Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, December 16, 1862, Image 2

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    BY - AND-BY.
There's n little, uiiatliiuf-nsaking
Klfin, who is ever iii'h,
Thwartiil" every und 'i -taking,
Au:l In.- iinme is !!y-and liv.
AVhfit we ou'lit to do thin minute,
''Will be better d 'l.e," be ll cry,
'If tn-nwrr -w we be;n it
l'u: it iiV." suy.- Dy-and-Hy.
Tluo wli" bee-1 his trenelien.ua wwinz,
Will his fiiitbbsH s;uidnnee rue
Vlint we always put fiFF Hoi mj,
We s-hall, clearly, never do !
Very tiiueh has been paid, and not
irilliout a Airiw of reason, npainat tbo
nummary uriefts and imprisonment of
persons residing or being in the loyal
fetntes who evince too ononly and
actively their pymiiithy with the
Slaveholders' Rebellion. Wo have
hitherto pointedly condemned those
' . J . ....
nrrcats, on tlie assumption that it can
not bo Uitlioult, in loy-il co'iimiinities,
to indict, try and convict overt trai
tors in the ordinary lethal tribunals
Wo confer that soma recent occur,
ancc? havo rudely nitakcu our faith in
thn Boundness of thisj assumption.
From anions these we will only ad
duce tho trial of Andrew .1. Houston
before the U. S. District Court lately
sitting at Indiunapoli-t. Houston
was clearly ruovKn to have last .Sum
mer piloted a small party of Kebel
puerrilbis over from the Kentucky
side of the Ohio to Xewburp-, Indiana,
where ho resided, and vt here they
jirocoeded forthwith to plunder the
U. S. Hospitol at that place: ho
kttowiutr that there was no Federal
foree there but a few score of sick in
the hospital, w !icm they paroled.
Of !
course, tho Uclitls would not have
ventured over but for the information
and puidaneo thus traitorously af
forded them by this Houston ; and
yet four of tho jury refused, in defi
ance of the clearest proof, to convict
him! Wo bhotil 1 liko to know what
our ''conservative" cotemporaries
would have tho Government do in
euch casos. Our course would bo to
proclaim tnn.rti:il law iu every in
fected locality, and send all such
Copperheads as this Houston at onco
before a drumhead court martial,
composed of thoroughly loyal military
men, try them in short meter, and
ehoot them directly after conviction,
giving each a full hour to make bis
will and say his prayers. .Such a
policy, firmly pursued, would gave
tho lives of ten loyal men for every
traitor thus summarily prevented
from doin further mischief.
Let us further illustrate by tho
case of George i Kane, cs-Marshal
of Ualtimore. This man can uot de
ny that he the evening after the
ntassacro of the Massachusetts volun
teers in the streets of iJoltimorc, and
when all connection between tho Free
North and Federal Metropolis had
just been traitorously broken at that
ltlacc telegraphed to a leading Se
cessionist at Frederick (iio
after led a baud of Maryland traitors ,
to ioin tho Uebcl forces in Yir:inia)
Tt ,, '
6S fO.lOWS I
, , a- t
"Thank yoa for yonr ofl -r. Bring your !
men by the first train, an 1 we will arrange ,
...). th. ra.lrr,.1 afterward. St nth rr,l utlk I
Mtlrybtnd bUmtl.
tit'nd expresses oyer The mountains art !
v.tileys of Maryland an-i Virginia for the rifle
men to come without deiay. Fresh hordes of
t'nien Volunteers will be down upon us
to morrow (-.he Sum.) ( rtV fight Ihtm and
vHp them ar dir. GEO. I: KANE."
This wasbutoneof a series of dem
onstrations by this Marshal of Ualti
morc, each of them proving him a
rrmlicrnant traitor in full communion
with Jelf. Davis and Beauregard. On
the strenrrth of these, ho was arrested
and incarcerated for months, but fin
ally 6Ct freo without trial or indict
ment. Hereupon, he writes and pub
lishes a letter, boiling over with aim
pes of "Mr. Secretary Seward end his
liired minions" said Secretary hav-
?nc neeor.linor to Kane, mado him at
"r-pecial victim," heaped upon him all j
manner of'accusations which he knew
to lie false," and thereby merited
contempt of every honest man and
woman in tho lat.d," ve., & c.
Wc tlo not liko the llastile mode of
povernment. We think a better can
cry eencrally bo relied on. Vet, if
wo were asked to say whether it
would be of any to try Kane
before a fairly selected I'altiniorc jury,
we should have to answer in the neg
ative. Thero would probablv be a
majority for convictinr him : but it
would bo hard to keep the panel en- i and trimmed, equal to new.
tirely clear of "1 -mocrats" that is, j raa;l'r-lnl11''J,H7'5J-Secessionists
artd one of tho"e would I ' r" I '1
attflice to save him from conviction.
Hut if Gov. Seward can fully vindi
cate himself from all complicity in
letting this traitor loose to serve his
two masters, JelT. Iavis and Satan,
wo think it will not bo tlilbcult to
justify whatever part tho Secretary
'may have had ia his arrest and incar
ceration. X.Y.Tkibune.
A Captain of the old school, being t
ball bal been accepted at a parlnor by a
' .
be.utifnl UJy of rank. She, in the most
dclicato manner possible, btntcd to him
the propriety of puttiug on a pair of
ploroa. "Oa," w9 the elegant reply,
"never mind me, ma'am ; I -ball wash my
bauda whan I've drne ddneinrr."
If a man during fifty years chews every
rl. two inehea of solid n)u nh.eea. fand
it- j -ii .u j -
ynillioua " ,uc
that lime to otj-j iue, or a snus ana i
quarter of solid lobtcco, tialf an inch thick
and two inch. brnad,and will cost 81,5011 !
Wbst filth and folly !
A French paper, the I'sria I'strie, aay,
'Uh tLst wt eould speak, at this ditnee,
it) President Oavi.'s ears." Tho Editor
sonld have JefT a ears ezteod all th way
aclosJ the Allanlie.
Vbat id the ditKreucc b-ten a drasn-
tner buy and a pound ot meat f Uue
Wieli I J'ouud, the oib.tr pjuijdi ay.
or Female AGENTS
Ml TKKl rilTt 1M TI CtlOKEB
1 1 Mr 1 II K I MTr.n "1 ITrn,
Fmra rirnt aurveya. tawipleteil Aun 10, 1802; OOa4
$JI iaaa u. etijirave it ami one year'a time.
ttrt"r u any 111 map nwmdr by Oltnn or Mitch
ell. a-ll. at tlr low irir..rhlly ecuU; 3;u,IAlunaaK
are ew.-rael mb thi" n.,.
It u aot nU a Counlv Man, hut It I nln .
nt the lml-! Sl:it.-s aiel i-ana.la-Mmhin.-l I none, giving
an4 li.lni-e between,
flu-eantee any woman tr man i u per day, a.n.1
will take l.aek all oi Hint can Dot ImmU ui relui!
Ui- ni.'ti-y.
pvn.l tT II worth and try.
l'miied iii-truitiuna bow to canvass writ, furolabrd
alt ur Krni.
Waut-J-- Wholeoal Ai-ent fur our Map to every
State, rahfornia, Canada. Knrlnn.l. r'rani-eaiiiH'ulia. A
f..rtnne mav l- IDaJ. with a lew huD.lr.-d ilollare capital.
N em;. ulKin. J. T. LLoYb, No. loa broajaaj, New
Tli War flepartmout uaeannr Map nf Tirainla. Mary-
tau !, nuil Penn. Ivniiia, ...-I i.Ver IhaMiO.. on whlrh I
1 ni:i-ke. AntleLtn Creek. har'-l'Urg. Mar. land Hei-iit-.
. H ilharnst-Tt r.TTV, Kl.rere.ill. .Nolaud a AWd, and
I all ith-t-i'n tin1 Ivt mae. and eyery iit'ier pla,--tu Mary
laud, irgiula, and i'enn.ylyanl-. ur o-"Uy reti-nail.
OHI-i. 1MH ANA. and il.l.INOI1',
I la th only authority l..r ii.-n. Iiu-ll ard th H ar tvpart
' i iu' nt. M:ii;t-y rt'fuudtd t" any ouu fin tin,; u vrrur tit
i i'" "-'
From tha Triliona, Aup. J.
' i.i.'wnfi map nt aikiiima, wakvlasd. and
i .'HNNr-VLVAMV Xh Mj t Urn-: - ct-t t t
j lt IU"' wl... mil it if tht- bf.t hirh co f.purrhafH J. j
j h--i'-M. ! itiT. t I'Mittii, u( 't- i-uin. M.., -he wn rvry
tuifi c i-'.t,tii."ii nl oBtir-rn'it utnf fr.-Li ll l-iiim tn
tlu i.ttirvf M. iico 1,:i.t rail.- - ry Jn4 Nar. i-lni,
tat n. l!i...tw,...lid k)1 iU-'' mil'-c turk from th" r;w
r .-..lor.-I iu counti.-d anJ tIM. i'ri.-r f I In hi-t.
J Ii .vt ktui.&DaI t'M uQ liDt-'D, with roli m. Kijm1
S (W Tirrw-mrm, VTunnwr . ?;t 17.1w.i-
J. T. I.lovi Mr; hcnil ruu yur Mir of Miln1p
pi Uiv.-r. with prW p.T him irt- r..-ifn. K-nr A lnir!
fburlr-s H. lMVif,onTiti."tnlins: th Ku-'il.t fc;tiw!i.,
in taitttturikt'tl u purcbsw as many m rt- rr-juimi fur
a--1 ol tJut :i'trwr.
Estate of liout J. Gilbert Beaver.
en aiwb I For the Harvest of 1SG2!
havin; been granted to the sab-eriber by the i
Pesister of tnmn ronniyin due form of law, j fjjg jnast aPPrOVOll AsrifUltanl ImplC
all persons indebted to said estate are hereby j 11 7 . ,
noiific,! to make immediaie ptymcnt. and all j BiCEIS 11(1 ff 111 lllC MarKft !
havmz any just claims astainst the same may j
present them duly aiehenllrated tor jettlemeat j
I'CTKR BRAVEIt. I.ewisbur;:,
Adminis'.rator with the Will anneied
J.S. Manh. t.litorklrT. (.Ohorklrr. r.farer
S. MAjis & CO,
(SVCa CSKS T(J tiEMjl", WK8U A CO.)
TtrE bate con?Unt!j on Imn 1 n-1 for
It- ipT. N-ntvranii dotrr tiarvslsr; dram and Giatt
SrnUrs; H.ind and Ifars !' r (m Shr!!,r$; Ont.Tw
aft r-vur llrt Trvt. Sttrrp and AJl yTi; -V.ir
Hull.Tt. H"t .VOn., Thrrihrrt, J Umt. .Sbet, H'tlt. Inm
y-fi'i f-r Uuf-Unt, Iron rncf. h'ttUotf, Ml Urarnfft,
A,. A. , mi I ourt-rlT.'. ri i'ly nt all Hm.- to w all
Kiopvi K.t !!'KT Hoisesii : t Ii" t h-nt nt. forrrtne
-w..l .l..n.f.. Wnrk MinnfirlntM ImaniMl
warraned as resume. eaicd. onlT rrr iltixij I
rH-iiCateJ e.nJTfID, l) 1
k-d tu. JUD- 1. ISlai
torn rut fpXFDT ecu or
0i'.'h, Calls. Infiurnsa. rup. -iiriv-wM, 1Wm7.ii,
J'H'ttmoni-i, ' as of th? fciir'jt, artsxnij fmm ,
ytt'Tx'-nf i'n-umj'tum, and fnr tht r riff and n nt all
itriU,) cure of A 'jlunU ih artranctd stages of lit tatter
'PIIK Hal-mnic ronlii.1 in Mitiivlj m Vvfrtnhl prodoo-ti'.n.e-nrnhiiiinir
Ihf h-linic proi-frttt-n-'f th Italram,
ith the iovicoratjuK .tuliti.i".f aCor-iUl, prr-lurinea
rr-mrnneatt-.n n wrll -Ala,tJ to th piirt-w- intrntlfi.
Llit an but fi-w raui of irm whirh will not, at
nrt arly i-rioJ, nurcumb to It UweUing and lite-giTicg
prr pt-rtu".;
I- .r aii-ii hw th tTT-ntmr-nt of pulmonary dleaMw
upi.-'l ttM crlT p.rto of thf att-ntion nf th- via-tiii'-
of th- rattiicai orl.l. hut nom- aicjulrM nr mi-it.-m-e
in hin treat me-nt .f th-w dwtif-. than the !-Pru.A-ian
lr. Iloofland. th- .r1initr t f th Bal--atui
- C.t lial. lit" lift-wa. .T.t-4 to th- productinnof
rr-bi -.li f tl.Ht wold -Und unriTfclwl. H-w 'H h- hm
su.-c.ll. Ih Am'rifftn ppl' ar ahl to juU : and
awn, that no preparaiump inai na wr
b n pl-' d'hrftire tht-m. bT rfTiwi theatnf amount
' h--n.-tij on minTinir immaniiy. or nj?r 'iifitfi w
r'-ri bi.r.c.M.jk.ii
C-1.. of I'hl'a.U-lj hia.
Tlie Cordial is.Irrigneu for a Ma of dl-ai rnnra re"
oral and uior fatal tlian anyoth-r to wlilrh the poopla
s , uITr . ,ui.jot-thoi. printn from
.li.-ht eold." That -ininnt authority. rr. Ilt.aya:
"1 ! T bt Cold, are to our Inhahilant. what
ard Yellow PT-r are to Ipoao nfothr roun.
tn- ' : hut I can a-or oonfld-ntly that thy tt.hor In dia-.-a-t-
n: r-a:-r cotn:ilkity aud rnortallty than tlie-lato-r
Kin! what the eminent ttlaaa Manufactnrer. JOHN M.
V. illTAI.L. ayi of the RAL.AMIC COKUIAL.
Pa e. M. J riva Reapwtod Frl-nd : llaylnr for a
lr. tin- h....n aroualntl with th- y.rttio. td t!iy BAI
rAMIC eoitlH AL in Couaha. t'olda. ttittauruation of ih
I.un. Ap.. I thus fr iy b-ar t-ntimoiiy to ll.-fflary.
F.tr a-t. ral yoarf I haye ti-'-r b n without It In my
family. It ia alo lv-a me pl-aeur- to alata that I harr
na.1 it with entire e aa in til- tr..a-n-nt of h.Wel
Comi lainta. Th friend truly, JOHN J WII1TAI.U
Filth Mo. 17. 161. iU'-e t. aboya 4th, t-iinad'a.
Th-.- nvdiHrtea are for sale hy all r-.peetahle
TrUk-Lri-t:; and dealer in m. dii Int-a in the I'niti-d olalea,
C:ina.N UritLh Proritie-a. and Weet Indie, al 75 "N-nl
per iK-ttl". Ile.ure and rel the genuine, with the aina
Hire of c. M. Jaekat.non the wrapre-r of earh t-dtle: all
other, are eoutitrrfeit. I'rineipai irtfli-r au-1 Manufacto
ry, a H Areh atreet, i'biladelphia, I'a,
Old Fost-Office Stand.
K LAUCE SUpjilj of ()(ilS,StalinnPry,
it- i't rfnoi.-rv. Jewelry, Toys, Confertton-
eries, Teas-, tsi.ices, rruii, .-Mils, iiasmes,
. . i . r a.-r--ir ' L- w
i inures, ami a variety 01 i.tra ...-ao iwi
sale (heap by
7a) H W CKOT.liK, I.ewispurg
II. J. WII.I.I MIS, So. IG Nor. Sixth
Street, I'HII.A UEl.l'lli.V, Manufacturer o'
The largest and finest assortment in ihe J
Ciiy, at the lowest Prices.
Blind painted
f tore Shades
r-iXCai:ZER A- 1)111,
Attorney: nt Caiv,
Lpwipburg, Union Co. I'a.
Office in South Second Si. formerly occupied
by James B Hamlin Esq.. deceased
I.rwishurg, April 4, lHM
Attention, Husiclans!
A larre assortment of
iolins, (iuitars, Ac. of all
kinds also iohn. t.tii'ar.
: and Banjo Mrins, Rriuges, Per, Ac. and the
i . , . i . rv. , -it , i. ii . i.r-- .1
I.ITTl.E the best place in town to get
vour Trimminirs, Motions, Skeletons,
Fancy and Black Milks, with many other
( tbinps ton numerous to mention, is at i.
MENSCH'S. No sav the ladies.
' B -Smre remove to KeDer outiaing.
two doors west of the Bank.
Uwi.burg. May 7, mS
has removed to Souih 3d sireei.fonr
doors from the Town Clo?k, LEW.
isncttu. pa
-t)rxO A pair of SPECTA:i.ES. which
1 the owner can have by calling at this
otfice, proving, and paying for this adv't 965
ICE Cream Cans and Tub for sale by O.
W- FOKREST, at the Post Office. 19J
for Justices and
i I J l 1 l 11 f 'nnatnhlp.. fnr al
J ur xiulcJ lc t ider.at tire Chroiiicln 0fiAl
(LT1 L. r ALU IB All C.)
Lewisbnrg Pl&oiog Mill,
necp constantly on hand and
uaiiuiaciure to orJer t'loorlnfC, fldlng,
UoorN, Sa.h, Sbullem, Hllutin,
loUldiBfCH of all naltrrns,
and all (.ihcr ilfMiripuoiis of Wood Work used
in HuiIiIiuk.
Orders mpcctfullw solicted and prnmptl'
Clle.l. All work warranted to tivr satisfaction
CT'A.i rxtrnsire lot of I.unilMT of all
deacriptiooA on band for sale.
t'arliiry on KirtkSccimiitrat,LtmiibTg,ra
April 22, 1HS9.
THK tubseriher keepi cenatantlj- oa band
a larse ainrtment of the rrry best Mia
in. kin and Wilkc-Barre COAL, for lime and
stotre purpmes, which he will sell at the erjr
loweat prices for Cash.
Also, lilacfomith)' Coal, l'butcr and Salt.
Wish it dijlinclly understood, that I will not
be undersold by any man Havint; good
weitrh-scales, full weight will be given.
Coal Yard near Weidensaul's hotel.
I.ewisbnrw, May S7,'!9.
-i'-'i-,vr'7triii.i -
ttsMKAtTl KFlt RT
LfM Isiburt;, I'a,
pnchfpc licaprr vt lumcr.
f IM1E unprecedented success of the u Rtirk
l eye" is the strongest prof of Its superior
excellency. The IIL'CKKVK has caused a
complete lEevolulion in the Manufacture ol
HLAl'lSU AS It MOW ISC .Machines, and
its reputation is so v.-ell established that it is
scarcely necessary to particularize its advan
tages. We will, however, call the attention
of the farmers to a few of its merits.
I'awls and Mprings, by which the machine
may be thrown out of gear, or be backed
without vibrating the knives the Siecl Cutler
liar the Wrought IronUuard. with Hardened
Face or Cottint; E.i;e the louble-
Hintted Joint, by which the Cutter Bar may
he Folded the long Crank Phalt the Sieel
Xpnns; and Wheel, by which the Culler Bar
may be raised and lowered so as to cm as
low to the ground as may be desired the
Steel Pitman and Brass Box its Light Draft
(no iSide Draft) no weight on the horses'
necks backs as easily as a can all of
which form a combination of advantages
which no oiher machine possesses.
No Gearins on the Driving Wheels.
A learn of horses weighing 910 lbs. each,
will cut an acre of grass an hour with ease.
The machine is furnished with two Culler
Bars one for cutting grass, and the other for
cutting grain (each expressly adapted to the
use intended).
No eHort will be wanting to maintain the
Buckeye in the enviable position it now occu
pies, that of being the
Eoat Hachlne In the World ! 1
The subscribers return their sincere
thanks to their fnen ls for the generous sup
port ihey have received in introducing the
celebrated Buckeye Keaper and Mower into
Central and -Northern Pennsylvania, and are
much indebted to them fer their warm greet
ings anil kind offices in recommending it to
their fnen ls and neighbors.
For Certificates, &c, see Circulars, which
may be had of any of their Agents.
They also manufacture Tlejfr'd Pat
rnt riNloii .raln llrlll. which is
acknowledged to be the UKtsT RKF.l) SOW
ER I N I'sE, and the only one which
Also, me Hrvhlune C lot rr f liiUer,
which cleans tnoroughly, without in Ihe least
irijurini the seed. Will clean more in the
same tune than any other machine in use.
They also manufacture and keep on hand
for sale harlinz'i Trrad I'nicer and Thrn.h'ri
I T'kizraph t'oddrr Cultrr (two firm),- funking
Vow, among which is the celebrated " Con
I tinental ;" i'arfoe and thftct Stutf. and alt
kind of CuKt and Wrnuzlit lrnn and Hras
Hvrk. SLIFKU.W.i.I.S,sl!ftl.Ei: & Co.
f'entrat Futttldry, Lewiyburg, l'j.
I rpHE Pennsylvania Railroad Company
I I having this day taken possession of Ihe
Philadelphia ca Erie Kailroa l, under Ihe con
ditions agreed on with the Ph.ladelphia &
Erie Railroad Company, they have appointed
J JOSEPH D. POTTS, General Manager ihere-
I ol, to wnom an Aiiucers ana employees win
report lor instructions.
President Pcnn'a KaJroad Company.
Office of the Pcnn'a Railroad Co., )
Philadelphia, Jan. 3D, 18C3.
General Order, Ho. 1.
70 taJ;e Effect on and a7T.iiti.30,18C2.
I. The ItVCMtcrn Isirlilon, from
Warren to Erie, will be under the Mnpertn
tendence of J A MIX LEW Im, whose title will
be Superintendent of the Western Division.
His Olfiee will be at Erie. Employees on this
Divtaion will tie nnder his charge, and will
make ail communications respecting their
dunes or the business of the road, to him,
except as otherwise provided in this Order.
II. The I'antcrn nivlxlon, from
Sunbury to Vhetham. will be under the sup
enniendence offtAMl'El. A. BLACK, whese
title will be Superintendent of the Eastern
Division. Employees on ihis Division will be
under his charge, and will make all commu
nications respecting their duties or the busi
ness of the road, to him, except as otherwise
provided in this order.
III. The Acrotintfl of Freight and Pas
senger Business will, on the Western Divis
ion, be in the immediate charge of JOHN' V.
BOCOH, whose title will be Assistant Audit
or. His Office will be at Erie. On the Eastern
Division they will be in immediate charge of
THOMAS M. DAVIS, whose title will be As
sistant Auditor. His Office will be in Will
iamsport. He will also have charge of the
distribution of Passenger Tickets over both
All communications respecting Freight and
Passenger accounts by Employees on either
Division, will be made to the Assistant Audi
tor thereof.and respecting supplies of Tickets
to Taostas M. Davis.
JOS. V. POTTS. General Manager.
Pennsylvania Railroad Company,")
Lessee Philad. A Erie K. K. f
General Manager's Office, f
Vt'illtamsport, Jan. 30, ISSJ. J
Al REWARD will be paid for the nearly
J I new Cae and Silyer KPfX'TACI.EH
i desisnej for a near slefited person.
1 w,M Inst in Tnarn cum. dm. .
leave at tbe Chronicle OUax)
THERE we will bud a large assortment
latest s'yies
such as French and English all wool Cloth,
Irom -'.SO. np to $ lu.cn. Knotty Buys' Cas-
sirnere.and Silk Mixed Cassimeres.Saitneits,
i Ac C'lothlCnr all descriptions ; Men's
and Boys' Wear Whole Buns lor I a its
j that is, cloth coat, satin vest, cassimere pants.
Mummer Suits lor Also, a lare as-
I si.rtment of Hats, Caps, Ac, such a M'Clel
; Ian, tiaribaldi. Opera, high and low crowned
j Hals. Hirse, Handkerchiefs, Collars, Shirts,
j fuspenders, l.'inbrellaa. Neck Ties, Ac.
HOW IS TK3 Tins !
to sttve from S! to SO per cent., aad get the
Latest Styles.
Also, (foods Cut and made to order, and in
the latest style. Always Irom live to ten
hands at wotk.
Call opposite John Walls A Co.'s f'ore,
Market trcet. Lewisburg.
March 11, M -V It. ZIMMERMAN.
, I
lap of Ilnian Conntii. j
Ol'N TED on rollers,varni.heiJ,enji:ravetl j
a til .i!h'ffrai-hrtl in Philal. in the hen ,
siy ol the an ' by 10 inrhrs in si..e n .
a scale or t inc. hos io mile. This Map
was cireftilly surveyei! in !"', ami is reH-- '
onahly correct. Kach Township is col-ire!, '.
antl there arc the Town Hot and o.r of .ois
in Lrwisburtr. Mifflin burg. .New llerlin, Har-1
llcton, and !Sew rolumhia. Mountains anl
sStream: are .raced the Tuhlic Kads with 1
Ihe diMance in perches between roa!s which ,
inwrscct aNo IN'aines of Farm-Owners gen
erally, t'hurch an ! chol Houses, Mills, Ac.
The I'ourt House, two of the I.cwishu.- I "ni- !
versity .Buildings, the i.ewisburtr Iloat Yard, j
the I men Kurnace at VVin;.eld, and I'nion ,
.Seminary at New Berlin are re nr-'j.euted in a (
separate ensravtur each. ;
Every Farmer and pt-rsoa of business sh'd i
have one of thee Maps for ornament or fur )
reference and infonnaiiin. j
The criminal suti-scriptiun price was r.,r,M, j
now reduced to -y onlv. IV For sale at ;
the Hfitr V Chroniie Ollice. and by
Un. ts. I.. UKCK, KewiT.nrt:
Last and Host Svwsl
TE have jum received from I'hiiadelphia
and .New York, a very large and well
selected Muck of
which we oiler at very reduced pnees. We
have paid particular a::eninm in the selection
of this stock of (iooda a very large assort
ment ol DRY GOODS of every descrip
tion. i'urchaert will tiud it their advantage
t give us a call as in prices we defy any of
our neighboring towns for competition. We
have aNn replenished our nock of ttirote
rJes, l.Iardivure.cueeaNnare.iV.c.
HAiVc Mirth Xim?, Cahinetl Nutter
and Hydraulic Cttnent.
always kept on hand.
I iTCOUSTK Y VROni'CE taken in Ex
change for Goods as osnal.
N.B. Cash paid for all kinds of Grain
Lewisburg, April 21, 12
SolcManufacturcr-sof the Improvcil
IT is the cheapest and most durable Rooting
in use.
It is Fire and Water Pnof !
It can be applied to new and old Roofs of all
kinds and to bhinle lWfs without removing I
the shmsles.
The cost is only abont one-third that of Tic
and is twice as duraMe.
dill. a IVrcha onirut, fr preser
ving and repairing Tin and other Metal ItVofs
of every de,cripiitn, from its great elasticity,
is not injured by the rontiaction and expan
sion of metals, ami will not crack in cold or
run in warm weather.
These maieriaU have been thoronirh.y tes
ted in New York and all parts of the Southern
and Western Stales, and we can sive abund
ant proof of all we claim in their favor.
They are readily applied by ordinary labo
rers at a trilling expne.
These materials are put np ready fnr ue,
and lor shipping to all parts of the country,
with full printed Direct. .ns UT application.
Full descriptive Circulars will be furnished
on application by mail or in person at our
Principal ollice, AMI Hroadwav. lVw Y.-rk
(OH .Ml lt.N.cboUi llutl.) JOHNS 1 I irUSLKI.
J warranted M EXPLOSIVE,
and equal to any KEKOSEM:.
Why buy an explosive Oil, when a few rents
more per gallon will furnish yon with a per
fect Oil ! Made only by
Pcnn'a SaltJlantifacturintT Company,
N. 1ST. W nat St., lH!L'.DKLPHU.
Feb in, lH.l2yl
Erwishunj, I'nion Co., Pa.
OFFICE on Marltci St., three .loors below
Cooper Eyans'. April 1, 18B2
An aiMirl-nt and Stnmarhle nr-Tiar.tinn nf IRON nor!
fie.! nf oxyiren antl rartion .y enmbcatinn in hydriven.
aanctinned by the hiuhe.at Meilieal Autboritiea. bulb in
un.M sail the United flute, and preacribed In their
The-sperleneeof thonaamla dally pm.ea that nnnre
Tiaratinn ef Iron ran he ewnr.areri! with it. Impnriti-eot
tbe blood, defireaalnn nf vital merry ale and othernla.
aiekly eomj.lexiona, Indicate ita necaaaity in aiaioalavery
eoneeirablc rtw.
Innosiona in all maladiea In whfrh it haa Keen tried
It ha prnr-d .naolntely cormtiy. in aavrh of th. fnliow
ins complaint, via:
In IMnlttg, A'erwan Ajftfivmi, Xmaeiatum. Thtjttjina,
Chnttipntiun. IHnrrhttnJltytmttry. im-tfwit I tnntmrtiim,
-rouVowt tufiereBiton. .-iit .aeiim. ttiim ttrnttum,
HMf'i, tVUn-tiM, Ltr UmptaimtM. ttinmic lltndadus,
A'Aewaaoruat, Jiferi-tt ireera, imfU on the 'uce, rfr.
Put np in naat flat metal boseaeontainine .'.Opltl.,
prlee MoanUper bns: for aalaby druceiat and dealer.
Will be a-nt frev to any addrea .in rve-lpt of th. prtcab.
AU letter., Mder. rte..honld h aditreaaed to
B. B. LOCKE A Co., r.eneral A cent,,
ljlll 20 Csnaa By, ti. T.
SM in LtKulury ly
Baker ft r t W SrnatSr -f s falawell
OJ on Market Square, I.ewifburf. utJ
A rood supply of ('hair. Tablm,
nureaan. Stand. .Ve..oo band or made
order by UAViu 0INTB- nm
I LNDSEY'S Improved
For th Pptudj, raJiml Ktl -ITf tnal rur at A l,T.lltMn
MiiDj from JMl't'ltlTY OF TUK bUHJb
tTni9 Wfllrlnt h wrooglit tb met roiriWDlincorei
tO lsiMrt CSMCS VI
t'llfa,n'U 'ltf,
I'tnti'I" en thflH-T,
IJ, ctiihttorn tlrer,
T. tvr al1icUu.
Itynpfplss, Ji.uAlic,
Slarcunal -liiu-aMsL,
l.iTtt ('iD Ittiut,
CnDrui f'.rmittfii,
fcrtt hotti,
Kti-tnnif ji JisorUcfe,
Slt hLt-u. i,
111 et lllaetl.
femi.' utniltnU 1 ii-ivsUf iuji ilwdrorisia
Tb bof in m rn-rtrait of Iai l MTrt-ary, of ?ip.n 1
Twfi,hn,nn the .11 t lnv ( Auju-t.lV;. uilidt-utTi Uv it (
twfiT' Jurtinr t.i r!-",- tlni lit irrstttl lor ths Cair- .. j
dscrit ;t ' -i: '-; It; -i-mn' M Ut- ift r t iinty, m t ' y It.
Nfi..ti ot tlie t Wctir :oM-w'f, ( mr-.i.tiat :, l--r n f-ri'-l I
m n-r.v -..tit ufut.i... Dciti(.i.:it.l nit lWh hit !;, i
nsf, -tti t a ;-'t fi n f ' '-"l t - i vr- 'niir. ,y nt'- n
arr-ry .' Hi; hr-i zX -U up itl I h "';", 'H ht-arl ut tti- '
"Hli.tnl .'-ar' ij.'r, ' -i." t i linlui - J Oi try it. four bi t- j
tlt- cured him. an. I -iil;!tiuh iniily -ii.rl.'ur.'J.p th'-r--tin
ij:i.- on ...ji (ti! inv 1 1 -m ii (ti CisSi i ..in Hi'-.
Tin-,'. II p.i.-t.i .iliir cf ttit- rfmarki!.!- rnf iaay tir.'-ft-a j
in Cir-nlAr lo i o: noy vi l'. Au- Dis. j
UV r f'-T a !.- nf ury .tlriiktit-jr.of KMrrtoIt, j
Arinitr.mi; l'..cun i tt(j.'LJJiIU.T tit iu uaatile .
In nut of n-.i :,.r thrw jf.-nr". '
tt: -its- ol 1a.Iv .n Aun(.nTiiI.',('l.'rrMCo.,llho t
way aln, :!tli-t. d with t';oiu;. :n if 'mt f-nr..
To Ihr f-4-M- ol tsi o. t- I, r.v ia.n- in rar.-..IttrKn.
I'smi-ria C1 1., lit f i.aJly nlillt t d vith Cinti-r
limt it --at I.;- t-titii.' n"f ot), ji It; ms tad wore.-, if
pucnilt.!', thuti M L'rnr.'.
rh i'i;tiul.irei of tW i n-H-ftTt "np of whirh wm
cult I t.y :h- ui'f ol li Lii-xl .art lif,-" niy m'.t-o 19
folia 1 in ( ir-uUr o- 1.1 ( xiit of lh Afnt.
Ur.u. M. hfsrt:, Pr.;)r r.r. pin bur.':. Pa.
fi,!-nt'ratoi tor :itj.iifin.'tun' luu sai'1. nar thr
ruo' l:ilrtsn.l i.-.l,i:"i:i l 'Ve-ln.r. i'n. isoll I'jr C.
Vv". h-i.rr..'. Iwifli.ir; M'i.'r. ,jhi A it tut k, flu'fnli'- X
R.n.N: Kudv A l'iin;:.--l.-h. Ktrrrit ri ; i'lirncuiu-i
k litmr, liartl. t- n; l. II . Hi II, Mitn.Hl.ur?; 1. f
tairvn., Uium-IJ; ttiia-ii t Htis-i.vr, Citlio.oft:;
a. NEWELL'ii
Xo. Til, Arch I'IiiliitljSila,
. f t.n lr.rv'-t an l in" !
ilrtlli-r.-'f in ttiu
L'nif-I rti',-. wht-r- tt t l
i'li' To.-aHjic rt n'l' Ukrn it
t!.;m ar 1 I t m- 'r.'.
t .iri-t ein-n to tho
I ; i'-n iiO hitmr
UK lTiile(ir, it r"ti.l
n-rirttialiv. cvt-rr :V ! io-l
Ifnv tl.f (.etllt-rv uiiif. it k.-iff iriwt -aii-fxi'lNto.
l)friHTn "'p- ait-l Kr.ilr- tv---.f t Wntr -l.-.-arJ
fri-n in. i.l."t.,(r:iphl to mot rjuiiJ or Ulo on
C'ttiiTi-m, lil- -iits'. .m l i'iiitfl h. 'il 1-y lli-- fcft Arti-n.
At tlii i.ni.rry pi'tur'-i mo Im tnH-o iti an wvther
n -rf-t ItJ rh :i y .jim ni wfii l. ti UIi "hm-st.
IVrisoiiK viMtiutC the rity are r-n(--nuil iuvit. -i to ex
aminf our n cnat ti.-, h ftr jrue auil 4UJitj Jcij
com pftitH'n.
ftIoitTUct!otiii gifpn in the art of hfr'
Qlixni or Ast, 724 An h t irvrt, i'LiladrlpbU.
CVffi,rA TtOXX
Trom lion I.iwis t. C'MriitLt, M. C.Oh.io
Mr family m. l fri. i.ii U xi-:ir in th.- ..; i.n n that
tin- (V ws-1!) I'Ktur in mir lik.- li,n.;t ny tlfu
tln-y wvt w. ! l.en- tn-rn Tr-ltilf Unrn
i.y diilHivnt Arti-t in varl" ) ' ,,,,t l-'" """"
yit hail nit wliiih pr.-Tlri-o trm-to nMuf.aU tlx- t:a
turna anp fxprfHetjon af oouiitcnatarf ha tti
m m lien. T. J it H num. lt- MitiUur U Italy.
Tht friini-itf fiinh. hi is::tT an t . n n.-e- of y-ur por
trait. o'nj-i:i-'t t it!. Ihr-ir 1 jr.. Aj .f .iLt nr.'1
fn!nrw an I i k .n"", ran not f nil to rviutnifiiil thcin In
tht alU-ntion and patronai:- ol ail wlio apprtnuab) true
From Col. Jam ft I'toi.
lfalnir o-arli-n f.r a r:rt, I prornnxl on fmm
Mr. Kolt-rt Niwtl. of :; rif -r t-ilal-lhla. a mina
turt l:i Oil Ct.lorm urnirrUtt f.rwmtwr' rr'l fa hm.
auJ takn T. pi. Mniiri' iu v.-wv.j ti..- :in-Ufiin 1
rtTfti uif. n-t only bf thi Tura'-f ! tin likt-n. -n. 1-ut j
iti art.biir fini!h in all r-p''!". ami r't7iDiyiiil In a to I
thf patronav th'- di.p"JMni U tno..uraL- tin iM-auti- 1
fulart. KT-luiO Jn Vi. ,
Mammoth Photohrai'H Gallert,
8. E. Corner Eighth ani Arth St. Fhiladolphiiu
ttitruticr.cn tl:j!Uh Strtct.)
K FTER many year: experience in all the
various t ranctif ot the Art, tlie rnpn
etrs contsdentiy invite the anr;un-n of their
friends and the public tu their extensive ri;i
blishmetit.which pr.v-.ent. the opportunity l r
procuring the N'M 1'ictures. equal ai leat to
any firt-c!ass (lallery in the t inted States.
Preparations are ci-mpieie O r executm? alt
th toiprt-d ty known to the A-t. Th- htr i
tnt arTanbrt ni.-ul r. .- ,uf D,i urr vrtn, Ac
m akin jc tlwia LilfMtr.il' 'I.'-ir-Aj th.- only one of th
kiU'l in thii1 rtiutilr. Aliinlnil U th-n cAtabliclitiiriit
art.ir.-i' rolcrttut Arti'--
uiiw.g-iliaU, tnrlu.nn 1'alntin.?. t'W a 2 00
du willi rie.ni- 'i -!
JO fl llio. m: Tacti. lTTtrn rpit'n.'rt!.
nrptr dfl. 1,1ft us" l'!n-ti.;rapi n low a jt. and
Ivnrytype at muik yric. iur.ii..t AuilTtityp. n at iU
CfDtaani upaar.tr..
A mont itfn.ivi' rt-nrfTiv nt of -i't Krani' . ftnttrnf
fna a Afft an-1 t ti"ii'e T-ifi rf th iatt-t ,-t it.-. J'ri-Ci-f
from '-J tntr :.i.d u,.p r.l j.
Ki-pfrial attftti""t l-:-w.-ii iifn Ii:" ' PV'to
ttmpbn in '-it. tra.i-f-T"' ! trm ioiall fictur..-, an J irom
111. Prit-t - fr m I ".:! ".
aJlnI'tru 'tlor ,r.r a in ih Art ly
Yiiliam Jones.
ATTORNEY at Law. ( Vdscilm
1. pronipily alien. le. I to. Oliice'o Market
street, opposite the Presliyterian elimch.
fi!)li l.'EWlsM'Hfi.l'A.
ITIX'KCI "TED in Ihe best style known in
ll tbe an, at
C. G. Crane's Gallery,
532 -ire Slrrrt, Eut pf Sixth,
-Ti.i:r.is:)rH' rom kaits,
Amltrutypes, Dasuerrcoiypes, it.,
ForCaves,Me.!allioiis.l'ins,ilinj;s,4e. SBfiyl
Cliromntic I'ltnllnrr.
n. WIN'S purchased lite riuht to nse Ron
nr.n's nroeess for I'miuue. with Kry
Colors, for I'nion Co. Ta.,we arc prepared to
execute orders for
CARDS, Show-Bills, &c.
1 Jfnl. Ci-rm. Una, frown, .tiiree, Viimtrd, or CoM
colors, in sood style, I .it the tttlice ol the
"Mtar & Chronic!.-," Levisbitn;.
jrst. is- wnancs couxeics.
Scienco still on tho Advance !
QURHEON ar.il MeebanI-
ij eal Pcndxl, :ce ,n iheUClJtT
lr. ilrngRer's new buihlins. Market street,
(western entrance, up siair-) I.EWIsUl KG.
Dr.lil lil.AN is now censrrurtins; the Non
sectional ltlnrk work, baked on Plaiina lasc,
which for cleanliness, beauty and strength
has no equal also teeth mourned on the var
ious liases in use and hariii? had a Ions;
and extensive practice, and beinw perfectly
familiar with every department of his profes
sion, he feels safe in warranlinr: entire satis
faction in all his operations, which shall be
carefully and skilfully performed.
Please call and examine specimens. The
superior qnaluies of the Non-sectional work
will be evident to all who will gire i( an im
partial examination. Dr. Burlan is the only
person who constructs this excellent work in
lhi section of country.
nrCbarges shall correspond with the
time.. I.ewishnrtr, Sept. S. '
fF-Mr. PTAHT.-noK ninipr-hl
returned to hiv Shop in l.ewjbnrs. again to
attend lo all kinds of work in his line. Brin;
alons yonr Book, Mn-azinrs, Newspapers
Vc, fur the Book-Binder.
fe?r4 rA
jfT) it.' ' j - ; Taw
HAD mil-ATll,
Diseased Eleedino Gums,
Ntitaisu Sobe Mouth,
Ami tho bct specific now in use for any
dihcascJ eonditioD of the mouth. It u
particularly beneficial to persona wearing
completely Jc6trojiD( rvcry taint of the
mouth, absorbing aad rttLuviog all impu
rities, insuring
to all who make use of it. aV Yny
Lull or Yiivlwj Gentleman who is afflic
ted with a
I ad llt rnth
ehoul.l delay applying tlis remedy, for it
is a CLilaia euro, and is approved and rcc- i
ommunded by every pbysiciao uudvrwuose
notice it baa been brought.
is an cITcnco for which thero is no excuse
Trar he tc jn" e n
can be procured.
Man; persons carry with them a bad
breath, greatly to the acoovaace and often
to tbe disgust of llio.se with whom tbcv
come in contact, without being conscious
of the fact. To relieve yourself from all
fears regarding this,
L se Dr. Jim. B. Hur.Ti M.Klh IIaJ.
ClcaDliDcs3 of the mouth is of preat
importance to tho general health, which is
often affected, and not unfrefuentlj reri
oun!; impaired, through want of proper
attention to thi3 eulj :ct.
fit Dr. H3I. B. ntRD'S HOI Til WASH.
Prepared at Pr. Ilurd'a Pcntal Olce,
No. 77, Fourth Sr., llrotkiyn, V..t.
Price, 37 t per bottlf.
A liberal dijcuuul made to Dealers.
Aihlrcn Princiinl Orbe, Trilnne Euild.
trtjs, .Vj. Sjirure St. At UJ Y'trh.
Sold also by Canwell, Mai l: k Co., Fifth
Avenue Hotel; J. & I. Cod.linjitoo, 715
Hroadwav ; 1). S. ltarnco, '202 Broadway;
and.by all Druggist..
This Powder possesses the
liiiii'KKrit.-i OK CHAIit'OAI.,
and is free from all Acids or Alkalis thai
can in tba least injure tbe Tectb.
Its action being entire); mechanical
polishing without wearing tbe enamel.
Dr. Wm. B. Jlurtl's Tooth Pow u'er
is rccommonded b; all Ktninent Pcotists.
Prepared at Dr. Hurd's Pontal Office,
No. 77 Fourth St. lirookl;n, K. D.
Trice, 25 t'lts per low.
A liberal discount mado to Dealers.
A,!Jrrs$ Prinnjwil Oil, Trilune EuiH
!;, aCo. 1 Sjrure St. JWttr Ytrk.
Sold also by Caswell, Mack & Co., Fifth
Avenue Hotel; J. & I. CoddiiitoD, 715
llroadway ; I. S. llarnts, 202 Droadway;
aud by all Druggists.
? a v :- x o :i 2
produced by exposed nerves.
It is particularly adapted to all oases of
caiiurcn aiuicteii iritb
Parents can relievo themselves from that
dutrcssing wcarincfts canned hy
ILS33 S? 3122?
and their children from great suffering, hy
keeping a bottlo of
Dr. torn. D. fjnrb's (Tooiljarljc Dropo
in the house.
Prepared at Pr. Ilard'j Dental Ollice,
No. 77 Fourth St. Brooklyn, K.D.
I'rlcc, only 1' ciH er bottle.
A literal discount mado to Dealers.
Address Principal Office, Trihunc fiutfd
injt. Ab. 1 tSpruee St. Xttc York:
Sold also by Cwwell, Mack & Co., Fifth
Avcnno Hotel; J. & I. Coddington, 715
Uroadway; D. S. Uarnes, 2U2 Droadway;
and by all Druggists.
1)1. W.TI. I!. I!l ItD'S
roil ins Ct'EB CF
or Toothacho produced by colds.
aoc.il nruralfifa
in immediately eared by their application.
Tbey act like a charm, and are perfectly
harmless in their nature ; do not prodnee
a blister, and leave do unpleasant results.
Dr. Wm. B. Enrd's Neuralgia Plasters
never fiil to giva satisfaction to all who
test their virtue
Prepared at Pr. Hard's Dental Office,
Uo. 77 Fourth St. lSrooklyn, E.D.
Price, only 15 ctn each.
A liberal discount made tn Dealers.
AJJrtu Principal Ojfu-f, Tribune Build
ings, Ab. 1 Sirure St. A'eto York.
Sold also by Caswell, Mack Si Co., Fifth
Avenue Hotel ; J. k I. OMinpton, 715
Broadway ; D. S. Karnes, 202 Huadwaj;
tld by all DruiaU. DO
Cathartic VU
(St (i AH t1A 'f.j i
iMVtalltls.. Mltll, Mlhrr, PhatrtsjiMr'
IfailnMllirt'tl, rca.l Ih.ir -fr1-,
d Jm1C f Ihclr VlrtMa.
llendnrhe, Birk llt-ndsrhf . Teal f nmark.
'if""' - . i ls
D. J. C A VOL 5fr- I Im,.. n.,,. '
lit w-rmt ks-ssaai-i.e- mtty m, i.ya. , '
off-ai fttim. It ius. t-mrxrU-At, f..ii (.,IJtH
tW . r"ms Ml rt.r. If ll.. i.Ai (u,e . m y"
me, th" UhvI u ..rl). Vim-m n.. '
lusau wiu. crMt ti, r.o w. t'Kr.nti
Cl.rkJ tay
ililiona Diord.m und .iT,.r Con,,!,,,-,.
Pib: I har m4 jtntt !
arn 11- rtei winsyv t' t . t
miv tln-v r- tli- lt rwn.ai:.
tadirtar aftl' l. wll 'b ia it.;- k an.
v Xhi-y jip atl aAlHilt' l fi tHK-ll fr
' .li'-rp-.,.
f tAAC
aim ah' .l-t.tiiiA. Uimi 11 i4ii nt f. , .. i w,.
!;? rt. a. II taiLiwt. Liv l'i.. V- p , ; .sju
la. Ama- . or Piii- mi- th- ftl:x x v.T
Th.-y Kaat-.lsiM m all- Ui"i ?-. t I
P''if k.ltl I. .. i.l pli.H'S f-r weel-a, t,,
lafT t" IV (..-'.! Mt er-iU tHiiM. hut j.t :i 'wvisa
ll.-ii i'.f.riiw!i-t. I tiiv.i.iit 'r li " ' t.
tv vlpc. :..; la' vjii.anUtl) jl "nr:l .ilet t u
l-!.r. I'-1 allwi !. .s.t1 tV-r atl '-tr !-
' of r.'lt-.lti.l'T. fi.-"t -Ur Rt.l,;li'-r tfci. ! ' mr aaJJ
1 but Jtitc ria.-.l lum nili tu si "f y-ar I 1V au.
rtl..r an ti I u- i.I fi"i ! tw.-iiM i.-lli-.l.' -rrf
kiiU tt.-t lt n.M. h tin.. ilK.. at Iwh.ar cvrwii aaiu,
taw ItiAen. M1.J1 a iti. ii- aa "Mra. abkit at m&ttuij
aUtl It-fBA-wly Will IV pf'' '' l-f.
i,,.. J. uKltriN. VwaMr.
1 11 di ration and Impoiitr l the Mood-
rr-m Ar. J. I titmt. Histae f J-Wirf iHmrtk, A-aitm
IR. JtTUl: 1 M itM-l j.nr ffiH ai!l -Uvrf'
In bit taiwilT n4 MaitA.Rsj lh.aw I aTi.lJ katMtl
In Ha-ttt . T. tKnltf ti.- '4 1ti.ati"n aatl twar.
fr tt brOuH tht- aif ih v-t b-al rnuAwa I
iiii.wn, tktvX 1 can n Uiu-nllj rmjjBAt.J ttt-W f as
Cu4av T.ra, J HlUrS.
TTII3W. WTaTTPI. Cl . ?T T-. 14, li4
IH !n : I am ntihi j'tir fat hart i- lilU ia oty
H'-w. anl fl ! th-m an '-1-iit pitrK-U 1" Csmiam Uuf
s-atn aixi parifj tba a-wntmna "f th- bWnl.
Jiill.N .. MCAl HAM. 11. J
rr-ipcln, Htrofnl, Kincf Evil, Tetter
To mora, nutl Salt Khenn.
From m flrwvrttffr M'TcAant if X. Lewi, t6. 1 WK
Da. Aiiot: Vr I"iTls mr the r-arr a f H that i
(frat In ..; use. Tli? ka enr! fn htttV twar Usjf
4l rtle-rroa ir upnti tiT r-t'i-la nrf fc-rt that had
iuB-tmUlw fln fnirv Il-r ntottiar had ldari In up a;ii-fsk
It ftti-t,afl , tli li-.t. lie nuti iuiiii on btr n aa4 aa
fc-w- (tnir. ift. r i.tir . fn'-l m cur--1. 1"- ! truil tatar
llx, ai.'l th-i t:. cntt W. AjA MtilUatkUtaC
ICfcruinMivm, Nruralin, nnd Coirt.
JTrim tlu Tr lr. Hirtrg, .f is J -hhst fpts. 0mnm.
11 LAOCI II' I IE. ATaA.M. (.A-, Jmn. a.
TT-ravt: - I ...-. ul.4 f- uit,'!'.:. fi:l fi th r.L. ( wiist
ii!) luobt -aht u v if I -it 1 I t 1-ap. rt WJ t4a.
A M'tt.l ib mr li.it? ati.l In r.lt on -ir ttaraiasj
fcy-iaiwUK- I h. nra, a huh iat"l in ibftii: iiimIii.
.V.tv.i:l,.ti.i I..T I h i1 M,. l-t-.f ! ('i iaim. ikii.va
,ry .. sjril sat-rr-, until. tf I hw striitra of tuiur airvsV
Uiit a'-':! m u;iinittt. I'r :ftj.A. 1 tinr-i .aT fiUa.
Tbrit A T-t u -r .l"w. l ul wtsra. ft tis.crui ia ttm
jvac of ttv-iu. I am n s-i.tlmlj Vail.
Jrirra rnaa-rr. BiTra i;.t cp. A Pr.. 1MJ. -
fa ATra : I ha a lii stvitirstlw i 'tr.-' tlr
F(ii! a-nv sshjaI a jm:.lui diat--- - i i a ;if;A,.f
-t w-aj. 1 tT tUUELL.
Tor Propr, I'lpthorn, or kindred i emm
pli'lMt-k. i tituii liisj aa a- U i o jytuga, Uaj m avu r.
Iwtit Idtinij.
Tor ( oM.TFitf'w or Constipation., and at
4ft UlUMrr 1111. tlici air mv.i-i- ' rtTvrtatal.
l it, Suitrvvjnt I'aralTayis lnr1ammaa
lion, and rira fi.r. aui FarlUl I'll ad
at, tia.u levcti tuiavl tj tbe aalaiaiiv aUfcB ul tbaat
H --at nf tha P11T ia aaai M mtifani Mr-ry. wkirh, al
th.-i.i.h a Ji-aljla rrtiif.i iu l.iltul haaJa b 4an;af'imjj
In a f "Mir pll. fi'an tit tdisjaUlVl cintjiMT)-M Uaal ftv
tjuasotlw Ctillota tu iaraMTUa lava. Taaat tvsUtatJi k
eurj m aaiurra. auUtaaifa nLaWter.
iok thk KAi-ia ci r.t or
tot c.iii. iioAitsi-:rsir. iflv
t7., KK1l. ll!TI, AVIIOUPlU
(OIC.II. ( ItOt P, ASTIIIHA. 1..
iria.T Cfl MiVTlO.,
an.) .r tba r-Iif of ciatiDi,i.w )aliwtit M aaaoasf
tat: "f I 'itaj.
IX m n1 n- t fipiak tn thm ptit.Ti of Im rfrtiMa.
n.i,.ini.. uf .-rv Ih wti. in.-! i.:ni"wt TJ tiatntot -f that
An crt. an trttrav. ita wn.t-tft. raia ft ptUliiurara raa
pUirtfAt hatsr Utairlt, il alirwlt km-wa f-r tb
tun.. lira in .int fii!tn-l c.-untrw -n thai iritinavfit iih
ut fitur a. rw nat A-inaii..- nf ita t ; mmi Vrt
tl.f in:nuniiis mux It. ia a m- b hit nnt tnwaar tUm
if h- im; ti 'i-li v if tt wis-tr r? .Trt- tba xul tU mu4 amn
fci.Mtw rlt-tftfi - t'tlite tht'iat an'-i Iiiac. Wbilo it la lb
iu.-t p.e-rtiil aiiUJotp rt ka'-an in as an vt tba tViaram
rt.hle anl .Ui ii u-rtaary, f tba pala.nary ahimm, IS
hi aiswi lnni.laal atiil taafriat odivaIj tbt oaa bt- saa
T..rr-A Ur In tan ta anl y-u-a n.na. Parana- abcul
b't it in Mora aaint th hiPi-'Hna aiia that wtxaaa
rt-.n th-iu a: prw.ort. a b.a abtiml-nt rti'trv (q
', th C-rrry ftftoml aa-aa ar)fra I.Ta hy t. r.
r.r.i .a-n H BrTnU than t.y it rmrr. IL -? tt lf
tnn. ai.J fur i.m :rt whrl- thr ara mriH. anr
tart tb-m nittit tv- b:in l ran' aaTaP th in-.ierbl
raoiior that. tl-r.-s1 rn tb vital, amta Tour lit af.
A.l hn.-ar tba .irc.!t.:l flita'ltv -1 luaa dtW'iara. Blaii
UieT I. in w t tl. Tirtua .-f tba rants-lv. w- ifi art tt
n. re 'i -i. t,- aa)?r Ihftii it i atbl raa-ta th !: .1
St. Bn sn.a: Oi- i'"t. n'i cara, po tml If ao-lnris it
in- .t itTis-. t .iM. rd tr-rtw alt-nl tlvaa
it tin- ba.t a: rit a-bi. b tir can fttTOiab U r tbrta
Practieal and Analytieal Chemist, Lowell, Kua
A.t go Li BT
lr C W stchaffle and F 5 CaUwt
Iwiwburc; riwsnl i-mitb. Na-w B-rlln : D WfHrsnt
OiitfrTil le-: .hmJ.-l M Waktrnt-aUrr. -. irj-itTi-tr ; J D
at. itf i-iturv; Cvrr-j A. Bm. N,-w Columbia sJ
dfa r vVfrywrwrt yyiOtrrow
PICTU RES. A h.nse can not be sa 4
to le weil luruisbed without snme well
selected Pictures. This want can now be
sunplie,'. at ckoizi:k s
Tlie Dot AVorU anil Latest Miles
thank nil for past lavors
won f'l stare that he has ra
eeitreii ihe Spring A Summc
Fahluns, and i prepared ru
aarments as asual. He wi.l
eniiraror, as heretofore, to
execute his work atilacto-
nJr- lewi-burr, April, IHS5
4 C Tintll s and enieriairm; 'itile Book.
J. t'1'' about Matriiuuny, Mouty, and oth
er matters.) fur iheamuement i.f erery body,
(ano the ycuns; lults, also,) on liu; winter
i-veiuns-, rainy days, etc. I'rice, SO cents.
holeaie, t "i Cems. Sent by mail lor seres
.1 cent stamps. For sale at theMr 4 Vhrmr
ick" otfice. WOKDENA t'OK.NELll S.
PuMi.her. Lea-Iurf-, Pa.
"Well jumn into Ui. Waj-n, anJ all tak. . rid.."
, I.AKlii:, handsome I
1 an.l very comli-rta-
tie KAliUV hasbeen
fitted up It. r the especial arconiinouatu'tt .1
Fir-N';c and other similar eicuri-irns. Terms
moderate. Apply ti JOS. M. HOl'SEL.
Lewisbarc, June 3, 1159.
ft - Iloricinaa's Friend, or
cft Pocket C'ouipanlon.
Fiuy-To Valuable Ktceipts fit the Farmer
and Horse Dealer for sale (ISJ cts) by
t; J CTAKU ltuokbiDder. Leil nr
Mat FrUsjs, al LcaLsbarst.talea rossi). r'"'
TFK VV- a; rfl p-r venr. to r r.m rv
at tt.e aame rale U-T . Innrf-rorahorter
el a k ill n. , Tiir f..r mom l.a. T j rt, I. r
alt-. 1 I
yaara. fa lor f ut wtra on yvar. Slit l r tu r
jvar, Ac. iSinala No." 5 rtn. rtnriiti ' C'
rfx-rtTnl (ft p'U, I'O-tae tump., W bar-1 T'
. al ti-lt
vaiiir nera. ai mnui i'i i ruuiirw rn .. - , . ,
t-V'hrD th Uitif rsi irabr biri. a i y
(at. Im v hva a run run,? arrrnnt it !.?.'' l'
AnVRJITUlslMK-XTN band.iBr-lv pritli-hf.I. ai ' '
aiuar bat- wrk. rU ta. h altt-r liKmrt.-a. .- j
month, " Jfl. p r jft-ar. IU!f a aquarf - 1 "
dol.3.bL Tarosssiiiarva 1 M.4 IH'. - t0. !' r tlir ;t f
nt ovrr Ofta-fbnrth of a mluaiB, 10 J"I- r" ' r, '
wiie. Ae. an nay bt atrrrt.! upon. A M;uar- i- 1--r't
(tBtatlaitt type, or 16 ol tlarnyr. A-lirrtL-a w-1 1
-m.'raltM.:. illvtal,'r-.i.lliii(; ren.ify "' t .r
Conusnnicatitna if-firf-l on p.--" " 1 , ,', t
ar 1 arrv-aii-aiii-il by th r:. r' rval uw' f
The MAtiNKTIC TSI.Et.KAI H ,' t 'r.,a.t
M tha Xr f areni. a-.by wl.h b me-tt-n " 'I
Nwa in aslfaaof tb rhilad. Mail. , , . a A
Onir-ft.'.! aitb th ofl -r art amj lniar!.
k!n.s rf JOB PRIKTIN J. a bn-h ai" tv f-''o.rii
watn-f ait-l .lrl atrh an.l B T fc,r,J
OsiiV-ual idirrtiiwnirBlf tn la-falsi r r'
tB Job Wrk a tn .lrl.VA-rr.1 AH h:i- T
n titfi. ii'ta .... v.t nun.tr-.' rin '' -
1ni--.a"r"n w
HilSii ill! 1st