Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, October 21, 1862, Image 2

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1 xfamtCum IlvMjr-Thc KcUcr Land. ;
" p"nnp, mr y. ria '
? aux nrh ..ia. aim im kjmdt
. re etaiir fm kiunwi.
...ancalour King', euantuaod.
Au. f)t-r liUla. and alai... aa ,li-y,
V a ir KiMtig bi tt. ral.ea,
-. nrrfmug to hi. palas
tlolila u that U'ltar land;
V. ai. atMi( t 1,1. fal.c,
4. aug tn totter 1sq4.
"VI F a Jv wl th- war an lowty T
a llltl-. f.-t.u bawd?
feiRia. Si. tnrod-. o--n. ii war art.
ii'-ijr aa?l. riuuil tt nul
AiA. CUriaf. nttr Ifavltr. walk. br.i.1. ...
H. will an he will ato ua,
11' will guid- ami will aruar.1 ..,
tlwkie U to UiaJ btUr Uod. de
Pots. T-l! wi, -a'xrii..! what ..h- tar
la tbC far.l?. I -iter l.ti.1
Giua. Ftli- rr-tv-.. aat crnwita of fluty,
I'r.mt a Siit". lovinic tian.l.
Ala. W. -ti.ll iftttik 4 ltt- H.-ar rl-T,
Vt. .ball at-rll with li.wt wire-vr,
Vi alt.ll dwrll with U"d f-r-.-T,
I. that brigSLtliat bettar laud, de.
Bt$. Filarial-! may w. trarrl with jro.
To that bright a.. bnter l.nd
tttttta. Cm an-l wlrinp, iw aM w.lfot a,
HVIroutc tit our pHriiw invl !
All. Vm. H vaa T and d-i not b-ave aa,
t'nrt.t ta w.itin t tri. .
1irtt B vai.lnr to rvirr u.
la that briit, that barter land. de.
Scrap of Irish History.
It is established fact in history that the
KnglUb w. ro once io the Libit of silling
(heir children and other relatives to be
slavci io Ireland. Hot under the in2u
ence of christian principles, the generous
Irish, in national synod, not ouly pat to
end to the nefarious traffic, but emancipa
ted all the Kugli.-b slaves in the kingdom.
Tliia took place in the Tear 1 172. Ireland
being thco afil'Ced with public calamities,
the clergy and people began to reproaoh
Ihemsclvea with tbe unchristian practice
of purchaaing and holding in alafcr; their
fellow tuea. Although these olaves were
fairl; paid for, and although thej were na
tives of an Island from which tbe Irib had
already begin to receive great ii juries, it
waa unanimous! resolved in council to
eet Ibciu at liberty. Tbe Irish people
were at that lime a much more enlighten
ed and iutelligcnt people than tbe En
glish. This fact has not been sufficiently
remembered to tbe honor of Ireland,
when pleading with Iiritona to impart the
(access of humanity and the blessings of
the gi?pcl to tbe ignorant and oppressed
population of that interesting island.
It is also worthy of remark, that io the
division of the House of Commons, on tbe
first motion of Mr. Wilberforee, for the
abolition of tbe African slave trade, after
tbe Irish Uoion, every member present
rnpnorted tbe measure. Ireland should
furely be the land of the free. Cy's
JJitt'jry nf .S7 ry.
Tables Turned.
- -fcr-i,. amrrtiDOodent 0f the Cin
cinnati Timet states that tbe "contented
and bappy servants" of Secession masters
atill fl ck into camp. There is ooo well
educated, for be em read and write who
formerly belonged to one Duncan, now in
tbe regular army ; bis name is Jim. Some
slaveholders who bad loat slaves, put op
advertisements, "One Hundred Dollars
Reward 1 Kan away from," Sio. Not to
le outdone, Jim wrote and put up another
Notice, as fellows :
50 Cents Reward!
T) AN away from ills chile, au' leff Lim
ii i . . i . ' ; ii .
1 a
ii aiooe io isae care ui uimaen auer
J duos worked twenty-six years faithfully
fnr him, my Ma-isa, Hill 1LNCAN. Masa
JIill is supposed to have d,o. g.oeoff .id
aiM St'r-onhi'ra h.tr t hunt f.ie htm rinht I
aod I npec be ,1 m it. Any per.s)n I THE unprecedented success of the - Buck
, . . .i . l fi 1 eve u ihe sinmsest pro..f of Its superior
'.oru.u Jinaa to me, so tbat hecan takeeare I lc,,.rv. The BLCKKVE has caused a
fcf me IS he allers said "ipga cio'dit t ,..flpi.te' Revolution in ihe Manufacture oi
' ' I
take ears of biuisell will be obliged to
dm eliils. I
N. H.-rcrsons botltin' f.n- bim please I scarcely necessary to particularize its artvan
l .ok io .11 de "last d..chcs ," a. I often j u, ' ''V: JJST-Ue"li0"
Ac in' busiocs.
',-n'Ctfully submitted, JlM.
Tbis poster created a great deal of mer
riment in camp, wbile tbe Kentucky rcsi
dents who cams across it thought Jiin s
mighty "sassy nigRcr."
List Words of Gen. H'Cosk.
Tuere is something sublime in tbe last
words of the murdered hero, Gen. Hubert
M'Cook: "I am done with life yes,
Ibis cods it all. loo and I pirt now, which no other machine possesses.
Lut ihe 1 s of ten thousand such lives as ft'o Gearing on the Driving Wheels.
yours and mine would be nothing if their a tram of horses wrighin: aon lbs. each.
saeriOee would save such a government as CBl c,e cf Prass au """ with ease.
, , . . , The machine is turnished with two Cutter
curs." These words are worthy to be en- Bars-one f.,rcuttins grass, and the other for
pTived oi the heart of every soldier in our cuitin: pram (each expressly adapted to the
army, of every seaman in oar navv. They "",'',"',,dr,1)11 , . ,..
" ' , Noellortwill b wanlins; to maintain Ihe
are worthy to be tresured np m tbe mem- ( Buckeye in theenviable position it nowoccn
pry, loo, of every one who wcepi at borne i P'es. ,hat of btinS l!,e
f ir Ihe brave who return no more. Let Best Qachine in the World !
them be repeated from lip to lip aronnd The subscribers remrn their sincere
, i . .. ii. , thanks lo their friends for the preneroos son-
tbe eauip fire where the soldiers gather pr, lnc., be recelvr,j io jutrlacins: tbe
til rpesk of tbe pift and speculate opon 1 eeiebraied li'irki-ye Reaper and Mower into
the future. Lrt them pass from mouth : tn'ra' n'' s."t,,k' P.""'Z?"ini
r much indebted to Ihem tor their warna.e;reei-
to mouth when lbs serried ranks BOTC t tnes and kind ntTices in recuraiiieDiiiDg it to
f trward to the tUd of death. Tbe semi-1 their friends and neishbora.
... . ...-., a For Ceriilicatcs. Ac, see Circulars, which
tncnl is horoie it will kindle a flame in ! ntY bt h, f ,nT of lh(.jr An.
many a manly heart, and give teofuld cn- j Th-v also manufacture JMcspi-'n Vat-
crgy to many a stalwart arm. The life r" "JlFutw
b' . ; acknowledged lo be the UbSi Isl-.EU SOW-
of the brave loyal soldier is precious be-; er is use, and the only one w'nch
jond all price; yet tbe sacred r-lj-ct fori SOWS OATS PERFECTLY I
which it is sacrificed is vastly more pre- j A,so K1J Konc (.,ovcr UlllIcr5
clous still. Iiow tbe utterance of such a wlllch c,,an, ,hroushi., mhoUi in the Irast
sentiment from the pallid lips of tbe dying injitrin: the seed. Will clean more in the
bero puts to shame tbe apathy oi naU-neaf .
ted friends to our Government 1
i - l. .l i..rc:... ,i,. f, .,-
bright thought of Smitbson, the founder
of tbe Smithsonian Institution, when be
... f .nmnl.ini.
Pmitbsoa bad had five doctors, aud they
had been nuable to discover what the dis-
ease was. At length they told the patient
lii.l km A:- t ll
...... ...I am. vaiuog tueoa all!
around him, be said : "My friends after '
1 die, make a post mortem eiamio'atioo I
and bud out, what ails me 5 for. mall. I i
i a. . i . . '. . ' . "
bave beard such long and learned die
russioiis on tbe sol jict tbat I am djiog to
know what the disease is myself !"
Turnso Away.- A boy fills bis pipe,
assd he sees only the tobacco ; but I see
jr!g into that pipe, brains, books, time,
JiaaMth.m'iney.proapeets. The pipe is filled
iaa)', ngntstruca ; and tbe things which
u:Uss are carelessly pall.d away.
lniii? i:iuIi;.ih !
t;;i-isl2iii-':i'jr.i '
t! .'. r. Tl s
t s r. T
i iti'iM i-.';i-iitii5
,11.(17, lim lii;-1 i-i
i.-..iii!i;ii is a j
j-.':si .'4:-ii o
Orts: I I I IJ I .
2! n' 4 t
Ill ITililU
I : r
-121 i.
S ti Tl S 5llli(ll
i2.isn:ii ii.!i;ii
I si jii;ii;-'
l! Jl; Jl.'.';
1 1
0 10
2 a 4
Sllnllt 12 IS I 111
H.17jllyl2l'21 22
II 12
'. i4ii: 1.I7
;i i,m:i si
.26 2i27 is v
... -4
lis) 4 rj
7! - l" II I-' 13
!n,1.c.l'.i1TM'' MtjO
I i i
i r
6 7 ,i
'. Mill I
.1. 1 IT
S,S 24,211 27 28
,2l-lJO till II
Union County OSclal Record.
Amdid Jiuljt J'tnn W fmoT-w. Miffliutarg do
1r Joh Wahj. Lttwisiburg io
f',UM m r S a m u rx Rot SHi do do
Jf rfjVr.e.wEMraiix. do do
I telnet Ati-nryi. C- BtXUXft, do do
TrmmrrrI hm A. Mebth, do do
Gvmmiimr IAr 11 KMJ.T.I!iifT-alir Rosviw do
ii itjhm'i lt-i.s.iif:si. Utfl:t.burj( do
t. J'taK M. Wutik. UinfiftJ dn
0wtiu-rir-.''fr Amri KKst:ii.,iU'WlHi'OrpvJo
"HHtl J "It II. .!!. do do
do i;nt'ra W i-niiK!. JtikstSsTur. to do
M-rnmW Jrr.Wr Tiio.lalTCUl'ii. MitUtDl g do
XuTrvnor O-ixm t Shei.-kl'-.r. Ffin- HiU do
CnrtiT KLlKHi STKtL'tL, Ij-wtillhur dO
jlf,f,v,r Prn, C. Wilt. lUrtlrt.-o do
do DtMKL IIXFrUI, iotlltrft do
do lUtt thick Tuojiroos, Miltliubarjt do
SbW arruiiVMf b- IiECKMW)k,NwDt'rliB do
Tost-Officcs in Union county.
.IWri fin Bm'ty towtvl.ip) - A J Kotrnimin. P M
Si.f.r a'ni- nu.wii. rtki Tf) - Ini. Ari'tii-k ' '
'k,t' ft.r VSU ,l!irtiUwo,W"h.DTl t h' M Kiic M
.V-. A,wi-'-i.i .... J K iAmj
Hif KItTp - John It-ttitsan "
, r..;.r3 ft rttinty tfBt) - - - tM W K..rrt "
i;itir.,Uw A' j.'arf - Iti tUin-k
. iFnorn..lIf) - - Msrtin Rtidy
Af Artf ... Marir M PlfM w
Htrtl'frm .... IUWn r IIivh
I.-rr!,.. (wt n.. IlitrtlfrTp) Mirk lltlfp-ny "
n .!- Spring iLuurvtunr Tft) - J S Hn.!. nhn-h w
V-ar tlsH, - tywd Smtlh
H jW li7 Vid!.-, 1'r.l.mTp) - A V. lU)r "
TToliJaiys n.mks close on
Sew Tear'. laj ilii Ji! -ThsuikgiringbrirtraM
Regular Union couuty Courts open
Tltird Mnn'lay in Mrury May- trmh'r lWmb'r
For the Harvest of 1SG2!
The most approved Agricultural Implc-
Bients now in the Market !
CI IF F D IU a a a CUDIMCO 9. Pfl
OLIrEili II nLLOi giliilila.ll Uu bUi
Lcuitlturg, Ia.
Wjtt SMtl.
w v
.... I - J . f .U sa R...I,
KKAV1XH AM) MOWIM; Machines, and
its repniation is so veil established that it is
Tawls and Springs, br which the machine
may be thrown out tf sear, or be backed
without vibraiini Ihe knives the Sieel Cutter
Itjr ihe H'rotieht Iron (Juird, wnh Hardened
Sie-1 Face or Cutlinj Ed?e ihe Ijuble
llmseii Joint, by winch ihe tJtttter Bar may
be Folded the lung Crank fhaft the S'eel
Kpnni and Wheel, by wliirh the Culler liar
may be rai&rd and lowered so as ip rnt as
low lo Ihe eround as may be de-ired ihe
Sieel Pitman and llrass !l"l its l.icln Drali
;no Side Draft) no weipht on ihe hirses'
ni-cki backs as easily as a cart all of
whieh form a combination of advantages
same lime than any other machine in use.
Thev alsn manufacture and keep on hand
for sale Darlinz Tread Pnwtr and Thrrtherg
Trl'eraph fodder Culler (tmt sizes) ; Conking
Wonr, amont wnicn is me ceienratea - i.on-
ijnellla,r iW mJ ojfe .u
: ,rf, J r( and W'niuxU I'm and Bran
- . !-...., .y.,. r .(M;.A..i l-
varrbat.issi. '
. . . . rft . -
wwr kf,p, constantly hand
B ' - - ...
a tare assonment oi im- very otsi ana
"t"'a ma& Wilkes-Barre COAL, for lime and
t,PTe purposes, whieh he will sell at the very
F- "
Also, Dlucktmillu' Coal, Tlaiteraxi Sail.
Wish it distinctly understood, tbat I will not
be anderaold hv any man Having good
weif n-scalro, lull weight will be sjveo.
Coal Yard near Weidensaul's boteL
l-ew.shurj, May 2750.
lC-0lIrl',," rewoved lo South 3d trri.fonr
,,''or lron lne Tuwa Clok, LEW.
icuinu, 1 A
; ii con 5.1.3 s m
J", I ! I ! !!!' J,,,- I I, J,! J a
.ia.3 i4!1.ii.i.,i ,-duiij ir. ulish. '
i-a..:.i,4M3 , -j ;i!js!s'2i
"i--'- '.-'"r,'i ii ;S:'v--ju ail I
Fek-i I I I I I, ' ,JJ,Ti.
! I -hi I
pr ii mixi
Bar. i t i l l i l ikpu. i
I I si a
rjFawa fLATS a. raawao - - - .
""J T.n-lhnT0 PUninc Will.
IAni.mHin O '
lero coaoaotlv oa naan ana
nianuiarture to order Moennp. psuiiib,
IoorN,Sah,SlioHer. Hllndit,
Noulsllni; f all taii-rn,
anil all niherilescriiitinns of Wood Work used
: in Bmlttins.
I Orders re'petflly solicted and promptly
. filled. All trork warranted in give saiisfaeiioo
la" An etieauve mi oi i.HHiuervi
decriptions en hand fur sale.
f rfory ell frnrtli Scaind tretl,LrWUlnirg,l a
Aoril IS, I8S.
, w. rtiBUta
"tfAMiliZEn & DIM.,
Y Attorney n( raw,
Lcwifbiinr, Union Co. Fa.
OlTicf inS'nithSccnnil Si. f.trmrrly ticcopied
by Jamps B Hamtin E-q- deceased
itewisburg, April 4, IHtil
That EveryloJysaiJ couIJ not be Hone,
has at last been Accomplisbed !
A MB ROSE'S Coal Oil tlilmney
Hand Lamp. The fulluwing are some
ul us fl'lvantases t
1ft, liiiisni-t with th chimney, vbirb iriptinlT
and rurilfr m-
2J Thf Hji.t I at once Bceewlhle fbr lightina; moJ
kiit'llintc pur,Hcc.
31. Uumia la-ft oil thtin thn rhtmny lamp.
4th. I! urn- tli JiUnN-ot irra lt anj oatlilif of eoil
nt carl-nn oiln. from durily of W aoI op-rrtl.
Mb. Can t? carrit.-d atuudvI with about tba same fa
cility a a mnll"-.
flit. IVtitlt if tim in l.ttrnlntt IciW-T the rjnitity
of th fliuc . TV' lii'tip roxy be burtH-d a wrti without
trlmiointi sjn.l wtl' nut inoaA.
The bttrn. ru mu If ntu-ht-.I to any litcip, m that pr
fxD hariuc lamp) uroil ouly rhxn-'e tlx- lirn-r"
Foraale by J. A. KRKAMCR.
ALSO, jitsi received, a lot cf French Pre
serving Kpm!o4. t'nrn Poppers. &c. Ae.f ai
J. A. Kit HA ME It's Tin Khiip,'cnrnr Kourib
and Market streets. hewisburg, Aug.2,'61
rrA&irfa Attention, Hti3iclans!
' .s'l v-Taj A lar;e assortment of
jVy''fJ) Violins, tiuiiars, Ac., of all
S-V'' kinds also Violin. Oiiiiar,
and Binjo ninn;s, Briuees. Pi-ks. Ac.and the
best Violin Ruiiu -call at the Post Oifice and
examine. W FORREST
Pol Till ITVLVt rrE CF
yVNMOR"'. J-isnt'Mi V !( I, u'''J Jr-.m tUJ,
Jwif.LMt tir H-nj ti'-n, an4 for fV ri:f itil ,it -ill
fHitLri''jCurr- i'lttunt tn a'frsimd tinges the Litter
HIIK Kalnamir C.ir lial in s-ntiivly a VrfliMs prndu
ti-'n.n'Oii'iuiiit: ike bcline propr-rli- of tlir ilHam,
rllh tin iriTiiforiitificr iia'.ti "f ai"lil, ).rwlurinira
t3iiii!iiuatina so wfll adui-trd tn th purirr-ei ititrmltl.
that thi-rr atv ha (- cn- of -ita-a--- whkh will nor, at
an nrly prnod, auccumb to it bi-aling and lilogi iug
jror4-rt -."
l-'nr utr-ii han thi trv-ndnfiit of yvnlmnnary 1ifWfi4W'w c.
enptr'd thv irrvitrr prtinn 'tf the atts-ntion of tho rtvn-tttn-
of Hi- nitir)l orlJ. I'Ut pnn an(nir--i1 mof nk
nvnrv in bin tri-atmnt of thi-M ristva4-. than th "i
hrntajd frntwritD I'r. H'-oflUD'l. the oritnator of the bal-panit'-Conlial.
II if lir-ww tlfcctatl to tlit i-rfMluftif trnf
nDi4'li' tht vrotil'l tianJ unrivalrd. wt-ll b- ha
nui-nixti-il. th AiB'-nran tnij Nr ahlt to jU'lur: ami
,)'tiitlT'I I'MTt. ttit on prfp-trtttronw ilmi tiavf vTcr
btn pintail nrfor thm, Ufleorntrrt-l thtatlii-MtTtount
of bvoi tiu on fuff-rinir butn tttity. r have rlicit'l ao
many rmtri' iiil-ttifin" frttn a!i 'a""M of aorit-iy. aa thf
i-f tji-d.i' of llr tlanda prfjareil by Ur. C- 31. JitrkiKin A
C. of I'hila.lflfhia.
Tiia ("orilial ,nl-firflH f rf, wet mnrecrt
ml and oiorr Utstl tlian any otrter to whirl) th itwpiv
oi mi r-'tintry nre i.jvci id-) aprjtvfinc irom a
flight coM " That itiinnt authority. Pr. Itell. pay:
1 will not la that Ccliln art to nor iuhahitant what
ti I'.-uur till t-llnw ft-vt-r are t thn of itther roan-
irti- ; lull I e.in aT wnt1,vvtr-y- .iaw4lMs aai ilut.
eaac oi jrrt-atrr eotupltvity atui mnrUlity than tiieat- latt.-r
Kt-ail what the rtnin.-nt RUm Mxi.nfn'-tiirpr. JOHN U.
V IIITAI'Ia. pi vp of the HA U A MIC OK DIAL.
I)R C. M. JAi-Kio-f lipnartatl Frlrnd: Ifavlnv fr
lotiir timv hi-.-n r. unititi .) with th- virtufn of thy H.AL
tSAMtCfJUKIHaL in ConH.s,0UiB. lutiaimnxtlon of th
Lunar", In., 1 tli ui frr-rlw t sir ts t hntiii r to tu mm-v.
ft Msvcrwl Jararw 1 bawa Mr bwana witltnsst It In aiisv
fnanll. It im wl-o art tuat plfW-urw to sttalt tbnt I haT
uMMt it wrtb t-nttra rmee-rm tn thn irealmirt of R-rel
rnwirlainta Thy frh-Dd trulr, JI1NM UK ITU,),.
Pltth Mo. 17, IK. tineu above 4tb, I'bilad'a.
aw-Thrpe m- fl'.' in,si arr f-r Pale hy all r-ppswtahle
Irarl-ie an-t dealer In medi'4t'" In th- CTntt-rl Stat ,
CaiiailtiK, briti-h Hruvinrs-n. ami W-t linlie. at To rnt
tor ht-lih-. Itramre aixl fet tlm 7nnin, with 'h i?na
ture '1 . M. Jifhiion on the wrtpr n' aeh hottle; all
athcr are ennttterf -it. rrtnnpttl office uul MantiiwrUv
ry. 4ts Arrh Ptreet. rblladelphia, I'a.
nIIG Pennsylvania Railroad Company
1 having tins day taken possession of the
Philadelphia A Brie Railroad under the con
ditions agreed on with the Philadelphia &
Hrie Railroad Tompanv. thev have appointed
JOSBI'H 1). P( T PS, Ueneral Manager there
of, lo whom all OiBcers aud Employees will
report for iLstructirns.
President Penn'a Railroad Company.
Office of the Penn'a Railroad Cos )
Philadelphia, Jan 30, I8G2. $
General Order, Wo. 1.
To t'llc Effect on and after ,;. CO, 1SG2.
I. The Wrslcrn Ilils)lon, from
Warren lo Kne, will be nitdrr ihe friitperin-lendi-nce
if JAMICS LEWIS, whose title will
be Superintendent ot ihe Western Division.
Ilis Ollice will be at Erie. Employees on this
Division will be nnder his charge, and will
make all commtiuicaiions respecting their
d'Hies or ihe business of the road, to him,
eicepi as otherwise provided in this Order.
II. The Fast ! in Piiislon, from
Sunbory to Wniliam, will be tinker ihe sap
enntenilenee rfsiAMl KL A. 1)1. ACK. whose
title will be Superintendent of the Eastern
Division. Employees on ibis Division will be
under his ehar?e. and will make a'l commu
nications respecting their duties or Ihe busi
ness of the road, to him, except as otherwise
provided in this Order.
III. The Arroiints) of Freight anJ Pas
senger Rusiness will, on the Western Divis
ion, be in the immediate charpe of JOHN C.
DOCCS, whose title will be Assistant Audit
or. His Office will be at Erie. On the Eastern
Division they will be in immediate charge of
THOMAS M. DAVIsJ.-whose title- will be As
sistant Auditor. His Office will be in W:i!l-
iamsnort. He will also have charge of ihe
distribution of Passenger Tickets over both
All communications respecting Freight and
P.asentxr accounts by employees on eilher
Division, wilt be made lo the Assistant Audi
tor ihereof.and respecting supplies of Tickets
to Tuoxts M. Davis.
JOS. D. POTTS. General Manager.
Pennsylvania Railroad Company,")
Lessee Thilad. & Erie R. U. f.
(ieneral Manager's Office, C
Wilhamsporl, Jan. 30, lRfiJ. '
J.S. Marsh. E.korliler, CX3hrklry. r.Beaver
j. s. ma"Ssh & CO,
LcTrlsburg, Pa.
WE LaT conjUntlj on hi"l and fr ale,
fT'iper, Hffwer and orr Harrertert: drain trmi Gran
&dsri; Hand and Hurt nvr thru Sh'Hers; Ok.TW
tvut Fntr Harm lYead. Smerp and Hoil Putvert ; CTtw
HntlTr. W rfarrt, Tkmhm, tVtei. Stert, ftf Fnm
FrmmUur liniMinii; iron Hmv. lintitmat. Jfii CrVartn
Mr. Ac, sri hold oors.f1.vi n-arlr at atl t!mri tn no all
kixt of PocxDar Rti?ia. vith'thp itmanriwtiri-j
and diipatch. Work or Manafactnres Invarlahlf
warrantad as reccmi7ieMleL Onir rfisifH-ttuNy
olieitrd aodproni'tlj a- Wd to. Jub1. 1MW
Old Post-Office Stand.
A LAKGE supply of Eooks,Statinnery,
J. Perfumery, Jewelry. Toys, IJonfection
eries, Teas, 8piee, Krnil, ls. Baslies,
Pirtares, nrl a variety of NICK XACKS for
sale cheap tv
783 II VV CROTZCR, Lewisburg
"oat., rr f
T7HKICE we will find a large assortment
If latest styles
5urh jn French snH Eochrh all wwi t'lnih.
I rum f ..50 np in $io.tm. Knmty B -ys Cas
aimer', ami Si lie M.xcd Cassimeres, tSaunUs
&c C lot hint? "f all (i-scrjptionn ; Men
an-i Buys Uar Whole Sous for !: 1 2 50
th.il is.clo'h coat, satin vest, cassimtrre paots.
Summer Sunt for $.Y50. Also, a laree as
$tir:inent of Hals. Caps, AcM sncta as M'C! el
Ian, G.iribaUii, Opera, high and low crowned
Ha s, Iloitf, Ilatidraf rchie Is, Collars, Shins,
tfusptQ'lers, Cuibrellas. Neck Ties, Ac.
now is tbs Tins :
to save from 25 to 60 per cent., and get the
Latest Si vies.
Also, tionls Cut and made to order, and in
ihe latest style. Always from five to ten
hands at work.
('all opposite J"hn Walls & Co.'s Store,
Market street. Lewisbnrc.
tlcp-cf Knica (imtq.
MOU.TKI on rol!rr,rroi,'hed,eiisrravfiJ
and lithographed in I'lsilad. iu ihe best
si of the art :J0 by 40 inches in size on
a arale of !,( inches lo ihe mile. Tbis Map
was carefully surveyed in H5J, and is reas
onably correct, rliich Township is colored,
and there are theTnwo Plot and ISo.b of l.ois
in Kewisburff, MiMlmb'ira, New Ilertin, Har
llplon, and New Colombia. Monntamt and
Streams are traced ihe Public Roads, with
the diiance in perches between roads which
intersect aKo Names of Farm Owners pen
erally. Church and School Houses Mills. Ac,
The Court House, two nf the I ewhart ITni
versify Buildings ihe I.ewisburg B ai Yard,
the I'uinn F.in.ace at Win tie Id, and Cnton
-Seminary at New Berlin are rep re en ted in a
separate enirraviiif each.
Kvery Farmer and person of business sh'd
have ene of these Maps for ornament or for
ret re nee and information.
The original subscription price was !$3,50,
m-w reduced to only. VlT For sale al
the Star t Chronic) (HHc.e, and by
Da. 8. L. BKCK, l.erishurg
L.ist and llcst JVcws !
1 TE have just received from Philadelphia
an. I Sev Vork, a very large and well
selected stock of
which we offer at rery reduced prices. We
have paid particular attention in the selection
of this Murk of (im 1I1 a very large assort
ment ofQflY GOODS of every descrip
tion. Purchasers will llml ii their adrantace
l pive u a call as in prices we defy anrof
nor neiffhhnrin? towns for competition. We
have a! replenished cur stock of Ciroce
rlcM, IIardtare92uccuMware,&c.
- PLA8TKU, c.
IIA.Vt. Mirth Llme. CuJvimeJ Platter t
and Jfy?raulic Ctment9
always kepi on hand.
Imy-CtWKTtY VHOnVCE taken ia Ex
chnnev lor floods a a usual.
K.B. Cash paid Tor all kinds of Grain.
Lewisborg, April 21, 1 H;
joiixs & ciiosrtT,
Solo Manufacturers of tlic Improved
IT is the cheapest and most durable Roofing
in nse.
It is Fire and Water Proof!
Ii can he applied to new and old R-wfs.nf all
kinds and to Si. ingle Hoofs without removing
the shingles.
The ci si is nnlv ab"ut one-third that of Tic
and is twice as durable.
Gotta rcrrba C rmcnt, for pre?er.
vine and reoairins Tin and other Metal Hoofs
of every description, from its ereat elasticity.
is not injured by ihe contraction and expan
sion of metals, and will not crack in cold or
run in warm weather.
These nrii-ria's have been thoroatrhlr tes
ted in New York and all parts of the tinmhern
arid Western Stales, an 1 we can give abund
ant proof of all we claim in their favor.
They are readily arptied by ordinary labo
rer, at a tnflme expense.
These material are put np ready for nse,
and for shippin? tn all parts of the country,
wiih full printed Directions for application.
Full descriptive Circulars will be furnished
on application bv mail or in person at our
Principal office, fill Itroadwav. New York
(Uvftfitv SLNit-holan II -I. I ) JOHNS 1 1 K(MhV.
TATBOt t oil. Oil.!
X warranted NIN EXPLOSIVE,
anil rqnal lo any KEROSEXE.
Why bny an explosive Oil, when a frw rents
mnrp rirr gallon will frtiih von with a per
il c I Oil ! Wade only by
Penu'a Salt Maiinf ictiirin? Company,
Ke. ta . w aai w., ruiuuKirnia.
Feb 10, INOSyl
Jsuiitburg, L'niua Co., Pa.
.FFICE on Market 8t, three doors below
Coonrr A Evans-. April I. IHSS.
An aperient and gtnmarhie prpaiation ofTnONpnri
fled of otytren and rarbon I.y rom hurt ion In hydrogen,
nnnrtioned hy the hiifht-ft Meatinal AuthoritW. both in
Knropeand the Lniu-d eutti, aud pretxribt-d In their
The xrrlenrr of thonand daily prove that nopre-
pnrsi.ion 01 iron ran Dconntpareu wti tilt. Jmpnritieaot
irk It roraplcxioius, indicata it neetmity in aimMttTery
Innoxioaain all ma I ad lea fn whirl It baa lSen tried
It ha prove) aljeolntelj curative in earn of toe follow
nw onmplainta. via :
Im IUhtf. .Vereoatt Afretvmt, fSmtiH-tirm. Pofiyiat
OmMtipittnm. rhcrrrhtenjr,rnter)i. inr'pin Omtnm rm ,
Srrnfulottt TM'rTCOtn.i, Suit h'hrvwt. Mitmenwtroation,
VtiaVt. rttlomtU, Lirrr Omtttint- Chnmie ftrttdarh9t
iiftnnmitum, InUrmiWut -Varr, 1'tmpkt on Ou fc.
Pat up In neat flat metnt boteaeontalnfnit 50pH
prwia &o rente per box ; for ante by droonriftU and deaierr.
U ill lv ent free to any addrena on ivrvjipt of tha price.
All letter1, order, etc. hoq Id he addreen-d to
kU B. LOCK A Co., General A rent a.
Sold in Lewi4urg by
Iftker A r C W Krbane F Caliwell
" on Market Square, Lewisbarjr.
.Dorjr. au ;
A rood snnply of riintrn.
. I nntr. '
if Jr,T- m I a.
IKVi-S;Va, j
I INDSEY'S laprorel
Li ' t?"liLOOO SEinCTIER,
For the ajvv,rJira)and iVsj-I atira af Al.t'Haaaaaa
tfii( (run IMfUKITT Otf Tliit HUXiltl
npHIS BMMff ha wroasbt Ch lWMt aa.lraealoaear
im tfwHtpsjraU eaMaf of
ftVrofula CmTv fnnBttlnn,
rutanmnidipaN, Krypiplaa, tM!a,
ftmpta-fi no th fx-v, hrv kv, SeaM Ila4,
Old, atnhbnrn I Irvra, Kl.rua.tvtk diauniara,
Tftirr alT--tiMi.n, ri-tinviii,
Iynrr'-ia. JanaJlea, S1 ill Rhm.
1TToHal lieaasjat (.ttna-rnl dfhlMtv,
l.trr CVmplaiot, Ltw nf Apprtito,
Law I'iritD. P iqI rtinma'-b.
aVoial- Om lain ta ant all .H--tA bating Utctrorljfla
la aa iiuiure atto of ihe Hltv-4.
Th almrtj in a f.rtralt r f PmfJ V rrrarv.f JapiW
TT.. lit. .n th- .Tint -lay rf Amrut,Va. mi1ani'la it
trfir Juitirr tinrlvy thai he il trau led for tha ran
r.orK t llirvv phyririnnf.f 1U Ifonl rf-unty. and bj lr.
Nfwt'tn of the Krlsn-ttr C'ollt-, rincinnati. frir a -rtnl
of nvarlv ei-bt mont. . rotwith-tmi-liiiif wliirh kit ',
aoiav, a'f ft prrfi-n hit It ft threle vr enttriy fnfa
avxtjf? lit litiil iTMrii ii f a! I hnf--.hn ht bfanl of the
I.wt Snrrlit-r," and - iinlu'-" tu lr it, Four bot-tlt-aeorxl
him, an.l (aithoiiirh mMj .liTitirv.! i thT H
no fjuefttion but tl.in itiT.ilunti! m-d)rlv aaTfd bi life.
The full partiruUr of tin n ra-mrkM- ra- mmj bvavra
In a Cirmlar tn 1h- had nf any of tli Atfuta.
U a iltip H to a ear tf Snnrt Ulemk ney. of KMfHoo.
Arnict rotiir r.. Px . mml f I'kortu after beta unabla
tii K'-l out of bett UtT three ytar.
T tha- ra- nf a Imlv in Aii-onTil!.nsaTa.rl CoTho
a- i.ttiirlfl a-itli : r..ru' in it.mt ftrio.
OamlHaCo.. I't., who km ba.ilT attlia-tm with l'ano-r
iiirt ll ai uii fii'irt uu, auu nu vmms ws auimt ia
p.trilr. than MTrt-arvV
Th- i artfriilariinf th w-Mtsf-vrT(m ofwhlrh wan
rurt-tj hy ths ue nf th.' "l!lvd Starr hr" may alae ba
found (n p t ifnUr t. h- h! r,f n of (ha Asffnl.
10. H. Kr..M!. Pniprletor. nil .burs. Ta.
l.a'-iratr.rv f-T Hit mar. uh.'-tutv and nmie, near th
tVnn'a I ailr-md 'lN-(-t. M'.IMdav-hnrtr. I'a. lNhl b C.
H . tVhaltic. L-wUt.-jraj; M'f r. i.-ht k Ilnufk. I!iiiThI X
Kf-a.U: Hudv A Hiranirlrvirh. KrmTTHI-; rumniinrfi
ft W.ttn. r. Il.trtlvUn; Ii. II. ICi-pvll. MiflMnhur-r ; I., is.
ttamn,, Wiia&old; shiudW fc H BKfOFelltjr, tielinaerof ;
j: .
r. kswell's
No. -Z49 Artli M. riillMdelphla,
fro, of tht lurfffi-t and mr.fit eompla-te Callarisja In lha
t'ntitxl fUtta btr Ihf be"t IVturM known to tha
l'!i.it".;rat'l'ic art ar- Uh-n at prteee no l.tghar
th.n ar piI for miraM rttiva.
TUB I'mptit-tor. a rmrtirnl 'h'tt'tfrMuhtr. aiii1a,
pwonally. ererr nitliokr anj allownno lrtwr lo
IvaTt- the !all?ry unlMf it trtren reriet a-j.tiffBxt.on.
ItMaruan-aotiia and AniI'rctvtfa,of iWrnlor dtrael
fri-nii. pli'ttocrtipiivHl t any r-tiirr I rite, or takfn on
CanTafK. lift -iw, and priintrd in Oil hy U VWat ArtifU.
At thi tfry pi- tur-a ran I ttkn in any wcatbt-r
a w-rf.-rt in rtr.tj 'y d-ty as wh-n the pan .'binaa.
vrn Ttritint tha rlty arv raapt fully itiiU-d to r
amine our 5pcinn'D, which for rlca and -juaiity defy
ooaTi ptHiin.
3,IuftructioD8 giTaa In the artrf Phntoeraphy.
0 ax LP. I or Aet, 724 Arrh ?trrt, I'hUaticlrhln.
Tmwi ITon Lewia n.OAWtnrix, M. O.tOhw
My family and friend all cv.nrur in th npinfott that
th -Nawrll) tVtnr- la now lil-lika than any thing
thvy fTa-r aaw. My llkt-nfsu- baa b-wn trpvat-Mily taken
by different Artl-tn io Tarton way, hot I bsf neatr
yet bad nor whieh Tr-entao true to ntaturf.ail line ty
listsm anp ampresMt-nH of otiontvoanre aa thin.
tram B'n. K J- T M -Mis, late Mtnl.teT tolta'y.
The eviul-iu flnieh. l-eautf and aollnsd-a of yonr i-nf.
tratW. eon joined wtlh their durability of oolor an' faith
fulowui t iikeor-. n. ran nnt fail to sMmtiswnd then to
th nttfotk-n and patronage of all wbo pprcdaUi trow
From CVt Jawrji PAnv.
fTavttirr oaeal.n for a partrJt. 1 prrsrwrinS (saw from
sir. Mnvwjt -Of wa-ll. oT The rtr or VI Iliaa1filt. a ))
ture tn OU (.nr. unrUrthe we pTaceit'UwTrrt f.y Ash,
ana ms. m rres.i t. ! u re in ri re in if ine aanniartroo
KiTon ma. not only bv the cvtirat-y cf tbe likeoefd. but
it artiftte linih in all tvnTti, and rvrommend hi
the patronage cf thuM dij i-d lo encourage tha iVautt-
lot art. r.-unt jin nsii,
S E.Cornr Eighth ani Arch St. Philadelphia.
( Entrant am igiUk Street)
VFTER miny years' experience in all the
varioa? branches ot the Art, the Propri
etors confidently invite the attention of Iheir
friends and ihe public to their extensive esta
blishment, which presents the opportunity for
procuring the be-t Piclnres, equal ai least to
any first-clats Gallery in the I'm led H tales.
Preparations are complete for executing all
th iuprr-Tetl atylra known to the Art. They bares
patent arrancment for ropy irii bapurirmtrte, Ae..Ar
maktntr tht'B. Life alae, if dt-.tr d the only one of the
kind in thie rountry. Attacteil to thia eaUblUbnant
are three aotoritir ArlW.".
I'uoTWsVLruB, iortuaiin? rainting, at tow mt $2 00
do with frame do 3 fi-j
do fl I'ho. atT5eta. Fxtra ropiea JVO rta.
ot f.'. per d". lifet-ize Fhotoarrnrh aa Im aa $.t,aD4
lTorytype at name pnra. Durable Ambrotypea at (M
cent and upward..
A moft exteti-tTn aFortmetit of Hilt Framee, embnuv
Ini a ie!i-et and rhoi.-e ? uriftv of the latent atylea. Fri
er from fi e-rttn and npwnrda.
K-paTial attentixo !itrw.'.l DTn I-ift-iid Photo-fjrnf-ha
in Oil. tmn-f rr'il fn m rmall pictures.audfron
life. I'rtetf from Hb to f iu".
.luctru-lic hp ftivea in the Art fiflty
William Jones,
ATTORNEY at Law.foIIfclions
JL rri-mpily altendril lo. Cdre'n Market
slreet, opposite Ihe l're5vlrinn rhmch.
find l.'EWISKVKR.PA.
ITlXKCL'TED ia the best style known in
li the art, at
C. 6. Crane's Gallery,
. 532 Arch Street, Eiit of Sixth,
Ambrotyjes, Daucrrcotjpes, &t.,
For Cases.Medallinns.Pins.llinci.Ae. RCCyl
C'lirouintlc I'rlntlUfT.
HAVING purchased ihe ri?ht to nse Rna
f.'s process for Pnniini; with Ilry
Ci.lors, for Union Co. Fa., we are prepared to
execute onlers for
CARDS, Show-Bills, &c.
ta) JI.il. Orm. Drmrn. Xilvrr, H,immd, m (Wet
colors, in eood style, CVat the Ollice of the
Star 01 Chronicle'Levisbnrw.
Ivn. 1R5S WOr.DEN a CORNEirS.
Science still on the Advance (
CUEfiEON ar.d Mcchani-
O eal rn(lM(. OfHce in the
CfT Btorger's new boililnia. Market siree!,
(western entrance, rp siair) I.EW'ImUI!K.
Ur.Ul ki.a.ti is m.wconsirociine the Non-
se-.tional Block work, baked on Pi..i..h...
wiich for cleanliness, beauty and strengih
has no eqnal also teelh mutinied on the var
ioos Baes in nse and bavin, had a long
and extensive practice, and beins perfectly
familiar with every department of his nrofea.
sion, he feels safe in warranting entire satis-
laction in an nis operations, which shall be
carefully and skilfully nerformed.
Please call and examine specimen. The
annrnorqnaiines ot the Non-seetinnal work
will be evident 10 all who will rive it a. im.
partial examination. Ilr. Bnrlan is the only
person who eonstrnets this excellent work in
this seeiion of conntry.
RPC'barges shall correspond with the
"mew. t-ewismirr, Sept. I. ' MI
riTMr. 8TAHI.-noU m.rf..i...
rnrn.d t hi, Hhnp in ,.,wishor"s;;-
'" i"" 01 wtrk in ht. tin. Itrinv
NvKtfKNO Suns Mourn,
And tlit best specifio now io oe for any
diseased condition of the month. I' is
particularly beoe6cial lo persons wearing
completely destroying .very laint of the
mo'ith, alisnrbing and removing all impa
rities, insuring
tn all who make o-e of it. Aw l'otny
hnthj or Young Centltman wbo is afflic
ted with a
Bad ttreafh
i ij ji - - t :
ruv... -i rv as "j i
is a certain cure, and ia approved tod ree-
ommeoJed by every phvsiciao uodcr whose
notice it bas been broths.
1.4 an cffcDce lor wuicb there ia no excuse
can be procured.
Mao. peraoDa carry with then a bad !
breath, preatly lo the anooytnee. and often
to the dipr-ast of thoe with whom they
come io contact, wi'hnut bet no; conf-cioos
of the fact. To relieve yourself from all
( fcafS regarding thlS,
Vie Dr. Ym. B. IUr,Tt Mouth MatK '
CleaQiioess of the mouth ia of pre at
importance to the general health, which is
nfiPn tT..Mr1 .od nAt r1fM,.s,n.l .0..;
. . - .1 1 1
uuaij .uijiaireu, turnajjD wioi oi proper
attention to tbis eobjct.
ITPnarefl at lr. Ilnrrr llpntnl llftiM
iNo. 7, roortb Sr., Brooklyn. K.O.
Price, 37 tin per bottle.
A liberal discount made to Dealers.
Aillrttt Prinrlpnl Offire, TrUune Build.,
tjs, In. .rce . Irw lori.
Sold also by Caswell, Mack & Co., Fifth
A venae Hotel; J. & I. Cnddington, 715
Broadway ; D. 8. Barnes, 202 Broadway;
and bv all DrntTirUtfi.
aUU HJ ail 1raggISlg.
This Powder possesses ths
and is free from all Aaids or Alkalis that
can io tbe least iujuro Iba Teeth.
Its action being entirelv mechanie.t
polishing witbont wearing the enamel.
Dr. Wm. B. Hard's Tooth Powder
is reeommonded by all Kmioent Ilentisls
Prepared at Pr. Hard's Denial Office,
No. 77 Fuorth St. Brooklyn, E. D.
Price, 29 cU per bo.
A liberal diseonnt made to Dealers.
AJtJreU Pi tnct'nfll Office. TriLun Ru.1,1 i
b- i rt J . . J u,tu
iya, ao. 1 rtprwCC iV. JH7 urk. I
Snarl a.l -. fl ii a. . .
&0l(J mhO by CiOWPH, Mat-k & CO., Fifth '
Avenue IJotel; J. t I. Coddington, 715
Broadway; D. 8 Barnes, 02 Broadway:
and by all Druggists.
produced by exposed nerves.
It is particularly adapted to all eases of
children afflicted with
Parent; can relieve themselves from ik.i
distressing weariness eaued by
sod their children from great suffering, by
keeping a bottle of
Or. U)m. D. fiarb's Cootljacljc Drops
in tbe bouse.
Prepared at Pr. Fiord's Denial flfS.,.
No. 77 Fourth St. Brooklyn, E.D.
Frlce, only 1 cts per bottle.
A liberal discount made to Dealers.
Addrett Principal Office, Tr.hune Build
ings Ao. 1 Spruce St. Xea York.
Sold also by Caswell, Mack .1 Co., Fifth
Avenuo Hotel; J. & I. Coddimtlon, 715
Broadway; D. S. Barnes. 202 Brn-.
and by all Druggists.
for ins cens cr
E SJ 7. AL G J A
or Toothache produced by colds.
is immedialcly eured by their application.
They act like a charm, and are perfectly
barmles io iheir nature; do not produce
blister, and leave no unpleasant results.
Dr. Wm. B. Hard's Neuralgia Plaster.
never rail to give satisfaction to all who
test iheir virtue.
Prepared at Dr. Hord'a Denial Office,
No, 77 Fourth St. Brooklyn, E. D.
' Price, only 13 cts each.
A liberal diseounl made to Dealers.
AdJrrn Principe,)' Offirt, Trilunr Build
ig, No. 1 Spruct St. New York.
Sold slsn b. Caswell, Mack k Co.. Fifth
Avenue Hotel; J. !i I. Coddinpfon, 715
UlY. Calli.nlic Pills,
(til 0. 4 H COATFJt,)
latrnHAt, frnfltera, Mtvlhrr. PUy alrtaa,
PblInfUrAjltsi. rrmit fhrlr Klft-tta,
aMl jHiljt mt lhlr Virtu.
. , . mi- tnr rrnR or
Head nc he, Sick llcudur he. Font f rane fc,
11ria4si iu. lav L 1;
Dt. J C. Arnu : T h-u- k-m r. r-a(. -My niri f
fhf wrt ti.-M-Ln h mny lmi rati l.jv. ire a ar la
I af f smit rilU. lt-aHslf.iaHtlT.sifiuI.iimav-h.
' v"-
luaua wiia grral irri, Fn. W, rCim.R.
Cnrk i.m r
Biliona DiaorJcra and LUvt-r omptRiafa,
lipkiMs?tT ur -vata lrtjti- a.
k iahi I. C, r.b U4i f
lm: T haTnP? y--at I't.U ta oy ivnal an. lnjaj'-tj
asracfW wte ahisW ytm a-- Ox-nt. aU oaaas S-iui..
:iy lh.y -re tint hv.l .-a.art-- w sml- v. Tn- ir r-fn,
Utll.C lta ott tiu iii- r U .,ii . Ii itiaiti-rtslaJ.c '4--;tt-a,v
ly tiis-y ar im aatniiia1 h n im-tv ft-r iVnttiL-ftnt i.t-. . -i.j
ricaH. lrKiWat, 1 Ume r'i-uiu a uim! m n-vot Mwu .i,r
4um ao ot't innto th.-il It til hi ffn'.j jirM t m.
J ratvnwilj JvtU, iUWi li'MM. n,
PffentTT' RHu, aad lWia.
r-aiT orm u II -iTt-.i. Ut. l-.. 1vh- . jf.
ths. AvU: Vasur PilU ar lis per1ti,-H ) a,.llr,r4rt
Tl"- Bttla.at fnj Mils; l;.ir r"- " "tt ; s
fti liaal I-. fk aiisl (.ti.hir a--y -r itH.ritl .
tyrt fas Is-'lasr-tsrvl ,st v't.-al fM" ff" Mast
1 Itwii mltitiirlao-s) Usftutt T'air lllka, Wbjfh rB fin -4 itrtf
-h-iii,-' lute,. .r. i,t t. t ut
Ttss afterwarU rnr-l her ! etti f wo iul-tr
-y h ry. vuha u-t
, cisn ar.tau e i-t.. u-m an. n.tetnV j.4br 41.1
j .t
j "''".Brt. .TrrTX ..4,. -
Indigestion find Imparity f the nioonU
Fi stfea. J. V. iart, J War of Add Chmwxk. Jl m
If. A to: I he w--t yamr P.iU with axtrtonlfraary
atr.Ytia In bit Unallr ajasai an. fir tl.'e I mm rsilrai toataait
In ditrr. T-i r.uUt.- lUu ork4ja .af d.ciwn at4 rsV
fV the bit- tl.ef are tha -r r nMt I bara T
kmnrn, and 1 iian r.ul.dri.Uy ra.iaiiniai' lla-nt mf
Suuda. T.tura, J. V. UlMka.
WiMiv. W Towrw r-. w. T Vt. 2. IMS.
Dim to: I aia aeincj your Cat brtt filla tn my pra
Ilea, im1 Sod th-fn -n em. ll.-i.t purvAliTa to cltwita Lk
natunt ami pnrtly Ihe nmrtnht of tie- M--.
JutlN J. MlUrilASf. ft. D. -Erysipelns
Srrof'ila, Kinc' Ffil, Tfttciy
Tnmnrstad .U l.benm
From a F-nrot 1 1 Kan of Ht. jVan, fib. , TM.
fR. Ateb: Ta.r Piita are tna parv at all thai fr
araat in maft. inr. Tfty hsT enred u.r l):tle ikiuita
of nl.-erona turaa np. her h-uidn and festt tiiat bsvl pn-j!
InrTii-ahle ftr yeani. II-r tut thaf hnd laren Wo Triervna.'
ly alTIi-tad wtth H.-tc h and j-inif-W on Bfr akin aod n
h-r hair. Anr o.ir rhtld a ir-sl. aha aW tMed yonf
" t!irr rni'1 n-r- ASA JumiKuxiB. .
KhewmntisBi, Neumlcin. and Conta
ue tW At. Ln. ImHrt, ef U,e XLScatM tptt- OkurdC
l'rLAixt Hirst u.n. Jn. a. 164.
H'Wti Mi : I atmhl U- unsrafrfnl f. Ui-rs-lief yivva
kill Iim Im :Lt h4t- if I did tt.it n-irt my eve to yuw
A rv.l't M-rtleal in my llmlsa and hnm.'hf eti rrrnrialtnf
' R.4aitb-tu:lif I nad tr.e - or ai. ftana.ihe n
Cw wa.rae aixl aai-a. nntU. I.y tha ariTsra yne anaett.
til ff.pnl in f-Itmiore. lr. St avcuata. 1 tried yowr ritta.
Thrlr rfWt. w-r. .k-w but a.. F; pprMM-riag 1. Ui.
war ol tbaaa, I aaj tww rMiirrl) w.iu
SEtTa CitA.ttnt. Rati IlotL L4 B j.;
!.. Stta: 1 half I.. Mr.lT rarl fcr j-m Int. ut
j f Dropsy, Pl. tboro, or kindtrd I .m.
, f'T'"""" """
For Cnf ivenew. or Conti.ntion, nnd as)
". "' -" . .
: "' "opprpasion, ratitlyis, Inflnmata.
tli,i...J .... lira. nr.., a:,.l l.rlll Ull.d-
saraa. Lata latatwnl Lj lit. Slutau. atkaW tkwa
j filta.
! Sl'Wtnrtfla1)lt.hlwiaraKra.ta1wStMrr7.w.trfc.a.
j tlion'h a YaiitaUr nin-.iy iu .L l: ul L.U.U. tm tlui-Ltrt,.
: bt a i!l. pill, wi n fit. drw.tfal c.w.tunw. th tt fro
anntlv f..llt.a ll. lanntaato tto.. lkwclaialoBA.
miil al.tin., !.T.
corctis. roi.n, iioarsffs, ikfi.v "
1PIF..T t(l.SI MPTIO.1,
anrt tw th relief of coMuBnti Mticnta in arrar.ea4
stacea uf the dw.M.
j We need no apee. t tha rul-Thl rf Ita Triune
' flir-rlroit every I'-wti, eod i OT t a-ri-ry bnttilrt tf Tha
! itanetti-an Mate, tta wondviful rnrnt of I ulniutiwy rt-m.
I ptsiit.t. aaTs aa-a tt la.jJ kara-wa. aj. tv-w ara ti-a
! Ihrmiliea fa aar " illat-al e.u ti w m thia txirltsat with.
out a rv-ttal r)i ten. .- it it i C f ; and a-waa? r
the n-tnainnit- try a here a l.t. b htie m-l otmutjr tt una
mf hvitaax tr.-r U its TtctorT c.e tb etit.rte and aJatia. .
ernatta Hiee-aae i4 the lltrv.it an! )uraa, Vhile it l lis "
ni.t r-.p rfBl antitji.te yet knon to man for th fbrwi. -d
ibie (anal ujHK.-r ulie.'a ( tlw ultuoiunr twrrana, in
ta alan tlir- .Wan-in teat ami aafaet retipl) llaat cab he eaa
EI.vh4 i t inlauta aaai ) nn r-x.a. nta )iott.i
e It in at '.re nrain! the ii-.wn eeeray that ata-ain
npim them arprfj-airtl. Kt aa.a ai-nD.laitt nii'Witai (
heltee the liWt We nit-re lltef hy the tl-O
artTnpk'n it nreventa than thoaa it enrea. Keep H hy
ym. in4 rvire Tmr nlrri while the are rnrahle. nor nt
IWt them nutii no hnnvan afcill ran'aawer tha mei.irm' ra
ura.!f.il a.a'iTr of hiatr driu ajnl
liver kn. w tv ti e ..-tneaj ,4 tiitf rviTH-tT. e tveeo t.e-1 ra
"'"'e tMn fc. anre tit. w It ia atill fra.ie I W beat U tan
he. T. e wfre n r mt. no enro. no trl to n lure it lia
I-errevtp.u-.ana tha. ihi-ahoMj-ai ,
PrmcticmLand .Inalytical Chtmist, Lowell, XaMl.
rtTSlJ by C Wschaffle and FSCaldwe
Lewiahurir; frMerartJ Smith, Naar Briin: D Wef.Ienal
Onlereill-: Sliinilel A Wur -ne-Iler. !M:ns-Tre ; J tl
Hasit. MiTninbunt; Corny t l.ro .New Columbia and
tJea'er eferjwbra j'J.OUeov
PI CTU RES. A hvne can not br raid
to bv well lurnishf J withuot srme well
sHeciei. I'lCtores. Tbis wane ran now be
supplied at rilOTZER'S
The next Work and Latest Styles
thankful f.ir past favors
would state that he has re
ceived ihe Spring & Snmtne
F a-hmns, and is prrrared lo
Ct T, MAKE, and liEPAIR
artnms as usual. He will
endeavor, as heretofore, M.
execute his work satisiacis.
rilv. l.ewi.btirff, April, Imi.2
H Y n E W 0 L OGI!
ACl KIOtS and entt-nairr. little Book,'
(all ahont Matrimony, .MVnc-y, and oth
er matters,) lheamuemenl of every body,
(anu the yrnnr folks, also,) on Ions winter
evening, rainy days, etc. Trice. 20 cents.
Wholesale, S Cents. Hem by trail for seven
3 cent stamps. For sale ai ihe".Vwr 4 TArna.
icfc" office. WOKDEX CORM LlVa,
rbtl.ltwrB. feaLt-nrTa,
" Wall Jamp l"t U w.,a, aa all t.ka a ritla.
VI.AKOE. handsome r7V-rn ax
and verv eomfnrta-ar1''"-"
ble ff lCOI has been
fined op for the espec.ai accromtHlatiun ct
Pic-Nic and oiher similareicnrions. Trrma
motlerate. Apply to Jm. M. IIOI SEI
Lewisbur, June 3, 1659.
Horseman's Friend, or "
rocUet Conipanton.
I iliy- l wo Valuable Rereipts for the Farmer
and Horse Dealer for sale f IS ct) by
J J fTAHI.. Bookbinder. Lewisburs;
FrHLi)s al IrwMiar;, talea cvbb(. Ttmm'W
TFRM.tt Ml p-r yomr, to u rtra nr AiTitr .tn
mi l be "nave rate a.r a lorr or afcorta-r rit d. Tbon. i9
Ma nil) par for tour nn-aifax. "ii ct- a r eix Bi"iliia. I M.
Inrefehl sTtMitl.a,2tJf4 r ntsteen montli-.a da). tor two
fenra. $4 fnr tunr tM-pis-a on j-r. Ui tor ten enpioa an
year. ate. tifncla No.' a eta. I'ltnvnU by vail (raxl)
reevire-l In golit, po-tmlt at;imr, nr bank not- a at tbatt
Tnioe nra. nisat Ktudf of rmeittee tvo-irevi m pay.
a- bra the tnn- a-xiireetor lieh a pi vr ia mallet,
(nnleaa a naves rnnniite. aeeonnti It h JTOtJr,H.
AnrrTTiKi?rnt bandemn-iT ...t Ii ttrj. mt 6 -ta aeff
aqnara mmm week. 2 et eh afler H. rlrt-n. 3 ttel. r ais
wutitfaa, Attc.1. pawr ;anr. 1UII a t.r eta. laVrv S
nsvl.3a4. TasqQrvwsl.i)44 is). i (.,). Merrbaate.
art over cna-tonrth nf a enlumn, lOdol. peryaar. filter
a. tee- . wniy heaarreevl apon. A r.iuar- la lHa-
amnlteat type, or In ot neitlarapr. jt.i vt-rliaraie-Ble w
demnntisdni'.HI-ral.ersrwhHtlir.; haunr aa i aJ 1.1111-.
Conmnnications dirH . upieaol caermj ia ureal
nd arsronapentM hy the- wrtts-r'n teal name and aaMrree,
Tbe M Ai-NKTIf TKI.L. It .1 I'll iW
af the Mar af i kmmrU.he wh irh -ftr n ineert iu-partani
New-tn nrreaure nfthe fhiUd. Mail.
Cnneet.-d jth rhe ftr are eaii'l w'r'i1'-f nM
kind nf JOB f filf-TINC. nhieU will lj-tei .
pesifirM, Mmi m.ntrh and -n ra-a-.ra t-rma.
.('tal advrrtiHwalet' tenth r aim ra-VJ
ka- J..I- W..rk whn ..-lts rr.-.1 . .''" ' f wm.
,Ofrii'Kllt aiafket.-4i
Jan M-.a
V iH.Ir it tvl:.M