IflWM CI 1 DM. lb BY 0. N. WORDEN AND J. R. CORNELIUS. At tl.50 per Tear, always In Advance. "THE UNION," established ia lSllWnoIe No.. 2,596. LEWISBURG, UNION CO., PA, TUESDAY, DEC. 16, 1862. "CHRONICLE," establish in IS 13 Whole No., 975. III Miff STAI AM miUMIKD hKHI-WKKKlT Tuesday Morning & Friday Afternoon. fair James Chamberlin end T. U. Or wig's Companies ro at Yorktown, and Crotzer't at Wanbington. Capt. Ritter wrote, 8th inst., that the Militia drafted men, we suppose,) are being sent to Fort ress Monroe. The other Companies from Union county, we suppose, are mainly With Burnside. Knowing, therefore, the Mziety of our fellow citizens for the 500 er COO relatives and neighbors exposed to calamities of war around Fredericksburg, a propose sending out slips, if we have any aiews, by every evening's mail. ItVTbursday evening, before Burnside crossed at Fredericksburg, a writer says, 'Our pickets, composed uf the Fifty-First Pennsylvania Keg., sat listlessly about their fires, watchiug Rebel sentries and crunching hard tack." The crossing of men, in face of an enemy, is one of hardest deeds to do in war. Several New Yorkers, of engineer corps, were killed or wounded in the off irt. Those who Erst crossed in boats, and routed the Rebel sharpshooters itb their bayonots, were Companiea C and O, of the 7ih Michigan The Reb els skulked from house to house, thus pro voking the cannon of the Unionists, and the loss of the buildings that would not otherwise have been harmed : but the men who fought in that fashion met no mercy at the bands of our pioneer soldiers The Rebels attempted to resist the passage of the division below the city, but with little effect Our whole loss in crossing, killed and wounded, about 100. Sick Soldier I2et, in Ilarrithurg. Mr. Simon, and other gentlemen in Har ftaburg, have fitted up the vacant Luther an church lot, on Cbesnut St. below 4th ot far from the Depot for the entertain- j Boot of soldiers who may need aid, free of charge. It ia a creditablo monument to the enterprise, and doubtless will be to the liberality, of her citizens. The Telegraph notioes tbe death, in her 33d year, of Mrs. Annie M. Unger, a lady who (like many, there and elsewhere) baa lost her life by too intense and protracted waiting npon the aick and wounded Union Volunteers, eaeh of whom she regarded and cherished as a brother. This war shows we have indeed much of heroism, patriotism, phil anthropy and benevolence remaining eve rywhere. nauCapt. Croizer and Sutler Ross are on a brief visit home. Harrison Strayban, a discharged Volunteer, arrived here on Sunday. Wm. Jarrett, of the 5th Re erves, discharged, has returned to Selins grove. He was a prisoner in the Rich mond tobaceo warehouse. aWs7Court commenced ita session yes terday morning, when I'rothonotary Sands aid District Attorney Hayes appeared in their respective offices. There is a large attendance. Messrs. Schocb, Ncsbit and fiehcll, Tipstaves Ex-Sheriff Crossgrovc, Foreman of the Grad Jury. ! .onfined to hi. house with fever f ! aome time, ii now out, and expects to join hi company soon. aaWe will aond a Prospectus I'apor at the request of any one. below we in tart the form,- which any one who desires tnsy cut out, put it at tbe head of a half heet of paper, and use it thus. Any one anywhere desiring our paper at present rates, ean ensure it only by an early re anittanee. J. r; S te! S a tSi 5 Uj 9 - 2- ST e C' U - 3 m 1 rt O E e. I. 13 2.2 S o 3 r ms.;2" -c " a;se. 2. O --i f o"--? tP: a'1 i"l - c" r; eo ' B 2 -.pr5'- e O e Z3 - .T " - s s-, B J S t;rP!i5' C -: o - -2. a e r. - e p g-S" .5 2. c- 2. E" 2. ? a & S. O I -5 ft 2 .3 S 3 g " 5 - "3 . I ? Z. - 3 f- - I s- L c ? c S -. 2" a 5 2 7 cV I cij DO ft t- cr r 3 ri'I Paper Conspiracy. The New York Tlmn says there is a regular combination of speculators to make fortunes by monnplizing rags and paper, breaking up small establishments, and then selling paper at exorbitant rates. There is nothing else to account for the great rise of white paper, which has gnno tin frnm ft and 10. tn '20 cent, ft nnund. j The uifljf tnJ thfl income ffom i . - ilr TnB Sontt. sends in comparatively littlo cotton, it is true, but she uses not one sheet of paper where she bad a hundred formerly. Book and job printing, at the North, arc diminished, while the South print a few eopies only of their most important journals, and hardly anything else. It is most evident that the leaders in the fp-c- ulation are reckless men, trifling with great iutercsts in their greed for unearned gain. They will make some trouble, and DcrhaDS ruin niaov. But honest and rcasonabla paper makers, dealers and ; ni, in his Art of War (ho wrote after purchasers, may somewhat thwart the , the days of Napoleon, and was considered game by keeping on, as near as may be, ' tbe greatest master of the science, next at old rates. Let the supply of material 1 to Napoleon) speaking of tbe itnprove be abundant, and tbe purchasers of tbo ; mcnts made in tho means of destruction, manufactured articles be fow, and the j says that "if governments do not combine heartless cormorants will find they bavo in a congress to protcriU these inventions hurt themselves by their own avaricious ' of destruction, there will be no course scheme to imposo upon the people. By a left but to make the half of an army con wise law of cause and cfT.-ct, tbo "holders ' sit of cavalry with cuirasses, ia order to of paper" very often "burn their own capture with great rapidity those ma fiogcrs" most severely. Verdict of tho chines; and the infantry, even, will be Jury : "Served tbem right '." j obliged to resume its armor of the mid. Exhausting old stocks of cotton and die ages, without which a batalion will be other materials, and the closing out of all , destroyed before engaging the enemy, sorts of paper, are a god-send to many j We may then see again the famous men-at-loog established houses and dealers, who j arms, all arrayed with armor, and horses are working all off as fast as possible, in will also require the same protection." view of a probable downfall in prices. Injury by Partizan Croakinj. The oldest Democratic organ of Nor thumberland county, (tbe Gazelle) argues earnestly, that coal, iron, manufacturinjr, ! ' ' ; duetive business, are now good great demands, and good rates and that me chanics and laborers generally were never more needed than now. Very much of tbe ticklishness about money, and conse quent high priees, is the effect of the insane and nntrue clamors raised against the Administration, by the oppoaition, for party effect. If those base, unthinking Oemsgogue.,wnowouia unsettle tne worm j ot a people s circuiting meaium in order to elect a Sheriff, did not mean or wish to damage Government and cheer Rebellion, I such certainly was the effect of their silly rawung .gams, .do .onsuimeu au.non- , ties of tbe nation, and itscurreccy. Taxes have not increased as much as tliey would pretend, and the high rates of eome arti- j eles which are not affected bf war. tariff. ' or tax, is purely nctit.ous and speculative. Now that Election is passed, all par-1 ties should seek to protect, and not irjare the interests of tbe maspe... All good citizens tnnve ana enjny tncmseives most , wneu otners aro prosperous and nappy. And the worst of ingrates is he who would alarm or injure bis Country and barrass ,be m,ssc'' t0 makfl ,i,,le dir,J ten" porary capital for bis Tarty. MASSAntusiiTS. The Vote for Pres ident in 1S60, and for Governor in 1SG2, tood : Frf-tiWiran. Fo.i'm. 10ii.533 C-J.GI2 79.S37 5'?,587 1800 1SG2 Losses 2G,G9G 10,055 Both candidates for Governor were Ad ministration men. Tbe "Democrats" bad no candidate. But the "Opposition" voted for Gen. Devcni, who is wjiipped 27,200 ty tbo "Abolitionist" Gov. An drew, reelected. All tbe Congressmen, Republicans. The recent city elections continue overwhelmingly of tbe same east. In fact, tbe foes of the country aro as scarce in the Old Hay State, now, as they were when she was the "Cradle of Liber ty, in '76." Tbe Tories and Rebels will never forgive her. nOW BIB TIIK SOMCEm TOTK? Bin1 I'sioa. Drw--TIAT S.I73 2.5. l 4.1 IS a. t U.793 f-wnvtvania let. 1851 lljat li : C..1S 42.11 1I.7SS lllinni June. IS2 I. w.ivt. I...1 WiMonidli Nov. 16G3 T'.UI atop-Cnio. m.j..rttT nt,t.',rt I Abnut 4 P.ep. Union to 1 Hem. I aThev winlu bT voted in th. ..ani. pronArflnn fa .very other Stat., .mi wu.m thou (n.taratiy).uFuio tbe I Qovernmcnt for liom tbuir live, are at suvke.".a VfTiT. Baokhus, indicted for discoura ging enlistments, was tried in Snyder county last week, bnt,tbcre being no proof against him, he was cleared. Weirick, indicted for treasonable publications, is to be tried at February Court. 19" Lawrence II ays, formerly of Ly coming Creek, was drowned on Monday week in the pond of what is known as flnntcr a mill, near Uniontown, Brady Tp. The accident occurred by breaking through tbe ice. Mr. Blair is appointed I.icnt. Colonel, and Capl Heintzleman, Major, in Eleckncr'i 1721 Regiment ftaTWarm weather again (Monday nnon,) and the ice passing oat of tbe West Braneh. The drafted men Lave pretty much ali lull liarhsburg Cincinnati and Louisville. Louisvillx, Dee, 3, 1S62. In a window of a store on Fourth street, Cincinnati, was the breast plato said to bare been found in the tent of Gen. : Buckner. It is a plato of" iron, large enough to shield the chest and stomach, covered with buckskin, and weighing 1 thirtv-fiva nntifwla. It nail Lave been ft j MrioM weight () emJ l hwa gceJ M v.-hcrn. tm. made like nor nrdinarv j military vests, in which were eases of i iron, said to bo bullet proof, which were I not near so heavy, and more eonvenicnt. It seems useless, however, to wear them, J when there are so many places where one can be mortally bit. Some officers have been found dead with them. I do not 1 know whether it is a false sentiment of j honor, but it always seemed to me not ex- actly right to use them, though I see no reason why a man should not protect as much of bis person as is possible. Jami- A brother officer suggests that we baven t got tho men big enough to carry such armor. But I saw some astonishing men in the west very many over six feet, nj wall tinilr tn nrnnnrtinn RinAA ihm , , T . ., ... - , , , days of Jomini a writing, implements oi destruction bavo been greatly incroased in destructiveness, and it is yet a subject of discussion whether wo will eome to tbe iron armor of our anoeetors. There is a Museum in Cincinnati, that afforded ns some hours of amusement. We were attracted by a sign of tbe "horned borsc," but it wasn't there. Three lions, a bear, two monkeys, an ant- eater, and a barrel organ, and two very Datoh I)o,chlnell wcre ,U the live ani mi, u occupjed three or , ,toric(u 0ne d ,meut WM , cnipter 0f horrora. prof Wcbstel killiDg I)r. .,rkman, ,nJ Cowl kiing bi ife ,D(j , chilJreni . . l0ther itK n lheaaltcrflt capSi and ropea with which . mA . l' tuAnnA9 tn;fM . - thearJer. th cIolhe8 "I T" .L." .u- u' mm inn Niinrs lucv muil'. iue uuuutji ui t'sia. Cowan tnd( wors0) ,be hclJ of on9 of the murjercr9j in , gllM C166i 0n whose Deck cou!J ,u0 tbe DJlrk of ,hc r0pC bis hand tni hi, teart-jeed, any one who j , . hai . murUa taste of tLat kinJ( caa haT9 it gratified. Up in tbo garret is a room j fitted ft ii i representation of Hell, i Death in his ; .i.i f.,rn, I.nnifer with ! ' , ' " n noso, Cerberus, Minos, liba- a great rum n .m.nthn. .n,l all the ill-shaned monsters - ' f j that we read about, in a uarcenea vaui., weird light flashing around tbem really, take the whole museum, one could imag ine what a qecr old cove he must have been who got it all together. We reached Louisville, at two o'eloek on Tuesday. It is a very beautiful city Broadway, a wide street of private house, being one of the Coest I bavo ever seen. Prince do Joinvillc, in his "Army of the Potomac," says, "Compare tbe destinies of two great neighboring cities, Louisville and Cincinnati ; com pare tbe fate of tbo first, notwithstanding its immense natural advantages, under tho enervating influence of slavery, with j the development which its rival owes to Liberty. The fato of Louisvill wonld bo the fato of a fclave holding Union." Cin cinnati does as much business in one street almost, as the wholo of Louisville. There is tbo utmost jealousy and bitterness of feeling between the inhabitants of these eitics. I found it a frequent subject of discussion as to the relative advantages of slavery and freedom. All Union pco- - e w;,n slavery abolished, and tho eenti- . , , t f - lutu " queutly expressed in various sbspes. But it must be admitted Ibat tbe majority of Kcntuckians are pro-slavery, and disloyal, and I wondered, when I found it ao, that it was not on tbe sido of the Rebels, and in a way felt that it could not have the spirit it ones bad. The 77tb, 78th, and 79th, and the 7th and 9th cavalry, from Pennsylvania, are in Kentucky and Ten. nessee. I met many of the officers, and when they knew I was from Penn'a, they grasped my band with an impression that it needed only to be from tbe same State to be friends. They are pretty generally disgusted with the State. I met one I Knew as a ooy, twelve year, .go, v.F.u in the Cavalry, and aa I looked at his whiskers and manly bearing, 1 Degan to wonder what I looked like myself I I I most be getting old. However, I found out. Calling at a place where I was fa miliarly acquainted, asked for tbe lady of the hviuc; aud w.'icd into the pailur, without giving my name or eard. Tbe servant went np stairs, informing the lady that a military gentleman was in the par lor. "VVuoisher" "Don't know, didn't give his name." "What sort of a lookiog man is he V "Rather oldish man, with a bald bead I" This was the conversation laughingly dotailed to nit by tbe mistress. J. M. L. Union Victory in N. W. Arkansas! On Sunday the 7th inat. the advanced foree of Gen. Curtis' command, number ing about 6,500 men, under (Jen. iierroo, was attacked, about ten miles south of Kayetteville, by Gen. Iliodman, with 24,000 Rebels, nndcr I'arsons, Marma duke, Frost, and Rains, the flower of their army. They were bent on keeping llorron from reinforcing the Uuion Gen , liluut, who was a little further on, with J.000 men. The battle begun about 10, A. M. About 4, 1. M , the Union force uodur Blunt attacked the Kobel in their I rear, and before 9 tbe whole Rebel force ! bad retreated over tbe Boston mountain. Our artillery waa particularly destructive in the greatly superior ranka of tbe enemy, who fought desperately, bat the Western Freemen were too much for them. They confess to a loss of 1S00 our loss, 10UO. It was a hot and gallant encounter. Tbe Union Generate conquered by arms, and frustrated their "stragetie" movement. SmcKSiiiNKr, Dee. 7. This morning, a sad acoident happened about one mile L. .1 L : . -1 T it l e below this place. Two amall bovt of Widow Sprague, were on the towing path I of toe eaual ; tbe youngest proposed cross 1 ing tbe ice, but waa cautioned by the old I er one; be however ventured, and when about tbe middle of tbe Canal the ice gave way. Both boys called for help, and tbe mother and two daughters went to tbe resoue. Tbe youngest daughter rushed into the water, lost ber footing, when tho oldor one went in after tbe others; she also found deeper water than she expected. Tbe mother got a pole, and reached to tbo oldest daughter, tbe younger children olinging to her. Tbe weight being too much for tbe mother, dragged her also into the canal, and she was obligod to relin quish her hold upon tbe pole. Tbe moth er, not being able to reader any further assistance, saw ber three children drown before assistance eould be procured. After being in tbe water abont one hour, tbe bodies were recovered. Tbe oldest daughter waa about 18 years of age, tbe aeeond about 12, and the boy about 10. Tbe barn of Peter Uoy, on tbe Belle fonte & Boalsborg turnpike, was burned on Monday evening, with all its contents of grain and bay, two borses and three cows. It seems there was a man, named Cooney, who said he was going to tbe Agricultural School to work, called in the evening, and asked to stay all oihL Cooney they say was intoxicated, and was put in tne Darn to sleen. Soma of Hoi'a fmiIJ e with t light to sec Cooney, & oon after the fire was discovered. ' lh the fire originated from a spark "T lU0. "6" "?. or lrom VJf fnriavnrinis aA Iik ... ai. . HUV..V..U- ,v mku, uil DIUQa IB tUO UUUI tioD. Coonej ia io jail. A well koowu planter, living lot far from New Orleans, wrote, last spring, that four of bis slaves, who bad run away to the Yankees, had returned tbev had enough or Liberty, and were glad to eome ck- tCat ' next loiter to tbo i,0"n- oa ,0,u otnercnt tale. The four hi, 7 run aval again and had taken I i icirrt mem -vu more tiavei. rTh fir.i i f.... ... -;-.i ; .11 .i.. r .: I aww wim V"'ivi4 aw alia duo lyDIUUOrBllQ ym- pers; the last was not copied by one of ! them ! The old log house on the top of Nittany I mountain, on the Lewistown Bellofonte : tnrnnike. waa burned nn Snnrlj. n.r,rnin Tk. L.in..j i. n: n ..i was occupied by William Knepp. Tbe ' ure spread so rapiaiy mat tne persons present wcre unable to save anything. A meeting of tbe friends and neighbors of Kncpp, on Monday, raised a fund of money, provisions and elotbing to supply the immodiate wants of the family, and made arrangements for the erection of a bouse on tbe site of tbe old one. Whilst a number of men were engaged j? cttin8 out timber, in a wood near Sc- u . . v . . eud jeDty 'fcU , lh; ronndi ; branch of iiu.grovc, od it way aiternoon, a dead tree which struck Jacob Duck on tho head, and i I- , i- , ., t. . ' . I ui3i.Li.ijr causcu ois ucatu. iui a lew ' . ... ..... I hours previous to tbe accident, three men mala to pu?h the tree down, but fli'ed' Mr- P" " 40 J ff. " m " i .u muM .uui .uiiuicu. 1JC was a good eitiien, and much esteemed. By thebreakingofan axle on tbe freight train, near Montgomery station, three cars were thrown from the track, and conduc tor Escbenbacb, of Williamnnort, in the melee bad his left leg cut off between tbe knee and ankle. Tho car in which he was riding took fire and burned. The wife of Owen Duffey, of West Chester, in going down a pair of stairs, at night, with ber hands too much loaded, fell over, when tbe pitcher she was carry ing, broke, and a pieoe of it eat a gash ia her neck, aovcriog an artery. A few groans were heard ber husband, who bad retired, arose, bat found her dead. Four of the "greatest" European sur geons were called in to see Garribaldi'i ancle. Two of them said Ihe ball was still in it, and two said it was not. Late arrivals say the ball has been taken oat of the ancle, and he ia now improving. CoaptM hlg grin,ed neiaeatn ,ha , .jmini8ter the oath to persons paying taxee and making monthly and other returns under tbe War Tax Laws. Provost guards have been oat io tbe counties of Pennsylvania, hnntinc no and landing to camps man deserters and stragglers'. Latest News Saturday morning's News. Friday, 10, A.M. Our loss in driving the Rebels out of Fredericksburg, waa lUO Sumner's and Hooker's divisions are nearly all crossed, there, and rrauklio s, brio Our firing is feebly replied to. The Reb els have two lines of defence one a mile from the city, and tbe other a mile back of that. A contest is expected. S-iturday Aflernoun'i Xewt. New Yukk, Dec. 13. A special dis patch from Washington, dated yesterday, says it is the opinion of many of the Gen erals at Fredericksburg, that the main body of tbe enemy has retired, and that no determined stand will be made near tbe city. Sunday t Aeirs. II IAD QUARTEB8, IS Till FlKI.D, ) Saturday, 11 A. M. j The battle, to long anticipated, ia now progressing. The morning opened with a dense fog, which has not yet entirely disappeared. Gen. Reynolds' corps, on the loft, advan ced at an early hour, and at 9.15 engaged the enemy's infantry. Seven minutes after, the Rebels opened a heavy fire of artillery, which eontinued np to this time without interuption. Their artillery fire must be at random, as a fog obstructs all view. Our heavy guns are answering them rapidly. As the sun gets higher, ' ;t j8 hoped that the fog will lift. At this ; ' . 7 writing no results are known. 31 ot much infantry has as yet been engaged. A portion of tbe enemy's cavalry crossed a ford above here, and yesterday were found en our right rear. A sufficient force has been sent out to meet then. ITARitisnuRC, Dec . II 3.P.M. ISurnsido's army yesterday took the first line of the enemy's entrenchments wcre carried at the point of tho bayonet, after we bad been repulsed, twice. Tbo slaughter is said to have been awful. Gen. P.ayard, chief of cavalry, and Oen.(J.F . Jackson, U .S.A. ! are killed, and a great number of general and field officers wounded Our troops slept on tho field, last night, and would renew the battle to-day. Monday' t JVevs. IlARRisnuno, Pec. 15 12,P.M. iy messages just received it is sta ted that the Rebels are surrounded, and have sent in their terms of sur render, which have been sent on to Washington to sco if acceptable. Gen. Hanks lias landed in North Carolina, and is marching on Peters burg. Cabver, operator. Tuesday Morning's Itwa, No fighting on Monday. Our wonn- i n,i pridoners, are the c of1tl,,c1 rjjw- The 51st an J 1 anJ were engaged, , ;ut ve. Pee none killed or wounded ironi "IU" co,",l- Dank 3 landed at Winton, probably to march on Wclilon, X. C. Jeff Pavis is reported in Tennessee THE KimtLVl UP TIIK rMKktE." Fivt humlreil and forty-three vessels seized by tbe blockading squadrons,wortb, with their cargoes, forty miliums of Juli an : erily, ton is a splendid record, .A . ;t K.,t f .lntl. t tk - .k. mount o! service rendered to tho . ... ... E00"1 C1BE0 b7 ihia eeweless, noiseless I gency. n-L a, . l: i. .i . , . , i bat,Ie "old, this taking away the meant , of an eoemv is enuallv effeetiv with less 't...Bf i;r. TI...I...,:.. .ip.l ii is rapidly approaching. A man in Albany city issued four thousand dollars in sbioplasters. Threat ened with tbe law, be began to call tbem in, and, after redeeming ire thousand, be repudiated tbe remainder, deolaring it "a poor, mean business tbe counterfoils eat up more than the pro&ta." lie suffers and so do tbe poor holders. The residence of Panicl Kustorbordcr, i .r. I .., itnn,k;. ""' -ri ..uV, - burned down on Saturday, tbe family hr,BS "oarccly able to save anyth I n., .hnnt S' .11111 nf ahieh tl HfM me. " 1 . inanHn n L. tT ..n a M.i.n.l was Rev. I. O. P. Baker, of a Lutheran eburch in Allegheny eountv. has died from mortification and amputations result ing from a felon beginning at tbe second joint of tbe fore finger of the right band. Daniel Mostcller, a respected fsrmor of West Hemlock Tp., Montour Co., civiog way to despondency on account of some troubles, baa eommittcd the awful crime of banging himself in bis barn. Within five weeks, all tbe four children of Eld. Beeman, of Columbia, Bradford Co., Pa., died of typhoid fever. Their agea were between 10 and 25 years. A sad affliction, truly. Or. A. S. Cummings, of Selinsgrnve, baa been engaged as surgeon in the Wal nut street Hospital, Harrisbarg, sinoe Sep tember lsst. Tbe Will of Washington is said io have been stolen by the Rebels from Fairfax C. II., and sold to the British Museum in London. J. F. Caalow, of Milton, has been pro moled to Quartermaster of tho 5th Army Corps, under Gen. ftatterfield. A pumpkin weighing 2S9 pounds waa on exbibition at tbe ofhoa of ibe American Agriculturist, in New Vork city. Tbe beginoing of an jor is fouliahnes, aud its end mpeulauce. t:Mi'i.oMi:xn 7.i AGENTS WANTED. We will par from $15 to -1175 prr rrwnth and all eiprnsr le active Atvm. or give a ('nimisMoa. Particulars stm iree. A-t lre. Erie Sewin" Machine rmtipany, K. JAMES, (iriieral Ageni, Milan, Ohio." Vo'Jy Time-TauleLewbbur?; U.K. Station. MOYISU M'KTH. Frcisht 4 Accuui'u paisc l.rwuhg Mail Train ilo S-.O I' M Express lie 6:1J A M Mithy otorntop. nlT. n AwmmfBliitl trin ,. up frum auulur,. Nf k.ipn-.. trmu Uuu) Illuming MOH.M; solTH. Mail train pass's Lvwisburg t:0 P M Krcitu 4 AccooiiauitatioD do Elprcss do 10:4'J P M If H'HiJtand'a liatsatiiie Confrut will not rare, in the la! stages of ('iisuinp'.ion. vrt kaow from eipericncc it attnnls i;rcat relief. Dyspepsia is a diincult disease lt cure, but Hiioflan d' (iicaiii UiTTta will soon over come it. Read Ihe Advt in another column. New Lewisbur Mail Arranmenis. To Sunbury. Harrhur;, Lancaster, etc., (daily), Uavmail c!us-s at 11) A '! Phiiad. Through mail closes at S. P M To lanville. Caiawisa. Keadin?, New Vork (via Milton, daily) closes at 8, A M I o lib. vtr siiiw, Muncy, w Mliamspnrt, Elmira.&c. (dailv) clones at 3-.:st), P M To Wiurield, New llerlin, Mi'Mirl.uri;, 4c, (daily) close at A, P M leaves at 7 To .MitMinbnrg, llartlctun, 4c, (daily) clo ses at 4, P M leaves at 7 To Miltuo and New Columbia, (daily) clo se at 8, A M. leaves at V To Bulfaloe X Roads, (iri-weelily) leaves Mondav, Thursday and Friday af'er the arri val of the evening malls Nov. 17, 11B2. W FORREST, P M Corrected Weekly Wheat 51,25 Ksgs IS Rye 70 Tallow H Corn, old 60 Lard 9 fJats 4U Ham 10 Flaxseed 1,50 (Jlovcr aeed 5 05 Dried Apples. $ 1,00 Wool 40 to;"0 FirkinKuttcr 12 Potatoes 50 Fresh Butter... 20 Country Soap 4X6 Rags 4, 5 and 6 ets MAP.RJED. Uf Rot C. H MM. Ulh In.t, tKT.TI STR.r ot Mimin. Jwuuui, and MlM (iiu. HAthlAKIHU til Mortbumb-'rlajiil Co. Bt R,-v J n. HrkT, 'h lt , JOI1 M. FORjTKR t H.rri.lHirc o.l Mi.. AX MS X. daugbtor of ob.rlir M -HKrken of NirprBi-or Tp. By Rev.TY Tltu.. lttfa In.t.. JHN T VA-iKIEK and BtiaeCAKOLINK KOUBIXS. bi.Ui of Point Tp. HT Kev O.W StiomB. t in.t . LEW IS II DRtTKE MlLLKR,uoburv. nd Mi- KI.17.A sUlAN. fliltiwl. DtCTJ, LAWRK7?CC SC.nAVRd drtnrxiod on Mnndr, tht 8tb ttut., is Brady towrxhip, by ttrrakiDs thruoyb thrirw. Mr. IIvj tteRjptM to rrosw htsmn mill dmw rruJvrrd Wear' dntwnvta. Hi budy w:u rvt "rwi tL-.rtif aUTVaMtS but WW Jtltart. Nr. 111 ti ) tliirty tn yemr ot am-and w dim l th tuu.t tard mail aUrpriinoc ritiw nn of tb t.-wi..h,t.. l-atpr. wife avatl Lurr jall chiliiroo U tuiuru thrir lad-lfD h. IL. In Ftintaio Co., Tad.. 2il fj!t..bf injurt rtvll in fbllmz froni lr-m, KHANIi IAS liXAA, turnrtly Uvm tjbuBiuliin, I'av la hi 3-J y-r. Jzm!t:k BUT II, WUloW ofCbriav j r? A C.E.NTLE MAN'S SIMtVL was left in the Presbyterian Church on Sabhaih eve- nine the 7th inst.. which the owner can have by paying for this notice and calling on JOS. M. ilUILL. piIOTOGKAPII ALBUMS, tho most suitable lloliday Tresents, For sale by MOWKV, opposiie the Hank Lewibar?. IOST betw j 1 1 th ins ween S. Geiliies an 1 I. Heaver's, small Cameo Pl.N, with a lailv's heat in iwitictl setting. I'lease liave at s. Od.les' for the owner. 1 Lewislmrg Bridge Election. -ytvricE is hereby eiven t ihe St.H-l.hol. IX ders ol the l.ewi.nrS Bn le Company. that an Klecnon will be helJ at the c.tTioe of the President, on Mnndav. the ftth day of Jan uary. Inoj, lor the purpose oi electing ne President, six Managers Treasurer, and a Clerk, lo eondiirt ihe concerns ot said Com pany for one vear. WIU.IWI CAMERON, President. I.ewisburu. Dec 1. IHM FOR SAM-. k N Inventory was taken of tbe block com J prism; H. W. OROTZER'S VARIETY STORE, "luring his late visit home. The Captain now oilers this splendid estalilisliment lor It is impov-lMe for him ! a'tend lo business matters. The sword anil musket now drmand his whole attention. Ihis is a capital opportunity for some individual who may be desirous of investing in this line of trade. The establishment possesses wnle no. torirty, an ritensive paironase. and is located m tne most pleasant pan oi our vmase. Terms liberal. Nov. 7, T.4 REMOVAL I THE andfrsignctl has removed her Milllnm EstaMhhmont to ihe rooms rfrpntly nrrnpipi! by Tbo. G. i5rir's Jewelry nhnp. Markft Mrpet, between Frnnl and Second, where she i prepared io Slake and Trim Bonnets, Hats, and other articles in her line, in the best and handsomest manner. tShf has on hnnd nn extensive vaneiv of the m' t atirarii vr srv!e. -f IBonneU.t 'aM.t'hlMrrn Isiats, Arllllrlal rionern IU!!on.. and other Millinery Trimming, i" which she in files the airentinn -f the public. Thankful for the favors herptof.re ritended to her, she hoprs the same ceneron pafron a;e may be retained; and she would also he happy lo secure a mire extensive ar.naitv iai.ee. AMANDA L. ZLCKiL LewUbnrtr, April . lt2 Administrator's notice. NOTICE is hereby siven, that Letters of AdrntniMraiiun on the Estate ot JOHN B. FI?HKR. late of Brady township, Tmon Co., deceased, have been granted to the andersicned. by the KegiMt-r of Inmo eoitniy.m dne form of law; theretore all per son knowing theimelven indchtfd lo aid estate are reueMfd u make iiuii.liaie pay ment, and those bavins jum rlaim u:iui Ihe same are a No rf,iifted io prt".ia them propctly uthrniiaifd t-r fn.iivni. t.t;iK.K HH.I., Mm n'r Bru.!y 1. lc. , iwi H JOHN H. B2ALE, MF.KCIIANT TAILOR AMU Ct'Utleuirn'H Furbishing Store, MarUt Ht., juU aim tli Bank, 2 LEWISUl'RU, PA. T:ie snbscriter has removed into ihe new fin,.; I'll ! ci.iriir;' hulls Storeroom of Tboinaa lie'ji r, i.'-rT ro has just received a large aitd weii sel'-ctr 1 -.tork of MEN'S CLOTHING, Cloths, Cavi,.t'rt'S, fcilk. Shirts, lrawr, I alsu CI.T A-NU MAKE TO OKlER in lha tn-t stv l mi st rcaiunabir irrms. Bting a practical TaiU r, and employing tht bi wurL;inn, 1 ran cintMemly in file both Uid and Ar Cudtvutrr do n'l forget tbe Sign The lied Door! Mar t, I8M J H BEAMS New Mand---Iaew Cecils! JOSEPH L. IIATVX having taken the tj room untier the Telerrapb aud C'hrcmci (.iIiccs.rfiiLteJ ih(.iu,and tilled in an eitenkiv variety of Hats, Ctpst Gentlrmtn'i Clothing t f. A!su a ?nr?r am! splendid stock of CLOTHS CA-"si.Mi:i.i:s, Vc, winch he mak up to ordr,As he Mil! continues the Tailoring Bukt ne. lie is prppantl lo execute all work euirusird tu h. carr.to the -aUilacUon uf lh euiltimer. . U. Cntti!i and Repairing1 donft la order. Lewisbar?, April lo, iSttl eUFFALO HBUSg LEWISULHC, VS10X CO PA. i.tvvts vv.iuvv, lroprltor. rPIIU, i.cv lluicl is situated opposite th 1 (' 'urt Hour,:ntae moM lahiunatile and bcautilul par; i.f the town, and for style and o.t,y.'ii!-:xe can hut te surpassed in Cenirai I'l:ny!,'an:a. Tm,e visum? the University, or attending CYurt. w:l, f.nd it the most convenient and ; centra! public hou-e charges will be tbe m.'M re-.iir.! e and neither lime or ezpeas will be spared to bestow every comfort npoa U. '-o tb 11. ay call. 1'rrsons in toe Uiiuuiy will be cliar'et S5 cts permeai. Lewisbur, April 1, K. R. Zlmmennaa, MEIICIIANT TAILOR. MAHKIIT t-nuare, Lecrisbarg, is now pr part-J to luru.sh OJicers' SIllltairT C lotlatnic according to reutationaai akort notice. Alio a general assortment of Cloth, Catsimers.Ve.Htins anil ready-matieCloihina Ask at Zimmerman's Red, White & Blue UNION LOOT AND SUOH mil STILL AHEAD! Come one! com all and examine fur voarselves the largest and cheapest stock of Home made Boots anJ whites in t nton conntv ! t- Just receive i a KlitSlt. 8UPPLT of lit) muJu work at unuscally low prices. "Quick Sales and Small ProOu" is the order of the day at M1"S UTS', Opposite the tiaui:, Lewisburs SAiMirii:n r sai-omfiek liT'i'he KA.M1LV SOAP MAKER. Alt Kitchen Urease ran be made iulo .o4 SOAP b u-itig SAVOMflEH. I SUireciiona accompanying each Box. SOAP is as easily made villi ii, as making a cup of Ci.uVe. Manufactured only by the Patentees Pcnu'a Salt Manufuctarins; Companv', so-127. Walnut SC, riilUUtLTuXl. Feb 10, ls3yl rTOi - 1 rT 1.Vl'KNt.K COUPA.NY OF NORT AMtKICA I'.uiaJelrhia. (locorirtrfttci, l?bft.) Capital S'500,000.00 Anactd, Jar.. lfGl - 1.25-1.7I9.SI a i! r:::: i; t;. coffin, Preaideat CHAIJI.S I LAl 'l', becretary Li" B'ii;.lin:s an-inaiiy or perpetnaliy, Mr. chjn.l.., Ir.ii:i, Furnu'ire, o.c insured, al curreui rates I'riunuui. JOHN B. Ll.N.N. 9-tm3 Arnt for Union connty. Pa Peace Peace ! Dr.xit fr;-i..r.i .. e l.o. t ir. itvt p:.imtw.frT'm fr anfry mad tawtfl t r v u nil. iti ' rrirrw nm euomt Tin n xi iv V'.r mum, nn J j-nrt of ynur ear, Aul stv our Lfrv t.o-l? etij otLi r tne itre. Ami l'iiiii"mt - an i itilt L -t'l. mij 2 if V'sj Dt? arh an .-riij;ur.- .n Ct iit-a V ja-t stTw tut rtvIL. llVrr MmslinttmR't 3h''tinjw t"in Try to twnTi evatt tr-.- Lir lJi- ni.-i 11!! H k'T icfou; .'ei I'intliK l il ftrn-i Ii.r liu-t-r- ni nwtu. V. f we r. ;Uj tu.uia VI Ihir tvi ?btra U. tUksi. Wx'rv rTts. 71 - p" an-: Or-r-s-f-, tf rrtinMi: fsslrltv Anil lfvlit nvi-1 rS.-lrnr- f-r r am! MrtA. H.-'.f .-fun tp Nt. in l l.ilw,r ft-r m- stnj Vr be "'ii- ph tk-rn ft r litsiie-s l ul u't ii-! in tvy. WT Oi! rinvh ? r)-t-tS) tr rltT Sowr. H-r r...n Fr nr wintow n l Kris: M taut laWnsT, '. Ht Rr unit Hat k-1- nd I l.t.-!-r' of imti, W- t- .ur- nJ O il- IVr i'Eoi-tca or CstiSL iVi roll snt pxttriltv. rt lnt ifit !. h-f; I-.q'H f.it l H- -i V-rh. ( Ptr-rt,ret-rvf s-wi University at Le'.vfckr. The nett ie;on w;i! open on Taurda mortupr. "tri. .h, in Lht; coi,i.k:e. Ai'AI'K.M Y, anrl FiiMALE INSTITUTE. J. K. 1,(H)M1.S. rreaitral I.n nf-flin-n 5rw M)Ie or inMtrily ialortw Plrtartr, f r tho .V vjit Lantrrn (C Iwffinj Mac oyparatm Lanbrni an-l Mrt. with th" txtt ImprofsV rint. f.r uMtf tnd irivat Ktititi:v. Thert tJ -m-i-i' Btsijta t-lat-tl-p rW-m wr-H II1t, ti N. is r.-tnrt Vi.-w. iti litf lti.t Ih-U.'jr of ttiv I ni i;i1 t'i l;vlvlihn li ; arrisn I'n r T'ti)---an Ivtai'Ms -NsUuisJ llunory al oth.-r hr:tn-h -t N tii- nini Ail. kut; iimtrtM-itoii iiio-n to i-ur-hut. Fur a vnplete CialailosuH oi LL avbufe, n ; 1 to W lAV.-.Ft'ltV. lmSfJ tl). Box U. I'hiluarlpli.sk P HEMOVAL! I.. MOWKV has remnve.l his (l:o rnili i:Ntnh!lislmirnt to ii New Ituiliiini; on Maikri sireet. res-rnilv '" rv,4 by )r. B'irl.tn. ol'P.lslIi: THK U NK, whrre he h.is line.! up n.e of th Finest Galleries in tho Country! ILiviiiS supen-r tar. hue. ai'l a Ions J- r-i .e i..- i- f. 1 1'- " " , " -:.. c ". '' 1 Pn Q. ... t.