Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, October 14, 1862, Image 1

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At $;.! icr lnr, ninny In Advance.
"THE UXM.V established ia 1SU WnoIe No., 2.587.
"rnROMCLE," fstalillshfJ in lS.3Wbole No, 906.
nmiMiKit Ki.m-nKKkiv
Tai'vlay Morning S; Friilay Aflornoon.
INI0N state ticket.
THOMAS L UH-!l!i, of York Co.
WILLI.U1 S. liOSS, of Luzurac
jonx j. rATT!.i:.-' .v, nf Juniata.
tor .V.-em .1,
IIF.N'r.Y K. llli'l Kit. ..f S::-. lor cimty.
uf -j'uiii.aa.
For Pnl1imm:arj-JVi:s w. SIMM. Mtnialurz.
l'iiianiiioiM.--i:ii.! t:r liKin. Hani-).
KMriri ll..rii.-U-i;.-.'i lililX tc. tcaMiant.
Ilrpuly wurnjnr -I o I) N :t T-...!l. loril it.::.
Mttar-4. r. Hllir l .11 I I. ilr.'d).
Peculiar T;iil o:' Pilrioliini.
Tor .ix tiio'ilh-' s, t!ie Liiiiii!
f ro:ui.- !v;i:,ut h.i frit U "J i v i 1 1 . . 1
luty." (:i tii'1 i):u' li:nnl win 11 riven
nml liiooJImr Ci in'ry, ivillini' on il.-s
lu'iirtic.-t h.:i.; I I'MVC lwiv liu'iic-
a:nl ct. ti;! i:i J.-a.ily !rifo to stive
tin? Xalio;ia! r.isi.'iu:t'. d:i '.Ii ! oliicr
li til l lh', i '.i n- :i- (if Mr.u-i? mi l of
li'iine, nii'l tin1 liunnrs an. I V"v;irl-i uf
o'Tuc atiJ of 1'irty a-co;iu.iiK-y tiiu
hittiT iiii)nii l;i:U fi oni nil c.iniosl d'.ii
virtinn lliilt it lis lli'.-.'-nrv- ll'-it tilt
Covenim.'lit Lc sii,tainod l.'v i.. -isla-
tion. :is well . l.y Anus. The i'u.;s of
tliu AiLiiinisti'ittioii liuvu jioiioruliy, in
fecrcl if n-.t openly, ciiijiloyuii rvt-ry
artillL-e to picvcnt moil liotn ciilistinj
ami (o lniiK-lit pDlltn.-al ami 'htsihiiiI
Ftriles atito!ir tliose? in sorvici-. laKo
for oxatii!e; l ho blunt njiiniim of tint
"Si'liiirovi' Times," tlio only lk'nio
cratic jiatir in Snyder county, ' that
anv Democrat who enlists is ait Alio
litionist or a Fool
Ill'l WO liavc tllf!
animating principle of loo many of
the leading men of tliat pirtv. Tho
instances uf resistance to drafts coinu
from the s-auii imliiical party. It is
true many of tlicm were willing to
give and vo'.c Iioimtics to Uepuldican
und Douglas Ocmocratic Volunteers:
but tliey cheekel the liiie.al impulses
of their own friends who would have
roue, and kept back all they thought
would vote with them. The result
is 1 ur j Kepulilican to 1 Democra
tic Volunteer. The former went with
tlio full knowledge tliat (-very vote
thus lost endangered party ascemku
cy in many counties and was yo far
m 1..-- M.lt t.l rivi HTi 11 loliil tn
ks rava-'ed bv the foe to have the
.. level of
" -ttcMo "
of the best
Id KevstO'.io reduced to the
Yirtrinia would be a irr
Tln-v tUouirht tli'i salvation
..re' , ,..i i..., . r.i. i. ..
VI VlUieilHie.lll-aoipn; 1 11. 1 L 111 IUC l".T.- V
Of Parties. They have not counted
noses to irain some p.'ttv oilicc they
li.ivn not 'eonlv calculated on L'aias
'- t. ......;...;.. . f
llolll lull aillu.tV' uiiuiniu
opponents they have not
secret councils over the fact lhat
opponents had pone to fii'lit
tlieiit the Oilices. Thev struck
l.istitiu; troud of the whole, country
they did duty, aud trusted Providence
for the future.
The Unionists have spent their
time, money, and influence, in meet
ings and other efforts to taistaiu the
(lovenittioi.t, while some Democrats
liavc been just as busy and industri
ous in trying to imjudicc tho people
titrainst it.
Should our ?tatc, therefore from
this absence of h' r noblest sons in the
Army be foiin 1 arrayed, iu aj.pcar
nnee, against t!ie Administration, the
Unionists abroad must not take it as
the real rcntiinent of oar people, nor
fail to credit tho people for thus sae-
rilicin party lor the general trood.
iny uniMi-cii vi j-jiuci uiarcuc i ii
the lied .ea-a,id through it at the :
, f , i i . ...
cntnmanl of .lehnvah. With like
faith, thou-a:ids if Union men have
CtiUre l the Artr.y, even while fearful
that their absence from home may ai l
ia jrivij,- t, i.ii:ip!is to the sympathii-
crs ol t.ie I haraoh of Mavcry. j
Voiers (if lllC 1 Ull roll TiSsinnitl Dis-- '
(jet. :
Whereas TflKU. 1KNN bas circulated
certain private transactions in nanuDiu ,
form a lew day, before tbe election, iu
order to dcrnve me of an opportunity to
contradict tbe same minutely, I take this
method to inform tbe voters of ibo district
that said alienations are l'WLSK IN
FAI.UY lllPi:CTl I have already i
Proper U tp,I S 'i , J Is I' V NT v . .4 naia nn nmlo
hwvnA . . .1. . .1 I
" vj iiifis to annear at the next l.ourt ;
t'lwccuied saifi 1 1 and newnow nniJpr '
of OuarfoF e i.-..-.u; !
Ail pemus are herebv warned not to cir- I
calate said slanderous bills, otherwise
eever.1 towoshir,, ;..r..,. f .u '
persons who c.rculsta them, so lhat I may
bring them to speedy justice.
Union Candidate for Congress.
llayWhctherTh. Ftnn has both an equi
table and legal claim agiiust Col. P.tter
f on or one or tbe other or neither is
nothing to tbe public. It
a matter
b, .... , 1, . , .
, .
the man who will best sustain tbe Gov-i
crnmcnt against the llebcllioo. Looking
t their past conduct, and tbe political
complexion of their friends, we prefer
trusting to Col. Patterson.
(if von have not alroadv. . . tn he!n. '
K III. V IN TiiK KAY, ivcry truj ipedllel.all over the district, by filler's j
'-ai.'U vj'... m your Juiict. i ln-.udj exclu--ivc!y SIuuii; ! I
j According to the calculation of Detno
: cratic j mrhals, the Tcnnage Tax llepeal
! I'lllS i 1. 11 ll'JIU iiimii mti ciiuo i n u-ui t in
, , ,..,,, .-: ,
IVdu a about 1 U i'.IA K MILLIONS of
Iloliar.-, to be paid by future 'taxation, a
' ' ' . '
l:n . : . 1. 1. I r .1. . T e
; large portion of it up in Kja! K-tate. Out
side of Piitlal. 'pliia, hot one ur two uieu
1 who votod f.ir tho Ucpcal were returned to
the next L-oi-laturo such was tho Peo
ple's c."j J 'iimali ill!
1i : - .1. . 1 . 1 ! ..
1 ' ,,
lion. (jL'Mi'iK i..MHii, ui me i.ii.ui uru
di-itriji, r e-'ived the Uepuhlieau Uaion
uuuiiuatiuu f r C u;res. 1-ur, in State
S. nate, he had v jte j j'v t!u It. pn.il of the
Toriiu'.i T..x aud uo!l has been the
fee!;:ig iiiar.il'i nU 'l n :il him b'Caiiso uf
thil vote, that ho has icVt'.u. tho Uollli
n iiion, and K'I!r:;;T T. Claiik, K-ij , of
I$iooi;i-!.ur, is now" tho 11 imiiieo. T'.e
Dcmoera's i.f that district have no candi
date, but will r-:.eri!!y su;.p irt 1!i:m;y
W. TSACV, K , of Bradford, who luo'
as nltra a 11 -jiuoiiein as Lunlou voted
"''- ihe " p''l a'jd thereby wun tho
conlilnco of the mioses of both pirties.
Are n it the i-'aruiers and all Taxpayers
of the N orihuiuberiaud, Union, f'njd :r,
Juniata and i'aupLiu district, 'iaily
PP"J - measure which aided Twelve
MiliiuDi of Dollars to already muieieullj .
burdensome S;to Tai -s ? Ara they uot j
egually patriotic, too? If so, they can
uiauifeat their will at the polls. liotiwur 1
enn Ji.Jutesi lor Cou.'rc.s -. to favor a
vigorous prosecution of tho War. liut
ll'm 11 Miller, E-ij., (as has been Mated
for weeks, and we see ho deuial,) was not
only a lHiil)ll for the Repeal of the Toe-
T ".
Da? ax, out is me iiryi
the 1 nn'n C ntruil lii 'lrwi l. Juim J
I'atteuson, on tho other hand, uot only j
pledd bini-i'. If,- but YO TED wjaintt
the AV-of - the Tvuaoye Tax, as the
Assembly Uecords show.
Now-judging of the future by the past
i i e . 9 i , -
wiiicu is tue sali'St man I waicli is tne
i-.i-.st economical ? which would best repre -
s.nt the masses (not tho Railroads) of our
district in Congress 1 If you uro a lie-
publican, Col. l'atterson is the regular
nominee of your party. If you are a Dcui -
ocrit, and nave too mucn ola party leci-
ing (even ia this awful time, when there
should be but oue party in tbe Loyal
! s'a,c,
' llcpubl.can, then vole for J;hn J. AVf.
viinhr, Lq , who bad llUO majority
over Jl, Her in Northumberland, the only
aoilDil tbe liebel loot to vote lor
. i . .i !.
C0UUIV WUtlCllI IliU K'liUl.I lUUieO WOO III i
reality expressed, (Miller's Conferee, be-
in all ,irc.wurkta bv Caucus Delegates)'
j .. .. i .t.? I
....q,, nnnnfif'ii id hiiv Willi niupu lue 1 on-
; r J
Erady all Right again.
Last week, at Sunbury, the " constitu
tiooalitv" of the J'radv Townsbio Ke Ad
nexation Act wa, tested. Mr. Foresman
nf ! i ,,. i,l-e f ,r ,lebt h. tho ,'.,.,
of brady was taken for debt, by the Sucr -
ilf nf Lvenrnino- countv. after the rcan.
. J , . . ,-. ,
nexatuu of brady to I niou county.
t'iirpin:tn r:ii in iiir i ur i "i inn ni
' . . . . ' . .
ia, coming, aua duu-J J'Jiuau e, j.ycom-
. i t . i . t . i r i
ing at once decided taat i' ores-man to-luug-'d
to Union county. TLree Williams-.
J to tin jo count?. Ihrce Williams -
poit Lawyers appeared on tho appeal to
the t-'uprcma Court, and after arguing
their silo of the cause, tho Judges told
the L wisburg lawyers it was not nccessa-
ry to take up timo in re
TLu have the people of Brady by re-1
, , , , ,
plated petitions and elections thus havo
tha Courts of Lycoming and of Union '
nj tLus has tho Sunreme Court decided '
that lower Brady is part of hcaveDly Un-
ijn. Ao.j )lI3 haTe . fcw Wiliiamsport !
,sw,erJ USj,j tuose COncerned,and added j
costs and caused neighborhood jars, vcarj
; ...I. jv.i . w r.rvuv. j
j The Lycoming Bradyites vote hereafter, !
j at the old Piatt house, oa Penny ilill, in ;
after year to no good purpose
Lyeouiiu" county.
- -
Auauor uenerat
This offiser has been iuvariably re-elect- i
The Tonnage
vi i.i'.ii n. ,. 1 1 , .. , ,i . Delia ui mi uvu-aiiiouu usia, ii OC.CICU 19 uiiiua. iu uiig, auu moku . uu win iu , . , .
. . nairelax ILeneal. can choose between tne - ...... ' . ' above matter as corrected, contirnir.t. aad
lau.'Iic I in . r . ' ' """g we no.d uear under good governm t, .iicgiance t0 8laTerT. ;f ever I bad the ldousc. we ire informed, but it failed ih !., unn,,,,,,,.! Auditor u, ....ke
their, "J " is hypocritical, or it means Kepudiation. i f ;, Himself a kI.vb owner, he in Senate. Lcwisburi? offers a sufficient ' tnbuiion. The Auditor in tbe matter al-ve
, and left ".. .'":ss..... ,....:!..: ! The former annoys and iniurcs tho public .it ls. .1... n. 1. ir.... ..a .t.;i :,h.., I stated, will meet all parties interested at his
. J JIB I.etminsniHTr. IU.U a. I .-'It -.'I. . - . iMbb...laU.aDWI.UUVUUlK.IUU.UAklUV .'UUI...UU.BU.Vllu 11 . ' ' V ' . . . . .1 . .. .. . .... I I - 1 .-, u
cn ; dutcctio" fraudulcot. truaipcd-up ! frauJs upon tho ballot box. This cleans- ! to resist the draft: they broke np the
' rI. - . ... .. .1!. .
c a uis, w wortti tuousandfi to tbe fctate. :
' '
' . . "
vearlv. We have nc?er had a bolter man !
than Mr. C0C11KAX in the ofliee. Kc-
elect him, and he will rightly bar many j
witnout Lis expenouce uiijui n. i
pas,. It is tho most nporiani juko iu i
. . . . - . . M-tcr--
guard tbe State Treasury. Aside from it j
is a political test, it is matter 01 state ro
licy to re-elect Thomas K Cochran 1
Hake up Clubs.
F.lcetim Day (Tuesday, TO-DAY)
ill be eood chance for friends in tbe
T, .-.v... . . . si..i . r .
. - M I oa VU EC! UD MUUI lOr UU1 lliu.li
, lor , e(ipiegi or for in.
cnouch' for aovbodv 1
teuThe liebel "raid" into Pennsylva
nia siirrcd up her Soldiers and Millor's
"raid" into Uuion county bas stimulated
ber Republican voters to try aud roll np
ao old-fasbionod majority. 7
l!!iTba Millerites try K deny their
ehief distributed tbo Fenn electioneering
i...ii.:ii.k... .Ko. r., hrn.i .ht n,l !
Promotion f ar Good Service.
Wo learn that Gcu. Buriiside has, with-
out the reqiest or knowledge nf Dr. Tbeo-
doro S. Christ, promoted him to the rink
1 1. 1 c . 1
of lingadi-S-urgeon irak winch rives
.. . , ,, . . . .
, honor ami i.iciicritnl advantages, tut no
' , t . 1 ti - - -i
additional pit. 1 Lis is ona evidence
among many of the strict and const-it ncioas
attention to Lis Juries, which has n.a.ked
1 r. Christ's t-rufcssional career in the- army,
and which shows that there are some Sur-
rre.ins u-)nl urn li!irie4.t ami f lillifn! while
c "
'"hers are careless and uuut. A btranirir
in towu tho other day, stated tint I'r.
Chri-t saved his life by his attenli in, a!
t!.ouj;h be bel. ngcd to another lligiuicut,
aud was un b r no b-eil oblig atiotis to at-
tend to Lim at all. Were all the Surgeons
thus kiud and patriotic, there would to
few if an jast complaint cine up from
the Army ubout the u-e-iiess sufy-rins of
sick and wounded. Tir; uppjiutin p iw
ers as every niau comes to them with
jackets fliK ef tLc sUot 'ept rccom OlOl.iU-
ti.irisi in-jst nliu.'At unavoiJ-ibly make mv
ny uiiffiikv? in C'.nn:iiiiiL;u iurcoi.s
ad well a (. lTiot-Trt
acrallj tut it U imt
W nr.- iii..r..
f.. . ..r
theL-wislur.. fBri...-..!. llajc, Ch.ist,
and M-Corm-ck-and j co to see that
seme ore sometimes oischarged.- cum;.
The recent conference of loyal (iuveru -
ors at Altnna it is said ureed upm tho
General Government a permission for
those exhausted by severe labors to go
home to recruit, as more cheap and suro
iu the long run. It seems to us this is
j reasonable, especially as in some instances,
! ccntlcnv u of Uuion county assure us.thcra
are careless or wilfully disobliging sur-
. eeons or stewards of bospilals who neglect
soldiers iu their charge.
Fair Play. Personally, there aro on
, both Tickets this year clever and respect -
able men, who we bold no controversy
I '
; with except as they affect national issues,
i .... . : i:.. .i. . i.: t 1: i
iuo lower aiuing me nigoer canuiua.cs.
; Last year, however, with tipjally respect-
able candidates, the Dcnigeratic County
, Ticket was largely traded iff to swell up
Slenker's vota. This year sineo their
' Judges bave decided lhat the brave Army
; uoys suau not vo.e iney nave more unpe
and will hang together better. Let our
,' party do the same. Every man on our
local iickci was oomina.eu, ia uircot
vote, b, an honest and handsome majority
! over their respected competitors. Never
were men more fairly nominatcd-they
f .!,. I,- f..rnitn nr
DMVi... mu' "it" .... vw w.
deserted. Stand or fall together !
, 1 . .
tOtTThe ciap-trap out-cry against tbe
j interests. The latter would rob Soldiers,
discredit the Government, break Banks,
-I 3 t I .t U - t 1 a- a
rlofr.ii.il thrmo wbn Iiiancd m in to meet
1 ,h rf". "J
I tUIQ ' ccntur of ,"at: ja- A
1 N- - , , , -,iini.e noiher with its
! . . Z . v . .
: evils; two god C!I C!9 itwiiltiina our
I , :,.,.,, . ,i ,-, ;n
i i o
mako them more carctul ia electing, and
,0 c,C(.b ,h() n
::r cxtravajauce,
esrrntition. and hi.-h salaries.
, -
' J', nntihaniii 1'1 J'!ia!s lfil
K-p. Uuiou 1 1 ,"51 J Ilep. Union 1U,10S
j Dcui.
llrp Un.mj. 8, Til 1
; i,iri it. tn :,, i...t- s,,,.
) ",0 ,u bJ"' &utL3
i avcmouiaiiu uo
TTiiJ.-m lnoj
lt-' t llUJii Illilji
Theso two aro ail the States which pave
Volunteers a right to vote. The
figures show that Cur out of fee SJJler,
A'-i.-iWiVuns or lwjU,t Otnwcrati.
fhero aro hundreds and thousands j
iQ-mcro aro uuaurcus ana u
of j,ersonS( foreign born, who In
f jr J(;ars p,st( who now
tavo been '
with tbo
taxation made ncccssarv to delend evcrv- .r. f .1.. .1 s i.a in. 4 : . ... 11. .-.;,l v;n ; : oept. i. isn;. iiepori 01 ine Ao.innr in me
probability of a draft before them swear I Some over heated copper-head Derno
thcy are not naturalized I Of course ; orats alias traitors of tho little villago
Sllca campa will not bo allowe 1 to voto
I this vear. and should be puuished for past 1
. n. -t .1- :
ing 01 ine pons win grcaujr iucivmu tuo
. . .
Luiud TOtcra.
RirTbat eminent lloman Catbolie
wriler (Jkfstes A. Bmownson, is the
ndida,es t tb.
Newark fN. J.) district. He is an cam
- --- - v
, j carable man, and agree, with
Archti,hnp Hughe, and others of tbo
best informed Catholics on the necessity 1
of preserving the Union, and of. acting '
independently of all former party names.
Tuesday, Oct. 14th, ISf.'i, is Election
li.in This tlnnpressional district cavo a
majority of 2 500 for Lincoln, and should
J . . ' . : .1.. 1
sustain bis Administration againas im
liebellion by at least an equal vote.
liaTlo Philadelphia, we learn, the
Capitalists aud owners of State and Na
tional stocks, of all parties, ire combining
against tha Aotl-Adimuntra'nmstl.
atlcmpr to injure the Public creep, ly
criu oat Taxati.u, ia luoustijus.
ITo-EPay !
An Inside View of Secession.
j The Washington Republican received
from ('apt. Harrover, of the Second Dis- j
i regiment, a letter, taken from Ihej
body of a rebel soldier in one of the late
battles in Maryland, which has been fur -
... ,. . ,.
warded fir publication. We make the
following extract from this cpis'le, which
illustrate ouo phase of th' wicked rebel
lion. We omit name? and principal lcal-
', o Hot ' iavolvc tho writer in
. diGcuIty :
, .Vorth Tarolina, July 1, 1S02
My dear Son : I hope
these lilies will unit you lining as well as
a poor soldier can. I Lave good news
to write to you. We have examined your
a'e, and Cod jotl rrro Wo on the lHib.
July, n 11, cousi rpi-ully the conscrip
la "u'l cafch y iu. Show the enclosed
: certificate of your age to your C l uiol,
and come home, as you Lavo a riht.
They say they luvo pressed all over and
1 .1 - r .1
long. r. When that i out, come Lome,
f .roulavc as good a n-!t to o mie as
aoy of tbo rest. Though, I enppos,
thi-y will tuiko Bomo other law to bold
' vnii if thi v cin. fr tliov have brukco
ihrrr nl. d.-es nlreao v :1 . To let tu .11
, come home when your twelv- moDtbs
were out. 2 If you would cnlis. the,
woull give all furloughs ti con! hmne.
: 3. ()a the 101b they woulj let ill all
under and overage. They have not and
j WU no f:fil nc of ,Dcse solemn pledges,
They are not agoing to do anything they
fay they will, if they cm help it, for they
"" Ihcy are baJ.y whipped. Aj they
. e couscriptiug. Tho conscripts aro the
maddest men you ever saw. They say Ihcy
; J""'1 ioteai to fiit. They can mako-them
g tut cla'' iliem Cout- Tue
I most of them ay they intend to go to the
jjoj.ij tne (jrit chauee, and I don't blame
.., . . .. . ,.; inch .
. There ueTer will bo peaee till they
, .... ff .. . Qr U a reW, sn j
' KIM UU Kit i.Utj IUCU, ui iuuj an ikiti auu
, fc f ; . , . a the
1 fc r 3
i m ; p,rtrii il,,.t ih
Ni)rth whir( taJ th0 sooner the
: bctter j dl)).t want J0U t(J fire 1I10thcr
pan B ,he North( if JQU cin bclp it lu
, jka gotne of ,n9 festjhirk out of it.
! flrv sav it is no disgrace.
Light from Texaa.
IIos. A.J. Hamilton or "Jack Ham
ilton," as he is familiarly called in Texas,
i P ' Brooklyn N. , tbe
2nd mat. He w native of Alabama,
' represented Texas .n the last t on -
liress. 11a said that was the Iirst time he
( -
I - ''
ted that the attempt of the slaveholders
; t0 6ubTert free institutioos. sua to make
j (JBtom of slavery at the South must be
, destroyed, if we want to save the liberty
I .
' f .1.. .t 1 utr!
uau lucre ami oere.
they compelled me to elect between my
children aud their negroes, a fool could
:.. v t.
, v,a"a 1 wuul,i uo ,0UDa- 10" ,onUe
jj bofjro -on fellow-citizens, to-nii;ht.
. . ' . . ' u'fcu'-
, aii i3 uipvu uic , ii ia uuuu every niau
frm Ma:n ,n v. Tien - if .
n,, ...rr,i,i.,.i ,t, , ,.t u.i..
I it..: . . n. ......i .v.. .1
brfu. JJ ' i.tnuw.v.. .uw .1, VI LUO
. .
.li,l annt tn 1 ,.'.n Aa ir awtta .n IV-
did not want the Union as it was in Tcx-j
1 a-, in 1SG1, before the rebellion broke out,
wbero men were martyred for expressing
tho opinions of Washington, Jefferson,
Madison aud Monroe. Ha wauled at
Union wbero a man could freely express
i.i, ... .i;i
Examine Your Ticket
Let every voter examine his ticket.
Compare it with tho name, as published
in our paper. Tho lireckinridgers havo
circulated spurious tickets for Congress.
They havo printed tickets for Win. C.
Liwson, Georgo F. Jlillcr, and Win. J.
Piobinson.and areoir;ulatiug them through
the district. These gentlemen are DO can-
0f Ilarlfotd, in tbe small county
Blackford, in Indiana, havo determined
... ,. . a
uoxes, aeoirojea mo enroiiiuem ana arove
..... ....
away the Commissioners. A battallion
has bocn sent from Indianapolis to regu
lato tbe Hartford rioters.
The Baltimore American says tho cor-
icct pruuuuci.iiou Ul luu uaiuv imvcu iv,
the last great battto in Maryland is An-1
rrc-tam, the accent being on the second
syllablo. Tho namos of places where our
battles with tbe Rebels bare occurred
will never be memorable for their in
herent poetry.
There is man ia Lorain 9 connty,
Ohio, who, having been examined by tbe
drafing Surgeon for various diseases, and
pronounced sound as to all of them, fell
back upon the morah of tbe question,
I A .-.!....,! . Arm ft fft tta immoral .n.l
and declared a draft to be immoral and
nnconstitutional, because it teat a yarne of,
BJames W. Pennington reached
home on Saturday by the cars, badly
bruised by being thro-a from wagoa j
while traveling 10 tho upper tnd of 1U-
; p Lin county.
Latest News
Saturtlay .Morning'!, .c.
(-.nimlll-.l. Yesterday, a nan calling
1 , . ... . . . .
Ins name ".'lart.n, was arrested at ?iew
Brliti, and committed to Jail at Lewis.
burg he answering to the description of
the aiorderer of the little piri, German, for
whose detection 8!"0l) reward is nflVn-d.
(The same day, a mm was seut down from
i'urt Trevortoa, and another was arrested
j jn Danville, for the same crime.)
Pcnn'a is lnvadtd !
Thnrsdiy, about Ji.OUO Stuart's Rebel
('avalry crossed into M nylaud at Ilaoc.ick
and yesterday reached Mercirsburg, l'a.,
and uj ilubtlca bold Chou.bcr.bur
tubing all tbiy want, and ia their
rorthlcsd scrip. Ttiej met do opposition, i
Movn.w's Nkws. TIic Rclcls at !
,illri,VL.j ull ul0 U.iilroail property
; xiCy 11 -t hold or-tr.itlHTMl
uUmit li'O !UJ Ikmcs, (It) of tltem
Col.A.iv.M cltirorf,) utid hastened on
.lowarus iiOti.-uur uivmca ana
' Kl&l'lv took the l.aiktt anl track
" tt 'c lU";r 'u1,1 U"t
camc- ;n j,-tiaI
aJ1j i.nmodiatilv Pent forward
, truup.s to try to cut oil' their retreat,
, wliieli we hope mav be successful, tho'
' ii.n i..i.. tj ..... .,..... ..; .i...... i
' mi, iivLeis mi. le.i. uaLi.- mri
fir dear life. The money of Cham
bcrsburg liank, and the rolling rail-
way stock had been, put beyond their
This ia humiliating enough. And
i with fucli an exhibition of llebel iuso-
leucc and cmifult'tuv, slmuld there be
any ioniret
any lon-erTWU 1'AiiTlES IX OL'H
ll'iTThhtirg, 31nday .Vxmi.
The Rebels made 'Ji miles in '21 hours,
and Pleasaulon, in pursuit, 7b miles in
same time. M't'Iellan says tbcw crossed
- .
, at the mouth of the Monocacy. Firing
i wai heard durincF last niftfit. .ml I'leasan-
wai beard during last night, and Picaaan-
ton may bave caught them.
A severe batilo in Perryvitle, Ky.,
8lh and !):h inst. Last accouuts represent
the Unionists successful. Tbe Rebels are
badly defeated.
Ki7"Small natters some times make
great political changes. Tbe Jersey Shore
; gres, wa, I
; the Jersey S
movement agaiost Mr. Armstrong for Con-
becanse Mr. Armstrong killed
ey Shore Boom Bill ! Aud Will-
lamsport epposes Judoe llale Dccauso ne
I - , , ......
Congress a 1,1 giving
S10.000 of tbe Natwn moor-j to Lycom.
ing for her stdeodid Court House ! f This
and we opine CoDgress will hereafter think
twice before thev throw away $10,009 en
.1 j r..:er.-t i
; urciy oauvccvssarn j.j .inn lcnuuum-u
j and other "uncompromising Democrats,"
aro running 11. A. Childs. Esq , as their
' "
, caauidato lor congress.
On Thursday last, Henry Tracy, Cash
ier of the Schuylkill and Susquehanna K.
It , Pinegrovo, brought to Ilarrisburg, for
' . . ... ....
IDa fneral and braneu hospitals,
! eleven hundred biDdi?. Ihe 1 int work
of tbe Sunday School scholars in that lo
cality. Uoi bless tho Sunday School
scholars of rinegrovo.
Wilmington, Irr.., Sept. 27. One
of D,;w "Monitors," an iron-clad ves-
I sol of
i J1 superior model anu uuisn, was
j launched hero yesterday, amidst the
I rratcst enthusiasm. Mia is built un on
the plan of the celebrated Monitor, and
-;ii ......... i. i - :. -1... -
""i r "s- ueiseu uui iniurior 10 li enuer
iu execution or value.
Andreas Willman,a German born, is on
the Union Ticket for State Prison lnspcc-j
! tor fur the State of New Vork.
We haru from Pcnsae ola that a por
tion of tho mortar S :et sailed for (J alves
ton was to be attacked.
fcJ-Ono of those splendid Kally town-
ship farms, near the llivcr, is offered for
sale in to-div's paper.
ac3ifil5r3 SHarUtt.
Carrictcd Weekly
Wheat 8112to?115 Egg, J 10
Bye 55 Tallow 8
Corn 55 Lard 8
Oats 33 Ham 12
Flaxseed 1,25 Shoo 8
! Dried Apples. SI.25 Wool 45to50
... , - .
H irkin i .tittair
8 Potatoes 40
pr0SB l!uttcr..
12 Country Soap 4 &6
At bit MB-lo-Uiw, (Or. T. II.Wilw.,)in Lwit.rglltli
ln, JAUKS DALK, X-' , wd H Jmrl. Thu bu de
parted on. of UV most wpli-d rilij-n. of Colon coun
ty, lie one. n-pri-M-Dtisl 11m Hilrict io tit. Sut. leto-
Utarr.and .! r mny yir an KU.orttMl'rb)b-1
riuD Cbureh at Buffalo. X Koads.
lnLcinr4.1othiit,of KiiAUwrla, WELLINGTON '
Son nf UV-hinirtn
utrhiMin. airM aiout VI T.m.
Auditor's notice.
THE undersigned having been appoimed 1
to audit and make distribution of the balance other deducuons eacept lor prnirartrii sick
in Ihe hands of Samuel H. Orwi, Esq.. Ad- 1 ness. 1. KA.MJOl.l II,
ministraior of t'Ha.tEs Uaai.aai-a, of llnflU- j Wept. 9. Principal
loe townihip, dee d, among those entitled lo j T.r...i.rwnn il'th
receive Ihe aaeie, will mei all persons inter- KhNLDlCT aLLLUT,
esied in ihe said fund, al his uliice in Lewis-1
"" J r.wi,.'!'',Jt,jJ an'ip"li-''al !
Ill lv. ,j i k ,,....
Oei.i.il s.un. o llAi.io.,AuiiM
Turn Out and Vote !
Vendue !
"Ml.!, be expired to Public Sale on the
ill Kelly Tp, ('mini '. near Daleiuaii', vu
TI lltl, .). 1.
commeneiiii at 10 o'clock, A .M, ilie MAN-
j "'" "'
j 1 GO jCI"CS,
1 n,nr, r less, ab 00 acres W'.....!'an '. an I
ilie remamilrr utcl'-r ruin vuiti-ti - l.uui in"t!y
Lime t"n, wi'h nwvr fm im? rnnrmtir dtr
Mlllll -i;. a ISailfi anu;-p
JL&'t- m--' ant oiiur n -cva-m y IKi'.biiililiii:
(or a Kiinn.
It urn pri vit n!v vl ! il wil! h cfrrct! ihat
Jav a a whole, or in two tr tnr f tracts, (u
su" r,,rt liar;.I.
' fr J f I n k fill al the .,iin iimf,
'J ( oVS, a V.W IHi:s. HAY, a
i i i.t-r. I..w, 4'ti'Mv:ur.. Win.tmiH. Sir, I,
tiarnfs aixi IInre tac.Yii, aitn uitu-r r'ariu-
iii liiiplt'dirtifs.
H'thirr trith Iltrrfl Cltlr IV';'frf
l!,:N. F.ITint;, Iiiii.Mii. H-i!av r'U.ck, flmr,,
I ;iltls, anil uiany t ilier antclc vt li' usc
hfl't FiiriuMire.
Term Known at a
.KO I. RISER. Admiris-
Ori.in.lHfii JOHN I.KIKU. S irat. r
j IntlfiHinJl'Dt Killtllinll
uf Sta-l'uat
Harrison uf Fonress Monrne!!
;tt.ll. . oll,ot Nnrtliiitnlf rlatitT,
befii auiti -r z. 1 tti (ai- a mmiMtiv t-
; 1,1
I .
Umuilinn uii'kT Majt-r J.'-epri K.'I.tis p
, A., nw in Ctninnaiiil f Knrirf- Mun- !
rte Va. The exprc-s ohjct of auiJi 'i iin?
ihe raising of tins l!atallnn is lit secure a
permanieni sarni'n fi-r Ft.r!res Mn,r tc. I
J-.'iii heavy artillery, thev wit I not be sab
jct hart marches, will tiave no picliel ur
Nrnulin duty, ami no unheatiliv exposures.
Their ilut.es amt rations wilt be rejular. !
Major Roberts is one of the bei artillery of- .
ftcers in Ihe service anJ is the author of the
; la"'iarJ "urk "- An.iiery iaci.es
Voung Meu to jmii. this most attractive branch j
civile "i'l"' " Evs
, ... . . . . , ' " j '
' ,"rm -'""i.i.
i am mi a nucne awrvi TiTOrpTriPO
rpHK Cxamiaaiions of Teachers fr I'aion
X Couuiy, will be held at the following
places, commeociDg at 9 o'clock each day.
Buo.I nullnl. X Rb da Orto. lath
Huffsln Kl U.uh Uo a ia
1m. .ad llnrttrtos UmI.Io. do do l'tti
ll.rtUy Lar.ll.Mi 4a do l'lh
1 ini.i"t ,nr owluwr Baa do do lUi
Teacher will please as heretnfere provide
thesaaelvea with paper, sens and ink. Tbry
wilt also remember thai -Theory and Practice"
is one of tbe Ircal blanches. We postpone
the Examlneiions a few weeks later than
usual, hoping lo find Director and ail appli
cant ia aitecdanee.
1). HECKE.NDORN", Co. SupL
New Berlin, Sept. . S6i.
Auditor's Notice.
In the Orphans' Court of t nu.n countv.
I , . . . . , .- i r
- majteroi tZl
! 11mh1 deeA,eJf M bltl) bf htt Adunoisiiair.
i Mm. Fearon.
f ot October. A.U. lt:-J. for ihe purpose of iul-
lill.Dff the duties of hi appointment.
JOH B. I.IN.N, Auditor.
University at Lcwisbur.
The next Session will opea oa Thursday
morning, isept. Wth, m the
J. It. LOOMIsi, President
iT received a freh supply of Ladies'
and Children's
Bunts, flatters and Fancy Shoes,
which will he sold at I'M'SH ALLY LOW
I'ltlCES FOItCASlH at ihe Lewisbors L'n
inn Hoot aud fhoe Store, opposite ihe I.ewis-
oor KanK. I ne largest s.lck el Home .iaue
liiuirs and SHOKS ever oilered in nwn. a.
Wholesale ant Keiail, iwen.v I" Iweniy-five
per cent. cheaper than any other house in ihe
county, liouu an I shoes made to order on
hori notice
lion't forget the place opposite the Bank.
April 2S, iw;s JO.I.N Siil.lKEs.
'Ht! Pall SasNNlon commences
tiliu-lav. Ot 1. 1, 1H6:.
1 he a inter Sexslon
unmeitiaiely after the Holiday..
Those desirous of en.erins the Instttuiion
for ihe first lime, are requested 10 apply lo .he
Principal before the opemns of the School.
Special attention is civen u iheitiiaiificaiion
of Voun Ladies ami Gentlemen lor Teachiug-
The Bible is a Trxi Uock.
TlilTION per session including contingent
pr.IMART rn.linr. Wroratr. O-Sn.r. AriUinli-.
lt.s . i.mni. aort . s. l.i-t..r..i - - - - -
AliV INrKli K.V.LlsU :11 maiueIud-dasovl SMI
Tnuion pavable immeilia.elv upon the close
. . - . 1. .. ia,
01 ike session. i.w .1 o-or.io.i j
will be m ult ta We vailing in anvasrs. fto
inpr V-il-av and Voniiiwr
V - ' fi m " wtli wil Mt,
! ? .N. Mi r S-'h fii:h ei.i
Lewi.buif April -I, t'sn-
sT In l.cwibnr- (nrobiM, is iht Cr-
meierv) on fun. lav. I2lh 111M , Irinl
link I. CI. I 1.1 Alii) CM M.N Tb uAt
will Le juilablv rrwar'letl bjr leaviug il at UUa
f);!iee. OeL la.'t.s
Mammoth Furnltnre Warchoast?,
803 & SII.CLestnut SL,
I,alo I.cvj t Co. Dry Good Store.
t uiinrrly l il,lVulnut St.
6 t. ls.vjim
TUV' uniTktnl, harme remuvrd
ilifr Wait h aritl Jewelry etabhsha.fil
nor f itie rooms recently occapivd
i'ii.iN. ti. Nnr, lining M.ss Amaoda
Zji-rr" Mi iintry Shnp.) Market atrae
beiwctu Froi.t and Svciud(hc is prrparadia
llfpair watches, Jewelry, Slibical
lusirumcnls, &c,
in the most appruvrd an J satisfactory maeaft
Slit k-'t-pt tu bantl an aMrimenl of choir
JK'A K M1V, tcr La .irsantl Gruiltmto, whic
hc t'll'T at price lo suit I be Umca. AlK
AM wurk ami wares warrjintrd a repr
L-wihr?. May K, lWi
: 4 1
I.IT1 1.K the best place in town In p
j 2. your Tr.mmtnes, Noitoaa, 8keletODS,
fancy anJ Black Silks, wnta many olb.r
' ihinys loo numerous lo mrntion, la at C
MENSL'H'S. So sav the ladies.
I N. U. Siore remi.rnl tu Reber'f butldiD(,
i two dimr west of ihe Bank.
twi.bur. May 7, 1st.:! na
Peace Peace !
Ur K fri-iwljAT t1 klol patrtnr" from wmntf? mat
UV tf r fr all, prictrn tvr aW
Then )ttw "- ur ttrutioa. uJ prt nf wir euv
Vo'i sxrv our brj tiwude utl otlir bum tin.
Wf-'T TtmrM ! 0.llii, ) Smtin D-4wwi.
AnJ i'J"vo'ira,T mt Umsliaawt. mnd tnm Wo4 iwl aiaa
Kr't I'opiinf t.n-1 Mohuirn, sutl 1'riaU r fnm JI
8 itch m ert;ur'0 kd1 Oxtnxo'jat g,iim iu m calL
Wrwf !rt1iw ovl ghHim- ft f nan to rnn umIh
Un btwKiDt tvw tvlt and 1UU H'w or (MU;
e rii.lh- at ni prirva. (ur JuU-r fttvl matst,
Hi'ti rraJw-iuaJ ClwUiiOjC w ebat M U. Stuk-.
W- CIt-Hacpi n.l Orwti. B1 rrinolltw Skirts
Ad 1 m-ipui ttel CIh -ktnir li-r I rm mod iort,
H f' fnrt-Frot.t ati'l Cullar for mm mtfl frr tj
We've- stiiik.- rs u-ln-., but tlon L ii ib loja.
ffi-'Tf; fHl r!r th in.! l"ni-tj to rTr toot floor.
'-' ."IIi.k!- t.T onr win fw- xnd luji h-r your 4M (
W !-' It. i' K.-t ,v I f; i-kc-tr. an.l Ku.hfn lioc,
tWfr suiis ui C 'S- v f'r l'Ejbi: ur Cms.
WV RruhfM and Kcttlv. uU kinil of QuvetMwai--
IN' roll and i-iamiiif, tr but in vlMrwtvrv;
V-tiM tTn-1 n n Market inn-i, ewittvr of tow
At Sll KLI.fc.lt oi l atr..l v a. .uv imh
.Uwiurv, A;.r,l lv,a ABE BlWWl.
LOOK 0 L'T: Spurious Tickets hats)
already been issued, with two names
f'fArui and AVtter wrengly printad.
Others bave Dill's name instead of iajrea,
or Kiush fir Snuh, Kelly for Aeerf, ke.
There are Traitors, trying to tell and cheat
ihe Union party. Beware of them. Sea
that your Tickets bave these TEN names,
and ftajrconipare them before voting 1
''Red, White & Blue"
Uuiou Ticket
Auditor Genernl
r-urvevor General
Pnithnnntary. A'"
listrirt Attornew
IS putv Survevor
Look at every Ticket
to detect Frauds.
r ..st
1 j
1 Vppt VWk