Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, June 03, 1862, Image 1

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in win m
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"THE UNION," established ia lsll Vkuk Xq, 2.36$.
" CHRONICLE, "f!aMiJif J in 1S13 Whole No., 947.
It vl..'iO per Tear, alnnjx In Idianrf.
rtuiMiin Miiikii
T..''.v M-.ri.in? & Fri-laT AOmii'n.
-s-e . tclt-itlit-ii-tit.
Oainlli is Evacuated!
We-kvfhy, M.J f ct
re c.'l-iw-. l-i d'-!--t t!.j ecntt's
Uttrrit. The ececy r driven in t- -f.rjf-achecma.
. 1-ft t.-'-" k'.-.i
Ml wwl.J-thc cu---.lj i.fi CO J-.iJ on
tii- ft J.
TLu'slty, M.j CO, Utile lJ
cur si'e eirrt m-i!'; f 'f "T".
i k t k:raii-h a acl strenf thenirp nor
position -ocra.'.'y' Ott.or.ii I' pe ,ol
Shcrmin opened tb.ir bi;tir;es upjO tbe
n- te, with pj' d i2 et.
I'r.iiV. Ma i. Ka lriaJ oiovc tr.-Ms
(til i-ul fip'-.sion wore brd la-t tiight
At C 4 A M . Oen. l'opt's ileit.ee, t.Le
S.Kh ('-!', occupied tbe cut wrks vi
Cjf.:j,:h: and p'.anttd tbe I. S. t up n
tbe I' a't II 'a-e. Tnc Iltbc'.i hal bur&t 1
tbe K 11. I'ep-it, a caarcli, ud part cf the
T.-iiiTO, with a few bales of cotton. Tbe
ii.Lb"at)t saved Loufef, and a large
uf Kailway iron nmaincd. Tbe
l'.eW.. Living cjDsii-.rab.e rji.ing stxt,
tbl a?stij, ii w lhAuht, to a sin..
Uwd. calicJ Uiobu, fd or 0 iui!t. ta
vuJs Mjbiie- lint fir prUooen re-aiiae-i.
The works fjr the liefcoee tf
1 rio'b were trDt bat thsy rc njf
Crr&. M-.-uipbin must ioa flT aul ibo
fCTi Tl. -l 8 lajrcv; cn ice i.i.-
l.::;tn, I-t 5'uraij c--cd:l;:, wis a trc
trtat. 'rfs. Lomii wi Ctiirma!), a.-i?-
t: J I j Mc?rs. 11. 1. Siulit-r, J unci kci-
JQJg Wan?, aiid U. r. ?1..ht K-q
Maic bj a U.ce Ciub. The rcom
tisteUHj dccr.,.i uo flJgj and tbe
ioitntTi-e aud.eD?e hstt ae l ab ui fi .pi::
interest fur ibrce b ur?. Tbe bearwci af
fUme followed k'.s d cr:jtioa of the w.;l
l-.i'ca il.'bt'i, as a iat r.s -rt, ti) l.
Ve.Ir if joui! strike out ten or a d r n
articles of jour I S. OuDiita:ioo. and put
ia as mi by new ones tbat wo wi 11 tfT.r,
we will cone li-k" and tbe Aioerican
people repoDing witb united roicc, No
tkU CvHtfifatiort bt the L oitcJ Status
fhill be the eupreme lav of rhe laud"
CiOie baci to this, is oar only offer " He
wade oo allasions to Slirorj a a disturb
isg caasa. Ilia varied remarks eenttrd
ab:ut tbe imuiortal U"as:iin".tx tbe
I'nbn of tbe IVople, and nM of tbo States
a. one, a. it was organ-.x.i t y the Congr.
tf 177C atd tbe National GoLStitu'.bn,
to be maintained ia its later anl in its
fpirit, Trof. M Coy is devsted wbo'.!y to
tb Great Work and we thick b.s Lc
Ure, in all oar Urge towns, would be ben-
t-.ii in shortening the war by miking the ,
tai States a onit-
ie-Tbe Eight I'er.L.y!vauia Carairy
Las be-.u doing a good w.rk from Wrk-
. . . .
t.t to tbe Chickahomioy, an J for sue-
ctifu hbors, mostly in the advar.ee,
lis w.a genera! arplau-e. TLtir coli-
catier is Col. Pav.d M M 0rec-2, a La-
tt't tf C;ntre county, some lime a stul.Lt
12 L.atrLur;, aLi a cradaaie ol V. Cit
T-e (3 which is Cart
i few mi!
C?t (.'jru ?:rna5c of Sbatotkin, was
in lite 4vl I'a 11 g , under Oen Hack,
atd was n.iiiii.' with a deia cf Lis
I'r. II t:rt ? Sim?ntr,n, of Tarbt,
tiirfc-a i tt? CS1 I'cnn'a, was dressing
v.. wjnndtd in the battle of Williims
l2't be& a shell exploded by his side,
t-t'ene man instantly.
JCapt. T. Cbambcriio sends os No.
3 cf a sew eerie, of the ('Kristin Dauntr,
itroDg Uoiou piper tbe on' paper
l"w published in Frederiekbnr, Va.
It'u f.'.l cf fire aol arguaent, but small,
"ivw'.j i rioted.
lj the y. tbe pprs state that tbe
o.'jK.rs atl Geo. M'Dowell are poing to
c-utpiete ti monument bvgaa by some
cse farther Birth, years ag-, to "Mary.
t- Mother of Wi-oiogton," but never
c:n;'.etei by laiy Virginia.
wvSoudiy, Jut)t gj t0 Wednesday, '
June 11, occur the clcsin-. rx-rcisc of
lh l.ick'tr.nii c. ,..
nem.c.na m,n.r- u ,11;,.... .
- ;-3-s at the tan titLC. as manv li.r : -h
tti tc . U i i. . . e
-4 region
f..s i io atren-a all.
-Mr J.La I'.Lny, of lla.-t BuT.loe,
Jf-KJiUd us wuh r;pe ehf rrjeillld fcrtt
w-irfiu :, w;(l
0" first ripo Strawbcrric this ytar, 1
earlier than Ust year.
"' ' L'' V,mr,0JlJ tas teen a u.soracr.y -.epi se-.-eaeu g-u jj j ;iJdi,( alI IrTr,
ia . i..t, ,kir.i,b mar Hid- can g.-t c first, i he artery sbe.'cd f3m! j;tlcs ,..;Varringt,n and I Lcwis-
l-s - ' see Do equalities ic thtta about twenty mimics, anl tLe M,r. j s ;n; ,'aval characters advisinj the U.
Cft. C. CapaLT, alihjurh others lost misbers parked them until u.ri.whfn ail ; ,,.,; I.'.J. r, FM
? .. ... ... i- i - . i ... l i. .
j VJ ltCl j. jIaGre ot w Llle we were eceaging mem ucre, our ,
IJarrislnr" . u. : .v. ia, i. .ato.
cavalry was on toe rigui, tearing u? T
It IS cnfnrfofni. .v.. v. . i . . , t i. ,:i ooveruori.
.c ' Itr.in, w L.tucp-rt. shall doubtless fortify tbat way to-morrow, j ,s f t
4,06T9? 1,1 cI' Ibeir ?iMfr Wa ran bear lie dram, in the Secesh ,-,re ..:!. mtra;
eaieZlfciT M nhi, TK. .a-avniner mt nr.nf I hi Vfllfi mil Dfl , -,,sw ttr fit 1MV i f iif,WI. n nn-l .im-
J Ptrtyith some Woodland, of the late reconsidered. j ' "as .ach i.rs. ahe ha, l.tile to (ear (rem ,
WtH . ,, ' ' the tyrants it Lurepe. I
ulu a ' 6 ' MC 'iTCrUieJ v TL9 10 n 'a 1S"k , 'rmf ".iT ' I" - V. ,me -ou!d I
w tday , paper. , known. Hi, body guard tntde their f' ' . , f . i
r. . . . ! ceape, b, . Io0. route, and after many r.t sueh self s.enlicn" Ut of the ;
u.Ub,.-v, Selinsgr-ivf, ,Irctti5rsi d.nrrs .a ftr.i-lr, ar? conantly Siars anl Stupes by bawohuient, pcrpet-'
Siilim TuiTU In reply to the state-;
meet that 'ibe emancipate-! slaves
w-.uM all ro-li N irL," Tnin.Tics.st rcsp-r.
' clr-r- I"p-:r in. r-f N rristuwn, f .rnier
!y fr m the South, live puUI.-bttl car !,
statiDS tlat, if Slavery dil tint pr-v-ii!,
tbey a null much r refer ti e S-Vj'tcrn
c'itiia'e tbeir hTce. Thira arc F.f-y
Th u-t.d ra re r'r--e IJ " a k - in the S'ave
tliU in tie Tree State". nntwitlstandine;
.rse ir ataiT.t ia the p'.ave Slates.
p.The RepuV.iesn I'r.i -n rimmitlce
of Snyder c-nMy, bis ei'.M IMpciie
mr tin for Fatar-Jay, July o ( ir.vi-a-
tiit Mirjdty, Ja'y 7 tbe ,-itioi tt le
by bali.it, o i the .laJMcn el ilftit;
the f'rawf.rd Cutiu'.j Ststcm t? le then
srr.r.-N -r.ETE r.vfMr.M A speri
tnfn rf this Gcw ltd n;uh fjmirr ! pjee
rr.ect i mw tit" -e it. Mr K. J. lla'..'t
Tannery pren.i.-, Lcwisborj.
t-.'obcrt II. Irwin ttir'ed f -r his
rntupiny at Newborn, yesterday. Lieut.
Krister fipee'n ta be ab!e li f.iljw in
about twenty days.
lIt- prts rf tbe eraeaati?n cf r.irh-
i'l be until the event r-eetir.
A Sjt'ciDifii i.i llif D.ii!y Operations
j;i:ioki: coitivrn.
May IS, l-'U.
Year t ir-pir,4or.t wis present at tbe
pliirnib od lVa H i;?, Tmn., on 24ih of
April, an.J t.si at tlie reCDDOirsance luw-
fcrjs Jur ;y.
Ycs'.crJaj at 2 o'clock oar Uft rir:p9'lt;
S'arttd, witb twj dijs rati m to drWe ia
t,, cufmj and citer.1 cur lines. Tw
reiTii Li- wre ia advance. H.f re arriv
ic at cjr picket a halt wis ma h-, aud
t Lc c :q ii! 1 , l.id at will." The
vh M i. was then or d. -red tj advance, aui
; j-td tbe a:bfr rcitueu??, wh"fi
u t ii .J. r . -r a i:
wis u2 ty Ui as ga..j aa if jr:rg ca
sju-c p-..raI. excuisijo, instead of to tbe
12' c? i f diaih. ue cf our companies was
seat out at kira.ihers. and sjd ecpd
tbe I.il-tl picbts, when other cnipatiits
cf our regiments were sent out. engaging
tbe cnemv oo a line a mile Ions; thea tbey
rrceivtd rtiuf jrcem-Bt., and the -ht so- n
. -
becani'3 PeTcre. Tbeir f rce wis heavy.
and at times we appeared a. mist oterpiw-
11 . , . ,
ercd, when tbe s'eDtoriau voice ot Lol.
jm;.n lviBi! his swnrd as he rode bick
aud f.rtb amid tbe ba'.'.s.wou! J come rirg- noitc3 ,0 defelt ,be wr r K..pui,:is.4n
ing a!Jf.g the lines, ' Forward '. boy?, fr- pirtJj eastlint j M.iUon'i Admin
ward I" and oar men would rush with a i5,rllinn. The rctu!t w fMaWi .
yetl. The regiment lying in support of us .Ts. H-n.J. ha W.Tayl.-r is re-e'erte,! to
sent up such cbctr, as almost to drown 'onsress hr larre in-1 inereaej iij-r it.
, u . tl i- i. 1. .1 t Hi corrineiitiT.Mr.t'.P. well.wa nei'er heie
tbe roar of musketry. Tbe l.cbe.s sbont.d ! -,.-.. m,r..e
..Hllll Ran ;-. loJ c echotll ..i)ODe:So3 :
Dane's jn '." There wa, nt one instance
cf any retrraUicg on our side evry
step was forward. At 0 o'c'.jck tbe Ktb-
. . i i r i j
m lock shelter to a-large frame boue,and
made a desperate staal, in Strang f ree;
to c-jrepa-oits f.-ota oiber regiments came
to tar sup; rt, but we e-,nld not r nt
them. Two pLe.s cf artiil.ry were bro't
. . i . l - i : i !
up on a ga.. p, lurat-a me nuuuiog,
i.l j.itt-v.j
anl at tbe seetini ruDi the I.-bcis rashed
eu pe!i-n.cl!, remtnalt.g one of dlsruiMiD;
became silent. We re filled our cart rid;
boxes, aui put twenty extra rounds in onr
p- ciets then waiui, ready to give them
another djse should they attack us, it cot
being our intention to attack thera OD
Soaday. Miming eaihe but they did
nit feel dtspised to medlie with ns. At
7, ihe 07th Ohio relieved us, and we fell
back to rest aod sleep; tbis afternoon ano-
.tber brigade came up and we are once
' tnrre in camp.
Our f irees drove the enemy a mile, and
still btild the position bat with the loss
of sortie precious lives. Of our regiment,
10 brave fellows fell dead on the field, and
CI were wounded some mortally. The
K.bel less was heavy, for although tbey
carried eff their wounded, and many of
their dead, we buried 10 of tbcro, among
tbem a Colonel, a Captain, aud twa Lieu-
tenants. We found several efficer." swords,
aud several of the best riSes I ever saw
they doubtless had some of their chosen
marksmen, as Ibeir balls cut close. The
tdvantages were theirs, as they knew the
,1,1.1 ,t.
nr.,mrA mnA w h.I ta advance on tnero.
niht. We .rf rettine nearer '
r ' . . . . , .
anl nearer, and tbe da; is not lar a.siaai
when Corinth is ours ! Wll KELP. '
The Houso hf passed a strincent Con-.
fixation act. A rrovisioa for Ihe imme-
dtata emaDc.pit,.n of the alavet of all
Kebtcla, wa dfftatcd IQ toe Itouw bj 4 i
a jit, fvcral Iletjublicaas dee Olio? it too
Comparisons and Contrasts.
We bave tcf-re u a ba'.f vMuinc of the
(?' 'jrijlticat f- Misit'iry AiHt'iim, prir.td
t-y S. K llrown, in Albany City, iu 1M1,
when tie U.S. wre at wtirwi'h Kur'aad
la tint -r, tie F--dVralists were charged
with siJ t i: the l!ri'i-b but ti e Utter
gjt no nearer than Lake fharupiain tod
Stonin'on Harbor, to New Kngiand '.
aitb.nugh they ravag. 1 corns r.f the S'.avc
States. So in this war, the Rebels tuo't !
tbey wr-uM get a great p.r'j in the Nirih
tiatltbetn: but d me.tie trait rs arc as
scarce now as tbey were lilty year" ap,
ao 1 tbe traitors' C.g bas tut floated over '
one l-r.'-e vte : ;
Tun.in over this cjl Tclamc.we make
a fe n'rae", tbuwing CotDfaria ma and
Centra?: between that cay acl this:
-I: rilT. r.i :ti?.- -fver1 m:'i:arv peron- '
f s ,) : . aTf 1 n 1 Tf r i .rt.'v .1 '.iir.r
v.,:f,l n i. ho ever, c- can-. :;it'y are
i - oiiru-l th- ei.emy' pf..-e.-i:r.s l.io '
i".".r rfcrnitin vv.pe is tTi'V-'y pjhf !. :
n ''r,: wMfi Mirre vhrrc'.r;- - j"r 7r-
ar- uii.'t:-ii. A d:fiin:d rrcru.Uiig ;
.i:.;-r cau ri .--. ex: ucc-. ;
TLee are str ing bints at kiy an 1 drill- ;
king cijera always an arajj'a curae. !
tu;:i:i rrniv-.. !
Th- J-r-.imi-r.i ..I tr.e 1". V. (;-neraI i
nTi.S-rr n.'. !. r t;rt '.rr.r s r.ee lr . l.r;;?.- ;
t r if it.t.- t ;1..', a r-rr-l-c srru' . uy. Tne
t "' ir. n .I'-e ae it ..r.'Verr J fi.j.-r-.i tri:itt
V tne j"ib. c m -nf ; anvrt .'ih--r. thai :he
s-.ni ot tweive hi.n 'rr ! i..!'ar p--r annani ha
t-e ehare-J an I aii.wel fir tHr rtni 'fa'
r-"' I"" , lT-"f !-"-'' ,
hun.'reJ .!,.:iar
j W2 haJ, tben. cow, Fprca!ater?
an J eitiTtincr?, ad fabricators and bi-
etcrjtelLrf to mnfce i!l pecm wrse.
M'lrh i a I a: . 01 :hc rxprn rf the
Wr. I: t ir. 1--- i 1 1; rp.v?,bui 'h l-ct way
! av -1 arp-iriti'.tv -t; t?vs fur ev pry
1 r.e :. p -'v c :!-:::!' y r.i ch--rfaVv
-.!.w' r.ii: .' w.-u - 1 mc t ur "'.zerf.U in
u 'i t;e n,f t a'rula es t n t-ur ditt-io"."
-r;. (',:;: ut c s. ! !. t-e the rr..-t
p-.-puar cii ar.rfrnr fiiirm.i-i !er. Siirpe
ue caue nicr-ji LATtion lo arrc-i ii..;. !
Iji-oAViu. Hull wa ordered to be shot
f r bis imbcci.i:y at I'ttr nr.. .and Geo. J.
Wi.ktuja was ciciriatcd f.r h'n via eta
aui Lis iguoble failures at tbe North.
-The Iju!!icai. are uoi satisfiJ wuh the
docir J. boi mrr sec no rmh t.. c hair
itifir p ii'icai ciftj on tl.at account
, ., . . ,
Men may err, but rnncipics survive ail
. if-
buniao wrjtp ar.d Uuures.
iml -ritti- i iuiv r.nKD:
Tko Fed. raiists aud "I'caca" l)ea.ocrats
ti o p'lnf.r li-r :he rtiam! spirit t-: iah sa.
The Krpari'xan AeinLiv ticU-t rurce.lfd
f- tr mil. .ri'f r-.-ir x- sc I ' c-,. a. trial rt VI r
Tav; ,h.,h , ;t ,"rr. re than ;-"
t thr.-po:.!irir rr.::-ei m- tan f.-iits-'ai
no expre.-, made r.o unusual rxerli1 ns."
no expre.
"Tti.s r'lte n r-pre.ei.le i. in til? Thir
ty. n:tl . ' r r-'. . bv ' I;-p.jt...a!i ar. l li
V- !.'ra'i.'.. I:t in- I'. -trte. nh. ttitrc tt..i be
jii K-p-jt irans ar.1 7 r't-Jeral:?-.-."
1'Lat election fir.i-Led tbe 'I'eaec' party
nutii rcvirei by Mr. I'.ucbanan at.1 tbe
'(.rcrrouii.-crs f ovr
IM ti I of -tl tw.
Tbe -V..e ail has a ppe-r ngrtcd by Ste.
plan f.T a vessel of war, to be propelled by
s'cam f-ur to live miles aa hour, and Ore
red hat sbet whieh they say will "prove
more formidable than any kind of engine
heretofore invented.". ..The New Jersey
J-urnj! states tbat Cspt. George Stiles
had exhibited at the Mayor's cfec in 1'al-:
timore a model of a Steam Floating Bat
tery, to carry 32 pounderB when a sub
scription was opened to raise $oO,000 to :
construct a ship on bis plan, (tt bas '
taken nearly fifty years, from these first
conceptions, to bring out our .UomW and
our An 7fiwfi-es )
iiu-itio r-r.ttrs.
In tbe Keto.utijrj, Ca-per Attacks, an
Arric4Di mii m 0llric,t IB0, dead
ty the Uritih in Boston. The Kegiment
o jJIici, WM notcd Gen
jlctson thanked tbe Colored Men for
,beir ,;j at Xew Orleans ....In tbe record ;
te njj we fin(1 tte f0uowing with other .
:r, ;).,,. cf 0r Victorv on Lake Erie: i
-mim' speai hi;Vr of the bravery ao ,
c --l cn foci rf the Neroe., who formed a
rou.Jerar.le ran of his crew. Theyseemed
. ,
ij tie aosoiun ir msennote io earj'r. i
micl Sba'er, of the privateer
jmtkins,'' says, in narrating '
British frigate
'. r.f mv pocr fellnw. who
to be rrc's'ired in the t-o- k
l d rememhere.l with rerereuee
I. - ps a bravery i cons.derr.1 virtue. i'ue
,i, , w,ft m.n.rr tnirf Jm. J..i.
A St-lb. nrt traek him in the hip. ant hvk ,
jujv a 1 ihe loer pan (.( hi b---!r. In this 1
state he lay on the d.-rlr aH eie'aimed to h.s
h pmaie.- -;e
A Ami a
wav $Inrk mUf h 1B lht j
Majc liV Hrfni t?it me.aiiJ -eweial limes .
tt.H i.. iSmi-n mrrS ar -1. savin? he
The ''-( mhinn had tbe annexed Tribute
to Humble M-rir, by the author of :Co-
umbii's Nival Triun:pbs' ao ixpromptu
on the dcrh of two floors naJer Capt-N.
Sbaler, killed tj a Uritish frigate :
W.:M to le mrraorj of JrtMS JOHW, and
JOH tO! two bUfla Minn, who rrr
vii Ikf '-' ! i LT. 11-. wm Ixisid ihr r .in r
. "irriiftr Ti'a;'W:. an Biii(fil thrir
lit fi'imrni In firrrins and an;ranrt mtir
tii'ut ruraratlni,
i;.t -t !h n m uiitifiinl t"t-t
!.. - liuot'-N ttrth
Ti i't te. i J al-.fr -ri'WD
T ' lc: Tr. win rt.r
V h-n - ! i 1- i' 1 r,
h i' CitKlrtL f J4f Uli'.jl.fll Vtt.
Hi i Tt r-t'-ti hiM i. 'in wu
W-nll-o.!. I ; it lit- B'"-1 1 rati-e
U '-Klir if,.- .t.-r- f t"- t" '
!)', i.d 1- t i i rt. -k in iul.fr hoe
iLiii tf- 4- 'rt. i lT-rt- ant w.
r-nt!)-. n. r"--i; -rn 'Vt tt.
Ir J 'IIN-'N aitt t.rr I'AI? .in-f!
Thvir Vaal r riirltrr tt, u!l '
Hut. -rii i' fr-virm r,
Tf.-:r -p-r:- !,( it ftrv tbt Mfrt
; -ru o- ;v b
?! rwtri drK turn.--!!.
K- a y xh-y Vit tli L-.;t-r
W t-- 'f -tlr ffitin kDCW.
W .-r tn-iT f.'"fathr lr i 1t,
W-.ui-! uiaa-ni; ,-rr.i -n r.f'rn Ur .
V .:: tt"Mi;-!w Uw- ft"lT !r
!' U"t 1.5 ttrn wn tr--It-ia thru,
T l-f I.:-11-r
"iir - " ii t.i tl S -tir of itTllr
.-, I Ui ln-li-Tat-ic lut-Q.
Wk.'l :tl !
k -b- tiBi: 'ut
7-.l U rut J -OiufU irW.
t fni th r'nr Ttitiri tft.- r: i,
M-r-lia'-J a!' ti- .r.r .-- k
I'T fh (Vti urn t a ;!h f ri-l;
'ft J. lv w rtl - !..
IT ) tl-.i r-a-k :t- ud-U! f -
TS-t i.-af h-at tu-h. tlntr k.f.i r 'l--t..-
An ! 'ttlur fr-r-' rf f.'.- ;..ng :
V u ij. rtlT s-atit pfW'T
A;' thru ii tr- n ''':
i .tijlJ tr-y tti- f -t .f (Hath
r-I- t th- laJ.ifi.- l-it-alti.
a'; brr a-Tjitir w ett.
T'' nfr tiT Tr ri J. U
I'otit af r.I K-r rJI
I w-hyi'lm hi-trt av-ml tS" av-lini -jtj- -tT'h
V tH .lii 1 h ni; a'ti i--.r nam".
AtI wilt. iK: 1 .-ir'wioi your 'i-t(.l taiatf.
Latest News
111 TtMK.Riril.
Great Battle on the Chickahominy.
WAHISeiTuN, June 2 The f illowirg
was r. ceived at the War department, last
evening, dated
Battle Field,.' one 1 12 o'ei'k M.
W. have bad . de?rerte b.n1e,in which
tb. corps of Gens. S-utuner, Ileinia-lir.au
and Kejes bave been engied against
greatly superinr numbers. Yesterday, at
1 o'clock, tbe euemy, taking advani.oe e-f
a dreLchiog storm whieh bad fijo led tbe
valley of tne I hickibcminy, attack. J our
iroops in the right S,r.k. Gen. Casey's
Divtsion, which was in tbe C.-?t line, gave
way, unaccountably, aud disconnected
them. This eiused a temporary confusi m,
during which Ibe guns and bagae were
lost, but Gens. lU-in'xeiman and Karmy
brought op their troops, which checked
the enemy. At the same time, however,
we succeeded, by great exertions, in bring
ing across Gent Sedgwick's and Kichard
sou's D.visi'in., which drove back the
enemy at the point of tbe bayonet, cover
ing tbe ground wit bis dead. This mor
ning tbe enemy attempted to renew the
cot.1' et, but was everywhere repulsed. We
have taken many p-rtsoners, among whom
are Gen. l'etirgrcw anl Col. Long. Our
loss i heavy, nut tbat of the caemy must
he enr.nu ,u. With the exception of Gen.
Casey's 1'ivi-i -n, the men Ubiv.d plen-
dtd'y. Several Cue bayonet charges have
been made. G. B. M'Clfm.ax.
liAr.i tsn p.; jm :t i- t
r, t Ixa, ri nir.'. r! .1 i: I I 'u- W . J. d-..; ,tt l
f,-.k-!n. il h-t- I' t ... - . j.j -.I ...;Ur.
d., rr ID tr. r L it rit a--. . Lar: - f-1.:... r.u
11 Kl.l M.ltt.l;
i- ..-,-i.v-s -P, nnMH&nia h .ult'-r t .rrr..,
m.n cfli e- w-uti t. 1--TV rr r.. .1 I irnl -i;
I. t-.-n., !. n., bul B&ujer D i I ...j n unlj tL.in
..i.r t Mi-l i. e
r. ntitTiii B. Ben "T- i'-s rs-.iJ I" to Uh"
Jvd uj . .1.11.1. u. 1 m&le xb r.;.i rift.j
ti.Tbe Rebels bave been driven from
Front Koyal, an j are failing baek up tb
Shenandoah Valiey again.
Gen. Pope estimates tbat 2i'00 prisoners
aod deserters are in our lines, and Beau
regard's force i evidently damoMtnerl.
The ivn T'nion lemocraMC papers of N'-r
ihutnt'eriati i county have propusfd, as a suit
able canddiaf tur t'nogre, 10 the fneod of
th t'ninn and the a:innal A Jm!Qis;raiitn,
iq ihe Iianphm. Jomata. Snyder, .NfrthnTrbr
Unfianti I'nioo litnct.ihe name of (iEOKtiR
F. ViI.LKU, Km , a natire of that county.
Tr.e tvys and Krpatiiican nf tbe Dimdci
will recopntre in him an old. unswerrms
.uprHrtcr of their principle. I nicn conoty
preienis hitn a a roan of qdvuIIipJ rharaeier,
auperur boMneas habn. -'und ment.ard
a literal, public spir.ted citato a vetf.m.ii
tnao. wh.se elevation to Concres wi-uid be ;
a credit tn thern and an incentive t" the youih
if oar tani io seek divimrti.m m ih paihs of
industry and h.-ncr. ISIMON f.NVL'KU. 1
It U admitted by all thai thi np-river part
of f'nion coonty i enMled tf the next t'rro
mi 'toner. Lewibors ha (fficf-r and can
JMatcs, Borlaloe has a Jnde and ha hi!
a (Vmtnii-s-.oner frr thrre yar, an 1 White
lerr ha the hbenff. It seem ihereidre that
Kelly ionh p harm no (iuuiy Oilicer. :
and civinc ihe be t Rrpobiican vr. ah.mld ;
have the CB.iec. Lavi Fail. Mr. JOHS NOLL'
ta proposed, but. a n-MclvM-'r havot ten
pretiou-ily named, he dectmed. If Mr. Noll
w:!i now consent to be a randxlaie, very j
minv knw hm to he a efd n-I popular.
mrn. w h we rhtn k woo!. I prnre ai hi utM, 1
in-V pendent, accommtniaiin .Tirr. i
rilll K Brfu;h Auditors will mct the srv-
eral arcr-natint nfilcrrs of the Bma-H :
at the i-ffirc of th Toa Clerk. o Frtdat j
rrentne. June ft, Iw-C. at fit o'clock P. M. 1
()vtrecr of the Poor. Cullectnrs, School ,
Tf adorer. Ac. pVae take wmc. '
Aid't. r--' 1. Mi'fUVv F - v. v
.. i.J I U Mm 'J'-i'v; li I NN
i.r. tv--; I -.
tV'I'n'dn ('etin't Srin.taT Srhrn.l C'-r.vr.-:.n.
at Hanleiun, I'miay and SSdluray, Janr
1( an ! 1 1.
, ... tl fD 1
J-'HN 14 I.KA.-
'dint V!'A v.- t
Is rf di rt?
cur. 1:1 ;hr la! m.'s f t'
kfi'-w fr.'in TTiper.f.ce u a;fr
ly a a "r!. t!..rae f CJre. ! u;
fuf iisn fikaxii Hittiu w. i n "V-r.
rniiT jI K- a 1 'i.e A Ui m aa-..h -r C' ! j
I vi : ;. o v :
We vii! pv Irom to j;75 pr mntb
art.i ail rxpei.i-e '. aciie A;ei:s r r Sive a
i mnji -Min. I'ariiruiars frf. A ! ir-s
' -Er. s-u.ns Mi-hme Company. R. J WES,
(.i-ttf-i.il Aet,;. M . an. ai-
9t Lv
' Cum
! Oats
I FIax.-x.-cd
.. $10S K-gs I
55 Tai.ow
Ham T
Shoo A: Side... C
WojI U5tn4'i
Irid Arples. 1
i Firkio Huttcr 10
Fresh Hu'ter... VI Country S..ap 4 i ')
. 1t R'F'k TFI'in.flf".
ir. ml tl :7. t- KdAV
i sit-i f l-aitmr ilT iun
aba w.ftj murta Hi.t
IT. at Ifv tWt'it Pa-r -
oJ Mi-- Li - i CH'Lr V.
W Tr.'- 'f I 1 ie .-v.
dauM-r (.f ' rTZ J f
ti 11.U. 1 fran u.V:
J' M.- i. l A
lir-n.J""N !Ai.Ii.'"
r-1 i,
tlMf. F JH Ltit. 1'ur.a.irk. Vi
?i-T--m Drrn.w Ar urTT IAVTD PPITI.EJt. IV,
tJ lr.in. it, hi o-l ct J b-attL arj irA
h:i' I'.tiJ'n: thf r-c-.t C ui-f ; L.-wiltr aj.J at
Vi 1 1'Mtr; r-lu:n:nr fr-to ti.r ii:rr, It i rhij, on
t. tVivf a:.!m ;b" r -vl, i.l. tak.i-n ict a t-uitry.
Is.- tfsul tro-f-I. ao i hr wo nriTM) i3 '-f r. b
B'J, an 4 1 -j t r la liiita euaat. th-1 t
eimrw at Las- fu-rJ. t c tJ j. . tL in
th di b a- li-li t r I- Qwrtr. tvi aaiaj &ia 1.
In Krlly T. 2-th :i..4.UiB I.KI.-t-K. S . wl
ji-ar, 7 mi oiti. auJ ; ia; lVra in Y--r.
t-ut f.r many j.rw iim cf tlae Bit-it rcict'.l Unar
t.' Lioa fi'Ufi'.y. ,
In a-?. :t n!t. ANNA, OanAter cf J alliaB
Pa'lf lrlt. arr-i at-Kit rra.
In Hartal" Tp. 3 l.t "It. S 4E.AU. raltct ot Oorg
Miik-r.Arvd. attW atx-ot ' - j.t.
la owrr-u .n. att, W ( H RLCS 8 WEIER,la
hi V'h iavrFy '.I aotmrY.
In Sea V. rk. . li Kl.t-- U1LEM AN, imorrij
of rMtrj. arj aytwtlt i'ir.
In Sjiil-rr nit. MUTTN H 4 S KT iX. c-d alut
w" tara. i tt a,, i, J.jllN, wn of Cyro u fi-l
atMut 9 voara.
Administators' Notice.
W'HERCAS. lettee. pf atmini.traiinB cn
tne e.a e of J ''"U I.EIKR s-nn r.
late of KeMr lotrn-h p. I'm. ti countv. dec't.
hare ben erarj'.et to the subscriber in due
f.-rm u jaw. notice is hereby given to ail per
son, knowioz themselves to be in-lrbted lo
sa.J estate, in make lmmeliate payment;
and ihoe tiavtne ctatm. aea:nt irie same,
will present t-i'tn -t.rv .Thei-irate.i for set
met.!, to ;t:nn.;e i.F!pk. Ke.ii Tp
J 'HX l.i:ifKK. I" o.areTp.
Mav II. i A tm.tii.tritors
) V v.r-oe if an oHer nf 'h- n-phn' (". urt
) pf I ai -a c.'iiuty to us J. reeled, we w.l.
at ih Iloue k-tt bv raiiti. I b.tiu. n
ibe B.-re-oss of M ilLnborg. I nu.n Co. I'a. on
Salurtlu. Jan. 31. liUti.
the fullowins -i-seni ! Real Eitate, to wit:
o. 1 a'l noe cena n I t or part, of .
I. its ;t.ia:e in lt.e b ron?h i-f M. t.i. n burs,
b, un 1--1 i n trie n.-rth bv Vain street, ..n th"
east br r. al leat.n; to .New lirlin. on the
i .uth l.v An 'tree a!r. and en tbe west by
l. t of V m. J . :iri. wher". n are erected a
--.TUi:E Ht'I'SE. ;
ial l nv.tLi'M. not -ix. j; i i ;
a 'J'j.I.T Sbp. ar. t .1j" ji 'J he pr -r- !
er-v is -eoer.., y Wn -wn a -i LI.I. t.'i.R.
X ER." an p! J and well known Basirc S an 1. j
Xo. 2 -ail that certain I n er ptere ot
crj.-r. 1. situate in the bironeh afvrea; 1.
p.. in 1 1 south y Market street, east ty road
I'a.Jirie l' r It-rur., n.-rih by Appietree .
atiev, and west bv l..-t "'. mmi ,.
whe'r-on is eree-ejartH'XDKV"'---.-, :
lifll.Dl.N'li. new u-rd as ttg i
Cirhmaker's rshep. a B ack-wWaulnna. j
aianh's -hp, c.
o, ;l-a.l thai certain let rr piece rf
croonJ simate iu th bcroneh at. resaid.
a ijoinins; lae. is of Rev. J. ti An-paeh. J hn
lioushall aid Charles M -ntei. us. containing J
lerea and ei perches (more r lss) I
0. -a'l lrnt cerain lot rr nece of
jmund. siteaie in ihe borough aforesaid.
bonn.l-d en the eat by pnblic real, on the j
n.rth bv land if W m. frni.h's heirs, on the
wt br lands of Adam s. Kline and B W.
Tbomps. :i. aid en the smnh bT tani of H--nry .
Bi.i.T.re.f,CP!a.ni? 2 tf rest more r le.
o. 5--1 7VE OKCHAKD. situate in
grr vthe bfn a-h afora.d. alj-imns lands of'
2fll'n;aniin Miiler i-n the ea-t ind Ian is pf ;
u. Hd..enriu:ti ri the n. rta ana west..
contain. n; 4 tfre more or ie.
t-e-The above eM-ribed land is all ia a
jppd siaie t l cut.ivatK'O.
yo. B-3 tract ot n"li.i'iEw ;
sunaie in tbe towrisnip pi . cv
itut'jl. . honnded north, east, and
south bv lar-.i - I" Henry ;asf. an
m-t bv lan l of Phihp "iplev. ci.iiiB.u6
trrrw and !':o perches m .re rr less.
stIe u. rffiiD'srf at ten o'eoek, f..re,ooi, I
i t ,i. iiav. mha the r.-nd.tien. ol sate, as j
tied by the Court, w.l' b male Inewn by
M KI H rn. I. anJ !
t . II .IKW'UJ. !
MiiB.nl.nr;. Mar 31. I"
"W"Xri BKllMiE I. I" b ireete l ever
ItinTali-e i reeW. near tl. -da. Mill.pnihe
site pf the old Bri-ke ia Buffal. e township,
I nipn enntv. Pers.n wi.h-n; in contract
fpr said Hn lc. c CI at ihe Cpmmis.ioii-
ers'luTire in l.ew,.bnn. see Ihe f,,n anl
Speei(iealion. and leave tbe.r I-..H. It
W I. i .i in-t'lliie. rn M.i.NliWihe fk.h
11 I
.f t
I ii..-. t-: I.- th'
i.l - t b. I :
1 5"'T. .v,- rtr'vA
T...r-.'v !-- -t,
TLur-. . Jau. 1
s K!
s ! !
T' - r
; a
frr-u urf'y if Iai.es'
ti : 're.'.'s
B-":s, G :irers and Tar.cy Shs
wh :iv': h- a: I'M M'Al.t.V l.'.W
1'K ( t. i'.'K L ! at tne I.ewi. -irr Cn-
1. n H ot anl ."ti -e fi- re. r pr"'i t
tan Bir.k. Tic larr: ei .-f
:he i
H i.e Va le
B iu l' i.4 H KS ever . J-re ! :s : w:
tta..i...' ant R-ta.'. twentv iwrrr
per eent. ehea; --r than ariv ether h use ir.
c .uD-.r. U .Qt anJ Sr.e mite
writer cn
!.. n n-.! ire.
l.-n'i f. rtre t -Se place :h F
Apr.I S5. I - .
ri".!!: Ii-ire-. av:rT It..;i:u':. n . f I.
f tjr; r. tti. tz 'Irc'afrt a LI i .-r.J
F.-ur per Cent, l r the lat MX .'
the ami-nni of S-.k pa-d ia. PaTakle ia
twenty .'at-, frr.-a da-e. H P. SHELI ER.
Stl'OMI l! tt ! SVPOMKlEKt
I'vlne KAViLV f)AP ! KCR.
Ail Kiteh'r. lira-e r.n te i.iate ir.-.t 5 'i
SOAP br n.n? st fo M li LI:.
I 'J l)iree.i..r.s ace. rrra-i.t-e e.-.. h It x.
s-i 1 P i ai- ea.'y tria le .tt. 1:, :a.:.e a
cop of (.' fT.e.
Manufaeturi ..u'r Lv ibe TateMTS
lVr.ii "a S.i'.t Maijufactur'niz Cou'.j'ir.v,
o-i.t.iuiis. f uiuutet-iita.
Feb !. lefiirl
Attorney at Law . . . L'.'wM'ur;, Ti.
('fit ia th: A.ori--' (;:t.c.
Feb. iotti
AMtKH'A Pm' de'ph a.
Capliul e.-.fii.iMMj.fO
A-scti. Jan. 1m11 - - 1.-51.7 l'J.si
ARTHI R ' COFFl.V President
rirBiiit'Ti-js annually or pTpe'u.Hy, Mer
ehaod.ze. lirain, Furnilure, inure.t, at
carrenl rale et Freratutn.
J-J-iN B LI NX- 1
B:ttm3 Ar'nt (. r I r.:o:i c ur.-y. Pa :
I n. J. 11 I I.I.I .!. X 1 X r S.r b
. Street. i'Hii.A bLi.i tiiA. Manutctorcr o;
WIXIm.iW 1IA1E.-.
The .'arc-! ani finest ai.Tini in :be
Citv. at ;t.e lowest Price. biir.d. pa-n ed
and trimme.!. equal to new. Su re sr.i-es
made a I .et:-red.
Aprn 11. Iw"2 3m
Jstritlurj, I .l.a 'o.( I'l.
OFFICE on Market St-three d.i-rs l-e! w
(.-per Evant. pr.l !. I--S j
Iast and I5ct Xcws !
"I I have jut rc :vd from Phi'a Vph a
ui i Sew Yurie, a very lare aad we!:
sei- cte o.-ffe ot
m hich v i :l-r at eery rt .need r"
h.ire 02 d p:ir- ru;ar art'-nti' n in tr.' t'r' i
o! ih.s s'.-rW ! i fed a rery la.'- ri;' r.-n:-r,t
or DRY GOODS "tv '-'r p- .
i; n. Prcaer v. i fji,.: r j '. av re
tj rive o a raM as in rr.re- -r- 4j- v i.r . r
"r r-:2ht--nne t- wn i. r c rr"''': n- We
htve ai' replen.h( i f:r ;.-fK '. I.rof
iiA.Vtf J!t:-. fi1;..! r.is'r,
tn t I! , Intu'tr ' Witli,
a wav iiT' 'i i. i.
U C1 N.1 t ." Cf tilien in Ea
chance !" &s ut-a!.
N. B. 'a-h pai-i t'. r z" l - f.ra.D,
JN V AI.1. At t.
I.ewihnnf, April 5-t. l--2
LtHh ,l llti:L. 1'roprlc.or.
rPHlS lcw Huiel i . U3;t 1 oppume the
C uri Hi'ti.'n ht nu'st t.-thn ra: e and
bt-auijfu! part t : t. n. a'i .1 r s; e a;i i
c.iQvPience can n A te varf jSm 1 :n Oa.rai
Penney., au a.
Th-ae vim;ie th- Cnifersiiy, or aiT !-nc
Crnrt. w;ii find it the mosi c.nepte:i: ari
rernrai rol'tic hi u-e chrirr:' wit i-e ih"
m.i reaLnaie an 1 netber t.meoretp:ie i
will be rvarr" ti-'1 every ct-rt. -n u;.tn
th -e vh i mav c9. Person ia ihe tuQ!y
wtJI be charced 2.' cr per meal.
Lf wis! April 1,
II. f.r.r.ll IRT, r7.VT.'vT.
has rem.'vel lp-..i'nt1 slrei.'p-ir
d.-.rs trcm heT. mn Cpfk. LLW-
Isltl Ri;. -
New Man d-- New Goods!
TOSEril L. II AWN hai in,- taken ilie
tj r.-.-ms un ier lb.- Te. -erai it an I nt. r..r-
pirires.rr1iiied ih.-m.and lii! d in aa eaiesMte
variety p
r, , Cirtt'.-n r. T,' -V-, :
'st a Ir; an I sp'-Tot. 1 -.a -f CI "TH
ss;Mt:Rt:.-.4e. b.rli h- w.'l tir ii -'-orrf-r.as
he n!lc.mttn-l tne Tail. lire Eu.-i
,e He is prepared in eicn!e all w..rk
en m-. I I. hi. caie.io the taiiafacttoa cf the
.U. C'niiT; ,"! K-r-a"-ne 1,1
pr.l'r. ILewi-r-iiij. ..pnl tii. l- t
luiporlaot 1 9 slitwiua Ur r.
iv VAXs a COOPER hire ail'l c -Vir
'j str-h a c.ioip'eie asMir-meat ol Hotl
fl.trf --. MhOllI-n W ll U1 ill . meir
advenMr" ! tail an 1 eair!ie ..if sl.'l b. Il
i. cP Hi'l--'. aid r.i. r. 1 'n- ,' ! -a"
,h ,. i tt. .!.' e r '" - '
I I ' .
Executor's Notice.
OTICE j herrr r r-B, that lnrtr.
lamn'arT on ih ia- w ilf ittiH ifiarn(
.t Mr. MKaKr:T SIMOXTO.f. la' of
Lil'arf K-r -uK. I mn ci uBtf- Mv bra
prar. fu !f- 't.e nn Vr-isf.f i, br rhe Rrmatec of
I t; ., ;, c u:.rv. it ,'o- f.--m of law ; aU prr-ons
h v ing r'tna;!'!'! sar etie w til prert
If f-rt. an i h .r i ;if aid e'a:e are mjaea
I'.i Ut n.ah irr.m !i- rarmaii. i.
1'K'IT.K BEV&, Ciecatar
Lf w .Kort:. May . It2
A T T E NT I 0 N !
Several Hundred rersons
TK rrt owini the nn-je-r'tcncil fjr
I'O.-TAC.K and P.OX KKXT.as
wttl ci fur ."til.orition nd Itoolc
ac.'C-i.t. Irn.'tie.Iii.'e attention to said
3c o-uits It tii rircd. Money can bo
titi y dot:;.' so.
Le;-ln-e. Mav i. te-;itf
1 warrantej X-J.N t.VPl.OtilVE,
anl e-ual ij ai.jr KEHOSEXE.
Whr tor an exp'.ire Oil. when a few ceais
ci.-re p-r ga..un w... lun.isn rru with a f'
frct ! MaJe ty
rciii.'a ?t.lt MariuftiLtarins Companr,
i.t. n ! raiLiuuraxa.
r-o in. i
THE ur-If rir.ed, haTtnr remorel
her Wi'th and Jewelry eMabl'ihnirr.i
one oi the f.wmi receotiy oeeop" i
t r i'li-s. G. (ir.fr. (a'j.'iatn V.m AmayJ
L. 7.j-r" M. .inery ch p.) Market atreer.
between Fr nt and Second. be tt prepared
' Repiir Watches, Jewelry. Musical
Increments, Sc.,
in ih m v. a-; rve-i an i aur.tciory tcaaner.
W -ep t r. hani an avuroen! nf chtr
JH A I'.LttV. Ti.r l.a i-ean 1 (jenilemen, whica
ilie cTert e: prices o sQ't itc Uaura. Alb,
I L' K anJ A H HtS.
A .1 w, rit aud ware warranted a trreen-ir-.l.
M Aft! A S. ZLBtR.
o ur.-, 3i?
lKFll Supplies of (iixxls at
L tit i
A f A
Estate of Lewis Aikey.
imin!.ifa-i' n on the ef.le of Lew ,
A .i-r. -ceaed. Sale ol i. est tiatta. J p.
hirir.c t-.en araoifl 10 the sobscntxr by the
Kejmer of In ion ci nn:v ia due for ot law.
a i rer-. .r.s imlebie-.l 10 said estate are Kcrebf
nct tie 1 to n.tfWe imrceuia'e payment, and a.t
bavtne ar.v jui ctaiins saatni the am w,ay
prraeni them .t til v aatneQticate f..r .eiilemelit
iu K'itRT AlKEV. Writ fcatau.
WVt. AlkltV, Bufaiue Almia'ara
Vav 5. pd
i AltorD-y at I-avs.
f"OrLTATI0NS had mthe Enjlua aid
j ij-rrr. larruare$.
' llttie., ...h U.il.i t aass Tn.e.l
ur.-. Jmn. 4. j -X
ISfaleol JohnlYbilfaker. derd.
ETTEKS i.f A !m antral. --n de b-iei ann.
wt me Will anneie'1. vu the eta?e cf
J .Hi Wmm-ii, ate of Eat Itu:!i, Tp.
tiec'J, have aeen rranted tu I.OKINlA LOW.
All pfrv us hit tt)Z el arms a;aint aid e
a;. w it present them for'h-r.ih to O'cwr
Merrill, Aticrrer fur the AimiOiiratrix.
Apr-! , 1
E3f BRANCH l-.soranee Comp,nv.
ol LtMk llasrn, Vwu
Insures rrp--riv in b-.ih Town and C...O
try en i ras. a.t. Term, as any ether
.h1 Comp.uy.
The larre iner'Sse pf Premium Xoteamake,
it a ie'.at.;e C nipar.y to insure in.
t B Ni.t r rrtmlu Nln m t, li.rrt. Kf.0
J.W t urui, see. ti.C.H.vv. Pre.
LAKisO.' PKOfH. Ajent.
P-.c 1, 1'".'. Lewr-borj
t !,' 'V f ! !t ft
I ii n wim cv turner re nia9, ttMlft
tril, 1 t-- Ctnt!nne 1 r-k,
i J 'n curie ui nuJu'5 ia ihoroch acl
' pr-tf ; ra'..
ar l.tuit and fwrTiiti desirnii rf
uiiivin; ,n-t-Irr ti t Teach nc. wi;i tmi
.i t.- ;re.r a !vai:o.3e la a:t-.ni uuriag ihw
I Th B,D e i a Text B,k.
j Tl rn. per te-: n mela 'ing eontia-rent
rx o.
r"MV AT.T H-sJp w M'f fKfitor. rftfcwto.
i .--mi.i.ini.in t S. Ui.urj. $J
j !-V(V Ut KNmLI?!1 an rt. : :f roJp-J K1 e
j Tainan payaMe imrre.vaie'v npi-n 'he c!os
?he oi,.n. IV A d'faci-n "f 10 ftr ci
u ui t mi1f to faVsuw ptniin m iMisri. N
t oiber lieioctit-tii except tor rr.iractei1 ch-
nr. J.kAMMil.PH.
, Arnl 11. 1 PrmcifU
JOHN A. MTKTZ. Eq, ba remoTeJ bt
1 tt-e cn Ma-k-et tto rloun wei cf
rh I.ewT'aSur? Var-Vr, where he wrll a'tead tt
a'l sr.anner of t:!ioe- m his lae Willi
r-trjpiness. 7peaa3 to.a i.nsi.a, an ier-
man. J. A.KLkU
Lwthurr. April I.
ice ..n r.. ICE I
'PHF o '-es.e-ied are po' mj up an ICR
I HOI SE larre h-kIi m snpP'.v atl rnr
! pnp'i h Ice liuncr. the .hnk vear. lew
i wi.i be .ieiiierr ! in t. vsn. daily. ?t a cheaper
' ra e thin rm a ' Ire II- tisej ran be filled,
j r?'l'a.t i w e th'r ef n pn X" -rh l-h St. er
' at th-- I e II. s.r bel. w the R.ver Bndee.
ti a wMtrf
U.iSrs.V..?. !, l.t. IVttTlM
.:. MASON 4 CO. amnw
pxciKAvrn-i -ni tt;.xfrs.
1 i ei Che tnnt Si. VSlalrlfkia.
t . W-I-t Cra. .1 tS ?...t . TiiiM mm.
V. .m-t e'wi. .'ai'l .'1 n' .1 IK. oc-.
. -r fu.' fM -I FIH, fal'W.
s . kiMl. I..'.. Ni.lM.M.fm iirii
U.1nL uih:I.. .f.ul.4. .. Mllf I'T
aoj fir-Vrrt ra. t- u. rr J ... '
iVTN rr(K -P'eibner an. M-ioli
and Lulberao. at .
rn niui
rilUlfl". Esq . ha. i.Bipd h. nf-
ih ba.' l i s ol J. na-Kan Sp.k".
X.'.ih -'I lb t'.'Ort H- n. an.l imnfl.tv
.pp.. s.ie.be llonalo ll.'U-e. h. re h will !-'.-i.d
l a ' I niai.ii.r f h.i.me. at h- -flSr.
wnh-1. i-avha-' ti . ,.. h tine 'f
' ' '-.'Iil-rii.--.r -;u.ir. . tB
j uil t"-n lye. .j the Tttupp'r"; pt
1 PnO-CT 9o,OctJ