Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, April 01, 1862, Image 2

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Out npon tlie horizon's ver;re,
Jnt hcyood the beating surge,
With its friniicd ami plnjury el;re
' CM" tangled, lra-U and flaunting sodpe,
Of weeds and wild rice pmwiiig rank
In the niarslu-s thick and dank,
- "VI" hen the day in (splendor broke,
Jaj tho Isle uf ltuauuWa.
T"p apiint the tli.-tnnt sky
liose their earth-work., stern and high ;
From th' enibrazuna looking down,
Wide monthed pins nnd mortars frown ;
And the stunted woods conceal
leathered ranks of j-litterintr steel
While their fleet defiance spoke,
Echoing over Koanoke.
All day o'er the snrjrinsr "trull
Rained the fhutver of shut and shell ;
All day o'er the whispering pines
Answered back the Kelnl linos ;
Step by step we gained our way,
Kept the taiiutinjr fie at lay.
Till, through clouds of wreathing smoke,
Might came down on Koanoke.
Through tho reeking, black morass.
Choked with weeds and woven grass,
'Midst the booming cannonV roar
Now our forces reach the shore.
On they press, with frantic yell.
While the IUbels backward fell,
Till one shout from thousands broke,
And they conquered Hoanoke.
Honored be that glorious day !
Praise our brave boys in the fray.
For the brilliant charge they made
Through the deadly cannonade !
Tears for those w ho nobly fell
For the cause they loved so well !
. Fell iu that triumphant i-troke
That raised our flag o'er Koanoke. J.M.
From Tennessee.
CniCAao, March 25. Tba Nashville
correspondent of the Timet has arrived at
Gov. Johnson baa pat newspapers un
der military rule, and suppressed one or
two. He has issued a proclamation of a
conciliatory character. He says he do
ires to win the people back to the Uuion,
bat shall deal vigorously with treason'
Mr. Etlicrid'ic had vfitle a speech, in
acAu-A Ac Mid that tlacery iron.'. tc atu- !
ithed if tee could not conniicr them avu
other way. Tho Dew gorcrnmcDt was to
go iota operation next week. Warning
bag been given that any one uttering trea
son, will be arrested. The Union feeling
is gaining ground; business is pretty
nuoh resumed ; all the stores are again
opened, and prices have been much re
duced. At Centerrille, part of the Rebel forti
fications were mounted with "Q'lakiT can
won," (maple logs, painted black.) These
t l.s . . t
woras, ana moe ai ..janassn, suouia nave ,
been eapturcd last tall, togctuer with a
large part of the liebel forecs and material.
M'Clellan'a useless delay bas cost the
country $300,000,000, at least. This was
"splandid strategy" against the Treasury.
!ItMCtdaU Democrat.
Mieajab Phillips died recently at Mari
etta, Ohio, aged about one hundred and
ttcrmty years. He was a slave of Rer. Mr.
Fountain, and a waiter in the Army when
Yorktown was cptured. Afterwards be
was with ltlennarbasset on the Ohio, until
ha died. Mrs. blennarbasset taught him to
read nnd write, and be preached to the
colored population cf Parkersburg, Va.,
J a member of the Daptist churcb.
What a Western Editor wants.
rERN Editor wants.
ffice-a bull dog, of any
pkin and milk; of res-
"Wanted at this office
color except pom
Dectabla site, snnb nose, cropped ears.
nbbreyiated continuation, and bad disposi
tionwho can come when called with a
raw beef-steak, and will bite the man who
pits tobacoo juice on tbs stove and steals
the exchanges.
CoL Slocutr, Mj. Billon, and Capt.
Tower, of Pawtuacnt, 11. I., have been
disinterred, tnd taken borne from Manas
sas for decent burial. The Rhode Islanders
had done them much damage, and the
bead of one of these officers bad been cat
off by the liebel s before burial, is seen by
out wbo pointed out the graves.
A Peons) ania State Sabbath School
Convention is called at Chambers' ltroad
St Cbnrob, Philadelphia, for Wednesday
the 28tb May next. Every School in the
Btate it requested to report to it. Corres
pondence to be directed to "Box 620, Pbil-dtlpbit-'j
Curious, is it not? When Seces
sionists nt the North are shut op out of
danger, there are certain so-called Demo
crats wbo bowl dolefully about it. but
when Unionists nt the South are trusted
in the same manner, tbeee persons makoi
HO complaint
A fire in east end of Williamsport re
Ctntlj destroyed tbe frame Pottery and
dwelling of Geo. V. EJkins, himself and
family barely escaping from (be flame.
Lots about 1 1,0 Jd ensured $2,300 io
tbe Lyeoming Mutual. The origin cf tbe
fin not known.
. .... . . .
lion. II. D- Maiweti naa teen appointed i
Judge of tho Third Judiosl district, vice
Judge Finlay. resigned. The appoint
Blent was urged on Got. Curtin by unani
mous application of the legal profesaion
of tbe District.
The corporal accidentally shot dead at
Tort Royal, 8, C, was Samuel A. Kcipb
arl, of Newberry, Ljo. Co l'a. His
cousin, Win. B. KeigbarJ, was mortally
wounded by tbe same mistaken encounter
between Unien forces.
The Solicitor General of England said
that the pretended list of 300 vessels that
run the American blockade, was reduced
to,19 on examination. Tbe tide in Europe
is decidedly against the Sccessiouicts.
Cotton is falling, there.
Martha Wilkinson foriirinall OoitI
died reeentlt in Sheshcouin. l's. seed no-1
wards of 90 years. Sbe wss one of the 1
children io Fort Wyoming, when those
outside were massacred by the Indians, io
A , , t. . , I
fttnnr tb market prices of Richmond
is sabstitatcs for,ahose brass chivalry who j
Cob i want to H2l : Hessians taogn Iroto
tM to tJUU. j
Union County Official Record.
MM Jeiye SaM'l S. Win.., lcW. F-oatOffll
Auoeijje Jv-I.jt J mix W. PivutT". -JiiTioi.urg d-
4o Join Wuu, Loartai.nrs d
Sheriff LiFwarri Aijuuniif do do
Vrothonotary S.kcei. Koran, lo do
liey d K'c. G L is Meksill, do do
District AUcrnryJ.V. C. Bi Clim. NiW fiVrHo do
Trmurr-J-tx A. St an J. iewil.t
Qmmifi'iirr Ihttd II. Kr.u.T. IinlTalo. X rtoa.l. !o
da Krijii.m- i lt..LtM)r.. SI. tumours 00
do Jtai-r M. VV.-i.tfk. . I flit i ij .!
Cbmm iuvmeret A-dri. Kva-ii i-i,.ewi-l nr lo
do c.,.l-J uH Iri, d.. Jo
do Viwr.n V..Ki.iJLC-.EM:nr". tl tlo
Jf-miafte .Ipprai'wr Ttl .ClTrL!1 'ilililluurg d'
Srr'tr C.iN.At. Sitt.'.Li:F.. F IV.'t Hilt o
j,V't-Ku.ilt Stk u-u, lwial.tira: do
Auditor Slier n. C. Wilt. IlartVl,.a do
do Iiiitt Siurftii, l.Ki'iurj do
do IIirthihb TumUfmjs, Mitrttiihonc do
School SujtrriMt'-mUmt V. lliKESD0Ki,Xeti Dorlin do
Tost-Oniccs in Union county.
Ulrica tin nn.lTtownFhi!' A J r.'rrcmiin. P M
.v..r .lui.tilown. 1:r..tlv Frl - Knit ailni.!!. '
l',,t' It er V. ij--llligult.aii, M b !Ti i l I.'. M hir-K
.Vrv) f'"f4M'l(t
J K eorr- T
H"...f lft;l.K!!TT
Zetci-tiuie (i'oiuty feat)
f-enit IMJrMlumtflle)
MilHtttlwro - - - -lUttl.t.-o
Jet, r.lr- it . w. I Hartl-v Tp)
n'Uitr St.m y ilu-'BU'Ile T') -.V.
- It- rim
WiuJuLl llry VaiL-y, I'nion Tp)
JfTlii 0 .t.r.idO
UiH. W r..rr.'-t
J:i '( f i.lll
- Mori in C-i.ly
Mira M St-r..
- ' limit-H
Virii ililti luiT
J S hH I. lit it-li
. I.UJ Mi.Hk
- f.ial A WM.r
New Tear's l;iy ith
-Hanks clo?o on
Rtular Union comity Conrt ( pen
Third Mur.Jiy in h'Sruary May?t u-ir l r Uat.-.i iulr
Scvou and TLrco-Tcnllis Per Cent.
Treasury ."Vole
Now reay for rieliverr at ih OHce of
JAY COOKE & CO. Umkers
Na. Il l, Snuth Third M., i'lnla-lelphia.
Iriin.WT i inMrurliotis frnin the
HooU lo ibe NCW NATIONAL I.OA.N ot i
'JVfaury Nolrs, bparni7 int'-re! al the rale j
of seven anil ihrpe-tentr.s pfr cet. ptr .nirur.ri.
Vill remain open al my fiiice, 1Ni- 1 11, S. : i :
St., until further not.ee, Ovm A M, until .1, !
M. and on M .tiJavs till 5. I M
Thee Xttes will be of the ilenrrnination of;
$S0, $100, A.V)0, f l.flOO anI $5 0(Ht, and arc
a!! liated VMh Aupubt, ISfil, payable in cM.
in three years, or convertible into a tv. er ty
vars hx per cent, loan at the cptit-n oi the
holder. Each Treasury Nut 1ms inrrst i
coupons attached, whtch can be cm oil an
collected in enM at the M nt every B mt-nili j
at the rate of 1 cent per day on carh ."j'.'fl.
Payments of subscriptions maybe ma-le in
Gold or Checl:s or o'5 of any of the Phila
delphia Han!;. Parties at a distance ran
remit by their friends through the mail, by j
eipress. or thronch Ii.in:;s, ami the Treavnrv
' v'" e immeuiateiy neiivere i, or sent ,
U ....Hll.-IH , UlCJ IU.I MUtll. I
rarties rrmttimi iiirit a.lil the inleres: from '
i the lllih Aiieut, the date of a!) th nnics, to i
iU J ... .k. .nl..nM. ...k.n 1u.I..i.i-i.. '
ai me rair oi i p. r cpiii per ujy on e3cu -ou.
prr eent rer day (
Apply to or aa-Iiess
Jay C'oniir, SriwmpTio AntST,
Care ot Jay Cocke A- Co. Hankers,
0l3in:t No. Ill, S. 3,1 Si. Philadelphia
iFsf Salt.
imf f Are manufacturinz and have
rrjJ""i,J'.on!.tantly on hand a Iare quan-
Ti 1-i - -I'.uiistr.iii
kfcf.j,, nf 4 feet Palinss and 3 and 4
ifciL'iicjreei I.a;l
h at the following prices:
Psitinsft headed in a new style, from S
to $10 per M
I.atll 3 anil 4 feet lonp, f 1 to JI.C2? pr M.
Mllllfclo at $5 io i?7 per thousand.
ralings and Lath made to order, any length
parties mav desire
IHtlartf Stein Sawmill, C6. MM
T'ulrd St., above Race, Fhiladohhia
TERMS. $1.55 per day.
KIIOAUM &. 6A1I.OK, Proprieiors.
TII5IIVANT.RtloAIl3.f.irmi.rlT of t Natural IlfM.
tllAKI.KS f AILOU, lonoprl i fslmvlkr.l i;u..l'a -.ly
iAt?u:n, ross & t o.,
J.;,., Tv . , r i
;r "Visltlir,? Flailing Jli
fc-riM'iefp constantly on hand
1 I 'J 1." (UTI L. FiLMER AMI Co.)
hatid and
manuiaeture lo order I loorlllr.
Ioor.Sah, Ktiutlt'i-N. I'-IIimIn,
.tiGUlllllia;!! ot all patterns,
and all other descriptions of Wood Work used
in Ktiildin;.
Orders respectfully solie.ted and promptly
filled. All work warranted to eive satisfaction
C7An extensive lot of Lumber of a)'
descriptions on hand f..r sale.
Factttry oti A'orM Seamd strtet, L(tci-slurg,ra
April 2S, 1859.
Old Post-Cffico Stand.
A LAEGE supply of Bonk.s.Staiiorcry,
it rerfuinerv, Jewelry, Tovs, tJonfernon
eries, Teas. Apices, Fruit, JVtits, Itsktes.
Pictures, and a variety of KICK NACKS lor
sale cheap hr
7f.3 II W CnOTZKIJ, I.ewis,urs
nt I.cul'.Iitii-R, I'll.,
Al XILItltr r.i THE
I prepare ! to tend lo the country,
:illl.lli;i'. nix-it from .1 lo 1R n,,,.i ,,i
.t.D. i..... . .k.:r . i... i. . . i ;. .
is the desire of this CnmmiUee lo send them
to good homes anion? Fanners and others in
: ihe country. Persons wishing a child to
'; adopt, or raise as their own. by addressing
j either one of the undersigned Committee. will
j receive a Circular giving particu:ars. Good
references will, in all cases, be required.
) Ku.mm; niMUiTm: of it;ntn'. n.
M. F. W. VllMlOC , K-- C. II. I.I.IM1ACII
Mr. JiillVS .X WALLS. lr. C. W. M I1AHLK.
H. II 8. HK'KhiN, hrr. ItAllXK.
Mr. iami'kl liiniuiis, Mr. pkilr hi iisn,
llrr.J. W. ULIMin?,Cnr'g Xrc'j. Aug. &ml
THE subscriber keeps constantly on hand
a large assortment of the very best Sha
mokin and Wilkes-Barre COAL, for lime and
stove purposes, which he will sell al Ihe very
lowest prices for Cash or Country Produce.
Also, HtarknmUht' Coal, Platter ana" Salt.
Wish it distinctly understood, that I will not
be undersold by any man. Having good
weigh-scalcs, full weight will be given.
Coal Yard near Weidensaul's hotel.
Lewisbnnr, May 27,'5!.
By C. J."ST.1III
BIXDERTon 31 stret-t, a few doors
Dorlh of Jlarlut, LE W1SUI Uli. JU
T) T i ATf O for Justices and
JJlJAili IV O Ci
Constables, for sale
primed to order, nt the ChrnnideOfjce
IOI XO A NOTE for One Hnndrrd
Dollars. parable at the Bankof Danville.
hieh th owner can have tTpriiinit proner-
,. ...i D..ia- rhllr.,, .' 8 p p
s"rV this opfi-h
pOI ' KIT A bor ot K F.YS left ior the
the uarnei ai ibi )oe, l.ewif burg
DEAI.KR in DniTs, Uye Huifts, Paints.
Oils, pie, t.emiral. White Lead,
Window Glass, Pine Oil, FluiJ, Alcohol,
X.tii't FmiI Oil, Turpentine, Fruit,
A c. Also, the best Hran.lv, Wine, Whiskey,
Gin, Ac, for mediral purroes,
AnnflKS' CLOCK, LEVI3Eini(J,
(furmerly Pr. Piinly's Drug Store.) Call in !
IwlHl.onr, Mat 21.
WM. TAfiEzra
t lllnrnr nt Latv,
Lcwisliurjr, Union Co, Ta.
OiTi.p in South Secnnl Si. fi.rnnrly occupied
by Jimrs B Ilnnlin l".-q. ilcccased
I.cwishnr;, Aril 4. Itfit
What Evr rjbo:ly coulil not lie iunc ,
L;is al last l-cca Accomplished !
VMUliosr.'.-s ,ual Oil ,Tn lilinnry
Han't l,am;. Tbe luiluuing arc Konif
il i: p. '.am :
lt. ' n-r v.itli t!ir rliiinnrr, nliirti l..f'Trvr. ii
t t u-e av
:l. i.:nii...
4.i. I n: n. I
r. .-iirln il
it i I'fl'i 1 '
i-.i! ri-n tin1 cVmtvv TTny.
::,r I : fT -'-.it tr- It- :.h .j.i iM- of ro;iI
irri.i auuLl with itV-ut ilic-am.1 U-
i f II
ti irir
Tli- !
i:!. .-1 !!
" In hi?rt!in t Itnrrrv- tV" q i
.urn. m.iY t: lur.'l & ut-k wi-li
.in ! ;it: -.-li-l tn nv Ini". '.ni -i.-t-
ale by J. A. KKKAMKR. j
Al.Hf), j'jt rT-ivc'l, a lot of Prf-nrh Pr-
semn? lC'i!f. Corn P -pp-r. At. Ac. at j
J. A. Kiii: AMI.U S Tin riiop. corner lr:i j
and Mai kel streets. Li vvisburir, AiU.,'fjl
frj J) LlW-on, II'j:Icran5 ! j
A larce aiirtmt-M t-f
n;---; Vit.lii. (J-iitars Ac. of all
'V?;"--' Vnt'N-alsti Vbdm. fi-titar.
and H"tn r- rirs Hri.ices V' ?. Ar.and thp
I"' Violin Rjia-
-call at the P-.-l :nrf and ;
v F(i.;iii;st
r thk .p; iT'r i I'r.r
! i.
i 'i 1.1 J "Ji ic Ifl!- r
1i I!t; llal-amii C. rnl i.
t: tl. in nt 11 1' 1:
t r.iir. lv n V-:
i:.- r..r . rl
: il,-li !l..i
i::i Hi- ii
1. r it
c nil irintl. n I i
Hint ;li-rr .ri' l ul 1. w
I I"
I'.f I-.
t. imi -. l I.
n r! i
J, Mii-.umu li 1... ti. uuii uiij lili1 ;iui
'),.. IU lr..lm.nl Mlm,IT ll!ll-l
p,.,.; , . ,"ht, tl ut',. T-,m ... tt n-.i -.n- n'-.f ii;
tifi-i iin ni'-''-.ii i-n.i. i.-it i.i.-.,.- :i-ji.;rr-.i m .i
,.-n. v in l.iH tr xt'Tl -.il t III' I.m . MiiHi H'
tfiinl- Cftrliitl,
llt. nn. il-i
t. J I., ti:-- TTf.'ln- tl Ii . f ;
...!. II. . ll li. Ii . :
iifc- . t. tin1 A fiv
: .,l
. liHTrc'inf rn 1 1 rtc -urri'iTiii tint
of ii.'i:'fii en f(
iJ.ur'iTtitv. fr ti
man n.mm -r- Li'i .ii. i.'un all i
r. in.-.li. i.i II .II-i' l, .r. i:.J l.
i-iv. It!'
r Dr. C. M. JacLtyn J;
O".. I f l-til- -. I II .'.
li.e r-.i..'i..t I I -vn. I f r arli.. of Ji-i. rac-rr cn
pr:;l hi. I rt-.-rc t tl 1 .sn any ...L.-r I., wl.i. Ii tin- ... ,1
nf II: . i.'l' Iry ar nl j ! tl.u Pf-rlr lptr l.-oni a
li .lit . r Ttiat m. n. rt aiillK rily. iir. I;. :i. ...y.;
" 1 will not .it tint I". ' i. r.rr t.t our ini: .!..(: nr. whut
Hih 1 Ir.iJ.. mi I Y-.-!. I . t it a it ! Il.o... .. . .her ro.m-tri.-:
l..it I citn at -r p' tifi l.-iitlT Hint lli-r ii-li.-r in .1 i
rmseuf t;reatr coii'lkity an.l mnrti.liiy tt.an tima.. latt. r
r.ea.1 what Ilia rtnlnrnt OI... Mmt.r-i-tnr.r. JOHN M.
W HITALU ea.fl if the IIAI.AIUO ColtOIAL.
Pn ''. M. J. Ksnvy:t.. j .., , ,1 Trf.-o l : llf.tlntf f ra
Ioiit limp I '" n a" :T.Tr.l.-1 with T.rfi. I.I thy L AI
SAM II' fill; 1. 1 L in I .i;i-:i.. 1 1. .1-. li.:i..iitiin itija uf
I -mi!., ic. I lt.it. fr. il,. u r V .ini ..:v u. i. i-ei. a..y.
r..r-..rl yi-ari I tiiao in-.-r V-.-n witlimit II in my
f icillr. 11 i' al-" iv. a mr .!. ii-'in- ti. -It th.it I Imti-H..-.1
it with f niir. n.-. in I!. rt tin. .tit ll.-w.-l
C..i'illi.ir.t. Tli. IrUuJ Mil, J-.IIN M U II1TAI.1..
1 .fill Mo. IT. 1'.' . Iliir." nt. ativ. till, I liiUa'a.
i-Th-.a m ili.Ira. arf f .r fall- t y a'l r. .r.-tal le
Oruji-l.. an.l .I-aI. Ti- in nu Ji. ir.". In ti.f l. ril- .1 rl.it.
Cain..:.!., llriii-ii rr.ivitir.-.. ninl WV-t lli.li.-..nl T." o-nt.
fter iK.tilr. l:.' -orf au.l c--t t la i-fni.in. will.t!i iLa-tur-
f-1 C. t. J '. It'..n on 111- wr...;..-' .1 .:.i-!i hi.ttlc; all
uii.t-r. arc r..un:. rf. it. Tnoi i.i-.I nfri.'c atiit Miiiulrt
ry. 41 s Ari-h .trri-t. riilU li.l.i, l'a.
tc i r.. t ji:Krs.iLt:.'!i.
Jerusalem anJ Ihe Sacrc.l Tlaces
M!i.imA!;ni viz nn citt,
The above work i cummendd lo the favor
able noiice nf r lergrmen, and those having ;
char? "1 undaj--chools. Bible-classes, and
public insnmrions. j
It is about nine ft-et .mz an.l six feet wide, j
cttlurtd and varnished, aud mounted on can- (
vas wiih rollers.
T !iirni'n on-friiffr 1 r.-o-T, ihp nnt nnt.pntir nd
r--1.H! K'urcc. at.-t ftlli b" I nt-t ot invultinl.l.- M to :
thr-f pursi'i I in In Itiiinc on tlx- Hk,w Land, or in im- (
frt.n in-truilico Ut Mbi-ol clacn-a uu (.be tuij-ct U J
wlii. h it M-ik. j
Jt aim ti cire iin xn f of t!i r!tv n Jt np;r'"l ;
in mn i: tit tit:ir. It if t-ikrn a ri;i:t ry " or "1 al- ;
Kob" iw. tit.- i.- hii- 1- r U lug. in i:n r:!irtti n. !ai-.-tl nt ;
(-.'nM'.'-."!.'.' -: nt.- n. H" tr tak a t-'tsf jr. !i-n;?i' '
Vt'W rif tttf rttjr aud ot hrwlioltr tmutrj f..r tuo U:a- !
t.ii ir..iii. 1.
I'lir ti w t nc'-mTnt'lffl wlfh nn Ontlin- Kry, !n ,
wJti-li ili t'fT-rriit l..ci!iti. ;ir numr- J. sti i a ,
rrit tivt" lanunl ntnTri,ri' nil tin- inf. rmxti'in mri-
rnry titi n.il v en to UtL- Vrw In u JtanUii'in Uiai h- j
inb' or avturit'ff. .
ttii: rMT vntin mil.
This is a V. leiiy Keimu-u. i'prr, pub-j
lihed at the vry tow price of One Dollar a
It is designed fir rarents.Toar.hT5, and all i
wlin arp e.iyacrd it ini';retcd in rhe n l.pi- 1
otf irarnM.p vt ilie yoiu.y. Ii is also au ei-
Cfl;ent Fiiuiily Tapir. j
A t'Tl i'-II "I" ill" yf!ff f.'-Srh'tnt 7l'm Ii f-'tpl" I with 1
NnrrHtuf.- etui ...licr nmlt-r r-jir'tfii'iirh- in I. rti to
V'.'mij i r-( . ! i-r- wiil flini m il inin h tl.el Uy '.
a ill t.kf t r-r fi (! ir f! - ir.t, r--l.n; m.itti-r j r. -inrctj
to ttt.'ir liittt 's m..l u-!i n thy .! m l ti-"t
wii'-rt'. r r 'tr- rv- rf. .;, nn n. r ! Ki'.;.- r :;.?- ,
till I I lit- (i. It r r!-li':!r L." IN TttLV, Will !' i;rvl,J LtD' iil-
tl by tli- u-itf ! tli:- r.
Tli -I fMi,iT'y . hJ U tf ; U t-vt-Ty WcV rff-rt f
thurhi't' ( m matter. 5fl-r'ft Irftn (?.' N-n t'r .-r-nip.-t- '
' h'l' it I in? In it i . .!.!- .t i 1 1 ,-ti..tif:.
r in"!'!' t,t . ns-i-lr- iLii tif .nt.-IM .i-iiim-. :
I tilt? .f.W..v ..(,V.J i-r.ii'Aju" tin- ni"t r.-it-nt
J unrt.iy fh l nw. It r- t- rt .l th" imf rt.tit t.n
j -nti ft 'r fi'i.'.iT-t li.f tml"-r. It .M.-rn-M's tlii
qif!.on rn'ii' Ii in' -t inti-r"-t iul it' ri'.'-K tn ich-r" itnl
ari-iit. rif 1riini tin- TH..n m lu'-l-ffri hiiHiii tinm
ttitc f-rt!. ji-unj; th" m sail nt Luinlnn Iti.- atf-nt-on
itnl th nf!-tlriii -.f rl-tlln n. an 1 fjt-rii!lv of n'-ottriite
thir riT'T.-i' avil l.r.n ;tnc tli-m to Oliri's-t. Tli"-.itt- :
j rtftf Mi-Hr,n S!m'C! f,,r rit H-'. nml rf .-itn.taj- .-h'...l '.
nit.-inn',ry wrrk lr ft .- int ri -r. I t! oronvlilr r mti-a. j
!. Imltf l, tlirrs is ti!r.:ty a t j ir -f pr.-'tirj,1 imtior
Unr to any h ir' i,tT"-t.-l in tlf tn- jft ..f t-lii. j
oii . diri ti' ti, (,. ii ii:.,t htrc L'i'uue'lit under cousidtr
atin frtr.1 w k to w ik. j
TIip i t-n 1u -ti'T of tl'w rvrr-r sin'MTfir h rotne-m Wr, :
tht tho grfat -nd of all thri-llnu rff-rt in to Winn m-a j
to Chi i-t. Trif y aira.ii -n.riliniy. to f -,it int-if T'-ry Hum- '
hfT.-f the pnp-T'mth;iT-whtt-hsliailbavw fur iU direct I
el jtct the coavernou oi tumla. !
SITff tl DFriR. j
Thr ProprMord of iht Fuvd'ty & ?fyJ Tima Mvinff arv j
(iniri'd tli- r-.chiM.'r rfcl.t of uf th- Frls-ndi-l m-ik '
nn-nlonil th M r or A"ct-t Jim iu.fm otTi-r It
a ;-.:;! rn-mfnni tn tliOhf f fiinton nts. ttn-ln r
or othi. irtio will afirt in guttJDg new ttbcritvr to
p (.Tf r t!it mtprb nrpwlam to any onp wTiowitl tend
tu Uie atames oi w w utwrii-crs aca in cau.
Tn Tcry cm, ll-r h.-trinnin tomnraM.hrnr
to .tf to nn nnd r.titn.t, the nc-i"sry d iifn-ntn and
inFtrnrtioo?. Thffi will you "rr tly in prrw-atmi
tl work, and mill j-ati- you tnanr ciiKUd.cs. Koclosc &
cents in stump to pay fiwt :. Addr5a
IliiipntT- r.s r y Prl.Ar-t iT'vir Time,
US, tSoutit Fourth rtrert. Pbilajf lphia.
J.8.aark. E.Hior.Ify. f.r.Shorklrj. r.Bearrr
S. rARSU & CO.
TT7E llftT. eoBsta&tljr on hand api lor rat..
" . wiioLEtiLii ou rrran,
ltrfr. J&rer ffnrf wr oi ruder; itraitt .nrf r;rM
fcidrrr; Itttn4 and JInrtt tt.ntr Oim tifallrri; Ott. TV.
.an Awr ipurat m.n. oirr .n yi.K t-moert; Ckivtr
lluttm. iUeri. rhrrtt.erl, J-I.mt, St'.rci. ltetts. mn
Wa.'.ir rlftH-ltn-ig. iranHnce: Jt itiiniJr.!l Gtn'rinfft,
e. Sr.,an.l l..iil oiir-.!..-. mil at ajl tmir. to bo au.
KiatMlor a..eKiT Hitaiata. Willi the nimnateorrOTtm...
anj li.trb Work or MknnfactarM lnvarlablr
warrafilrd a. KcoDimci4cd . urn r rratwrtiullr
' j warrafi Ird a. KCom
MttlolaHl j.Jiirulurti a
MM. JliH. 1, IbbO
merman's Nh
Mums h3L
T HKKE e will Cud a large assortment
1 ? latest styles ,
5uch as Trench and English all wn, riuih, !
Intra !?:i.50 up to 10.0(. KnoHy B'y' "ai- j
simere, and Silk Mixed Cas&imere, isatineits,
Ac Ilof ftln "f all d-cripiions ; Me it l
and Boy Wtar W'hoe fruits f.r $135,1:
ilial is, cioih ruat. salin veI, casMtnere par, is.
tii;iiinr r fun Ur 1" ''O- Also, a larye as- j
stTlmfiil uf Hats. Caps, Ac, Mich a M'L!t'l
!r.n, (i.n ibalilt. Opera, hiqh an 1 !'w crowd i
ifj's. Il.ise, HiuidlcerrhieN. (Ndlars, Shins, i
C ii pt niter, Ifntdrcllas, .Neck Tie.-, Ac. j
r-'ov is the Tins ! j
to save fnim 2.i lo r0 per cent., and get the j
l.aifM fyli-s. !
Aln. (Jui'i's Vat ar.d mad- tn order, and in
the I;il.t mv. A i v. s lidlil live tu leu .
h.Hi.!- al r:.rl;. ' 1
f.ill opp.M.e J,,!m Val!j & C-.'s Siore, i
M.'rkcl Nlreel. r.ett'ililit.-. i
.March II, '63 .V K. ZIMMERMAN. ;
JOK.VN & fiO.I.l.r,
.olo MaTittf.tcttircrs ol'tlir Imprnrpil
IT is t!ie cheapest and unst dcrllc U i.I.t;
in U P.
It i fir ami U'aier rroof!
It ran be a;p!it d iu new ami (-1 i nuf of a'l
kitids an.t tu Wmn'le Uuuf tti;ht-ut removing
The ct m is nnlv al ut one-third that of Tii
an I is twirp a t! :r.'e.
(zt:t S'C! rhn (fmrnf, r prer
vinz and ivfiatriti;; '1 in and ihIk r .Mt-tul Kot-N
cf t i eiy 'lerrip'.ii n, trmn us srt-at eUsi ::.iy,
is not injurftl y ihe r.MrurarUt n and sp.iti
sion v( me:a!s and v, net crack in cold or '
run in warm ff lihrr. j
Tliese inntTia!s have been iht-rnushly tes
ted in .NVtr Vmk and all pTr: of the Hi-irh"tn .
and Wes'ern iaip, nnd we tan jrive abund
ant prnf'f t.f all w e claim in their frivr. ;
Ti.cv are readily aj'p'ied by ordinary labo-',
rrr--. a! a tr'Ilin? eTpnsp.
Ti:ee rnatcriaK are put np ra S fcr use,
and f.j" shippinr; to all parts of lhtt rninirv,
wiih full prin'pd Pirectiops fur arplicati.tn.
Full di-M-nptive Circulars will be furnihed
on application bv mail it in person at r.ur
Principal ollVe, rli MroaJwai. ,pn Ynrk
(ui'itoMU.-t.M. ItuJiis II. t.-! ) JitiiNS A ( KDMLl.
rilllH stibenler is preparrd lo do PAPFR
f in town or ein.nirjr. JIavins serveti
a full appmiiirevhip at the Faper JIai'sinj;
Lusiness in PhiLidelphia, he claims lo Le a
Fractlcal Paper Hinser.
All persons ititrndins to l.ave Paperins'
done lh;s lprin are sihciied Io rniplov the
stihseribes and have thf ir walls papered in a
wcrlrrnanltlie mam er.
All orders left at the Post OiTic- (whrp a
larae assortment of Paper is kf pi) will be
promptly aitcnded to. O. H. II VAX?.
p. 8. White- a-hfd walls Papered w ith
out la. in'; ihe u-a-.Ii off, and warranted to slick.
LewihursMareh 11, ltf.3.
An r",i''rit anj ?t ni!nl:i' -r-fttt:.ttnn rflHON jmri
ftoj oftixyr-n nini rarbt.ti l-y tt.-mijL.sli'-ii in bvdr- -r.,
(ku.-'iuij. d bv tbe bi,;lii-.t MtttiK-al Autboi itii ! U.tb in
l.urf.-i- uuJ tlii? LuiUtl tUlt.J, stLd jirt n-nUJ in lL.-tr
in;: i-lire.
1 1n- ft;wri.-ncr f thn:inJt!ailT prn?jt tbat rn-ro-psrtttit'ii
1 1 Irt.o cmi bpn-iiti.aritJ aithit. Impurfti'-s nt
lb- bi o-I. tir -tv-..-if ti tl vital fbT.'y. .il- an I .tln-rwi-e
fl ki ct'in; j-ii.Oia, iutlicutt: lli uiCKMtiy in aitUwbttTi-iy
COiiot-iTnT.l r.tft.
Intaiixb-u.-' in all tnnlit-Iipfi in wblrh It tia h-a tri-l
It lm n vt-il t'-iiUf.y curutivf in pacii cl th b ilow
itijl rt ni)bii)il'. vi :
in I'.fii tfj, A-rr.-T Ard-ns, I'mari- tinn, Pt,rjpia,
C'inrptitir.n. f'i ir. lurrMi'tsrnt. i v. In. j; it-:' ,).' y ft n,
ti tu.'imf Tn'tKu-: L . '' J.tifLin. XVimn K atm-in,
H'r. , (" h,rf.:it, I.i: -t I Vint 1 1 ' tVii,.,;- t;.-,l,i.,tt
utHititm, iuU rmf.tetit Fen. J'uHjirt rm thr Fur,, f. .
Tu t fif-t- ,.f li,.M : L I, 1.1-; tr. ai.t-:l,.-r tl.- reu!t nf
rut- tli t t t tii.- rni-ihiui -1 .iiiiiiMth'Ti ffiM-rvt-im
htiiJ mu-'t ul.tr cnrf;v In tu i bn.n:- ri.mt-Iivi.jtit, on- tt
t.t t!im ri-st- rativf b.8 ( ruti-J ruir. nrltii t un t-xii iit
liit li tf ! r- ri lion nor . ritb-n ::tt. .-t;.rir.i wniil-i r-ti-i-frmiiib!.
iTivali ln w b-na b. .bri-bb n a r b. .--f
fur. -tt-n in th-lr t wu n- lbb'-rb' -!. Ii.it- tv- 1-tli-Lly
it"! ti. .irt-din th tmy a.rlff ii if ju.-t r-'t'trn.-!
lit-iu fu :itrn -t. tl tritv.-! in a di-tat.t Itintl. S nn- ii-rj
titial tn-biti'-i- i-f tl i.- k n.l ?w att.it. I ot f-n.Rb- f
f -r rft. t'lfluf. it. J Tbt:tit f at nrwnt mirnDiu nn
uii.u.ti. i hn itf Km. riiti(-nt rli.ii'j" .iri. lb it r.-mj li-t-itti'
ii t nt riMit ami ihni ' i-rc ri'-n to air aLl t i-rr.-i
lor wlib-b tb-- t In -,t laii I.i- luture.
lit Xi vni A ' r i n "- a'l kiT.!n.ii.:. f-r t-wim
f i:iiiinr to in-'im. m- . tl r.i r.tCi-ti of tbif .rt;.)ra-
t r.n ..f ir,.f mut ii.-i-t 'i.riiv It- :.l.itary.l"..r. ni.lt a- tbt
t-il ol b . it 1- vi.'nr'-iiBlv ttinip. a if hr ill h-ir.L' csi-.tn;
:m 1 t.y.-rb- aiir.1.: ai .l ir'-nt ', v. p-tn ! .r '.y fi i-nl. n-n
in tbt-nu-fl -b un it- r:i"-ft.f r--tin i. i:b,.ut .-r
l-i itit a r'Ujulivi-, r iubii tin a tlif aiiftiLl(
- i' tin- IaM rrrft"tT. amor a- s.Ui'-ra. bbh Pisf
I rfn .tIi-i.-v n i 'imi :tr-i r" rni (ii"i.r n r. n-iy t-.r
! t np;-n wbii I- it sr'- xtrt a tli-iir'-' nnd
H: ft' tiPt;(in. by ilirl-crnuir lh let al tru-Jcm y Ytlih h
f.-rtr t't- i!i.
1 n 1 1 t -r F-M. irtrtiirfi'rn:lf n- If rani". a nin-fb hf
rtf i:,r-f bail Kntr l'i i 1- -It- n "utli. J l.r tl..- n.osl
lia' liP.il n .:. in-'tt-.tiri; '1.- rtf. r.-!. in :.t,r.-. . r.
1 n itiiHli---tc- l ri u !:i..T.. ft-n oh.-n a.trantT'1 l rT-j-
v. -.. ...!:!": in.t!. t t!i:t-.-?ti' in Mil f .r. til .r !..;!!
n tit. tl:t- til- ctf fcaTe Uftniually dtjMtt atttl aM-.n-l,l.ii.-.
In tb" t",',1-rt"p flf n an.l TnitTi. .! -biTit:!-titC
r.nitfb. r.nl r.-mit's-rt b'-ftb. al,i;li tllfraH H..H
fit" I I'll' t m t nni"Ji. Ibi. rfini-tiv hii allav-l tb1
alnrrti o( lrii-i"l' nnd v'1'
..... .11.1 iiiipr. - tin ' in t'
& Y-ir..y.'.v-"ia arrr,! 5Di-. ''.-S .:?r?';-'a luiart. .Jmo
K '"SwVrtl ?a fel4CS'J ; ! StTERIOR ariirle or baad-made Brick
l'",X-,"'5&-ii?iii ' J a. f.-rsale. Kniuiri-at
f ;?rL''5t.'r i A-aT "t?r; MarM.-sn .kkkmek. ri:i.fnc & co-.
fi H C.J F'. t'-.lM H aSP 5. r-s . . ... .
M.- hl.illt. r-.-- - r!r-aiM
,r,lw,,ra.t.rJera,:iJ.ilIF J..J.J, $111,
In .-t-mn'ripi.' Ti iit:i:ii t!ii mrj-ii(f.fj Iff-n hna
a Ihnn tfitt vnaxl flT-'t ilf t n.iu.1 mil t ti tll V
Tbf a!t rti.rt ot b mates fnn not bf too rMifi.lent.y in.
4t.1 tollii r?tij and raVirattve, in lb-caH;n;a;uiiir
1 afT-ftiT7 tin-in. I
"in K'l-xMvrwi.bnth rhroni an 1 fnfammatory-.n
tlto latt-r. rtntroviT. mrr d.-riil. .11 it ha lem inTari
ably wfii r-t'rt'-tl. hlh na alb rinflnT pala an.) rlur-
Inc t!.a-'.llni.. arl.tiltna. .l il.i-j.int. an.l mu..l. '
in imek tir-iT Fitmi.li iron oarraaariir iai!r.at ;
rai.-lv aad i-r.r:lirr.l' rati-e. anj il. t.rn 'rra iu ll . '
r.-w ..livmrp.. ..f !h. Wat. Kill nrobiihl. h. nn. ot 1
hi-h rrnn n anil u-.tuln-.a.
So r..m...l liaa --r ln .lisron-rM in tin -hle liia-it-ry
nt mlifin.. whr-h xrt. such iTunipt. bal-pr. and
fulir ra.toratiar i-n.-rta. l!o... ai j.rtit, m.7t. ilirca
tion.rapi l arqni..iUon of etririftn. with an unUFnal .Ii'
poaill. n f.ir active and chLctl'ul .xerciae, immfdiau''
f. lloiv ita nv.
Put an 111 ti.at flat matat Koxaarontaininir .'.OpIHa
rrfr. fa ...nt. IT ho : for aalp by drnv.-i-la anil Jaalera.
W ill la- .,-nt !r-r 10 anj a.l.r.--a on ri-rrij.t nf thai iric
Ail lcttrra, orilfra. tt'..alioW I.. ail'lri-.'d lo
it. B. LOCKL k Co . llcoaral Az.nta.
ljSH 20C'er..E6rN.T.
Suhl in Lrrrisluri, by
Faker t fo C W Rrtaltle Harris Duncan
at Mowry's Sky-Light Callery,
"M TAKKET street, I.ew.sbur;. Havinj
i.J. Jusl received a large assortment of
plain and fancy Uases, t am prepared lo take
Pictures at reduced prices, fur the Holidays.
All wishing any kind of Pictures can save
money by ceiling them soon.
N. B Pictures taken in elondy weather.
THE nndersipned are putting np an ICE
HOOK large enough lo supply all our
people wiih Ice during the whole year. Ice
will he delivered in town, daily, at a cheaper
rate than private, Ice Houses can be filled.-
fa Call on either of ns on North lib lit. or
at the Ice House below the River Bridge.
n A wninaiKAmi..
41U.NK.. A.VuilAlir
Lawislarf,yoT.S, 1560
T INDSEY Improve!
for t!ip rLv4j,rlien irr! rrrtuit rut l A I.Mi.tf
mrwai Ir.ui IJitUKU V Of 1UK bUul.l
rrirtS n- IIcHip h wrtm-Li the rao.t roiraculoucum
- In (lifwrnt: cfcnt" of
t niMjifi-u .rt;tf"S H-Hn,
I'uiif.Iff r.n t- inff, 'J i"-v-H, P-t.M iicud,
u:d. fiul tj' rn X. l. t-rc, l;h-'uiii:.tk ditotdmt,
f J i. J.illcaifO, ill liiirutn.
Hi-n iiriitl Ji-mmh, Ont-rfil d lillitT,
l,r.w Hnrit-. F 'ill h
111 au liu, urts dale Oi tl.V blrrnj.
:'V5..:' ,
tlir 1.
I.. I .i.. .hi-
'r.'HrT. rif Vn i
. Dniil- nil. .In If
..I I.. i il.-. Mr- ..
..i..y.. .1 Vy It.
'mi. 1- r .-T ! '1
II. v. I n h ,'! .'I.
nt . ..fir. i'y r I' It
i. It.- It. nr i ! tli.'
r. it. r..nr t-'- I
;,i.. -iv'.
.r ! r.":.:..l
1 i I I In
r ma; t'f
t;..l -I .
if . mi-v (U.-;,ki.i-v...f KI.lHrtnn,
r ' o . I'.- . rtir. U t , h"l LA ;.IUt bfiti uiiaLie
nt of I f .r tl rH- yi-jr-.
..-,.., ; tv in i.-oinil.n,-irfl--MCowlio j
n s ;::-lid 'ih f.-n.lui:i in It w.-rl firm. .
..-(--. f r.- !- i- l. r. -i-I.n in t ' r..rt-wn.
I I'.
,., lu. II- r.H.flv nlniffl l! i noi-i-r '
n-i; nil, a:.i"lii. tr.'- '-r'. if
t 1 '
1 ) f I Ht'ii ui.tr.iii p'- paTa-wrvTf'f w.ii-h w- j
r-irr- t : v t' -f ti::- Il'rt 1 ::ri -ln-r ni ty in
, l iu a (.in u.ar to be i.:;.i f : n i f lb-
n. n. l i : ; f Pinpriftor.
i (i I nt rnfo-v f r tT: niAtinIji- turt- ti-nr ire
' r m.'. '.t.iir-. ..I'i'.-t i . u "tui.-i 'tl-. I'm. i-y
U.fl.-!t.irti,.. .-.w:.i mi;: M'x i, A lf;iu. k. Lutl-a- X
Y.:.'.- l;,.J X lirni:.i. 'r i b. i'-.n.n r-vill- ; ("ijiiinnn-
U.tmHf. IlirtS t-n: 1 I! I! -1 ! . M :l.iin.iiMS : I.. ..
irt-iti, Hiuiirl,!; rb.u-Ut; n. elltT, tt liB.-ro i ;
H"o. T'il, Arc!i SI. rhl2a1elji:iia,
i)ti" of th b-T'cut uni mo-t rpmr. ..nllr. in th
l iv'.-l , t. l:-rf ti l-'t Lnown ro tb
l'ii. t' 'r:;i t.:r nrt ar.-ii n ;it j ri v. n l.i-jber
(1- in i:r- i..t I f n wi:.1 '.i- -at i-..t nr..
THE I'riTirrr.i-. a l'r;-:.-i.l I b-lonti b.-r. att-n-!f.
I . r-tr. tiiv, -t rv -itt inc an I U-nr. i.. j irt,ir to
; lii t ilif .alt-rv uulf- it cm- j t-rlrt ntijU'-tioo.
! f-i'r.'J. r.'f-t" ,-riT.i-d to nv r';oirrd siir. or tnken on
CanTii-. Iit ai' l i-.tii.li d .n '! t.y in- n- . rtr.w-.f.
- S
rv j Ktiir'-- -5 n I ! ii in siit w:iiiht
r!ou-!v tlu :t n a i i'-II Hi- 'un fLine.
VTfon ai.-::.r' t T.- tt n- rt--iviTttti'ly inTit' d toeT-
aminf our -i . ,-iu.i us, wiii' U lor pncti juU 'iiiamj at'iy
cti:.; ttunn.
e Iniiruction8 giri-n in the art of Pnto-rajihy.
GaILIHT or AaT, 721 Arch irtrt. liiiladt-l(-Uia.
TV m TTin. Ltwis t. CorriiHt. M. C,
Mt family :ti ! fti.-nd all r.-tn'r.r in tin- inion tht
tl.i? hitun- i more iiV-liJ,- titan any tbii.tf
tl,-v for :.w. Mr lik. i-s-si- lia l-a rf("l.iv tk.-n
1. iin! n tit Arti-ij. in Tard us y. tut I b;iu iic.t
yt tird our wT i- li - trtir to nnttir-, nil tli fe-
: turefi :,n rx.ir. k-ii ol cuuiilt-uanit ua thin.
Fr.m Hn. V. Jt M'tri-, ltr Mir.i.-t. r to Ttaly.
Tbe rs iii-Tt fl iih ktrau'.y ao-l m i;i.e f y-ur pnr
j tri.i;., cm j ..D d wiib tlinr .iurlii'.ity of ,nl.r an.! i'aitli-
i I.11IH'- aja HHt-pi'ii-x. run noi mil .rt nmm-ii ...
tb-f atttuubu u'j firuiiaae -i ail wiu nm-:a:tf true
Fr.im Ci.t. .T w Pin.
I f?!Tin or-at"ii f.r a Until. I I rnrorr.l onr from
Mr. l:-.t rt N.-i II. "I ti n r.lv nl l').ilid.
(or- In iH". 1c T". ifift' "- jmrti'rt-vrr,1 y I,, n.
n: d . rrtt i !-a."nrr io csf -rf-ct.i tin- .rili'lH-lji.ii
;.viTi trr. n--t on! bv tb smiim-r of tbr lik"n'. but
ir arti-lic fin.-h in ail rofptrt--. and lxxciaieu J him to
' I'ih paTlllhi;. Oi' ti H..I tli.-;-, J lo eUCuUT-'i' til" b:iltl-
Mammoth PnoTor.nArn Oailfry,
S E. Corner Eijhih an! Arch St. FhiladcipLia.
uvi.tr f it l.-jhth btrttt.)
FTER many years' experience in all the
variou tTanchfs oi Uie Art, ihe IVi-pri
eb rs rtinli'Ifn'iv mvi!p the atienln-n oi ifr-ir j
fripn is and the pultlii: to iheir exiensive esfa
biialtm iii,w hK h pie-.riits the tipcorumiiy K " :
procunn? the tet Pu iurrs. e-itiul 01 l'Jt i i
anv fir.-'t-clas O.iHerv in ihe I'mtf.l Mate. 1
I'repnranons are cumpletp i.r exeruiin? an
t!i- ii.ij ro.',l M ! kn-1
lt tit rmii.'-rrti"if t.-f "
. b A rt.
f .-.-i vtr.2 TJnistn rr'-'t i. ir ,
il it-ir-ti tt;.- only ' I tb'
Attitr-bi'il to tliid t.-tabiu-btct-Lt
Ittkirt- t! in bit-
ktn.l in tl. ft-'iiit-'
arc ti.r. (.nb.r.ti.: A
1'H-T- ;KAI li.-,
rair. tii.
1- a
-'h liAQi:'
i i-h.i.t t:
r-r$" -x-r d- l. Lib-1
li--r tt i at ;.t.i-'
CfUti. art'l ttfnr.li.
I brl' -r-rh K b ar
if. l'.ir.ibir? Aml.rui
v lt it at
nrttw utt-tMybit. I ri- ;
1 "I "' :
. r...l nfn l.tft-i:.il iota-
! it. ui tii a. i (.aCtuicr.ai.tJ iruui
th- .rt
Villian Jones,
TT0UM;Y at Lar. roITctioni
rnilTipt'v ailei'dpo in. tllirn Murkel
Mrrcl, ciproeitc the l'rel'Vleri.in rhiuch.
Aim ;.;.i.v;( a;. '.t.
7XKL'LTi:r ill ihe best iyle kuowa in
the ail. at
C. G. Crane's Gallery,
J;i h Street, A'.iif of Sijcth,
" l1'"'
ForCa.Mei1alliins,PinsBiffsAe. C8"")'1
Ill'UIHallC I'l'lnlllig.
TT AVING purchased the rijht lo ne Ror-
IL process ior rrinnn; inn nry
Color, for I nion Co. Pa., we are prepared to
, i-r f,,-
aci-u.c ui."..
CARDS, Show-Eills, &c.
in Bed, Gnen. .', ifrov n. Silver, Diamond, or GM
colors, in ?ood style, MTat the Office of the
"Star 6i Chronicle," Lewishnr?.
'Jri-t, 1S6S WulU'KN a cottNKirs.
Science still on the Advance !
CURGEON and Mechani-
O cat Ilcntihi, OITice iu the
new buililine. opposite the Bank, (up stairs)
1. 1. v ..-.nt. it. a, fa,
Ur.ltUK'.AN is nnweonsrrneiin the Non
sectional Ittock work, baked on Platina base,
which for cleanliness, beamy and strength
has no equalalso teethamouiiied on the var
ious ita-es in use and having had a lung
and extensive practice, and being perfectly
familiar wiih every department of his profes
sion, he feels safe in warranting entire satis
faction in all his operations, which shall be
carefully and skilfully performed.
Please call and examine specimens. The
superior qualities of Ihe Non-sectional work
will be evident to all who will give it an im
partial examination. Dr. Bnrlan is the only
person who constricts this excellent work in
this section of country.
ryUharyes shall correspond with tbe
times. Lewisburg, Sept. x, 1861
A ii ' .-1 .' v:- ii- v.
In; a -!' uml r-b"
n lioui f'r- ;tti
i:ptH-il ar-i;ii ti
tfr.i.l.-- -niHl. tr:.n I
' 1H-. ITI-.-- fr..n 5'.'. I-Jit
, t-liiPtru-tt' in :-n ia
Mouth WasL
A FLUE REM Eli y foa A
Diseased KLEKniNo Grsrs,
Xlhsino Kong MoriTtr,
And tie beat specific dow io ma f ir any
dicaej eocditinn of the month. It is
particularly tem lieial Co pcriocs wearing
comp'titcl; de-lrojing iTery Uiut of the
ui mill, atsi rbiog acii rtiuoviog all impu
ritiis, to all whi make use of it. JT(iny
iiy or y,uy Gentleman who is aiiiic
tcd with a
Eiad tlrcafh
sbnuM Jilay afiiljinj this rcnifdy, f 'r it
ia a curtain nire, and is approved and nc-ciiim.'nil.-
l b vvcry p l.y ici;.rj ULti. rKbo-e
notice it has been brought.
A iAil KATir
i an i !ltn;e lur which there is uo cica.-c
' t- r-.-i. r") ' -.-.n
roaaa tZ-r'aX'
. can be procuri'il.
' M:my piriiiis cirry wi'h them a tad
i Lreaib, preaily to tbe annyanco and often
I to tbe tlUg'.ui cf thoe with whom they
come io cciutaet, wi'hout bcio cmibciou"
. of the fuel. To relieve jour self fiuui ali
fear r puidinij tl,i-,
l ie Dr. Ii. llar.T, Mwth 1! a,7t.'
! Cleanliness f.f the month is of pnat
i impnrtancu to the pneral health, which is
I often afftetei), and r.ot unfrcqaemly seri
j i;u-!y iaipiired, through want of proper
atteution to thu eulject.
TfL Dr. HU. B. llli:US Milt Til 11 tNH. '
I'rcparpd at Pr. llurd's Dentil Office,:
Ho. 77, Fuurth St., Urooklyn, K.D. ,
I'i-U p, 37 tn p r liotllr.
A liberal diseouut made io Dealers.
AdJrett l'rintiifil OJi-r, Trihnne IluilJ.
iny, X-j. .-ynice tit. Xiv YrK:
Sold alio by Caswell, .Mark X Co., Fifih
Avenue Hotel; J. & I. Cmluiron, 715
Droadway ; 1. S. Karoes, i02 Uioadwav;
by ail Druggists.
D3. WM. B. KURD'S ;
This 1'owdor pos?cscs the
t . .
j ana 13 irt?e Ifoni a! I Actds or Alkali. tha'
cau in the least injure the Tcetb.
IIS acllOO TeiDg entirely mecbanical
polhin- wiihout .cirios the eoatucL
Dr.Wiii.B.Inris Tooth Ponder
is recommenJcd ty all Kininent Ierjtist3
I'rrparcil at Pr. llurd's Pental OiEcc,
So.77 Fourth St. Iirjuklyn, K I).
Price, 25 rh per bo.
A liberal discount made to Dealers.
Sold alo by Caswell, Mack & Co., Tifrh
Aveiiue Hotel: J. & I. Crtd-lincfon, 71
liroadwav; ii. S laraes, .02 Uruadnaj; :
; Mill bj all Dtu
roR the rt'RE or
Q '-j' Q :. "
1 IMrtf? Uracil I. wTrntiii. wprn.j
Jt ia D3rt ea arl v adarited to all mips of
l. ttl.. ...l ..
. s j r "
cuuuiuu aiuicitti ami
I t) octliticfie.
I Prfrentscao relieTe theinselpes from that
j dia. reeling wenrioes eautd by
an 1 their chi! Jreu fruin great tutlcriDj:, by
! keeping a buttle of
Dr. Uim. t. tinro s (Coolljiidjc drops
iu the bouse.
l-r. r.ri d at Pr. Iloril's Pental OfiSce,
No. 77 Fourth St. Kro.klvn, E.U.
I'rirr, only l- rl-t'prr bottle.
A liberal discount made to Pealers.
-l.t7-M Prineijtar Oftet, Trilnne HuCd-
O il i . a ,, , .
bold ali-o bj tanttell, Maek & Co., Fifth
Avebue Hotil; J. .t I. Coddineton. 715
Uroadwav: II. S. liunei. 2(12 ltriil.
and bj all PiUK"ists.
Iir. UJI. 13. S3 1 KITS
11 E y B A L G I A
or Toothache produced by colds.
is immediately cured bj their application.
... . ,.. -1 X ...r.ll
inej act use cuaru., ... Fw..., ( j.--- m1- J-i MtnfcSd., :.
harmless io their nstore; do not produce i ,r.jit.r,.urf .i.oi..v.r. iur uoe-v-";.
a blister, and leav. no unpleasant results.
Dr. Wm. B. Eurd's Heuralgia Flastars j ".T-n iitrV'-'-never
fail to giv. satisfaction to all who U,--TS'S
test their virtue.
Prepared at Dr. Hard's Dental Office,
So. 77 Fourth St. Brooklyn, E D.
Price, only els each.
A liberal discount made to Dealers.
Address Principal Ojfice, Trihune Build
ings, Xa. 1 SpTVee St. Xeu York.
Sold also by Caswell, Maek & Co., Fifth
Avenue Hotel; J. k I. t'oddington, 715
L'roadway ; D. rf. Barnes, 201 Broadway;
i and by all Diugistg.
A.. I f r U. -i. ! cof ot tb, Mlmi. rai,,iliN,
feM rirntamlil airroftilona Air.rflnHa.aa,
aia Tualar., ll.. Sorra, Kriiblla.
'ili.lt-. l'Hlllr, Itlnlrlara ilaU
ifiHiMkf aiati mil fek-in DmiiM.,
U.Ka.ir.. Ir:d.. fHt, Jun.
J. r. Arnt rv. u.fs I fi ,t B,7 ,ltJ., fc
fcn..h.U.. wtmt yr r5..i-.-i-.iii!t .i.,t.., t
llaitt4 inlfiitr-l S ..-t..U.. n.i-ri n. I bm bnWrJt
ftwui tl ... r..... r.t t..i. i.asrua, jt (, j
out in li'f. -n ht Hwiri- .Mt-I urtu i- a- ni.-tun, it
t.i.it .1 i:.-.ai I ni. l.li.tt..-l i-"-atib -t.h. T
j.-jii i: U.i.-t.l un my la.j r,,vlw(J fcf B. .
Mud .i." . ,mi ..CJ
t( l. a. I trs-.J inn.iv h..;klr.. j,,,!"!
lt. -I I.IW-. bill MirllOUt mtfil ff ll-ll .,;, l,Ul..
tt.;ll III ti. i..-t..-i ii.-nu-r t.,t :,4 .,
an ait- t i i-.- i.4i-.iii.niH.. f -r I k-.w t, tm ...Uf
t ii tbit any trim; )" u;U" mm - t.
,u--iiin.tuaii. i-l il. u-rf it int it rui- I
it. a y mi im. in iti-'H dr .4 tn-
K. il l. .Hi I tl- d -l. ' Hi"- bott!. ,. a
nifl r.ja lt lit-q.i.l 'l bstat titldr 1bttw-..b. '
hi! 1 tl .-ir 1 "k.ii K It-.W H.-nr. at:, t I ,
J.-.-.UV- fj.-it lb'" 'iA.i- lw 'n. fr-'lu tii. a
fiiti !i l-.fi -Tr i;.t I l-td b-t 1 altt ;tiif,
i ti. I ., it 1 b'-id y .'t bn utM) ui Hie i-;-t
au i t'-iu titer ruix-lM.ty. Y'-ur.
" ' t-itaf
AUi.bli n T.tLIJT
.n1iny' Flrr. Rae or Mry iijrM
iiii. utn. iitaJ
J-re li at -4 iiy. '
Jt'. I ' rt V. 1'i.M - wiit-- rr.f 1 . V. f -Ty
F.-t r I-. . t(r:t b- bT r.n J an iw.-i- r.
i'. i. . it t'.i- r-.:. i h-niiinatr l......i.tt
b r -1 ti.i "f "tr .'ii's.';.:iiilli. simj iLiit;. ,
lit- n.r-- ! i: - "ni'-:i r.fitfn-" uy u cio-.iiiii
lt out hnrrlr. oitrr or Swrlled
'-.iln SI .n - f rfif t. T'-t. writr : -Tbr-b.,
t.t .-f .-Kit; t,JU .urt J at" ft"ta W
f.r- -ti --i tu.- IiL-lt, ab. !i 1 luJ Butlt-r4 1 a
' otrr two T.-or-.'
I.riirnn hrra or W h ! r . Orarlaa TniNw,
t ti i iu- t ittifltiun, Female IlMaaa.
I'r. J K S I I, .lining, t-f -w V.trk wrilw;r
It,.. -T . h. . l.f'U r nif'y i'b ri'it-t f ynr acnt-i
a in- I li t f-im'l v:r ill a n-rt
alt-t itust in tbo MHititoUM r-.a'-M.a wbitl.
t tm-; v ii -a i i-aii.. l- it c"p" ciily mi -Mule
if tbr S .-fi!T.n" .imtli-i-. I h i" ul wiiit hit. i,..
. mv i-r I.-IH- -itl.iM by if. ami aiii al.-r li-s- a.
m..i w.w ni.i t-y Ht'fraU-tn ut II Tlv tsi'-r-
a!t- iiii"!l . --- ti utfl. ? .bun: if ...ii my kuj.p.
tIj" v.;i; ir ! r Ii. ---- r- n.;iT- .r ti!C Um ti1". .
t.'iwaiU . M irn-w. nf N-wl-nr. ,!aw win". .fc
r" iis..fii.' fi. isi.-r "l -rf list? f-yi..lr" ui u tin. 'T
it i.i Ii li .l .1 Ir- tb-inwUw
i at 1 t.'ii l-vll .H.ll, f-lv cut. I
' -.irii! M il ; I., i:ti t'l tt; ? 1
i tl-ti .: t ;tJi.,( n-UI. but ho aivt-
-..;r l.arm-
Ibi-i- lr
- 1 tb tril
, .j .-t 'in it tli- !.i--f I-tt !-.' rt.l:i:,.-. ,
!:. .-.1 . t--tti.i!. Af' -r liki!f''nr ratnr iy tib;
ltL tiij't io nf iliO U.i'-n? rfi:iattiJ.'
b rilaili anl 3Ircnrlil D !-.
l'::t.r-. i'.ih An.-.:. 1-35.
P"r. .T f. TTT t fir. I b--i Itt.l v c-4iig.it wni, r.
t qtn-t f.f . iir nt. n-l w rt ti. v- tt tx.4ui; c( Ui- rlltj
1 ti tv i.-aiii. tl r:ii ytitr "r ;.
I tn"--
jtii it. in rtiT fiT-!K".
i- I r wit.. !t :I I- r- mi mere It-1
f.-tr w-.ii-1-rfnt in t- i'tir l
,-'-i iti
ll -5,
l'a i.t..- - fmy ,-nin-tt l' ii.
bi- ft;: it. wl:: it v.-r ,..tli Ii: b
t-.;. ..f Iu- nf-'t'lt. V'-nr 'f-iiil!.i
Ci:i t Ii.ui in lis- An tlt-r -i atr f t i . .
on i.t:y s.'iti-l -iii in hi . a: nl tl' ul it.u t,
r . -n aw.". i. r m-t 1 r.i! ; i.-t f it. a,. tl-:it 1 1- it- - V
il-- r -I. ; w'.tH.J f.r, tv.;i I. I, , -7til Lit! Ii ni. t .
yi-- t 1 I" mr .Iifi., n nf y ui .irK(uriiui
. i.i- r
i.- i.-t i
'i!.-i I -r lt, .iir- .1"
in :.- - l- .tj in lr 1--
t I-r mm an u nft"; f
. 'jit. y ba-1'W..m m .
.1 tittup '!.. nhs- ulK-rai c- '--
ci tn :.: :i; p i.n rs br j it.' t ami l-im, !. .
ntr-t 'i.:ii-.y bv Tir ( ;-:.rilta id a f-' i-.iia i
kn .-. 'i -ii ,:t ; i-.t.ij. n;.. it t UI n.'. nt , n.-. tl.mt r
rt.: r... iii -:i I'i i:i y-n l:i(--rati.ry nnt - si"- J- -I-
in-- ' . -ii.. -pi m H..-C Uuijr :riBaraabt ita.i f
itu it li t'- ' I- '. .-tn i-i i3-J lue.
ii4t. rn.tUy mia. G. V. LARIMER. M P.
XlhctUTiBtHin, Gout. Lifer COMiplalal,
I Mtttn y f, n Vau, 4h Jni. hit
Te. J. A via: rvr. 1 tnx- l.n atlli. ti ui. :--
f.il - i. . i.- .'j .ir for a lic tint, wbi a If-a- . - f
!l.ii . ( ; b;. -n iit: miiu u- k t toJ iti lt - f .l
rrn-!i- I f. t;!.l itr.l. mil:: I ti i.-ti y..r Sii.-atiar ! i. t
I. tiu-. utT-i i. n. :t-. U. ati'l ri-t- mi my --a-h
. . .. in'-.-U tlr-r I Mm f-r l-lt-r liwiB h. ! r - ! -ai'v-.
i. ll!:;:i!,irii - u-i.-tli.l iik-U. ii- J. Kt:iM
Y. C t b-'I. J ,-t. I.. .;a. wtim: I W
nf!!. f-.t Ir j f-v.iilt an ..ii-rttfttte l.ftr. :
..' - : - ,! i,- it-. 1 - ..rv tbii'2. nul r . r M
rt::.-J 1.. r. ' r.r t..l ! !mi- Iwtin a UnAin ; rrt c.-n
f r - hi- j -, ; ft m ti ' il;-r -'aiiw tlisn rf-r --.
r. r. .V . ! , ; :.-i.r. Tba Krv. Mr. fc-.T.elTt4
. i: : .ir-.i( .!i i. I -aiT be --i M
: !' T.t- we: Tli t:inr. .y t).- ! '--
i ! b i- rm . -i m-. an., linn o pk.rirS-.J i- 1 -
t t - tr i ,rj . r ii.,-.. I Tm,it; ar..ir. Tt
Al. 1
1U t-C r-iutl .-1' Ti U . But iuiilOal Wt-.Ul
"-lrra..l aa.rr Tntuor.. l:n!are-mrll,
.'JiTuU".'.--ir"-i -
A zt .1 f.r! rr i.f b-.r-T-n nfort-J o
rur- tb- f'-Tii'i.i.ti-.t. ni.t.bitiiH biT rttll-4 a
i:-ia u. -4 tl.io r. iii ly . but jtr t-a.-t- bmsi Ui mm a ' -J '
ti - UK S til-.- nf tb- til in. IV af l. tin-1 it tasar laki -a
1 ,
! E
wb.-ll t!. Si-.-nl- i.W BIMarJ alt J-U W
uiiisii -ilii tu nil a U ii kir lu:i
.ttifiufuuii, .if nraiia
Manr rrt
inrL.Tl-lc fitr .1 th. -e a; . bar H
It sim
. " ,. ;,-1 U lb--
Ciicny Pectoral,
( o:iria. f!tl-. riHnrnia, linarrmraa,
liu)i. il'ii Ititi. Hrii-nt ( ou
kiti'tp: :mi. nMl fr iHf ltrlitrf
f "o;i ii tsi ptirr I'atirul
ju urrtl St.M;;a i
TTitt !a a r 11
ti, -r t-.r il
m iinir.r-.!Iy ItD- wn f wra
I 'In- i .iu i lui:s s--r-Li.r.i" tl
Mi-b lb. vvt.!frir. tY tli i - :u It
l.r f -tic l.s ami rctilf. ai.ti ..- J
v, i . I - ii tt i t (ii;i:.-it.trv r- 'i
'.'i.r:i f r- i' . ;;! ;b .tifixt.-! s. iti-sta uf ll- v-?:
V tv (- !!.- !! i.n It:.-. t i-irit tamiiH-. Niifi.r it-a
Mint I;;.-- n..l -'. p. Iv-'ttui C (WtV IH-Tat 4 ii!'trt
i .. . ti. t !. ;r n.I i-t ft ir i b-ry
.J.ic .. i t . i, t - u- .t. r- .-f th tKnwU and lo; I1
A - i -. ! -.t i ! hi .. ' ti.r ibs tlutstlri-, '
a i iik t k . v, r- .! ''..i-i :i.rr. mvtly. sl i ;
. . -i -,- t ' .11 : i- ti - ., i.i ! ir .' brt c w a't tb- 1 '
tii.- tb .t tr 1 ! r" 1 -n Tn..V i- Hit r wbka J'f
.-u is. fii.-it. y .;-n ii-- m. i. ti- B.uk.nl.
Preparul i-y Sr. J C. AYK fit. CO., Lowell, Mai
t hv C? W hi trie and by Harr:4
ttinf.in. 1 wir- trj: r D K,.:ih. Nw IWlin: P-iini. :
Hue. n. lit-r, lit'-sri'.: J b lt knit li II Kt
Vi;V:n nr.; ; l urrt- A. -. N,-w .'uluotbia autl a..c
frywh.rt y-TCtrviw
H Y H E G 0 1 0 G Y
I CI'Ifl'TS anj rnteriainrj liiile r.'
XL (ail attont Mainraony, AItn-T.
er iiMttiTN.) u.r Ilie aninrment of eri'ri t-i
(ai..! ihe yoiin f.ilk.a" aNe,) on fcus
vh,.i..ir. is cems. smi i,i i,.r n
' 3 rem siaiuf s. F.t al ai i!.e rv.r o
office- W 0KDl:. J'i' '
" "' -
! tiT P I C - N I C . ti.
"t'H j""? ' ,v-; " :l
I'ARfiE. haml--v.- CSfe
'MtwUiOMbmni ii i 1
fined np Iit ihe t.rr m.niila'ii n ..
I'lc-Xmand other sim.iar rxcurxM. T-
mclerate. Apply t,. Ji.s. M. HDVSl- j
"ibnrg. June :i. is.'i. 1
Horseman's Friend, or
ftiy rot kt hoiiu'h"''
Kuiv-l wo Valuable Kecripts f. r the Fan
auJ Hi re l.ea'rr for sa.e (Itt civ h
t; J STAHI.. Bo. khio.Ier. Lei:r
Iin finest c.-ats rna.'e on twelve h
I notice PV Jl 'II o. ..iti. ..en, la.
Hie oldeM ami best Tailor in l.ewisburt
ax ixiEPexrtt. r r.ixnr jomx.ti
(sacs .'riSajsat Ualaharr.IatsB clj.rr."
TFrr V.O Sl..VI.-rTr. To KB ..t n. arr.a
.1 lb a.m. rat. f -r ioni-Tnr.hrt..r p-rivd. Tha.
I .l.lln,v I... In... m..nih,.TI.I.I.r .iinoa!ba'l
iuan o! a..-, a. 'ij a La .a-n anrr !na.Tlltrfa, a .-
...itii'. .'. Jol. irya.r. Halt a a.ttar lij !-
d. l.:;.l..l. T-.'iuar-i .'.I.4.I ii. I-JO. Mfr. act
nt oavr oft. .nurta ot roluwn, 10 d.l. p.r arar. - ;
airea.o.... mar bajml np. A aqar. la t-;!Wf ,
amallat trp.. or lit or noatlaravr. A'lv.rtwiu.i.1'
irm..rliiin?. ill-ai.rawiai:ni tril. aol IB't "4
Commnniiation. .l.-lrl 00 t...n.a ..I'an.r.l ir
Pi .rfwMnal r-r th.wr't.r'a ral Da. aaJ 1JT,
Th. IAI.M:Tir'Thl.r.il:..ll 1" loratr.1 10 "''Lai
of thr Star Ar-Ja. I.br atlii.h wroltaa iaarrt nr.7
Kra- in inlaanr. .4 th.'1'hilaj. M.na. '
Cool-!.! IIH lh.- IVt.-a ara a.,.t. malarial-.
km.l.ol JOB PBINTIJIO. .W'o N-'aaruLi
MttH-aa .J da.ap.trh ..! on ronaal. v.t
V.r.aual aJ.-ili...'.at.'l-.-a"l H---
ta-.J .h Wr h,u.l.... I- r7. 4
r-.iall'r..a. Moir.,''- '" "'.,"'akLlt.
5a 1. 1 tfjhPa n..'-a-"
i (