Miff m'miiTfh'R Ml 1111111 Silk X la -LA- BY 0. N. AVOIiDEN AND J. K. CORNELIUS. "THE UNION," established in lSHlVnoie No., 2,58$. LEWISIWRG, UNION CO., PA., FRIDAY, DEC. 19, 18G2. - "CHRONICLE," established in IS 13 Y7rn!f No., 975. At $1.50 per Year, always In Advance. CIMI-HHI MMIWl.LhU T-.w'-y Mornin? & Friday Aflt-rnoon. 1.1. .ftus'e. VVa luruierly paid $7 per for paper now, $12 for the asauie :,i Lines illS ia limes 7 is Advanced price. $ per year. Oar readers must see, that, wnh such a hole la our lucume, we must have Cash r.v is anvABCK. We can lose nothing. Every (whole) sneetcos.. cents ociore ,. is Pr.n- sheet c KU-uunu. jn. j year- ..mc in mMl all ih. .n-nsesofink.lv pe-sct tin. nnntin.. foldir... .Iireettn- or carrvinr, fuel. real. interesi on nmnev invested, and- "livinj." The more subscribers and adver- iirinfr we hare, th- longer we can afford ihe paper at present rates. W-Wui. Roshong, E-q , of New Her- lin, ia appointed Mercantile Appraiser iu Union, couuty, for the coming year. . . ... aiSrOur Court t.. been occupied chief- ly with . case from Snvdcr count,- tampson and Mocker vs. f.x-sucnu "cr- rold verdict for Deft. Full proceedings of Court in our next. IfjjrThe report of the State Treasurer Of I'enn'a shows a balance of 82,211,000 iu the Treasury a very prosperous condi tion. The tlevenue Commissi on recom mend increased taxation upon Kailroads nd other property f r Slate purpises, to the relief of real estate, which bears the burden of local taxation. ftirM one Shaw Jj 1 1, the liurmese Stu dent in the University at Lewisburg, will deliver his entertaining l.-ctures, during the Holiday Vacatious, as follows : Wed. Eve., S4 h Dee., in .New Columbia. M'n ll.i- l uieu I hurs'l ) Thnrs. Eve , ISih Dec, in Bap. M.H., Drady. Fn. Kve., Ulith ll-c-, in liinn.poru Sal. Eve. :?lh Dee., in V hue Peer Mills. L li. th. Si-Imv I lleuw I We think all in those neighborhoods, desirous of learning something of a people among whom are the most prosperous; American Missions, will find gratilieation ia hearing Shaw Loo, who lute-nda to re- turn and preach the gospel to hia country men. ffaTha Lewisburg Si East l'uffaloe Teachers' Institute met in the boys' Cram mer School, Lewisbur,:, loth Dec. 102 IS teachers prevent. Exercises .- Written Arithmetic cl.s. .Iritt I t K.I Ftinf-r. M.iol J" . till. UiMTUijO ouhl lbs OW of Tyiee be Uiicr.ld in th. Sei. -oi Hi')" AiTUtsoeJ.s SSSCIUN. atlitL's'ttierri.e, K its Mi!W. UiMory " s:,i,r. . fceaii J.u. i.-.jer. The following Kiercie were appoiuted for the next session of the Institute : I Pmriisg, Mi... A. II. Stouer. Written Anlli.. ibsiiuiu. .uro. J. L. Irvio. LlMe.uMrOii M'bisil lier.srbDlT'.t. Aigebn li. U Albrilil. Arre.suus SE.1IOS. nintorr J O R".r. TmsIiiiic sblMrsn tn rsd Mt-4 M. C Siifr. Owrapliv of t. S. Ml.. A. K. Ii.Im. IbMMlitirf Vo.iik'. Nlbt TbubtA SI Is. K. UooeMnn. Tlir..i-ti.r V,n J.in-a. I listriet Secretar V. ! .... r t .',ng present, suggested tne propriety oi , Mirotpg a time for the bolding ot '""Hacgut the enemy would not come out i ;..:, canty Institute which stands fur , general eigagement. Jj ern-J to a.ect ia Lewialurg where j Monday, finding the enemy's position on, :t was u:::.nimousiy agreed loae ii ; f'e heil St I : I Ue.c.fr dent cf this action of this Institute. Adjourned, to meet at 0 A. M., of Saturday, 3d Jan., 1862. I - hT , Rich Developments. Oxford, Mississippi, lately occupied by ! Union force) is the home Jacob Thorop-1 boo, the Secretary of the Interior who stole the Indian bonds. His bouse was occupied, and some of his papers found. Among them was the copy of letter written by him, iu Nov. lS'til), to a friend " ' 7 n a 7u . .: d5 oir.-ns.ve labor, and the pontoon i . , . '"S K t. c at my acn :il.th, S-iiU .ni olst.Dcc .and that the J in dang'r, it was deemed atedhc portion on the opposuc side S,eretsry inform the County Saperintcn- iufl JU.nt l0 rc,naiaeon ,he sou,h side 01 .l."e riVcr , J 1,0 "'"veim-iit was a at borne, from which wc take the following a movement was demanded by the loyal i in preventing the Rebels from learn paragraphs: ! people, aud the blow inflicted on the cau- J ing our intentions. nM it. . . , . r.. tln,. (..a ntiif a.tivfo tlmm lint. Mlrontf I Miiipni and her desii... shall be mv .us a: erianee is n k in ine ststn di J..: 111- i - . 1 I Li leivp she niinht in resist and 1 to the bitter end, Rlack Republican rule. I bope our State will call a convention to provide new cuards for our future safety 1 ucawijy. I .. . . ... . w land in the event ot a call ol a convention. I want if I can lobe a member of tha 1 1 want, it i can, to DC a mcmuer oi mat convention. 1 iHffi-nltira s nmnlatn nnnn m ber rK'..w r:' Dr.j't -t the. Smth.. nenevcr it shall come to pass that I shall think that I can oa no lunhcr good here, I shall retnrn to my home, l'mehanan is the Iru- sf friml . t" th? ,Smih J , r,rr kiMca from the Xvrth. II U a j,:Kd nnd ,i man. Rut my duly niw tl) (ll. suu,,. j of U.eo,nToUlVn"r''!'iS'"', ;n''alln,.cn. i Slavery. The North i, d. pendent on tbe ! South lor its prosperity. The South is not dependent on the North for anything nc essary to her material welfare." This precious sooundrcl proves that they were bent on Disunion at any rate, and thought Buchanan a "jewel friend of the Sooth," as be doubtless was, at tbe ex pense of the Union. MirniiiAN lS'JI) 1SG2 Losses Repub. 13,1011 Opp-si'ion 00:157 C1.7S5 4.47J T1 T r c. ... I-laccd ia charge of tho Floating iJopital ' t Columlufi, Ky. 1 r-i Eoland G. Curtin is appointed Naval viibeiier 10 I llll aciclpuia, 10 place Of , Iw, -Jtta. irvin, deceased. I c.pt - ' 1Q. valuable Ruffaloc townohip rni 1 - Fism our Dratted Hen. Due. II, 18G2. ,, . -,. . t The 1 1 '2d Peon i Militia ire eneamped on the bank of James river, 8 miles from Fortress Monroe, at a place called New port News. Tbey tell that this is the place where the Merrimae suuk the Cum berland. It is rather a hard looking place plenty of negroes, but few whites, except soldiers. Corcoran'a Irish Rrigade .n.,n.ri.,li w;(hin a few hundred vards oamp The w(lather ; , , . . . ,.l .a ,1 uay tune iuu . uitienn -' -- Harrisburg. There is no snow here yet, this winter. I have not timo to writo oinre at present, for at ten o'clcck wa must bury one of our comrades i (Jeorge (i nod, from Snyder county : ho died suddenly; on Thursday he was out on dress parade, and on Friday, about sun down, be died. The I'uion county niroaro all well at present, and if you J0U , lUrr.K, of Kelly Tp. Direct, Co. (i, 17:M !t-g. I'. M. In care of Cat.t. Smith, Newport News, Virginia (or elsewhere ) Of course our twenty men must bavo the paper. We l ave not learned that one I'ni in couuty drafted uiau Las deserted. Eus 3ATTLE CF FREDERICKSBURG. Four Days1 Fighting ! . On!v at Pittsturtf Landioff. along the Cbiekahominy, at the second Hull Run contests, and at Antietam or Sbarpsburg, his this Slavery War witnessed as severe . ' , ,, , . hosti o ineetiujs as from Thursday to I t . " " . . . . , , - , tff .rf t , .-r.icd ihn riror .1. Vrpd ,r i rkshliriT. w,,ich wa3 mUa, .kiifully done in the teeth 0fihefoe l.-iJayi , here were frequent skirmishes, anJ cuniDlute ra,e 0f our men and arm9 WJ t)f ctcJ. Saturday, systematic plann were put in j operation ta carry the unknown lines of ; entrcneiiment, south ef the city, comman- ! ding it io part, and in the way of our army ' g ing SuUibraril. Nj fault of general ship, of soldiers, or lack of courage and materials, is alleged. The 6gbt was awful. From 9 in the morniog, tha gallant Un . iini-ts hurled themselves, reaiment after r.gtment, igainat the strorghoid oi mo i. i i. .i:...t 1 .....li..a ,.f l.eoe.s. Tjjr ujlu ui.iiihioi uio.iri.b .... valor, una won aouic luipoimu. pwiuir, (a mile at the easterly liue,) gaining a ,.'. , . , ' ' , ',' , v , . r , , . i. . lowin-r has Wen received by the Mil Fart of the first line of entrenchments. jtarv VoK-irra pit. datnl It is probable the enemy lost less than we, ; Fai.Miiith, De-e. 10. The rain is as they wetc almost iuvisible in their fallinir fust, and rivtT raisintr rapidly, woods and rifle pits and behiud their en- Our troops arc all on this side. The , trenchmcnts. At night, the fire slackened, and our men lav npnn their i arms. Sul)da ,n0 ' ij0 Innis,s ,wailC(i ,n ,t. ' "'le.f uu.e.s 0f the river. And as Washington ,t i Long Island escaped during the storm and f"?. Hurnside, amid the rain and wind of Monday evening and Tuesday morning, , brought back everything moveable out of , danger. ! When, on Tuesday, the Rebels found their b ped-tor prey bad escaped, tney were astonished aud angered but, as our guns command the citv, thev keep a re- snectable distance. The result is a ead loss of life, and ' ,ncr,in eauso of discouragement. Rut ; and how earnest is the Union spirit. No ' i"s erw '- ........ - Hnr.r - .ai - a r. ha allanhnrl tri flia rrtV nr : ccnure can be atiaehcd to the Army or " cnfrals. On the contrary, though , repulsed, the survivors have won imnior- ; nonor- nd tbe f'11"0 dc"d wi" be ' -' 1 " ' ; 1. . . .hn.A n. i:i,...p Aim .nil fi, Germantown. . ,. ., 1 i he delay or tne army in rcacninjr me RnrDahauneck. and of tbe Doutoons in ar- - i3?ip.ia,.,?uiJg,it,gaW,b?.nct, ana meir biaves ampie iinic 10 uui.e inure strong a good natural position. Oo each . "little thtn;s Hang frreal resaits. rer- haps no one is criminally to blame, and these may rank among the unfortunate "accidents of war." l0ePEs from union countt. Lieut. A. G. Tucker, of Co. L Capt Oweos' 142i Re r(,P""- Kiitn. I".wf.! Jm(B. r.f Vrvlj Tp. hnt 1" t!i brnrt lu?ii Fctti-r, uf Butl4lii. "hot In tiie bad pull-vk r.onJrln noutb. A finger hot off Eut Ball John r.trlfy. wnurfJed in tbtbl Volt- Urn II. id tW do I'liiltji tt!iiini-tx, in hlioalfti-r do C-.rp r. tin two. hhuulder do Il-tiry Muck, 10 th cmin do f't-r At-tnsi -;ii-.t, in tt.ibrh Wwt BntTaloe K' rt . W Uvm. in tbih lwwbarg Corp Jbn li M.rtio Uart.rjr II tftirQ llirtiona, Itg aoj bml BulTtf8 t.i M-wvr uo l'-,rMel M Hr Irt drrnrnk.il rV.tomnn II. II'.H.nnn l-wi, !nii Root, ii, tin- hr4 KrtlT Lrtttb kotfrr, ia L,t j0 HtVTwti. Wm Tj. Ammn tit.Urg tikcn irioiier lfmiia"n it.-vrr hrlljr J"ho 8. IVHinr-r S Ikrlia Dni. Murlin U-rtl.y ,. Mover ti Thomsi U',.m; WLitr Tef .I. r.-mi-h Mos. r -to J. (in M. U..ur Bi:t?aIoe vVm.H.Reck, of 131st flg., writes that . aii.tsdi had bis hnnw.iiot from n i-rbiB. cpt I .f M,4.l..t.ttrs. . re-.rtl slw. Sf-Tr-al. nf Mitt. r. ia .) i iithtir -d. 11- r.-r-rt ! St-r. of Moliinhurp. ana s'liTd.r. nf ! ""; - ' ! I Oei. W.Sehoch, of the 5tli Reserves, ws. acj-i.lxntlj wrmnlri in th. palm of tit. hsn.1 by W'UIIT. HIT . I.e. ei. A'.! u eHlbli,'J, .u m.j z-miuyr rrj-Tt. j k.ii.d. Ci't. JmiKtltau K. H'..f.., t O., oiinlrl in trf Jr. Of Co. l llrn,u UVrtx. Ka-t ItuJUKi-, kiii.O. W ui. llkiut iI- U Ct rh I'-. S -hfll.-, wi.iiii.l.-tl in n.c, .nsi ner. Y. rk A. Uh..wt,i du -iu do U ( urr hi'lij. witundcl. iifpn.t.I tjj S-T H in. S arU. lit--h -uiiJ hi ti r-T. Jmtt f l,rii. Mnunl"t twice. W in M ttr-t-r, i.iiirli tl in La. J- t.D 1. 1) lf. ill) ,1 I'liarlrH iifhurti, tl' -h wound in htnI. tiriut: re lui-t.Ly bo utny jl turu up. Id the Milton Company, (E, 131st ,, y wfl fj,,owig Ck6uaI I.:..- mis si I.ieut.Wm. A. Brunr fnrintcr. farmer- !y of rvmhtiry.) wt-umV JiJ Sun-t ty Jihn Srraub, a hell cut itff his ngiit arm. biiu iitr uiru in titrnin. The following cxtc erallv not dant rnuIy ounded, but gen - c rapt. Kaiah II. lUvi. arm an.! fnrt Sv'rtf. K. 1 Brirlii, w.ntmif, m shiM(T Win. Anta it, u-iniinlt ii in nlii aim haiiiur-l Bverlv, call righ; Ug W. A. rVhT. in .-it'e J;iroh l.'Hi!-t h. Trliarnfc Saniip I Miller, leli smJi-, severelv. in. iitini.ie, nlM arm Jaenh Smith, in lne,,l Levi It Sv'lnch, ntn aim ba!!y W. K. Trer. lWi artn Kunz It. Wat-son, npht wril D. ti. Millery, riiaplaiu 5Ut I'a. Vol., reporrd 12 killed aud 70 wuunded 8- fr m that s:uail but fraliar.t regiment. Ii "apt. H issnpln t'n. K. Vutni(Ie! S.T2.Tii!i-. (Viihatupnri.) J.imts Ktl'v, M.i;i.iit.ur. In -'apt. Linn's II. KiltM Sr Alli en 'rfiiT C'n V.'i.iin V.I s-r-. Ivu-ifl i lirrwrr, l.eu i( nrir. !iL'hf,v. hv a th'-', i;i jcneclnek; J -hn K.ui jh' ru . li.aJv ; t nrps. . II antes, i larK, Mimrv, lit a r.. In thr W an- t.uar.!.. -in !.! Thomas "" 'J P-" (..i(U c,1IIlrany . . . ,,. , i Lieutenants John K. L:nn, Charles R. it. i , L u , . '.vans, and 1 uektr, had balls about their clothing, but escaped unhurt. ., isaue; vase lsorj 01 lion, uosepu Use 00 GoD- S,ar8'J' 9",fr-WiS "nded. ' ?'vc ai,ovc, all the returns we s" of the "missing" have doubtless straetcd away, while others are I killed, wounded, or prisoners. (Wc give tlio news as it came.) Tuosilay Hoi iliilVs 'ss. Xo Itslilinte oil M.m.lay. Ollr winiti.K'.i. ami To.! Roi.i'l jii isonciv, uu uu: iinriu auiu ol lilt! lin-r. 1 tie :it r. v. and tiLa r, lie-'erves were onirnir-'d. Rinks hm.lo.i n W;, r,,-l,..l,le. .,. i, .. ii-, ... v 1 ee in. ui ii eu i iiuijll, .S . j Jcll.Kavis is rqi'irtcJ iiiTeiine'scc. r-,.. x .1 't . L ia Xortlitim d (lot M, II. 1". M.l U' ,iiiv.'t.... !,.., 1,! '' e . i pontoons an tip. t uesj'.in 11 uiis iiionnna; says oar army MilleTC.I ilcfcat and . were driven across t!if rivor. j XoitL'd Ujierator. Headntiartcrs, ai tnv of I'otoiinc ' Ier. 10 I o'clock. P. M. I Duriii!,' last niu'lit, the army evacu- Icnioii3 otic, Uut was colitlnctcd in ., , . . SMli- artilli.TV was thr- first f" en'S. Hit! last or the iiifuntry I'""p1!t "P. .t,ic ar shortly after daylight tin, mornin-. 1 he enemy "ever discovered the inovcment until as too late to tlo us harm. As user, uiu pon- toon bridges were removed, cnttins ! off all communication. Our wounded ..uu- cue.- uu una sum in nil river, t are saie uu tins sun; oi the river. I here was a heavy wind all ni-rlit, ' with eonsideralde rain, wliich assisted The bill introduced into the House by ! Mf .Nils' I. flf .1 Kianiiri. rrnttlilAa Ihil in Mr. Noell, of Missouri, provides, that, in case Ihe State of Missouri adopts a system . of immediate emancipation of all her slaves "ithina ycarfrom thefirst of January next, llions i.a i u mi sr.!.. fliisu Arm. ion m. 1 1 -j . of en per cent thirty year bonds to the , , . . . .t.... .. ...i.... ..a ..n colonize sucn or tne slaves as oesiro to -v iv w "j -j .v.a,,... i.i'o , any compensation (or the Ions cf hia slaves. Xhe House. Monday, by a two-thirds I 0te, expressed its approval of tbe Itoi- dent's I'roclamatim of ra-ecdom, and its' confidence in its tfficiency as a means of : .1 . II . 11 I baviog me iitpuuiic. The Houi-e of Iiprosentatives, oh roo- lion of Mr. ashhurne of 111 , adopted, i - h..h ..... r i v ... .i .,.' J by the decisive vole of 81 Yeas to : ! iNays, tbe following Hesolved. That m the ind-ment of Ihe House there should be no le-islaiton chaniMn- the exiMin- laws prnviding for the payment ot interest on me t'uhiic Debt in coin. EMASCll'ATlos in Missouri. Sena- tor Wilson has prepared and will intro-i duce, a bill in aid of emancipation in ! i;..Ar..t Inaamnnh tK. r.tUx MiBBw au-aa-v- u aTAkaiO..-w'..l-.iJiMnisnM.sSi.Iil. ' UI suai oi.io lisinus cuiauei ".nou liu- out compensation, and as it is deemed of i Ibe utmost importance to secure tbe State and the interests of tbe people on Ibe side of Freedom and against lbs Rebellion, it is proposed to give the immediate pecuci- ary aid of the government toward emanci- . pation as a military measure. J be bill , will offer a first instalment of ilO.UOO.OUO fur this purpose, withsuitable provisions ' to insure ibe accomplishment of its Bur- ! P,sei- Democrats in Congress are takinn- nn !s most of Ibe lime in o'ti ring resoluUuus to ' A scoutiug I'XpL'ditioo, Hi'ot out from IlrjwDstuwn, Va , Ls just r turned They made a roared of 150 miles in nine diys ; caused the thief, Kx-Soc. KtnyJ. to retrfvit with h.4 furco acru?3 the ' Saudy to 2'ikeville, Iveutucky: burued the towu of Ij"'iO, with tbo rtoiJ -i.ee of Kloyd, h in will, and somo aJjiiuing f irm tin i lil intra Annt nwfiii an rriinrtrica . 8tore ,(,. IUU t Wyominu, and a coitimissary qtoro on the l.pud of Island creek ; broke up a Kiini; of bushwhackers IP'n, and cuplurd head of cat- tic, 40 l-jtnt Suuio arai-, aud 37 pris- oners. ! , Wamhs.., Dec Hi.-1'r ..-u wr.-J is Known of ttie strcijoth and ex'ent of the i enemy s tortili atiotis at l rcderieksbur. there feeius to he a general approval ot Gen. liuruside s course in recrossing the Kappaliannoek. Aithiuh our loss is heavy, it is fir below some of the pul-iilied statements. Hut tl.o precise number cannot, fur days to come, be ascertained. The recent Union viclory ia N. Vi. Arkansas resulted in a total Union loss rf !'!l." men in !!. ( ur men buried l,.r00 Hebe's, and Oe'O K'jLels have since desert ed, it was a trcuieiidous loss to the Kcbcls, who had 3 or 4 times our numbers. IIaiiSiun. When iu Washinoton Gen. M't'iell.in dine I with such enemies of the Administration as Cox. That may be all right, but the people would putcr other iuamueics. Na! H.I.F., Dee. DJ V,o. 17. lVk, 1 brother of lVs:d-:ot James K. I'oik, died here this morning. Mr. l'olk was a strong Union man, former m'mber of Conoross, an officer in the Mexicaa war, and one of the most eminent citizjns of Tennessee. . (5-n. Rayaid was to have bcoti married on the lSih inst., to a daughter uf CjI. 1'owman, of West I'oint. The match had already been postpiued twice on account of the cxigeneijs of the service. The lieneial died in full anti-slavery faith, couverted on his many fields of battle. Fai.moutii, Dee. lti 8, A. M. I nave just crossed w;tn tne last oi the army, and our pontoon boats have all been care- fully taken up. All our stores, wagons and guns were broueht away safely. Our W"uuded w.ro removed, and the evacua- ""- -..-v. .- u. mu enemy, iu a maeteriy manner, ibo river ; is riMHg raiiiaiy, iuu ii Dim mas. ji oo P" running i tun river woum nave no doubt washed on our Loats away Lai trey remained. '1 ho enemy fired a few shots yesterday, but did nut venture outside uf their works, evidently being highly grati fied at being let alone. Our guus eommand the town, anl the: Rebels will hardly dare occupy it again. A few venturesome ones eame down the streets and peered arouud the corners as we were leaving. The army is not at all disheartened at its failure to whip the - , . , . . .u., ie.n.., , ,e ready and eager for another conflict. Nttv Oki.eans diies to the 4th inst. say the election for members of Congress, iu the First and Third districts, passed i f! quiety. The returns of the toting were as follows : 1st district. Flanders. Beu!i"nv I M .; ..; tr.m T!.,; v rt i .n.-.n I J J in. n'l .ei'l. A. A I IUHITH. l'.'J. , ,, . r, , ...... j 1:li tJ)3 Mi Michael llaho over Durell, till. The gentlemen elected arc uncondiHon- m(,n Mr ria3dl.r9 is a nallte f New lUmfMte ,o4 , gradua.e of Dartmouth College. Ua b resided in .ow Orleans thirty years. Mr. liahn is nf German descent, but has lived in Louisiana since Lis boyhood. He is a lawyer by prorcssion, and was a staunch Uuiotiist thronoh the darkest hours of - Secession msdness. The Message of (Jov. Vance, of N C, ' i, openly for the Rebellion, but cond-m, , t"e conscription act necessary loxeepanve, , .. ... . , ,. uuu al v uaneeiissary "reed amonj; ' ' f . ' " ' " them, also the distillation ofli.iuw from t.d Ihe perversion of the school war purposes. He says tne North. Carolina soldiers sulT r great for food and ., ' ""!,r ullccs r9 labor and I nion movements are nuielv uitier aaviccs are that tree t.-.,.., ' f ' , . . ' . .rr . " . - war. uov. otan.y uas or. erea an election s.e.ub.t"A.u .u .uu -e. vubibu; uia- : irict. 'g" Huodred and Iwcnty Baleg of Bolton fcafe been chipped from St. I.oais t. I'lrlctirti-rv anrl fnm lhai alln asn.ll li- ta l'it ttborp, and from that city will be conveyed east over Ihe Pennsylvania Rail- i mud If it 1,1 hon -l.im.,1 l. Id. nr. i 1 - . ... , . V y . I .... . ,, ,.., , ... - ctPrs efluis road, that one of its articles of freight would be cotton, tha claim ; I 1.1 1 . 1M. .I ..I..I .1 1. " " T " ' , . 8 i ol insanity wnicn was Drought agamstj those who proposed to cross the Allegheny j mountain wun a locomotive, uut the l'ennsylvania Railroad is triumphant- cotton "P".l its ircigni ana thus we progress inP'te of treason. . - . vj ne (jijjjai VQie 0f (ne Migsotiri election, ' t 'I ...., . I minr ml on III trl thn I.pff. iEiature( t0 33 pr0 Slavery democrats ,nowiD(? , majrity for Emancipation of 21, and secures two Emancipation United &Mcs gcn!l,or!,. Well dine. Missouri I The President has nominated to the r. . e it .1 -.1. . . ts senate, aieu u. .smuu, piese-u. .-cere- 'ary of the Interior, to be Judge of tbe District Court of the United fctatcs to thej District of Indiana. The destination of Banks' expedition 1 no' ?et tnown- ,IS b,,en wc"- a well-! kept secret, for a wonder, and tbat is one ! F V.UFARK The battle fought by 'j n. Uluiil aud ihe K in - aas army t!;e 2S;h ult., was probai.ly the iu-t hotly contested, and the most important in it effects, u far a our ftate is concerned, of any that has taken place e .l since the oP..n, ,.f , he war. It will be seen tv li -n. Hlunt s dispatch th;t the Kabt'U wt re ah'iut to nuke a com make a com- j cxtday, and! erh..-!m the i r nuiii' era ' ",. ',, ' . 11 J"e:lj bneI mffn.put on Mi.-ouri was to j in Mirmaduke the next the two aruiu esp-ottd to ov Kins-i tr ii'r by tbeir sup- ri r uuiu-rB ('nib r uc!l circuiut;iiie( !, a IJ'icll would have run. aud a .L'i'lciia would ; uave "cDaor; a u La-e. j.ut isiuni n3 i f'wrai?. a:d is in carue-t. lie mvle a ("ret d urtr-'ii nf thirty miles, t'ru k aw! tlnti,,,ii l. That is the way the Ivans men b-ii-ve the war is to be ended. Lot- i:n icuith ( ''tti' t t'ltii The news of a rev. re t th - irmy that l'.urnside so gallantly le i ioto l're li r:c!is li'irg, fell li!:e a funeral pall on the Slate l'jp:lal yesterday. 'I!urnside is cut to pe'iees," cried one. "The array of the Potonuc is devoured," fh lilted another. "I Mid you that would 08 the result cf the removal of Little Mac," was the Dem ocratic ehue!;Ie. Vou cau never cOL'jii'jr the chivalry," was the open uerlaratiou ' f s -ms secret sympathiii rs with treason. Little croud., of men were seen in earnest conversation at street corners the loyal, thonj;h sal at heart, rero un-hak n in their love rf country the j'atn in' n ot business look"! it the disaster as not des slructivc and ts the news was received and understood, ils effects uu the pecpie were at once notiec t. LiillsVll.l.K, Dec 1 - I'ii rf e bnr.drcJ of Woodward's Rehel e-.vi!ry !nv in with th'ir ann, rcfu-ine; to lijht oir.e any loooer for the Sou:uern Ce;ifcierc7. The hospital nt .luulorilaviilo was burned to-day. The soldiers wero all safely removed, and no lives were I i-f. lien. I'ni' is-oic 1 an order ti c n"er:pt every exiled Kcit ijkian or Tecnesser an. Jcnrals Dreeki- r le, Duokncr an 1 Uau- sou threatened their resignations if this was done, and .I ff. Davis has takon the matter under a.ivi- ment. There is great hnstility on the part cf le Tennessccaas j and K.LtueUiai.s to the Misiisstppiau. RI03,00d Wi.rtii or I koi kutv AVr:l) ltv LllV u Si,.iiuy Lieut. Coi. Webb, ut ,he 77ih i.,,,,,,,. Vols , reiterate, the ....,..,,.. t ..,..i ,.i, i.h, ..I it,,. i,: .. , H;Clui J,Xlt,tucky. Lad sf. em:i , ,u tj .vtrimiem over jluo.000 . ,be ubuc t.rooertv. and the amount would buve been increased to ''O.O'.'O had the stay of ih- army been prolonged. ' This proLem c insisted of cous. carbines. eaLr.s, cap jjucLes, cartridge boxes, am- tnuuitnn, belt-", s'raps, uiuh-s, horses,, Wjoous, ambu.aucis, and a uii-cilaueouo aai irteueiit of li -a valuable articles. I Amimm; Euunit. Some women in' Lexington, Kentucky, (Kebel rympathiz- i ers,) learning that several hundred Rebe! prisoners were to come through that place, repaired to the railroad stati u with a liber- ' l .nr.rd .. ... t .1.,. Tk . r.u...,.uu.j mini. AUG iraiu came iu, anu on n was aiso ine same number of Luion soldiers. The women mistook them for the Keb. Is, and had distributed their "aid and cjmf in" before the harmless error could bo rectifijj. The Lynn Reporter states that Mrs. F. W. Lauder, (Jana Davenport,) of Ihut city, widow of (Jen. Lander, has becu appointed Lidy .superintendent of Hospi tals iu the Department of the South, aud will proceed with her mother ta l'urt Royal, S. C. where thy will reside. Tho West Virginia Il.usn of Represen tatives bave pa.-sej rcsoluiL'LS asking Sen ator Carlilo to resign, cn the ground that he has not fulfilled his pledges, and shown himself sufficiently in favor of putting dotvn the Rebellion. Remember that the Livr req tnring ..,. . k .,t.n,i v.t,. Drafs, jj,)n,:!l .r4c. is in full 'ore-! No j meui ot wru;i(t upjn nhiea a stamp is rif'"ir, J L,y ,L'S Uv. is "llJ ual,;5S a 'UmP ls P'"d P n Gca S(.otl's , ,,Je 01J ,,,,; p .,.i , :,. .. Koi.UMj. i .. i,,nj,u nr,)ajUnee3 ItS author tho "Weilir-gton of America." 1 Tho pirate Sumptcr is to be sold at auction, in Cibraltcr. The 2lJo" bed a ... ' . . .. ... """" eiape irom capture oy me ..au Jacinto, near Maruuaiue, and w at Urge. . iK3'"t 'M"u--,"i Mas, has accepted the Colonelcy of the jJt sma ('arjDa Colored R:g.m-nt. itwa Pnitira .on of J. Msii.Ii nf Nlpf-op.. VaI:t. .nil firanci - enf ji.ix.ii oi m.j ip.. siJ iu mmp. .mi w.. bari.4iibibu uin.,iiii.erA!wuui oM.JcMbtii m.yi.ty. In U-.bl.ariC. l'i 111 in.t , "f UIil1irr:a.l.TLI.T rKI.L, AH I tlAt.Je'blJ' cbia el e'.l It. uvi C:'.;.r,ii '.:miu rtuau. la lluff;.:r, l'-ih i.l. JACOn..an r.f 0ima-I .ai lia U,.ii..., .ej ye.ai,v ui'.iiLbs. .na Ja.. 1o Fast Hair.li... l.th Iwt. AO M.i7iihTi, J";;; u uUkji.. juu.r,.srai,.Ms. Thi ilfr !!itlf rirt rime to Tit ftfntli In 11 ft."TVw,n innnnrr. Th fc mity w- n rff-d in rvnjrinir ti"w out fiJe of thr uvuae,heD Ads w-nt rnt, DnobsrrrJ bv any oof. ito-l cjiuo i?i fonuct with tl.n Lre. H'ttrn di-ror-i. h-r lrthp wer- nil in a 117.. Thi nr nrrf?l ra Monriny e-rentej. tnd on Ta-'iat xut-minat. TiJ r.nal '1 nn-r'-J rrii tirr oi aitfr tniTj)-' uiiwriDga - jF c. ny.i.i i.-r -riirit u. idr ieh.i oi urual Mtt ..-. . a , . i . .. l .. . I. aa -.-.ri . '. . ..."a...-. .-.-, llfrs tb l"M w- iltvplr frt But 'li. lioj tbat La. iM-rrlt u. 11.. -:in n'l nr .'Tmi lie.l.'' acxuiMOurix SUac&rt. Corrected Weekly TTbeat 81.25 Kges 9 8 IS lu 5 Oi 1... Til T.ll.iw orn.""olJ.... 00 Lard ,jM 4j jam FUrseed 150 Clover seed. Dried Apples. 1,00 Wool 40 tool' J.; Firkin Butter 12 Potatoes r" Vttfh Ratter... SO Country Soap 1 & I The lirand Jury i f Milwi'tkie bv in- ' strueted the rrnj er officers to institute ! proceedings (jrnnst all p-r. -ns iuiii? ! illegal fa; it money, In any form wl.aVSir. -- --- - ! nii I'raifr Junius-. ' in ihe tie niiaii K'-ittruirtl h'-ui. at 1. 3itta.n iallrrM(. A.l are mntrd ... .t.,d i -. . . oogw M YCl) Irooi the prem- lh WHirfl I'l'J - tbilSS-li-hf -a.n-d-ue.aiiit. aVt I P ' ' '"r ""' - manon winch nut ia. "',"v'"'- ;i;;iTn'H Ml Ul'lIV. Lewubnrj. 1 . IIVI' l I.flifrl remain. j am.- at LEWlsUCKIi lie.-.. 15. lsU Z III lio l'i I'a., up . rr J i i a w :u st e: J w SH y. l.i SI - M .fi IB H..V..T K X ..mi'-.., W M I II nrr. IV' I IV I. :. J a i i-l er r.l. Ih S HiO'-r' ..t OU...U !Wnk M. nrv Ilr-I-' "'--" :: i.r i i--wia X ll'-V" H'l F .t .Inn. .n vr-.. s.r Kr.saT I1 inirl K:.-. n. r 4 R IVrsons ca'linz 0 Sn. ,iu I . J... l:.nk:n J'.. A I: em . . s .r-k M;,rl n .f:i f. l J . h .e.ol J i. r:,r'.- I'O. S'.-r-..r f) r l. r ill- i.ve I. ''.ten, will p'-asj iay they are -b'lva. ' it: i ItRKsr. P Estate of L,'.Krerir3 H. Hiye", de'd. L'MIM:T14.1 ' XOl'H U n.-r-as, Leo.e-rs ol A ' on::. iaii'.n on 'tie e-'a'e o; l.a'.vr-pec '1 H i I. it-- li'a ' . ' u e.- i. e tse.l. ll.'.ve l.e-ii ran'-': t" :i." si.-( ri ef l,v ill- f I o '.I r .o tv :n i!o- t. 01 i.: !.iw, th- r-t-iv ! p-r.' ' ! enie ar-rt oo- et. o t ti. t: - num-Sr.'" ra i:o ;'. an ! tie -- 'i.i or' oi-l e : ',. rf.i: ..t n. s;,me ma v pre.f n: iti-io ln'v antheo'ie atr-1 f .r 'in 'o tli- suo.cril'T-,'. h u !I I" at i: ! I'e re-iO-ne- r; ttie .tee d in Kra,! i'p on 1'iidav aid ts.nur t.tv, - I an-t l Jan. next, when all interest-,! will pl"a a'.i-ol. And notice is f ir h-r ;ittn tha. the Wi low of s.n.! iSec'd ha file'! an Inventory of rr. p-i-Hv e'aiai-.l 1')' h-r, to ii.- aooiin! ot Thre h:in lr.- 1 dollars, in th- Kesis'rr. h-rh will he presenird to the Ju le-s of '.ft- Otpnatis' Court for allowan-- at 'h ii-it :-rm. aosm v o.t tK':. vtv:".m-r"t. lsIA!l ll4VKs, Jr 1..- -niiT?. (l-ll A lii,.(.i-:rt..ri Tl.s. 1(1. IS'2 Ailmlnlslrator' liollrc. U'fll'E is heri'hvsivfn.thdt Lrttrrs ol" Adiuitiistrai.oii upon th- Ks;a:e of SAP. Ml A.N l..M..lt-i llnrlil. - I p. I'njon ronntv.'lec'il.hiive l"--n er.i' t- i te tiie iitofersioed, iv ihe Ue-.'i -ler ol I tio n coonty. 1.. ,i,ie t,,rn of iew. Tn-r-fore. all p-r.ons i-i.?i.!i! lu said e-u'e arr r-c,ust-d to make immediate parrrtent; and those havinr anv just v-laitn are Ko T-qnest-d to pr---nt Iheiu legally uulhcbUcaled lor .seaiee.i-nt lo J. F. VAM'.M ZAH. i f. S. UA11B1.K. I -e. IT. wt. A na:a'trt.-.r. GilOrKKIE." I! t I I iV PF CIIIXA WARE. tuoE Ki.nixf;. LASTS, itctcfcil. I,av; an eI"'ntve assrrtment of the JlX-Kr hZZZ th ua!llv an,, pr.e hpfr, rriUe . fise-: her- K VANS A I'tlOl'KU. I.errsl'7 : ci ri K'j.s and ynTF.:i:s. , . l, ..,.. r iie. n. rj.t-d machines satistanion ?narat.i.'-d EVANS co il'ER s KATE a choice i . t S-.ttcs jti-t rec ry EVANS A COOPER v lie", nielersien-'l. havin? porehase! the T' arco an 1 C:cnr Si 'p of Pa"--! (i. aid, Mariiel sireel, opposite WalU' Si.oe. invites ail his IrietoN to patrontz- that - in smoii . n." WM Bl.OVN.N, Jn. l.-i! orq, Ni.v. CI, isvj to tax coLLncrons. n.W (oi'-rt-T'? ar- hT-br noi:;';t-.I that it U 1 a!f.t';tiie.y nerrtfary that t.irir I 1 1 r T i -cafes jsl.i-.iM b? sMtp-t I v IIM" f'H'i; I. an:! we h..pe thai v Ta. I'avrr ir.il 5ee the necesiry ot paving h--? taxrs hv that liin1, ; a-; therr n urea' ''Tnar'! cn the Tra-urpr IVr Ihe fi'ippori ( f lamil't rt VcT'interi who are now in !h rrrrii' fH? 1'ititeJ 5;ate?, i ar.-l wh- must be nat-i M-' iitii'". I The Coilertor- u-ill nNo rt--' !!rr.t that ait pr pfrii tipin hirh i.txr- fin ru t l e col- ' !e le i, must be enirrfel upbyloinf January ! as, aftfT that time, it wal not be a iieu on j ba: f pri-friies. I'oliectnr mnl appTV lor tneir Exonera- tions at .December C urt. ! J. A- MHIITZ. Treasurer j WATCHES, JjCWELRV, i.c. QTf 1'iIK uniVrvenei!, havinir rrrnnred i fi Vjher atch and .lwe!ry rsuMishmfiii Vf-jt" on i-f the rot reernl v urcuptril by J'hi-. tiriT, ini'j mire: M.-s Ainarila I., liner's Miilinery Sin-p.) Market MrerV I'etwcen Front ari i"ec' n t.Mir 15 prepaTecitt Impair Vulthcs, Jcwelrj, Jluaical Instrument, &c, in the mnM anprnvri an.i a1' t-ur' rr.nnne' Shr t-n hai"1 an a.-r , t rh"-ce JI. A r.LUV, fi r La llan 1 li.Mit'rrn-n, vhch Hf f.;:-r- at Tirf, t' i t the I'turs. AUi; CLUl-KS rami V- A ITHI-S .Ml work ao j .tre warrant. i as rvrfa- !nf. M Alii A b. ZLttiL L-wi-bu-;, M ;c, lrj. ,Vir -OrtP.Vr A'"" ctiftn.sr ygtruDnDSt Ai ' UVUI'SI ( nit jxt n.vrrs iUK IM.L Jt: D WlMhul ton tJLL jxo a mh:i Toti fall a xi ..vr; cm ax: sum t ail jyp si: at CALL AM' XfSI AK1.31SH. irrLVKS 4 CO A A-l .A jrcr i.E co KKt yy.i!, jrviA KX ro Kl.lMt:i:, ITeiti ( CO ti-wl.oarir, !fs. 162 Io( fcrt nooli and other -nod CT-Ta lr.-,! Kin. I nr I,, nr.'rr ! 'n.-.- "V I.ewishure Bookhnder. CH: TAill.' SUI'EKIOR COM. Oil. LA MI'S for sale at J. Halter ACo's Orna &err also laf ortlund Coal Oil. Btf AN KS ' tbe " Chrnt. ir't " tirhoi Heal Estate. ; . j , X S' (.'OL'IIT aSALK, i i .eorse .illlrr- Ufale. ; " " , 7 . rt , 4 p y v:rtM. of an or W from , he Orphan.' ' l nrt n I nu n eountr, we wnl uffvr at ; ''' ' at 10 , r ,., .1n). . It'a'-i K , 1'if.n I 1 i, i,.- I ate. on the premises, ro tiiKl.iv. Jan. lO, 1S.1, rk, A M, a'l lhai m-ssuae and Iracl ol ja!- in llittfaloe Tp. t.nim Co. on K in, a v.j: I 5 nii'es norih-wes; cf thw f'noreh. a'i .ri-nj lands of l;anlel Mi i.t. I) a-, ! A J Riehel.Joserh Beclr, Iaeo& j W iae, ui l.in lefim'jih and oiher,coatain!Of ! MO Acres more r.r !).. The Imnrovements are jftflf i a I!')' CK. BARN an! other Farm buil A-ai 'lines. v-II wa'ere t. rnnverej by con'tuits w ' he Hi ::se aid Earn-yarl. The Tract i aearly ai! c.earrd. and in a rood state of . coiiiea'oon good 'i l.MUKR on the nuciearrd piT'l.-n. 15" Terms of se!e will be publishej on lh lay ol sate nv fKTKB VII.I.FR. Bnffah.e (.!i:i.i: Mil. I. tit. Ka.tUotTaliU Ie. 10. I-f'i Admmiklralors FUBLI0 SALE. I ' 11,1, he -old hr auction at the resinencej f-fl'hrts'tan Keif, in Lewis Tp, L'nion Co , I'enr.'a, en Tlmrsiay, 1st cf Jaa'y, 1S63, thp ft':ow:t3 nr-rral prnpt-rtr. to wil. font H..Tse. I -yp'ir nil 4;(.t, 4 Milcb Cows, I liu. . 1 heilfr. 7 Sin ats, I l.-ur-hursr Wagon 1 iw. h re Vj-na.:; pnr.g U atnos, Pluwat t'n'!: vatcr. M r (s(ir('i'tirrilmig MacbiuA ar.1 II -r IYwt, I! p;e Kake. a variety ul n':i-. irfiiN vHKfiotn rt rmti rH loo nu neri-iiN ! ineniii ii aSo CJoirr Hul Iff. a u'l "I ipuic-rrtined cast Meel, a lut of ir. i Diach.r.e steel, a K i ol bar iron, &c. JL 't a' 'he arn; tune and place tat faN ja!. r.n t a wli;ch Christian Reif reaideat situa.e in Lewis Tup a('TeaiJ, coctaioing about 150 Aeres, abimi Ten-y Acres oi ihe same being rxcel ivut i 'niiJer, ills.- rf'fta.ni.er cleared and in m to; d !a:e f cu!tiv.it;on. n which ar f fcte i a rnn1 Urtt.k liarn. a larg- two s;crey lJwelliii H ose. Spring Hoce ind oih'-r Ouibu.lilin-s also a large iiirhar.l. and a never-laiUng ttpnuj of V .trr. A !.', at the same time and plaee.another tract of Ltind, adj'onin ihe Vansioo Farm, coniaintn: al out its is ret. all cleared, on f ii .i wnieti are -reeled a new Fol'N rJ" ilKV and MACHI.NE SHl'P. 60 , .Si?S?' r" bv M 'eel. ihree storeys high, &nB.'lxx4 -onfaining a steam en-in- of lea hors- p.iw-r. terntn laihes, drills, circular" and npnyht saws, planer, ull-nbarirer's) patent belt scr-.U saw. am! a larae variety of ToeU of various kinds Turpenune, Paints. an t O.I a'.so a K aetismr.n s nop and Tuvla A-e also thr ff"nd Dwelling fIou-fsr i a 2 ss a sprtn- H iuse.ar.-ie.elientJva.jL r'l.i nf ver-Td:i:n spring rising on and Uoauig '.!ir ou;li :he pree.i-es. .t.st a! siM- time and place wiTl bw so'? th- p rr- r kh.ht of v.. a. keif's I'ai-nt Cl.uVKli HI I.LEli, with ail his In f rovemeots iher-i,n. al- r coi.-i.-.ience at to o'clock A M of said day, when cemd.nvns wii' he made knowa bf JOSlil-If siUERS, i;i:d. v. MVEiis, ttr. 4. lf 2. Attnrnee. in tA-t f.-r CailsriAX Kuff For Rent or Sale. mThe well km.wn TAVERN' STAXD sooate on Mark-t Si. in ihe Borouah oi l.eislori 1.C,. riuw m the t ccirapey of C J. WOI.KE. A Farm, Saw Hill, & Timber Land, Vl.I. ai4j oinin-, feT sale on moderate lermst J'he K.irm contains ahnut one hondred ai.i ft nv (I o acre., all in cultivation, wuli a C" I t'.vo-sroi". irate DvelimsAV llo'j-- an ! ..f.- fiirn. Th- Maw MillJii j lias ih- lar--e wa-r powr-r of Penns Creek with ab-out oOU Actei of T!roer Laud all I a Ijounr.2. in l.iinesn ne Tp, L'uion Co. Ai( (vto Ji.ni 1. '1'a-ior. A'ent, M fflin-bcr-, le.ur miles from t'i- premi-es. or lu HI till J'El.l.AS. Sonbory. FOR RENT. rpwoisToaEV Brick HolsiE andata f I.UI on -sorih rourth strt-T. Jija " March 11, 'tji. 11. 1 siHELI.EK. FOR SALE. i; ANTS late ef the Estate of Tisca Cuw. E-1 . 1-eM. n ilhani ilson. 4 o acres and anowaoe Wf.t bnil t'ne loivn-htp. Kohert l aircart, iw acres and allowaoM Hartley township, Wiliram 1. 1,'ra'Jy, 4 19 acres and allcwaQMft Hirttrf town.hin. Land Warrant for Forty Acres JOH $ U:. Tnouire at th Office of low A,'ir J ( kr-imeir, I.ewibsur?. I;.;s Wanted. 1 mit: iiiuiic-r camh prick pa:d r.r .Mixed ur v hi e an! Colored K.(i by .1111.. 11. Marker, P.ipcratul Kae: V'arehous-. N. F.. lYruer Kiiih and l.'ommeree S;s. Oetsi. bj m:t Philadelphia 1 ORIS WTLI.-S r i.Ot K.lower Market ?t 1 l.e isljiin, Wh-re the puMic can rind an assorfm-nt of j FASHION A RI.K, CLOTH IXO, such as Lon? Ovorne.its f 10 to 115 Rii-ini.'si Uoata 4 to 15 l're.-s do 1 to 10 Roys' do 3 to 5 rants, 'J to 6 Vectn, 1 i to 5 This l l'Ohin? was s-iected ai Fashn nah's Clothing H.'U-es in l'hi..,aad alii be Sold for Small Profits for tli Cash ! JOH.X f. VRSH CIAR'I'KS llE IS11 E at swrv-s Oallers- l'n.'l.?rjph All'Uins ei Vlowry's l.aii-ty inote'graphs .:arce mi- ai Morv tiaii.ry Prtolosraphs in Od a Mowrt's (.'a'', rr Ivorv'tvpes at 'I wrv's fi.il'erv HaMetVpeS at M.-wry's li.ocr -iiihr'typ-s. an-! All kill I- ' lvr Hu kV'si I. AI.I F.KV It.sn'i (Ta'V-v in Mailt,-. -'rt. ppsSMr iu. B-ni Lrwilu.-. n T Pnr O. ' t 1 f