Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, April 08, 1862, Image 2

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5 :
if II
Voyage of the Good Ship Union, j
. j
'I'ii nildif.tit: through tny troubled dream '
IMid walln the t.-iiiiH-sl a cry ;
Jecfore llic fcale, with Ull. ritl tail,
A ship K.f ilunj;iiijr by.
TVbatnauie luTi-buml? RocVs around
Itcpeat the wild halloo :
The jrwrl "hipl'ii.": Southward bound;
liod help her and her iti'W !
And is the Old FL-ir flvins still
That o'er your father flew,"
Vith bands of white and rofy light,
And Geld of starry blue ?
Aye I look aloft ! it folds full oft
Have braved the roaring blast,
And still shall fly, when from the sly
This black typhoon has j acsed 1
Sjcak, pilot'of the fctonn-tussod bark !
May I thy perils .'hare ?
(I landsman, these arc fearful seas
The brave alone may dare !
Nay, ruler of the rebel deep,
What matters wind or wave ?
The rocka that wreck your reeling deck
Will leave me nought to save '.
O landsman, art thou false or true ?
What sijru hast thou to show T
The crimson stains from loyal veins
That hold my heart -11mTh" flow I
Enough ! what more shall honor claim?
I know the sacred sin ;
Above thy head our fla; shall spread,
Our oceau path be thine '.
The bark sail? on ; the Piljrrim's Cape
Lies low along her lee,
Those headlong crooks it anchor flukes
To luck the shore and sea ;
No treason here ! it cost too dear
To win this barren realm,
And true and free tlm bands must le
That bold the whaler's helm ',
Still on ! Manhattan's narrowing bay
No llebcl cruiser scars :
II'r waters feel no pirate's keel
That flaunts the fallen stars !
Hut watch the li'ht on youdcr height
Ay, pilot, have a care '.
JJiHtie linj; rinir cloud iu mUt may shroud
The capes of Delaware !
Fay, pilot, what this f irt may he,
Whose sentinels look d'iwn
From moated walls that show the Pea
Their deep einbranitrt's' frown ?
The Kclit l ho.st claim all the coast,
Hut those are friends, we Luow,
AVhosc footprints simmI the ' sacred soil,"
Aud this is ? Fort Monroe !
The hreakers roar, how hears the shore ?
The traitorous wreckers' hands
Have iiuenched the blaze that threw its rays
Alon the ttatteras sainls.
Ha ! say not so ! I see its glow '.
Apain the shoals display
The beacon lijrlit that shines by night,
The l uion tars by day '
The frond ship flies to milder skies,
The wave more gently flows,
The aoft'nin brceie wafu o'er the seas
The breath of Ileattfort's nrsc.
What fold is this the sweet winds kiss,
a Fair-stried and iiiaiiy-starri'd,
AVhose shadow palls these orphaned walls,
The twius of Bcaurcjrard J
AV hat '. heard you not Port Royal's doom?
How the blaek war-ships came
And turned the Beaufort roses' bloom
To redder wreaths of flame 7
Ilow from llobellion's broken reed
We saw his emblem fall,
As soon his enrsed poison weed
Shall drop from Sumter's wall !
On ! on ! Pulaski's iron hail
Falls harmless on Tybee !
Her topsails feel the fresheniii! gale,
She strikes the op.-u sea ;
Sh rounds the point, she threads the keys
That jzuard the Land of Flowers,
Ai:d rides at bts't when firm and fa.-t
Her own Oibraltar towers !
The rood ship Vuion's voyage is o'er,
At anchor safe she swin;rs.
And loud and clear with cheer on cheer
Her joyous welcome riujrs:
Hurrah I'hnrrah ! it shakes the wave,
It thnndt rs on the shore
One flag, one land, one heart, one hand,
One Nation, evermore !
llnox Fruit Farm and Nurseries.
J. Knox, Box 155, Tittsbarg, Pa.
FOR IS we will furnish 100 plants each of
the following kinds: Trioinphe de (iand,
1'rollnpe's Victoria, Burr's New fine, Jenny
Liad and Wilson's Albany.
for 910 we will farnish 100 plants each of
Ike I'oHnwiag choice kinds: 'i'nomphe de
Gand, Troilope's Victoria, Vicomiesse lieri
cart de Ttrury, Fillmore, Downer's Prolific,
Burr's Nw Pine, Jenny Lind, Cutler's Seed
Ilaf, M'Avoy'a Superior and Wilson's Albany
Paadaaiilntlaaial' tbla auparb aifl nrtfanVd Straw
fearaa, ana aair rlrralar. Vr will rorniah tbla aaratiy
and ta WUaan'a Albany, tin two leading kinds, ml tba
fLdlewkaa: ralaa: a
Taaairat at Oats. 90 eenta par dosan, $2 per 100 :
S.fta fur Saa; InAaSf for in WW S Siiat. For tb.
sius lui,ar per tent, mil be ctaarxed f'T noRaJ and
narUfnc. Wltaoa's AuiaaT. 2S aeala per doaen. $1 p.r ,
lie;3.saarn. Lararrqnaatiliaaataama rata. f..r 1
Ainu a OI farntab liMaat Tiioespb. liaad and 10.iMa)
W Uaan'a Albanp. riae par eenL U1 ba ajaa cnargad for
tins avl, far knaes and packin.
wfrl flaatd tn ana peat rdRer addreaa hi tb. emantry.
C, paid. aarafuitT put np an aa ta aarry aafclp. una
ndred anud plaaw of any varMr S-nnd In our cata
Inane al tlim prieea there annexed. in.t.ur.. Inn
W ilaan'a Alkaa, Ut II. IW IrnUcppa'R Vietorl U0, luo
traasnvna de Unnd. Aa.
atBrNnnrdara Riled far pumtR by nlajl fnr leaf than
aja drdlar'a won, af any one kind, aud when laaa taaa
itu Bin jane lad, rt atuat ba at tba doaen prion.
ahliwsle'a Ararnr. and franeemtn, St perd'S"n. K per
tan, pan par lVUU. PaMnia. Kieera barav Fmited Mimtn
y, Knavltt'f Otabt, liBton Viler Antwerp, Ked Ant
warn. Yellow Antwerp, AlbroV Hardy. ;& rant. ier deaen.
91 par la", f 24 per 1,KM. Improeed Arneriran Black
Op, M eenta per doaen, $a P'T 1UU. t farr 1.'"J.
Par AlO va will farni.h lnu ttrinekle'R Orange, tbr fl
aaat ftaaaavd Itaapberry. aa wall aa one of tue Urrrat,
paant nenntirul,and tro-liirtlTc; l"d rrannmla. a very
targe rod Parry, of smm1 flavor, enonnon.ly print urtira:
lun laaprnaad AmerKwn Black Utp, aiucR larr-r, vote
Jutep. nailer gaeored. With fewer aeed, and etery way
mperwjr U the eommon Blaek tap. The plant la entirely
hardy, aery pmdaettre, aud tha fruit a) much nought
titer In aba aaarket.
The nboea ktnd. rnetnde the three eolnra rcl.nranre.
anal neaea, and fnrniah a plaaaanl variety of naror. Wa
reward tnai aa tue beat fur eaaateura, and tba moat pro
tnMn Aw aurieC rwlturo.
Wear fanrhelta, SI per doom. Sa per IIW, SIS par lnnO,
flgO par aRWO. tlm' beater, A cenla perdoarn. ft per
lie), $V per tbeeumad. Newman'a Tnorata, jn eta"per
guarn. $3 per 1KO, f-V per 1WI. We will aend IIU earh
of the abare three kindr s gill. AeMIerb okare of
mmwnvrry nad HlaeAaerry plants will ennuia priaual
tn.trwcsbaja for enltlration.
Per prtaee of IlK tPKX. fl'KPAXlX. Cnnf T.rK
JtAA kill UAKH JXJ' tK.iur.1. Ae-aeeoar'4r, ulnr,
bieh Will ha aant to all applicant, enetnelur Staraw.
. Wa have apnea at He. Kirtb St- (PitUlejrgj n
?fol- iltTli:tlithit i)jjiof,
Wt tUI artM Wlr-BtHod- tw tack u iwttvbaKbtmt at
m b 1m of thm Wt iHOiiy.
A t35 Iron City College Srtularshlp
IJIOR sale at the Star 4 Ckrmick
Union Connty Official Record.
Vr.eJeet Judge Sax'l 8. m'oobS, Lewl.uiwn PeetuBoa
Auuamtt J-iat J-S! W Siwi. Miftlinnarg dn
j do Jon a W .lui, LewUburg do
WAoif jry s otm. norsa, do do
JiV 4 l:c Glokr.l YURRtl L, do do
PljTtrtAHamry J e 0. BlillLI, do do
TiuMLi f lukU A. M.RTi, --wixburg do
amiui4jrr nTTO II. KkiJ-T. KnlUWw X Reada rto
do r'ainrnl' R R.e.rat.RR. MlOlinbnrr, do
do JraR M. WitTfs, Winneld do
OamtMuiititttrt'tfL .PRrw kRrai.Lewi.hnre: do
du timmi Jons u. lia, do do
do a.Vrt W"K a OoajTRLlCft, do do
JeVee.mrt ..nreier Tno.Orrr.uie. MilUinbnrf do
irw.r Coaan SMETKUJU P.reet I1U1 do
C'Tiovr kuttti err-tie, lit'Urg do
jIanVer Son'ttC. Wiw, Hartletna do
do IMMU.rnHrrrR.Lewi.hnre do
do Ukrthiu leuaiMO, aliattnbarr, do
Scneel SuimrvttmdtiU 1. IIscuhkjU.Now Berlin do
j?ost-Oflicc3 in Union county.
Alrir fin Brady ti.wn.hipi - A J t-wmin, P M
5 'r IniohUian. Ur..ly Tp) - Ifci.i.1 Arhnrkla "
riv IfT (UigutuaiWhDTpi Cb'. U Klnr "
Aie rWuw'xa .... J K drrey
lliM Jhlon (Kelly Tp) ... John IHteemen M
!iOMn7 (rounty eat) - - . tiru VV Furrert "
lliifflir .1' II . . . Leri Henrk "
i.rrei Hill (ranuerrrille) - - Martin lludy "
M-thiMiturf . . . Mar? M tfira "
HarlUkm .... IIWn C Havea
.'laivfo (vrat nd llartlra Tp) Mark llalfp'-nny
II lr tynffy (Llinaatooe Tj')
UaVtcU-I)ra Valley, Colon Tp)
J 6 KaUilriitMi-b
- Ilad itatitb
Saul A H aiu r
Holidays ISanks close on
Sow Tear'a Day 1th July TbaokrgirUiE Cnrurtnuui
Regular Union county Courts open
Third MontUr in Ffbruary Miy SeFti-oiVr Otjwmb'r
Seven and Three-Tenths Tcr Cent.
Treasury Xole
Now ready for delivery at the Office of
JAY COOKK & CO. Bankers,
Nr. Ill, Snulh Third Cl, Philadelphia.
1 .L'KSUANT lu inlruclions from Ihe Sec-
1 retary of the Treasury, the Subscription
Uok lo ihe NEW NATIONAL LOAN of;
all dated 19th August, 16(11, payable in sold,
in three years, or convertible into a twenty
! hoder. Eacl) Trrasnry Note has interest
coupons attached, whtrh can be cut orT and
collected ia pold at the Mint every 6 months
at the rate of 1 cnt per dar on each $ii0.
Payments of subscriptions may he ma'lp in
(Sold or Checks or Notes of any of the Phila
delphia Hanks. Parties at a di-tanre can
remit by then frienU, throush the mail, by
express, or throuca uanus, atin ine ireasurv
yoies wili be -imtneJiatr-ly tie livere;!, or eDt
to snhcribers as they may rlirect.
Parties remiitina nia-ialJ the interest from
the 19th Austin, the dnie of all the notes, to
the day the remittance reaches Philadelphia,
at the rate of 1 per eent per day on each $30.
Apply to or address
Ja) t'OOk!, 8rwiPTin AoHTt
Criie til ' lav r,oUe & Co. Hankers.
n 111 -1., St Ph.la.Vlnhi.
i?or Salt.
an Are manuracttirin? and nave i
!'nAconsiiinilv on haml a larsre qnan-'
wftjjip of 4 lert Palinzs and :l and 4.
aVew-- jaj iVet I.aih al tbe tallowing prices: j
l'alln,;!! headed in a sew style, from 8
to $10 per M
Lath -l and 4 feet long, ?1 to 1 1.C2J pr M. ,
Milncles at 55 to 7 per thuusand.
Palinos and Lath made to order, any length '
parties mar de.ire
LewULurg clean Sawmill. Dee. S6. Ufa)
Third St., above Race, Philadelphia
rpEUMS, $1.25 per da?.
RHOAbS & SAILOR, Proprietors.
TMIfTMAX V RHOA.fnrtnr'rlrorthf-NrstirvorAl IloM.
CM SAIL)K.lurniri) of liuvlktii Co..fa. "y
jymr (lit. l. riLvta in ro.)
(bZSesi Lcwiskrs FUoiog Jlill,
ialau'wwAlerp cnniantlr on hand and
manulaciurr lo order rioorlnz. Sldlug,
Door. Saali. Sliullcra, Itlluds,
Moilldluc:! of all raitrrns,
and all oilier ilescriptions of Wood Work used
in ttuildin?.
Orders respectfully solicted and promptly
filled. All work warranted to eive satisfaction
tTAn ritrnsire lot of I.tlUlbcr of al'
descriptions on hand fur sale.
Factory oil AVirA Secund lrte.t,LetL'isburg,Pa
April ,1H59.
Old Post-Offico Stand.
LAKGE supply of Eunlis,Stationery,
il. Perfumery, Jewelry, Toys, Confecuon
enes, Teas, fepices. Fruit. Nuis, ItRNates,
Pirlnres, and a variety of KICK KACKd for
sale cheap hy
763 II W CKOTZER, I.ewisbnrg
raw. miroj. MASON 4. CO. a..pni
i 907 tJaevtnnt St. I'hiMrlpKa.
W..H"ei1.1inr CarUa of the neweet rtrlea. Vialtins and
Bu.inew rr!, endeared and printed at tbe ehcrteat
notice. A rerp full awrtr.ent ef 'INB titationerp
alwaja nn band. Initial. In Trior, and every aarir'v in
EmVauinr, arti.tieally rxiuted. Any aryle nf Paper
and knTelopea made to order June llu. lata)
j on Market Square, Lcwislurg. "3
A good aopply nf 4'lialrs, Tablra,
Bnrraas, jilnnds, Aeon hand or made
o order by DA VID GIN TER.
WBAe..a waAMf.. an.1 ..I,.. wnnitvAT
n ae.aa. a mmw am - -
nfik.i trine) nn haml nr (n nriler hr ihelt
Lrwisburc Bookbiadrr, CH: STAHI
rpilE aubacriber keeps constantly on hand
J a lartre assortment of the very beat tha
mukiu and Wilkes-llaire COAL, fur lime and
store purposes, which he will sell al the very
loweM prices forCah or Country Produce.
Also. BSaeksmillii' Con, Planter and Salt.
Wish it distinctly understood, that I will not
be undersold by any man. Having good
weigh-scales, full weij-ht will be given.
Coal Yard near Weidensaul's hotel.
I.ewisbnrt-, May S7,'5a.
. Hy C. J. ST All I-
MN'DERY on 3.1 street, a few doors
t north nf Market, lEHlsni K'l. nt
m l TT7r for Juaiicet and
jAlN JVtO Constables, for sale
printed n order, at the Chronicle
IOVD A NOTE for One Hundred
. Dollars, payable at the Bank of Danville,
which the owner can have by proving proper
ly and paving charges. Inquire at
Jaw, gs. lam. .g 0FPICI.
VBKH'I TlWAHKI.watrtoaalof Waqparior
1 Wn-wriabrarniff Yrrmtm kta.toca P-taaV
VsalthnwIa.rntMl for rhlMrn. L IK- runt-hrd t raolial
aaK krvheia aaukiaff fataa, a.
MALL A Att st.f!
TOl !I-A bp-,h of KEYS UAfonhr
the wwacr at tbia te, Lewntarg
Treasury Roles, bearing interest al Ihe rale ; , .,", . . . f i and is twice as durable,
of seven and ihree-ienibs per cel. per annum. W . A n',m ua IVrchn em. nl, for preser-
oil remain open at my cilice, No. 1 14. S- 3d ; Zf&M;) , .'" ' v ',C",-" ' trine and reoatna Tin and other Metal lioofs
Hi, until further notice, from 8, A M, until 5, Z'f'' kinds-also ion ! of deicription, from us areal elastic.iy,
M, and on Mondays nil S. P M I nd Banjo Hrin;. Bruiges i. Pees. A c.and the , no( fcl )he r(,pl;lttli,n anJ .
These Notes will be cf the denomination of, best Violin Rosin-call at the W" j sl(, oflt.lals anJ wiM nol cllck in eold or
S(I. SlflO, !SiO, 1,000 and 5 000, and are eaaniine. " run in ,rin vr3,,r , !
p. ii. iVeavkii.
DEALER in Dnijt, Dye UuitTi, Paints.
Oils. Spires, t:h-miials. While Lead,
Vioiw Olasa, Pine Oil, Fluid, Alcohol,
Coal OII,Cailonil,TanncrS Oil,
Aeof's Foot Oil, T urpenliite, Fruit,
Ac Also, I be test Bramly, Wine, Whiskey,
Gin, Afe., fir medical purposes,
(furmerly Pr. Puriiv's Drug Slore.) Call in !
Uwi.l unt. Uay 21, lMil.
w -r rr-i'Ti n I nil W.
V Altorncjs .it Law,
. ' ,,
Lcwisljurff, Lllion to. 1 a.
OOtce in Sunlh Second Si. formarly occupied
by James B Hamlin K-q deceased
Lewisbure, April ,
What Ever body said could not be done,
has at last been Accomplished !
MBKOSE'S Coal Oil o hliuur.v
J Hand Lamp. The following are some
of iis advantast's :
l.t. ni-.paaM ailh tba cbimncy, which L.aipensira
and ruBt'rM.r'nio.
Tlia Ivt'it ia at ooca acca.ib:e ttir libtin i and
krtmlina purx..ca.
3.1. ;tiru. It-.n oil thn tha rhlnioay lamp.
4ib. Rurna tba di1tvrnt raH-. aad tu.uu of coal
ard -arb-'O tiK irom a d- n.ity of and upward.
atl fan tw rarirnl aruund with abul tba name fa
rihtr aa a ran.ll.'.
Stb. Liith of lima In huniin Improa. tha qnslity
of thr fl.tnr. Tl lamp m.a be burned a weak ailbimt
trtnifnins and will n.-t uncVs.
Tli. iurnir. ran bn alUrhrd to any lamp, ao that per
aon. bavin lamp, bead only rhHO-r I'" l"rrtfr.
Forwleby J. A. KREAVIER.
ALSO. ju-,t received, a lot cf French Pre
servine Ketlles. ;orn Pi'ppers, &c. Ac. at
J. A. KKEAMEH'S Tin Shop, corner Fourth
and Market streets.
l.ewisburg, Atig.2,'61
PIU3lClanS !
r.. the brcrUT crtE ff
0HTht, Cnt-lt. hf-imxi, nutp, H -artfHttt, Tir-mchi'it,
J-Hrifm'-n-t, '." " I' i'-l,n iff; "-,
hK-ijitttl -m u-i'i-t- 'tt. and Jur thr rrli- f .;. if nt all
p..o,IJr) cure j i'-ti" tt ih ailrau etl tuy$ of Vie L'Utf
I'M K Hli
tHtu.titulinit.il tltr b''nll.
z t.r- i t-rli- ! Hi" I'alhatm,
with th-- iiiM.irit'ii.ir n-'- ill' h il.nl, .n h-fii i
rmhinjtl.ii wil .it-J lo tlix iirj p- tutr-i'.Jr-J. :
! thatth'
rt art- nil
Ill.'l) Will IH.I
lib to nt U aim,
ani lite riving ,
t-i.r ri f lf tli trf.itini-nt of pintninsry .li'af f-e.
4-upir-J ih nrrnl-r t .r-rtn nf tin Ur-nt.--n of tli tfi.- j
till.' -f it.-' iii'-tti'-ni ri!.(. I'.it nite 'WN(''.rt-il more rtiti- i
tictifH in In trrtiliuri.t of ih.-M- 1 1 -- ? - thttn ttif c!r-
nam ic (Vr-lil. llif til tis drti l. il t th- irintartii!...f 1
n ui'-lii tt.tit w.tal'I tnul utirivnirl. l..w w-U li- ti t
HrTfswtfJ. Ihf Aiti'T'wn ifa-i'l rr mb'.m t jii l : and '
Wf xiwtiTi ly n-ff t.llitt no vr-iiTalii'ii that hav r j
n filao-u itcior: i""in. tiH'tf omirrrif imr-nin-nitir.'iiii
of N-mlii on fnff-Tii. hociiiiti.
T rietr. fiunoj m -
P tf ri'H i.'l. MS tb
riiu-'-lif" "t ii.-iii.i, Tr-eiri-a ur -k. m. jhcksuu
C".of l hilvil.li h.. I
Th LVrtli:il fr n rli-ni cf i;j(rpwci mnrr em
fi-M atitl niiTf f-itsl tt.an m.y r tier t wlti.-h Ihf .-vir j
vl tli r. untrjf mr- p'ilj" t th Fpringiiiz Irrn m ;
-li.ltt r tt " Tl.nt rnt:iint antK'Tii.i . Ir. l.t-d. y: j
I m ill nut t.iT tt'tt Llli an to ur inli:tl.;initt iti4t ;
('! ii an'! Valrtw -r arn to tl'f- t't t.'lnT rotm- I
tri.-a; hut 1 c0 it fonfilt-ntlv Hint tn-v utlft fu tli-
: of crrata-r woifiinty ati.l niortaitt.. than the.v Inttt-r I
Itca-I mhmt th omirir-nt OIn M miifj tn-vr. .init.V M.
Pt C. M Jl'tttiix ltt-erti (I Frirrtrt; Hnrin fi'f a '
IfrtC linif (.t an'ia:nlf. wilh th Tifttn nt th.T V r
SAM 10 CtlKbl Al. int ouvt-.ti. t o'. lntltiiiim.it. .m "I th"
l.iinu'K. Af.. I tlm rr-iy (n-nr t-li.nnv I it" flTl.-a'-'.
Fur !'ti rI "-tr" 1 ItKTo OfTt-r t-n without it tn my
familv. It alo ffiti-n tn i'tcr.tirp tn tt- that I ha
ihmhI it with fotirt arrJi in thr trfalint't of Howr-I
Am: r jcitisAi.i:.ti.
Jerusalem and Ihe Sacred Places
M.;:.m;.i! tiu: noli i.tv.
The above work iscommemiVd lo ihe favor
able nonce of clergymen, ar.d those havinc
charsre of iunday-choolsf Bible-classes, aiid
public inslituiiun?.
ft i ahnnl nine Aet Ion? and six feel wiilr.
Colored and varnished, and mutinied on can-
Tas With rollers. .
It haa b--n rontrurtH from the nwt Tit1iMitiP an4
rrltaititi marrf. mvn tnti i I'umi an inTaiiiai.H iu io
tbm aotsav-Hl in lert ui Hit? on III Holj l.an.l, or tu lei- I
irucuon to klooi classr. on uieBUi j. c. to
wliich It ivf-ra. I
It aitni to if an xart iu oft hi ntv an It appfart'!
In a nn.-nt tinir. It ia tkn ax a "I.ittI'p. ." or "I'al
loon" vl-t, (Im N'hol'lcr Mn?. in imneinat' n. liirvrl Mt
roni'iil"raM t-lTation, m an to takt? a rimr'liini
tiw of th.; f-ity and ol ine wluolt oouutry tot . nut dj-li-nc'
Th Viw U rroinpanil wttb an Onllln' Ky, In
hi, Ii the d;tfrrviit loralitlt-ll ar Dun.Vr.tlar.ni a li
rvrlplirt- Manual rnntainiuif nil tht- information nffr-i.
nary to rnnlilr otic to iu tba View to adfauU-t-iu tin li
lujf or lciurinrr.
the riT wnont t:vi.
This is a Vtekly Kn.ous i'aper. pub- ;
usnea at ine very uw rnce 01 une itMiar a i
year. j
It is designed for Parents. Teachfrs, and all
a . j-l i
who are enat-d it mteresled in rhe reliei-;
ons traininf; ol tbe youug. It is abo an ex- j ...
cellent Family Taper.
A portien of Ihe raVy-5rAar Time. ! neenpied with
Nerratlre. ar.it osher matter farlirularly ltitere.iins ti
youuc perona. Teat l.er will find tn it murtiltiat they
will like to rend tn their ela..ea intera.tiQit malti-r I-re-pared
to their ham!., and .Hi h a they ran nt fle'lelae-wh-re.
I'.-r the ..me reeeuna, memtiere of llil.leela-wa,
and the oltlrr eh'ilara generally, will be greatl) benent
ed hy the perusal f thl. papT.
The 'Ma.iy l..jt jfv.ae. ha. erery week n report tit
the cboireet waller, eelec'ed Iroui Uie Niain l-rayar-nieet-ll-e..
which are interesting loalielaae. of '.'tiri.tiena.
b.fUeva larceaincmilotRener.ilreliirinuiiinteHti'nfe,
hH .lihHrtt-.Vl...J Jim.. ...ntsin.ali the ni'l.t reeeut
.KlukMi h.w. I , .11 the iie.nnrt.tit Onn '
yentiniiR of fund.y-arhoi.l tearhera. It diM-n.aea llie j
qmtion. whii-h mo.t interenl and perplex te.irher. and :
larnU. n-rrt inn the TaHona mt-thtadf of t-litTimia Uaio
ina d'T th- j.'Una. -bm nt' aiaa nf araininir tti atti-Btloo
a oil th aQVrtkoQ of rhtldrra, inl Hptrilly of purin$
thtir rtn. rnl-.D atxl tr1nutr Ihra toChrUt. Tbfaub-j-rt
of MiMtinn tVli'ola fnr riti-n. and f famla-f artiul
mlMlonarr work Ibr tba itirlfr. If thoron-hl t-aOTasa-r4.
lmJ-f, tlifre t Laxtllr toi-ie of practical impor
ta04?t Ut ant wb" art int.r-td in th iuj-ct of ivhrl
on fM neat iQ . ht-h hnuc brre brought uti4rrM)iialir
atkro Inioi wtfk to wtt-k.
Tlit rx.Dilui mr-if ti.inpar rndaTnr to rrmf,ml,r,
that if grat an. I (tf all f l.rivtisto t Ifurt ia lo brine m- n
toCbrirt. TIh.t aim.atrorJinrl-. to ra ititOfry nurn
bwrof tht iiaiMTPouirtliinif ).icbsbll bT tor lU cUcvct
falijiict tbe ct-uferMt-D of .-uuln.
Tha Propritflm of tl) Sund-y .Wnvf Tima hvloc o
quirft tin tx.-luia riilit of nalt i.fth aiilan-Hl t-rlc
DntiAnl ahoT-. tbr M a or AiriixT Jmat mimoff-r it
an a ararial nrfmiim to tboar aiiriotaritlinta. tai-lM-ra.
or otlirra. wbo will UMt ib gr-tLi. amw aUticrita to
thr papt-r.
W e nff-r thi ttiprh prrmiam to an? on who will ftt-ml
ns tbe tiumca of 1 arm f-iilrrilef r anil ill in eab.
a.Tn Trr raar. Vf.r linn.Dr to fnTat.brpor'
tn writ to ua and obtain tha n. !- itirninnta and
tnntrurtioiia. Tbaw vill hf lp you etriatl; in praruiJ u(t
tht work, and sill fare yon maiar mi'takeu. Haclo&e a
ceiiU la aUmpx to pay po;ta?o. A't!rsp.
I'BoreTkioi'.t or thr Prrr . rooi Tiia.
lt, houth Kourtli street, 1'bilailrlpb ia.
J.5.ar.h. LShornlry. r.C.Shorklr). P. Braver
.Uwlftbur?, Pa.
WE bart eoajtaDtl oa hand arrd for aaV.
RrtrjHT. Mc.vrr tfntf frrrrr ftarrritrrt; Cr.u nd Ormn
SffUrt; Unnd and Ifarw I'-merr fhrm Sh'ltm; Ow.T
tteff ymr tfartv Trwl. Strtrp flint iVaJi ft. n ; Ctovr
Htirr: (tW tittr-?, ThrBhrrt. !. .Strn--. lUIlt, Item
F, tmlt fur Haitthtytt, Irom r'rncu. &aUg. jVtJf Hearing,
ae. Ac, and bold oiiraalvw ivady ai all time to no aix
i1p of foe it t itr.rx.ui with tht nt-newt eorrrvtitnm
nra uf-7niu-ai yui vi an aatuniini iiaran4D(T
warranted aa recrmmaaded. 'jt,iere reeperrrnllv
I Rfueitod eiJi.iui.r.li J ailrr led JM.ln (
.iNJI AttRntinn.
OmiplaiRtr. Thv irimiltrwlT. J'11M HIT ILL. S J R V. ft p?l P. 'Wl 1-Jl iVi '2
Fifth Ma 17. 1K.-.H. !rr -t aU.Tt Uh, 1'hil.. IIV:J J BCI f.f Uvt -?Jr
I dtrTh-w mfHlifinM sr .r aal . att r- pt-lahU r - WryiP ?'?5it 1
HrnjBM-.ar4 .. ? ml. in t- Vnit-A tal f '..St- Pi a-'ate' tlWVtrHi '
Iri'i-h Tr... ii.e intl Vwt ln.li-. il 7.S rMit tf-.VTt. -! 1 A li Ml
jH-r i-.li.-. !r.urWa..llr-tlhct-nnint-.wl-hih-i(ri. 1 fij A 4 1 aHYa'4AV. ? l I '
intv M C. M. Ja.-harmoii th- mr.Vp-r of h (v.Ul: all I ffnTtS-iA "pV !
nthr-ra art rt.unt.'rfr'.t. I'r.nripal I'fflc.! aul 3laufnCto- 5.';.if H X r-'-Er: .
f f latest My I
will liod a large assortment
such as French air. Er.Klith all wool t'toih.
lnirn $-...50 np to .$tu.()ii. Knoiiv B.v4.'V'a
! "w.dS,lk Mixed Cashmere. saiine.i,,
lie. ( InthlUfT "f all descriptions ; Mi-n i
anr B,iv' Wrar Whole Suns for $13 So
! lhal is. cloth cuai, &anu vesi, casimere pants,
Summer Suit lor $.Y50. Also, a larpe
snrhnent of Hats Cap, Ac, surh a Vi'CIel
:n, (ranbaldi. Opera, hisli and low crownrd
Hals, Hose, Haialkerrhiefs, Collars, Shins,
fupeuders, Imbrc Mas. Neck Ties, &c.
lo save from So to 50 per cent., and get the
Latent Mtvles.
Also. Iroods Cnl and made to order, and in
the latest style. Alnays from five to ten
han ls al work.
Call opposite John Walls & Co.'s Store,
Market street, l.ewishure;.
March II, 6i N. K. ZIMMEHMA.V.
joiis &. CKOsi.i:i,
Sulc Manufacturer:) of llic ImproveJ
T T is the cheapest and most durable Roofing
I in use.
Ii is Fire and Water Proof!
It can be applied to new and old Roofs of all
kinds and lo buiugle Koofi without removing
the shingles.
'I'he ci st is only about one-third that of 'fir.
Thep rnnt'Tials have been thorooshly tes
ted in iew Voi k and alt part; of the iSoii' hern
and Western States, and we can eive aband
am proof uf all we claim in their favor.
They are readily applied by urdinary labo
rer:, at a trirtin rxpr-tie.
The-e matrnaN ate put up ready for u-e,
and lor hij ptna tt. all parts of ihe country,
with Itill printed Dirertior.s fur appl.ration.
Full ib'.cri tire Circulars wi'l le I'tirnMied
"9 applicriii-'n l.v m'l tr iti prrort at nor
I'nnnpal i-lllee, ISHt Hroad'.t av. New York
(t.i.fHj.a,- pt..hhc i-. llutcl i J0i!." dl 4i;il-LH.
AETS WANTED. 6iriS7; i
Til HE snbrr,ril.er is prepated l dn PAl'EU
J l.N', in low!) r.r rtitiriiry. Hit vine aerved
a lull apprentteehip ai lhr Paper llaiiin
buMne in rhi!a!elptu.i, he cla.nss to be a
Practical Paper Hanger.
All persons iittendin; to have Papering
dene llns Sprinjf are sol-ci'ed to cmpli'V llie
sutxertber, and have iheir walls papered in a
workmanlike manner.
All orders left at the Post Office (where a
large airtment f Paper is kepi) will be
promptly atirnded lo. C. Tl. EV'ANy.
p. S. White -wa-hed wa!! lapered with
out liik-ni; the w;h ctf.an't warranted to slick.
Lewishurff. March It. Iiri2. ,
a all A J KiVMt Vi Vi'4 A
An arririit ard ft-'ma- I-if yv-par Hon of IKON piiri
tit d '.f txfii aim fnroon Lt t-oiubUeiliOD in failn'ii.
fjitir'ium-a by Hi- ltuL t Mt,in.al Antliuriti. t. Ix.lli in
huii Atuti Cat t uiu-ii tdUt ax.il jjn w ti U-d in tin U
lliiri,etrinrf thou'antln daily rro'en tltat nopre
fnrati.tn it Iron rnn tm- (-m)nl anh it. Impuriliraot
tli I'lixril. lifpr -.ion of tilal ruritv, pair an. I t.ilierwt-a
fit-Ill) n.;.leii..u, indicate iu Drctstalt) in altouatcTaij
xiout in all tnaUJi in wMrh It liat ! n trlrd
I1 i,r,f' iiuu-ij curatticin wh of ti.e r.Uuw
' Xrw Afbmu EiMKiiUm. PtTp$i
j o,ff(. ln.,rrH,T.iMjHU, , i tm.
N.r, ,,u,(, - .,w. A(..'rw.(f'Ti,
)l i.u.t. OWcr,v. iirT OifTi-.'am". C.n.itir Jld-hn.
rirnl i'.iai. w rfr.
In ra-ratif tiM e:: l. ! KHITT. ltT)r tl;e tt-ult of
Ulf dirtrai, or ut ibr rnniiouril Jimimttinn nt nr
and mur-riitrir ftirrtrv trom t-bronir n-mf laiijU.uni- tri.il ,
i .Mliifi n Ji r-ur hnp ( r-.Ti-d fuf rii-tul t. an -'nt
j aluch no ilf-j-ri, ti''ti mr r:tt:-n al ti tiA:r,n w- ui l r.-nd- !
j rt errtlit.'. InTaiidt i lunn trd-rtd !m to liaie I"
runif ftnrott-n in lh.-ir c.wn o-.pfhf"'rhoo,i.. liar i-ud- ;
il'-iilj rai-iar-din th- l.uy aotid ,fjuyt rturu-J
' lioni protra ti-il Irarrl In a di-tant ;rnl. S'-in' iar
' niuai inUuca-. of tht- k-n.1 ar attrntfMl of ft-male nuf-
j ti-rrrs.fui.tt-iat.il Tt.".:in of aj-f-arcnt marn-iuu-, aau
t Eoii.HnfxhU"ti'n,tiitlrn; rh-Oir". "n l that romj-li-
rti.n of nt TToun and dv-i)t.r a . -iti on to air and JI- j
ri-i for uliii It thf pTi-i iau h" no tiRi.
lu XiBV . f!, All'tviloMt of iiii. aii.i lor iraiM.D j
- - , ,v. ,.... tiu.t-r..tion of ti.
'.miliar to Uidiil UfU. tn oprr-.Tion ,r icih rr.i.ara-
tion of ir.n tnuft nrrrwartly I - Ml!tlary.f.-r. nnlik. the
o.i o.-ir-. u i iP.rou.iy ton.r. t.i;b..Ut m"
and ov rheatinsr; and frutly, rt-jr'i.arly aarr.nt.
f ., 115 ,"..,.1-1- e.M.-f co ii.m,-aithout Tr
r a rjiuic puis""-"' v' m.....-
Bt,rt'B.i',i- . , .
it i ti.i latifrrrorrrtr. mr.nn fitnt-r",
hirh make.
It en renurkab y envetna. nn. permanen. a reae..y
1'U' upi.n wuicu .iwi .i-e. . .r. u........ .
apeeWeartinn. ky dle eiiut-the Inenl teniknry mlinb
It.rniB them. .
' In UY.rtrit. Innnroerable R4 I'. cRu.e., R .in'le tnm
1 af these rl'alti.'.le Pill - h. '-ft. n i.flii-.-.l fi.r llie moat
' ha-.Uttal ranee, inrludinr llie att.'ndent itireaer.
i In nncli.-rfci'd I'l.Mil' ''. eeli aell noliiliie.1 t. Pt
! RT'.nr. eoiilirmed. emaeialiiir. nnl arpnrenlly malir
I n.ut. tiie elli-ctB naye neene.ualiy derieire ao.l a.lou-
' 'ln tiielnealpalna.t".r.fr.i'.tl and afrenrth. riVliHita
(in. enneh. and ri'mlltent h.-etie. whfrh renerally in.li-
. t ...... v , Tna.i upritiR. thla reined V ha. alia. ed
a'tjlrni of fi lend- and hy.iriun., in aeveral rery gratif-
jnt, TH intere.tmir In-terieee.
,. .,- iprii.l i 1 1 ruii'itoMii. Thl Rit'diratpd Iron Ban
bad far more than the got- ffTnet of th- nupj-trautii-uril
halaneed prf pantron of lodiue. Witbout auy of Iheir
well known linbi!itir.
Thr attsenti-n of frm.tei fan not too rf nfidontTr in
Titffi to thl rmiy ttmdr$iurai.re,,u tlieraavaneculiar
ly attertms thuo.
In Kiiri:nTT!.i.tytri ehrnnle an I (nflammatrT In
the latter. howTer. nire tWnl.-.U it ha- 1 n inari
at.ly wrli rP"rtft, h"'h n alkriatinir pin and rtilue
inr the itwelllnit' amlatiffneaa of the joint and mil
In lTr.f.iTT".T r't' it mut i,ec. isjiritT t-f arrat
rtmt-'iT and inerceiirre.ttTritlTe. and il prot-ra-KK in the
new nettVwent of the Uent, will probably b on ol
hiifh renown and aefuiBaii.
No r-'iiioor haaevr lren -liBenrird in the mhnle hi
tnrT of m"lielne. whlr-h fX-rt" iiirh r rmpr. h v py, add
fully rr-tnratiTe -ffertw. (Joi-l ,ttite. romf.let-' tiiff
tin rafi't a'ittic ilmn of -tr-ofli. with an inma-rtnl -0
paxitlon for arlit e and cheerful cj.ercie, inimcdiat'
f .11. w it ue.
I'ut up in nist flit mtal ho-tea eontafnlntr ,10pilK
ptc Ml rantf per box ; 'or aalt by drmr.H-ta and tlealera
W ill hi fent Ir--' to any atldrr-jt on tfifipt of tbe pttra
All latU'M, order, rte .at'onld le atldreped to
li H LOCK t Co. General A cent a.
ly?ll 2o Cipa ai., X . T.
Sil? in Lnn'slurff by
Raker ft f r W HrhnHe HarrM Dnnraa
at Mowry's Sky-lish Gallery,
MARKET street, I.ewisburR Havins
just receired a laree a-.sotrmenl of
pi tiu and fanry Cases.! am prepared to take
Piettires at reduced prices, for ihe Holidays.
All wishinzany kind nl Pictures can save
money by setting them soon.
fi. B Pictures taken in clondy sreather.
ICE...11C...ICE !
rpHE nndersimed are putting npan ICE
X. IIOI ME larse enon;h tn supply all our
people wnh Ice durmp; the whole year. Ire
will be delivered in town, daily, al a cheaper
rate than private Ice Honors can be filled.
nrCall on either of us on North 4th St. or
at thr Ice House below the Rirer Bridge.
Tt A WKItiKNeart.
taUkur,Sor.3, ISM JJUAK. Aautlailf
I I INDSEY'S IinproveJ
i For tha ndT radiralood air.f I oal oora at (U lbraMI
I .ri.iosfrvmlMfb'UlliOlrlUOlaJObl
I rptii atatrHnaba. mubl tha aMat alraraloBfiroraa
I a. gD ,r.i,vrata eaaaa of
fit' miri-u d (.,
Old, IuLthtd I leer,
Ti iit r l.rt.i(tn.
Krrilaa, lu.ila.
Sora Svaa.
kbuwatar diaordara,
C nallrrnfaa,
iKnua-n-i. JBUBdiec. tUlt Khram.
Mtrr Com i-1 aunt, lw f Apftifa..
la ova uapur atL of Uic Kleotl.
Th y.rr ! a r-ortrait of Ti4 JITritrr. of TafW
Twp,wh"t.on th ult day ff Auj(mtt,l'5, . aflVdaT tl
i-f.re Ju-trr.- f.otN-y that h wi,n trttrt for tharnrr .
C'itriH by thrraf-i hifiirianvef br(Jforl fiHinta.ani hw IT.
Nrtnn crtlf K('i-. ti CoHf, t'.n-iiif.ali, for a frr.ml
of nrarlv ?;:ht tnoitll a. nolwithnlandlnr whirh Ms Hp,
n-fr. and a ' p-Tt.-m f kit Uft rhrtk tcrr trnfirry eatn
mr'v t I If had -ifn np all h.-pr. whn h hrard of the
nitptMl fo-ir- linr."atil wa itniuci'd to try It. four bol
t.!t i-urt-dl him. anl Jalthnnch rttlly illrfiffiird. thert i
n tjtir-fUt.n htit tr i-) iuTiuabit Dtdir.D MtTrtl hi life.
Th- full rurtjrular -f iLif rmar)iahlf ra nay Uacea
in a rirrutar ti he hail ot any of th AiTota.
UVal-o rlT ta .-aw ut Nnnr? llmaLny.Af Rldfrton,
Armst ror To, I'a.. fwn-il or turiU ftr beiog U&abla
to s-t out if Ih-.I fnr thm yar.
To the m of a laly In Ananni!l.nrtlFMCo.,wl
wa- aU.. alt)if-tH with ik'rr.fula In it" wt rtt rrn.
T' Ihr raw of irf Mfi-l. rf-idmr in tTarrollMiwn.
CamKiia .:.. I' , who wanj-o ially attlii-trl with lncir
thm it m.I hi fRfirt ma off, aotl bis CaJ tu worB, it
poiIIt-, than H" r-ar'a.
ri. i ariicolar?. of tiiaw "JTrTT rttof whirh waa
t nmi ttt- uw .1 tht- BUr.. ia rrlir- may alao b
iLUiid in a t-iriu.ar to b hail r ftnT ..f ih Affnf.
It. M. il Prttorletor.
e.T.-th"Tat-rv frr th" TnaitutM turt- ainl aair. Dar th
IVnn'a Catlf al IV ot. lii-lli tav.hors. Fa. In.M hy C.
W. .-.-!iri- . I.fiilirc; M Tn-ijl.t 4 llan-k. 1!r.ffal. X
K(.:i.c: Jtti'lv A Mimniflrnioh. f arm-ritlf : rumminira
tm r. ir.irtl. t -n: l II Ili lt, Mtllint ur; I. I1,
ttmtini, Hii.0L-1tl; ShiU'llc A Wa?rD-llr, lScliti'fror;
o. 52J, mrcU St. I'lilladelphla,
On- "f th l ir-t :.nr mont rmnt-Jfti- ti-.llfr.ei. in the
r-''p. M .t.i. whTr th- t firtnr-! kuuian to the
l b. t vr;.i l.ir art art- tk o nt j.ric-i on hiiier
tltiii ,re pud f.T ni"al'l rari.-,tir-pt.
TIIK l'r.nc:r, a 'r.tu--l 1'bi.fvraphi-r. attemln.
X.-r-oiiitilt, rYt-rv ithi.j an.1 atl'.-v" n fi ture lo
lKTtt tl.f VixUr-T OiilfHii It n fr.t atl-Ia'-,-ion.
l i u. r'-'t :ii-tt A uihrt i-l ahwitt or daMl
frir-i. I ph t..jri;-h'l t- nny r-'iuir-l i. or takn on
CaiiTH, lite u, an I pninti In Oil by th bt Arli-t.
At th;- i.atl.-rv ,t tur.-f ru If titk.-n io any w--albt-r
af n-rf-rt in i-ii.n 'r tUya aa wh.-n lhrf.nn -hina.
VtMn- TiMtiutf the t it y art- (" IIU init-d tn-auiin-
our p-ciiuf n. wbuh tor rica and quality defy
t,i.lu:ract"0Bi irifin in tbe art of Photoraphy.
G.4UJU.I or Aet, T4 Arrh Street, Philaatli-liia-
Trm linn. I.iwi4 l r4iPB-tL, M.C.,Ohw
My tauiiiT anl lrinl all rnnrur In th ..j-inw.n that
the N-.-Ui I'li-lurt- ia ni i iilclilae than any thine
tli-v f-r . My Lhr-nefi. hn br-n rplH Uk-u
bt titt rnt Art tut a in aroo wavn, tut 1 hnwm aer
r t (mil our wh.i b rin-wnUnO trur- to Ht .ire, all tiie lea
tut" aiif i k i-ii m a arAtuntruauf aa thht.
Vtm It -tr J..r Monnti. lat Minlatrtr Italy.
Tb ea-t-ii-il h-ii-h. Waui? ami aotin- t jr-mr por
tritt. mi.; alD.-il with thtr Jurnhiiite nf rotor and failh-
Ifilit4if. a hkenwt. mm not lt.il (o rmin-iid lhr-m to
th- atuutiuu aud (-trJu.agi-of ail who aiprvciaU true
Prom Ont. JhMf Pass.
TT-vtn? oei(.n f-r a pcTtm.it. I rrrvrnred one trnm
Mr. KMrt 1 1. r th- ntv cf PhiUdftphia. a aiiatia
ture in Uilt-iorn. n,Urlb prnr'r-fltv.rTnl htm.
at-4 t'.ke tr-mi plainrt in nrrwiPV the aatifarfrn
riven ma. not onlr by the aonrary of the liiteaffn. bat
it arti-ttr f.nu-h in all rtp . ai'i rert.ino:fnd Lm U
thd-pnttomteL-1-1 th."- db.Hirxd to enciara ' the tn-auti
ful arU KJb6 Jjilita TA-.a.
VSlHERmR article or hand-made Brick
for sale. Knquire at
Mar.2fl, til hRKVER, M CLCRE CO'8.
S E. Corner Eighth and Arch St.. Philadelphia.
(t:(rjHa en I jMU SttaL)
K FTER many year' experience in all the
V varum? br.inche? of the Art. ihe Propri
etors confidently inriie the atlentinn of Iheir
friends and the puhiic to their extensire esta
biihment, which presents the oppnrtunity lr
prorurini the bel Pictures, equal at least to
any fir-t-ctass (iallery in the I'mted Stales.
I'repsrations are complete fur eiecutins all
the inproTed ,!.. In the Art. They h.r. n
p,t nt !.ii,t r..rrep, mr V,tu.-rr, . l'.
in.lii' ' li.'lu l-ifeiilae.lt ,le.-iTeil the only ener tbe
kin.l in Una n imtry. AlUchrU U. Uiie ..ul.iu.lini.nt
are Ilir.eei..-rm2 Arti.t.. ,
a-BiTAlH,inclilinl Pnjntl,n lwal t-
d wih frame do - M
dn $1 I'lio. atTftrt... Fxtraropiee5irta.
er .'. l-i dR. I.ife.iie Phol irraph aa low aa s i, ana
iTorytyi at .nine prl.-e. Iural.e AmlTOtJpeR at atl
eenu a"iiJ npearj..
A nio.t ext-ii.ue asmrtment ef flilt rraniea. enibraiv
Inr a e,et m.'t r.oi.-e rariery of lhv Uteal etjlea. 1'rr
or fnimW rente and npwRidR.
f.i..ri.I a't.t.li"n t..t. w-.l npon l.ife.ixed Phato
.raphe in nil. tran f. rred trom amall plrtarea,andrroi
lire. I ri.-e. from ill teiluu.
aw.lnstru-tn.n.giyen in the Art eaiy
William Jones,
at Law.rollections
J promptly attended tn. Oirce'o Market
street, oncoaite ihe Probrterian chnich.
I EXECUTED in the best style known io
j ihe art, at
C. G. Crane's Gallery,
532 Atxh Street, Eaut of Stilh,
Amliroiypes, Dasuerreoljpps,
Ftr (aes,MwU..ion.PinslRii.e,&c. tMyl
Chromatic Printing.
nAVI.Nfi parrhased the nshl to ne Ro
anu't. process for Prinlint wnh lry
Colors, lor Union Co. Pa., we are prepared to
execute orders lor
CA3DS, Show-Bills, fcc.
i Rf!, Gr-m, IXue, ?. -. Silter, Diamond, or Cd
colors, in sofd ty!e, tlTat the Offire of the
Star A Chrouicle," Lewisbor.
Ji Nr, 1 ..! Vi KlEN ruKNKlCS.
Science still on the Advance !
QURGEOX and Mechani-
lO eal leiitiNt. OtRce in ihe
new btiildtne opposite tbe Bank, (up stairs)
LE ii.iiiiu, ra.
Ur.13rKI.AN is nnweonstruetipp Ihe Non
seciional Blork work, baked oo Plaiina base,
which for cleanlinr-, beamy and Mrensih
has nn equal aho teeth mounted on (he Tar
iou Bases in use and having bad a long
and extensive practice, and being perfectly
familiar wnh every department of his profes
sion, he feels safe in warranting entire satis
faction in all his operations, which shall be
carefai'y and skilfully performed.
Pirate call and examine specimens. The
superior qualities of the N'on-seclionat work
will be evident lo all who wilt give it an im
partial examination. Dr. Burlaa it tbe only
person who on struct this excellent work in
litis section of country.
Cif Charges shall corresprntt' with the
times. Ltwisburjk 5ept. 1, Is 01
a- r. . w rtrmrr
CViki JlVtlll.
Diseased 1j lee pi no ucms,
V. c..naa f-.inn
(.nvallAU JUIW. 1'iuuu,,
Ami l. at V wtMAtaiAi tnn t aa t, ,r ntiM
auu -.WW vo upovmu aavwr mvw J
dMMifi. enndilinn of the Booth. It ia
particularij beoeficia! to person wearing
eOmpletelr lleatrOj'mg (Trj laiot Of tbe
.k. .e...e.;.. .e.,1 ....n.Ie. all lee.....
uiuu.aj, u...u.ub, .v....e ... . Ji-
Titles, insuring
a swket breath
to all who make ne of it. A
Lulu or Young Gentleman who ii eflhc
ted with a
Bad Brrnth
phoold delaj appljiiog this remedy, for it
ia a certain cure, and ia approfed and nc
ommeDded by evert pbtsician ondi-rahote
notice it bai been brought.
is an effeoco for which there ia no excuse
E?. m. 13. KISS'S
can be proeared.
Many persons carry with them b-l
breath, prestlj to tba ansoysoee sod ofreo
to the dipgusl of I hose with whom they j
eoioe in eoDUet, witooat being cooecious
of tbe fict. To relieve yourself from -li ;
fears regardiog this, j
Use Dr. )Vm. B. UmttT $ Mvuth Wash. !
Cleaolioese of the month is of preat ;
impnrtsDce to the general health, which is ,
often affected, and Dot onfreqaendy peri-1
cusly impaired, throush want of proper '
I attention to this solject. ;
rM 0r.WM.I. BTRB M0ITR WtlH.
Prepared at Dr. Hard's Dental OSce.
Va 77 Lm,I. M 1 bl V n
4w. av uui u u w.( aiiiiiaiijU ja. a'.
I'rice, 3Y el per bottle.
A liberal discount made to Dealers.
AtlilresM Principal Ojfve, TriLune CuilJ
iaji, Ao. Spruce St. aVrr irk.
Sulci also bj Caswell, Mack Si Co., Fifth
Areone Hotel; J. & I. CoJilingtoo, 715
liroadwtT ; 1. S. Maroes, 202 liroadwa;;
I j all Urnggists.
This Powder preses tlife
and is frea from all Acitld or Alkalis tbat
can io the least injure tbe Teeth.
Ira action fceiog entirely mechanical
polishing without wearing the enamel.
Dr. Wm. li. Kurd's Tooth Powder
if reeommendtd bj all Eminent Dentists
Prepared at Dr. Hurd's Dental 0Gce.
.10. ii rourm st. rsroutlyn, t II.
Price, 2 cts per box.
A liberal discount made lo Dealeri.
AJJren Principal Ofie. Tribune liuilj.
inijt, So. 1 Spruce St. jVip lor it.
61J -1 u f tl at i r. .,
uum niau vj v.seni, ,iaca iX to., rum
Avenne IJotel ; J. i I. Coddington, 715
tf . li 3 I n .. u i
ud bj all aUrugjiats.
roB the ctRE or
li f3i " n .- r-i -??
produced by exposed nerves.
It is particularly adapted to all cases of
cbuJrcn afflicted with
O avtitearllo.
Parents ean relieve themselres from tbat
distressing weariness caused by
and their children from great suffcriDj?, It
keeping a bottle of !
l-lw hi.- n r.-.v- fl-.L,.i.. .....!
w.. wui. v. aeu.u .uuiiinijt uiujjo
id too bouse.
Prepared at Pr. Hord's Dental Office,
No. 77 Fourth St. Urooklyo, E.D.
I'rlcc, only 15 els per bottle.
A liberal discount made to Dealer.
Atitlrtu Principal Office, Tribune liuilj.
. r t ... e .
.y, a vprmce. or. .H ioru.
Sold alo by Cswell( Mack & Co., Fifth
Avenue IJotel: J. & I. Codd inert on. 7I.
Broadway: U. S. Baroes, 202 Broad-av;
and by all Druggists.
Dr. WM. n. IIIRD'K
or Toothache produced by colds.
Eocnl Hturalfita
is immediately eared by their application.
They act like a charm, and are perfectly
harmless io their nature; do not produce
a blister, and leave no unpleasant results.
Dr. Wm. B. Hmd's Neuralgia Plasters
never fail to give satisfaction to all who i
test tbeir virtue.
Prepared al Dr. Hord's Dental Office,
So. 77 Fourth St. Brooklyn, E. D.
Price, only IS cts each.
A liberal discount made to Dealers.
AJifreu Prinrfpnl Office, Irilmne Build
in Jt, Xa. 1 aSrace 5f. Aeio lorfe
Said eUo by Caswell, Maek & Co., Fifth
Avenue Hotel; 1. k L Coddmgton, 715
Broadway ; D. S. Barnes, 20- hrodwa;;
, tod by sil Druggiati. 9-0
1 rca PTHaimsG ths blood.
AuJ tx aiiy car W rlw Mlsac Tn iit), L
tkrornlmiiil Vr.riiin A4Srtl
..am. b.
t at 'I'm1MM. I Id vr-tf, UHTra, t.r H f !,,
!! i si !, HiMArba, J&.!
MltMt mmA all hkJa Ota,
j r. Am A rv I I It ay 4iiy
kn-'wi'-U" ?"' rtar-at-artHa di aja
' ll'.us itliir-la f r-Ji" iirtM. 1 h. t
j iu ,. wy w im-.
1 " uiv Ijti.l) a! a raw : mtit.
twiH-J l-wai I ie BwailWel.
'eea.-a T
' un hr. L
n m W-.l aayf ei. pHl aw w.i-
Uv. Wlltl
iv-v'i --
BM.Ie;u.wiin'MM.a.)ra.wlMen aapaw.laaaMaMiliT
I immii ae .IV ine. aiul M.
pi. ... m. -ni iib.tt oti-k rr.u4 lraa lain. i
wi,n, jkm w Uir ai i-ttn. i JJJJ
n.iee.1 Ut la. t..pl ..letis tlial ..at bad
I aw alt vial ... irarvipailMat. Ur 1 kuew ua .taw MU
.'ineii.iuliaieU .l an.lia.elit UUUewredaea. T'Li
" "" '- "' """" " -l"-i'l .
neil. m.l el elm 1 Hir
inre hxlllea. .a
! akm m-u l..n t aat ei.Wr Ike ar.b. a a. a an.
while All .tl .km i. Rue tear, aaj i kak.H
' "r."- r.'r-.rrr: r' " -r-
i a- It I- I. vr t
I I I l-I u (Antt I am aa it - lu T
i f.H. that I b-4.1 4-n tu tar uue il Ibe Hutk uf H
I b 4.i ;
a ajiairlMlijr
jtT.rttKD n Ttarr.
1 fjf. AlhiT Flre. Ha or Er.l iim
1 Teller mmiI i-mU Itl.eHlM. 14 Utd,
Kiu urni, hurt L.ywm, lro.
Iir. tx .1-rt V. prvbd writ ft.iw m .TIJila,
te Ij. that h b- mtr'l an imt.-raa r.
iiaedv'e. wtii.h ll.reat b( I. ininW fwl.
pr-Trrtr- uae ef fnr ai-Aarilla. mm! ai -T-e
; MU;iutn' irwjari. l Unv 't-j-f-a of tb "t. nja
Ibe .-Twa ll.oriavn ."ri-i -m by tt i-invatantly.
Uroncboeele. -ltr er Swelled Xeelu
Z-t.nl-n 1.-,k -f r-f.t. T-w writ: - Thr-!-
tWaf wht .-ietfitillarTe4 nt fit-m a -" W
tN. mi mi tite ixckp U U 1 ba4 aiUfet4
oTr It- rfai.
Lrnrarrbwi r IV K lift. 0-ri-ai Ttnairir,
I ierijaw t lcato, VcemI
Ut. J H f f-tua niiw. of 3- vk ni wnC; "T
te-l r-be-rl.illy r..uily Hh the fm4ym arta
aavmjt I h f-euifl "wr TAai-la a n-l Ii t
all-raltre it I bo nniWrnua fuml-Uitito fc alu.h , $t?
tMptof -nrh a n-nl. Ir-rt raf-rially in fmic htu
ai tl-', T"fiit-ii twtlv-.. I ! mmi naay inrn
at rr4 of tvn-.eril.An b -.
pi..tH w.
wl.i -h ha-t frl nil flf i-Wre'Ti- we auMM rmrky . .
t 1 la - n e"Hti.. i-l .-urn! l y y-ur K.trat .If
fanril!4. iir pl.ti.i.ti fh--trht w-thii I -at e.ra.
Ii.m e-MiM afT'i'l r. It. t-.t be .!.. I Um trtal. t
tSar"-.; .nil! a th- b-t r.rt h-S.i- rttl.in::. n4 t
prKVvI -i: ti;i!. After taLiii.' e-ur (.. eilu m-M
feu ) mpt m if th tl: - r-m-itna.'
fey pit ill ana Mervnrlal TUeae.
Nrw on I-,), i'-th t'i-.-nt. T-M.
K J C. ATM ! "r. I i-h.-.'1-tlilla r.)W.ll tie pw
(e4 cf "tir s-fff . ali-l -Ti t "Uau ul llie- ttU-tt
1 b;te reitail nh ynr r.:i-,riitlla.
I ii- ni'-l aiin it. in ittr i 'A tt. r-vr of tha
pijtnt f.er wb"-b it i eenAH-i.ar.J. m.-i hiir pawil c
raw ..tm. ..t.., kt t. i. .r v-w
itt-rii'i ii in riii n
i In hn ll.l K.t. wh..h r.r- . ...-uun.. ht. jl
ah'l .b tit-
i .if hi. n
V.jur eei.
Iha. Moadi.T Uca, t
rui.1 li
Iitr m An 'C.-r Itwkxl ' .
ail. tat k.e..l.n
lit lie atol tfca (aK-waai-a kaa
i.r.l.ie- i. irl ..I il I ful I U-l.- t '
Ainiiarwl by tttir-riUim' Mi ari. TiVilv.
Min-iU it fr ttaarae tartmt atwuir-iw-nt,'' jk
t.-lwaid S. trr-w. Aewi-ury. ia- wriica. - -bn.
r.n ..rvr.ira Imwr .n .j r)r baual- ia at- tn.,.t
liAHrlrc would m .. I l.ia W-.tt and kill blM. ttfl ' jf
i-'Ll'd iu tnt a-imir imii it.-ti j ur adTMarit'. :m ',
TjU-rt- ke-eiie-l ail it f 'H a;iri ut A ewn aHit: $
txrtirv .lWi.itie.lf.il W li tw. - A Wi lii:i r.Lx hl ' i
trimt.tl tr th " lr i ii l y .-mrt a aailVt- -
fl'411 tl.l (--.. Ill li r '-.II --. '1 Ia ll,l I In A)r V.
aitf ! li.- ,:lh-i th -I n : -I-'t' -la i teU -unttl .
fill- MllUi t.llll lit i-1 j" It't Jt.'l -(.. .-Jlat. I. IV .
mini h:m-I.i (t ''.ur at ..i ui . to a a-w a-,-. I
Jltl'.nT It HI tf- t Ir.iliH. nhlh - IIT a.-i.t l.:.v III-, llu, ,
tlitt I iwi-atati -rj ft -i jmii l-'b.ui..i .- W a at ' 1;;
I.1..-U; iiH-niir. itn- tru!y rt mi kalhf -uiU -
nila. It rtSt.lt INrt Attl.--d UMT.
l.alr.UaJlj j-Ht-s G. V. LAKIUEX. M P.
Rhe o mat lam, C.ont. Llrtr Ctataaplalnt.
I r er rvt, lri.l. v. Vaw. Hi Jal l-i
!. J t". .: Mi. I h.no ItrnM a "J a ,
fnl lin-iiir Hmf-f Ut a l.o- iittw. alf-fc t-.HI - un
akill ' 1 4i a(i v ai.-l u L tn- in t-j-itr f V,
nuieiliM 1 r-y-Nlx fin -I. iii.ut I it it t'W mr ur .
tnKlle .U I IM- ttl I"1 e.-k, HI 1 rf Hfl ! - -.
k4llh nifti tb.it 1 am fir Utl -r than I- ' ' m
ilmkviL I lb. iik tl ml- ilut uii-. lam-. J. I a. LA.
Jiile-) Y. ficti-lif!! " f Si le'ui. aiiiI-: 1 ha"
Bin-r-t t" .l twllH ail i ,..eT. .
nn li- tiU'i. lu .lvt ri u.it,-. : t -I -T-ri it ;
bik-rl ... .-Lt.r n.; anil I hm- Uvn m lec.eV -n-.t-wn rut
I -! V-ill .-'tv I i-.11 1 tv liittt ' f .t.ar( "
tW .r." Ji. U-I.H.-I ra-ri.t.tlil.T. Mr. tti-
ttf It- li 1- iir Miv;-aii-m. ,--!tli. 1... jaU In- Lr. .
au-1 -i-n tl.m : ii...- it, rriiH. P ''
ll't; '! It. lal'-i ., Atn.i lliim iritir-J fit -i
a. Hi tkf At Tf li. .all -t inr. I M -tUii avl. 1
l"-t ila.it aa W Mni -f jr.., w n.t Ljif ciwaj 1'nM.ajgk."
khlrrai.raarrr Taiaor.. Knli.raTriant.
I li--ra(liti, l mi ira lid Lxllmtin a.'
lh JUea.es. .
A rat r-rT cf . Int. 1-tn i-ff-art-! fo tim-tl-.
itM t-f the- t.jiil.l-.Uf f-nij-UitH. !(.. rrenilrl l
t iiiiL""!!.
f tli-iii rt-.i. W t- mt-l wr
f.irni.h ittniM au ill a .-11 R tLMi.
Ali.tatin.'. aiiK-h itiai: i- It-." nvMMrtl air p.tawu I
I-pepl. lf-art Olafi'r. Fllo. Fpllap
v .uriuiiruwi) . ..ramiu"
Maat n-niai Ictl'itj rtir.- -f a:'f fca -
ttiMt l.y tl..- alt-i;'iir-1 a-r 4 rt . tt . . it iirr
Inl-a tH i:l I mi. it. t. n.t.i v r r- . r :: i. v-l tti iri
VMTitlt- U.lil l fi"ll tv.-uM I- --- i - Ji
IVav-h. fi-U a n tiu lr I. i t, ; ' r- ...'-i ly
n avitifi vf ili r-l . 31 i r- r..r.(ii-ul lUa. lt
dit t r it.- ni -II ;ie-l -!h .nf , Jv.
, - , grt Y A .
( "
roit tiu: irrm cmie or
Con fr ha. r,l. lnfnMa Ilnaraitasw
(tanp, lainiH nilu. iNrtpirnt o
: aHtitJtiui. ana itv i ue iitci
f 1 uniiitivr Iwtluta
Ih tart anrrtt Stages
t mt the lirat.
TbU h a iWrTrvdr ao nnirre!t; inewn - nr nw 7
i iVtiMir t-r th enr- -f tLrnl and inti (..,.. il.al tt '
: ia ul".S hif l" u.'lh I'm- .--ti-Jerce . f in i''
t uuriYAlVd (tc. llrit.f fr-r -H:ha and cul'l t
I fttnUrli.l rii- t,f nu:tii n.trr (It-tin, i t-
- i
known, tlin lelMiit the fitrta-t aatfcn f tl-
K.-w are il r- auitvitiilH. fcii;.--, nr r : a fc1
i w)m kaa if t.taaa' eanerit-ne. cd u-.ert-t ,
ani liiin; tr..ijv iitl.; ir fU: il .ft-'i "" t
au M ! ourf iUi.fi. .ItHH.i' m of the th ru.it and l"S
A All K.-k-w tl.a .Ir- 'lul t-.tj!rr t tl;-w u.-'f.-i ' ;
a l bey knew. t.a. ! -- raf ihia rtnie.l. ' 6 ;
do -"Vf lliiin !(.a-ptn tti-aa tiul it I ..- a ir- ' .'
It- th-l It d; I br nMRint: lb- rurv wl. ib b'f
wt'B au atrne'y w-uti tw ...ai:d.'in-e "l naiiK o-L
Prepared by Br. J. C. AYER & CO.. Lowell, Ii
CSoId by C W SrhafTTe and hr Harr
OuwrsR. Owiat.urt: C t' Runah, New Berlin: J t
HatfrnM-ller, f..i.errue; J t ft t.aat and t 11 R !
MUHinharc; Correy A Ur. Xrw Cat am Via ajd dcteti
evrywhfra yT-tivow
VCrRliit'Sandentrrtainnw :t Bt.
(all abini .Matrimony. Mua.y, ariir t
tr mattrra.) fur tbe rain-riDent of crerr
(a"d tae jouv folks alsw.) oa lour vrmtf
"'"'."S': dy. tc Price. a ci
Boleale. 15 Cents, fenl by nail for se
3 rem stamps. For sale at the" Word) t"m
if" office. W OKDEN A COR.ELIl S.
rubli.hera, Leeul nr
"Well jwap into tha Wagon, an4 ail taka a ril-'
I..RGEt han-iome i
A L and ver eoinliirta-atpwC,
be w ato-. hasbrrn
fined up for the -p -winJtioB -
nc-.i ie wa oww siaiiiir ricurMoit. lent
m?..VpF17 J"' M
s ' , .
Horseman's Friend, or
CTi roi Wet Companion.
Fiiiy.'i'wo Valuable Rtrripis fi r the F.iri't
and Horse Healer for a;e (lit cts) br
U J 8TAUI., Bookbin-ler. Lewisburr,
fTIHE Bnest cc ais ma 'e on twelve hat
) aotice bv JOHN B. MII.LEK..N. .U
the oldest anil best l anor id trruomi
Ui) Confliy ?twf & Ec-iriiirci ti-;i-
jy ixPEPK-VfKXT F.tvJi.r joi xyi
tsaard FHaajsM Uakkarclaloa rwai). Traa
riTir Pr jear. tw ai KI IS ipr.a r-aW
Rt h aamerate p-r a lei.rfT or.b. iter peri.d. I !"-( '
ru will pa. lhwr winmba. Teto.r ii m. all
farenihl aanntba. jdol.ur .ilee aiui lb.. .1 e. I w
aenra. ia for fcnr re.pie. one year. i .r lee eel ..
peer. . Sincle N. a rta. fntaneuta h. ' '"
reeelve.1 in rl,d. pe-tlte .Lmp" er rank art. . ia
ealwebere. aaltt.ol rnwuerie
Rd-She. Ihe timeeaaite-evaitirri
(wnleae we bare n r..i.. are,.nt It la PTol I 1 V .
ai.raRTl.wraT. haa... nt'W piiMl-h.1. at i" '
Wiaare eee week. Ji eta aa.-b !ter in-. In-. 3 " ,
ae atha. i dot. per er. Itelf a iware . I". "
dl.3dnl T...-iilar1 rr
net..ernnelin.ieraeolen. indel-perv. .r
aizee. 4e ea ai.f he aaree.1 a..n. A Miuare i. ,
amalleet tepe. er 1 ef weat l.rrer. a.I.erll"
weaanralniar. illerai.orawtndliliR' fenden ut.l '; r!i
Comnnonicati. na de.tie.1 en t. .piee..r ' ' '
and eern.neail k the wrer-a real rameei i f t
TbeM VINtTK-Tlil.lilH .i; II I. I--at-l
at the Stmr I leraae le wi leh weeenlnwt r
N.weie ad ranee e tbe fbilad aila. , ,,rtf
I I I l-
CeWtoeeted eih the I .ffl-e are .fc( -e e.-..- ' ...!.
iwda nf JOB PBIP1TUIO. -hiek all he. a r'
lauaniiuBrniejiew.--'- - fr-n-.ee.
and .!-er.leb ar.l en ae" "'" t
W Cwa! arfertla. a.enia le e . r r
ka J W. rb wner.ayir.eer4. " . ,
,-,orri.-e ,.elMl.--l"