UNION COUNTY STAR & LEW1SBURG CURON1CLE-AUG. 5. 1352. : it 1 ' IN hi 4! V to - 1 'I If THEY ARB COMLNC ! ! At the large gathering, io Harllrton, J Monday of la.t wevk, some one rrnpow-d i !:.. tI l iv.n.l ?..,, J itu xiiiiuami ititiMT a.1 me cipiiuiuic BM'ssmi'iit, iu proportion to tlie i.rnorty of oarli mm, upon 1'iiion county, an a : j- i i.il rowar.l to flume who shall risk :i- t'.Ttunf, lu alth, lilortv au.l oven life in .l. f. ricc of our couutry from the. foes of I ho host (ioviTiiuinit ever enjoyed l.y the 1 -niian family, liut a finc.-l.iol.ii;!: olJ farmer f unknown to our informant) pro posed tint the sum bcTKX instead of five thotisiii.l : Hiat those wlio clayed lit home Could a;v should well sustain and reward those who fiht our battles for us. His proi.iti.in carried unanimously. Auotln r pj'aker argued truly that without a pood und firm govcrmneiit our faring would lose ball" their value, while the burden of tax ation would increase with every mouth of the roiitiiiuanec of the war. These are examples of the ppirit and argument of I lie War Meetings in I'uiou county, and e presume elsewhere generally. J a some States, the quota of men to lc furnished by the State, is apportioned to tlie several wards, towns, and townships. TIiTj .. .o , a 1., .;ni.t.. .u..n the duty is thus distributed eotiallv over i nil the Mate. In some of these districts, rctturds as hi.-h :ta Two Hundred Dollars ' 1 1 . , , : liave In-eii secure J to every volunteer. ' liut pure patriotism is the best stimulant j fur CimhI MlliiTS. Acinlill"!v. We fill J . frou.ii litrirU ill NVw KiilI.hi-I have at I ..... I .'inc lirmhr.l more than thoir niota of. t -lie hearted men. ?Iaine, it is assorted, has her companies and regiments all so nearly complete as to be regarded as fully seeured. The ICastcrn States will be as forward i:i this as in every other good work. Illinois, al.i, is reported as sure for her full complement. and that siKclilv. In iiarfj of other Stales aho. there is a . ... . . rcat manik'M.atlOIl ut flltUU.-ilx-m. JStlt in f-ttlicr p:irM, there is so much lisatis- f..rti.m with the war, or with the manner on.s e,.,.J,.. t, that the work is .low, and a compulsory draft may lie required in "rdcr t.i raise in due feason the force sup- .-e'l to lie sulheii nt to liuish the j..l. It .miI. indeed he i.iily just that those who iTi-tnid to be friends' of the tiovcrmii. nt, -. i t cavil at the Administration, and seek i i thwart all it." measun-s to put down the liehcllion, should be forced to face pome f the dangers lint we have already too niany traitors in the Army, aud as Vidun-t.n-rs are iu every respect uinst desirable, it i. bojH'd the full number will jtpeedily he nised. The following is a fair response to the rail of the President for more men : Vi'e arc coining, Father Abraham ! three hundred thousand more, I rom Mississippi's winding streams, and from New Kngland'a shore, W ith hearts too full for utti-rance,with hut a silent tear ; We dare not look behind us, but stead fastly before V.'e are coining, Father Abraham ! three hundred thousand more. If you look across the hill-tops that meet the Northern sky. Long, moving lines, of rising dust, your vision may descry ; n l niw the win-I, an iustant, tears the -ltuly veil asnlo j 1,5 repuiatioa is so well established that it is Then fl ats aloft our spangled flag in glory , earcely nreeary to par,iclar,K iu ad.an I ! . lacs. Me will, however, call ihe atlcntion ami in pride ; ' ol ihrlarnifrs to a few of us merits. n d le.yonets in the sunlight gleam, and I The TWO DKIVIXC VHEKI.S ihe bauds brave music pour I Pawls and Springs, by which Ihe machine We are comin", Father Abraham! three m' he thrown mil of gear, or be backed hundred thour-aud more! j wnhout vibraiin; the knives ihcSiwI Culler Itar ihe Wrought Iron Guard, with Hardened If you look up all our valleys, where the r"ace or Uau'm EJsr ihe Double- prowin harvests shine I Hinjed Joint, by which the Cutler Bar may V.. i...v . -,..'r,K. r.r...... f. I hc FldeJ-ihe lone Crank Shaft-ihe Steel ii.nniiii: into line, Voung children from their mother's kuees are pulling at the weed Are learning how to reap and sowacainst th ir cuiitry's need' " I ii . , i ' And a la.ewell group stands, weeptng, at ; every cottage d'ir We arc coming, Father Abraham ! three hundred thousand more ! ou h ive called n, and we're coming, by , l.lelllliond s liloo'ly tiilo j ii lav us down, for freedoms sake, our r. ..u . ..i i . -i . ' .......... s ui. .Miue; Or, from f.ul trevnn's navapp fc'P? wrt ticli the inunl'r.'U-. Iiluilc, Ami in the face of forvin fws ita frag- uunfs to p:iralo. S:x rmmirJ tii"iisaiil loyal men antl true have pone Jjrfore Ae are omiiiin, Tuthor Abraham! three huii'lrcd thousand tnorc ! CJood SpitaphT An oiil-tasntonod ifemocrat made the fallowing ioscriptioD for the Hiug, Looo fucj, fale-protence Shamocraey : I1KRE LIE THE KKMAIVB Of th Late, Great, Unfortunate BibxmrtKB Pitti It fbrrd the preTfta happy United StaUf inioa war let Sir r:ii B(I It waa wot enntent tn wield th- rptr of rower, aird enj y tlie enolutnenta d Htlre. t ut Uerd Ueui i nTcrtbrow a itoeernaaeut whirh ii i; s' ro nuriai-T! It fw the pew and prosperity of ."4 jitatat la peril, but it inah1y babM abuvl an 1 frvhU-MJ iwif Bto faUi Bu refottin It aw patrHIe nfflnera nnd fo!dieni atenrclios to n, l. id the rood old Flac of rnir lathrra. bJliiaj BipathiBrd with V.ew. mn1 denonnv4 Ibe L-.yai MeB writ ae the Traitor : I' prm,ad the shield nt Law t.-1. Breaker. aM 1 1 . , teed Taaaiie. to enrtain tba life of tbe N.Uo. ! -ud U, airctne. . ll9l ..lsonr' It Kivni c,..rT t ml.rrw u4 .tr.. . ,IM sl p,,.,. H IVopl. l.ui.rti.4 afo. It Ilwlr TtiiklnMu! It, Ud.n fnttk libmi4 Onru: Ons dj last wetk fellow gnt pass t Norfolk to go to Xirtb' Csrolins. Simo s -i'oas officer Hitched him, sod in few hoars caught him mikiojr for Kieh moai U hsd 2,000 Istters for Kebels, lor which he wis to get $2 e:h. Io- r u. UtiuK promptly sbol is a spy, he O-" ,00gea io jail. Oordifptch t,VHis niil tcp th, aveuue by wuich "' rs,10 1 fr" h.tr been pi.sed to tod t 1 'r ,T-m Kuboi'-Dd." We tske the liberty -.wiiuj; iai rote wioico wrollsrj. i " (mxKir cuesmr !,? .'?js a wiiil ? ll ! rb ! Jasu. jI-.'iir.iU;lsiK.,i;j) ,j 1 1 , , i ; i -. i.'ilu If. Iii't;n.i9 .v.-) mm ill"5!"6 I- Fea. i h i: i:iiu;uik i::i.i'jiijjiijuija i: i vi-siesijia ! urn nit IS 1" IT' 1 - l.i!Ji:23 tfraU ii rii s s uis J""Tl I.IJJJ. 1 si a 4I 5! rJ 7 9 M il 1 ri:t u l.s;u li7,is'- 'V Mil ts I3'i4!iiifn:!i tc -' -"!'::. i-.'l -i. r r April i Orlo. i l-l'.ilr. i;;lsilfl : : ' star.. Xotr. 5'if-i'rr k. j'.ijijj-i 4t S 11 10 IT h 1 1 I ll .! a ll '.i 71 k oioi 1 1 !i--jn h!t''i.t;ii-!i!. PvrrfiT ::t::'ll t:t .:t Union County Official Record. r..hf sm'l s. WiKi.i. i-.wutrtwn rostofflpe ' "' j-w-- '"s - """ ""s us H ills, LeiLurg do i'-i.i'"E AimHt do Jo K,7 K ,it.t. mmi.ul, d d Atm-J-.c. Bkuoi, in do r.ww J-.ii-i A. MtkTK, do do im-,,I)ri0 ,, Km.r.r.irrai.-Tit.M. .10 J, i1""" Conmuswri'f Ik Anew K?iti.i,irwi-.urs J ivi.r h -kdej a coneurs, do do Nrwmtfo Aitir.u?r Tno.iTrLir-. Mitllioburg do sun klmu tt uui do I C'ir Ki.:ou SthaI'u, lirtl.tiric do Ainlii4ir so Fi. C Wti.T. ltrtMAn do do U.siei. Sn.FPCT. lwi.hiirs do do iu.rtuiek Tm.iirsox, MillllnNyrfC do School SuiKriHtaubmt P. llECKLSlES,Ni;wBrUll do rorit-OiTicL'3 iu Union couuly Alrimffa Br. It tinhiti A J Foreman, t M I .s;f r,rl('niIltown. Itratly Tp) I:tTt-t Art Mr-die " ! v -ifcM.v-.( o.miy.s-at) - - - u w r-.rrert :vr-if .r XT'Mi'b - - 11 llau'lt " 1 AhW . frmriTillO - Martin Rmly i .. .... nu.n ' Z!CSL2vJr - f'Z..:. . VJVwS - Holidays Hanks close on N'ew Yr' 4lb July ThaukhgiTing Cbrbtmu Tr?ii!ar Union county Courts open Th'nl Mnrolay in FhrnBry M.y lsrpl.mVr Is.-nibr BUCKEYE ALL RIGHT For the Harvest of 1S62! mrois cow in me M&xm i MlMt tITIIIKII BT Sim, WALLS. SHRINER&CO., Levitbars, Pa. pnckrijc Utaptt fihmx. rPH B nnprecedented success of the " Duck L eye'' i the slronspst pro-f nf Its superior excellency. The Bt'CKEVK has caused a cn.npitMe Kevnhninn in the Manufacture ot Hl:At(! AM) MOWl.Xf; Machines, and Mprins and Wheel, by which ihe Culler Bar may te raised and lowered so as to cut as low to the erennd as may be desired the Sieel I'nman and Brass Box us Licht Draft i.nn "le Drafi) no weishl on ihe horses' necks barks as easily as a cart all of whirh form a combinaiion of advaaiaies m.hrh olhfr machlne posSeSSeS. No Gearing; on the Driving Wheels. A team of horse weighinz ion lbs. each, .-ill ent ai, ane nf rrass an htiur Wllh ease. The machine is furnished wuh two Culler oars one lurcuuing eras!,, ana oic uu.er 101 Cl"""s (each CIPress'y aar'" " Ihe use in ten. ted ). v0,,lr, ,i be wantin- to mainlamthe Unrkeye in the en viable pusiuonit nowocca pie, that uf being the Best machine in the World ! The subscribers return Iheir sincere thanks to their trieni for the cnernns sup port ihev hare received in inirrulucinx the celebrated Borkeye Reaper and Mower into Central and Northern Pennsylvania, and are much inilhted lo lhem fre Kei- imm nn Kind offices in recommending it to their friend and neighbors. For Certificates, Ac, see Circulars, which mav be had of any of their Auents. Ther also manufacture McM'tPr'fl Pat ent ritfon 4-raln ill. which is arkniwieiced to be the BEST iSEED SOW- i LK I. Lb, and the only one which SOWS OATS PERFECTLY! Mo.thc HryNtonc Clover llullrr, Inch cleans thoroughly, without in the kasl injuring the reed. Will clean more in the same time than any other machine in use. They also mannfactare and keep on hand for sale ljrhn't Tread Power and Tkrrther ; 7Ajfro)A Fodder Cutter (two t:e) , Conking Stvvey amn; which is the celebrated Con tinental ; i'artirr anil Office &totxt and mil kind of Vat und Wrnuzhl Iron and Hrau It. LIFF.R.VAMbHKI"ER ACo. CtUral Fuundry, Lewuburg, Pa. Mareh SI, !. C O . (. CO A 1. CO I. r1HK subrribrr keeps cnnstanilr on hand X large assortment of the very best Sha m..kin and Wjllces-Harre COAL, fur lime and m.Te purposr. which he will sell at tbe very lowrii prices fur Cash. Also. BlaclnmUlu' Coal, TUuler and Sail. Wish it distinctly understood, that I will not be undersold br any man. Having good wei-h-ealej,.ri mrieht will be given. Cual Vard near W'tidrntaul's hotel. OEORUE UOLSTEIN. I.rw.sbnrg, May S7,'5. II. CnRII.RT. DEST1ST, hi removed to So-uh Sd ureri f.r d.r from ihe Town C!.l l.eur. j isnrr.u, r.v PALMER, ROSS A. CO., (LATB L. rLMS 111 co LewLsbor Pl&ning Mill, keep constantly on hand and manufacture to order I'loorlne. Mdlllg, Ionm,ah, Sballem, llllnd. ' nnuiaincn 01 an paucrns. and all other descriptions of Wood Work Dsrd m ""''dinif. iuers respecnuny snnr.eu anl promptly . filled. All work warranted to give satisfaction (7An ettensive lot of Lumber of aJ! I descriptions no hand for sale. Factory m Ainrth Second treet,LcwiburgJ'a April 22, 1859. WM. TASOElCa A. DILL rtOEZCR &. mix, Attornrjs at I.niT, Lowisburp;, Union Co. Pa. Office in South Second Si. formerly occupied by James B Hamlin Ksq. deceased ' Evcrj'WysaU could not lie dune, ' i:w at List lnvn AffomntNlii'il ! 4 MKKOSK'S Cual Oil o liinnit'V HaitJ Lamp. The iulhwin are ioaic of us aJvantacs : 11. !)iifn.e with the rhitnory, whlfh Ut'X.wn-iT' ati'l iTiniiH-riitt. .1 Ttir lik'lit in at onr aet'oiiMv for Ikbting aiv. kin UltllT T !. 3-1. ltm Irftft ml (hn the rhimnT Inmr- 4lh. Hurn th 'iitTvrfnt mnlf anil qimlitfV of coal Hixl ttrt-rn from a Jfn-itT ot '- anil iifwur!. ft It Can tw nirrlnt around with bul Ibe nidih fa Kiliiv a a mrt'ltc. Pth. I-ncth of ittni" in tuirninff Imprrtrw the quality of tltf fl-.tir. Tii lamp ma W burnt J a wt-t-k witlmut trt-itnitiitf an1 II not tn.nl.. Tli burner ran tm ltarh'd to mit lump. w ttiat iwr- wn- hn.ii.e Unip Brd ouly rhancr lh l"trn-r For sale by J. A. K HEAVIER. Al.nO, jusl received, a lot of French I're servins Keiiles, (Torn Peppers, Ac. Ac, at J. A. KliEAMGIt'S Tin thop. corner Fourth and Market streets. Lewisburj, Aug.S.'6l " f A ia'sc -xMimcMi 7 "j miins, uuun. wl., A kinds also Violin. Guitar, . t. 1,1 and Banjo Sirings, Bridges, I ess.ftc.anti tne best Violin Ruiin call al ihe Poi iMlice and ; W FORREST DR. HOOFLAND'S BALSAMIC CORDIAL, r th srtcDr crmi or Ont?ht rt'ttt b jiwrna, fnij. If xtrnt'iM, IW ti yVnn"nKr, iHflffff thr Itntf-h, arut r-m tMr Jm-iMfnt fkiwmpti'rn, and far thr ri f iW i f ot nil jmi'Jr) cure ' J'tttumU tn admixed $Uiyf$ nfthe tutor 1MIK liaNamiV CnriHal I rntli-flf Vcal.l nrcdu u,.n otl inins th ht-alm? priprH-i of tlif Iilam. with th ii.viiorarlin qualitiV nf aOMul, .nNu.-inL'n ootuhifiatiun wrll aJafted to the puri-Ws infinld. thai tht r arc but f-w cm of di-a. vhili will tint, at an arlw pt-riud, succutub to iu bt-ating aod lita-giriug Fr ha the tratmnt nf pnlmtnanr c rupicd lhr jtrfHtr portion of th att'nli'fi f thf scit-n-titu of the njfdical world, but none ar.jlrl mre fmi ntirr in hi treatoi'nt of thf diapaw. than tli rle brtfd l'ruffiao lr ll'ffiand, th nri'mittKr ft tb Hnl omir rinlta.1. II i lift- wan drvntrd to th frndtl-tt"ti f-t Trwiii' that would atand uoria!d. Ilw wfll h- ha mtTfiifd. the AmTirii pnile arr able tn judsf : and we pnnitiTt-ly aMrU that on (.reparation that bare ct-r Ifen plari-d hefor thfUl, haTeconli-rrt-d theain'am.ant of l tn fltn on potbrinir bumauttT.or hare rlirttfd an ma tit c4unnndatKna from all n of aorii-ty. aa th r mrdif of tlo Hand, prt-paird bj Dr. C. M. Jackson A ti., oi rhtiaii.nia. The Cordial i-" dfnijmcd fiir tajMofdf more ren eral and more fatal than any other to whirh lb ropl ot thin country are iuhject thrs aphnelriff from a rlt.'ht cold " That eintnant authnrltr. I)r Bell. ht: I will not aav that Oolda are UMir tnbahltant wht th ftavw and rlto rwv ka ana t4ber aa triea ; hut I nan aer eontideittly that they unh-t in dis ease ol r atr ooaapiicity tad morbaiity (aao tbear latter Read what th eminent G1mh Mamifarturvr, JOHN M. 11 1 TALL, aaysof the BAIAUIC 0U1I.L. TJ C M. Jacesoji Reaperted Friend : llavinr fir a Inns time tnwn anuainu-d with the Tirt'iea of thy BA L FA MIC COHlt! AL in Touithfi, Co'da. InflamniNlion o( th I.unfra, 4e., I thou freely bear testimony Ut It effleaee. For wral yearit I have never been without ft In my fatnify. It la alfo Rites mo pleasure to at.it that I ban nnrti it with entire aue-aa In the treatment of Bwl (.'ninrloittu. The friend truly, JU m WKITAI.L, Fillb Ma. 17, Kaee t- tot 4th, I'biiad'a. "Tlifae tnedb-inea r fr by all rrapertaM Pruci-t aT'd dealer in melii-ine in the t'nite.l !ttee. Canada. Ilatti'b Prowinc, and V'et Indie, at 7 A rent per bottle. Benore and tret the genuine, with the itrna tiire of M. Ja kn on the wrapper of eaeh N.ltle ; all other-) are eutintrfeit. IrinHpal fflce and Manufacto ry, 41 Arrh atreet, rklladelphta, Pa, GENERAL ORDER. THE Pennsylvania Railroad Company having this day taken possession of the I'hiladelphia Erie Railroad, undir the ren ditions agreed on with the Philadelphia & Eric Railroad Cnmpanv. ihey have appointed JOSEPH U. POTTS, (ieneral Manager there of, to whom all Officers and Employees will report lor instruction. J. EDOAR THOMSON, President Penn'a Railroad Company. Office of the Penn'a Railroad Co., Philadelphia, Jan. 30, 1862. $ General Order, No. 1. To tale Effect on and after Jan. 30, 18G2. I. Tbe WvNtern Ditlxion. frnm Warren lo Erie, will be under the Superin tendence of JAMES LEWIS, whose title will be Snpenniendrnt of the Western Division. His OHiee will be at Erie. Employees on this Division will be under his charge, and will make all communications respecting their dmies or Ihe business of the road, io him, except as otherwise provided in this Order. II. The i:atrrn III tin Ion, from Sunbiirv lo Whetham. will be un'ler the sup erintendence ol'SAMI'KI. A. UI.ACK. whnse title will be Superintendent of tile Easlern Division. Employees on ihis Division will be , under his charge, and will make all commu nications respecting their duties or the busi ness of ihe road, to him, except as otherwise provided in this Order. III. The Account s) of Freight and Pas senger Musiness will, on Ihe Western Divis ton, be in ihe immediate charge of JOHN' C. lUXiiis. whose title will be Assistant Audit or. His Office will be at Erie. On the Eastern Division they will be in immediate charge ol" THOMAS M. DAVIS, whose title will be As sistant Auditor. His Office will he in WiH. iamsport. He will also have charge of the distribution of Passenger Tickets over both Divisions. All communications respecting Freight and Passenger accounts by Employees on either Division, will be made to the Assistant Audi tor thereof, and respecting supplies of Tickets to Tttonss M. Davis. JOS. D. POTTS, General Manager. Pennsylvania Railroad Company, "ompany," a" ISB2. 1 Lessee Philad. brie General Manager's Office, Williamsport, Jan. 30, 1862. J. 8. Harsh. E.8korklry, fX-shorklrj. r.Braver J. S. MARSH & CO, (liL'CCEMOBS TO CLDtU, MAEsH m 00.) LEWISBURO FOUNDRY AGRICULTURAL WORKS EecwSNbarar, Pa. WB hT oonataBtly on hand and fornl, W UOLKiA LB OB RETAIL, RvTprr, Mwtr antf rfneer HarvftUn: dram ent OratM Srrd'Tt ; Hand mmd U-rr Pmtr O-m ShUrr$ ; Onr. Ttem and Fimr trie Triad. Satfrp and hoil fmtT$ ; Clonrr HnllTt. tmd Outer. Thru km, 1-w, .Street. Br tit. Irm Frimttfar tmiidtnfH, rm ncM. Bailing. MiU Owing, tc. Ae.,and hold oaretefl ready at all ti me to no all Kline or FotraMT BratntNi with the ntBautt onrreetneMi and dispatch. Work or Mannitctorea ineanably Warranted as recommeBded. Orders reepeetiullj aoii cited and promptly al"" Wd to. JbjwI. lbOO VARIETY STORE AT TBE Old Post-Office Stand. A LARGE supply of Books.Stationery, Perfumery, Jewelry, Toys, Confection eries, Teas. Spices, Fruil, Nms, Itaskies, Pictures, and a variety t.f KICK K ACKS for sale rticap bv 763 U W CR0TZER, Lewjsburg "uua f or A NOTHING QbL "1TTHKI;K we will tind a large assortment SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS! suh as French an l Knelish all w u.I i.'loih, Irt'in tj?.foi np to $10.00. Kitoity Bovs" T'a Mmere. ant Silk Mixed Cassitnerrs, i"alin-i:, Ac. C loflifng 1 all tie scnptions ; Men's ami Buy' Wear Whole Suits for li5a that is.cloih cual, saiin veal, casimere jianis. Summer fmis lur .VftO. Aisof a laruf a StTtiiiem nf li.iis, ap. Ac, surh a-' M'C!il !an. Uarihal'li. 0er;i, hitfh and low crowni1 Haf., H"set H.tri-lh-erchiHs, (l)ars, Shin, ruarienlf'r'i. I iu!r ll;i, N'ock Ties, Ac. KOW IS THE TII2E ! lo save from S." to 00 per cent., and get ihf Lai! S' vie-. A Ixi, ImmhK Cut an-1 ma-le to order, and in the lau-Ni mv!c. Always iri'in five to ten hand ai irU. Call opp ite J'hn Walls & Cos Store, Market Mr(-i, I,cwist'iu?. March II, V: K. ZIMMERMAN. Jllfl) cf Knian donnti;. i f OI'MTED on rnpr,.Trnihed,ensravf and tithorat hed in Philad. in the he: yie of the art :io by 40 inches in size o scale of In incite tn the mile. This Ma MOI M KD on rollr..Trnhed, engraved and hthorat hed in Philad. in the best ,,f ,hp art 'IM liv 40 inrhfs in Ri2f on Mj.e oi ine an ei u mcne l",rm"u a scale of incites tn lite mile. J ins .llap wai rarefully survived in IH5ti, and is reas. .mal.ly correct, hach lownshtp is cel. red, and there arc ihT..wn IMols and .ti.s of l.vls tleton.and .New Columbia. Monntams and, - s; reams are (raced ihe l uuiic uans, wiin i tne ,j,Niance in parches ttriween roai: wnirn i u ,m of Farm Own- ren - t -- --- Pr ,nv church anil School Il 'iises, Mills, Ac. , .u ( v.urt House, two of the I.ewi.shur? I'ni- .... . . - VPrHy HUIItllDSS,ine l.PWODtirr; n.l I am, ihe Tnton Furnace at VVinlirM, anrl I ninn rscminary at -w Berlin are renrreutet in a s'-p.iraie n2ravmff eacn. Kvery rarmrr aixl person ol DUsiness h 1 liare one ol hese .Maps for ornament or Inr reffrenre hn jnfonnniion. The original suhscnption prire was $:!,50, now reJureti to onlv. IT For sale at the atar V Chmnirf Oifipe', anrl by Dr. S. !.. !S 1 ; I K , Lewihnr? tliJMils AfiAsDJSMJT r,HK SuinilllT liC!INloil of this InMiln- I . . . ..,. ...... 1 tint) Will Commence Mtltuy, '2 Mil April, 1!'-, to Cuntinue 13 werks. Ihe CnUrSC ot Studies IS IhoroUZh an-1 . prai'lirai. Vrtl XO I.nir and fiFlTtKWKW deMfOtH Ol qualifyin themselves lor Teaching, will fiml it in their advantage to attend during the coming Session. The IJible is a Tit Bock. Tt'ITION per session including contingent expense. PRIMARY 'Tteftillne, Wtitina:. D BijaT. Arithmetic, ftnr . timtn . and tl 8. Ilirti.ry.l '---- J6 M AhVAMKO k-NULIlI all not iiuhiied above j a (M LiirfflUAOlUt, ....... .... T M Tuition payable immediaiel Jiipon ihe close of the session. CV A dtducgn of 10 per el will be made tn those paying ij AiYri. No other deductions except for rVotrarted sick ness. J. RANDOLPH, April 1 1, IRAS Principal JOIPVS & C KOSI.KT, fiiiTn Af;tinrn'lnrors of thfi Initifftvrd - . . i Glltta PeCrha CEEIEIVT ROOFIiliU. t IT is the i i in a e, fT is the cheapest and most durable Rooting ll is Fire anil Water Pniof ! It ran be applied i new anl oh Roofs nf all kinds an. I tn (Shingle Roofs without removing ihe shingles. The a si is only about one-third lhal of Tic anil is twice as ilnraMe. f;ulla lerc'ha ( rnirnl, for preser ving and repairing Tin an.) other Metal Roofs of every description, from its great elasticity, is not injured by the contraction and expan sion ot metals and will not crack in col.l or run in warm weather. These materials have been thnroiirhlv les- I en,rs confi lenily mule the aiienn. n of iheir ted in New York and all parts of the Southern : mends and the puhlie to their extensive esta and Western stales, and we can give autlnd- j hhshmem, which presents the opportunity for ant proof of all we claim tn their favor. procuring the best Ticiure.. equal at least to They are readily applied by ordinary labo- anv hrt-r!ass (iallery in the 1'inied states, rers. at a trifline expense. rrepiraiins are complete for exerunn? all NO HKAT M KKI'IUFD. I lb' tmpB.,e. tfl kr. w., t..th-Srt. They h.. These materials are put up ready f.T use. ti.te.1 f'V,,,MP.7T.,"J 'Vtl" . . i i piMkine llifiii Lie- !. .1 de-ir...! :lif only ..nf ..r In. and for shippine to all parts of the country, : ,,,., hl t), M. Attartj. j to il.. rsui ii.timrnt wuh lull printed Directions for application. ,rrtiifesi..riiiir Arti!. Full descriptive Circulars will be furnished rAiu, h,-in.i,,.c r.iUnR, oo on application bv mail or in person at our an Ji ti. mT.'.rf!. rstrnmri,...st(.hi. Principal olTirr, 810 Broadway. New York eytsperds. Lis nit r;...o .T.j.h i. . f:i,nd (imm.it.. St. N.-l,olM lint,!) JOHNS (RM.M. AiiEXTS WAXTEP. fiir,875 ATTROX (Oil. Oil. ! 1 warranted M X EXPLOSIVE, and equal to any hi:KtiEE. Why buy an explosive Oil, when a few rents i more per gallon will inrnisti you wan a per fect Oil ! .Made only by l'cnu'a Salt Maniif;ictnrinr Company, N. i27. w am st.. riiium miiA. Feb 1(1, mr.jyi J. M. C. R.ANCK, ATTOltNEY AT LAW, Lrwishurj, Union Co., Pa. OFFICE on Market St, three doors below Cooper &. Evans-. April I, I8C!. An aperient and Ptomarhle prepatatfon of IRON pari fld of oxyren and carbon bj emnbuatlon In hydroeen, panrtioued by tlie hiirhext Medical Authorftiea. both in Kurope and the United State, and prescribed in their praettte. The experience, of thotieand daily prove trtat no pre paration "t Iron ean be rr.nipared with it. Inipuritieaot the Mood, depreeaton of vital energy, pale and otherwise aicklv rotnplexiona, Indicate iU necoMUyin almoat every onneeivaMe raae. liinoiioafi in all roaladiea In which it haa oeen tried It baa proveil abaci utely euratire in each of th follow irif rornplalnta. ia: lability, .Vereowf A'Ctvmt, Fwtftrisih'rm. Pjrpepifwi, C rmftipttinn, OiarrhtraJiOjtnUrii, nciyimt Cimntmitvnt Brrr.uiOH Ttt)rculis, Salt A'Av-hm. Mismt-n$'rwttrm, Whit'. f'hlnrntiM, .rr dmplaintt. Chnmic lrndnch4t 1tnimatum. Intern iUmt VrVrg, I'impJts en (Ac Fart, dt. Putnp ta neat flat metal boiea eontainlna; Wpilla, prii-e bo centu per box ; for aale by drniriri't and deal ere. Will he aent free to any addre on reeetpt of th prka. AU ltU:ra,ordera.ete.,ahniild he addreMed to B. B, LOsJkii A Co , .Ieneral A (tent a, lyMl 20C1DAB fcTH. T. Sold in LrwUhurg by Raker t Co C V Bchaflc f B Caldwell FURNITURE WAREHOUSE, uJ od Market Square, Irfwisbnrg. m A good supply of Clialm, Table, Bureaus, Stands. Ac, on hand or made o order by 826 DAVID tilNTEK. T)T na!for Juft,ice8 and 13 JJ Aiji JVO ronslahlm.for aa!c f yiimed tt CTde.at ihe Chronicle 0ljce tmflrBTO SSSBsllSaWSnVaBnBaenase LIXDSEY'S ImpmveJ A STAMtAHf MEIUVISR for the Pnwdy.raaii'Nt and H-' timl fnrt of K.Ammvt mtiMt fruM lUfLKWV MM 1.M,! rpillS mdlrin ban wrought ibv Boat mlraculoitcar roftila, Canforooii formation CiilniiroUX dla'PS, nu thf Old. ctiit't-.TH 1 IfrM, TlhT Hf( ti..n. ItTHM--ta, Jaimilin M'rrurtil lii-atMAt Mr (tmplaiut, trvcil!H, lu.ila, forr V.y; Fr4ltl llt-aJ, lthxiitntlii- diaorjera. r'ti-"-tif.s, 811 l;ti-um. iirntral .(trhtlit, l- of Ai.clitf. f"lll ittrtmarli, Ir-mal t 'niii'Iainr- anrlM .11i-aJWe. UaVibg thf Irorift O la au UuuT atultf ot Uif rirM. Tlio aborti is) a r"11'-"1 'f I'a'i'l M'Oarf, of VsjiVn Ti,li,n th- il-t -Ihv ..iv'n.-i ! rrt-!r.art'..ln II rr..rr Jiitt Ucr!-y i'rar h- w- trr-stf-l I'-r .nr ii j I'tM'iH Ity il.Tr h "iriiin- of Ut-.l'or'i r-i-unty. and by lr. Si al..ii til il.f Ki i- in- foil":;-. Tui' ini.iti, t-.r a j.rri.il I "I m r!vii;h iii.-nHiM. m-tti Mii'iimr tn Ii A hp. unuv! n U(lMll hor.vn w h.ari..tth : -i.t. " ani ,o.iiir i t(. fP it Fr bt- I ;lto'tat. ary -ll-fl-'urr-.l th-rr H n. ,,, ..un i.ur h um.Miuai.u- mr.n.-in hia ii(n. i,. 1au pnri:r-uinr of ti.t-rt-niikMr rse may htwrn ; in 'tr-uir t-1 l.i f .'f u. A z-ntP ; krm.rit t n , rnr .,f riLAmtl.t uu.i,i, e-1 t of tt-. t.-r thr- y-r. To lh w f(( m,.,,.,, ((, r,rro,lftfF,. rm) Tin .. ra, lir. ha.iiy ttin-i.-.i wituram-rT r" m,; :,,r' " .,an ma . w- w-rw, it ! V"tlM' '",V1 r'" . i n arit."iiiir" r iitar e?r. riTnnniwnii"n n nifft by tli ii- of Hit 'tlnt S-a rr tur" m o be " ir. n';,r r.. r b.i -tmni h- ttr. n. nr ir ii. rnturir or. ritinnrz. ra. ! T i...,,.,, ,rlh n,an..larture.n.t le. near the j p. tm - i niinNd'le;oi. ii..iii.uburj. ia. jid by v. .'-hJm... i-'-w'-t.unt: MTrehtht a iiaovk. Hnffah x i A 1tm,.r. iHrit(nt n n rumi. M m.niiire; l s. summ, lmQld; thmJIe A UamN-iUr, tfehoroYr R. NEWELL'S rnoToc. r a ri i ; a llert, Xo. Til, trek St. Philadelphia, (in of th larire-t and mot ermptet ftHlterie in tbe United Mute, wh-re the best I'irtiire known to the I'd. bwrapbie art are tak'-n at price- n hihur than are paid fr mierale raritratiir". 'PIIK I'ropriettir. a rraeti.-at rb"t.rnpinT, a!nd. : iren:if. verr rittia .l nlb-wano bletiirw to leavt-th liallery niiie- it ififea pi-rfeet jtatlfa'-tifn. pntum ,VJ. nd Aml.n.tvAorabKentnrded ' friende. pli-l.r-plil to anv r-.pnrn t fie, .r tnk.-n n unr'. ni' -ts. sun pium in mi m in iwi uriiMi i At thin ilallery pb toren ean I taken in an weather p,.r,rt ,n rbm.fy daT a when the nnn .rtinea. ivraon viltinc tberltr ar respeetfull Incited toes- J m,", oor PiDieDa, wbkh br tr'-a -i'taiitydefy g ilDrrructioDS glfen tn the art of Pbotoeraj hy. K. Nf-wtt.l.. GaLLK&t OF Art, T JI An-h Strict, i'Liladirlpbin. COMMESDA TIOXX Tmn II n Lewis D. Cam ear ll, M. C, Ohio My faintly and rrieada all concur in the opinion that the (Newvll) I'M re la more 111 like than any thinx they er eaw.- My nkeweaa hae been repeatedly taken ht different ArU-ta In enrtoiaa waya, bat I fain never yet hd one wiib'h prexenia eo triet Mtnretajt tne laa turw anp xpreab-ua of oountenanee ae tbw. From Hon. K J"T Melius, late Minuter to Italy. The en. jiit'ite flni.h. teaiity and w.ftne of yntir por trait, eonjoined with their durability ofedorand faiih fit ine- liaue4e, ran not tail U eonnnend ih.-m to the atb ntioaantt ptronae of all who appreciate true arc from Cot. Ja ts Pint. rtaTlnr orabi. ftr a p.'tt;it. 1 i.rornred one from Mr. KoU-rt ewell, ot the city of riiiladelphia, a minia ture in t'il Cobira, umlrrtir nrm prtwxfitiarvrrfti t'v mm. take rat pieaeur in epreeinf tne Paii-Htr'nio Wn me. ntdonltf b tbe art uraey ol the lu-ne!t, but it-artiliehnihinall reapert, and reroniinend him to thpalroDBc ol tboee dlrlKieed to encourage the beautb fui art. BRICK! BRICK!! A 81 TEKKiR article or han.l-niale Brick fur salp. Enquire at Mar.20,-6I KREM KK. MCl.fRE & COH. LA UK IN' & CO., MAMMOTn PlIOTOCItAPIl Gam.ert, S.E. Corner Eighth and Arch Sis.- Philadelphia. Lttlranct n f:uhtu Srrrl.) FTER many years' experience in all the various branches of the An. the I'roprt- iv.rxrv ! nine vrm. ..r..,e ,,.ib at aan rent- aittl up ani. A iiii'5t exte-n-n" airtnient of fiilt Fram, emhmr Inx a Mlert and t Imi.-f THnrtr "f the intt at, lea. Jrl-r-f from tii rent ai;d ii'Wnria. F-.-iil atte-tit: n lt'-wl uroi l.lf. i4 I Photo rrnj'hsi tn Oil tran-f rn ! fii m fmall picturetandfron li . lTir.v fn.m $f to ja.Iii!Uu ti fin piTt-n iu the Art MTy William Jones, ATTORNEY at Law. rollct-tions IV promptly atten. led to. OlWo Market street, opro.ite the Treslivterian ehnieh. Mil LEU ISM liU.I'A. PHOTOGRAPHY, IS Al l. IIS MIATIIE. I"E;i:TED in Ihe besi style known in j ihe art, at C. G. Crane's Gallery, 532 .drift Street, East of Sixth, Philadelphia. LIFE SIZE IN 011. AXD PASTIL, BTEHEOBCOriC PORTRAITS, Ambrolypcs, Daguerreotypes, &c, For :ases,Mcial!ions,l'ins,Rinej,&c. Rfifiyl Chromatic Prlnlinic. KAVINU pnrchased the ripht to use Rn ar.n'n process for Priming wiih Dry Colors, for Union Co. Pa., we are prepared lo execute orders for CARDS, Show-Bllls, Sc. in F'd, (trrtn. Blue, Brwm. Silrtr, Inammd, m fMA Colors, in good style, r?'at the Office of the Star & Chronicle," Lewisbnrgt. Jri, 18M V0RDEN k COKNK1T8. Science still on the Advance ! CURGEON and Mechani- O cal I-nliNl, Office in the new boil.lins opposite Ihe Bank, (up stairs'! LEVMSBTKO. Pa. v V ' Ur.BCKLAN is nnarenstnictiiK the Non sectional Block work, baked on Platina base, which for cleanliness, beanty and strength has no equal also teeth mounted on the ar ious Bases in use and havinz had a lonr and extensive practice, and being perfectly familiar with every department of bis profes sion, he feels safe in warranting entire satis, faction in all his operations, which shall be carefully and skilfully performed. Please call and examine specimens. The superior qualities of ihe Non-sectional work will be evident io all who will give it an im partial examination. Dr. Burlan is the only person who constructs this excellent work in tnis section of country. ryCharces shall' cnrresponi with the times. l-cwisburg, Sept. J, 33j WML Dr. WM. B. HURD'S Mouthwash A 81 RI BEMEDY FOB A BAD UUKATII, SOKE MOUTH, CAN'KKn, Diseased Bleeiunii Gums, i And the beat speciBo now id one for uy disfa.'cd oooditiun of the mouth. It in particularly beneficial to person wearing ARllPH'lAL TEETH, completely deMwying itery taint of the mouth, absorbing and rtiuoviug all impu rities, insuring A SWEET BREATH to all who make use of it. j' j'ninj E'tihj or 'unij Grnteman who ii alllie tcJ ith a Hart Breath ehouM delay applying thin remedy, f"r it in a certain cure, and is approved and rec ommended by every physician underwbufre notice it bas been brought. a haii imi:.Tir is an offense for which there in no excuse while can be procured. Manj perrons carrj with them a bad breath, prcaily tf the annoyance ami often to Ihe dualist of lb owe with wbom they come in ontact. wi'bout being corjf-ciou. of tbe facr. To flicTe yourself from all fears reparding this, i Dr. Jin.. B. ffartrt Mouth Wah. Cleanlineaa of the month in of creat importance to tne general bealtn. which is often affected, and not uofrenacntlr eeri - omIj impaired, throah want of proper ... , . U1 ,u4'tl atteOilOQ tO thlg Sarjrct. ... INE Dr. WW. B. BIRD'S MO fH Wittl. P.An.J Ti ir i T . i tr- i re pared at I'r. llurda Dental Omce, NO. 77 Fourth St Rrnnlrlvn V D Price, 3t cl! peer bottle. A liberal digeouot made to Dea.ri. . A(hhft Principal Ojfirc. Tribune PuiliV t'i iti. iSprttcc ?t. w I'trk. Sold aluo by Catwcll, Mack h Co., Fifth A-cnue Hotel; J & I. CmldtnctoD, 715 U road way ; U. S. liarilCSj 202 liroadway; aodaby all Druggists. DR. WM. B. KURD'S TOOTH POWDER. Tbia Powder possesses Ibe CARHOMC WITHOI T THE LNJI RIOIS J'ROl'ERTIES OK CHARCOAL, and is free from all Aeida or Alkalis that can in tba least injure Ibe Teelb. Its actioa being entirely mechanical polisbtng witbout weiring tbe enamel. Dr. Wm. B. Hold's Tooth Tow dcr is recommended by til Eminent Dentists. Prepared at Dr. Hard's Dental Office, ! X0. 77 r oorth at. llrookljn, K V. Price, 25 el per box. A liberal discount made to Dealers. AilJrem Principal Office, Tribunr Build tVy, Xo. 1 Spruce St. A't w l'urk. Sold also by Caswell, Mack Si Co., Fifth Avenue Hotel; J. k I. Cod.lincton, 715 Hmadway; D. S. Barnes, 202 Droadway; and bj all Droggisla. Dr. WM. B. HURD'S TOOTH-ACHE DROriS, roR me erne or V T 52 X O 2 7, produced by exposed nerves. It is particularly adapted to all cases of children afflicted with Parents ean relieve themselves from tbat distressing weariness caused by and their children from great suffering, by keeping a bottle of Or. tVm. B. (QnriJ'a (Tootljacljc Drops in the boaso. Prepared at Dr. Hard's Pental Office, No. 77 Fourth St. Brooklyn, K.D. Prire, ealj 12 ct per bottle. A liberal discount made to Dealers. Aildreu Principal Office, Tribunr Iluiid imji, Xo. 1 Spruce St. Xcic V-l. Sold also by Caswell, Mack A Co., Fifth Avenue Hotel; J. & I. Cndiiington, 715 Broadway: D. S. Barnes. 202 Broadwav: and bj all Druggists. Dr. WM. B. lU'RD'S NEURALGIA TLASTERS TOR TBI cure cr NEURALGIA or Toothache prodneed bj eolds. Eocal Hturalfita is immediately eared by their application. They act like charm, and are perfectly harmless in their nature ; do not produce a blister, and leave do unpleasant results. Dr. Wm. B. Hnrd's Neuralgia Plasters never fail lo give satisfaction to all who test their virtue. Prepared at Dr. Hord'i Dental Office, No. 77 Fourth St. Brooklyn, E D. Price, only IS clu each. A liberal discount made lo Dealers. Addreu Principal Office, InTmne B3d igt, Xo. 1 fyrac St. Xew York. Sold also by Caswell, Mack t Co., Fifth Avenue Hotel ; J. & I. Coddington, 715 Broadway ; D. S. Barnes, S02 Broadwav; aud by all Druggists. gOy 7TD AYER'S IMy. Cathartic Pis, C'OJJI l'OATEltti 4f ARB ! Tu CZ.EAK81 TH1 BLOOD AJTD CTTlX THE II(X lavalMa, 'atilatr, Malkvr, a"Nyalaaais lbilnlhraia)t rd their KflWu. Am4 r Uaal Virt r"H TUB CIRB OP If eadar bra Sir k lleadnrkrf Foul tnuirh tTTMl M. Ka Mitt I, ls. J. f . Arm. Kr : I Im tn rilr-i rntm ,jf flit- wrt tihulvlM mtiw t"l cia tmt bt a w If ITiv WIU COi utir(a M liWt ; a, llu. fwt M wtt kifmllK. i - ii'ii, llilious iiorderw nnd I-iTt r Comulniatb v,mv,f.-i, r 7 5m : t har n-H Totir tny K-urtat ,,.,. pfn li- ier attM' i aaate thran. atnl ariaj, hmta aaaie tri-an. aoi . atia4 h(.t- M Vty th. v arr tlir tHt mttunir riiLil-. 1Y,T rf. Unite; ar-ti-4. 'H Ihf lirrr W aful tlftlH. rfit. ly mtf au a-trtiHu'tlr- f rucily Pi 'Wraui Mirnti. liWl. I har hp m ftmO'I a rai 'WrautoNMvbUul tbaA a ..t-iinut. tl it -ii I mit rMltl i. I v, tbrta. frattrually Journ. AUN7.i H1.L. M D V-tnatM IA Jf irts ff-Xaa, Dyprnferv Rfhn, und Mnrn, r t miii. t. II tart ti. Ltt t .. . Uu m.. S IU lR. A.m.: ..ur i'llln ai the rl-t., rf wt.s.n,4 T'n ir t iff rri' tm tlian I ran tw r.ri t'. i. .Um I it .it rrrmt fu-. itv twtTar. fi.ia r' n .) riirer ttv, w- tfit "d. float bar I ber ainl cur t" ihiUliew ).( i.;.- ,fi ...(if. ry. -' -nr nithKtra ba.1 it Iwl.auJ Kt wife nir- I l.im -th tw tee yeur lilla. wlui Ml,. I. ..!. t..l tt- j-Jti-l fr m n ! iwe-i.lv tcliats U :-. iii'l l.-t tiL'i. I. tut.e. wifbioil -iuT rarvd eatire. fTi tii n. ii- ti a ni-ftir!i a irnm, wlitcb w) atlaaltj g.-l aJU.I bulHt, Wlii be prifd hi rv. Hh). J. '.hirriS, PbthnmUw. I lutliceMion nnd Imptirit or th Bloo4U Fi '.r,, Ave. J. V. Him, itr Mnmt Chmwdk, Arilt: I hv ti-I t .nr P.: la with aitraurainary atircMsi iu my Umtlv and aiuonc lrxe I aaa raited to tiati In .h-ti-e. rei'iUtr tl- rtnt "f diyealioa and par, fy tbe Mind tiiet are the ery hrt riuly I kawa Bi".n, and 1 cau .nfi-kutly nxonuneud them to aa frHrti.ia. V J. V. I11UU. . Waimw. w. Totirn Co, rt. 24, T FrR : I am u-ing ynr Cathartic Pi I la m at ara tie.. iid And tli.-m an xiellot prtrntla bi Tlmnn tbtf jsleai and j mify tl fusinta'na -f ih Wnt. Jly Ii. MEAOIAW, M. D. f EryiprlR Srrofiiln. Kfnc FilTeUerw 1 umorv uti hII lCh-Hm. Trim a r-rtr'rrtK9 Vrrctm , X Um U I. 1 IflM. TR. ATMt: v,Jr pin. the anraion of all that ( rrcal in me-hi in. ThfT hr .nr.-. I n. Iittia dauAtae Ot uleer-iw eiea up-ti he h" S and t mt haw prvewf ttieiiruMe ftif Tetra. H-r in' tber bad been )'. rWvwww l afT.i'-ted with blotrbew and ptriea tm ber akin and ta, n-T hair. trt-T onr rbild waa cnrr.1. ahe alar tried woaa nil, and they hare cun-i brr. aa Moitt.kiwB. ' Khenmatiam, KearRlgim nnd r.ott "ri'J ' ; , Plusii lloiaa,riiaH.AJaa.n.lS. j Tlntr. Sib 1 wh-uHbeMntratefrillottberlef yo "kill baa bfr ncht Me If I did nl report Bay cwe t j A e..lt settled tn my llniba and brought on escmrtatin 1 -r'-e latin, whieh ended In rbrowic idieoaialiata. h.wubxtaodii.e i hd the bi ..r pb;MnaM.tndueaa i F"-" . nntll, by theadr..d yenreirb Tlseir efTfi'ta were ae.. but ure. Ity perawrwg it tat tse of tbem, 1 am nut entirely Well. ism CntMiiEa. Hts Hvcm. La., ft Ptc tU. Alia : I bare be-, entirely rtirI be -or MlU mj ItlieiiinaticOviit ftMtinful diew that bad afftii-ied at lf yo.ru. YIM fcVr bl.UtU. t or lh-npv, PTrthorfif or Itiaalrenl C f1?" cU,e i"" reaewe 'rlTciwmvrromlpmtimmm W IMiiwer I'lll. tbey are acille aad eflectnal. Fits, SuupresMoa. Pwrnlr.ia. Iwflami lion, MI..1 r. . llraffnyM, r ParlM.1 MIlNd. nr.., bv, lweacxi bj Uwaltonui.wiuaBal Ihn. Mf of ITi, P'tt. tfi Biartpt cnnhila MMenry. wkkll. V IhuBith ..htat-l. ymMty in .kilfnl la iln iinmj In . uMIr .ll. fim th' drJful rt4.M).Mi.rM. Ifawt fl. oM.Uy .ll"w ll. .nrantlMi. m. ThMt ccntam a. awe. curjr M mineral Mittmatt LalnT. , AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL OR THE RAPID CTRI OF i COl'GHS, COLDft, IIOARHEm. fHFLC BROKCIIITIB, WHOOPIVO COlGfl, CKOt'P, CIPIfc.T COAM MPTIOJI, and fhr the relief of roDeoByUTa pauesta hi adtaimj) etacea uf the djaeaaa. 'a need not apeak to the pevMIe of hm ililnea. Thronshont erry town, and aloinat ery hamlet if tan American Male, tin wneitri fnl mrea of palmoaary aw plamta hate hie!e it alteady ttMwn. Nay, lew are tha imnliee in any rtTiliard eountrv on thia rnithkent waa. out ai'tite perat'bal cxieretH-e M tta eflerta ; and njarar yrt the rommnniti any tenera whirh lva nut ia n them ajuie lirinit trophy .-f iu niter oer the anbtle and daa ayp iie fhaee r the threat and langa. While It I tha ar-iat pt.werlnl antid"te yet kuwwa tu aaaa Ibr the fonaf able a ixl danjen uadtei-aeaa "f tbe pnlBtonary srfana, it ft alert the pieacanleat and aafeat remedy that ran he eae yet lotanla and yewnir pereNho. rarenta atwahi invuitoia enemy inai ataam npi'ti th-m Kn.revare4l. have atitodaot grenada to relieve the f.Trn fYctrl aavea nea hraa h the aea nniptiona It preveau than three It earea. Keep it by Erm. aud t-nre ..ar cokl while ihey are carahla, nor aea t tliwm onfH n' heTnan U1 ran Paaeter the inexorable eankee that, faafenwt rm the eitaie. eau eoar Me awaw. All aaow the dreadful aa.le.ltte M nmw eHenedera. aad mm thy kr-e . il virtnea f tita remedy, we aeed aot am more than eean th-m rt la atltl aiade the het it earn be. e uare no roet. no rare, no toil to produce N la ' bi. -t iwrfn-l i-.-jM-i. and rlitia afford thoee wbo rely em k ibe tt aout efalcb oar akill can ftwajeh lot their tmra, rRFP.lRED BT DR. J. C. ITEK. ! Fraeticai aad AnalytieBl Chaaviat. IdrVwll, Kitm. AM SOLD BT I"? .il.I hy ; W tSchj.Hle and F S raldwrll fwihuri;; Fdwanl Smith. New Merlin: D w7eideaanlf tVntrrti:.-: MnuiM A Wici'fr I T, PellnBatroee; J l S at. Mitllinbtirc: Currey A Bra. New Col am dcaVre eeeryahera yy totreow ICTURES. hense can noi be saof to be well turnishfil without some well selected Pictures. This want ean now be supplied al rnoTZEK'S SUMMER FASHIONS 1S62. Thr IlVftl Work antl l.atrot SI If TAILORING. JOHN B. MILLER ih.mkiul for past favors- would stare that he has re cived ihe Sprini A Stlmme Fashions, and is prepared lo CI T, MAKE, and KKl'AIR SJrmenl.s as usual. He will endeavor, as heretofore, tn (eieeote his work saiisfacto l.rwisMir:, April, lJ HYHEN010QT! Vrl Bltll and rnter'ainng little Book, (all aboul Matrinionv, Monry, and oth er inciters.) for Ihe amntement of everybody, (ano rhe y. ting folks, also,) oa lone winter evei.mii, rainv days, etc Price, SO cents. holesaie, 1 5 Cents. Sent by mail for aevea, 3 cent stamps. For sale al the Xtnr St Cnron icic" oflice. WOKDE. COK-NELM'S, PablfahM. Iwtokarf, Pa. ar p I C - N I C . -w W'I1 jusBt into the Wan" ud all uk rlftt. LARGE, handsonir? nnd TerT romforta- fined op for the trsprcial accommodation ol nc-.ite ami oiner similar excursions. Terms moderate. Apply to JOS. M. HOUSEU Iewibarg. June 3, Horwman'i Friend, or Tf Pocket Companies. Ftiiy-Two Valuable Receipts fur the Farmer and Horse IVater for sale (12 cu) by V J ?TAHI., UoohbiDder. Leuborr t(ti?i7 (?o!i)tj JLitoirtqty CirVIi AT rDEPEXDK.XT FA WIT JOVKSAl tnr4 Frldari, al Lewhkartr.CalM foul;. TFF V ; fVO pr Vr, t m ar r 4Tsrir ma4 l ih- nmr ru t,.r a foar ot lvrtr pTtoa. Th"s rim pas t'T ft-or rnthp, rtafnr n sBoathv). 1 for ftatht Mntl.-Jitr. for alita R0tiU.3 kl. ! -rw. ?; for ((.nrmpn en yrr. Sit nr pira jrmT. An. awinle No.' ft ctaV PaTSS)efJti Mall iwfiinl in g-'lvt, oUire ttmtjm, or bank artra at thalt taint hrt. Mnal klDdaof lroJue rrrrr ta ff th tin aptrfor whk-b m paprr nlkaV (anl-oat m- ha a roaatBn sjuroawl) n TOrrri. AisTiir.T bandwailT aMtrWJ. at & 'U Y raarc at wrrk, Wit ct earb mfr lniartk. 3 for JI Bntri, t Jfl. fmr yar. Ilslf a aaaurr t. i dol, .". dol. Two m mrnal M. 4 in, 1 no. Mrrhaata, . o orrr our foartb of a rrlnsaa. lod"! ar tar ah, ate. m mmj bm MCrcfd aptrat. A iqaart tal amaUvnt tp, or 11 ol nxl larr-r. jMrtren,iii aVtnnralizinr. illtai.orawitMaliaa' raaa aM adaiil- Commomcationa 4iml n topm of r awraJ iatraa air! Mvnmpintnl b tho wrttr rrai babm aad mmdrrr- Tba MAilNKTIO TKLKtiRXPH loratd ia tbat of th .Star ef f J.rwa4,i.b whkh wroflva ta-artiaapMM Iffwn in advatio of Un I'hHad. Wt!. Coaartr-d aith thr 1B ar aaafona'-frrts! hinrla of JOB PR7ICT7XO. hirh wtl r"-n ratafM aiid rtoprab-h and ra rraMi.aM trw. aj.rfj-wstl mrtTrrnmrnim tf K rM fnr wnn ilv.- Jaa Lara