, late of White Deer T, in union county, deceased, have been gran ted tc the undersigned, all persona knowing themselves indebted to said estate are reques ted to make immediate payment ; and those having claims against it will present them properly authenticated for settlement to THOMAS ARBIICKLE, Admin'r. Uniontown, April 6, 1863. a BUNDS & SHADES. BJ. WILLIAMS, No. North Sixth . Street, Philadelphia, Manufacturer of TE3IT1AN SL.IKSaS) ana WINDOW SHADES. ESThe largest and finest assortment ia ihe city, at the lowest prices. Blinds Painted and Trimmed equal to new. 8 lore Shades made and lettered. FAKH FOR 8 ALB. THE subscriber afters for tale tbe Farsa upon which he resides, in Eaai Buffa loe township, a mile and a half aoaihof iew isbnrc. It eontaina 61 Acres more or less. all cleared and in a good state of cultivation, together with 10 aerea of Timber Land near by. The Farm Improvements are a frame feel Dwelling nouse, rraaae oara, tenant Larm House, and suitable Outbuildings. A good Spring near the house, aad a stream of water Bows through the farsa. Alao all kiada of fruit, of the best varieties. Brown, eas, b, Pe.ay and Gundy. youth by sne iarm is Dtiuuueu on toe norm oy . i the Rmoketown an aad rivet road, watt y Jacob Gondv. For Term, inquire on the premises. April 6. '63m6 GODFREY DECK. FOUND Recently, beiween Lewiaburg and BnHUloe X Roada. a swell black PORTFOLIO (locked), which the owaev can , have by calling at thia office, authenticating, aud r)'D; for this adr't. March 31 TO J AX COLLECTORS. ALL Collectors knowing themselves in debted for taxes for the year 1862 and previous Tears will pay over their indebted ness by May Coon at furthest. AH Collec tors will immediaiely proceed and collect the War Tai, as tbe bounties to pay the volun. leers to fill up the old regiments must ke paid, aetl for support of tbe families. Tbe War Tax is now legalized and approved by the Governor. Mat23 J. A. M ERTZ, Treaa. HILLINERY AND STRAW GOODS! a WE have the pleasure of informing yon that wa are now prepared to offer, at uur Old Stand Noa. 103, 10 & 107 North SECOND Su, PHILAU'A. a well selected 8 lock of Milllaery aad Straw Good ia every variety, of the latest impartutvmt, aad of the newest and moat fashionable styles. OVR STRAW DEPARTMENT will comprise every variety of Bonnets, Hata aod Trimmings to be found ia that line, of tbe latest and moat approved shapes and styles. Soliciting an early call, I remain Yonrs. Respectfully, H. WARD. Philad., March 16, 18634 ESTABLISHED, 17GO. PETER LORILLARD, Snuff and Tobacco Manufacturer, 14 It 18 CHAMSKS ST., (ronuerly 43 Chambers street, he" Tork.) WOULD call tbe attention of Deal ft. to to the articles of his manufacture,? i : BOWS KM FT. Maeaboy, Deauiros, Hue Rappee, fare Vlrrlnla, Cuarse Kappse, Nacb.locbee, anseriTa" Ueatleasaa, Uteuhegea. lULOW Hiltr. aooteh, Uoney Dev Scotch, liifh Toast Scotch, 1Mb iiooy lev Scotch, Irian Ul(b Toast or Land j fool, frees Scalca. JJ-JtttHium as coUei te Ms ieror rcrfucneej aa nrkes . W-tus tAranae oaal dsieii no Jcduscvs, mam wui te uaaat if a Suftnar iuoiilf. TUB tUU. noKiae. sixa ct-r tuiai5a. astoinro Long, P. a. or plain, B. Jago, No. 1, Caeenuish. or Sweet, eeoa. No. g, Bweet eceatad Oroaoao, Caaaster, No. 1 IS B3s4, Tin foil Carsudish, Turkish. Uranulated. K. Lt. A circular of prices will be sen too application. (March 16, '631) BOROUGH ORDINANCES. WHEREAS, oo tbe 1st day sf March, 1S5S, the Burgess and Town Council of the Borough of Lewiaburg passed an Or dinance directing that the pavements on tbe east side of Fifth street, be of ihe width of tea feel from the building line to the curb, and by the same ordinance required the same to be made one square north and one square south from Market street, now, Be it further enacted by the authority of the same, That Ibe owners of property alone tba east side of said street south of Market shall make their pavements in pursuance of said ordinance, and the aame are hereby required to be made south from Market atreet to St. Catharine's street; tbe aame to be completed oa or before the Kith day of May, A. D. 1S63. 8AM'I. H. ORW1U, Burgsas. Aran WM. JON KS, Town Clerk. March 2, t. WHEREAS, it has been deemed eip'di eni, by the Chief Burgess and Town Couueil of tbe Borough of Lewiaburg, to adopt a different form of proceeding, so as to change Ihe manner of conducting tbe affairs of the said Borough with .. view to better Ihe financial condition, and to insure amor; safe and convenient mode of transacting business, etc., therefore. ."V7l . ' l 17 V Council of the Borough of Lewisburg and , at an harnhw nsritrl IS at f ha anthnritfa? rf ikata i same. 1st, That the Offices of the Board (to wit: Towa Clerk and Borough Treasurer) shall not be held by one person. Sd. That the Collectors of the Road and Poor Tai of tbe said Borough ara not allowed. and by Ibis ordinance are prohibited from receiving in payment of tai, any ordeia what ever eicept said orders are issued by diree tioa of tbe Council, signed by tbe Burgess, and attested by Ihe Clerk. 3d, That all orders issued by the Street Commissioners and also by the Overseers ori J X. J, , 1 i j L upon a borough order, properly attested, be issued to the said holder for said amount, and the Street or Poor orders be charged to the proper officer, to be accounted for, in his settlement with said Borough. 4th. That this act is to take effect, and ro inio operation, at the time of the organisation and election of the Officers of the said Town Council for the ensuing year. By order or the Council. SAM'L H. ORWIG, Burgets. Amur: WX. JONES, Towa Clerk. Marsh X, ' Furniture 1 Furniture ! ! Broke Out in a New Place 1 BUREAUS, from S10 to SIS. FIXE DRESSING BUREAUS, rrosa Ji to Ida. SECRETARIES, DESKS, tc. ttc. diflentit pi-Mata. BEDSTEADS, frem S ts t4-(a different patUiras aad latest styles. TABLES, ExUasioa, 11 test and upwards. Centre, PWr, Rod, Card, Dining (twn aisf), Braes fast, msde of any hind of wood desired, but Walnut, Matuaysny aad Mjqq wood always aa band for the trade. STANDS, Tepoy, Whet-Not, Sewing, Aa. Ac, SOFAS, LOUNGES, latest patterns' CHAIRS, CflHsawdp tatirf Arm, SerVinf, Pirlor Chain ttiwjn oa kiad; tvlm, Cam Snai, Lvg Rockr asd Nora, WbMltwr Chairs, larg ud mall Roekvra, TatM ua (Juliana caatn, ai-raya oa aaao. 1 U W Hi u-tC A V BlSvUU J u It-1 xv A 1 a, , Rnilk' anrl SHOW TASKS. Ac. BOOK and SHOW CASES, Ac. Fnruitwr of aujr own manufacture, insured 'fine year. P. 8. I intend, ia a short lime, (as soon as I can ret up a fine Hearse.) to attend to the UNDERTAKING BUSINESS I will keep - - some iweaty-UTe or more oinerent sued "Jol- J - '""J " - ... mmmr . . ' thaa has ever been done ia Lewisbarg. Call and see before purchasing elsrwhera. REPAIRING done immediately. CHAS. 8. BELL, Ckamitrlin't Block. Lewi. bars. Vek. ta. I HAS. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, for tale by MOW R If, Furniture Establishment FOR SALE. THE undersigned, desirous of closing oat 'business in Lewisborg before lb mitt, ile nt April, offers, at Private Sale, the enuia outfit of bis shop, consisting of Tools, Furniture, tie., fcc, at ff.rmer prices. He also offers a fin Hearse, March , '63 SOLOMON VOL'SO. 1 THE ASSES.SORS.The Assessment. for 1863 will be ready for delivery about the Iftih of March. Please call at the Com. missiooera' Office aad rrreive them. A. KENNEDY, Clark LATEST NEWS! JL'S r as we go to press, we received a dia. patch stating that theft would ba a huge lot ol Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Evergreens, Grape Vines, Ac. etc, for sale at this place, in tbe Dprmg. t'a a Xurtery each $id of th Ritr. Tbey will be brought from tbe old La arte Ridge Nursery, formerly belonging to Ltwia O. Hummer, but now to baiixsa, Lawia da HcKMsa, wbo have entered into a co-pailner-sbip for the purpose of establishing a regular Nursery at tbis place. The old Laurel Kidge Nursery is snuaied in Adams Co. Pa., ia a well-establiahed nursery, and contains aa good a variety of trees as any ia the cliatcuf f enn'a or New York. Mr. Momraer.has had eonsiAerable experience in tba aastaeas from hie yonta. The public can cspect larsr. weU-formet Treea, of tbe) beet aad latent Taritiee. Penona wlshiag to purcbaaa of tbie trm. bad better send ia their ordwrs see, aa tbat we ean brine tbe kinds desired; bnttherawillbeniasn trees broozbt from the Nursery than will be nmwiy to ftll onlvrs, aad purchasere ean therefore see the treaa before buyina.if tb.y wish to. We aaaea a 1U4 of treea which we ba.e on hand ; but we csa not convenient w ennaseratetha different vara-ties; but the pnbiiawiU and a catalogue at the Dtaw Saving lastitatioa. Apple treaa, to 10 feet hlch, from 15 te 10 cta.aaah peach, from la feet bun. 12 to IS eta. each gtaod.rd Pear. S to 4 feet high. W to SO eta. eaak. v;mrr rar. S to 4 fert high, to 40 eta. eaah. Cherry. S to S feet high, 24 to IT eta. each. Hums, on plum stocks. 4 ta fcet high. SOets eaah KectariDM, guineas, and Apricots, 2acU. eaah. Oraee Vines, rjrte to a $1 each. Carranta, iu to lSets each. Uooeeberrlee, IScta. eaeb. blackberriea. hrta each, or 7ocu. per doaeo. kaspberries. iota- each, or SI par doaea. Straeberries. 2et. per dosen, or TScta. par baWdraeV sVauueib, llfct. each, $1 per dosen. Ornamental treee. from :cta. to $1 each. Krergreea trass, rum 40cu. to $ L .aeh. feHELLER & HUMMBR. Lawlsbuvf, Jsa S3, 1SS3. SPECIAL NOTICE. MOSEI TO BE SATED t TOU SQriRES has just retarne4 J lrm PnTudelphia, with another large " lot of HOOTS AND SHOES purchased at ihe lowest prices. Tbosa want of Boots and f hoes, will find it to their advantage to call and examine hit large Stock of Home-Hade Work, which for style and quality can not be sur passed in Union county or elsewhere. Gents' line Calf Boots $3 SO Ladies' line Morocco, birh heel 1 So A line quality Balmoral Boots 1 73 Mi, ,n(1 children's Shoes at very low l Pr,ce ,or t asn, ai Syniret' Union Boot and Shot Start, ClTopposite the Bank, Lewisburg, Jan. 1, 1863 Peace Peace ! D'i" friends, and Mod patrons, from eountry and Iowa t.," lIZZZL 0,,r Thtm gl jour atuntion, and part of yuw cara. a m Ma oar istj uoous ana outer mum war. We've ItorrcM and Challtea, and Smtia DurlMaa. And Cham bra re and tiincluma. and Ha Wool "-'I'm V e'va Popiioe and Mohair, and Print for yo ail 9utfb u ipraffva'i and Cociieo'a jual gira at a ealL We're MttylitM and Shertinf frota Tmx to tvkiti mats We're IKeekimt!- (or ladi and Half Hoae for jrrli We're Cloth at all prices, for d oaten aad eoata, Wt'n ready -a-ade Clothing aa cheap aa a. gtokeow : We're Can Iloopa aad OonwCe. and Criaollno Skltta", ' And ifenim and Cbeeklna for d raven aad ebirta, j Wi'n Shirt Ironu and Collan for aura aad for boya niti Buuen tvr lanwisyaa out ww i. yeni ia) avja. We're Cil-Clotbe aad Cant io rarer toot floor. Wtf've rbmdt for your winth.we and Hngm for year doorp We'ra PuctuU and Baakfts and Rubbm of sina. We're S ugara aad CoOv for Fswaica or Caus. We're Hrub?t ant Kettle, all kiada of Qaeoamraa o call and examine, ere buying elaenben: Vtxa'U find a oa Market tract, eenter of tnn--- At SHKI.LkK'. Jid .-ttaod E. r ABK EKOWY, LeviAbnirg, April 8, REMOVAL! 1 L.MOWRY has removed bis Ph( i. rrapla Eatabllahmeat to ih New Building oa Market sirret, recenilv oc cupied by Dr. Burlan, OPPOSITE THE BANK, where be has fined up one of the Finest Galleries In the Country! Having superior (acilities and a long a pecienre, he is satisfied that his work can aot be beaten. Call and test his workmausb' LewUburg, Aug 15 New Stand--New Good! JOSEPH 1. HAtfN bavins taken th tj rooms under the Telegraph aud Chronicle oflices,refitird them, and filled in an exivasive variety of Butt, Capt, Gentlemen' t Clothing dV Alao a lartre and splendid stock of CLOTHS CASSI.M ERE8, etc, which he will maaa p f artier, aa he still continues the Tailoring Bus. ,Blrn,le(l ,0 hi, ear, t0 .aiiafaeuoa vt the ..... . cuatomer. N. B. Cutting and Repairmgjr done order. Lewi.tburg, April 10. ISSI APOXIFIER! SAPO.MMEK! IT"The FAMILY OAP . MAKER. AH Kitchen (ireae ran be made into g'd SOAP by naing SAroMFlEK. CsyUirreiioBS accompanvmg arh Pf. SOAP is as easily made with it, as making cup of Coffee. Manufactured only by ihe Paitaiees Penn'a Salt Manufacturin? Companr, R. OU Vfaleat si, Mium-Tau. rb i, t ; BLANKS " ,L' -'"e" ('IP