1 ,. "TilE UNION," esUbliaheJ in l-U .Yuole Xo., 2,597. Br 0. X. WO l; DEN AND J. 11. CORNELIUS. At !.' per Vrar. altatti In iilianrf, LEWISBURG, UNION CO., FA., FKIIUY, DEC. 2G, 1SG2. - - . "fURONIl'LE," ftallhhfJ ia I S 13Whi.Ie No., 976. rllLMIHt NtMI WKkH Tuevlay Mtirnins k I'ri.hiy Af!'ninnn. far TO IAY'S uv cln-os another year of ilie Star & Ciiuhnici.k. All niiose pulj?ciiitii)ns oxjiire uitli tlic Xew Year, are invited to renew, (.for the present, at the uM rate?.) 4dtanre. We fomeriy p"' ?' p week fur paper uow, $U for the aoie quantity. S2 times $12 is $Ki S2 times 7 is :n 4 Advanced price, tej.0 pr year. Onr readers must see. that, wrh such a hole la onr income, we must have C. .a r.v is ABvatira. We can lose nothing. Every (whole) sheet roi 1 rent hfi.re it is prin ted fia cents a fear leamiis ootv -t-T in 85 cenla to meet all the expenses ,f ink. Ivpe-s-i-tint, printing. f-iMn.s. .tirerims or earrvmc, fuel, rent, interest in nionev liuesle.l. and divine." The m -re sutisei iln rs and a leer tizinr we have, the loi.gef we can attord the paper at present r.i'es. HrU'e see plenty of boxs fur New Year'i gifts f.T tbe Army lioyt, going daily. Hut they are oiojiIj niaiked fur rich men's sons, or othtrs bavirg many friends. Who will remember tbe more poor and frieodless, who fight fur tbe best temporal interests uf us ali 7 . Enterprise. On Christmas day, the extensive buildings id Clinii.Iierliti Hr.i's, corner of Market and Fifth streets, were xt-rupied ly Messrs S lifer, Walls. Shriller V Co., :is a ilep.it fur Agricultural Implo ments. friini the lltickou' le ader !"vn to the smallest ti.l used bv the farn: t'- gethur with Stoves nii-i all otlier wares manufactured nt the Central 1'i.ui. Irv. Haw it Worked. The S ildiers vo'.iuj, 111 Iowa, in 102 s wt!l as in 'CO, pl-'ss- compare the vote f ir I'reaident in 1C ). and for Congress mud State ffijers iu l"i.: l.ntoJu. Oi'iiitn In ISGO, whole vjto 71 ;i:i -Jf J Lincoln bad lsC2, II uie vote SOIJitra' rote Whule jte Lincoln has lS-il ltMW Losses majirfy 4,1-G :.l Hoi 1 1 ti I'l l v.i f.o Til t 50,7-' I l ' 111- (i.'i !eo m ij irity Tl -Ji-ii .ri'.i 7!M HiyOpp loss, (or Adtn pain) 0,0'Jti Kvery other State wouil have voted in thr. sirmr prnfi'trtrm as Iowa has. Thus cttimatinj tbe Soldiers' vote in a fair state- rneot. it is Pvi-i-.-nt that thr AlmtnUtriti'tn is trinmphanttu jt.rV. Ha-i all tbe foIdira utej, LmicoU wuuitl iie, now,: htrarr average tnaj ricica than he bad 100. Tbe Ufp. I'oi.iD party Wl.u:d bave otrrit-d crtr Free S'atr. as th did t'f two SUtvt .S'Mf that retbis jear. (Delaware and Miouri) Wool Old Abe re-a" cry Jtff nom Ua Aoc rt.. a. cry on. pimpi. Uue,s not tbe people r " Want bioi two years perhapssn longer, ; - tA.Uoder tbe excitement, tal.e accufa- lions, and involuntary deprcsi-ion arising from the failure to carry the Fredericks- h;kt. Sr,.rei.ro. Km-inn .nj ..B . CnASB, ast week, offered the resignation , .. ., ,, . of their efficea to ibe I resident. He took time to consider advised the gentlemen not to be ruffL-d by these accidents inci dent to tucb a marvelous time as ours and bade them go back to their work... which tbey did. There is oo perfection io Cabinets, Generals, or men yet we doubt whether any change ia tbe Cabinet ia oa the whole advisable. I friend io Wilmington, Del., riles us a half column puff of tbeir shin plasters. We have do doubt they are ex cellent at borne, and only wish tbey would keep tbem there, and let Ihe U. S. postage currency and specie H w as tbey alwaya will when individual and corpora- tion rags do not interfere. BuSinea Charles R liuckalew is vu.t.ra av. i.uia.icw is prominent eaodidate for I" s- S.n.tnr , U. o. Oenator, ; will some one bo kind enough to exhume ... ,, . M pamphlet, attributed to him , annntl the tyranny f mnjoriiunf His doctrine, ' we understand, is lhat tbe minority shall tule 1 wi n . t,. Grlcr ecnJj h(J XtrUrn Daily lr Vr,.,, uf o,b jn f cnutlilljng s. .u.cjf . , r.iciamaiii,n fr election .r . f . . . . . laliJn. 'so a bill w........ .".".....,,5 aiuuer,.,tttuit. ; UttTTbe University Schools have holi- u.y until tne iuonuay alter -e 1 ear ., e j j v " o .in,erv.c,,ioD-(but .i.hout a of oa i uar'niB iwnpratiiv ir im ivm ir i ia i tOOW, in this region ) " i aT-Tbe Lewi.burg I.riss Band is re- coscuaica, under John A. iiower, lead, r, and Prof. Ueid, tutor. They paraded aod 1 gave specimens of music, yesterday. aWM Carkhuff Buys the Coal pile is so small lhat the G may be "ail," any "i;..., uuiii me rr.a'1'riai is renewed. c ' 1 vi-Loltcr from Wm. Reed also fnm ' Capt. Mover and ?onire's advertisement , tlbtw tWt i.;.,iu cuf Litt. j What h;11 SlaVfrV COSt the Xali 'Il ? The folloirtri:r tahle shous how mneh nv.n- ey has been pa,.) t,T the L nhrd Sa.es ISovern- tnent. 1,1 practically enrnd the area uf slave itri iiory. lAol-iiina. ft'ir-rfc-Mr-d of Praincr, Itltrrrat ymil. Florid. tiirrliw-(l olS-ptv O Intrrrwt ptitl. l'RvlI-Tiiiuin-b lotliaD titlcv, I'lsl.l l..i;.nrk-i, KIo-thI Wr. T.. r-mtT I i.vIi-miik, Me-ltt an 1 r. Pi'1i-r-' p-ntp nr lVmnt tamttilf, hT tr.-t t.-r Nw Mr leu, T-. f.r .... I Wt ir. T t. f..r iti l- mntt-f, T-t f -r fn-iliiirw. ItiiJtaD rVpr-ntM- if ill hind. In pnr"tufM fiat t n'l imy troops, All wltiT vtimiiilurw, A(fJ t ihi lf! m-cuud yemr do du 1f. OOt i.OOO 0il tai l 1,4 ht tnjo lUl,tlrt .1 os ' im 1(M) tHM,.n.M, 7.rMMtrHt H.tuN. nn 2IT.lT-' '"f. JS l.(":tit AiWt.lt HI t 4rfkll.lt l iOK (Mall (.(MM' t(0 S.tfat MN) tUIM.ffslt. fOr.(vta,iViO 6l0,,ttti,uJ't ft.Mz.7lit.4ia r7""Jifil per heal. Slaierv's National cost. (Thr Ind.an Warm Mnns.xa i probably insiigalrd by ihe Slave Pitwrr also.) Thi- i-rrruinlv a nic-p litili" sum to pav f-r ih? mrreas- ! Slavcrv. Thrftf f.-unhs of the mure amount has been pan by the Fire S'atfs. Anl vet iSiavery prele mU not to have haJ in rigfit in tin I'uion, atul is goin out to trt sttmpihtni e!e! ! rii?"lV(u, has not slavery cost n$ ennnch ? Ii it not time to put it in a process of nunc. . tton. br sralual emanripa'ittn, and by ihe ptitttni1jwn ol the cruel, uncalled for, expen- sive innrrrctinn of the nnsle!.!rs? From "Oiir Bovs. MTCapt. Gundy 6nds Lis son, with I'rown, Farley, and Wolfe, at the Talent Office Hospital. I'ullock Gundy had three bones taken fiom bis chin. Tbe others arc less hurt. Steinme'z broke his arm, and was at Alexnolria. ('apt. Owens was ("ill ditatuid al Georgetown with rheumatism. From ('apt. Tale's Company. Fai.mi.i tii, I'uc. 17. Tbe SI brigade, Hancock's division, were assigned the duty of guarding the piutoun bridge while being constructed, 11' re many of our brave lei'owa "bit tbe dust," betoo exp isrd to the d.-ally aim of Hbcl sharp shooters, corceaicd on the opposite shore iu tbe houses of Fredericks burg. Ihe y. 1 I . V. was: among the fi'St to cross the river, and was in the hottest of toe lighting dint,;; the opvra'ioos of Suiiio r's rit'fit t:rau i division against the K.-Lcl striinhold. Nobly did our brave boys a'aij'l to thoir wort:, d -terinititd to "do or die," uutil every r ouu I of auiin't niti 01 was gone, atid then, f T more than t i hours, they stood ut fl.i.cliii.'v. sn 1 held the t..u.ito0 under tbe most ga: . . c , , ., . . ,, , Lrc betorc :hev were itlievej Ah . lboe were hours to try men eou.s. .Never was bravery mure firmly put to the test, and ucver were laurels that crown brave meu's deeds more deservedly won than by tbe foiuoteers that cuip'e this Diviutoa. Atnoog tbe heroes ot the d-ij was Licuf. L.wnoce :i. Hull, of Milton, whu was in c .tuuiaud of Co. II, of tbe lie led bia men forward amidst the turstioi: of llO led alieila ud deadly fire of grape, cauietor, d BLetry, aud w.e the only oae to mount the stooewall in front of the t euemy a woras ue eiuou urtmy, w.t.u- l.. - " . . i u, urg'"S u" feu ioiw.i.i, oui ! thej could Dot Aach il, aud be retired un ttacbei JiTe builet buie tnruUgh canteen ,a(j i,,,,,,. j ... ' , , e now occupy tbe tame etmii and do- . ' ' ' v iiljon thjt me eluu, to tue tHlck ... . . . ... , W e are not out of heart. We now fully . .. , . , uuucrtwia iug wuia ue.utc us, uopo muu to be fully able to overcome aud defeat tbl Rebels at hredenckaburg. ,, ., ... ,r b.U .lUanavca, Co.ll. 53d P.V. V'e are aorry our friend II. forgot to ..iT ... .k.l,... ls. bi:l-.l wounded from Tate's Company ; we have aeeu none named. Ed ) I From t'apt. Church's Company. I Lieut. lieecb C. Amoos writes, Lieut. Shields led Company E., 531 I. V'., into action and was wounded in right leg and sent to Hospital. Of tbe company of 22 ia aeiioo, all but 4 were killed or wounded, ... j Kle(JI,11Diel T UnioD T H"ounded-3erg. Daniel Arlmtn, of i H.rtly ; Serg. Henry 8. Meogas.of Union; !,.,,.,.. f , ... ' urp. ni u iricu, ot u utun, iu leg , narry , ... . !; ; I ....! ! v. . . v. u.uu, ... u.i-o- , I...;. r i-: . .j r . w. iuiou, uu wuuu ,u.ucu, u. Limestone. Walters' wound it r,thef ! ' . . . ... dangerous tbe others are light. Frflni HaSSenplllg's Company 51st P.V. i " ... 1 Charles J,yile aud u A. baton ol lias j senplug's Company, are slightly wounded, ! aud llasxenplug aud Lt. Foster each bad , ik - i. .1. ..,.n,. k.n. nr .k.M. e ' ' ....e..., We did not get repulsed we drove ibe enemy from the town lo tbeir entrench- i menta, . mile back. Our bri.de was the larti on the fie :d We went on rucket Sunday nigh, ..rellev. Those who bad i . r J rc""ea n lhe D'ghl before. W e threw P entrenchments through the night, ta Prl"cci us next aay. These ws held. : ae ''bc'9 fired t us, but we kept quiet. Anout v in tbe rveuiog, thinking we bad left, they cams to reconnoiter : tbey ! peeped over cur Irea.tworks, when we' ., ,, , .. . , ravff fhem a v.iliv anrf run them teielr . , , ,. , . . . hn ii. .i 1.. ....tt. .Ii..lr ar.sonH f Inn dead body bad Ly it a big blaek d .g probably i's master which lay there ali day at.1 iiielit : we CjuIJ Dot get Liui , ""' ""J felt veTy orrf f"r 11,8 All ibe wounded were taken away during , , t . e j i ir. ..11 lhc "P!". " li" " ' ft' At 11 o'clock, iiight, we sere ordered to leave . the field. ! Our nrmy enrps was in the center, I-'ratiklin, on the left, was repulsed. That is the reai-in we had to evacuate Freder- ickshurg, but it is pretty well riddled, and tlioufeods of dollars of furniture, left by the citizens, were csrriid away nr do- strojed. Martin G. Iteru. f Anotber writer aas the d a belimd o.Srr W. II I'.rowo, Co. C, 91st I'. V audtbittbe dog was last seen MIwiL( an ambulaoce taking bis master' body it ! burial J j aX.Lieut. Jubn A. Maus, of the Nor- ' thumberland Oompauy, 5th I'a Haerves, writt-n. iust., Ibe fjliuwing civsu.Iiios in hi roinpaoy ; Tai t Chart-. HVIKi. kitlt t) Crj. Jatmr t;. Vortw, trolor Wtirer, killed. .Ibn II Hmiitirui J Corp. J at I wry, MOtttwlrxJ ff,Di BllOtOf. Win II. Moriin, do tie JanifN M fr'sn. tuaUd tuttiiifh. fcirn (t-nn.-r, iu bimuiIi. hrltfi W S oiit, mifiaiu);. 1'tari-tiBto .Mrrrit-k. ln Orl. Si-m Jtw a K aw f-r. wun lJ over tL J. Xjt. Jnuivat il. Trt, clitclillji in nil. W ui u tier, iu atrtti. LatlKli" I Truflrfi. io leg. tkiluuioQ H iliiauj, tio i lie fays : "In case that I should fall in the coruini! combat, let tbia be your con- 1 eolation, that I died whilst upholding tbe glorious uld stars and stripes lhat have given me protection from childhood up." a-)r. Thea S Christ, writes, lSth inst., from Burnsides' besd-riuarters, that our whole loss in killed, wounded, and missing, is less than Si"1'. "Kebel )m-pathiz-rs will say this is a d.-La' MTicilan'a frieuds will say he mold have been successful but we say no mm on earth could have done better than I)-trn-side has done : we h-ri! are proud of bis successful withdrawal of all our men and pr per'y : and the Il-Ms can not un l. r- s?t'id bow it was done without tb.or ktl 1 a I. djj.'. Iu burying I tin de m 11 conversed freely with Rebel I, our ffi.;-r and men, who confes-ed to a loss uf 1000 kilbol. (which is great-r than our loss.) and say they never saw such daring sol dors as ours in the attack ou ibeir iuipr-g iiaMe Irene'ies and baterios. They ex pressed themselves freely about the war, aiol sail they were willing 10 quit." Ilr. Christ il'idri ssed and went to b.ol at tuid niobl of Moiiday nft.r the bitil", lining been engio l day ari l niht for fie ds rrevious. Il! writes : ' Never before were rreti.m. Ilj writ, s : 'Never before were , '.e wiunl.d s. promptly card f.r as now : , , . uur arratii:emeu's for attending to those b brave follows, work like a charm : every niin had his part assigned him, and none (fron surgeon down to nurse) dare leave w.ihout a permit frjui the medic tl diric- tor Col. Heave,', Centre Co. Keg goes iutu H ire ck' divt-i n rmy Corps. - - ' BFiUi.uiHtTf too oi j-h. t a-Qc.ifrr, c-..u..tr. .uu o t,-. u.i..,, of S-iiugrove, writes home that 0pt. l.vn f!)C only 0DC ki:1',J io Com paoy, (F, lUlst K-g P. V .) but 10 were wounded. P- "Jn f.ir..mrt.t .rinf f Snrd-r nonnr, IU - r - " - j- u-. c : .k. l I.. lead oo bis men until a ball struck his be"- before dying, be wrote his name up"n some envelopes so that be could be ,li.tiniiilied from others He . ' "''"fguisnco irom otners. tie leaves a , r :, . n.i- .,....... ,argc i.miij, .l uis tioiei in i-nuuienur,;. , II,,nnred be the memorv of Oaot Ceh V ' ""' D ,ne memory oi iapt. v.eh. . Kvan ! He was a native of Chester Co . - ' nd dicd in ' 45lh Jer- j ---- Capt. Moyers Company wasted into .I. , ,,1 k-. . ... ... , . , ., , " -f M oyer thus writes lo us nf the brave men . u. v.uV., ,.P.e o . banks of tbe Rappahannock : j Ilia a. ... . ....... .f 1.1 1 " reflect upon the death of these noble young meo, who were so prompt in the disehar.ro ' of every duty, and always auxious to obey orders. Tbeir characters were uuimpeacb- j .1,1. ..J ll,r a.m.iivir ihitnl ..nll.mi.n and faithful soldiers. .t 'r..:.i.r..i i.. Ti..;. , . ... , . ... . . , friends, not for a vain purpose not to ' h' 'hemselvet into ibe devouring flame. 'of piq'i'y, prev.iling.o such an alarming ..t.nt in lha armv but to consecrate - a --- -- themselves to their country s service, and i . lo do their whole dutv as men. as Dairiots. i ' ' ' ... and as eoldiers. Tbey have fallen tbeir ; .Ll I ... ... ,L.. ... eartblv sun has set. But. while tbey are I gone, they have left behind tbem tbe heritage of a noble example N'or do they sleeo alone on thai blood red 6eld ; sc Tut, . . ... . . . . . . , Kt, , j, .saocijtjons, are sleeping by ibeir sides, and ihe broad bills ibat tower roun.l that tneiuorable field will echo back . ,,he sighing of the winds to chaut their, , , : . . . tasi.Lieut.Theo. M'Faddin is honorably ' discharged from service. Joe shot was citiactttl. out two retnaio. ' , a .u "i P.. ! . eipi. t rmira, u. a.st..r w nf the Engineer corp., killed crossing , to Frederiekst.urg, and Capt. Meeker of j Atuens was wouuueu m mc uui. ; r :.,t M It Monsun is iu tbo 171st P. Jt., uear Suffolk, Va. j Lieut. It. S. Maxwell died in service of tbe prevailing fever. n i .s ... . i ni Ic.iv I nrr, I I.Li.n n ..,...... l-rt I h.n. la'n of the '-V- Vol- Charles M ,ver of Selin.Tove in Co.D. Oth I'a. Re.rve, was badly wouuded I m iWWhen liurnside's repulsu wan firat known, certain acurvey politicians began i, .. , .. ..mh . " ( '"7 M lel!n failed before Richmoud) that it was "the 1 fault of the President," or "the fault of the Necretary of War," or "the fault of the General-in-Chief." ' The General was overuled by civilians in nffiee, who dttarrargul bis plans, and comjttHnl him to ijo tin." These charges were all fa'sc, as to the Chirkahwiiiiiv disasters How utterly base and sr mndliss thpj are, now, will be seen by the f.i!;,iwiti frai.k, niar.ly avowal uf the officer in eommatid, showing that lii'KNsniK, Cand n t Lincoln, Stan Ton or Halleck) is the reatonsible man. Rep art from Gen. Burnside. Ilcadijuarters Army of trie I'otuuiac, ) ll.Cellllier 19. lSt)2. f U W irf?-. (Inrrtt-in-Vhirf V S A Geaeral I have tbe honor to offer tbe following reasons for moving the Army of the i'otowac across the Uappibannock sooner than was anticipated by the I'resi deut. Secretary of War, nr yourself, and fur crossing at a poiut different from the ooe indicated by y u at our last meeting 1 at the I'resid ill's. I During my preparations for crossing at ' the place I bad firs't selected, I discovered that ibe enemy had thrown a large por tion nf his force down tbe river ami else where, thus weakening bis defeuces iu fruit; sn i I also thought I discovered b at he did uot anticipate tbe crossing of our whole force at Fredericksburg, and hop-d, by rapid y ihroaing th whole e omuaud oeer at iliat plsoe, 10 separate, by a vigorous at.-aek, the forces nf the etieui.. o t -'er below from the forc-s b-liit.d and ou the cn -t, and 10 the rear of the town, in which case wa could fiht Ii i hi with fiff .t a Jtau'ao.. iu our favor To do ihi., we had lo jra!u a height ou the exiri-nio right of the crest, which height c unaijiidod a new r ad iateiv made by ibe eueuiy for tbe purpose ot more rapid com aiiiutcarion aloiij; bis liue., which point gained, his po-i'i u alon the crest would have beeu scarcely lenatoe, and be CoU-d have been driven iron, tbem easily by an attack 011 bis front in connection with a iu'Vetnetit in the rear of Ihe crest. II .w u-ar we ciuie lo ace euplishing our ol j et, fuure rip ills will show. Itut fir the ffi and iifii-xto'cted and unavoidable dda of iiuil ling the nrdes, which pave tbe eh-iuv I went v-l iur tiuirs more lo e iu-c-n'rate Ins t re 's lit Ins s-roug positions. We Could altllos' cel'.MO.y h ive siteceedt .i, in wnieh c.se Ihe battle uld have been, in mv opinion f.r more deei-ive th, , I we ha i cussed at the places nisi sol, c:ed J . as it was, we came very near succest. rv.ling in aeeomph.nn.jr ,he main oh- j..ct, we remaned in order of battle two davs, long enough to deride that the eti-- my " uld ujt coaie out of his str mgh d 1- u-u' u- """ '" ",. ' we r' litir.i'u in mis i'je in mc river, uii- . m ,., . As tbe dav broke, our lot.,, lines of (f W(re BC ,n nurdljuf, Q fa(lir dlff r, etjt pirious as if guioi: Parade. N'jt K-t dmuraiiznuo or disurgauiz-iiiD Th a .k r . f V c.MiipU9hed the feat of tbu-n-cro..ing in the face of the enem?, I owe everything. v......,, . r ,r tue laiiure iu mo attaeit, I am re.-pou- ,.,ble, as the extreme gallantry, courage and endurance shown by them was never excelled, and would have carried the points bad it been p i-sible . i i . Ta the families and friends nf Ihe dead. . ff heartfelt nvnifath, . P ,? "earl"1r "JP"'. but for tbe wounded I can offer my earn- i... .a.;. -.f... ...i B...1 r.s. j'i.jvib s,uu..u. ... mu. I roeovrry. The fact that I decided to move from ! . arrentoo oo to this line rather again! . the opinion of the President, crrtar, and yourself, and that you ha'e left Ibe whole ... , : .... i,.-.!.. .1 t ......... me orders, makes me the more responsible, I will visit you very soon, anil give you more definite information, and fiually will a.nJ ann swi at .ltaill.t ratUirl ailed report, iu which a special acknowledgement will be made of the services of tbe different granddivisi .0. corps, and my general aud peraon.l s'an" departments uf tbe Army of Ihe Potomac, . In ahiilll I Iin nnsb milehlnl fur tl.vil inn. -,.. ....I I....... i . . .... , . .- , , made earlier than you expected, and after Ihe President, Secretary, and yourself re- ; quested me not lobe in baste, for the reason that we were suonlied mueb sooner -a .1 by ihe different staff departments (ban was .--jilt. autieipatvd when I last saw oa. : .... . .... . . Our killed amount to l.lo.,ourwounded about 9.000. our pruouers about 900, .knnl U III 11 nr..,..,... h,.l II III which have been perilled and exchanged fur about ibe saute number taken by us. Tli wounded were all removed to this elJe f b f..re lh(, ,rai00i ,d are being well cared for. Tue dead wero all buried under a fl.g nf truce. I ne surgeons re ri a tuuei more large proportion than usual of slight wounds ; l,li'!0 only being treated iu the hospitals, I am glad to represent the army at tbt prMlt Mme i .,,) ennuinon Thanking. Ihe (iovernrarnt for that en- li ,...,. ....1 eoK,i....e. which I haw.! m. -umi m-i .xuuuvHb. . 1 ucicl.l, Verj respfCUIIIIJ, , lour obedient servant, A. E. ItbRNSID. I .ijaj. lien. Com g Army 01 me rotomae. December 23. 18l)2 In my report of; tbe 19ih inst., the number nf our wounded j stated was about 9 000, and the number receiving hospital treatment as 1.G30. otb of t'.ieso amounts are wrong. Oo authority of Dr. L-tt-rman, our medical director, I learn lhat tl e whole number wounded is between C.000 ai. 17,000, and about half of these arc receiving trea'ment ' hospitals. A. E. L'ta.NSIljS. 1 lis The f.illuwing were the Kietrises al j the ra!i!'i- Ile'-epiin ef th I.ewi-tors Arai- emv, under Mr Kandolt.b, last We'tiesday afiTnoon. The pupils ac imi-id themselves wnhcre-l.i; Fg-0"-lwji -....- If '.n ".Vf -i ' et.,m tt.-n- Wt;Sm.n.-4 Xgm.t - B Sl.rJr. .vi - -'.,.. -v,u fks Ot.h .,-., y --u,r fa--ft , 4 -mo J-nn" If u -twih 1'trr- ti li-ihi'.i Kt. A- H- J'UTI h .It Uf fit' .-.4J.t. !l,T,i T.mm-n.tra H f' tt''t. Z. Arm n.t. I'll" : V tr,iu-,r. Maru J. LKtim. nu M.- - ml V.. Su.jKtt Wm.. V .vt. t, Otmia:' I T'r Wamfn-ii i.J tndrpeniltnct M. Sr- Jt :rf tit' .n..n. ln-'lv.H Avr H It It' -n I S. The Winter 'iYnn commences Mns . J.j.Sth. ik6:. ITWe will send the Sl.,r QCtmnirlr with H::d'ii'n l.aJy'i l!rik for 18:1, at t:.i, cash in advauce. Any desirous of the chance, will please send in ihe money (at their own risk) by the 1st of January. fTl.in. J..hn W. Killmcrhas oorihanks ' for "Puh. Doc." Cau he add ihe Daily OU.b , lo his li-i ' Latest News The Kcltt'I attempted to surprise n party of our men near Freder, ck'oiir": some "iitieonstitutinnar' blaek to .. jrave the L'niotiists the alarm, when the Iielols rut the wor?t of it. Kvory wnnl. jmlilic or private, from , tin? Army ;it Fi '!' rick-lnirir is lliat no tlomiuMliz;itioii wlntrvcr has fI Ii.wimI thfr I. tl-' t-iiiiU'.-t. Tln'ie Was no p .nie Ti(ii.-orur.iiii. itiou tint an rlp't'ifnl, nu'l rt'ady lor anoiher trial w htTO, no one knows. (tMl. Illllk-i. With t'l-'V1!! V(VcI, pa-.-fil K.i'v wi-st on the 1 1 t U t r i The Ivrh'-is have rt.iken IIoJIv Si:ti:-. ami ate rallying tO!l in ('t iiiral Trime-.ee tintl K-'n'i.i k v. j THt r..K-.IUM ir. r r ;THl AUUI UTlfL l'tI .Mtf. Kxkci'tivi. Mansion, ) ASlilMilUN, 1LC -J, 1S03. ) T-t thr Army the fftint(ic ; j I hse j ii ffad your (V.mminding (,'i.rrai'. prfjimiuary r-p rt of the buttle 1 of 1'rcderiekj'buri-. Although you were , not Mjecftul, the attpa.pt was not an error, n-r the fi.ilur other thn an acci dii. Th- coura-' with which yuu, in an open fi -id, nuii'iaint il the cmtrt aainJT ' an i ti Tench' I and i hi- con-'iiu .na'e jk ii I arid fiiec-! with which yiiu rucr'-i-ei the nv. r in the I -ice of th en my, fh.w that y -u p t9e!,s alt the q tulntts of a great army, which will yt t give vict uy to tb ctue of the c Hifitry and ut popular jzovfrmueot. '-nd v. with tltc tuiturn i f-r the (i'-i'i, ai:d svmpi'hii g with ihti st vcrtly woui.dt I, I c u:ru uUtt yuu that the nutu.icr l b -th is dime rjTive!v si stKj.I. I tfiidr-r t.- .'U, -dliji-rs iaijU sjidic-rs, tbe thanks o( the niti m. Ar.!:.!iAM Lincoln Emancipation Process. , It is Arkan, fttited that many s'aveb ddera of a and Tenois-'i are making wUe r.rr.arlii.n- f.r lU lr.al.....- IV.Iw.. ' Hon o -m wi aiuctj, rr.au y 01 ie .laeehoid- rs of the vieinitv of Helena, Arlr I...1 ..i. i.. . ... i - , . " e.r,, . e.u,,a with their slaves, to remain on the plan- t latioi,., uml-r ir iy They have, it seem., conic lo Ibe conclusion, ibat the negroes arc m te as Decenary to them, as . ,, they are to the neeroe,. As laborers, ,u ; ...... o .l . .uey are csscuiiai to me cuum, ana nil ' class will be more opposed lo their coloni- ..-. . . latum in a foreign country, when tbe war . " 19 - br froier master,. 1 he mass of tbe emancipated negroes will, it the. ha .h-., .:..:.. i.. they are, and work for wages. They will nnt ,ome Nrlh . . ... ti.j:.i:u. j .u ,j ,i ' ,k , "c ''" 1 broad. This problem of what 10 '" the emancipated negroes, is be coming gradually but surely solved, ' ; BOASTS It is evident tblt the I!,.K-I. ....... -utl ...,-fi...l iK.r ik.. .... . ' ., ... . .......' burg ,,rhe D; fch ,.;,, ,eeonn, of ,he haenUf , c mho ,,.,, ...... 1 . . . .. r reaorteK.norg I too llnit.'lnil nntl In .. , , . ... . , 'y tciuniicti ii'uw ui.c airiveu ai iticu ,. , , . w on u i re m i rea er ica snu ri? . " bel papers .ucmwm.v st . . -t. . . .. hows lhat tbey lost two Generals, and lhat Ibeir killed, wounded and mi-sing only a portion of the wounded requiring lo be removed must number 5 I'OO i And all this while tbey were fortified and bid in Ibe woods and behiud breast w oks and stonewalls from and through which they could, with little risk to themselves. nre upon ,be Cioniaia plainly exposed io an open piain . 1,118 11 " ,D ' fl' ! uiliuu eomiein iituincuiiij ana only artifi tial defences saved Ihe Rebula ftm , tot, ronte which would have opened the way to Richmond. i j Threats. Some of tbe Kebel allies, i grown bolder in. ibeir treason, threaten: to depose our loyal President and 1 over-; nor, by force, and thus let loose Mexican j anarch; in this Union 1 Let such editors . and men be marked ao I wafch-d. They j uiy live to mourn over their wicked, j senseless babbling, which ninj produce resolta tbey littie rcaiiij. 'H.fuiiaM'1 fj t'vrrrrtrff jr , . I C.a-uV'oi'j.V j v-its I-:. i T ail iw I.arl ... 4 1 75 V I'lmt an d... :.' . Dried Al'?, 1 I rn:blutti.r -- i . , . l.il f.4f t;r ' I . - -- - T- ... 1T R--T A I. Kr- r. tit- l-'b M-t . I- .''-CM ; liv U-t .4 litilt. "'h irt. Tll'fS K I' 11 Z f Turl 'fl Inin M tW II .1 H i.t-n ti. t.i r- U M ItKMiV M.I kit 1 kMMA IlkAl-'.l L.i-1'U.g ! IK K.s Re l.r.. P.ll,iii.t..l II IhlBAKT PAUK aal Mi-S KSTk. lL'U.aii. al ! U 01i.iui.sirt. Ity U- JN tl-Tl. -.Ttli s. . Mr. J I'sMMI! ml M... M i:V b W il.fc. I- tL . I l'--.irt. A'mI 1-tli ioi. , u.ir tt.:.'Ot .u, JC')li Lk.St.it .uJ JfcN.MK i m ui t: i llv K.T li W ..it'tis-r inst.e. Wl IrjitKIS Jr. and' Hi-. J I l.M U. Mil. a.-,. I lluutiuj ioi. ry 9, i CHAt;f.R,i A PCNr.of folna TP. urni f Wa Pi-okt (Ik'J. wr m-ml t t-f l-i t J..iit-t'hitrlin't i:mjio'. uJ fjrl hn.i-lil id tbv -twit tght j IVf r Ki 'bioi. Ml crtutra l-t rnlJ fr m whu-h li tti.ti, iht a.ib ft t lt, a,r ibv or ya--r. nti wt l.urirj vu tr-iD. I-Uni.V-i. Ill-rvniMtn wrr ii-t tffc-n up by t hrt d Y-Jtr. anJ Uuirl in Uwii-bar i M' Xa"tj At 1M A.M. .f ort'ln mU, R. B.A I'mk wHl prfrt tb ruwrnl T"0 of Mr fvnny. if A'Tiulit. In ItV f'rrn'-iv.o nf W4-ln-! iht 24th iot . JullN RILIIL ww ir.'rJ ir: -Irranlni wt4 in (bH Uitf of bii fthwr i,Ji1 Ki-hl) in Bvt Biiff-!--Tp. J Un MillThrnpJ tht iffitaJ fry ht. " n 1 mar the li e- tn Iid till. Millt-r wm on thf -ot in Bp loiDutfK. n l l-und jt-unir Kit-hi Irio nn hit f-. on hiiitJ wh-.-l of thr wmtTun r-v.tiuir lr b- k iiflnm-k thf n i-k it -kt-n It i- iif.p'j"! hf Iil l.H-k"l tbv wtirvl r 'Bif dt vtrj a bill. rl by otu avrr-i lr-ul frll u'..Kr thr wbvrl. J la a likvly Iml, thf only rhi.d. ..I ht Jvr ti"J mother. Ui ''" K yearn, 2 mo'. A. I.IMWN. r.f r:itmlrt, nf Capt. l.ino'n r.nnpany, .lt I V , liivi at Vfiletir. 2Cih Oct, in hi i'.tli ar a fHitl.fui "!liff and -! man. lit.- rrioiu ti been tiik-n litu;t; t r iutv-riuvot In I.e.i. Tp, loi a C, Z,lh ult.JV 'tB 51 T r.. In hi- Oi v.ir Id tii.Ttil. e Tp, 14th ta'H II: EIIST, in hi Vili yfr In tt It He .-r Tc 1"h iiit. rh.ij of Paul Mid llr-tfr Iiivtl, fijf-rt r. .-t-i y. 3 fi-. A J- In "hit.- (t-'-r Nt tiii, a aUstNtv?r of Saviciwi hof!i, -. it ti I- In WtMt-.lwr Ii'.21.tu;t r M U.Y KKr rt-LK, 4f-l '7 fir In 1' f.Tiile, th iot. ANNIE 'tii?Mcr rf Jaa" K. anJ .-tarnh .ir- r. a-J i yt- an J J uj I AtWl.it.- I'.tir-n, Mf-h.Vl In-. Mr- S II A II LKK. fiTiurll t,f t-liliii-il t.ju I,', ael al-uut rir-. In lutni;:, I.:th m-t, C'INLLILS .iAL!il.rjaVtio hi '. -i e-.r I ii ton Prater .lleMln h-rraftr in ih" l.tiififran hm-f.at -t iVbCK. Sabbalb ativrii'Mtn. All are invite l i atten 1 PARTICULAR NOTICE. HE Batiks and Accounts of T JAMFaS SCOTT, atst ihoe t-l" JOHN yi. I.T"T, are in mv h.n (r e;t;errnt. ti mi atn ii i id bv trie H;h ot J.inu.irv nfi', suits be issued ajaint ih eirn j ifit!-.. JOHN M. C. KA.NCK. Lewislmrsr. iJrc -!. Estate Of Lawrence 11. IlVeS, diC'tl. . " A !MIMrrRATRoriCE Wiierea. I.-M-ff". or A !:iiuiisTra!.-n -n in eta-e oi I.Trt'inr V li ivt'v. I.itr oi llia.ivt'-fi;p, (ir-ce isf ',. have ltfn ?rdf''.etl to ihe .it!.-rri' ft hv iu l!":i''Tt'f I ' !i"n rin;irv in itit iorm o: I.itt. tin-r "(.re .ill p t-oii- (tt-i-'t-tfr! to .n-i esta are p''i,i'"-?H t" in lUi1 in.rr.'- In'- pav incut, an 1 ttioe havit-s yii claims yeioist thf safiie inav present thni dti'v authrmca't d fv-r sft'iein-t:t, (n trie suh-cri'tv-r-., ho will he at the laf r"i I'Tic ot t h- i! r'(t in Pratiy Tp rt: Friday an 1 Satur lav, 2 ! an, I a I J m, next. whrt al! in'-ret.t will please aiten!. An 1 tliillCf 1- Inr'tiff gJVrn mai IDe I U-W .if o! .Ip,1 tlV I in Int. pfi'iirv of nn n- eriv ciattn.t rv hr, to th atni tint I j hrt-e hundre.l .lolUrs. with th- Krsier. wh-rh will L- .. . .1.. t.l f .L . II..1 Court lor alio wance at ihe ne.l term. aimm r ii.t.vi'u. w ii!i.n.pr. re is. Is.-: l.-tl.tll IIAYL.S,Jr. nunc Tp. .1-1. A lDiti!.tr.t.r . pQf-p" II A KI WARE. t CHINA WARE. I llOK FINPIXf'.S, j I.ATS. itc.Ac.Vi i ITE have an extensive assortment of the above t.oo ls, to whteh we invite the a"ention of purchasers, fall and examine the quality ant priee before purchasing eKe- wner. KVANS tt Court: K, l.rwsbg mai saoe :frri:w ami sti fkek- fcj We have an assortment of these celeb rated machines sanstaetion guarantied EVANS A; COOPER s KATE a choice lot kates just reen rv EVANS A COOPER TC3ACGJ & I G.RS! rPHE on lersiened. hannj purchased the i . . " " iP " ' wald. Markfl street, nppoue Walls Htorr. invites alt fats friends i patronize lhat in. atitntion." WM. UROW IN, Jr. L'wisbur;, IXor. 51. Ifii WATCHES, JEWELH7, kc. S-fc. THE undrrMsned. having remored 7 -.Jher Watrh and Jewelry establishment ! iaeto one ni tne rooms recently occupied ' by Thos. IS. Crier, (a.tj.-tnins; M.ss Amanda! I,. Zlber's Millinery Shop.) Market street, between Front and Second, she is prepared In Repair WattheS, Jewelrl Instruments' 6 n ... .. u.... , vxe., in the most approved and sati.iaciorv manner ?he lf. eps en hand an assortment of choic JE .VELKY. f..r Ladi-san t (;enilemn, wlttch she otr-rs ai pr ees i sun ihe limes. Ali, CLOCKS ar.J WATCHES. Ail work and wares warranted as repreen ted. MARIA S. ZlBLit. L. .buri. May W. l"i y- TlflUil WtW (Dw5S. .vrrc.;e.n.r .vantvo'ii-s rnn r'rr. jyr irryrrwr fpu ii.i. a.d Hi,rrm r FAIL A.XO 07 A ThHI roa r.iir. .txn T.vrs; , CAI.I. AD .VP! i Ctrl AD fir.Kt j fit tt asi sm i CALL A.l SfK' I rxrvrtt. wnrrv. at rn KNFWr K. ATi-irttt IO , K HKM.tr. i li Ktt '( a t. . n ma . u I X..itnra, e. 1-ta Heal Sstate. o.;i iians; n)riiT SALK. f;rorg a lli r'si i aiiate. P Y rirfJ1" o! an ureter irom the llrrbaaa urt of I men county, we wi I oiler at s tie, oo the p e:uts ., on SAtui iluy, Jan. IU, li:t, ai :o o'eiocK. A I, all thai roe-suaie and Irael ot I. a I. situate in Bjtlali Tp. I nun l.'o. oa Is a. k R in. al.out Ij mi!e rorib-wei nf tbe? I ion iiun h. adj uninz lan.ds of Ltanlel Miller. I) ant A J Kishel. Joseph Beclr.Jaeoe) isr, m !.iu lenmuih and othnasuiataiag M0 Acres Ihe Ininrovt-meiils are Nf a li'H M:. nnN and othrr Fana toiV-tar. )iii2s, wf Tai;rrert. conryel by C'to-loita lu af h ll-usr and Barn-vard. The Tract i w. nearly all c earerl. aint tD a eitd iaie m fu'tiva'iun gtod J IMBtK tu me uucieaxed pnrr "i. IiTirms nf ale will be p'lb'ibed oo tbw diy of ai hy 1'KTEB MM.I.rR. B.iffab.e i.KDlR-t: MlLI.b:;. Ka.MU-itfaloa Dee. 1, Is'-- Ad mnisirators FDBLIO SALE. II. i. he soTd by aorti-.n at the rraidence of Thnsiiaa Heif.ia Lewia Tp, Unioia Co, Perm a, on ! ThuMlav. 1st of Jan'y, 1SC3, th f'!h'Winr pr-nnal property, to wiu four Hr:e. I 3-year old Colt, 4 Mttcb t'wwi, 1 Bull, I Heifer. 7 Shoals. 1 fnnr-borM WaitoD, t twu-htire Wagon, 3 Spring Wagons. Flows Cultivati r. Horse tiears,Threhme Machine and HorNf Power, Horse Rake, a variety of MHM1M, rrt:M ana HOtstHOLB riftMUHat ino notnvTous to nieniit n aNo Clover Hul lrrs, a tot l dotible-reftncd east steel, a lot of round machine Meel, a li t ot bar iron, Ac. A I. so at the same time an. I place lhat va! nl.le FARM on which Christian Reif re-i-J. situate m I.t-n.s Tvrp al. rcsai J, containiog about 150 Acres, about Twrn-v Acres of the same being excel lent I nn jrr, lie reiuainl-r cleared a ad m a pur-d sr:ti- i t cultivation. n which ar . lecie 1 a toJ H.tnk Barn, a larrre two-aJM( - orry U-x-'Air House. Spring House.Jefci rff5OL'l rth-r Omhuili-hn? also a lare rcharl, and a never Uilmj Spnog of A ' $ t ai Ihe ame time and p!ace.ano;hr tract i 1 Lan-i, a j ntnsr the Vansioa Farm, c nta'n-nc a- u 4crri, all c tea ml, ; -i"a.i ' h r h are erecreil a new FOfX-'-aiiKV and MU tlt-NE SHOP, 60 !tv.r; "el hv 2t feet.ihrce storeys high. t&B2tUj'S3 'on'aming a strain engine of tea h..r-e p"wr, turning lathes, drills, circolar and iipncht planer, fullubarger' patent belt scroll saw. and a lare variety of TooU of various k.n-.s Tnrr? nnne. Paints, an i Oil aNo a B acUsinith'- shop and Tools aNn thrt-e pood Uwellm Hoo-. jr j i -s a rip House, an eacellentiJi an l lifvrr-tailins Spring n&itigon and flowing through the rrt nacs Al.' a th- -id tn? and p. are wilt be v.'ii!.- pn:.M" i.'M.nr of c. h feifs P.iiv-m ci.OVEK lit "I.LER, iih a:i his Im-pr-n'f-nipnts tTiT?.n. a!e i t cMirnenre at 10 o'clock A M of laid 'y- uaeD c. aiuwtis w;il !e made known bf IllVfl'll StVltl'lrd W. MVERS, Att- -n- to Tf t for CiftftiaS RtTV r. j. t2. For Rent or Sale. VThe well known TAVFKV STAND ji'l i Mi'!at" rn Marki Mt. in the Beroucti ot l.ewisburs; new in ihe orenpanrv of J. H. : ot. J.WOLFE. A Farm, Saw nil), & Timber Land, 1,1. a', A The mine, for ate en moderate trrms.1 Farm contatni ain ttt one hundred -.1 f.,rM 4 I lit acr all in ritttivation. wiiti a eoca iwo-si. rey Irame fiwelltniri House and tone Barn. '1 he v Mill! ha the lare wr.ter power vi Tenns Creek w: h about :tOO Actei of Titn'. er Land all a'ljoinin?. in l.imetnne Tp, t'nirn to. Apply to J..h M. Tavlor. A?ent, Mttflin burg, lour iniies from the premise, or to IIL'CH BEI.I.Asi. Sunbnry. FOR RENT. rilVtO STORE" Bricit HOfSE asdajawa J LOT .-n Nonh Fourth "reel. JiH March l-i. 'hi. II. P. sHELLEH. FOR SALE. IANDst late of the Estate uf Taata Caaas j Esq.. rtee'd. Wilham Wils.-n, 4'0 acres and allowanaa. West BniTaloe township. Robert Taciran, 4U0 acres and allowance Harttev township. William P. Brady, 4 1 S acres aad allowance. Hartley township. Robert l.attimer, 43SJ acres aad allowance, llartler township. Apply to JOHN B. LIN.f . M.j M Attcrney Rr Ch. 8. O. kM.ava Land Warrant for Forty Acrts IOR SUX Enquire at the OrCce of lh Star 4 f amiiieV, Lew ids or. Wanted. rPHE IIIIJHE ,T CASH PRICE paid for 1 Mn-J or White and Colored RAC.S by Jno. D. Marker, Paper and Ka Warehouse. V E. Corner Fifth and Commerce Hi. O'.iSI. H m3 Philadelphia i Item iTl.ifhtnii Qtnre I IX CRI.-? WELL'S BLOCK. lower Market Si f I 1 a s. 1 .1.11 iff wtt.r(. thr rnh,,c ran fi, an a-ortmenl of I'A 1 1 ION A HI. E CLOTHING, sueh as I.onp; Ovorcoats 10 to S1-" l!u-iiiCS3 Coats 4i to 15 !iv-s do 7 to lfi IloyV Uo 3 to 5 1'aiit?, 2 to t Vrt. 1 h lo ." This i lo'b'nc was s.feeied at r'ashi..nM Cloihin; Hoo-es in l'!.i...ai d wiii be sold fur Small Profits for th" (ah ! JOHN" S. M RSH C1 ARTEs UK V1SI I E fhoiosraph Alliums at M .wrv's (lattery at Vi-wry's (ialleiw at Mowrv's llaltei r ai Mowrv's l.all.iw at Mtia rv's llalterv at Mowry's t.a:i'ry I'ootosr.lpos !at?e S17C Phoiosraphs in Oil Ivorttvpe Hatioiypes VnUroivpe. and All 'aio.ts o'lvr.s at Vowrt'. ."a'b-ry Vi'WUVS tiM IFPV. in Maili -ti'ti. i .;po':t" ih Baott l.ti"i ' ;o.y, 1 Orsi