OT 41 $ 1 111 INI mm MlfMIIJlWi MX .! 4 fi . a . Sill .MtJlJjfj I'XW.W" ishMUsd ia 111---' Jio., 5.5. HI- 0. X. WOKUEN AND J. 11. COKNKMUS. LEWISBURG, UNION CO., TA., FRIDAY, JUIA 4, 1SG2. CIIROXICLE." estaViA' I ia I 13 TVWe X.)., ?31. At j.1.5 PT Year, alway In Idianrc. . .NKLMtlD M.Wl-ni.tkH Tufsilay Moniin; & lri-1;i y A l,errni-n. : jeri.Sev.-r hive the J juristic people of the Free Sut.- M" fJ S;'J 1'""urth of Ju!j as ihiit of JNVJ, uml.r the news of tie severe losses of rr..ual aud r.iul fntnds before Ku i.tn.n.d. The U'be.s btting conceu'r.ted Ihc white and MarS foreenf Ho.ur-ET.i in.l hurled item with terra.!- tffieieuiy mil d.-pr-- tion, in i"irr, "r 'i"1"-". ur " r " ,ud alibough .-puis. -I. '' was at lt,e coat of many brave men's limbs w lives. Tha Pennsylvania Reserve. There it .. r t...bl-i ' b position of I'cDUMlvjuij in bir i.ieiitiliciii.u with t;,e .ntu.'ole to put down rebellion, -ho: , the firs' to reach the national rapii.d, when it was alto -si regard.'.! as within tho re.eb f eli grap cf the conspirators, and ercr tJfice, in every way c.nidiit-ive to tliu g-nerii success, ska 1ms c utrihutel nivo auii mouey without stint or Ii.uit, until bar resources have replenish J tlie treas crr, and her sonsselied tie fire.it armies of the Republic. Aud now, before llk-h-rnond, at a moment upon which depended so imp rtaut battle of the campaign, we Sod tnegiilant regiments of the l'enu-yl-v.nia Kesorvi'S occupjirg the post of lan pt and importance. Arr ived against a erj superior force, fi-;b.tiii-; in a p-ition where every advantage wis against them, the men of the l'--serve behavrd most gal lantly, and accomplished deids sui-h as will not be exceeded or evuo Kj'ial'.cd by anything which our armies cau possibly achieve hereafter. Their losses are severe, but not known fully. Their Genera!, George V M'Oall, and his Aid, Col. Hiddle, are killed. We also bear of tho d. a'li of Lieut. (il. Filter, brother of Tunis 11. Fisher, Lew isburg, and of Lieut. I'aiker (J.cw'i-'.uwd) of the Kepular Army. 300.000 ITore Men ! For some time p"t, measures hive been maturing to fill up vacancies in our armies or to enlarge thcui, on 1 thus ensure a speedy fiiisa of tu j ililwl'iia. The Military G iverairs of eih eei ta'rs have advised the 1'resi lont lint, their peo ple are in favor of speiJy trirlc, and will enlist sufficient men. Whcrcup n, the 1st inst., President Linclu re.-ponKJ, mat be would receive the services of Throe Hundred Thousand rectuhs (prin eipally infantry.) and give the fuot of each State. Here is another apportunity, which we doubt not wiil be promptly em tracrd, to aid ia fiuishinj; up the w .ik which has prioresstd S3 jjbriously for one jear past. Iflff-A larjre number of the patriotic ,vl'.tS of M.fHnburg and viciuiiy have lstmd a Soldiers' Kelicf Association J! "Kite Keed, President; Mrs. Jacob Outiliu, Cor'g Sec'y ; Miss Aaieli fjster, Uec'g See'g ; Mrs. l'orrey, Treas srer designed to furnish clothing aul ether needtd articles for our siek and wounded men in hospitals. Their next meeting is at Wolfe's hall, Saturday July I, (to-ui .rro) at i, P.M. The llanleton Lulf s bad eucb an In ttiiut'mn Mine tiino sine". The l.vii-s of Lewisbur bavo done Bucb in tiii iiue months ago but pass ing events srttn to call upon thtui again to mve. Dav vour CiiEttrtiM The unprece dented crop of elierries with which this re tion U now blest. should bs pectired for fature u-e. Tii oijrk some trouble there is no m ire simple, cheap, and wholesome farm of re-rin them than by drying. Oar crp uei- year may be small. Should H ar be eootiuued, on a greater oremalbr scale, dried cherries will be iiue of the bct and most easily transported articles of luxury for the ttoidiers. ave all the Currants and Denies alsi. a?Tlie Susquehanra Telegraph has Bow been in operation eleven years, during Which the LewUburg station has passed faij messages, and earned for the Company, ifter deducing local expenses nd otnmissions, 2,C9l, or an average of f20S pr year, purely, it should pay dividends, or other offices must bo leaky somewhere. 8PX.We notice Ilev. Geo. V. Anderson and Rev. J. lUnard Castle, among the elcrgjmeu who have recently left their bomes to labor fir the sick and wounded soldiers, without e..mp.nation, under tho aospiccs of the ChrUtun Commit.ioa of 1'biladclphia. , SVIl.in 1 ' V. . I 11' IT " " . . iu...,. ... ucms, rresi- dent Judge of ScLuyikill county, i3 dead. His funeral occurs to-day. lie ditd with lis sister, Mrs. Donnell, in Suobury, 2d "St., aged 50 years. ftiThe young people of Mifilioburg ' !ctrate the "glorious Fourth" at Cham- ' W Grove Parson llrowuiow speak n Pottsville. j fcajfTbe BulTaloe Creek Sabbath School ' appointed a committee of Arrange. "?nts for a Celebration on Saturday the iG.hofJuly. j 4.The sale of II M. H unter's town ; piperty was postponed natil Mocday. ' Whit will They do ? To-day, lVh'gatcs from the people of Pennsylvania who oppose a I'uiou Ticket, and who cull a Party mWe the Country, meet a' IHrristiiir. Th-y will represent all tho See--i.ti sympiiliy in tho State, utri alo th'.ns ni ls hone-', go d in ti wh.i are s'l'.l niile 1 by the i nij.ty lih. i, 'Pern ocracy." At the .isf me"iina of this pirty llirri-liuri, in Feb. lt'.l th.y openly ritrtunty J the U'lids iu thj fol 1 ioi? t. rms : -Mil. That we wi'l.t vr.!! pn-per end le-ri-tt.ii.ile in-in-. ft;:OM-. :i :lllt : ans-p sntl li-t :ri ai-nut oil I lie i:iil ' !li' l-nli!i-anii In rotirr t -e n..v Lrinul n.-gie-i.-n U)i.x. IV.e .ii'lie:.-! S a1..,'- I.t .is e.i.'i.i o ii i ep-.i! . .1 in i'.i. ir i ' !k s!i.:!t l . lii i:n l.e ta'.re ' .1 . oili- ro an.t so lot e a tin' 'tt i' .'i .of "t H e s.orti stia'i r .i to t.. ! inner. in ? .1 t y t!.e lie".i:..ie.;ti in i ji r les to these ."SlaLes. an i ll'ier-ir-it In pr t-'-r a.i.en.'.a.t'ty exji.a tw'i"i. ..I in- '. o-l"u " s. rv it, r.-; -r : - n-- r l:".- "f th- t-.l.iti -s. r,!.. I h I-- Ii nt l M l 1 't .1- I -l il il - i'-!t rmlr.-1 ""I'L'ii" iti n li tiinertu t IVnn si r, . i ula it at. arnn-ii umresl-in n;i .11 l.u .'.-u..i ..I..1 ..: .l.T IM. IK Tt'lkT ..... 1 ..-r "III. I".' I . I - ..f t i il. .it -II, - I..... . 1 v -r i r i it ii.- i -i.-.u. n...rut:v tt t . .AMUI...V iriLti b Most of the hiiihrs A. ire hindered the Government all they could, but the liJitnt ui'iwa lure tri-d to su-tain it. Wll T TIIEV VIM. Ht) THIS VPARhow they till hop's to d c.-ive and uit-lcad the I pie we sin!! oiu see. If they fgiin openly aid Tieasoii, tii. y will be lepudia te i by the Misses. Peril ips they wiil try tlitir old game of deception sueh as "l'o;k and the Tariff of 'i V or 1. ieitn m ati.l Fi'-- 1 msas . or 'l!i-ckiiiriilje and the 1't.i m !" Whatever cheat they nuy attempt, we think the people wiil nrv.r be aiin d lu ded by them. James (1. Yjung is J tele gate from this c luuty, assisted by Messrs. liartou and lluehcr. tea'-TilB 1AK'HIA'" is a new piper, fr un Yankton, Pikita Territory, away somewhere behind s'in.1 iwn. It. ''. it is to siy, the paper, and nat sundown) lo-ks an i reads uioeh like y'-.te'o Ar.d see h 'W or hoi xly it u j'h '-ft i n" abo'il t .e Pn si li lit tf the ble--t d l't.i:itl, h i bath on etbt c'.'.ntnn A lvt iu Pime ppr which -yeto. well f ,r an outsil; picket of Piiu'erdotll. Sai'h " KJitor t f y" f) tl.-!titnt truly and tiui-ly-ly ' i'h- a i-oom an 1 p-itrioti-ui of the pro-s.-nt Niti oul A litiinis'r iti in is, to-i iv, die gh.ry i f t v. ry I y il Anit riciti, while it is tbe aliuirati .0 and w oad-r i.f foni-n na'i .us. Abraham Line ilu has attained a loliiocss and furi'y of st itesuiauship, to which Biauy have "pir.d, but whie'i few have rciehel. lie stands today a giant bu'waik of the C institution, against which the waves of arm d rebelliou anl moutLing fanatieisiii, alike dash theui selves iu vain. The pre tut Aduiinistra . tion, notwithstanding the outuber of those . who are willingly iu rebelii iu, is support ed more ardently and by more people than any other Administration since the birth of the It. publie." ----- - A United Pkiuxe Were all in. the Loyal States j liued in ai ling the Govern ment to prosecute the War the pist year, d .ubtless it w lull hivj been Goishc l this day. We hive hil to) mmy triitirs, cimplainers, anl s crct enemies of the (J iverntiieiit. The iiltunpt to keep up a Party to thwart aud embarrass the Admin istration, his pritraeted the War its suc cess is the last hope of the Kebels. Voto dojra tbe l'arty which Jeff. Davis &('". sinpithiz3 with, and Ltavis' career is ended. IlE.NRVGAI.l.A!ER,aged about lSyears, died iu the hospital at the White 11 ou-e, of typhoid fever, on the l.'ith ult. lie was a member of Cpt. J-iuies Chamber lin's Co. 1. 5J1 K g. P. V. Ho was oiiginaliy from Phiiad., but bad been for s mie years with the family of John Lewis, ol Lcwisburg, where be enlisted. 1 ri".Motit o'clock this morning, some paTiolir youn- men prorure.1, s.onewhere, a roo-h inioiattite ratition, to flie a salute, an I make a noise cenerallv. In firm-; it. on the corner ol Market ami Spcn-I streets, il expli ile.l. one fragment stnkinir ih- dwelline of Wm. Cameron, Ksq., makinsan indentation as larjie as a saucer : an. ther piece struck the fence of li. M. Miis-er. and another, wei-;h-in sir or ei-tht po.ii,.is. was picke.l up at i!ie CoutthL'Use.onc square distant. Foriuuately, no person was mjore !. j-Ci.Oii the moruing of the 2 J inst., the barn, corn cribs, wag iu sheds, eto , attached to the Hotel of J. 1'. Ilageubuch, ia Un iontown, l'.rady Tp , Union Co., were con sumed by fire. Somo harness, bay, &e., were also burned. Il was insured to some , . extent. Cause unknown. j ! James F. Cokxei.ilh writes from New-' ' bcrn, 22d June, that the Lcwisburg boys are in good health and spirits, and gives a glowing ae;ount of the presentation, on the 20th ult., of a sword from the State of Uhode Island to Geu. li jrneide. . truPeri:.C. 3. Swineford, who returned to New lieriin, siek, from Capt. Itoush's Company, is recovering. t sWMr. Sijuires is moving back his f .rmer Shop, opposite the liank Dr. ; lSuiisu will soon follow. j -A. II. pill, E-q , is Orator for tbe Celebration at Herwick to day. J taSuThe Telegraph was open this motD iog, but give us DO oe. ' j Event3 liafire llichiiiond. i It will b; n nieiiihercd that M'OIellm : first pu'ic 1 up the York river, and made bis bead i'tarters ou tbe Patnuuky, which i is al.ut 'Jit miles luorth of Ja'ins river. I At White II iue,otf: nf the main il pots j fir coiumi-sary t..r.s, ou Wedmsdiyj week, a fleet of b uts began to retii. ve the stores d .wn the Yo:k tiver toward City! Point. This was ! lie Very privately, j The siek an 1 w.nurl. i w re also sabdy re-' moved, and tiic few troops at too White j House oid'.rcd to be reaJy at any ui.iment ; to leave. Poring the tnorr.iug, there wa" a rep rt ai r .,id that a division ol the K.bcls, tho I f.r.... ..( S .... -l! . .'aCAS ,q alii HCIl. .g a.i 1 threati.'iiing i ... F.Sfil, were aj r -achi "ti open the way by the right fink f t a J r ii 1 on the W hit- iloiic. M auiiuie, the; trains i ti I lie Mitiriul were kept rutiLiug j night and day, carrying forwaul iiothing ' but uuiu:u:.i!l tl atid uiuoiti-ilis of war.atid siege aul rocket trains, aud C jid pi.es The las', event of Weilue-day nilil wis the auivi! of nearly a hundred wounded iiicu of Hooker's division, who had parli cijatid in the mysterious mivenitut of Gen. M'Cleilan on that m .-ruing, securing i 'laverti II ill (tin "important point" iu Gen. M'Ci "li all's di-pitehes.) which dm iu in Is Richmond. The evacuation of the White House was ccmplcte. Gen. Casey says not eveu a cmtrahanu was leti tietunn swarms of men, women, and children, wi'h what they c til l Ihke wi:h them, were carried away. N ,1 live hundred d dlarsof pr J. rty- wis 1-ft I rthe l!tbtl, who Lave pr -bahiy i-xt-tide i ( iLd wi tikened) th.ir line to that p int. S one st. res were burnt. Nothing ol 'great imp irtance occurred on Thursday rtr.ti. About noon, the cn- einy made their Cist ut'ack iu a feint upon G. n. Sl 'iiciiian's forces, near II mover Court House, Xirtb i f Kiehm md, but ah ut 2, P. M. er .! the ('ti-ekalu miiiy, s ,u!h-i'a-!ward.nrakift'd.-speratea"empt lo tint..- Uit uat in u. The etil) f ire ctij.'-ord h.-re w-re M'Cali's division, who were 1 eatel on the oppo-ite 91 do of a sw amy ravine, tttiool a mile and a half back fi mi the V'hickah.iuiitiy Uivi r The bat tle 1 ..stid Loin ab "Ut - un ii 0 P. M , when the enemy drew 1 If , renewing tho attack at the I re li of day on I . F,iilij, when, i.fter """vcral h -urs' of hard lihtitio, li'u. M'L'all's division; w re ordered to fail back. The il: be! had ovirahelniiu fore, and as soon as they met cue ref uls -, they returned doubly strouo. Tuey citn in such d one massra that the shell and jSrape poured into thetn made great (taps in their lines, which were iuiiii'diately li icl up, aul they moved f .raratd most determinedly. Their arlii- lery was so pjorly served that the dauisge dons to our ranks was light in proportion. They still moved on, and exchanged show- crs of Miuie balls : but when jeu. Sorter 1 1 . 1 .1.. .... 1 .1 ...t.li. tlioiieh IiA tMirsill-il , . 1 , ! . . a,. ..... n . ,!n . 1 1 idrl anil wt'rifiiifl-.riil nur llllPI. " ' , 11 1 1 . 1 wht-n tlie piihc terrible slauihtpr pnuI. Tuis liuie their ariillcrj wa m re t-IT.ctiTe. )) cmtini; 17 cl.e 'urtcrs they wru' nia r pul-oJ, and iriveo back a e r ill yri-ator (iiatice. the t.ca fnight-over bit- li.-oround beiui; literally stren with the deal and the dying. Geu. l'orter a sec oul time f 11 b.ek to his pa.ition, aul waited nearly an hour for the enemy to renew the a.-auU. They Cosily came on iu increase.! tiutii! -rs, having n- en larg-iy reinforced, and w. re again received with shell and grape, ciu-dii;; great chasms in their rat.ki. A third time they bredown most determinedly on our'Iincs, and this c inlliet was the most severely contested of the whole, but when the bayonet was , brought to bjar be fell back, and was pressed toward Richmond fully a mile be yond our original lines. Again, for iho fourth time Gen. I'jrter fell bank to bis first position, when an order was received from (ion. M'Cleilan lo c intinue his retro gade movement slowly and iu order. Tho enemy again pushed forward bodly, when their advance was checked by the entire reserve force. This fresh force held the enetnv in check, while th? force which had K V Z, the brunt o the battle previously borue the braut ol tne tame moved back iu good order, carrying with 1 1 1J 1 '1-U- ... I thetn tticir wouuu-u auu ueau The cne my made a fi.-rco attack ou the reserve, but cannon were posted at various points cf the route by which they were retiring toward the Ciiiekahomiiiy, which occasion ally poured in shot aud shell up iu them, and checked their movements, and enabled the troops to move back in good order. At one timo in this rctrognda movement, the reserve force of Geu. Sikes charged on ha oneinv with bavouet and drove him back neatly a mile This is about the substance of the fighting, hieli closed on .-... ....I,.. naied l.St.-O. Tha nbjeet of Geo. M'lNellan, long be- hi.-h geonnd.with aoa-.d wa-er, is receivin,-fireihcbattleonl-riday,-asto.l..don.ha remforeemcnts, and is protected by l l.e Whit iloose, atidalso draw in his right wingaorosstheCbickihoruioy. That be has wtngao o-s, .i,oii. aceoinpus bed this most : Mter wil l but lilIe Jhfh iii comparison wio nia, u . ,t .1,. ,her can be fin punishment of thu enemy there can be no d .ubt, and that ho has strengthened bis i ..;.. Lin tins(9. anil .I.tnes River, is rquatiy selferidrnt. There b will ba7 tie ea.op5r.ti00 of Ihe-g-inbca's. "SMALL HI. KtlW Hi il 0 III Lit lliLutr" IVln'ii lir ti. T'.r. ti.l. H t.n Vt 1.. ii -w. kti.1 i j ... IU lo t - rotiner .i...l j'.m, . Mna.iia, l o us T' '1.- I ... I "I oi. l..rjr. W h. rr 11, j in' kti i. nn ; II. tn .t U. .1 -0 10 :-! l.r m Ln.a r..l. ullit r la.m? IMipii Hi- . t.-j .... II. . .r l.ti. l. . .... u. "i-iril 'm I F .ulna tHiuit.f . In .1 ... t ..-r ? 'i I, ir u.'.r 'r-x.ii'l us a tn-l-.r. trill in. K.-n' r-j. 1 s.. i . .... )...! r .i..l.t, ir.i'in.' :.i-i i,tf-'-, nn.'e! tni - r..K' t, ! to.- .n- it. II- Vi O, . Ill Is 1.1 . '. '-UtTl ilr ui- rt'tl I'ii uii U know, rv f.n- t t (n..it a 1 r A TI . A A O. 1. Ve. Il ll.t VI t. ,..t. f ,i t n -t. I t ilu mI 1 1 -t t-iiM . -cm t tu. .-I ny niwl fl. I'tjiii in tnv r.-tui"! fir! A Cay in South CroHnn. IJ11.T.1N UtAli, June 0 Acr -ss from our picket, on the main ! land, at a ferry we call the White il nise, the llebels had picketc 1, and tf late had been verv annovini' bv tiio un stairs . j j n - j c r and shooting our pickets. We got a S'J 1 . a .1 i . ... - 1 . 1 "una i.ii':.i 1 aii.ib "nil. u.iia e"ui uieneeu 1 ' . . shelic t la at bouse an I tlie wools arounu it. Thj Ileitis nkedaddled. We went over wiih lUI) men, (ietr..ycd the poor boat", took away the cv.d ones, and lifed tbe buildings. We found th re a Copy if the ,;,, .,(,-., 0f the 12:h ittst. t fluu nej fjr u, iut fut ,De KLbeU. It sail n-thni couii be ,xj,ee,tj hereafter from Ptaurej-ird, and ,uat !,PD.iiid wouid and must fail into th,. hands of the Federals unless every mi,a w )U;j e!i,, ,ui tlv that city. 1 Bja niiCL..i a reward of jjO for a deserter f,.,,., their rn.k a suhaii u'e for some arinvcra', I prisutne. A lirm in Savanna a l,ertised h itue-tnade salt ii) cttnts p. r (Jlirf. (Come over tu ILiton IP-ad 1 1 0!.!yai,d they can get salt at 4J c..ll(J , t.u-hel, provid-d they would ra'.ly Utid r the uid fl ) We fjunl tL. ir can- teeus to be douole half for win-key, and the other half for water. Iu their haver sacks we found government brend, c irn cakes, and auoiher kind seemioly made of putty and shortened with brick dust. Wo returned to our bead quarters in dua sea on, well pleased wi:b our trip. Doc C. At an election for Pircctor9 of the Mil ton Pat.k, held on Tuesday last, the fob ' ' . lawsou, II. r. .aao,, 1. j. iavis, .11. Chaniberliu, i.ioe, Thos. Cadwalader. Juhu K oisli, William t,k, John .M'C jrttiick. SetU The Democrats of the Snyder, Xorth'd, Montour and Columbia Senatorial District met twice, but could not' nree upon a Delegate twi counties beinjr fjr Tate, and two f r Cumniinss, for Surv. Oca. . ; - ' kst (,ufTtK, June SO The Dem- ocrits held a mectinj; here today to elect 1-Ie?'e to the State Convention. Speeches were made agiinst the Adtuin- itratit'n, the war hud einaucitiation, atid i ... tratinn, the war aud euiauc jaiust piyine the war tares. The wife of (Ion. Scott died at Home ou ths 10, h aJ seventy-two jcars. Ilcr dmightir an 1 8 u in-law attenJcd her dur- iug her lust illness. A f,0w ,ba IjrrisburS d-pot lately s,relll,tcil ,0 tljeU ,he pocket of Dr.Jos.-ph .. u( Selin-orove. Ho got a taste of he i,.,,, C4ne but not ili9 moa(,j. Gold has declined in New York. Il open-d on Saturday at 10SJ to Klflj, but at once became dull at 107 1 101). Lieut. Conrlis 'A. Hale, of HeMefontc, is promoted to a Captaincy, and placed cn the Stall of 5en Wool. A evil train below Sennion ran over an intoxicated man had fallen or thrown himself across the track. The upper portions f Kuhl's Montour : I"? Must re. enf.l a l lJu.slt tTI'I.Y of House.Dauville.was considerably damaged m ldo K"'k al u"u'Ui4li- '"w Pr,.ces by fire, last Saturday. "(i nick Siiles anil Sin.ill l'rolits ' ': is the oijer of the Jay at MJMItCV, ! The Gnvernnr of Massachusetts and of j Criswt !ls m.M-k. I.ewisHurs ' New York heartily rrspond to the call by ' tbe l'resident for more moo. I Tho President ha" signed tho Paeofi! Raiiroa-1 aud War Tax bills pi!3ed by ; 1 J u"lsrcsj- n... l.nmni.r. Nlir.iMniil tv.s nv.lltf r...n i-Vrnnnt's refir.-mnnt was preattv , , . regretted by his army. -. N 34 F1t?'T? aMUilWWtf atU lJ tli liAl.riMuKB, July 3. Tho army corresp indent of Associated I'ress has just arrived, direet from Gen. M'Clellau's headquarter.. The followiag is briefly the summary nf affairs. After sevkn hays' fiohting, during which M'Oleilan's army was compelled by vasily superior numbers, he reached bis point on .lames river, anj nning luiK.-v Mant. lie is now out ol tne swamps, on 6" '"'" . The series of battles, it in believed. hs , C.,i... loss nf F.f.e.., Thou- : ,nrl , K.l loss nf Thirty Thousand j i J men, killed and wo.ind- d. j f .. r.. ltnn..!.lj mil?-, npi.nnor . and llein-z-lman, Sumner, Meade, anu A Richmond piper annnijnne. thn death nf Genern'i "S'enew.i, JaCiUiO tti tsrawiil hhsit of 3. C. -' t'up'.i'in. ;if.tt rr-li'-f. i c.iri", l'u; I i.'.ii nver- rMn H. H a l ill f A tvl in an:'li T c unn. 75! lii'.! FVrr.OYMKSTf AGKNT.S WANTKP. V will .-4v Ir.tiii ;." in ;.ri p.-r iir-rt'i and all tc- 1 aca-" A-Mi'v, cr t'tve a I' iiim, i 11. 11. ljr'it:u'.! e ii 1 !. A1 Trie .S!-w iii 2 M.T"!ii'.e (.Yin patty, K. J M IS, Tini'j-Tabl' l.rv. il::r KaluStaliua. I lit : Acciiu'ii M'-' l.tvvisbg V,i:I Tiaiu -Y :M I' M !itit iv mrrrirx Tr- JVi K'-f "mmn lnti'Mi tTjin c u Ir iu saal-u- l.crr 1 1 n-i M m'lis lu-n-iu,; Mo s( 77. Ti? .rain pi-vs LA i-Lufg 0 'rt A 1 F re -I'M .V AT"iiini'tlatM'ii ! Kpie .!. V M Py,.... Corn... Outs... , 11'.-, kl-s s in . Taliow b ....-I", L-ird H V.i) llnu I" I. Ml M11.uA.Hide... 1,'., Woil :!"itoP) Flaxseed.. ii.:...i ... '"-"' ,. , . .... 1-11 Kin Butter PI Pi.tatues :.( Fresh li-itter... 10 ('ountry t'.mp 4 i C '. It F? Fi.iH. a :. 1.. 1. -n t. ,t l'.l.:s II. WATKIts ,nl :h ..I li 1; . .01.1. i. .f Y"i:-.l U I.AVTONTt:, Mi.. MliV 1; ; 11, r.-r .1 v ti ,1 M ..V t-l.il V d..i0i.:.r 1 1-r. A Lai. I.-, lo- Ti'. i .. In V i:.M.,v. -.Ill, l it . WM it. Mrt.l.TN. N..rh-ui.ii.-il.u 1 i - , a. 1 M.---i. ill L' . i;:i. V :e ur. iv I. M. -ton. I.-1 . ) . ITll. I'.t . ,'oilN MooilL, Ci.t., ai. I -li-. sAl.l.ll. -.li.l.i .;. S.it,l...ry. It.- It T I !.' V I I' K 0!W -' , t .,.r M.r l.JnllN It.M:-.1.-111. INK ilt'.M.r. JuierliA I M ANN IAIil.LV. '.' '-, ..0 ..1 IV! S A'i'ISTTte.N'O. ! 1' '1...1 11 li. I" till N.ri rt n. I'I Tf : 11 V I ' ' 'K. - t l.-.k ' x .. I...NI Lt.li. II l.. I. -'. i .- ..It.. Mr h .-. l.i.llO..,..Cl., . I ; -r I A -1 I. - I. Il..ru. I l.- I. K .ul '. - '"I M. K. I.. i S M I. ! I;. V 1 Uk.i! I:, l:. ll.v.-n. i llv It ' RI..I lit.. ..a l- .1 t. n. . ANN! At n.alT. X K'-K !. u:t,Jvn MT?.Mf.IlT, Ie"liat,i. r r !ti rV --Ant iie-t u-f.l uut r-t.'-l ti'it- 't t i.:' ii r. i.u'v. a .'s"! at mt ' 7 vr. In I.. un.. 1- n. - t i i.:i . A 1 A 1,1 r. I s T-tr n t ,jm.Mli i.'1.u tl- M u.T,V.KV tUZ ICl.TII, ! jT'iti -I'.IL. 'ii'iiili t. ut Lmyl- H..'IutM LL-.it ti. 1 ll-V li 1 . f I In 11': il. Ii.ti T, , Ml.UALL EL Kt.:;, in L - ..Tu. ...r. In S.- 11 rl.a. -Mia ult , J jllN M. SXOtX la Li. til, j .r. 1,1 Kn-t II J.t int. Vt.W, .( ti I..o-rt ft 'i!fr . :i nr-. Tl i- inia1 in .-Iy li:ij lr-n tmtg Iti I',- f "'tf l m t ut r.iutiuu- ii ut ui iii b'T i$r a,tri t' - diy f n .Biti--. te a L aitj diuDwr, Mtitl txpiiti -r Srhn-r t-i .n-t,CATIIUISE,wifof Jcha l.'.i. li. u-i ..i--i.i y ir. KOTICU TO LATHERS. rP!IF. p-ihlr: ( u 1 especially La he ) have X I'ecetitly tn-cti ni'i'Mi a'i:i"V'l wti-n ca i-il uj'i.ii t" p aii'iiL v.ir K:vrr lt nd ,vuve i'-u- t.y ill" ni'lerem ejtpuMjre ul b.ys an i yun nt-n ba hiiij in cli)ie pr"Xtmity t" the r.ia.f. i ixe crcum il co le ut IVimvlvania makes v.ieh ma, !:i-t pnn:!iU)!e ty li.te a:ui mipris- ; i.ninerit. I hrev 5ive notice th u I wili have i :ie i.iw ri'-llv eiii-'re.ta asaiubi an w uo cou tin iu the ..tiaieie-; practice. j,itt iv nr nlio V.an wlut he Auditors Notice. IX the Orphan C"urt nf I'ninn rounrv I.-iMio ol 3 ms Ki-iiit.L.-lecM. The Auditor n,i(nitttf.l I'V trie sari Curt t.i mike i'.ri ! uiuti i h t; iric in ttie:ia:i K. Zifinii -Ttnaii, -ii:ii:iiitr,.' -rt! b.mis nn the IViH :v ir-x-t "i' sai-1 J-'hn Hi -ht-l, dcrM, tit ail a ii. lit . 'ji!;v e-miic I ii liie s.i.n," Will ui-et tii- ..ir:K" r.'T'':t"l t r llie p irjVr i !' Il np ti : iri- III. ell TriMT, al (iii uiiice i:i I.- w(-'n .r. Wil.I.I T Jors. An ',t. r VUKiii? SU. Kirly Wt.ite Tut Dutch Siray b,eaf. Kirly White l'i-t N rfoik. Karly l'ur '.o Top l-'lat tftrap Leaf. Ljtia White French. JajU2 Vl ede. 11 mud r.ns-i i. or Ruta Bagi. ! Da! 's Hybrid. I The snhsrrit.-rs will forward, by mail, one P'-ii'vi o I' the atu-ee n.lined varieties ol turnip seei). p.,stae pae!, on the reee.pt ol iiti cents to postage itamps. i;o ;i:i;s - f;r.r. I No. m. M.ir's.-i S n et. Pniladelphia j UMt.iN' llooT AXI LIOIv V ..fv...'.. riT S' 'I'll. I. AIIRAU! Come one! come ail a-ianune i.-r v.oirselves the laieest id rhe.ir.e-l si"ck ol llmlir IlliUlc Boots in. I sin.f. in 1'iiion cinin'v ! IiKMOVAL. OIIN A. Mr.lll'Z, has removed bis .1 O.lise J.i.irs u-el ol tne t.ew.sI.t,rS Bank, where he w,H attend .o ,; maimer of holiness in his line with j pr.-iupmess. r-;.eaks both Eni sh anier. loan. 10.10. j . .- ......... , I.-msVurc;. April I. le.2 REMOVAL. T B ''HKlsr. Kq.. has remove.! his Of. j. Ib-e i,. ;ne hmlilois of J,.nailia:i S;.', k-r. .N.o.ll ot toe lo.nrt House, illl'l liniiiei..ueni ne the !Iti:t.il where he will a t-:, M;s!i minti'T nf luMiifss at w- clltce unii depa rh an ! pri inpine's in his lint f luiv.nesv (S;.tiiUs buth Uru'i-h an f.'nman.) Apr. i i, i;:. r. . rni.;sr. , Estate cf Lewis Aikey. I A1 DM I MS TK T R'S N mi "K T.rrr A i.ii.nMraiii.n r;i the flnte of Lewis Ainey. lUcr-a-t-d, late " et tiiwianie ip, h.i'.-'f: tfn emiied to ih Mil-vcriter hy the llf-;u-r i.f iun cuun'y t;i due fun:, ol I.iw. a l ptmi ii imt hied lo said tate are herehy nnt.fi',d tn m i' i.nmediate payment, and ail having a-ty j rlinn '.iiN-t the ame may present thm .n!v HUthritica;ei. fur seMleinenl Ma. S. .fi4 ( AiKfc., Uuil.tUie A imin ar 1 pi 1. J I I - . . -w- t r- f V'r- ,h, Bmeher i. r i:..a...in. ha.r hen plaee-1 mv fr rollrction. of which all mte- rs.i'4 psc tltti'. l.tisnurg, May 1, issi WM. Jo.VES. cure. i'i Kie biif-i f ' 'i know lr:n expcr-iH'c u J t 1 c(iNf.i;i".s. The two l-'ni .11 Ifi; rlac pnp rs f X- r ih'itnipf i;iu ! ci jw lM .-e prnii".l. as a -;!-aMc ciii'li-iae J r "c:iri-. hi 'tie- hi t; 1 the Vim. h a.l Vft .Vr.i A '!:i.:ni:r;t;i t.. i'i 1 It lM"T'h-n. J t tt Mr, Ar. l:t:ii!. 1 I .til aii't ' i'i- rtru t.ti t- na u (! ii.oiCCIi F. M.l.l.I'.i;. Kv.;.. a iiv;.-t; t.I lLat rui-.v. Tfur Vh'2Sau l K-T:ii!.ii-itri f tr. l:-'i i- t u'tll rt'cuiTitie in liio an '!. mi'.vvt'. . .1 Mipptr'er ul iiien prt: r.p.i-. I a v-.nty pic-'-nt'- hi 'ii a-- a i'i.t:i ', u-t-n'1 rlursf'T, Mjp'.Tlur t-U.Ml1- ll.i:).lS, i' j'l fHH l.'.sif. 1 a lil-'Tf. p'lN If. p i r:t .MI it ll-i'.a !'' rnn, M'hf f:B'.'.i'i it 'f (- r.jr- w-ii' I t"' a r.f.Jn :.i i'-viii an t an inc'i.::. V"U:n i.f our l.tti i : . e 'iv' tlr 111 lostry an h oifr. 11 t: '1 01 'ti- I .'hs 1 -imii x .-.wm.::. ASSKMIUaY. T'Tt i; r-i-irnarv aid pr p"r, JafjisJaiitrN have tv1 I t.i'iiiui. v. ' h r iheia, ai.tt t:urt.- r.ij" r.' i.' t 1 n.t'ti tti 'c ijip-t tN, bv a i--.'i.-c;t -I. j l;i:a::i a lar a- we hav h. i-?n a rrt I,: IM the Li-;:.:t vii-. at JJ.Kr.s'nirj. tah as a nan ai. . a a M . ni.fr -I 'ti- iwiu.-v ntivlv. l i u'" "' 't 1 i'"'T ati - v. 1 r: tin in a i : i.ifi N ts-.T'-r. N f 'i-.-Tr-irrf r-f. -n-i.itui Ji'-se Sraer it rr-e'.cc.i' :u r.-x: F..H. M 1 To Ihe I'llli'ie V. I,r appeared ir. -.-v. rrl r .p in contiecU'oi w.lii a e.i-, the I.'-e:!.i:nre. o.s ansetl lur..ii.;! liiany il ha. en .;: ,' 1 1 ivv Ineii.l-i'-,r m iht-, ti (l,,...;:.r.e n. I I.e. ;tf Vii: parnasy cr.i .-.led i leat l! eieif.e 1 I C" l.iitliui:y as a nun. . aii.i iiise 'e. ', no ;h. a renresi n a'i;e r;io lure I. nf tin i;; e n Itie ran: j-iii ' n vi oil ii to ai.reoi.nii.li in', r. never re. tt, iiti I u my Irien.ls an. I i- ii .he , t i w h:c!i I r.:i aii'i'itirit e t ! r lliejr kit :1 inai...'-'-!!.' i s ;..r nit so 1 liereoy deei.i.e lf.:..' a eati-'o U'e .e( n-iO'ie tor moiiii.a'o ii I r liiiit : '" t Ill a, S'il"'. ';.-. ; re Lewihurr, JjIv I. lo. a.wii.r. PI.OTIIUNOTAKY. l''7-n--! . f?T i.s v- i a- Fe'I-. t .' 1 -1 - "t i.:v-' .i j- a r-.ii- t!i '. ti' Kir i'i? ' i e county ai r :;t n e ; t; nc r,t. !.,cti-i a mi i ti il irn -In , n r. -fi. ;n; Having l''.-:i u r-;- i 1-v i.u"itrui- it"; h.'pe i rfc::ve a i : ; sr j ' -.ipp-'r. I: !s. 1 a o Ti.-.i.iiia'r 1 aul rlfi-.-.l, I v :. p'iYfM 'h' tiuuea the i::.iotf u n's .; te.i .i nr. ..i iiny JOi! ril' s..j;;oVt. T.etrl'.Vurj. Vav -:. I"- ft 'i'-t ri:i'i: Wr.'Tt v. e I'mx ::: ; '.: ie !.)U2 !: ;-- hn:ei ni; I f a. V i u iili ;.e l.ver tier, v. ti ul ha.f y iie'' In:- u c m- tv ii'iiaE-1 ' et. .'.n h:i,J !.at, r:,f ; t" r -ut 1 ('n-1. V'ar'.i ! h;ive t-n.v " Jj C i 'ninnii:!'!!'', tli-i ir-i.i'l txo Al l.t-i. lorroury i lV.:e.. M :!". t i ri; i t'.ie -e -t'iii t.musli in itie ci.:y, an-i h-rdM:,nt ?"m n ists liave hr-.Aen ii'vii the sharp-barked panv Ufinncracy that Inn? ru.r i ihat i.iwn. ci we hav had no ,itT.ce wurih raiii:na t;r ten years. Mitiltnbur? ai d tle Wp-i imur wfi; a Lu nut a in. it t .-li.rf. I v - riiiy nf their nmnb'Ts an ! I i.t'T- n ;he z i rai-e ;hat ft l'r--!h "... 'jry. .if: e ir..ir.i i-r!v a MriiiiCT, Mr.nd nw. tu-r i'i" ;!:.f,Ahefi Mr. II- 'i-iTs hf'tr.T a-' ; i;i:,:-',"' carn-'d him iti the .Mr. S.iinN, ri h nie, tal II n-.?.- rin u hTe :he lJem rr.r h.i.i -i ; .- r sy ;t tne iain" time. AI :i. ti;:' h.m ay 1-e i- a intn(ht, unprp:''i.d.r.i? man. Willi the eap.-icrtv f.-r a very superior t ilicr lie is an exi '-; t penman, an esperiHiire-l acoi"j:iM'::. un !.r ta;ius (iermr.n a" ! 1'::. i-h. an . ct p-r-'ml w.-rth and g.f-d rhar.icu-r. He will r..:ilve a:i undjh.e.l ff.'C 1 i'r- :h '.i-ary. ni1 i ve ihere fire rtisp"ci!'ij!v n:c? ( T r'T f"r:-?i N in b r parts tj ude -ur u -rd fr i: ar. ! wik a:.J v.;;. f.ir Mr. James W. ! ri'.-! thrV":! not be ,-rrv f . r it. I'AIK 1'I.AY. Keilnw filretr--Ttir. n cit'i't. n id o v tr er !s. I . e il.-l ite I r tl'.e ' ti'.ee . ! I'i 1.. -;t lienera! Kleeiion, (- -h tl e t-rrn.t s. l.. r n:v-e!. as a ra'i- 'i'.iei.'iili v. s the :' '.'! to itie i:.':"- si. .ii of the I'm.. i. 1': i ii. a i y 1. .eet .eti.) tsti' ':. J I I" so i.irtonnte at- be ro uii:.a"-1 r.nd etei' le.i, I p '.'j'' inv-ell to rerr.rio th- .t.t'ies i t the i i-'i.-e ii-h 0 ii. J W. LS V.'. fA.Mjs) M.t;iin!.tirj. May ?. co.mmist ni-:i: Me-srs r.'.ters A.le-.r me i . r. ei.ni-iei' 1 in your ei-l'itni. the r..i.oe i-l K-... of V hue I'e-r To. s th? Oihee ot t'.n'i.ii.. -.-ii. tier o tilts I'at 1. sji j -ct lo l!.e il '.'i-: natint; t'on I'tnli. ti. To ' '- everv nee ltul q.ial.f.ra.i. n I and rlii .-. itill i.furt r; and i.o.e A. v, . s.;mi, a ra:i;l. e ier i I ii.. n c '!:.;. . h . I ih . e .1- 11 fC p as. vs.'s luaKe a r-o o e.lta .e 1. leitiy i.ao c.ia: oi t. r hoiti as a mii-.-ti -i'i : P i him a heatte sopport i.f every irue hjpui-e: can von r o( this Coutrv. Jane 2. 1st': I.r.WISIil Pfi I the of I'nu'n Cn'iifiiv i ''Tiii'if;! '! Jt diilate, Uurlal-ie ba a Jiiif an -I has I a 't'm'Tiisi(nfr I'-r i' 're yeart anil Wh.ie H '-t ha ih( Mi-riif. I: s- .it- ;herrf r- -liiil Kelly tMwnlup h .v-r r (imiy OiVer, ami rivtn? the be-t Ki'ul 'ican vni. h I have th-rhi ire. .ai r.!l. Mr. JOHN .D1.L was i)ri'por'l, b'M. a nficin .-r li.ivn; tf-n rrt'vi'U-iv tiameil. he tift-.i;!"'!. li wit I now c.nf nt to he a rs:i i-iVi, v ry many Uimw hmi to l.e a e. an I p ';-u';jr man. wlm we think wmi' 1 pr ve an hv ne:-t, in'Vpeo ten', acconni; tla :'.rf r. I. ir.r nr.mK-r!e Pi'nii.t in thro'iii th-. rnlnms nt' v!ir raiu.nt n.ip-r in rvi . .ii i . ! R(ii.i:ur'Ki:i:u, cf n.in.ev iu -... siiiia -Ic piori hr (iuti'y ir.:i.i -.uiiPr dt te . k'l-u i al tiie next cent fa! eftu'ii. 'i'ltis rn.iv 5cttu pri-uiAiure : l ui, iri ilic-e :r ili.t-,j s tnnt -i, when th' ftn;n:ry Tiff-its r.wn wh are honest a- we;l as l -val, it is incnmVeni opi everv cittZ;n to select nifii !" r frtice. irtm iit lo-xe-t lo the hihftt, w!vi.i by a r hifuut iiitewntv eiiileavtT to prevfin the Ci'iinty Iiti-i having to pav 'u: -r.e i.tr.l;in l. r u; r - hie p;irp'isFS. - The t iW. c sh.nil 1 ccU i!u- in.ii." K ihert li'-etl is a itii V;!e a-.! man. f i i Kt'puMirr.ii prt civitir v- i. ni:--ii! t -i-ti - habiir. excellent Jir.riun,i.i!i-. n. at. I wK p ran we ti'iJ a i;nn in jre Hui'r.Vle u f.'I 'lie i-i iice ul Comrv t.inin, -Mniit r ! Frln--ruipn II av g Vi.-en rnrfur.-iH' I 1 Vi-''i s in -Tl -U-: In the rffe rs t'l nunier- t.t vf' p.iris fi ihe ct-iirtv. ! ;ir a r;r. vlTxt e i f C'-Mmi'-.. r.rr- - j rh'ure a: th Juv pit n.iiv V.i- - ; in-nti K"Hv t wn-.ii p is eu'it ! ai this tune. ami rati r:irj-! me I t ihankfn! f--r yur v.1"- - .n i and rliTf1. it i'i n,v i'rv a'i ' u-r tu c 'i r in. 1: v viti, ti. T will if IrMicna''-! rri-le !o at tor th1 t-i m'-TfH ol ;he uh le c ni.'v j.iiin : t,. .f T;. Jtnir . 1st. 2 I ) I ST HICT AT TO K X K V. JTs-r. V. -I nor Pernvl me t s-i;p-r the fi.irii- of Al: i:i".l H WrW, f.i. t r r.r: Attorney i-ir f'uion eotnuyaf th- appr'-afti-n K'ectitm. It is only n-rf" ire in riMt'l -f volTs th-it hts tin!n;rv, uttfrfv : 1 aSih'y lei'ier him in evrv reu-'ft wii ! -.1 ! j-trfcr-n tiif d'i'i-.. rf thai c;1 r.M.N. ! county .-;ui;vi:vuii. ! iVi:"v C-'ir-r.t ! . .t r; II a ra.U- ' Jjl I -r tf- ' 'i li- ; m'v .tr-:r . r f-T li.H f., --in'v ! In,.':i ' c : f'--.T-i! r -ern. n ' n'lj.-ft tu tne pu r- rv I t-mi ir!., n.Juii Jj'y 1. VtO.uAU Mit K1LU" To Tax-Pi m 'f 1-i.Ioa izny. '..,' nif t on vr 'a'tir '-iv. ti e el J 7 -i J "it- Aiitr 111 ; . i. IXI-LaT S.-t.e VK Xi. J A. IZ, Trra FOR SALE- FOR SALE! ii 1 Win Lev. i-hur: Hint r ; .'er.ee of Dr. 3 Hi J -n Marlici fit i ii V. I t,iJf Mvi- , With Kih.i.eu ati'i :n tfi inoit n ;. Itiiuace. p;aizt i a la varJ anl T ihtr ch- ire-i fluw- a n--. I i t:- -iJen, " niai t inai.i LAiih-riK.in, Vc. 'i ;ie; e ;r l-ti t '.k v..-J,r:.i.::r. :. w. . h ii ar,'' ; r f . ri'.'.'. pencils aril p-;;. r i r iptf, urawber It u hi be Mjhl at a ; ,t yn:PM n.a.;e to tua ttta Ii thr j,ini.i,'es VaM. HAVES llalaaile Ileal C:s!a!c T. ft.; n C.o.-i-y, Fu'.: SALE. 1 A AV,.V,'i.l.. uith oilier iteproveo'eiit-. at -1 a. ot ?vV f incs ui 'l :".:i:i:i; land a: a iisi a;.- in it." Ii.osh V.tU-?y Narrjws. l'osrsioa l'i..-:i '..us I'a.i. t- (is a lars jaati;y ' TIMBER ';.2l.M s::i'i- 011 ih waters of KS Wbit l'e r e"k. on n hieli ar l.".. r.il ci ! V. a er l'uwera ai.it raie U-c itl.-n Ii r l.tl!!.le(.li2. A so a i. imLien l I u's 1 ! "Chst'int Timber I. an i 1 : . ot -o A ;'-- em h. j .it.inu Ian U of H -r.ry Ui'.-ir: an ! .".l.er- in V bite Uer Tp. ASo a number nf B nl.iiog Li'ls.-JV at.U.cvei.il ilet l.ewist.-. Al-i. a 1; :.in::tr . '. Li Mtlr.K, consisi.r.g ol hear.!-. ;.iJ'i'. se.iti'! t.j. pales lath, lap shin, gas, ,e. l.r p.itto'ulars, ai'j'ly 10 l,lk.'nti,J..i In S.L.IiHUK FOR SALE. ANPS !ji "f the Ej-.a'.e of 1 sew Lr, L-q.. il-c'ij V. a n ..s acres aai allowance. v. -. r : .'Jirvil-llOu ac R,.hrtii Taj.-irOu acre and allowance. IHrtl-v town1-hip. Wriidtrt T. Ura!y, I ;d acreb aul allc-arance, llirr!-v inwii'-'iiip. K I-, ti La:T-.:T.-rf acres and allowance, Ilartlt v ti'nth p. Arniv to JfUIN U. I.IW, Mt -.my f r c ia i ; FCR RENT. A Burness H and in Beaver'. BloeV. .1 ev..at.ur. iv, in il.Te.loif attached. l'.fsessn.n luiine !ia-ly. LucaiK-n very beat iu t u. Api !i' 'o A. T. iiU.VORMAXSIE.or p::i rrt i:;:.wr.ii. i.ewi.burj FOR REKT. rpwil STOREY Br ek J, LOT .oi .v.-nU IH'IE and h -sir, rt. n !Iki.m:k Land Vaiiaut fir Forty Acres IliliJ HAI.:: iln.j-me ai ihe Uice cf lh .s.'irA f c..'."l.o-'. l.:-.v,!.i.ir. Till, un ;er-i-r.rd has removed hc Milliniry K.st:ib!ihment 1. Ill- T: tin. .lew. !ry .iiirnet l'u nt a i. t? c-r. i, l:.re sh; t- prtntrtri la Kalis qj! T;n LjLLct3. Eats, an-t vUi-:r ..aW.c )i?r line in ihe best an-J li.l:: S. -'1-si i.ii:.rT. h.ii t-n hatnf a:i exten- :ve vari"( nt th-1 inn-t ai tract ire styles vl aJ-r.n. J. t.5. :.i.;lr i;w S3uti-V AraiUi.il 1 ii.t. is, ;;ia!Hn. an.t oih'T Mitlincrv 'l'r;:tnT,, to which he iti Vitt'S the iitlPnMnn i ! ih- public. TL.iTir.iui U t ii.ti- h.itfTMr-reex'eni'f I t" hvr. siie h 'f. th- .'rrirrf.ii patron- a ntav be ret am?,!: anl sh won Id also ba happy lo sicure a more exiria:ve acqtiam ur.co. AMANDA L. ZCbhR. (.fn-i nrr. Arril !;'! I -'jhs tviiu'vI to S-'i!T 3.1 tref.fmir it "rs from u.e Torn Clock, LEW. siJT'K'S. I' V Ihe in--si e.xirn ive ana rnna wnw. if nr.icrri"' in I--vi':v, now filrft! at l . ,str-t rr.i-s t v f'VA.V tVri?)EK in rrrc pt t f Trimf . I lt 3 T I : r : n c . n'K new (nffiiih rf.-rtr. a rt;'nre'T rrir-j. t of Tanvassed i Rsef s I fl iPER , Ui-s.aii-t liri EVAN ii AKIAV.VIiK. i't r-ur. ujtr.-u5 of purcn?.in5 llara- w.ire tor t n: tii't "r fnn!y U'-, can find ft large su-ck lo select fr..m at lvaxs Si conrER's- J A rzr s'fc' of Tft'e ar, Ptfackei Cat- r.v .ns a: t o)1'i:r Urv J'l-i rt v i hy liJ!KX Vr H:iow War, ri't!ic;n!"-r i::.it wj Imvc an f xit-nsivc t c T every varifiy .f I. u' f-i'ni-h:n;ii(M tl. r W.H V COOPER mi., tL:s ztA Luthenware. V ' We h ive n 'a:je -trrk rt Irnii Snnp, China and Tea its of now pat. ern also isia-sMvare, Earii.;awaie, and t.'roekrir r-f ;-try deicriptiun. fl n'l ad e,imirn at r.VAVS Ac rOiM'EKS W.- J.-- ri c .i't.itatlr rn esni a t.e assornnent r f Shoe Fii 'mss. Kn T.asis. Mo. r-eco l.ieinas. I'rench Call Sk.ns. flee. Miue-niaii.-rs wt.i he aMe lo M'lt..i tr- m a !urg sti.eU of the ai-i.i-e a. .''-'s t-r rilliris -n i;v s .v i ii.ii r.i:. i wi-Mr-I )A1NTS, Oil, (.!as. &.r. " L A Inise n.-ci. .( pure V, l..-e an! "el load ii liio it-.osi a.;.r...ej trio t-. fnri" li.-. eo, rVuv-.an It.ae fih. r f-l t'i'- er.,if. I':n'..r, !..'ie. I tl I f;i.is. I'urr. P. ml lln-sVs. I'Va r ...H ed eijmir.e c-ar -l.k .l-.j.au..i-u natli.wJ. . i: AN.-. A C.'flXR I i 1 1 rVer I a uaic;i vrc are tJl'J'.K-t.urc'l lLims. I 1 J it rr-:vf.i a l;ire i 4 TT T -O O