Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, October 03, 1862, Image 1

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Iff mi ANI III HUM (Mil
THE UNION," csta!lihed in 1S11 Wmiie No.,2,o85.
"I'lIRONIl'LE," csliiWIsIu'tl In 1813 Whole No, 90 1.
At M.SO nrr Year, iilvtajsi In Idvnnre.
maiMH.u srvi-wr.hi.i-..
TarsJay Mnmiiiir, & Friday Afirrnmm.
Fr Auditor Wfu-rat,
THOMAS F.. WHRAN, of York Co.
AVILLI.V.M S. K'iSS, f Luzerne.
for i niircs..,
JOHN J. l'ATTI'.KSoN, uf .1 unl:.t:i.
Fur tcwlil,
iikn'UY K. i;rn i:i:....'.-ii vi ri'..uiiiv.
ueorgi. w. sti.oi'si-:, i juui.u.i.
rw rrtIn.ntar,-J . .tHS fllllllnhnrs. j
r.nllloT- KOI!! KT 111 I 0. Itli!li .
IM.inn .m.irorj - lh:hi ii til v t-v- lrif.i-s. !
D'ta'J MirirJIT-tOXKMI Mil k'L... rurrM II
H4lir J. r. Ili.t ::n u. Knit).
No Dot bt of H
Two years ao, J iitn Hnjh- s of I'otts
ville was the "ileiuoeratie'' caudidate for
Congress in the Schuylkill and Norihum
borlaud district, and his b"Jo;n fiicnd and
blood relative, F.' .lUjbt, did his bctl
W nominate aud to elect him ; they se
cured the nomination, but J"ho lost the
election. Tlvtl utmr J hn Iln-jlm i nnir
in the '' irny, Jnrni .nth i'nnliini
,, t C. llnj'fs is C'iiaiiiuan of the
l'euu'a Democratic Committee hlh it
hiriwj for lue tame. o! t, which is the
overthrow of the Administration of l'res. j
Lincoln. John comes opeuly forward j
with sword aud bayouet, while t runk
works indirectly with "Addrcssea" aud
party prejudices and falsehoods.
History will record the fact, that the
Rebels bad expected that New York city,
Mew Jersey, Pennsylvania, aud the bor
der Free Slates, would j iin the Mont
gomery Confederacy uuder Jeff. Davis.
It was with that view that the Harrisburg
Democratic Convention was called, ou
Feb. 22d, 18Ci "to nwattrnct llui L nim
am Ihmucmiic jii iiui'jtl, f." Uead that
gain : "to UKOo.NsTiti.er tiik Union on
Dimocuatic I'mscifLKs." That is to
say, the Union, (they assert,) was divided,
and had not been ou a Democratic princi
pie ! Undoubtedly, the new "principle" Our "rcsetvc" al Sharpsburg, (it now ap
wouli have been Sh WKltY, which ! p ars,) might have mado tho Rebel defeat,
Viee-l'res. Stephens declared was the
corner-stono of the new edifice and the
Free or ."Abolition" Slates should be ex
cluded from that "re-eonstrneted" Union
oa Democratic Slavery principles!
That was the game of the lca-ler$. Rut
when they gat together, they found tbe
nt'iuej were not prepared for tbe step.
F. W. Hughes and Isaac Elcnkcr were
delegates. Hughes bad a resolution, in
favor of I'eiivy'cani'i, as a mnthr uf
interest, jiiniwj tlfj Hnlli- rn Vonalcrary,
or the "fifteen Slaveholding States," in
ease the; should succeed. Kx-Gov. Hig
ler and hundreds of other Democratic
leaders hsd declared liko Rob Tyler,
Bow in the Rebel ranks that they would
co with tbe South. Its leaders did not
deem it expedient to offer thit resolution,
. . ... .e. .i. . !
loit resolutions did Dass savins that the
South were right iu dcniaudiug Slavery
io all the territories, and also that they
would thwart tbo incoming Administra
tion if it attempted to suppress the Re
bellion which then raged. The following
are the Resolutions of Hughes, Slcnker,
& Co, Fob. 2id, lSOl :
JinnltkJ, . Tnal Ihe people ol lhe Solllll
ern Hiaie. contributed their exertion andtr. a
surc in the acjuisiiion ol ihe Ternloiies,
equally wilh those oloiin r.-siaies.iind thai me
principle wnicu recoiiies mc i,,idi ii,ita ,
of all the States in the same, is Jooiide-a on j
Ihe clearest equality and supported by the
decision of lhe lushest Court ol lhe country, i
It mailt thrrij.rr, tu be tuttitUtd by every
law-aind,n3 ciiieu iiuiil a sanslaeiury i'i-i- j
fm; brie r.au be scuied by anicniiiiicnl ul lhe !
i)i. That we will, by all pn per and leri- j
tiiuaie tin a.',-, ios-, Ii Otlllf I'll-
uik v iimi .i til any u!l-m:t '
un I lie put I ot Jiiti ti iuiili iitis
III iov,l lo iuae any iiwi ura-stun
upon ihe ciuiTiii.its rirf.s.espi ciaKv so ions
as laws ccuiravenins lheir ri,r shall remaiu
unrepealed on the fclalu'.e t.o..k ot .Norliieril
Ntales, and u Ions as the i'm.i il.jiuimU ol the
rsnulh ahall conliuue to be unreci enized by
lhe Republican majorities ' hese Mates.auJ
unsecured by prttjtr aiiuMMUurti txplunutww
vj Ihe ConrtUutum.
IS.y. tie- nrti,.i.i K.e-rt. iTb.
m.,,. ...1L.-.I t.iriji much v:-!.
line c,f the Beaslii.
ii Ui.t .l.il.rmi
li 4-uriaini J ti..il..u l Hi- l"ni- r.r i - u.t.t
i. k., .mi, 4 4;r, .ioi ue'oi Oi M-t-in5 stiiie
i. T- l I. tli. .H- O-tV-lili.'ll r,,..' ri .-, ;,ll l,
uttli Mi- . in- ot h its nr. I th- i i -li iil -le-til- ul .10 li-.
ai.a. r,.. it, m, w.ill- ot tin' t.iiiljiu tLt bi-li
llii-j .vrt- .auiu.l l-J -viiuuau.
If that was nut r-.uk Treason in words,
Euch thiugs aa "ttvasouabla words" can
not be ottered !
In 1SG2, Isaae Sleoker Vice Presi
dent of that Convention, who continued
to babble against "personal liberty bills"
down to the last war meeting in New lier
lin is nominated, by the same party, for
Auditor General. And tho same F. W.
Hughes has control of the party machin
ery to try and elect Mr. Slenker. Theu,
tbey demanded that the Constitution be
altered to suit the Rebels now, they
eootoud vaihautly (uobody opposing) for
"the Constitution as it ia." And liughes
Wauls to be U.S. Senator !
Arrange Lumiii-ss so as lo Vote!
Let every Uuion man nrriji-e cvtry
thiioj, this year, to vote. lie ut Ihwu.
Let thoss absent, arrttnoe. to be at tho
polls. Let those in the Army-who the
... ... .... I
ucmoeratio JuJires, in the teeth ut the i
I.iw, say shall not vote icrite hume to
their friends, urging them to voto as they .
would were iluy but dtkudioj; uur rifclt--. J
Beware of Traitors I i
There are traitors pretended friends
who are trying to betray and defeat tbe ,
Uuiou army at every step of its progress. :
Ami 8, io the loyal States, there are
nr,,f...ia.-il friend at tha ITninn who seek '
every ehauce to injure it. Just as the
I! be!s sometimes come into Utile with
the Stars mid Stripes C)ing over their
h.ais, so there are mon, 1U this and other
c uuti. s .vhj uro iniu- to dani-iao the i
l'ui.. co by pretending to be K. pub- ,
liraus and I uioo meu, at the same time
pUiiug autl iuli iijuiug to betray the Uuion
candidates. 1
Frank, open, and consistent opponents, j
we call re.-p.et
but hjpocntes auJ two-
itieians, never eaa 00 irustca
M n who will profess friendship for
: canonic, lo;; enouu 10 get o.s uiouey ,
I or his favor, and theu desert him, would i
betiav au ariny on the field of battle. j
We wa-ti the Union men of our county, I
thus early, that lin-ckinridgen are already J
corrupt men, who bang arouud our party
Io defeat as much of our ticket an they
can. Sonic of these men are notorious
ICsaus, nud sot.io (they say) disappointed
candidates, or "contractor" for candidates.
lUlWAIli; ft' ill 'mot's votes! One
way they will attempt to cheat, is by put
ting tickets containing part of our oppo
uculs' names in tho hands of men who
aro too careless or ignorant to read, or
who vote iu haste.
Ir lie sure yon get your tickets from
tho right men, and that they contain the
! TKN NAMES nominated by the Republi
can Uoiouisis of the State, Districts, and
County. Head and compare your Tickets 1
Call up the Reserve!
The nsi' t'. mat generally decile the
fate of tho day in arms, as at Waterloo.
At the first Hull Run, Jackson's "rcsorvc"
decided the day against us Miles' "re
serve," if called, might have turned it
.:.... . I tl'j llrnsw... MAVrn
i our aru'y
at bhilou from annihilation.!" " , , . , :
a HalU Rlulf affair.
Just so in politics. The Union party
havo a "reserve" io our count; of 300
wen and in tbe State of 30,000 men
i i , .n Tim am
uo ihicij wmjo " " I' - j i
old men, or very busy, or professional
men, or men who dislike to "meddle with
politics," unless there is an-urgent de
maud for uo.nest mkn's votes. T'leiV
me t'i mow. The "Reserves" can save
the Couuty aud the State Uuion Tickets.
Wc aro glad to sec evidences that this
vote will bo out. If left at homo, they
may give the State into tho bands of tbo
Slave l'ower-tho secret allies of Jeff.
And what would our Jarmt bo
worth, reduced to tho state of Virginia
farms '1 l'crmil the Southern arm; to
ravage our houses and barns to re-cstab-
liab Slavery io l'cnusylvania, as they vir
tually claim a right to do and farewell
to the glury aud the happiness of our
llrscrcci of 1'tntnghauia ! while our
brethren, eons, fathers, neighbors, aod
frieuds in arms are keeping back the vile
spoilers at the bayonet's point, be it yours
to defeat and thwart them at the bailot
bjx. "Up guards ! and at them !"
Coi.. ,1. F. Hauthaxit, f!st T.V.,
Iirosi.li.il at a iiifctiii.u' ol' the ( lllircrs
if that lioirimonr, Aulictiiiii. M., 22 I
tilt., when lcsoliilioiis were a'lotel iu
lionor of their late lirother ollieor.,I,t.
Saml'EL FAllt.who fell at South Moun
tain, ami l.t. Col. Tim. S. Rili.L, l.t.
Jlwis C. IIuxsKKKit, and l.t. J. Cil
iikut Reavku, who fell at Shantsljiii.
An l let us not for-et the equally
I , 1 i: I. .. .I.1...1
; wormy jirivaio soiaiers, who iuim u
i up lheir lives, or were mamma, on mo
iuu bloo.lv Ileitis.
Ser-. Vandin-i:, Mr. Ercwcr re- Ljl b of nclcct of duty j ,1C!), unJc.r,hfl crest of a bill, and throw
liorts, tiled of his wounds. ' -," ,.,i,.,i .r., .teamcr : ia ' skirmishers to tbo front, I eaused the
Lt. M'Faihiin' ha3 aain returned
home, not i:iirovcil in lienlth.
. i? i..i,t.
Within a da; or two past, Gen. Stall's
, , . . r e- ,r.
urigaue, UCIU a I'.i. ui evu. v.bu. -
Corps, advanced to Warrcnton Juoetion,
about ly-ono miles from Washington,
without meeting the enemy. Tuesday they
went ta Varrcuton village, ten miles west,
and there met a large number (about
1,200 j sick and wounded Rebels, togeth
er with a few conscripts, prpners, whom
they parollcd. Gen. Stahl -continued bis
rccjutioiasancc to Salem and White Plains,
but found no Rebels io that neighborhood.
Gov.Rradford, Maryland, has published
an official letter of thanks to Major Gen.
M'ClclIan and his officers and men, to
Gov. Curtin and tbe Pennsylvania militia,
and to the Maryland troops in the Union
army, for their great services in expelling ;
laud. 'ovadeis from tho soil of 31ary-
7rr, : r, .
Rebel paper in Riohmond
Proof. A
calls it a breath of faith to send parollcd I
Uuion soldiers to suppress tbe Indian out
break ia Minnesota. This is an evidence
that the Rebels (like tho Rritish and tbe
Turie of tLe involution) are leagued with
il. n,..1...nM ....a., nn Mir frnntiAra ?
"u'ul"Bi u. ....
tetr-Wm.C. Reed, late of Lcwisburg, is
in Mvca , fir,, corporal of Co.C, 100th
Reimiut, laduus, tlkbart count-
Mr Our Army on the 1'oiouiao in io
motion, but properly conceals its situs,
It is believed that lien. Sigcl has a large
forco at Thoroughfare Gap, and M'Clcllan
is nutating bis troops from Harpers 1-erry
nn ill Smith aide nf till! I'otnniac.
Gen. Je.fer.ou 0. Davis is uuder arrest
for shouting, after being wantonly struck j
and insulted, Geu. Nelson, a Uuion oUiccr :
of doubtful reputation. j
T!lrt Slttln v- u nn.tnnriri until .
ar0 ,a CuuIlty K,j .,,. .
iiy Thero havin" been few rolitical
ni(.,.,illg, BeM therefore the people can
hue no eseurc, this yar, but should all 1
t. ku anJ iiako imo n vnmB ou, lnj .
. ,,,,,, T1,,; tjX,)N licKKr !
ltd the women see to it that the I'uion
, .. :,.ar,i;7. .,1 ; ,1.:, s,.,e U
h(. auscliee ot lUir
(rue uieu from the
- - - - -
(looit. Quartermaster Hale, Harris- j
burg, thanks the ladies, but Mys he has :
1 i- . . 1 1 1 '
lages at present.
Warm ehir-s and ick, wo suppose, will :
be most needed henaafter.
ti.A well loeatcd (irist Mill, with a
superior water power, two
1 I?:. ... I..
'"-n I
just above New Hcrlin formerly .'
Mill property, aro now offered at public
Bale, for heirs of I!t.'hil.
Ba.Vic observe our "old boy," Fran
cis M. ZlEiiAnll. is Captain of Co. A,
Dakota Militia, raised to defend that fron-,
tier from the Indians.
- I
lU.klms. Democrat, of Snvdcr countv. '
is under iudieiincut for discouraging en-1
"Vbere's Tom, tho milkman 7"
Indians Defeated.
St. i'auu, Jlion., Sept. 2fi, 18C2.
To Maj. Gen. Halleck, General-in-Chief:
Despaches from Col. Sibley just received
state that a sharp engagement has occur
red with tbe Sioux near Yellow Medicine
ll.n,,l tliirlv Indiana Birrrt kllh-il. anil
manv wounded, uur loss was live xuieu
and thirty-four wounded. Tho Indians
fell back towards litginpalo. Sibley is fol
lowing. John Fore, Major General.
Sharp 1'bactici:. It is getting to be
a favorite trick of the rebels to leave
their wounded to fall into onr bands.
... . ,
l ney aiiow mc; w, .vlu guu.
witbin the Federal liocs, and after recov
ery they are sent back to them, by ex
change, tresn troops io nil ineir sieieiou
regiments. Our wounded, however, that
fall into their bands reccivo the poorest
treatment, and are sent back to us on
parole as soon as possible.
The Rreckiuridccrs who wero in tbe
Congrcssiooal Conference to which Clin-
... ....
! oo and (enter counties belong, name);
III I t. IT . r..itn f.AM li n Inrmnaa ml
I , , ., , .
i"l T A Li-- ,.l,s frnm tli Inttftr rniltllV.
i hlT8 entered lheir rrotC8t ,gains, ,he ro-
fusal of a majority of that conference to
make a nomination for Congress.
From New Orleans wo have the order
of Geo. Uutller orderiog the enrollment
of tho freo negroes of 1'Ouisana for mili
tary scrvieo in defence of that city. They
are to be known as tho "Native Guards."
General .Sutler has decided at last to "use
all means to crush."
the notorious leader ot
rucrrila bands iu Missouri, wis caught on
Monday night two weeks, twenty miles
from Hudsun, on the Hannibal aud Mis-
souri Railroad, while he was asleep in a
nou4C. n0 , been condemed us a spy,
aud will culler death.
C.vnr, Scm.'tiz This noted orator has
own tho people of this country that ho
can fi -lit as well as talk. At tho lato
battle at Hull Hun, be was in the thickest
of tho fiht, cojI and c dlected, and all
.1... U ,l;.nUu..,l tbn hiohot ntlali.
ai-iuu l ,i .. . uu u,.,i.j,. ...w -n i
,- ,lf .;, ,nBrai3i.i0 during that sevcro
1 - a
; battle.
Sonior offioer Goorgo II. I'rcble, in
eommand of tho blockading forco off Jlo-
(,.,,, , rua t10 blockade, has, by aa
, . . . .. . ,- -
order of tho I'rosident, been aismisseu
fioui the naval service- Right !
Tho Confiscation act is about being
carried into execution iu Mississippi, so
far as tho military seizure is concerned.
Property valued at 00,000,000 will bo
thus cobfi-catcd.
a a oratifvinir fact, that, in tbo
midst of tho extraordinary expenses and
unprecedented eseitenien.t in which the
Commonwealth has so suddcutly found
itself involved and surrounded, tbo finan
cial operations of tho stato were never
oonduoted with more success, nor h.s the
eoonomy of the finances ever been more
strictly guarded than it is now. All this
ii aostained by tbe proclamation of tbe
Governor, published to-day, sotting forth
f j n I
the operations of the sinking fund. ly
j proclamation it will bo seen thai
within the year ending septemoer ,
I . pa?Djent, cancellation, extin-
guiabmcnt and final discharge ot lao
Hundrrd ad Sutj Urn Thousand 'Kyht
Hundred and Out DMari and SUy
ucen Cents of the principal of the debt of
the Commonwealth has boon made, in
cluding S1188 of the relief issues, which
havo bceu cancelled and destroyed as
authorized by the 3Sth section of tho act
ul tho l'Jth day of Aptil A. V , lb
tairreeiKiitdenna of the Mar l'hrfnlvl.j
1tiuf'liiarf.r, S.I Hris- Ri...ardar,ir, M. 1
Sumnt-r "a l'ora, liar"r rvrrjr peit- lis I
We take great interest in perusiug the
columns of jour truly excellent paper,
which cotuca to band with great rcgular-
ilv. that is. when our mail facilities are
not iulerfered with by tbe chaug.-s and '
vicissitudes of war. 1 have scauued its j
columns closely for some time back with
the hope of fiudiug at least a few words
.. .., t. , S. I ... It
r - II i
Ul Illl ,
couc-ruiug iuc dji ueg i i. uut ....
" ""r?Uk l, '
gagoments, Having part.ctp.tea in inc ,
narucst ,.,ug. .u. .... ";omU,ultclllUyi
it is no more than right that our mentis ,
shoull kuow that the volunteers from
Union e.iuty, ill tho i.:Jd are doing their
. , 111 t 1 1
part in fijt,btui tho battles ol win glor-
iousc muiry.
French's lirigado of Iliehardson's Di'
:.i..n l..i.ria . tl litnril l-.llflt rfllll t lltllin
ll 'l( MK.D I I
.. . :. I 1 ... !.
1'roUl IUC lime II naa loiiueu wji iuu a .
,omac, almost cue year ago, we ero un-
,,r the eye of a well disciplined General,
1 .1 it .:.!. ...1.;.. 1 l.;..n.l.. '
has withstood every engagement with tho
tueiny ahos that his teachings were not i
-..:.i. ir H. a... ,tl.l llrt,tn'u !
' , ,
eaoauiiiiiea ...-v-. '- c j
. . J it l...ll..r Ha .
posllrJIl . DU UIIU ueei.eo m.h... v
niw commands a Division of new troops,
and Col. Urooko of the 53d, who is a brao
and well disciplined officer, U iu command
of French's old Rrigade.
iii- -i i ,A : Krie Sewni? Maenine i.iiiim
It would be impossible to give you vf;, Affrnl, ,, (,,!."
Jgtail of all tbe engagements wo have been
',ni aI)J perhaps I might weary your.read-
, ff .... T1
01 our e" uu
rades aro no longer wilh us. Of the 952 I
men that left Camp Curtin, we can scarce-
IV Ul Ul LC I ilVV, .'J au j iiu pit,., vvuv.u
the olods on tbe bill-sides and in tbe val
leys of Virginia ; others hive been dis
charged, and only m small band is left
Yel we are hopeful, and willing to suffer
much more for the cause in which we have
enlisted. Io the Sate battle in "my Ma-
rvland," on tho 17th, we were actively
engaged. Our corps (Sumner's) holding
.u. ..,, nnsiiion of the Union lines.!
: i- . ...
The enclosed report of Col. Rrooke will
givo yon a full account of the part our
Rrigade took in tbe action.
SnARrsntiEO, Md.,Sept. 10, 1862.
Lieut. W. G. Micukll. Sir: On the
morning of tbe 17tb, this lirigado received
orders to march. lo a few momenta, we
Were on our way to the field of battle.
Crossing the Antietam, we marched rapid
. . . . . ... l.' t r i ;.,;.,.
. . . . , J r :
.kl.h kain hard firaiUcd. forminL'
line of battle in a small valley in rear of;
Meagher's "Irish Rrigade," which passed
' 6 , . , ,... ,J
forward at once and soon beeame engaged.
r.on Richardson then ordered me to move
i i kink
... d in. itk nraat nre.
1 ... . '., ..::.. k.. .nil
i C1B1UU UUUVl ea tviimu mo ui dmvw awa.w
Caldwell 8 Rrigade having re.iev
I e(j o Irish Rrigado on tho frout by a
- ..... .
I flank movement from tho left, lucre orde-
rtA thn men In lin down. At this time the i
, , , i a. t. .l . '
enemy charged and drovo back the troops ;
on our riizht. The 3-d N. Y , and -.1,
Del., nudcr Col. Frank, changed front to
meet this attack, and, by dircetion of Geo.
... . , . , ' -J... , ..f.. v
Richardson, I led the 57th and OOih N.
Y. and 53d F. V. to tho right to check
any attempt the enemy might make to
reach our rear. Thoencmy having taken
Dost in a cornfield in rear of Rowlett's
frm house. 1 sent the 53d l'a. to dislod?o
tlhcm, and hold Ihe position, whieh was
. - .. . ii a .. ,
' dono witn crcar, caiiantry. i men au -
....I .lo, ,7.b .Ti.l Kltth V Y tn r. l'.ev.
j Caldwell's line, which was now fiereoly
assailed by fresh troops of the enemy.
l'assing his line wnn steauincss ana re;
i brity, tho gallant 57th and Clith N. Y.,
drove tho cuemy from tho field ill great
...oft.iioii. e:intnrini two colors, and cov-
i rr;D grouuj with dead and wounded,
, B3 ncro (j0i lurrison fell, while gal
lantly cheering on bis men to victory.
Finding that the enemy mado no attempt
to regaiu tho field, I sought for aud ob
tained ttc permission of the General coin
." -., i l:... -... il.
nianilllli'. tu Wliruraw uiy hub iioiu .uu
now untenable position, being exposed to
i- r.i ..' h , i, .r;..i Tak.
a cross hrc of the enemy a battcr.es. la.-
lug post on the right of the enemies bat-
: atmuunniou to be replenished.
General I
Richardson was dauccronsly wounded,
while directing the liro of a battery oo
the left. In a short lime, Gen. Hancock
arrived and assumed command. Nothing
more occurred exoept an occasional inter
chango of shots on the line of pickets,
lt gives mo plcasuro to say that every
man did bis duty unflinchingly. About
2000 stand of arms wero cspturcd by my
lirigado, also a great number of prisoners,
who were sent immediately to the rear.
Tho total number killed, wounded, and
missing in Ibo Riigade is 303.
John R- Rrooke,
Aoting Rrig. Gen'l.
Since the late battle, wo have lecn or
dered to Harpers Ferry, and now hold the
position that was so cowardly and unne
cessarily surrendered bp the traitor, Col.
Miles. I do not think we will remain
here long ; tbo ttoops are all rested, and
eager for tbe fray. If anything impor
tant Ukcs plaee with ns, yon shall hear
from me again. 8. D. Haoenhlcu,
Co. H. 53d P. V.
BniADSTurrs. It is stated that sixty
five vessels cleared t New York for
Europe last week, carrying ono million
one hundred aud forty thousand seven
hundred and fifty-one' bushels of grain,
and forty thousand one hundred and
thirty-eight barrels of flour in addition to
large quantities of provisions ana asowwo i
'UHVhv-lr rlo!
In Ton Days, is our State Elec
lion, which has Wen almost forgotten
ami'l recent military opuratiuiid.
To HTure a lasting ami mirmrahlc
Peace, it is as nccpsary to sn j
the. Adiiniii.s ia ion 111 JJ ' "l V""
IS to IMUH.-ii lt.S OpCll CUCIUICd 1U tllCj
l 1 tal. 1-1 at Art XT An '
r'illUriiUV, 'Illl. lliu in.-., .tj un
, , A . 4j t
, , , .mmoui I
' wniea io iuuk; -?u.im,'ui. .-.u-auii.
st-c to it, in vour own .'.islrict.
toyij,,,,,,,!,.,,!, W(irk Jo tlo,
to work in !
f Itev. T. H. I!eee will preai ii. S.ilibaih
ni-rnii.? ami even.n3 next, lu the Meih.MiM
church, l.ruubr.15
1 nlim I'rayrr Slrtlnss h-rra!trr
ill l he tirriuaii liei.o oieil liuue.al l.s.iuuain
alWnotms. Ail ate iiivili'il Io atien-1
rv: T..1 1.. T ...... l.ufir V V Vl-ltmn
UlilflttilH "LI 11 lwui iv.j.. umi.ou.
MOVlMd Konril.
Trr Ku Pas-a Uwuog
junvisu SOUTH.
Mil train nases I.ewitburs 9:48 A"M
'rri.i,t .v. AccounnoJaiioa ilo
L-n,.t dn w:.ll I M
We will psv from $-5 io Si5 per monlh
stot all npeiisrs lo active Amenta, or ?ive a
t;i.ninii-!iin. I'aniciilars sem live. A l.lrei
Krie ewin;; Machine Cmnpany, Ii. J.Mr.s,
If tlmfltmCi Bulramic Cardial will not
mrr. in ihe last stales of tjonsmnplion, we
know from experience it allonls great relief.
Dyspepsia is a difficult disease to cure, bnl
H...ri. win c-.n ..-.-
ZLtttifilmra IHavUct
Carrertril wry
Wheat 8ll'2to8115 Eggs
Rye 55 Tallow
8 10
... 8
... 8
... 12
45 lo50
.... SO
1 Corn SO Lard-
St) Ham...
7,25 Shoo...
I""" u
Dried Apples. $1,23 Wool...
Firkin l'.utter
8 Potatoes..
Fresh Huttcr..
12 Country Soap 4 &6
nrItinrTteli-n. t--wi..snrc. JOHN vr l.l. of York
V.II.T anil Mi MAKTI1A J. BKAKI PhihKl.
a, R,,.-. crr -! " . JNi N isNTirs
j i RAIlAII J. llKRrsaailll.anth rf Bu.fcTp.
On th- Sr.lt. nlt Br S. R VAMVAI.7.AH or W.minWj
n-l MlMi JKNN1K JAMKS f Yrf Arm. Co. Vm.
Br K-. A. B. Ca.pmr. JOI1S SMITH Jaek .
stun Kwvta I.. vrBim r w-t imtriio wJ. Kuw
Hill. 1.1 sikI Mm KMKUNK Klin. MlJdlwrerk. JACOU
sl'IKSml Mi ANNA K. TAKNKI.L, ll.nl'J.
II. R. v. Or. Wtia, lh alt . lion. WM. rlATT an l
SAKall HAKES, bnth-f l..t-aaias r..antjr.
Kr,rTurltille.2Sth nlt NAOMI, daajbU-r of John
J.rH.,. ,,,!:.; .
, m e!,i,ur-. jet!, uie. v.i about ;i ji-ar.-, lira.
1 ,n.
' ,sth u"-
U. SANDEK-?"!?, In Lis
tilth Tear.
At LihtTtf MtlN, Inii, lut nit . ntfl "iit SO j.r,
STKI'UKN lilliTOS. feniierlT ol 1-e.M, N.'t'd IV I'.
; In SVIin;m.-. Sep. .Mm. SISANNA UuW, (culunsl)
j u.ie,l tu I.- 110 year, or a.
At M-mrueton. llrielfi-M L'n.. ra.. m mi.. --i
uin. Mra. MARION J. IIOMKT, wife or U.
v'x T1,(,tmtatritoW.ii,.i.i
i, .,,,. ,n i.i.i.,vi m.rre-j, -u m .nth
MOM KT, wife or l.t. J. A. k re..,
lours rrmal.
ntbs in-. .nJ
a i.it to b hanbamt. near whincton, rontrart.-.!
' fc.r.r..ri !.-. eio .bright u.i,aSh
l.rl.r..rthWrari-r In hop. nfnne far natter.
" Estate 0f wm. B. Shriner.
A cxlrTS , ailmioiatration on ihe estate
,,. t ,i. Win. B. Slinner. laie of M.iUinburs,
; in i:,nn r.i.untv. deceased, have been eran
led to the undersigned, all persons knowing
. .k.....i...c n p j., in on, r, a p arr m i r
, . " .i
' 'ed io make immeniaie paaieU,
present ini ut
lv authenticated for settlement to
JOS. W. sHIM.NEK, AJmin'r
Lewisburj, Oct. 1, lSSi
Buililns Association.
rpiIK Annual Mcelins ol" lhe Lewishur
1 llinl.lins Assiieiaiion will be held on
KATLUDAV, lhc -lift (Jet. at 7, P M. fl.liceri
will then be elected lor the next year.
CHARLES !s- JAMES, secretary
5 Teachers Wanted.
lnn.-sfl.N'S applying for Schools will please 1
j. nicet, ine jsciiooi oiii-cnns .inn e.,'uu,,
superintendent at ihe li..yer h,...! honse in
I KLLI.V township on I. UA t.sll.1 the Mil
j f 1 y o,clockj A M fur
. ,,,,..,. liv r,r f Uoard :
Kellv. Sent. 21. lMtiS 3t
Tu TtaAliliijita AiUii uiruav. x wo,
j rpHE Examinations of Teachers lor t nu n
I i. 'H held at .he Mloin,
Cnlon lil-trtel IVInflel.l s.-bool Ufase 0-t.'lr h
l:i.i lluii.il.H lit. l'ina.-aot Uo
K.-lty Kryer'
Wliiti; li..,-r New Celumbia
llmav t ui.-nt, an
bull. In, nullnl.ie X r.eajfl
llullalri. K,l ll-ma
l-wl- au,l lUrllvbin Uartlcton
ll..rttrv Liiuielloa
Llui. ptt.n Sn iu -r Run
Tcichers witl please as hcmof7e prvi.le
thenelves with paper, pens -ami ink. I hcv
is one of (he lepal blanches. We posipnne
the KTamiiiBtiuns a few weekn later than
the Kiaminettons a few weeks later than
usual, hopin? to find Directors and all appli-
cants in aiieiulance.
New Berlin, Sept. t. mi-U
faa THE undersigned has removed, her
Millinery Establishment
to Ihe rooms recently occupied by Thos. C.
do 7rU ,
Jo 'h
dn 1'th
tlo loth '
H., l:.th
do :-:h V J
do Yn.
do .
tirier's Jewelry Shop. Market street, between . cu4 by Dr. Burlan, Ol'POMrK IHE
Front and Second, where she is prepared to ; BANK, where he has filled up one of th.
Hake and Trim Bonnets, Hats, Finest Galleries in tbe Country!
and olher articles in her line, in the best and ; Having superior laeiliiie-1 and alone: x
hanilsoniesl manner, she has on hand an j ji,-rienre, he is sauslied thai his work can not
eitensive vaneiv of lhe urnM attractive Mvles ; 5, beaien. Call and test his workmani'u
of l(illlH-lsl.'lls.t'llHll'. ll'llit, j l.ewisbiirjr. Am 15 .
Al UltclMl t'lawcm, KlbbonH. and - -
olher M.lln.erv Trimmin"s. IO which he IB-i 1 TUS t trraS lit I SU CnlJITV .
ii ihe mention ..1 the nubile.
Thankful lor lhe favors heretofore exK-nded
her sh hones the same eenerous patron.
t may be retained ; and she would also b
appy lu secure a more i-stensive aertnain-
la,-,-. AMUl'A b. uVBkn.
Lcwi.bur;;, April io, !8W
T?fa1 Estate, i
Public Sale!
17II.L hri.flfiril al puMic salr at thhnlr
vt Midi a-1 Kin hni-r, in .New Urlui,
Friday, Dcthuku Isd-J,
reran, tract of l-anil. iituair in Limeiion
townhip, I n
iiiou foiiti;,, al'.Mit lull a mil'"
rim, ii'fj Hiiiiia Uiiti.-i ot Alal in
m t.t('..r.l Fn a. ii tin iinriii. Inri'l ol I nihil
... .. .... . is t, 1.
unS I.m. On Itl r.1-1, i-nn in-n
.,.,;. .... . I I ..I I.. lata t..a-... a.H lilt
...... - -
more ur k-s, all cl-'art!, vu ln h arc erec
ted a
wilh a good Waler IVwer aiucbrd,
Two Dwelling Iloust's,
.mo i.iIit r.uil lilies. There are ! wi Hie
Saul pr.-nli.ei an e.cetb-iit Weil i-t Waler, a
1 lllil ll l:i. a liist r.nr Mwlnir, At.
Silp ki r,,iiiiin-nre al I tiVleek in the iil'ier-
I n.uin i.i said Jae. wiien Trrm, will be made
kuown by s.AMi:i:i. .KI.I.KliS
lie. mi. Inn of Frat.eis J. '.,-llrr, .-.ir.ili
. Hers, an I Jcremiiih X- llers. minor
chiblrrn nl Mary Ann .eliers. .ler'.l. h"
Is selluie un-ter an or.lrr fl llr;,iian'
t'l.urt, au l oliier heirs ol J.hli Ui-lirl,
!iM. l'a'cl del. I, Is'li
N.ll. The purchaser will v-cnie a roml title
for" sale" oh rent.-
Tbe Hoo-e and I nirv liable on S,.t!i
jLi-Ar'uUiill M., b-roo-riy Win. . M., ore's. Il
sold by ihe I.-.I ol i tuber, il mil be lur
KE.M'. lioiuire en ihe premi-es !
. m;n. tiio.mas.
I.ewiibiir, July I-, lsO'-fi
ValnaMc licnl C'statc
v i'.;,,n r.,nnii- rnit sam:.
A SAW-.Mll.l.. wiih niber',,,
linpr,,vciiiens. and about iO tTtZf!
Aci-l-H ol 'TIM 111-' It LANDsim
aie in the Brush Valley Narrows. IV-aeasiun
piven this tall.
Also a larje qoanti'.v of TIMrLu
I 1MI . .,n lhf ' - r-. of
u iir -r-L- on wi, . Ii aro
several eood W an r lVwcrs-a hrt
r'aTe locaiion for Lumbering.
a i. . .,, r l. f I hestnut Timber
. , ... u ...... i, ,,.l. f
Land of alH.nl ill Acre.- raeh..Hnins lands of
Henry Divert and oihers in hue Ueer I p.
x Also a nninber of liuildin"; Lots,
11J. several Houses and lots, l.ewisb's-x.
Also a quantity ol Ll.'MIIKR. consisiin-.- of
boards, planlf. scanllina. pales, lath, lap shin
gles, ,Vc t or particulars, appiv I"
l.ewisbur, June 1.
t. L. HECK
TANDS laie of lhe Elalc of Taaca Coia,
J E-q., dee'd.
William Wilson, t0 acres and allowanee,
W.ci R,iirlntf louraivhin.
Hubert Tasiari, 4no acres an.i allowance,
Hartley township.
VVilliaiu P. riiadv, IIS acres and allowance,
.. . J
ll.irllel lowusnip.
Roliert l.atiimer, t3l acres and allowance,
Hartley township.
Apply lo JiHX I!. LI!V.
lUyjM Atb.rnT t it S e x-. Ls.tor.
ma nv'rVP
FOR RtfJl.
rpWOSTOUBY Brick lit n t. anrt ajj
I I.UT on .Nonh f'oullll street. J'iA
March IH. 'tii. II. V. KIIRM.EK.
Land Warrant for Forty Acres ;
1"lll S M.K. Enquire at the office of the
Star 4 Uhrimiele, Lrwihaurc.
1()I'NTV' LAXO WAKRAXT blanks lor
ail ensajed m the service of the U,.n
in ihe War of "mis. and for lheir Widows, al
the Otlice of the LewisSurt; Chmnicte
rn.-..nk. T p,.j Ctrnuliorrir
Tnompne De Gand fcirawDerry.
ll.,r vi.u-b ol Plants of this Ulinval ed MraW-
berry is unequalled anywhere.
B1,B ;,.,mh ,.i:-e tlM.s lli MU-
i , . r .i.
01 superior auamy, m mc
! IVIaware, Iiana, Hartford I rolitie,
I ...... i
Loueord, r.lsiiiinir, tiwiuoa, . c,lrl ,B . k-u.aud i..r ai. ut.r
CreVelill"' Ji.0.--. r.-Uin-.l l I-- U-armil u Uui lu-,vtt aaoUii-r
"', , - , . ! W-.,.,te ..re . f l-,.p.-r.''
and also other pew and valuable kinds. As , ..r.,.n ,i,.,u u- i- rm:tt.-,i to ,te at any e!eii..ia
we have everv facility for keeping up our i aa au.ri-l. ikan a l.ik- lrman .,1 ll-as. ul W.n
we nave everv i.o miy I o r ur ..,, ,jri r,.,i.j iu th,a
Supply, We Oiler C al iniillCCIlieniS lO r di! w i ul . lie ,,-ar .and in tl e.lntl-.ndu.trirt .
purchasers. IV Send for our Circular. i k , n.r. u. m. ai -. m o- nui,i.,iii. ly i .nrr..im
1 I 1-ViiY .H-l. .I.li... .n-l ailtiin la., ir-t-Bi'l aSiateor o.uii.
Dot l.ri.. I'Htsburg, Pa
raS) he le-al Voters ol 1,'nton COnnty I el-
T low c,-Zes: At the i.rsen, so.icna.ion
vl nniin-r-'us lnrni. I have CtHisenli-d lo be
1 , .. . , ..,i, r .,
tu t!e fUce it J'nfti,tiv!nrt ami Clerk ul u.e
si-ver;it riuir's tl" irnum rt-unty ai lhe nmnj
ticuciai Elee,....and it e.ecte.l.,,1 edeer
tf perform the Junes of inr nlh-e nen tu-
flirt. SiA .'. UOL lSii
la.wil.tir- ffcrt 1.
r . '"
Wl T imrncrTt, in
rp TT
X - A L-S L9
MATiKET Square, I.ewislmrg. is now pre- ,
pared to lurnish OiEcers" Mllllnrr
S. lotllill-: according m regulations, at short
notice. Ao a general assortment of Cloihs,
Cassimers.Vesuiis and ready-made Clothing.
Ask al Zimmerman's Kc.l. White & Ulne
AHKAl! Come one! come alt
exainune for yourselves tir. larseM
t J nu
. ami chea
i an-iSh..e iu I'uion cuumy !
I tf'Jtist received a FKEisH 81 l'PI. of
t y Jiisi receivcu a rnc-iu ci iii.i m
j til J made work at unusually low prices,
"Quick Sales and Small Pronto" i '.i;,1:"" e"-rril.:
is the order of the dav at SQl I It US', I t"U e-i"-; ue'a-u or muuen. ner in, rit,a
... u .. I ewisblir' ,,,.ou,-d lui,k.,k.litl, c,nKii..n,k.tll and i
t'pprstte tne Hank, l.ewismir, I r,. lieon. hondrvd dollaf - ..r eirrf
T! L. MOWKY has removed his I'lmtO-
im erupll lislal.llial.mi'nl to the
ew Huildios o Markei street, recently oe-
' lieiiiauiiu M. neh having dcrliua- l bein;
, candidate lor County Commissioner, the suh-
senber respcctlully anuouuees hinisell
I'nion ean-lid.iie for CTonimis.ioner at thele
i..hr nieclioii. aud ll .li.'i'd will trv - do
il" 1
hi, duty. I'WIIJ li. iLLLl.
1(1 liie Vott-rji ol I in,.n I'l.nniv. i afH
i iifn rau'iiiiair i..r the llrbre t
4tlMlllNI(lirr aixl, if rlt-ctrti, wuuiJ
m ockt ol my ability.
- !
f;riirral EIc lion FroclumallvB,
1 1. T II in and by an Act of me
f l.eiieral Asscmblyof this sitaie,enlitli
Aii Act l,i regulate lhe t'i'ireral rlrehoiis ol
.his I'mninoiiwi alth," enacted on the'Jd dav t,(
1 1 1 1 V" !s'l'', i Is enjoined on lue lo ive nu'blio
li.tiee of aiieii rleclions lo be held, and l,
?iiinii-r i'' iii ..nch no'te what i-iiieerd are r
je i l.-ct. I. I, I. K Al.lllMt.llT. Il.-I, Kuemf
t llie county ,1 I iti'.n, do Ih-reli-re hf-n-ty
make and -jive this public nonce to the eleetoiK
.it ilir said eoiiiiiy ul L nuu,lhal a V.'. A.'A'.i .
.'..'77i'A wi,l be hel l in aid countyon the
iisn l'i' k-h.i hi (irrvKia saar(beiu); tlf?
I I Ii day i f the sai.l monlh.) al Ihe sriir.il
Iji-inct e"inp,.-e 1 ol lhe lollowing uiwnaiiis
and lior,ii--hs, v:z :
I ,li.ti:el, at the late Commissioners olSeo
in and 1 r -N'-w llerbll boron-h.
II district, at the boo. e ol Thomas Pursel,
in ,ro: t lor l inen townsiitp.
III ilisinei.ai tne h, u..e ol Theobald baaders,
in an i l,.r line lleer lownhip.
IV di.iru t, al lhe h, neoi James Lawson,
in and for hkv township.
V di-orict, at ihe hooe of fli-orjje WoUe,
in and lor Kast Unttiloe townhii.
V I ,l,.triel.at the house ol James M'Creiht,
111 and lur LUlliali'C loWUhip.
II di. tnel, al lhe hoUe now occupied hv
Jacob lit card, in Muiliuburg, lor VI et ilul
la!.ie t.iwu.ship.
VIII il,3!ru-t. al the pnblic school house la
and lor .V-rthWard in Lrwisburt; borough.
i divtr.el. at lhe Hulialoe House. iu and for
S.iiih.U'at.1 lu l.ewisbur borough.
X disliiet. at lhe houe now iicrupied by
in. liiboii, in and for Milllinbtirt; broui;h.
i .l oi-inot, at ihe I.aiireliou schvul House,
I in and for Hartley township,
j All ilisiriet, al the hou-e of Tcter Wehr,ia
: and lor I.nnesione township,
i All! ditrie:. at lhe eit-ction house near
John Keish, in and l r Lewis township.
A IV distnet.at the bous of William Wolfe,
; in aiol lor li.irileton boroiiu-h.
i XV district at ihe house of J P Haeenbuch,
at I'nioniown, iu aod for B ady township.
At which tune and places there will be
' elected by ballot
j tine person for Auditor General;
tine nerson lor Survevor lieneral:
' iio persoii.to represent the t lira District.
; V n, .Northumberland. Mnyder, Juuiaia and
1 Uaiipmn couaiies, n u.e iongrrss.
' rso.,s s lpreBUtive of I niolu
fnyder and Juuiaia counties in inc beueral
J ,:,,m,....,iwealih :
(Hie person lor fruibnnoiary, &e ; ,
One person lor Uisirtci Attorney ;
Oiir person as County Commissioner;
Oue person lor Couniy surveyor j and
One person as Couniy Auditor.
notice is i:kui:by ciyex,
" Tleit r,i-ry p-Tnin, exevj.Uns Jimtia of tlw PmHS
ho .-kail bi-l mi, iUw wc aiN.iiitav.nC ol anltvr
I tru u,-l-r II,. I- uiiii ?ut. -r ot Un. M.U-. ur any
I cr imvrt'i-nilnl autrurl, bUVr . iuwuwIMNl
' i.ihci t uilMrr.i-, a i.ui-Mi.!m: oOK-er or ags-at, wbu
I W i.r .hall U- .uia..y miJrr the ltrtvuitive, .aail, .
: r jiKbeivy ile,rluw.ut tki. Mat. vw vt Ibjr LmUA
llilr,, or ! i iwinimioi ui-inei . .,i mm um
ori) lu, nilwr wl l .mr, pit i,tl tit Uv statr 1-e-i.laliw,
; . fc i
t.leu( bil.ln , r winwu; alip aacaww t aw, IB.ofll
. or .il.o..ii.uu. ut ,.r jii.- i-r. n . ck-rk ,.i a .kc-
u -il Iiu-t.-nilil,.u., ii!lh.i,-HlU no m-1 .rtor.juor'.
w.ii, uihcr ul ouch ewiUuu auU wc ciiitai tu k Uica
( t also hereby make known anil give notico
j iiai uie i,,llowius Act of Assembly was
awrl i,v lhc Kt-,ieral Assembly of IhiaCoin-
! monwea.'ili ou ihe S7:h of February, A 1.
, -i -,,t .,, . ;,ti, ,.. n if n ,-t ra i by tb nil
(1 .n, r.,1 A mi l... o,i Uo-inh ,1 Ap-nl. 11 , mtil.1 -An
A,t r- i.iUn-1 suiiTMri- iu fr.uk, iu i-uii(,'Ar il M
. ,11,,-1 : -l ll.t U- .V't j-ll.-kl tkr ,! y,t -e-i-t-B 4 tb J
I -L-Utun-...r.,r.l Uil l.TLkuuj, ul 1- L. 4.'.auUjoruMi
Ui ,u.lib.-it ,,t..ri. el A-laiio .HI.I i tliris'aiiti.-. t too
k, Ki-neral Ih-kk be u-u,ll k Mitttin, la...l'rwi.
l-'r I. I,ir,ra. M-nnr, W'iirren aua N,,rthuii,lrlM4
couuU.,okurMrvlakr.tu vouuitnt lli as-arfa. el. flu, . , .
for the information ot the electors of Union
county, 1 publish lhe following, being lhe
section ol the aci of ihe lieneral Assen
. of lhe session of I MAI, entitled -An Aci
Act lu
for the eleclioii of Judges of tbe scv-
eral courts of this Coiniuonwealth, and tu
reulate certain Jmlicial disincis-
p-ti. 4 .1,,iUll,rit,n,urjujll .hainh.ia ai
. ruii lueliil lu lk i"-er.l elrrta-n aistrKU. iii
ui.nurr aul in all rr.mTl. a. rk-tli-ua T i-o--aia-
tiie, are or ,W1I ki-Uelit an,l ruiiOu.t'il, anJ ky lli
..uie juujr ui.lctnr ami ollu-r olthera; .o-l 111' aro-
lotis ol Ui art ul lue an-rai a-Mrnieiy. ru u , i , nn
: .
,.i. ,. ul3 ,UJ ., wi n.. ia. a. m a.
,,,'.Mllv u.u.. ,m., i,.rj,i...i .n.iki.u.Tii.. u.
... .I..1: ...... J.,.! ,.r li.. ui.n-UM.
I li t.,reke el l..ii. Hut a rill-n of Ike I iiit-l SMt
al,-. Ii.u. j o il -u.-iy I.-U a -iu.i.t..ea u-, ,.i .u.. . w.
' an-l r. u. ..-I tl r. Ir- in and rrt.in.-l. an l aim I... n--i-
; S,.,1Z,Z1Zr
m,,,:,.: , .,1, iiust tii- l.itv iiwiri,oiirii. -f
twnty-lt ytrmrsi. win. Imrm irJ iu lh riterli-'ti tli--
u ( Uu ,.,,-. ..h..il i t.uUaa u
tiiou-h ih.-jr .it it-.i h..- pmn. ujk-"-.
. ... -;;;;i.r;,-;-,--i-.1-;
Mttt .B,,(l,l..i,.-rs, iiuit, t-.r-t, l i-r.-n..- rH-i
fi.r lh. iMvm. ut witJ.io tw,. j.nr-.-l ."UtT U0ty U
rra;.i,r.-. l tl.-.-L. a.--:ti.i n, MluiJ-u-
i f ry t-vta- iif fiU-trr un !ttn mn c.lli -r mrmtiv -r
i luif -atli or a,mrtuU"U ul ain-U.et Uit lit- L Ml' It
! t.- Iii Lit) uii'tit Vlttrt-t.t, tr St'H1 tt bw cliaiiu tv iwul tu
t , , .),.,-;, ,r b. !vr.fil kllf vl LwK-litT-oUJJ
ni i. ii.)-t'i yrst h elutll at-j-'-P Ul; w utttrni -
tn tt i.n r-.si iu if tw
i-ulorv bin ;,i;'.i atn.ii aiwa utskw i-ucli pn-td ol tve ifM"
111 tli.- .i-i : .i I t- l- n -.iirt.; li.isi nt t.attut ll.itt (- .-
T.-Tlij . tnai the iwiil!-x.i'-hilii tlwl h.- tt-f lilt
I -r--..it :i-. dhdm- enti t.lt.rTia-ii-a I.- r. .(iurw
ly tiit n U wlKrt,iMiii tbftu twsn-1 Ut-irMkB aalmit-
t-dl'. i-iii.! I-' in.-a.-ri. I tn th-' Klj-Lllla-tKlai li-L ' )f
tn ni.-j. t.T nd n-.ir iti,lr-..i,l,.s.it.-it.r-;. by ntti
tliM ...tii tux il ii'- el. ii U- .I'tu-a.' i U
Ii.iwirc Jiud Ut. urthf wnl ir hr ahisil l-n wlmiM'-
t.. i i- t-y r -.-. -it "i "ui-ii ,:''. tw .-n-i . m t. U.e
clerk-. V htxukl Biiiv: llii.' tli: OwUs IuUm ltslul 1.-ttfi
k.l-tt' tbn). , .
If ii i-i- D Lal vXr t moT" thrni ne "VrTioti
Ii-m.-t.".r i Ll.vrwi.-w lT..u lul. tiliy "-tc w-w lha -n--i
tt..- - au.- .i... -I .-hiti. rr:tu.iu;. ..iiy .'i ka
. .' . t b.-t. Ii.j, lh-r sailb thv atitcut ill-'
" " 1 .... . ,. .a,. 1.
ur un-5 oUt-ndin .liall cu
iiitu ii.-t li -. il, oi W'r i.-.r m
nvM-tron tuj lii'i in wy
til III lit hlllVtlr-l 1.'-
i,ir. :,i,.i i-,i,M.ri.-..u.j .i ,
j ..wiaiu.-oikH u cmmita.
,u, l, .elriae. aud W UU,liauUKd luran)' Uraa nut ika
lug thm- ni-.ulba.'
A-recably to the provisions nl the smy-
',r,i ,ecii,.u nl said aci -every Lcnerai am
i social election shall te opened between ih
; hours of eiht and ten in the lotrnoon. anu
shall continue until seven o cloci. in tne even
in;, when the polls shall be closed."
Tbe Return Judges of the several districts
will meet iu the Court lloos. at Lewisbnrr.
on the third dav after tliO-eleion; abe'"- Fr
day. the lith dav of October,) to' do and per
forin those diillis enjoined on them by law.
The Return Judees of t nion, Suiydrr an l
Juniata eoitntie are re. (Hired i me, i at I
i ii House iu lhe boroiieh of Muidb b"S
, on Monday lhc S'ih of OetoWr. ut make out
returns lor the members of A M.wb'y. .
1 lai.-d at lhe Shcnu's Omc. Ifai""""
ink .Ij ol S, i ienit , r, A l. one
Ll liUai-.Ct.W aiU'l