Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, August 22, 1862, Image 2

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    LN10IT COUNTY STAtt & ' LEWisCURtt OlillONICLE AUCt. 22, 1802.
0me, Fiseeinca of the land,
t'ouao, meet tlie lat deinnrol.
Here's a piece of work iii baud
1'ut it tlirotiL'li !
Here's a I'V aors the. w:iv
AYc have stitml.lrj ou all l:iv;
Here's a pluuirli-iliare iu tin: ilay
l'nt lirr tfir.rtiL'h '.
Here's a Country that's half free,
Ami it wnits t'.ir y.iu and me
Tv say what its i'au- shall be
I 'lit it h i . .11 - li !
A liile one Traitor thithjlit rem-iitm,
hili one Spot its I'.iiiuer staius,
One Link of all its chains.
J'ut it7iiru..;li :
Hear our Jlrotln rs in the fi.-M !
llejl your Sword ;.s theirs are steelej-
l.carti ti hear the Arms they wield
I 'ut it thnjii;h !
Lock the Slioji. ami .-hut the Store,
Then chalk this u.ou the l.mr
We've enlisted fir the War:"
1'ut it tlin.u-h '.
For the Itirthri-ht.s Vet nn.iil.1,
For the History yet tint .Id.
For the Future yet unrolled
Flit it through !
Lest our Children ..iint witli shauio
To their Fathers' dastard fame
A ho piv up a Nation'.- luuie
J'ut it through I
Father Ahraliaui '. hear us cry,
-Ve can tiilinw we ran die!
Lead your ihiMren. then, and try
Fut it through .'
'Tin to you the Trust is frivi'ii !
Be by you the liolt iirnt driven '.
Wc pray Thee, linn of Heaven,
Jrive it thriiii:.'!. '."
The Vallandigham Platform.
If our VullauJiibaui cmservatives had I
lived at the time of the Unit murder, they : lfi"ne- 'he same Jacob Wotwier and .Mag
nnlJ k. I. : l.r v i Haiena hi wile, lat Mazdalena Walter. John
would have put it luto a lilatform about , waer, M,cha-I Aispach and s.ah h ..e,
M follows : J late Sarah Walter, Isaac Walter. William
hA nivtPnri ..I i..Vr,V i . rPP .'-
tue preteodcii piety and evident fausticitu
v uh. j
Dot DDOatUraJ iodimaliaa of our hlirh tun. I
ed and chivalrous brother Cain. '
KejoWed Ibat tlio?e 'ultras' who are so !
elimne.uii f il. ' : i. I
the ia. i .hich IM.5 ,.i. 1
, . "
bit IrieuUsJ really dfsire to destroy tbo .
hanpioess and 'value' of his 'domestic
insliiutioDs,' and bad that o' jjet in view !
When Abel cmiuonced 'a -itaiiii.' '
n.i..J . t .l i "r . ,1
"Hesnlved toat, fJr the take of 'peace,' !
we are arilliDg to 'euuiprnujiae bv luavioi; :
every thine 'jiHt as it is.'
.. . c
'Resolved (but butb sides are wrong tod
ought to be bung up aoJ punished t.ge
Iber. tod that we iovite all coudtiiutijual,
eooaervative citizens to unite with us and
fro wo duwo tbi whole buriaeM.
iteiolved that nobody baa a right to
'provoke' .warder, mod if A bo I bad -ojiodei I
in own bo.-iocss this 'seciijoal' matter
never would Lave happened.
"iUaulved that these proceedings be
publuhed io all the Democratic and Cud
aemtive paper."
Aunty D. Llvian, l'rea.
O. Sebpent, Jr., Sec.
S.F. W. Hugbea can not deny tbat
bit pel nepbew tbs man be got to run
ai tbe "Democratic"
candidate for Con.
gr from tbe Scbujlkill and Northum-!
luivT.n h;..:. i . i
uuij ma years ago it
ton io tbe Rebel army. That mao was
tbe eutifiieotial friend of I". W. Hughes,
present chairman of the Breckinridge
Penn'a State Committee; and it was bj
the personal labor of K. V. Hughe
that this traitor, John Hughes, was nom
inated. " Lovely in their lives, in deatb
Ihey are not divided ;" one ia working
for Democracy in the N'irth, and the
other for UebdliuD in the South.
Wake it thk Vmvj.t. '. The fallow
iog is an extract of a private lotttr fruiu
a gentleman living in Cincinnati :
"I am afraid that we, Northern people,
are not aake ta the dat.gers that im
pend. We lie Mill, relyiuir on oursune-
rior numlcrs and resources, while the I
enemy is strainio;; every nerve, and I
forcing into the C M every element of
atrengih for the death strU(?Klo. Every ;
Northern State sh.iuld organize the mi-
litia at once, and prepare fur tbe nioai !
atupendous coufl ct of arms the worid ever j
iaw. W'c must not let tbe enemy dictate i
10 us terms of peace, and if we would
Hot do this it behooves us- to be at work." i
. I
MKALTII or Until. The Cincinnati !
Gtiielte says tbat the surplus produce of
Ohio for this year will ciceed tbe interest i
00 one thousand million of dollars, and .
Will exceed tho interest on the National
Debt made by the war, in the year from
its commencement What a coble illus
tration of tbe resources of a State in which
tbo laboring classes are not depressed by
caste, and where industry ia not regarded :
as degraded lXjthvifle L'nion.
DRY TOAST. One of tbe best ways '
Io help aoldiers especially tbe delicate,
tick, or wounded is by toasted bread, to
be "done brown," and all tbe moisture
extracted. If even burnt, a little charcoal
is do barm to the stomach. Voxes, kegs,
ftod perhaps barrels thus tfaoruubly pre-1
Bared, and mixed with nothiniT else, mav
I. ., . . . .,, . .
no vujt iraueporicu, aon win Keep, jaci i
this Le one ot j-ct of atteatioD.
HaT" Patterann. .hi niarihid tn RnnV. '
Bill and then marched back again, roceot-!
lj made a speech in Philadelphia, id which ',
be charged that the Kvpublicans would '
not eoLUrm Shields as . M.i,.r ;
Because ue was an Irishman : aud vet this
.... Fatter., who is . 7"" ,
waalast year eoofirmed for that office by I
th. a... Senate 1 Tbi. is the !'. 1
Whose tailor, to keep Jackson ia Check ,
CailSea US the lOSS Of Hull Kuo ,
A gentleman from .Memphis mentions j The HOWARD and HOPE Express : Hemlock, Walnut, ( herrv, l'oplar, Ash, Ma
tbal be saw in that eilj on. ol tbe Uoion I Companies j P,e' an'1 " k'n,ls of I-umncr, Floormr! Shel-
regimeni. , ibat seemed to be attended bv ' TlYPRPSjrs r . je vinp, Stdin?. Shingles, Laih.Joisis. Siuddini,
at.ral handrMl ,!1 ! a 1 IV , .' f,!l,'.v,0 nt Trom any Fencin?. Pickets, 11, and Window Frames,
ktek.ror.ti? rTT e"t,e ,ht "V STiT- i, "-""Cta-"' 0ffl,: n-M.rs. Shutters, Blinds, Sash. Moulding
3, I f1. The performauc. i CaMwcll Dm? Starr. Lnwi-hnrfe. ; Brackets, Ac. rianinz. Slittinj. Scroll Saw-
mea io .e agreeable to all except tbe v:ra m. utx..a;-r7.:. in, Vc. done at kkrt notice and all work
raraoQ Krunl.- m . ,.uni .n....!,
CBaraatwiaed John Sii.lll i.A- ..., '
Col. JEREMIAH RITTKK. of East Bulla-!
I In, is respectfully recommended in the vmers
il't'ninu coayujras au Independent candidate
I fur "i muMtmer at ihe nu O.-tober election,
t "ol.Rmer is a hard workins mechanic, hut
I submits his claims to the decision of the l)e
i mocranr Convention.
! tyi'he quota of ihe l.airs passed durine
the late Sessions of the Legislature, has
. . , -
oern received ai this ortiee, anil art read v for
disinhmion i t ihoie t-niiil f to ihem.
July , isci. KAMX KOI bH. Pmt.
''"he 1 'ommnnwealih if Pt-nnvl-
y.nna. to the iShenif of sti! ct'iiiilv,
"i rrvwnv : If K lwanl IJ. YVa'lcr make
y.'U rorr l pretttin his cldira, ih-n wc
criHiidrtil Ti-'j that vn summon, by nni dinl
lawful smurrit'ttrr-, Jacob W'oumrr hhJ Ma
ilatfna. his wife. I jte Ma lii'ena VValtrr, J' hn
Walter. Mi chat-! A.ipach and 4 rah his wife,
late Narah Walter, laac Walter, William
riiHtus a't l Elizabeth hts wit, late Kliza
lu n U alicr, Ji-t ph I'tmtior at.'i Susanna his
wi!e, laif Mit.sai.na Walter, Daniel Waller,
J p; h W' ir, 1'tiihp I'uUt anj I.yiia Ann
hi '!, I.rr l.yl.A Ann Anu-ta li, anil 5.tn
net An2".t't h-,- Ins suard:au Joepli A2--ta
1:, late i'!" vo-.tr cuniv, veomen, so that 'In v
he a
i !
,ir L,-:
re our jud
.e ls-
hlim At i.tir I'.i'liiM. C.nri ... l,,.i.ini.ln I'liac
, Ihen in he i.i i 1 the l.:h day ut M-pteinher
next, t i sh..vy wi.erelore whsrt'Js tisoy, Ihe
i said E !w:ir,1 1). V;i';-r. rt I ihe afureaid J.l
j c.b U'.n.m.T a:,d M lal.-ni his u-ife, .la'e
Ma:i.i!ena '.Vahcr, JeSn ANparh ai.d S.irah
! bia wne, la e Sarah Walter, l-aac Waiter,
; lltia.n i;..rnr!ms and Clv.Tdh his wi!V,
j late Knz.if.rih Waller. J.isepli I' .'itier and
! Susanna hi witV, late Susuina V aii.-r, Iaa-
lei Waller, Joseph Waiter, I'hilip i:,.l..r and
I I ydia Ann his wile, laic I yd;a Ann AnK-:a.li,
! and Samuel Anjsiadt hy his i;nar.l an Joseph
Anzsiadi, lio.:h.-r and undividi'd, do holdall
j thai certain houe and lei e( ground siluale
in Ihe horeuh ot Lewist.urj, hounded on ihe
; south by Si. I'aihar.ne street, on !he west hy
j E'ackherry a! icy, on the n .rili by lot number
i. ne hundre I and menty-eipht (I'.'"), and on
I llieeat by Third tree:, numbered in ihe peo-
eral plan ot &aid borough u-tih tlie iiuniber
I one hiindri-d and Ihirty ( l:tnv wilh the annur
be,h Jo-eph Tonnor and Sienna ht
I W1I Kl. s.lw.nni Wmier ti.,,,,.1 u' .t,,,
srpii i aner, i nuip i-ii.r ana LV.lia .nn nis ,
wife, late l.vdia Ann Anvsta.lt. and Samuei.
Anzstadt bv his guardian Joseph Annia.ii, j
Par"""n iherenf between th.-ro lo be made
(accordinj m ihe laws and the customs if
,h'4 "' .
pn.viii.-.i). no eamsay, ami me same to ne
done, do not permit yery unju-tlv and asatnst
ihe same law and cu-ioins (as u is sa d;, Ac.
Al"' "ave ne" 'he names of
ih.isesnmmoners, and this writ.
uness the II. in. Samii'l S. Wnnds. Presi-
ofour sal,j ,. al Lewl;bui..,t lne 30lh
day ..( x n m;
Ausr Iw6 SAMI KI. KOI SH, Troih y
1IIK Dimes S;ivin Institution of Lewis- I
bur? has ths dav declared a Dividend;
vt Four per Cent, for (he last mx months on j
me amount ot vorK pat t in. I'.ivaiiie 111
larntv davs (rum date. li. P. fcSHLI-I.EK
Er!y White Flat Dutch Stray Leaf.
EjtIj White Flat Norfolk.
Early t'urple Top Fiat Strap Lef.
Lung White Freoch.
Long Yellow Swede.
llouud Ktiflsia, or Rata Baga.
Dal 'a Hybrid.
The subscribers will forward, by mail, one
p-nnd of the above named varieties of turnip
""'' p""11"e r""d' n lhe rece,p' f 36
Konnrts & (.est.
No. 133. Market Street. Philadelphia
li 1 SIVJ 1 U. j
JOHN A. MKR TZ, Esq., has removed his ;
Otfi'e oil Market St two doors West of
win e vn .larKCl two uoors i 01 ,
the Lewihurg Uank, where he will attend to 1
ail manner of business in his line with
promptness. Speaks but h English ami itr
maii. J. A. MERTZ
Lewisburg, April 1, IS"2
Hooks an I Accounts nf 1 Srnatrra,
J. Si MRi.ri.a & is.in ; also, tlie llulrher
U. inks of T. r;i.Mnini.ii'i. have bt-en piared
in mv hands f.-r c.illee.uon. ..f whirh ai! inie
resied will plea.e t.ine nonce.
I-ewisbnrj;, May 1, Isni W.M. JONES.
Estate of Lewis Aikey. i
p-.IIMsri;.Tiin s NHl i-i: I.eners !
nf Administration on the estate id Lewis
Aikev, dee.easrd. 'ale of W est KnlValoe Tp, j
hdvins been cr inltd Hi the subscriber by tlie I
Register of I nmn e.iumym d ie l..iin ol law, I
all persons indebted tu said estaie are hereby ;
nolitied in make immediate payment, and all '
havins; any just claims ai;:imst tbe same may
present thei.i d.ilv .iiiibeni.ca'e 1 f.-r s.-rlenienl ;
to KDIILliT AIKKY. West H.iiiab.e.
WM. AIKEV, Uud.tb.e Adiuin'ars i
Mht S. in.'i r I
t d .CHRIS r, Es.j.. lias reini.red his Of.
1 j. fice io ilie buil Inn oi .l .naaian S: vkr.
N""h "f V,"'' " ?
Pppn5ie the nutfal.1 Mouse, u-n-re he at-
tend m all m.iiiuer .f hasmess at his office
wllh dVpa'rn promptness in his line of
business. (Sp.-aks both Cnlish and C-rman.) (
April I, la. H. t:HKIM.
n.w .io. MASON & CO. H-rutTM
OOl tfte-timt Si. i'hil,utffihia.
aW. -mirtg ( -Kr-tw t tbe tH-ret tyi'-. lettttn,' mm-l
RtiBtQffsS r i, -riifTTi ain't jiiintH mt that nliorlr-t
Ddtlov. A wry tult aafiirUa.iii t 1IN stttinry
tlwaa mi bn.l. lmtiaif in t li.r.nnl i-ry rn''yif
hmtxiiMt), urtti-ti.alty fxi'fuU-J. Any artyt of Taper
siil t.nTulfp-K mifl- to order June '', lr'u
Estate of John Glover, dee d.
T ETTl'.lis Testatniitary on Ihe restate of
J j JOHN (il.OVEIt. Ksq., late ol llarlleion
o.ironffh. I'tuon eoniity, tiaving been duly
granted to lhe undersicned, alt persons indeb
le.f thereto are rennesled tn m.ilie iinineilile
payment, and those ha v inz claims or demands
asamst ihe same will present il.etn furseiile
ment to either of ns.
K V (ll.OVFR. Hartltoti
163 I'd Kiecilors
Mav :
rPHE public (and especially Ladies) hare
recently been much annoyed when called
upon to pass ali ns lhe Kmer R iadaaoretown
by the inJeceiit exposure of h iy and youn
"'" "f 'Zi V.Z.' '
such conduct punishahle byline and irnpris-
onmcnu I hereby s,ve ...nice that I ..II have ,
lhf llw riSidy enfwrrnl a;ainlall who con- I
unne ine snameiess prann e.
jos- m. one nit. wean .bi ne wrs.
Waisi rml.rari.i ervarr.iiia kttu. u...
towiM ar it rhiidr,.. l7i.. w.Tl ",77 '
fr..ebB.i.i....ac: cALrAxn sKK
vuv mints n ..
D' 'i'in l resDVl-vian. Methodist 1
r.J Lutheran, at FORREST'S. I
Sheet Music, Mtiic Bonks, Miimc Merchan
dise, and all kindsol Mllttlcal lift. ril
lifrnlMf -at the lowest possible prices.
WaT-. T1IK llnrii'-e WtalrriV Moslem Im- :
if ! PIBO FKE I'lU'OS'
Mi-JUHIJ ininuiiri iui- rif-.i mm u ..- 'm-i-rf
nurwior lDtruin-tita. Tbr art i.ui.t -i it-is I
i Di''t ,ur"u,,," 'ei uiit-t-..is -' '" '
nv chtfiU. Tit toitf ill rry lrvp, ruoi. lull nj
tuftlow ; (In-touch f 1-Ti . K It linno KHrrnnl- i,-r
ttirtH- yarn. ririj frt.in fL to fc1" r ii1-liaiii
j I'taiiu at grvmt t)argaiti (nid B itvut U- $tw.
I llorarf Unit m' l !oiIrns,
Itnw ,m1 Ca"!-!', Tun.-d iltn ijnal Ti mi r juu ut, t itb
N". I. 4 ert iic, ttfrn! Ugft ft'-m
r 1 r,
C t.. F.
- FI-I-.
N'. 4.:. " Fi'iiin Stvlp, I t.. K,
Nil 4.-H " I t"
o fi J -lf.a miiJ tup -tsif r.t'ii".
No. 7. " ' mi'J
It. I.k ..f k.-.. ....
No. 8. 5 mtHTr nr'nii M. l.l.S'iia. tun l-niifc ot
k-v. p-iji l-a.. tv.iir ami ?ix t k. f ...:),
STA Kil l -.i
Tti.r M.-:ti Iroi. r iii n in liini- II Ion; titni. 1
M' ki'U n-trrauuu I-.i II r. i- jt-iir..
the ilfxaiiafio ran
li. In-l in-lrn'ii. nl. n tn -j...t..Iit
1 l"- t" tlii-onl;inirv 1- t--. t pi t u
I u n... u.h1 i-iim-". t.."!,
ir: t...p. nirh i r.-t..
1 . t,.;. w il Ii ..Ti u-.-i
illl 1 "TT
A hb.r:il .l..i.ui.t t.. I'l. r.-vi:..-ii. I lo.r.
S.-t. I.. .1:.. :-v.i.ii,.irn- ai.J Uiflr.-
pU-i.Ia-doU tiif In. -1 ..:-r;. t rni
limiAi i; w ATI-: us
M llr..iili,
, N. w Vuik-
A N'-'w Siiitrin
calleil Day t i.
Bii. k for ri.v 5rhopl.
.I Uj'A, n. 'T iea-1'. Ji
i if i tn -in XTitti-n
-. t t.. r.i-- i..-..:-
:u..l j.r..i-i.- iv...
it ,ill.. h -I..'
fprt -i inr tin w-'t ii. t f r !
tti.it rlititr (r-ti-!i- i
:.! tin
iu i net cm tin iT eVt u s : tj
rt-vtiy ttir-t Si l. l.t:l .... loir U- t. :i'
t.r'-' nui Ii Tritu t i i livi ,, ni:r:nt-.v
ting ut u mi u ml Bfiiliit i-titv iii;.l i.i. tn ii
ri. mt-it in iinhi.-nu: n:i U inu- it t
''turiai:tr.iil in .ui ! ih-iuo-t licn'tli
lfuviiiic. hiij i'iu. .-- .i-.'ln.i; Kil l ! ! r f
t.f .it.-. In'-!- .; o. .t , .f Uu rl ;i
n-iHi-mtMH ff iiiu-i". nml in fxii-:!-!
t.r- '
Tillj.t-a.tlV im--Jurii
z r. i-,l-l;l-..
in wo i. ty
l-r Itli'l lOInlUT
ut i -. in:.., oriilu.il. f-. ! ' t-i sc! m l'ij.:'l. i rltt:i i-y
liini-h to fxrrl All nmi - til-r-- It wul t .- f"itr.. t-
liic t-.t rvt-r i-"U -i I.r .'ruin ri--. ' n Ifint-- u:. I I'ult-
li.- Nil. Hi;. A W f;.i:i :-.-t li.- I.; .nM-,T
' n- i ti . . !.- ti;...,.r.
B,,,H w "',,:' :n;.r .. ..-r.
Im.uii.i. niii-.-...i. m.i. 4 ; c-iii... T . i-.-r i-.i. ..-.i.
Ium.sl.rj it il:. l". i r, ... M.I..IO . t il,. r. isllvn.
iitUA;i: Ai'i:i:s, j',i(ih-r.
4s ItroM-lwtiv. NVw orti.
For SJc by LII'I'IS' OTT u t n,i ..u.f(; aui.
Tlif Mme.t W'.m Pianos iMelnJenns
mrxj ALKX WtillV. Ul'MWS, and T UilWrt A . V ele-
bllatui i. 'I lit II l iMU'-N alf tin fill.-l iitnlrttllllltX I r
.rl-r uu. flHin t! now in un'. A Inr:;'' a'"rtiti-tit
; r.iu lie m-. li ut lit.- ij.-w w.trrr."'iii. .No. isl tin n-iwuy.
J tt-twt'eii Oraii l i:J linn.uie wri-vlp, wlm ti will l 1 i
. ( t-xtrnirly rr-.-. 1'ini' an l t. 1. i. . ti- fn tn
uutlry luitkr", Brw xli! xvcnl h.ttni. r- ittil tinn l
' f'iii'x aii-l M'-lo.le'niiitt L'r. t L.ti :iu.": i-Ti-fi- In.m j..i
t" Sliet Mu-.tr, la.-i. -tl.Hik-, atiil nil kiirla ot
IMumu Mtr tiatnlis'1, ni war tu-.-h.
ij.tin:,u lh- t'rr't.
" Tte tt'-rsce :it- rii'i- r.- V n- n a" ntTirir; tti
! Try let. tt'v nrvr-nn1!.-1 t.ifi-nh lli inti tiip.-iitM
! Willi H".m'.leive..t C'lllU. fr. Ill rt-t-"I1.il h li"W i-.-v
! if lli. ir fUfsjikiit tuiit ami JuiaLIt '.ualnj." .Vnr J"i I.
Sabbath School Bell Uo. 2.
KfiHjOr-npt.in!iurJ. It inao t-ntirr n-ir wnrk of neirly
Mii.si;. Mint- ut tlit- tuut ami tnitittnwns-writl. il
nrMly rr thi Tuhitiif. It will mU 1- aiT'0"
It pfwlww mtr titll No. I,j allien amm ruu 'i tu thr
I imrinoit" naiul r of "" i -.(,.- .ut nfip't nit
Sunday !rbrnl H'-'k nt' tt ' rj tn Hin roititiy
A IM, K th t"li)m-i nre b- iin.l In him to a -01111.1. In.. -arlHr-iI.t
fctchhir: Hi. tii in tdtii t..rm. Iiir.--.. i;t-0
2. na--r ts.rnm. rnU. 1". fr I'm. t;.in.l. 'J-i s in-.
t NT ll'(. Cloth tUlil, ruib!t, Jllt, rcutx. .J
P-t No. 1, (.ar rs.rrt. Iis-nt. tn --r
Lnn.l 'mwiila .tlH i.rf lull, t'luth UiUi. i. r rtihfi'w.1.
"v" J7 . , . , . .
at.-lhr. Pfli'i. ? " nr lt". t rnpi rurni-n-'i tn in" 1
loo pric. cinth boufi.i.ait'.-.si,Kiit.iH.r.ntii,."I((r i
luO. JlailKt p.tar tr at it.r mm pri--.
HRACU WATERS. :'ubliher.
May 2,'fii Iuksi 4"! I! road way. Xew V, rk.
Vi.'- ,
Dvtt: Mnir t. Ile-lnt-niillT. Iralrnf th '21 Km !
tfn.'Ut band, pricr M rvutf. Our UrtirsN" Hui- ii -St. c,
with t iirn. ttf if x. nf oir tln-rraU: uufic lv 'ir.itullii.
Ifa.lcr it 7th hVirtm.-iit llanj. itn'iit.i. Ihr N-n u .-.'n-.' I
lialtip, Laura kt-vn. Uniu, .'li rt-nt ai-h. Ctiit't Srlint- ,
t'tSa rutt: all Mr Uili.r. Mimic tli tiahp t.y
urri,, 3;, e,.. t'tiiun Malta. La tirann, 6 cvntf
Vniantxr ivikn.(io!dt-rt. -. rtnu. jirti r..ik u. u-
JinoU' KrwvIH,ran.l March, e-.w.t- rarh. Kirk j
hlirrt.,, Stnr spnmelril llatin-r. lril!iaiit .anatinn.. hv
yt cull. 4u mn-. aii .f wh.ru ar .r.u..uucta by
A initio to le li'ie t.nRl.i..tt..ns.
.H Vot'M. Hi sir iM-lrimtottir: A tnnjr
f.r rour tli'.il.'ht: l.ifll." J m, li'iw : n1 Wl-f ImTe
oiy li.Te.1 one Kmie. t.y sii-i.. r. I. Foster. St. All we
knAW ecli other tilers. t.V tbe III . It l.nir. 1'l. i.s.int
wool tor all. l.y J. K..lwrts. Ttiere I- 11 !.:. ill if1: 1 n..rl 1, ,
bt I. M. Ilolmen. Thee fffzn Witt he I. ri i,.nUr ;
1'riee 'J.S r.-l.ts enrll : mnlle l flee M.j . kl...we.' ll
oth'T tLere. In t'libllsli.sl in etieap ..rm l..r rtn.irs an l j
Sin. lay sli.e l; (jrt.s. n u: .-ii. ti. i.. 'ent. T dozen,
t- iiei lU'Ji posUL" I .-ent. I'ul.iinl ,-. l.v
May 2. V.;w4 4sl llroa.w..y. N. V -rk. I
Hem (fwSs! to Oimhll
at C II is. II. Cil V;-S ?imII Mure,
f HLKli m.ie be ti.uii-l the best asm.rifd :
y Mock ol tiOllUS in tbe iieieb:;..ihui.d;
Fancy an I Staple Dry .oot!s,verjrlieap,
5TAeLU TRtRSKltJ-i'aS, !
&c.( lower than erf i !
New Calicoes at 1 ct s. pt v.ir.'. ; brin and
, bleached Muslin- from in c.-iiH upwards;
! bst Puis and .ee.l!'.s, .ri cents j.cr paper;
U-t .-.-' il (' tun. Klutf mul r-.I r-t. ." ; t-r m I:
. l.in-
iiti i I t, i'nii.iiiiu- ul t- tv
llntt.in-. I !"( :..'l t v.--. .-ki-i lirinl. '. m1
Crt-lit NiM-tUf-a, iir I Mimll nrr. ir- inr.iin
Hy h.w lijurt-. I :.. ht mh-I t. i.. --t r.-l-in-n
n M : i.-n If.M.f- :n i if m .1 : .t 1:
lUii'lkiT -Ft i i tr.nii U : .; tn .17 ., -f , Hn.i.tHiLi
dL il... with r ...r..l r.,srrir. tir t r;i.' rlt l
s 1trti-t,-.
. lit UlNIHl-
i . Ill,:, lit- 1
i f" Linen
,ty li.i.u'
11 v 1.'.,
ur - i - r
'.ItKIl ll.itldn
Irlllt f-. W :ltl
r- i-r.-uv
Lit it"-' l.ilf I. I ' l-
lr- ii-I till-, i-. n-:ir. nl J . :.l an I It -,-!n i-tr tt.
Utt Plvtf Silk C.rit II. ai X,-t, rn. i-.. ii. Fiiif
tiMij.-s aril I'-rtiiiiHTy, a-.. eiy . ;s j. Mul I'll
l.nuiTi fn.in - ' to. it in.tr I-;. l,nn.. .-h:nl -. I'J' .nti
ry vr'"t, v inn- t iif5 mi l m firi-f j n .tli r r-tk-lra,
bulb UM-ful sxtt oruiiiitnl, t juslly tow
A choice slock or I i HOC Kill KS. UAKU
WARE, Bimik nn4 tst..riw Cnsckrrv, Chiua
and (.ilass Ware. Tin and H' Mow Wnrp, and
Houskepin!; articles sncrallv, l'pt con
stantly on hand and for sale at (he lowest
The Ilihpst Market Trice paid forall kinds
of Produce.
(iive me a call before pnrchasfn elsewhere.
W bit IWr Mills Mr h II, IS' 1.
Tin: itniox, ;
Arch street, above Third, Philad'a. ;
UPTON S. NCWCOM;;ii, Prop r.
THIH Hotel js central, convenient to Pas
senger Car to all parts of the city, and
in every particular aJapied to the comtoitand
wants of the business public.
IV Terms 5l.i0 per day. Sept. 18,'fil.
Tbe undersigned have as-
.ocialed themselves inlo coparl-
MB'f .'" Pn- - "try.
..." , "," u" ,he '""bcrtnr;, 1 lantns,
"iC"Jfn"'"s bo4"'ess ,n 111
. ;
wt-joui y .-tiiim jyiiiiiuiy iuiua, (
.k.r. ;ni.,i b-.. ,.f
Warranted tn .ive saiisfaetion. hmh in .ri.. '
. ' ..
"" n!V- ...,,.
a.isn.i iiiir.in.si n,
mo . c-i.i. . .... '
mo i n vn i.is-i.av.ij .
Ltwi.turj rianiug li.., Alii. 1, lv.il.
Tivnt ot llic Seaoit !
Ftr Spring nill ?Umin!r, 1STi2
V .iM..r nml SlIililiHT. 1 SIVJ
. , . 1 , ..1,1
i-or .-iin.ir unu .-ui.iui.-i, j.-.
b or
"iinng aiiu Summer, 150 J
ALL A.M .'"EE.
Call a.i See.
Call am i:e.
Call ami .ke.
Jiirt.ll fiimilman. Market St.,I,cffisliur
Jim. II.CnoJmuii.-Market St., Levvistmrg
Ji;o.I.i;ii(iJiiian,M.irkt't St., Lettislmrsl
Jiio.l.(;iimlmuii,.AIaiketSt.,Lewibbur !
Illaek and While Uiue Piaster,
l llerrins and I 'iv'.li'h,
Macken-I Whide, Kilts,
...' 1,2 an I 3.
'h'.eM .ai's. Ve.
A full as,irlniiM.t al the III. II STAND,
fall and see JNO II (il U).M AX
X.il. Ca-h paid i..r all kinds of liram
p HI-AT Wink on the JtOIiSE.
ii 'i I rutin; fur.i
V . fr f -,-,t i.f I'-ttliitl-v
in liif curiuar Lultic
1 iH .!". : i'r.triiv.y i"!ni!r:ttt'il
It )- nnti il i:i s-Imr. .,.fU
muiiil it, or I a il-nh vxtra
I'V n-rlv I " Ki-iir:
I1M th. prti-i-. ti.ii
; TLLLS r'r:tie-.noi
CI (If tail -.11-
Atrtrai. -.H-l A
lii-ttir) :tii-l Si-luii Iin tr iiti
r . '.n M,r-i-H. Wittilli
;iH.l i
jilHl-d i
tl III-
ii. I I.-
in ht
I- I V t In
I.i- t...i- iilu.fa-
:ii nl. ty tttcTi-
tl. i
id nith i.u;i.i
j IT TK- .." I -l 'Tr-'lu.i;. t.r.-Hkin.'.it
. ;t.."!tt1il-'. I.i !li, .Hi 1 t li f
mt-ttl nt tin- Ititr-. with Ihn
I ,i;tii:ilf 1 iru t tl- Iu- i.i-
illtiiir, fvdlniff, j
if-r:' ni:oi.i-'- j
In t uii"J of
. I...W tr.-at ;
ii t. tiiinti n.rf. i
ih-r Tuva Oi
kirhoij;. It-;rhij. !-li
cnli t.oitij. r'-tl
lit, h I;.- I- -H.;v-t-
IT EA'PLM.SS t'ti! xy in Mtii x. r
r'niui'. - r.- ii.r,...
Illfll- Ui'J. I-P'll' liltt-.
.n.-ii wo, I. - l.r-.ri i
Mm: im.- t.iii'p.i!.
ml .l.-.- .y.-.l I- i .
t - IIX'Ulll rtlrl r. -J T;
IT y.tffltA V til. .H-. -1 111)1
i'h i
;.Ui" ti-I trfitn-nt "f j
t. .(U-.tiu.i-r, M-ili,
t.in I'tfii.tiis. .lmrl-,
i- f.niift'. r -r tn: aol
r- tn'nit h iti'I ul ! . .
with i.tluT tiicjui.t' vt ,
i'iry .iririi. 1
if ut Mul t re-it mm t 'f
'r.iu;ui.it..n. i(tfiT
.(i-il-v . .li irrh n j:tun
i.H-ly urine, ntotir in
!-! r. !Utlnninti.ti Nrt-I
t'.ui-it'ti, Li.w.-li1, livrr,
di-T h-ii..iirrl..i . I.
otlifr .h-. f th.-
ml urin.srv nriiti'
IT Tit . ATS "r U
iniitiin atI treatment nf
t...Il". .'."( ;n-i
me. elm in, t-ti.
Jer. H.T.- hrni-e
p. -rail 'h-. ennki
!f si!.jt in, rilirf l-lie. fee-
i k nT!. w tn.i (".mn
il rrit....T.ti-kv.t tu"i,
lliriteli an I i-nrni; ali'i
of mi .'inn, art'n, r-).ile.,s v, xtafTer, aiil
filler 1.1. - I Hi- f.-et. am) ha.l.
IT r-l.A'-s" l.l thv rui-.-x. - tn; !"ti. ti lire;itment t
df tixluln. .i-i: : I iti-I.T. Ur. y.i-r.tilr-t
I-w.t, iiimur', xtirtrif. liM-kttt jsw. rlf-iima- 1
tisrn, er..m. c:.li. 'tt-. iiM-p .f ltieye biiJ I
I.- ii I. A.- . . it in 1 I... w ti. n urn uu t f"l i - j
tl rt. Miis-tin. t'.-i l tutt .-. rtiw. Iirnt. tiring, i
lrnia mt'iMiHit.-m, '.ai i-m,', oilier sur- '
l. 'ii I i
of I
iilni lif.r..
I...W I'. ...M.M. , I.l!t
r -Isl.i.- K r..ll
Klr.iIiK" .ui..1"
U'Mlr. rill1, sn.l
l..i t.i ar...ii..ni ii l...r..
nil lul.t. mi.! Ii'-w t. I
I it
t km, iiim u. ii:.rii. nl
tli- f'.rru ,n.l Inw
of wrr:ttitv tti In 1 1.- twinir th- rfaaO
Bmn- limn fttti t n vi nr?-' mn ful tmt ul tl.i
hi tut . wriiliarili. witut an. weaknenara
uf tin Bultt- and UHcfuI animal.
For sale at the Chronicle olfi-re, !.eisburg
l.l'.MIU-lt ! LU.MIIKK!!
11 E subscriber have for sale 1 1 1
(ia luts to suit imrcliaer'J-7!!1(,,.i
I a laree stork nf
Mvr tut 1 if fiv Pmai sifr
a"' - iai.
PUnk, Ac. Aiso 5.000 i'lAli KAILS.
2fi inch Sawed shingles supTior quality.
Ahn Square Timber fir Duilditips ;
Which are offered low fr rah. atotir Mills i
on South Branch of the While Deer Creek in j
Hartley township or delivered on the Brush
VaHv Narrows n-ad at the end of ur Road.
rfrA Diploma for a superior sample 01
Planks, and a Premium for Rails and Shing
les, were awarded tis at the last I'nton fp.Ag.
poresl Hill P O, I nion Co, Pa
f;enllpniPii'R I'm nisihinK Store,
Jar.ef St., Just iiiore the Imihc,
tie subscriber has removed into the new
timd and comtnodiou.s M-irfroom i f Th'ima ;
K-brr.whcre he has just received a large and i
! well seb cted stock of j
TV" CJ f T I T T Vfl I
i'S a s. lalAlIlilv,
. Cloths. Casiineres. Silks, Shirts, Drawers, Ac.
i I also CI T A.MJ M AKE TO OltM-;R in tbe
1 best stvle and must rcast'iiable terms. Heing
a piacucal Tailur. and einp:vir.g tbe lest
w'iknin, 1 can cnnfidentlv invite boih Old
and S'w Cuitomtr. tin ti": fort the Sign
The Kcd Door!
Mar V. lr.l J H KEA1.E
Central Foundry and Machine Shop
SlttiT, ttalU ShrtnrrAto. j
j.jia , iT i ii n firm ri' r" of Bullock's Iron j
awfjiam,fi Itiw i r and lira per, Darlinq' !
i!tnl le.-ss, t'hain JI.Te Power t
r'-!? tv.a i ! !;. .n Telegraph Fodder Cnt-li-r.
Iiiche Iri'ii I'lows. Wnh. tow's Sell-Sliac- ;
penins Plow, and Micliau i'.-uble J'li'W. ;
Also, Siuvrs i:nd Caiiugs of every ikcrip 1
All kinds of Agricultural Iinplemcnls kept
on hand for sale.
J-ild-iNK w'il; in Wrought and Ca.'st Iron
and Ilrass done to orib r.
Country prt-duc takn in exchange.
Ot. of ?i.tb Jt Msrkl .t- . LrnMinrs, P.
lh9 Dimes Saving Institution of Le
S ready tn receive any amount on Peposite
I from Ten Cents and upwards, four per
cent, per annum Inorest will l.e paid on all
fft'riat d'-posiles ot Two Dollars and upwards
if deposited two months and lonser. Office
in James lieddes' buck block. Market St
II. P. SHI-I.I.EIf, Treasurer
I.ewishnrjr, Oct. 10. infill
C00RIXO sfoVKS,"
The best assortment uf Moves ever t ifered ta
the cmpus of l.ewisbnrs. aimms which is ihe
celebraied "Uimtinenial," the handsomest and
i bes. Tookins Stove now befi.re lhe public.
el.ll-KR. WAI.I.Sf?IIKINEa kCO.
I rpiIE subscrilier con-
i J. unnes to carry on me
I.lvrrr ItuMlneHM a
ihe Old ("land on South
, Third street, near Market, and respectful!)
solicits the patronage ol his friends and thf
public senerallv. l-HAKI.CH t. II ESS.
l.ewishurs. May M. IKftll
ICE for the coming Season,
A ou South Water SI.. T.ewisbar?.
1 We are making extensive preparations to
'supply wilh PURE ICE all cur former
..Klumm inilai miiiL. n.viinpi at ma. timt i
... .. . ' '
us wiin tneir pa ronajre.
iv tec win oe neiiveieii inrnnennai me j
entire tsnmmer, so as to accommodate all, al i
. : . . l
as low prtres as ean ne aiivruca ry any oinera '
Lii6ure-, lib. 11, lti 1
News Agency. !
fPHE itnttfrsiffned having oprnnl a HfHi
1 HI4 ti e in connrii..n wuh his BOOK,
NrA rKHSKHV.and VAKIETY Siorr. he i
(hrrpfore prepared to receive subscription:,
for ihe full 'Wing
KWsPrtR.S VttiAZINRt. Ar.
I'hUiutfll'ltis liHiirrr, Frt-.. .il(T. -JtutJy f-'t
P it, I 1ir .-wripT, The lrrl.j'lttin. ('hritUa
A )?Ntr A Journal, TIim l-thlit. Am-riraD Aktirul-
. turuttKrYktlriM,Tnhu&ruar.Wurl'l.llar-rr'
I W-kly, Frank Unli, 5. T. !iefrry. W.,rr!y
: ain'jniinr, iii-mt jnuroiai, 1 iiit .mil
i m,...,.,, K..,,ic, n.rf,.,;
Hlk-kWH4l. Ki-Urlic. llnrlx-rV IiiD-.
; una.' Liy . ux.k. aiuoik muii.ij
and anyo'hers desired. Persnus wishing any
nf the above had heller call Mi..n to have
advantage of i'lnh Knlrit. IVOrders from a
dilance promptly Hiiendpd to.
ii. w. :uotzi:k. Xsw Auest.
I.ewibur?, I'a.. Pec. 12.
A art too ayd to mm Us Ion llouae tfl UnNburp.
SSPtS I-eSiil Auctioneer!
F. l.loil'llo'r having been appointed
vole Auctioneer fr LewisbLrff, i prpare'l ti
: attend to all calls in his line iu tuwn and
j country.
j Commission Sales.
j In April next. I intend to (.pen on Marke
!ret a Room for the reception, and Ihe saie
' at "tated turns ofatl ktndN of (ioods at Ane
' tion. Any one wibine todiNpnseof anv arti
cle can deposit n u oh rne and I trill sell it at
the hM advi'iuae I ran and rharje a p"r
cenfnc for thr- yame
Fi b. a, n.v. F A KO.NFHOW ER
-Xew Goods!
.v;ir n'njyi
yaw t;oi;
.v'ir ,''iii.'s7
AAH W'OJt.sf
FM.T. AM) tTFttt
''A r M.I. It . .;
Ffu Ftr.f. i irv.vvA-.'
u i a .i, .i.: HAA;
r u. a v; syKt
VAT.I. AMt a-.
f M.I. A a Sh Ft
CALL .I.V't l E!
AAf.Vi.7i. M'WRF 4
KUFMt.H. .tf 'X7.7. ivi
KltF VFIt, r t.WF a rtj
KMME:, .Vt LI tit: J i'o
NOTICE f.'. nih nien !
C1ITIZrS of f.pn'isrnrc and vicinity are
J respectlully ii.,'oniird that ihe subscriher
ha- bone hi out the interest ,.j ,. Him in
Ihe htiMnevs t,l A;iv and liwr fiiZn-. and
i.. ii tin ue.. tin' mbi" at the ol.l ntaii'l han.-turnt t wnJfiw
Aiiitni'tiV tr fk. I. t. cti I'.IViiin miii t -I ll-ttirtit..ii,
uli.re l.' ftrirl al-nti..n tn Im-in.-nn he- hni.e m nvt
Mt!!fnrlti)n t all li'. mar !.4T..r Lnn with tlirti patron
a". at ail llUIrn et( e I "-utiijV.
Tn all l;n lurry hre n:i their beard- jrnw lrtj
Tn jrxt a ileum Dt "ItTe, (t.mhJ m tmrhrr er
.Iiint rail on lni.il! nt In - .!.. on. t.niay morti.evt: OrOOOr,
TowrUrlrao, TiUvT9 chari. n& l pwi.snri (d en.
A.rtl , lii.l A. tt IHM.IN, rrof. rttrK
Provision Store, j
on Market street, lielwern 3i and 4lli, i
Cam. and y.vTisn- Yoi-issei.ves. '
R ST r K is larjre and well -.elected
emhraeins ex-rvthm? nsiialie km , a
first-class (iliOCKKV K'I'iiBP... ,...
assnrtment of 8 ,
L.'Wia.'.urj, Mnrrh tm.l.
Mar IliirtU'loil, 6io.n Co., I'a.
THE subscrilier, lhankfu!
for past patronage, would inform
his friends and the public tn eene-
ral. that he continues to manufac
ture all kinds uf W oo It'll ;ooIn, such as
Cloths, Cassimeres.Tweetis.Satt metis, Jeans,
lllaiikets and Flannels; also. Carpet and
Slock i ne Yarns. His machinery bem? of the
best kind in nse, and having employed the
besl of workmen, he feels sate in saving
that bis work shall not be surpassed by
any establishment tn the country. A good sup
ply of the above eoods kept constantly on hand
for sale or to exchange for wmd. at prices
that can not fail to please. WOOf, will be
Carded in the best mannerand on the shortest
notice. Terms for rardine, cah on the de-
"vrv of ihe rolls. MAKh It A r.FPE.NY.
Wmfield Mills, Mareh :in. IH57.
Lewisburg, Pa.
AVnti.ESAi.F Dealku im :
. Urc. M-dicins, Ch-mic-Is, Hyp Sniffs, 1
Ui!s, Paints, Varnihcs, Window (Jtass,
! Pertutnerv, Pure U'mes and I-niuors I
j expres.lv for M-dicin:tl I'scs,
i Fancy ntion ...ods.and all I
the recuiar P.itent Medicines of
thedav. Partiru'arattention paid
to putting up Prf.eriptions. Farnilv Med- '
icn.es, Vc. Also Pine (Mi and Fluid lor ia!e
Lew Islmi K, ia. i
i It. (i. U:r7A:Ut Tno'n.
Iin undersigned returns his sincere thanks
io patronage eAtcn.ied towards him
hy the citizens, ot I ninn and thf adj..inin
counties, he would mosi rerctltilly s-dicit a
coniinuatiiin nf the same. Hereaiier. persons
who reside in Union county will he charced i
hul Twchtw-Fit cents for"eithr Kreakfast,
hprSP frt ki ' l u' HRTZEL
Lewtiburif, March 13. Tsti'j tn.1)
ATIOIt.i;V 4T I.Hf,
I.KWIslil K;, PENVA.
Ato rummUotnner of DriiN fr th- Sttof f r.f.f-
NolS Mt AI.II-'oKM authorised tn adiutuinter
0;itt,. mi. I ta.- ri--i.-it1f n at!-! Affl lnvit 0 U- tiH.il in
ritlii-r nf th ho tHtfc. and aa,. t take the air know- ;
Ir l(r.'niint or proof ot ny U.--i or oilier uWnirjfrit to be !
rtci nlt-J id vitliL-r or mill Mmy Isul
lFIt;E in his new Brick Block, Market
slreet.souih side, between 1th sue! ftth
(upstairs.) l.ewisburs. May, I8n (73g
CAKPKTS a larneand choice vari
ety, trnin ;ll cts. upirards. for sale hy
April 10. 'HI Bh'OWN & BRO.
Are manufacturing and have
eonstantly on hand a larpe qoan-
M.ToTifJ ' J ' ' '"' 1 tf,nes anu a ana ,
...... a, .owing pnees:
aiia. k. ,.i..i i. . ... i .
Io S 10 per M "0a "
--,' ... ., . .
l.am 3 and i feel lone, f I to 1.62 pr M. i
Shingle ai $5 to $7 per thousand. I
Palings and I.alh made to-order, any length
panics may ileire
ll-hnra Jt.n Sa.mill. Oe.-s.uro
W 1 r'"' 11 1 ' ""' I'.S lor sale
a u.i a... i r.
. wain am i.rutj cMcre also the
l'orllaud tOHl Oil.
I I F ,- -
Administrator's! Wotice.
VOTICi: Is hereby Riven, that IMm
i nl Admint'triitiun on the Rotate vf
JKREMIAH fcTAHI., late of Vast biitf.b.e
Twp, I'uion Co , decd, have been granted Iu
the nnderMgned, by the Kegjster of I'ihoo
County, in due form of law t lh rffore all per
sons knowing th-iiieives in!titrd to aid
estate are rjuesed tt make immediate pay
ment, and thove havin? ju-t clarms ac;ttiisi
thf .niiiir an- also retiiis:ed to present them
properly kulhenin-ated for :.eitlemenl.
DAMKL M),l,, Admin'r
Kelly, April Hi, ICW
TT AVE removed iheir flialr ami C'a-
11 III ii el Hare-rooiu n the larf.-r
and m re roinriiodtuus roin, late the resid-
ence of in- Friclf, on the
f'orner of Third mud Uurket Ht. LewUharr.
whert- thv have oo hand ihe LARlJKI' and '
U KsT ASOIII MKM of Work ever otl-red
the puMic in this viri.ntv.r.imrriMi.
it (',
if ' U it- IlfTK i fig t hiir,
i ha. Jf tmv I ii.ij nJ l ot
Mm-r ll ll.rli.Ti
Il-I;.'. :- F i new
- T .i.i-.a..
ft l;er:il -Tl Ul- lit "f O. W.t'
li iii-l- llarnf -M b'J "tl? rijjtr
. We a!ji ali'-tiil tn tti
ttni.,-.. in n;; r iinm h. B.
..V II'..'A' alttnTB ,.n
! ..I,..i!,. ,.r i;,,
.e i.r.v uIh-1 iti, i.
H,. ;-! n.; tick's Paten I Mflalllr llurUl I .isrs,
;lt.-l - Hl'r'. ' f i.t.r Wi m:iMJt. trir. !.,.. ,TI limit,
w.' if- f ... tv al n-tvtim- w:llim Mil li.fif t;..' ! t
umr ii; ti uin a hi 41 J,.. ,Hi f.it-.r u ttl a mil
nitvi'i" ti 'iiv nui imp n-t work nen, we
w nr. . i i-iirt.ifii-.. niHiiuf ,. rnr--! ! v u,au l TZ-
leij cm; - tin ii .-iffr ri-. ..r -n Ir
i M ii-nt-i. fr.rt on X t Sfrtrt,
' where C;tVh-i and Mnii-e Tumiiiff.SernM and
Ki(i .-' n - :i- (.n h..r: ti ti in-l r:.i. in.' te Term-
A assnrtin.-rit ..f .f'V!i:i: ;,Ih-iv -n
han.l f...' N. .-L VU, li:n.tii-ter. atl-l IUn I ltn.i(aj.
I t -j Kii'iMisii ul ail kiioli d.ine as uual
N II. .Any w -fri not on hand W;U he ma le
an won ttn i.i.--i,I.-.
Th.itikftl for p.tt favnr-, we still expect a
I r.intlniinii'-f i ti..- ;iin,;.
at Mmvry's Sk)-L!-!: (;.i!!rrv,
MAKKIIT strret
jus; r. rejv. I ;
larpe r.s
pUin aii.l I.ui.-v I'n'S. I am pn j ..rt ' I., t.,,
1'irtiires ai ri- liH-e t prici-. f. r ;i f H .' , .
AH u-iMiinir anv kind ot I;,-r ,: rr -.i;,
lllonev by vilittit . Ii-t: soon.
i. K Pictures t.-urn in i-!on r .....he r
nntih!ii:il,i.,.!.Ui ( J. r;!!(trr.
Uliunsliellritr, Hnn-i. v irket si. ImMiuie. r. '
ll.'lviii" i.pen.-d a .h..n ii, P.
i....l.n-i.. ci J
t ' I I lo .lit Kill ;s ,.r UT.TK
. l in his in-. fliir.nv worked .n
a!i r-s time, he is
prepared to iepHir VVii!rhe.
I'lorlfs or Jewelrv.and to do Kiirnvin?, Pla
t:n. (iildiii or li.ilvaniin? in th t'et sivte
fit ihf an. AH work warranted to tr-ve er.nr''
sAti starhon. and done at the vrrv lowest eah
priees. Also Arrorleons and Meloilei.ns
repair.! in th oet m.inr.er.
I'a;l in Ii-.; .re v n l'.. eN-'U-lo-re, -i- f r
yonr-.e;i and arr vour mnn-e. th t. ft.
i;o."m:ts, ck a pi-:.-.
Ril'.lJoN.-s, 1I.I.L.-IOX.--,
tll.KS. LACKS.
vi:lvi:t.. ilowlrs.
yv.a tiikks.
Also everv'hinie cmnprised in a full assort
ment of Milllnpry .ooiN.
NewA'flrk :in l PLildiL Tiinni.t
1 """"- ' ' nr. I A li.. r,.tta.
"r'!ers -pr"mPI'r,?n1'' f""-
MMl NI KIIX Aeenls
""' 31 .v..rth ;,i .s,. thk ad'a
.. . OAK I OA, i
V I.etaKliurs;. P:i.
(.iffleenj ps.ite the nillloii, a, lli. CViirt lb a-e. '
I"5?--..lleclinns and prutessw.nal business j
promptly attended to On. 10. im.l
Hoots and Shoes.
The snhserther has just reeeived
at his tslorc (, ,jllor , n, i
Olfi. e) a full sunnlv nf IIiioIn JL !
MlOrn nt every style and earie'v smtal.le ii I
Ihe season. The sIikjIj has heen s-leeled wilh j
particular care, and will be atrnrded at
His old friends and enstnniers a-id the ptirdie
(tenerallv are invited to call and examine his '
stork and jndu'e f.n themselves. fIAN j
ITACTI'lilMi and KF.l'AIUIM. as herein
fore will be attended to with promptness and '
al reasonable rales.
. . . JH ntll 1.11111)1. tsl.
Ijewi.tmrir, 0.'t IS, ls"o.
A few of
. . - . a -- w
?0 ltrsa lli.-ac.
:"Z,.' " L (lit I. 3
-T-s--T. r
"or saie verv cheap by ,
l.cwishtir!?..liilv t
- " com -ti ati'I the
DCW patent HU;NFt iLf. IRS.wirrant -d t. l.urt i..li(TM
Hr ller hi
X.:li) 3t.J Cli?:.' ?I).?Ij ;i; hu$i)Cf9
Fancy SdiUim, llanioss Har-Iware.ic. :
rriIK ?;.ismlicr, i.avii.fr oarrio.l on
i-itit-n f r n.'Tt-r.iI r.
l. r niMlsiu as ,1 li-.rn.-f A -.
Ihf rvtri'Hi n. Itii- fni'.n 'cf-i'
hiiiiianp.-il IIl.hF IUI V.i
iitiy -f v
s I-r arti.
workttintil h 'ui.ii"(i('--I.-1,rii.i::i. t r i.i r-'f
tba trmltnt.' put.lir Mir- sctv rr m- I. aud swat tln ir ohU
uuni iitnni:it;r nt Im M. f T.lMt.
Ths- tVattif-r -. .1 l m- 1p nf th t.tt I f-f. tmiw'l In
the- old ay, n.l mil l.t t- r -rn. I .m; l. U-.- f.-ft
Work mm i.".-r-i- ni v -1 I h- : u.. 1 atit t n ! hi
mv rhfs t nil uit'tt'ie Imiirn. My i(--il an l s ..rS nri
wnrrinl-l. an I it not as rriir. Tit. 1 in.iv r.-t. in.. .1 . r
f m-bang.ii. 1 isil and jpt mt. nnti it I . imt gwr vi a
thv woith of jnur m.iiny 1 will d. t h,;h;ii ni-k t- r
REPAIRING promptly attornliMl to.
t.rilFff..r('.?IIor ULAI'V PAY in m..-t kn-l
f ('r.iintrv I'roihi'N.
L-iur. April 1. 11. O f SIIIVKLT.
! rPHE Eooks and Ace. urns of
Ir. T. S. (11RIT
nave been piaeen in mv hands r,.r e. Ilernon
of which all tnteresied will please lake
notice. JOIiX B. I.I.NN
l.ewishure. Not. SS, lfii
A Xew anj Beautiful Eilition of
The .llislakrH of Kduralrd .lien.
HV J"HX tv HAIir. LL.D.-In ISmis
muslin, price 50 cents: nan.r
25 cents. Copies of this hi ok will he sent hJ
mail on receipt of the price in post stamps---;
please address J.r.l.Hlti;ii,i FS.PaMish,r.
HH South Fourth M. Philadelphia
jusl received a larce assorimenl of ihe
newest anu oesi Alt sn; comDrisiniT
i-i.n7ii.iiu Tcuiar ii. H.Irs, instrnrtors lor
t .. I J i n - I
Ins.rumenls, Ball K.snm iari.es, Ac. !
logeiher with a choice selection f.heei Mo-'
sic, amon- which the pairtotic son is well
represented. All of which is for sale, ehean. :
' " '' rT OFFICE, Lewisbur;. :9
ifttitvm. IX a rs
i.,r I'sT.n,
BINPI.Rl on ft'l pfrppt. a few doors '
enk "( Maiart. LL W.SBl kC, ia I
1 ..&3ist.:
Just opem iJ.ojirsite Oicliiviert)
House, in the Konm lately
oi.-cii jiicd by A. ,iiitjpr.
VFl'LL anil cooiplrte assonmcDt nf
I N G,nrh as Oyrcoais.Ilress i;.t , .,"ti
" " -.'..-. vi nrry mvie an' nai
lern; and Panialoors and Vesis toVoii A I r.
a large variety i.f ImVr Cbihia nrh T'
Ilrawrrs dhiiN. c. Also., finr a..,,, "
j of Hoys' Clolhim of the la.eMjtyb., ..
, 7.1 and r.a'.Ve.,:,l t any itf.red , ,'1'
i cooniry. la fact, I harrvriyihln.
In the shape of Cluthin?. hu t, tfrr "
very Mnaii advance for rh
Pim.ir f;i)iintA .
rp-.V.l kinds id foun.rv '. '
eiehanse for Hoods. (I.ewisbur. (i. , . j
die si.kki!!?,e.gijavi:rs
AM. '
Seal l-rcxa .Hanufat lurrra,
ofi, .s.ufh thini i'h;h.iif,h;n.
N. B Sp-eial attention given iu .Ma. on a
and other JVcieiy .seals. nui3
Variety and Sews Depot,
THB iit,rrit., r keen, roi s'ariilv for !
1 ai the i-dst Ol-nn: (i,el the H.vi.r
House) a well ., .rcted sioek of
I iiinilv l.ir,,-,.,;, Cotil'ootinnnrv and
I'iui!s. i';ii1(v ;'ri. A TIT--
tioli.-, JVrt'i.i.uTV ,t
Sunns, Wall I'a'iM-rJrWi 4
ami i il Shailr.-, Ti :iv. ini-r "l;;,PK
Ki.uik, .-'ciioul utiil Hi tim IJonk? Jtc.
I'Sllx-ro iiikI l!:i":rilm.. . i.. j
or li
' lll.ler. Ill II, lioslon. ..V , I t ,.r
.t,-:t hin
mi, n a
"!-. I ;.., II. raid,
IV! e ;a-i. Ver-
inpaiiii n. H.-irper'j
i l. ' l . (joiiey-, and
i:,i.tf Aiutit r.s ai.J
l.. .':-. r. IV,.
' urv- IVav. i
a. .: f.--
v ! . : :- r
. I.i'rerv I '
i-.iam n
Ms, V.
I.I. !l '.i.i: s,ir
I Hi IP Illl." t-B
i i i. v . pi ihi:k."T
f Al til: PfliUA. hav,,.,
f I III I- .111,- i.L.rv
Lew iir
"r- e- i vu-inn
i.ear.y three aia
I --!, -.v.;', th- l. s, ,,(
Esef, Pjrk, Veal, &c,
'v r"'"rn h' ani'e:..! ihiu.Us,,, his nnrne.
r. ns eu-tfiners , , ,h.-:r ,,
i.i.nnres tha. he in'rnds l., e. r- -lie tl.e :n.
;"" " '' lb' Meat Varbei H.-as,,
Litueen .-.-..itlle. and Baker .V l.o.'s Utu.
-I re-. M.,r!,, , ,far,..
VVedne.dava and !atnrdaj.
AMI n ih- srstein. ' e pnirena-e r.
ie.-ti,i.!v.,,ei,ed, and sat,stan, i,r.d.
Mareh IS. Y.. I. s M KR.NEK, A?'l
sirijDim mul "
(l.alo lhiie San
IUcp Sirecf, ahove IVihM'm.
UriLIMA.x J H'- if i:. r k.tf-Kl
,i e' VrtrsWrt TToajsw,
r,tinrilt imprn
' 'ir..:r" to v. ilut r t
tn I i
f.irnV.. j , . iBl
titr p....-:t a i- rifrufi -.- . rirr
MrMnr-ra. ttv-!-r -t.-i i-ir- r..rflil'T invit fi
!h" -r lirr n r!.. - t.. r. mm I -M j
J-U'- I'T TK.U. i.f it. mi I !.,;.. U4 ltrit
'iir In-Miti.t) mriil n 1 n nv niftit fur Mi.:Fl.aiu
ml httsirtes,
at" li itrn'.ij
s-i .l. m- r tr tu.t tb want and ra-
I. -t ., at i.s, rh- ..'.t.re ,,f Vr ft
aarT.al.t. ma atte-nrir t l-rk . f 1 ll
f irt-a ffi.il
A ."T.V .
I r-r-nr. I t.
I'rtiLAt ,
James F. Linn. J. Merrill Linn.
T F. & J. M. IIXX.
J tttornrtit at Law,
l.'tiion C'.untT. Penn'a.
; J. VERKILl Ces,iwi,rt ter tl.t 5laU f Jon
I with i-..er to take tie(.(-itif.p.,ar)inc.:4ea assada.i.
v . . . i tm mm m
tT-iatilnnahla finnt anil Khno 1Ialrpr.
V....I i-.-.A s., ..:.;.,.
y . s.-. , - "- ;,
KErP constantly on hand, and mantnac
lures to order, all descriptions of
Be t an t jpe rteiiced Miorm;iler. and anx
ious in merit a hare ol the ptitdic pairenape,
he wilt warrant ali work which may pais
through his tumi-.
Particular aitrniion will be given to Ladies
Hi- Prices are a low as th.e of anv othei
dealer in the vicinity. He solicit: a lair trial,
c.-t:ti ient i ii at he can -atisiv every person.
I.ewist-ur, Aus. 3 1. lti.y
ram'l ii iinvrin. itmin RATlt
Attorneys at Law.
Fril.'F. i n South second near Mark't St
April I, Til !. islmi IS.
1 .... .. i... .a
litev I ri adv In repaif
imi-.s! vsnu-hrs- sern as- t nri ni meirrsi.
IMiplex and l.r.er Ksi-.-ip.'ui' m in ihe ver
best m;. n tier, toapthi-r with every other kind ol
work in our line business. Ail work war
ranted to sue saii-stiH-iion.
tV I have a!s.. 'he .limrr for the sa'e ef
th.- celebrated ( will Oil lllls Ivethef
wilh Oil Mia.ies. icks. Aic Ac
Lewishs.MarV.il A E DiMIRMANPIB
American Life Insurance & Trust fo.,
(fapi'al Siock :.no,niw)
COM P A.N VS B'jildin?s.Wa!nul street,? E
coiner of Fourth Philitiltlhia.
rTl.ivc insnred al Ihe usual Mutual rates
or al Joint Su ck rates about Su per cei.t. rss
or at Total Absiinence rates the 1. to.- -r :ae
: world. A. WHILI.Ul.N, Pres:.'t
1 JoHM K.. !SI, isec.
OF.t). F. MILLER, .t,n.'. ,tiA
'P0 A-N1 Flit,M
run ..uiiarHiA,
1st Claaa
4i ee.U per ln p.".1
40 do du
S3 d.
37 di de
4th d.
5.-ial ?i do .1" ,
Wbi-at, Rt. and Cor., 13 oral r-r bobl-
Philad. liepnl wilh
trrtd, Ward d Frf't. ll Market ft.
Thankful for Ihe liberal patronase
we hope by strict aitentioa ki business m
merit a continuance ol the same.
For further informsMon applv to
I A $35 Iron City Ciilege Scholarship
r lOR .ale al the Star 4 fe
- ""-'II. GPttmmWBRfar'- ' r -