Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, October 21, 1862, Image 1
JLK fill! Mill 'THE UXIO.V e?taMLsheJ In 1514 TVcole 3.0,2,538. UY 0. X. WORDEN AND J. R. CORNELIUS. At $1.M per Tear, always In Advance. LEWISRURG, UNION CO., PA., TUESDAY, OCT. 21, 1SG2. "CireOXirLE," established, in 1 ? 13 Wie Xo, S57. OTIP Ml 1ITOMM f Morning & l'ri!av Afiorsnnn. Tin. Legal Kajirpy must Rule." ll't'iertn, the j riii. ipio of the r.ntio hi l.een the j-riJe and h'.ji- aVive of the - of A Kiel-ion. and the whole ririlir.-d v. r'.l 1-U1 on with ,1-V.A.t and with T!i-1T. Vt"e m"j.l:t 1 as e.iriiest an 1 a is.-itod as we cli !'Ut when the lip? of the Lai!. !-!' x closed, and tlie vote wi duly coutitc ererv true nun submitted, One nun, or one rartv iarht think ant- il.r m,n or ,n..tl,. r i.-.r;v ;... .rant. .r Ucluded, or base, or wicked, or fanatical, ' ' or tr. as..M..bb itill, wo a!i l-nwod (with lu tuueh Kitiifjction as c.'iis:tont with our varied fwlin-j t.i the majoritt. How- ever unwise we tniht deem th.-m, t!i-y liad t!.c rime opinion of us we all l.a l the i-iiiK vrre.tt interest at tfa. tlifv; would t-uff. r - uo'.l as we if tli-.y were in ! the wr.in '..'ir turn n t" the penile can corri'OT tlieir mt.ik at pome c-imin cb ftion au 1 so wo ail ae.;iiief J in tin" deeisi.m, ri.L'tt or wr.nz, b Le;-t on tho wholv for all rv.nrorncJ. 1 The first urrtnufl r -itance to tli's ' Kb dcsnmc rule, wis by the N'nlliScrs in Gen. JueLon, Clay, and a I'uited ; N rth. surrri' d thst outbreak ly inii. !) ! a sarrifiee of tbc Tariff jdiey. In lCl, the Susssiouits refused obo dience t tbe Constituti.-tia! luajurity. not ou'v cf the whole I'ni.m. bat also of the Static of M.i-.lan.l, Virginia, N.nh Caro-' Una, Kentu ky, Tentior.o, uul Miasuuri, anj be::n this awful War. In Fustainiti" our Government, tberc fore, we stmi-u-le not only for the Umox l.ut aLs-j f, r tbe MAJUITV PKINCI I'LE it t!;e fouudalioa of all true, free. Klf-iroverr.li! nt. To n:;ike the uiaj..rity rule most wise and benefievut. it is obvi.u. the nias( must be 'jtmrraVi trlurattd and under the j jruidacce of mnrol jtrinrifji. The ' more oeral thee re juisitt s. the Kappier arc the fcoj.!e, and the better governed. Hold Tiicm (o It. "Polk, Delias and the Tariff of IS 12," was an admitted wiiful fraud. But thou sands of honest men who voted for that Uaihrt repudiated it. The Ilemocraiie prty leaders in the Border Freo States bare this year tri amphed on declarations of support of the (lOTcrnment atd crushing out the Rebel- lion. Take, as a specimen, the following j Itesolution of the Pennsylvania Platform 1 00 which Slenker and Barr ran j t. That, to the en 3 ihat the I'aion t re- ! tored. and the Contitutiuii and Laws enforced throoshoal its whoie extent, ase pledffe our besartv and unjii;iliif 1 ut- fart l" the Krdrral liuvernmeot in me LNKRtiCTIC PRJSECLTIO.N of the eut u.; War." I T'ais is good doctrine. Unfortunately, vher resolutions nullified (in our opinion) tiis sound and wholesome declaration As it stands, it is all we a-k all the Ad ministration ask. All their orators and presses uttered the same things. j Now, HOLD TU EM TO IT. A kr ry and wfnal'jir2 tvj'jiort to the Federal Government in the encrg'tic pm&rvtion nf the (xittinj tear," is what gained them i moat of their Totes. We hope they will j prore faithful to their word and honor, and cot cheat us like Polk and Dallas. The Ucioa Feeling. The temporary Democratic ascendency was not unexpected by those who realized the ibsesce of 125,000 Republican and D iuitIis Democratic rotors in the Arm v. Our gains from ratriotic Democrats failed . , ., . , IT to make up tcr their absence. Hence we 1 ece no occasion for despair. The Editor if tt,. r .v 11.. r i . M-jm ii.iu if c.icsaea a very general sentiment when be says "We feel far prouder of the Union men in their defeat, than we possibly could ' cave done, bad tbey been elected oa principles tbeir opponents were. Th defeated for the time beiog, tbey are TATBIOTS. Tbey bsve maintained integrity and hoor, and Union men will Cot forget them. The causes that defeated them this time, will not exist next year Their hour of triumph is in the future." '"The disunion par'y hive succeeded in electing their entire eounty ticket by small Bij intit-s. To ill true loves cf our coun try, tbis defeat is humiliating, but it is si;y accounted for. Mobs tuas 1000 I niox Mrs rsoM CLlsro.it abe ix THE ; ARMY. These brave men have been de- ! tsrived of their votes by Democratic judges. 1 Alan these men been permitted to rote,! the result would bav. been a glorious Un-1 ion victory. We bide onr tim. I in. soldiers will come home by and i,y ,od then wo to D.mocncr. The triumrb of . ai.. " put eE-mi- win oe dut tmiv-rr---..ni1 their Coal defeat when it doei eume. will Th. Av.rah.lminir : . j IIundtds wers induced to mte th. ths Democratic ticket on Tuesday by the r-o-1 reseatation that its uce'a would positive-! IT prevent the draft. The men wbo nude tbs statements knw they were lg'g. Bnt this is the loeof.ea stock io trade. asauAji some who voted thus hiring sines been drafted now swear " they'll aerer, never rots tbe Dimecritie ticket, Sgl B !" SiTDr. Geo Lo'x of New Berlin is ser v; in the 99tli Pa. VjI., at Washington Cry. rzx.Thc Return Judg-s of Union coun ty were in session when we weut ti pres, last Friday Junes Liwon President, and A. Kennedy and Win. Jones, Clerks All present Lot the Judite from West Buffaloe, for whcm they bad to stop until after dinner, when he appeared. The law requiring them to adjmrn un til Nov , being still on the books, the nuestion was considered, when it seems it was unanimously concluded that their general knowledge of the fact of the Su premo Court's deciding against Soldiers ! votinc was a sufficient r peal 01 in AO', and thej completed tb.ir dunes by order- - Mm- leg returns anl eertituates 01 election . according to the following ote : i Mr. Hern to return the Congress Tote, and Mr. Millhoose the Assembly. TMOX CO. ELECTION", Y.2 Ofi-'ial. At pit. ats. COMiRE I'tl-ra. 74 144 117 Cwfcr.. S1.D.-T. Brady 7a 1! lift a!iK 143 Kit B.iffiW 113 West BulTaW l Hinl.v 124 lfnrti.tou :!i Kelly 12 i Iwis ti'.t Lew.N'orth W.1G5 P.mthW.la 1'G !'4 01 5.: VSi 12 1 'i 5" 74 7l' t'4 CI ; 70 ; 147 lo;i 100 14 7;t lit so 122 m I'.S 1'iO hO 74 70 rj 17'.t 7: 72 7'J HI 70 7U hj 11. v Put. Liniitone Miftiinl.urL' New Berlin 1'nii.n ' White Deer 77 Hi -7 i:o 1..59 lltj- rs..n o0:i uiaj. ; Cv bran 425 inaj FfRVEVOB GENERAL I'.'ss. Ben. Union. 1''0 Barr, l'eui. Jlosa' nnj. 473 ASsEMlll.T. Bitter. P. p. Uni-.n, Sirotise. do yuni. in. AVbarton. 1'eUl. Average uisj'a f..r K. i 1129 1..C4 I. V.2 II. '.2 lloli S., 4 -t IaOTHONOTART. CUMMISSIONER Ssn-la. aUo.b. tirllr Bradv 73 !" 7J M Buffalo 13! ft 135 1"1 East BuffaloelU 57 110 5rt West Buff-loo s7 102 73 117 Hartl.v 120 t'X 1CJ f.t H. -,nlei..n 2tj 22 '". 21 Kelly 119 42 122 ::! Ia-w:s till 47 7S o lx-w.N"rtbW.12S 115 150 J2 SuthW. l:i'.t lii'J 152 M r.!m.st..ue t2 7S M 77 MifBiiibnr- 104 03 7 l-x N".-w Berlin ".! T4 f. Union S2 75 ',: U White Deer 173 151 103 102 1522 1209 1553 1W Sands 313 uiaj. Eecd SCO ruaj IiISTEICT ATTORSEV. 11. t. lull. R73.lv 74 14 liuffa'loc 143 SO East Buffal.ie 115 54 West liufialue '-5 123 Hartl.v 122 l'"2 Hank-ton ' 2S -0 Kellv 123 iAwi w 45 Le w. North Ward 141 103 S.,uth Ward 149 r-5 I. imst..ne 73 79 Miffiinburir 75 05 N.-w Berlin 72 ".0 Uni..n S5 72 White lH.-r I'M 150 1.V.C 1222 , Hayes 24 maj. 1 Average maj. 403. o opr-w-.tion to I ..EralMioek.er, hep. Union, for County Surveyor nor to J.P. liacrnLucn, lielu. Llilou, lor LOUlitv ' ' - Auditor. COVCrFc rrrmrtr 1 ' ''T.1 Daililiin ."Ii ,- ' o,.., 1 nion o.i-s Snyder SIS 3 For Miller 1 Nortbumberland WX Juniata C52 1G4C 122 Tliis piTcs Miller 41 maj. 5TThe State Election Returns eome ' in slowly. They indicate a Rep. Union 1 maj. of Congressmen ind Stita Senitors. lint th. Assemble fnerhans a mai. on I I .v. i...-,kl. r ...... . .u. row.. - j. , joint billot) and tbe State Ticket, we , sonsl, suspect, ar. of th. Democratic persuMion. ery frry, eertiin.y but we of Lewisburg, Kelly. East Buffi- oti tDi Union eounty generally, did what .kAnAk L.&t .n.l nol!nl . either better rote tbao we expected. . FN'TDES COUNTY polled 2? cig , i .15 rotes, : : . . ... n. Tr.r.tihli..tt I mm ma. j 6 r I T . : t f "11 as follow-' 3 ""I D 11' V o : (nortriri n SlATltPr .ii. Cochran over Slenker 1 lof" 0Ier 1,,rT II... .... I'.-a .Sl . 818 ' ! Ritter over Vnung Ritter over Vnung 553 ' Strous over Wharton 353 I Strous over Wharton Middleawartb over Schnll fCommia) SO Shiodell over I looser ( Auditor) S17 ! -pe over liarruon do 349 I Ir ai arenul n. r.... 9 ft , .. -e . u.wn. V ... ."it I j mo B(ZA.Unicn and Snyder give an aggre gate average majority of 714. With 500 or GOO Republican voters absent, that is doing very welL MIFFLIN COUN'TV elects the Union Ticket Holmes Maelay for lbs Legisla ' tni. Jud A. S. Wilson ran for Pro ' tbjuatory, but Wat J. felted l-y 13 rutea- aa-., luna inner u eioo.-u to .uc oy ,acm 1D trj05e PtaI0s; nor suan any .nrth ne to such feroeitv? "The rroe a- : .k th. r , t..TJ J.v.et TU.. ' . v. :.j u a . . - ' - . -J"S5 AeElSiaiurr. BUI cuousa uuuwuvi. au.ti tax 00 le.ieu nponmopiwuti ui i.iu.i m.ti r.n " n.r. th. 7,..7 ; - . , ouph : v-r.;... r.t. . r... Th!-. the total valna of such nro inets I ' 1 . . . riat9 et- 1105F' till -f" f 1 -, . . . -,r,n . "can no more make them more furious r,.,inn .nj M . ..j ..k... a....kir. dunce the said rear, is less than SoUO ; 1 ....... . .'israion ana .a. their ; r"T.r "-"-'r"- or shaU ... tax bz levied woo the in- or unscrupulous, than it will make tbe . Vols. na Drafted in Ualon County. ! Martlet J -eb Birnet, David B.rtly, : Jistah Boop, Michael Criswell 1 1 Kkli.v Leonard Bayer, Wil'ra GIa, Jam-s Hjfi-r, A inn Nagd, Jacob N. ilan.-k, Peter Rcithart 6 . Lnvts Martin Anrniller. T. P. Bird, AlJ. J. Calhermin, Gen. W. Cathernaan, Lcais Mcoscb, Wm. C. Smith 0 LlMF..roxr John Boyer, Joel Brouse, James Ljso, Joseph Seeboid 4 Rs?-Tho following is a list of drafted - 1 ; Chiliisqaaque : . Wm.Miles.Jobn K.rstetter. Aaron Trox- ell, 3Iirtio Khvne. Jieib liarber, Ienn- ara oiscy, ti. i: oorim.n, r .a.er, W na, T..1.-i-.aa IaIiii It. i Bt, . s . I . K.ifll " m .-luiienar. joon ivincaue, i.eoj. . . . " . .. : . J i.ajoe, J ti. nucnsr, trans: rijitnamer, Wm. Xsgle, Wm. Barnhart, Ban. Bom- ,rd'-n- J Among th? drafred io Danville, ire the faccilUr nams of Ise X Grier, L. O Van Allen, A. C. Rn-sll, Wm. A. Mrs, Eaannel Peters, Erau FUher, ,,. , ,, , , . , iuar:es .u. .aoer, rfames .'i L.Mrraiea. Ia Watsni.t-n Norman Ball. Eouaty for tha Drafted. When it is oonriJerei that most of thoe drafted are men of families, and not the best off in means to take care of those thee miv lease behind, it is evident!? only jwt that tbey should receive as much pay as those who saorifid less io enter ing the service. Those now going ire every way as worthy and many quits as patriotic, as those who preceded them Why not, then, place both classes upon 1 perfect eqiality in this repect, an 1 pay the drafted men as much as the Vol unteers 7 In honor, poliey, and eqiality, we go for treating all alike who dj well ! in this treat struzjle for the property, the i l.berty, ind the best interests of all, in 1 , . . .tm I common, who remain at borne, ineuiia- , , r "n nnt tb". bat ,h "7" j can and should ba met by taxation accord- j ing to the property of every citizen. By : this wst. each will do his full and equal duty in proportion to bis means. f3.1t is suggested that the Drifted Men of Pennsylvania will be putopon the State Lines, for defence. This will agreeable and profitable to all concerned c ti, .1 . u... . -it .v..:. i - men Will Ur HI ut. U 1 . . 1 1 '1 men uuucb. A REAL TAX! Compromisers with the South endesvor : , , .JfLUaLl men., of th. Mlum voted for b, both parties in Congress i taxation necessary Rebellion bejun under the former Admi nistration. The Rebels would dam compromising merging of their Debt of Ivor Uulrtt .UWtvFii c ltjuort wiia oars say d .ub'.e our present debt. Let our farmers and other tax-payers soe bow enormous is the burden of tax imposed on the impoverished South by The Mew Semstva Tai Bill. "That on the first day cf J anuary, 1 ?03. tncre shall be levied and assessed on each person resia ident in the Confederate States, for the sumort of the Governmentand the defence of the e-untry, the following tax, and eonfUant. to wit: Ont fifth the Talue of wheat, j corn, rice, rye, oais, potatoes, hemp, flix, j Brt Threats acalasl rraasshaala. peas, beans, tarly, hay, wool, roain, tar, Oa the day of the battle of Antietsm, pitch, turpentine, cotton, sugir, moltsses, tha Richmond Dispatch, io expectation of ind nbacco pr-duc.d by them in those the inTsic,a 0f Pennsylvania, spoke tbu State, during the previous calender year ; j .. bude of" or o( ISO VIC Jif'.'t t'4 us ..uo v. .wo u.l.-v r f 1. th. rrarlin, '.enApr T.ftr of th. hnr. ... ..... ..,,: .i.,. ..j .;n. I saj'S-lJli V.v-, ruci F aauw C"iui. j aaaow i one fit'ih of the rroEis made in the preced- ine calcndi r year by the feeding of swine, .k" .ut9 or males; also on. fiih of ech person's yearly income fjr the pre- ceciing caieuuir )i, 110m .0 . . . . . -, , , . herein netore aescricea, ana except irom ,nP IUIereit 0D lOOieaeraic duuus, cerui- . - r l 1 . :t ,.,.. n. tr..nrv nnl.o nmvidrd. that v' -j L j a n'a " " u" , 7or payinie on ine d.-s. uay 01 .pru, jcjo, vrutUt J further, that foreigners resident -l.nin ,k. rnnf.rtt. States shall Dot be required to Py, except from the afore- :j k. . ,k. aiuuir, -iu.iu... uj v. profi'S derived from busioess conducted come of residents where the total value of ; such income is less ttin S500.' tS.Compared with this, cor taxes U.j .1 r,r.Tr.V. tKo. .r.e nucu,. .s w... ... ire are indeed nht W e can not meet the debt of those who tnido the war, ind 1 our own too . larVcrmont, Illinois, ind -e believe j some other States have sent forward more than their quota of men, and thus saved e . i , r c t tnemseives irom toe oralis, ceterai cvub- i a ' tho e""li nws drfts 0,Te been reouired, there is s deeirable general man-1 I 1 t :.n. thm fnftanr Snrh ft i T aCTwl7BV,w. bm - ..a. .... host soon movin firmly onw.rd, should , (it vonld seem) be overpowering. StaTThe Peun'i Baptist State ConreB- . the last Taes- w bouse of wor- w nouse oi wor- rrisburg church linn meet in Harri.bnrg, s ootl)') X ,r. The new '. ship, erected for the Harrisburg v ' will be dedicated toe .uuuua j ; cicuiug previouj. ' ejrAll the son. of tbe late J.me. ; Merrill Eq. of New Berlin, (rix. Cbirles, j Geor?e. Lewis ind Jesse. ind the enlr i sou in law ( A L.llourh-) are volunteers in I lb e..n.r, Krtice-uu!e a familj of riuu ! - Master Roll Co. D. 150ih P. Backtails. Captain Il'tHY Crotzeb. 1st Lieut. Wat. P. IViGAL. -J Lieut. S. C. GL'TF.LltS. S TRUE A NTS'. Orderly Klias B. WeiJonssuI .Tunes CuiiiiniiiLrs J 4 Sa H Himelreicli Bold Sloujhton 5 J.'hu Stauiiert CORI'ORALS. ( 1 W. B.irk l .ll J ; Micli i. 1 Brysn .1 hn C. Uarde .T .lin li if. r i Win. E. Ilennin 4 Jallies A. Bell 7 J .hn A. llni. k S J.jetih A. liultle MCPK1ANS. Abraham Kubn Henrv M. Kitfler Wagoner J..!id ?:..Jaiu. 1'illVATEJ. ' . : Am mvtnn Alr,m Kuittle .Tamos I,nw J:iin.' A l.x-helis Wilson I. inn Abraham Linn 13.10 Jliimr G'Wro L M Fal'b n Edward M i.b r ( Mi tries E M:iv John ,T clarles S ji;rii jlinn 45 i Bnyniart Mahlon Ib.y'cr Jaib Bruwaud Henry Br.iarand Amos 'l1' ,1 hambi-r James M Cainpbell Ei.hraim M ilehorn Simon iKiuae-hy Williain Marshall J:uu4 W 1 ! T. V... T .1... Miller William K Master Henry N'aj'.e Samuel Nee Jneob OlierdorfGeo. F Paul Sam'l W I'rntzman Jacob D Paie;e I'avid I'iek Natbia Ree ly J.hI 1'u'al Samuel R.ins.im Sam'l C Bitter Howard Sarba John Soamau Jonathan St.hl William Smith Hiram Stitzer William , , ji,.a ,lsal Henrv ' Kberhard William Enllv .iinon . Eisenhower Isaac : Foust Simon K. Foster Albert Fits Henry A Filiman Jacob Fry Charles A Fox John F Uutelius Joseph S G melius Charles H tillt'!:u Fiber . ,inne jVtt.r Cham-t EJwa:j IIasenplns Sam'l F Shell Jacob Hursh William II Sh.iff.-r Edwin . IlotteusteinD.lt Stahl Petvr S ... ,, , .... Iloffmester Ix-uevel ittenuiever ileiiry Haut John M Weiser G.',,. W H ,nrk Amnion L Wirth Calvin Hersftter Sam'l P Zelk-r Isaac Kil.-r John 'Deserted from n.irri-burg. Two Giod Things. ins ,ftl. P. r JifflH Maehsnan. is said to have given Ooo Thousand dollars, l0 ,",n 6e E"el Ijr lne " ") ' defeat Thadjeus Stevens for Conzres. ; But I had. is re-elected bj 40C0 to 0000 maj irity 1 And ia the Tark, Cumberland, and used to ' rt.nomite for Cnenth Hon. Joaeph Bailey, because he (though would not vote with Valiandigham against ,hs War. J. B. & Co , took np and ran for Congress, Adam J. Glossbrenner, of yotii who was Buchanan s private becre- tary. The Republicans ind D.ug.as m-n thereupon voted for Bailey, who has 2000 majority over Buck's picked min, Gloss- brenner ! Verily, J. B.'s day hn pissed. The people reflect fcy thousands the "pestilent Abolitionist" be bates the worst, and re- ' . .. .. , ... J" Dy tnonsands the man, in a Uemo- , cratie district, who was bis chosen friend com, or a barrel of Hour, or a bushel of meil. a sack of salt, or a horse, or a cow. - - . . t or a hog, or a sheep, he left wherever they move alone. Let Teneeance be taken foi ill tbit has been done, until retribution itself shall stand aghast." The editor , . , v; v .. m . .v . eomuiaica that V irzinia has 'Most thirtr 1 r 1 ..nn;.nii npprn.. in. mnet v. n.rn. t-.r..n. .-.-(,-, v-r ertT a irtTiniah Can DVD. ilQ BdJS: : va,ca l"m " 00 F " " . e tbjt Mn b Mlle(J fb , .rj ,. h. i;'.A K " w" ( 4 bouse, that em be burned. ! After this, we mar well ask. Can the . 1 . . - recent proclamation of the President add j alligators of Florida mors ferocious, or ; the buszirds of Carolina more ravenous." ... . 1 mr 1 n.r. .r. ran man nam. n.uMM . Coneress in tbis State, orer whom er- J. ' .Viected to Congress b, the War friends of the Administration in Philadeb pbi.hen b. began to denounce the war ; ; is a "Black Republican job," and played ! second fiid'.a to Vallindigham. He is J l,, . .l. . . f onil TL. taiu uu. tw mi ..ui v. mo ij.v:.. r".....l M'is.m i... ,k. Reserves, came home and tried to run for Coogress in ths Chester district, but is ' ..rfparnl be Bruamwt.il f AJm. 1 who bu : -" or V ' I 3,000 m.j .rity-prcving that M'C.ll is is : miserable candidate as a General. IOWA. Tbis young Giant of ths wes has dons her duty in fighting and ' to As far as heard from ill I a. i ber SIX Member, of Coneres. are Repub- I lieans, ind there ire 8,000 majority for i ,b. Unio. Stia. Tket, Mr. Maboney, in mnEnament for his Seeessionism. was ... ...t.- o.... -...t,.. as- av.t. M f, CongreM th, CoPpcrhe.ds, .nd j ieftttti 3000 t aa-Tb rhiladelphia (O. t? ) Presby JJ week- Tobacco, f5.ime fiefs ahuut tobaeeo which i those who use it will read and f rget) i r-.-i j; i.. r. . ."r. - -r the oil, plaCfd on the tongue of eat, pr daees eontulsiona and death in the SDaee of a isioute. A college of physteians has said that not les, than twenty thouand in oor land annoilly die by the use of this poison j Ir. Shaw Dimes aime eighty diseases, ' and says they may be attributed to the I use of tobacco. ' Gov. Sullivan says : "My Irither, Gen ' Soliivin, used and his snuff lodged him j prematurely in the grave, j Dr. Twitchell believed that sudden ; deaths anl tobacco, among men, were I .... . . . ! usuai:y rauui tcgether, and be sustained j H-ri..V. r,,mn ltirr... will .o ovrr 1 this oniniun bv an arrav of facts altogether com it. Rat ih- A.trt in ano'hrr column. J conclusive. I Bocarne of Belgium, was murdered io j two minutes and 1 half by a little nicotine, ; or aikiSi of tobacco. j Three young men formed s smoking i club, and they all died within two years , of the lime thev formed it. The doctor was 'asked what they died of. He said they toulitd to death. j A youth of sixteen fell dead with a ' ciar in bis mouth, ia a dram shop. v hat cause. Dis ueati f lae coroners' I . . r . ' , inquest sail "It was a mysterious act of. God." The minister at tho funeral, con-i soled the friends by saying much the same, 'thing. Pb)icians said it was "heart disease," anl said nothing about the cause of the disease. A sensible woman, know . ing the boy's habits, said, "Tobacco killed Liin." It deranged the action of the heart ; felL it ceased to beat and the victim Pe can not learn that iny soldiers , ,- - . , c iiuiM t. biuu vjuuij vuieii. o juio wcio re- ! ported in Dauphin and Schuylkill avers- cine about 3 Ren. to 1 Dem. bat ws do not know whether they were "counted in" or rejected. Ws presume they will not ; ce included, ss to appeal (in ease 01 eon- ti.at.il Iicti.in.i vould ba aatlesa before the same Supreme Democratic Judges who already d..ir.o.a .bo fravt. ni- diers who enlisted under the Law. promise. expectation and hope of still being ibis to exercise that dearest of the rights of Free- men. - ..! 1. 1 e a .1 i . UQB A IOC CIOIUIDE, HiaDIEU, IBIl BHWI ' . d by ,h, raitJatM t0 ilt trooM . are charged at average cost, and no soldier who furnishes his blanket, woolen under- ,hirts boof of b,;,, u eJ t0 dw fr01B ,h, Uuitsd Stites, it is to tij . h; 10(J ,hfreb oiJ mueh dU:Jmfjrt U :, -mpotAol. fjr thg UoiuJ gu.f. , applj M f imlne(Ji1ileJ. I I S-Lst week, Gen. M Clellan taide idvance to Charlestown, Vs., driving ' "e P'cscts. lbe UcDele, now j a.. .: . .t .: : . ..,.6 ... , 10 cro- " uaneoca. in torce, ana try tne invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania . OTer i.-sin. In the West, onr armies seem to be re covering what tbey lost by inaction, lad the Dew levies must soon be felt. Exlratfjnt Hyoicingt. Elated by eir gains an nd successes in Pbilideipbil, ' ionists claimed the State bv I . n . ,- j! e Sunbury Demnent claimed ; moerats by 30,000 on seeing 4c, the L nion . 50,000. Th ! it for the Democrats by oO.OOO on seeing the trains in its neighborhood. "Truth lies between extremes. r isl Ti r IS.Messrs. Geo. bhorkly, Lri Ammon j . an-1 John r-rdley are among toe ....... ounied .Ti: L e -. r.-L . so.uiera wm cive reiurneu 10 A.?wiourg : to recover from their injuries. i I re- j 7Sih ' l.Iiev. David F. Carnahin bis signed his ofEce of Major of tbe v- t w , . . ministry e arrivals it Broad and tal, Pbilad., we notice J. G. Reed, Co. E. 51st Pa CoLOMZATIox. At tbe last meeting af tbe Pennsylvania Colonisation Society, the e 1 - wA ' .mm Hiiuiiai iruji I ..9 uicseu.su. iiiuj . , . . , which it appears that advio-s oi aa en- e,rigiegcbmctcreonlioe to h reeeiwd ' from ul Liberia, republic. The ship- , meut of slaves from the western regions of Africa ba, been much reduced of late, owing mostly l me operation oi me new treaty between the government of the I'ntfo.l G...r.a an.l ( r.At Britain, which , ...,hnriz. the detention and search of suspected craft, in certain localities, Dj the men-of-war of eaeb nation. . . - . - . v j aatIAnB VMI all ta nt-jB II 1 1 1 D V Ilftn 1TI Wn f . ntoXXanX fot the in. b. Irifh , residents of Loz-jrns eounty, IV, it was, necessary on Wednesday to eali out i mil- " ' ' iiary force (in tbs towa of Blakeley.) and , & P" insurfenis. Four or firs j were kil ed, ind foreibls opposition is pat ' ... . "1 ... .e .u .k. ...Ion th. n,.. I e -V i fleetioe ,rish hl,1Dg W ...rred np to tki. f., Mr bv their cartixan leader. . . . . , Solomon Foots has been reelected to tbe .. i t .-.i.. .r v.. I . e. ceoaie, oy me aK....vt.. . , ntonr. for six year, from the 4th of March I Th h" Uf0ff " I uuuiu.hiu. mi F.XPLO YMEXT.' ? AGEXTri WANTED. We will pas from $25 to 75 per mnn'h Af " "peD5r in aoivr rite a . t-un)mi-noo. Panco'ars aei.i free. A J1re I tnt twins .Whine C-mpany, K J VtES. I general Ajeni. -Milan. Ohio. tH 9y Time-Ta lie Lf w il urs R.R. Station. MOri.Mi MiKTH. j r,sht 4 Accom a pass Leis'hS Mail Tram Co W ' M ' Kiorrjs do :) A V 1 .iml.r m.ral air. nnr mn A. .wral.H, tr.;a r p fra SMMlHtr. a:i.r. ir.ii. 4-4.; mjtuitts ', jtoI: solTH. I Vail train pase I.eiLarg 9 ifi A M Kreiihi AcctMnin.Kiaiu.0 do Eipr- do 9:31 P M If Hmifitntft BiUmmic Coniimt wiwe no core, in me last s:ae of tVnsomptmnf. V know from experience it ad" .rds rreal relic .1 Dvspep'ia is a diffia'' disease to enre, bul Cvrreete W'rjr Wheat 51,20 E.'.'S Rye 63 Tailow .. Corn CO Lard . . Oats 1 Flaxseed..., 33 Ham 1,25 Shoo...- 6 Dried Apples. $1,25 Wool FirkiuButter 8 Potatoes. 45 150 ' .... 40! Fresh Butter... 14 Country Soap 4 A 6 ; t whntn e.. i's ik. inon irwi K.. R.-a A. Ma Miilc A aiuk,wt a icmt. s m. ,.id... I" ui-irr.t!i !"t. R:'.ECCA,4V-itrt of c.j Shawp. ar-sl t..u 1 At J.h DanB'iL in Kri:Tp.T7th hxt.J-UY IH5LET. of Co. (. ITth MichirM Tlnnt-rr.. Th roota rw -fa a la th. t-rroM IB oor '4 lb. rrrrot b. '. '.' nar th. rotomor, au4 vs. barrlr Mr to r-mrb b :. bit. '-hoar lafei t" Sir. Orr mtt nrDa tb W&r m4 ttf -tb. aoaofall rlllnavHi,'" Sltrrrr '. if rktrcj bS L trS inntln. llwlrt u bar! ia Milt. -a, Satar lar. Y rer.uesi of ihe Baptist Sabbath School. .Hons Mi a iv 1.00. infall BIRMEsE t'OMl.ME. Will deliver his hirh'v interest jant amusinc l.EC'MKE on ire instrnctire C l.btllht. on the Mann.rs. Castoms and Relisioa of h: people. The '' 2'a.Ti1" "iJ 'oi!r ; tfem prwopai mim :ii b..ibiNti. ai ib. rf j-iftTiaf sua it. Ur v.ll aipo a"- ov-r!p:lua of Bl'RMESEOOl'kTsilir AXD tAMAGK. At tK. diw .f Ibr Lrrtarr. h. til pmtk I hi. a.tirt . I..m.m mtut mtrnr Or. diSrtwmt. dimlrrtM j m .u s i ko kwahr.r-d m - lctMrr in anar of t ii ....... .j t. ' 1 mirror M uwMmrt. r. -r. a. a. vrrwt" s-rssatrv ib Mrsjsrtaiisar, 1m7. The Irciure will be dlirerej in tbt Bapiivt 1 . ft c---.-- v.. . , - ; '- Z'-il-cln. ' Admission 10 Cta. Children 6 Cls mm Est ray. ME to the premise, of the nV ici.jei. torts or LewisMirr. Mf la-t. a small, yoone. milch COW, brindled. with a whue spot across the fore shonlaers. hi-e face and crampled horn. The owner is re j quested to come, prove property, pay charges and take her awar. Mrs.jrLI.1 M. EURRIEi. Kelly Tp. Oct. SO. ISbt The Family Always Drug Store Ahead .' I If vou want note Ur-ars, a-o to SCHAFFLE'S ! 4 Eip,now whw , , xr5t and reneral aorment a! wars. j For any articie usually kept in a first class MIS 01t2 call at ihe FAMILY DRUG STORE OF C.W.SCIIAFFLK, Lewiabure .... Pennsvra jQWrjnt BattlliOS Of Sea-COiit : irtl'larr ATtliierj jyR G3rr;,0B rf portrr Monroe!! X C'apt.ll. 4.H olt.of Xorthamtrland. Y C'apt.ll. 4. olt.of Xorthamtrland. has N-en aotn.T.ret to ra.se a eomr-inv fr j this Oatailion on 1er Majer Jepj, R .nens t V. S. A., n.w ia c.imaiaQd of Fortress Mon- ro v- Tne express or-j-et of authorizing ,he ra,sint. of ihis Baia.iion is to secore a permament earnson fur F.Tiress M.nrie. Beinr. heavy artillery, they win not ce su i-ct to hard marcnes, will have no picket ur 1 1 . . a.. 1 I .eoQtio? duty, and to onhea ;by exposures. Tbeir d-aties and rations will be rezaiar. j Mai.r Roberts is on? of the best anillerr of- J hee'rs in the service and is trie auihor of the i standard work on Artillery taeiics I An opoonannv is now ottered to Patriotic t Yoonz Men lo join ih.s most aitracnve branch ! of the service. Arplv 10 EDWIN A. EVANM, 1st Lieut. Xorthamber'.aod or lwiabart; Auditor's Notice. . Ia the Orphans' Coort of l'nioa eoun'y. In the matier of the areoont of n.nl M". Cormifa, who was Artmimsiramr of Thomas Hod. deceased, as filed by his Administrator, W m. Fearoa. ....... j.pi. i t, isn.. Kepon tne AB.iar m me ab),T, mr c,rreeie,t. cntirmel, and I B. li. app.nated Ao.t,tr to saake uis-1 Zr iXZ i rifire in lwishorr n0 Ihnrsdaye 16ihday I 'J'iaAuJ,(; LVn'iT " JOH B. LIXX. Aoditcr. Auditor's Notice. THE unders ojned bavin; been appointed bv ihe Orphans Court cf Cnion eoamy to aodit and make distnbntioo of lb. baianre in the hands of amael H. Orwi, Esq . A -4 nitaisiratur of Cbabibs llaiisaara. ot Burli i- .n...k.M a .-,,-., ikn. .t.tn.i in 1". w bb -h . a-, v . as aa, - rec; '. -' -''' bore, on Tuesday. ihe 1st day of iki.'ber. at 10 o'clock A. M-. at which ne and p.ace ail mar attend who think proper. OrLlS S VM'I. S. BARTON. Auditor REMOVAL! 1- Mow BY has remored bis Hboto- li's," Z ...a k. ir. Ruria.. nrposlTK Tiif-. a . . .... . - -J ' . Finest uaueries in ins uonniry: 5.p,nor facilities and a lent x- pnenre. h. ; sao.n.l mai his work can Bui A-iV Cti ttit hi7 woffctfl!- K. R. Zlmmennaa, MHltCIIANT TAII.On. MARKET S-joare, Lrwibnra;. I-arr-i ij fnrBi$h 0eera' MUl'.iara ( loXl.lnz aerorJiCi u rrtalau.aai ia..rt Bi.i cr. A " a general aortmat of Clu&j, C'a. oner-. 't'ir.; ir.d rs iy-n-.ale Clolbit g. A'k Zmraerraan's KJ, White & Bis UNION BOOT AXD SIIQB Sba. ST.' 1. 1. AHEAD! feme one! com all anl examine fnr Tir.e.rPS 1 largent an i ehra-e-i ttoek cf Home Blade Boots J ar. t si. f -. in llil.n c.-n'r ! , ti' Jast r'reired a rt:E.ff srrPLT f ; C It) mailz work at uni-acilr hw prices. ; -Quii-k Sale? and ?n:all ProEts" ! is the orJer of the darV rJl"I5:ajTf j if pome the Bint, Lewiabarg SioiiirK!sroMr:na! t v l ne FAMILY f'MP M KEH. I All Kitchen tireae can h made ir.to 50c d 1 SOAP bv oine SAPUMFIEK. I V Uireciiuns ace.Hnpanvinr each Box. ' SOP i as racily made wiia 11, as auiasg 1 cup of C iTee. I ManufaeiareJ onlv Ir ike Patentees . Pcnn'a S;i!tllanufacturinr Companr, ; V- ir. tlalaat SI, faiklliiLf 1:: A. Feb 10, iMiitl nan suainiE. INsrmxt-E covpaxy OF NortTH AMERICA Philadelphia. Cnpilal 8300.000.00 Assets, J:in. . - 1.254,713.61 ARTHI R G. COFF1X. Pre.idenl CHARLES FLA IT. Secreiary tlf 'B-jiUi.nss annaaily cr peretaallr. Max. rhanJiz-'. ttram, Farnnare, &, uuured. al carreci rales tf Pres. am. JOI1 B LH!f, t !Ix3 Arent for L'nioa county, P R!3?Fai.n KfiHSl? ; w '-mj., ve-, , .1. Mill IS CtLIUEaV Preprletsjr. rpHIS new Hotel is situated opposite the I t-,,n Mase.m the most favshioaanlo and beautifal part if the i. wn. and for strle and coavenieace can not be surpassed ia Ceatrai reensyivan.a. Thc- n-i.rr th t'cirenity. or t:ienditf tVort. viil finl it the most eenrrntent q4 crnm) pathr lwo cbarjet will be tfc most rrsucaie and leiLcer time or eipetu wH be 5r3r ' rr -r Umse wb ) mar call. Pen as io live Cwuty will be c!urse"d 20 eti permfai. Lewiibor, April l H62 Executor's Notice. I "WOTICE is hereby eivea, that Letters- teav. 1 j tamemarv on the laslwill and irsLxmrnl ot Mrs. ANN UAKER.(wife of Josiah) late of i l.ewiborx boron: h. L'nioa enuniT.Bave beea f raatrd u the BDCersicoeii, by the Register ( 1 "" eoumy.ia aue lorra oi law; all persons K'"- "' ,h!"n- a l!,"-e cw,n- s'd lrt rcqaea- . " "" " JiATHAN VYrRS. Eiceutor Ia riT jbsenre. accoan's mat te left with. Geo. F. Mi:ler, Esq. Lewisjcrt Aar.l. pd Kew ttandIXew Giwds! TCSEPn I. HA lixbz taken tie t) rooms aD rT Telerraph and Cen.aiela einces.rea.ied uaem,and tilled in aa extccaire variety cf jot, Cup; Gesticmem'$ Co?ii'y, dV. Also a larie and spien .'id stuck of CLOTHS CAIMERE.ie. which he will make un ordtr.v- he atill continues the Tailorin Buai- ; He is prepared to execute ail wore entrusiei to h. care.to the smafactioa of it customer. X. B. order. Co.or-e ati Re'i'nmjj ions to Lew.siurj, pnl lu. 1661 CARTES Lit VIsiTE at Howry's Gal Pa tesrap., Albaois ai Vowrr's Gal lerv err I'nousraphs iarce a.ze ai Mowry'a Gallery Photciiraphs ia Oil ai Mwrr's Gallerir lvorv.Tpes at Movrt'i Gallerr Halioiyres it Mwr', Gailery Am-jr. ;rpe. al AH kmtsi.-tvpev at Mowry'a Ca-'lvrr MDWEVs GALLERY, ia Mar.et .trtet, opposite the Bin I.ewiscar? ft?s WATCHES, J2WELR7, &c. THE unuer:cnt?J. harinr remov4 nrr Watch and Jeve'ry establishment 10 rne of the rooms recfa!'r occnpini . - ' m. . k'l " , , beiveen rrin; ind &ecit.a,soe is prepared to r Repair WltChcS, Jecl'J, , . " lul.tEiul-O, SC., ia the mrst approved and satisfactory meanest She kers oa hand an asss rment of choieaa JEW ELki', for Ladies anl Gentlemen, wfcieai she onVrs al prices 10 sait ihe limes. Aissa CLOCKS and W ATCHES. Ail work and wares warrsnred r.Treeo. led. MARIA 6. ZUDER. U.inrr. W, V. tsfi Peace Peace ! r,'te-s- ,.-1 tn t r-n fra '..rrr t.i tmwm v. r f a fai4s f f ten &il. nr- ; nr HBvaa Th. 11.1 . .!-j-nt '.n. .r-i jrt ;l r.r an, A zil ur lrr, Ovod. pumI oianx tat. tut. 1 CsJli..t ani St: Dst-tic, I'IZ.?." VmI J mil v.t. !.. .ej sbr.ti.f-a a, - iVJ:V.i -1st, An-1 t-rrt.msi tri J llrt-).- I r HrsiBr-Ftj arvd atirfa. .-L'rt-J I.ft aft'l -lllira fr r fw5 aTl InT UV Wtf'tc 'iikTi 1.. I UalU's, l-at. Jvi. ltk. iB WjBa. W''rm O I Of.'") n I -tw en rr-r f w OT. Wr fs hjasia- 1 F y'str - -til i.B.s T vnul Stm -? r.as-K. If t. i f.1'-t- tBl V.ttt-m Cf !M, Ws'f Su9-aT BX.J i. . ( v -tvt liWitC ut t-JJA. .fall sc'tb. -r hsjsjmc asB-bwf: Y---3 .. f -.-l ' si Maitlrt 'fv-l rrttW-r 4 W-W At -H Kt.l KU 1 fn.i Uirtr. Apnl V 1"2 University at LewisbariT. Tbe next -ioa will opca ca Tanr-day uruiDC. pu b. id tbe COLLUnE. AUAI'EMV. an.l FEMALE INSTITUTE. J. R. LtMlMIS. Prrsideal BENEDICT ALBEUT. PLfM'K Maker an.l Krp-sirfr. taw aim as is aunts sw4 sttr. f. Br-a Sn.-n S n-n r I'.Jl lsiw Lc.lutf, Aftil CJ, iSS.- I-