Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, July 22, 1862, Image 2

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Spje.h of Gen. Eousseau.
At a oaniuei giveu 10 oonar or me
brave Gen. Koseeau, it Louisville. Kt..
on the 17'b alt., the following toast stag
drai.k aoiil i o! vociferous cLecrio.' :
"Our 'itest nntf friend, C m :nif R)ut
f in. W bea treason raised ita hideous
head, he was amon; the foremost to meet
it. lie raUui bit eouatrjniea to repel
it fr m the mil of our i-ttite, ar.d oa the
field of rbiloh hit Ta'.or has made him
fill ruoredisiiuaithed. Kentu' ky view. I
wit h pride the conduct of bcr 1140, tad we 1
cherish bid fame a cue of the j we!s ;
of 1 lie Siate. As a citizen of L?uivillc, '
e can cut firgct a memorable ni'ut in j
beptetsber, wbeo our homes and fire-i lo.i 1
were thrcateoed, and bis ft'icit? hai pnv
TiJed eerried front to defend n aiiu-t
an invtsi jo which manj insisted was uuly
in iiuijiiuatioD."
To this toast, James Guthrie, Sccretarj
of the Treasury under 1'roa. l'ieree, made
rep';, io which he referred to Geo.
Iijn.-scau io these words :
"Upon the election of Mr. Lincoln,
ttlieo South Carolina thrcannrd, some
citizens of Louisville met to rjisc a warn
ing voice against basty and inconsiderate
action, and asking forbearance and a just
trial of the Dew Administration before
condemning it. In that meeting a com
mit tee on resolutions was appointed, a nia
j iritj of whom were favorable to Seces
sion and joining the South. At that
juncture, Gen. llocseau was found a nun
of decisive action, aud, by adding to the
number of the committee, we wei enabled
Dot only to overpower the Secession ele
ment, but to carry cut resolutions favor
able to the Union. From that day,
llosseau never faltered in bis devotion :
be was everywhere feeling the sentiment I
of the city, and strengthening its li.yaity ;
was present at every Aig-raisin?, and en-
couraged those patriotic demonstrations, to
rally the L oion men and cheer ti.cui en
until the stars and stripes waved from I
every square of the city. Wben counsel i
failed to reunite the North and South, i
Gen. llousscau saw the danger of the
bloody issue of arms, and was the first to
raise men to defend the cily and State."
Gen. Uousscau's speech, after the re
marks of Mr. Guthrie, in whieh be
alludes to the army of Geo. Ilalleck, is all
the more suggestive, io view of bis expe
ricuco among the brave men composing it.
lie said :
"That army, in its intercourse with the j
Soce.-sioniets, is pleading for ei-.e under ;
the old Government, ottering our ;
Southern brtthern all thy over bad, ;
and ciaimii.i nathin? exc. nt in -,-,m. !
U10D with them, liut the negro is in the
way, in spite of all that can be done
or aaid. Standing before the )es of the
Secessionist, the negro bides all the bless
ings of ur Government, throwing? a black
sbad w on the sun Hseif. it h i ! Lrm
ti 'y rnhir tt'ii-t of J'r'ip-r'i that itjn l in
&'.e 4rat, (Vie army, pruwkul us it It it mz-m,
lroJ wil'tHj'y Atitr s quiik ilrstrur.
Urn. let, wit&all Hi eon.-ervati?m anil
nairio'ioia, the arm; has crown wear; of
litis lu'tca rrj of 'Abolitionism' as a cause '
I breakinv op the Government. I have I
warneii nir 'U'.hcrn friends of the din- , , , , . , ...
e r -A eoDtinnu-g it nmeh longer ; and I j 1 Le IK.M appfOVeJ AsHCllllUral Inijilc-
fei. )ou, to Lvht, that, if this mr cm-1 nit'als nnw in the Market !
iiunes a Jei fr"in ibis day, tinrr ici.'l n A j V IM I'tiTI I!F P.V
tZttu'ci ilLif-tbe j SLIFFR, WALLS. SHRINES & CO,.
dead will burj its dead and those who j I.CW Ittburaj, I'a.
are causing all the bloodshed and del. Jju,i... u
t.nn arouLd us. under the false pretence I Ofl.(lj( VV Q&tT,
that we da.ire to free their negroes, will, ' Prrec,r,,e.i MIrCess of the Ruek
if thev persist one dty, fml taiery 1 fve- ls ln, strnn?tr proof of in superior
tut, tit yu kjuM tuvjf out a caiulir. It ' eicllenry. The lil.'CKEYE has cause I a
ia r.nt worth our Liberty. It i. not worth ! o.rpite'Kevo!oiMn in the Manofactnre 01
ail the precious blood now being poured i
out for freedom. It is not worth the j
Mississippi river. No; W3 must sliil have ;
our iiovernmeut if n-t an ii note is, icilh
slavery in it, tlill ice mutt Itaie our Gov-
tntmrHt. lie c nA he 'ites to J'f. '
J) n i- Cu. He mutt atxi ci!l be frtc. j
Vi e must have the free navigation tt the
MUsiasif pi river ; and if slaver; geta in !
the way of any of tWse rights, why siav-
try must get out of the way. That would
bo the last resort, and I should be S"rrt
to have recourse to it; but I am for the
Government of our fathers, agiinst all
things and everybody. While the liber- 1
tica of the ueorle are secure under it. as
thAV ever have been. I wnuld allow nrilh-
ing but death to prevent my upholding it. j
Loih as jou may be to decide, you will I
sdod, as I believe, be called npon to do so. )
7fi ir(7e of yur entreaties, tfie insue trill rV
crur.Hu thrust two voir, and mu vill Ir.
M t,,,?eriJe LlKtrn Jnue.i nn.l ,.r !
icitics of children. I will not consent to :
become a slave, that negroes may be kept
slaves. Southern man as I am, I would
to-day fiht fjr any of its rights, Slavrry
included, liut, sirs, I will net sacrifice
the happiness of my wife, children, and
friends, the welfare of my beloved State,
and the glory of my country, on an altar
dedicated to the 'Ebony Idol.' When I
aee placed on one aide a Government
formed by the noblest men tho world has
produced, tbc legacy of Washington to the
human race a glorious country, filled
with bappy and enlightened people, and
admired or feared on every spot that is
trodden by the foot of civilized man ; and,
on the other, a country rent into itisignifi-,
cant iragmcnis, eogagca in cnntmuai
wars with each other, each on its knees
beggiog assistance from some foreign
U I . "e I
uiou.ieu . ...pmeui, au uu-
J.-ct of contempt to him who uses it for i
his own purpose, then I shall not bo long '
in coming to a decision, tltonyh tyo
tlaeeiy wivy he on. one tide, and nut on the ,
other." I
A Fair Haul During the battle of
F.ir O.ks Capt. M'Farlaud. of the l(1'd ,
l'ennsvlvauia KeEiment. was taken criso- !
Bcr by several ltcbels. They lost their
wy, and he geuerously offered to idiot I
then. He led them carefully to the rear
ol the fcieral pukets, and to the surprise i
of the Confederates, the hail, Who goes i
mere. w answrrtd, - fapt. 3F Far laud
of Iba 102d I'enn'a, ar pri
Senator Chandler, in a recent speech,
gives M'CIc'.lao 110,000 or 150,000 men.
lt is aimitted that be now has more rein
f .rccmeats tLan be lust in the late eon
test, ilia lossct are now pat at about
Ia the InJiao euntrr Akanssa and '
l z ,t. ihr I :-, .. . Af'1""; , "
At i ,c,, tbe L u.oii arms h.ve beea cf late
ir.amj,Laij ia tcveral small actiofca.
: t y
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1J I: lllvt., 17. 1"
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1 1 I
Onion County Official Record.
t.'iv 'u .'y JH V, Sm 'XT' f. MitiHul.urg di
do Joiif U'alt-4, Leni&burg il
r rHFtrrrrE A:.!u.HT do ill
v.v.s V-iry.-AMCW. ll"'. Sit, do do
' .,'.. .;rer s H null, do do
:. (' ; j.'.wi n-jj.h. 0. JIwcuei, do do
s't .l ii A. rtirrz, do do
Onnmi'-i wi Imttt II .v lt. nuT!n-T Roarli o
Ks i.nrri k M 'i tiN! ! t ::l!!ti,iiur d.
tL. J.-f. M WM.-.tK. WitHit-'rt -to
O'Htfitjft r-rf '. ANPW Kt.vxtJja.irwi-l'Urn- 'in
.1 . f ' J i' It .it. do alia
11'! Vii-r V."H!fc Ct'R(FI If!!. 'lO dO
A'-ri Jitpritrr T.i ..0! Tr:.n,R, liftaialiurg do
.''I. .', ..- t; Mi , 1 1 Ki.; m. T'-n-ct l.iil tin
''i-r hL:"i:v 5r..i t. n i!,nr J'
,l'4 r ft. i :it. IlarlVti.ii di
;n mi a t. h. d
Ji lt(K7Kii.K Jut.j:p- I. .l:Itliiiorf An
& 'uhA ixirki,:md nt V. llLii;LXB,NvnroD do
ro.-t-Onioos in Union county.
r in nn lv i .'Vpi A J F" vm!i. P A!
I m n't ti. I" r.nl T; i VI-tiA
.llitl4.ii WL.Mj. ll.1 M Kit f
J K r-rr.-v "
v.. K-::vT. -
i -
- tir.. I
V it r tin l!i(ii"
lrj M
IlcLrn 1" IIm
M-rk H:;lt I.Uf
J H Kr. i-l-ri. -It
K-l ! Mui: i
r rinvrti;)
-i, l ll-.rV.vT)
lTili.lay? l:ints clo'c on
NVw Yiar's Daj 4th Ju' TLaiikigitiilj ClrL.Tv.v
K,u!ar Union eoutitv Courts cprn
Ttord . t.i.in ivi.rnurT-Mv-.,.ii.i.r-D.in!.-i
R!?r'f EVJ? Ml RffiKT
WSa- It b hti lllUlI I
For the Harvest of 1862!
KK.iriyi! AM) MOWl.Xri Maclnui-s. ail
its reputation is so well established ihat it is
sear.'ely nrccssr.r). to particiiiarizj il afan
ih'.s. 'e eiil, it wever, call llie aiieiiiiun
ol the firmers t" a f-'W nf us merits.
Pawls aiiJ r.r-cs, by whieh tiie lmehine
mav be ihrnwn r-ui ol tt'ar, or be backed
wi'imul vibraiius llie knives the S;erl ;u'.ter
Hir the Wrunsht Iron (inarj, wiih H .r b ne j
rs-e-'l Face or Cutting t.'e :h? D.tuble
Ilir.C'l J.iint. by which the Cntirr P.ar may
be Kel.Uil the lonz Crank than ihe S'eel
pr.n aii'l Wheel, by whi. h tiie ('niter U.ir
tt. iv be raised and lowered so as to et.t as
b.x in llie pruun l as may be de-irej ih?
M.cel Piiman and Ura s II. x its Lisht Draft
i n'1 Ii" iliafi) nu weicht on ihe hnr.se'
nei,s I ni k
is easily as a cart all cf
combination of advantages
tehieh fnrm
uhlch no t,h" m;,ch'"e pnssesses.
Gearing Ofl tllC Driving Wheels.
A team of horse weihim Sioo llw. each.
will cct an acre oi uras an hour with ease.
Tne inaclnne is furnished iih two Cutter
liars one liirenmn;
and Ihe other tor
ciminzerain (each expressly adapted to the
use intended).
No etlori will be wanting to maintain'the
Bnckeve in thecnviable position il nowoccu
pies, that tf beiD the
Be:t nichlno in the World !
The subset ibers return their sincere
thanks lo their friends for the generous sup
port they have received in introducing ihe
celebrated Uce.keye Meaner and Mower into
Ceniral and Northern Pennsylvania, and are
much innrMeJ to them for iheir warm treel
tn?s an I kind olnres in recommending it to
lhir trends attd neih'iors-.
For Cernliea'es, etc., see Cirrnlars, which
m?.-: be had of any of their Asents.
Th.'v also manufacture Mrj er's Pat
ent l'lslon (.tali. laiill. whieh is
afkn .led2ed to be the BEST SKKU SOW-
lk ; t.sF., and the only one which
Also. the Kej Ntnne ( Int er llullrr,
"- ..ra oioiouv..... wmioui iu .i.t n..
in,,lrlnj ;e seP(l. Will clean more in the
same lime than any oilier machine in ose.
T1CV manufaciore and keep on hand
for tale Uarling i Tread l'mvrr ond Thmlitr s
Trltzraph Fuddir Cutler (tin tica) , Cooking
'Hoi, amon which the celebrated Con-
tineuial ;" 1'itrljr and Otfire Utovtn, and alt
k!nJ. oj f't anr XrmM him and ltrau
Work. Sl.IKl R.W Al.l-S SUKI.M'.R & Co.
Central luuudry, Lewi.burg, I'a.
M.is-l; St. IS.
O lIt TO tL, COtL.
fpllE subscriber keeps constantly on hand
I a larse assi
m 'U'a nd W ,:k
ortment of the very best Sh i
ava-uaiic v'.iut iui iiiucbuu
stove purposes, which he will sell at Ihe very
lowest prices Ir4.ah.
Also. Hhcksmitlu' Coal, Plaster and Salt.
Wish it distinctly understood, that I will not
I an.lerfte.lri by ai.y man Having good
wei-h-scales, full weieht will be eiven.
Coal Yard near W eidrnsaul'i hotel.
LewMinrr, May 47,'5.
frtsfM removed lo Soulh M nrrel.four
t ... ,tuBl 10e r,,,., .r w.
PALM l".K , ROSS &. I O.,
rrnr,mm (laTt I. rl.l a r.
Planing Mill,
UtaMkttp constant
antlr on nana and
u.auu.ji lure 10 urriT I KMirillK. llillit.,
Ior.SnIi. Miiil( r. f I lisl.
AloilHInn tit all patterns,
anil a!l .niicr J.'scnc'K'Bs of Wood W ork usru
in Hoililinl.
I'r lers respectfully si ltcte, I an i promptly
fiile.!. All work warraiiipiito 2iveaiisfaction
t7".n cxteiivivr l"t t-f S.unsber 'f al1
cYsrriptinr.a on hand for sale.
t'art'iry ml Hn-ih iecvadtrcct.Lcu:ilurg,r a
April i2, lS.'ii).
W. TAfIl.2t;
.t.i.i:;i:R if.r,
.tt!ritc)4 it! Law,
Low Hlmrsr. Union C. I'a.
OTu-.e in .niih Scroll ! Si. I iroi-1 ! t.ecuj'ie.1
by Jiines R Hamlin E.- 't.eatll
Jir';:-uie. Apnt 1. Iksi
V,"ii:it TIvcr ijii Iv s.ii; con! ! r.nt J.e ilono,
has al last been Act-on.pIiMiotl !
VM'i.KO.sirs C,
1 1 it u,l l.ainp.
ll Oil XO fllll'tll'l
lae f,..K,.vi
aie iiiii.i' :
el its ;
1 i t.
1 will c:IJ!. r, w!,
T:t- I .'t-! i
alt OL-Kf a .'l
l-v :r-L'.infr
v li.nir.
:1 !h'l th- '
dr. t -v
hi rivi tiiuu:. J w.lb iiut liic rami fj
i' titnt in lm-ni ir'T-r v'-, Tin' ounli'i
' f Hi.- 1 1
1: I!
'i'l '.in ti- r- enn I " : tl 1: ' J T
full- b.iviti liviii- Dt-ii ou-i fli.tiii
Ki'T Siilf by J. A.
AI-SO, rt'civ!. a i -i
i(. ih et i' r-
f 1'rrM. 1, rre-
efrvir" Kor'Vi. ('cm f' ; '"1',
J. A. K!vR V Kit's Tin -'p.cst
and Market iirLd.s. L!4rviv-b-.ir,
ir. A p., at
AttcnUon, Easici . ;
A hirip av..rlrr.f lit ol
VLaV K.'.t.-aNo V.-!in. ().M!ai.
brst m,:;i K.
u ca!i a! tti- I' "t tl, an.! ,
MI. Ii
! T''i"
"i l . i;-'-.
,- ..
fir ;
t thi trr..st -r nf 7 nlm- niir. t'wii
i, i. J ili r. .0.1 ( r; i.ti nl aiti t.'.i n ,.f I'i - hoi-
fcr m' .
, 1
n 1 1
hi In vt r
rip : t tir;-
' rr- 1 f !."-mri''ivnni:it
r id -tli.
C . of .
.1 ii
i.iii 1
'il.lt, jr.;
by l'r. C- !. Jckf-: n A
tUI ti mti ki.y ' : t.-T ! wl.irlt ll." rpi-
lt - I it.' T " T'.t
I ft.ii ii. .t a&t f it
'.."e-m fiulborirv Ur I:.
fm tn mr inh-bmn
tri .lull na v-r o'.;i 'mi v
t ol jn-'r a r: '.i'.y anj n.-
tli-r u'!.tr in 1J1
U.!1.- t!.na;i. .it i't-te:r.r..!'i!IN I.
WIIITA'.? r-t the KA'.'AMIO O liDIAU
T i M. J'i-.s-!'.e.t.rM il.-ilr II vine f-r
InnT tiTTt" Ui-n eiunint'-i wit'i Ttrtun .t tl.jr l!AI
SAMItJ V KD; AL in t r,uel. ' '.!-. Inr.iuutl4.u ! th
l.nnir. ., I tliu frvfly bt ;ir tr-iiiii"nw t it -ffl4-.-v
Fortrail yrar I lv..w'm rtcwrr hwn wulirut It in my
ftmiiT. Ii ii fciv" u:.- j t- "r. t t-t that I h i.
u4-il it with vr'irw c "''''' 'O ,r-rtni''nt nf If. w I
C tiii''i:.u. il.v irieiUvalru y. J tlf. M UtilTAf.U
fifth Mrt.1T, I
ft. aVfe Ui, Phil.
'Th W-V in
t' --i -it- si'.l .la!. r
Cm.iasiiiit, Hrln-li I'm
tv-r !...:. P-'i-e a
t!:rn 'if C. M. J'k-i
nn- fir -r nil r r'-1i"
in tmt i!:. ',r-v in iti- t.'iuf. i ti -.
IliJt !, alnl 'Ae-1 ill l". tit " I'T.t
tl tt." it-iniiiif. witt. ' - -iirrn-"U
tl.f wr.iK-r .f eri; If l fie-: ail
r ar
. 41S Arch :n--u I'hlltii. '.yU. I'.
rpHE Pennsylvania Kailrra'. ('ompauv
1 havin ilns tlay lakt n p(isse.sitn oi the
l'hilaJcIplua &. Urie KaiiiMa-i, under ihe con
tiii.ons iasrvef. en u'nh llie Pi..laie:phia &
Erie Rai'r.i.i'1 ('niTipnn;-, thf i'vc appoinlfd
JOS2PII I). POTT.Onerral M-inner there
of, to whni all Oftoers a Jul Employees will
rt-port lor insiructinns.
j. t:rfiR TH0MSO,
FresHeM PennV. Kiilrnad Cuiupay.
0. Ttce of l ie Penn'a Ka.Irca 1 Co.,
rhilaje'pr.ia, J.-.-I yo, lbOS. $
General Order, 1.
To t'J?.e Lfrxt on and after Jan. 30,
I. The tVcMcrn 131. Mmi, frr.m
Wnrren io Kric. w:;l be ik.Ut Hie Mi per in
teuJence cf JAM 113 IWs, whse i:Ji" ui.l
be S-.ipertRien.Ifut t.t the ViVsttrn Division.
12 1 s OiTiee wi'l be at I.i ie. Lmp.vecs i-n ins
Di-. tsi-.in be u.-.-Nt his ciiar'e. a:ni uili
male all Onir. mimical inns rp-iiM.n iheir
duties or the 1. 1: ; n t vl the nai to hun,
except as o.!.crwi--e pfi'Vidfi in '.Ill's OrJer.
II. The rnfcrfl l!illn, fr-m
Mitiimr, io 'Wiif'ihntii. w!I be nni'fr the -.iip-erniit-'n
'nice t.t' A Wi:T. A. lil.ACK. u ti.-p
i'ii- will be S:jper:ntenf!f nl pI ihe Ka:rru
Division. Emplovee nn this Division w;ti be
ur.ur hi rbarj". a:nl w -U nv.ie a'l ecnunu
nirati.T.s ripe tinii thtir (iutie& or the hu-i-
1, e f the riia'l, to him, except as rtherurioe
proviteil in ih:s Drier.
III. The 4 ro!inf nf Fficht an-! Pn
seijET business wiil, i n llie VetTn T v i -ion.
be in ti e in.in' i!i."t'e rharcrt (f JOM .
BOftf. uhne title will be AtMarti Aud.t
nr. Hi OHir" will he a! Iie. (!n lh Eastern
DiriiK.n thfv will he in iiiiNiediate rhsre nf
TIXOM S M. D.Wls. wh .se title wi!l bp As
sistant Auditor. His OTb-e wil! he in W!
iamp'irt. He hv rharpe nf tli
flitribTjiion of Pa?ienjtr Tickets over both
AH mmmtiTiirations repeetin Freicht and
Pasencr afrt-unts iv E'l-ph vees on eniicr j
Division, wilt he n:nU lo the A-sistant Audi-
lor thv,rvot.aii'i re-pfcting supplies (l 1 ickets
to Thomas M.Divik.
JOS. D. POTTS, General Manager.
Pennsvlvania Kailroad t'omnanr, ")
Lessee Ph iad. & F.t:e ILK. ' L
General Manager's Oilire. I
Williaraopori. Jan. 3ft, J
J.S. Kart. b,
J. I
E.HIiurkUy. rx.Sriorlilry. P. Braver
S. MARSH fit CO.
(SI 'frSS''B1 TO likltT I". XIKXR k D).l
Isburp, Pa.
XXTR eoaftantlj on hiil and frirl,
U ll)Lt-ALE vii RETAIL,
ft'erptr. Mr awt f1nrr Hurxtfrr: tirain attd ;an
ortl ftrur Ht 'tYmd. .Vav. p and iVoU I'owrt ; "ertvr
.'. rf. t-fl .rT. Trilrr; li.trt, St.t't, Ir -m
PitMU or Ituidtntf, tmn Pnc. h'-tHna. MU ?-rif.
"' mnit iv.-.t all Host
an MOlt n DO 4IX
iirtnniat .-r-cl itHa
id di-pHitia. Wort or mac tares inrariaMy
swliciu4 ndi.rnji tly ' ltd to. Jotse 1. IJvO
Old Pcst-Office Stand.
LAU'iE snpp! of Bi'nks,Stationery,
1. Perfumery, Jewelrv, Toys, Confection
eries, Teas, f pices. Fruit. -Nuts. Uasktes, !
I'irtiires, and a variety of A'll'K A'ACKb for i
sale ttfap bv i
-.6ij li VV CiiOTZCrt, Lcwijlurg j
rim v
"IT'V'linKK f will find a lare asortmrnt
If laie.-t slle
M,eh ns Frei.eh anii f-i ?;,h a'l I'lolli, j
iroio --.'0 up In .!(. l-o. i:ioil li.iv' I j
Miner-1. ; h : I i. M . I ( '.: ,n;', S.l i ,.'lt-t
Ac. lillt!tlir ! ai! ! -ei I'.'iio.-; V.'ii's j
ant ll..y' UVar Wlioir Jmiiis lor JSISiio
itial is.elo'ii e..a'. s;itu. vet, eas-nni re jiai.i.
r-; 1 j t ; 1 1 . . r S.ii' I.T ") "o. A mi. 3 iaie- I
rl'ioTf H in. '.:p. At., snrh a .w'O!, I- i
j !an, tiari!'
.Iji. flpf'r !i'-'ii an I !,iir cr" n d
.. Hi,
. Ha. 1
, I'l.l!
r-. Si,i.ii,
;'. m i.'i '.e, "0 per
I A.
1 Ihe I
1 ; lino'
! ma ic t,
IV- in.
11 nve
J, hn i:
!s eV. (Jo.'s i
Ma. i-!i ! I. '(
MOL .NTI.ri on r-O'Tt.rarnMi
anil ii, Ii hi lieil in i'liili
,er jr.ovr I
, 111 I
an;;;! l.y jr. i ijc h "-s :u s ' t:
1 illt-hrt, t ,!,,,. r,.V. This Ll
iv M rvrv'! in and i ro'Ht
irf. iirh ri -.vul::; l c-'-r? !,
re ll:.-T v 'i I'- N ' ,.f L- n
r-., M tt' mti, M-w II. r in. il-ir-.e
a i '!ir;i:i;.!. Mfir ;.ftt i. :
ira- - : 1 1 c Vux K '. ' !ii
i'i vn Kf- v. ii r ; N a hxli
il-- Ai.iU'f'- i. F.il ':i H Iff n-
j a
ar.il i !i- U ;; ..An.
.. !W.. 1 - U:- t
.s. i'v I.- w.vVir? H .r Var I. '
'iir .i.-p a" W si.li' an ( ( i '.mi
h Irini arc i j-i t liic i iii a
i.'i . ? M.r Kr i i:;a.:iPiti r it,r ,
K . rv K.i
1 ha:
T! ' 'ma.
n1 w rc-l.i' ! to
l!: MtiT ( :irt.,t ..
: r r i'tf at
. r. n i j
, I
'Hi; Mimn fT Srli'il ! 1 in Li 1 .! it
'll w:l f .'in mt-nrr 1o:nI:i, tst.i
J i.t- r. ur.r ci .u.M i it.r.juli an T
pr-Ti !
Vin r. liinir ! ;-ti .eiron i
(j ". 1 ' V 1 1: ltt ::i-f i ' " I 1 1 v-ai in 1. , . : I ,'iu !
it 1 1 i i-.r n l.ai. fLe to aiu-cJ ilurmi; i!.r
Th- H;!..e is a Ten Di . k.
Pt-T it Mi U IUC.Ui:tlZ Cl'lMiilJflit
I'RTM r.V-';:ilin. W riitna. Ifcflnrt-, AritLwtt-.
' 'inat.i. Mtid I tl.-l r, 4 f '
AM t:ii-IMI ftll u-i iu4-iudr1 ibowI II i
lnt:-;n pajaM? ir.u.K,'!fr.i',lt- upon the r'urr
. f ihe sf-Mon. .Int i-n Hi j,r r.'
vili It modi tv V c vy'"Ar ' ;
t il?r titiiuctiuiis ccepi it-r (T' lrat t-.! su k
nev. J. UAMOt.rH.
April 11. Principal
joizvs CROM.i:r,
Polo Maniiracturer?of llie Improve
j IT i rhc.ipfii at;ii iuut i-urabltKootiii i
j j in n e. I
h is l :re an. I v. a'rr lro(! :
It ca: he applied to ne .v and old R.iofs of a'l
lund- nv. S u ouiiiyie Ilimla 'iilu jt rru.uvtiij j
the -h.i!-. " j
Th c t is rnlvahout one-third ihat uf Tin '
and is nvic-e as d ir.ti ie.
ItuH.i l'k:c!ii C'ciiinil, f r prT-,
vin? and rna.riu 'I'm and i.iher Reef'; ;
oi every iierr.ptn;D. hum its gieat ehistiCity, I
is noi iiijiiitd y ine c-.ii:iacl:v n and cxpati-j
Si-n tf t:i":a!--, an ! w.U nut crack in cold r
run in wana tvathor. '
Thi se xafiiaii have been th Ti'iih'y tfs- ;
lt d :.i N. '.v Vin 1. a:. ! ai! pin- of ill 1 f- -i ( t
ar. 1 V.'ctfr-. -:!Tf i.d vr fnn cive ahn:..!
ani nrn.ftif aM ve claim :m I he :r favor.
i ney are rr-a.liiv arped ty ordiuaiy Iabu- (
rrr-, rt a trill ii? evi 've.
N i;:: r v- n;!:r.
The-e matTiaN are pui np rea !v for ue.
aud fur M'l.ppins t a'l purts of llie c i:niy,
w i'h full pr.n'M P'rc'ion. 1" r snp'-i-a''P.
Fall 1e.f ; rptivt Ci i t'lib.rs w i lh-f I'urni hd
fn ap;'i:f-aMoii bv ma;l or in prsr: ;ii oiir
Pii..r,iir.l oliire. M' V.n ;.d . v.-. ". '
" : : jit.Nl' !:.!u- ll-t.-l Jiti'.sS A I Hir (.bV.
Afir.M'S vvam ;:.
an'! rqtiril to any A' :'.' .'.V.'.
V.'liv buy an np! -iv Oil. evlini a f- rent'
.rpre pr callca ui1' furuiV. vn with a f er
IVct ()il ! Mjile etily ry
IVun'ii ?;ilt ?.I;i:i:ifri''t;ii'iiiLr Company,
w oat w., riiii.iiii.iriiiA.
Tt'j HI, l-ii-yl
L:i-ihuJ, Uuivn ('., It.
FFif'E on Mar!;ei Kl., thrc? Uuors r.. low
;0..p-'r i Evans', pril 1, isi.s.j
An nptrtftit and jsrmachif J r. pTt of lliON pari
I cf -'w 1. n hi.. I 'rfiU ii ' i i.tnb,.i.''li"ii fii !iiJ: ii.eii. 1
mi. (inn. a I tin-M ! M' lir:tl Au; It'.rit . ... In-tii in '
j t u t-.i... aiiJ Ih.r Luiit-d tt-Uf, at.4 r'rri U-d m Ufir
Tl' -pv,ri"lie rf tirumf dnHy rtT tTm nnpr- 1
I ratlin iri.Q run tv oi art d witli it. Inipur'tixct f
' tin- i-l.iou. tl.'i rfiif.o el i itai utT.i t . ( nit- aiitl ..ilifrwir
' i. kU ra-iDipla-xiouh, iiidtcatr itc nrcrtftitj it nliaotTry
Icom-rical.ta rnm.
lllUiilitrUr. id 111! IDSlalJirf III Wl.ih It lib Vtl trv"tl
Iit baM pr.'c t almolutf curat ivi in each of the f dlow
lrg A.mTilaiDtii. Tit :
, 'Hji'iry, .ri-m JOrtitritr, Emanation. PurTp-'ia.
(yi. 'tpitu,u. inurrhiri Ivvi' V. ifii"i ('muwrfi'.
i r ti4:'f 7'ifTa'il. .Aif. .tiVwv'
Hi(f.j. f :,iarnu. Lire fhmj
KffUm-tiMM. lttttrmi'i-nt i'n-TS. PtmptrM on tiit 'i.o
Put Bp in n..t Qst m-fal Iot, rontslninit 50ptllk.
prW vntr p.r box ; frr ..1. by drurci! .nd .laler..
Mill Is- nl lr U. any .itdrs. ..n nreii-l ol tl.a i-rie.
All lltcr.,orurr.. te.. .hd.lld l ..larrfM to
B. II. LtK.K A Co., litif rid Ai;rnts.
lj41 aCuAt!!T,S.T.
Sold in Jjeuliburtj Ay
Baker t to f W HrkaSe F 8 CaMarll
LlI on Market Square, Lewisburff.
A pood supply of 4 !i;urH, Table,
niircsillN. M niliN, A.,on han-1 or made
oirJer by lZti DAViU (.IM EIt.
for Jusiice
..j ;
aofl 1
Constables, lor sale j
C priulcii lo onJcr,ut tlit ChruiikU:0'icl
! j I.NDSKY'S ImpTU-d
: i i i in i:i
it,,- -i.!-.r.h
1 rlT. "tUl ' 'irr flf IJ Ilfa4'l
rvn or
ii- .II.i-..
In.,.,-..!! II... ;.
'.!. -iLil.i- :n
T tit-r i-ti. n.
-lice, S-.tt 1th-
I tv
Ki iimll l O'-.-tHTi't. ni! .
iu un iiupuri: aUle el tti" 1
. l.j?mg tlif Iroriijin
It' 1
rt-arv. V.it it
-.(:..:.; ll
. :i-!urs . i'a.
:oTO(;i:.rn (;.r.Li:i:v,
"11, f la M. Philii.tt tj.liia.
- ..1 t it..
1 u- .
. -! t tut O. -I
,4-t:4- tn I
. rf .-rifl.T.
. . vl l
el. l Di;J-f;-hi.
.V.1. I
in tl.- " lmon tint i
Giiutrof Ar.?, Til rr
I VUt.M'Ai
Vw IVipt; ati.I f: n o.f c n '1 r'-iinn
tl ; I ,. I. it" it. u-
V.. i w. r - ty .k. t . ... to- l . ti ri-j v i.) Uk.-n
Iv .(ifrrent AkUIr In a-l- u Itit I htv rrr
yi la". I ll It (.1 I.lai -o trtl t. aHliK', 1W tlatt It4-
t -i r : n i -x-r...-, n ,-, a. it ,it. -. R : ,.
t .i u II t' K J i Jl'ir.:. l:.t.- V.i.- t-rt' TtaTr.
1 ;.. ; .' ti . .. !.:.: ai l ...! i'i- ..; v. ur ror-t".'!-
. y if ! . :i.r i iti ol .U.r a'i I'.n.i
f.jtn-- -an i.ot JjiI' l. Muirn.t t.m t.
Itt- aiLsiaUs u aud i -.tn i.a,- i-i an l.-j -j-r-tiate trur
!Uvn - .
!r. l . l rt
t ir hi oil '
I'Ti rfinl ntit fmm
j!...) ll 1,'tl. n imii ;l
f.jt"iir,r-n . v ,tm.
f.ti: tlr ...li-r.'ii4 :i
"I Ulf ltWrTjfs. I.Ut
.. I r.-. is. I... I: I. . I
1 tr. I., t ' n'i I v t!i i.
LlilCJi: EFJCK ! !
PT'PFR'OR ,irir!e i f hnd-male Prick i
. V (
KliKMi.U. M't:.I
I. K Ac (f)'S.
MavvhTII I' lI'iTO.i J:, l CiAU.ERY,
S E. Comer T ;bth ani Arch it. rLi.ic;i.liia.
rrn: n-
V.ll ."tl
nv ve;;r-' rxper ei;re in n!I ih1
I i.iufii- s ( i' -he Art. rh Pn-pri-v
r.- ::e at:t'nti.-n of ibfir ,
1 1
- iro' r ex!''1 sive e:a- j
t;.p i'T rfir.irr N r !
.i ji
he I"i
-r e.ft unii?
Af -Vi-..
i . r iii-
i.tU U tine. rail.
Hti:t!ii', fl li'W s "n
.rffli . I w 91
i:..l.... .,i,t r.,t I .
if. Li
.cr!mnt rr ll,i l'rnm. ,-n:l)ri, i
. . .-. ..1 Ilic lll ..ijir.. I ri-'
. .. -
William Jones,
W;Y nt I.;uv. I'ltllpclioni
i.v .iiiei,.!';! fliilee'.. Market
lie llie' I'l'e: '. ;i'r,;ln rl.u.rn.
.;. i'. im:i in;, f .4.
iy M L its ;..! a r :.;.
Jxni'l.'i'i:!! in the best siyle koowa in
j liie art, at
C. G, Crane's Gallery,
532 -!.-i 'i S',..t, K,t , iVxiS,
i ilil.K!. lpliia.
sTi'.rr.iiM'ni'ic rmiTK its.
Api'.-rtinitfi. lhiLwrfoiipt-s, k
. .;:.
n 1 I
F. r l.'ase.Mt,'!alln.ii-.l,i
AVI.XW ptin li;iMMl the r.-ltt tt-1 ue Ttn
itni's pitu-css l-T lmi.n? uuli Dry
I'ulajrR, iir l liH'ti Ln.i'd.,e are pn-parea io
tjecu'.e tiWts IT
CAMS, Chow-EiI!3.&c.
in F'-t. firm. F. '.v. flr .i'-n. S.fi 'r. lii.ivx nrf. flr Ci7ff
colors, ... ;m-i! siyte. ; - ni the niHre of the
:iir .V L'hriniiele." Lewisbnrs.
ji s,. lvoS w..i:m:x 1 C. PKKirs.
Science still on the Advance !
OIT.CD1N i'litl Mecliaui- C
O cal Ifcnlisil. Oliice iu llie Uxi
1 T
1 r Uiiu in: Pa. i
1.. ui lii i v .. -
srriional Bluck work, baked nn 1'lanna base,
which fur cleanliness, beauty and strength
has nn equal also teeth mounted on the var
ious Uases in use aud having had a Ion
and extensive practice, and being perfectly
familiar with every depariment of his protev
sion, he feels sale in warranting entire satis
faction in all his operations, which shall be
carefully and skilfully performed.
Please call and eximin speriment. The
superior qualities ol ihe Non-seclional work
will be evident 10 all who will give it an im
partial eiamination. Dr. Burlan is the only
i"- - ."5iue s 1.1.5 caccnenr wora in
,..; crlinn ol eonni.p.
r? Ciiarfe' siuij enrrespoad with ibe
Lewiiir;, Sejit. 2, leCl
mouth Wash
Diseased Uleeuino Glmm,
NuBol.N.J i5(iRE MotTIl,
And tho best specific now in use for unj
diseased condition of the month. It is
particularly beneficial to persons wearing
AirilFHIAL TKETll, 1
completely detrnyinj ivery taiut of the
in mth, als irbmg and reuioving ail iilj u
rilics, insuring
to all who make u-e of it. .V
w.,' or l'uunj Ciut'umtin who is alll
lel with a
IZr.il IZirnCt
should delay applying tLis remedy, for it
U a certain cure, and is approved aud r e
oiiMiienil ' l by every plirmcian under whose
Qjtiee it has been brought.
is an ulieo.-e lor which there is uj tzcust
' r-."7.i &
can bo procaro:!.
Mnny p -Tf.-ns cirrv wl'b thptn s
bru'h, t;rf4t!j to the anncynre an J .tf'n
t") tf e ui--i-t of ihne wnh whom they
(otn in ciitjif, wi'hnut bfirs ponscinu
tf tho facL T' r-!l.evo y uursi if frum ill
'oars' r.'-afJifijj thi,
I f r. !lm. ? ar.'i M.uth Uu.-h.
Vi ift'ii.t'.- i f the UinU'h is nf prpaf
in.r.crtnnr.' to tb? general beai'lt, hub i
ft en -Ti.-fo J, and r.ot ui.lrni'i' Dt!y .ri-
n-y i:(!p:r I, lhr.uffh wjI of jr jer
Alton' i"0 to thi ct.
1E tor. y. g. HITDA VOtTS Tt 1H.
IVrnn-d ar pr. Il'ir-l I.n'al (2ice,
No. 77. Fourth Sf., lironklyn. K I.
I'rict. a? rt per bolllr.
A liberal di-cmnl maiia to Ictcr.
.1 hhrt yViHnavi S-e, Trihv Pu'U
.'. Vi. Sjtrure S. Vic
S.i.l aIo by Caawrll. Ma. k Jt Co.. Fifth
v nue U itfi; J. A; I. 0''ii( n jton, 715
Ilroaiiwav ; I S JiarDC?, .0- !Uroaiwj;
' atd by aU l'ruiets.
This r.iwjer possesses the
and is free fr.im all Acids or Alkalis thai
can in Ihe lrasl itjure the Trelh.
If action being entirely mechanical
polishing itlii)ut arcannj; the enamel.
Dr. Win. 15. Hani's Tooth IWer
is ri'eomrr.end' d fcv all Krninent IVnfists
TreparrJ at Dr. Iluril's Pental Office'
Xo. 77 F.mrth Pi. Ilro.'ktjn. K D.
I'riie, a-l cl.t firr box.
A literal discount made to Dealers.
ii;l. Ao 1 Siruee St. JVir York.
Sold also by Caswell, Slack .V Co., Fifth
A tec no Lintel; J. ft I. Coddincton, 71.)
Krr.adva; ; 1). S. Iiarncs, llroadwa?;
aiiJ tv ail DruUts.
""iT C3 ii L-L -i U e!J
PrOlluCeU l.V eXCOst'd LITVeS.
It is particular! adaj.teu to all cases of
Parents can relieve themselves from that
distressing weariness caused bj
and their children from great suffering, ly
keeping a bi ttle of
! Dr. tUm. U. tjarii's (Tootljarljc Drops
ia the house.
IVrared at Pr. Hani's Dental Office.
v 1, ., ... ,, , ; . . , , ' fanu !r.e yenns in.k, a'ss) on oriz winter
No. .. lourlb fct. I.rookivn, K.I). j Pv(,r.m..a,r etc. I'nce. o eentJ.
Irl C, unly 1-i tit .er buttle. ; hnlrsale. 1 1 Cents. Sent by mail for seven
A liberal discount made to I'ealers. 1 :I rent stamps. For sal a. ihe- fart Chrm
... ..,.- ., . I ict " oiiice. V.OIiD!:X A t 'Ok. Mail's.
Ailitrest J fiHcijiai (ijurr, Trtl une Jtui'J- i i.i. i.hr.. i,.i.iir,pfc
1 iru-e St. .eP Yuri:.
Pold also by Caswell, Mack & Co., Fifth
Avenue Hotel; J. ,t I. Cod.lin.Mon. 71."i
S'. R"n". -- Uroadwav;
ami hv .11 llrni. iib..
Dp. W.U. II. Ill Kirs
fob the cl'bb cf
HE y ?i A L G J A
or Toothache produced by cold?.
aoc.il iiruralfiia
is immediatel; cured bj their application.
rri a t:t .1 a .
barailtfss ID their natnre i da not nrnHnp
l.r.o..w ...! - t . i. 1
Dr. Wm. B. Hard's Neuralgia Plasters
never fail to give satisfaction to all who i 'etm'imki'4r'u Um-or-test
their virtue. '' " " ' n- ' V''"
n..nahH. ft . ol is.r v..r. 11.11 . van... 3-' rt. I. v
Prepared at Pr. Hurd'a Dental OflSee, !
No. 77 Fourth St. Brooklyn, E. D. I
Price, only 13 eta each.
A liberal discount made to Dealers.
AJtlreu Prinriptil Ofice, Trilmne ItuSJ
ixgt, -A'o. 1 Spruce St. A'eu York.
Sold also by Caswell. Mark A Co., Fifth
Avenue Hotel; J. & I. Coddtngton, 715
BnaJfay; D. S. Ilarnes, 20Z Uroidwaj;
and bj all L1! unlets. liUOj
tr?A C.ntharlic V3;
lMVlil, Katlr. Mralhcr( lJtr l,teaiA
lklUMlhrlil, rea tw4r KlTcU
and Jm.Ik r tlrlr Virtues,
Ilrnilnrbp, k llemlnrhr.Vont Stomach
l irta-iitu.. 1-4.. i
Da. J. C. ATM. Plr; 1 M iM i-t-u i , fqil.4',y
tlx- ta.rt ll;i'li iiiv Nit Ii4t tn (f tW(
nt .m ir tli
ill rwtc tilln i
a lUjd,
louia) Mtti) tl4tt icwfKt, YT W. PTTK.
Uilions Disorder find I.ivtr ( utnuUitntm
M !HINtT..!. It. ( .. ; f..
T Mir I'tlii in itiv k-i. -t.i':
r T'fl B.MI IsrM ai.'l B'.ft
Pin : J fcTr tr
I"-1 "
llwv iav Tii'
Im'iubt .t-.
I; U,.-s i. .i
Ctt.-lll. 11 1.. 4.
UN wU ttlr.
t tat riiil
t nilitar'!' t !.
tl.. i.iT U -lUt: k !' I a
I . ; t'-lf (viti fr-r l-I-i
i li ,n- fc-l.l4.rn j. ( a -tlMt
it llbi It t- .'U 1
t J ! IUmL"
Jf 4... li-XftL.
Iyrnl rr, ltf!;tt, hiiI Unrinj,
IS Lit i -. Hi' 'I.. u. ,.
Im. I.
fl tv I- -
lf aax tatris.
1. ii 11 fc'.n cnrwi h-
1 in. 1. j-1 ft h
itmI . t.r ttsrn rhiLlo-tti
hf-o itav it "xaai-f
. f . or P ltaV tak'A
I'U'H .'lair fcjCt.ar
l-li - .-uishJ W lV
f li -ra sr iiin f t
L .-it i i i
i.-n f(. .1. .;.-h .1 . ,- ; w ..,, nhira M WTMaaUy
ft'hil k.U 1 hultt-i, I " H''-i 1
t.K ! J ..I.IF -X. rimn. f
InilifMron nnd fmparilf if tb ItlnorfU
h. Airt: I fi.t- i.--.. I ur I ,lthl
In .Imtr-. T r- r u if th. t : "f tin
ft tl I.. -i H . M . .. . t M r-M.dt 1 tM rw
k '. t tt, Kit J I 11 - 1- . It 1. lit rrvofavkw
J. V. U1MK.
rs . X X . Ort. 54. Mi.
-ir 1 ibvrit IMlsi m my frm
. , i,r t',li. t.i Ha ILa
,. ... 4 11-
!' I ..1 ,..,r
Ii.- f"i - .
(TsllIU SU-J J Utl't lir fc,
Fri'ipffn. SiTofntn, Kih:1- I1! I, Tetter
1, WML
4 mil that p
" I'm 1 ' ' ' 1 ' M
f.. Il.rbn '. T l Wti I r fT
. : - ,4- , n I -r L.qw.I
'.t ir . .. ! ..'.! l - trsl ny0
ir. l-.r ..'f. . is.f A.vi .
-iTtu;ili-in in rtlin, nw4 oC
. . . f .j rwua.
" M 1 ' . : . .. hi tWraJtarf
I. 1.1 a
ri. 1 Irw4 r ftl
t j frrrt iMf aft Lia)
. r . ' a ,.r
" 3 ! trt- m
w 'f lli-na.
. I aata. 1
- I:,.
1.. a.
1)1. Ana: I l..t. li. .
l'fr I)rr.n,
rtt tliorti, or Liuilril (
; an atl.ir y UJ aiUfMr
nlwiMl. 1..,.. ,..i'
for i itt'T-ticw rr pnfipntioa), and. M
ft IJuinrr I'll I, i.r. a: - .1 !.
I N.tairHti rttrilvifs lutlamaaa-
ivl .'.1, ltatl; . -.nl lail.tl bltMal
ir, Utakc Lftt u , u: nl 1 j lL k.t-ijtut aV Uk thciaal
M .r ii.. rr'
tii.i . ii..i.u
in . t'.'i :- I 'll- '.
, tin.lr 1. IP . tl.
im nl in wi. tul l.Kitaa. Uirt-rM
I '.iZK utDUui awi
rorciiStC'Of.pi. imMtsFXEw. i5n.u
l(lM HIT.. H4Hrit,U
ati'I ffr thf r. '...( r-i ei'Lccci; tKe fiUrut in kdraaoe4
W . n-d B'.t sTvnk tr ih ftaMIe of it trtis.
TtTiiM-.-h....f i-vrr t-wn, anr MlRi'V! Utv kttmi ,.f tlM
itiurinan MtM. im ".Iriftil rnma of i uIijm mtry n-itt-.inr
h4Tt m.i.Ic It lv-4.Iv kuwn. fc mTW t)
fanuli tu n rititin-it n-m.lrj f thta c.f Htm itb
f.ul tiH- -fn nl 4 ti-. ru!!-- !: iT i flVtu : and Irwn
li.o.imt.unu' an j mn.-i n rT rw.t aaibt.nsr )m
p-ih Initic trofli "f U" nl i the n. tW ana ttmu
P -muj. rit- .4 tlr- ih- . m.-l !-tf.jr. hiW it !
toot . t'i;i n-.f ..Il : t wr t. d ab W Um (frmi.
ll iNr ami itar-iiMi .;i. i. 4 ih rln't'tsary ireim. It
I .il.. tit- r '. nii4rt ami Mtrt i. m. d tint ran . nd
f t ii.Unt umI j.-miir f.rwua. t'nriM' hou;4
.r it in Mrc mrin" ina. l. it rnfti.T tl-ji viu;
tij-.fi tli'-m W t'v n-.tl. V- hn t m rtm.l avrrtriia b
l-IiTf !(. n f Ctin-i' III' l 1TS y til ("
nm-.-ti44i if ('le-fUla tl nn t! it fitipf, K-p it ly
tf-l riirr i . ur r-i.! I.FV tfirT a- onrl lV. UrtT IiaT"
(ft t Itt-in ni :i) ii.. lirHnAlt U It run Hiatrr lba IIT"uiall
f:tiVtr Pitt (..-'.-( J ii tl - rat .-or lif away.
.411 itn.-w t r .-r-'rii fjif t'irr f Itti.i. mi. .niar. and aa
tl v kt v r .- ll,- ii m.ia ,.i li t rnn h. mtrt fcrt a
B.oiV P.U1. t.. aill. t!M m It i tlll luaatlr Ivaa. htal 1 M
h.. .- .,iv ' -t. i rnr. i.. ! ll f' pnitif U tt
i.-t r1'""- ' I' ' '' "I f,7
k Itie 1-r-t n.a til lit. iii.UT -KiUiaWuiaJl W tbek CUtWm
Fraetical and Analytical Casicist, LowtU, Xm
hv C W .chai!Te and F ft Caldwell
I.- w.-l, :r'; IMwirl Nt"t',. Npw Ibrlin: D Wi.?f esul,
l -i.t. r II--: M;.ml. I A Hnsmv Jirf, lianKTt. ; J l !
i. i f lilllitihnrr: Curr; 1 Hit.. Vw CfiUmbia ami
ilfi'-r piirj lrrt jU-Oirvjiiaj
PICTURES .A h. ue ran ..t be sai l
in w..i luinirtr.l without ome veil
N.-I.rieil I'iure. TU rant ran n. ba
-ui'l-l.edai CkoTZFKX
Tlir llol M'ork anil Sljlra
f I a 1 L O K I II Ii .
Vi tatt-t vn I rn
f, Jl'il. i). -Uli.Lr.ll
ihafit r.il IV. r past I'avurs
J vill I virile ihat he has re-
reive. I , he Spring & Summe
jii 1'ash'on. ami is prepared lo
,J l T, MAKC.and bKI'AlK
rumi tits as usual. He will
en-leave-r. as hretnft.re, te
eii-rute h. work sati.slacto-
r 1 1 v. l.eu il.iirir, April, Inii-
( I lilill's ani enter'ain- little Book.
(all alu'tit Va'nmirv. Minify, and oth-
" """."'" l '"r "lt''"-"" "I'verv body.
fcr P I C - N I CM
Ww'U jump into lb- W.isr1- act! all Uk a. ritlat."
and verv couiJi'fU- t-,.,,,
hue.1 Ui ii r the ptTial arciimiamiatinti of
Pic-Nic and i ihv-r na;Iar Pirursions. Termt
mitera'f. Apniy u Jos. M. liOl'SEL.
Lrw.!iurg. June 3, 185H.
Horseman's Friend, or
I'ut kt Companion.
!'iny-To Valuable Kece;nis 1". r ihe Farmer
nil Horse liea'r f. r sale (ISJ cis) bv
: J fTAHL. Bookbinder. "Lewisbore;
I ii)i' A; Lilt!i.qr(i t (.'ivii'-'Ii
04 ti'wai
ii.v ;.votrr.7i.r tjurt rjm b.il
Issara inaajs, ai Iral'liar. I a.a roaai). f'a
T.'.Mf.S'-f i p. r T.-.r. TO t. ruD IS .ST!., F
Kt th-- iirtr r .tv ! r .r rr -a itT f-rir J Trof.
..II Ml i.w C.H ,..l.. 7 rt. t..r ... an. t.1 1 ft. I 0'U
r. 2.1 t..r r.r evt t. r. it t.r i : ir on
i,l-i . etit. I. lu.-tit. i v ... iTi.i.1.
:m k.iI.1. i-t.c .i.tntN.. or 1 nk t.. .t tbrlf
..li. Ii-r.- V, .t litn,!" f 'fi...iA f. rr,n, in ; j
j.-abr. Ih tim. .IJ ;r.irli...ri . I .tl'.r is m.tlfd,
ai.ad..i. t
Tw. n.rrl ...u.'.sim. sii-r-i.M..
fcinrih ,.r. mi unn. ledul 9rrX'.T. 1 .
a... h cr, rd wp"H.
a M.it.rr I. Ullm.'
fnnlf.t tTf. or lfi of D. Inre.r.
i.mmliKtnc,ill'.l.oriniindl.nR Undrary nut lae
Coirrr.nnicalien. U.to-I or. t . pir-w i.er.ii":-
Ul icnnnnnl k. Ih. write,', r-.l .r.d lilr-'--
Tl V .;s.KTI TI l.Klii: fll i- l..t-l
rftli. Atjr I r,...'..i. M h " orWrrtls!"
r.. in blT.nis. l th. 1'h.l.id. 'il .-w..t
CiWBrrlr.t .'h lh. . r "a'l ! .l'rHl-r w .
kind, of JOB PBIKTINO, wki'h ' br.otl
..ikm . ,l i.., .t. l: mI ':' "rr:".
t3i if
aW st IS.