STAB Ml mmnm. BY 0. N. WORDEN AND J. It. CORNELIUS. At per Tear, alwajri In Advance. "THE UNION," established ia lSUWnole No., 2,539. "CHRONICLE," establis&cl in 1313 TTboIc No, 9C3. LEWISBURG, UNION CO., PA., TUESDAY, OCT. 28, 1862. rillLISHKB btAU.WKKkli Tuesday Mnrninj & Friday Afternoon. luiprotemento in Lcn ikhuift. A FRIKXIH.Y HOKI) - ft enr rslltlial Brc'.hrra la Juniata loaatj. W'e bare found no more kind or intelli gent people tbao those me have net social- It! making our annual lour to put 'j or politically in Juniata coooty. Their On record the visible changes in our nort Trial Lists evidence a peaceful and Mllsc ,r 0iv;i ,;Us liberty : Well Said. The Aniniul Litter from tlia Sliamokin Baptist (.'liuirh to the Nor. tliiiiiilii'rlaml Assooiiition, expresses views in n manner consistent with all the history of a denomination ever forumiwt in the TIIIMistlVIM. Bit IS rKSMfUlXI. In the name and by the authority of the ; ncaiuiiui town ior lli? year pa?t, we ( moral community. Only in p.rtiiau mat- " Some from the cliim h anil Sunday nrf acrecably Fiirpriscil 10 see that ' ters, do we find aught to detract from I School, ami uisiiv from the ni-lilorlioo,l, amid I the prril. excitement and wn.itr; their eeneral reputation aa most eiem- I l've U'onc to rescue the country's fl.tL- from ixens. Were they a separate die- ! wno w'""" "I'' "l" - . .. , . .. I 1 lirishatts, we deprecate wur.witli its untold respocts, their domestio dissen-i . . ' ' . . ' .. 1 ' f':il:iliiiti.i its n flniii'O ltvpi-li two OVIM. tion and Beree vituperations would be of j ,- ii-c-.-(it. the traitors would l.rinirwoo less consequence, and shnuid be left like . and shame upon us and every 'succeeding "family quarrels" to be settled among ! Feneration, lie is neither a patriot nor a themselves. Hut connected, as they are, with other counties, those variances are necessarily felt beyond their own bounds. Tbey seriously affected the recent election. Oue unhappy result is thus expressed by I Jeffersou in thu I'cclaratiun of ludepen deuce. An Awful Evil. In sending boxes or packages to sol- (. .,,,.,... M ,,f I'.inn.sleania-A A ll diers. their friends should re n nii -r mat ' Curtin, Governor A I'Roclamation : Uuvernuaeut has felt compelled to place Io ' Whereas, it is a good thisg to render ; spectors in Express Od-eea at Washington, j thanks unto (Jed for all his mercy and lot- ! Alexandria. Georgetown, lialtimore, and HZ I tr War with two hundred of our ; pir iti.( most aldebodicd, enterprising men, , .. ,, absent, fiv'litini for the contitrv our 1 . 10 ' citizens left at home have not been Idle. Quite an nnintint of new pave ment has been laid the Boat Yard, Bnd both Foundries, have made addi tions to their fiieilitie8. Indicating an enlargement of business and in very many yards and dwellings were plea tine proofs of an increased cultivation nf fruit And flower! fn nioL-e "lintiui" not only more profitable, but attrao. lns ,a5t ""'. 1118 i'puDiicaa union tive also, and to verify the exelauia- orP'n of Juniata: tioa of the l'oet I 'The Republicans of this county, thrnngh a -tWrti- ii.rrtn.Hi' tbn i, filmiy qrrtl- m"V congratulate themselves I i.t hut urii ttit n." i on sending a Breckinriilger 10 Congress." Our institutions of learning which j That is a frank c.ufession. While the tire almost entirely broken up in the i District elects 4 to 1 Dam. Assem. States where Sedition riots suffer ' 1.1 -.j mm snn : r. , o little from the national troubles. Our churches are still well sustained, and vl.ile the existing strife hardens the licarts of some, oilier? arc led by it to Help divine fur aid and consolation. Ker. Mr. Brown, of the Protestant the Union State Ticket, our candidate for Congress is defeated by reason of the mg kindness, therefore , uffi(Jei . th(J mJ who open ,D(J I, Andrew G. Ourtin, Governor of the . , . . , . , , . inspect each box or package, and wben Commonwealth of Peiinsylvania.dnrecPin-, r, 1 .r ' ... men 1 that ThunJ-y, the '21th Jay o.W ; "Uio Liquor of any kind veml,,r vert, be set apart by the people of even one bottle they seize and confiscate this Commonwealth as a day of solemn : the entire contents. Attention to this i'rayer and Thanksgiving to the Almighty: ! matter will prevent the loss to soldiers of giving Him bumble thanks that tie has i ,rticlcs which ould ba wM , them been gracious y p rasta to proieoi our i . . , . , . T. . ... , . ... r.', V. ... . ' Liquor is the bane of the army. It kills ( hnstian, who, in this dark hour, is not , ..,ii.n. .nrf i thousands of soldiers and drunkenness willing to contrihute his last dolur.and his r r . . , Th i i -.. it. , . ' .,,,. i to cause the earth to bring forth her of officers has cost us many battles, ine need lie, to rescue our countrv, i . e .... . . . and transmit it to posterity, pure, mi d ,n.orel9e M ,b,t our g"e eboked Government should contrive some way to ai ated with the immortal priueiidcs of, "' ""T,'- . ?, u T e'P ,be de,U 6r0,U "m l - othcere as well as the men cut away ine has thriven among a and labor uae us i ,. . . . ... reward ; and also, that He ha, delivered , rooW " "cU ' ,hB br"1Chc, f be J U9 from the bands of our enemies, aud i ,r" ' e?''- filled our officers and men in the field ! The Rebels allow little drinking. That with a loyal and intrepid spirit, and may be the result of poverty and, if so, given them victory; and that He has poverty ecitainly has me go.-d effect, f--r poured out upon us (albeit unworthy) Um , M ; ellD ca0 ue other great and manituld blesssnga. He-1.. . . seeching Him to helD and itovern us in ! '"i""' mobra.ely. tf&.It is well understood that the Presi dent's lec nt visit to M'ClclIan's camp was to urge faster movements. Gen. Iiuro side, it is now said, will be entrusted with a larger command. -V L'tcllitn it crnttini) the 1'utomtr. tsT.K far as heard from the Rebels express gratification over the recent ap- dertake to decide between these contes- iSpiscopal church, having settled with tants. We neither know nor care what us, affords another opportunity for a their personal gricvanees are. Our only choice iu f. .rtnslof worship. I 0t,j,.ct is to suggest, with the best of mo- l ha promitient new or re modelled , rtmei that hereifter be ouildings we believe are comprised in 1 cty,.P,aa the following list : iv,, ," ... .. :,.j alienations among political friends of his j p,rcnt Democratio gains in the Burder own county, oi jumaia. v a aa not un- States. His steadfast feir aud love, and put imo our minds good desires, so that by His continual help we may have a right judg ment in all things; and especially pray Oen. Hackelman'f Last Words. This brave and accomplished Officer over twenty years a Whig and Republican ine Him to eive to Christian Churches : Mot Indiana lell leading nis union grace to bate the thing which is evil, aod 1 troops to victory ia one of the late bloody to utter the teachings of truth and j battles in Kentucky. Writing to a friend righteousness, declaring openly the whole 'jugt ehta his death, Gen. Hackelman counsel of God; and most heartily co; . d ,fae fjUowiog inipreMi,e, truthful, tmaltnn Ultra t haiatrtaw? ntAa Art aiwiI . ' .i" ir. ' "Vi.".; .6lu I bave been regarded that a nomination in 000 rtment, but because it will oe re-, lraied wilh iu iiiimu iaie oi in. w auis. i , j . j- .i.- , I he burnt building, Market Square, may, from generatiou to goncra I the abundant fruits of His mercv, and Removal of Buell. Wasiunotox, Oct. 24. Geo. Buell has beeo relieved of the MAta.MHnJ .l!.L kA k.a kimaalf Ir.nlin. Ilim ti hnatna nnn. nn ai.,1 fact which will rulers wisdom and earrjeotness in council, " r r r" ; and npnn our military le.ders xeal and J "-Many g'"d men musi g uooer in inn vigor in action, that the tbe fires of re be - contest, jne great quesuuo is, uo win may be queuched that we, being no lent li l inueeu a uara ouur, ui tiis defence, may be pre- y oow mv ,I,U uuw lu" 1 iw.j that hereafter 1 looted on ine origin sine or an pictures 1 am Evri.oYMKST! AGKXTS VANITD. V wilt pay from J!25 to .75 pr mrtr'li and all eiperise ! He live A?pni, or rivr a rtirornisMnn. rarncu'ars seu !. A lrs Erie Wwin Mairhinr rnifatiy, K. J WIES i;piivral A rent, Milan. Jrii." 9.-9f Time-Table I.e wblmrs K.I!. Station. NO VIM SOUTH. Freight 4 Accoui'a pasn Le !!; Mail Train do 4::sti V M Express do fi-Mti A ,Vt Mnmlnj Biornl ip.nrttT.mi A,-rinnlMiill-ii train t" Dp fruiu suttbur . N,i Lxi rr.. trKiu Mi'Btlajr tu; MUVI.Ml SOUTH. Mail train passes LewKburg 9A6 A .M Freight St Accommudatiuo do Express do 9: ! I P M littuifiijura; lilnrUct. Correetrii Weekly Wheat 1,20 Eics t 12 Rye GO Tallow f Corn C Lard 8 Oats S.i Ham U Flaxseed 1,50 Shou Urie l Apples 81,00 Wool 45to50 ! ri.:.Hiittrr N Potatoes 40 Ki-s!i llutter... U Country Sap 4i6 K. R Zimmerman, MF.BCIIANT TAILOIt, 4 AtlKET Square, Lewinjri, 15 now prp. I . I rr. io turnih Oiiicri" .titlltary i lUilitK arcurtlin? to rrulationt at tiiorl j k mc-'. A:-o a grnrral anrtmen! nf Ctotha, . aifi r. rij aim iratiy-inatir . luiuiuy A'ri at .mmTtnan's R?i, White A Dla L'MOX BOOT AND SllOB 'Tll.l. A HEAL)' Come one! come all and examine fur vour-rtves tne latgcst and 1-hrapeM ktnek ct flame Made) Boat aod iu I toon county : riTJ jM received a Flitit M FPLT or City lli:ile wurk a: nnnaa:ij low prieea. "Q'lick Sales and Small Profits" is the order uf ihe Jav at SJl I UTS', Opposite the bauK, Lewisburg 1. In tlbant. nh in-t.. bT !;.'. T WH. TFIOMA S. Col.l.lN'.S ir oirKin-ltt N J. and 1im MAKiiAUhl dauffttter .f f W.Por.rk. llv B-t Mr Hul.h. 10th In.t .knt P HJCHRETEK and Mi.a M t BLAIK, tth of MiiU o. By H.T Mttchftl. ! tli in-t., Mr P.L.PETTIN'ilLL of Suai'iiry m l Mim MAUV M. til I.l.KTT u! Sjutb Crva-k. incapable of wielding, a rejiice tbe loyal North, not only because; lilita been, it seems to ' OI "s "' uPnD our """'"J vva . lion the latter, confirmed bv the former, was ; grao1 " indicative ot a purpose on tne aerved trom all perils, aod part ot the Ad 1 henceforward without fear or favor in re- - 1 - . . . .1 1 ,- 1 . I f.,ih in t;...l .i.tiri ... . 1 l t , , n, h. ailnilfilj ralintl In Hl Itl<AA (I II I netiiitu. 1IW1II. Ill II I' .11, . I II II UtHtnifBJI. . hm.v - 1 M rebuilt, and well occupied by E. L. ! e ection Hence the , ' I ....vrfromeeneratiou to feneration, reao ! fh be is working out Hisown good Jlowrv (the best Datruerrian artist in : creat, absorbing strife has been, in Juni Central Pennsylvania) and by John :' U, to obtain a nominttim for the State j Pect of inlidual Generals, nd to oon Sqiiircs' Boot and Shoe emporium. j or National L'gislature, by a trnj irity of duo, ,he "r anMf 10 ,he eni of T'ctorJi On X. 5th St., is the new frame ' h .. -.v. r, .ii..4 i. ! using those means to that end which are rin-nllinir nf tM 1 -1 ... ..1. I J uu. , In Linuville. Mrs. Kaler has put ui a inline uuemnjr. ! not how truly that, often, undue and un- indispensable to military success, without i reasonable if not fraudulent and corrupt S'"1 10 tb wishes of Pr- We Mr. Volktnar. on S. Gth St. has fit- mnot . ' "' be ma- ! --. - "" ted op a printing -oflire, whence he is- J1"' f convention, trusting to "old I b'tberto tavorab.e to n.m, .no nave just Fues the Huthunnu Z-itu (the best : ''' P" through." Whether 1 rmed here' "d h rmJ eorrcspoodeuta German paper, in print and cdilorial i fitly or nnfairly nominated, however, j fr6,h from hl Kentucky, industry and ability, iu Central Penn-1 by Delegates, almost invariably, the de- I ,,hos, in'l" ,ot moment overbore eylvania.) j fette(j c,ndidates felt disheartened ! 0hio ,DJ Idi'D. converted from the F.ontins the Female Inptitnte, Sam- toi oure(li tnd l00 of,.n haT. hlrocj in j error of her ways, and joins bis soldiers, vjel H. Orwt- L., has erected a SU-, ,0 vote dow thcir ma ,,,. I whom be has led everywhere but to bat- penor two stoicy l.n. k dwell. n? This is all wron. but it is . serious evil I ' uc be T"'4 lilt .till .1.. h Itlil lSTI- litis hllfln. will and pleasure, with fire and sword. with joy and thankfulness praise and All will come rigol. 1 lie rigttt man will mainilv His holv name. be found in tbe right place traitors in our Given under my band and tbe great seal ! rmy, and sympathizers with treason io it, of tbe State, at Hameburg, Ibis HOih ; weeueu uu oj uu uj, wuen mc day of October, in the year of our Lord 1SG2, and of the Commonwealth the eighty-seventh. ANDREW G. CURTIN. By tbe Governor : Eli i.irea, Secretary of the Commonwealth. Government nods it has to make terri ble struggle to preserve its existence. Tbe days of holiday war are over it has be come a deadly strife." New York Politic. James brooks lately made at speech before tbe "Young Men's Democratio As- rnnker, James M. Mmrev, has erected , of 'he ir"tf- I by somebody who knows how to bring a two-storev brick dwelling. Tbe reme-fsr-and we k tbe S-ntinr! : enfmy ' nd to Strike Fast and Hard. It behooves the Administration to 1 sociation" of New York, which has been make blows fall rapidly on the bead of hailed with enthusiasm in Charleston, S. the Rebellion, from this time until it is C , (tbe cradle of tbe Slaveholders' Rebel crushed. oergy, vigor, determination, ! lion 1 aud reprinted there as a si no of bone beat him juniraiii o '"ana promise to me ueoeis. inis snows now sending to tne held, nuiah it in six discernment and appreciation of good to r...t Bo(TIo. Mih In.t.. of OIhtlnH. MARTIN. S ia of Jmeob suj Sums Lenuiril, .ei-il sbuut I t vt-.r. Ia llMt"ntll.4lh iot in hi,3Ui jrMr,FKkDLklC& H. STIi'KKh. rnrm.rlT t Mill'.n. ' IIIB I'STMOII who took, on Sundav eve ihe 2ih Del., from the door of a house on N. 4th St., an l .MBitEM.A with a yellow turned handle, and A U carved un the end of I. had belter return il before bem; further exposed. Lewisburg, Oct. 27 NOTICE ! THE followinz Buoks and Aecounis are left in mv hands for collection. After THIRTV DAYS from this dale, stift will be bronchi on alt accounts un&eilted,aud collec tions enforced by Law. The Book, and Ire'ta of Dr. T. S. CHRIST, do do Dr. Vl. nav KS, do do f vivs a SDIOINBAmil, da da J I R1CK CO. da do CHRISTIAN r.KMBtULIXO, da da JK.1SS SCllKKVkK. WM. JONES. Lewisburg. Oct. t7. 19G StlMirii:it SU'OMFIER! la ine FAMILY fOAF MAKER. AM Kitcrfu tira'-e ran be made into good SOAP by us. ne H.tHoMUKH. I v' Directions accompanying each Hex. SO P is as eaMly made with il, as making ft cup of Ci.liee. Manufaciuret only by ihe Patentees Penn'a Salt MauufUcturinir Companr, - l-T. tlnul PHlUULLruiA. Feb HI, ISI Syl On S. 4 il, St l,.n,s . it, t'to coDVthis article for the consideration ! ' " UCB- w, - lirick Public School buildintr, intend-1 of its readers is tbe Cravf-.rd Cou j Buelli 8ucn n"n 00 000 Dee' .1 , i. : . .i.ics. a , ... Hiai wilnrv at I nrtiith tirnipii In llit nnn. io oe So iu tnprovetnciil upon mat .fem, wnercny every voter casts his i r r- - r-f , fa retura , h j fc j f . N ..-1 i it . .a ai a . nli si fttif ehpitiii tin . unfit v:ia Irnntsn in au .iiu " aiiu. , secret omoi ior ine one ue auems u Dest. i -,r , On S. 2d St., Ktoplicn D. Cbappcll ; ind the maioritT mio takes tha Domint- i the mJ beforc lhat te po3fiessM ,boae Ia d jre nh e I iu !lew Stjle f ArtUHcally Colore Plrtnres, for tb Magic Lantern & Diuulving Tunc ayparatu nd Lantortu twd Arprtaoa, with all tht tat. Impror- wMtal. tuw ifHi.tkc avud prif U Cxhiti.tionst. Tb CavtaIgtt eoBthtum t4-tiDP froxn Prmi UMnrw, Olr) and Ner Tlm-nv ia Holy I And Hitiy nf th L'DI tftf' HU4 th prMe-tlt RtH-hU'TJ PiiDBI frcn-M TfBlt,rite Firturr Natturl Uiaturjt u.J oth-r brsnchei ot pi-WrO anil Art, ted be told. ' n,00,1"L The ,oMie" dte,1 '"C'" J j office on the part of the traitors. We 1 c'u".".'""' " . .. I thev want the war finished, in order that don't wonder that Jim's speeches are en-f w iant.kvudiw, to tbe pop-1 J 1 , . .,, . r . lnoos r.o. Box u;. ebii.ii'iiiK. ra I lies. Letters from them alreadv eomnlain. and the maioritv man takes tha nomina. I '"e army telorc, mat tie possesses loose , ..... is rcnoratini? the old Dr. Bycw' cor-! ,: Th. l. n.n.n. qualities which conduct to success in the , "a . ,na,c,,e .,n" ae"re r.r.., r... s , , anotner winter in naart-r. I he time has I1C1U. i ner and Carpenter John Miller is making a interested men, thereby make the choice. mpt-iuur ouiin .inner is making a ...... ..... i..iti, I!k.i . ;. p...i. v. .u B.c..Co. two-storcy addition to the Eouth side i luo uc'"l,:u ,""e " DUl ,UCJ ' " . " . 7 . i energy on the part of the Government. Of his dwelling. were -cnea.ea ny tneir aciegatev or "J ,"."""""", Conciliation with its enemies is time man of my acquaintance. -A symjze, From year to year, wc witness the "ded off," or that there was "bargain j them to the bouses of turnouts, whose j muf. bluoJ tM exneoded i '' ' M S-ymuut, and that ' 1 . .. . J 1' I I L I 1 1 1 y .s .. 1 Aa. .! Inaal nvitini na lnawaL . I . . r II' I . I f rrowinrr inuusiiT, neatness ana poou : wucn nunarcas or moannai "7 I ur"J ,..,.. 1 t ; nn) ;i. r,, . ,. .... t is enouzn. i suau voie ior v. ausworiu. ....... j:i.j i I ... i. t. : t ... ... Th. r) esetined with wen! """'""'J- i-et It put Its foot on all loke-, b. . . . meeting : i ived in Charleston ; we are only tar pri.ed that they should be delivered io New York. 1 . " .1. .. earn a iiew xora mercoau reccuuj 10 s3) of flcu a MARE aboot 8 years old, dark frieod who urged bim to attend a poiitieal j bay color, carries low. effects from poll nl. "1 Know already tbal every $50 Reward ! STOLK.N from the stables ot the subscribers in New Br!in, Cnion Co.. night uf Ibe FIRE KISURAWCE. IXSUHXXCE COMPANY OF NORTH A.MtiUUA Philadelphia. llDcoriiorsUil, Capital ijCO.000.00 Assets, Jan. 1SGI 1,4,719.81 ARTHCR i COFFIN, Preiideni CHARLIE 1'l.ATT, Secretary t-?"Biiililin7s annually or perpetually. Mer. chandtze, Oram, Furniture, &c, injured, at current rate of Premtum. JOHN B LINN, 91tm3 Afent for I'man county. Fa BUFFALO HOUSE LEWjslii'KG, L'MOX CO PA. Ltwis -i:iiw:vl, I'roprlotor. rPHI Qpir Hutel is si'.uairJ opposite lha 1 (Ourt Hoii-e,in the moi fasbicnabie aul bcautidil part of the town, and tor style and convenience can not be surpassed in Central ienn.yivaiiia. Thone viMtin? the t nirersity. or attending Court, will find it the most eenvement and ceniral puLlip hoa-? charges will be lha raoM reasonable and neither timeoreipenti wilt be spared to be&tow every comfort opoa those who may eat). Persons in the Cuanij will be charsrd -5 cts per meal. Lewisbur. April l, Executor's Hoi lea. "OTICE is hereby given, ihat Letters fe tanrTTarr on ihe la! will and testament ol Mr. ANN ISAKUK.(Tife of Juiah) late ot Lewibtir borons ri, I uion coutu v. hare been gran led to ihe undersigned, by the KeeiJier of Union cuunfy. in due form vi iar ; all persons having ciatin apiiiit sa.d ettie will prv-ent them, autt thse on inz said esiie are reques ted to make immIiaie pavmenf, to -NATHAN V.VtRs, Eierutor In my ab?enpp, accounts may be left witk (ieo. K. Miikr, Lq. Lew:;burg.--Aup.l. pd it is much easier to "buy - "i " "rt ! w.rmness amone UlBeer. in .h. arm. If Gerrit Smith, who has never supported Jinnitile dwelling, w here daily laiior, up," or to influence improperly, a hand- j "",0 . "., VV. , " , . .. . f ... , , ,,. . ' a Kenublicau for office, has come out io a wnll .liinncml ,,r iiinLna l,i.,nr Immoj . . . . . . I been accidental. ( t rauk 1 1 aahes said in . they rail to come up to the mark, remooe 1 , "r," "... vreil Uif-poscu ol, makes nappy homes fu 0f men, than the whole Dartv. This1 l- j- . -i. .1. . 1. 1 . .1 1 . 1 . ... I lone and characteristic letter, announcing ,, ' ,1 ',u Vr;j i' iiu, u.u .nut, pij. i one of his diatribes that he would meet , tJtcm. and put better men in their daces. J"uo u l5!Ir,l, om'Tz r? srher wiih rrTAj-ta" ,' -ii 1 : tae electing power, in the bands of the i 1 ennsj vantaus ) An alarm was kept np 1 , ,f ,l ., ,, . nrclencM. indolence, or waste-: J ' f J . the energetic prose ut.oo of tbe war, with a 1 1 G W. Clintoo. son of Gov. De Witt While others, we know, are saddened P 8 01 se' e M "fc0 , m, ;;.,. l0 leiive home, and to be on j th.8 ' f P"-. d - I Clinton, opposes Seymour, and stands b, and suffering on account of the al- Poor choice, they most sutler for ,l. "d 1 ,he ;itch nJ , alarin othersthe Dem. after a brief, decisive struggle, or we the Administrution and the candidates eence of those natural protectors, ; be the wiser thereafter. (he whj, worki lnd T0,in I much fcir wilI Bee who B0W ,d. j wbo represent it. That is the position of pone tor the protection of their and Jhis mode may not, does not suit po- ,. th.t b. ..... w.i.,iinPi. concerted her. m it. drormin, a.v. and hf.m;n ! democrats. . . , , ... 1 ' 1 1 o n. , , 1 1 .l. o : :. rather Abra- ine onty unpo 01 iuo ccjmuutira , , . ., , , t the ansence 01 me v otunieers. inaiaia ITn;r,;.t. Honmtnr 'jt no, the Democracv in educated ie 1 , . . . t .1.. 1.1 anu numan noeriy, miiiive :n inia vreat ana two nsseniuiyiueu ; tt.r 100 utnw wa j struck at the heart of tbe Union strength. c"e, fast and haid, aud unborn millions I The Rebels burned the Depot at ! will revere your name next to that of j Cbainbcrsburg, with thousands of dollars Washington ! worth of public and private property, and -Taking int. coo.idera- took thousands upon thousands more, in I b horses, money and things most needed ""n ' of '"ousands of Uepublioan then hastened away, snapping their fiDg- ! aod loyal Democrats in the army, tbe 'era at tbe 150,000 men, under "Young , President has been triumphantly sustained lone mane, medium size, shors well worn A HORSE S years old, dark bay color, a white star on forehead, heavy boild, mild:e heishi, carries low. some white hairs on back from &al'lle bruises. The above Reward will be paid to any one returning bulb anitnais or $-5 for either. DAMIX H'lKLAUHER, Kev. I.. MAY araaaa ai IMI r-fS r vlirltta ninl antnwAKta 1 - : 1 :. 1. a I If 1 - 1 . . . . . . a . Y. s..v.0. ..i,...., ...K..3la. ; Hue, .ncasien., ana wire-pulling pomi-; ,ce,ong between the UeDcls and tbe ' lukewarm and indifferent. ...ivuiun me . ruuiini-s 1 Cla0, ty trade: but it docs exactly suit ! Hughrsites along the line, some ey, tne .uu .ua, ui ui tne auseni lho HosltsT, MASSEg . tn(1 from w wn back, sale and victorious. Ionsr before ' j u 1.. . . .. , . , ,, ,, s ,, see and bear, it is every way preferable to another Autumn shall roll around 1 , ., ... ! tbe caucus delegate system. Men of Ju- Mil. Stahl, Lewi.sliurg IJookl.inder, 1 niata ! uke tbe power of nominations has returned from his annual itiner- from ,our would-be leaders of all kinds, ancy e Uewhere, and ready lor work ,nd txcrcise it yonr9eI.6S. la Ins line. ... . The vaiiiett of useful producers in j Iffl-Put in your letters early ! We re- lite, cueu one iscttEAsI.v; business cently beard tha Lewisburg P. M. state uu uui uiereo WW1.1.NG Hie trade or that at 8 A. M., when the mail matter Napoleon," whose army they surrounded, P'ace, is what builds up and benefits. ! Xi, baT9 bcen M jDi he hti lbout S0 ! keening "itist ahead" of all the Union Kiii.1nd mtr in thu wida-awakfl eounlries wei.1 01 ine Mississippi, me ciouisib who vote in November do not intend to be "caught napping" as were their friends io the Central Border States. f.l . ' ', " "al UP Via ucl'IltS. ! shonld bave keen all in. be Lad about SO keeping "just A 1 flit:" I Ilia iirttArluinnv o - . .s . ' 1 - s ....L - . V"--J ' -"' 8 li,.r, .nil that ahnnt S(lf) men handed in I tOeS Sent alter tttem : bucii enterprises as tlio.-c of Jlr-Volk-i ----- - -.-7- mar and Mr.Stahl. whose reeeit.ts nr I no tollowmg I It is simply a pby not at the expense of other citizens', j ,icaI impossibility to prepare so many let , , . , Iters, in Ibe time required for the mail. The Merchants of Jewisuurrr seem .,. ..j . , ... , ... , , Post Masters of course endeavor to accom- to be Iavin 111 and selling off Goods 1 , . . . .. just as if they never heard of ' Hard ! modM U tbe' C10' but ,ho' " "ot Times." And the stream of Fanners work 'clea with letters not received in hauling in their Grain shows them on ' proper season for mailing. the look-out tor present good prices. thkne. accumulate, to show that IA.Excepting an Oriental rapidity of tbe Kcbel army are going (if tbey have delivery which prevented many words from not already gone) southward from the Po being understood, Mong Shaw Loo's Ice-1 tomae. They bave destroyed the Balti ture last Saturday evening was extremely ' more and Ohio Railroad west of Martins interesting. Should he deliver it again j burg, and on Thursday tent out such J store the close of tbe season, we think i strong force of pickets as to create the Moat who heard it once would uke along J suspicion tbat they were then making Wed e'.t their grand retreat sW-Our Congressional Delegation now ElOHT thonsaDd Massschnsetts women earns to be divided-1 m.j. on joint bal-1 have issued an appeal to the President ....1s,a..iUre.or1.or0.K:ratsolvarion8,that the strength needed against tbe The Manchester almerirasi is responsi ble for the following : "A friend who circulated by Hill Miller and bis friends, witnessed tbe battle of Antietam, and re-1 Promises were made, and assurances giv mained in tbat region for some days en, tbat, if the people elected Miller, they attending to tbe wounded, statea that be 1 would not be drafted have no taxes to found a Georgian conscript on tbe field, : pay he could stop tbe war with one drop mortally wounded. LI is only clothing of ink and all that kind of stuff, which Was a shirt toro io shreds, and a pair of , misled many of tbe ignorant. Well, they Wm. Metcalf, who for forty-five years was a prominent and well-known resident of Philadelphia, died last Thursday eve ning, in the 75th vear of his ae. The Our candidate for Congress, tol. Patterson, deceased was both a clergyman aud bome isdefeated. This is owing to a large num-, opatbic physician. He was one of ibe ber of Union voters absent in Ihe srmy, j "Vegetarians." Ily hisexertions he bnilt and the fi.grant and rascally falsehoods 1 the Detl charcb ed'fic0 kc0" " tD8 ' B J 1. 1 1.1 u " A , ... ........ uib vuriaitBU buuiiiti uu w ..a ..sw. ! up to the dav of hia death. Tbe deorasrd trousers out at Ibe knees and seat. The kind attention be received at our bands, caused him to give bis name aod some interesting particulars. 'I am,' said the wounded man, 'a Georgian by birth. I sold my cotton in 18G0 for $5,300. I have a wife and four children at home. I am a Union man. Tbey pressed me into the army. I am dying. I have never fired a gun at the stars aud stripes. Some of the poor ignorant Irish in Cass township, near Poitsville, who were shades and a bare maj .rity fr Harr and 1 enemy be not wasted, and tbat be dismiss j deluded into voting tbe Hughes ticket by aPI tsB aw.S'at . . . ' w.a-.B .11 a. t - Blenker. Iwo of their Assembly, each 7 from the inn. all ne.lint. incronnetent. ij. only. We shall probably iave the drunken or knavi.h men. and i. th. soldiers in charge of tbe most faithful, Officials io our nexf- aSTConrad Sheckler, E-q., near Fartn rsville, Union county, has shown bow asily tbe finer fruits can be raised io this tegieo. Be bed about 150 bushels of tbe Catawba grspe, which will make ten bbls. of lha "pure juice" wine. 9Tracks of tie stolen horse adverti sed ia another column, were seen fas was L .s. . s uuf mj towards lUe mountain north of ew Berlin. Horse thieves arc about 1 Vjov. Wise in rep .rted marcbin" On lMkioaowith CO, 000 conacnta. J trusty and xealoua officers, both eivil and military, that ean be found in the land. ajuTbere bave been recently uncom mon delayi on tbe Northern Central Railroad, almost wholly below Sunbury, and mostly below Ilarriuhurg. A railway on tbe West side of tbe river might bo advisable, if business continues to to increase. af"Vs see that in quite a number more of Volunteer Compaoirs, tbe Pennsyiva-1 nia Soldiers voted and almost all rive I a Hep. to 1 vw. vote beinz assured that they would not be drafted, undertook 10 resist tbe law by force. Gov. Curtin ordered out troops to sustain tbe law, and tbe Catbolie priest convinced the rioters that they had belter submit: aod peace again reigns io the eoal regions. Kentucky baa suffered terribly by the rebel invasion. She is gntted. Union county alone is said to have furnished the rebel invaders over 17,000 hogs, 1,200 horses, 8100,000 worth of beef, for Jeff. Davis' seripl. Within a month this State has been robbed of at least 0,000 to 30,000 hnres. The Fellow Fver is raging 1 Wilmington io North Carolina. have elected their man : bow soon tha war will stop, remains to be seen. Miildlcburij Tribune, There waa some lusty swearing to ba beard here at Middleburg, 00 Tuesday last. Men from Chapmao and Perry town ships, who had been induced to vote the Copperhead ticket with tbe assurance tbat they would positively not be drafted, wben they found themselves toUl, swore, with uplifted hands, that, under no circumstan ces, aa long as grass grew or water ran down bill, eould tbey be induced to vote another loeofoeo ticket, no matter bow it waa white-washed with pretencea of loyal ty . Tribune, The emaneipation Proclamation is pro. duciog great alarm tbronghont Rebeldom. Geo. Prentiss, and other returned cap lives, say tbat it baa rejoiced all true Union men, both of Republican and Dem ocratio antecedents, aud the Rebels con fess, in eandor, that it is the bardeat blow tbey bave yet received. UaatPHiR. Oat. 21. The Grenada Ap peal of Ihe 16ih inst., has a report of the capture and occupation by the Uuited badly at Htatea foroes of an island in uaiveeion I liy- Also tibins City. Wm (Ootiniifl larf, IX CRIS WELL'S BI.OCK.Iower Market St. I.rnlsliuig, Where the pobtic can find an assortment of FASIIIOXADI.K CLOTHING, such as Lonir Overcoats f 10 to ?15 Uusincss Coats 4 to 15 Iress . do 7 to 16 liovs ' do 3 to 5 Pa'uts, - 2 to 6 Vests, H to 5 This Cl'.ihins was selected at Fashionable Clothing Houses in I'lnl.,and will be sold for Small Protits fur th Cash ! JOHN 8. MAR!t The rami!) Always celebrated Ihe fiftieth anniversary of his ordination on Sunday, August 11, 18til, and officiated up to the 12th. Gen. M'Clellan has expiessed the wish that the provost marshals will return to their respective regiments all tha strag gling officers tbey ean pick op. Over two thousand of these worthies are absent without leave. Judge Grier ia one of the hundreds of Democrats who this year for the first time voted against the mis-named "Democratio ticket." It is an old proverb that "boys will be boys." What a pity 'tisn't equally true lhat men will be men ! Major General Sumner entered the army aa a private, and rose through all raoka to the highest. Tha Rebels were recently badly de feated at Mayeville, in M. W. Arkansas, and pursued by Gen. Blunt. Mr. Burgess, School Superintendent of Colombia county, was drafted, bit if de clared exempt. Mr. Bover. Protboootarv, and Mr.Gift, Coroner, of Snyder eouoty, have been drafted, and gone ioto sorvice. An exchange says that if you want a kind of money tbat will stick to yoo in trouble, use postage stamps. Rev. Franklin Porter, of Milton, baa beeo appointed chaplain of tbe 13Mb P.V. j He L.sut, Estray. . n Yf i'AMK 1" the premises of ih? sub- ,( 1 ....r;h ol I.f wtshnr?. Wednesday ait. a m ii. y.'ime, milrh CilW, bnndle't, with a while snt across the fure shoulders, while lace and c rum pied horn. The owner is re quested io cume. prove property, pay charges aod take her away- Mr. JT LIA M. HURRIES. Kelly Tp. Oct. tn. nH3 New atand---New Gaods! JOSEPH L. IIAWX iarlas taken lift fj rooms onW theTelrrraph and Crtronicla omces.retitted th.m.and nded in an extensive variety ot Ilatt, Caps, Gentlrmen't Clv&iny, de. Also a larei. and splendid stuck of I l.OTHS CASSl.MERLr", Ac, which be will make up l ordrr.ns he attli continues tbe Tailoring liusW ne.s. He is prepared to execute all work entrusted Io hi care, to ihe aatttlaciion of lha customer. X. B. Cutting and Repalrin? -7 done to order. i.ewisbure, April llClSl Drag Store Ahead! If you want pure Prnirs, o to SC BAFFLE'S Drue St Chemical Ltnportnm, where is kept a large and general assortment always. Fur any article usually li-pt in a first class Mia a-JDiii call at the FAMILY DRUG STORE OF C.W.SCIIAFriaK, Lrwisburj .... rennsyl'a Independent Battalion of Sea-Coast Artillery FOR Garrison of Fortress Monroe!! Capt.ll. A.Colt, of Nonhoraberlani, has beeo authorized 10 raise a company for this Batallion under Major Joseph Kohens U. S. A, now in eommanil of Fortress Mon roe Va. The express object of aothonzins Ihe raising of ihis Batallion is in secure a permament garrison Ir ronress mor.ror. Being heavy artillery, they will not be sub ject 10 hard marches, will have no picket or seoaliog auty, ana no unncony e.pomrrs. Their daiies and rations will be regular. Major Roberts is one nf the best artillery of ncrrs in the service and is the author of the aiandard work on Artillery tactics An opportunity is now ofl-red 10 Patriotic Venn; Men to join this roost attractive branch of the service. Apply to EDWIN A. EVANS, ,' irthujatfrUad or Lewuturj CAUTKS UF. VIMTE at M..wry's Gallery 1'hotograph Albums ai Mowrv's Gallery I'ltotographs large ,ue at Mowry's Gallery Photographs iu Oil ai Mowry's Gallery Ivoryiype-t at Mowry's Gallery Ha.lotyprs at Mowry's Gallery Ambrotypes. an 1 All kinds o' tvpes ai Mowrv's Gallery MOWKV'-t GAI.I.F.RY. in Market .irsei, opposite the Bank Lewtsbarg MHiS WATCHES, JEWELRY, Sic. THE ondersisned. havie; removed her Watch and Jewelry estabhsbmeat to one of the rooms recently o cnpis4 hy Tiios. li. t.rier, (ariiionin; Miss Amanda L. Zuber's Millinery Miop.) Marltet .treat between Front and Second, she is prepared te) Repair Watches, Jewelry, Musical Instruments, &e., in the most approved aod sat tsfactory manaaa She keeps on hand an assortment of chotew JEW KLKY.for Ladiesand (ient!emn,wbiat she olff rs at prices to suit the times. Al CLOCKS and WATCHEM. Ail woik and wares warrantej a rvpresaa. rd. MAKIA S. Zl BER. L. ainbar.. Mv H, IWO. Peace Peace ! TF4K rrVrrxIp.mrvd klo1 pntmoft-from roantrvMdfc ' WWv r IstMNls Ur too all, lure prftvn un Thtto t" y-ur fttuutiou, mwl partol your e&r And iwe our lry ti txia mud otltrr flu warty. HVw Br(fvt and ChtPir, nd Sutfn TofhPfc Ani ChstDltTBTrt 1 1 i lltatUi, n.i ftn f Hi ' n 1 M t.i Triuls fr yea sail Such a SjrBtaj'ajiUcVtiet:u r ju.'I giT as emlL tTp'ti M lift in sn.I rtiN-tini frfin n to Tni mh yv itt rtuif It lnUiw n 1 Iltif II. - t'-r -ruu; Clolh t 'l pn.-s. I-ir .i(-ni mvi m-il, n wJj-nul ClotLios tu elip m (i- fitwkaa. An i lNnimi Jtvd tiivH-in- fT ilrawrr vd l.rt. -'Tr htn-rfttft n.l Mfir I.t DifO ami Inr tl'f'ii e-b&J-rs lor lal;rs tul 4cn l Jrai ia tov. fff'T (Ml-riotr." pnt CT"t to rVTT jour Bo.r, i.f f r ynur wtrvlo- n l Ita.- It .or Sm, Kiirkftt n I i;-h. wni ft''ntmi 'nc, M c'ic Sumatra aui cVI - -fur i'ltuiitt;! or CU13K. v.'n Brnhr- ! Krttlw. fttl kind f Qn-Bfwu-s rail nJ fxauilif, Tr hiimoe lwltrrv-i Vi.b'II tJi-l o-i on Mitrlirt lrwt, crOU-r i.f U)- At 3 t'l.l Plsitnl Uwwbarj;. April ft, W. University at Lev, bburs. The next Seion will open on Thursday morn inc. tSept. S'uh, 10 the COLI.KOK, ACADKMV.and FEMALE 1XST1TUTE. J. K. LOOM It. President BEX EDICT ALDI-UT, PLOCK Maker an! Eeptirer. CyNew snopi f S.oii Lewt.liaii, Ajitl IS6" uii Si-J