Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, July 25, 1862, Image 2

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. I nlon Carnaly CoaveaUoss.
The voters of t'nion county who support
t'e National Administration ia ill efforts lor
S'ippressing the Rebellion and carrying on the
G ivermnent ia ihe spirit of our Revolutionary
Fathers, are invited to meet at their usual
places of holding Eleetions,ihe last SiTraaav
(tHn) of July. from 3 o'clock until 7, J
M.aod after first choosing a Judge. Inspectors
and a C.erk or Clerks if desired, then to rote
ar ballot for
One candidate for Congress,
One candidate for Assembly,
Oue candidate for Prothonotarj
One candidate for Commissioner
Oiiecauditlate for District Attorney.
due candidate for County surveyor,
One candidate for Auditor, and
One person for Return Judge of the
district in which tho voter resides.
The ballots to be opened as soon as tbe
hour for Hosing has arrived, read aloud, cer
tified by the Judge and Clerks, and banded to
tbe Return Judge su chosen, with tbe list of
persons who voied.
The Kettrn Judges to meet in the Court
H n.e at Lewi.burg, at 10, A M. of MnwnaT.
.smli Juiy, then and there to return, add up.
and pu.lth the number at votes cast lor the
ran-lidie- fur ine dtiierenl otuces, ana tnose
hsvmg the highest number of rules lor each
office to be declared the nominees of Union
count? for such office. The Judges also to
provide for Ihe necessary Conferees, snd select
a Standing Committee. By order of the
Republican Union Committee.
David Uen'XIXi., Chairman.
John It. Follmer Thomaa Penny
Geo. E. Shcary
Joseph Sanders
T. G. Evans
John Noll
.Sam'l Marshall
Jesse Beaver
Robert Reed
Danie! Shaffer
Fred'k Bolcndcr
John Kcstder
Fred'k Smith
R.V. Glover, Sec.
No one having offered for this station, a
friend propose J. P. Haqenbuch, (of
L'ciuiitown, Brady Tp.) who was L'n
ion eonnty man in the contest with Lyeom-
ias, is a Union Democrat io tbe War
against Secession, and hat a gallant ion in
the Union army under Capi. Tate as tbe
Union nominee for Auditor of Union
county, to be voted for by all Union men
We second the motion, and have printed and
cent ont Tickets for him.
The two T'nion Democratic papers of Nor
thumberland county have proposed, as a suit
atle candidate for Congress, to the friends of
tbe Lnton and the national Administration,
ia the Dauphin. Juniata, Snyder, Korthumber
landand I'nion District.lhenameof UEOKUE
Y. Mil. I. Lit, Esq., a naure of that couniy.
Tbe Whigs and Republicans of the District
will recognize in bim an old. unswerving
supporter of their principles, t'nion county
presents him as a man of unsullied character,
superior business habits, sound judgmenumd
a liberal, public spirited citizen a self.made
xnan. whose elevation to Congress would be
a credit 10 tbem and aa incentive to tbe youth
of our land to seek distinction ia the paths of
industry and honor. HIMO.X SNYDER.
tIt is customary and proper, when oar
l.ezis'iaiors have served faithfully, to honor
tbem, and secure ezperieneed men in our
Capitals, by a re-election. Judge BEAVER,
as lar as we have heard, has been a credit
to tbe District while at Harrisbunr, both as a
man and as a Member of the Assembly of
1'causylvania. In good character and worth
no man stands fairer. We therelore rceonv
mend Jesse Beaver for re-election, nezt Fall.
Fellow Citizens I offer myself as a can
didate for the office of Proth. nolary of Union
ejtinty at the next General Election subject
to the decision of the July Union nomination.
Having been urged by numerous friends, I
h pe to receive a liberal support. If 1 ass
nominated and elected. I will perform tht
duties of the office with the best of my ability.
I.ewibarg, May 23. !62
Fellow Citizens Through Ibe argent soli
ciu'i.'D of my friends. I oner myself as a can
didate for tbe office of Frothonotary, at the
nit General Election, (subject to Ibe deci
sion of tbe Union jriioary Election. ) rihould
I be so fortunate as to be nominated and elec-u-d,
I pledge myself to perform the duiies of
the office laithfully. JAMES W. SA.NDd
Mitflinburg. May 18, 1862
Messrs Editors Allow me to recommend
in your columns the name of A. W. SMITH,
K-q . f While Deer Tp. as a candidate tor
ibe Office of Commissioner of I'nion couniy,
this fall, subject to the derision of the Nomi
raTn.g Convention. The liqutre possesses
every neediul qnaltfication lo make a good
and efficient officer; and long years of fidelity
b ub as a ciuzea and party-man claim for
lit.n a hearty support of every true Republi
can voter of this county.
Editor Chronicle Permit me through the
e lums, f your valuable paper to recommend
ROBERT REED, of Hartley township, as a
suitable person lor County Commissioner to
1 e elected at the nezt general election. This
may seem premature: but, in these tronblous
times, when the country needs men who are
b.mest as well as loyal, it is incumbent upon
everv citizen to select men for office, from the
f.west io the highest, wbo will by a righteous
integrity endeavor to prevent tbe couniy from
haviug to pay out one farthing for unrighteous
purposes. "The office should seek the man."
Ii ibert Reed is a middle aged man, of sound
Republican proc.ivuirs, economical business
habit, excellent discrimination, and where
ran we find a man more suitable to fill the of
fice of Couniy Commissioner!
LauralUM. Ms; 30, 1SS2. BSKTLET.
Fellow-Citizens Harin; been encouraged
by the offers of numbers of voters ia various
parts of ihe county, I am a candidate for ths
urtice of Commissioner subject lo your
r'uiice at the July primary Elections. If vou
think Kelly township is entitled lo the office
at this time, and caa entrust ae wita it. I will
te thankful for your votes and if aommated
and elected, it is my duty and pride to act
for the best interests of the whole cnuntv.
Messrs. Editors Permit ase to sanest the
tarn, of ALFKF.D HAYES. Esq.
A lorney lor I'aioa county at the approachina
r.!ect.on. It is only Botessary I. remmd ih.
voters that his industry, integrity and ability
render him ia every respect well qualified w
perform the dutiea of that office. UNIO.N.
Fellow Citizens I offer myself as a eandi-
... r omce ot Ueputy Surveyor for the
cuntv of Lnion at the artt General Election
subject to the primary La ion elretina.July.
Turn Out and Vote !
J OFFER the greatest variety of
) Of the Finest Styles, and at the very
Lowest Kates.
of Beautiful Patterns, very cheap.
I waranted not to explode, ana comparative-
' tj iree Irom emeu, at oolj
I offer also, at greatly reduced prices,
en elegant assortment of
gair anil pressings!
WOOD'S and
Nioclj Perfumed, cbcsp !
Trusses ! Trusses ! !
Ths largest assortment, suitable for Men,
Women and Children, at the verj lowest
The Great Earned; for Coughs.
For Beautifying tbe Complexion.
Of almost to; siio tod quantity.
Notions ! Notions ! !
patent JflAifinw!
Ajer's Sarsaparills,
Hull's Sarsaparills,
liclmbold'i Sarsaparills,
Townseod's Sarsaparills,
Peruvian Syrup,
German Bitters,
Cberrj Pccforal,
Jajne's Expectorant,
Constitution Water,
Cod Liver Oil,
Swaim's Panacea,
Esenwein's Tar, Wood Naptba and Pecto
ral j bine J ar, t tld Cherry and
11 oar bound.
Pills! Fills! Pills!
Sir James Clark's,
The HOWARD and HOPE Express
EXPRESSES Daily to and from any
orttoaortb. Dallas StaUaorCsadaa. OSeaat
Caldwell's Drug Stare, Lewisborg.
Dental and Surgical Instruments.
Csrefally eompoanded.
Caldwell's Magnetic Salve
sW REMEMBER tbe beat place to boy
Goods at tbe Cheapest Prises, it ot
Ltwirtwg, Ntrek 28, 1862. 3sj
mm Mi DDI 0513,
Sheet Music, Music Bonks, Music Merchan
dise,and all kindsof Musical Inxtru
Dients, at the lowest possible prices.
TUB lloraee Waters' Modern Im
f3nG3w' '"""d Otfiwrumt
ITS TiliHox raiME nos
ar. jo-lly prnnoimcej by ibe Preaaaml Miiair 'L.t-r,
m u. a,ip.rfirin5Triiai-nia. 1 levari, but I -.1 It.. I.t
and ai at Utirnuabl h-aaaned material., and l tnmi
. dim tie.
Tbe ton la Terr d,-en, r"On.. full aa,i
la.lli.w ; ill. touch ela.tie. Karh I'lmt) warranted tor
tl.r,.. year., fnee. frnm ITJ to $M STin.l.hauJ
rtauoa at great bargain. riree Ir.'in (2 lo fluO.
Horace Water' Melodron,
Rom w.nwj rsM, Tune-d tbe J"qnl Tt-mp, rmon nt, with
Ib l'atut iJl fiiittl eei. febtl ho SU-.
No. l.4 AitKrc, mp.11 itgu Ji-"tn r to r,
so a. 4jj M rtoF,
No. 3. it " y t K,
No. 4. & PitnoPty. K t F.
rj " t.. K,
Nft. 6. 5 two utopa an l two Uof n t jfr.
No. 7.-4 Bod
so. Z::lkM.':. ui.ii: or300
kyn. ittinl titu.4. four auJ sz ftt.., $Ji),
-a ttitu i m.
Thfr Mi-ir.i,-in rfiiiain In tmi t toug tiaii. Each
5li'.OtieOD rrub'tl lur three ytMX.
The Alanfro Orpran
i rri iatrtKDfDt. rorr fpninJinj: ia jjuwer and com-
to tbtj r.titnrv lii t-ti 1 yitju.
In r.-jwocd CM-, 6 Ftf-ps, -
9 .a v,
U 4 J;; U
Urtnpt,(th prTCUMn, Si"
3 nloiist, witU 1-rcaiiMt.ti, n4 M TprVMiftn, 37 .s
A liber) di -count m OlfrjjrTmfii. rhuri hr". PaT '-iitli
6rliooli, Lajdji-j. r-miurip- u4 Tfarinrn. ibt Irdi
cui plied OK Uiu oi'it IiIhtnI t- rm.
iiOKALi: WATERS, Aernt,
4HI ltrn,lwiy, New Y.irk.
A New Sinin? Book fiir day schools,
called lht V'Ay School Bell, is now i-pai.v. Ii
T-otibain athftut J:9rhtr'!iHuii, Kruntl.rat'-hfj lutt,
I rion. Juartftti iiti-1 i'U-tutu., Mjtiy tf tht-m r(tt-ti
tjipr-v ly for tlnn work, b-ei.inf. 3- ,;? .f Ihf Kit
it MtiPir Tim Klt-Tuetit- r mtu- aal in'i
tht orjinary tvnrhvrn mil tiud ih-'ui-flvt-n fntir-1 v ur.
rv-flul iu !tictru'tiiti rvm youUit tn.Uri to nine -i.r.
tvrtly unit avitnli(i'Tii . wtulf ttif tun- un-l wrl- .-n.
farH" wucli a nvt ul titvly. altrati'- aut ros.l-.tir-
nti(C mu'rr and Ki'titininiitK. wmt ni) iri'Uttti- vnl !w ;-
rii'ii'fd in ttniurnitf mi t LlinDrrsi it. wo on itii t--iti m
Kcqutrtuzckiil In on i ol th'-iin.-t IiohUIi itinj.l-ftuty i'lt
province. baii lOK-'-jitf Juj Miid "ttJ. r iTinitini r -x h-i-
ft-n of who'll lit--. In Pini)rhtity of iln rlr-m-iii , in vmHIv
inti atUfUstion of Din -if. nil J io eirTtlrii-f and nuniU-r
ij it "in.-, oriiiiuhl. n. l-ctf l nu-1 1r.fI. it rlnunt l.y
muili fixcl t( omiitttT". It ol U- foutid t .
lu Jt-hooIn. A lf B.-UUIII-pJiji- of th r.frnif nt. Tun-',
add Mn.' utv i;iTniti m . (r.-nlnr; wml hij.I ft on.. It
1" it'tnpiiH hv IMKACK W ttthot ol Sat.'.ath
cli.rf,) Helia. 1 mud i. wiii ti Ijt.- hvl th ci.or
niout "ttlj uf 7oi."00 cofiltn l'rir- imiH-r fnti-r.
o-iitii, fl5 aT lou; lwunl, M crot. $l f--r lint; i-lnin.
houn.l. rmbo!, tTilt, 4? n-tiL. '" I"r ImI. rf ia
furuubedat tlif t' O rri'-e. ljtilf1 frfl Ihvrf-tail price
4sl Broii.lwnv. NVw York.
For Salt b) L;rriXOTT d C O , I . uij .iia.
The Horace Waters Pianos & MeloJonns
md UiatNDI.K OKI-1V4. imt T Otltwrt Cn fvl
b rated Jvltnn I'tnuitx, rt tbi fiuni iDr-trtinj'-iitts I t
pttrlorii mnl cburi-hct tinw in uw. A Ur rfincnt
rn if n.-fii Mt th- nfv wtrr-in. ,u. jsl ltr.nil4V.
bftir-"D tsraittl and Itrtn.ux tm-tf), which UI bv i. Ll
at t'xrrenifly low jTices. I'ian. mn-i M. ! ilt-on. in ib
ftuodry makD, tirw and nJ hit mi. drvind han 1
riaiio-. aul Mi lcivsii.fiii ij-.-a: l.r-suu": prir-u tr(iu i5
to ilirt hft Munie. Mu-ir Houkst, aud .11 fc.ujzi ot
Muk MercUAOJuM-, at war (-rices,
OpiMr.nt -f thr Frs$.
Tht ITornrc M att-m I'ianoa r k nnwn aa amnnf th
Tr)v .fft- We arcs uablJ t'.Ki--k f tht--. iH-irumciitit
with sW'me'dTivni r.t.h irnrr.fn-mirw'n! knwl"li: ,
i tn. ir vxcellviit tuDia aurauc yualiiy." lurk
Sabbath School Bell Wo. 2.
M.noOMFralMU'il. It ian titltv n-w work of nrj
20' pK--. Many of lite tuum uil li vuiiia wer wrtlt.-n
errM(y 0r tht Tolnme. It will mm.o W wi.iriuir ai
iu ptvdfniwir ( Itt'll Nu. 1.) w hich haa run ui to the
rnnrtmtit-4 ouiuhr of Wit.iNat rcpie, ..utntri ilnp anv
f'UudajT ttrbuol tttoik ot ita ! iUt-d B U'l rxtutttry.
Alan, b"th votunsv ar b"Uod in ou to aminmodaT
FrkouU wihkjnsi then that form. Irtrci of Hli No.
'2. lair rttft. l.ifftit. t,2 wr ll'l. Coun.l. n tif.
$1H -T 1W). Cl'-lh hound, f uibtti41, aril t. SUi retire. f :2
E-r I'm. tU-ll ,n L paps-r mrm 12 tvnla. fill r-r
ouml, 30 rsBta, $18 prr Ion. Cloth bui.l. f ml(1vHt
fClt. 'iA cent. $- Mr IU. Bfll Nm 1 aoJ 2 taun..l m
fthw. 40 ecaita. $-tU pr 1t. r.isi fiiTni-1irt t the
li"0 prtc. (.'loth (sound. vralsOMt-d, RUt. i't tx,nt.)iUicr
It. MIJ pfltar fr'- at ttif vvtn.t pri--.
May VfijlSaif-ti "1 Uroadwajr, w Vork.
T)KKfl DKXT LinrolnV lir-nd March, with l.i"
Munin by llrlmriuiullcr. IcAJcrot ill- li
tlVfUt Itnod. ynrv w r. ntn. Uor )ie?nsTl' Qui.-W St
wiin TiBr-irv or .(. oi otir UmiTnJ; nmsir hy sinrull.
Oalnfj, Uura K,tum Waitx, ."5 nt . rh. Cornet Mit-
tiscn,sia c-Xit; ail by Bhcr. Mwi Box uUp. l.y
llrTOir, 2b o-otn. I'd too Haiti. L lirtinti. J.i c-tttm.
Volnaifjer I'olka.firttdtisx-k. ruU. ff.irit l'(Ika. i!-n-ersvl
Pratt's. I'4rvwill (.r.na March, i rent. arh. Park
hortt -"tar f't.iinBirl lisnnr, brilliant variation, l.y
1'rnf Cull, 40 vent: All of wtiicb mt) pruuounced bj
g if.d ju io bt? fine j.rfNltjf ttona.
JViV VOf'AI. JffV I w,llltrnt"tri: A rntiT
for your tbouiffaU; Little Jnoy 1w: and Why hi
my toveal onnn roi. by ffb'-ti t'. Fttvr. Minll we
know each ottir II.fT. hy the Hi-w. R. Lnwry. t'lfannnt
wortb fnr all. by J. Jt brti. I'bfre i a twauttfiil worlJ,
by I. M. tI'Iiu-4. Thw eoriK wtll 1- ry XfuUr.
f'rtf '2k Jwjutjt each : mtiled free. lrn1l we know exrh
Mhs-r tisere, i puMUbM in cheap f'.rto for rh.-irn fil
Sun lav nrhtx.l : &flcr S Culf varh. 25 rrntal ltT duieu.
f ier lliu; potmiP t eent. I'utilt!htl hy
HUKAtL wAl EKS, Asent,
May 2. T2w4
41 Urottiwjiir, Xrw V..rk.
Item ooh! 11cm 0300115!!
a( C II A. HIAXi'S Model More,
WHITE ItElli JlltlS. TS-Hrt 1 01 TT. TEW A.
HERE mav be found the best assorted
stock of U00D3 in the neighborhood;
Fancy and Staple Dry Gools.ver) cheap,
ic, lower than ever !
Sew Calicoes at I2J cts. per yard; brown and
bleached Muslins irom 10 cems upwards;
best Pins and Needles, 5 renls per rarer:
tet pnnl C-.ttnn. white at.'l e-,lori d. ft ot. per .m)I;
Urev. Lmeu aaJ rae Trilnmlnira at .err li.w ri.m;
Uutt'.o.. Ilrll. an4 Ky-., S.irt l:ri.l,,i'.iti!a. Itru.h,-s.
Crorbel Mell-a, an4 Small Hare. gn r:illv. at unuit'
ally low li'urea. The ttfrit anil Cliep.-rt a.e.rUi.i-iit of
I II,.. I rutin. Il lbf. In ,1... ,....L I.
ll.t,.lbMr.-hi. I. (r,.n 11' tn ST I n,. e.. ft' ....t
do.dw. with rui..r,. horder. a sr-i rate arti.i. t.n'.v u' ; ;
eenu. t'hil'jrri:'. Vt.l:nn llantlltort-bif f-, with colur..
r..r.l.r. Ten-pretty, ittiiv 4 ,-t. , ach. I.adi.' I.itt-n CV.I
lar. and CufT... yrv n-at. at ys. ::l .n.l ii rt. .-tt
Late,t atTi. Sillt r,.rd H,-ad Net.. 2. rla.a.eh. tin. !
f'"p" "ZL;."'.'"""- r- T,'r-r'';""l'-. . r"' ,'"
yery pr.tly on.- at 211 ceota and a variety ot olL.r ar
ticlea, botb a.t'ut and uruaatntal.at eq.iatty In. pri...
A choice stock of IIIUH KK1KS. HAKU
WARB, Boois and Shoes, t'r,.ckerv. China
and Ulass Ware. Tin and H.dlow Ware, and
Housekeeping; articles tenerally, kept con
stantly on hand and for sale at ihe lowest
The Hes, Market Pnceraid foral. kinds
01 1 roauce.
Give me a call before pnrr having elsewhere.
While Deer Milla, ar,h 11. IS '.i
Arch street, above Third, Phllad'a.
THIS Hotel is central, convenient to Pas
senger Cars to all parts of the my, and
io every particular adapted to the comfort and
wants of the bnsiness public.
l"irTerm 1..M) per day. Sept. IS.'Bl
Tbe undersigned have as
sociated themselves into copart
nership for the purpose of carry
ine on the Lumbering., Planing,
and Carpentering business in all Iheirvanous
branches, at the
Ccroisbnrg Stram planing illills,
where tbry intend to keep a slock of Pine
Hemlock, Walnut, Cherry, Poplar, Ash, Ma
ple, and all kinds of Lumber, r loormr Shel
ving, Siding, Shingles, Lath, Joists, Studding,
Fencing, Pickets, Door and Window Frames,
Doors, Shutters, Blinds, Sash, Mouldings,
Brackets, Ac. Planing, Slitting, Scroll haw
ing, Ac, dune at short notice and all work
warranted to give satisfaction, botb in (rice
and workmanship.
favltVsff riaataf Hills, SprU 1, Itea.
I'irMt ot Ibe Sranou !
rfirr onnivi rtrtATw
pniii iwinn j vn v l'
NEW coons
xi;v cooks
prinp; ami Summer, 1SC.2
For jfinr ami Sniiiiiier, I SG2
For Spring and Summer, l-t'-For
Sprinjr aud isuuiiuur, 1602
Cam. a.i She.
Oai.i. ami See.
Cam. and She.
Cam. and See.
: i
i Inn II f!iii.dmln ITlrl-ol Ct Tm-l.liiiM
1 J no. TIJiouJman, Murket St., I.eu i!mrs
Jno.H.(;oi)iJman,M;irket SI., I.i'vi!mr
Ulack and ' hi:e Pl.ie Piaster,
ierru!? and ' ' Ii -b.
Mackerel Who'e, j.J.A Kills,
IS' 1. '2 ait-l t,
ih' e-c ails. A-c.
A full assortment at ilie dl I sl"Af.
Call and see J.i) II tiOOHMAN'
N.H. Ca-li paid f.r all l:m.ls rl (iiain
nRnT V,'nrk on thr IIOKSE.
VJ 'I ho r?(rw nnd him I!'ac.
Cv i:oi!r:i:r jiinm.v.s. v .., i-r. f-.r .t !-ti..,i..L-r
ant itj .-i-t:ii' jfui-ry in lUu ct.riujr l.IltB-- i.f
Tin- ti"'i f. nl:i!i. -'l i (i prvpri:itfly (Hu-'nt -J
hy n.nrly h'(t Knrt viti : It t- prtitt--i In rar. npeu
t? iUr pi ifi-, litoH ijouikI fl.or io K.ili t-nia ;!.-..
11 Tt.LLis i '''"Ii.. trii:in. hi-Mry nut .li-ttiiriia; u-:t
tl th- nrit i- t.te- U . t Kur. -ati. A.-i itic,
A iFiMn sti l Artj. r rui Iior-' H. uli ( 1 ! t
ii-1 lurtii itH'it an J t-iiiirm-s of Kr- it fit
Diitl. mi I li'tw to n-(f i Uihi lit-. l.y
Dtirjit- r Mini .tn,l:ti..in,f hi tvv t h ilhi-fra-trit-
J wiilj uuiu'tuu. -xj,;au;ttiry Litru-
IT TE: LS V'ji vt hrpt-dinp. hr-akin -.utal.Jtn. f.
.rfHintirt'. rat.fv-inx. mi ! t h- ii.-rsl ni.i:m-Cir-rit
t Ui- l.nr-f. Ih.- t-t iu.I.h l
a-lniit.l-ttTimr m li int tilno h- w i t-.-.tt
tiling, kit-ktiist. ranti. fhvinj, -tuinh.it. u.
rr.t. i.i'in.'. rr-il, s.-ui-. tn.l i.i(-r n.f i..
lip-h In- i- fut jt-rt uh nuutt rou in
flatory tiiiirit,Gi-i.
IT E.YFLA1.S lii hiiijit'M!, mh h nv.t tratni,t of
nirm.l. f -r. irirn.-.t. iii li'iii.r. rr.-iirr.,
luIiti.-n. bronrlitnu. id tim.-ma. pl.-nn-v.
tir-k-n win. I, -lii.ni- vnith, ro.irn' an 1
wi t.-itinz. laiiirni. rti.rf' ricntti Kt.il u! . i-,
ariij ti(..-..y.J i..ftli, witbotlitT tiinef.-ot
Tl). I1I..U". n.l P.-.T.i-t... V ..v- .rm I
irXAMlA its thiTriui-. tii,st"TiM au.i ttttntm.
wornt-, f.nu, i-t.'.tir, r:r,ttiiilt;r
tnirt-litrii-. rui'turf. t-.ili . d in rL
uii'. ii. ii.,urrti.i . I'Kn-iv nr tt-. .i..if4 in
tin- ki'tin-y in I hUtMsT, iltrtiii:Ui. u ait.l
ct li.-r iliM--,.. t.f Hi.- mtuiM-ii, uw. I.-, liTtr,
urinary orfsr.-.
IT TSEATS ''r'tl.t--;iti-.-. .ytnpt"rnaii.I tr:.trnt'nt t.f
l.rin, i.lti'i.1 hii 1 -pi iti, nii-Tin'iif. kwrt-Bi-.
atrair. ti r- k n r.n-4, win.l nail-, futm
ilff. -if hrm nn-i irrr. l..-r.icn-.i hm f.
i. Tt.tri-. t'Hi.krr, tf.ru-h attd rrn: a.i--.
nf nif ,Mm. yarrir. t.tivp.r. utairnTp, an l
r ( r , o'li.T.Ii-s-i, -. t fih-f. rt. I-Crt al,. l.t.i.
IT TALKc ulto.U (Ii- r-Hii. -vm;.imi, Rti.trcitnionT
'f litui.t. poll . Ll .ndt-rn, far.-. -.Mrlt t
t-T-r. tiiMii., -iirlt ii, I -k.t jnw.rli.-i.ina-tlMll.
rr.ftup. nn;P. tli-u'Hs, flf it,.. r an.j
h rt. if . A r . a tut liW to miliii;i- r-.iitl rii-ti'-o,
hhMMline. trrphimn. row. lint:, tiring.
hri.i:i an. i ut4ttuu,ti)(.iUi;, audutlj.fr cur-sjit-nl
IT GIVES lot' kri' mothr1 .f tatnlnc hr-r-f
liW tn appTnavh. halNr or ta'.lf a m!'
tifiw U a .-Uattoni a h.tris. to trii?- nouti-N
an4 Ijlit. an) h-.w t I It. n.1Hf, riilf.
1'n-i.k him to ititrii-sm. al-n tlit- l.irm an.l tnw
ff warrantv tin- wl.nV iM-tnr tV result -f
mors- tlian hrtt-n yviir rarrl-tl rinlv .. the
li il ir. pfriiliaritir. want' anl weik
of tbia nul.ie and uvful atiluial.
For !-a!e ai ihe Chronicle oiTice. Lewisliars
fflHK subcribfTs have for ?a!p ri "m-
1 (in tois in suilimrcbarK)Aii"A
a liircp siork f '.wSafei
P!K o.i.V-.pBnel Zmf.SUX2'
Plank. Ar. Al.t PI.M: KAfl.S.
2r. inch Satveii Shmities superior quality.
Also f juare Timber fr lfinldinss :
Which are o.lertNi low fcrcash, aioor Mills
on s,.uth Uranrh uf thr While Iepr rf.-k in
Hartley township or delivrre.I on ihe Bruvh
Vallf V Narrows n ad at ihe end uf i.ur ISoad.
15"A Dinltiiiia lor a mi peri or sample pi
Planks, and a Premium for Rails and IShin-
l?WCre awarded Us at ihe Ial I flion To. A?.
poreit IJ til P 0. I dion o, Pa i
CJPDIlrnirn'n I'm iiioltluir Sloro,
Market Xt-.jnst nbire the Lank,
LEWlSliLRi;, PA.
i tie sntiscrioer has removed mlo the new
fittid and cominodioiis Storeroom i f 'I'liomits
Reher.w here he has just received a large and
well selected stock of
Cloths, Casimrrps, Silks. Shirts. Irawer!s.ic.
I also CUT AND MAKE TO OKliEK in th
best style an I most reasonable icrm. Ktn'S
a practical Tailor, an l employing thr bt
workmen. 1 can contl-ientlv invite bf'h Old
and Ac it- Customer Jo u: lrjet ihe 'S"
The Kct! Door!
m.it ism J ii un u.n
Central Foundry and Machine Simp
Mlfir. Walls MirlnrrAln.
Vantilaclurers id lliilliirk s Iron
aiaasa. tntt.p. a.nl Reaper, llarlin::'
ttdless l:hain Horse Power
JnV..'RVE Will-oil's T'leiraph K. .Ider ful
ler, iiii -he." Iron rii.ws.Viiherow' e:l..Sllal
penin!r Plow, and Virhisan Pmible Plow.
Also, Stoves and CuMings of every descrip
-V! kin !s of Aartcuhural Implements kcpl
on hand for sale. t
Johhina wi.rk in Wrought and Cast Iron i
and IIras done lo ord
;ountrv produce taken in eiehanire.
Cur. ..f SiJih M.rk. t M... Lrnl.bure. Tx.
1h3 Dimes Saving Institution of te
wlshnrr T S ready to receive anr amount on Peposiie 1
1 from Ten Cents and upwards. Four per ,
-S a.a ...nnm nt.ro. II I. ..II ... .11 I
. i.,n ..ji.,,.,. ...... ,.i.. t.
in James Geddes' brick blnrk. Market St
II. P. SHEI.I.EB, Treasurer
Lewishnrg, Oct. 10, IfcfiO
The bet assortment of stoves ever uttered to
ihe citizens of I.ewishur?. among which is ihe
celebrated "Continental," Ihe handsomest and
bet Cooktns Stove now before the public.
THE subscriber con-
X linnes to carry on thr
I.lvcry HUKlncasj at
ihe Old Stand on South1
Third street, near Market, and respectful!)
solicits the patronage of his friends and the
public generally. CHARLES F. HESS.
Lewisbqrg, May 12, Irt.'iO
ICE for the coming Season,
on South Water St.. twisbnre.
We are making extensive preparations to
supply wilh PURE ICE all our former
customers and as many new ones as may favot
os with their patronage.
lITIce will be delivered thronghont ths
entire Snmmer, so as to arcnmmodaie all, at '
as low prices as can be afforded by any others i
i-.i.uri; F.b. n, isa 4
News Agency.
) l A nil.NEKl , and VAKII-.l'Y Store, he is
llierefl nrenarerl lo re.-ei.e ,.hrri.....
ftr the ft'lluwiti
rhila)fliiia lu.uirtT, I'rai, liner, iatunlaj Evg
r.-st, IulUr N.-w.-.ar--r, Th I'MiltjrlrriaD, Cbrkuajl
A.l.iv.t. i Joiim.l Tlid tl-.nili.t A...i-..l.
mH.t, n v..rk urrid,Tritooa,rim.;orij,iianTa
i-.lly. friili lll. S. T. Inter. Mrrury. Warrior
V.ir;irjti.. ili.tnr Journal, Yalikiw Noliona, Nirk acka.
IIUrkwoHl, IMrrii,-, llHrp,-r't Va-jaiinM, reteraotTa,
Uo,laf'a Lmdy't Bonk, Attantk Moothly
and anyoihrrs desirrd. Pervins wishins any
ft ihe att.pve bail better fall on to have
a.lvatnae tf Club Units. I 'Orders from a
diaiauce prttnipllv atten led lo.
ii. w. i:ii(irzi:it, Ntwi Aout.
I.ewtsbur:, Pa., Dec. 13. I"l
AurlloH find (ommlssloo Uoid.c In UwUburp.
23QiSg& Le-al Auciiuneer!
t . ... ....urro ippinira.
nrj .iut.iMiiierrnr i.cwisoi.rs, is prpparetl lo
aticn.t to all calls in hi line io town and
Commission Sales.
In April urn, I ii.tr.irl lo open on Markr
5lrf-l a R imi for ih rrrrntion. and Ihr sale
j a:iaipl nm-s ofall kin.K of tioo.ls at Aoc-
lorn. Aov one ci.-.liii lr.dipoeof any arti
j i ' ran depositit -nh me and I will sell n at
j ih- Mm advantage I can and charge a per
i rentage f.,r the same
Gootl iVcws.Xcw Good
.YA'ir t;ottnst
.v;tr t.tiitvt
h' II' 0
.Vi IK Uv'His?
f 'K F.tr.r. axd mvTrnt
M i. .i v, uisrutt
foil I ML AXI) tn.XTKBI
run IAL1. AXl nixrnu
IM.I. .t v ,yt;i
CM. I. A.p .VA ,
I ALL A.l St fit
KiiKVFit. MTt.rnr. r0
A Hi: ..-, .Vi-LI KK at tit
, , KL-3llt, JTlU-i-e co
wiRTi.tr. xv. 77, J.rtl.
.0TICE Gentlemrn !
tHliA.ys , f I.ewi-bnte and vicinily are
' respectfully inlortiied that the sul.scriber
iirts imusui t,Ui me interest ol K. I,. Htiass in
Ihe bliviness ol Sharing nnd Hmr Cutting,
, . nttnue. tl.. ..m- at (he ..U b J tatf-mml .., .
Atntiton- l.l.it. t. t..n t'.IVnn.-.aiiil J. Ilouchton'w
wti.-!. I. -tri-l tt-t.ti..it to l.u.ini. h. hnj. Ki..
aiili.lacii.m to all .on m.f fa.nr bim vttb lbll patroil-a-
at a.l tiun... .M.-.tt .-unilaii.
To .11 h tarr. b.r. till :h. tr Kant. .rrr. Inn, .
To '.-t a i. v..i,,,t .Iimvi., a. .n lMrh-r av.r ra.i
Jnat -all on l.i, t is at e.l.n. I.u-v morn.p,.oriilOB,
Ii.wria i l.,io. rwHira abarp atiil ariarur. k.n.
A T" " 'i A w. rnu.i.. rrcf. a .h.
Trovisioti Store,
oa JIarkt'l street, letwoen 3d and 4th,
Cam, axd Patiskv Yoceselves.
Ot'K STOCK is larzr and wrll srlretH
f nibracuis rvrrvihinz usually krpi id a
lir-t-r'a.. (H!.)i;EliV STlJRU -including aa
assortment of
s r.n.wi ana 1 1.1.(1 tV-W Alt F..
Til. U. tVAX.-l AI.IIKRT S. U)0PE
l...wi'.uiff. Marrti la. ls..
Amr liar Melon, Vninn Co., Pa.
. THE suliscrilirr, thankful !
lor past paironaje, would inform
his Ineuds and ihe puhlic in eene
ral. ihat he continue, in n...Hr.
lure all kind, f eolf-n f.uud. such as
on s, ..asmeres. i weeus.Maliineits. Jeans
i liankels anil l-'ini....). . -i. . .
Sifn - Yams. His maeh .; f!' .
hot kind in use, and harin? employed ihe
best of workmen, he feel. .,.
,h ,l Ui. ... ... .u. ., . ' e
aiivesiahlt.hmenl.n thero.intrv. A eoodsun-
plyol the above -ood, kern constant!, on hsnd :
fi r sale ,.r. I. i , ,'pl".c"n,anll3,""''',
..... . i; "V II I Illll tif
thai rn not fail m pi, ase. M'DOf. will be
I arded in the best m:innerand on Ihe shortest
nonce. Terms for rar.'tn?. rst on ihe de
livery of ihe rolls. MARK HALFPENNY.
Winfield Mills, March :iil, lo7.
Lewlsburg, Pa.
Wimi.E.aAI.E PeaLFR IX
Drntrs, Medieinrs, I'hetnirils, Dve Stuff.,
Oil-, Paints, jrni-lics. W in. low lilass,
Perlditierv. Pure Wines and I,:o,tiors
expreslv fr Medicinal l es,
r'ancv Notion tf.iotls.and all
the regular Pateui .Medicines of
lhed.iv. I if Parlirti'aratlentinn paid
lo pintins up Prescrinions. Kamilv Mn.
irines. Ac. Also Pine Oil and Fund for sale
I.t is Isbur?. a.
r. u. iiETZEL. p.n-a.
rpHHtinJersisnedrettirnshtssincereihanks 1
I I.. r the palri.tiaire extended towards him !
by ihe citizena ol l.ninn and the adjuininq
ci tiimes, he w.mld raosi respectfitl'y solicit a
continuatii.n of the same. Herealter, persons
who reside in Tntnn county ill be charged
hut I WTSTf-r its cents for either Breakfast.
H"t'I ""M"' "J T'ftpi '
hTl "hl ... ,Il.,,,L."ETZEL'
Kt-.'.iv I'lHUII I IS1U
AT I.aW,
.EWIsBI lit!. PENN'A.
Also t'imni..lftner nr Dees, for tb. Futeaef ILL!
1 NOIS Mtt-l t'Al.ll.lltMA a.itl,..rul to adiaiDi.t.r
j O-ith.. and take Depo-ltKin. ami AHtdayit. te he ommJ In I
Milter ,,rtli. alr. f.t,,. .,., .at to lake the aeknnw-
'. I.,1l-.i... n( or .ro,,f ninny Iwd or other io.trum.nt toba
i n-ri,rJ'l iu itl.er nf said Slate Stay 7, lsbi
I iioti.oi'ATiiic; Pinsirit-s',
OFFICE in his new Brick Block, Market
si reel, south side, between 4th and Sib
(up stairs.) I.ewtsburg. May. I8B0 73
C'A IIPKTS large and choice vari-
etv, irom ol cis. upwards, for sale by
April 10. 'til BROWN & BRO.
Ssf j-lVana feet Lath at the tollowin? nnrea
I'alincrK headed in a new slyle, from S8
to $10 per M
Lalb 3 and 4 feet long, f I to l.6tj prM.
Sllineries at $5 to $7 per thousand.
Palings and Lath made to order, any length
parties niav desire
Lewi.borr f t-an Sawmni. Bee. M, l.so
C UPER10R COAI. Oil. 1.4. MPS for tale
O st J. Baker A(V s Drug Store-alsn the
1'ortlaaMl t.. oil.
Admlnistrator'i Notice.
TaTftTIl'l? in horathl rriion th.it I ((..
vUii.Ju1..,h,il,iU.l whci.i
on Ibe bsiate of
JEREMIAH ST A Hi., late of East Bufialoe
T i:H.nn I '.. .1..-M L,-. I . .
-- "-'" ""llr '
by the llegtstrr of I ni. ii
County. in due form of law; therefore all per-
sons knowing tbeinelves indebted to said
estate are requested lo make immediate pav -
ment, and those having just claims again'sl
Ihe same are also requested to present tbem
properly auinenliratni ior settlement.
DAMKI. NU1.1,, Admin'r
Kelly, April 16, lHS
HAVE removed their Chair anil Ca
hinrt Ware-room to the larzer
and more commodious roomt, late tbe resid
ence of Wm. Frtrk, on Ibe
t ornrn.r Tktra an tisrkrt M. LewKSnr;,
where thev have on hand ihe I.ARliKST and
BKrtT A-j.SDIi rVK.NT of Work ever offered
lolhe public in tlii vicintly.roniprisinv Dre.s
tt.tr.an, wi f.nr. W.sti.tan.la i.f Hi. I.i..t
.f... llatrs.zit I'h.ir.. ';io..r.lt cliafm. K.jrkiBa-Chair.'
.t K..-kit.T'.w. l tiarti.. J.-nri. I.ti.a .,..1
aL'r B..l.ta-l. ..t,ry .. ar,;. . f ,r, T.hl... alo
a ..-n.rul M-.rlii.DI f rit.M W'.V W'th'h ala... ,.n
ban l Uurroftot ant! otfci-. Lli.ir. tt a..l.aal. or K.-tail. i
We also attend lo the I'MIEUTA Kli(i
riiin-.. (n all It. h-..H... K.-ln r-nvid-.l itt.
l:KAKF-na r'lvk'a I'jtt-lll VlrUlllr Kit, 1. 1 J .....' I
aim I Itrt-IM ..f ..ur own niHnut.i
w. .r. r.aT :,l any titn.. a jtliin an h..ur nnlU-, v
wait iiixtn anv an.1 all who niav fH,(,r a.- with a (all.
ilavin; none bin ihe het workmen, wer?
If A UK AN r ail lurntt'ir. Dlanuf.rtiir.il b, ua,atiil KC.
Jt-tjr eomiM-tition .ith-r in prc or tjl.. I
Miniiturlnri nn X lti Slrrrl,
where Cabinet and HooeTurnins.Mrroll and
Uip .-awinu .1. n. on chort uotii- an.l riNi.nMtilp frma.
A tjood asortmeni of I.r.MnER always on
haiol fur NVavl Votls, Jt.inni.Ur. aut Hand Hailing.
nrRtraiaiso of all kinds done as usual.
N il. Anv work not on hand will be made
a. ,i.,n aa p-itil..
Thankful for pat favors, we still ejpeel a
enntinuitne. of tb. nam".
at Mowry's Sky-Lih; Gallery,
MARKKT street, I.ewisbnr. Havinj
josi received a larce assortment of
plain and fancy Cases. I am prepared lo lake
Pictures at reduce,! prices, for ihe Holidays.
All wishins any kind of Pictures can save
money by ettins them soon.
M. B Pictures taken in cloudy weather
ffatrhntakrr, Jrssrlrr & r.llilrr
opitcairuriiMei. Market in.uaiakaic.ra.
.IHVIO? openen , fehp ln p.
.o..mn s iii.ihing Sinrt. ,
preparr.l t all kinds of work
in his line, lldvina- wurknl m
lare ciiirs all his nmp.hr is
rrJ,,lc rrpnir asairne.
('locks or Jewrlrv.au) lo do Lnrarin, I'la
tins. (tililinff or (i.ilvamzin in ihe beM sivtr
of the an. AH work warranted m , mure
s.iisfaciii.n, ami d..ne at ihe very lowest rah
I prices. Also Arci.nleons and Mil, dr..ns
rrpaired in ihe oesi manner,
fall in before you to el.ewhere. see for
yourself and save your money Oct. 5, li.",i
Einnoxs, ILI.LSKiX,
Also erervihinr comprised in a full assort
ment of Millinery GuosIh.
New York and Pliilad. Bonnet Frames.
tVWHOI.ESAI E and kfcl All.. uuu
try Orders prompllr snd ciren.ttv r lle-rf.
SIMDIM stTER.V. Aram,.
SmDIll fSrlffa v..r(u 4., w. .
1 u 1 no.Aii
tr ri ti in . !
l.enishura;. Pa.
(Ulllisf nt ps.it. Ih. KntTalo Itoiu.. ..it the Court II...
Colleetioos and professional busjnes:
rr'""p"v '"gn'lfd '"
Oet. 16. Ihf.l
Hoots and Shoes.
The snbsenher has mai reeei.j ;
at his Miore (next rfor to ihe Post
turn el a full sunnlr nt nAi. a.-
SIlOPN of every style and anei sntlahle to
the season. The stock has been selecied wilh
particular care, and will be alforded at
i'Eiet KHiu rn pi:ii ts run iiKtur i tH.
!! frien.l and rnsiomers and the publlr
e"""11" arr '" t'ed lo call and eiamme his
stork and ji. lee foi ihem.elves fM W
as hereto
fore will be attended tu uuh promptness and
at rcast.nat.ie raies.
job norcHTov. int.
I.ew.t.nrg, tVt IS, 1ffl.
A few of
uIiCC 1 1 1 VCS
lor sale verv cheap by
JDS. B. R11SS.
Lewisbure, Jlv 1
Pr'&Vn. .:.
-- s --T V oil 01 iu
Dealer la
Ic'qh) pn? ciiK'r Jili(,'ps poj .'lli,;p J.qri;j,
. T I 1 1 W . .
f ant allUlery,iIarncss iiatavare,c.
rPlIE Pjbscrilicr, liavinp; carried on
-I tiw f..r -yeral year., and aainad a renotatlna
Trslrn. Nitii srainsvt ranntailnn ;
fr bin fctrtB swfmMl Ilarn).i( tut any tftM.flhmnt in 1
tri rvct-.n ni trio l. nion mnlr .rtcuirnrl sws-iii
, haviiis; awsiniril IHHttl i'iYA MUMS fi,r artirlrsi of hi'
vorkmnofhtrs would vxrw. hi, cratitn.lr for rrr i f
: tb trswlins; public kin ad v rr rift. aod tuk 11k ir conU '
Butl patrimftxv at bin SLW M'AD.
Tb tVatsWr naxl hr m of th M17 btt, tannr! tn '
1 thsld r;.nI will t-c f..r ynr. I rainlu' tt twt
I H or k sifw-utrr-w my i httftn nnI an found In '
tr rip t ail nuitaMe hour-. M UikmI. an 1 Work art
1 warranlits.an-t if uot an rrprewnLVd mj K rt-turntt or :
I rirbana'-'J. t all and rim. and if 1 Un unit (tit too
1 Ui worth of juur mo Dry 1 will But inui ask fur jour
J ptronMat). ;
! REPAIRING promptly attended to. :
a.pneAP .rrAsit or rkadv i it i i a;H. '
of inuntry prinlnre.
Iwwbur. April 1. lS.lt. 0 p. JfllVFLT.
TPHE Books and Aceounis of
1 t lr. T. . niRIST
have been placed in my hands for collection
of which all interested will please take
Lewisbnrg, Nov. 23, lsr.l
A New and Deautiful Edition of
The miNtakeii of Educated Men.
BV JOHN S. HART. LL.D.-In 12mo
mnslin, price SO cenis; paper covers,
35 cents. Copies of this book will be sent by
mail on receipt of the price in post stamps
please address j. r. ,,r hKKm
MS South Fonrih Bi. Philadelphia
jnst received a laree assnrtmcnl of the
newest and best Mfslc tumnti.;..
Sacred and Areolar Books, Instructors for
different Inslromrnts, Ball Room laencs, Ac-,
together wilh a choice selection of Sheet Mu
sic, among which the patriotic sort is well
represented. All nf which is for sale, cheap.
Os- OLD POST OFFICE, Lewisburg. 929
By C. J. ST AH U
BIXDERY on 3d stret. a few doors
'una ei alaikas, ISWOBCMU, ik
Mil liD'JjJiafl
Ju.n opened, oppwite tie Riiera
Llou.-e, in the Room lately
occurtienl by A. Singer,
A FULL and eompletr? assortmnt ar
I N G,sch as Overcals.Dress Coals. U."
ne-s Coals, snd Coals of everv siti. .. "
tern ; and Pamaloor.s and Vests t ,oil
a lare variety of Inder Clotht.e .Jt
Drawers. Shirt.. Ac. AIo,a fine asa, "
of Boya'Cloihtnaof the
.s VA ad C1'.V iUal , any otfered ,a
couniry. In facl.Ihaveevervih,., e.
i n ibe shape of Cloihtn-. which I offer
very small advance for ea-h u
PHILIP UOtiptiasr ...
I-F-AII kind. of Country Prucei.k
errhan-e for Goods. (Lewi.bor!!. Oct.
Seal Pres) .Uanufartarera,
30, Smih Third sjt.f mioMfk;
X B. Mo.-cial attention liven la. Vf....
i and olher Society seals. m?S3
Varielj' and iVews Depot.
rf'HC sobsrnher keens ronstamlyfor sa't
1 at the Post OKPH E (helow the Hivietr
Hnue) a Weil. selected Mock of
Family Groceries. Confectionary and
IVuifc. Fancy No- fi
tiotis, rcrfmnpry & CZb&?i
Soaps, Willi l'appr JrSiftC?
ami Oil Sliailis, Traveiinp Bags
J!ank, School ami llvmn Eooks.dcc.
I'aprm and .lasazln on Sanrf
or lo order, from II. st..n. Sew York or Phila
' dclphta such as the Tnbuse.Times, Herald
! Ledger. Weekly. Clipper. Pol.ce Gazette. .Mer'
I curv.Wavertv. Literary Companion. Harper a
j ar.d Leslie's Mnstrated IVeeklys. Godey's and
! Harper's Magazines, Yankee Aouons as
! .tc acs, Ac. &c.
tn iik hhhh
win rnrir fob aw.
TACOU G. BHOWN, havinjassis-l
ird in feedinir ihn hnBr- r A
! ist.nre and vtcinitv. f..r n.,-i. ,kr.iT!fl
' f"' wni ln' D",t uf
j Beef, Pork, Veal, fcc,
woolo reI1rn h, .r,fa, ,hanlr.,0 ni,
, rons cuslomers for ih'ir i.airona.e
bounce thai he intends lo ronlinae Ihe buti
ne.s s herelolore ,n the V-al Market H. isi
between schafile'a and Baker & Cos Dtsi
stores. Market Nqnare.
!.....,),,.,,,,, SalorrlaTS
AMI is ihe system. Public patronage rt
.-j.e. i.'.niv ..irtnrd. anl sa.i.faetion insnrrd.
March I... fll. I STERNER, Af'u
(Laic White Snan)
Race Sirref, above 34-fhilaJf.pWa.
liriLLMAS 0 iVr.lAff. rfOlSEToKX
Term?, pr-r d.nv.
To Ih- M n, itirr. ,.f tt,, Wr;i ffM,
-if.irr In tl.t wt- ttac inr.vten. imatl
I Aaant, tx wit fi.rnih'-tl ths- MHWr, attt tht rMfV
f fiM eMl:rit n. iilinii.tr.- f IU:? ratroner.
, trf.jr. lrlrf. in-l tiitr r rT-nttally iwitw t
j tb- h.-sittaJt' ..f ibv -!itM,nal' 1 rein sa.l u.
jti'i" f-.r ttirniskr.sifst i-t it atlasllacs bwJ aiwrtta.
fttir lnln ti i rt-ntrKl. nH n.-Dfrolrst loi UrrcblDW
' ami luln bi.- vner.Uy.
j wfll ! etjd-N.r tn the Want and flefjf
, f'.rrsi . f atr rH-te. iod with lbiaNiiBWT( xr ('
I A irri. cur alT-tl.ls jid ! stt-slie t lrrk. Wat mmlX
reirW to Brrf ft giXK, Hotel, jish! IVsss rrMfj
I'hilad, pb s. I.fit
)JUR tf.Ttj.lt.
James F. Linn. J. Derrill Lina.
. I T F. & J. M. LLNX,
! Uor Deis at Law.
4 t'nion Coonty, Penn'a.
, J. MrRHILL ronWi,-.KtK p,T the ?tat of Io
with awT to lake- P'peit)tBa.asrktirwldftw P
.1. M. fLiniVFRY
Fashionable Boot and Shoe Maker,
South Fifth St., Jsichburij,
KEEPS constantly on hand, and mansfae
lures 10 order, all descriptions of
Beio;; an eiperieucrd shoemaker, and aai
ions to merit a share of the public patronage,
he will warrant all work which may pass
through his hands.
Particular attention will be given to Ladies
His Prices are as low as those of any othet
dealer in ihe vicinity. He solicits a fair trial,
confident that he ran satisfy every person.
Lewisburg, Aug. 31, IdliO.y
sasi l n. fmwie. SLrasa aavia
Attorneys at Law.
OFFICE en South Second near Market St
April 161 l.vribnrt;, ra.
55 Watch Repalrlng-,a.
f"!'ifr'-v I am Bow ready la repaii
ha bum w au-hes scch as Chronomeirra.
Duplex and l.ever Eapemenls ia the very
best manner, loaether wnb every other kind of
work in our line of business. All work wax
ranted to give satisfaction.
fVI have also the Asenry for the sale ol
the celebrated Coal Oil Lamp legethef
with Oil Shades. W tcks. Ac Ac
Lewtsbg.Mar'60 A E DiNORMA.NDIE
American Life Insurance & Trust Co.,
(Capital Stock fttlO.OOO)
10trANY BuildingsWalnut street,S E
coiner oi rourtn rnimoerpnim.
(7Ltivrs insured at the asoal Mama! rates
or ai J.iini Stock rates about 20 per cent, less
i or at Total Abstinence rates the lowest in ths
world. A. WH1L1.11.N, President
J.Mis C. Siaia, See.
V47 EO. F. MILLER, Agrnl, l.ewisbnrg
KtuuTio or rsEi.nr.
l.t Oaas 45 ea.Ut par 1110 ponds.
s,t 4n i s. a.
4th Ho 7T do do
Sr-il TI do de
H heal, Ky. a.4 Corn, 13 cat par boahaL
Pliilad. Depot wilh
cVffrf, Ward 4 Freerf, HI I Market 8U
Thankful for the liberal patronage gives ss
we hope by strict aiteatioa to business to
merit a continuance of the same.
For ftmhrr information spplv to
iy75 C R M'UINLY.ilifeitf. Lewisbarg
A $35 Iron City CiJege Scholarship
7 OR sale at the Star Chrenult vmf,
1 o ics per