Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, March 27, 1863, Image 1

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    nan awa sui m in imm nunc
At JI.!H per Year, always In Advance.
"THE UNWV established in lSHYrtole No.r2.6ia
CnROXILE." est.!!i.Je. in 1843-Wbcle No.. 989.
fuesJiiy Morning & Friday Afternoon.
snjrIj. Thus. Cbamberlio paid
ffyiog visit home tbia week.
3Jacob Gibbooy, of l.ewitbarp, has
received an honorable diccbarge from tbe
142d I'. V. in coosKjacuce of physical
rSrOa Tuesday morning of this week,
VTm. I.. Nesbit, of Cbillisquaijue, idiot a
wan of tbe following dimensions : Lrngth
from bill to eod of tail , 4 feet 2 inches ;
idh from tip to tip of I lie wings, (J feet
8 inches; weight a little less tban 16
pounds It is perfectly while except bill,
leet and legs, which are black.
It is with pain and regret, says tbe
Wnkly Trilmnr, that we announce tbe
death of Sheriff Itausc. lie died after an
illness of tbree weeks, of typhoid fever,
on Sunday the 15th itifct.
Snyder county is therefore literally
without a sheriff- Tbe Coroner, npno
whom devolves the duties of sheriff io such
cases, by law, is absent in tbe army, tbo
Governor will therefore appoint a sheriff
to serve ontil tbe next General Election.
Spring Elections, concluded.
Mifflin bubo. Judge, Henry Gast ;
Inspectors, Joseph M. liowes aud Euos
AV'eiroian ; Burgees, James II. Young;
'(Town Couucil, liuiel Mo, 11. G. Wolf,
John Gast and J.ibn Ueighard ; School
directors, It. T. Barber, John M- Taylor
ud Joshua Weiser ; Constable, William
Uotbal ; Assuror. William Uro'x-r
Supervisors, Samuel Gutgcu and G. W.
Slader.; Overseers of tbe 1'oor, IV m. Fos
ter, 'Esq., and Benjamin Miller.
Wstsc Buffalok Judge, George Z-:l-Jers
; lonpecmrs, William Clapham, Sam
uel I'oung.; Auditor, Samuel Suoetuiker ;
Assessor, George K Sheary ; School Direc
tors, Samuel Shoemaker, Jal bioffjndur
fer: Supervisors, John Knglebart, Joseph
Klinginan,; Nonstable, Robert Taylor;
Overseers, John C. Ooerdorf, Win. li tech
ier; Justice of tbe l'eace, Elias Kaup.
Limestone. Judge, John R. Meneh ;
Inspectors, Thrums V. Barber, Jonatbao
eanderi; Auditor, Win. Ivathertimu ;
Assessor, Vaiuutine Walter ; School l)irec
tors, Christopher Socbold, John Itinkard;
Supervisors, John beebold, ieter Wchr;
Constable, Christian Usubermao ; Over
eers of tbe t'oor, KomduaI Walter, I'aniel
eebald ; Township Clerk, J. 8. Kauden
dasb. Hartley. Judge, Thomas M'Curdy ;
Inspectors, Robert Watson, Daniel Wag
tier ; School Director, 11. V. B. Lincoln,
Samuel Corl ; Overseers, Josbna Knerr,
John Frederick ; Constable, John Kline;
Supervisors, William Fees, Samuel Molt ;
Auditor, Charles I'. Emery.
Blffai.oe. Judge, John Rangier;
Inspectors, A. J. Riehcl, David Sleer;
Assessor, 1'. Ruhl; Constable, Wsa. Hei
aer ; Overseers, P. Hen nor, M. I. Reed ;
Supervisors, Andrew Rubl, Edward Culp;
fovD Clark, Dr. J. F. Harvey; Auditor,
Jacob U. Smith; School Directors, tt'm.
gleans, Thos. II. Cornelius.
.East Buwaloc. Judge, John Au
rand ; Inspectors, John W. Brown, Samuel
1'. Miller; Assessor, Aler. Penny ; Consta
ble, Benj. Wioegardeo; Overseers, Daniel
Miller, Michael Brown ; Supervisors,
f-'amuel Noll, Jaeob Brown; Clerk,
Michael Wolfe ; Auditor, Wm. L Harris ;
School Directors, As. Aorand, David
Hartlkto!. Judge, W. F. Wilson;
Inspectors, Wm. F. Moyer, Elias Orwig;
Assessor, Daniel Long; Constable, Wm.
Kliog; Overseers, S. C. Wilt, David Fill
man; Clerk, Henry Styers; Auditor,
famuel Hanpt ; School Directors, Philip
Witmcr, Henry Katberman, W. F. See-
bold ; Burgess, Josiah Mook ; Couneilmcn,
Christian Dale, John Dale, J obn F. Charles,
Joseph Samscl, Hiram Border; High
Constable, Samuol Weiser.
Ksi.Lr. Judge, Levi Pauling ; Inspec
tors, Levi Moll, David Leiby ; Asssessor,
I'bilip Stabl ; Constable, Isaao Moore;
Overseers, Henry Kieffer, Peter Guyer;
Supervisors, Adam Herbst, George Baker;
Auditors, J. W. Kautmao, Jacob lleinly,
. A.Subl; School Directors, Jacob Uo
denbaugh, Thos. Cliogin.
Lewis. Judge, John Howcr; Inspec
tors, Jacob rtllmao, Jviward lercer;
Assessor, Charles Rubl ; Constable, Wm
Cliofrmao : Justiee of tbe Peace, Solomon
Hoffman ; Overseers, Anthony LeFevre,
George Kleekncr ; Supervisors, Ueo. Kulil,
inoab liiogaman; Clerk, John llcisb;
Auditor, Charles Sweogle ; School Direc
tors; Jaeob Spigelmver, Thomas Sbipmao.
'New Bbrli.i. Judge, John Herbst;
Inspeetor, Wm. K, Steioruck ; Assessor,
C. D. Roush ; Constable, John Lebkicher ;
Justice of the Peace, H. R. Dcllioger;
Overseers, Jos. Kleckoer, Jos. Wiotcr ;
a ! : . t i ...... .
Awuiuir, -uud u. cpitier; School Direc
tor!, Wm. Beoner, Emanuel Snyder; Bur
tress, D. Heckeodurn; Councilmeo, Jos.
Orwig, John Wiuter, Jas. Schoch, Milton
Cornelius, David Kooney.
Independent School District, (part
Union and part Snyder). Judge, Wm.
Miller ; Inspeetor, Jacob C. Ulricb, Jamea
L. Beofer; School Direotors, Michael
Oldt, Abram Eyer, Joseph Kemplle.
In the South Ward, Lewisburg,
Samuel Roush was elected Inspeetor over
C. C. Sborklcy, he havimr ni.I oo
otes aodinorkley9. The n.me. of two
usivjwiv otcio VIIUH'U QD IDS fiTOlair
ticket, one to be voted, tbe other erased.
Many overlooked this, and voted the ticket
without erasing Dame; oonsrquently;
k"tn bauict were thrown out. The Dem
'ats, taking advantage of this oversight,
iKtstly ran aud eltctej .Mr. Kouab.
Revenue Board.
Tbia body is called, ooce io tbree years,
to equalize the taxes, at near aa maj be,
between tbe different counties of tbe State
jam as County Commissioner seek to
equalise tbo Uies between tbe different
j Tuwnsbips and Boroughs of tbe came
county. Hon. Henry 11. Moore, tbe
State Treasurer, acta at President of tbe
Board, which has appointed eight officers
to wait upon it. Tba members of the
Board (appointed by the Judges of tbe
several Judicial Districts,) are as follows :
1. Alex. dimming", Philadelphia.
2. Jacob B. Tshudy, Laneaster.
3. David Lowry, Northampton &o.
4. Wm. C. liealy, Elk, M'Kem, ie.
5. Thu's J. Bigham, Allegheny,
(j. Joseph Ifirown, Crawford.
7. 11. Applcbiugh, Bucks.
8. Win. II. Kase, Nortbumb'd, &.
9. Abratii II jsslar, Cumberland, &c.
10. Jobn Fausold, Westmorc'd, io. .
1 1. Geo. P. Steele, Lunrue.
YX. A O I leister, Dau. and Leb.
13. Myron M. Mott, Sueq. and Brad.
It. Adam 11. Eekcr, Washington.
15. Wm. B. Waddell, Chester.
16. Moses A- Ross, Somerset, &9.
17. Thomas Pomroy, Liwreoce, io.
18. M'Keau, Mercer.
19. II. A. Picking, AHms.
'M. Cbas. Gudykuost, Union, Jk.
til. Decatur E.Nice, fccbujlkill.
22. M. II. Drehrr, Mot, roe, io.
23. J. Htgeotnen, Berks.
'24. Samuel Calvin, Blair, io.
25. John T. Hoover, Coulter, ie.
20. Michael M.-ylerf, Sullivan, ia.
vlnplror ilyrnn P.rh.t wtiodiaduu hi way to at
Uutf Ibu avainoa of Una Uoaril.)
The returna from tbe various Counties
were examined, first, by Committees,
who waded tbrongh various tremendous
columns of figures comparisons, aggre
gates, averages, per centages, and various
other Arabic contrivances to bother tba
brains of honest peoplo. Counties wbioh
neglected or refused to answer tbo inter
rogatories, which had been propounded at
basis upou which to arrive at conclusions,
were estimated at say ten per cent in
crease. It it well known t' ' one Assessor will
return property at muoa higher rates than
another man who Is equally honest.
Whole couutics, also, it bat been found,
approximate nearer tban others to actual
values. To arrive at uniform tod
equitable rule, inquiries were instituted,
for the purpose of ascertaining, during a
term of years, how atr lands were taxed
to the sums they brought at orphan' court
takt. Sheriffs' sales we think, would
have been a fairer platform. But orphana'
oourt tales were tsken as the basis. Tbe
results 100 being tbe standard were as
follows io a few counties :
Delaware (highest) 71-100ths
Union and Snyder 70 "
All tbe other oounties came down, eomo
as low as between 30 and 40 that is,
they were taxed 30 to 70 per cent, below
what they told for at orphana' oourt tale
assuming tbe returns to be eorreet, and
the test to be a fair one. So the good
Id Republican counties of Delaware,
Union and Snyder stand A. No. 1 io
making honest and up-to the-mark returns.
Tbe agyrrgate increase made by the
Board to tbe taxable valuation of Penn
ey lvania, is about Twenty Millions of
Dollars, making, it it taid, an addition
cf $60,000 per year to the aggregate of
Union, Snyder, and a few other toon
ties were not increased in valuation, it
being evident that they were already rated
the highest, proportionally, of any. Geo.
Kase, of Northumberland, did move to
add $179,000 to Union's 3 per eent. list,
but (with our eounly map before tbem)
Mr. Gudykuost waa able to show that in
tax-paying we were already "high enough
up io tbo world." Our people are esti
mated at more rfvm one third per head
over those of our adjoining counties
and although our average wealth is very
probable some creator, there is not so
wide a difference as that. But it it bard
work to reduce the fi
urct a county putt
down for itaelf. and
to tbe Board
seems to have paid us a high compliment :
they made Delaware, Union and Snyder
TUB 6TANDARD, and brought the other
Counties L P TO THiM, at least measurably.
Thus, practically, while oora are not io-
created, the noV counties are icereased,
some very largv..
I give, in a table, tbe valuation estab
lished for our own and adjoining counties.
S mil tu. 1 pr rt- 5 pmr cL WatckM.
Union $3,820,620 $48,419 $1,400 $00
Snyder 2,65:1,828 32,425 0 6
Lycoming 4.875,000 22,887 300 215
Korlhumb'd 6,400,000 70.6(54 6,800 96
Ceoter 4.417.445 3:t.36l 0 66
Now let us see how much per bead this
valaation average.
Union 14,800
8ojt-r 15,035
Lycoming 37,309
Nortbumb'd 28,22
Ueuler 27,0110
1 189
The Board adjourned, last week,after
nearly a months session, for which tbey
reeeived S6 ter dav and "station erv."
They appeared to be intelligent, sharp
business men, and have dons a good work.
Were it Dot for the war, tbeir additions of
taxable property would warrant a tax
release of another balf mill on real estate,
and perhaps that will be done as it is.
We do not know as they took any adion
on tbe Report of tbe CumnissioDerstorsviso (
the Reveove Code that it Legislation
proper, and this Board's duties are de
fined wnder existing laws. There teems
to be no disposition in the Legislature to
lake np that able, well-digested report of
the Commissioners, which teemi likely to
prove an abortion.
Monday, March 23.
The election for Mayor still attraots at
tention in Harriaburg. Uoumfort't tnj.
is, I believe, 43 aud it it intended by
some to oonitist his eleotion oo the ground
of fraudulent voting. Tbe State Librar
ian, School Superintendent, and other
Officers ia power under Lincoln and Cur
tin, it is stated, eoold easily have eleoted
the Union candidate, and thus given a
mighty impetus towards National success,
from tbe Capital of the State. It it
acknowledged by all that bad our party
began to work a few days earlier, they
eould have awept tbe city. He must work,
and ortjanhe. so as to reach eiery man, to
carry the Free States and save the Na
tion. Our friends in Lebsnnn and Easton
report that they carried those boroughs,
(ususlly against us,) and that wherever tbey
worked intelligently and manfully :hey
are encouraged by the result.
Re-chartcrinij Btuhs. In the Senate,
tbe evening session was prolonged until
10 o'clock, upon a general discussion of
the poliey of re-chartering banks. Sever
al of the very best banks in the State,
with charters yet covering two or three
yean, are asking for a re-charter of their
banks for terms of 15 to 20 years. Tbe
Senate Committee report them for fioe
years only. Tbe poliey is to bring all
Banks to banking upon the U. S. stock
in other words, to make our national in
debtedness tbe basis of our currency for
many years to come.
This evening, Mr. Lowry, (Rep.,) of
Erie said bit oonvictiont of our impolitic
system of banking, and of the necessity of
our saving tbe Natiooal credit, and tbut sus
taining our National arms, compelled him
to vote against every extension of a Bank
ebarter on tbe old plan : and boped tbe
Governor would veto every such bill,
Mr. Kinsey (Dem.) of Bucks, argued
that tbe Banks bad stood by the Govern
ment, with most material aid, in her hour
of peril, and that the people the most
loyal of tbe people while petitioning for
rt-obartsrs, bad never sent one remon
strance against tbem.
Mr- Wilson (Rep.) of Tioga said no one
bad petitioned the Legislature in favor of
the immigration of negroes, yet thousands
bad remonstrated against it. Tbe petitions
for these Banks were mostly from those
who bad some sort of interest in tbem.
Here were 20 it 25 Senators, each of
whom bad feelings for particular banks,
who would unite tbeir votes for re-charter
ing all : whereas, were all these banks in
one district, but few outside of that dis
trict would rote for them. If called to
speak npon the point bis diatriot would
almost unanimojfily remonstrate against
any exeept the Free Banking or the
Natiooal Banking system. He also
hoped the Governor would rise to the
oceasion, and stop this mode of banking,
which eonld not be done too soon.
Mr. M'Sherry (Dcm.) of Adams defen
ded, the Bank of Chambersburg which bad
the entire confidence of all tbe community.
It was argued (by the same one) that tbe
too sudden changing of the banking sys
tem, would create much confusion, and
rather embarrass tbe Government, by the
banks calling in all their dues and in that
way be disadvantageous.
Mr. Turroll (Rep.) of Susquehanna
stated, that while be felt disinclinod to
vote against friends who represented good
Banks, yet he thought two or tbree years
tuffioient time for any or all of them to
settle np their affairs, and to prepare for
that system of National Banking, wbioh
be deemed best, io all respects.
Oo the final vote, the four Philadel
phians, and five other Members voted
against tbe Bank, and 19 or 20 io its
favor. Only too Democrats Donovan of
Pbilad. and Wallace of Clearfield (where
ia a Free Bank) voted acainst the Bill.
So the Democracy is now totally reversed
from its ancient poliey, and is tbe Bank
party 1 How ebaoged is the Democracy I
formerly foremost for Liberty, for War,
and aeainit Banks now foremost for
Slavery, for Peaee, and for Banks ! Jeff
erson and Jackson would n't own suoh a
party, if alive in tbia great day.
The bill donating tba interest of tbe
National appropriation for Agrioulture, to
the Agricultural College of Pennsylvania,
near Bellefonte, passed finally.
Tuesday, March 24,
A petition wm to-day pr. sen ted, from
a eitisen of Philadelphia, ia favor of pre
iin the immigration of parsons with
red bair on aooount of tbeir known pugna
! C
cious and disagreeable qualities.
Shinplastert. Certaio evil-disposed par-
ties in Senator Wilson's district hsving
commenced tails against honest men who
in the reeeot emergency issued illegal
notes for curreoey, in accordance with a
supposed necessity and general desire of
the people, be introduced a bill relieving
tbem of all legal liabilities in tbe ease.
As this would settle every petty persecu
tion that might be got up by personal
enemies all over tbe State and in tbe
Legislature have, for two years in success
ion, almost unanimously, excused the
Banks for violations of laws in noo-pay-uenl
of specie, and bave relieved tbem
from tbe penalty thereby incurred it
might have been supposed tbis lesser
offenoe could bave also been overlooked
in tbe circumstances of the case. Men
who honestly redeem Ihie paper money,
bave committed no moral offjoce ; they
have simply disregarded a regulation
respecting a point of currency, prohibited
by a statute. Yet Mr. Kiosey, and tbe
majority of tbe Senate, eould not find it
consistent with tbeir views of duty as
sworn Senators to remove this liability.
Bank directors are all pardoned, over and
over again : but honest merchants and
they whose moral or legal offence is less
heinous and illegal, are left exposed to
every sharper, malignant foe, or merci
less speeulator, who may seek their ruin.
Oo examination and reflection, I see not
bow any Senator could say Nay to a gen
eral bill upon tbis subject, even If they
voted against a local bill ef the same sort.
In tbe prcperation of tbe Appropriation
Bill in tbe House. Mr. Laporte (Rep ) of
Bradford mo7ed to reduce the pay of the
Members and Senators from $700 to $500
for the session. Mr. Beck (Dem.) of
Lycoming moved to increase tbe pay from
700 to $1000, which was carried. But
on voting for that proposition as amended,
it was voted down.
Wednesday, March 25.
Tbe Senate reconsidered Ibe vote
releasing from Goes those who have issued
illegal notes for change. It also, in the
case of the Bank at Bristol, refused to
recbarter for a larger term than five years.
The General Bill legalising taxes, ic ,
by county, borough, and township author
ities.'was passed in the Senate at last. As
it was somewhat amended, I will loot
attempt to give its provisions, and the
vote npon it, until it appears officially.
Tba House held an afternoon session
devoted to tbe passage of tbe Black Bill.
Hopkins of Washington, aa if be saw the
enTeet of certain inhuman features of tbe
bill, tried to soften them down, but the
majority of hie party voted against any
amelioration of it. The bill fioally passed
by 60 votes to 40 4 Democrats sod 6
Republicans absent all the former voting
for, and tba latter against, the barbarous,
unchristiao, and unconstitutional partizan
dodge, unworthy of the Dark Ages, and
appealing to the lowest and meanest pas
sions and pjudices of the most of our
people. Two men voted Yea who, occas
ionally pretend to preach tbe Gospel of
tbe God of love, and take tbe name of tbe
Savior of men upon their lips in the form
of publio prayer. Tbey are Nelson of
Wayne and Wakefield of Westmorland,
men, who, if in tbe sacred desk instead
of slaves to Party, would have shuddered
at such an assault upon the rights of hu.
manity, There is no danger that the
Senate will disgrace Pennsylvania by the
passage of sueb a law, and tbe 50 who
voted for it do not expect it to pass
they only want it to play "Nigger" on
another year.
Patriotic Songstress. As if athamed
of their refusal to grant the use of the Hall
of tbe House to Gov.Johoson and Ex.Gov.
Wright, tbe same Hall was unanimously
granted to Miae Kate Dean, of Tbomkios
Co., N. Y, to give Union songs. I am
told she has been among tbe armies and
hospitals, for the past year, doing what
abe conld to encourage and animate the
soldiers by patriotio and sentimental songs.
She ia a stout hearty lookiog lady, and
wears shoulder straps, and the buttons in
dicative of soma tank in tbe army.
Speaker Cessna presided. She bad a
grand audience, who eheered her heartily,
exeept that "Father Abraham" and few
others failed to touch the echoing hearts
of somo scowling chaps who looked as if
tbey might be Copperheads.
Quite a rain last oight, sad warm this
morning. Butter in tbe Harriaburg
market was 40 cents ; chickens sold fur
$1 a pair, and a pair of turkevs brouehi 3.
1 know of no place where marketing is so
bigb, in a rich farmiogoommuoity, as it is
in Harriaburg neither can 1 account for
it. But I am satisfied thai -there ia a
careless, improvident, hand-to-mouth way
of living, that allows extortion, and pro
motes poverty. Hundreds of families
never lay by a bushel of potatoes or a
quarter of meat in tbeir season : tbey buy
Irom day to day, and arc therefore, from
the cravings of an existing appetite, at the
mercy of Ibe seller : every market morn
ing yon may tee poor, weak women lugging
home every morsel 'of provision for tbe
eomioc days, instead of bovine more or
less by tbe quantity and saving thereby
money, lime and labor.
Dead. Monday night or Toesdsy
morning, a sick man eomiog to Harriaburg
from Baltimore, asked to lean npon the
shoulder of a passenger, who granted bim
leave. Tbo sick man gave bis name aa
Charles L. Noll said be was from
Lewisburg was sick with disease of lungs
bad. been in tba army as adagoarotype-
ist only wanted to gel boms to die. Hs
I 1
was taken to Tea Eek'e U. S- Hoal, near
the llairoad, kindly eared for, and Col.
Slifer was sent for, who seenred ibe atten
tion of Dr. Rutherford, but tbe poor man
died before noon. Notice waa telegraphed
to Lewisburg, before bis death of bis
He was nearly 21 yeara of age, a son
of Henry Noll of Buffaloe township, who
brought hie remains boms for interment,
yesterday. Ed.
Small very small lusintns. On con
firming the nomination of Mr. Forney for
State Librarian, the Democrata all voted
Nay. I doubt whether ona of our party
voted against Dr. De Witt's confirmation,
when a Republican Governor bad the
weakness to continue bim : bat DeWitt is
vo more competent than Forney. Let the
majority, or those in power, bave what
belongs to them. Those Sonators would
doubtlesa vote Yea on tbe nomination of
Burrows? They always staod by their
men, and our officials would do well by
doing the same.
Thursday, March 26.
Both houses have agreed to adjourn on
Wednesday the bth day of April, making
a session of one hundred days in all. Of
course tbe "scribes" will henceforth be
kept busy, day and night
In Senate, tbis afternoon, on motion of
Mr. Lamberton of Clarion tbe assessed
vsloation of that eouoty waa virtually
altered to its former figure on the alliga
tion that that county waa not "properly
represented" in tbe Board of Revenue
Commissioners, tbe first man ippoioted lo
tbe Board having died, and the eeeond (I
suppose) being from some other eounty in
this district. Every eounty cannot bave a
member, and that eounty was respectably
represented. If every county beeauae it
was raised in value bad no "proper repre
sentative," over sixty will bava to be
reduced 1 Better let it alone I W.
Great Robbery. Oo Wednesday
night of last week, as the Norlhero Cen
tral Railway train was passing near Cock
eysville, Md., tbe safe of lbs Adama
Express Company was thrown out of its ear.
It contained a great amount of treasure,
for which a reward of $5,000 wm offered.
On Sunday, the aafe was found io a mill
racethere being io it still a large amount
of Government bonds, certificates and
checks, well soaked with water but some
$50,000 of Treasury notes and gold eoin
were gone, and no track is yet had of
them. It waa a grand bauL and tbe
Company will probably lota a largo aum,
through the absence of tba Agent Irom
tbe ear wbere be belonged.
Liberal. Moj. Henry White, Repub
lican Senator from Indiana and Armstroog
Uo. s l a., has sent bis whole year s salary
($tUU) lo be divided equally between
those eonnties, and added to Ibe fund for
tbe relief of tbe families of tbe soldiers
fighting for tbe Unioo.
. List December, tbe U. S. Mint, it is
said coined over four million oj cents. At
this rate there must be a fashion of
hoarding away copper aa well as silver,
gold, and Government curreoey and
Gov. Seymour has noited heartily, with
tho Republicans of tbe New York Legis
lature, in framing "An act to eneonrage
re-enlistment of volunteers and the enlist
meal of persona into regiments hereafter
lo be formed." It provides for a bonoty
of from $50 to $100 to bo paid by tbe
An East Tennessee Hunter, the Nash
ville Union says, bas collected about five
hundred men in tbe mountains, who can
pick a squirrel off a top of the tallest oak
with tbeir loog rifles. Tbey are ambus
cading the Rebel cavalry at all points, and
wiping out wbolo squads of them with
astonishing celerity.
Syracuse, March' 21. Major-Gen
K. V. Sumner died this moraine- at Ibe
residence of bia son-in-law, Col. Seal I, of
eongestion or the lungs, lit wu sick for
a few days only.
Tuesday Homing's News.
Soctuwest Pass, La, March 15.
Com. Farragut, leading in the Hartford,
passed the Port Hudson last night with
his fleet Tbe steamer Mississippi groun
ded, was abandoned and burned. Tbe
army is within five miles of the rebels'
works. The cavalry are skirmishing.
A dispatch from Paris, Ky., aays tbe
rebels surrounded and captured 200 of our
men, at Mt Sterling, after a sharp fight.
Latest IJeT7G
A Memphis dispatch says that Far-
rasrut discovered tne indianoia at
Hard Times bend, and recaptured
her without resistance. It is ru
mored that the rebel batteries at
Haines' bluff have been flanked thro'
the new roote to the Yazoo river.
After a brisk skirmish, nine miles
irom Nashville, on the 24th, 300 Fed
erals and a large amount or stores
were captured by Wheeler's cavalrj.
A Union force came to the rescue.and
re-captured prisoners and stores, to
gether with 50 scccsh prisoners.
Gen. Burnside has taken command
of tbe Department of the Ohio. The
rebels are planning an invasion of
Kentucky, and Uen. B., with bis ('JtnJ
army corps, will be promptly on hand
to checkmate them. .
Our armies on the Rappahan
nock, Mississippi, Cumberland, and at
, ji j e
ivDurmsioii am rupiuiy prc,..uS f
active ODerstions : and as soon as tne
.!,;.!. m.v avnrrl
ef ""t, o.u.v, j V
leciadve results. I
All aceounts agree ibat throughout
Rcbcldom there is fearful des'itutton,
amounting lo almost absolute fauitae,
especially at Richmond.
AdTtrtUad ia tba "Chroalelo" or Bill at Uilf ollca.
Var.-rirmeal rrnorrtjof e.faiarll,Uwltb
aar0i3l-HcrcaaaSlze,r a.DaaHwwer.Lewlsbarx
April 4-rerMMUl rropertjiarv.ticatberllaa.UaUax
April a-H6aaie r . iun nunaaa,
itft, Lelhar( al 1 a'clock,
VKNtlCE NOTU Sir aal at I ha "Cbroaiel. o&Va.
i . . - . - 1 I
CurrtcitH Wtekly
Wheat $1,35 Eggs t 14
Rye .. 80 Tallow 10
" t n
Corn, old 75 Lard..
Oats- 30 Pork DJ
Flaxseed 2,50 Clover seed 5,0i
Dried Apples. $1,00 Wool 40 to50
Firkin Butter 12 Potatoes b'2
Fresh Butter... 20 Sides i Shoulder 1
Rags 4, 5, and 6 Ribs i Shoulder U
Country Soap 4 & 6 Ham IS
CoMnaiaoiis. li is useless to deny that
the masses of the the people have a deep
seated and settled confidence in "Sarsaparit
la," as an.alternative remedy. Notwithstand.
ing this confidence has of late years been
abused by many preparations claiminr, to pos
sess its virtues but really with none at all.siiil
the people believe in its intrinsic valua as a
remedy, because tbey have known its cures.
Tbe ra;e fur large bottles al luw prices, has
called into market many compounds of Sarsa
parilla, which contain scarcely any uf it, or
even any medical virtues whatever. Yet
everybody knows ibatSarsaparillaisihe great
staple antidote (or Scrofula, Eruptions and cu
taneous diseases, and the purification of the
blood, when they can gat the real article, or
an actual eitrael of it. Such we are now
able to inform they can obtain. Dr. J. C
Ayrr & Co., the celrbrated chemists of tbe
East, whole reputation assures us they do
well whatever tbey undertake, are selling a
Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, which,
although the bottles do not eonlain quarts ,lur
a dollar, do contain more of actual curative
power than whole gallons of the stuff which
bare been in use. it is asserted thai one
bottle of Ayer's Sarsaparilla contains more
than double the amount of medicinal virtue,
which is afforded by any other. This fact is
not only apparcnt'to the taste, but its stfects
and cures afford incontestible proof that it is
true. Such a remedy has been long soarrht
for, and is everywhere needed by ail classes
of onr community. ".t', Cynthiana, Ky.
In JnMT ?hur. tm tl lth .nit., by Rt. Rirt
hearts JlfeKPH M. WATKHS Utl UltAlZlJt fiVKKi,
both of la isar sr.
Is UwiibartT. 2th In., I1KNRT DENTLKS. Km of
JtiBtM at. and Matr A- MMk,gw! jm, 21 Amj.
VttMttl to-morrow. (SeUiirda,) tat 2 o'clock. ri-niU
tavitJd tostUema.)
Id MiOI Intrant. rd4nir.m Um 234 In--, JAMES, Mm
f tUss-aim aVtMt Mi!!r, agvsl bit 15 jtssua mmd
10 wmoulhat.
Mr. N Starr, vife nf Dmrltl 5blt. naMlnc byir thU
city, wM bwrii on TwJtrjr. bhm tllfuof pwm)wsua, rni
dvnlw. Mrt, M.wu woroai switch Uskivr-d by U vuty
knew br; be lit-sti m lift? of aMfuIow, nntl bas rne
now to reap ft rich rwwsinl- Fretptwt (IU Journal, lor.
THE late residence of Maj. W I LI.IA M
FRH'K, consisting nf a messuage and
Two LOTS OF GROUND, on the corner of
Market and North Third Streets, Lewisburg.
For Terms apply to J. F. & J. B. LINN.
March 27, 183.
Estate of Hrs.Harla SLGraham dee'd.
LETTERS Testamentary on tbe Estate of
Mrs. MARIA M. GRAHAM, late of Lew
isburg borough, t'nion connty. br.vii!" been
granted to John C. Boggs, all per-'.ns indeb
ted thereto are requested to make immediate
payment, and those having claims . r demands'
against the same will present them for settle
ment to JOHN G. bOCGS, Executor,
or A. H. DILL, his Attorney.
March S6. ISC:)-
"FTOTiCEis hereby given, that the Annual
1 Appeals of foion county will be held 10
the Commissioners' office, on the 13th of
April, for persons where a division or in
crease has occurred sinee the last valuatioo,or
where the person taxed came lo reside sines
the last assessment Those interested can at
tend if they see proper. By Commissioners,
A. uierk.
On Si'unhy, March 23, 1S63,
rp HE subscriber will offer a large lot of
Household and Kitchen Furniture at
Public Sale, al her residence, consisting of
Bedsteads, Bureaus, Sofas, Chairs, Tables,
Looking Glasses, Stoves, Garden Implements,
Vow, rigs, & c. etc
Hale to commence at 10 o'clock
Tints Under $", rash; oyer. 9 months'
credit, with note and approved security.
Lawtotrarf, Vak. 14, lftU.
WILL b sold, al the residence of the
subscriber, in Lewisburs:, oa
Stlarday, April 4, 1801,
the following personal property, to wit :
4 Horses. 3 Bur leys. I Carriage. I two-
horse Wagon, Harness, Ac: also, Bureaus,
Bedsteads Tables, Chairs, Stands, Stores,
and a variety of other Household and Kitch
en Furniture.
8ale to commence al 10 o'clock ia the
forenoon, whea Terms of fate will be mads
Match i tssa.
IOR many years we have made the culii
1 vatina of S.M4LL. FRI ITS a spe
cialty, and taking into account vanisTv.ac
titv and trauTV, our stock of Vines and
Plants of
sstrts Furmr.RMEi
is nnequaled any whdre, which weofler on the
most favorable ter.ns. Parlies wishing lo
purchase would do well to correspond with
os, or send for our Price List, which will be
sent to all applicants free of charge. .
Our Seed Store and JIarticulural House
is at $, 99 riflh Street,
whsre all articles belonging to saeh an estab
lishmenl can be had of the best quality.
98 J. KNOX, Box 13. Pitt'borg, Ta.
- ,HE pir,nership D.,fuf. ei.sung re
I twees wm. vast uwaa and A. H. Dm
'.,h Prc,,e of ,n 4
tswisburg. Jn. i, U63.
T A. ELMS will open a Select School, al
to he Town Hall, Moadar, Aprit 8.
Terms to suit the tinirs, March SO
1 r M. METZtiER intends cpeoTnt the
usnal SnmmerTrrm of Select School,
on .Vluuday, March SO. Terms of initio vary
from $2.!U) to $J.75, according to studies pur
sued. No extras. Lewibi g. March I3i3-
Executor's Notice.
"jaTOTICE U hereby given that le'.iere tests.
mentary on the last will ni testament
of JAVIER DALE, late of 7wisburt;
boroosh. Union cociity. deceased, hare been
eranted to the subscriber, by tbe Register cf
Union county .indue form of law; therefore ell
persons indebted to said estate are requested;
make immediate payment, and those havial
claims against the same will proem theia
properly authenticated for settlement to the
undersigned. T. H. WIL&OX, M.D., Ex'r.
LraLtmi. Slareb 13,
U. S. Internal Revenue I
14 tli Collcc-ioa District, Peaa'a.
"VfOTICEThe Ai.nyal Assessment IV
X (be County of Uaioa of all person re
quired to lake oat Lieeo&es haviig beer,
cumpleted, notice is hereby given, I ha I 109
taxes will be received daily (except t tba
days below specified) by the Deputy Collec
tor, at hts office at t'nion Furnace, on anJ
after this date March 10. until and n
cludm? Saturday, the 28th day of the same
JESSE BEAVER, aUepu 7 Collector.
By virtue of a writ of PI una Ft. Fa-, issq.
oat ul the Court of Common Fleas of Union
County, and lo me directed, will bf expocJ
to public sale or outcry,
Oa Thurulay, JprHO, 18G3.
at the Riviere Uouse, in theborough of Lev
i.burg, county aforesaid, at 10 o'clock A. M
A certain Lot of Ground, situate in tha
Borough of Lnwiahurf. covnty frwai4. nan bared wit I
tbeuvrat twa puvu throw hundred avxt tw. (3.2),
bnubJvxi od tb JaJt by rrot.t trt,oa tbw touth hf
Lot No. 413, oa tli wtl k Prtrr ail tad M tbw
north bj Lut lSu. ill, cuuUiaiisg Oo-ourth nt tva
Acrm, more or Utw.whvrvoo an rected a largw two-tfcora'
rkk Dwell. h. Howe. wiTr Kiteben. brick H b IUvsm,
ttvmi lion), frame tflablu, VYH with psjjsp, and oUsef
outbulidiDga with tbe at purtviiaocra.
No. 2. Also, a certain Lot of Ground, tit
aate la tbe VoiTereity aVxtvanoa of tbw Borsogta ef
Lewiborg, It being Lot suutber fifty (Zb), boaudt-d i
by brown tttreet, voutb by tut lSft. iiU, wt by Hit
alley, and aoitb by Lot No. ovatatoinaj Ore
VourtU of an Acre, sore or lets, wttb Uu wpisutsroaocea,
N"o. 3. Also, a certain Lot of Ground, sit
uate in the boraiwb of LewUtarf. county alomejit
tended on lh north by ether louof Tboa. Hy, ca
tbe nut by river Suburban aa, and oo tbe eouth by ft.
Jobn'i tn-wt, eitvadwd to the river, and oa tbe wcit by
lot of WillKni bruwn JrcontaiainiE Owe-ruortbof aa
Acre, more or le, wlwrrvon u crecUU a Hbari; nub law
appurlenaneer, c
No, 4. Also.a certain Lot of Grmnd,sitaat
ta tba boroufb of fwtburg, boanded on tbe weak by
Water street, on tbe aortb by other lot of Tboa. Ha;,
on tbe eaat by tbe river 3aHiuebmnBa,on the Booth by
lot of Win. Brown, Jr., and Lot NoS above aWaeribed,
whereon are erected a Wharf, Wetf h-5cale and Ofhra,
enotaininc Three-KiifhUu vl aa Acre, moraiajf IwaB, vita
tba apparUauicer,
No 5. A certain lot of Ground, sit
ate ta tho Boroogb aforesaid, boanded oa tbo watt by
Watej atrewt, aa tbo aortb by lot of J. Walla, oa tbw
eaat by river Paequvhamiia, and aa the aowtb by La Nt
4 above deocribw4, containing Tbreat-Kihth ef aa Act.
sore or leea, w hereon uoTwrled a frame Wwrwbcwee.witb)
the eppurteoaaoea, Ae.,as lb property of Ihamat itajwj.
Also, at the same time and place, by vir
tue M an order of tbe Coat? of Cons moo Flea? of Coioa
I'av au j to at directed, m certain House and Lot of
Urouttd, aituate ia tbe Borcutfb of Lewiabnrg, bouooVd
oattteM'Utb by cH-Cathariae a etrest. aq the went by
blarbbf rry alley, oa tbw aorta by Lot N and oa
tbe eaat by Third afreet, aambwred in the general plan)
of aaid sVroiijrb. witb the Bomber one buoired ane
tbirtv. witb tbe appurteaanov. c aolti aa toe proper;?
1JKvb H'txmtr and otbaa, ur.Jr prcwedinca in par
tition. L V ALUKIti(iT,abTia.
Sheriff's Offlco, Lewubnnr, Uan-b. it, IMS.
HAVl.VCi located in Lewisburg. solicits s)
share of the public patronage. Willb,
found at the Riviere House unlit April 1st.
Lt.Uburg. March i, IMX
TOTICE is hereby gives that the Copart.
jl nership heretofore existing between
Thomson li. Evans and Albert S. Cooper,
under the firm name of EVANS & COOPER,
is thia day dissolved by mutual consent- That
Books and accounts are in Ihe hands of T.O.
Brans, who is authorized lo settle the busi
ness of the late hrm.
AH kniu ihemslvev Indebted will
please call at the old. stand, ami settle th
same. T G. EVANS.
Lawiibarf , March 2.
THE undersigned having purchased tha
interest of Albert S. Lx per iu the la,ts
firm o( Evans & Cooper, will continue lbs
jlrocerjr and l'reilslon business at
he old stand.
I take this opportunity to return my thanks
to the public for a liberal patronage, and hop,
by studying tbe wants of my friends and r
deavoring ti supply them to merit their pa
tronaze in the future. T. G. EVANS.
I,ewi.bur6, March 2.
Watches, Jewelry an.l Silver Ware.
No. 6:3 Market St. PHILADELPHIA
THE un.lersivnMl wakI.1
SjSSl respectfully mur your al
rrif' "''''n to his well selected
siock oi Kiue WM and Silver WATCHES,
Fine Gold JEWELRV, of every variety of
styles comprising all of the unrest and most
beautiful aVnj.
Also.Slli.IU SIHI.K WAKE, eiputl to
Coin and the best make of .Wrrr I'lalti
Ware, Each article is warranted lo be as
IT Witches and Jewelry carefully re.
pairti and satisfaction guaranteed.
(SiMrnucr lo Stuuflrr 4 Hurlry y
February S7. 1863.
r1HE undersigned has opened a New
ia the rooms recently occupied by W..M. Ellis,
near the old Hayes stand. Market street, l ew
isburg, where he is always prepared to
lornish Ihe public wnb tbe best cl
ColTee, Tea, Sugar, Spire. Xnts,
C andies, Fruiln, Fifth, 1'lour
ii. Feed, Cheese, &c. A.C.,
together witb all other articles usually kepi
in such an establishment at the lowest prices
'Jar! and give him a trial.
Prake's Plantation Bitters for sale.
Executor's Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given, ihai Letters e..
tamemarvon the last will and lestamenl
..i ntllMIV ANUSTA Ol deeeased. Urn
of Lewisbnrg. I ni..n eounir. hire bees)
granted to the undersigned, hr the Regime.-cr
Coion county, in due form of law ; all rervn
hating etaima against said e-ie wil .ri
ihem, and those owing said esia.e are rgs.
led to make id.a r-'""'. ;
I I pi s EF N, Exrmfr
tm'Uhvt, M",k t'08-