Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, March 24, 1863, Image 2

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From Artemus Ward, Jr.
Wahinqtoi, Jan. 21, '63.
lit putty plana u my mind that w
runt have Vtf ai long as the fite goes on.
Nnl much. Th Rvmpath'zia Domos
-romil that these rebo'lioo suoold ba over
a soon at they was 'lectctl, and tbey air
diin all in ihir pjwer to get it over all
ever the Nti1i. You cujJ stick more
loyal:; in a chictcti'a ear tbaa sicli me a
The other day I 'pioted tuysolf com
mittee o the Wholo to go to Kichmoo
and sea ef I coodont cousins J. Davis o
tb error or his ways, an persuada him to
jine tha YoacjaMeD'e Christian Assoeia
tioo. Sutalhin mast eouo be did to have
tha War stop, or by the tints ita ended
the Northern "jmpatliizers will hare no
Southern brethcrn, or no Constitoolion, or
knoytbing else. Nods. Vt'bar could ws
proenor U. Wasliingtons, J. Quiocey
JefTcrsons, Tbtitnas AJiniies, an etaetcry,
to tniks another ConstitootioD, an so 4th
the larst especially ? Echo ansers
Wbar J That's why tha lirecks air taken
icb good care of that instroomcnt which
renting me of" a lillla insideot, as A. L.
A ehap sex to me, Bfx he, "I know bat
one way to get rid ov tha sytnp&tbizcra."
"Which is how?" I arskt..
"Why," etx he, "rip tha Constitootion
into spiintereens rent it in twain, and
scatter the pieces to the enI f the earth."
"How wood them do it ?" 1 eoodn't
eee it much.
"Wy you know thar love for it is so
grate that ef it was distrojed, it wood
brake thar hearts an kill 'cm ded wich
wood bo tho end ov em."
Teas be to thar cud." ecz I. "Long
may it waver !"
Hut I was a goin to tell yon about me
trip to the Capital of tbe Southern Con
thicverary. It was a bootiful mnrnio that
I started ; nary a cloud obskewered the
Orb ov day, and everything waa gay and
bully. When I arrive at the seeesh lines,
a dirty lonkin Confed ealld mc "Halt,"
and pint? J a bagnnct at me. lie arekt
me wbo I was, aud whar I was pone.
. "Mi friendly ruff," eci I, "I've just
'bin North, stcalin things, and sicb, for
Jeff. , 31s and him air ole pa!s."
Ha left roe pars.
Arfter tratclin a spell, I observed a ols
home by tbe rosJ'iJ, ,t feelin faint and
thirsty, I enterd. Tbe only family I
found at home was a likely lookin young
femail gal, whose Jobon bal gone for a
aoler. ba was wcopin bitterly.
"Me putty rosolud," scz I, "why dost
thou weep V
She msij siry answer, but woepested
on. I placed me band onto her hed,
Lrusht back tba soowy ringlets from her
pale trow, an kis an pujfied bcr.
"What came J them tears, fare maid 1"
I arskt aain.
"Why," srz she, "brother Join promist
2 rring me bom sume Yankee beans to
make jiwilry, but be had to go and git
kiild, &. now I wont get ary a bom, an
O, its 2 bad boo too-oo o !"
Ves, it wis muc'u'y 2 bad an more
inn. A wotnau's tears brines tbo unlcr
eicJ, an for tho time bcia 1 was a rebel
"Knny fathers ?" I arskt.
''Only ono. ut he's ded. Mother
went over to see L'ukle Ileub."
"Was John a putty good brother."
"Yes, John was, O so kiud. His was
tbe only bosom I had to rcpoe these
W.'ary bed onto."
I pitied tba maid, an hinted that she
might repose her weary bed on my Shirt
front an she reposed. An I was her
Lrntber Jfcn f ir awbile, as it were.
Ere wo parted, I aralil f ir a draught ov
wct:r ij K'i"cch me thiret, an tbo dimscl
tiip'd gajly out of tha do'.r to procure it.
As fbo was gm a cosid'rablo period, I
lookt out the winder au Faw her bnppin
IrUkly 4;h aee.impaniel by 2 sccofb cus
ses, who war armed to tho teeth. I begin
2 smell as many os 2 mouses. The "putty
dear" bal discovered I was a Yankee, an
was gain to have me took en prisoner. I
frustrated her phus a few I leapt out
tbe back winder as quick as a I'restidigu
rctateratidicU, an wbun the entered tbe do
misil she found "brother John none ester
(which is Latin or suni'.hirj,) an be t I had
proceeded much, I found me Time repeter
none titer, too. J be fare maiJ, who was
Floyd's Neece, had hookt it while reposin
on me werkit. It was a huoky watch a
family hairioora, an 1 woodu't have parted
with it fcr a dollar & sixty-nine cents
(S1.G9 )
In doo corse of mail I arro7 in Rich
mon. I unfolded mo mission, an was
ushered into J. Davis's orgust presents.
Ile'd jist returned from his speechifying
"Tap us year Dipper, o'e Covy," sez I,
addressin him in tbe I'. V. Y.'s approvd
"Make known your lizness," 6ez be.
"I'm gittcn up a proclamation fur tbe
extermination ov tbe bole Yankee nation,
an I airo't got much leisure fer eooy other
'l come," scz I, "on a mission ov peas.
Your Ciippcrbcded friends in tbe North
will soon ceatse to exist, rf tbingsearot be
arranged to prohibit tbe Uuionieters from
tearin tbe Cunstitoosh."
"What terms do you offer?" queried
"Wall," scz I. "I air instructed by the
Copperheads (Wood, Stiles & Co. you
know,) 2 propus ennytbing which will
most dingrase the Nurth. Yon kin take
your niggers all over creation, incloodin
"Wood that be Constitootional 7" arskt
J. D., with a sly twinkle ov bis eyb. .
"O, s.i I, "its a matter of no dilBrents
how much you chnpt brake that artikle to
sever the Union, so tbe R'piMicam air
topt from doio the same lo keep eed
Uuioa together. Thai's what your
DBth'ren chums warnt to see dun.
"Wal," i i tbe Confed. Trcs., "if yonr
Oov'incnt will lot u sscesh, an pay all
our debts, an give us Hrute Butler to hang,
ire might cum to terms."
"N thar nothio else yoneood wish ?"
"Wal, ye jive ns all the territories.''
'Not bin else?"
Throw in 2 or 3 free States New
York, I'cnua. an Massachusetts, furin
aiuns." "Nothio else?"
"Yoo might inclood ole Liokon's hed."
Caiu't you tbiuk of notbin else ?"
"Ves in foour m must have all we
'J. Dan?," rz T, "I Lev no doubt yonr
friends in the North wood make all thesa
concessions,, an more too ; but it has just
occurred to me that thar wae nothio sed to
Old Abe about it be I left Washington.
Sbooldn'l wonder ef he'd object to tha
plan some. Liut your democrat friends
air doin all tbey kin fer you."
"I know," sez J. D. ; "an that's what
keeps our spirits np. We air waitin fcr
'em to git us all we ark. An yet us
Sitiviiry consider 'em the eontemptibleet
sot of dirt eaten cowards in tbe Nortb.
We could buy em all for a Confed shin
Those waa my opinion 2.
Jeffarsk; me to stop an take T with
him, an I kindly, stopd. If a seeesh
President don't get enoythiug better fer
the stnmmick's sake, as Saint Somebody
says, than was on that table, then may A.
W. Jr., be preserved from sioh a fate.
Tbe Meat was a mooin site.
"P'raps you've eten better Pork than
this, bnt it's tbe best I've got," eel Jeff.
"Yes," sez I, "that's putty mean Ham,
but I've seen a thnnderin aita meaner in
"Wh'at kind's that ?" he demanded.
"Vallandig-Ham 1"
Arfter supper, a sottish-lookio chap
enterd, who ataggerd np to Jeff, tbrowd
np his hat, an shouted :
"N other vic-btc-tory! Wash nton tak n
pris ner. Oie Abe Greely captor d hie !
Horace Linkon badly killd ! an George B.
M eUoroside s'r'nd'rd ! hie!"
That cuss was old John Letcher, in his
famuss roll ov tba Drunkard I John
only gite tight once a year, wioh is on
New Years.
N. H He stays drunk till tba next
New lears.
But returned to Washinton, disgnstid
with all peace measurs. The sympathi
es may do thar own dirt-eaten in the
footer, as they Lev dun in tba pirst. An
Kver ov yon, A. Ward, Jr.
1 -lJ
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Llolidavs Banks close on
Jtcw Tffr'i Iy 1th July Thaok.yiTing Chrijtmt
Tlcgular Union cot'nty Conrt3 open
Third MonJiijr io Fisbroarj May ScpUmt'r IVo.nib'r
IMIE subscribers havefor sale
(in lots to suit purchasers
a larse stork of
i'.YC BOARDS ranel Stuff.
Dank, Ac. Also 3,000 VIM! HAILS.
2S inch Sawed Shingles snperior quality.
Also Square Timber for Unildings :
Which are offered low for cash, at our Mills
on Soulh Branch of the White Deer Creek in
Hartley township or delivered on the Brush
Valley Narrows road at the end of our Road.
foA Diploma for a superior sample 01
rianks, and a Premium for Rails and Shing
les, were awarded us at the last tTnion Co.Ag.
ly- forest Hill P O, Union Co, Pa
AMEKICA Philadelphia.
(Ineorpontrd, 1731)
Capitai 850(1,000.00
Assets, Jan. 1S61, - 1254.719.81
ARTHI R fi. COFFIN, President
CH ARLES PI.ATT, Secretary
rVUuildings annually or perpetually, Mer
chandize, tirain. Furniture, Ac, insured, at
currant rales of Premium,
931 ml Agent for Union county. Pa.
J OHN A. M E K I'Z, Esq., has removed his
Ollice on Market St. two doors west of
the Lewisburg Bank, where he will attend to
all manner of business in his line with
promptness. Speaks both English and Ger
man. J.A.MERTZ
Lewisburg, April I, I8GS
fPIIE subscriber con-
J tinues to carry on the
l.lvrry nunlneaii at
the Old Stand on Mooih
Third street, near Market, and retpectfull)
solicits the patronage of his friends and the
public generally. CHARLES F.HES8.
Lewisburg, May 32, 1850
THE Dimes Saving Institution of lewis
burg has this day declared a Dividend
of Four per Cfcnt. on the amnnnt of Stock
paid in. Payable to the Stockholders in
twenty days from date. H. P.SHELLER.
Nov. S, li Traaaflfwr
ICE...IC12...CE !
THE nndersigned are pntling np a ICE
IIOI ME large enough to supply all onr
people wnh Ice during the whole year. Ice
will he delivered in town, daily, at a cheaper
rate than private Ice Housea can be filled.
tT'Call on either of ns on North 4ih 8t. or
at tbe Ice House below tbe River Bridge.
Lvtbarg,SoT.:,190 VBANK. ANGSTADT
WEST BRANCH Insurance Company,
of Lock Haven, Pa,
Insures Properly in both Town and Conn
try on as reasonable Terms as any other
good Company.
The large increase of Premium Notes makes
it a reliable Company to insure in.
latoaai af rrcsalaaa Kiln aew la fcree, lsra.WM.IM
J.W.Catraia.Sec. O.C.Hivt, Pres
LAR1SON PKO.iS, Agent,
Pee IB. Ifil lwibnrg
has removed to Soolh S.I t tret.fooe
door, from the Town Clusk, LEW. I
Isnt R. I'A
1 1 ,'. 11 11
The unJersiirned bare as-
eiaied themselves into curiarV
7, TTi. 'fnership fur the purpose of carry
mmtnw on the Lumberinv. Planinz.
and Carpentering business in ail theirvarious
branches, al the
Cetoisbnrg Steam planing fllills,
where thry intend to keep a slock of Tine
Hemlock, Walntrt, (.'herrv. Poplar, Sjsh, Ma
ple, and all kinds of Lumber, Flooring Shel
ving, Sulms. Khiusles, Lath. Joisis, Suuldin',
Pencing, Pickets, Door and Window Frames,
Doors, Shutters, Blinds, Sash, Mouldings,
Brackets, &c. Planing, Slitting, Scroll Raw
ing, &e done at short notice and all work
warranted to give satisfaction, both in ( rice
and workmanship.
Wilbur Planing Mil In. April 1, 110.
T" B. CHRIST, Kq.,has removed his Of
j fiee lo theboilitiugof Jonalhan-Spyker,
North of the l'ourt House, and immedmiely
opposite the BuAalo House, where he will at
tend to all manner of business at his cilice
with dispaich and promptness in his line ut
business. (Speaks both English and (ii-rman.)
April 1, 1862. I.. B. CHRIST.
AN Inventory was taken of the Stock com
prising .
during his late visit home. The Capiain
now oilers Ibis splendid establishment for
sale. It is impossible for him to attend to
business mailers. The sword ad musket
now demand his whnle attention. This is a
capital opportunity for some individual who
may be drsirou of investing in this line or
trade. The establishment possesses wine no
toriety, an estensive patronage, and is located
in the most pleasant pan 01 our vinae.
Terms liberal. (Nov. 7, '6i
HanunoUi Furniture Warehouse,
809 & SI 1,-Chestnut St,
Lat Levy & Co.'s Pry'Goods Store.
Formerly 12 J, Walnut St.
ttft 1M2 3ra
Estate of Lieut J. Gilbert Beaver.
of Administration on the estate of J. Gil
bert Beaver, deceased, late of Lewisburg,
having been granted to the subscriber by the
Register of Union cnuniy in due form of law,
all persons indebted lo said estate are hereby
notified to make immediate payment, and all
having any jost claims against Ihe same may
present them dulv auihenlieated for settlement
lo -PETER BEAVER, Lewisburg,
Administrator with the Will annexed
J.S.MarsV E.8horklrT, r.CShorklrj. P. Dearer
J. 3. IVIA3SH & CO,
(RtTCCCnRK TO r.EDDKS, KAftfltf ft CO.)
Lcwlflbar?, I'a.
WB have eonnUntlj on Mml ti'l fr Ml.,
Proper, Utttrrr and rfflrvr .irtvrt'rf; Grain avit Grast
r; Hand and Iforv lcrr U,m Sh'llm: O'. Tw
and four I fart Trvd. Srrfp and Roll limTl ; Ofrwr
Ihdlrrt. F'rt (S'fri, rtrnkrl. Ilom. .!., ''. In
t'rimts f'tr UnViltnyt, Jron Fnce. fiiwj.. Mul tarinjl,
i-. ar..nil hol.1 fiirilT. n'dy at mil time, to no All
.pits .r Forstar PrsiaM wllh th utmi'.t irorr'loi-.t
and ill.'iMtrb. Work or Mannfaelnirs invariab:v
warranlcd as recommended. Or-ii-r reipeetfullj
Mlteiudandproinptljra" ri to. Jua.l. 1SM1
yKNtMtam, iava-'M Vit itowflt, armmj frm OiW,
tnrinrnt Om-'U mprim. and Jar Lhr rdi'fmnd (if at ali
pnuxhlt) cure of J'atutUt i advanced tiagt of the Latter
ditniif-. '
TH K BlMmif CoMlnl Is itir1jr a eUhi rrndne
tlon.csnmbtnlnfc tbe helin prortt- nf th Htitnnm,
with thf lnifiorting qutilitie ut Cordial, pro-lurmaa
eoiuhiniitlon no wll adapted to the purpows Intrndfl,
that thr are hat few raw of ihw ar whlrh will ooL at
an early priod, fuccumb to ita ileal id g and life-giTing
Frr mffd ha the treatment of pnlmnnary disoamw ee.
eupiv-rf the cTi-atr irorimn of the attention of the ncien
titic of the mt-dieal world, but none arquiPH, ainre emi
nene in his treatment of three diftafle. than the nele
tratcd Prnstian I'r. Ilnnfland, the ori(rinsUr of th- Itnl
g urn if Cordial. Hie lifewa devoted to tbe prorurtioiiff
reav-daff that would sUd4 anrivaled. How well be ban
aaecee'led. the American people are ahle to juil je: and
we potiit.Tt'lr aKiert, tit no preparatfoop that hare eTr
been plnefd before them, have conferred the'amr atnouDt
of benefit on PUuVrin bomnnity.or hav elieitM no
manT eommendiitsnne from all rlafwen of wviciv, the
rentelle of flonflaniit prepared bj Dr. C. M. Jatrhaon k
Co.. of 1'hllad. lphia.
The Corlial r ileniffneil for a claw of diea!e more gen
eral and more fatal than any other to whirl, the people
of thin cnuntry are aulyert tboM ttprinriniz from a
"riicht eold " That eminent authority. Dr. Bell, nr:
M I will not nay that Colda are to our inhitbitantH what
the I'laicue and Yellow Fever are to tboaw of other roun
triea; but I ran aver eon tide ntly that thy nhtr In di
eae of greater complicity and mortality than ihenelattrr
Real whut the eminent Cla-n Mantifartiirer. JOTTN M.
WU1TALL, anya of tbe bAL8AM10 COKD1AL.
Dr. C. M. J4cmojr llenprcted Friend: flavin fnr
htng time been acuaint'-d with the virtu al thy BAIs
8 A MIC OORIflAL inlouehu, Cold. Inftainmmion of the
Luntc Ac, I than freely bear tentimonv to it eJB'ry.
For rtevral years I have never ben withont It in my
family. It la alo eire me ptemnure to tttnte that I have
ttd it witb entire nnrrea in the treatment of Bowel
Complaint. Thy frb-od trnlr. JOHN' M. W IIITLU
Firth Mo. IT, 1 v'H. )Uce at. above 4th, PbiUd'a.
AwTheae wilifinr are for aale y all renpeetahla
DrU(TsdU and doalrra tn medirlneM in the United Statea,
Canaa, British Province, and Went Indie, at 75 cent
per bottle. Be stare and tt the f-enuine, with the i ma
ture of C. M. Jarkann on the wrappr of each bottle : all
other are ennnterfctt. Priori pl (ifllce aud Manufacto
ry, 419 Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Old Post-office Stand.
A LARGE supply of Books,Stationery,
Perfumery, Jewelry, Toys, Confection
eries, Teas, Spices, Frnit, S'nts, Ilaskles,
Pictures, and a variety of KICK MACK8 for
sale cheap by
763) H W CROTZER. Lewishnrs
II. J. WILLI AMS, No. 16 Nor. Sixth
Street, PHILADELPHIA, Manufacturer of
The largest '" Anest assortment in the
City, at the lowest Prices. Blinds painted
and in mined, equal lo new. .Store Shades
made and lettered. -
April II, 1862 3m
Attention. Mnslplans I
'-mm A lar (Enrlm.li I nf
a iarr
trl 4 kinds also Violin. Guitar.
and Banjo Nirinjs Brinies, Pees,ote.and the
best Violin Rom call at the Post Office and
esamine. G W FtlRKEST
Warrantee Deeds far Bale at this effice.
(tar. a. at-a. a.. ..)
Lewisburg PUning Mill,
keen constantly on nana ana
mauulaciure to order Floorinsi, aiaina;,
Idor8,Sasb,Sbutlera, Ullnslii,
niouldiucil ut all patterns,
and all other descriptions of Wood Work used
in nuilding.
Orders respectfully solicted and promptly
filled. All work warranted to give satisfaction
tVAa extensive lot of Lumber of all
descriptions on hand for sale.
Factnry ou Korth Seeaadlrut,ltmitltarg,Ta
April 23, 1859.
rilHE subscriber keeps constantly on hand
a large assortment of the very best Sha
inukiu and Wilkes-Uarre (,'OAL, fur lime and
stove purposes, which he will sell al the very
lowest prices for Cash.
Also, Bhcknmilhj Coal, Platter and Salt.
Wish it distinctly understood, that I will not
be undersold by any man. Having good
weish-seales, full weight will be given.
Coal Yard near Weidensaul's hotel.
Lewisburg, May 97,'b'i.
For the Harvest or 1863!
The most approved Agricultural Imple
ments now in tbe Market !
Len iNbursr, .
Jiifkf rjc lt opcr filomr.
rPHE anprecedented snccess of the " Bnck
i eye" is the strongeM pro-'f of Its snperior
excellency. The BL't'KEVE has caused a
complete Revolution in Ihe Mannfacture 01
KHAI'ISU AMJ MOM.U Machines, aud
its reputation is so well established that it is
scarcely necessary lo particularize its advan
tages. We will, however, call the attention
of Ihe farmers lo a few of its merits.
Pawls and Springs, by which the machine
mar be thrown out of frear, nr be backed
wiihout ribraiins llie knives ihe Steel Culler
liar the Wrought Iron Guard, with Hardened
Steel Face or Cutiine; tdjie the Double-
Hinged Joint, by which ihe Culler Bar may
be Folded the Ions Crank Shaft the Sieel
ftpring; and Wheel, by which the Cutter Bar
may be raised and lowered so as lo cut as
low to Ihe ground as may be desired the
Hteel Pitman and Brass Box its Light Draft
(no Hide Draft) no weight on ihe horses'
necks backs as easily aa a cart all of
which form a combination of advantases
which no other machine possesses.
No Gearing on the Driving Wheels.
A team of horses weighing 900 lbs. each,
will cm an acre of grass an hour with ease.
The machine is furnished wiih two Culler
Bars one fnrcutting grass, and the other for
culling grain (each expressly adapted lo the
use intended).
No effort will be wanting to maintain the
Buckeye in tbeenviable position it now occu
pies, that of be in 5 the
Best machine in the World !
The subscribers return their sincere
thanks to their friends for the generous sup
port they have received in introducing the
celebrated Buckeye Reaper and Mower into
Central and Jiurihern Pennsylvania, and are
much indebted to them for their warm greet
ings and kind offices in recommending it to
their friends and neighbors.
For Certificates, 4c., see Circulars, which
mav be had of any of their Agents.
They also manufacture Meyer') Pat
ent Platan Grain Drill, which is
arknowledsed to be the BEST SEED SOW
ER I.N USE, and the only one which
Also, the KejMtone Clover Iluller,
which cleans thoroughly, without in the least
injuring the seed. Will clean more in the
same time than any other machine iu nse.
They also manufacture and keep on hand
for sale Darlin't Trrad Power and Thrmhrr
Tttfgraph Fuddrr Cutter two sizes) ; Cooking
Wore, among which is Ihe celebrated "Con
tinental ;" Parlor and OJpce Mote, and all
kind of C'ltt and Wrought Iron and Bras$
Central Foundry, Lewisburg, Pa.
Marrh 31,
THE Pennsylvania Railroad Company
having this day taken possession of the
Philadelphia & Erie Railroad, under the con
ditions agreed on with the Philadelphia &
Erie Railroad Company, they have appointed
JOSEPH 1). POTTS, General Manager there
of, lo whom all Officers and Employees will
report for instructions.
President Penn'a Railroad Company.
Office of the Penna Railroad Co., )
Philadelphia, Jan. 30, 1862. j
General Order, Wo. 1.
To talie Effect on and after Jan. SO, 18G2.
I. The ncNtern Division, from
Warren lo Erie, will be under the Superin
tendence of JAMES LEWIS, whose title will
be Superintendent ol the Western Division.
His Olfiee will be at Erie. Employees on mis
Division will be nnder his charge, and will
make all communications respecting their
duties or the business of the road, lo him,
except as otherwise provided in this Order.
II. The Eastern nivlxlon, from
Snnbnry to Wheiham. will be under the sup
erintendence of SAMUEL A. BLACK, whose
title will be Superintendent of the Eastern
Division. Employees on this Division will be
under bis charge, and will make all enmmu
nications respecting their duties or Ihe busi
ness of the road, tn him, except as otherwise
provided in Ibis order.
III. The Accounts of Freight and Pas
senger Business will, on the Western Divis
ion, he in the immediate charge of JOHN C.
BOGUS, whose title will be Assistant Audit
or. His Office will be at Erie. On the Eastern
Divisim ihey will he in immediate charge of
THOMAS M. DAVIS, whose title will be As
sistant Auditor. His Office will he in Will
iamsport. He will also have charge of the
distribution of Passenger Tickets over boih
All communications respecting Freight and
Passenger accounts by Employees on either
Division, will be made lo the Assistant Audi
tor thereof.and respecting supplies of Tickets
to Taowas M. Davis.
JOS. D. POTT8, General Manager.
Pennsylvania Railroad Company,")
Lessee Philad. t Erie R. K. f
General Manager's Office, 1
Williamsporu Jan. SO. 186S. J
ftl REWARD will be paid for the nearly
0 1 new Case and f Iver SPECTACLES
deoirned for a near-sighted person. They
wep 1st in town Mime lime since. (Please
leaf', at tbe Chronicle Oflicet
Gentlemen's Furnishing Store,
Marktl St.,jua ajov4 the Bank,
The snbscriber has removed into the new
fitttd and commodious Storeroom of Thomas
Keber.where he has just received a large and
well selected stock of
Cloths, Casimeres, Silks, Shirts, Drawers, Ac
best style and most reasonable terms. Being
a practical Tailor, and employing tbe bel
workmen. I can confidently in vile bplh Old
and Hew Customer do n't forget the Sign
The Red Door!
May 2, 18AI J H BEALE
AT an Electiou held by the Stockholders
of the Lewisburg Cemetery.ihe nnder
signed was elected Treasurer, and all moneys
for lots, grave-digging, &c. must be paid to
him. Persons interested will please note tbe
Those now indebted lo the Cemetery Asso
ciation are requested to make Immediate pay
Lawinbarft Jun. 36, IStv.lBift
"ITfHEKE we will find a large assortment
ff latest styles
such as French and Englih all wool Cloth, j
Irom $2.&U np to $10.1111. Knotty Boys' Cas
simcre.aintSilk Mixed Cassnneres.Satineits,
Ac. t'lolllins " nil descriptions ; Mrn's
and Boys' Wear Whole buns for $Ufto
that is. cloth coal, satin vest, cassimere paeis.
Hummer Sunt fur $.Y50. Also, a larire as
sorimenl of Hat. Cap., Ac, such af M CIel
lan, (iaribaldi. Opera, hieh and low crowned
Hals, Homc, Handkerchiefs, Cnllys, Shirts,
Suspenders, l'mlrellas. Neck Ties. Ac.
to save from 35 to SO per cent., and gtl the
Latest Miyles.
Al.-n, Goods Cut and made tn order, and in
the latest style. Always from five lo ten
hands al work.
Call opposite John Walls & Co.'s Store,
Market street, Lewishure.
March II, '03 N. 1!. ZIMMERMAN.
itap of limn (Count!,.
MOUNTED on rollers.varnished.engraved
and lithiigraidird in Philad. in ihe best
style of the art 3D by An inches in size on
a scale of 1 j inches to the mile. This Map
was carefully surveyed in IH56, and is reas
onably correct. Each Township is colored,
and there are iheTown Plots and No.s of Lots
in Lewisburs, MitJI-nburs, New Berlin, Har-,
tlrton, ami New Uolun.hia. Mountain and ;
Hiresms are traced the Public Roads, with
the distance in perches between roads which
interred a No Names of Farm-Owners gen
erally. Church and School Iinuses, Mills, Ac.
The Court House, two of the Lewishur Tni
verbiiy Builriings, the Lewishure; Boat Yard,
the Union Furnace at Winfidd, and I'd inn
pVminarv at New Berlin are represented in a
sepnrate enpravni each.
Every Farmer and person of business sh'd
have one of these -M ips for ornament or for
reference and information.
The original subscription price was $3,50,
now redured to $3 only- tVFor sale at
the Star d Chronicle Otfice. and by
Da. 8. L. BECIC, Lewisburg
Last and Best News !
"1T7E have jost received from Philadelphia
Y and New York, a very large and well
selected s-tnclt of
which we offer at very reduced pr:ces. W e
have paid pariicularatteniion in the selection
of this smrk of f;ood a very large assort
ment of DRY GOODS of every descrip
tion. Purchasers will rind it their advantage
to five ns a call as in prices we defy any of
our neighboring towns fur competition. We
have alo replenished our slock of iroce
rlci, Hardware, Queensware, &.c.
While Manh Lime, Calcined Flatter,
and Hyilraulic Cement,
alwavsept on hand.
change for Goods as usual.
IS'.B. Cash paid for all kinds of Grain.
J.t) WALLS &. CO
Lewisburg, April 23, I82
TVTATBO.v co tr. oim
X warranted NON EXPLOSIVE,
and equal to any KEROSEXE.
Why buy an explosive Oil, when a few cents
more per gallou will furnish you with a per
fect Oil I Made only by
Pcnu'a Salt Jlantifacturin,!! Company,
So. !;. W aut SI.,rillLtUF.I.l'Hli.
Feb 10, lfibJyl
Lewislurtj, Union Co., I'a.
OFFICE on Market St., ihree doors below
Cooper & Evans'. April 1, 1862.
An aperient red Stomarhir preparation erlROIYpnrl
ftedofoiyrreo and rarbon hj rnmbaation in hydroa-en,
aneioned by tbe highest Medical Authorities', both in
Kurope and the United SlaUs, and prescribed ia their
The eiperfenee of thoosands daily provet that no pre
paration of Iron ran he eomnarod ailhif. Imnnritieanl
tbe tlood. depression of vital energy, pale and otherwis.
sirai, eompieiions, IDdlcate its nrcessitv in almost. yery
ooneeieahje ease.
Innoiions in all maladies In whleh It has tieen trM
it has proved absolutely cursti.e in each of tha follow
tug eotnplaints. vis :
In Drtnht. .YeMai JftMa. r.n.i n.Mwh
ChnsHpatifm, rhfirrhmuiinfnUrv. Inriimt O-nsumptitm,
"foui liWialMU, too A'ilenai. Ahsainifneinoii,
WJuVi, Chlmmu. Utt OmplainU. Chronic Hmdadtit,
Mhrumatum, InUrmiUsnt Vwri, Asapies on tAs Face, ate
Put np n M. a, met! boioseontainlnf & pills,
uTmC"""' ; fcr anl. by druixisti and dealers.
..... ,o any aotiresa on reeelpl of lbs prtoa.
U letters.ord-rs. -to, should ha addressed to
, ... B. B.Uttkli Co , lieneral Arrets.
vM1 aocsoa8T,.T.
Sold in Lewithurg iy
" W Hrbaffle 1 a Caldirell
on Market Sfoare,rfwi8bnrj. W
A eood snppiy of ninlrn, Table,
Bnrraua. Klandsi. Ac. on hand or made
orderly DAVID lil.MEH. BaG
m nr ii T'
tjLUIrffMP f'flj
LIN WET'S Improve-"
Wot th fpMdjr. radical nr! ff(t al eun af A LLdlMaMt
rising (rum IMpLKJf Y Ol I UK fcLooU;
rpHIS mfeiMrve ban wrought the nwt mlf Ktiloaera
in uafjvjrKtt CnJMta Ol
Cula-Aii isjuaaa,
Pimplvaon tbfnrf
Oid. tuMi'TD Heart.
Tftter atltfrtiuUvi,
lVP-pia, JauaJlea,
Ws rrurtal dina,
l.,vr CcinplaiuCa
CantMrroai formation.
Krvtrtiwlaa, U,
fcorw fcjrea. Seal Hamd,
Kba matte diaotuara,
81U Khfum.
Geuernt drbili'7t
Lah of Apnvtttt,
VamalM Om plaint an4alt diavaaM baf in Uielrartftla
Low spirit'
la an uupura atala of Ui Blnnd.
Tha ar-ava 1 a i -Art rail of Dnvtti Mtwrr, of TapW
Twp, wbo.no th? 3IH amy of Aai-i.KS as iV ntritta it ,
brfc.rf JooUe tMTerj thai ae in tmtH 1t ikvrnni.
CtxcKB by ihnsf 'h 'Ifin siiord ) bit. aad by lr.
Ntsa of Oi kM-tl- CaHarf- ('mcinttatl. f- r a rr"d
of Brariy iht aaotl. alwitl.tiMhu whtrtt Itt. ,
I lit nail (! up an n'ir, net n dtipi i ir-
MltioM rVrrhT,"aoil waa tB.larfwl l trw it, font fc--t-
llcacwivd fctai, and ;altliKh nwtty llncurd thr w
ta (i I Km ut thia inn)itaMe Bte'if-ta anvs-d bia lite.
TIm full partKutar f iht reasr)iMe -as may betsjea
I CtrfHiar ! na ka-t rf any ut tha Ati.
o aio rvfrr U a rsr of arv Hlakny.vr Kifarrfm.
Arnitrtnr To., I'a..rurif ."'.kurcLiiitrt bciua: uaabla
In ret out of tard fr tin Tfar.
To th nwufi lalf in A ! HV.narff-tdCo who
waw al flirte-l ft.th !-f!u:a in iltrat t- raa.
Tn tha f Urcv Me-tl. rftdift ia I'arrolIUvww.
raaslaria Jv. I'a., wbo aa m lrally afrjirtrd with fascrr
that it rat hie tntlr wnt ef, aud hi waa Wlrr, If
Briili. thaa NVra-arr'a.
ths f.artiru.ar of :heP emr9mrTV fi Af a hif ! waa
rurtl hw thf nw of Iht "HWJ J-rrh-r" aiy alo bo
fowbd in a OrvoNr h hnt -ff ndt nf thm . ;rli.
.tth H. fcKlHi K. rrprlr'or, PUturt:. Pa.
w.Larral'ry fc-r tti- uiRuurartun- and . nar tha
P-nn'a I ail-d Iot, 1!.;,i.tO nr. I'a. WC.
W.rhalrl. Ltr.urx. ' -ii t II KarTal X
Krl: Ku.l A MiwiTjHIrfKBj. rrnwr"riH-; riaiaiiBa
At WitmT, iunlftrni; 1. 11. kifMW.I, Mtia.oh.irit ; I.. 6.
St mtn. W it. field; eh.a-Jia At H acaacllar. eliart.;
So. Area M IMtllttdelpbla,
Om of tba larvwt b4 act arpIU ia41rira ia tba
taittl titnt. th-rt tm ftrtunta known to thm
Jlv l.irarh art art taHt-n at f-rire no hirhr
tit a art psl fr aitMra'v rarlritara.
TUK rreftriffr. a -. kanasrraphvT. atUB'la,
ptsfaouaily, wrry attttna atii '.low no Vtro to
at tha iallry a a leu it ci" t-tf--t u.f. rinn.
PCti,rtvtl'a aBd ArjitiTtpt.rf avtravntor uWfa-J
frVwl. ph"tf(-rrihwl t maw r-'iirrd iir, or t.-skn oo
Canvai-o. hfr t. al r iinud in Oil t-y tiiv bt Artit.
At Un" iml-ry i-)flir-f run t tAk n m any wcuitier
B prfed in rlon 'y dnvw m mh-o Ih- sun -lvn-.
I'eTnon ? mil in e lh rity arv re-npe-ctrull y iuitd to el
am to cur prDifbt wbuti tor price ud nuiitjdiy
tjfJnatrut-tiona yifro ta the art of T'h"t-.rrf.b7
K. NKV fcLL,
OlLLZBX OF AT, Tit Arch SUret, i'hlUdcIphlft.
From ITon. Ltwia 1. Cufiscll. M.COMo
My famtlv anil frirtt ln ait roicur tn tha opinion that
tha Ntwtli) IVturv ia more hfr-iika than any thiatr
i,. diflrnt ArtUu in tr..u- wmtb. t.yt l bf n-vtr
y-t bad on whirb rrwii"" tnto naiiirftii tha tea-
turn aup trxprrst4ta of coununanre aa this.
Vrnai lion. I! T M .a:s, latr Minl.tiT to Italf.
The ei'iiiifiUt Aniah. hauty an-l p'tliw.a ci rur por
trait, covjoinril witb thw dnralMiit? of r.f'.r and laith
fulnexa a likvnMiwa. raw not Nil t rominDj thm lo
tha attention and aalrouaga of all ho ai'fraciaca tram
From Col. Jawn P.ob.
rfavlna' wvl"D f.r a porlrait. I irwnrH on. froai
Mr. HolMTt !!. or the rtty . I'bilafl.aia. a miaia
lurr in Oil lolorn, uwirrthr .m. prwvM(iiovr Infhtm.
anil taka rrfat plcanura Id 4'X.r..iCjr thf Mtt.hu-tioo
Kivt n mf. not only br tbo arruri' of tho l:kn, but
it arttfttic cni.b in all r..p. rt. atol rK.nat.oil him to
tho patronage of tliOMe ti.poe4 Ut t vatarugr the heauti
ful art. STomS James fAGC
Mammoth Photograph (Jatxert,
S E. Corner Eighth and Arch Su. Philadelphia,
(i.ilrunie on Eijhth ilred.)
VFTER many years' experience in all the
various branches of the Art, the Propri
etors confidently invite the attention of their
friends and ihe public to their extensive esta
blishment, which presents Ihe opportuni:y tor
procurins the bet Pictures, equal at leat to
any first-clas Gallery in !hc I nned States.
Preparations are cumplete fur exerutin" a'l
the improved styVs known to the Art. They hvve a
pntnt arranirmnt forrn-yioj torrreotii. Ac.ic
kind in this eountry. Attached to this establisbmenrW
are three coloring Artl.t..
FatfTocaapiis, inrltidine Tainting, as low as J2 DO
do with frame do 2 e'J
do . $1 I'ho. stTSi-fs. KTtraropttsrOrt.
orfSperdoa. Lifesise Pb.'t'-zrsph as lew as (:i,and
lvorytype at same price, llurable Ambrotypre at SO
cents and upwards.
A most extensive assortment of Gilt Frames, embraa
Ine a seleet and choice variety of the latest styles. Fri
ers from ft! cents and upward.
Ksp?rial attention bestowed upon Life-sited Photo
rrapbs in Oil. tranf-rr..l in.ra small picturts,andfrom
life. I'rieeafroni ?IS to ?ii"l.
a.lnstru.-tii ns given in the Art SSly
1 EXECUTED in the best style known in
j the art, at
C. G. Crane's Gallery,
532 Arch Street, Eit of SUth,
Ambrolypes, Daucrreotjpfs, Sa
For Cases.Metiallions.Pins.Rincs.ic. 66yl
thromalic I'rinfina;.
HAVIXG parchaseil the rifiht to nse Fna
asa's process for Printint; with Dry
Colors, for Union Co. Pa., we are prepared lo
execute orders lor
CARDS, Show-Bills, fee.
in Jresf. tereeia. Hint, reww, Arer, Itwmtmd, or GrJd
Colors, in irood style, tlf'at the lrlice cf Ihe
Star & Chronicle," Lewisbur.
Science still on tho Advance !
SUHGEON and Mechani
cal Dentin!. OUire in the
Ur. Brugger's new bniMing.JIfarket street,
(western entrance, op slairs) LE W ISBl'RG.
Dr.BURI.AN is now constructing the Non
tectional Block work, halted on Plaiina base,
which for cleanliness, beauty and slrengih
has no eqnat also teeth mounted on the var
ious Bases in nse and having had a Ion;
and extensive practice, and being perfect I v
familiar with every department of his profev
sion, he feels safe in warranting entire satis
faction in all his operations, which shall be
carefully and skilfully performed.
Please call and examine specimens. The
superior qualities ol" the Non-sectional work i
, i ...... ........ u . WI Iai
will be evident io all who will give it an im- !
partial examination. l)r. Bnrlan is tha only j
Hereon avhe. einnetrnele ,h!e s...ll..t I. t
r - vai.iisui worn in
this seclion of country.
tVCharges shall eorresponr with the
times. Lewisburg, Sept. 1, ' 3Bt
tVMr. 8TAHL-Ilook ninder has
returned to his Hhnp in Lewisburg. again lo
attend to all kinds of work in his line. Bring
along your Books, Magazines, Newspapers,
A p.., for tha Book-Binder.
Justices and
Constablos, for aale
or jaitMi U cvJer.at tlte Clirouiclf C-ice
Cathartic lrihf
Juvnli.. fr Kltcr, MoCtsrr. h'Uy krmttmt
rkilHlhrwff4iif, rm llr KircU.
! Jmiff of Hlr Virtu.
roK TtiK riejc ur
IfrndArhf, Sit It lluiliu he. fool Mtomur h.
I'lrls-hi ku. F- Wn 1. i-itt.
iWt. J-C Arm. Wr: I hm tm ivj!i'r.;'T mrwj f
III m-JtWt leSSetri (Me SWT' fiw nit ' wr le
4 totir Cilia. It 4Ms Ui mrtm (rm m tfninarn. wis. n
tlictr rltcajf at tnrr. II Off Vui CUi UUrr lbJ ta
id), (h laa C hi tturtn klH iNtf.
kwtua milk int itmt, KD. W. PRKPI.iS.
Ctrrk mf SUtmtT tUrm.
Uilions JHnorden nmd I.ivr C'omplniats
ICPkt1tlvJrl or TMS I li&iU tL, t
t... u r.,T r-, liod. f
i: 1 hav m4 vmir r. - m my gutmX u n-efM-4
raKtic r wna ist liiu. aa.J raMan, t vit4r tan
pnv llwajr nr Uw wt at'f mm vwal-ij. lHaii rtrm.
Intiits :lr orj taaa hrrr tw f)sit, tuia!. tti!. eaM-rquwst-y
Um sua. no ndrainttin rwtnU f rntisiw.aii.,f Ln.
Kn. lu'ls-rsl, 1 tu-vts mA'm ! Ul.J rasu
ION mu UtiliAfc UiU it 4m1 at r.U'v V, )..
itasrikaUlj j'.IUl. At-.'l I A LL. W If
yaaWria rf Iff , Jf.jp,
f-arr . a, Uktia. Li tu . ,. .
Vm. AM. .- r 'i.- t : l-'f-t's "t rl !-..,,
T1 hw tkn my ill t ' I Wil .
Phf Lvl I-tii nitii nnif iaj ( M'tuiti. ttm.t
tT lo fca-ds-rtaiTMal mi arTwnt ifcewiai. hut g.4 tm Kltar. Stt
I bni v fit taiti -I u..vs 'irf triiitk . . tti'ro ,
Uf I,-1 m Krp sfRMnftlasaa M wtita .J-v IV4ni nt
la.l. T" akll Watf fHrai Bd-f aa -I . two . ...
mi miHl? siTinttsUrv. vmr wm bmd a. A
tf .J rurr I btnt rHh 1 f jour I M a. i
MJi-m artinrt tsa paH tr-m u trt ..ar mt'-tj
titU. an. k-l .. h ir..w- .ll.au aW-u.dT rowtrsi ..tif-f
llw-a. tn--u a niwle-inn a fTrm, mulcM m (WHia
asAial kiM. mUrtyrtiy mtu (W Tim- l rv.
uto j. ..eiirnx. . .
ladipeatioa ftad laipariff mf thm IINkmI
W-w. i-r. J I ll.mtf ivmUw mf A4n t kwek. J aV-1.
Vm. Am: wim nmd TMr wi'm mum,m
intftaaa m my tasn.lff t.rf tfcM I aa rmm -
tn 'lislrwai T- lac" U - n o 4tfmm mm4 rmrm
ft tha U.v-I thmy th ItW 'T mwmw I Was.
r,.en. mmA A sJi fmmt j rttf m a n.
tak Ivrax J. V. ...ML,
W.m. t i-.ni Cm, W T.V.M,iM.
Ptua Pim - I ns tn( ymt fmthnur rn a ra tmi mtmm
ttwv. anrl fi4 mm mm ncsHkaM mmrgmttm mm mmM Uaaf
nntaaa aa4 aai.ft Uso - tna 4 il
J Hl .. MtAi HAM. V. ,
Eryivla IV-rnfitlia, Kiac i ttU Trllan.
l amort mmm Hull Kh
frmm. a Pwtw MwmJ vf A Lm. A A. A. 1S.
I'a. Am: I1 1 la mr Cfra pr" 4 a-1 iteai km
grant Ha nawwH in. 1 hr mm cirrA m Ulti dnetts
f Hi-rsiM a-traa uBaa Besrf )! Is n V-l Inat Lai niwwwl
tttiriM ter ne. Hpf nakwt hanl haan Imc iDstetiv
ly affix ts-tl w:li let.4 . mmA (.mi1 m na tlvia ata4 ta
br hair. Anr onr r Ui mmm wnl. rvue
fUia, and U.O ba tnrH luc. AA M.'wk.MaIL
llhevmatiait, KrDralria aal Cat
Avm tke At It tt.tmU: f Hot Jii lfs (MmnJk.
rrtast rive. Sasajia. J. C 14.
Hfrntf 5a : I alt u nt.f,rt.;u: Uh thwlV: )u
ah Hi fc. M ai if I did r4 rwrwl my casta tat
A Custrf Mt?wt ia n linsba and aVr,t,.ht va iriaeMt:t
anrali laama, trt wummA io c.rveic thaw.naliaan
hotwaLwtanalti'K I 1-nJ lfa bTw mi ymyoriMnm. lm dtnaaaf
fjrw awi M aei w.tm, tint ii, ry ttv aynvK tal jwtar aacaa
Ivnt aar-til in lUltissora, In. Hmckvuitm. 1 Ward vocr riiia.
TttMtr tftrta mmrm . knl lurt. Hj DcimvatU ui Xho
mm of thai, I aas mum muxrmj
irw rnMKa. BTa t-uat. T.tu I lUy -
Dft. Jttu: I Lava la-n wntirwl rnfvtl l wr.nr f'.l t
tnatiasattc Ocettt jprntoful dAas. that had a.T1iad Oott
mjrjmmtm. 1JM.T PUbtLL.
For lrojar, PIr!hnracr Liudred Coat
alaiuia, rsun.ng ji av-aiia f uraa, iXmj aiaaitauM!
kiit iwasM.r.
For C'oriTrn-af or ConMipation, aad aa
a Uinnir 1111. lii mm aziaratit aafl rfivrtaat.
Fil Supiiw.MonT l'aralyi. In flnmma-
tint, an t vrn l)a(nmt mna farttal litad
nraa. Lata tmtu cuivsi lj uta ailviauia asUioa J taaaaj
M-nrt nf th rnip hi market ronUln MerwtJTT. nkh. nt
thMia;b ft Ta: liable rnly in aktifu. baau. i iar.eruit
la a puMic yti. fruta IK iliaadttii ca)nwi..- nit (re
quantl rV.ilr w ita iiiaouiw a. 1'haaa fcAWitavta urn mtmmm
tui j or tumrrai auLataaca whaUTcr.
I0R THU KAl'ID CI It t )t
4 R(( P, ASTII1. 1A
anf fnr tba ry'f of coBSOBitira ativBto in
Meten uf (I. u:aac.
VT nA T-mk t Ilia ftiJ !(t rf ita rrtoaa.
Thronsh'-tit otriy t tn. an! ai-ril ry hiilfl of tkw
Ais.irt"s .'lalf. it trirlrfii -Mr of istiii:-M.arj aoat
pUn;'a latn m.-.v it .i!reaair Li.n f.wa, 9Vt. tha
fi.iaili- in an cinliwd aonnirf en that cwai.rtl wilav
aut atn.a b.ts.i tU -kwi oi ita ll.la ; ani fctwar cC
fa, niv : ' :i.i; n J " . "f i f.cttd t)..-r ta,w aut i. it ami daa
tTT:tu uia 1 tha t)i:nxt ai;J lu&ti. V i.iie it i tba
mt powerful ajitiot ft kncwti lo Ban Kt tLa mtkr
ilablft ani lt t-ii'u tii ww a aa ut tha tuloti ry t itaita. tA
m alnn tit? a-Uaaantaal anti aaft rntlj tl.at mm a etn
plai UA inlai.u and jt-nna; r-nci. 1'aiei.ta atw!4
Latc it in Mi aca ntw 1b iraii'k-vta mrrmy that rreats
MTton (be-'a ani rr arr-J. W hav nlMtRtlsBt fTi'r.ada fa
baliate lb" C frtr(l Iirr l-y tl-e cnn.
a'tnatj;v'ii It fiMrnu lhan th it cm. Kp H my
t.iu, ati-J curt fur rvUl hit tfie 'uraVia. ar
l-'t Ihrm nniil rm tair;tD ahi.i can n..irr ). ir-knraria
ri.s,eT ihn l:i-Tvtni mi the iU' ts-iiw Tt-Ut lift avar.
A. know tte tii--aiiiil fata'ir ol lypt ..."-.plei. ao-1 d
UieT knpt ttet. ihaa vrtuea of tiiia rnEr,ir. we n-ii tint i
mtnrm tbati u aawuro ttmm it ia a-tii t-utiie ti e bsa ,t rafa
ba. Wa pai n.. cu no rara. ao tt-l to nrr'tue it tb
mot ferfrH-t peiaiMw. ftnd tLna afforrl tbae who rale
kUie Ui aiaaliirbuttr Juilcaaft.tniwb k tkeircDrsw
Fractical and Analytical Chemist, I owe II, Kasa,
Sol I hv U VV Schaffle and F S Caldwe
htir-: r'.f ward m'.tb. New Berlin : D Wcid. nea
lenterviMr: nind-l tt ai;ensei!er, eiin.eei ve ; J l
t.ast. siitnriburr; twrrev a ttro. Nw Coluotbia ana
dealers everywhere
I CTU RES. A honse ran mi be said
to be well larnithed wiihout some weil
selected Pictures. This want can now ba
supplied at CRo'IZER'S
Spring ami SnmmerFas liioas 1S63.
The lies! Work and Lalest SIjTea
thankful for past favors
wortld state that be has re
ceived the Spnn; A Summe
Fashions, and is prr pared lo
garments as usual, ilewif.
endeavor, as heretofore, to
.execute his work satixfoi-m
rily. Lewisburg, April, IHKS
H Y H E W 0 L 0 6 7!
ACI'RIOIS and entrrtainng little Book,
(all about .Matrimony, Muncy, anj otn.
er mailers,) for ihearnut-emenl of every body,
(and !ke young folks, also,) on loug winter
evemnge. rainy days, etc. Price, 20 cents.
Wholesale, l. Cents. Sent by mail for sevea
3 cent stamps. For sale at Ihe - .Sr Arnw
tele." office. WOKDEN A CORNELIUS, .
Puhll.hers, Lewtshnrs, Pa
-P I C - N I C.-w
"Well juma Into tha Wagon, and all tak. a rid
LARGE, harsflsome t
XI. and verv comTorta-J
bie WluO. has been,
fitted up for the especial accomiuodaiin of
Pic-Nic and other similar excursions. Terras
moderate. Apply to JOS. M. HOCSEL.
Lewisburg. June 3, 189.
Horseman's Friend, or
I'ocket Companion!
Fniy-Two Valuable Receipts for the Farms
and Horse Dealer for sale (12 ets) by
C J STAHL, Bookbinder. Lewisburg
ti)iori Gcqiiij gig!" & jLctoIs5tlrg i)t!ii:ii
IssaeA FrMaja, ai Lratsburg.lalwn fount), l"ran-a
TERMS $10 per year. To an Hn rs aiTscv an4
at tbe same rate for a lender nr char ter period. Thu..;
ets will par fur four nienibs. "S ruh'r six meats... 1 d. I.
lor etzht months, 'del. fur si&tern months, S ikl. S r two
years, $5 lor fear regies cue year. .10. fi.r ten ee; it s "D
reeeivi'ia i,.id. wt'sae t.-.ai . er bank urt.s at their
'"- h
. T .
here. Most kinds ol I'roduee reeeivri l tar-
W hen the tine eiptreeft-r whirh a ;si-er i- n .!!.,
is we have a runnma. areoant) it is lril'Pht'.
AavsKTiskntvTii handewielv P'sbls-heJ, at S 1s per
Square ae week. So eta earh after inserts". S del for tiS
months, Sdol. per rear. Haifa Stjaare 'Jo els. IS e-s. i
dol.Sdol. Twosquerea 1 SM.i oo.s i0. Merehants. ae.
not aver one-fourth of ft ealusan, 10 dol. per year. Jtb.r
sites. Ae. as may he aareed upis. A square is IL'ltH. of
smallest type, or IS of Belt tarter. Advertisement !
nenwrathun:. llleeal.pr.winillinv tendeney nft sdnn't.'t.
Comannicationa de.ired an topies of eeneral interest
and aeeesnpanieil bv the writer's real name sod sd.ir.-s.
Tha MAIJNKT1C TKI.KtlNAI'H i. lorsted ia tbe ISea
of the Jr af (Smnt..bv wli.h weeften insert inifottsnS
New. la advs.ee of tbe Philed. Wslls.
Cnitneete) Ith the i' are ample msverla's lor nrej
kinds sfJOB PBINTtNO.wbirbwil' be eaeeuled
neatness and despstrb end on reaeoeahss terms,
.Casual adveelis-menls lo be psH S'r when hsesl'-SJ
hs-J. hW,.ikwhendelnere.l. Atth,n,.1nrntru,it
,lrHI'Boa ilarklter,ii .e-.eorth.ide.'e..n.l.te...y
San i, lSo WUitHW Cilia,UI.S.