TV? DHllil Hi 1 ig i "Till: UNION," estubiisln-.! i;i hlMVWe N., '2,ej;. LV 0. N- WUliUKN AND J. It. CORNELIUS. - 4f f..V pT Vfar, uiu)N In Advance. LEWISnUKC, UNION CO., TA., FIUDAY, FEB. 27, 18G3 "I'HUOXirLE," H.iMM;rJ fa lc i:!--" h,V No., j. Ii:!lslli II VHI!-V, IlkLl-'J-.;..,''! k Friday Aflrrniron. j&'-i'..rl'..uiit y Statement, sec last page. aWN'cx! tneetiii;: f HuiTilxe Teachers' Institute at Farmer-vi'ilo, 7'h of March. tnV(i are indebted to I loo. J W. Kiilmg.-r It a copy "f the Congressional Directory fur the current s-.-ssi u. tajrThu Luther ins aro lioldini; a pro tracted m'-eiing iu M tl! iilmrij Mus ical Cutiv.-nti m is appoiuted (lion., tbe latter part of March. having teariu, teHiev. .1 ! II. IH.hi.-H, frankly roof '1 his error in down the A lo-ro- in ti . and given In word of li r t i 1-: liithtul to (lie I n ion, has l e. n r.-h-a-cd. BH-lu tlu- rep.-i". '. Court proceedings in our last, tho 1 .Honing case was over looked : John Hmk.-y, .Tr, vs Ann I!. Sankcy reasons f t in trial vorrulcd. tCSC-Tbt: we have btar'l of, in Country m iobb "i hoods, iu Snider auil Mul- llVail Counties. Wl'hlU a tew 'laJS. It is ill every liiwu in the Stile. Vaccination is the. rightful remedy." I' Lewi-burg, there have beeu two eases, ouly, of light ati-cLs of vati-d .id, r.ccutly. Stv-The laic nrm of StaufT r i Hirlcy, lealiis iu Wa'clir, .JiWt-lry, Silver War.-, Ac, al "'-- M .rkct St., I'hiiad ?o loin; ami favorably known ban been dissolved. Oaioh ILrlcy, one of the late lirui is uow cirry tn- ou ibe bu-iucs, at the old stand. SeC Ilia adv ) A'l'ti'f'rl .....i'ii,if.'..i On the eve ning of tt.c I- ti nisi., in- (jeu. Hanks was i.atsiii-: to b-.-i carriage from the ladies' entrance of the City Hotel, an air-gun as filed, tin! bullet uf which pa-,ed liiui and was f. und ou the 01 lo r Mile of the street. The would-be murderer bad tiut been deteetid at lust accounts. 8fs'e 1,-irn that I! vaiib, wiill.- atteulliii; ( Nor Middles- lUrt IU Ml.i ile- burg, WHS taki'U severely ill with ilifljui Uialory rbi uuiati-in. I-aac Sienker, K-ij , wa also taken ill, and wn compelled to leave Court, and the Sheriff having been Pick for s.iQie lime, aud Uliable to attend, tt,e bu-iners o( the Couit was considerably iuio.ded. fciV-J-'sH ii M'-.i:e Jit., of Urady Tp t'nion Co., died of Chrome 1'iarrloci, at a llo-pitai uear I'n-lerick.hiirg, Vs., ISth itl.-t , ai l 7 y iu. I'J d. He was a li d le, r.i'hful soldier of Co. li, l-'llst Ueg J'. V. He w-js buried i iust. with the L-iuoisof wtr.iii the Washiugton Cemetery, White Peer II .le Valley. IsavSouie of our exchange having puh- lishod what purported to be an extract Ir .in a ppeech by tenator liuckalew, whfh ovinctd a spirit f loyalty untx-j-'ctf-d of that eminent copperhead, the mrtit indignantly dti liiv it. It 'i au'h -riz'd to pronounce it a uii-ebi v-.u- t atbncjtion, and infarnaus liln h M.d." It i-i hirJIy ii'.-ceiry f -r the i . ..t . i i i r ' .0 taue u,. .ue . . ,oce ol its net piiitieiau; ui oi.e acu'iatute.i wi.h Mr. IIaekal. s antecedents would ever suppose bun euilty of speakiiij; or wiitiiiK oue w .td iu fav. of the Federal poveriiinent, or of anything to hurt the ieelitii's of Lis Lretlii.n iu arms down South. Ha-. IV-nusyivania volunteer, writ- leg from y urtreesboro, l-;h inst., says: 'Mauy thanks to you fur a copy of the G-v. rn'ir'ti Annual Mr.-saje. We are right glad to ii am all it U lis us c mcern iig the prosperity of uur stately old Oom tnouwealth. While we aro h-re, b-'hold-inj; the terrible w-rkiis uf thtn p-.Tiiic- I'ius ucc'rines ad p btatts. it MrentLe; d ly the .Seceded I our hearts aud hands to hear that the Adiu'mintrative l'acui'y cf our beloved I'ennsylvania ;s practicing the principles of sound luyalty, exeeilunt political economy, and a virtu- oua regard for the public welfare. How well for us that no hereditary right, or political tricKery, c .uld place a villain at tue post ol uinicuity an t u-mg-r, ill pucu ?','"", 'f i , , f 7 YV VT,l, i resident, d in t forget A. (j. Curtio. 'ur correspondent gives us an argu- mcut k-tweeu two Voluuteers, oue claim-. iug that th ue who first entered the ser-' Tice, aud have borue also have bounties and ths other, that. they bavins euterel not from anv r.dcuni- ary iuducem -nt, they cmld be titisficj . wuo ine uauar aui the complimentary . , - opinion that they declined an, extra com- . cu 1 J f Mr ....o-Prrsiit:mr I A 1'niiadelpt.ia g-ntiemau fut that tho dibtin-uishtd J- tudoa physician r.ant .. t vj.v.., iut, ivivRiut imvi vuiy . fr- t i n,ir.u nt ' l i r i . k ... .nit; iti IUV Uta-i Ul t ULUIUdlit; and wan .u.-( ui n men ue was couu jcui ; " m 1 tar ajluiif l , ii-ut tt. the k!n, aul a tii!; ihtrt ur roeeroy vur that." We have tuown teveral peisous ho have tried ibis with great Mtisfactiou. Silk.bcing a good f . in .ri inrt tirtt . it n r.i , . th hi.iw . f tl'.t i .- '' ttie tioy ot that pecu.iar clectricitv which Citincl iu a measure creates or draws, and 80U)8 a''noa tr- . a " ,ue ,..i. . i i ,i.. times aud p. aces when genuine, leisurely, 1 J ' I : The picking htusc of Iopnot's powder chos:n times, with no excesses, costly ac-1 fc. li'-i -1.... n-H.S, hear llimnoton. Ill mil.....-..'.-.... 1:11: e . . r ' - "I -",4aiuiiu..sli.r ui er-io.u u.o, .... 1Un.f hiiiio lourteeu nefsoUr. uioiuiu luo v. . t ... . . : 0 ine .liliUuu.l Jaiiiac was douc. J Ubii. eeij lis llAUUISlil'Ki; (HKlllM'UNDKNl'Li ,TI v i.r.i, -it . AiiitiMt, 1 ta. i. Mr. J iiitwrin ha j.resx-uu-j in Senate r.'tuotistraucea, from citii-ns of I'uiou and I.teomiti-'. L'aiust the repeal of an actio layout ac-ruiu It la 1 iu sai 1 c .unities. The C iveroor informed Mr. Heck that Jul-e Shannon and Capt. Hitter of the U,.u,c lud resigned their military coimuissi'iUi before entering upou their I, i.lative uulns. Hope the Seee.h 8, tupathiz -rs will uow inquire whyMe?rs IJrown ( irih'-i) and Myers are aay fi on their fellows- who were drafted and iu service. Mi'NI'AV, Feb. 23. About 2 0 clock yi-r-torilay moruinjr, a storui fr.'iu the nor'h-eat pet in and cou-titiu-.-d uuiil drk last t-veiiiug. ll seems tu have been wide-extended. The suow is nearly a foil thnk, and somewhat drifted. It is 1 1 i t u euld ; tbo sun ehines bii(;litly this uioruiug ; but compacting and moistening of the snow is the ouly Ihiug lacking to make the best sleighing of thu Stan m. The l'hiladtlphia mail, due yesteiday alternoou, was live or six b. urs delayed, aud doubtless there will be a general iter-nigenieiit tor a day or two. Senators, ltepresentatives, aud OlIieerH, who went b-uie last week, will be loug a- e iiniug, this. We "pour fellows" who they iu their giec l.-ti tclan.1, leel 4 ntc comfortable wiiile tutuiuatiug upon our r -sptcted feiiow cinitLS who are uow woiry iug, fretting, fuming, pining, wuu- during, trembling, sighiug, repentiug, swearing, toiling, lugging, sweating, oh- iug, aud wanting to get back to Harris- burg ! The '-fair-weather Christians" were in a great tuaj irity, in II irrisburg, yestitr diy. Your correspondent believes that no one (and, especially, no woman) should eudauger health by attendance at public worship but those, well clad, and in good health, should moke it a special duty to turn out on apn iiiUniMitg f.r Uijf tvitriihle hours. He found a "faithful few" at two '""uuay ee.i jois a unssiuu scuoui iu iuii , , . - . ii:i iiiuimjiP. and a rei;u!ar one at afternoon. . i i t two rreactiinc (ierviees w-rc atrenuea tty a'lout one of every two able-bodied nieu who eonld have nar.ieir.ated. while the , , number of tender and delicate females who braved the storm was rial to that of L-reat lubberly lazv mortals of th- male persuasion, church-members, kept at home by a few inches of show, to have pushed through which would have been a blessing to llo-ir blood and their souls (if they have any '. ) They are all out to-day, however, huugro the cold and snow, ready to nuke a penny or a dollar. Caiutrs are tube fired, to-day, in houor of the llirth of WasImnhtox, an-i his farewell Address is to be read iu the House, in the presence of the Legislature, Governor, etc. Tufmiay, Feb. 2t. Last Sitiirdtv, the llnise pissd a bill f ir the I'eun'a Hailroad Company, which, yester-iay, some ot tue .H-'mUers saw a ''fiiake" iu. io they had up a motion to reconsider its pa-ant up m which a i i 1 1 ibujleri " firo UsIcJ untiI 10J p. )j , ,- , , , Ka ihry dj lurucd, without reaching the vote. This m-irning, cold Victter fleighirg on emooth suiface, but "hubby" iu tho country. The Telegraph says many men in the tTaiy Ja mta for their poor families than they did when at home : als) that their f unities are better remembered by the charitable than they were before the war. J.igcr beer drinkers threaten to "rc- sisl" the increased price rf that nasty bev- cragc. If their resistance amounts to a total war upon aud abstiucuco from it, their creditors and families would thank I Uod for that tax, anyhow. j Sleigh riding is a luxury that coats, ' 6er, M to ?o per nour. Mme poor horses are most cruc.Iy driven Govern- m. nt horses being taken, among others, I "for private uses." A fi , t w k ;n , rnom tt tte j0Bes which consumed tbe accounts of a ""'"g ' 3i-er. many suspicions uf fjul Wurk' au'J sdu10 fut!lnS- I t entercu tue ser- : ' - " i . ' i's brunt thould our ou 'i"0 Tpi''ion of a divorce because f fficc, aud be further punished by impns i .!,. .i '. ., .. the faithful wife aud m.thor had beconio onment. Vet tbo J'ult-r l'atri:e, went on House, an an unateu achate camo hopelessly insane Her good, patient, tul'tful. "c'iatc fcpouse bad his prayer ; ,.ii - - ,. ii, ,f '""..iiuiiciy postpuueu uy a vuio ui uvcr . . rl, I . . . ' . . i L n,fiUt W29 "T T ecUtucI auJ '"'g drunkcDne6s, over-1 lli('iDg "faSt" horses, and abuna and vaug out or blow Horses u oe-, . i i ii i ... cuso tbere was ood BitthiD' iu spots, .... : .. U aimodt . ww.. every youngcrly rerson j . ,,-! ,e t ,. , , . . , ; wanted (for fashion . 6akc) to cay they I bad hal a alcich-rido or a snreo. : , tuutuiufg, wuu u.circti eyes, acuiog heads, stupid looks, and lightened purses, they groan over tncir silly excitements in ..... i obclience to imaginary requisitions of ; . .. .. . . . ! ... I -i - .L 1 .. el L - .-. - I - - , ceuiai s eiL'n-riaes cou.u De (iti, it nt 1 : . t. t Tl.:. t :s, or tf:er-.' ! This . air is full of frost, whieh j iu i.s gUiitiicg Last evening, the of b,.ti, ,, . 1 . 1 Houses held a private consultation, upou 11 0,,ll! u,j ct J'!t unrcvcalcd. . -'ic.-srs. auu .viycs i.Acnniinj! n'5 """"') bad .a-sed in the House a 1,111 11"'"S h Auditor of Ljciroing c"u'''' '" ciiiplny a Clrtk, all to receive l" day a!,o iuereuin;; the pay of the t-'ounoUrtonera of Clinton canty to Si per Jay. In the House, llopkin hill tt) repeal the Tounue Tax on the IVnu'a Central r Kailvvay, was takeu up, beilis the special ordr. An aiiiefidun nt, imposing a tax upou ail railway and other similar compa nies, was debatid until adjournment. Hills arc pissing for the re-opening of a great many 'e!aiiiis" which stand no chance with our present Auditor General and Stale Trcasuicr. TllfRSiiAY, Feb. 20. To-day, the Legislature meet to count th home (uot the Army) vote, ci-t in October, for State 0'Ji:-r.. 'Sp.-i S'.en- kL.r ai,J iarr will c.iimi out a little ahead thanks to ibe slow turtles of our party who let the Oopjsiliou da all tho iroi.i'oy lJ5i fil ; J hen, "the Honorable and various barnacles c.vpeet to adjourn over uutil Monday. To-m .irow, by invitati ,u of citn-ns of Si uam..n, they expect a free m,, Id that p.aee, by way of Lebanon, Healing, and l!i-toti returning, Men- JlV) d,.u the N -r h lirancb. They are have a lig diuiitr (some, perhaps a '-hio drunk,") at the Wyoming House al in glor.licatiou of the c juuty of "Hack- awanua." This will be a long j uruey to see the proposed Capital uf an incipient s;,ire, and, were it iu the pleasant stason, would be delightful ride. Justin this s ,rt of weather, merely passing through is not very satisfactory, and I prefer to eat wj bread aud checso at liouie. W. HarTriucc John Vau llureu is begin- a 1 1. . . .t t. f I.:.. u,"o uavu iuo kciu-s iatvcu 11 uiu uis CJL'S- Whij would think that I Ins arcli t i . r... n i.;. t ..r .1... coryrueau, iiiiei uu uis tuuic u. me ' . o oemiiiiiiii, 1,01.1.1 iid.u ui.ihu cuku eiii- tiiiiuTs as Iji.ow : lit ."Ucti is tuc case ; u,i ta bctM '"f3 I ri P'ira' tory to leaving the Hcuiocrat.o ark, as we fear he is iirosclyiins- There is nothing 1 ' . , t-I'ial to close communion with the rebels w ' ' iuou.eai.ks. f-utin. iilvu li. V , has hceu holding a p iw-wow with the rebels in rc ard to c oint.romise, the r suits of which were hiutrj at in a recent tpcccii ai .kw i i wueu uu aiu . "The Suutb w -u: 1 n-.t hi ar uf a con - vemiou until att r their ii.dependeiiec had been rtfio'u z -a ; anu iiiv':r. wane ue ! hved, shou.d that rec.'niiiuu take place it he coulii help it. Juey had rcluavl to into a cuventiiu to rnimdel tho Oou- stitution, while, it ihey had lavore.l it, a Dew election for I'residuut mioht hae taken place iu six'y days, lie never doubted that liavis and the other leaders iu this rebellion were opposed to re-uuiou, and therfirc, until thu South cati put down the men who led her into rebellion, the war must go on. He was utterly op posed to accepting mediatiuu from auy iiuartcr." . i .i . is ii i. in rcgaru 10 iu i..uaucipauou i rueia- ruutini, be tuii : "N-tw this reclamation, therefor?, in uiy j'ulment, doer nothing except what any Central couiuiundiu the army might do. That is to riiy. as our armies advance slaves are S'!t free. There is no escape from that eoncluion. mvcry exisfi to some txtt ot by superior force, and when 1 our armies advance against slaveholders in rebeliiuu, unless they choose to take the oath and keep their slaves in bondage, they f dlow the fortunt-s of all the rest of their property, and are d-.-stroyed or set 'ur CVir tree. KxntAi.uiu.NAiiv .Measures. What .1 . .1. .:. 1 1 ... uo luu luiseieauio ueieuuuuis wuo me ctCruaHy prating of the violation of the - y t of tT:Attori tiUlt 0f tho Proceeding jn .fnca to such matters in revolutiuu- ary times Tt ma JanUary, 1776, General Washing-. ton wrote to Governor Cook, of Kiiodo Island, informing him what Connecticut ''J uf tbB ' 'e " far as to provide that none aro to write, Sieak or Bgainjt tDa proceedings of! Congres?, under penalty uf bciug disarmed and di-r lalih :d from holding auy to remark : 'The situation of our affairs seeni to call for regulations like these, yi 0 j iuch M another time would appear cx'raordinary, are now o .. absolutely necessary forPrmg , - :. . J ' i01 Oq0 causo of lbo cxcitomcDt against the draft ia Milwaukee was tho fact that tno Ucrtuans can oeen rvrsuaueu iuai iii i i a.. tncro wouia oo no urau n mey wuuiu , , . i i . .i II ,0,B lUD """"' . sucn an easy way to avoia too urau, uiai . .,. ,. ' rm t J,;.i.. Hi'innpruin mai irnv. i u liicii hiukiiu- . 3 .... , ment. no sooner bail MUwauKee couuiy ' given nearly 5.000 majority for. the ; f "regular democratic ticKet, than a urait . . - . ti .. i r CB 8 "Poa ,3Bn ! Ir.t...t f. lr.'i the 'Jill ward M 1 Jrnttiol fop lr.'l Bnldier ! That seems enormous, to them, aft. r Toting the "re,?- j i... .i v: .. , win. uluiucuiic ue&ci. .iii. ir.i,ouiuo . . . ih,... i,k...i ,i I,- hoar.i from ''can not fool them aaaiu." I n.ibcrti,'.."iV. of W,ili,,; U .-.nnin. ! ' ' t r, . . ,, .( ii'i:,.,, ;.....;., t teJ ie(,u,j .Maisha. lm Weetlia I'tiii .ly.ui. j - As every body sii 1111 to thinrf that ,. ' , in More Iv.'iprrs are luaktn-; money, I will give joo little of iuj exK-riece. I will ftart with HI yds of u.u-!iu bau,;ht at U ets. soM I,r 1-5 realized t.i HI) luvesttil in Ibe same musiiii at 1'! eta per yd , whirh bought uic Z'i G-l: yds.; s-ld it at IS ets. Iter il.. wlileii mailt! ti il'l. Ilivm- ted 111 the taiue uiu-liu at -Ji cts., per d , wbieh bought 'Jli 1:0-0 yds. of muslin ; I sell this at 32 ets. per yd., and n aliz : ST t. I invest this iu luu.liu at 40 et. per yd , which brines uie a little ov. r , .... 1 .... 1 I . 1 ... 1 . 10 yds. 1 Hailed wuh 40, aud now have 10. Id 2 years, 1 have lost li-ii of my 1 stoek, and should g.ioiU deeline to the o:d I stun .1. id, I have lost (Jli per ct. -f 111010 y invested, besides all expeuses aioj lab,r iu atteudiu to thu more. Six l-tit tr. Remedy for Small fox. A great discovery is reported to bae beeu recently made by a surgeon of the Ktigiish Army iu China, in the way of an i!f c uil cure for this teirible and loath- f ime ,Jiwase. The mole of treatment is as follous : WheD the receding fever is at its height and j 1st before the eruption appears, the chest is rubbed with crotou oil aud tartaric ointnietit. This causes the whole of the eruption to appear on that part of the body, to the relief of all tb(. it a!;0 ae.utca a fil aud coai- lil;,c frnl,,ilini anJ tlma prevents the d,.caSj from attacking the internal organs. Xuj, is id , b0 nJW tha istabhshcd no d,' of treatment in the V. ,gli-h Army c IU Chiua by general orders, aud is re- ' 6 ' ded as a perfect success. A currcpoiiJcut tf tLe iVuvilcncc (It. I Jmiit-il 'jfficur in ths army of the I'utouuc flij.ics a letter t'j the editor of that pujRT aa fjiltj; : 1 am do tugro wurliipcr. I have al ways believed Itut a white in in as gotid as u iH'grn, if he hehaveis as m.Jl. Ne groes aic us much iutcruated lu this war aa miiite uieu arc; l bey ro able and u illiixr t ti 'Ik t wbw Utit lut them d t i 'i y would as ttouu see bUek tueu cuario-; 1 -:i 1 I uil uuaiuu uajuuns as wuue uiu wuuui I orotUcrs. lueir Jives aru uu more nrcclous t lhau ours. '1 he He be Is tutce tuelll to i Cflhl aaiustus; why do we Di.t cm ao opportunity to tihl for us '! iftvc lh , ... ... . i. i . i i i ... 11 meie aiu iui-u iu tvutjue isiiuta wu aiu uuwilhug negroes should light lor u,, let tueu. come aud light themselves. . . , " ' .1 Tha CoppirheaJs have wastol ranch breiI,u iu emulating the falsehood that , the Irccu slaves cuipioyca oy tue uoveru- muui .1 1 un ii'j.i i ...1.11.1:3 .11.1 . vast eipeiisc to tiio country that white uieu are laxcu to supp .ri n.y negroes, i -. ... . , ,u , i 1 .. -.!(, r,, r n .a .. ..v. . r ..I I... iruauij uiii up uiu n-e'.ij s iiun tijttu- dlliXU. uU acr.uut ,.f the freed slw thu,: , Tjtal Krceipts T-ll.'.l i Kxeuditurcg li-O.TUO Hal. in favor of the negroes 5'jUl,;;i t thus appears that more tbau half a unliiou of dollars was saved by these op- erations, and is iu the hands of the Asais taut Trea-urer at New York. - Wc Icaru that the leaders of tho Pem- ' ocratic party iu this county, are engaged in circulating petitions for the passage of a law against the influx of negroes into this State. The main object is to alarm the folks with the ilea that the blacks W1" PuUr into our State in immense bodies under the rrociamati.m of the TreM-Ient. l ..,... f .T .' d leuinent is to draw the negroes South instead of North. It will be time tuough to pass laws agaiust the influx of negroes into the State wheu the contrabands actually nuke their appcarauce wiihiu our borders. Miibmitn. The extensive mill property ut tho west end of Wiliiaiusnort, ou which stooi, uu- til destroyed by fire a few tujnths an , what was eomui only kuowu as the ''l'"' Water Mill," was rrccuiiy suil by Jervis I-andun to L. A. Ivisworth, f t H,UU'. This sale rttpiin-d S-GJ wurih of revenue stamps to lf'aiizo the transfer papers. Ljiomiti'j (t'-i'.t.rte. One of the meanest tricks of the Ilcbc1 allies in to represent the brave men in the army as turning traitors to tht ir eaue and their coumry by denouncing (he jovcrn iiieot. iSauiu-1 (jcrman sends word hme ,uat , Pttc, as from tjm tuus u,,,,. suuls him iu tbe Selius-rove Times a ,,3t,t.r tuat ovcs Bt)lI m1m v h -.ore than it does Lincoln. - The l'KDl'I.K of Mngland arc begic- ning to come out for the L'uiou, since the i-.tiiaucipatmu rrociamatiou. ihe aristoc racy are agaiusi us, naturally, iu-7. .ir. vpurgeon now prays opunly for tho sue- cess of the North, and his congregation (numbering 4,01m) to 7,0"0 ou Sabbaths) respond "Amen 1" in a voice like the uiur-. . mur ol many waters. were takeu at Murfreesboro. u antan v (took Ibecth oftiUegUuae to tha United ' States, at St. L)uis, on tho 4th iust., and ! wre disehargtd. They were destitute of mouvy, chhuhil', auoes, ac, auu -1 ..i.:.. . .... i. . i tha i mmcui ui uc misijr v,imnui-.iuu iu h 1 j.... ..t .1... C-..:. : : J Geu. M'Kiostry, convicted of earless- ness. extravagance, and marked nartialitv j w - - j t St l.onis. ha been t.liinil. -- r -j , f i. i iiiik a l am. tiinse wuu aril w.irrnv n Aon. . . ' " vv" """" "' . Itiirlinnton. Iowa, han iust plpeted TCn- publican charter officer by majorities of i,, ... i.i,- .n... i. ...... i .i.. :. eivv iu iuu. iug ibiuubl.ll uailieil lueir 1.. L..1 r... 1 c.i.; u 11 l- i... i-i:... i th Democrat, and a bro-ner of Mr. (Jum, i V.oiU X- ...1113. lj.(l. J'.UIl.ll Ul . . . ' ... . he democrat, and a lirtit ncr ot .Mr. t. una. Kdi.or of th Juniata Oumiiicl, died io-J tuiatljr in to Aiuijf j latest News Tin; I'liinii mortar lo:its sire suid ti) In: pl iyitiir upon tin.- Kelicl foitili-t-Liliniis; at Viok-diiir, where (.rulmMy i,s hot work crc this. The Heln ls cltiini to havp cntiturcil our l'Ufti (if tl n est throuj.'ii the ilot. ll uu'.-lo-t V ol lnr Mtii-i- the t'Xni-lire Ol lii'tiun-irani s adiiiit'.iol lit; ulioiit "raisiuir tin: lilncli lule at Cli.irleston," tin: H -liels betray great fe-ars in that ijuarlt-r. r.tssr.i liv tin: diei.-ivc vote of Ykas 11."., S'a.s 111, the Kill for '(nnilliiiir and railing out the Nn tiuiial l-'oi i-es and lor olln-r purposes." in tlie llou-e al Washington. NVe r-j.iiee to see that ii.iil.-y, I.'-litiian, Hole, Killinirer. ami all inn: l.'iiion War iii' ti voted tor the hill, and An-i-ona, lit. 1. lie. Stiles, I. aear, (.'ox, Vim: hei -, Vallaiidighatn, and every ll.-'uel sy iiipatliizi.-r airainst it. The hill exetnits only sons Ae., hut iloes not txe-uipt 'onirrc.-smeu or i;elith meu of color from supporting the lotintrv. Some :i nn-ti i iinu t s yet re- .1 1-. cniire tho coneuireiiee ol the ."-eiiate. --- .'ill IIHi.l. I'l.i'ir.n.-. "w ......... .17i.,(i';.r & TMunr tys : "A Tot fir Governor was taken among the members of the 20th Michigan licgiment, as a matter of political interest. Tho Lallot.s wre counted, and tho result has been " . autneuu eaicu , ia ,..v . t 1. I- ..-... If .ir..N with tllrt (in. , , . ' . f , , i,: dnrs Totes, everynhire ile, iu being ' overwhelmingly Kenublicau. The rt-suii overwhelmiuglj Kejtublic-u. was : l r aotin !I!atr, KopnlHcan Vol lii-ju tJ. St.ui. l. m .crat fc7 The 9-ilc of the Near York W-jrll (coj -perhtiid iiLK--p;iptr) has beQ tti pp-d (Ur. iihout the ciups of the Army ot iLe I 'ot.jui.ic, by orders fioiu the rruvj-'t-Marshal (.em-ral. The rejo in f.r this is b CiU-e it tlir-sctuiuattd di-lal etiti tucuts pn judicial to (he discipline of the army. Tho carninL's of the I'ennsylvania Hail road Company exceed tcu million dollars for the la-t ti-eal vear. The New York I'cnrral gave U.oUU.OUO ; the Kric, Much of the receipts of i .- . .. .. ..f ?L'VtrJi lines were irum irauspi iahuu u ,IOops and Covcrntncnt su plies. j - - --------- , " "" v....v the Aoti-Hank party. et they all voted S(,3i0., Sec. Chase's bill to aid the Gov- eiiiment. becau-e the lianks generally Uo nOlCOn.lUerillOlUCiriUU-resT. . John t.ouuess(a t nion or l.cuericK If It . : . I . 1 I . w . .. . . r ,, . , i. ironi i am ruia, in piacc m iuinu, I't-ui. C iirjes- wi- el'jc!ed by Jepub:ie:iu Tijtrs.j SALKS, ! .r in.i- :it this ,-fflre. A-lvfrt;:. J in th t'.ir..n ltr.7-H Uf ui Mr.S. v.. MH!rr. L' Whburt: M ir. ; ht'tit iumdNtt! K.W.rl!iM K. LuI-Ijur: Mitnh l' hrm M.rk il J.'lm Hariruan. ItutTatiM- Marrti i;- Prrsoaal l'ru;Tt ott hrlstlan llflf. Lm K Mar.i; Farm slin k lit ll..lierl KutTaliie tlarch v Farm Min k nl Fraarls ttil-nn. KitllaliM Uanh l'.t- I'arni im d of iilllain k tlmin-. ki liy M irrh ill C.-al anil 1'i rstui.i! rr.,i.-rl ur Wrs. . L. Ian lalrih. di i '(I. Ilunatne arrli -.'3-Karm Mm I ill lliih. Itli ki I. I al Marrti-2.-i-larnjso,(kiit llarrn-l :atll.l ast Kutlahir ll iri!) till Farm M.M-k wl saniui-l Mn)rr. HluHrlit Slari h .'7 - l arm Mm k ul Philip l. mtn-rllna. ki lt) Mur.jv- rcriuual rniacrt) ul L.lhaiulit-rltii.trai.lijc VKMIt'K N..TI f..r -al at ttir " ('liren! -:. " t ffio-. '.Vll-v. Mr. .V.rick : eireets to bt, ill? Su-'jiif'h.nin:!. S in!iiy ini-rn:n? nxt. A sfnt-s of srr'iiiriis on the I'rephrcifS ill b .tlivrt-'l in at'buth Kvpnin:s in ihe , l.iiihran. Church, hy ihe Pai-'r. hivin; rial rftfp'nce tj ihe-Sjns ft" ihe Tinie,' th'-y rHiatf lo the Sccimi-I A ivfnit of (Mir iurd aii'l Savior Je-us Thrift. Next ta!baih pvninj: The Ket raiien uf the NapttSemuc lvn.i.iv. Trinity lr i. Kpiocxpal t'hurch. The TaTtT, R--V. K. 11. Itf. wii, will prarh i n Suit-lav aii'TiUMtn at i iteltrk, alx) in the evrriiu nt 7 o'clnck. .uttjTi in ihcevernni:. aiDii'-l " frvicei in We.Incsday alter- on al 1 1 o'e litvoicum-fl iUavlirt. Vorrrctnl W-efity Wheat Sl.f.'l Kggs.'. 3 K, liye SI) Taliow Horn, old 7a I.ard ! ')ats :) l'ork M ITaxsced 1,75 Clover seed C.I'O Dried Appies. 1,00 Wool -loto.,0 KirkiuliuUer l 1'otatocs i'-J Fresh liuttcr... IS Country Soap 4 SO llas 4, 5, and G !d paper MftRRt&D. B R.-T It A Fink. --'J'! ill.t.. Wll.l.MM P M1ECKER tu.t Mo.s K i: ANN IIAA-. Is-lh t I. j-lmrjr Nortl. .1''.. !rtl,.-..ii J'l!. in-l. HANIEI.I. Ml.sSKIlS. 11MIHT mil .Misa stsA.N UEe'h, I...IU LllM;ri; Ti, Meuu-ur . .v ., ... .. . , .. ....... If-rii- rlv "l l-.i-l.urc.) an.l li-s A N M K ilauh- "' F"'"r K"'' "' """" II. I;... I S H-is. I-.Mfi in.r. II.I.IAO r-o.sir.rt ,,, , M,i:v .in.riie.t jjUgut.r ui ir u raump-1 ' (h' ttt? 'it'.th iiit . in W illi..msi;,ort. I'T R.-. P. S Trur-k- ., v .t.nt..i-. i IIAUI.KS SUl I.KIi nuJ Hun A, ' " DltD, nnttc:th tnt.iAi:fiitET c rii-t of Joao it KrllllC:m "I .V.riHUW'"-m4. u l.tnir-Kt'inc Tp tniim r. Sth int, WILMAM. in . mti "t Koti-rt and r-til-ibrlla 1U-1.T. Jrtio-t.'MICIIAKL MlLI.KIi. Jr. ai;-.l U.ut-C rr- AVatflies. Jewelry and Silver Ware.; THK Hndersined would; -.f-''9 xMMXw ... ... jAt;,-vr .-."-i r . respectfully invite yor at- TXZAZtXa tfi.n, j - ,ne OolJ JEWEI.KV. ..f everv variety if styles comprising all uf the muted aud mutt hmulifui ilrmirns. Al.. f tti.IO SILVER WARE, tqu.,1 U din and the besi make oi .Wist I'talnt .. . . . . i . . i. .. -- 'tir Watehe and Jewrlrv carefully re- P"a and "'c,m D, - - - - - ........J ..,1 .....iii-nnii c.-irantt.pd. !""' - " - - - ' - ',.;. u.sirv f.'.-e'-''! .'o I'ViiUj'.r 4 Hufir'i-) I K V,1":- l'L'IMalC SAF.K. "II. I. I..- . M. a: 1 lh- resi-.u'l-iuic. Ceiiee ul the suo ci .Io. the (..' loairi o. i itareau, 11. I; t:.i..'. I'aro. Vi.r. f-. VV.,,ii t'li.nrs. t I mi... Utir- K." U-i anl S i!'. I'. j.f.-t K. II '., mi li.a- on-. 1 1.'. nor' ii.;.-..ii.'. W.n :.. shit.-, I.,,...- U.e r V .-.r:.. .1 Kar'io-n .if. I li 11. Ae . Ar . A IV .salc to ti.iiiniei.r-' a lo . '. e K.-b. - K. u. I'ul.l. A. M. 11 K. l'l T.MC ..K. 11TH.I, (.. jl I'll - i- -'X. t tl ' W lenee t. -en ,. r ill B .:' Ine t-.u-olofi, our mile 100 I .--ae-1 ;i,iu tie I.Ulull t'tioii ti. th KM 1 JU. M..r.--. i 1 t.. Imr-" " . I U. r - . 1'. f .-.H ..III I lh- e. 00:11. !. 1- : lien leiuis tin'! : ra-t v A. M.. kllOU It ,t 1 ' m :: t-i- 1111 ' I' HI N li MCl'M A.N. VKNDl'K. 'II. K h .(.!tl. at I'nS ir SaV. ai ih fan: ihi, 1 iih ii ccuntv, on Tw ,!,' Mir. Ji 17. .?. the E Mil; K r 'V M ' K I sail su!- M.o'li i uti 1 1 '.li.- t ;., .t II. 1 l J. - V I - . 1. 1 11.. I f.rr -l i't l'iir:T I j IJ r 1 II.. I M n . Jlf I-. 1 -t i . Oi h tt. . It Mnu f ru ' !:. - i.iu;; a. u ii- i. V ' s-.ii.- u'.;! t e Oi.i.t known I v K iii;i.r i i: n .n r. v KNDn:. -II'U.1. be s .1. at Put-lie JiV. at ih yy farm ol fiai.f . Wil.on. in Bm'u. e lowmh:p, t nioii c .uir.v. ' -tear I.ew i-iiLii i , :i H. ,o:..,y, M,nU l, li-i, t'. 'J'f ,, .''. r.. .itinri.n. M!t;.'?n!Vrii-.'i li.r...-- u nit'r. ( .i.t t .:t ... i, i c, '"'i, ' at"'lo o f.noon. when Term, ,-t xal. H he in a le known bv f KA.M Is WIl.Mi.N. i is ii- Ih.M'l 1 i m n.i.orM.T,.ii in-- r'-ioii.Toi ui j ? tcribr, in Tw,-. I'iiii-b Co jHttr-lny, .1 ir. . i'.t, Ji M r--. 1 M .r, wi li !.!.! M,r r t.. - r - 1 ' - it- it jr li... I i I.. . I . i.n 't:;-. 1 ti- l-t : . i "i. 'i i . r-.- ti. t h- . l. I -: - . I I ;. i I-n'.l ; My !.i:e t' cumtnen'' at !0 t!,- in Ihe foreiioi.ii. Y-1 fi.iry U. 1I.1.IAM K. Mitiilii:. vi:.i)i'i:. ll7ll.l. lie M.l.l at pot .e -a'.a: y ot Win. LJIair... i n tl.r 1'ik liullalue lounsh:p. t'oooi t'ioi:i-. , .- h- r. rnrTir!i"nriris at 1!I h t-v, . Vi: eh t 'tiy rk. A. M.. .p) hra ' ln'.t ! t'.iri" i ... I li. .tr. lh-. 1 ii-. .-U- l..t.r:. v tk. i; , u i -. I i :-.r, Ir- tt h-U M :ir.'. . nl vil.-s II.- futllilitte U 1 Ul '.ra-li ; ,-vr 7 ir.Ti'. KH.'ilAKI) l:H KKI.. with :" ' x-rurry. vr.Nini:. 1T-IM. ' .! !, lit s H.,t Holla'. -, i n el, in I'd Ihe folLucintr I rs.oial Y pT'v. to n il 3 II -rses. 5 l e t,. MZ"s, 'i W'.iL'.ois. S Kaon!!.; Mill. Il.iv I lit.' II ;s e! . t. T.if-s-i,,.,- Mr .ke.i,...u V ti. is. I-r-'nt :i;i.e. ie irs. r:..MS, H.irr.'ws, ri:,i:V.i;iKll;iv l..a'! -s. an 1 a van' rr . f n'ier r..nn fmp . . - r -; , ' A!m.. a ..i II .'.1 an ! W.. Ju-n F:-; :- I ttif, Mirh a Nicvcs H-.N. I.-ifili n, -.. j ("hair. .v.imK a Ul ".i ret ti t.'i 1- r Vi-i- p:tr. a varicry .1 a?tic!vi u-t r:n!- ni'T.'c!. .i t. ci!r.fn'Tirt at 10 ,iV- 'x A. M , whu Terms w.ll te tn : ir (.n-wti tv ii i;uik r mii., YKNDl.'K. IT.L he s ! I, at the rt-.'-nrc of lb- itS : senher, m VV.niiVi'i, I 'nifn v". nbi; , the fi'i'owine i'TMOi! Ir. eru-, vt : 1 lh r-f. I : Milk C. vs, i M..,:Vr. Ti-s 1 fi'iir-hiif-e VaL"n, I np-n Itpecyv, Mt -i, 2 l'.-ti2h. I -i.i.'-hill IM.Mijh." 1 shovel IVi iun, I rt 1M u h. I I irr-wt I I'uinva-l.-r. I l'.m il""k, 1 Vi.,.i mhvp Willi p ff, C.n'W.H"i iiari, together wuh a v.irn iy cihf-r Farunii L'teuaiI- too uumeri'U t. nipnitim. ale to fnmm'nrc at 10 o'ci. rl; in t f.reiiccn, whin 1 cnn cf S.iie w;!l be ia-te kn .wii by SAW LI. MtVi:ii. rniMc sai.k. On Si'unl n, Mtn h IS, l-Oo, ; rpHK subs.-ribt r will ob r a iarn- let cf 1 U'tiisehuul ami K.irh-n Fiinnmre m I'i1ic Salt', at hT re., irnt f. c- nM-un ..f itciMea U. Ifmeatis. S,.u, it airs. Tat ir-, l .i. Lino Ciis.x. S'liL-i- K-!t I.t:it!eiiltf nK. i-w, v, a. N!e lo cointnenri-at lOo'elnriv- '' Lti.lT ". cash ;l over. (I mnnilis i .., .. ,..i ' r.UZXHKVH . ll.VMi:K..IS. Tl'IJXriKK KLKCTIDN. A MEETINli ..I ihe li. anl and an Kleciion . ..... . .. .,; i., ..rl,.i1.1 u 'Z?! '!!' m'.T.TJ.'. JV? '.'." " .. -1. " 1 nr. so i.a, 1.0 ..I...U . ... ia ... .1. .1. . ..i.iv.r.,,.,,...,on..r ... a F MILLER. Fresidear lints f Lu.., t ink. r-.t. -v ivj. Keal flats b- Aa V.: I i ! at :!.- k Mo .1 1 I.e.'- n SiJtiuit tv. :n!l T. 1:5. a 10 I. I F AME HOUSE,"''! tlie- 1 . . ,1. . n : . . e..;ti ecu.; .- : t .- 'r-. I'. . a I- 1". n y T C IA ' l 'Ml - A l; 1 I. '.!!!. I. Kl ru KMC S A - ,.: ,-i I. t ;. I . a- Co . .!-. . .1 :: . i 1 ; 111- 1 VI. i rs of l-t- A GOOD FAFIM, ii county, t 1 l-.i'l.iiiJ I: ill Ai.wi t n;: m Ni'i 1 .cr:i;s 1 . 1 -. .-.Hi I o.,-V . . .1 .... - .u Luil- a l.i tt lVr- 1". r-. : ; M. " -v i. r-Himfticf at I. M.f a litii I t r ins li'Tr t i , r u n ii k: ;.!,. y . nz H..QO., - L . '. 'i Krv. I ; i I- .. KNKI.llN. roa KENT. t Tii:: -.hie. ji-'.re- ' . oe.o, i.. .v . eciiot-.l Air vt. : rev h ti-e ffi farket T o the iiivlere Itroisv, J --f ti C. Uucner, ts-j. Ji'l'.S it. USX. Two Vacant Towu Lots for Sale, )V:.: :."; i i.'i -Mfri an1 n .V rsh Fir.ti ice t hriT-ttan It.jrai.'UO t r FOR. STi'Ui; IU him i tur-.t-i fi.-.M-pin! I v Uali;u-tl.: R. E T4 T II c -t, Lew.s h, iiti ' .ui.iif Jiaiely . l'l i Hi A j. rvrre bum 1 tt-.-t-r t r.M.ji:. n M.ii li. "; i.r'' ot" Tin-' K-v- V. M. JONFS. lii'ISi: AM) LOT RK SALE. "IIi; Mii.s.-rii-.r r? fit M I .- I. - Ii -OM t:.'T. -t, k r '.ith-.- i it I u laii.i, ' A. f .K!I.iWKK. A Farin, Saw IhII, S: Tiniber LaaO, A'V'..-,-'.;;; e en in. -era:e ;ero:s. - .. . ot ..lo- l.oti .'rp-l ' ::i ci v a : i n. w it-j I r.- .-a i3 r: :' l-.oi-.s frt,i 'To- er I.ant a l 1 r. lion -... .u..i:. Ai-- I, .llitn.o - lo-or, -e-. it to III. I. A", -"v.otojry. - - ' r oil III tii! ren : tvh Tn;:i:v Il'itsi- ion1 . n . it. M.u n Is. .,-.'. -iiRl.l.i:n. Jjiice is hereby given, - e: ti 1 et ':-.- It. ' t p f, n'e, or: a. ! 1 on -toi ; -t ovn 'I urn - i:.v. tn.,t ie. 1' -r-ti n wi1! i.- II . - t il-i.rv ll. M11.-11..1. , o To-- :'o 10 h -lav of 1 v- r. s.. or. ,0 to a.t t i 1" v.. 1'. - - rs .. iiiaii.vo - t '. 0. 1 t:.t e v, ar. I'i.I Iii: M.s'i.N, tie.;. nit. FAMILY OliOGEalY! fi'ilK 'jtiiitT-iittici! h.i-. rj'm 1 a JStw vr.nix i:i;nri:;:Y sn.!::i: in tiir r. rr; ri'iviiiy rnpif V. V. Klli", th-- i i i II IV -I. ii. !. M.ii iwr' ir-et. Lew. i-'mr?. uVri' h jv. a!':.,, ji-arei to ti'ir. : n 'h- r-'iS. ic ;.h :;ie ivm fi 4:iiitit H, i tut 1 iti. I tour t.2!hrr w.'h all t 'h-r ;irl u.uVIt k-'i t in Mit ii an c-i.t UMimrm ai ;be lt,uet ;if:,l tiiiii a .i : i'. I-ake'i r;;i., y , ri j: t-.-r. r tV. Jan .:. N A i ll . M 1 1 Til Kf.J., Act Administrator's Notice. hki:i: v i ihr f-:.i-' l"i t-'lfl'V. I'.i'. L' i b. i- :t' ! (i.-rvti-i-. : t. I I i it.v. in 'i'l' ; rtu i r , ;tre r iju,--- hav iri' rlai"n -r:it liit-ia t'ul A tininiofrator h M. oi; it. -h ir Jan. 'I. !'i:i L'.MwN i:n'T AND SIluU (iTii.i. a m:nr I a el exAinitu- ; a i l rtiejpe-t si. eh' ( tfr: in"! e.m. ail- 1 Vi-iii-cU'fs. lat'ct I SI'mo Iili'.tJr Bints no t .-slo es iu I t.ooi ei i C Ju-t i.-. t 1 . I a ( it V mul.- work a' "t'tii.-k s au Is the ulilrr ot tn .t.iv "ft ' .-II M I'I'I.Y . ?.ja!'v !. pt.c- uoil lV.ilUs" it:i'. II O.K. I." 'r ......... .u)i r M... liii o r-att-r . ,.; '. - - ' I -- --- ' ' - ' te in Lot: I ti nv.-i.,is I p r P.,... . . C V i