f! Ml If IMK i BI O. X. WORDEN AND J. R. CORNELIUS. jit $.1.50 per Year, always) In Advance. "THE UNION," established in 13U--Whole No., 2.G00. LEWISBURG, UNION CO., PA., FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 1863. "CHRONICLE," established in 1S13 Whole No., 983. ion n rinilsitin KKVMt'KKKLT Tuf?1-r ",Il,rn'nS & F"day Afternoon. a-l't.e valuablo Hates' (late the . It'll t . ... 1 Hunter hi Mill property, back of Union- ' . , , . , ' town, is for sale. 1 Vrnn desirous of con. j , . , . , , I lulling about it, can u id the proper person. , e ' ' at tbe premise, to trmrrow. r . I Another St. litrSch wanted. The Lan- easier Exnrtst savs come uf tbe loyal I Irishmen are calling for another S. : oull s'" ue Kdbelliuo is Patrick, to exterminate tbe Copperhead, i "U!il,ed ouf' if hvf' wuulJ P"" , . ... ... , ,, - , ,, ! It requires tou;:h meu fur lhoaruiy,tor they from the Inion. Were the Patricks j ujm gre,, au, Urd to endure, all like Mcagber and Cnrcorao, the snakes , s,)ul0 bave it em; and nice ; but I Would soon be scotched. ' allude to those who have to be in tront """ ' j wh' bave often slept ou tho eold wet Remarkaule Loxqevitv. A gentle- ; ground without a cover over or a blauket man in Centreville, iuforru us that Mrs. j under them. I bave laid ou the gruuud Margaret Kuhns wag buried in Outre when the water was mi iuchcsdctp in the township, Snyder Co., on tbe Uth inst., I nuruiug wben I got up; but wueua rum , iii i .1 . i is so tired that be can not sUod up, he is Whoso ace wu one. Iiunifre, nml three . . .. 1 , r ; fil.it tn lln rlion if it id in tttA t..lui ami years, one month and Kcenty .one days, j loWa shall be tha'iVul to tbe officers of tbe different Election l'.iard throughout the county for tho names of all township and borough officers elected to-day. Please fjrward them as sjou as possible. Bey-The remains of Daniel FlmflVr, of Ibe 14!th P. V., who died of typhoid fe ver, were taken through this pljce to Msdi.nnburg, Centre Co., last week, for interment. BfTbe M fllinburg Tclnjrnph avs a number of boys were arrested iu that place recently, charged with maliciously break- !n. sairtftnara V.n Hiahid fullnd fivi of "5 r - them guilty, and fined each 83.19, which ! tbeir parents bail to pay. had to pay. I A concert will be given in M'ffTn- linrg, on Saturday evemutf, 28tb inst., Iy the liffl;.nburg Singing Class, under the direction of L. W. Auspach. Kt A few weeks since, Wui. Mover, nf I Hartley township, caught seven wild tur-! keys in a trap. I tQrPersons wishing to replenish their horticultural deriartuieut sill find it to I tbeir advantage to patrooiz? J. Knox, arbese advertisement is in to-day's paper. - BaLicu'. John B. Linn Las buen hon orably dcharged from service in the army. BfljUOn Tuesday of this week, a stove pipe was removed from tbe Uf oir part of aoiaJI frame building adjoining the rei dence of Mrs. Wm. Cameron, Jr., in order to facilitate tbe removal of a quantity of rigs stored there. The perxous thus en gaged forgot to replace the pipe, and on Wednesday morning, thinking all was right above, tbe folks below fired up tbeir stove. Tbe rag room was soon filled witb moke; and tbe sparks igniting some com bustibles, a conflagration was imminent, but tbe firewasdiscovered and extinguished before it did much damage. 6rTo offset the appellation of "Cop perheads," which has been e properly bestowed upon tbe dieloyal portions of tbe Northern Democratic party, they in turn apply the epithet of "Niggerheads" to tbe Loyal Unionists. As a "nigger" is a man, and men being all made of tbo same description of flegh, we eau't q-tite see where the reproach lies. Call os some thing else, or we aba n't get mad. tSTbe Union citizens of Franklin township, Snyder county, met in Middle burg, on Saturday evening last, and organized a Union League. Samuel Wei rick, K-q , presided, and Joho S. Uackcn burg acted as Sec. pro tern. fcSTC. R. BuciiALEW, in a letter to a friend, lately, stated tbe following, which we recommend to those who are eon'in naily fiadiog fault with those who conduct tbe war : "Great allowance is doubtless to be made for an Administration charged witb the conduct of a great war, and particular ly a civil war. Tbe difficulties to be surmounted are great, and often the course j At such,, generous mind will not setk! occasion of offeooes. and can overlook : small points of objection in reviewing ; public affairs. M&'lt the assertions of tbe copperhead editors in regard to arbitrary arrests were true, every mother's son of them would now be in durance vile. Tbeir own liberty brands thein as liars. James Buchanan is said to have bought traot of land in Cheater couoty, upon which to raise flax. Some propose that be should try and raise hemp, instead. JtTork A. Woodward, wbo was wounded at the battle of Frederickburg, 1 nd carried srisooer to Richmond and ! afterwards released on parole, has so far recovered as to be able to 0 about upon 1 erutches. Important to LAwreits. The Pres ident Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Allchen. ,o.... ..... nn,i,. recently, that all lawyers practicing in J P,0T onght B ,ct please them from tbat court, wbo did not at once pay ibe i tbe obligation to construct a dam so as to excise tax, should be suspended until allow fish to pass op tbe Susquehanna, such payment was made. This is right. Roughter of Lebanon, Bucher of Cumber Tb, pillars of the law should always set j Und Wjgon of Ti .df0Clte(1 l09 the exampie of its observsnee, and we hope ' ,, , . . . . h,t ihe determination of ibe Allt-henv i .Judf will be emulated by every judicial t lb loud. Juityruplt. A Soldier on Coppsrheids. BSThc fullowingex'racts are taken from ; a private letter to an a. qiiain'ance of ours, ' U - II U L M 1 U Ua 1 If 1 LIUUIIV.'lUUi . ll , letter is dated Convalescent Camp, near .. , ...... ,. Alexandria, March 11. Ibe writer was , . , , , . . sun 6tru.-k at tbe battle of Cedar M juu- . . , . . . , . . ... tain last August, and has been unlit for duty ever since. He says : "I am not tired of this war. but-! mU(L S()eh .0.jierjIlg l C,U tonUt Those soldiers who are guarding about Washington and other places in the rear, are what we oil 'Sund iy s ildiers.' " We have pleuty of traitors here in our midst, but th"y are kept down pretty well. They dare not open their luiutbs; if they did the soldiers Wuuld string them straight nu; of their bouts. i'iio N inborn traitors are dating more harm to this army tbaa the men we have to lilit against here. VuU ought to got up a party, an I go abo'it aud hang every Southern sympathizer in your midst; if 1 was there I would take nlcat-ure lu it. It they are for tbe South, drive ibem Sjuth, or bang them, they should not epo. Let I tbcm come here and talk iu favor of tbe South, aud tbe soldier? would not spare ao r. i ir.L ... ...i 1 1 iiii-uui mem. u toey were n.iutn, wecuuiu l whip them and the rebel aroiv ucker by inch of them. If they were South, wecould lijr baviug them la the iNortb, dis- j C'lurauiriir men that aro now iu tue Uiilii . fi tiling for their couutry. Hang ibem, j i.v,.ri- M T. I every one. ! 1IARRISBURG (CORRESPONDENCE. Mii.MiaV, .March 10. Riding from Lnwisburg to Harrisbur this afternoon, 1 find tbat for once there is uu iu ma laner oiaco uarnsourg lok4 mgt ,jk - nnwt q.'i I- U I . . i ir - i An increasing annoyance of trivelers, is tbe filthy habit of smoking. N it con tent with a cir devoted to that monstrosity, ery frrq'iently we find some unwbolcsomo chap silly sucking an uoliglited cigar for a while ; then lighting it, and ejecting tho fetid offering out of the window; and, finally, a dozen at it 'at once, filling tbo car with their disgusting stench. Unlaw ful and unmannerly follows of that sort, it is useless to bint to, or remonstrate witb, or quarrel agninst the conductor, or other officer or agent of the Road, is the proper one to abate such nuisances. The House has been compelled, recently, to retain all its "sound," sweet-smelling members, to enforce a rule absolutely prohibiting smoking in their Hall. This was necessary, at times, in order to see, bear, breathe, or inhale anything respect ablo witbm ltg precincts. Tbe poffirig tribe may still poison tbo Rotunda with their polluting clouds. The Senate needs yet to be purged I gay purged not by sendiog tbe victims of the weed behind the Speaker's ebair, and thus infecting tho transcribers' rooms, but by turning them into the Rotunda, or iuto tbe open air, wbere their foul eructations will ascend, with all other evil-odorous smolls, away from the pure air needed by human lungs to enjoy and prolong life. Mjndajf eveninj. The Senate Las spent the evening in passing a bill to give up part of the iulerest uf the State in tbe Wyoming Canal Company. Tbo Central and Eric Railroads having bad big share of spoifs from tbe State, the Wyoming speculators want another of the same sort, Tbe bill passed releases some $3,000 of interest now due tbe State, which tbe Company don't intend to pay. Passed, 19 to 8. A bill to release the Columbia Dam Company from tbeir obligations to let sbad pass np the river, (from the House)' pMsed ,0 geC)nd readiDg J.IM0"ET, principal EJifor of the Tdejrajh, was recommended by the Gov- ernor for State Librarian. Rev. Dr. DeWitt has filled tbe office, with careful- n8s and fidelity ajfor many years, bat the infirmities of age render bitn unable to attend to it longer, personally, witb tffi cieney. It is a convenient appendage for an Editor, few of whom can boast as good a Library as friend Forney will bave for reference and recreation. Tuesday, March 17. "St. Patrick's day in the morning." Tbe trees are shining with frost, from the cold of last night. Tbe Senate committee reported against the bill to sell real estate of tbe Buff.loe X Rds church it being a power within tha re,cn uf the Courts. Half a d r;n similar Church bills shared the same fate. Ao animated debate on the Susquehanna fisheries, occupied an hoar.' If we under. i.i. ... ... aln0 ,D8 CMe' " " ln,,: " com- "guiaiion so in... pu.u, Ar., may navigate as of yore, to the manifest advantage of fisheries, aud private persona. Iliestand of Lancaster said tbo passing np of shad had declined before the alleged obstructions were built, and that that interest was much lcs9 consequential than that of the Public Works along tbe River. Iliestand carriod the day tbe fish remain under the disability that bai so long made our mouths water and our pockets suffer for the delicious finny tribe our fathers bad in such abundauce at so small a cost. Tbe Senate hereafter bold afternoon sessions, Tuesdays and Thursdays, for pri vate bills. Wednesday, March 18. There is some ciciteiueut here about the nomiuation for Mayor. Tbe Demo crats last year bad 400 or 500 majority in tliis city. Their Mayor, Mr. Itepuer, was defeated for re-nomination, by Geo. A. L. li iuinfjrt, who hag tbe confidence of tbe Copperhead element whose friends are usi'jg nightly exertions in bis behalf and who is or has been in tbe interest of tbe 1'enu'a Central K. It. The Unionists bave taken up John Till, a boat-builder, aud an eo'.busiatic rally in bis favor came off at Buck's, last evening. Friday will tell the reult. Yesterday, the loose got through with the Appropriation Bill. Iu the evening, Hon. Daniel Agicw, President Judge of tbe Heaver district, lectured iu ibe Court House to a large, attentive audience, demonstrating bow perfectly adapted are tho legal powers authorized by tbe Constitution for the suppression of tbe llcbellioo. It was suppression of the Rebellion. It 8 ""i caimi patriotic argument w i u t i wiu cnulJ le DearJ or reau oy every cui- zoo. Ua moiion of JuJua 1 earson.Juuee Anew was tendir-jd the hearty thanks of ..... o . u , his most respectable auditors for bis able and nccisiotialiy truly el q ieut address. Few of those wbo prate so much of tbe "uucocstituiionalitj" of every mea.ure to put d'iwn the Rebellion, were present to i bear this discussion, bv an eminent Jud?c, of the points about which they cavil Gov. Curlin gave his usual Legislative eotcrtaioinenr, lan evening. TutinsDAV, March 19. I am told tbo Republican State Com mittee have called the Uuion State Con vention for Thursday the 1st of July, to be held at I'ittsdubo. . Two full Companies of stalwart soldiers left here for Washington, this morning We bave new, by private sources, of the capture of 400 Rebel cavalry, near Fredericksburg. Prof. Amasa M'Coy is to lecture, this evening, on the London Times and the Great Rebellion. Tbe first of the Bank bills came np this morning tbe Lineaster County' Baok being tbe applicant for re charter. Ibe.figDl;ng Delnocr,t. It appears he does Committee on batiks, desirous ol graaual - ly introducing tbe United States bonds as a foundation for banking, bad limited Us extension to the sufficiently long period of five years. Motions wcte made to ex tend the period to ten years lost; to seven years lost. It was then passed at five years. Hid a call from Jos. G. Rurcbinal, of Fayette county, on his way to bring bome tbe dead body of a volunteer, a brother, in the army at Yorktown. He inquired kindly for many of bis chums aud friends in Lewisburg. W. Loyalty of the Bucktails. We copy tbe following from tbe Pbila. Pre t of the 17th inst. Tbe Major Cbaoiberlin spoken of, is our former young townsman, Thomas Chamberlio; aud Company D, commanded by Capt. Crotzer, was principally recruited in Union connty : CtKr Kua Bella PtAIS, March, 12, 116S. A meeting uf tbe officers aud soldiers nf tha 150th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers was held at tha regimental bead('iarters on the 11th day of March, 1SG3, io pursuance of the following call signed by all the officers of the regiment: The undersigned, officers of the 150th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, re spectfully request Colonel Wister, com manding the regiment, to call a meeting for the purpose of expressing oar earnest loyalty and devotion to our country, and our detestation of tbe Northern trai tors now endeavoring to paralyze tbe efforts of tha army in tbe Gold, and insid iously to overthrow tbeir country's cause. Lieutenant Colonel Huidekoper was called to the chair, and Adjutant R. L. Asbhurst appointed secretary. Tbe object of tbe meeting having been stated by Mnjor Cbamberlin, after appro priate and patriotic remarks by Colonel Wister, Adjutant Ashbnrst, Lient. Huide koper, Private Philip Hammer, Co. A, Lieutenant Wm. P. Dougal, Co. D, and Quartermaster A. S. Voorhees, the follow ing preamble and resolutions, offered by Major Cbamberlin, were unanimously adopted amid great enthusiasm : Whereas, After nearly two years of tne most natriotie sacrifices oo tbe part of our people, and the. most desperate trials and struggles on the part of our army to restore our shattered Union and maintain onr national honor, our Government finds it self assailed by a class nf persoos at bome who would yieid it Jodas-iike, into Ihe bands of Ihe enemy, or sully It by dis honorable compromise witb tbo bosla of j treason, and who are even now trying to Muce the masses to resist in lawful authority in oruer me iuvuci iu gem u.uii hellish ends ; therefore Resolved, That we hereby express onr firm and unalterable devotion to our Gov ernment and its laws, and declare our determination to stand by it at all baxards, pledging to tho restoration of its entire authority "onr lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor. Resolved, Tbat we looh upon all propo sals, from whatever source, to give up this struggle on any other terms than the unconditional submission of tbe traitors in arms against their country, as disgrace ful to those who originate, and to those who, for a moment lend an ear to them. Kesobed, That we condemn and repu diate as unworthy sons of their country those who, staying at bome in tbe North, are striving to cripple tbe bands of tbeir country's defenders; who, under tbe garb of a false patriotism, and an assumed zeal for the Constitution eavil at all measures calculated to prostrate tbe rebellioo, and wbo endeavor to bold baok and paralyzs tbe strone arm of right, now outstretched to crush the foul treason which attacks the life of the nation. Resolved, That we have no sympathy m fifrint in pnmmnn with those who. f nr nretended admiration of anv 1 man or eeueral, would make their earnest- . ------ ness in tbeir country s cause, pernaps loyalty, dependant op, or subordinate to, their personal feelings; tbat we are ready and anxious to fight for onr country nnder whatever commander we may be placed, and nndor none with greater alacrity than our present eommaoder-in-obief. Resolved, That as we believe that "fighting for Southern rights" means nothing more than warring for the exten- '" f slavery, which we regard alike as a curse to tne vina, auu a yreui. mwn tcromj, we hail with joy tbe President's proclamation doing away witb tbat insti tution in every State in which rebellion exists, and hope soon to sea it forever blotted from our soil. Resolved, That our feeling towards traitors, both North and South, is oue of implacable hatred, and tbat, while this army his bullets for those at the South, it has also beels broad enough and heavy enough to crush the vile "copperheads" of tbe North ff they persist iu their insid ious attempts to weaken and overthrow tbe Government. Major Cbaoiberlin, Cipt Widdis, Co. A ; Cnpt. Reisingcr, Co. II ; Quartermas ter Voorhees, and Adjutant Asbhurst, were appointed a committee for the publi cation of these resolutions. On motion adiiorned. II. S. tlciDtitom, - -Lieut. Col. 150th Reg., Chairman. R. L. Ashburst, Adj. 150ih, Secretary. a traitor to bis country, wbo deserves the scorn and contempt of all honorable men. So says Gen. Rosecrans, a loyal and a , 00t appreciate the acts of those wbo carry 'peace petitions tnrougn tno eouoiry asking for signatures 1 latest Hews A rcconnoisance under Gen. Av crill was made across tho Rappahan nock, on the 17th inst. They forced their way across the river in the face of rebel sharp-shooters. They were met by a body of Stnart's cavalry, when a scries of conflicts took place which lasted about five hours. Our cavalry charges were acknowledged by tho rebels as the most brilliant of the war. After having accomplished their mission, and securing about 80 , SV. twit j nmnnre vrlmm i.4 Mni. Mioouv.0, -a -- : KeAfl1rinri.lo nnP furf P3 returned. u..i!...!,,-. - - - havin whipped the rebels SO Com - 3 - ' . a . . plctcly that tbey cot them while rccrossing ..i.l.. iUi l.otr o..i.I,i nnt nnnnv jnutv-.j ' Fop.tress SIoxroe, March 18. The Richmond papers of yesterday, copies of which have been received here, say that, on tho 14th inst., Com. Farragut attacked Port Hudson, and was repulsed. The United States steam sloop-of-war Mississippi was burnt, and Com. Farragut went down the river in his flag-ship which was disabled. Tho laud forces did not join in the attack. Tlie Kiclimona papers aiso contain news of the capture of the city of Mexico by tho i rench army. Ob th 10th Inst., by KT S. W. ("eib-rt. CnARLKS W. Wo,)l)WAKl and Miaa MA11Y M. WILLIAMS, all of Lewialinrff. Ta Lewlflbury, on the ISth Inst. after a llnrerln. Ill aena, horn with Cbn.tian fnrlitude. MARIA M., relict of Alxandr Urahani, dee'd, aired 76 yearn, S month, and la day). Fun.r.l to-morrow, (Saturday) at i P. M.J In Mifflinburi. 15thinrtMlNMK.dauphleTofCbarl It. sad KliuUth V.Bhriaer,ngad 11 anontha and M days. Ib Whit Deer town.hlp. 1.1th inat. JOnS ALBCRT, bob of John and Catharine Moore, acd 4 years 3 month, and 1 day. LIST or Irellern remaining in the Post Office at LEWISBURG, Pa, up to March IS. 1863: Adatnaon J D Arlley Levi Brown MarUa ' Bins man Jaa Cumming Mr Coap Poter f Dunk I Peter Doll Joe Renter Mia Becky Koarr Dae'l Leisr Jacob LelMr Una Lytle Che S Paige MiM Khaea Bb) A Smith Theodore 3 rMrhemer Mrs Mary Jaa hilliBit J A Farnworth Mrs fiancy Snyder Rebecca gtahl Peter Ptahl Jae II Stab I Una A Stahl Daniel StrahB Peter1 Wolf Stephen Wowier Jacob a Waller Joa Wearer Martin L Voder Joha reat-r J A Ores John Oloier K V (Iced, C Gbm Ron OrooT urnvld Hardeaatl. J llMkok Allen HwlfaCyro iloffiaaB tieo JnumB Mr long Joha 4T., Persons rallinc for tbe above Lettera, will please say they ar -advertised r ' 010 W FORREST, P M Words of a Loyal Democrat,-"! claims agamsi the same will Ml pri.perIy. i,,e a i.. am amsz'd that any one can think of peace, 1 properly authenticated r.ir settlement to me i n th. WM1,h by st. c.tharine'. trrten the act by rence M. Haves, dee'd. situated io traur I u , - , !,:. ' undersi-'ned. T. H. WILSON, M.U., Lx r. Blarkherry alley, on th n..rta by Lot Nn aol on towirshir b'ninn f'n Pa on any term.. He who enteruins this b'-rnsrM,rfn 13 ,ti3. ,.., b Th,rd .trct. .um,red ln tb. ee,..r.i pi. j ,owlh'P. -" .,,,..... entini.nf is Bt Onlv to be a Slave: be! I ' ' Boroiuh with tb. number one hundred and 1 sentimtnt, is ui oniy io ua a sia e, uo thirty, .i-h th. .pp.rten.nce.. e. ,i.i . th- properte j P.S. I can also be addressed up. n the. Wbo Utters It, at this time, IS, moreover, )T.; W I .I'.S I fJi- rmtr an.1 other., un.l-r proe-edin. in far- , .nhi.,.1 al li:!ki,. Pll :!,. V. a,. I i PUBLIC SALES, AdrartlMil la tti. -Clironicle" or Villi t thi odes. Marrh it Real s FrrMtmil Prnjiertv of Mm. S. L. Ian Vaixah. sc-', Bullaloe Mai-rb 21-Taranl Luis ot brl-llua - LrajUbars; Marrk H-Farm Murk of Kirk. Illrkrl. lt ItalTalue Marrh 35 Farm Stork or Harriet Slahl.Kast Ruflaloe Marrk 4 Farm Slurk el SnatHrl Moyrr. VtlaNrU Marrk K-Farm Niork of Fklll irtaberlla, kellr Mar.2H Penuiaal Fmperlr of E.t aambrrlla.LrwMiK MarSO&.l Merrainlize.F A.lkMrhuwcr.LtwNhurK April 1-FerMinal rroariiy of t.tiembcrllaclewbbc VKNDl'K NOTKS for Ml at lh Tbroalcl" offlm. Corrected Weeklg Wheat 51,40 Eg? 9 10 Rye 80 Tallow ' 10 Corn, old 75 Lard 10 Oats 50 Vaxle 5 Flaxseed 2,50 Clover seed 5 00 Dried Apples. 1,00 Wool 40to50 FirkioButter 12 Potatoes C2 Fresh Butter... 18 Country Soap 4 &6 Rags 4, 5, and 6 Sides & Shoulder 8 Ribs 6 Ham 11 T A. ELI. IS will open a Select School, at j II, the Town nan, nvwmy, up" Terms lo suit the times. March 2u KNOX FRUIT FARM & NURSERY. 1 "OIt many years we have maile the culti- r ration of SJI t ill 1 11 a soe- clty.aml taking iniu account vaa.jTV. i and hvaliti, our stock of Vines and Plants of I.KPK. r.UfKRERRIES, hrillUKKP.RIKS, LOilMltHllllllS, KAM'UKUKIKS, tlKKA.MS. cnke is unequale.t any whdre, which we offer on the most favorable terms. Parties wishing to purchase would do well lo correspond with us. or send for our Price List, which will be sent to all applicants free of charge. Oar Seed Store and Jhrtiettlural Urnte isai Xo. 3!) Filth Street, where all articles belonging to such an estab lishment can be had of Ihr best qoaliiy. 933 J. KNOX, Box 155. Pittsbur;, Pa. MM. METZI a UMldl Oll METZGER intends opening the mmr-r 1 erm ol detect ccnooi, i Oi. .VIOIillaV, .Marcn au. I erms Ol mmmi aij from SJ 50 lo t.75. according- lo studies pur- j , .. , t,,-k i-i.-n I sued. ISo extras. Lew.sburg. March l.)t.t Furniture Establishment FOR SALE. rflHE undersigned, desirous of closing ont business in Lewiburg before ihe mid die ol April, oilers, at Private Sale, ihe enure ouilil of his shop, consisting of Tools, Furniture, &c, 6c, at former priees. He also offers a fine Hearse. March 0, '63 SUI.DMOX VOL'.NG. Executor's Notice. "VTOTICE is hereby given that letters testa- meutary on Ihe last will and lesiamenl of JAMEf IJALE. late ot" Lewiiburg bnriwMir "i ' oroT.,1 i the .hsr.nber. bv ihe ReEister of 1 . j w I tnon county ,in due lorm ol law; inere.oraait persons indebted lo said estate ate requested ta take irumediaie payment, ann tnose naving VENDUE. W'it.L be sold at public sale, at the Farm ol Wm. L.Harris, on the Pike, iu East BullJoe township, L'nion County, on Monday, Mirch 23, 1803, commencing at 10 o'clock, A. M., 5 bead of horses, 5 Milch Cows. 3 hea t Young Catlle, head of Sheep, 8 ShoaU. 1 Sow, 1 Boar, Threahing Machine, Wnjtonn, Slcd, tannin Mill, Cutting Boa, UK ,'orll. Hope and I'uileya, How. Harrow. LuUia tora, llor-iiarrf, urindfloue, a barrel Cider and Cider linear, iron Kettle, UedteaJ, OookinK and Ten Plat Stores, Bureau, Corner Cupboard, ink. ! blea, Chaira, anl uiner llutaebold t'urultur not men tioned. . . , TaBus. Under $5, cash ; over 5.7 months with good security. KICHAliD UICkEL. r'ebruary IS. lsi- VENDUE. -IT7TLL be sold, at Biehl's Hotel, in East Uuffaloe, on ire,7iitWa, Mirch 25, 18C3, the following Personal Property, Io wit: 3 Horses. 5 Cows, a lot of Hogs of different sizes, S Wagons. Sled, Threshing Machine, Fannin? Mill. Hav Rake.heavv Horse Gears, riows. Harrows, uulnvators, nay ' ..a . ' : r'.w.. p.em.n. I.nlements. Plows. Harrows. Culiivators, Hav Ladders,' ici..r.i ui ''. ' . 1 Also, a lot of Hoaseh-.ld and Kitchen Kurni- I l , U.J., I) . i . I , .. e. T-lhl. I lure, such as stoves. Beds, Bedding, lames, Chairs. Stands, a lot of Caroeung.C.derVin. egar, and a variety of other articles not enu merated. Sale io commence at 10 o'clock A. M., when Terms will be made known by HARRIET ST A H L. Feb. 25,IS1. Widow of JenmUh 3thl, ix'i. VENDUE. -IT TILL be sold, at the residence of the snb- V scnber.in Winfield, Union townsnip, Oi Thurtday, March 26, 1863, the following Personal Property, vis : I Horse. 4 Milk. Cows. 1 Heifer, 6 Pigs, I four-horse Wagon. 1 open Buggey, 1 Sled, ? I'l,, nans, l side-hill Plough. 1 shovel - f "'r?Ji . "J ' ." J?r ' Hore ,.ea; t0gether with a.variety of oiher Farming Utensils too numerous to mention. Sale to commence at 10 o clock in the forenoon, when Terms of Sale will be made known by SAMUEL MOYER. WioO.ld, rb. at, 1863. PUBLIC SALE. On Si'urday, March 28, 1863, IHE subscriber will offer large lot of I I n....MH and Kitchen Furniture at .i.i." o.i. .. k.e residenee. consisting of l uu.ii. c, ... . - H.Htt.ailv Hureans. solas, unairs, ioirs,: Looking Glasses, Stoves, Garden Implemeois, Cow, Pigs, Ac, sc. Sale to commence at 10 o clock Tsums. Under $5, cash; over, months credit, with note and approved seruriiy. ELIZABETH CHAMBERL1X. Uwleburg, Feb. iii, lbSS. VENDUE. -tTTTILL be sold, at the residence of the subscriber, in Lewisburg, ou Saturday, April 4, 1863, the following personal property, to Wit : 4 Horses. 3 Bueeeys, I i-arnage. i en Furniture. Hale to commence at 10 o'clock in ihe forenr-m . whe. lerms o. MBERL,NG- known by CUKISI. Ilareta IS, 1S63, - r a.i. ;ii K miila horse Wagon, Hrns. Ac : also, 1 Boreaus. Bedsteads, Tables, Chairs, Stands 8Mf. and a variety of other Household and K.lch- U. S. Internal licvenuc. " 14th Cu!Iecion District, Penn'a. ""kT OTIC E. The Annual Assessment for the County of Union of all persons re quired to take out Licenses having been completed, notice is hrrebv ei'en, thai the i taxes will be received daily (except on the ! days below specifieJ) by the Drnuiy Collec j lor, at bis office at Coma Furnace, on an.! after Ibis date Marrh 10, IH6J until and in cluding Saturday, the 2&h day uf the same month. For the accommodation of persons con cerned, the Deputy Collector will attend At the Oommiisianers Office, Lewisburg, on Ihi 20th and 21st insts. At M. Kleckner's Hotel. New Berlin, on the 23d insi. At Jacob Deckard's Hotel, Mifilinborg, on Ihe 24th inst. At H'm. Wolfe's Hotel, in Hartleton, on tbe 25th in St. In Hightown, on Ihe 27ih int. All persons who shall fail lo lake out their Licenses, as reqiired bv lair, on or hefure said 28th dav of Marrh, !Hfl3. will incur Ihe penally of THKKE TIMES THE AMMLNT OK SAID LICENSES, in accordance with the provisions of the 5l)ih section of Ihe Ex else Lav. Money of ihe IJ. S. only received. No further notice will be riven. A. K. FAH.NESTOCK, Collector. Hirritburz, Pa. JESSE BEAVER. Deputy Collector. Marrh 10. 1s-3. Union Furn.oe, Union Co SHERIFF'S SALES. By virtu of a writ of Pluria Fi-Fa., issoeil out of the Court of Common Pleas ot Union County, and lo me directed, will be exposed lo publ.c sale or outcry, On Thnrvloy, April 9, 13C3. . . t 1 1 .i. v r i.bure. county aforesaid, al 10 o'clock A. M. . , . f. , - j Borouah nf Ur!Ktiir. trouoty foriJ. ttumVrr.J with ' the ti r tti kiwo pUn thrwe bunJixi ai twfi iSAMU ' houai4 n tb t by Kmnt Mtrret.cn th wmth by Uit o. ot j. ob me wfot dj rturiref iiw. n-i tin in rurth by Lot No. 311, ooUiomz tiijr-i(,urth of xn Arr, mrr fr wfiTfon artt rivruii Ur tno-itorey trieK livff limit I i tuw.br ttk Kitrlien, brick Hash Hnu-t UixkJ UouM. fraio Ul iv, Writ wtlb pomp, and itbr outtiut.ti-.ngHwtta tn a;'puricubct. ill. A. niu, Itci'itiu bill ui umuuu, iii- nt in the L'niiTit ;itniin of th. Bo roach of l.wibar. It being Lot Bumb-r fifty (f. hounjrd e.t bf Unw ,.wtiVu,h b, i. t ..ii.rt uiui j mile., anil n-trth by Lot No. 4. eont.inlic Oue ! Fourth of id Acre, moreor !, wiui th appurtenance, iuce, Ac. .Mi. 3. itsn, a certain i.ot oi ttrnona, i : ...!. ti,. UomuTh f L.witr. eoontr afiremij bounded on the north by other lot of Tbo. lUye.oii ! jnv $ division and sale into lots qil lie Coll 11 -tbe.j.tbyri.er.sa-.i.wbanna.anrton the malU by -t. ' cnr,ia,nin l-, (r,.. IB (f adieu J,.n-. nl..it.HU the n.er. and oo the ant by i n'enl- cootainin, lire". l wont lotof Williim llro.n Jr..ront.io.n Onronrtb of ! jfjare well limbered. A Mnail Stream I Acre. minor tr., anereoo iaerected a Hharf, ailhtiie j . , VVater llivs nearly through its centre. an.urtn.n.-er. c No. 4. A!so,a certain Lot of firound.sttnate in th Borour.il ol Lewiiinnric, nouno-a ontneweei ny u-.,...... o. ih. nonh h. otn,r lot of Ti.oa.HaTe.! on th. ...t by tbe ner Su j.banna. on tbe anoth by lot of VI m. Brown, Jr and Lot o .1 eboee dwiWl, whereon are erected a Wharf, Wei-Q-Srle and ORi'-e, ei'iitaininc Tbree-iKhtb of aa Acre, mor or tw, w lib. the appurtenance,, No 5. A certain lot of Ground, sit uate in th RorooR-h afureMni. bounded en th wet hj I v.le etreet. on tn aortb LyMrtef J. mall., oo Th 4 ' ,1m itniiinh.a.. aud on tb .oth hT Lot N ilniilnh.... aud on tb nl.-l. ciiitsiiitti ii... bi I '""' rn'l'"ril,'"i,?rieh'r' , m .r or i .nipnq i nn-wu ir.iue ' ' . wber-on i erected a frame IVerenooee.ailh th appurtenaDcea, ae.u tb property of Tnoaiaj iAiyex. Also, at Ihe same time and place, by vir tue of an order of the Court of Common Plraof Tnioa fchrrilT Office, Leaifbarr, liar- h, 0, 1st.?. DR. JOSIAH SMITH, HAVING located in Lewisburg, solicils a share of the public patronage. Will be louud at the Riviere House until April 1st. Lewiiburr, March 5. lSod. "jyrOTICE is hereby eiven that the Copart- nership heretofore existing between Thomson G. Evans and Albert S. Cooper, under ihe firm name of EVANS COOPER, is this day dissolved by mutual consent- The Books and accounts are in the bands of T. G. Evans, who is authorized to settle ihe busi ness of ihe late firm. , .?,,.. . , please call at the old. stand, and seu'e the All knowing Ihemslvev indebted will T O. EVANtt. ALBERT S. COOPER. Loaisbnrg, March 2. NOTICE. rTIHE undersigned having; purchased the I interest of Albert S. Cooper in Ihe late linn of Evans & Cooper, will continue ihe irm and riiiilon business at Vrr .ana " l . he ot Stand. I take Ibis opportunity to return my thanks ' to the public for a liberal patronage, and hope: by studying ihe wants of my friends and en-, deavoring to supplv Ihem to merit their pa- tronage in ihe future. T. G. EVAN'S. Leaiaburw, March X Watches, Jewelry and Silver Ware. No. 623 Market St. PHILADELPHIA ruc 1 : I i, ion uiiiicrMguru wiiuiu 'Stt5- respectfully invite your at- , Mw.K , tSoM ,nrS Silver WATCHES, Fine Oold JEWELRY, of every variety of styles comprising all of the newest and most btmitiful drnignt. Also, SOi.ll SILVER WAKE, eqwd to Cain and Ihe best make of Sirr Plattd W.ire. Each article is tcarranted to be as repreiiewfof. Ci" Watches and Jewelry carefully re paired and saiisfaction guaranteed. JACOB HARI.EV. (Suernscr to Xtuuffer d) Hurley.') February 27. IS63. FAMILY GROCERY! rilHE undersigned. has opened a New -L FAMILY GROCERY SfORE ' in the rooms recently occupied by W. M. Ellis i Bear ihe old Hayes stand. Market streei. Lew- w.a. i u. .1 ,r.,t i. uun, .unc ..c .ij Ficr.n lurnish ihe oubiic wim ine oest oi Coffee, Tea. Susar. Spire. Kills, Candles), full., riili, llwur &. Feed, clieeite, &c. Ast., together wilh all other articles usually kept in su such an establishment al ihe lowest prices Jail and give mm a inai. Drake's Plantation Bnters for sa'e. Jan 30.'63. NATHAN MITCH ELL, Agt Executor's Notice. "TOTICE is hereby given, that Letters tes l tameniary on the last will and testament ot BENJAMIN ANGSTADT, deceased, laie of Lewisburg, Union county, have been granted to the undersigned, by the Register of Unioo county, io doe form of law; all persons having claims against said estie will present ihem, aud those owing said estate are reques- CRU8 BROWN, Ejeeutor I JwUberr, Marck t, ISO. I ' . . tea w auu iinmeo.aie pirttirni, io UNION SEMINARY. rilHU Seona Qoarirr of the pr--nt sinn will cHimnr.e Marrh anl Cju i:uue till Jone HI. IH3. KiT.JilH.''" H.LEAS.A . M-Principal, a.,: ,.ik.i Prof- '' C. l!..ttn. A. VI. 1 ( Vis? KtTa Swiaituau, rrc NVw B-rho. Much l'J, 1". in Tffm VC 01 I 1C OOaflll ! A 11 1 IVEW GOODS! FROM miLAD. axd x.r. new coons NEW Goons NEW GOODS NEW GOODS For the Sprinp; anil Ptimmnr. For the Spring and Sumtnor. For tlie Spring and Sunm?r. For tlie Spriu ami Suiurusr. Call and Sf.e. Call and Ske. Call and See. Call and See. Jno..II GoiMlraan, Market St.,lfvi3hg J no 4 I.Cj' ood m a n, NI a rk e t S t. , L e w JilH rj Jno.il.Goodnun, Market St., Lewiaburg Jno. II.Goodman, Market St., Lew i3lur LVAII kinds of brain bcughl for Cash. r,() UDLS. Mackerel. Nn. 1 aaJ 2, in naif aad whole barrel,. IWr hr J'. II. UXIPHaS. COD FISH for sale l.v jn'o. rt. rioonv?f. WHITE and Dlue Planter f..r sa'o ty Ji't n. ciupmii. S A L 1 ' 10 l,arreli and sai ks f,,r ?a: K7 hj JNt. II. viO-jI-MW. iT) f(C BUS. of O.lfS Watltt'J. sJ mJJJ fv.v; 9 Heal Estate. FOR. PALE. ii-jATEU moily in ihe Borougti oi tii 11 L'.M'tL) mostly in ihe Borough oi liar Ueton. adjoining ihe village on ilieiwT.b ana extending almost lis entire lensm, aaa- ' The ImprovemeDls are a good Frame I Hon5, anJ Ban Barn WIlh a Tenant , , . f , ,- m .. House on the north end of the farm. 1 Apple urcnarc... one in lull oear.ng, lua Orchard, one vounger beginning lo bear. Also. Hit Acres) of Timber Land, situated in Hartley township. For Terms, apply to Maa. AGNES S. WTLSOX rCB.'i-x of J. F. W.em. wef. 937m11 . OlM.i.minDUle, Tt.i i.i.,-t - ""OTICE is hereby given, that I will meet. Onon the premises; on taturlay. ilie -il ot Marrh, lsvr, anv persons iZeiriu i Two Vacant Town Lots AT I'TJBLIC SALE. ONE on the comer of Second s'reel and Cherry alley, opposite the resutenre ,.( K. M. Musser; the o'her oo .onh t'i! n street, furn.erly tcropied by the Christn., Church. These Lolswiil be exposed io J'ch lic Sale, in front of the Riviere House, a: 3 o'clock P. M. of Siliird'y, Mirch 21, 1SC3. For particulars inquire of James Christie. Dennis Phillips or Martin Hann. 4ys7 rUBLIC SALE. TIIHE rfhdersigned. Administrator of lhe I Estate of arah L. Van Ya zah. late of , Bjffaloe township. Lnion ceontv. deceasert, ; ff . ' , ,..,. will offer, at Public cale, on the premises, r-y virtue of an order of Ihe Orphans' Court, Sttutdtiy, the i l j'Mtn Ji, 1S63, the following Real Es'ate to wil . a good far:, ! i"ateri in uuiu.oe ...wnsntp, in said cnon-y. "7 v i7 . "L . V . i the X ll..au t . . kVr.iB.Mlh by hwd.1 W5.r Sarah L. Vin Vl-i. drVii, nut or Md IttnaJioy tu tu nd Ande-w ll.u.k. and wrt b lauda of John DU "'"" n'Jnir. ABOUT UNE HUNDRED ACRES f i.n.l of tin i quality. a;i :ar-.i cpt about j i;. ..-re,. The imiru.rui-nu ar. v ir.me llwelimi; liouM. with ail tbe necee-ary li,liii.a - 5 j inii. A larenew BN& UAU.N. 1 "UDJ Oiel.ai.J ' I of choice r ru.t Tree.. Ac Ac. The f irm i, atleantaceon. j It I'jctrd in one of til moat dcairabi localities ta bulf ' aloe alley. Al the same time and place, a lot of Per ! sonal Property will be effered. Sale of Personal Property lo commence at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day ; Real Estate wi.l j be olftredatS o'clock P. Mwhea Term vill be made known by I J. F. VAN VALZAH,? , ... Feb24 8. S. BRBER. JAdmra. ! FOR RENT. STORE ROOM on Market street, Lewis burg, belonging m Wm. Frick, now oca. pied by Washingiwn Hutchison. Also, Slore Koom i f Rev. Jacob Kcden. baugh, and Uaguerrean Callery immedi.if.y over said room, on Market sireet. Inquire of jan26:i WM. JONES- A Farm, Saw Kill, & Thater Land, VLL adjoining, for sale on moderal term. The Farm contains about one honored and foriv (140) acres, all in cultivation, wilb. goi.d iwo-storey irame xwriiing f" i House and St. ne Barn. TI ne raw .i.i.jl has the Urge wa'er power of Peons Creek with about SOO Acres ol 1 imher Land all ( ....... .- - , l.,,nesmne To. I.ntnn Co. Appiy io ai a ". nxei.i. eiiuin. burg, lour miles from ie premise, or io HUGH BELLAS. Stinbury. FOR RENT. rrtWO-STOREY Brick HOUSE and- I LOT en North Fourth street. Jl I March II. P. M1EI.LLK. AdmiDistratdi's Kolite. T7HEREAS. Lelters of AdmiuiMration to the esUte of KEBI.tCA UAWS'i.V. deceased, lateol Ihe bom'oi Lewisburg, I nion eouuiy. have been granted lo the subscrirwr. by the Register of said county, in doe lorm i all persons indebied lo said estate are reone. i j .,,,, n.t ih.. hnvmv eiai j ,he same will pren shea duly ; .",-,..:.., ,u, .ettiemcoi. to Ig L H. Co" nUH.l.4.' LlwUburg, J. 1843 - - M 1 i :" : t. - i