fEKBISTLVANIA'S DEAD. In Pennsylvania's liist.iry TIhtc's many a n.itilf? name Of St:ifi-tiK-n. and Philanthropists, Vflnw ilc'(l rank hiirh in fame From him, the peaceful Christian sage, Win Cr.-t );ave j:liiry to her poire, l'in to our own miul stirring hour, Vi lii h sees Iht clad in lioc and power, . st:ir too hriirht eelipsed to be iy others of the envied free. Where'er a valiant deed was done V.'hcre'er a rict'ry proudly won Her sturdy sons their valor lent, And of their life's blood freely spent. Ami nurehed thro' mi'ry's fiercest throes To liurl destruction 'mongst lier foes. AVhcre crrat Ohio sullen pours, J!y Schuylkill's umrky flood, On Su'fjU- hanna's lively shores, Their dced arc writ in Mood ; A'! hal!u d i. the saered clay Mwl mellow with their bones, V here more than Human warriors lay I'reud from the battle's tones' VThy cross the Atlantic's snrly waves, And pass old Kuropc o'er, T'i search fur places of renown, When here is brighter lore ? European li. Ids have dmuk much blood, To aid tyrannic aims: lint L'berty led on our hosts, And c insecrates our l-laing. At Valley Fur-re's noted mound, What t!iu;iLht.s ennobling rise. ee how the stiff'rintr heroes pavo Tluir pathway to the skies! Wyoming's rich aud blood-bought vale Where is the eye so cold TLat has n-4 shed the pitying tear When her Fad tale was told ? Paoli'g marble marks the fate Which crushed a gallant band, I5u. ah '. their leader lived to serve With valor preat the land! lievene. deep-seated on his brow, (lave viiror to his frame Tin- l'riti.-li soldier trembles now When told of daring Wayne. Oh. their's were proud aye, holy fates, Wh , in the gallant strife Ola 1 yielded up their richest boon Man's dearest jewel Life ! Ji'o narrow limits mark their course, Nor bar their deathless fame. For Freedom's flames, when truly felt, ! Permit no selfish claim. j They neej no monuments those men 1" sterling worth and patriot deed, For first in jrlory' rank they stand. And none deny the rich-earned meed ; Each freeman's heart a casket is, Wherein their actious lie, And never will they be foreot. Till Liberty herself chail die ! fl'HE Enoxgu. A teamster in our army wts ourageously roogh,aod yelled at lis niulu very fuolishly, annoying all around bim. Tbe General (who happened not to be in nniforn.) once heard bim, and ordered Liin to stop such outcries. "And who be you V said tbe driver. "I am the command, r of the Division." "Well, then, command your Division Tm eomman.ler of the mukt, and I'll boiler and swear at 'cm as much as I've a mind to." The Gneml rode forwsrd wilted ! One Reason (yi I'araoa Browolow,) why tbe Ilcbeli keen op their spirit 10 well, is because nf the unblushing lies of the loaders and newspapers. The latter enpy bogus extracts, said to be from New York pspers, stating that we are here on on the verge of famine; that mob law and . tread riots prevail in the north ; that Chase , and Sewird resigned a week or two ago, : leoanse I 'resident Lincoln would persist in ! Lis undue love for tbe bottle, and was 1 al ways too drunk to do anything ; that the I federal government was drafting troops j from 31110c and Massachusetts and ew Yoik, whereat there was great dissatisfac tion in lb.ise States ! The Ntw Nltmegs A good anec dote is tulJ of one of the Connecticut boj. While in cootcr-aiioa with a Rebel, after tbe capture of Fort I'ula.ki, tbe latter eaid, "At lta-.t, with all oar faults, we have oetcr made wuodco nutmegs." Tbe , Yankee, a very domore locking specimen, ionocentlj replied: "We do not make them uf wood, any longer," and pointing j 1 ) one of tbe tig projectiles lying near, I which bij breached tbe fort, added quiet-; Iy, "we make them now of iron." Sescsh : subsided. ' It is singular that tbe llreckinridgert ' sever mobbed Wendell I'bilips wbile he j wis a Duunionist but, as soon as be re nounced" his foolUb disunion notion, they . began to abtme him worse than ever. As j long a I'l.iltijH, tcih the Detnocratt, vat I hottih to Einruln, they bore with him i but when Phillips dissolved eo-partnership ! with the Democraoy, aud approved some 1 of Lincoln's acts, they bias bim 1 j Sam KnaNci&co.May 11. The trial of j Judge Hardy, of the sixteenth United j States District Court, euded to-day be ! f r a tbe State Senate. He was convicted hy two thirds majority, required by the Constitution, of disloyalty to tbe Govern ment by ottering seditions language. A resolution of expulsion from office passed by a vote of twenty-one to fourteen. O. H Ilillard, of Wilkes-Barre, a de voted friend of the South, died about tbe time of tbe Rebellion, and eould never have been an 'enemy' of the Confederacy yet his property there, amounting Io 30,000 or 40,000, U confiscated by the Hcbelt -bis innocent family losing his life-time labors. Tho Uoion State Convention, which met at Eugene City. Oregon, on tbe 9(b instant, rout red to aeleel candidate, for Givronr and State 1 'rioter from tbe Dem ocratic (late Douglas) wing, nnd candidates jt other Slate u3.cera from tbe Repabli- Th nine f the Ksrmers Iligb Scbsol j lias Veen cbmjtpd to that of the Agricul tural Ci.ll-ir of VnnaTlrinia. Kt. tu. I'. Cucbrao bas became sap ji't f.-r tie l'rnb) ti-rian church at Millets, town, l'trrj Co. I'a. Job I'aik-T, nf Lnek Harn. inert Ilia innrnr nn at hnufj he net hsTing paid up his ifsca-mcnt. j star & ciiiioxiaE- t'ALENDAii : 3: or e- - rr i: Ju!j. l t! h i- it l.':l'14 lj li. i: is i! 7 l'14 r. Au; 2; M t; i r.! ; s 1- l 11:12 l:i U li 1I-17.IN l" n,i i 1 1 7 ; I l s -J ,i4 -.".,-.: H'l.-.;-.-v I'll : n 4; y i 9 -tolll'l; I ir.;i7 i-ii-yj Sali'Ti s,t J at tl .!, : 14 li . J1.-J 'll . 1 '.' 1 IVKll ii;mi.h: pVi . I i I li i ' Iprll - I i 21 al 4! 5 ' R; ' S Hi'll li 1H:M l.-,;lrt I: tvln. 'st'S3 t 24-c.;a 2: tu j I :i si -3 n.t.'.i! ni'll I'il IJ!25 ; -it -jii a- Mr.. li : s ! : a'm '14 Ifi1 17 !M"U !4-! i l-l:i .'.'ijl,- ! ill li'tr. 1 f.- j- i6:-.s. ;7 June il c! 3' 4' r' k; : H' II l." 1 : M ill I t 1 i Unioa County Official Record Altncittf Jh4-j J nix U" Ji M, Mifliubufit di do Joux H all, Ltwinl'iir do ShfrifF IFTMTK AlBBI'illT do d- Ir4!,.m-itttrf ijiltl K isn, d do A3 tf- A''c fsEfiViE MrrntiL, do do District AtterttrjfJ.' C. It' cue, do do Trtaturrr J..i;s A. Mtbtz, do do Cunmiti nrr iMvin II Km it, ItiiiTa'nf H"a In tin J K'lni K li -Li.tt i r, . ".Itfii iAuTg do do Jtv. M. Wtinii, Wintt. -r.i io ti4 'n0'l J -u It. .i v tin do do i'rml-rt ' -i.i,t X I'oMTtiT. do do Mtrrttflf .! jiM.-.TtV'r T'i-'.'Tt:i.it ViTUmVurg do Stir it ifr kn r!!!! F L K. KTt-.-t Hill do l.'-r-u-r Luput MBAi Irf'wiot-ur d Jtfla,riiHvTi. C Wii.t, II irtltl'-n do di liFi. nini.R. l.-il.iiri tlo do UTuti.L fie mp-i, iil'i;iittr tit SehoiH Suj- rint- tai' jJ l. iIi--biM-'iiM.NvwBTlin do rost Onics iu Union county. Atr-ira (in Hra-lv tt.wnti;'i - A .1 Porpman. F M Shf.r i I ui-'ttt' n. iri T - I-id Art-m-ki ' H .iiV U'r .W-.'i Ui4lit..n,W'h.IT(.t l li'- W Kit.j " i irr-v - J-din Tut uinn - 0- VV F..rr.-t l.fVi llAlK'k Miittin fintijr Maw M - It-!.-ti ( HitVft fsvi-l.u.-i ( .unity -f.;t it, i-. 1-ariurmTlll) -v lsi-ir.l--,..! 'nd MktC.t Ti ) Mork H:,!I,.i nnT J t Ifan i t.l-ti-li - F-lwd .sum li fml A Witiur l-.W .Vy.,-..y-ll.l.Il.-M..lif rj'( - .V- 4 HoIMava- S'ew Ti'r Iajr 4ih -Dank close on ul Thaukgiribij Chrvtmaa Rocrular Union county Conrts open Third M'Uvlar io F'.ruary Majr rrfi-ml.'r Dwi-iuli'r BUGEY ALL BlOfST -iff V. .t'.57 For the Harvest of 1SG2! The nost approved Agricultural Imple-1 mcnls now in the Market ! j M INT FtlTMU R BV enrro vmiio cl&ijcd p. rn f OLIrini If ALL J U.lil.i.UI bUl I Leulsbur, l"a. Mfoyt licapcr S Bmt r. flMIE anpreceiieote.i success l the ' Uuck- 1 eye" is the slrnnse.! pro tf uf lis suneriiT ( excellency. The til CKLV L has caused a j complete Kevoluln-n in the .Manulacture ot I JO-trn U.rt.l I , l.cneral Mnasr there HEM'IMl AM' .l'Ml.vr; Machines, and , of. to whom all Oihcers aud Empli-yers vc ill lis reputation is so well eslabtilieii that it is scarcely necessary to particular!" it- advan tases. We will, h'-'wever. call i!ie attention of liie fanners to a few of its merits. The TWO lllilVI.NU U HEELS the Pawls and Springs, by which the machine may be thrown out of pear, or he hacked without vihratinz the knivf s the Sieel Cutter Car the W'rouchi Iron tiuani, with Hardened Ste-I Face or Cutting Et-. th Double- Hing-ed Joint, by which the Cutler Uar may be Folded the lonj; C'rank shaft the Steel Nnrins nnd Wheel, hy which the Cutter Uar ; L . J . I . may oe raiseu anil lowrrcu mi as 10 cih as low 10 the ground as maybe desired the Kteel Pitman and Urals Bor us l.uhi lJrai't 'no Side Dralt) no weieht on the horses' 1 ncks harks as racily as a cart all ol which form a c mhina'ion of advantages which no other machine posees. No Gearing on the Driving Wheels. A team of burses weihins: 900 lbs. each, will cut an acte uf eriss an hour with ease. 'J'he machine is furnished wuh two Cut t-T liars one (t.rcuttmp gras, and the nthrl..r cuttmc crain (' ach exrts-!y aJapled to the I use intended). No edurt u-ill be want in? to maintain the Buckeye in theenvialde position it now occu pies, that tf being the Best nachine in tha World! The subscribers return their sincere thanks to their friend f.ir ihe eenerons tup port ihey have received in introducing the celebrated Buckeye laprr and TWuwer into Central and Nonhrrn IennvWania, and are ranch indebted In them for their warm trreet incs and kind otTices in rrcorameadiDg it to thftr friend and neighbors. For Certificates &c, see Circulars, which may be had cjf anv of their A sent. Thr also mannfnctiire llrjvr'H Pat rut IMstwn ;ra!n Ilili!, which is acknowledged to be tne UKM' sHKD SOW ER IN I'.sE, and the only one which SOWS OATS PERFECTLY! Also, the HoKtoQC C lover lEnilrr, which cleans tburoueniy, witnout to the least injuring the seed. Will eean more in the aame time than any other machine in use. They also maunfacinr and keep on hand for tale tinrtin;; Tread Power and Threthrr g Tflrgrnpk Fodder ("utter 1wn Aisor) ; 1'tnking Vrf, anion? which is the celebrated Con tinental Parltn- and OJTtrt Sfiir, and alt kind of Cant and HrmitfW ''.it and Hravi Work, XL I F F R. W A I I S S I R I N E It & Co. t'tntrai Foundry, Lewi f burg, Ta. Mirh ai.1vi. C O AL LOA lr -(OtU fTHE subscriber keeps constantly on hand, I a larjr aorimeni of lV very best Mia m..kin and WilWes-Barre t.'OAI., f-r limeand loye purpoNe. which he will sell al ihe very luwest prices for fash or C'nunlry Produce. Also. BJacktmUht Coat, Vlastrr and Salt. Wish it diittinctly understood, that I will not be undersold by any man Having good weih-scalcs, full weight jril! be gives. Coal Yard near Veidensaol'i betel. flKOr.CE HOLSTEIN. Lewishnry, May J7.-5. A NEW T0r EUCCEY T"OR M,I.F, t,1W.M xrSne for a food t Hor... h, KRErtf R, M ILL KE & CO. JlBtMTJ H, U2. ( UAW'COMTY STAR j DRUGS", MEDICINES, &c. P. II. JlEAVEIt. HY .EAI.ER io l)rii. Dve SmlN. Tsints, tills. P-pices, I 'hem teals. White Lead, tt mJuK (ilass, ine ():l, Klutd, Alcohol. loalOil.C'nrbonOil,TaiincrOil, A:if'a Eottt. Oil, Turjtrittinr., Fruit, ConfccUonerles.Tobacco. Cigars. Snuff Ac. Also, ihe test Crai-lv, Wine, Whiskey, liin. Ac, f.-r meiicai purposes, AIMOrJS' BLOCK, IXWISBURG, (funnerly Dr. Puny" Dru Siire.) Call in! 1. VlCLF-R A. H. DILL V .i:otiifjji at lan, ! Lcwisljtirjf, Union Co. Pa. OfTic-- in S.-tith Second St. t-.rmrlv nccupieil Jin,'s R tlanilin K-q. -Jeceased Lcwisliurs, April 4. IStil Vi'hat Even body said conU not be done, has at last been AccnmplWiod ! VAIUIiOsE's Conl Oi! o hlmnc; Ilaiiil Lamp. TiK following are mine vt its a'H;if.tar's : 1t. Iii"ti-' with Hi? chimney, whl-'h i.ip'iiitc i:-t .unn-r-. it..'. Id TV' lul.t Is at onw nrfi--ll1t fr linhting dI kit. liin.' i.uri'w4-i I. I'.tirii- lfn !lifi llm olii-nnfT lump. 4'h. Iturti- ti .:lir''tit i:-d mid junliti- of eon! and 'rUn .tl-, from n di-iistlt o .,s nnd tijjiir-l M'i Can I" mrri.-l urcuui with .it-tut llti; Mttn1 in It.-. ! rtih. l.-it.'th "f tinn in t-nrini tmjtr,! th luatitc ; I df U... fl iui.-. Ti, I:, t ip m iy be lurn-d a Mt-lt wti ln-ut i I trinuiiM'tc n 1 il n-t Mn'-kV J j Th l iirii.-i - 4-nu I ;.ii4- lu'J to tt Irmf. o that ft-r- j For sale by J. A. KKKAMLR. j ALSO. ju-t receiver!, a lot rf French I're- j serving Kettle. Torn I' pf ers, Ac. Ac, at ( J. A. KKiiAMKU'S Tin Saop, corner Founh , and Market Mret-tf. I wis)mrz. AMf.3,'6l j 4 Attention, Ilusicians ! " '''V I;ir-e assortment of i tt'- V, Violins. ;ui;irs. Ac., r-f all rVti-V aio Vi-.lin. (Jnitar. 1 am! tf.ti.jo .vrni, Rnf Vt-c. Ac. an-! th i best Vk.Iiii II, -sin call at 'he p.-t OiVirc and examine. 'i W FtKKKsT DR. IHOFLAMt BALSAMIC CORDIAL, ! R HIE frPEtl-Y CIRE or J'f-umnnit, thf-'tM-rftif th ti-m-It, iir'n? tfnOM. In- if.t nt 1 uh t'l-f it-n. tinu j-r Ui- tru.j i,ti f, . '!') '-art "J J'utniit.' ft t n-ini tt.'-yt t.j tut I'Utr I T'I 1. ii-Hin-r- r.-r.liil i-t ntirlv a V.-ft.l'V i-ridiif- u - I t rilitl, ill" iti!r -tvtih v ijUHdtif rnHitiii4ti'n (" hi-il a-iiii-tfl tu iHl-ll-il, ' lt4it th- if nn- im: f. w t-.t-r- i-fiJm.-a.-i- wl.ii It Kill ict. at an fAtiy i-i-rioJ, euuuilt to II liraliuy ami liIw-iziTiiit; i,r'i-i if .! Kt-r a.'- !t"s trfs'm-Tt rtf putminaTT rlisrjiiWB c. ftir.itHt ttit" eri-nlcr pornon -d thn alti nttn nf tlit nrn-n- -tili-- .d Hi- m--i m . rid. 1 nt n..;f H -.j.tir--d ii.' rf . mi- i in nct in hi tr- hMu-nt nf t(i-w i(i-t-fs, th;in thr r-le- j t.rt. d lruifTi IT Il-.-l-tn-l, til- ..rh-nmt-.r -f II.. Ii.il- j ohuiii- Tnrdiil. Ill Ltfwai drtit-d t" tin rcvluctt-i. f r, tnli-f t! ..l wttul I -ttnl utitiali-l. II w w-H ti- ha urr.f t.-d. tlj Am -rifu V'T" ' ''l' t : mtt I 1 wr fwtnitiv-ly ar-xTt. Ittwt nt tT- puratl'-tf tlial l.av r ! I-i-ii )drvd hffir rli'-m, iiv- r .tifrrt-d thfontn-ADunt i of b-urlitit oil fu'l rii'. tiiiniitiiitv.br har ritrited u ' irarv rv.itini"nd:it ini t'r m tili rifr- -f m-r-ti i. t.i th - rnn'di" -d tln-fand, prej-aifd lij lr. C- M. Jarktuu A I'.. . of i'l.iUdi I; ttl:i. Thf C.irdM' i.-d inJ f T m r!at r,f f!ia mT- jn ifl mid nii'ff !a.! lift, n-y oltttT U hirli tin- : s-i.lf nf tin miitiTi-y sir nul-jf.-t tl.--- upMnillBt firm a flijlit c-dd " Tliat -oi:iint aul!.rri(y. Ir lis! I. hmv- : " I -II not kt t!iiit ri.J.l art tA - ur i-ili iliif.intf wliat ttir I'iaur and Vfllnw Ki fer art! t th(f- t'lottur rotin tnt ; hut I --an av-r -oitTnlfi-rt'y tht ih-v ti-h-r io dt a.m of f-rfhtr roaidii-ttjr aud mrtalitT than tbea4-lntt-r Rp1 wtiat rtiff fmiii' Tit Oln M tniifa-turs-r. JOHN M. V. Ill TALL, Kiyt ..f tl.B l;Al.4IIC COIilHAL. Ila C. M J. Itffi.H-. t, d lrifn-1: llNtrinj f ri I lotiil Umf ttM-ii a,a..iit.! truli If"' ntn.-ti t.I tlij HA I, j J. VI It ci H;!! t. in nriV. Co t: fnflHRiu11tti.11 f tin- Lunc1. A-"-. I lit up ttffljr fcvar lontitntitiv to ii fffliii?, I l-'.r n-v ral ytai- I (hit never Uvn wit1"ut (t In mj ; fitnllf It i- al-'. fc.-iT' n.f ; t-n-tirf tr.st-tt- that I hi-trt ! u.-tl it with t ftirt fuv-" in lh" trt :itiutnt --f li.-Wfl i ivtiii ..tin TI.. frt lid trulv. J ll M U lUT ll.t. r'itth Mo. IT. I-. -t. Hare nt art.Te4Lh. Pbnad'. sto-lti-sf mfdi' iiip" r fr sv' It all r"pf :l-r ( nniifci-l an t dealt' r IO iitt-tiii'ine.- in tilt' I Ult. d suit. ". t. i ;ru j CimadH, l.ri'i ti 1'roiincew. mid Wi--I In t-r 1m te. JV.'tire and ! t ll.p ff-nuio-. ttith th- -itna Hire if C. l. J?.-k-ii 1 he wr- - r id e:tpi tn-lil- : nil fiilitT" ure r iuii-t-i f-1 1 . I'rinrit il ' 'Aire aud ManutairLu- T7.41ArrbKtrt,Uft.ila.tv-rl.U.I'ft. GEZJEAL QUEER. PUB Pennsylvinta liailroad Com party Y havinsihis day taki n pi-shesiitn of the J'tiilailelptiia Al i.rie K;u!r-al. under the con- tiinnns agreed on with the Philadelphia A l.i ie I, .n ! rt.ntl i-mpinr, thry have appnintrt report lor insiiuc-tions. J. 1..11. i; 1 ii;himi , rre.sii-nt Pcnn'a Kaiiroad Cuinpaiiy. Oluce of tin- rtnn'a H.ulr. ai I'o.. ) 1'hilaJelphia, Jan 30, l!-G2. , General Order, Ho. 1. To ViliC Efn t on and alrr Jan. 30, ISG2 I. The 114-wlc-rn IHtlsioi), from! Warren to Eric, will tie timlirthe u(ier;n-I tendence tf JAMES I.E.. Is. abuse title wl'i ' b Superintendent ot the Western Division, i .!. f I.V.... I h I r ... t' . .1... v"vt " 111 ' "-ic- . " 'n sm- L. vision, will le under his rha.-se. and will 1 miVr ail r -mtiinnicaiions r-.-tins their I duties or the 1 ustness of the n a 1. m him, except as otherwise provn!1! m tlu Order. H. The t ntcm lHIton, fmm 8unbary tn Wheihnm. will be uii'!tr the sup ennteii deuce o( SAMI'KL A. Itl.ACK. whose lille will te superintendent ot ihe Lastern liivisicn. Einpltit'pi -n tin- Division will be undfr his charp, and wilt make a!l c nitnu meaiions re-peeiins their tluuei nr tlie husi- nrs, f rai, to him, except as otherwise provided in litis Order. III. The Accounts of Frpjht and Tas senger Business will, on the WeMrrn Divis ion. I e in ihe imnv dia'e ch.irpe (,f J(?H. BOtiGS, whose tale will be Asivtat Audit or. His Oilier will be at Erie. On ihe KaMern Division r.i'v will be in immediate charge ni' THOMAS M. DAVIS, whose lute will be As sistant Auditor. 1 T Jit Oihre will he in WiM iainsport. wilt also have chnrsr of the disTibutino of Passenser Tickets over both Divisions. All communications respecting Freight and Pa,.enser aceonnis bv Emplfyees on either Division, will be made to the A-sislant Audi tor thereof, and respecting supplies of Tickets to Thomas M. Davis. JOS. D. POTTS. General Manager. Pennsylvania Railroad C inpany.A Lessee Philad. A Kne II. K. L General Manager's tMfire, t Wil!iamp.Ti, Jan. 30, 18R3. J J.S.Haish. E.Shorl.lry. f.r.Shftrklf). r.Bfavrr S. MASSH'a 0, (Hif..,i.-i..ini ti rri tt a'in t co.) LEWISHUIKi TOUXDIIY AGRICULTURAL WORKS Lett lOiiirp, I'a. 1.TE hT eoD.laotlf on li.ni nod lor .nl. WIIIILK.-AI.K IK r.KTArL, Kttper, Sfnwr tint fifrrr 'nv''n; lirttim and Grtttl Strdtrt: Hifdamd Il-rpr pimrr 'n Shelters; Unr.Tfm amd ymr IHir Trvd. Stnerp and Kttll lnnrrt ; Chirrr ynmufr itmihhwg, fa rr. HadU. mm tiimirs . r.. mi P"ia (iiirHiTrn r.fiT be ait tim to co all KiKifjur foiUMT Brtlt'P wi'h th nlmt-t cori-rHnf-it nnd tiif-r-fctriv Work or Manufactures lnrariablT warranled aa Trc.(.o.ir.eniei. urlw rj-ltiiilj oliciUHi mJ..rftnj..U3 WU U. June 1. lb4) VARIETY STGiiE AT THE Cld rest -Office Stand. A LARGE snpplyof Enoks.Stalionpry, Perfumery, Jewelry, Toy, Confecnon- .""i leas, cfiirs, rruri. :uis, naKies, ' rie,y ut K,cK nacks fur I 7JJ 11 W CKOTZEH, Lewisborr & LEWIS BURG CHRONICLE MAY 27, 1802. """i tor y 4? nitlKC we wnl liuti a laige asurtment latest Mi'Ics SPiil!lG AND SU.VMER GOODS! Mich a French and Knlih a!l w.. 1 luih. : Irtim -.Sl) up t. nio.oii. Km.nv Iiiy Cas- miiuti. an I ilk Mix ft! ( .i-iii;crf s. i-aimf it-, , Ac. ( lofflillii a!l Ll-rrii'-i'ii'- ; M.-ti's an! H.'vs Wear Vhn!r sjiis l.r $1-50 ihal is, cloth coat, saim vet, casai'tfte pauts. ' s rtmeni t Hats, I'a?-. vV'-., such a M'C!e !an, (;.itilMl,li, (tpera, t:.;Th an1 lw cnwnd Hats, llis. Hitri.ik''nht,'. t'.illars, Shirts,! , uij-eii'lT', I iiit.r-il3, Neck Tm-.. vVc. j KOV 13 THE TI2IE I tn arr iroiit U. to .10 per cent., ami gel the ; i..iif-t S:v!c. I Ai-o, I "' Is Cut ati'i ma le to or !cr, ami in , th In test v'.c. Always from five to ten li;.n N al work. I j Cull ipp.iMie John Walls &. C'o.'s Store, Market trrt', !.eu':btitir- j M.trch .. !(. ZIVMIMIM . I 1) f) VOf WAN r coca LViree. Tra.Susar or .MolaeN ! DO YOT: WANT prix late cati2hl .No. 1 arc! N:. fat Mark.-tel. Herring or Hhad ? They can be h h ! at prfatlv reduced prices this reason, in barrels hail barrels. and quar t-T barrels, or by the muz! p-Mind. at Kl i .W . COOPER'S. Tm VOTr WANT i;x.ra Family Flonr rr gnod FpM? r t.t r t.vs- ,t roorurs. PO VOT WANT ins. Vrt ymir rmrerie fi 'T:i i!ic lari:e-t and chojre-iT tofk in ?,eu'i bury ! t.t i.i.v.,- j luori-ns. W VOT; WANT p..od HarJware. Totds or Cutlery? a, tn y ya.k ,t cwipkh's. HO VOi; WANT fine China, itns. or Ear- thenware! ,v j r.i.vv j couJtM.s. DO VO! WANT Tubs, buckets, ltroom, Itrnl.c-. IU--!leit', rr other IL'iisf krf pins ar ticle ? They can be had in sreat variety at fl ".4 A a if- uvihus. DO VOL VVAN I' fjm-ii Coal Oii.nr Ilurning Fluid I 1,o n l VA. S ,( JOl lUi S. ! 'Z ARK NOW (M'lIM.Ni; oiir Yn' Si tV;, sIfc'i' J wi'h 'rfat p.ir, f'inshiit2 t! (ir-Tp r:rs, fTtl in t-uality u ilr-se k-'pt in first da-s r it v sturr-. Our sturk ( llardwaie, j Cfana art-, '.'(t th 11 W urt. lii ushc. etc. , etc., is also ieiy Cuinpl' tr. I'lta.? rail an-i i cx.iiii!iif. rrjxs j r ori!. I ewi-Vurp, O.Mrpr I ft, It-r.l. fJyews (L1TK L. t I."t EK AJtl) IO.) Lewislmr Tisnin Will, m- Vrvtteen n risiiintlv rn hand and I utaniiinriurt- tt nrt. r I'loorliss:, Mtlllty, Dooi-M.Navh. Miulh rN, lUimls, MouliliiauM ot all p.tU'ins, anJ all I'tliTUfsi rjiivins i-t Woud Work used lit lluililli:. Oiilfrs re-pf ctfulty solirtctl anj promptly fittt'tf. All wii k warran irrl to cive satisfactii'ii t v An extrusive lot or ftUEubvr of al' desrnptit ns r-n linn-l U T sal'. h',tcttry mi iV..r ,Sicuitd street tl.rwhbtir,ra April lHf.9. JOZSS & CXIOSLEV. ?ole l!;tnr.ricturor t I'thc Imjirovpil Gulta Fecrha CSHESIT r.COFMC! T T is the cheapest and most durable Roofing 1 in ae. 1; is I ire nn l i ater i root : It can lie aj-ptit d i uvw an ! ol ! Ivi.f of all kinds an.l to JSUingle Kuufa wiihuut removing the shingles. ,. , , :-third lhal of Tin The ci t is only aHut one an 1 is t'vicr as tuna:-!'. f.uStil rfl li;iinHfil,f rprer ' vmji an.l renainni; I 111 and other Metal Kfa Is ! uf every liescripliin, I'toin its great elasiirity, is nut mjiueil by the cm. Irani- n and expan sion t-f metals, an-1 will ut cratk tn cold or ! run in warm weather. The-;!- mtl'-'rials have I ecu th-TollL-hly tes- ted in N--W York 4111 ! allpirts of tV- Si.irhctn ami We.-.ern -itat.-s, and we ran trive abutitl- j am proof of all we c'atm in i!h ir favor. ' They are rea !ily applied 1-y ordinary labo-; rers. at a irtliti '3 rxpi-o-e. j no heat is i:i:-irii;ci). j Thoe ma-'-nals ar-- put up rra Iv f- r u-e, an-1 f-.r shippli-: to all pan- of the cnniry. ' woh full printed I'treittuis f,.r nt'pl'ratinii. ! Full -lesrnptive Circulars wi-1 be furni-hed j on application hv matl or in persun al nor j Principal i.lTiee. Mil Hroadwav. New Vork ; (iij--.!te St. 1. In :.- lli.o 1.) JIIU.N. AIC0M.Lt. i a;i;.is WANTED- finifift YMVAl JIAXGIXG!' rilHE subscriber is prepared to do PAPER- I in tow n nrcouTiiry. Havms served j a lull tppren'ie"hip at ihe Paper Hangiiig l usme.-s iu Philadelphia, he claims to be a Practical Paper Hanger. 1 All person iniendins to have Papering ( done this Spring are sohciied Io employ the subscriber, and have (heir walls papered in a workmanlike manner. All orders left al ihe Post OIice (where a lanre assortment of Paper is kep:) will be promptly attended to. o. is. u A s. p. pt W hile -wa-hed walls Papered with out takinjrthe wnsh rlf.and warranted lostick. Eewisburg, March II, DW2. An rit-nt arrt ?t"tna--!ilc pr--pimtl'n nf I no?f port fit-d tiffiyrt-n Mod . nrln-11 t-y rtintl'iiftion iu li1n.'fn. PHorTioni'd hf tho biirh.-nt Mln-al Auttioriiif . U th in Kur- UJ thi: loitt-il MU-b, auJ jriKliWJ in tli ir (.rtf-lirt, Tht -iptrWti'erTtbeu"aC'lr' dni!T rrofei tVat ttoprw i rn.tin nf Iri-n rim t rt niriirri itti tt. ltnin it' M llir t.ii.od. ilf-rfcaii.n "t VIT-il i-nmrV. pulf ntnl tt li.T l nick i? cotntilrxionit, iniiicU ite ncveaj in iiinn'titt.Ttr7 Ctmrrivntiie ra.se. Iitnnxrn in all mulietim In whtrh tt h teen trlfj It h fifi-tei l'o)uu-lj curativv in t'iwli of tlie ft-ltow itig c-m-litiDt. tix : 'JZSZZZ". If'lh'Ldui,' Cnn'tnuitttm. liart hitnJJlJ' n!r y. tttiunt SrrtfulnuM Tui-frvl 'iis, frut .''"mm, JUtsm W.it., Chlnran. L.r-r Otmp'aiMtM, Vftnmi ilhrumuttism, luUrmUUnt i'twrs, JmjtU on tht 'ucr, dx. Putnp In neat flut wtal twixe containlnit S-lptllk. rrW 5 i-tntpr bon ; for title by dnntfti:a and deal w. Will tw sent trfs to any mlttrKt q rrrt-ij-t tf tbe price All lt-ttfM, order it, ttM nlinultl le ntMrfcMni to Jt. tt. LtJtJKt a Ct . lint ral A.nt, ljSU UCKDAiET., N. Y. Soft! in Lewithurg ly Raker k fo t Srhadlf s fatJwell H FDRBHTHRE WAREnOTJSE, tiJ on Market Square, I.ewislorg. fi3 A ennl supply nf C'lialrM, Tabled, Ittiri-nllS, MiinilM, -.Vc.i.n hand or made o order by (-iuj DAVID (il.NTCR. -f-v T a mTTT rn BLANKS s for Justices and Constables, for sale primed to urikr.at the Cliroi,itl0-T;c 1 V lPali I IXDSEY'S Improved I Xi mil-COD JK4RMIER,C3i A STAMKAKD MEMflMZ For tbf niljr. rdir-l and rffrri iirI rur- f A l.l.dl . arisinc Irum IMl'tKITV vt IHK HLoVU.! : rpill tf-H.-f?f hn wrnitRht tb BMt mlracolenpciirfi In d"-immte taic of ?-i(.ul rnfii r'0"formti-. 'uiNiit-il .rv-fln, H.il, imid- on tti f:trf, r Kjn. Prmld Uttd, n.d. tut.tMTn t icerit, KtiuiiiHtir diaorUvr. Tt-l't-r af-rtit'D. C"ii-n-, livp. -i, Jmidif, tnlt khftiin, lr- t:nl ltiiMiit limrl ilrMMty, l.ir C -mi-Uict, I.o- i-f Ai.i-. UU, !,(. s,.,,,!., f-.iul S torn -H, Vntit''"M'iiit!nfllldijaifltili4l tbeirortiB in aa iispure state ot th Hlrnri. I Thab'TM i-oi tritil i f li. M'CrrarT. nf Vaj.i ; Twii.wlio.nn lh- M"t .lav "f AuciMt-ls.-t, ut:nl atti-iav it l-.-f.rr .)ii-ti' liorlfv ll al In tr- !.r lh- ur- , rfrr. hv tfir'1- jdt irtrfll- n( I!, dfnpi m.uirty. and t lr. , Nftwtt-n of tin KrircKc Colr. ('ii..-itina.i. fcr a p. ri'-d rf t-ar!r I- lit Iin Ml . H'l tl btiiOdMiir lii ti kit hp. and tt portum Aw tft ihrri- wrt nttrtti m'-n (ii-My ' 1 11 titftt ui fit) li'ijM-. tit-ti lt h-ard d th i:.id Spitr. l.'-r," ami t irdu''-d tctr it. Vmir b"t-t'- itriir. I htm. and :aill..iil -ml:y -J i-:i u :ir-i . ih-r' D-i jllc!ii. liut tt.ip il.Vidtluldt- til, 'li' .lie f.H d luff illr. Tt.f I'lll srtu itlor- l tic rt tni !M- i-jih- un l.rt,-o , in i i:ir-ilr to If hnd i.f anv nf thi Aat-nt. i Ur a-4.r. frr v. a c l Swv i:it-a'- ny.nr KI It-rtf-n. Arni-tr- i.if Co . I'a . rnrJ d ' i; ! LAnftvr twiliR unablr ti a- l ( nl -f bwl f..r thrw yt-ari. T ihw in ot a ladv in An-"tf iJV,t'JearSM Co., who ' ( iil-iA attiirti".' with ."frntulu Ji ifuwrn-; fr;n. ' T.. thn caM- f i ti.-tirtif -M.-id. r. 'idmtr tn Carn.litnwn. 1 rimt-ii.: . I'm . l.ii u-a,- -r, ,ii.t!T u'ttii-t' d with Ounf T rii - it tfnt lii rfitir- n'eult, auil bia cua was wr, if )0--i' l-. tf in M l r. :T, . . rii i-urtirular! o! th.-ff mtt nn of ahii'h was cr. d lytli.- ii- f tic "It:.-! ifurrl.'-r" niHT 1K ba friii n.l hi i in .il-ir f. lnrl nf itiTnt h AL'nt". 4.KO. H. K-- I'rourb tr. Pi uburs, P. ) .I.ilH-mti-rt I - r th inaiii'fwi tur atut aatt. ur IV mi 'a l;i:t.H.I li-iol. Il".itdav-l-uri; la f M ' thr. W. fSchaitif. Uwi iirir: M i. i-bt A H:iuk. I:uftl' X J K"d: Hud. A llimm-lr.-i-di. hrwr ;!. : rutiimniit ! Witnu-r. Ilaritw.ii: li II i:i-.-ll. MitHii.t-nrs: I. S Mi-nni. Hii.fii-ldi aLioilr A W rn.-rliwr, -litifgroTt-; R. NEWELL'S PII0T0GRA1MI C3ALLERT, o. til, Arch St. IMilladfIjIi!a tine f l!ie InrL.-et fnd m LiiKid Ma tea. wl.-it tl" J'L t-uf l';f tri are t t rf.Piritete tJ;il!erie in the .ft I'i. tiir.-s kuo n i tbtt t. 11 at 1 rire- no l-iitti.tr l-ert'ie i'B.itliir TIIK er- ITlM-Il. i i-ii.ii,. .T,..,l..p .tUnd.. r,!,";r.',tT.;jXr U' . e. rt "itlittj li nt Itn- t(;i!.. rT tlt:e-a H lHenerreftnt Htid Am ...... ..fal.-.nl..tJr..l fr,. U I-U .tt.jr.iidi-it to nv r-ui.irel .-ie. .,r taken nc:.-. life -i.. .tiid (:i!i,(.- tn "i ! ie Artiftsw Al tl.i itxlittt-v i-n lure- ran t.-i-t.-n 111 an wealhrr t - f-Tt' rt id rlou :T d '- - atn tit ! -hint-. j IVtenii- viMlinc th ci'y are rt-n-e rt tally lit it-d toe- autiutt our Ptciuivul MUi. i. lur iV.irtJ and u.ualujdrt M-nineti!i-n. uitirurti'ion glft-n in tte art r-f Plirtocrarby. k. x:w fi.i.. G ULUiTor Art, 74 Arcb Strft, I'Liiauclphia. rrMVF.DA Tl.VH TrtiBi Ttm Llwts l. Cai aflX. M-COhto Mt fautny nud tri nm ;tl n.iieur in tt ... ...inn-n tnnt tlie iNew.il' I'i.tur- i mnre file like ttinu but hi tic lliey eer iw. My likerteup lia b eo r-..'iir.-dly Ut. ti ,y Uitt-r. iit Art.! io rt"tt wi;a. t-"it I lie -fr y. t hnd ittie whir-h .ri-fentn mo tru- In nut tire. 11 tltu lea- turtrC all( t-Xiirfa-irCP if riUllt'liatlv a tllM. Krr-m II. -n K. Joi M -hki. It- Minl-ter tt. Italy. TVe e-iii-tt4 Quih. Irtu't and w-fine-n rf yntr r trhir, cnj-nn- d with il.fir -turi-inty ot rtih.r and fmih fiiili--i a- 1 1 k.-iie-rtt. tan net t.itl tn n luitit-i.d thf in In the aiuntiuu aud iiruuage oi all Lo ai-priciata trut art. Trr-m Cel. -Twr V.r.. Itattn? rv's-i.-u tt.r a p-Ttiitit, I i-r.-rttrr! rne frttni lr. It'.U-rt 4. -wei .-J It.- t ill. tt I'l.ilad'lidna. a atitt a tiin In tiii 1 .-it rik. un-Urlhi- wr n rn- 'firl ' Attn, and take erat pl.k-ure in i-.ti n-nii: the nati-lart ion if-veii me. n--t t.nly h the r. utitev ft tl' ItW-Di-. hut in artidir flnih in alt p.-t-. i.nd rrtnotmenu lum tn the 1 tlruuagt- t-t f hnee dip,fd b eDajure the l-uti tulart. t7;tnrl J imkh t'lt.K. ERICH! BRICK!! V SUPERIOR article of hand-ma le Brick for ale. Knquire at Mar.S0,'6lj hREM K li. M'CI.l RE 4 lf)'S. ' T IIM'IV t- TO jau,V1 iV U M.WMOTH PMOTOOItArn GALLERY, S E. Corner Eighth ani Arch St- Philadelphia. 1 (t Urattcr on t iy'itk blrttt.) A1 FTER many vears experience in all the var'nii. branches ol the Art, ihe Prcpn- eirrs coi.fidentlv invite the altenti. n of their triends and the puMtc to ilieir ex'en.ive eta blisbment, whi. n prevents ihe i.pp.Ttnnity for prnruring the bet Pictures, eiju jI iu leat Io any first-class (i.it'ery in the I'nited Suites. ireparaii ns are cnmpleie f r eierurinp all til imi-rr.TrJ i!s knittt. o t!. Art. Tl.t-y tin .,tn,t iraii. m- 1:1 I -r ( tn- I tji rr- -It . Ac .ir , tTXikiiij tti-tu Lit Hi., if 'l1!" B v one t tlie km. I in id;-. 4".i.ntr. Att.n-i.i-j t. tin- t -ul.tipltiticut tri' lUt'-.- tTllTMI. Art'-'". ii t-tiit'. I'uintinf, r.. w ik do nh t-.nn- '- '"'i do 51 I'liu. n ;-"-t. I'M raff ..it f in --tn. -' jn-r d . l.iti- -ii I'll ( -""'. it I-w a;" J-'.. v i lrnrtvt kt mui -.iri'e. Luruiue AralTotyi-s t 50 out- nn.l ut-r.. A m.'Ft PXtnnMtf f tirtioffil of t";:lt Krm, IprlM in a --lt-rf n i: -I i ti-'i.t tnrii't v ..f toe iutr-.-l tt It-. I'ri ( fr'-tn i wnl hiiJ tit'wnrJf. l.'pi-fiHl Ai'n.ti n l. -t. .-. n; -n Life -f .I PhAttv rr ; li iu Oil. trnn-. rr I lr"tu nill pit tint, atitlfrum hi-. I'ri.'i-. fr.m K. It. t'M. t .Iu.itrtt tit. im tiren in tbe Art SSI y William Jones, lT.T0r.NEY at Law. rnllections JL promptly attended to. OlTice'o Market street, opposite the Presbyterian chuich. ft: L'EWlsHFKK.rA. PHOTOGRAPHY, IX ALL ITS BItAyClIE. I EXECUTED in the best style known in j the art, at C. 6. Crane's Gallery, 532 Arch Street, Ent of Sixth, IMilIat.cIphla. LIFE SIZE IX OIL AND PASTIL, STEKLOSCOIMO PORTRAIT, Anibrotypcs, L'a;werrco!pes, ForCases.MedallumSePins.lringsAc- Hfifiyl t lirouialic I'rintlnpr. nAA'I.N'ti purchased the right to use R( a Rtt'ft process for Printing with Dry Culoni, for l-nion Co. Pa., we are prepared to execute orders fur CARDS, Show-Bills, &c. t H K?d, Crtrn. P'ut, lirwm, Silr-r. lriMtmd, or Gold colors, in trod style, tVat the Oifire of the "Star 6l Chronicle," Lewisburg. Jr5R, 1Rj8 WtHlDKN A C-tRNKIVS. Science still on the Advance ! Ql'RGEON and Mechani- JC O cal DrntiNt, IMlice in ihelllljj new Kuii-Tins opposite lae Uank, (up stairs) I.EWIsRl.Kr.. Pa. Pr.BIIRLAN is nnwennstrnctinir the Non seclional Bloek work, baked on Plahna base, which for eleanllnes. beauty and sirenjth has no equal also teeth mounted on the var ious Bases in nse and having had a long and eilensive practice, and being perfectly familiar with every department nf his profes sion, he feels safe in warranting entire satis faction in all his operations, which shall be carefully and skilfully performed. Please call and examine specimen. The superior qualities of the oi-sectional work will be evident to all who will give it an im partial examination. Dr. Harlan is ihe only person who constructs this excellent work in tin seeuon ot country, 1 seriion 01 country. I t ....r,,..,,-! wim me : Lewisbjrg, Sept. a, 1881 -PS V . "ASA . Dr. WM. B. HURD'S Mouth Wash A SURE REMEDY FOR A BAD BUEATII. KORE MOUTIT, CANKER. Diseased IJi.f.fiuno Gcm.s, tKsIN(4 8oRK MolTII, Anil Ilia best epecifia now io ose fr my i diofasc-J eno-litii-n of tbe mouib. It is : particularly beneficial to pt-mns wearing : AliUFIVlAL TEETH, completely ilclrni-g lTdry taint nf tbe unuth, aba-rbiug and removing all impu rilitii, iuurin ! h SWEST QREATH to all th- make ne of it. A"- l'mnij ' Lii'ly or Yjuixj O'nilltmaa wha is hlTlic IcJ wilb a Had Krrnth j bnaM delay applying this rnmedy, for it is a eortaio core, and is approved and n c nnimended by ecry physician under whose notice it has been brnupht. A HAI1 I5UEATII is an olfoDse fur wliicb l he re 13 no excuse while can be procarcJ. Many persons carry wi'h thfm bad 1 breath, greatly to the annoyance and often 1 to tbe din past of those with whom they come in contact, wi'hout being coi.tciou- 1 of the fact. To relieve yourself from al! ! fears regarding this, i'sf Dr. Mm. R ITartTt f,u, TIrJ. j Clcanlincfl of the month is of creat ' importance to the general health, which is oiten anerted, and not unfrrfjaently eri-, ousiy impaired, tnroucn want oi proper , attention to this tnlj.-c. ! ISE Ur. HM. B. lll KirH 1IOI TI! V AN II. j rroparpd at fr. llurd! Dental Office, So. 77, Fourth St., Brooklyn, K P. Price. 37 cf prr bollle. A liberal discount uude to Dealers. AJitrrsx Pfhir?prt Ojfi'-f, Tribune, RuttJ. aoiu a ISO hi . M note -V I n I- i ft h i !lo,el: J-& I. 7I5 rOldlltl I) S I'.arn... OlW H J.... and, by all Ihuggistn. DR. WM. B. KURD'S TOOTH POWDER. Thi Powder posseaws the CARBONIC W1THOI T THE INJfniOl S I'ROI'KBTiLS OF CHARCOAL, and is free from all Aoi.ta or Alkalis thai can in tbe least iijure the Teeth. Im action being entirely mccbanieal polishing without wearing the enamel. Dr. Wm. I). Hurds Tuolh ron.Ier is recoDiuicndKl bjr all Eminent IVntist Trrpared at Ir. Hunt's Lental UCee, No. 77 F.nrth St. Ilrix-klyn, K 1). I'rit p, . rfn im t lox. A liberal discount made to Dealers. AiHrru Prtnrif.nl Ofu-f, Trilunr BuilJ. iii'Jt, So. 1 iirii, e St. y. m York. ?orl alxo bj Canwell, Jlaek A Co., Fifih Avccue Hotel; J. & I. C'ddioi:t.n, 715 Kroailway; D. S. Ilarnes, '20. UrouJwaj; aud l-y all Druggists. Dr. VM. B. HURD'S TOOTJI-ACIIE DROPS, FOB. THE CfRB fF ll W U v J produced by ear osed n.rvcs. It is particularly adapted to all cases of children at!!;ctcd with tTettriaf !ie. Parents can relieve theniflres from that distressing weariness caused by !L'S33 3? 3122?, nd their children from great suffering, Yj Kerpiug a umiio oi j Dr. tUra. 13. finrifs tToot!)flc!)c Drops , id toe nouse. Trrpared at Dr. Hnrd's Dental OfEce, Xo. "7 Fourth St. Urookljn, K.D. 1'rire, only ij t t per bottle. A liberal discount made to Dealers. AtlJrrst Prinrijnl Ojjict, Tribune llutfj. imjt, Xo. 1 Xpru. St. Xw York. Sold alxn by Caswell, Mack & Co., Kifih Avenue lotrl ; J. A I. CoJiinetoo, 715 uroaaway; v. v. rsarncs, ISroadwai; : and bj all Druggists. Dp. w n. n. hi Kirs NFIIIMTf.T. PT CTrPN It JUUlll JUUlia. lljlOl JUliO FOR TI1K CIBB CF HE USALGJA or Toothache produced by oold. Eccal IltunUflu is immediately eared by their application. They act like a charm, and are perfectly harmless io their nature; do not produce blister, and leave no unpleasant results. i Dr. Wm. B. Hard's Wenralela Plasters . aw.a.61a loaiCIS never fail lo givo latufaetion to all who tofct tliAl ;.nA HBl loeir VinOO. Prcpsred at Dr. Uuri', Dental Office, No. 77 Foortb St. Brooklvn. K.D. Price, only 15 cU each. A liberal diaoouat made to iealeri. AtUfrett J'rinnpol OJice, Tribune Pu(ld- Mjr, So. I -rwc. Sew York. 5-:7:.""-Sold also by Caswell. Mack k Co.. Fifth ! . "' r ,'."'.",ri".'!'.iu . . . - . . aicuBo 1 1 u 1 1 i . tf. at i. i .on il l il i.ran 7 . .. . .. ' p. 1 ' ,, r. . . "ji aim vj au vrugisis. fffS AYER'S Rip, Cathartic Pilk frm (SCO A ft CUATEh,, Af AH MAIta iu CLEANSE THE HLOOBAFD CUBE TEE alCE, Iv.lit.. t-lir.. wamtrt, vayairl. lfatlaNlhrtia. rvail tterlr Kffacta, m4 i(MlK mt ltlr VlrtHM. riR tiik rtKK or IendnrhpSick llcaJHrhf'oulfowiit-lj. I irraa. v.. r . Ua . iau. fhi. J. C A rra. Wr : I rnt h.. r-fnat-.i f fMt-4 f th .rf-t hen I he -u.y l--ly fa t.i M iw of .mr Il Itvarnarr.-twafunUi, n a. h. abvlfe they . Irait- at in v. If th-y wiil cme uIIh-i MO, the UCt I Ul katitis. Vuoia aith jnrat raeyect,, T.t. W. fntMAt, Bilious Ii?ordci anil I,m r i um,ilnints aeaaibt:T -w T.ta iMrat'Mi. t U tii44fn!, I t' .T Kt- I Pt: t have nvf y.mr pit.- in mi x-fitl ti.t tqra prarlif .-r attue ttxt mt-i-- ihtxu. sm-.I - atin- i i..iua tm mi thr M.e te h-"-l eath-utir we t.i 1 t ,it n9. latim a-ti hi "i ttn . -f n -4rn h taml -t. . i.h-d t..fn,aa, 1 I lie itrv an a'ttnit t-lf tetufl f't ! itaii; fttrii. Wmi wrcau. tiial'rd. I lu'f ehi.-tii ! tjli'l fwt .tt f iJi- lit 4JU4C and-r; - t.t it dM iw.4 r-vi H Htl li tt-m, iiatfiiia .j J.-ui-. A .. M 1. 1.. W 1) it'ft-rft : l' V.IHI - Il-ibud. I)vnfnt'-ry Kdni, anil Urui. r-i"Vi,.- ii, i. :- i ji '!!.. .. i. usa. lit .t It . ti. Cm - U.e j- i f. t. nl ntrUKta. T1 -t he .1- II. v V In- - V I t? t"t tB tell tj. !l.e h.! M.-a ai.rl fi . tf Itt.ih. aa nlf (.. I- -1. t.M.i it .! . J j- f !!' V I fl't twlfer. MS hen ".nut.- t. f. trtkme - Tn-. in. h .ti rutM bar, t'-'-.tt; l it f.i ! it- IB.- 'h-n.l from hr ton!, 'lh. itlU-i a.tril furt-d he and vr t ra.ilttw (4 l-im-l- I; n:.ry. t ne .1 -n i li.-ij-bt-.t-Kitt It han.swit an M.fr' rttittl fc.iu rth t i. - .-I "iir 1'illa. l.ii flliel 41111111I ii J.uul f'1-tn tl e t Iwi nty r. lUia i tt tttliit. and ! t Mm Ii titti-. t if I. -tit betoa tirvsl eatitvl t-.-n U-ti. iwh m ii': irte a -Mt. tthlfh M) aiitud. KRxi atxl tnH(t, Will t-e It'wt h-t J. t.K.mT, rXahmtuttr. Indice(jf nnd Impurity of the HIotlV V.Ha Vr J. V. iw. '.trf-To -rn Chwrtk, frstH. Ia. Ataa: I time ttl . iir I'M- with enf roraat-y bim- -f iii m fxiitilv an I itm-ne th--e I tniiM in ilr-firts.. T. leKi'iUtt- th- (Ti:it dli-Kn aid pwt ft It.- Id.-- th.-t Mie lh- T-ry f--t Fv-HM-l I r ktittaa. attil ckii tftili,Vuli rrcitfjratefid thm t my fnendfc V-ont. J. HI MR. Tiiiiw. iwrva Co T.. vt. X4. 1ik Pt: I am h-.iic . ttr mlutrri. I'ilie iu tf praa tree, alrd And lie m an er-llVut piriMiie Its rivwl.at thw 1-titj iu.d t-tiifj tt.a fc t.itin- t t the l-t..t. Jttl. t',. MKV IIAM, M. ft. Erysipr! Srnful;i, Kinir'w fKvil Tetter i huh'1 nntl N.t It Ktifuin. frnm lirtilinit Jtri ..lutst b .' 4M'. i . 4, IRA. Il Ail: V-.tr I'i!l- r- lh- i-aiatrti i-f nil that k rr-Kt tn iiili' !tw. Th hate rtirs! i little rtawttr tf u.i-er.'o Upi-ti h-l !i tti ) a: d f t H.at l-atl pn-eJ inetir.lde I .r te-. H-r n.,-tber l.-d hwii Wir CrieVo I) anti- ted .ri. lt 4. ha ni..l i'itii-v- ti h-r k w an4 ia h-r hair Aft-r "ir radd iit rur'. tli- alw trie.1 yoaa 1 U1 ir Ciir-il h. r. A.-A MttLi.Ull-iK. ltliruiTHtim. Neuralgia, nnd ioaU P om th' hT. Ir lh, wl 'J. J !ht M. 0,tiA -. Cwral, l'i H-I! It- l "v t!t n. I... 4. Tti'Tl riri : I t-hfiiM ht- unura!fiil li i therelief yosjty kill h;v t tuht me il I .hd -. -t i. a ta A .-fid !il-l in i. y linU rt1 tf uvl.t tt eienH-ntltHC iH-ttmljiN- (m. llnri emtnl in ihnr.tr ikt-naialPM. .--tttilh-T-i.dll. if I hd tl-- l-t -f t-v-i'wit. Ibe tiiasaa ar n m -te ait) w.-r-e. aiittl. I- tlt m,, .- ,4 aac l-til (. i.t in Ktdt'iii re. It VatLntxie I fra-tl yr I'll la. 1 Itt-ir -t !. Hst ure. h n-njstcruC lb nsrol tltni. I an rnihrly Will. Pitb rHt-tin. BT--s K' icf. ?. S Tw- HSa. ta. Awn : I naif- l n rntirrK ur t hi t'-nr fill of Tlietni't t.iut a j-stinlld '1 thnl itfllfHtl aa l r yi-. - M 1 M M.II'rlJ. For Iio IMfthorn, nr Litiftred ( on r , ''W.r tmt,vrnrnrC0n.iivti...,a4a , ltt I'lll. II-; a- fc.u.a. .... .IMial. t il-s Suie.si.n. lnrMlv.i. InAnrnwa llm. ni.-l r.. llr.tRr... t.J Par.lal Ullt Mr.., 1.M . . Ut i ru.la i ) UVC blvllUt. a.u, tit tiMfl, 1 ... 3J. of th Fitlt h B-tk mtitmta Vrrr.aiHl.-L tliu-h . Bl)ul.W rrn.rl? ti- "fciltwl bauUN H Jmuzrrw ill :il ur ill. lii'in th.- dri.lli.1 r-.wnifnT. that fr qtinil tk. M" iii-ymII- n. M-"- . Ium, CMttUta ku Im. CUX M tUMrl .ul.Ui'C lllr.r. AVER'S niECRY rElTCii.lL li'R IHT. R.U'H) Cl'KE -V COrCHS,OI.I. ll()Ai:SrM-.. INFI.f K , i;ltl-IITI, IHIIil'Ott (Ul'-ll.trtntP, ANTII.MA, IS- ti.t for tt- rt-Ti. t tf ct bii;uitiitt iuitn.i in tulv-erH li-7 i f lb liuftts. r-t- tt-r-t ti -I nt-fk c '' piMlf ft ita trtt.. n.ti-'i -:.'" rttrrt .'i. ' ".tw-H try b-tkUnwI ut ittm in -t. 1.1. Uitr". :tf '-n.i' i-il rins-n i f f t.ttrx inaff rr ro --Hint- l-tvt nufl- tt nirm:i k B'.tjt b. Nr U-m at h t;n.:.iif- im mny t iwiij. U i. -..nut -n lsat vt.nttMil itii- U .-rir fjic-l . el ! t ff t ; tttd firrt tlx- r- t..niUiiiii-- ni.tr v If i p f F: - h net ttnion thrm U ill t ir f-l.t ..f H" i : 1 t t-r lt III IM Stud dac f u ,i;-ra-a nl'lltf tl.i- -t lul.S". Wittt M f ,,..-1 r . rrttti ni-pi :. : .)- n ! tnu W l I '- ft Mr UI 'i.tli--f 4 .tl.-- ' f tfc- pulli'lil lliHt. li to nl-. It. j.l. aw-vsa n t t t.t tttft'-nt r-tT.r.l tUt Ctasl t. pi ii.ttti.U -unt .THM. JftrruU -uiJ (utir ii m .t.ic .-...- i' "' iil- ti th-m titTrr ,'-'. Vt l l-tti!lttt rr-tiihi t ThIiM" lb-- l',.rry t'e'.frat 'M If- h 1 v e,m :n..;ni it pr-t.i tlmi. Th.-t il ti-rt-w. Kfrp tl by tii-.U. JM..I n.r 'i-nr tt..tt !;'. tttrj Jtrt cit:l . ti'T ttf .tt.-x tl -ti. titiii: ur- t.i -u ' f ' 'I1 itrrlU filU-r tl.nt. UU i,-: ot. tt.r tit.s.t.. 3tt t"- ' w t:l.r l! il ..''.,( fcita'ltr ..f Itil'tC iI:mVf, sHita th-y t n-n sx ih ti-ttitw ! tl.iT r-i4i-). ti- I- -t -.i. t. ..-..ti tr.-m '" tl'" 11 h. 11 tiu i Mil. ! ir. F ! r" '" . . ...ii.. . .rti.nt Ihrnr h" rotr It lbs tf t,l mh .. b - w AM v-d iu. ntI for tti.U cvwtfc FfiFP!RED BT DR. J. C. AIEB. Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mats. a y I PO I. I BY rTS.M by V W St hif!!- anil FSCaWwell Uwi.l.iirL-: tdvarl "in.Th. Nw Brlin : t WtridrBMat, t Hiirrft!-: M.itt.i. I A Ul't- Itrr. phnxr: J l ft '.wft. MifKinbnr ; CoiTfj A lirw. Nrw Col ml d.l-r rfri.rw y:-mttniw SUMMER FASHKLNS 1862. Thr Itet Work and Latent Slylfi TAILORING. JOHN I. MILirK thanki'ul fir past far.-r "'4 wnul.l tiAie thai he hat re- r i-h,.'ni. arii i prpa'Pn to rt T, V! KK. anJ KKPAlR earmraij a usual. He will en-travnr, as heretofore, u pext'eure his wirk satifacio- rilv.- -l.ewiburr, April, IKR- HTHEUOLOGT Vrl ll.'-rs and enter'ainpw little Bork, (all about Matrimony, Money, and oth er matter,) for the air,ut ment ot ercrrbody, (ami the yottn? fuELs, also.) on itii7 winter evening., rainT dar. etc. Price. 0 cents. Wholesale, 15 Cents. -enl bf mail (or seven 3 renl lanps. For a at ihe Srtr i'hrun) Ult office. WOKDEX A CORNKLH". WPICNIC."M 'W.-11 jump into tlx ak- o. ana all tak arid.." VLARfiE. hani!oine and err eomd-rla- t.e W aUOli hastxa fined op l.ir Ihe eprio.! ar.-oiii milalliia oF Pic-Nic and other similar ear ur-mns. T.rm. m.-ieraie. Apply to Ji)s. M. HOL&EL. Lewisburg. June 3, 1S59. Horseman's Friend, or CtT I'ot kt Coiupanisi. Fiuy-'l'wn Valuable Kerripts fc r ihe Farmct and Horse Dealer lor aie (11 ei) by C J 8TA1II.. lSuokbia-ler, Lewisburf; D'CTURES.-Ah.nsecannotbesa.d p u. be well lurni-hed wnhool some well t selected Pictures. This want can now bt CHUTZEKS supplied at thiil t'u;i)ii) ?iqi it'Iiirlsqrg Ci)friL:ii A V IMIPBtUT fAMILrjMK.XAL lataea t'rlaats, al lenisbara. talaa mil), mi's TtKMS $1.50 &-r year, to aa r apTASrr aad at th mdi ml. ( r. !B-r r-hf l.r prricd Tha M ru will rw. Sr S-ar a'nihi. 7-- .tj.a .ii BH.htti.. 1 .r riirlit mouth.. d.t lor n!n . mMhi-. 3 a. : i' r - ""ti- n-' fa.ni.at b ai ' i Wk ,.IA aia-a. alasai.i kh aantai al ibatll aiuh-r. m.m ij ot i r.jw.noiii.i.i.1 WhMill.iaii-rt.lTWIrblcka.art.ial"4 (""'""" hA" '"""'" m,UD" sl''"'11' Antra. i.ra.sia haiitlat.atrlT bMl-li-hrJ. at i t" ,un.oa- wr,. Si u h .tut m-.n. a. Mi 1 k " ' ZZXtxXiX" mA over osv-tonrtb uf a mlaBti. 10 del- pr r. 'Q J- m.m. k .... I ..... A ....... i. I-iio' ' tnnlU-t tt Dt, nrlttof nmxt Urr-r. A.iT-rli.'BifnW otm it-mtrmliiiit(, i)!(K).orwintlTiis: Uw-trmcy m l' ltT Commanicstions lw.irNt .n tt.ftni f-rr-l tB Th m t;stni TKi.iut; ai-ii i ffcJ T.aiUOIJUHl'KlftllBto..l'-B an- Hi. .mi., w ti ii d wi.. 1pat.l1 atid t-a raroDM tta- . i.rtim.al.t.l.l '"h," i.nO. K.i-I '""l"""i',.,. .i . .1 .. ', 1 . ' a-.h.iffltla,.itiM.. ,.,,,. j ""o. t"-""",; t alMUi-