Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, March 24, 1863, Image 1

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    it him mum
"THE UJilQIV established in lSUWhola No., 2,610.
At $1.50 per Tear, always la Advance
"CHRONICLE," established in 1S43 Whole No, 939.
iw n
TupsJay Morning & Friday Afternoon.
jrajrPavid Sirohecker hn been appoin
ted Post Master t Alvira, UnioQ Co., Pa.,
jo place of A. J. Foreman.
a3uThe Anniversary Reception of the
Lewisburg Academy will be held in Inde
pendent II ill, od Friday evening next,
(March 27,) at 7 P. M. In place of the
usual exercises an Address will bo deli
ered by the Principal. Subject, "Soma
Reminiscences of tbe Campaign of the
Minute Men of Penn'a." Musie by tbe
Social Siring Band. Admisaioo free. A
collodion will be taken at the eluae of the
exorcises to defray expenses, and any net
proceed will be donated to tbe " Ladies'
Volunteer Aid Society" of this place.
M&0ts Wednesday afternoon and even
'iug, Barclay's Panorama of Jerusalem
will be exhibited in Lewisburg. For par
ticulars, see bills.
en-We learn that Mr. John M.Taylor,
of Minrnnnrg bai a lee broken in two
place, by the fall of a borse on Wednes
day of last week. yt
Spring Elections.
We give the results of several distriots
to-day, and expect to give complete re
turns in oar next.
In Lewisburg there was bat one tieket
on tbe track.
Burgess Martin Dreishaoh.
Constable George Scbocb.
JWyh ConstalJe Isaao Bower.
North Ward. Board Ward.
Cuuncilmen J. Hens J. It. Loomis.
Sh. Direcrs W. Leiser, Johnson Walls.
Overseers Wm. C. Fainter, Samuel Slifer.
Judge oj Eire1 n I S. Sterner, A.M Lawshe.
i p . 1'. Keilly C. C. Shorkley
A stetson 1'cter Harsh, Alfred Hayes.
. , I I . A. Uonebower, T. Howard.
1 G.Y.M'Laughlin.R.ll.Cuamberlin
School Director Levi Itooke, Job
Yonntcrnan, for 3 years : A. V. Buakirk
John Stocker, for 2 years; Cues. Caw Icy,
Iranklin Uumniel, 1 year.
Judje John Moser.
Inspectors Geo. Selsor, Cbas. Slear.
Assessor J. M. Walter.
OmtlahU Noah Young.
Sujfmisors Noah 8teilcr, John Moyer.
Justice of the J rare William Hess, Br.
Tote Cleric William M Uollum, 2d.
Overseers Nicholas Stetler, Henry Gib
Brady TOtrnsBiP.
Justice of the Peace David Arlman.
Constable Samuel Overtorf.
Supervisors J. P. ilagenbucb, Ilenry
Ooerseert David Strobecker, Jacob
Assessor J. P. Hunter.
School Director John Tate, Wm. H
Judge Daniel Forum en.
Inspectors Joseph Kieffer, John Kra
.rWiVor Dr. U. Reed.
All Republicans except Artman,
Ilagenbucb and Kremer. No Republican
opposition to these men.
pot ret sraa a caaosictn.
The following is tbe result of tbe eleo.
tion in White Deer, on Tuesday. WbHe
Deer can poll as many votes in proportion
to the whole vote as any other district;
indeed, so many that tbe Standing Com'
roil tee did not continue tbe Crawford
County System for fear White Deer would
make the nominations ! Tbe principle
contest in tbe late election was for Jostice
of the Peace, the friends of each candidate
did their best. The following ie the vote
for the different Officers :
Justice oj the lace James Marshall,
111; Kobert Candor. 87 : Jakob Kusten
fcader, 74 ; Samuel L. Kanck, 72 ; Aaron
W FT f , ' nn
w. omiin, r.rq.,
Jmlgeof Election Jacob Troxoll, 148 ;
Samuel Goodlandcr, 75.
Supervisor John F. Beck, 188 ; Wm.
Uagey, 130 ; Jacob D. Raock, 102.
lninecton Simon Ueonaee,7U: Joseph
Cnmmiogs, 67 ; Neleoo Dieffenderfer, 52.
Ocerseert m. gladden, 151 : K. 11.
Weigel, 103 ; B. Yoder, 56.
S-hool Director! Paul Dieffenderfer,
142 ; G. W.A.kios, 72 ; Abraham Syphsr,
$0 ; Martin Raock, 60.
Corutaik Charles A. Dieffenderfer.
Assessor James Yost, 90.
Auditors Jilaiah Itsnr-V 35 Jnhn
Orr, S3.
In addition to the above, there were
quite a number of candidatea for different
effises whose votee were tee email to men.
Union. !
fne Crawford County System waa mOvprntt by a Tot
or U ample, and tlmfon will remain law antll the
asm. power rvfoalfit. I Da.
IQX.Tbe following Act bas received the
epproval of Gov. Cur tin, and is therefore
the law :
An Aet to confirm the action of the eosa-
saisaiotiert of Union eonnty and of the
township, .n4 boroughs in said eonnty
" " 'h t0 lk P'jouot of bouties
to volunteers.
Whereas, in accordance with th. mist. f.
Urge m.prity of the taxable inhabitant.
f the eauafy of Lmon, taxes have asseued
the payment of bounties to volunteers
ni for the support of tbe families of per
'as from said cmnty rho are now in the
ry of (be United States ; therefore,
Ho. I. H3 it eoaoted, AW, That tbe
assessed by tbe commissioners of
eouoty of Union and tboae assessed
; we liases sad totra ojubciI of the
borough of Lewitburg ; also those asseesaed
or which may be hereafter assessed
other boroughs and townships in said
eonnty to pay bounties to volunteers and
to support tbe families of persons from
ssid eonnty now in service in the army of
tbe United States be and tbe same
hereby legalized and made valid to
intents and purposes the same as if there
had been a law for said purpose at the
time tbe assesamenta were made to enforee
the collection of ancb tax and the collee
lion of said taxes to be enforced in the
name manner as any State, eoooty, bor
ough or township tax ean be, by existing
laws now in force.
Sic. 2. The duplicates already aeseasei
led made oat aball be good and valid the
same as though eaid taxee bad been
legally assessed, and if payment is not
made on demand, the property of sunn
delinquent shall be subjuct to levy aod
sale, and in all other respects eubjeet to
the existiog laws relating to tbe collection
of Stale and county taxes.
Speaker of tbe House of Kepreacatatives.
Speaker of tbe Senate
Approved the 19b day of Mareb, A.
D., 1803. A. G. CUKT1N.
Friday, Mar oh 20.
To show the tendency of the crusade
against tbe few colored people who flee
from slavery into Pennsylvania, notiee tbe
following petition, presented to the Leg'
islature :
To the Honorable the Senate end
House of Representatives of the Stale of
Pennsylvania : Your petitioners respect
fully ask jour honorable body to enact a
law to prevent all Africans, Asisties, In
dians, Coooaughtmon, Colored Americans.
and Jersey men from settling or becoming
permament reaidents of the state of I eon
sylvania -if consistent with tbe Consti
tuiion. And your petitioners will ever
Pbilad. Mareb 1, 18G3.
(Signed) Richard Jones, Peter Simp
aon, fat Kedbead and others.
"Bedhead," Blue Eyes, and Crooked
Sbins may next find somebody on their
track, asking that they may be expatriated
or inhibited from settling in tbe land of
William Penn and the Congress of '76 1
A memorial from the Pbilad. Board of
Trade nrges tbe consolidation of all ths
State Loans and then release from State
In Senate, the Committee on Federal
Relations Lowry, Penoey, and Johnson
have reported npon the petitions for a
National Cenvention, giving eogent and
sufficient reasons why that device of the
Rebel sympathizers should not be heeded
Five thousand copies of the Report were
ordered printed most of the Democrats
eontenting themselves with voting against
Adjournment. The House, to-day, sent
in a joint resolution to adjourn over from
March to Jane about two months I The
Senate promptly amended by substitnting
a final adjournment on Thursday the 9th
of April. That is a little too soon, as the
meat important bills are yet to pass, bnt
laying over for two months will not (I
trust) be for a moment tolerated by the
Senate, even if Democratic Governor can
didates do desire it.
Confirming. The Senate bill to legal
ise tbe various County and other official
grants to Volunteers, drafted men, and
their families, after being kept back by
the Copperheads in the House for six
weeks, eame np to-day on final passage.
All tbe Republicans were for the bill,
with Speaker Cessna and six or eight
other Democrats, who would have passed
it finally in deferenee of the loyal people
everywhere bnt for opposition of the
Copperheads : these men made motion
after motion to exempt their own counties
the eonseqnence of which would have
been, that the Republicans and Union
Democrats, who advanced money to
defend tbe whole eonntry, would have to
lose it alL and tbe Copperheads (who
have n common interest) would have gone
free. A motion for the State to assume
all tbe indebtedness, and look to the Gen
eral Government for reimbursement,eansed
postponement of tbe whole question,
which vii made the epecial order for
Wednesday next. The last proposition
I deem nowise : let every eonnty give as
they promised, more or less liberally, a
they feel able : this would be exaet justice,
and bring home the responsibility in n
way that wonld prevent muoh defrauding
and "Indian gifts."
Both Houses adjourned over until
Monday, and nine-tenths of the Members
are absent
Childith. Some periqps, sent to Bar-
risburg aa men, are only big boys. ' Tbe
utmost they seem to aspire to do (after
drawing good pay) is to waste time m
frivolous ealls for Yeas snd Nays, or out
landish votes, or making a noise, or some
other way W try to render tbeir worthlese
names oouspieuous if not notorious.
Marked specimens of tbeee legislative
nuisances were visible in the afternoon
cession of the House. For instance,
what difference whether John Doe end
Riebard Roe vote to adjonra nntil 71
o'clock or 7 1 o'clock t A vote by eland
up until counted, would settle tbe point
in two minutes. Yet when I left tbe
Hall, seme Members wm demanding tbe j
Yeas and Nays eonsuming time enough
to have passed several Bills on the
issue, 71, ve. 7i ! Such creatures degrade
Legislation, lower ths dignity of manhood,
and are n caricature npon humanity.
Satcbday, March 21.
The Election. Returning from a soeial
meeting, about 9 last evening, n quiet,
respectable citizen remarked to me,
know by the yells, and the motions of the
erowd about eertain rumbolee, that Roam
fort ie elected Mayor." He had not
heard one retorn, bnt be judged correotly
In a vote of 1628, Till, tbe Union eandi
date for Mayor, falls 53 behind. Last
fall, this same Room fort bad 266 maj. for
tbe Legislature, aod Miller about 500 for
Congress, in Harrisburg now, only 68
(Rumfort and Miller are both favorites of
the Peon's R. R. Company.) This is
handsome gain. The Demoerata have
been organising, holding weekly ward
meetings, and vigorously running all their
party engiues, for two months : the
Unionists formed a league a fortnight ago,
aod have held five general meetings in all,
Tbe elose result proves as last fall's
eouteet proved that, with an early and
efficient and comprehensive organisation,
we ean carry the State. Had our party
made one half the effort our opponents
did, we eould have had the State, tben, and
the eity, now. ..This "Gen." Roumfort wu
educated at West Point, but has not gons
into his country's serviee : whether be is
as malignant and mischievous a copperhead
as claimed by soma and charged by others,
is to be decided.
This is the fourth winter season
have spent in Harrisburg, aod I have
never known the frigid term so encroach
on the torrid. For once I oan compre
hend the poet's idea of
"Winter llD(erin( la tb Up of Spring.'
The continued, uniform cold is all right
for grain and fruit, for it keeps them from
premature development : but it is harder
npon the poor, and robs March of its usual
pleasantness as the opening of the vernal
season, when sorter airs, Dirauog melo
dies, and the brighter drapery of nature
give a genial impulse, and freshly inspirit
both wind and body. "Spring fevers"
usually hurry home the Legislature it is
not at all affected, that way, as yet. W.
A Haa U Kaawa ky Ike Caaapaay ke Secpe
We are informed that M'Olellau has
recently paid another social Visit to
Richard Lathers, at New Roobelle, N.Y.
Richard Lathers is the South Carolioa
merchant, who, at tbe Pine street meeting.
at the opening of the war, deelared that
if a question of sovereignty should arise
between tbe Uoveromeot and bis state, he
would owe his first allegiaoce to South
Carolina. Little Mao seldom makes any
mistakes in tbe eompany be keeps. His
associations before tbe war were with
Beauregard, Davis, Yancey, &e. ; bis asso
ciations since have been superabundantly
with suspected traitors and peace submiss-
lomsts. Tbe use be made ot bis sword
when in the field wae entirely consistent
with tbe sympathies of bis companion
ships. Tbe praise be receives from Rebels
aod tbe Vallandigbamites, is not personal
or accidental tbey lovo bim because of
his stupendous failures. Journal.
A respeetable Democrat in rittsburg
having rented rooms for Democratic meet
ings, happened in one evening to bear.
tie was so disgusted witn tne treasonable
talk indulged, that be denounced tbem on
the spot, aod then announced that tbey
should no longer pollute his premises.
The eopperheads hissed, but he turned
them out bully for bim 1
Joaa Tan "area aai Gee. MTteraaae en Loyalty,
New York, March 9, 1863. I have
just reoetved tbe enolosed letter from
Gen. M tlernand, wbo is in command or
onr troops before Vicksburg. Although
it is not intended for publication, the
action of Illinois Democrats excites so
much attention that I think that the
viewe of Gen. M'Clernand ought to be
made public He eommanded the Illinois
troops at Fort Dooelson, baa served
several terms in Congress, and has tbs
eputation of being one of the beat soldiers
in tbe army.
J. Yah Bent-.
Beiobi Vickbbcro, Feb. 22, 1863.
Hon. John Yen Buren: An extract
from your late epeeeh has just come under
mv notiee. It bss tbe elear old demo
eratio ring, aod contrasts so strikiogly
with tbe spurious emanations of tbe latter
day democratic impostors that I ean not
forbear to bail it it reminds me ot tne
better days of the demoeratie party, when,
under tbe inspirations of Jackson and yonr
father, its boasted watchword wae "ine
Union, it must be preserved." Respon
sively to that sentiment, I upheld tbe
arms of both those magistrates to ths
Sitent of my ability and at tbe sacrifice
o t ome and its endearments, and am now
bearing arms, amid disease snd death,
against an armed enemy who would
desecrate it
Northern peaeemongers, who wonld
dishonor that sentiment by proclaiming
an armistice in tbe faee of n rebellious
and defiant enemy, but add pusillanimity
to treachery, end truly, as you energeti
eally eay, "will be serried away," if not
by "the torrent" ef public opinion, even
tually by force of arms.
Yonr ob't serv't,
Johw A. M'Cm-ehasp.
Tbe Democrats ef New Jersey gave
traitor Wall tbe short term in tbe U. 8.
Senate, but elected Wm. Wright, old line
Whig, for the long term. Tbey trusted a
Copperhead where be eould do no barm.
nut not for any responsible position. ,
Tuesday Koming'i News. .
Southwest Pass, La, March 15.
Com. Farragat, leading in the Hartford,
passed tbe Port Hudson last night with
bis fleet Tbe steamer Mississippi groun
ded, .was abandoned and burned. Tbe
army is within five miles of tbe rebels'
works. Tbe eavalry are skirmishing.
A dispatch from Paris, Ky., says the
rebele surrouoded and captured 200 of our
men, at Mt. Sterling, after a sbarp fight.
roa taa traa a iMaoawu.
Front tbe White Deer Mountain.
Tut. L.t SUI alaa mho. of tb. haojrulla of f orpoaa
tve Iwr. Ktta 2. 10.
An appeal to the benevolence, or rather
bentfieeoce, of man, is never out of place,
snd especially at the present day. Never
were there as many widows, never were
there as many orphans, never were there
as many booaeleas, homeless, waoderiog
ones, never were 'there ss maoy families
left without husband or father to oheer,
eomfort or sopport, never were there as
many families robbed of dear ones, io our
beloved eoaotry, as at present In a
word, never were there so many objects
of charity. What an opportunity for the
display of all those kindlier traits of mor
tals I
Tbe text under consideration, naturally
divides itself into two main features, in
volving tbe ebaraeter of the reooiver aud
the giver, or of objects of charity and tbe
L First, tbsn, as to the character of
receieers or cnariliei. It is Bat disgraceful
to be poor, else we should not dwell upon
our present theme. Many are poor from
necessity. A train of circumstances
frequently reduces persons of real worth,
to beoome objects of the sympathy aod
support of their fellows in better circum
stances. It is in behalf of this elass we plead
ore especially. I myself am a complete
object of charity. Aod were it not for
my father and mother, my brothers living
and dead, I would this day bo at least one
thousand dollars poorer than nothing. 1
hope no one is in fault but myself. Rut,
as 10 some of tbe trait of charities.
1- Tbey should be xnduttrtout. To
be industrious, is bnt to carry out one of
tbe lawe of our being. In tbe North
manual labor is honorable ; in the South
manual labor is not honorable. And
verily believe, in tne war waging, one
purpose of the Almighty is to make rue
of the North to teach the South that
manual labor is honorable. I mast labor
to naiaa livalybood, and moat I, io eon
sequenoe. be looked npon with contempt
God forbid. Behold tbe beautiful, the
humble Ruth, toiling day after day, in the
open field beneath a aoorcbiog sun, to
caio a eupport a perfdet pattern of in
dustry. It was ber industry that first
altraoted the gaze or Boax. Had she
been lasy, ber beauty had been repulsive.
"Tbe diligent shall prosper," while "they
who will not work shall not eat." So
soon as tsoai was satuned mat sne was
really industrious, be eommanded his
reapers to let fall grain for her. Let ail
eharitiea observe it closely.
2. They shonld be frugal To prao
tioe a eareful economy, la a subject too
much negleoted. Many persons, really
industrious, from want of knowledge of
the principles ot eoonomy, waste their
bard earnings. It is frequently ths ease,
that the poorer class of people are too
proud to be saving; consequently, in the
day of trial, tbey are overtaken by pinch
ing poverty. 1 speak frankly, it is true,
nevertheless kindly. Take the oase of
Ruth. Did she squander her hard earn
ings? Nay, verily, but beat it all out
carefully and earried it home each evening.
spendthrift will squander gifts, and
conations, just as well ss bard earnings.
And be it remembered that this is a great
hindrance to tbe generous olass of com
munitv helping to sopport tbe needy. If
tbey were more frugal, they would find
many more bandfuls let tall for teem.
When Boas finds that Kuth is Irugat ss
well as industrious, she is invited to eat
from his table with the rest of his labor-
era. I bus persons oi true worm are
generally raised up.
3. Tbey muft ne virtuous, a person
of good character, invariably eommaods
tbe respect and esteem of all men, every
where. Industry and frugality are
excellent traits of oharaeter, yet they
dwindle into insignificance,when compared
with that of virtue. "Her price ie far
above rubies." 8ee what it did for Kuth.
After Boas discovered this trait forcibly
exhibited in ber, be did not only let fall
bandfuls for her, and invite her to sup
with his laborers, but put npon her back
as mtaoh elesn grain from his thrsshing
floor asVshe eould carry home. And not
only so, but the next thing we behold is
the great, the noble, the wealthy Boas,
leading her to tbe alter, and the becomes
his wife, for life. So it ever has been,
and eo it will be, the poor, though poor,
eball be lifted np, if they are but indus
trious, frugal, and virtuous. And be it
ever remembered, that, uolese truly needy
persons sre characterised as above deaoribed
tbey are not proper objeets of tbe sym
pathy and support of the wealthier class
of eommunitv. -
4- II. Seeood.as to tie character of given,
or the beneficent. What a man shall give,
or how muoh he shall give.to tbe poor, we
shall not attempt to define. Tbe great
trouble upon this point bas ever been, bow
little ean be given so as not to be bold
guilty by our Heavenly Father. .
1. Tbey must give with the hand, and
not with the tongue only. Tbe band is
of frequent mention in Holy Writ, and of
almost as many significations. It is sym
bolic ef power, preservation, defence,
corrections, goodness, bounty, ie. Prov
idential bounty, or goodness, is undoubt
edly referred to in our present selection.
There is more to be learned front the hand,
than we are woot to ascribe to it We
have long been of tbe opinion that tb( ,
:- .t. ' , at.. .,..1
919 IM talc alius ew av tft
but, from
. .
eareful examination of tbe subject before
us, we are ioclioed to the belief, rather,
that the band and not the eye is tbe true
index of the inner man or soul. Are not
all generous, noble hearted persons, open
bands? While on the contrary, are not
all miserly, covotous men elose fisted ?
Tbe latter elass generally give with the
tongue. They make a very large noise,
but, when pay-day arrives, or any eall for
benevolent purposes, tbey tighten their
purse-strings and clench their fists
lest a mite escape. One of the Devil's
mottoes is very suitable to tbem : "Get
all you ean, and keep all you get" How
was it with Boaz? His orders were that
bis employeas should open tbeir bands, as
they could not let fall bandfuls unless
they did. Roth's humility and industry
in following those reapers, gathering here
and there a mere etalk at a time opened
tbe heart of the wealthy but generous
hearted Boaz, then open came bia band.
Unlock the heart, and tbe band will fly
2. Ilandfuls were to be given whole
hmtlfuli, not balfs. A whole dollar, not
a half. A whole ton of eoal, not a half.
A whole ham of meat, not a half. A
whole barrel of flour, not n half. A
whole bag of potatoea not a half. A
whole dreae not five yarde when ten is
required. How it mast have delighted
Ruth, to fiud, eo often, a whole handful
in addition to ber aooideotal gleanings 1
My hearers 1 men of means I remember,
you too may gladden many a heart in these
trying times. May God iocline you to
search out the needy and supply their
wants out of your fullnsas I j
3. Usndfuls are to fall. Don't stand
quibbling. For instance : "Mrs. 8o-4-so,
I have brought you some sugar, butter,
eggs, molasses, broad, oakes, a pair of
shoes, some elotbiog, &c, but, howsome
ever, nevertheless, notwithstanding, if you
do not exactly stand in need of it, or
them, I will take tbem home again."
Yon miserly niggardly being ,let tbem
ill, and be off. Suppose Boas had
reasoned thus. For instance : "Miss
Ruth, io ease you are really a needy
person, &e., I will try and help you a
little." Did he aot thus ? No. The
very fsot that sbs was there, laboring, as
sbe was, wae sufficient. How many poor
females have been and are still obliged to
go out into tbe open field to labor to
support their families, while their bus
bands or other natural supporters srs
sway helping to guard oar liberties,
defend oar eonntry, aed put down this
wicked Rebellion..' Ob 1 my wealthy
hearers, have yon not a few bushele of
oo to, wheat, potatoes come dry goods,
groceries, or something to delight the
heart of tbe needy ? Search them out,
and God will be faithful to reward you.
4. Donations are to be made of pur
pose. Not by mere accident, as is too
often the case. It must be made a regu
lar business, else it will be looked -npon
in tbe light of merely external diaplay.
How many open tbeir purses, merely
because their reputation or standing in
society requires it Poor creatures 1 "The
Lord loves a cheerful giver." What etn
such givers think when tbey read this
beautiful passage ! I pity them. My
text reads, "let fall also some of the
handfuls of purpose for her." Boas was
a man of the right etamp. Let us all
imitate his generosity so far ss in us lies.
Conclusion. Allow me, without a for
mal close, to hope that this discourse may
be useful. We know like its author it is
very imperfeot, yet with n God-speed
thee, we send it on its mission. May the
receiver and the giver alike think well on
these matters ! Ille Arbatrum Pcer.
The Cosmos People efKnglaaS, aaS ear Bckflllea.
lr jaxEf Aixix.
Mltlnl, awhile, by d.macogaea and knar..
Y.t, Hh nor. liUt, -ttoir nmt Meoad thought
W ill aire a verdict worthy of tnenaelrea.
The, wmq of KnalLh birth, the eons of thoaa
Who, iaeh by ioeh, b.re wrenched from Tyranny
iBfir piaauri menu, and held what toey had
O, ean tbM aa.n, of noble aneetry,
lie reriwaat, now, to freedom and and to trail) I
Strorcl.ra for frenlnni in the Britiah ialea
Are briiht .sample, for tb. human race.
Practk-al mm, no danllnc thxorfes
Mad. tl.-m Iom rtht ot lobrr, mlid troth.
gaeloua doanl tbry nvr tout the onae.
ny graapiog at ica anadow tn the
Whii fnnm MUiBt--ertiinw profcoBd
Kninl i p ruction! s.nd mnialj free.
Kpglttna with til Uijr Cwlta, 1 Ion tbsM Ull.' .
When tliowe brrtwA po?. fully nDdwrwtool
Th drift Dd aim of our mbwllioa Bomb,
Thrw'H be) oar frtfndf : and thir ari'toewaUt, . . .
Who atd our rurmls), will wn gt a hint,
That war on a t war n Kngland to.
TTteiaiiaeof lYeMota, on throotfhoat tb WOCld
Will bs supports, wery trhara by all,
Sata tha opprwaors, and th tiimplotona!
AdyertlMd la tha " Chronicle or Bills at this omoa.
Narth JJ-farai tack ef Harriet Slahl.Eant BaffalM
March 3S Farm Stack at "a atari Moyer, WlaSelS
Marrk K-rarat Mark ef Philip fietahertlae, Kelly
Har.Tv-Prnuiaal Fiwaerry mt EXhataherlM .lewbbx
Mar.MMt-Merthaadlie,r s.kwarfetwer.lewlskara;
April f-rersaaal rrwarrtyef C.benberllne.Lewlibi'
VRNDt'R IfOTKS for sale at tha "Chroafele onto.
Carrtcttd Weekly
Wheat S1.40 Eggs t 14
Rye 80 Tallow 10
Corn, old......... 75 Lard 10
Oats 50 Pork 5J
Flaxseed 2,50 Clover seed 5,00
Dried Apples. 1,00 Wool 40 to50
Firkin Batter 12 Potatoes 62
Fresh Butter... 20 Country Soap 4 & 6
Rags 4, &, and 6 Sides & Shoulder 8
Ribs 6 Ham. 11
In St Paul's V. C. Charch. Unraetor, by Rev T- Klrk-
nttrirk. Rrr. II C. FAKUUK, of Lrwitburf, and alias
AK.N1S U. STUXCR, of Uaeaster.
On the 12th Inst, by Key. A. R. Hotteatteln, PtTBR
ATJCKIR.of Port Trerortoa. and Niae CATHARINB R.
KOVeitof Waahiofton township, Snyder Oo.
fin the lit teat , by Rt. Jaaaes Harbin. JOtl O.
SMITH and MARQARKT LSITZSL,bvUiof Middleoretk
town.blp, Snyder scanty.
In HIiMown, Id hut., WILLIAM A, sew of Jesses A.
and bar bars Vaa(.
In K.lly towMbiav Ttk Inst, LIWIS, aoa of Sasmoel
Bich.1, Stfed II fear., S swathe and IS days.
In Kelly towaahip, Mb InaL, S. R danibtar of Wor
aod Latins CroMlay, axed S years, 1 month and dayr
la UarUetoa. Ulh iett. Pi VI 0 KL1 N K. In his Slat y r.
In Northumberland, link last. DAH1U. ftRACU
GA,ia hiatal ear.
ALL Culleclura knowing themselves in
debted for taxes for the year 18t3 and
previous years will pay over their indrb'etl
nesa by May Court at furthest. All Collec
tors will immediately proceed ad collect the
War Tax, as the bounties to pay the volun
teers to Cll up the old regiments mu.t be paid,
acd fur support of tbe families. The War
Tax is now legalized and approved by the
tiovernor. Mar23 J. A.MEKTZ, Treas.
WE have the pleasure of informldg
iiJou that we are uow prepared to oiler,
at our Old Stand Nos. 103, 105 & 107 North
8ECO.NU St., 1'Hll.ALl'A. a well selected
mock of lUltltner j and Straw Cootie
ia every variety, ot tbe latat importatimu,
and of thenewestasd moat fashionable style.
will comprise every variety of Bonnets, Hats
and Trimmings to be found ia ibal line, of the
latest snd most approved shapes and styles.
Soliciting an early call, I remain
Vonrs, Respectfully. H. WARD.
Philad., March 16, Itj63w4
Snuff and Tobacco Manufacturer,
(formerly 42 Chambers stmt. New York J
OL'LD ca'l the attention of Dealers to
to the articles of his manufacture,!! :
Mac boy. Ihuilrroa,
Sum Rappee, tan Virginia,
CoarM Happae, ItacbiUMrtMS,
AmexKan Ovatlessaa, Copenhagen.
Sootrb, Honey Daw Saoteb,
tlifb Toast Seotrh, I rrh Uunry Urw Scotch,
IrUb Uirfh t'uaator Landyfuot, arena aaotch.
SYmrAUuttitm is mlltd to Uu turgt rcJuctiom tn ertccr .
3m (.W CAcichm aMi AswwVifuf ibtewews, wAmA snil Se
sMouxe. siss iMawisa, en-oirsa.
Luox, P. A. L., or plain, B. Jago,
Mo. 1, Cetendi.b. or Sweet, Epaniah,
a'a. 2, newt Seated Oronuco, Ceoeatrr,
oelA3mxd, Xis 4il Cerendieh, Taxeiah.
iV U. A circular of prices will be sea ton
application. March 16, 63ylJ
WUKRKaS, on the 1st day or March,
1853, the Burgess and Town Council
of the Borough of Lewisburg passel an Or
dinance directing that the pavements on tbe
east aide of Fiiih street, be of the width of
ten feet from the building line to theeurb.and
by the same ordinance required the same io
be made one square north acd oue square
south from Market street, now,
lie it furiher enacted by tbe authority of the
same. That ibe owners of property along the
east side of said street aoutb of Market shall
make their pavements in pursuance of said
ordinance, and tbe same are hereby required
to be made south from Market street to u
Catharine's street; the last to be completed
oa or before the 16th day of Mav, A. I). 1863.
rJAM'L 11. ORVVlti, Burgssa.
Arrarr: WJS.JOSXS, TowaCl.rk. (March 1,'ta
WHEREAS, it bas been deemed expedi
ent, by the Chief Burgess and Town
Council of the Borouzh of Lewisborg, to
adopt a ditferenl form of proceeding, so as to
change the manner of conducting tbe affairs
ot the said Borough with a view to belter the
financial condition, and io insure a mere sale
and convenient mode of transacting business.
etc., tnereiure.
Be it resolved by the Burgess and Town
Council of the Borough of Lewisburg, and
it is hereby enacted by the authority of the
same, 1st. That Ihe u Dices of the Board
(to wit : Town Clerk and Borough Treasurer)
shall not be held by one person.
3d, That the Collectors of the Road and
Poor Tax of the said Borough are not allowed,
and by this ordinance are prohibited frum
receiving in payment of tax, any ordeis what
ever except said orders are issued by direc
tion of the Council, signed by Ihe Burgess,
and attested by the Clerk.
3d, That all orders issued by ihe Street
Commissioners and also by the Overseers of
the Poor, be presented, by the holders thereof,
to the Town Council for approval, and there
upon a borough order, properly aitested, be
issued to Ihe said holder for said amount, and
the Street or Poor orders be charged Io Ihe
proper oiucer, to be
settlement with said Borough.
4ih, That this act is to take effect, and go
into operation, at the time of the organization
and election of the OlCcers of the said Town
Conncil for the ensuing year.
By order of the Council.
SAM'L H. ORWIG, Bnrgess.
Anam : WM. JON U, Town Clerk. (March Z, .
Furniture ! Furniture ! I
Broke Out in a New Place I
from $10 toils.
i from 'JU to Sob.
dttTwnot prftvtt,
from II to (3 different patterns and latest It; lea.
Kztfntrio, 11 ttot tad apwarrta. Centra, l1r. Knd. Canl,
JMBaB((tw iterf), HrlUavt. tnailw f D kind of
Wood hlvwirvarJ. fetit Walaut, MsaJwttaDV tad KtMts
wo4 siwa oa hsutd for Lh tntia. .
Tpoy, W bat-Not, tiewinf, eta. cty
SOFAS, LOUNGES, latest patterns'
ITpholatered, Lara Arm, Sewing, Parlor Chairs always
on band; alao, Cane cent. Lax. Rocker aod Norse,
Windsor Chain, la tie and assail etora.rs. Table
and Children's Chairs, always an hand.
Furniture of my oicn manufacture, insured
one gear.
P. 8e I intend, in a short time, (as soon as
I eaa get op a fine Hearse.) to attend to the
some twenty-five or more different sited Cof
fins, finished, and always ready on abort nn
lice, and will sell twenty per cent, cheaper
than haa ever been done in Lewisburg. Call
and see before purchasing elsewhere.
REPAIRING done immediately.
CHAS. 8. BELL, CtusmbcrLn'e Block.
kewrUhonr. Feb. it, IMS.
for sale by MOWHY,
i. .
Furniture Establishment
THE undersigned, desirous of elosisf on!
business in Lewibarg before the mid
dle ( April, cdera.ai Private Sale, the enure
outfit of bis shop, consisting of
Tools, Furniture, ic, &c,
at former prices, lie also otters a fine Heart a,
March 9, '63 SOl.GMOS YOl'.NO.
V) THE ASSESSORS. The Assessments
fi.r tans will be ready for delivery abonl
the 15ib of March. Please eall at the Com
missioners' OiQce and receive ihynt.
A. KENNEDY', Clerk
JC3T as we go to press, we received a dis
patch stating that theie would be a large
lot of
x ran ana urnaoicaiai nets,
Evergreens, Grape Vines,
eke. etc, for sale at this place, ia tbe Spring,
tn a Hursery each tide of the liiser.
They will be brought from the old Laurel
Kidge Nursery, formerly belonging to Lewi
O. Hummer, but now to baiLLia, Lawis en
Hosier, who have entered into a co-partner
ship for the purpose of establishing a regular
.Nursery at Ibis place. The old Laurel Kidge
N ursery is situated in Adams Co, Pa., is av
well-established nursery, and contains as
good a variety of trees as any in the State uT
Penn'a or New York. Mr. Hummer has hid
rcn.drabte experwnee in the bario from hie yoatk.
The anblie raa.Xct lax-, watt I.rmrtt Tim, of thw
baetaud latcrt rarilK.. a-arrene wt-hiaif to purcheaa
of th:a Sraa. had better avod in tbrir erdm aooo, aw
that wvcan brinthe bind. dcam-d: bnt tbtrvwillbrwmtw
trres brought frm the Nursery then wui be naiuaa.rw
to All order., and rurcbaerra can thrr.tr. w the UaM
befoi. buyioe.if they with to. W. aanex a lrt of tra
which w. have on hand ; but w. can noc eouv.niei.ti w
numerate the dioVteut Tarirtire: but the pebim wUl
find a catalogue at th Dime aariug Iaatitultuau
Appl. tree, e to Io fret high, from 15 to Su etavaawk
Peach, from 4 to teet hi.'h. i to IS eta. each
Standard Prar, 3 to fret high. 40 IO SO eta. eaekw.
liaiert Peer, s to a bwb. to to ete aaeh.
Cherry. to 8 teat hmh, la to 37 ct .oca.
Plume. oe plum alocka. t ton feet b;;u. eJrteeaah.,
iestarinee. Vluiaeee, and AoricoU, Uecta. each.
Grape V ines. 1. to a it aaeh.
Curraota, lu to ISeta oath. Uuosrberrlee, tScta. aaak.
Blackberries, seta, ween, er Ticta. war docem.
Kaapbeeriea, lu-te. arb,r St par d"eea
Strawberries, tttete per doiew, or T&cte. par hands!.
kkaba.ro. lurta. each. $1 per down.
Ornamt-utal trees, trwm x&'ts- to $1 each.
Xrergreea trace, !rm tOcta to tl each.
LewUburg, Jan. S3, 1SQ&.
JOII.W SQriltES has just returned
from Philadelphia, with another largo
purchased at tbe lowest prices. Those la
want of Boots and shoes, will find it to iheir
advantage to call and examine hia
large Slock of Homc-Made Work.
which for style and quality ean not be sur
passed in Union eonnty or elsewhere.
Gents' fine Calf Boots $3 SO
Ladies' fine Morocco, hih heel 1 CO
A fine quality Balmoral Boots 1 7
Misses and Children's Shoes at very lovr
prices for Cash, at
Squires' Union Boot and Shoe Store,
n7"nppusiie the Banlr, '
Lewisburg, Jan. I. 1963
Peace Peace !
DF A ft frfendft. and kind patrol), tVin ennntrr a. I
Wr'vo tm (stM.i tor job aNtt prrcepn atej dowta,
Tbem give jour tletKis, aoi pari of jour Carey
And am or Drj Uoud. aiui uliicr Jua aaxe.
Wt Item and C1ia.lfa. and Satin Dorhniv, t
And ChambraTt and Jinir.baina. and fln Hooi l
W PoDilna and Mubtvir. aod ItHjIi for tow a
Such tt ;?praVM'a aikd Cochtcutia give a eall
Wt Munlitu and Shstlng-cwfroiii tu to tw.-t.ti aaag
VVsj SUpekiDC for I svad Half Ho- Pr rrDla,
Wt Ootb at all pne, for dusters and tal
Wa'rw tftjadr-matia CtoLhiBsj a cheat. p aat a. &ukjev
We)- Cam Hoor and Coi-ta, and Crino.l-r krrij
And Dcnimfi and t'hMk.nhi fur draw and nhirta.
W Shirt-Frtint auid Collar for nie-n and frr boj
Wi Shaken for laslica. but doc t dai ia toa
WVra OH-Clothe awd Cratco ow vonr floor,
tVo'vsa Shad? lor ynur witwiowe mil Kupsj (o vutaT dN
W-'to KuckstJ and Bik-t and Kubf of bit,
WsTi Sugara and ltwr for ftuAUus or duva.
VserxTithM aDd Kotttat, all kiada of QaaansTwaW
8o trail aad xaam, ra btiviog !- brrv;
Yoa'lt find vn oa Mstrkt tr-t rwaier at t-wn
At SHKI.I.fcK r? Old Ptaod tL f.fc tK&H KBOWIi
Law i. burst, April , Mi.
L.MOWRY has removed his rbwttv.
craplk CstabilKhiucBt tha
New Butldmz on Market street, recemlv oo-
copied by Dr. Burlan. OPPOSITE THS
BANK, where be bas nuea up one oi me
Finest Galleries ia tha Country I
Havinz superior taeilities and a long m
perienee, he ia satisfied thai his work can a.
be beaten. Call and lesl his workmansbJ
Lewisburg, Ang 15
New Stand---New Goods!
TOSEPH L.1IAWN haTin taken tb
J rooms under the Tele-raph and Chrt.niele
oliices.rehtied them.and filled in an extensive
variety ol
Uats, Cavt, Gentlemen $ Llothtng,.
Also a larse and splendid stuck of CLOTHS
CASSlMERES.tfcc, which he will ntokc iso tm
order, he slill continues the Tailorin Boss
aess. He is prepared to execute all work
entrusted to his care, to the sausl'aclioa ef the
N. B. Cnttiny; and Kepainns done
order. Lewesburs, pril ID, 1HSI
Atl Kitchen tireae ean he made into f"o4
80AP by nsing SAtUMFJEK.
riTUireclions accompariyirc each Box
SOAP is as easily made with H, as niakinf a
cup of Coffee. - "
Manufaetured only by Ihe Patent
Penn'a Salt Manufacturing ConipaBt
Sa BT. VaUM SL, miUfraPniA.
Teh 10, ts6--yP
BLANKS ' 'i" " krv--'- ws"