Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, March 06, 1863, Image 1

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    ..L t'JBt'l'JJM. J.
41 4I..VO per Year, always In Advance.
rlllllMIKB hKUI-WrKhll
j-liv .Mirnin? & Friday Afternoon.
fO'lie tirm of Kvans i Cjoper ia dis
,.,! i. The energetic senior continues the
business at the old Hind.
r2Mr. Nevius baa for sale a few enpies
nf the National Almaneo for ls!03 a
large tod matt valuable collection of ficta
and figures.
lejr II iirard & CVs eipress rffic in
I.ewisburs;, hi been sbnlibrl. K.ipress
matter for all direction will hereafter be
attend! 'oat Ibe office of Adains Eiprcaa,
at J. Hik-r & Ci'a Drug Store.
MTAninng the soldiers at borne on
fuilixitfb, te notice Lieut. Jese Merrill,
of K seeraos' signal c irps, Frank. 0.
Schi lH -, bearer of despatches in 15urn
side's army, and Oapt. John II. Musacr,
of the c.iuiuiifaryd.-jartiucut, llelle 1'lsin,
V. The; report the armies iu fioe health
aud spirits.
S?aTbe Mifilinbur,! Ttt-jraj.h says
there is not a ease of 6UaII-pox in that bor
ough .James I,ukcr ia discharged from
Hassctiplug's Company, having lost the
fure finder on his right hand, and being in
poor health Mong Shaw Loo lectured
iu llirtletin, Saturday evening.
te-Tbc Official Vote for State Officers,
read openly iu j lint session of each Ilouso,
foot up as follows :
Ami H.n. f nr.. flan.
Slcnker 'Jl'.t IK,'! Harr
CocUr.u lil.r,CSl RdSS -ilo.'JIH
Majorities J.38i 2,974
Average, 3,179.
I pAt an election of the l.cwishnrg & Mif-flmloir;-
Turnpike Co., the following officers
were chostn for ihe ensuing year;
Panniw-ti'o. F. Miller.
M ,ai.RH Martin Ilreishaeh.t.ideonBiehl,
A'!am snecUler. J. Freilrnrk Pontius,.
TiKuriKi ,,o CiEaa James F. I. inn.
K. B. Walter, of the ea.t end. and Henry
Mull, of the west end, were appointed Collec
tors ot Tolls.
loST-The remains of J. K iiierly, Sam
url Wolfe and C I) l'ox, members of the
USth Keg. l a. Vols (Col. Heaver's), who
died of typhoid fever, at Falmouth, Va.,
were brought up, this week, by Adams'
express, and taken to the vicinity of Mad
jsuuburg, Centre Co., frr interment.
aojuTbaiiks to Miss Linda Spigolmycr
for a copy of the Fifth Annual Report of
the Hoard of Visitors of the Government
Hospital for the Insane, at Washington.
The lipnrt is illustrated, in a superior
niauuer, with a number of views of the
immense building and its surroundings.
Kjj-Jdines Hafcr writce us from York
town, stating that the Union county
drafted men are all well and in good
spirits. Mr. H. has our thanks for a
e ipy of the C waiter, a little piper of do
cidvd niPrit, published at Vorktowo.
TiMrXV Warsinu. During this war,
Guv. Curtin has been honestly desirous of
uumug the people of the O.d Keystone
Ftate. With that view, be baa given
tonic of the best offices at bis disposal
and very many secondary ones to his
political opponents (a thing they never
do to us ) He furloughed those of their
drafted men, elected to tbo Legislature
thus giving Iheui the means of electing
a State Treasurer and U. S. Senator, lo
return fur all this kindness, Bockalew's
tnoutb-picee (the liloomslunj Democrat)
tpeaks of Gov. Curtin as follows :
An Abolition mr.row mas held a fe.
days asi) at Washington, at which Riot Par
don Curtin attended and received hit orders.
He is to he the abolition ronservative-nigser-rmancinaiion-anti-law
candidate for re-elre-rioii.
''he way the people will put him
itiroiish. ri!l be a caution lo men of his class
and character,"
The above betrays the feelings of the
party be has so sought conciliate. All
the power be bas given them, they will
use to prostrate him, as they would any
other friend of the country. It takes
eomo well-meaning persons a long while
to learn the true nature of the Slave
Tower, which is now seeking the destruc
tion of free institutions under the stolen
garb of "Democracy." Gov. Curtin may
yet learn (as have many others before him)
that, the more one yields to wrong and
despotism, the more it demands lbs more
ungrateful they are.
" S" th- au-uek K.-l. utratrheS nana lb. plain,
No mr. tbf,.h riillint elnud. to annr p.in(
P-IWd. 11m I'.lhor. whirh InprU th.dsrt.
riurkrd fruni hi. wing ihun r.nkliog in bit heart.''
The Freedom of the Press.
Justice Storey, the eminent Jurist, in
his commentaries on the Constitution, in
treating of the first article of the amend
ment made to that instrument in 17S9,
which declares that Congress shall make
n laws "abridging the freedom of speech
or of the press," remarks: "That tbis
amendment was intended to secure to
every citizen an absolute right to speak,
er write, or print, whatever he please,
without any responsibility, publie or pri
vate, therefore, is a supposition too wild
to be indulged in by any rational man.
This would be to allow to every citizen
to destroy, at bis pleasure, the reputation,
the peace, the properly, and even the per
mit safety, of every citixeo. A man
miiir, out nf mere malice and revenge,
acry,e aoomer nf the most iofetaoDS
mui'.o , iu.al CAcite ssiusl aitu the
indignation of bis fellow citizens, by the
' most atrocious calumnies ; might disturb,
I nay, overturn bis domestio peace, and
i embitter his paternal affections ; might
i inflict the most distressing punishment
j upon the weak, the timid, and the inno
cent ; might prejudice all man's civil
and political aud private rights, and
might stir up sedition, rebellion, and trea
son, even against tbe government itself,
' in tbe wantonness of his passions or the
tbe corruption of bis heart. Civil society
could not go on under such circumstances.
Men would then be obliged to resort to
private vengeance lo make up the deficien
! cies of the law, and assassinations and
savage cruelties would be perpetrated, with
, all the freijuenoy belonging to barbarous
communities. It is plain, then, that tbe
' language of the ameudmcnt imports no
more than that every man has a right to
speak, write, and print bis opinions on
. auy subject whatever, without any prior
! restraint, so always that he does not in
jure any other person in his rights, person,
property, or reputation ; and so always
that be docs not disturb the ptace, or at
tempt to Bttbvert the Government."
i Vet the right to "stir up sedition, rebel
lion and treason against tbe Government,"
is now boldly claimed, by the pro-slavery
. malignants of the country, as one of tbo
guarantees of tbe Constitution in tbe
amendment above referred to ! It is time
i the people, those composing the voting
population, studied these thing, and put
themselves on their guard agaiost the
sophistries and misrepresentations of the
demagogues, who, under the pretence of
' championing the Constitution, and pro
lectiog the peoplo from the usurpations of
power, are, in reality, doing what tbey can
; to parsljz) the National Government, aud
' secure the success of rebellion and disun-
4 in."
I A Loud Warning !
Geo. Mii.kiiy is especially hated,
by the Rebels, for bis Union triumphs in
aud firm bold on Western Virginia.
They execrate bim, as they do Uiti.er
and all other earnest Generals in our ar
mies, llejiinsthe brave soldiers and
r fficers in tbe fields of battle, in openly
denouncing secession sympathizers in tbe
Free States, ia tbe following manly, scath
ing, and expressive letter. Those enemies
of the Government, referred to by him,
are laying up for themselves cause for
life-long repentance. Hear tbe brave
Western Geueral, MlMiov!
EJitnr ImlianaiilU Jnurmil. I have
just read the noble resolutions of my
brother officers of Indiana, iu the gallant
army of Uosecrans, who, having assisted
by their heroism in achieving tbe splendid
victory over the traitor army under Kragg,
turn round to rebuke the more ri'e and
cowardly trailort at hnnte, who, having
tat-on athantagenf the alacnce of over 100,
000 patriot toldien to teal into power, are
disgracing our State by their treasonable
Let these trailort nf the Indiana Legit
latnre and the O-pperheadi, Huttcrnutt,
and A'. (J. V.'t, throughout the State, who
are giving aid, comfort, and encourage
ment to armed treason in the South, read,
lo the odium that has followed the memo
ry of the lilue Light Federals and Hart,
ford Conventiooists of 1812, tornrlkinj of
the execration and delegation that tritl
jUbnc tlieir memory down tlie ttream, of
1 join with my fellow soldiers of tbe
Union, everywhere, in warning thete trai
lort at home, that, when we have crushed
armed treason at tbe South, and restored
the sovereignty of our Government over
these misguided Stales, (wbiob, under
God, we will aurely d"), are will, upon our
return, while our hands are in, aso exfer
minate treason at the Xorth, by armt, ij
need be, and teal, by the blood of traitort,
w'lereiier found, the permanent peace of
our country, and tbe perpetuity of free
government to all future generations.
R. H. MILRor.
Winchester, Va., Jan. 30, 18G3.
TiiEsiiAr, March 3. j
Coming down from the West Branch 1
yesterday, one oar was duly honored with
"the clergy" bound for Conferences, ladies i
bound for general diffusion, and editors on j
duty. At Northumberland, we bad at- i
inched to us a car full of Legislators, just I
from Scranton and thereabouts a load of
sin, generosity, drollery, and jollify, who
kept each other sufficiently wide-awake
They were evidently pleased with their,
trip to that coal region a new world to
many of them albeit great many of the
"Legislative party" wars not Legislators,
but some were hungry and thirsty souls
always ready for such ebanee.
A solitary ahad-fly erept into oar ear
at Harriaburg, they were quite numer
ous, and if not mistaken (as insects and
birds somiiojes are) indicate Spring. Va
rious songatera have been carolling sweet
ly, last night and tbis morning. Bat it
is beooming colder, and flies and birds
must (io lbs emphatic if not classical
phrase of the dsy) "dry up," and by their
premature promises prove that tbey do
not know mors than more reasonable
beings, like yon and I.
Our attentive and respected Assembly
man, Mr. Sirouss, informs me that be was
a sad spectator of the aocident en tbe
i.iiw.j, jt.itiuey moteis,; It secured
near hit home, not far from Perry ville, I spective duties and positions. However,
Juniata county. There is very steep ! with all his abilities and facilities, he has
mountain under which the road runs, and 1 been unable to make a complete blockade,
where there havo been disasters before Hut we have done something since our ar
tbis. As the traio from I'ittsburg was ; rival. We have captured three fine
going east, a Urge body of earth and steamers, bound into Charleston, with
rnek. . found, which had slid down their almost invaluable cargoes, and caused
vk .n.-h .;.!. 1
left -i.hont watchmen, is not stated. The
splendid engine was thrown down the
1 '
steep bank into the river, whero the water :
v ... ... , . ., !
, feet deep: it was followed by the j
ear, and two passenger cars,
was ten
There were many passengers aboard, but j
aa the cars broke uo in their fall, most
, . 1 r o - ;
of them escaned. several by swimming-,
The mail was mostly burned up. The Rebel sympathizing newspapors. !
express messenger aud baggage master, ! We have had, on an average off this ;
who were supposed to be killed, were i harbor, about eight steamers, and two pi
found standing in an upright position in lot boats, all the time. More steamers J
their cars in the river, with the water up would, I think, have been very service
to their chins, alive and uninjured, but able, yet it seems no more eould be spared
the goods and baggage bad wedged them
in so completely, that they eould not ex
tricate themselves, until assistance was
might have been forewarned of tbe oh-;
struction, and tbe Company should be
made to pay roundly for every loss bus- :
taiucd exemplary damages would soon ;
lessen thete horrible affairs, which the ;
Company conceal, and about which we are
.11 tnn indifferent. Watchmen, with fliirs '
by day and bright lanterns by night, 1
should be stationed wherever there is dn-
.u .,-.:i .oo:.. ,,l Wo .nrf tht the linn ot channels 10 dud hhw, 1 hbliu ..i-
, rendered, .ur. anoarer, a urover irom te guarae. i ,cd . ,he ,.rMi(lcn, ,018!,,mbleon j fuio. Church. ABOUT ON K HUM'KEU AfKbS
1 r.renl.nrff. was known to be killed, fand anl that thick fog-.heavy gilea, ana oarx, , .' . .;....;.. fi Tl. V.irch 10. lSf,3. . , ., , r.o.:t. u .irr4 ..e.pt .bot
v- o- - ' IDC tlO IDSI.f If u uciuio- .ft ---- - - w bntnm avavaaK.
it is foared others may be lost,) and ten night, all assist the smugglers in their ex-. 0pjke, 0f New York, vetoed h. xntikk ft.-, '.f. WSi y'o fX
I or fifteen are wounded or hurt. Unless crtions lo get in or out, you cin more, A,icrD),uie resolutions ouiplimeutary i t".Jb. r. 1 hr- a. 1 ifyK ' V"; Ka!. TisVt iTi;wte.
! tho slido occurred at the moment of tbe readily pardon any seeming neglect on the ' t, ex.Ge0. Jtfhn Forter. tS'ri.rl"'..'!" e,.. :Z". .'..'11." h-JJ;;-; J"'"u' '"";'u" " "
I ns,.e. it is certain the eoeineer 1 Dart of tho blockadcra. I Zrl "Aiihe same time and p'ace, a lot of Per.
gcr of slides, and especially in such a sea- but a bright look-out would not prevent
son as this. ' some damage to your corn. Whenwocap-
Two descrters.hand cuffed and hoppled, ture the crib, and not until then, wil! we have
having passed through Harrishurg, tbo 0ur own way. As you are aware, my du
l'atriot made it an occasion for declaiming ties not being to keep a look-out on dock,
about "the indignation excited by the hu
miliating and disgraceful spectacle." The
officer iu charga says the culprits bad
been at large niue months, traveling
through the country, receiving bounties
and thcu deserting, hiring as substitutes
and then deserting, and breaking out of
barracks and breaking off hand cuffs,
Such chaps, of course, are " martyrs to
military tyranny," and no doubt the
psrty wooia exalt mem to me
bead of our armies !
Wednesoat, March 4.
Yesterday was private-bill day in the
Unuse. The lScliucrove ferry hill tu
objected ff the calendar by Mr Kilter.
The most exciiing thing in Ine House
waa an attempt by Trimmer and alsb,
tbe Enitlish and Irish Members from l,u-;
arne to dictate the terms of a Kailway for
..' ' ... i ., x.',.
Wayna County. HOD, u .'itmnur irum
Wayne, most handsomely rebuked them,
and advocated his bill so effectively that
Trimiuer nd were lei t alone id
TJrrZL '
To day, the restoration of tbe Tonnage
Tax ia tbe special order of the House.
Jertey Shnre Boom,ngnin .' Mr. ioyes, , Sundays in order to get back to our duties
Assemblyman from Clinton county, is ! tl;rc mu(.n fut ,1,9 difficulties of the
openly for "the Boom at the Suoro," ! kIockijc
wbieb ha, a strong dcfia I Yoll blTe .11, I suppose, read the de-
and Williarosport a less one against it. '
Assemblyman Bock, although bailing tails of the exploits of the Rebel iron
from Williamsport, seems to be in a clad off this port. All of the vessels
quandary about what to do, the 'Shore 1 damaged wero light merchant steamers,
people claiming him as their friend : if be wjtn jig batteries,) made into men of
goes for tho Boom, he goes against his uk(J h M hinl Dot ,
be offends' hi, supporters at the Shore.
Here is dilemma for you. What is to
be done J Well, yesterday, in Senate, Me.
Bucher, Democrat, from Cumlrland
founfy, read tbo bill in place! benator
Johnson moved us roierence 10 toe wai-
mutes ou ,uuiciij, o wm.m -
H . f .-k i u ka .
member. Perhaps he will keep It there
uutil Beck shows bis hand in the House
i... . f. if . Willi.msnnrt man
. B '. , .. . r .
will not oppose it, why should a man from
Muncy ?
Tbe Senate passed three acts nf ineor-
noration for the church of the United
Brethren (commonly called Moravians)
... v ii i. - . i i
called Moravians)
tne Liinaen tiau oemiuarj j.m., ......
easier Oo , which has existed since ISUU
tbe Moravian bemmary lor 1 oung .,a-1
dies at uetu enem. m..u.u.u ..ueo- fc woulJ bg M matii)iag l0 us as it
and the Moravian College and Theolog-, " w
ical Seminary at Bethlehem (formerly at j t gt soldier in our West
Naxareth.) The formal incorporation of ern Territories to be shot by a IJigger ln
theee institutions indicates increased pow- j dian with a poisoned arrow. Luckily for
er and setivity in that denomination. j them, (and tbey know it, too,) our vessel
To-dav, (jeorge Lunxie, mercnaui
tailor on Market street, buries bis son of
few months, and bis father of many
Thus the extremes ol lire meet
in tbe tomb, tbis day of March w
and ebangeful temperature. W.
From one of the Blockading Ships.
CorrwpoDdene. of lb. fur a Chronkl)
Off Charleston, S. C, Feb. 17. j
There have been bat few topics more fre
quently discussed, both at boms and
abroad, during tbis war than tbe efficien
cy or Ihe inefficiency of our blockading of
tbe Rebel ports. The blockade of
Charleston, on account of its importance,
as well as tbis beiog tbe detested heart of
the Rebellion, eomes ia for a heavy share
in these discissions. As I have bad the
pleasure of beiog here for the past sis
months, ew remarks from me, eoneern
icg thedifficullies of this blockade, I trust,
may be aeeeptable.
Our vessel bas been the flag ship el tne
station, nntil within . few days ago, and to crack-but the kernel, hew delicious it
she is commanded by one of the shrewdest, will be I
most energetic and eiperieneed officera of The A'eie Irontidet is now bsre, as one
tbe Navy. He bas bad entire eoetrol of of the bloekaders. She is the only iron
Teasels hete, and ntsigos them their le- j oiad bie. As it was my feci"", ssrta
beach and bo '
wrecked. We have also captured three :
sailing vessels, going out. Tbe exact
. . , . 1 1 .ts ,.K 1
number ol vessels tuai pa.o goio ''s- ,
.... i:. ; ..f.. ,ik. fnr.-v niuhts. i
our lines, in safe,, e, dark flight.
we are unable to determine with certain-
... . ,
ty. Hut 1 do not Believe mat inej t.iu.i
the number captured, notwithstanding the
numerous lies told on tho subject by ,
for this special duty. hen you bear in
mind that this cuast is full of dangerous j
sand bars, and that the line of channels to
The abilities of persona accustomed to ,
the use of their eye-sight, as sailors are, is
woouer.ul, nut uoa never g.. . u..o ,
eyes that could see a vessel, one hundred ,
yards off, through eomo of the fogs we;
have here. Blockading a corn-crib against
huncrv rats, on a very dark night, would
not be an unfair simile to this blockade. ;
It might be bad for the rats occasionally, :
-.1- -na i .a itllH .r,lir. tO
1 Can Wliu uesici
.1.: I hulin.K have BO
my uip-iu..c, -
fuiihfnMv djne their duty.
' ' ... .,
There i
is considerable time necessarily
lost by steamers going into port for exam-
; ination, repairs, and fuel ships are not
i immortal, but on the contrary require very
h eXpend',iurcs for repairs. F;ogincs
; . ' .. , . . ffiaioo, -,a,t b, ce.
: . . . iM.,
to say nothing of the other details about
the shin's hull and rigging. Our vessel,
for instance, with bcrimmense ooucrscau-
, taiuillg ne,r nine., .on. of water, and in
wlljch are eonsumcd at times seventy five
, , , j :lh our DowcrfuI en-
t"us uf c,,il dJ' " Poweriui en
gines which.whendes.red.candotbe work of
' I. ;... l..e. .f,.r h..in bar-
r." ........... n
' neosed, aud ready fjr constant duty for
8eve0 or eighty dlJS requir. . ,c. days
for Ciiri.fui exainioatioo nd repairs, before
ca safely ..,
tbey are ready for ,
J another beat. Wbeo we get into port, no
i time is lost wa have even worked on j
count too largely on the power of our a-
vy, if we get inveigled into foreign
war. A large portion of tbe Navy are of
' j, ,tj;e.) The Rebel accounts of the
! iffijf M j reiJ ,ben, mJaoif j the
.,.... . r ,llint. tho most
. , -
cousunimaio -pi v-e,
! seen during this rebellion, lart ol our
! . A.. I .n know tho rams had
' . . . , c
: b ouL .uhour-h thev beard the canuon -
ading. It was a buy day and tbe Rcb-
"'. ,. i1i-,.dB
. - ... , i i I
1U,BU' --
' on auy nignt or uay wucu aatums
' e ny n.ght or u.y wncn aib.ne,
f .1,.,,. n. ni.i from ihcir vmw. Oo
in more to run on tho
. . 1 ...... :. .v.. ..,. nn. A aneeial session of tbe U. S- Senate I loe township, one mue buu-.oi una ,... ii,.,. n,..,.i.
. . ... T G EVANS.
j 0ur vessel, wo have no fears for their iron-
0(j aB(j fi)r u t(J ba Ierj00Jij injured by
p Hil. . th- . ...a .
i . . , ,
ii some oi our uueeu oue auumn
j '
can't smash in their sides, then gentle
thump with our vessel's bow moving at
the rate of thirteen knots an hour and
backed by nearly four thousand tons of
solid matter, woidd, I have no doubt.
As a rant, there is nothing perhaps in
our Navy superior to the Powhatan. We
uut ....jumni.. " "
would nae to nave a cuancs so scot mi
As to rams, I have good reason to be
lieve that a day will speedily come, when
we will see the most invulnerable and at
tbe same time tbe most destructive vessels
afloat, without a tingle gun, but depending
on her steam power alone to destroy the
most eostly and powerful men-of-war the
world has yet produced.
I suppose you would like to know when
Charleston is to be takon. So would we.
But Ait nafieitee. It will be a hard out
MARCH G, 1863.
months ago, to be attached to that noble
vessel, I then thought it would be but a
Um weeks, at farthest, before I should I
have the steadinesa of my nerves tried, j Rye
and she her armor, under the Rebel bat- Corn, old
teries. But we are each all right J':;;
the Ironsides bas been iept out or ne i
ranne of the Rebels shot, ns well as your .
old correspondent,
The Kentucky Senate reeonsidered the
.;,... ...... .ir.nr f'.tl f.slhirt fur dial.
.i.v...., - - -
persin the traitors convention at rrank
The ,traightfout Unionists have i
It ii die, tbo Rebels are sheathing the
Harriet l,aoo with iroD. She is siill at
t ,
An expedition of 10C0 cavalry, left
Murfreesboru ou Sunday mormug, and
eocouutered the ensmy at Hradyville.
After cevrra u.-htioi? the euemv were
j: .l -ok ,,. I,,., nf k
11 1 1 veil ii o ill i ii c tu.u, " i " J
killed and 20 wouaded, and (0 pnvatcs
and 8 officers captured. Our loss was 1
man siueu, i capi.iu uU o wo.-.. ,
Latest News
()ff Vk.ksbu u com.
u .g ossercd tImt 0r
,ru1i)oat3 have Rone throiifrh. Tho
rt!li; batteries ut arrentou (12 unk-3
below Virkslmr?;) have been reduced.
The U. S. iron-clad gunboat Iu-
dimiola has been captured by the reo-
CIS. rsie was auacKtu ny inu rani
Ouccn of the West aud the rebel ram
Webb, and forced to surrender.
Another boat ran the batteries, was
fired ou. and received three shots.
The small towu of Lake Providence
... n l, ,1 its t e.S VDll lit fl rO tnirotllOr
; a ,... .v..... j j
u illl n l.irirn limOUUtof U.S. COHllnis-
. - -o -
1 sary stores. 1 he rumors ol a threat
I 1. l..-;n,. l.o.n C.o.rl.t ol Vii-ti.
i .J
burg appear iu uU u.iu.u..uuu.
i A Uispatcli uaieu eavannan, Jiarrii j
I, states that the rebel steamer -asu
' ville ran aground before Fort M Al
i lister, and was destroyed by our iron
lHTm.IC sales,
AdfrtiJ iu llit? ' ChronlrW or Bill sit tbU offlc.
MijP.;iion-4Ucf Vr.s.K. Mlllrr. Uwltkan.
i;rrrM)i rn.srnjrtiari.iia. Keif. le. is
r.i:-r'ri Ma f Kubert urakaa.Sr., Kurr.ioe
19t4r- M k k. ,K,rr. fcr,
Jl-Kral ate rrrwnal rntpent ml Mrs. s. I.
lib. Ser S. BaDaliw
Marrb -rara starker Kirk. Blckrl.Cwl Itntralne
MArTh-Firi wwk f nmpHtmhrrUmt.keUj
llar.nv-rcrsonal Prnsen) f(.t'kaaikerlla.lrsk(
VkNIlUK NtlTKS for ml. at th. "CbronW." offlc.
On tb-31 int..bT Kt. A G. Drl, J-STRAWnRlDOK
M't ;-;1I1T ni Mi4 MAKT A..(UUbter of Vmiui U.
Krll. bolt) of BatTftlm lowntbip.
B R-. I.Orivr, 'Jrtth utt, OBRflU S1IIVELY ud
MiM (U.-?IN KuVKK.br.thof LtmaMtotwTp.
In Lnwlibore. M in.t.. or quirk ennwimptlon, SLIZA
1IKTI1. agej jmu. .if. o H illtain Mrttlrr.
In lwi.bnrs. en th. 4th nt . froni tnjarU .n'Ulned
bj.i.ii.J'aniAS sriNNnT..ed .ii : j-.r..
In MiWinburc. 2'h nit, AXNA, iOu or Kobert
Murg-in. me4 y.ir.
j -j-, AV1XU iicaled , Lt W15burs, soilc,,s a
; ,hare of lht pnhlie patronage. W ill be
lounJ at the Riviere House until April lsu
, - -r
""OTICE is hereby given that ihe Copart-
, Del.sn,p heretofore rusting between
i Thompson l. Evans and Albert S. Cooper,
1 under ihe firm name of EVANS i COOPER,
' . .... ... ;.., K ,., ,v., Th.
Books and arcounts are in the hands of T. fi. j
i Evans. hos amhurized to seule the bust-;
' - -
, n, of the late firm.
, All kB(,wine themselves indebted will
, All kB ine ,
p ease call at ihe
u.i,borg, atch
mHE uni!ersinrd havine purchased the
I interest of Albert 8. Cooper in the late
firm ol Evan, i Cooper will continue .he
grocery aud 1-roalalon bus.nes. at
. "I,"!.' ;.., , ...oen rr,, IB,nk
' , ,km m t, . l,heralniron?e. an.l hone
i.c .... a . -
r. .-- r - - - - -
by slully,e ,he wants of my friends and rn-.
i d jvoimr tn snppiy totia w mrn mm f d. ,
Ironace in me ntiurr. i . u. t. ,
Lewmburr. Sluch X.
Executor's Notice.
""fOTICE is hereby Riven, that Letters tes
N tameoiaryon Ihe last will and testament
..f lll'.XJ VMl.N ANUSTAUT. deceased, laie
f ,eWisburg. l'nion county, have been
granted to the nnders.sneu. by tne hrgis.er 01
I i lllon couniy. in due form of law; all persons
having claims against said esute will present
them, and those owms said estate are reques-
wA tn make immediate payment, to
CYRL'S BROWN, Eiecutor
lewiiTf. Starch is ISS-
Watches, Jewelry and Silver Ware.
ft ,M, THE undersigned would
vjfyk -BV relpecu-al. invite your at-
jLtSSSSSienlion lo his well srlrrfd
stock ot Fine tio'd and Silver WATCHES.
Fine Gold JEWELRY, of every variety of
styles comprising all of the itrtrcj, and most
hfntLliful deaiima
Also, SDLIU WILTER WARE, equal to
Cmn and . the heal make of Sitter Plated
I Wure. Each arucle uwamnitd lo be a
represented. - 1 Cow, Piss, etc Ac.
17 Welches and Jewelry carefully re-j Sale lo commence at 10 o'clock
nairtd and sailsfaeuon srnarantred. Ti Under $. cash; over. 6 months'
(.eusrener to SUuJ.r 4 tfeWry.)
February l7, 16J.
"THE UXIO.V establish?! in ISltWhule ISo., 2.M7.
"CHRONICLE," estaMislicil ia 1 5 13 Whale No., SSti.
UttBijslmrij IHnvUrt.
Crrt'tJ ik'jl
$1,4.') K'gS 5
.' Tailow
... 7j Lard
OK Fork f'i
2.5M Clover seed
r)ric(J Apples. $ I, Wool....
p:rvinRutter 1 I'otatoes
... 'C
Fresh Kutter... it t'ountry &oap 4 o
Rag. 4. 5. and 0 Old r"T"r
I, be sold, at public sale, al the resi-
uce uf the uicnler, iu l.ewislurg.
S'lturday, M.inh 7, ISI'iS, j
i Kurfau. BrrSiearfs, I .Uk.
ihs fnlliiwtnir rr.'Prrtv :
a. M!e Uoar.s.
Sei-reiarv an-1
j Hook Case Carp-!. Mur-Ts. W.ti
i Chars .T.iUeb, Lamp. Urs;r K't n-
! , ;o,,per Keliles, lar.. B.a
i Corner t.o.iloar.!. WmJ-.w
a Tal-V
, An li
UIiikK, sttee, I.arse Wairr Vr
i Karihrn W are. iIJ Iron, c
. M.
OiC. C.
Sale to commence al l o ! et a.
I Feb.
. 5:; t . . I'iii.i.im n..
i . -
TIM. ha sold at I'uhlic Ven.lue. at
' . . . . . . n . .r
residence U ine suo.crioer, in nuna
l,k,Lhatr.. be,ltt. ..l.. CI ul ery lar. ..u.-i. -.1
i-tli-r .dii-lr u-rd on !ti tsrui uJ u tl. Luumi. tcu liU
Birrou. t oi-uli'-n b.re. a
Sale lo commence at hall" past nine o clock.
A. M.. when Terms of tile will l e n.iJe
known by lOHN 11AKT.MAN.
.usry Is. lSf.
"1T7"!!.!. be sold, at Public Ha!e. at the farm
sh,F, iniou county, on
j Taetday, M,nh 17, 103,
II 11 Kohert S'.rahan. iu uuua:oe iou-
the ENTIRE FAKM STOt.'K of said sub-
rrilier, eoo-utirii or Hori... 1 r"-t Ine- linj Mr 1 ,
Yriiblt IVt, MllCll .. Kiel im ( .It.e. 'A . 1 ,
t. brr if.., 1 ti.p Huic-r. 1 a-!. 1 sl-lt. F.'..,
H.rm... t'uUn.ter, 1 ir.in lirlil. 1 Twl'. .lrnt tn
nuiC ll. Thrr-hlt.ir M.-bin. Cullmi: U nk..
Kukf. sho.el.. H. by th. tnn. I"l.u.i.w llir bn-hel. .
U'M o.nrm Hnruru, tir.m Cn.rt.r-. slo.il. Si.lb..:
tbe eutir. .loek Ol llOU-.tiOHl UfUltlire. .-I1..IIIC
' Will''!. .IS
. Tl. tlli i j.i,j Bur-.u. Unl.t.uu, In n
! hpll..'inrinr I, th. tan.!. Uii.oer 1M1. l.ini.l.ni
re fnrlor C.vl St.-,. Il.tu.i.y
M..n,..n.l ,r, l.rs. .uk.,l olber .rtic:i u-rt
, u,m ,nJ io tl bu-., v 00,.,ul.. to t.auva.
I I.. cnmin-nCt at 10 o'clock 13 the
f..rnn. when T-rm. of Xale will b. made
WU.U bf sold, at Public Sale, at the
Farm uf Fratcia Wilson, in UulTahe
luwDship. Lniun county, (near Lcwiburg.) uu
Weflnenloy, Mirch IS, 1SG3,
th fMlnwiOkT tmrm !tork of Fatwcrib4r. yn7tln
Of Word llTT, i (fXl Urrs-JlDjt Mr;. 1 H:.i,wJjsi lrsi
ilh f"l. i.'olt of TtrKu Durtie.ni O'"" ntl tur-
hm HVit-rs. llf-tt. I four huris Hiioa uJ B-J, - tt
h rm Wt"u: 1 tn it. Trurk WMr.rt. 1 , ring H Birn,
1 thoratCjirrMaif,l Tup ttuirry,l I'touuhtj.
Hrfrro. CuitivBt'in. 'i pauot ru PUiiiit-. cut iron
Von rin.tr. 1 Vara Mivt:r. 2 riul t'uttitstj lt..xr,
tsirh tl-iw no l Prior Alr-ft lntst by thf bskjst.Fi,
oJ oiaiiij ollttsr rtielv tu unin-rou to nx utiuu.
3le lo commence at 10 oclTk in the
f.irenoon. whrn Terms .." ale wit! b maJe
known by FRA.NClS Wll.bOX.
r..rurT It. iwx
1T7ILL be sold, at the residence
f the
W subscriber, in Kelly Twp, L'nion Co.,
Thurvlny, March 19, lSC3,
the following personal properly, to wit: ;
3 Horpes. 1 M.r with fu.l, 1 ttin-e-yi-.r o!J Colt. 2
t.n-vear olil C'lt. "J ..De-,r.r l'nlt. 4 i'o... I ll iter, 7
hewl V-nna Clll.. I Brelinic sow. 4 She.t.. 1 li.ur
hum Walton. 1 t.e-hnr. U .run. I Spring Vi...n. I
fled, ll'TM Fi-r .nil Tl,re.lnn Ion-. 1 Imiiiohi:
Mill, 1 lirin brill tMyer-' pl'-n", 1 i-" r -rk,
Hope nnu Fulli- 1 h-ll.r. 1 f-.rn l'l.-.. rnm.ti.r.
I'ii.w. and lUrrnwm 1 ll-tn Kn.e. Hat l.l l.r.. llir
Hear., tivellwir with Tarttvc.t -.Ih.r F-irmiiu I ten.iU
Un numereu. tn sarnUen ; tlsu, iln by tu. tuo.l'outo..
bj tl bu.b.l, 4e.
Sale to cooimenre at ID o'clock in Ihe
forenoon. WILLIAM K. MOORE.
1-Vbrii.ry 14. tf-l.
plMi be at public sale, at the Farm '
W of Win. I, Harris, on the Pike, in East
Uuiuiloe township, l'nion Couaty, in j
j commencing at 10 o'clock. A. M., 5 heal cf
j horses & Milch Cows. : hea t Voun Cattle.
"ttb-vuior hH.p. 8 htt. t !., 1 B"W. lhrhinf
1 Mv-hin. Pi'-K CiDttio.' Milt, I'littinf
! it.o. .-..rk It..! snitl I'ullftB. r.'-., H rr. n. i ulua-
i tor-, llirwJit-m, tir-ini-t-ttf. brrri it-tvr
f..,- V.n.r. Ir.in h-.Ul-. Bv-i.trml-. lo-'kinic
it an 1
i.k. U-
Tn Hltv SUiTf. Ii ir.u, itro.-r iti,.fosrit, ?
tiif. Ctiavir. soi oilier UcuMbiiia
re net BH-ti-
: liMtirl. , . . .
Tkkms. I'nder $5, ca-h ; over ." mnins
with ewtl secnniv. KICHAKD liK-KKL.
t.ruairy J1- ' 3
1 1 - III. re in i
be sold, at Biehl'a Hjtel. in Last
; uiral()Ci
WedncKlay, March 25, 1803,
the foMowine Personal Properly, to wit :
3 Horses, 5 Cows. a lot ol Hoes ol iliderrnt '
siies. S Waeons. Sled. Threshine Machine.,
Fannin? Mill. Hay Kake.heavy Horse Gears,
, I Plows Harrows, t:ultivator, Hav Ladders,
, i and a variety of other Farming Implemenis.
" u-.. -i.... !
: " Rabies,
. la't:,TMtX.lJln ul
1 esar, and a variety of other articles uoi enu-
I meraied.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock A.M.,;
when Terms will be made known nv ;
J!L?V- '."i:":,."k,lr'
ti "ill be sow. a. """Ihv '
W senber. in W inliehl, Luion tov.n-np.
' ' ... , , I
On Jhunday, Mirth -G, l50o,
the followma Personal Tropenv. vi : j
1 Horse. 4'Miik Cows, I Heiter, 6 Pie. ;
1 four-horse Waion, I open Uucev. I Sle l,
r. I Sle l.
1 shovel
I 2 Ploughs. 1 side-hill Plough. I snovel
1 Plough, 1 gan? Plouah, I Harrow, 1 Culnva-
I tor, I liung Hook, 1 ooa oior .. ci"
I Clock.Horsetiears. U'gether with a.rarieiy of
I other Farming L'leunils too numerous 10
I mention. . , , . .
! Sale to commence at 10 o cli ck in the
1 forenoon, when Terms of Male will he made
known bv BAML'EL MO LK.
WlnnelJ, r.S. V), 1"
; f
On Sfurday, Mirch 28, 1363,
mHE sabsenber will oner large lot 01
I Household and Kuehen Furniture al
, public Sale, at her residence, consigns of
j HeRsirads. Bureaus. (Solas. Chairs. Tables,
Looking Uiasses. Stoves, tsarUeu luiplements.
credo, wub not. and approved awnrity.
j Uwvbui., i. , ti.
I Ulun rrajfr 7tet-llnea l'r.a(ir
in the Lutheran iiour. al 4 nclnin. b.tbatsi
a:iern -i.r.s. ll He nvned lo alirnd-
Heal Estate!
Will he sold ai iLe Kivitie House,
. l.ru'isburg, on
.Saturday. Mariu t, lACn,
a two-storey FRAME H OU S E, and tha
I. i ou whi- h .1 siamis. ou !.uih Severn
-treel. f,.r:nrrly grcopled ty Mrs. Kehecta
D.ik:.. u, - '1.
I us. jo vr cent Cash, and inebalaeea
in "i.e ai: 1 two years.
riMin i.r..ieiii;ned. AJminiviralors of lh
I illa.e ol sarah L. Va Va aaa. la's of
Buiraloe lown-ih'p, L'nion couniy, decrad,
mil i tier, ai I'uiil.c a!e. on ihe prtmises. by
mtue ol au orJer ol ihe Orphans' Court, oa
Siturday, lU illsf ofMtnh, 18G3,
the foilowin- Krai Estate to wit .
Mtuatv. it Luilaloe township, in iaiJ counljr.
huuri'lt'it nf-rtti by iht:r iauJ lare of aij
-rtt.i U. V-o VIj-i1i. ilf'd, tt My r-svl lJio fnm
U. Us, Ia. t- S-m Brl.t. sw.uth t iavDtl of Kmwx Sitia
CJ i&u ft JUAB sja
sonal lrperiv wol l-e rtfered.
Bjle of Personal Properly lo commence at
III o'clock A. of said day ; Keal Estate will
be otferet al !i o'clock 1. M-, when Terms
will be lua-le Wnown hv
J. F. VAN V.M.ZAH,Ad .
Feb-:i; s s.lnKi)Eit. V
A Cue. large brick Dwelling Hons.,
jsji-on Souih Third siren. Lewisuurg. now
ocruiiie ? bv Kef. br. Uicli'ou. Inquire nf
-T? THE ihiee-sicrey house oo Market
tSSlreel, nearly opposite the R viere Hou-.
now occupied by Joseph C. liucher, Esq.
Apply io the uodetsigued.
Jan. J1. J'lR-N B. I.IXN.
Two Vacant Town Lots for Sale,
ONE on Ihe corner of Second street and
Cherry alley, opposne ihe residence of
K. M. Muster; ihe other on North Fif'.ta
1 street, formerly occupied by ihe Christian
Church. For par.iculars. apply to Jamra
! Christie.ltennis Phillips or Martin Hann.S0
i CTORE hOOM oo Market atreel, Levis
burp,bel( ti5inE to Wm. F rick, now occu
pied by Waihinzian Hutchison.
Atu, Store Kooin of Rev. Jacob Roden
bauh, and Daguerreao Gallery iiamdiaiely
over said mom, on Market street.
Inquire of janSSwr, WM. JONES.
MMIE pul)jsrrit)rr olTors at pri-
) lsta Mir. Ui Cl.llitHJUSMlU- t W Dnh lp, ft aDdsasUsV
uU milm (-itth of Le-wMijuri; Krtlfrr,..iiiDsr lb riw
er r "sj tr-n-ltag trwm litU-o tw Nirtiiuiu'''FuJ m Jas
tr bt of L-si,,l.urK-. llir Lot o-nuaial fti Acres). Oturvk
nr !, ul tbe bt 'jualtt ol lnJ. .qi1 irmam (Ioum,
i- d el ty Ji. nuii ;t utbt-r cut buuiiui(st aucb mm mx ro
miirtJ. swuj (sill mtxltr m plratavabl tioinr
nr bttit f thr purcbMate ini tirw rjta-i this Sprrr
mad it: )ltta-a- id nnt vrr with lairrtrit. kVr furtls
toturtntt.Mi mj-p'y t Ui Auctwa iiotv m CbaBbvarliiia
Ll'K-h. Lw burt-
Jau. B, tvi lu-lel F. A. 1JEU0WEH.
A Farm, Saw Hill! & Timber Land,
VLL at!jojntn, fir sale cn mojeratc termtv (
The Kurrn contain about one hUDiir4
and forty (I Ml) acres, ail in cultivation, with.
a good two-siorey frame XJurrllins
House and stui.e barn. The fa Mil.
ha tlie iarpe water power of Penns I'reek-
wnh aout ;iOO Acre of Timber Lai.j ail
at-joinintT. in Limestone Tp, 1'iiion Co.
Apply to Join M. Tatl. Aenl, MifHtitw
burg, fuiir miles from tb rremtse. or lo
JILliH BELLAS. Sunbury.
rrUVO-STOREV BncW HoisE and
I LOT on Nurlh Fourth Mrret.
March IK. H. P. 4HELLLK-
Notice is hereby given,
10 the Stock holders of the BeMefbmr.
Aaronhur2 anil Votinaman.town Tarn-
p.k Koail 4'ouipany, that an t,:eclo n win
be held at Ihe House ol Henry B. Mussina,
m Aart-nsbure, on Tuesilay. ihe 10th day nf
March nert. tieiween the hours ol 10 and
o'clock, lo elect Five Directors to manage the
concerns olthe Coin pan v lor ihr ensuine .ear.
I'KTI'.K VI ILsON, President.
Sprinf Mills, rb . l.-W-l
Hit: undersigned has opened a Kew
f wit y rnnrFnv srnrvF.
in the rooms rerenlly occupied by W. M. Ellis,
near the old Haves stand. Market street. Lew.
ih.iri. mhrre h is alwsvs nrenared la
, ,,lr.h ,he public wb .he be., of
, Co(r,P. Xea. Susar. plrrm uUt
tanillts, Fruilsi, FtsU. riour
! .v. a-...i a .o.a. A. ,
toieln,r wh a 0,hcr articles usually kept
,n Slch ail tM14blisliinein al ,he lowest price
.Ja and hllll a ,rla,.
Ura-e's Plantation lMters for aV.
Ja" M-'6X NA1"Ai MlTCHELL.Ast
' Atalteatort Notice.
" T "HERE AS, Letters of Administration ti
,rfase I, laleol the boro'oi Lewisbure. luioa
emnitv, have been granted lo the subscriber.
h Kesisirr of said cooniv. in Uu foruii
an ,ts,,ai milebtrd 10 said estate are rrquss-
pt) ,t llia,e oavmenl, and those having claims
against the same will present l&em duly
au'.henucaied fi r seitlenivni, to
isAM'l. 11. OK WIG. Administrator
Lewi-bore. Jan. K.
35 Dili gS-
STILL AHEAD! Come one! com. all-,
and examine for vnorselv.s ih. lareeat
and cheapest stock of Home made Boeis
and Kh.s m Cmon eoumv !
I'F'Jusi received a FKEH 8LPPLY of
City wade work at unusually low prices.
yuick Sales nr.J Small ProGts"
is the order of the dav at MJl'IREV.
Opposite me Bu. J,wior