"THE U.MO.V established in 1SI1 TVaoJe No, 2,575. "b 0. WORDEN AND J. B. CORNELIUS. LEWISBDRC, UNION CO., PI, TUESDAY, JULI 22, 1SG2. "CIIROXICLE," f:abTih?a ia 1843 Whole No., 954. 4( Sl.SO per Year, alia ay la Idtanrc. !ny yU:mz Si FiHav Anorrn.-n. "VnION TATK TICKET. THOMAS 11. OVH'.iwS, nf YiTk. t'..r sart.r l,rB.rs!. TILT.UM S. h, -. 1-'.;' T... twciai " '! -' i " ' : h.s p'tc ft. 1 v": ' y ' : : ' " -.4 : :.e.. am-r J'" r ' ' '' " .J" t-i .,!d.-t. when ! ' '"- -.ri j mar, Pr.- !-i Trea.or f... j : r, riw' -r' 1. KfC. rc. rV. art r!ri -M rue - M. B"r-r. fr0U ai. ' ! fr:r, J-..iS J. fl.e '.i.f n f ri' Tk '."..ns u-r: il f.ir i;r e b aaJ rafQ ia h'-p 'a. a-e r-.t. J'h r '..i:.e !- cuL:nL'u:r any n.a'f.-.al. or tn. ny. mr T less, tEav ;ravr t,r r:f tr.r.n ;.. n t;-c .'C, crnpr :M an 1 Mirkr: . i a wr'l me:, f . -r ni's i.i i r.". in I.Vr-c Vol HaH.Th'.ir-!-.;, l-i:, a: I. I" M 5Th Vnns T a i r. v:! g ve an K:i'rr X'nrfir ni Indr"ntlrr.: Hal . a:'rm. n a?iii teOis I-' 'nirfc-jj'-' I. In nr.. J .: v y 1.' .-ir fecf ! 1 r br ' A n Vj. c. Tabaux.Ac i t frr.- 1 i:irehuieii:& a.'.crn. au r . "n.;.:; eiira. rThe Tl'aiir,; 3 .or-.a! vvrs ihni E-t. 'irorse Frr t t tri i: r.'r. (i rrs n' rwishar..) vas not can n'-.-i, a r"" r: t.u n sick ::h ijfi'i ; :-.v-r. -He vis app 'iu.e.1 JcrM n r-f ip n- Ps Kpr es in March iaU arrl. -'n - ; "r r, 'iar4 h: irsimrnl.wa i'i;'i.:t. in h: er r Ut prniante tup spiriiul wr.lare n n r mp. T. .n.:h;i ?a.riii. i,r repTt "I everv ni rr and o'-jier n hi? C'rp. Ai Mciiai rv he was uoeeatn2 in h R'irii-":, i.( 'iviDS an! t ao-ir.I, an i ...J nrt I-are nn':! i r iered to 4" m. A' II . ! r-' M h-' Lib : a n.'xis ih woun if 1 a .'i :i n; w "i -r-' l.al. rreovrni" s iw liii. a; 'm rr'-"3' aTj Ihe ChicKdt t:. nv t!V-.t. Tnr. h--pm id an aiib'i.Atu r. ah-r- i.r - : . -. -.. :r zn all thai i1 !.'''i- i: - i V.aw ii' J.an'in. and uVi-i-n':r ' ! ' r a rn:er of wouniV l ! Iirr a-a i t ard a neaoier ani seat lo '.V.v:.n::.it. ' t&":X'Je tf ymr lutinru ''f tti i'ar," is tbe Jeff Davis motto. We are Frry to see the Mijdictjrg T. iuunr ce riuiilar langaaje in re!ati .a to ettr ar'iele ra the Congrcs'i mal elre'ioo ia Snyder COUO'y. Our facta and tljurea ara Dot ittiied oar question, " Shall the Confer- ra represent the I'eople, or Delegates T " tf not answered. I3at we arc told ia f Jifferent pir:.t from what w? bil a rijbt to expect in that rvmter nit to "m .'.-at ...foreign" intcrfrr.t. If a newpir r can not refer to atiythicf tcynl its nn cianty, by what r gbt d .es the T.ilin atUck Of 7 The truth is, belonging to tbe same C.r.gr..asionil d;s riet as Sr.ydir, a; bale a jxtuihoI aa w-ll as a yurr-t! t i'ji ani interest io the preli uinarti , an 1 i be oomiaationa is tbe proper time f:ri:y contest respecting it. As ail o-ir ir'r ia Snyder county -.4.re-. '. i ; yii'ir r-o'e, some of i'5 hoLcst p ; !e t frr informing tnctn of a m i-t imp-rtaat t.d cs specimens of eh.-rry corraat.-, some fact which their editor? seem to have ba.es ,f ,aict n.easurtl 1 i inches ia ciKamfe tVat. I to biie from thtai 1 r- Lee. re'i.The tbuse heaped uron tnc taem l;rs of tbe late Un:-n ?tatc Convent:, n, lytbe HiRi-barg i'j'r.'vf al its T ry trbor.s, is jr . f ;.f their b.-ir in v- ry bad latnrr ti in f b-jelcss case. The l.st cf ceaaer. J, -j) ;otrae the sop ri -r cbaracter cf its material, and ia earnest aad hopeful spirit it has rarely if ever leea cice'.lel. to ir.Jlgnai.t were the rpectable people of Ilarnsburg (of all parties) again-, it? wanton ssa.a't up :a f Convcbtion rea.i:l.L'e for its high cha racter in all rep,c-s. that that papr has y. for its r.-i-rility, od palms it upon soae cttvtni.nt "aian-Kiida" it keeps about the concern 1 Will the Arjim, tie I). m. frit, ie., follow suit ? How Boys aad Girls may Help. Kvery child may do som tliirp for the i.'.dier end sailors who are fightiog our country' battle.. Tbey can gather tnd preserve tbe various berries and Iruits as tbej ttpen especially by drjing and in that way reare t great am runt of whole some tsj c.l cious fool, both beality and "good," e-pecially in warm weather. Let i.i boys ar.1 girls try to get some things tf tL.s nature for the soidiers. Th'y will be very glad to receive them, and iu fftcr years joq w acta of kindness IqerFrom fpech ft Harrisbarg, it i, tDpci ,blt the i resiaent and onr Oe .5 p-a rai y wui .m-aiicr lase tn taur a.d ejJTea ia Jelj. w.ih t mad fLd dasta.-Jly f,e, ani then ttr.ie borne wiib iron itmcklts. He i c . 1. - , . ... . t.rr.ru.rrtf tk. . : . ... lr ,u j.j,r,Cc 0J ltii-lr taftiorltu at to the rigbtoaetess tnd l.w f u.uess of every mcaas to crush the rttd Ji.a. t&t found "lota" of Editor tod o a 'fiends at Harrisbun l..t .i, T ' ft, that plae, U one ,f tLc on fub. occasions, to find acquaintance, of g yne.".. .The ipeeeb of M.j C. II. t-ritl?T. ia hii kaa nAU I . t .w. uwa too SeBll-Tarv .ki.t. S. .- .i..,(i jirui 4fca L1. entl.a Slenker'. .tat, .,, resolutions- ' ? tU by the Uoififiur. ' U4 csk' . I" in ce prcud to recol.eet aca ...n.7a.- - , , I.. . .. I at th LewisLnr? Aeal.-mv. on I ridav . a ,...,.1 ... i ':... ,..mr..i uliinrrr fi non-eir. eeretarvtantjniSfDartol ssreri c3riDcu..uiu--ua....i...fcuu, -- - - - , - - .,-nu-.,,. ...-. w . . ................ -.- - Try ach of too. tt. t m m, tw: t. ta tt ir o-tr- """""'a ctwcaaij ' r . . .. , . , .. t. . tier. .?n' '5. Kieroisca to emmens at 1 his aoorenensioti and einerr at ih r-.s-cM 17.. 7.yK.9m'. Cl,jl'. .k. ....... T ,T . , i - -im-Vr n --r i .i.rt.ae. - -f . - - - a: f. ji. i ae pa-j.u fie re-r.utia..y ia- .. , '" ".''!" .V. . A'sr. a ire. f-.d ?iendid st.k r-f ci. " uur Ol ai. rornCVS i. ... a. .r-t H.ilM lor .our t.,.t.. .k...k. (is d i. am im ri a. . ftwou.aucea aoaaeoi wtiu avaaasu mi -:..J . I . "luia vtir.st .. . ua-n a,-- a. i n rvThe speculation ia ffcit is n-: ton a wicked thing, when our Hy . i'st.ks have mauy millions lying i JI- I.ir.n a-tfr !J Mi v make the eVii w'T-e. I'M'sge it am il will :rte pur- t'W. tut tbe b(t an ia to Iriop rut tl lid ien fpc-cic f.r ncccary furpc, and pay ta tbose wbj will not tats it cut of its eoun'ry. , tnuOae oftbPirerfTof tb rtV.tl "M 5 uUrs !i O.l '."on" Turnpilt?, ?at. tb-it tbe t,oics ia tbe Net T-', ;ra, a r.gar.U that rJ keinS mtii free, il not c rrict. ite.'a'ices prircJure in in i'i-j'i! the jizU are ia cri t a: i iLe t-ar c '.Icc'-J. A fir iovcticirtn, air ! tb d-cUini r-f a Court, r tiqiirtJ to l..r.r y a ctart-r. G -n I.'W. Wa"afn, 'f Iii'ni. bi it.-r.t iato tb r a jn fUt.-ry P.aicsrV, ma, a fo1ca in V a-iitr'ro, Ist V-(. ii wbi-'b he t.TS a m-:;;i! r"ari3 a any r.-tu'u'.ioia cti'il i-b. He it t- tbe liu-b thc hi Mi'.i kc the f.i-n :. r .feo latlot. S:tt 8 .-latt-r Kice ef aiirta i !:) nia !e a s'-ni'.-.r opcech. fci-An extra ;i:o if our L-ialttnre i ta'.ki r.f n ail io riiir,: tt.e n.en r-fj'iir'-l f: r.i I'-.an- '.vaf.ia. If tbat ba-lj e u!d bv c -nrar en'nh ti alol:-b ii! t i'.'s, or .j'lire bnaii to pay st i"it a r r;'. n (f tb- r i-u. s ia ff-jcie, tbe rrasiot p. Lie w u'i s n a-ibfid. fesT The r waiurg O5o-.ts c f tbe fv.b IV Kci-.rTcs btiii a mce'ici an! mike a public cxpr"f-iin t-t tbtir do p tcrr.w id t'j I s cf tbvir Ute li.-l.nej Ciinrel rentca G. Simmies who fc-11 at tbe hesl uf lis triple on tbc ZO.h cf Jjn. IiiT!ie tbree nuritbi Vd!ineT, aaJ t!. -e aV.f. nt on furiougb, are nw pirtie- ulir'y called cpm to gire the enia'ry the i n-E a f f tl.i !r etrtri. Lee. Oae yea:', - rsu-.-, it is stated, will be are-pted. it.!T Vermont "the Star that r.-r r -.t5'' a!,; ml tu nevtr stained ly Sljviry baa sent Tie jr,' H, jnntnt in an-or to tbc I'reident'a last call fur Ttr e Uuudred Tb.oat.d men. p,.Vn..,nfr!:,.:, K ..r , -,-V T- p Vi X . i.i. u . in........ j I T . 1. .;n. r . ...., n..ra nr.., a ,. V, "ft" , , , , , ,, , saprrc-ins the Kebn.inn. toi-Gnn. C.maroah.s had bis first of- Seial in-ervicw with the llupcr.rof llus- sia, at! secuis .oil phased with tbe feel- g 01 tnat p-.tt.-tae towaras .imer.ca. sr Among the deaths reported in tbe ,p-i!ar srTi, are .--e tbe name t f Woois . r j - - .! '.J'.re, a.1 a uoo.e youn man, wen known ia tbe VV est Uraneb reeioo. , t . ew"kind"c-f fiy is attacking ' - si-i. . . . , .-rr g W beat .r.d Oats ,a Central Peou- ''"6."' T4wl'e0 6f i....c ia tbose graio. tai"Jac b train, of this tlace, presenS -- --- - TTi-A L. Gu-s ac.-.ed Wm. W. Pat la in the Juniata S -ntUJ. Si reason for the change i given. f GO motiii:k: jax i ; :.: f: m - r.rrr.: ui. , n.t rk hit. , ,r ,,. . .w, . ,u :T m - .... , r .... , . n U. .. . i .a is a. H inert a tin w.tt whai ,i T-lal ilL Ua.'ltii f OlHi't all I Write tO T'i-3 K:i-. ; I ' T!t -c-I I hai . I I i.-T- ' J.e fliaie r f ardcr on a Y.'jal m..t hrT'f - i - ah in; i', . ill. wh tbr b ii ; II ljrn- i hi f .autrr r.'..:n; ti.r b.r that Ftitl ',-t c lit'.r.. it. n- at to G - ni. I oy tlrkr-4t ui t i".a un , i t ;lir ' I j Yrm th- .itr-l wxV. r.f .uiat, fV'tu the wil-i r 1 .wsp .-ari h-r -rw f )T ii'-T rn- mW r-f C,'. 1 e T1- In .riaw.-w-riir I n-anl b-r in h-r tt f' lri. inrrr-a. V .lit i ut -j..nl au me, Wciiiei i cuj1 4 iuir tt, n,uD- tvji.. re-.! Ii-r hrr i:h tffcpan. tLTe rmu.-J r.rj t-ir r. b:-! L r io L-r kiBlce--. ibT ljre tr: n,, ; i,..,!,,!,...!. b-r - Can it... di Oear. aaht t-tl me. UotLer : can I jet I am i-flnt sod aisnj.r. rn.rfb.Tl UierwcaJJ ea.1 me.et . I- . Hal Ik... the ta'id 1 Iit tn. ..id t! r t.l'etnr. I .n;-. i in laiitiut u (f at,: i laatr rr arrnrd :nn t IT.. ti inu-: f.ii'juer tiiii r u.-iob : ic-t ifcf dub-jr;? t-art V cu'tM. jiff it, t5T ;'crifh. Ws mot eon .aer, ud '-' Jul IXO-t c L UlkV-r. cd La.I I be Wkntin:.-' TrM.. atrT.bd mTKii. n Uun (,l4(rf Lo tim t,, b. , ..... ... . n h-r i'itn Ut 1 Aia tKvt fr-at-i, nf n ttir to r ?-o2 caa u. I"' L.'4 ... a - a. i . - - r'i..r. 1 be. n ...r. in tet aumt-r, ea td.eir or. Snd tw tS ..!lurf m a Caioaa, then a4 er.r ttrtn and tr.-. I a... ult.Moth.r! -. tie patiaM'a wc-r it , i. !!urii.rt.,fiiiiof ij.4n-w.iii betrrr.ni'. fcr . . ...... 1 ;H CTt wo. J- ' lh"r""iT tor "b" "Hk ' T s-nth.'at.n. nfena r-s-usTr waitoa tnra hrH ItvnLrrit. .,i.-Z-UlZw-..LllU . : . co- '".Z - ""'1 ri; .rTu' ! , . . . ... , , I ,a T. raise lien. ?i t .e.iia. Wai SI CC- . " " o- ---- o - ' - - . incne. : COOlP'eiion. ta-r: eres. PTST t natr. I oniore.rrn-.iru mcna,.uu uu'.u to an ... ia.ii.ni k. !nf.i t.. -.. .a. t. .r .1.. ,.tu.t!i.a. .rm.thl.aes- s-t out ::r tue piace, pass. ns taaureas oi - --.- , ,, . ,.,,,-r.: 1 "-"V's Remarks of Juie Kanr. ".iVV The iiitm o( the eonvration will r, n. f,'-nt mr t i-1 f,(r I ,p r k ii. ..artialitT in cl -ctir," me to pre their d-.-libratlct. I r-i ic; to be b :e l0 car. tctinc in oo-ert with the true and loyal m.'D of l-noy'.raiiii, rccard,e f rmer p 'itijil ;c:itijm, iiJ rccgs'i- i'-g " thU ou'.y true f-ilowsUip aid ciinuoat-.n, 1 've of gantry, J-TjtMn to the Araerieau Tui.n, t.J onalt-rabla d,!,rxina:1Ja to U'lt'..a 1UJ rU.AIH lU 'J J. ti L uj . u . wa-ncver tuJ wb-rev-r f .nnJ. I r j .Ie.-, f.peciiVj, !o be kvr?. becjns? I can in liiis fi; viu-?e wis d- -ire to T-r jT-b.'n tb? h-r.i- .if tbat Lis-.-: man aoi patriot!. tv stuia, tb -il.-ct cf tb I .it- J Stit.j t cL-:rr him -n, n-J t i t il Li:;! sii ! Li? tru-'.w rtbj cuat'.lirs i .i -e X ia tb.Tt. 'b'e iibors Lt tbe u,air.ter anee of oar c un'ry. I cavy ujt sbt tnaa bj can cot o:w ',! : .-.v-ir. 1 the l.'.a'f .rm ff Li P-rtv. Ti... .V. -ti., ia Lot. n.w. wh ch i.:;ti. c--! iiitv -bail adaiitiijur the c ,rcTLa:.a, r- " i cr Wia. in. o--..ll.t.v. u wLr-L-.r there -bail be cbt-'vl to ti.l, or a g itertinient t a la.i'.i-t-.-r : aal ut.tu tut h -iti-.a'-u- 'ri-.-ti.u is i.tticJ, Lr oo, I fhali act ;ta tb-: tr.-1 wbi ire tbe n. -t in i-iri.e-t in tbe:r --f rt ti J -troy tbi-r- l.l'.i n, at. 1 the n.-t d.:truiir.cd g-L-'.'y to .ULai tbe rebels, tbeir aiJer a'jJ a.-tt- r. Gwiillemea, I bavs great eir,5!?ree ia Abraham Libeolo, and Li eh .en coun-.-ciiurs. And I ttusi be permitted to ay, that especially do I ctiiiie ia the clear h .a 1. f jaad mind, and h inest heart, cf tbe .-ver-tary of War, I",ia M. S'taLtoo, our owa immediate i.trteentative in the (.'atiaet. I My ibis w:'h a f J.. know'.id that of late f sjetixatle a'tttupt ).a le mai- to Lriu this t2ie.r into dieripa at-d to eaa-e his removal front the ht-h aal r .sponsible position which he now so tbiy 11. I.ver? otiir pr inted tnan, whether K-r tbe r:- r'f s-rvin - b: c uuu wi-h a opportunity r. s-rvinj; .. c untry wi. a ........ .1 I... ..int. rtr f .r fnrril.h. 1 " 1 -.: f .1 . ,r . jDrr 11.5 tXi JU 1 1 las 01 W4I .S a.r 1 I. .s, - I ' I. - L 1 . t visits u., ver.,,- ,uo v. .ir. s-iauion. oo careful scrutiny into his cSeuI conduct, j . "I CJ 00 u'c 1311 ue other,, Lfv coa.aaitud mistake; J". 'a iua5 iue mosi uo..- lU atiUSd la coaiiauri.iy la.l-iir-a u,.ju Liai and his act-: that he is held re.-pou tlii;e fjr e0DSC,.,r3(., ..t t0 jreveat which , t a j it. . Las i,rrn eouie-j orjouu a.ia -j. , ttl,l cLirgtd with disasters wiring from movement which be neither cauns.-lUi nor directed, it become necessary to look f .n.e. bare induced and . b. " J ' 7 UUh l4" rr"'1-IteJ att.eas. For myself, I believe be has thus been ft'ackcd, 1st, b-.cau-e be is truly iu carnisl ia b:s determination to put down tbi.- rebellion ; and 2J,becaa?e be perforins bis cE.ial duty without fear, favor or af- ft:.;,r Xbose of as who are per.-onally .,,:,. ;,h Mr. Stantun. knsw that .:, mt..;:ei j9 of the highest order ; tbat 'le V-''e"e t 1 cbaraet-.r for integrity which mi cf lee has cevr dared to . , , , , . tlT to do he uoes with ad h, I uo co. say that a.l of h:s or poiect-, or th se who c.ansel hi, removal Irorn the " I " " c-:5-i:r5i?t ; Lut 1 Jo aj ttiat the T'tierD STtiif atLixcrs with this iticiel ribel ioD, Wi'b great nnacirni!y, fc.-?crt tLat Mr. Jsantr-D cua-Lt oot 1 1 be the Secretary of War: atvi. a:ranre as it ma? seem, tuo U.einne eriemen hn have no oh. "I "6 jrctions to contracts which yield very large I i.r-s, have alo discovered that the man- ner ia whieb le Conducts bis department ishi"h'r-r-"ud:c:-ltoth-r-aV:einttres-s istiih.ytr jUa.c... to lu. pao..e lnteres.s. Aid to this the reativeness of the press at ! the re-trietions placed upon the tran'mis-1 ' j;;d of military rjew?, a&! cert am b'.aut- oe cf moncr which is tie ccciba of . " orticr 50 Drei P "ffiP ue5 -"J S Jr efface Lein- sometiriies taken wh?r. dodo , S'us baggaga aaJ atores, and he cUely is jnttLtieJ to be given, auJ joa have the ' fOiatiOD of Lis aiitTu UDpnpulantyt anj at:oa ol his anerea UDpnpuianxy, anj : reasons why hehas thus been ainglcd i ; f.r swift dtructiao. ! the CUt ...r,.in. .mnnt thu frinda of thfl i;nion . r--o - . , aal the snr porters of the Jovernme2t j J,kw .v,f in-Umpnt !,. d-niV. to c 4 Gen. M'CIellan, great military skill, coup-, led with the nKM ardent and enthusiastic . .... detouon to Uft flag aad r whictl lie mar , , , , , b ... j ,...,: ,kc ... i ..,,; ,,;,, f him who whilst . st's wf is , tIi;,i0l! Geo M'CIellan, tilhfiesanl abuses ; ..l.k. lJ.iit....i J.t. eons.ltuti.cal .dvi-1 - J I Cn.M L" C UU. VllllfieS SO 1 abuses - the Preside .... The true friend of our plorion, cause j tnpporU ia tbeir respective jurisdictions I both Stanton tnd M Olelitn, for they tre I 1 ll L: ...a ' "' englgeo, WHO fll.nc.r pre.. ,.ow..-, . i ..t.u: .a. 1 . - ... I eminent that ev.T noated 00 ine III!) Ol ,;,,. .nj in crBiLin2 ,h. oo.t d.mo.ble 1 reiw;,irM,, ,b. ,r men or devil, were en- .i.ed i( .t tba wch Cai b.-..ll saaia ' Li in:pi us 't( lujt t supplant tb masVr . i-m us, ij-j .urujs, urjL- ui iue uv.- b-tt, r ia tie tent. 1 fi-.M 'T tbe c ur.;il charuirr, b. Btli'IJ ai.J ;3:ain( i. Let our a-tian"i!:. ,c r-S-rv; ! f.r tb :cli3 ar; t: ivi -r:'- 1 1 iesticj tkeewDiat, arjj -li-anlte the i?-atf-. Ojr f.itbrs cL- .rac J tbi. (torernmcot by 1 3g .uffv-rit.. i ti.o I'oi u cf tl' atta itb tb :r l.f.-'s Vji, a-.i :ba r3i.-:i at-J ar. J tbe an;-. ctt id ,2e, oo thtt it ,b ;u:i reuuia a a, Jh3 tat6t to tbeir U 1 an i pa:i 'I'm I .T cer anti I T err :.ai. tL-.'r 5 ai p ro.i; tbe Jr-'r te-i -n of tbi. ,;ri:;.i?, an! P-s to tbtir cbiiJ.-.-n, D t , . . . . . . tb- C t;ouj tLhnanr wltja t-.ev re- " , . , , , , ', . cr.y.l from tb-ir f-'hera, lit a J.v: : d. inutilatf l atii d!??f?erc-J e-t 'f.-rai or cjinclint--,' to be r. I t tl.c t.-itioB- o car'b m a C b? SL.il " ''0 o I rpr-a-h ? SL.il tbe lao- ,jf K'jt'ani' great pet ev-r be aj,. plieab'e n this 'Atnrici of oars !'' ... ..cr...-,...,w v -, -- .... i ; t. .n.asi.in-icr., 7 v. i :..-..,. r--.il.. ot il. - Nil no! Uatea frlii. Rikr let .. - l.-t- I.-.1..J.1 hall fjaia be r.r-.red to oar eotr.m-n ' trets'ndaos eanacule. U8t:l our frtilkry ! IUAff ..-CE I . . - ' ... , , , '"'HE tjn!ersit7ned ar? t-nt'.iBi up an li t cuua-ry; whin no gvernojcDt, or pre- fBc.-ciJ ia ftttisg lb raPge mJ lllete- j , UE i: iaree er.cuah t--irr;y a . .-ur ten!ed government, ttull be rtc.'.i;:J!.'d ' tie Rtbl hat'.erlc. Wa LfJ cce tsftj '. pe- ;-e with be dnnstT :r.e mh.-le year. let by any part of tbe American people, ci- Wounded. Farther to the left, Porter- ' "V,1 '''""f irseanti c.pt that g .vi-rnment which was led corps, including MX' all's division of I'a. 1 r"iValFpii eiiher 1 us n N, r h I h st.or jver ly Wa-birgtoa in its iafaacv: K-serte. ene.uat.rsd far nnri.r Rebel ' ft the ice Houae below tb B v.r Br- :r. ... , T " h s ts n:-tN-ct strengthened tad firfected by A-jaat fad fjree, and rcpilscl it. It was here that i tnba-t.Nc' l-' a.' aN.-.-Tai.r Je!T.rsD, Malison and Monroe, in Col. Simmons wa, ktlled, and tbe other Admiuistrator'S Notice, youth ; tr -t.o'ed by the iron will an t un- casualties referred to above occurred. i - - -net!: As. l.-tter of Adminivrstki to il.ccbiog couraj of Andrew Jackals :a i's ' Jitxt diy. (Tu'sdty, July 1 ) octtrre3 : tt. e-ta-.e BF.NJ H bK"L"sK. tally fffe: aul now preserved from the ! ,te battle of M.l. em Ili.l, with little lo ' de'c.ase !. la e . ! Hast tatfaloe Twp. Taion - ic. iiTi'v . a' e hefi crat-.T. to the -ut-cr.hcr. fttacka of a trait A 'us brood by the strong to car fide, but w'ub no enotmoas siaub- hf K.vt of aa'ii V-ufy.'in due t.-rm ; arms and itiilin g hearts of ntjre than la-e t.r 0f Keb-'.s. They came ia solid col- , ail persons indebted t. sa. -tate are re.-.ue-hunr:J tloua.nl true American solders. 0.no,, again aal ffvo. f-r the purpose of i lJ To this end, let us mitatfio our ciua- capturicfj onr trtillsry and drmng us from 1Uihentjcated for se'tlerrer.t, to trt'a cause, with our trcisure. and. if i1, t t'l Kn' the pnen montha of sizt J A. MEIaTZ. Ala.at.Tftor ...i.i. -:,l ...kUI I.,., ,.(,. ,, . ,, tntereiarse, pj.iticflly fal pers inal.y, . fj(j q,j fl ai.l Ut us saearhv our inanho-d. and our , 1 ,1,:- . i " 1 beUio0) ea thoug-,( ia reaisting it, our h-.-artastone should become f desoiaUan . . . . , . . i w""v',v,- : "V'.LH Pennsy!vni send 00 her quota a C.xp near llarris;a's Laading, ) . ii'c V..-I 1 o J After the hurry, worry, and excitement of f Uvz retreat, ani the nrid laceeisi-on ,f nutuuer cf battles as hard fought aad . Liooiv as the moat time-wjra veteran c'id Llooay as the moittime wjra veteran c'id - , . , -. "e - r-"-'-J bi-d on lLa shores of the muddy James, fa:lh:r ttia RwkmoaJ, it is tree, I at ia t'O.ition strong by nature acl so much s,Lgtbencd b, the arms of our soldiers aa,:.caud,f,,lebus.,ofRcUiiam. ,,-1. ...... 11 a.n, ou aour.uay, -',-iu ol Jane, iue s accession of battles coanuoaeeJ, our little rei.aiout wi 1 j ; o oq a emiu-Lcc over-: 1 i ,1 it.. I. alt.ini Hrilai4 n i i - a !".",. hoaiiny. which we had ordrrs to protect J Thron -.. the long afternoon fnl late into tb ti -'-it, we cuiaid Lear the ceajjless thnndrr of artillery. ext m-rntng. we wro gra'itie-d with t a- II f "-- ib.a -- " - . 1'e-n n-y ! vauil Kestrt ill held a very . important position ag.tnst . greafy sap, , J j J . " - . . )f "e "a P ha an! r-jiic 1 that W2 were PenraCjItani- o-,n alter, we reetvci orders to i .v. a .it ,.t ,..;f, ..,,.; .es.a-j . .wk.-s, .ui o...v -a. , ti-a at tte lotver one wita oreasiw-orats ani ... ... , -Tits. We .tripred to Ihe w-.rk, an! in a few boors were behind fortiS'ftion, ' "ile naa "'f8 lrou-'at and planted , . . ,e ,i. i:i it,. ou sue u. u w a-a luq ui.. uuu...... i; .u. b1 in tie '"noon two regira cntJ reinforced us. Kebcl cava'ry were 0 00 tbe Other tide of the rber, bat i , . ' none fnopita w cross, ice roar 01 fi-lry. coming nearer, apprweJ us ibat ' a t . 1 t a s-t- L ' tl?re was hot work in front. Then cant? UP"' cnr f mf. faturlay morcinj. laboring under ant j e D tack of feve. ani ague, the Vt. al.UeJ ; me ,!) "-.rop-any Lt.Stew, who was ; -.wt.i." J CKU;i, oal lew remame ana iae f Illt.L ; s r.. ' n awcftj ui'ii; m iuaru tti.vuriJ. -iu. t-eno:a., 01 tne isi orig.ar,w woauaea r Tt. S.U L . 1 K. ICS ! P""r- "' inJ mot of tb otber regtmeot prportio- I .r.e.lr ti.nrla soryf h I "r-il V.m. k.,.k.. Tl,,. It VTadlin ' moOS, my OOther 1 nomas, lit.., t aaain, CaptTaggWt, and others, and wished them V! in Atit frcm barm 00 tLe Ut- i tie field, I little thought that tbe next two 1.. t. .I,:, BBA.na f,.-.w, k.rm nn the Lit. J J " 1 ' i Ja - s would End taem cngi'-il in t talooa- ier Sgbt ih.a an, of tbe previous onesnd Ihey til kil.ed or wounded tnd ia the bands of the enemy. But o it is. Col. ( .inmmi am .'.flint? hit rj.n Bed POinff HP ! . ---o r. . . - ' , .n.l .l..n tk. line, eneonrairin? L IS men. 1 " e io. uo-"- v.. ...-t-- bullet through hi. bre.st .My brother T. ; was shot through th. leg! while carrying u. trsiai.-ul JjJeii whli Uwag to hi c"n ny ant! which ha bad rescued from iu u.c rami-. v-F v v. .c- . j .e ., tlea. ta-1 ref..J to n !!'it I bti al-ul tf my ftory. v. Tba? retreat to ,. .ires Cf tn'ft.irp "."h ) emm Deed tbc re!i Jj's. liter. Lich gtitl tie t'jot: I i. at-d tbe morale CI an a:cy that ta- fbt-rwi" b,r- b-en de.Toyed. Ail bit af...rri3jn at.l Bgb, train of wag- o i'an, ar,j cjiurnn after column tf our tio . p rafrcd by at t j.:ick trp in an arpu; i.t'.y ct-dirss ftrcam. I refilled the pr.te pre tba, . ft .u,,, and o.v tftt a.m'M Fans wn.nn me. i Uk rJ w.tr.d X, wh-ra anrl.r other cir- c:tar.e: ,t r ..-J h.te bcn c-a.lty t , -.i.i , - , , ... Lare empe.'tJ to kare their Deis. wa.ed . . . - . . . c-r kobl.ej f.-lir with n t;acri'y the eiefiTtot ol lue ocea.ion couM a.ont b;r reciervi p r-ib'. Then followea J-.-'rsethr. of sta-'iDitivC aajat&refwbub c !lt .e r r iv- J. j , i , U r U'.t'o br:pda lay nl:T BW, thtl aftcrnona and anJav, at llottora's l-rtdgf, !iu.;?er - nttothe - L. - .'werpf;rsp.6botfLd sbrll tLat were burled at them. I Sunday cTebioj:, we quietly litrtcJ c5 . 0 . J ,nL'e .:ui-k to White Oak Swamp. . , t r . ,1 t.-.. a :.u - . ' , canister, mowed them down in fearful lw4tbs, and ft last drove them, disheart- ' ' Br,r.A fr.,m tK fi-l.t We need reinforcements. Let M'C'.ellan have f hundred thousand motf waen, itb the hundred thousand be now has, a ad tbe ibattered remnants of tbe Chivalry will ia . f irw montas De orougaj io meir aruees. : si: n a m-iL.j'- and ir:cti is.n-1 well .t. , I . , . . otneerea, (as tuer cencrai.j nave tsen, ) atd I will warraU their gaiiantry in the tiell, no matter how raw they are. iioais going dowa the riser and cosing ? " frut,.y a.re Fou v, artillery aa-J saarp-soooiers, ana w-uay a h.ard the htavy fcootiaio.' of our gan-toats Jowa the riser douhtlei stul there to d.oda those troublesome gaerulas but I know ntLitag uf the resa.t. Our U-iabtfrg b,y, are .,11, and get- i"g aU,g oei,. Ja'. CUAMaLW. ---ar - . ---- mm SS-WW ,f JrfCt?iC XJ EWS f ' Tt.r lit I f"ty.ri rdcaratur,! M nrfroe-.. ' Wongb, T.u.., uad CyatbUaa, Ky. o-i.... The58 S3?"'1 Prr,ioa """ 'omt alarm to tbe p'opie near, and are among the most snnnying things in war, because . th-y caa not aU.is be met ia tiu.e. ; 0cD. Ualieck has formally bidden - .. .. .i . "J " ports at Wa-bing'on. Il is believe! he t .s Genertl in Chief .t he.1 q,.r- .VCb-lian and Pcf. co.t.nu.ng their re.-fective commands. An adtanc of Grr. Tope's iftTT b?;ry as reasonable Tfrma as any viktr rnMril,j t0 ,tiWt ta cif th- K..'r-.4 r.nn.n.: n i,;.t, r.mA.t r.H H.,v I .a.. v..u . " " ' 1- ""- North. Pop - n ,f-. K. 1 . B1'1 L, ..I.i.l a"'-i -" sr""."1 ' f-"!'7 " n-Bch as is praciieafcie. O.if C TTipaiTnn T if asUf Jof t'ninBC; anty. 'I':i (i vern-T H ; roi think il ftrecs-ary to c nr--ae tne I.t -i.rL.rf. ri::-trn thcusiiinr! V!:nr wit snScri)'rt! at a War Meetn.rr in Karr.-f ar?. ve-ter-iay. At M'Cir'lan'. H-at y.stter-. last Fri.iav. s-t l.W w-.-and-J Vv.-u prtscn-ra arrived. trl.e, 0 , anu-tlcri3fl,ti. It is re-1 r.,-e.. all the wounded vn.afy..l were ..,1 l-."-i ..! K- ... I -.... Tl.. I,.. rrrt-! k:!;H) will be reltrd. Tbe iiv; li nt. T. !1 M-i-iU-D, I', da A E J a !, ls rtt. J'.na H M t".srt 11, do luli. l. nijuttr. it:i. i' s. T-.f.,irT. K crr ir,,s - u. tit Lit st. JUT .i Y "I. : M fti4.n an i I r- 5. I i :ob J- n.aw,tU'J-TnL,nt,KlM ' i-iiuii" in r;,i ui "rra.M n imiui.i 'u .1B4-Jr;jr'":.i; ."L: "IT: .7 '. -. .' 'a'... . . ' .. .7" ""' I v. s-va-ri. ttamuioM .r , . . , ,T Tr..:. .... "...- -...: M-rt,.4..r, h. ,:iJ.i. , ,r l..t..-t -i.-r-.r, VI.., I ." r . l. -fn tTouIo , si . ;V j.tr fc. j . irUrw 1 "wiwnU.y. J.-t sa-w -a.t st. 'rJiiJV'l Cb- "' ' V i .-n,-uiy. J!y tta-W arn-J,. raT r-rr- 'JT.T' . IZlZ.lZTlZl J,ljSlnm,t t-.s.j,.i.,..v..rF.t.,. OffO . t.t.tNtrz. 1b l-t. rfta, f. ..I J..,. H. LtD. S .Ml S..titrr uf I i.ta v i. i.o IZTSZi -". " M .b, ,tt ilauMl ! -. -..- WATCHES. JEWELRY, be. JAw.eVa ten and Jewetrr eviahhshmerit u.o' bv I if. r fa: inins V.$ AniQ-ia 3f ftni Lt.Kii-i:?.b.L. '''"V '-'l"7 r-) Market v.r-r. , L'-iweeo r rut ana occn i, sac i . , j Inlrumrifs, sc., in th met approd ad aat.afae'cry ntann'. i. kps on hand an a ..nment of choice jt-.A i:;.KV.t r I. ad e-an' lirn.rn.en, h c!i -he n'-ri ai pnre io n.! the uraei. Also, ; --'-".' :K"'! W-T-"HE4. 1 ,i an i warp. larrl-lrt retreen. : MARIA S. ZI'BCR. M - ( si-tjriinM ; i4 I I tilll J Ii , I FJ tl? Ji PerOnS .vU.Tlns tbo nr. i.jrM.-no 1 i.t ' - 1 I'O-'l'AG K utoi BOX KhXI.a- : as i.ir .l"ii!.-t'r:'.;!oa ana , . , .. , . ac-.-oniit. I tntiic-J.tttc attention Us: I . ac,,mli:3 j, r,l. Jljaev Ci I.. - slVCj )T d0hg 50. j " ' "il. V. CROTZK. , Lw:-bn-?. Mav JO. i-KJ IMUTICI I.AK AOTKi:. . . LirfLH the t-t place in tv.n to ret j x V Vr.:r.3i aes ;uti..o. f-e-e-.-r.--, -J Sac s " ",a''-r ' ",'.r it!ia: tnn numerous t. mention, ia ai l . n - - ' It N ... re-r..v-.1 K-bef i hit. 2:2. ifrvi'ii-c s:. . - ,1,- li.l... ! two I .or wet . f the Batik. l.r.i-:-iir;. tT ,. 1- Di.i at Lewi-borf. May 18 Peace Peace ! a. .ta Mea. for j.-a Tb- o r-w tr-ur .C!,tH. u4 irt .t t-..i cus, And wvm HI bTJ Md IM aClMT IM VM. lrwri a4 Cham. u4 IHtl aM;Vi-. d Oinnatraj-a a 1 1 Lriiuwa. fi-tiTU -i IvTaitMl 1. i'..i. tn "l M.-bBim. nd fniaL Utt u .l j ua iit .-ja.: ; i .n yw-i .rint- n. ..ci JaJprtTatV.TT r !,- mof f.r Ml Mhl tUil Hj $r,r r-u; ! W irij-ttvie Oi-u:iaa cii u. ?:ki. w--v. r-me n ast c t-m. uj Crn'Vwr svinj. j iV.Zltil'Jii''S: j w- ataa-ia aa Imi .. aw ansa. j w.-r 0:: r:-1 act rsn-vt to ; j l r . -jr doer, Hoocn e s.nc. j aaa 3.-tr l'a.-i.a kt oii.a. W-'t Bra.hM aa-l at.ttl. ailalad, of Qu"eoar .... ...a rikx.u.. .: La. ca . o- r. . V r;-j : n- 'i V.rk--: -:r,- --.etrr ut v.a ft MIULt ;u4- r w a 1BEK0S. U.i.borg, lpriiS.lVJt B. r. i - Adujlnllralvr' ot Ice- XT OTIl'E is hereLy given, itit Letters i.1 of A Imir. i-trau. a nr.-n the L-tale ot SAR Mi MlLLtR, late of Eu:ilaii.e icwr.ship. I'nioi. county, dee'd, have been eranted tu the :cned. ov the Ke2 sier ol L nu-a countr. I ... , :r.n nf isir. T nr(fGrf-a.l nersnDi ! m ic Med to sd estfte .re re,aea,ed to mk. . :,..rr.e.t.afe pavmeor: and th.ise baric? an7 ,a :i- are also re.)uested to presem thea it-zai.y aaia?n:tca:ed ltr 5-tiienient : rKTfcR MI LI. F.R, B-ilTal. e Jure 14a.2 (pi) Adrntni-tri'tT-; "ZsT BRANCH Insuran'-e ComrJnT. or Lock Ilaen, Pa. Insures Properir in Nih Tca an Coui- good Company. The '.free ircrt cf Prcmiaoi Notes makes it a re;ia-:e t on pair to m.nre ,m,.. reeM.rs a.-e. Il tnf.r.-r..WKI.O pipr. ii.v .HrTvi. rrtrs LARIiO-N PHO.-S. Asrnt. AdmlnlsUtors' notice. !fri:E.S. letter, nf administration cn V ill- estate of JAC'.'B I.Ki-.Et;..-iep: r. l:.te of Kelly Ir wnsnip. CfjiLn c inntr. trc d. ! hare b--o can'. 1 t.- the .nb-enber in due form of , n-t ct is here!-?- enent.. all per. ' its kaowini themselves to le indebted 10 said estate, io maie immediate partceBt j f.i those hfvtt.s claim Mmt 'th- '. r.r.cant ih.m iin I n'K-n pats.. will present tr.rna dn v au-h-'n. cared f-r sct- meat, to tiKuRtiK I.KI-KK. Ketty p J. HN LUl.-tU. II- awr.re Tp. Maya!.! (Adminitraiors DESERTED "IROVf the r. S. service, at Ctmp neav 1 .Veiar.dr f. V April . lfl. private Ji).ill"II BAKH iIT.Comrany D.Sin Kei- irnent P. R. A?e. IJ vear ; h.isht, S feet ; Catas. asasT Il.-twavw UT- 1 -K WiaiBVlUCasijn . pVIjTR iTOR" . TIC E Whrrea Lefr of Admmw.c on me estate .a Urtrt ViV.th lat of W.iil TsT t.iwnxh.n. deVed.havebVe. eranted to .he snhaiheV bT (ht R,.,.M.rof i ,., , om.tr n d.te form I. s--f.-a saM w.Ar;n ( n, taa e-.I t's 3li .sle , re repeated r. TO3ae i-nmrdia.e par- . ,,., toe tame mav pre-ent ihcui duly au.henucaird ff seUiemmt. 'O ' It lira l i Rltf a Adm'r White Deer, June i. le-.i j. r. MOVER, 4(tornry at Latv, ) irwisM-Bi. rntv ro, r ptOVCI,TATIONSIiad in the Kogltshtnd ! (iefiria laecnaces. Offir-e .North Market St. r Tliird. i LrhT,r. J.a a ii rif UG K-f nrrii Uims. Jot recivel a lire Vt ef ranvaased iajatKur. Hams. .. fined B-e- tV. . OjftR tp&Vi fe'- iai" j tyyiii'i; iV , i.'-iar-.. nf.r-w OTfBCI Gi.iitfi uUul O I Uitt ! CHEAT lURGAIXS! j TLT receded treih aopF'jr of tfd:f f r..nf. ntpr, Ftmrr Sho. tVrSall! b o' t at L.M SI AI.LV IW ri;; K- C AlH '. ai the Lewi.borg Vih : n IJ.k-i and nr.' t ft re. '.ppmite ire Lewia t ut? Pit.'. T:." 'arrest ,-Srf HoneMa.le HOI'S ar.d f HH e- er ctfeiwi ia i. wa. at i'.r.jle-ale a.d R-:-:l, irf--ni to iwentT-t r er ceat. eh'aper thir. .-.I r.berhcae in u cunitr. l'-jvia and Sacea uisde u cider oa - r' ii.-v:re 1 -n't f- r-er ie p'ac- rp-. -e the Fnt. Aer.l 1-4 Jf' ;v -y' lRKS. I . ,;-ilM I Til ! S aPo.MKIE:. j tv'lne fAMiLV e jAP.VAKE' I A I Kitchen Grea-e r he r.sie into j. cd ; st,xv k. a-m SAfOJFILH. la-'l'ireciK...- acci.mpanyine each Ba. 0 ? : a- ea?:!y ccdc w.in it, as uiakinr. a cup of OVtTce. Mann.'actored cn'y by the Patentees Pcuu'a salt Slanufacturinr: Compan', -121. Wainot at, rmLVUtUTBli. Feb 10, iaC-el GEORGE MERRILL, Atternej at Law . . . LewUburg, Pj. fT-i-e in the Recorder's Cftce. Feb. il, 13P3 FIRE INSURANCE. IXStRM.E COVTAXY OF 1S0RTH AMEKItA Pnii.-e.phif. (Uorvratl, 17M.) Capita! 5H).OO0.00 Acts. Jan. 1SC1 - 1.234.7 PJ.S I ARTHI R C. COFFIN. Preaideft CH ARLtls PLAI T, Secreiary LVBuildinrs f nnoally or prpipfily. Ver chaiid.e, tirain, Furnuure, Ac, inaored. ft ciHTcai rates ol Prttnium. JOHN B. LIN.V. 934m3 Aent f. r Lb ion county. Pi 8UHDS AND SHADES. D. J.wvit.1.1 Ma, o. 1 Nor. Sulfa Street. fHla.AuLL.HI A, MaDulactarer of YEMTIAN BUNDS an-1 WINDOW J-I1APE3. The larfest and fioest fssortrarat in ike Cut. at ihe lowest Prices. Bunds paimed and trimmed, eqrtal to new. Store Sofdet made and ieitered. Apni II. !-' 3ra BENEDICT ALBERT, CLOCK Maker and Repairer, AMI UMkS k ttliBij fVI I tig, tjrA'ew ap on Sooih Fjih St-jjj I ewisbors. Apr.l t t, ttstii Last and Hest Xcws ! j TE hate just received frem Pmladelphif ;i and Sex Yorf, f very large fad well selected slock of SUTLER GOODS, Th;ch ire offer t rer? retiace-i prices. W hare paid pr ica'ir i:tfOiu 5 m ibe Mteeiiuit ! f X2J?Z. i mecl p. DJ V GOODS Pi evenrde.cr.p- -'"a- r i:cniers ul tind it their fsjvtntase to s re ca f call as in prices we defy any of or n-..-ir-or.or to-ns ;cr competition, as a hare a!o replen.sbed nor stock of (.roc rlesi, llaidnarr,jucemaiare,&c. SALT, FISH. COAL, rLATER, c. II .'..Ve i'a,'. Llm-; CVz-VaW IZuter, an i Iyfjuic t'tiHfntf f'wars kept in banl. r? CO! . TH Y PKODCCE tfken if El cbanze lor taoa.d as usua!. IN. B. Cah pa.d for all titles of Grain. JNO WALLS Ct. I.ewishnri, Apr!! a.l. IMS BUFFALO HOUSE I.tHh c-LIHEK, Prprlelor r'H!7 nw HiI m aiioarfj rpposiie ihe X Conn H'-n.ia the irl favhirnat lp ac1 beaaiifjl part f th town, rzi frr ani c nreoimcf caa not b? aurpaa??d ia Central Pennrlvan-a. Tat'se fi'-r? ht ?"n;T-iiir. rr at-ndiiH C'onn. f'id it the ht: c-,ti7,niTit aal ctv.raJ pnllir h-a- rbaf; -.n fo ti .t rf af??1-V ?- n:thr ui&ecr etrBst w 'l be -rr '. -.vvt --v.;v cniiVr' vpi ii) e whA rt a . Pervon. the Corn: w:!l W rb.ir?-t fT p-rava!. Lfwtbur?. April I, New bticd---nw Gootlsl JOSEPH L. H VN havinz taten (h J rooms utirter the Telerraph and C hromcla extensive 'n7, tf T. TH mtkt mp Im artt'r.Ms he aul! ronupues the Ta ilsTinp Bua ness. lie is prepared to ejetate all wnrk entruNtrd to hia care.io ihe aalialacri'Ml of the easterner. N. B. Cat':B led EeTtinii jr Urmt ! or ter. Lewisbnrj, pnl lt,i6l ( ' V 1AKTES DE VI1TE ft M wrv's Oatlerf Pa..t,.eraph Aibtiaaa tt Mowrv's l-aHerr Pnotoerarbs latte aiae tt Mown-"a tia lery Pao: arapa la Oil ft Mowrv's fit'lerv Ivorytitpcs t. Mowrv's l!a!ier HatloiTpea tt M. wiy's Gtilery Amhr. spes. tnd Ai' km is e."trea ft Mowtr's Ha'iery MOVl RV'a O VLI.F.KT. in Market .ti.et, near l our h, laonili aad. Lrwisbnr?. f9.t' Daily Horning Naw. SAMX 6LIFEB has eomanence.! farnishinf th lldrritbsars Tcl-arnpla mr rninf s jii rr er pei eo-y 'he ver. lata at .News ai chsrapesi rfiav J ICE 1 lfofchl.br. till Prlt .. 4 rm 1