Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, December 19, 1862, Image 2

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War and Winter.
The enemies of the country, and every
cward and traitor, in ant Dot . f the army
or of offioe, ara trying every scheme, open
i ' .
ud secret, to fn tbe t uiou armies into
"tsiot.r.iarter." This would give the
K.liels in .re tune M recruit, ,! to ret
id from K .rn,,., while the fn!oa armies
would waste b) disease an J ii. ;r -j' r.. i,u
oar d-bt iucrene f ir the T no scire
li.. tiuiid ub.iut-.nl ,b. would the war
be loiiL'buitely i.rn.t.i.gc.l. If , fi alone,
by this time, M'Ctcll.u's army would half j
been absent with or without iuave, aud he !
wilh the remainder would spend another i
four uwiiibs in 'vpiendid reviews" un tbe
banks of the I'utomae !
Hut other Oencrals act differently. Tbe
battle at Mill f"prin;;was f lit ami! the
snows of Jutu try. l't I) .nelon was taken j
10 February. The series uf successes uud.tr
Uurneidc, in North Carolina, were all wud ;
between Xuven4or and March, loine of j
the bloodiest battles of tbe Kevoluu n I
were fouitbt during tho iut?r numbs. 1
The battle of Trentm citue i ff on Christ- I
was while tbe battle of l'riuceton was .
fought on the 31 of January. If we look
to Dtber tiin 6 and couutries, we shall find :
tbat war and winter have been closely j
allied. Gustavus AJolikus disdaiued
"winter onrters" as iff Jtninite, during
that iui-jj Tial C-iuij.iio, in Germany.
Charles the XII. of Sweden bore his vic
torious banners through tbe snows of a
northern winter. Napoleon crjesed tbe
Alps in January, and gained tbe victory
uf Austerli'z in December.
There is do g od reason why any Con
siderable p'iriiou of our immense army
should remain idle a.inu tiie crjjnigj
mouths. There is on tbe contrary, every
reason why it should be put to active uo.
Inaction wi.I beget demaral ution ; the
troops will became corrupted ; the people
will become discouraged. This, we be
liuve, the Uoverunient fully understaud.
After tiio Battle.
Falter accounts of tbe baitlc on Satur
day at Fredericksburg, disclose mure
clearly the seriousness of I!urni Je'fl ef
fort to carry the Kebel position. It is
evideut tbat ibe whule of liurnside's
available forces were engigcd, and that
part of them were sj severely bandic i as
la be uiitit to recoiuui nee t!ia battle on
Sunday moriiitig. II joker, whose two
Corp, acting as reserves, cunc Ijtest into
action, and FriLkiin, who hid a partial
success on tbe left, were (.r..!..Mj in Clit.
log condition next nioruiii ; tut Sum
ner's grand divi i a, e-jo eil.y Uoucii'
CJrps, was exhausted by rs til irts, and
sorely in need of rest. Kuru-ide waits,
therefore, to collect and refresh bis bultiug
There is co reivn for disciuragemcnt
in tbia result, nolviitbstauding the at
tempts of seiui-s.c ssioo j um iU to mag
Dify it iu'o a d teat. Tbe ttebeis bad
ample (line -to intrench tbcinsehei in a
naturally sirouj po-ui on, anJ, of course,
improved it. The first cffjrt ta disiudge
Item, has failed. When L'uruailo is
ready, bo will try aiin. Ueinf tc uients
are hourly arririug. Uurniide v : : t, ,t
hesitate, when ibe inotnent onus, to re-
Dew tbe assu't. Tbe task before bun is
to drive Ihe It.bJs back to lliebuiond,
and to end tbe cauipiiu only with their
annihilation. There may be many days,
acd many batik's, before him, era that
work is accomplished ; and there may, iu
tbe natural orJir of events there will be,
days wanting in success battles that are
indecisive. Tbat is the fjte of war ; not
is it patriotic to despair because every
movement is not successful, nor rational
to expect that in si many movement
very one shall be a succes9.
White Emancipation.
Last Thanksgiving lay, was mt-ille,
io Ibe churche;, throughout the N rtli,
with but rare exception, for the protests j
which were uttered iiiust "Man 0n-
ing," tbe great oue, first and foul, ol j
oar national troubles. In New York ;
city, Kranci, Vinton, tie II h Church
Hector of Triuity, did not fear to seo with
his eyes, to bear with bis earn, to speak
without a gag between his teeth. lie
Slid plainly to ;he rich, the faLionabI?,tbe j
mbitioQSof liis charge : ''t'ngrateful men j
t. - r.i. - i
re exerting tao o'tnst of their enJeavors
b i.ujs.w.usc-
to establish a a Empire uf Slavery, and .
kn field white with tic Lnrvca wear !
. - ... ... I
Ibd fcanguiuary staio of L'uj.J. Ujt. I
vit. vyi, 01 mi occonu i rcsoytenau f
fit- ll.la B? .L. C ! I. -
cbarob, bure Ligh tcMimony in reference j
to ue peutuern oi.j-ct 01 thin war exten-
...r. .. ...
aioo and perpetuation, od this Continent, :
' ' '
of Human Slavery. This war Las cm-
ferred one trrcat tentCt. so far it Las un-.
shackled the intelligent and conscientious 1
pulpit of the country. I'ulUtULJuurnttt.
At in olden line, at the opening of both
houses of Congress, ibis year, the prayers
of tba Chaplains were outspoken for liber-
ly 10 all Ihe races of man. Two years ago,
none ibere would have dared to pray tLu-.
A Rebel pi.tr at Ilaleigh has a st Ty
mutiny among tbe ljuion troop, at New
born. It say ' oOO men threw il un
their arms, swearing ihcy were li -miera's
and would fight no more unu r tue Ah.i.
ltttoo flag " Tlie wish was f iilir to :tut :
tboORbt. The utory is f.i'e.
l'.cT. Arthur li. Fulier, Chaplain of th-
16ti Mass., ws auiotin tbe liit to ens- ,
Ihe river at Fn i rickbur aud was kiii.'d
in th ac'. lie as a W iriliy brother of
M-rgaret Fuller, and wis the "A. 15. F." j
correspondent of tbe X.Y.Tnhntie.
It ia ei)r.teititi!atel returning to their'
ehtirel... !1 th- I. .u-.s ot worship used
as hn.pitjl at Washing'on, this tuinth I
bopiral bjil Jitit baviug beco eieclcd. 1
,,.,,.. . , ,
"a el tciablt fur Vutnotu !
' ' i
! The hteVst rh price, paid far TOT.
TOV w,,Lt.EN I! Mis. Ol.l) NEW'sPa-i
. ,BB WMV& AnM
! ,
An, m, DE1JR j r j
. ' i
Wbere iray be fonnd a varied assortment of
lor sale at reasonable rates,
t'aar KcIS Ir:alilt fur Vmnpcn !
Cash paid for Itags.
ft! OT I C E.
1 Li
i-wi-toirz. will reeeive -ea!ed prop -sals i
lor uie i uMtrin; ol ir.e .V S.-hool Hilild- ;
in in ihe S. uih Ward of said Uoronjh. !
I.einno lo he held on Tueiiav eeenins the i
'- I ol llecember next. W ork an 1 maienal to ,
he in ae.eord.anee wilh JSpeeilieatii Ds which
ran he srrn at the cilice of Win. .lones. by
ordT nl ih- llo.irl. WM. JONES, Sec.
I.ewi.hnr?. .ov. S. ISM.
liRTIIt-Mnr.BUMl t'iir!TV
Shamokin, I'a., Nov. 4. Hii2. J
banlv has deTirfd a ilividend of 4 per
X eeri
enu for the lat 'iX month.
F. W. I'Ol.l (ICK Pres.
flHl Dimes Savins InMiiuiin of Lewis
iuriz ih-s I.tv lioctart-il a livhleml
oi Four per Ctni. oti ihe am mint ol Mot if
piiJ in. IVival.le t the w.n-kh'l-ters in
ivriMs't ii.iv iroin tlaie. II- 1. sii ELLK..,
Ntv. f. 1"J. Treasurer
IT llBAXCH Insiirnnee ('...nr'anv.
V ul' l.o li iS;n en, l"a. i
li:s'irp Preperlv in b..lli 'I'.'n an l I'mm- !
' trv .-ri :is r.'.ii.n.abie Term, as any other :
; g cl t'Linpany.
i 'i'l: lare mereave i.f Prem inm 7,,'tes makes t
it a reliable I'ntnpany in injure in. j
! amiiiinl nf Premium iili-nnalnf-ir.-r.$.0.000.1)0 i
J.U'.CsaJ'ma, See. .'. 1Ibvi:v. I'res
LAIMSOAi 1'KOSS, A sent.
I D-c It. ISf.l l.evii-tmri
Ili:T Work on the IlOliSi:.
i lie Horse unci l-ts liteases.
By RrtTlFRTJKNN I V. f--, IVT or of I'mholcT
"m-l tij- rtotr Mirry to tb ft.rinarr Colla-gt- of
Thi rww.k nuiUln .'ft pa .'. nr-p'pria'fly illatrte4
l-v U- irlv Iihi r.n;rarin.'. It i rnit.-t hi r.s'ar, M-n ',
U s lh- prirf, hall' t'uul $ l,"f m t t"ili ntra J
II TLLLS Y'f th ..twin, lii-tur? tI iitin-t,Tftm1t
n! thif vitri -ui Lrt-r I f hun'an. Amtic, '
Atnt-ii Mbsi Ari.-r.rjiu iior--ii. witiutu-phy- j
it-ul tortattiiMU ami i-i'uliariL.-ii nf tb ul I
mil. mi l ho tn KM-rl.ii!i If. n-z- thtt '
numVr nl roijJitiim il hi- tli illn-lra- ,
triaL.t with Dumrruu jxpliiuaturj' Lura- I
ITTbT-L Yt oit-wline. lnvakinir.atahHne. feline, i
t:r'iiiOiiX. (tiiH-iug. a;i'l th'-it:ii"Ti iirttiau :
tm-ut cif I in' hwrw1. ith Ih twft iiuhI'B f ;
a lmiio-lt riiiiE m-ii' iiit:, alito li-.w to tr-t j
ti iii;, Wi' Kiu. rr-writi, siiviu. tnuihiini.
mli ( iiitiir, rt titir'it. mi-! oth-r to ,
vliii'h h.' in -u-jt-rt with uu tut rout tMp.a I
n'ury KnirritTitufH.
IT Esrt&l v" ? fmijH iin, erto"1" ni treaoK-nt of j
ptriruleA. tt- rn thrunt, di-trmit-r, catarrh. '
Infill -nz. Iirtinf hitts, (jniutifiiia, jilruri-, j
rr'ikrn witi.t, i-ltronic ci'Uh. furiDH auJ
wlii-Uitiff, Utr."i, r m"uth anil ul.-Ti-. 1
an-1 dei tfth, with nthr dmeaslci of
ii m-uttt nnl rni'irn!t.r i tvrin.
thf .-apd. eviiipt.mi ainl trt-nttD'tit if
rni-, !-;, ch tltc, oiraaculation. tony 1
f- u-t ti' n.riii'turf;,.l"ii'y.'ti:irrli--a.jaui, :
fll. Iili:itirrh", MWy urn, at-.Tifis in
til kitu-rt ao-l hlaiiiltr, inlainKtinn and 1
ot Ix-r 'li'H'-H f the sumach, bowel, liTer,
an t nriuiry or?:tn-".
IT TREATS OFlhm can !. vmntnmanl tratmnt if
l"Hf, hlvi tml tir ptn. nttcbrn.
ni-, tit ram!". kr-k--ii hn-. wiml iraild. foun
JT. wr hrmw and irraTfl.cmrkvxt bfiln,
(tiriilrlin, raiik-T. llir'i-h mini corn-; a!un
ot nvvnn'. vrl"o. s-inL-ri-v. pt:iLz-r, aoJ
ot.r iliai-a rf tlf f-'-t. h-itn am) hca-t.
t IT TJLK at'i'it th r .. Tiai t'u. .-in-li rfatinent
ol fi-tulit. p-itl fvil. -I .nt.-ra. r..r-j-. .-arlrjt
f-'f'T, nwo:, mirf-it. l - kHl jaw , rheuma-
tlm, TlUlll. ifall. t r rif tllrVr Klt'l
h-nrt. . Ac., an t t mnai: r-Tittra-
ti'm, hliMnlinz- trcphininr. rowt-Mttr. firing,
h'-rnia mD u'ati'm,tiii'ijiD, aotiotiicr aur-
?h:tl iT.-af il.
IT GITES l'f'f Kar-'v" mthl r.t rattinc hor-
hnw tl iirn' lt, halt T 'T lahlf a Colt
i"tt t a'--u"r""m a r-t-f t n'runice ound
and i ;ht. an I h-m xu l it. aMl. rMe, an.
t'Wik him to hnrni'm. tin frm and law
cf warrautr lit hl ltinir lh- rolt of
mr.- than fiftn v-ar- orfiil .o'ti'jrnf th
hahits. MiulUrit li". anr ! weak ot-chi
of thi d I' If aud u-ful aniuial.
For yale at the Chronicle ofl.ee, Lewisbtire
frTHC mbseribers haveforsalr arfa.
I fin lots to suit purchasers.
a larffe stoek nt
1 '.V; IIO.IKIS Panel Stuff.
j Plank. Ac. A'en 5.000 l'l.L HAILS,
j ifi men Sawe-I Shingles superior quality.
! Also S i:iare Timber for Iluil. lings :
Which are offered low for cash, au.ur Mills
n...l. II .. V. ..r ,U- 1 I.... I'...alr in
UrteV township or delivered on the Brush
Valley Xarmws na 1 at the end of onr R.iad.
tA Ihnloma for a superior sample 01
m i a , n . , a .
p;anii5t an a Premium for Kails and Snm-
were awarded at the Iat I'nion Co.Ag.
Kaip- Jf)H?; S01V;,
ly poreat 11:11 PO, rui..n Co.Pi
r jJll substrilier con-
. . . sue- ?. f
Livery liiiinrn '";.' v. "
!rh' . " ml, a Tn
Third street, near Market, and respectfnll)
solicits ihe patronace of his friends and th
pnhlic eet.eraliv. 1 HAlii.Lts r.HLhb.
Lwishiirs. .May S3, lM
m Tho ttn.li.rsi.TnoA Inrn flc.
If jus u i ..v 1 .-.ios u uuu a.s
.Wi41wlMjsidiru iiiciiisi'ivcs into copari-
. g 1 1 "I'fl (icrshi p tor the purpose ol carry-
J'iJin on ihe I.umberius, Planiue.
antl Carpentering business in ad theirvarions
branches, at the
LYssiisbnrg Slcnm IJIaning ittills.
where thee intend to keen a slock of Pine
Hemlock, Walnut, Cherrv, Poplar, sh. Ma
ple, and all km.ls of Lumiier, Kloorms fhel--ir.c,
fsidiu?. Shineles, I.eih, Joisls. sSuiddina,
Fencms. Pickets, Door and Window Frames.
Doors. tShuiiers, Ulinds, hasb. Mouldings,
Brackets, c. Planine. biniin?. Scroll Saw-,
ms, tie., done ai short nonce and all work j
warranted lo tn-f sausiaction, both in rice
and workmanship.
J. l. PinF F I.N 1'i.I.r EK,
Hit! M liriKlsH AI'H
lwlAnra rianlnf Mill.. AitII t. lnS.
F'CEra Tl-V,.tr.E-.nes.rtinentnf thi.ureior
W.r- emSrsr., .. Pre-T.lnC Kettle.. S.uee I'.TIS
tr.snowl..Cnp. f.ir rhll lren.t..-lt. nnneKed ofMlnt
Ira frenra Batinc r.na. c. I i I.I. AS l Se
.r-. . MS A. KfAMEll
rr"TI-r,"' lt since a THA-S
KEY. which rh lo.r can hear from at the
Tin'lc dTi
Dest Work fop. Can vassing A.iknts 1
Harper's JJMttorlal History
if the
commenced the isane.in Numbers, ol a '
Complete Distort r Ibr l.rr,t llriielllun In (lie l.S.
The work has been lor many iiioi.lhs in course ,
of preparation, by a writer every way q'.ialifiej ,
for ihe task.
I The I rnnnrcTiof roniain a clear acpoimt
I nf ibe formation i-l ihe CoiilctJiraev tI the
' lalPS '-lttf lormalom ami atonon ot Ihe t
Mituiitin uf I tie L'ntteJ isiaie-, anj Uie oiatn
iishmfiu of ihe .National Covernuient ; the
oniu, development, and progress ol the il m- t
Innes of aDlliAcaiua anil Secession, and ihe
various phases wh eh lliv a-nmr,!, tmul
the hual culminaiiou in ihe JmU titbi-llin.
hp llPKTt.iiT roinpnsrs an arrtmnt, .Irawn
fmni the must antheniic sou rees. fih Kvenis i
of ihe War; intrianes o! the Sfiiihern lracbr,,
ai nme and ai.roau ; me crMnM .leicrimn 01
one seetion ; Ihe "real I nri'n ol ihe I'ecnle
for the maintruanrr of ihe . Homal Ltle and
KxiNienre; the rapi'1 er;itMni ol an iinmene
Army and .Navy ; II ilt'es by l.?ml anl Sra.
The It u'str tTiof4 cnTnnri'e Porrait-s of
. thoe who have brne a prinn:neiit pari in thr
urus'k; Mips tr .iillt r-'iii I'f-ihiit s ; l"ans
j il lealin? netiotis ; Views of rne til impr
est, anil of lite mo-U inipoi fant Kattlrs. Thf-e
Illu.trations are iimiiy frmn drawings taken
on the spnt, by artists uYpuieit lor that purpos-',
lo aTumpany every tlivisiun vi our Arujy
ani .avy. j
Kvrv facility at the enmsnan 1 of th' Pu-
ljhrs ha been employe 1 in the preparation I
and en-ciiMnri of hi- work; an-1 they confi-;
dentlv believe that it will form ih mc-i ini't- ;
w.irihv and valuahl hi-torr which ran te ;
prepare.l.f THE f.RET stlU Cie.Lt: FUit
Mdr and Term of I'uhlleatloa.
The wurk will be i-ue.i in .Ntimhers Con
sitin M ?i pise-s of the size at "Upper's
Wcekhf" prinleti from clear tvpe, npin line
papT. ami will pr..&abiy be completed in
about Twenty iiinilrrs.
The t tubers will be i-isu" 1 at intervals,
if pnvihle. of about three or lour w tek.
Th I'rice ot each .-imher, whn-h contains
matter equiralent to an ordinary volume, will
be Twenty-five On.!..
'J'he IHiiHirations in each Number are alone
u-..,tl. tl. nriri. axi.l. M:-T Mill n r-.ni
i meni.epei iailv A ra i'wi.f.i'.'"i.-
; li:HS, ran fin.! n i iher ..rl; o sure ..f ;
' rea Iv sale an-l ;r.o ! pr..fi'. For furllier par- !
uculars, aj ;
to th l'i'htihpr.
JiAI(l'i:K BK'H'IIKUs.
Kranklin ."S inaie, .New V.
T n. rnnisr. i;q .h.is r m
-.1 hi. (f-
J, liee In ihe lull I. us if .l..na-han Spvk.-r. i
.N.-rlh i.f tlte tli.nrt Mouse, an 1 im.ned'.it. lv
nppi.silelhe llulialo II. .use. where lie will at
tui '. ! alt maimer of tuli.ness at his ollire )
Willi .lipafeh an I proini.liiess m his line of
bus:..ss. (Spoaks bi.lit I'n'ish an-t tl-rman.) .
Apni i. isca. i.. li. i-iiRisr. ;
Executor's Notice. I
"OTICE is hereby riven, lhai I.tter te i
. tametiiai v on ih !a-t w ill and testament
ol iIi:.JAMI (i!OILAMJ!;n, dee'd, la-e
tif Hartley Twp, Cnion conmv. h ive been
granted li ihe un.lersined, by the KeLiler ot
t-nion c uiity. m due foi in ol Jaw ; all persons
having claims a;imM :n ! ei.iu ill prevent (
them, and ih.e owin- nJ e-uie are iciju-s- (
tod lo make unmedia'e payment, tt.
i;i)iti:t;r ULto, txecutor
Hartley, tee. ft, lSo'J
raw.aunn. MASON &. CO. """'"
Ot I'ne ir.nt Si. rii'.ifi1i.
aa.WnMlMC.rl.fl lh- .. ! t-. I. . .-lti! l
Rh..i' I'.t I.. ...;-:..l :.! ! 1 T!l" r
noli.. A viv "1 I INK 'l"
Hi. .v."n h.in I. liittiiN o. I'.'I'T. :iii-l rv , .r . ' v ul
KmbN.il .nwiil fS.euu l. Any ry ft l'.
n l Kuvr.. !t uoi.l.- I rarr Jul.-- Is'-i
von ovn-
Hammolh Furniture Warehouse,
SC9 & Sll.CLrs'.nat St.,
Late Levy & Co.'s Pry GooJs Storr.
rormcrly VZ S, Walnut St.
rt levftS-
The HOWARD and KOP Express '.
TXrUESES l tiIvto rtn'l from any ' ,
JA nnrtion of th Unit-! Sto orrnna.li. Offlr at
Caldwcl. $ Urn if Muro, Li'Wipi.urjr. !
'. - - -J
1. : ......
Estato of Wm. B. Shriner.
j leiiers of a'dmiiiistration on ihe esiale :
ol Maj. Wm. B. Shriner. late of M IKinbur:.
in l.'nion c.ountv, deceased, have been gran
ted to the undersisned, all persons know.nt; i
theinseives indebled to said estate are reo.ies-
ted to make immediale pivtnem; and those 1
havini; claims a;ain-t it will present lhen
properly au'henncated for sni!emnt to
Lewisburs, Oct. 1
VF.fj persons having unsettled accounts
on the Books of
jifhreytT & nronn,
will please make sett'emems soon and
thereby save further trout.le and cost. Goods
can t.e bousht for cash and short credits only,
and do not afford a two years and n nionihs"
credn. 'Ihe U nks are led in the hands of
BROWN sV. EliO. LewKsburji. An?-
TOIIN A. MEIM'Z, Kv.. has remov-d his
,J ftlTiee on Market M. two doors west of j
ihe Lewisbure Bank, uhere he will aiiend to ,
,ll ...nnn.e ..f tuisioess in his line wilh I
nrnmnlne.c. Hneaks bdh Utlltlih
' l - - , ,
Lewisburz. April 1. !S!
JiiSy I'lorning KTews.
QA U Whir r.K na eomn.enre.i nimim-
O 'r - larrlniir?ff TlTrSlpll I
moruit .tar.tnt percopy the very latest
News, ai caeapest raies. June li-I
ICE ..lf :...! CE !
rpHE nndersijrned are pnttinz np an ICE
people wi:d Ice iiuring ine wnoie year, ice
will be delivered in town, dailv, at a cheaper
rale than private Ice Houses can be filled.
ri? (Jail on enher of us on Nonh 4ih fi. or i
at the Ice House below the River Ilri.lge.
11 A WKtKKVS.ri.,
lewlirt.ar).,NrT., lsno !;- K. A.M.ST.M.T
CLOt'K Jlakcr and Eepairer,
. rintKs in WATi nr.s Fire she,
ry.New Shop on Snn.h Fifth St. r
LetsSne.. Aoril in, I6S
T J YMN BOOKS Presbyler'n
I I and Lmheran, at
Oilier id J.v C.mKS, Subscription A sent, ")
Jll I link K i 10., BlklKS C
111 Suulu I bird M. 1
I'oinmiraiA, Nov. 1, M
f'-. J
ri'HE un.lrrsianeil, havme been appuintrd
X tubrriiiin Aent by ibr ;enreiary ul'
the Treasury, n now prepared lo Inruish
Xpw Twenty Year 6 per cent. Bomls,
nf the rniied States, desisnatfil as "Fiv
'i'welttlt,,, re-lt-ematile at ihe pleasure of ihe
ti. veriiinriii, .it'ler live years, aiol aulhonzed
bv Act ol Congress, approved Febnary 25ib.
The (n'P( ItOVUS are issued in sums
of $50. Si I (Ml. .".01t. !iMHMI.
I he RKtil l Ki: IKIMM in sum of $50,
ijitto, x.'tiMi, f 'otto anl rii'oo.
Inicrft at bix per cnt. prr annam will
: coujmence I'nun dale of purchase, and is
via kui.r. i ;ou),
cmi-annuaily, whirh is eriial, at the preenl
I premium on el'1, in about KIGHT I'EII
ci:. r. I'Ki; a.nm'M.
K4rtn-rN Merrhant, Mechanic. Capitalist,
rj txi ha"ennvi',nevtoinTet. ihtul'l
), and r,mPmher ih.il iliesr Itonds are.
, eil-ct. a FIRST Jlilii HSAIJE upon all
i . o i . j- i. s..l. ...i .....
, aR. t),e immerse pro.bie.ts f el! the
latiuf.trtorer-, Ac., .'e.. m the comitrv .
; ... ,h. ,h, f ., ainle provision ma le
f.-r ihe payment of the interest nu& liqiiola-
u -til ol principal, l y 'iioiti Duties Kxcie
1 Sinp. ati-1 In'ernal Keveuue. terras la
i make tliee Poii-N the
7;.'.s7, ?I.st AntihUf ami Mst F -putt
r I'ttntmciit tn th Mtrkft.
fMibrnptinn receive! at FAR in Letral
Tender Notes or note an ! rherk of banks
r.' par in Philadelphia. rtl.criber by mail
will receive prompt retention, and every fa
cility and explanation will be attoiJed on ap
plicain.n at this i Cu e.
A lull supply ot Bond? will be kept on
haud I.t imtpeili:i'p .leiivrrv-
JAV COOKK, suhrription Apent.
EXCISE TX.-.-Araessor's Notice.
olitt to 'lax M'iicri:.
"If AT in aec.nrdance with an Art approved
Julv 1, IMt2, eniiiled "An Act toitppnrt
tue i 'vt:i liinent and pay iiiiere-t t.n thi pub
, he deti!, every p-rs-;i, aociath-n, part tier
'h'p, or rorp r ' i - n . dt-ir,n a lirene io en
, ?-ise in any hnvn. trifle, or fcctipatiun
; named in he f It ri Tiun f said act. mni
! register their ai apptication with the Avsis
l i.mi AsscxMir"! a"e-.tnii division in wi-irh
. i-rM, ..... .. .............
Mauntactuifr.. In. le Ln.N r sa..l a.:t to pay
a"V 'l y t i.u, aie , ir. -l I.i lullnh Iu Ihe
.-i.iin A'p ra s-a-.-n.ni. suTirruieii
and sworn tn in the f,-rn rr-rribe, by the
hith section " ! art. Itlanks and intor
maii ni may be obtained trmn ihe Asiunt
A.-t'-.ors ki th'-ir repe'iive divin n-.
Ivji-'h Nt. ii. M h lJiiriCi, i'a., comprises
I'nion ci'iii.'v, IVnr.'a.
Assistant A'-'fi'r, f i v i i n X. R.
tilir,e, in MiiHinbnr?.
Conimiinicatton? mav I"? adttressrd t rae
ai Midiittowii, Uaupinti o., I'a.
I) AMU I. khndu;.
Ort.ni Assessor 1 1'h Avts. U.it. Pa
Siieei Mjic, Muic ,-i''ok. Music Merchan
ib".an ! nil kimUid .tluslcal KllMlru-
isi1lll(j at the l.uveM p.iMble prices.
THE t!irit-i- WatrrB !olfrn Im
rov."l O.vTKtruniE
li it i 'jJSJiOV VK.VJJE I'llSO
ir-jutiy irn
'Vj l.v IU I'r. m mikI luKl Mli.t.r.
tn lw..j. ri.tr fL.trnirt.-i.'... Tli-ynr l.uill ..ll.-l.-t
in ..i tl. .ro.'Kbljr wy.n.i mnt.ri:.!.. i..l ."'I tt,ia4
.!. '11.- t.n- i. rry .1 .. r..unl. lull uuU
in. How . th t"n h r'n.ll.. .rh ei. .... w.rr. nt-.l I.T
tin.-.- y- t... I'rip.-. Iroin SIT.", tn fj.t !. l-k&ud
l'.n... .t g r.t l.r-;.iu. .,us- ft- m - IO $ ' UU.
Knrarp Wur" Mr!oIoon,
l:o.....l Tun. .1 th" t -til T. mnram.nt, wilh
t it Hit i ia :
-...t...r, -r..:i
:Vj i a v.
t- r'.
K in K, 1'hJ
j No. & -ft " - r lo t, 1V
I V,.j tW(l i-trytiftli'l tWO F"tof r !, lu
I No. 7.-5 " " "
j tw ha-kii of kfv. - - SCO
j No. S. i H't'tT.- rri ! i'il.-'n. two hanX nf
Iki-VX. a I ' KM, ftilir lltl'l rlX st'.p?,
Th ' 1 .o i. ,i main in tuti- a !n; time. Each.
Joth-oti warrant Jf.. r tbr y-Atf.
in a rf t iii-tr;itii.T.t. ''rr. -. n Ei'ii in power and com
una t tlie ur.iu
Id r'""WtnKj ra-
iry M ft iie UrguD.
9 "
H aitnoa. wi'ti tHTca Ion.
I.i r.tn,i-. with titTcu-si' n. nnJ l'eTpr,lPii.' i.a
I A li'ffal tli-r,.unt t CT. rirviiM-n. t'ht.r.ln. Pa!lath !
Stit. itd. Ijulrn. r-minarifK nn-l Tfa'-ht-M. Hie Trad
FOM-HrJ UU the liU-r) t- riuc.
JtOR.M'i: WATHRS, Aaeni.
4M Hroa tway, St-W Turk.
mn D.w school bell.
A Xw iSinin? Uo k for tlay schools,
called the I.iv irhotd Cell, is now ready, ll
rnntn-t.- ?tiu - .rTio''-i""n.i;.nti'lF.a,'h"s t'li-tl.
'1 rios. if itHftrlti ami ;i.nri:n-.. many i'f tlim wri:trn
.t r-'-i ; Tt Hi.' -rt;. Vri-lr- ' J j a - ul tlif El ai.-ntM
. I' Jl'ific Th Klrm-!.! arw wi v ant TO,.rfa..,
L ..I' .itmr' u In t- v iii ii mi tneui-'-:' t 'Hiiriyson
fit! iti ittf rui-Iiut! .-n you actuia,ra rtiiitf r-
r-.t .y ami h-io.p v , ime im nm- "
Ttt u,UMC-n(lM.laiu.tt-..bait.uinma.irw1itixrH-
h-nrs-ii in tnltMiuzi.lt t--srlnii-r ! K on with a I in
j. ii.Hiiiii j-iiirj ai.a "Wrr-frMi un ik -arri -r
,...,f-. h.-.t ot-. iii-imi.ii.-i iv.. ,w . ,
n-t ail ft. 1 twin ol noifir. an-l in -vrtl' ne atwJ oumwr
t it '1 ii-'. orijfin;l. ! '''J a.nt a lH.ti-l, It rlaiiu l.y I
iiiirh tnrr. i ail r.mH Ht t. it will fonni t.i h-
i. i,,t -lt.r ir-u. J l.r S-imri---. At-clftnan- ml fult- !
- h.K.i-. Air-aiiii'i'M ..if.. f iL-t.i.m.iitvun. !
ind?.iii:aaiLi'nlti.irruUr:ii.lan.p-ton. Ir I
svhm.l lUt." t an.l 2. wlo.-li I..." It. I tli-..i..r-u,
..I. nf T... l n. i. Prkee Itr e...er. l
s-ul. ls .r 1': I-.U..J. "i i-.-i.l-. i-r 1 .. el -tli
b..una. einl wl. Kilt. 4'! rent., fin -r 1m. es m,.l...
furui,uvd.l.e ..uiri T. Mall-t Ire at Iheretnll rric
IIOUACE WATLliS, Pubu-her.
41 Itromlar-ir. $w YorX.
The Horace Waters Tianos fcMeloilonns
anU U::iAM'liK OKI. tM. nJ T. tlie-rt Ca'arrl-
bi:.l u I'tititi.!.. r tti 6iJ-t tnatninn-iita I r
i. .r.1 ..hun-t.-! nn in ikw- A Urir-a-"rtnterit
'n -e -m h nt IH- n.-- rro. . .hi hrmi twn--.
trtw.--n Uran.1 ai.il Itrwuue "in-. U. whirl, a. II l- -ll
oa.tr.-ai-It low i ric -. rutm ami .Myl'.!-'"" frm ;
itii.iry niiiV-r, n-w ami end bntl. N-r,.n.I hand
Piano- aii.t Mclo lt-tiipat trr-a hrj:ii: rri.-- fr-.m f ..
1.. hpt Muaic, M')Mr-lKks, lud all kHJsl of i
Muic Mfribainli.-.', at war pr . J
Cptitits f ih' fret).
11 Th IIorae- Water'. I'lan- ao known a amrnp th 1
T.-rv tst. VI.- m ciiiiblcj l. .pk.l' lh- iu.tranrnt j
i tii 'lTl' ttrirr-'i'f c.nfi S- fif.'. from fcrx-'iiHl kurtwi-
of lli-.r c;iU'l.t tflivaiiil duratilt-t.uaiilj." Aei'J J'wrA ,
Sabbath School Bell Ho. 2.
sn.ivs)n.il...iiFl. it la.n entire ewi.rkefesrly '
-Wpar-.. Myf l- tune. .nU l.rn.. .ere ,.l,n .
I. fsprfi"-!? I -r 11. in Tul'im-. iin-"'iii"a"'r"1-.--'.
,iri --orafc.il N.. l,) whirl, hua mn up to th!
wwrmuu-DuniotT i o...- . . .V r '
Snnrlaw ichor, 1 H.
h of it fiif u u iii I iii- -MUMiry. !
A1", li Hi n.lum"1 nr b"iind in one l awinmixHtt
PPh.i..N wi-hittt: t..ni in ll.it I It.rm. fner.f lit-1 1 V.
ilirV.l Ci th h.r,i..i. -mh..a-l.t7iit.::..nt,.r
. la)-
t r H-i. HhII N. I. ai-r .r-. lernu. $!" per Un).
IL.nnl m r..tits. IS i.er 1". tl.-tll I" Utl-l. ell. I -.-eej,
eill. cents. $-1' per !.. Hell. Xea. 1 an.l 2 Kmoirt to.
c-tlier. 4u cent. ai ier OKI. Z ..ie. turnieti.nl .1 the
loo nriee. ri.-tli tkiun.l.enio..1. tt.lt, M. ent. f iUr :
s..t.i ...is...ih.M.llirj. I
My",-2-l-l."l -l UmaJway. Sew Vrt. j
ii'illldl i uuuuiy uuu luotuiuo iiuoji
surer. Walls, Shriner to.
, , lV lmll rllrrr- of Bullock's Iron
H!jiMowr ,,( Heaper, Dariins',
-.1 SJ . ti
'tStai siijl.ndless hain Horse Power
aawr. T.iiisoiis ieiezrapn ronuera,ui-
renins Plow, and Michigan Double Plow.
.s., .... - . - --.
Also, Stoves and Castings of every descrip
AM kinds of Agricultural Implements kept
on hand for sale.
Jobbing work in Wrought and Cast Iron
Iand Brass done to order.
Cnnntrv nrndnr. taken in .TehanOTp.
Cor. ol&ith a Market Pta LrwlsaarlJ, Tm.
FAMILY Olio ci: it Y
Provision Store,
on Market stmef. Ifdween 3d and 41b,
C.iT.r. and Satisfy Yolksei.ves.
t'R STOCK is lame air! well ekriel
embrari.13 evervihins usually Kppl in a
first-class OltOUUKY aTOKE inclmling an
assortment vl
Til. O. r.VASf AI.IIKRT 9. t'lXll'ER
Lvw..ntK, Mtn-h Is, Istl.
News Agency.
UF. on.lersiyned havme opened a fHS
s;r in cenrieeiii n wh his BtMiK,
STATIO.NKKY.an.l VAIilKTV More.hr is
. r
. "
In receive subscriptions
fur Ihe following
IfTiiltv!-!)'!!! imjitirfr, rr , I.lift-r, pjlurjuy Etp?
pnsit, tinllnr TTcwKfiApvT, Tlir- I'rr-ir.jtrrian, Clirittkn
i Alut t Journal, 1 it Mfthndi-t, Amrijn Aitrirtjl
turi't, Nw Ttrk N(r!'l,Tri(uiit. r.ui-ft,W or! l.l!riTi
I w.kl. fnatilt l.t l". ?l T f.-!ir-r. M.-rt-urr, W.ry
I Mc txiti. Hi ni JnnrD). Yankee Nolipfi. 'i k NrH.
J and any others desired. Persons wishing any
( ot the above h i ' better rait soon lo have
' a h-an'ase of H ilnt. tt 'Orders from a
' distance promptly it-oVd ti.
Jl. W. CKOTZKK, rv Aobht.
Lewi.bur, J'a., Lec. 12, h.
Jam 23 F. Linn. J. fiXerrill Linn.
1 F & J. M. 1IXX,
J i sfforneyii at lau,
AM L n ion County. Fenn'a.
J. MrXniLL llS' rf.otiai.wirii frr th tata of To-r
with .er t ink? t.'K.Miii.u,aM-knowlrB;-li'da.Ae
A if I to anl lumntlloa linage In LmKburr.
riCTogjt, IPC1 Autlinnrer!
F. .I)ttn'iiow-r havme bfen appointed
. Mile Aur.tt 'neertor I.ew,sbi.rs, i; prepared to
attend to all calls in im line m town aud
. country.
j Commission Sates.
I In April next. I intend to open on Marfce
street a Utnm for the recepto ii, an 1 Ihe sale
: at dialed tinus ot ail kind-. ) ti.K.ii at Auc
tion. Any 4 ne wihins tofi-p..-.r-Mf any arti
ele can dep.ji it wilh me and I will sell it at
j ihe hesi advania-'c 1 can and charge a per
rentage i,,r the same
Feb. u, m.vi f a tom:itou er
XOTICK (irntlrmrn!
C1ITIZE.! f I-ewtbiire and vicinity are
, n-pectlu'ly intormed that the subscriber
ha- b.'ML'li! 1 tit the interest ol K. 1.. Ilii.t in
the business at shavnz and flwr Cut tint?, and
fntiniM- thf aim at th ni l lanl t-aacoif-iit of widow
Aiiiiti. n-.' h: - k. i- I -.-,( r !vim.'. an-J .1 II m -ht. n
whrt hy Mrirt att-oti"n t l.n-in-i- h- hci to mn
'.ili.-Ucni.ii If. at. I ). intv !i-vi t Liiu With thill jatrnD-
fit all tiiti'-r- xcit utnla .'.
T all who tarry lur till thir h--aH crow !"lf
T' tr-t n !'i-rt"iiit h . !vn tiitrhiT rvr khv.-.
.turt -ali on 1'tLi i at h - Mainun. l.uV nK-rn.rvi-orooent
T.,U rl....i. n.y.ir. h-rn '.r k -n .
Afirll 8, H-l A H. IHLLIS, Trof. Birb.
Aeur Ilurllt ll:i, I num ( u., J'a.
T1IC suliNcrilirr, thankful
r r.ll pain.nae. woul.l inform
his li ieu.ls ami ihr public in eene- f
rill, thai lie conlinils to manufar.
j ime all kiuu ot tt onlen , such as ;
I'lo'h. I 'aMmrr'. 'I'ii'.. aliiiifits, .leans. !
lllankels ami I'lnnneS; also, 'arpt and'
, Slock. nc Yarns. His tnaehinerv hPin; of Ihe j
oesl kin. I in use, and havin. employed ihe
l Lest of tt'or'n-men, he lepjs sale in saving
that his worK s-hall not he surpassed by
, any esiaUihinentin ihe count ry. A coi-d.up- :
ply ul iheal.ovee kejH coiisianily oa band
: lor sale or to cm hnnee for wool. ;u prices
i ihal cm not fail in please. WOW, will be
i Carded in ihe liest manner and on Ihe shortest
I notice. Terms for c-ir.v.., cah on the de
livervof iherol's. MARK H AI.FPENNY.
Winlield Mills, March :, IS57.
l..r the
LfiN.)i:rs. I'a.
It. C. HETZEL, Pao'a.
'HE andersisne.I returns his sincere thanks
paironaire extended towards him
l.v the cilizens of 1'nion and llie adii.inmz
ci unties, he won! I m..si respectful!' oiicil a
continuation ot me same.
Lewisbur?, March 13, lli'J m:l
1 . T"rs a larceand choice trari-
eiv, Iroin ol els. upwards, lor sale bv
April 10, T.l nUOWN liKlt.
J?cr Snlr.
1 hi , Are maiiulactonn? anu nave
';! ;awxjr(,i,Man'v on huml a iarsre qnan-
J Ui ' - J - t
'fSJT" ?T& ' ' ' V "f h'1 lns n 3 ar"- 4
ArSBSi'eei I.ath at the tollowin; price:
... ,
l:i..3iH headed in a new style, from $8
.() Ui .tr
I.ath n anl 1 feet Ion jr. M to f.C: rr M.
Stiin:;!' at i "Si" per thousaiot.
Pahns and I.ath made to order, any length
parties may desire
Lfwin.'Urt; ?:caD Sawmill. Dec.2fl. lSfiO
9kM L ORWin. at f.FRF.D HA1C9
At'orueys at Law.
OFFICE cn Sonih Second near Market St
A pnl 1 , '6 1 Lcn iolttirs;, Ia.
"HE Fall S"hIoi1 commences
M rdtii'Milay, Oct.
, lSf.I
The W Inli-r M Ksiwti
immediately alter ihe Holidays.
Those desirous of enierin; the Institution
i for ihe lii st nme.are requested lo apply to the
l Principal before llie orenios of the School.
sinen.il attention is siven to the nnalifleation
. La,,es and Genlleraen lor l'earh,n.
. .... -a- . . 9
TheHihleisa 1 rxt Lock.
Tf lT l) ner session inr n.) n nt.n.n.
- " """o ---0- u.
PRIMARY rtea.lini.Writii.s. Ik.fi n,r,Arithmetie.
Ilwr.. ilram . ati'l I' S. Ili.ti.rr. I - - - ,.t OT
Ah AN Kii KN.iLlaU all not iarluded above J 6 au i
Tnilion payable immediately upon the close
of the session. Vj? A teduetimi vf 10 per rt
trill be made to thiiMt pntfhiir tjt anVASCt No
other deductions eicept lor proiraeied sick-
w., fa made tit tfuine pnuin.
. . . ' 7
The Dimes Saving Institution of Le
wlsbnrg Til reaHr In rtrriv. 9I...MA..I.. n....:..
ll " UU r.M.nr
I I from Ten Cents and unwards pn, i
ernl. p,r annum Inieresi will be paid on all I
i,ru.iuu..i.r...i i wo isonars ana unwarils
if deposited two monihs and longer. Office
ic James (ieddes' brick block. Market Si
H. P. SHM.LEB, Treasurer
Lewirors Oct. Ill, Infill
A $35 Iron City Ct.JIege SchoIarshiD
170R sale at the Star i, Chronic OOt,
I j 'rfwiaburj
: v-r r
The 'Family
Drug Slore
' if yon want pore urups, - in sph afflk's
Drti? A: Chemical nrttp'rnim, whrre is kepi
a lare ami seneral assi.rhi.fiit alwav.
Fur any ai ucle tiMiatly k p in a hrl class
call at ihe
f W 'UAPIT I.'
1 Labors . . . ivnnsyi-.
HAVK removed their ( ItalrSlUtl 'a
llnrt Waro-riim to the larger
and more cotnmodiott rooms, late the resid
ence of Wm. Frick, on the
(orurrof Third and Wurkrist. If u I bare,
,-re,hevhave ha ,,,' ,h- l. R(i lT 'and
to ihe public in this vinnttv.cnntprivne lre
P'trr'ttt- flit' FO'- i,.r) t- "f tl.r- Ik T -tr,
hriM. Htrwt t'hir. rmtfwnC ih!-. i:ow-Hir rhair.
KlHtfiT--. Ht K :tc'nlt. T'lWei Kr . J li II I tll.l HltU iC-
a.. K-vlxla-a.). Ka.it. t I.(..,rv'- f -1 T T hlfw. k nl
trrii.Tnl xn-irliiii-'it f'UM'tX H'.A in
bnl--tlarrr)iitu ri-J itlTtor rhairo Htlel-i.r l:ti. (
We a l.v attend to Ihe l URKTA KlXfi
t.,.;rf?- In al! it- Ifjin. h- t rT.. j w,th f mrr f
IIKA.tK4.l FM. l'.itrnt Mrtalllf Kurlal I iM. t
:.. -lur.- 4l.ts on kialitl. (
mr m.nn tttlr a,u i all who Lua Uir in vaiUi call.
If'r-' :? ncne but the be-t wnirtrnen.weVf?
W HH A N' T ai I rirnitnrf mnniifrturt-tl liy up( jh,J
iirl r-iL;;t tith-u .-tttit iu vrt. r or -t.vie. tl-l
M .'..ry ih X l.".' Sfrft,
where Cabinet and flone Turnins. Scroll and
Kip . win if l"t un thi-rt at Mem Mtit rrnm.nnh' trrmi.
A good as-orinient .( LI .VIMKK always on
nani r..r ..fi fi-, .tiin:if r nti'l ll:iinl Railing.
R'Ki pttiiMo of all kinr!-r d.ne as iiMial
N B. Any work not an hand will be made
a vtnn i-nu-il J
Thankf.il i.t pat favors, we still ejpecl a
cntitinuitnw of tt mm".
at Mo wry 's Sky-Ii?!i (.'al.'pry,
MAKKKT Mr-et, I.ewi.l.urir. Havinj
j"-' received a larre a-'i rnnent of
P'ain ami fancy Ta.es. r am prepared io lak.
1'icliires ai redneed prices. f,.r ,he II. d.davs.
All within: any kind ol Ticlures can ion
can wve '
moner hy M1112 ihem s... n.
B Piclures taken in cloudy vrather
n'alrliiiuihi r.Jeiu ler fiildrr.
lpo-l.'e llelzi-r, iioiei. Market M.Lmlsliurg.ra.
Havin; npene.i n r.h..p in P.
t. . ... ..
ryi .loouiii.n s i it.inine; itore. is
VA prepared to all kinds of work
in his line. Il.ivms worked in
,fvKXJ-' lare cities all his iiir.-. he i
prepared lo repair VVaiches.
Clocks or .Teuetrv, and in do Kiuravini;, I'la
tin. liildine or (i.ilvaniin; in ihe Iri style
of Ihe art. All uork warranted tn ?iee entire
saiisfaction. and done at ihe v.i v l,.u est ca.li
prices. Also Aecurdeons and .Mel. deons
repaired in the oest manner.
Tall in !.-f.re y-.tl Co i Ni'whTe, see for
yourself and sare vrur money. Ort. 5, tM
S1I.KS. laci:s.
ANo vervihin rompri-ed tn a fu!! assort
ment of .IlilliEivry .oicl.
Nt'wVurk anl PiiilaJ. llnnnet FriimfS.
IV W HOLESALE and KKTsll.. Coun
try Orders pruuiptlv an t cue ...f, ailed.
M!'. 1T;. A;.,,i,.
3m914 .: rih nill.ADW
A i. w of
V' Lmr;sfrpth"S
5- , V' t- lor a!e very cheay. by
lets II 1?IW
" .7UU..,.llJ ,
l l.ovlltirs. I'a.
(Offlee nfnry.it. the Piiir.lnllou.e.nemr tlieCnrt Il..ne I
l.aw.atsM l..1 1
fStTollecnons and prsilessional business ;
promptly attended to O.-l I'l, Istil j
Jonts and Shoes.
The stih-crj'ey has jul recejyeil
at Ins S.-re fnexi f-wir lo lh P.ivf
Oifi.-e) a In. I vupnlv of ItMifH At
Ml of every style and variety Miitahle to
season. The Mock h:i been elected with
particular care, and will he afr.tr. led at
KiiT nnntKi) riaitKs for limn rH.
His old friends and cu-tomers an 'I ihe puMic
ceneraMy are invited to call and examine hi
stork and fire I'm I hern -.elves.
rPA Tl KIN; and KKI'AIKI.(; as herein
fore will be attended lo with promptness anJ
at reasonable rates.
J0I1X llfit (.IITtlV. ;t.
Lel.tmrp. Oct. IS. 1 set).
V.. . ... -I Sii- . mm-mrt
s". Csih...ift J?V-fcJ'''7 .V..r..
Jtj mrnc, IlriJ--&Z&0-J-
lo?. HatlJIo?,
Tf-te. ' ' "' pnintnoii riml the
Dealer In
J.s.111) iv Cill.T Jilijipi qitii s'llljip J.UihcS,
Fancy Saddlery. Harness IIardvare,&c. '
mn i' i "t i . , 1
'rilK PHliscrilior, liavinir carne.l on .
J. bt.'ineer..r.erl Tear., an.l rlne.l r. .it.ti. n
f..rm.ki,,er...l ll.rn.ie...Dre.i.hl,,i;a,1,1, i
hs.im wrd-.l IHKkK fill. HirMst. r .rtirle" of lo. I
uuei patr-'UKi.! at hi- M;w .-TAM. :
Th UatlMT uawi Uy ia-.f th? vry Iw-t. tannH tn
thold w.j, ami will Jat f. r j-m. I mfl. v th- Iv-t
aorkmi-n i'fTf my own halnfMand am ft.unti m
-"P - "Hiiaji iv- nnar". .i T lOOs). HotXr .
warrantftl, and it nt an rr-'.rt-nt. 'l nvy U rturihd t,
f xchanil-ll. t all and wr m and if 1 j.. not ttifc
tli worth of jour muDrj I will not again a.-k fr jour
RKPAIRIXG promptly rtttomkd to.
aa-CllKAI-rnrrAfUorKEAbV l'AY iaamt kind.
Of I nuntr. I'n.tuee. j
Le.irl.urj. April t.lSf.l. OP. StllVELT. I
A Xew and I'cantirul Edition of
The MixtaUoM ol" i:iiralrd 3len.
1)Y JOHN 8. HART. I.I..I).-ln 12ms
1) muslin, price So cenis: paper covers,
25 cents. Copies of this book will be sent by
mail on receipt of the price in post stamps
please address J.r.hrRRIKrixrahkrr.
148 Souih r'uuriu St. Philadelphia
just received a larse assortment of the
newest and best MIIO comprising
Sacred and Secular Books, Instructors for
dilTerem Instruments, Ball Room lacixs, Vc .
together wilh a choice selection of Sheet Mu-
. Kk;Mi. .u . ..
s-.s., .Mi.'i.K W M IS M 111- .IIIOIU MTI IS Wdl
renreseme.t All of -I,, eh r, .... ...
All of which is for sale, eheao.
' w OLD POST OFFICE, Lew.sbur. f'JStl
By C. J. ST 1III-
"DIXPEKY on r,d rtrr-ct, a few doors
' I wth nf M.rk.t, LEm.smHU.
LOST. On Main St, I.-wis.t.-r. a PTTK-
PKI. fil.OVE belon.'Btrtos So'dierP!te
leave, immediately, at the Chronicle Otlice.
(iOOl) CM) Oils
FROM rillLAlK A XI) x f '
xkw Goons
xnv tiuons
Tor tho Fall ami W,lUr
For tlic Full and V,lt,.r'
For the Full ami U'i,tl,.r"
For the Fall anil Wink
Catj. iixn ?fe. ' r'
('all ASU .hE.
Cam. a ni Ske.
Cam. and See.
Jiki.II fioudmanIarlft St..Lwihn
! Jno..(.oo,Jnian, Market St.,I.fHiM)Ur'
! Jno. H.li'oui.'maiK Markel St., l.fi,f)UfJ
. t 7 ' I)T JT jVf R JljVt
:m nrw-iR'H. ni'noriie t!.- Iir,-r,.
Iloti.sf, in ti e Ri.irn latdj
ncciijiied bv .. Singir.
A FT'LL and turrjtlfle a.sMirimeat ot
I N G, eh at Ovrrroa a. Dres fi an. bua.
, nrss i.i ai.. an,! ,,t rirTy slylt 4B(,
I tern; nnl Tanialii r s an I Vr.i. u suit Also,
i a lr-- raneir nf I oi!r fl.ihia?. inch
Drapers, Mini., Ac. Aiso.a Cue ajmnatnl
ol l.'iiy I.I. thin? i.f ihr laie.i .rvV. Alv
( ilA'l.S iad CaI'a njnal lo anr offered in ihia
: e..unn v. In urt. lliaveevervihinsrr.er.arT
in th.hari.f rtuhin?. whirh I oBer at a
I vrrjr inna.l ad.ane. rr rn.h.
t r,:nn- n T f.nnfTs. l,r wit f-ur?
. Oct. it.
as r
Sral Prrmi Maiuifa turtra,
C). S.:h ml St.. 'AiV.,...
7!. n
Sri'cial at'rntioa : M....
and other Hocieiy .r as.
' I- ; . . r "
t allt'lV lfl(l Al'ttN I fOriflt.
- I
I 1 at .he POST OKKH-E ( eh.w ,he R.vi.ra
, n..ue) a Well-.e.rcle.! s.ju of
! Family Oi occi ics, (-'oiifoetinnBrr ant
I Fruits. Fancy No-
Soap. U all faH-rSi
' and Oil S!,a,!,.st Tim. iinriJ.fr-
15!onk..-V!ioo! arnl Hymn Look;,i.
I'aprr and HnSaVf rra-.n h.j
or t.. onler. In 11. ..i,,. Acw ,.rk or pBll
r-elphia sneh a ihe Tr.hnne.Tin es. Hrraltf.
Ledrer. Weekiv. Clipper. Pol.ce Oaet-e. M.r
curv Uaverlv, l.nerary Companion. Harp.r'a
ai d Leslie's l.;sir;iied U'teniys.lM.dey'iaai
; Harpers Mi..a7ines, Yaukee .Noinna and
; .ic -Nacs. Ac. Ac.
' All uf r.iiiia AU sold inrtp ri rs
I.ewi-Mir- i;kk. v. KOKKESr
M KAT A X I ) UN iox"? "
111m nt.. ... K. .
ted in fee linz he hun-ry of Ltw &
... virin.iy. :ur neariy thru years
past, with th- hesi of
I Beef Pork, Yei!, &c,
1 wonld return his -ratef., ihar.tsto his noma
1 r..u cu.sim. rs tr !hr ,,airrn,c,,Prt
; Bounces thai he in er .'s l c niii.ua ihe bail
j T"" "- hr""l' ''-in ilie.Meae Market Hon..
I '"" ehnti!e s and Bafccr A Co.', Un,
I lon -s, Mjiiiei .s.,:uare.
M...ti,v,....,v,i,. ,.,1 s.. ..i.
C AM! is the system. Put l,c patronage
speei;.'iv s.diencd, and MUKiirura insured
March IS. 'fit. I. S. SSTEKNEU, Aj't.
HAWDBitt 'Win,
(I.ate ,, hite Mian!
Race Street, above ."J-l'Liladrlpliia.
WILLmax J oi ti:. ri.0I JiIEiti.
Term?, l.-2o per day.
re. T.. th- ..11 r,r. rn.r. i f lltt. .ill knnvt H.
.e r. t. . . . II .1 . I... rl.'..tr4. IWr..l
A.nrf n.wl f.irtil.h.4 Ih. ..we. .t..l that wr nrt
t.ii.r ...l;.-,t . r. nut. n.rir. .1 tl ir lr.-n.K-
lrai,es.rs. traveler, .l .lett-r. w. r.-rlTl? in.it. ta
II.- h -;or..l.t. .1 tiu, -tK iir lo r. ia. aM m. aaw
mr tb,-,,...Te. ..r it. s.lrni,..., ,,i ,.
i l.r ln.-.ti..n i. r.Dtral. ..u coa.ra.cuc. tor al.retaaaSi
ano ..asm... mm i:-nrr.illT.
We .ill !... . emJ.a.nr tn atD.lr tbe want, Bad aav
lhri..r...ir Bii.-t.. il .ill- th-..'.,.i.,.l( Vr i.,
-S ms. ..ur atTal.le ami atlrntive t l.ra, we f.l .ll
nr.-. -l l ..,. . p. j Uotal. , h,.,. t t,.a
( IIKSKV Ol tl......
Piiuso. frb. 8. IS. ly
,JoHN ItoVliK.
J. hi. .V.GVvERY
Fashionable Boot and Shoe daker,
i T F.RPS ennstantlv on hand .an.l mannfa
JLV wres to order, all descriptions of
B,,1"s 10 ep'".-nced ishoemaker. and am.
ions to merit a share of the public patrnnaea,
he will warrant al. work Uicb may pasi
ihron -h his hands
,nn-h nis nan'''' . , ,.
Particular attention will be given to Ladies
, p"' ' " f" "
dealerin the yirinity. He .l.cits a lair trial,
Conti leni that he can ati-fv every person
l.ewishur. An. 31. I(.T "
American Life Insurance 4 Trust Co.,
(I.api'al Stock V'tH'.ooO)
Ct)Mr.Y S R.iildiB:.Walnat.treet,8 E
corner of Fourth Philndtlphln.
r? Lives insured al the astral Mutua! rates
or at Joint Stoek rates about to per cent, lesi
or at Total Abstinence rate, the lowest ia the
world. A. V HlLI.DirS, I'rtM.'.ent
Jna C. Ststs, See.
747 GEO. F. .MILLER, ifenl.I.ewisburj
ckri aioi er Fi;tn.nr.
J.t Cta.I
3.1 d.
4'. cat. ,er 100 p.'snJ.
4th do
Swl Tl
Wbeat. Tlja and Com, la .rent, per t.usl al.
Philad. Dep. wilh
Freed, Ward Frrrd. 81 1 Market St
Thankful for Ihe liberal patronage sivet
w k..n k ...lt ... I..,s ness to
1 , ,.,., r lh
For fariher informa'ion app'v to
iy7r V K M'tilX L Y, -ia nl. Leu isbe'I
OFFICE in hi. new ftrirk HI. cV. Mj'.'t
sls.ef.solilh si.V, between Vh anu h "
I (,up stair..) Lcwisburg, May, I .-oO '