UNION COUNTY STAR k LEWISBURG CHRONICLE JUNE 3f 1802. THE LOYAL DEMOCRAT. Month nnt to me your I'nii.n rant, Nor pi. 'if uiinu van with loyal rant ! Who M.-uula this day in Krredinua van, Hi- only is niy I'nion M.ni ! Who tramples Slavery' tiiwlcr hat, He is my I.oYal DcnuH'rat ! AVitli wliit.s, engirt hy chain, tun Ion Wo strove to ni.iLo our fasces Anmp ; AV h-!i 11 'In 1 hands those liisrea reml, M:i: we with whip and chains nlill uieud? If "llemocnits" can atimp t that, (iud helj uie ! I'm no Democrat ! TJiank Heaven ! lines are drawn this hour Twixt manly Itijrlit and despot Tower; sAih-Is in Freedom's jathway now, Hear "Tyrant" stauied upon his bruw ; Who fkuiks aloid', or shirks his part, ll.itli "Slave-' iinnrinli d in his heart. In vain of 'K.Hal Kii;liN" yc prate, AVIin fawn like dnp at Slavery's jrate; ISeyond the slave eai-h flave-wliip smiles, And podi-s for lilaels are law- for Whites; The ehains that nero limbs enoi.il, lieach mil t u.-lave each child of Toil ! O, Northern Men ! when will yc learn 'Tis Labor that these tyrants spurn ? "I'is not the blootl or skin they brand, But every l'oor Man's toil-worn hand ; And ye who serve them knowini: this Deserve the tlavedash that ye kits ! While Northern blood remembrance craves l'roni twiee toil thousand Southern frraves, Shall freeborn hearts beneath the turf Lie always crushed by tramp of serf ? And pilirrims, at those graves, some day, J!y Slavery's hounds be driveu away ? The preen -rrass in the chun hvanl waves, The eiid corn jrows o'er hattle-pravcs, Hut, i I ! from crimson seeds now sown, What crops, what harvest, shall be xown? In Sbiloh's plain on lioanokc's soil What fruits shall spring from bluod;0 ( iod ! Spring-time is lu re! The past now sleeps The Present sows the Future reaps! Vi'lio plants pod seed in Freedom's span, He only is my l uion Man! Wlm treads the weeds of Slavery flat, lie is my Loyal lentocrat ! Ki-w York, M.y 2'i. W2. A. . If DrmSTE. JUL NtTlllVU IHITIt PMJINo THK V1STF.CV Kitu t:n. It seems to be pretty well established, that the poisoning affair which occurred at tbe National llutcl, at Washington, was part of the Kcltl Conspiracy. The ohjrct waa to destroy James Buchanan, w)ia whs stnrninrv at this bnnse before the . , . . , inauguration, so as io uiiKe me traitor, j out their plana euccc?sfully. aoaq knew, fur ha mti iuformcd of ir, and placed upon bis guard. The effect was, that tbc miserable old gentleman tbrca himself into tbe bands of the conspirators, and when impUrcd to exert tbe power of Ibe Government against tbe Ilcbels, by a friend, it was said, be confessed tbat "be dared Dot lis it, brraufe hit life not in ilwji-r." liut few persons can realize the hellish character of the Rebel conspiracy. Gakhenino These are tbe days when "garden aasa" takes root Everybody tbat is fortunate enngb to own t seven-by-nine or larger patch of gronnd, is busy preparing it fur tbe reception of seeds. It is gluriyus fun, this working in tbe garden so healthy, too. Just get np at 4 o'clock in tie morcirg and hoe and weed onions Irii-kly till 7, and you will have an excellent appetite fur breakfast, and a lame back for the rest of tbe day. There is a peculiar pleasure in putting the tiny seeds gently in the soft earth, in regular rows, with the moral certainty tbat mother Nature or yonr neighbors' bens will, in tbe fullness of time, or the shake cf a c, bring them op 1 Fad Mobtalitt witui.n tue Coc.ntry. The l'astor of tbe German Reformed Church iu Powell. Valley Dauphin Co., l'a., records the dcalu ol over ttiirty ot bis congregation, since the 9th of March, chiefly from mo-aMes and spotted fever. Daniel Kitfft-T lobt C children, two fami lies hit 3 each, abd another 2. This is a rcuiarakablo Trovidcntial fulity within a single congregation and yet, doubt lew, one year with another, Powell V alley is as bcalthj as any other. Tbe New School Presbyterian General Assembly, at Cincinnati, b a unauimooa ote and tbe Oid School Assembly at , ... ... , .1 IndiaoapolH, bj a tote nearlj unanimous I renewed tbeir expressions of devotion to ! toe uuioa ana tonsiituiioo, ana ineirun nualifi.d support of tbe 1'reaideot and Con gress in putting doan tbe base Kebcllion. : The New Schoul Asemblf also alluded to Maverj as tbe mother of tbe trouble, and i ..... .1 . i ... i as an insiiiuiin inai snouia oe removea. k KlItoK cm the femihrra roafiwrrarj. Bat thin i ft by caMin ptierle fa rvl M That lil fur Crrrdou in llwrtr niwilMi vend, Aa4 ftlll revolt ha tr.th wo.14 Mt Um. as. 1Ucd, tin j airao, Mhm tb 7 crj LiWrtr. Tor who lore that ats? rievr u em exa ttoos. But rroei that work hrw far thry ri.ee, we eee. For .11 ILie vwle cf veellh and lost of blood. The Xorlb CaroliLa State Contention, (till in scssiun, o!ed down llebel mea sures, and passes such as look like Union. I'oion meeiirgs are being held on the esccast. lloii.Wm. A. Graham is talked cf as tbe I'nion candidate for Governor. TottsVILLE, May 30. Tbe May 1 orej & ltroad Mountain llailroad las tiren coaipletid to Ashland. The first ear r f til .l.ij ptd over tadsj cor.sipned ! n lit 1.: I . . .L . I, 1: .. -. . ... . inunii U4 ine ueaaios Kailroad Company. Uen. rremopt left Fratklio, gft biJU. tmia ol Jtw Lreilc, on Sunday week I Levinr secret ordrr it ... . . . 1 1 irocei J to tbe aid of Hacks' dieii..M ii- c. " . euoDOSed . 1 men were in fioo stirits but he I a, j Hoik OD tbeir route as far at known I ...... j " "'"ru vessel, worth, with its earw ' II. If Vi1! . t li ii r t i - - - " oi L'oiiare. was cau"U ljst week wbiie trsinn to .l. i, '. ade into Charleston, and wis taken ini Kew York-, Taluable ,; " The peofil. of LrUnrm heiJ ! 1'. , T" V'-WT Mkt Uini. ! u to Li. LaJt ia Ljck lUv. n. ! O f I, cs H j ; 11 TEALER ia Dm--. Dye SioBs, Taints, Jf i l .JLi I I vll Nil Oils. Unices, Chemicals. While Lead. .UJ s 7 l ulli'll SI 7 In 111! i.i nii:iin,i on i tal4,U lajlTllsilli anl-T'Vy aij:;l . li Feb. I i al 4 .s J 7 s 1 llniiMjiaii4ii:. 'i;iiil' ; si a' 1 51 7 n:io'ii iji:;!iiis ltiii: ik ii. i.i: -r ..-jr..-.T,-i4 Mar.' J a! 4! al , 1 I 7! s Seal- ,1 J , jl al , 7 ' ?.iil l ll l 1 1 , i a 'Il l: I:;.ll'l5 KI7,lim X 11,12 teja,a4 3i -js ;o at April :! J 4! s 1: i id 2 .1 4 1.1,14111 'U i;.;n 1:, 1 .-ti.Tl'i"!,' Bar.. IrJ A t la uln i al a 11 11 I :'H'i:. 1.- ii i.'--.;i n mr Is l,.,il i.';i:i;4 i'-'','j:i',,;:ui ai Dnt. j i 2! v 4 1 &. ! 7 t 71 k 5t.i"iii-:n 1 i''Mmii-j:i:iji4 i i4-i:.ii'.!i:'.ii!jtt 1 ?.:!! Ktl-'lt' r.l ! yii-iUlle-:-..; Ml ll J I 1 i 1 I I Union County Official Record. rWti-t't Jwj, Paw'i S. WotP Lrw.ttf wb I'OptOffitT Uuikrlr Jwtyt J'HIX W fl--(T'.?l. MiRlmburs do do Jous U'ALLd, Lvwuburg do fhrif LFatet ALittuua do do VatAniry SmuEL Kt.'t90, do do ? AW. UKOfi'il MtJtJULL, do do Putrict AtUnisyJ nx C BrcuEB, do do Tr(iTitrer Joyx A. Mektz, do do 0MMttrur I'trtTi II Kkllt. TtalTxIor VRAArto do tin Fkfdf.rii k IH.r.MMt. MiftiiDtmrg dn dn jRtnc M. WtLTKit, Vint.td d (TvMKiui''t'i'("&' AiE Kt:sui,lwUburg'lo dn r.Hturl J-uy B- is. do do do Vin'Ti W"Fici:CoR!rEurs, do do Hrrr.mtQr 1j-pr t"'r THo.Orrrt.n. Mtffliol'Urp do SurrriHr " K ih Smu kLKIt, l'ii-t 11 til do C-f-wr KUH l"TK M'U, lW lrI.Uri( do JaW'.'.ir Snrii C. Wilt, Hartl.ti a do do Iumu MnutR, (wt-t-nr d t di litftTMia.il Th.'M1'm, Mtllhiilmrp do &Jtl Stimut- udrmt It. llu ia.?(iji:s,Nen I'-t rlin Jo Pot-Ofiiecs in Union county. .Vrint 'in Rrtvlr town!iIj - A J F"rrnavn. P M .i'tVr 1 1 mint own. i;rml T) - Hvi Arl'iirlite " Whit- -r MIL illili ! a, U"b. Tit It'n M Ivii.c -V-ir f'JumhM Hrt .!.. , Kf Itr Tj.) -LrwiJiun ( omitj $.mt) -Hh-M- A H-'-U-'"xf . i Kiaruifrtxille) H trtht.m ... f,i,rhn ii st Mid HiitIV Tj.) H'4i.v A". I, ,i,fi tLiiiicsunir Tji) . it ir.ii- Htft.itt (Irry Vllrjf I'l.tr.n Tj ) John mti-Hiimn lira H F-.rr. -t U vt II.11K k . Martin Hudy Mnrs M Mre'i !llet. r liarM Slnrii IliiHfH Dtijr Kiwi Suttih Holidays Hanks close on New Y.-ar Day 41U July Tlianki'iiivias ChrUlmv Effrtilar Union enmity Courts open Thiri M' iy id IVIiruarj' May A-rti inli r if ml-'r - BUCKEYE ALL RIGHT For the Harvest of 1862!. The most approved Agricultural Imple ments now in llic Market ! D IM FalTl KKB BV SLIFER, WALLS, SHfilNER & CO., Lettlftburg, 1'a. JJnrhciic Ikopcr & fibmx. r1HE onprecrdfoted success of the Buck X V" i the uruoeest prvf of im superior excellfncr. The UUC'KEV'E has caused a , compieie Revotntion in the Manufacture 01 KEAl'IXG AM .fOUI.G Machines, and its rfputatiun is so well established that it is scarcely necessary to particular. ze it advan tages. We will, however, call the attention ol Ihe farmers to a few of us merits. The TWO DKlVIMfl W HKi:iS the Pawls and aSpnncs, by which the machine mav be thrown out of gear, or be backed without vilraimz the knives the Steel Cutter ! Bar the Wrought Iron (aani, with Hardened i Xteel Kace or Cutting K ie the Djuhle- trne Kprms and Wheel, by which the Cuiter ltar may he raised and lowered so as to cut as low in the ground as may be desired the tSteel Pitman and Brass Box its Light Draft (no Side Draft) do weight on the horses necks hack as easily as a cart all of which form a combination of advantages which no other machine possesses. Ko Gearing on the Driving Wheels, A team of horses weighing 900 lbs. each, will cat an acie of grass an hoar with ease. The machine is furnished with two Cutter Bars one for cutting crass, and the other for coning pram (each expresbly adapted lo the us' """')- No etfort will be wanting to maintain the Boek,ye in lhttavMllt roslllonit nowoccu. Dlfs. that of beinz ihe Best nichlne la the World! The subscribers return their sincere lhanks t0 thcir hivaiili i,t ,ne mas snp. pori iher hare reeeiveil in inirodneina the celebrated Borkere Reaper and Mower into i i a v i i .. i .. ; . .nj Central and Northern Pennsvlrania. and are much indebted to them fur their warm greet incs and kind offices in recummendins; it to iheir friend and neighbors. For Cenificaies. Ac., see Circulars, which mav be had el' any of their Azents. Ther also mannfactnre .Wsersi Pat ent I'iston C.rnln lrill, which is arknowle leed tu be Ihe BEST StED SOW ER l.N I'MJ, and the only one which SOYS OATS PERFECTLY! Also, ihe KrjNtone Clover Ilnllor, which cleans thoroushlr, wiihont in lhe Ifast injuring the seed. Will clean more in the same time lhan any other machine in use. Ther also manufacture and keep on hanJ for sale Vnrtinz't Tread Vawer and Thrttirrg Tftrraph Fodtbr Cuttfr (u-vi , Conking iy..rr, anion? which is the celebrated Con tinental Vttrlur and Ojjice .Votm, and all kind of Vttxt nnti Wrnuzht Imn and lirait IVurA. SLIFER.WAI.I.S.SHKIXER Co. I'tntrul I'uuudry, Lewitlurg, Va. Mrrri St. V2. tOAL- OAI -IOIU mE subscriber keeos conslantlv on hand I laree assortment of the very best Sha T,: . i u-iil-...ii.. r-n sr r... iim. .- ' stove purrioi-e1. which be w "' '-"n v.....,. ' ill tell at the very ' lowest pr.ees for Cash or Country Frodnce. A,n Blactunifkt' Cud, Farr and Salt, Wish it distinctly understood, that I will not undersold by any man. Having good h..iIi.ci.ih !.. .li.. :n 1. -: 1 1 emeu. c,,' ri1 near Weidensaul's hotel. . - v ,:Eoiit;E HOLSTEIN. JlL""'M17."-"M- A 1? - . H A TW TH1 niTrVV .. .v, vj x Ot ifl.E LOW. or eirhartfe fori rood 1 Hiirsr, bv KKEMEIi. M VLL'RE A CO. Jiurjv,i;ti. 1 JJJM'Lrl I I.UaU.1 Window Glass, Tine Oil. FluiJ, Alcehol, CoalOII,rarlMtoOil,Tann-rNOII, Ktnt't Fool Oil, Turpentine, Fruit, ConfecUoneries.Tobacco.CigarSjSnoff jj Ac. Also, ihe best lirandy. Wine, Whiskey, is . Gin, &C, for medical purposes, j AHFIONS' BLOCK, LEWISBURG, ! (formerly Dr. Pnrdy s lni Store.) ('all in! WM. TAMOKZKR A. U. DILL A(ii iieM at Law, Lcwisliurr, Tiiioa C(. Pa. OlHcr in South Srr.pt. il Si. f-Tinrrly uccupici! by Jamfs B llamlm tlcceased Lewisburc April 1, tl What Evenboilv saiJ coald nut be dime, I J . lias at last been Accomplls-ieil AMBKOsK's Coal Oil o c hininry Hand Lamp. The tulluwiog are &inie oi tis a-lvantaprs ; 1st. Disown with the fhimnr-y, vhl' h Ut'xinf-iTf aut cum her -nitf- Jl. T1k lijtit In at one a-reiblc fr lihtiaf and ktnilliug pur'ie-i. i 0-1. Horn" lrr nil ttiao Tir rlitmnry Imp. ! 4th- Iturne th difT.-rent m-lw nri.t ijnahtjf of coal atl ejarbon nit, frnm a d' tifity ot rt Mnil upward. j 6tti Can h rrrvd around with atiut tlif ?ame fa rilttr a ea mlli. rttli. Iini;th of tlm1 In humtnir lmprnrw tho fjtinlily , of thf flnm. Tin 1 tup may be burucd a woe a without j trim lump; and wili o-t wot'lie Tht- burnern can bv altarhi'il to anv lamp, o that -r-on havlu lamp nfd only cliatnw th tirn-ra. Tor sale by J. A. KKCAMER. ALSO. iiiM received, a lot of French Pre- servine KeilleH, 4, urn roppers, Ac. Ac., ai J. A. k'REAVIEI.'S Tin Shun, enrnrr Foorlh and Market streets. Lewisburg, Ans.S. CI rrfSf Attention, musicians ! ,m A larse asorimeni of. " '-Vl Violins, :, nitars, Ac., ol all so 1 inlin, liuitar, ana lianjo r.irins, nrinres, rrirs, cvn. nuti uir hest Violin Rosin call at ihe I'oM Hiiiee ami examine. W POKIIIST HI!. HOUr'LA.WS BALSAMIC CORDIAL, fi THE hFEEPY ffK fT j O'ttoht, Clt, . i-irtrn.-ix, fr-uthiit. yViiiit'Dti'i, Ir'V-h, itnnn.f m.m J )r.s,M') cure " i'utf hU i u-tratual Uij:S of thf l:U . . 1IK lUlMtni'- Corlint i -nlini-lr T. -i t:il.t- pn-dtic- I tinn.'-i'iDl'tnin ill bcailitii prii rti- il tho HkUhiu. with tbf iiiTiciTatii.); iiimlilii'i" iI (Vnlial, ti1u' inira coml'iuattoD im well suii-t d to th urnMtw intJ-iidi l. Iliait thirv ari but f-w il 'ttfa-x' wlm li tvtlt but. t an nriT pvriuJ, uccumb to it b'-lib untl litt-iTii. (rt-otU'rtlvs. Iir aip-n but tli trfivtrai'tit nf pulmonairy tliwxorv r. -!i.iel tin- renter wrti"ti ol thf kttt-ution nt tli w ieii tifii' of tl( nutji'-! iri'l. 1-ut nnr , uir t mirr t ini- !nftira in tiif trfBltnfiit 'f iltft tliw". ttun tit- ri tTHti-d I'ruiao lr lt-oriiiiii, the nrim.it r f thf I!;tl nantir CHiai. Hi. litrwu. J-rotfJ to !l ' t,rn.Jurti.-n r.f i r,-ui. tlmt wouid tftaii l u::riti. (l. II- w k!I hi- ha ; KUf4-4--l4Hl.tiWAOifrir-.il j--t,j'lr arr al'lv t jU'if : li I j j-oruti! ly --rt, ill at no ft-arl iotli1 tiil bu vr t-'i-n plm.J twi-ir rnei. nart is n;. rn-d ir.--;,m- "in unt ot bf m hi on iHftTin.' liom niily. r hntf f ii, ilnl n- matir roititU'-tiiiatioiiti tritn all ri4 of c-h i.-ij . h th1 rt-iu4-.il- ( U - liana, fn- arrj 1 l)T. C. il. Jjm k-.u A C ,oI l'hll--i. The t'cirliil i.-'lt-iifiitI f r nftii mor jrn rral aDl ji4rt fatal than anyotln-r to vrhirh thr fH-cijil ot tins oiiliitry art! jujlytTl th"-M tri;ii:iii2 Iroijt a Kli.-lit T4.1J " That ftiniifnt antlirity. Dr. lid I, mth: 1 w ill nut nay that (Vi.ii nre t.. our ml: ihilatil u hat tin- I'laiH' aui VrllitW Fi-Ttr ar to !)' f othir roun- j Irir : hut I MD ar tiistidf ntijr tlit th- jr iIlt in -h-t- i rae vt gn-atar oui.liritj- ami morUlity than the Utter Bvi ht th niiuen t (U- Mnufn-tun-r. JOUX M.' J W Hi TALL, of tlie UAI.SA.MIC CniilMAL. Vm. T, M. JrRo-t Rprrt-.l Kri.-m! : flaring f -ra In tit time r-fn a4-itatnit-l tsilh tlie tirt t thv HA1- SAMIi; i'tltlt AL in t'oncli t'nlcln, liifUtnumtii.ti "f the Liin, ii., I tttUft fr.ely rr ta-ntiniotiy to it finr-ar-v. (r iw-Tiral yt-ara t ha u-tr Kn-n vithnut It in uiy family. Jt l aifwt sicw me i.li-amn. to atntf thnt I har- UTt it with niirr uervw in th tr-ntm-nt t I Coraflalnta. Thv frknd truiv, J-HIN M H HIT M.K lufth Mo. 17, l-is. Hart xt abo Uh. Phila.l a. VThfMi intli'iTta are fr mIi hr all r-sinaM.i IrrttSirint anl drlr- in ni4-4li. in4.. jn thr 1 nit- .i 't,ttf. Oan!aa, Bri'i-b rrovino-n. an. I UVt In iir. at T& r-nti ; p-r btrtlln. Br 'are and srt th ft-nuine, with iu nijriia turr of C U. Jay liMn on thr wrappor of rati IvitUr : mil othrr arr ortunttTlnt. IrinHi nfflc aJ Uauulavcto 17, 41H Arch iUrt, Pbila4lhift, !', GENERAL ORDER. rpHE Pennsylvania Railroad Comnanv X bavins this day taken possession ot the Philadelphia At Erie Railroad, under the con- ditions agreed on with the Philadelphia & ! Erie Railroad I Company, they have appointed 1 JOSEPH U. POTTS, Urneral Manager there- j or, to whom ail Ollicers aua employees win : rrport fur insiiocuons. J. EWJAR THOMSON. Presiilent Pcnn'a ltailroad Couipany. Oflirr of the Penn'a Railr nail Co., ) Philadelphia, Jan. 3d, 186S. ) General Order, Ho. 1. To trie Effect on ami after J.tn. 30, 1SG2. I. The 1'cMtern Division, from Warren to Kne, wilt te under the Supenn- j leixlVnce of JAMTS LEWH, whese tuir uiil be Superintendent ot the Western Division. His Olhce will be al hne. bmpluyees on this i Division will be under bis charse. and will make all Communications resneenns their duties or the business of the mad, to him, except as oiberwise provided in this Order. II. The Katern livlloii. from nunoury to nr. nam. win uc u.n.rr ucsur , ennien.ience ol SAMUr.i. A. 111..M.K. wiiuse i title will be Superintendent of lhe Eastern ! aii,.iu. uupiuit" v.. in i.i.iii -in re , under his charge. aaJ will make a'l comma nicalions respecting Iheir duties or lhe bu.vi. ness of the road, to him, except as otherwise provided in this OrJer. HI. The Account of Freight anil Tas- i senger Business will, on lhe Western lltvis- j ion, be in lhe immediate charge of JOHN O. I BOOGS. whose title will be Assistant Amlit. 1 n. Ui. nn:.. ,,n k. ., p.;. f... Division tbey will be in immediate charze of THOMAS M. DAVI.-i. whose title will be As sistant Auditor. His OiDce will be in YViM. iamsport. He will also hare charge of lhe distnbniion of Passenger Tickets over boih Divisions. All communications re"peelinr Freirht and Passenger accounts by Employees on either Division, will be made to lhe Assistant Audi- i lor lhereof.and respectins supplies of Tickets j IO lHOMta .11. Dim JOS. D. ro TTS. General Manager. Prnnsrlvania Railroad Tompanj,"! lessee Philad. & Erie Ii. K. f General Mana?era tlfMce, V Williamsport, Jan. 30, 162. ' J.8.Uar.H. E.Sborkl-), rXShorklry. r.l.ravrr , J. S. TrlAlsSH & 0, (BL-CCMSOU tO GUiEXS, MARSH CO.) LEWISUUKO FOUNDKY AGRICULTURAL WORKS Iulnhur, Pa. W I1 eoDitantl; on hsnd rd for rait. " Vs lluLtiALK jR ItRTan, J?'apr, Jaf-ntw mf Clovtr f,irtrtn; Grain ok6Vtji &dr; Hand and Ilnrt Vict O rn Sh-f 'r; tmr.Ttrxt Huilrri, Fr-1 4ii,rt, T-'trtshrrt, Ji.-w. Slttr. JiflU. Imn rrtmuj'r it.Mit:j$, irm tmcrt. l,',nnn?. M 7 f7n ?; e...na Mi oar-1... r-.iy.t.ii time. . . au. '; "." le-uim.iiwrtrrtne eoe oi peicn work cr sytsnaracta.-i e triTarijblT wnrrjeted ai recommendci.- arui niiru euaut l-saj fllj an-- su to. JUM 1. lMAi VARIETY STORE AT TflE Old Fost-Office Stand. ALAKGEsnpp!yofBn(ik.s,Stationpnr. Wfn'nr, Jewelry, Tots, Cunfeetton-1 cries, Teas. Kniees, rruit. .nte. Ilak,,.. ielure, and ( vanely of KICK XACKS for sale cheap by ; 76J1 ii W CK0T2EK, IrwisLurv .' - "1T7HEI;G we will liud a larj;e asMjrtment lalel .tyles ! SPRING AND SUVMER GOODS! fuch ns French ami Knslish all w,k, l,.ih, i In m '.'. .Ml up to -shijiii. Knoitv Il .vs' t'as-1 Mim'f.ati.lSilk Mixed Ujisbiuietes. atineit-, i . &c. ( IiiIIiIi: ol alt itt'cnpiiens ; I ' an-J Wear Whole f-aiis (or liiu j lliat is.cloih ceal. saiin vesl. cassiijH-re paras. 1 j fMiiunirr suns ler ' 5n. Also, a larz. a.s-1 ! ai'i'tineni ol" Hals, t:,ii, Ac, surh a M C!i I- ' Ian, l..iri.al,li. Opera, Ins'i ami !.,vv cri.irnrd ! Ha,s' ",ose' ",.'dk,"rh""'- . Mi.-iii!rr4, I'Uitirellat, Neck Ties. & NOW IS THE TIKE ! to s.ivc fmm So to Laifi Sivles. !Q per cciit., and get ihe : AKo, .(.i"1s (,nt ami ma-V to orlrr, anil in the laiet sivle. Always from five to ten haiid-i at work. Tall rppt'siir Jnhn Walls &. Cos Store, Market street. I.ewilnrj:. Match 11, V.; ,. U. ZIMMERMAN. DO Vol," WANT gd J Coffee, Tea, Husar ir Molasses ! " f' FV.tXS J COOl'Eli'K ihi run ua.M pnm laie eauchl No. 1 anil o. 2 fat Mackerel, Hemnff or Fhad ! They can he had al sreailv reilnced rriees j ini season, in Darrein, hall barrels, ant quar ler Barrels, or l7 Ihe sinele nound. al MWooreM I I" VOtl WAXT Exira Famiijr Flnnr or Eo,ii r eeti i .( r.ixs rooreirs. HO VOI' WANT lo select your crocrric in-tn ;lic Iarge.t anil choicest stock in I.ewis- ' bur: ! i;,,t, rvjyx iy,oiliX. j Vol' W WT ihh! H.tr.iwnre, Tool? or Cutlerv ? i7 ! IM) VOIJ w. .r fine China, ila. or Kar thenware? ta F'AXs f Cooi f.H S. J0 VOI W X V Tubs, Hucket, Bmums, ' liru-lir-:. 1! ikris or oilier IIitUMsire pin ar ticles T They can be hail in creat variety at : r.i.v. .t-j u.'j'kh-A I DO VOL' W..T gti.ii Cual M,r Unruirs U K AUK NOW olM;M.(.l.i;rFa;lsii.ri, s!eric-! with preat care, ci'ii,.i't'n? o liri'ce , rifs, eua? in qaali'V tt u e kept in firNi c!a-is cnv More.. Our stuck ot ll.iiituare, I China Ware, V o. iImi W are, lit u.hes, fir. etc., is also tery complete. Please rail ami ! examine. j f.t.v.v f coul'JCi:. 1 l.ru 1 stars, O. iultrr 1.1, l-til. I'tLMCR, IJOSS & C O., fnr-mm (lte l. r alms a AD to.) ri'v Lewisbari; I'hnin HI ill, rfia.C-jgrfeep cnnsiai.tlv en haiiti an 1 u.Aiiuirtciure to crIer I'looi inx. .M(.iit, Moiiltiiii: ot ait paiu-rnv. and alt other dt'&cripiuins of Wood Work used Ofl 'rs repeeifu!Jy solirtel an-1 promptly fille.l. Ail work warranied to cive saiislacl:on , a . 1 ,- . e n i.sive lot ol Luuiuer ot al d'rripiinns rn hand fr ale. Factitry mi Xorth Second r, t.eirhhurg, Ta April ai, iH.'.t. joii.vs & c 'iiosi,i:y, folo Jlanufacturcrs of the Tmprovofl Gutta Tecrha CEDENT RCOFIMG! IT is the cheapeifauJ uiont JurableUoolins in ue. I It is Fire atvl Water Pn-of ! Ii can be applied tt new and old Roofs of all ; kinds and to Shingle Hoofs without removing j the shinsle. j The cost is only about one-third that of Tin : and is twice as durable. ;iifl.i I'crc'lm C'rmrnl. fr preser-! vin? and renairins Tin and other MVtal Hoofs ni every description, from its preat elasticity, !S not injured by the contraction and ex pan- sjOD t,f metals, and will not crack in cold or run tn warm weather. These materials have been thoron2b.1v tes- Iro in NVvv York and at! pin- rl the Sou'hn n ! en rs cniifldenily mviie the ailentinn of their and Western ta'rs.and we can iVe abunJ- , friends and the put lie to iln'tr ex tensive eca am nrouf of all weclaim in their favrr. ! b!ihmeni,whii-h r'pvp!'' lhe "fTnnnity for They are rea-hly applied t.y ordinary iabo- rer. at a trMlin expetive. xo ni'.yr is i:i:i iriKcn. 'I'hte materials are put up ready fiT u-e. at'.d I'nr shipping to all parN r.f the enimtry, tt'i'h lull printfil Directiur.s fur ?ppliralinn. Full inscriptive Circular:, will he furnihrd on appSicatitru bv mail or in person ai mir Prinrinnl ..IB. "1 1 ll l!r. Vurk (i),,,.i.N..l.fiM li. t.1 ) J(il..N a t Rit'L.M. .... AfJEXTS WAXTEP. fimS75 PAPER IIANGIXG! ritllK Mlbscrilier is prepared In (in r.U't.li- J ixi;, jn town nrcoumry. Ilavtn? served a luI1 ,pf,ren.,ship at the Taper lianzinir business in mi ta-iei p nia, ne ciaiuis iu uc a Practical.Faper Hanger. All persons inieniline to have Paperini done this Spring are snliciled to emplov lhe stihscriber, ami have Iheir wails papered in a workmanlike manner. All orders left at the Post Office (where a larze assortment oi raper is Kepi, win oe nrnmntlv attended lo. ti. It. Ll A.?. p. s. White-washed walls l'apeicd with- oni lakin; lhe wash nil. ami warranied to suck. Lewisburg. .March 11, 186. An apsarifnt aod Ptntnarriif nrrnsTallrin of I HON PUri fynr sn.l -riK.n Vy mbu-tii n in M Jrorn. - ii'-nf!i ."".irBi Autnnrin.n. itntli In Kurot- Uie tuiUJ 6tut, 4UiJ j rvfcnWJ ia thur prne-tii's. Tl.f fxivfrlont-f rf tTirm.n-I. 4,(1 mjt9 that no pre pKrntiou ol Irrni rnn ln f uitiiv4j iih it !tnnriii-ni th- r.U-cxi. Jftre.sioe of rital i-utrev. fmlr anj titl)Ti kit im;Liii. inJicu iu nrcetwin in liut.l titer v ciocriVkti1 raste. ' lutv.ii. il. iii til mftliuliw in which It ha trM It !. pn r.l Lfkilatelj curmtiTe ia vcb ol tu follow .lfifuiN. inlcrei illnt fcfrg, I'tmptrt am the dr. I'ut pp In n..t fit rai'tel hT.emntiiinlnfr SOnillw rrtr. m cnt. fr bo, : sr ..I. ilrmreiM, .,,1 j.j,r,. .,','! T l" ""' ''" ""H i l tbe trice All letter,, orjir... , tr . .1 ...il.l I . .d,ltH., to , . H IDi'kt i Co . It.Drnl A.I.H1V "J841 2u Csoia sr., St. T. S J1 in Lcwisluiy ly Baker t V r W StUiDIr f s f.llitrll flFURBHTURE WAREHOUSE, f on Market Square, I.ewUburg. j A enod supply of Minim, Tablpa. BurrnudjSlatldsl, Ac. on bander made o order by (S;0J DAVID 1XTEK. . ill A Il K VJ 'r Justices and J )U ' i l 1) Consinl.In. I... t Ptiiifcvd tu uiuir. jl ll,. fl : 'i. r v. .. I'llH V. "1LX ! LXDSEY'S Imj.roveJ Jj tiMJrooo si;rciii:r, A UTAtiDMU) MEUM'tSK Fur thprad.r.riuilritiif'l c flWtti! riiiwtit A 1. 1. Jle.vra ruin( Uvm IMl'LKIlY i)V hLhA. Id i-peirl3 cam- ol rVrofbls Cmernptrmtcr. I umrtf na y.ry Ian, It.-H.t, I'mij.lf-on thfi-4t frrK.y.n, ?pld 1 1 etui, if. ntuMx rn I'lct-rn. lihi'iituuti diM.itlr, Trltr llTtHH1. V't i JunJiro, t 1 1 l.hfuni, M-r unl IirawH, (irmTl liility, I.iht romplunt, of Ai-i tttf, fif ints ill !l-mrirh, t'.-mnI-rriivtnlntF ntvlatl (li.-mM)r.tatviiiii tbtirorisio in u uxii'ure ntu- ol lt M'l. Thf l nr. n i rtr:ik i.f I MTrenrT. it Ni'lf, Twi.wlii'. PTj ll ::iit ill, il AiU'Ut.l .j. mnJ ulli-lai it 1-,-f'H Ju-tl.-t" liiirf'' I lull lif nf lirrftt'l tin tir rur. t'.NrtF l-v llir..-1 hvKirii.li!. f l-tllnfl r urily. mul liv hr. Ni.t'in pf I'.f h '. lir l'(ii!u'''. I 'tut ttiitat i. Inr m in r i--. I ! PI oi',rlv tijhl Liilitlii. I-"I ilh.taii'hiiK whiih .i. hi. ! n.. n ui. n h. i-.h.n I.- ii,vi..f ih "i1'"- arriirr.-nj mh in.iu.-..i i.nrv it. K.nr b-i-1 l?'"?. !"' V1": Th.-full r-'rii-ui..r .f i.i. r.jiinri.;,t.:. ma; t-ewn ' ' " l ' i th A"-nt. r. r.-r I'l a r..itf if Nuim v lllcakiiirv ,fif KMVrton. Arni-lnt, it o., l'M..rurrd of Maoruua after be in k unaUu V- m-t ut 4-f h l f'-c Itirrt j-Hr. T tin t.tm lit iw In An-s.iiIIr.rirtrfl, M To who . a I mi HtHit'li-ii wit tcr.tula in it wrft l-Titi. Co.. ia, who". fan hi iiv ir! n-t.-.t with c.tir, r ihic than M'l r. nrv'n. cir- 1 hilu-e.i.f tlir "II1.-HI rar.h.r"-iiiHV alMj U- 'i;;. wK:w:.pr;:pm.;iit.'3. I. r t- r tli- ,i..ni,i:. ttir-arnl Ait! rn-ar thr i I ailr- It-t ot. M.'thNV.I nrr. I'ii. N-hl 1t i" lit Hii.rii.ini. h I' iriinT-1 1 ! ! ; (utnin iin: Hurt l-t.-Ii : II II KI-..II. l niinl.iirii: I.. S. I in r. .in.m. Wii.li.-Kl; lull lit X Wau. .-l.rr, .i lili-rov. ; y HI It. KEWELL'S rilOTOGnAlMI CALLERY, i. Jil, til l) St. P::i::t:l Ipliia. i.t ll.- .'i.-.i l.ir.. -t abl oi"-t r'Mii; !! .t abl ni"-t .1,-r, ll.- I 1 L- l-.-i. t!..m : t :.r. Uk., n at, j 1 f r it; . iTii'.li a I r-.-Li. ! I I, rJMiK .. ri-..r. a - j -r-4M,.i"'v. r ' t. tjullrry "til1 u int.-. (-rtwt ni.ti-14-tmu. l'-i: r.-t- hii" fit.-l A::il. i ir "ii i v thr it An. At t! i- i.-.llfrv t i' tnr. r:ni l-r tt'-n in any Wi-alin t a- k t in . "ii-ii ' l. tlieii lit-.-u i-t.n-. I". r.xf-n- iii i y ur.- rt-.si.- -tf !! imit- 'i t"1 anitu- imr fjuciuiuji, MtnU Ir jri c aut -luaviitj ltfj n :: -t:ll o. t liifirurtit.os iit-u in tLi art r f l'hnto.raf hy. H Nr.U i- 1. 1.. (j.uX(U.r oi AitT, 721 An h :rtvt, i !i Lia- ro.VMk.Mt A T!0.S. Tw.m H'-n t.iw.s r ivitml. M. C..0hir My lmi n-iJ tri ml all i-ctiriir in thi- ..j tu;.m th.nt thr ,N. w- tii It'tur. i BHTf iiv liiif il itii nnv thmn j , 'j' t-v.TMW. My Iikri!L'ii titiM !' ll n-nrit'Jlv tak-li lit Arti-: in tHrc ii" ;iv, hut 1 bT m rt bi imr whirh tT.-wntd tru-t natnTv.aii ti tra ""e tunu imm-.-a ilu. rn in ii"ti k ji t m m:'. uf wi tniiurr tr itit. Tlie wMii:iMt timi-ll. l aulV I MiHui-f ol j"ur nir trai'n, r.iij'ri.-.l with lln-ii Jurat ,Hy r.f i-oh.r uJ tttti fuln' a ltk, ur.su-, i no U1 !4ll U rout :ur ttd th.-m tc th atU iitii-o anJ j-atrntiii ol all li( a ji.n-A it trut ai t. From r.n. .T try Ptia. Ilavlnr orfiKion tnr a i-rtr it, I i-rnrarrj en from Mr. IH.r- rt ril. t thf MH r.f I'liMwlril hilt. Ri:n- lurr in "Mi i ninr. vn-ii ft fwnuMirw im. ..j ukr fii-ait .;f:..-uif in . x, i.Miv th4 -uti.u. tmn it. rt,.nr nnM. in all r-rt, and rin,n,,M hlm t thr itn n.ip- cf tV.( di?t'd to eutiiurr thr luti- iu' BRICK! ERICS ! I srPKRIOR articlf f hin.l-.na le Brirk fnr sale. Kmiuire al :n,-i kkcmki:. k i.i ri: ctrs. Mar. LARK IX t CO., Mammoth riioToititAPii Gallery, SX. Comer Eighth ani Arch Su. Philadelphia. (',.fru(icv i'U 'i'f'i SiI.J A FTER many yesra' ripfrienre in all the pn rnrinc the bct I :ciui uat at h'avt to jn t:ri-c!a ti.inrrv in ine 1 ni-eo i-iaies. I'repraT.' iis are cninpieie lir exeruiin? all t!i. htir. vi'.l rli'M U"'n t..tif.ri. itu-y hi Art. jp.it.' ti! n ;rtll-Ut i .: i- .It" . it I- II ,11 .,t ttif 1 iiiitrT. A rturio-J to It.is r.-taUlinlinn'iit r n Art. j .i.-, ii" V lin-J I'aiKtirr. sj I -w a. 0f do ?! I'l I rr ; jn-r d'-s. 1 j lTi.rvtp t I A iii"'t rvti-ii ; inj ififPt nii.l ' c s fn in t . r- Ill - I i. rirr. .1:11 tI .i! if Hi oH -f Fr.im' ", i.ri-. ' i.l rl lif f:.it 1 1 1 111.- i.l. I HI v. ir-l. ,.-:iti n l--t"' l iii"n lifs-niz.-il I't-itrt iriiii-1 -m 1 'om mail ( u luri r, diiii lrt'lu Knj'trinl (r it li iii "i Iii.. 1'rii--.- frt'in -f 15 to ,. u ,, 5 it, . j ,, Art SSly Villiam Jones, ATTORNEY at Law. fnllocl ions IY. promptly aiiendeil to. Ollice'o Market Mieel, cpr o.ite the iVcsln'terian chinch. S!Mi 'sfll IHi.l'A. FH0TCGSAPH7, 7.V ALL-ITS IIHA.CHi:. IXECl"TED in the best syle known in the art, at C. G. Crane's Gallery, 532 Arch Street, .'us r SUA, ritll:ilcli!iia. i LIFE SIZE IX OIL AND TASTIL, j isTEKEOisCOrir; rORTUAITS, Amlrotypes, Dasuerreulypps, For Cases, Meihllinns.Pins.ltinrs.&c. RBfiyl 1 C Inoiitatic l'l inline. " T-W VIV1 mtri.1. avf.it it., rl-li, ,.. H U ........ " .... .,..-. ...u?c ,v..H inn's process fi-r Prinniig wuh Dry Cidors, for I'ninn Co. Pa., we are prepared lo execute orders for CARDS, Show-Bills, &c. in TT'i, tiern. ii.'. iroirii. SiVr , mom-md, or (7..Vf colors, in ;m 1 stv'e, ' "at lhe t!ice of ihe tsiar & Chronicle," Leu isbttrj. Jrrct, is S Wi r.LKN CollNKirg. Science still on the Advance ! J cal ll('lili(, nince iii iheXiXlT? new buii.lins opposite ihe Uan'-. , ' IL vinrnr;. Pa. v 1 ' i Hr.Ul KLAN is nnwconstrnctin? ihe Xon- lenional Blnek work, baked on ii.,i,i,... ! which fur cleanliness, beauty and Mren;ih nas no equal also leeih mourned on the var ious Bases in ne and havini; had a lone and extensive pracliee, ami bem? perfectly familiar with every department of his profes sion, he feels sale in warranting enure satis faction m all his operations, nhich shall be carefully and skilfully performed. Please call and ei.nmne specimens The superior qualities of ihe Non-secii.,nai work will be evident to all who will ejve it an im parlial eiama.alion. Dr. litirfan is the only person wlQ nsirtic-s ibis excellent work ia Mis seetn TtaST connlrv. rT-j'u- ii. . inr snau correspond with, limes. Lrui-tur:?, j t. x, Istji lhe Dr. WM. B. HURD'S Mouth Wash A 8URB BEMEIlV FOR A BAD UUEATH, SORE MOUTH, CANKER. Disseasew Uleepino Cums, Nlbsiwo Sorb Moith, And the beat specific dow id dm for any di"easr coniliu.io of Ibe Bioutb. It is particularly beneficial ia persons criDg AiniFU fAL TEETH, complexly drstrnviiig .TO.-y taint of the muutli. al.sarbin!? and ru.uinff all i,n... ritlts, iDturinjj fi SWEET G RE ATI! to till Who Olokt! Ue of it. A'u I'llinj I.'tilg or Xiuiiij (Jrntltiuan whj is f!!ic ted wtib a Had IS rati, should delay applying this reniedy, for it is a certain cure, and i approved and rce pmtnended by every physician uodirahose notice it baa been brnuoht. A HAD IJI5KATII is an olTunce fur which there U an excuse while L u u t- tura- f ar , cn 08 procured. Many persona carry wi'b them a bad breath, preatl, to the annoyance and often to the disgust of tboso wiih whom they come in eonlai-t nknni h;n.. of thofuet. To roliev0 ...aii rZ " j fear; repartliog lllifl, I': Dr. 'tn. U. Harr Mmth -LICSDilBCM Of the mOUth W of prfat i i?pwu"" ti.h, .hk-h ; utn.-ii illit'CICU. ODU DOt Utltrt ( I UL-fl 1 1 W nprt ; 1 : r i . . 1 . J want of rroDer atteniirm to this fa'j.'ct. im: Dr. mi. n. iii kits jiditii imi. l'reparcd at Pr. Ilurd's Denial OlEcc, Xo. 77, Fourth St., Hrookljn, E I. I'rlrc, 37 H ps r ltolll. A liberal discount made lo Dealers. .'vuoJ i.inl'"' ! AMrm Prinr,', OtJl.r, Trilunr DaiU-'i.-Mn!'1'" i ':, X"- Xprttce Sr. Xru- Yrk. r.,.i,..r, .it-ni.. j Sold also by Caswell, Mark k Co.. Fifth - !.. 1 i.'Uitt: t . t, . , ........ 1 . i iiuo uoiei, j. .v I. LiMinrton, ; and by all Uruitta. DR. WM. B. HUSO'S TOOTH POWDER. This l'oJ,r possesses the CARI1KMC WITHOUT THE IMI RIOIX PUumiTlLS OF CIl AliLOAI.. ' and 13 free from all AaiJs or Alkalis' that ean iu the least injure tbe Tccia. I'S action being entirely mechanical i . . . ! palisLiDg wiiuout wcartDg the en a me I. Df 'nU Hu TiJ "S TOOtfa P() WlItT ' " WUIU a " ui I ( ia roeoDinicodcd by all Kmioeot Icotists. ! VrS'Y,cd at Dr" Ilurda Vent:il Office, i ' ' """" 'J, " U. a-i-ic-r, s. t in per l)o, A liberal ciiacoUDt maJe to Den I era. Athlrtu Princqnil Offu. Tribune liuiltl imjt So. 1 truce St. Xw Yurk. I Sold l-f) by Caswell. Mack Jt Ca . Flfrl. . Avenue Hotel; J. & I. Coddmpton. 71.5 Hrntdwy ; 0. S. lUrncs, 2V2 liroadwa ! IDll hv all I)rnrfrita. j " ! I ! Dr. WM. B. HURD'S TOOTJI-ACHE DKOrsj TOR THE rfRE OF proilnced by csroseJ mT.. It ,s psrtteularlv .JacU to all ca.es of children afflicted with j T r ! iZ'cZTZlCV'X distrcss.nwcarincss caused b, j ill33 1J 3lii, i and their cbildreo from great suffering tv i keeping a bottle of ' Dr. U3m. C. fiaru'g ffcol!)iutjc Drops i ''.tXT.. r. n.,,, B.,.,Mt. j O.d rourlh St. lirootlyD K. i rare, only i4 rlM pcr bitU ,e A liberal discount made to Dealer-. A,Mreu Principal Orr, Tribune P,SJ. t'W, Ao. 1 Spruce St. Xtw York. Sold also by Caswell, Mack k Co., Fifth Arenuo Hotel; J. A I. CodJiooo, 715 Uroadway; D. S. Barocs, 202 Broadway: and by all Dtuggists. Dr. WM. n. Ill KITS NEUKALGIA PLASTERS FOE THE CURB CF or Tooibacbe produced ty colds. ZLowl Ilruraltjta is immediately cured by their application. iDcy ,cc cbarm, aad ire Derfeetlw harmless id thcir nature; do not produce blister, and lcae no unpleasant results m .... e iceuiia. . ' mii 8 WeWalgia Piasters never iau ia diva Hh,r.i ,. . . . n . B ...wiwivu u an woo test tbeir virtue. Prepared at Dr. Hurd'g Pcntal Office, AO. .7 Foarth St Brooklyn, E D. l'rlce, only 13 cts each. A liberal discount made to Dealers. AdJrtu Principal OJice, Trilmne P,uUd- "?s, 1 fipruit St. Xru Y,rk. Sou .1.. v.r. .. .. , w.w ii.u vj vasweii, iijaex ,v Lo . ! ifrh Av enue Hotel; J. & I. Ooddington, 715 1 aadway j D. S. Dames. 202 liroadwav ' 1 tj all PlU"i:istil. l''0 I lroad I aud hj MAYORS OF THE Great Cities. We, the ondeniKnod Kayara, btnebranw tifr Ulat the Dnunciata, Apo(hsaria nrl Fhysielaiia of our aeveral ottioa have sinei a doeument of lauun to jam thaa AYEB'a BAUSAPARIIaLA haa been found to b a remedy of (treat excellence, and wonhy the conndenoo of the comninnity. I HOIT. JAMES COOK, ' M, of lowell, icass. ; HOW. ALBIN BEARD. I Mayor of BA3UC7A. N. H. nOIT. E. W. HARRINGTOa', I Mayor or manchbsth, a. n03T- JOHIT ABBOTT, Myor " COCOKD. H. HOIT. A. U, BULLOCK, M y x ot WOBCE3TEH, MASS. norr. kath'l silsbee, Kayor or BALiiat, MASS. ZZOX. F. W. LIIICOI.X Jr., Mayor of BOSTON, MASS. now. V5r. M. RODMAN, Mayor of PUO VIDENCE. K. L nOX. AM03 W. PRENTICE, Mayor or NOHWTCH. X)S5T. HOW. J. N. IIARHI3, Mayor or K W LONDON, CONN. new. CIIAS. S. EODIEB, Mayor or MONTREAL, a Z, HON. D. F. TIEMANW, Mayor or NEW YOBK CITY. : nOW. H. M. KIUS TREY. ! Kayor or HAMIT.TQg. O. W. nOIf. ADAM WILSOlf, mJor of TOKOSTO. a W. iT n0W- E- M- BISnOP. ha jot of cuscuraATi, omo. norr. i. n. Crawford, 1 Mayor of LOUISVILLE, KT. UOS. JOHN SLOAN", Jtiyor or LYONS, IOWA. nOH". JAMES McFEETERS, Mayor of BO W MASVILLE, O. W. nos. james w. north; Mayor of AUGUSTA. MX. norr. iietiry cooper, Jr., Mayor or llALLOWEUi, M. nON. JAMES S. BEEK, Mayor of FKEDEBICTOJT, S. B. norr. wrLLARD nye, Mityor of NEW BEDFOHD, MASS. nOW. J. BLAISDELL, Mayor of FAT.T. B1VEB, MASS. norf. xj-. n. CRANSTOW, Mayor of I. EWPOBT, B. I. nOJT. FRED STAHL, Mayor of GAX.EJTA, TT.T. non. jonu" eodgdew. Mayor cr DUBUQUE, IOWA. EOIT. TIIOT4AS CRUTCnFIELD, Mayor or CHATTANOOGA, 1ESS. nOJT. ROBERT BLAIR, ! Mayor of 1 riOU. E. D. BATJGH, I Mayor of MEMPHIS, TEN.V. nON- GERARD STTTII, I MJor sw OIUJLAJfa, LA HOW. H. D. SCHAHTOW, I aaayor or uvuiu&iTMia, a. Y. ; nOIT. DE WITT C. GROVE, I Mayor of UTICA. N. T. HOIT. GEO. WTLSOS-, Mayor of PITTS BUBO, FA. now. C. H. BUHL, Mayor of DETROIT, MICH. HON. ICEMAN L. PAGE, Mayor of ALLLWAUKIE. WIS. HON. W. W. VAUGHN, Mayor of BACISE, WIS. ta a xat7T7 UON' Mayor of KEKOSHA, WIS. HON. JOHN C. HAINES, Mayor of CHICAOO. OL HON. M. J. A. HEATH, Mayor or 8KLKA. ALA. HON. A. J. NOBLE, ! Mayor of MONTQOMEBT, ALA. nON. W. S. HOLYBAD, Myor oT COX.UMBUS. OA. DON ESPARTEHO MANUEL, Mayor of VXBA CHVZ. DON PIETR3 DE CABALLO, ! Mayor or MEXICO. Tinw r emrmr i tttti TirtntiTora MTy7r o7 HAVAl' atayor or Hav ana. D03T AUTOIflO ECHEVERA, Mayor of IJSIA, PEB1T. M- - KILANQNO, Mayor of VALPARAISO. CHIIi EON MAHO SESQTJTPEDALIA. Mayor or BIO JANEIRO, BBAZIL. Certify that th. resident Du hlv8 ' urei them Oyer's Sarsaparilla la aa excellent remedy, and worthy the con- fidence of the community. For Fprlna; DUraees. For Pnrlf) lag the Illood. Far Scrorwls or King;' KtII. For Twwtwre, Vlcere, mmm lerte. For Ereptleel ..4 rinilea. For Dlotrkee, Ulaloe, oael Bolla. For t. Anthony's Fire, Rate, or ftye For Tester or Salt Rhrnne. elpelaa. For Scald Head and Ringworm. For Cancer and Caneerona Sores. For Sore Eyes, Sore Ears, and Haaeors. For Female Diseases. For apprrssto and Irrecalarlty. For Syphilis or Venereal Pier sees For I.lver Complaints. For Diseases of tha Heart. The Marore of V chief cirisa of the TJruV ted &tats, CanaoUs, and British ProrinoeB. Chili, Peru, Brsail, Mesico, and in fact al most all the dries on this continent, hsvi signed Une doerunent, to sexure their people w hat remedies they may use with salary snd confM.'nce. But our space will only admit a poruoa of theau Aycr's Sarsaparilla, Aycr's Cherry Pectoral, Aycr's Pills, and Aycr's Aguo Cure, rRtrakKD ar Dr. J. C. Ayrr Co i.o.rr.i.1, mass.. Anil sold ty Prafnrlsts every where. r7"old bv C W Schsflle and F S CaMwe!! fwi.hnr;; Filwanl mitb. N.w IVrlin: D W.nfrBMel. I IVntenill.: Shioilri a niIH Sellenrrrre: Jli -r-'r' ' s1"- mn,w QICTU RES. A bouse can n. i he sa:'i u,br 'c" 'urnivh il wnhoui -ome well :,,''x,'',' l'icmr.-s. This want ran now I