Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, April 01, 1862, Image 1

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At $1.50 prr Year, always In Advance.
TatNhy Morninz & Fri!ay Af'trr.A.m.
Cj"Scp New l!ac i lixMiioii:.
fgrLiwisVurj; Academy A ir.n. xt wcik
5afer, W.i'.s, Sbrhir, & C., flat
tbe Hitklye Ukai kh" oa another tour
through oar c lun-Ls I Lis wei k.
XeBrJanw, than! r, and lih'nlng. lift
Sunday. Iaji probe's, Monday, f r
pleasant "E.trir.gi" to-d iy. Oar hearty
sjn-.pithy to all oiOTers !...L:t of rbacges
in buiine's ttids, as we may be informed
of tbem, in oar next.
Hare Baits! We loam that Fries,
liillinyer A Co. receD'iy launched fucce.-s-ful"y
MXK new Canal ILa:. Oae of
them is the hr;e-t ever built in the Lcw
isburg M a'-Yarl, measuring T'j fiot iu
lrng-h, IT- f.ct beam, P feet high, about
JJ tons eataclty, dc.stir.td to Ntw York.
tgrTbe Sham kin .V.V.rsagi'j'f the
Came of Col. Th .mus A. ?c itt f r tjovern
or, a year fnra neit O.-'jber and the
Al'ona Tii'-'ii' end rses it. The mi
tion heir? :mj !e and sec pnd :l," we bore
it will
h. .'nn:i i.j ipii
M.tfMC. At a mee'i:i ef t'rasal:
Commaadery, No IJ, of M.soaic Knights
Templar, in K'oomsbarg, t.U ult , the
fjlhwing were nnaninious'y elected:
r. j-
J !:.:.:.
ti N ti
P 1
c k,,.:
W V 11. .-..n.
V .- I. - ...r
Fire in Lswisbu.-g.
cn Friday af'eruo iu li-'
on Water strett, Ffaiks
tack f the F uniry. w.
About Ci oVk
, at the old stai.d
fr.m the sai kc
re blown", v e:t-
therly winds at.d J: dg'd in a crevice near
the ro :ts of the Tin and IVtciu Sa' js tf
James S. Marsh .t Co. The dr (tuffs ia
its vicinity ignited so fre'ly that the two
storey tuiiJii g on the street s. :a burned
to the ground the lest f atiern.-, tools,
and ready-made wotk ti.irg removed. The
wind favoring, tbe I'.unJry and the oth.r
luildicgs of the Company escaped. The
dwellings of Jos. A Kreamer and Abner M.
Ijishe, ia froot of tbe burning building,
were ao much exposed that wa'er could do
iocger be thrown tipa them from buukct;,
when the EDgiuc arrived and saved those
buildings. Thecitii cs generally men
and women and the band- from tbo other
Foundry especially worked bard bringing
water to prevent th.e spreal ef the Same,
and were successful, sjmc wearing profi
of valor in scorched D"US. The loss in
patterns, is probably S'i.OuO, less an
insurance of S5G7. We are glad to add
that the damaces will cot hinder the Firm
fr-x furnishing tLeir U'Ui! machines aad
agricultural iaipltmeat; they have moved
the tools of the burn! sh:p cp to tie lte
dwelling of Mrs. Murphy and a suitable
JJrick Shop will be erected.
This is another ad-aonition f r our
Uoroujh authorities to procure Hose and
another Engine. Fires do D-t alwiy?
occur in the day-time, nor so near water.
tetfThe Exhibition of Mr. I'.aaiolph'a
fupils, last Friday evening, was crowded
and highly entert:ining. (Joad order was
niaintaiued ly froper cSecrs. The nett
proceeds, af:er paying expenses, aaiour.tid
to i'2'2, which the pupils voted to be usii
fr tbe sanitary bentSt cf tbe S'.if,
tard, under Capt. Thomas Phamberlin.
The fjllowing (with Music) was the Order
cf llxerctscs :
-It F.-r tr Pi-kn.
f a!ctrsrr K-.-., 1
cf, 1U".I1
.'1h-,ui l'r:iu Li . N i J
f,w!i"t;".S'!.''X;..r-j.., ti y,
' "U Vi.1rT-i:'"-, -aW1 '''' 1 J" "' ' to5"
C" : j",t!" iioiomf s.br;-!ir!rn L Kini.
f--Aa.iau..n sni ft:ri MwifM.
"itVj.r ' M7,'.h!' f "uTiT.!'r'M
CeM-i-ir-Ttje rr rr.sia. iotrrr-.pt-i-p K. s;..r.
hi4s. mii. Mm v. i:..cb. k w.r.h.
1' W l-I. a.ka U !. I.-D, Hum '.., '. C.
, v-..,-t. w,,i:, riTrt.i-ij b z-ttrr.
. t""-w ' bt.Boti:ni:-c.oiui a triaonr-
1 trioinni.ini..
I ulTi'h'"-": :" i ri.hici.-Ju. c. '
4 C i. .!...., .,., n 1
' r.i i
i Em
r. ii.nrsan. r.oif rr.
1.wI!7TyoZ'JLlI '
S . :' h I..
I 'l-k-f i
sn,,,.. :, ,
s r. a h ,
' it - si. r''.m 'itiT.r AV..pf.tt-r.
"', U,rsiiiLTiCir tt'o I X.
.irr 1... -r.
;.,'t,i . . , live
. c t' are aooui to ieixe
llextco. A rortion cf f- jt l .
h i-eJ to Oh, IdlC rr :h.S
a present p-ra!a!33 of r.na.u
.'.ivcs of the L'niied SxtXct.
4"-' me onn. About lj 000 of L-
iTre k"PifiS their P't.j ' em
Tbe la
ar. tto- i .....
at liohrsbur? in i'Cv '' son Agr, the
-'utu uown one dj l15t ec. "
i,t, ' in
I 11
1 H
i.rnied l.-rl'i . ', ?' '-tt'e7. te , 'bem stand there now I can see Wilson, !
it r 1 3 P !I a.iw ; as
I .i I
t, cf tbe Shamrkm fit
t'n thanl, ,0 Iie t - " , r.re-: :
aali..-r-.' , fjIt:",1I, J1,(
I i1--. I ,
From the Lina Rifles, at Newbern.
C'AMl' l'lT.N!IE, f'N THE XtUsE, )
March ID, J
AVe are now in the late Ilebel barracks,
about a mil? and a half below Newborn ;
tbt t are built ia a cleared ;!d on a bluff
near by where th-re was a fjar g in bat
Ury, the migaiiae of which the Rebel
blew up befjre they aband mod it partly
of log bu's, and partly of tents, with tho
never failing eeieatiSeilly built wooden
chimney, litit let me tell of bow we git
Tuesday, March 11th, we'ghed anchor
at 11 lan ke Island, and stood south under
foam and sail. It had rained, but cleared
off coo! ard briiht with a strong S. W.
trecz. We pished the points we hal
wa'chel wi:h such interest a month ago,
as we moved up siewly to where we knew
there w"u:d be a severo battle Stumpy
point, Long Shoal bioy I could not help
thinking if thife who fa these places,
u-t knowing they would never see tbem
ajjin. Fnler our thorough going Captain
ana careiui riiot. .'ir. t a. ton. we arrives
am-rg the Erst transports at Ilatte.-as. Mr.
Wal'"n ensured himself oar more earnest
(banks ly con.irjg in wi'h an ioomense
mail bag. which iutercpted us hero. M my
receive 1 letters the las' Wednesday,
12 h, was a most de'ight'ul day. We
woko to see our wh,le 6:ct gathered
around ns. We had left the Xew York
agrosai oa the shoal near Croa;aa Sound
and the Admiral j l?t below. It was one
of tho plea-ant:st rides I ever Lad the
air clear at,J traeiog, the sua shining
bri ht, the water "learning ia it it was
a luxury to bo oa deck all day. We stayed
there until darkness closed araai ns, and
aieh ired about balf past seven, ia the
ieu;s riv.r, tixteea miles below Xewbero,
opposite the mouth of the Slocum Creek.
We could see O.racjko iaht, as we came
d ;wD, and its (to us) harmless port, Shell
I'.at 1 light house, IJraat's Island shcals
ha', t'jr a long while, we did not know
whether we were Bo'in? up the l'aotiico cr
Xeue. The p'.l jt told us when we entered
the Neuse, hut still, even when we anchor-
ed, there were bora that we were ia the
i'amlico. When we came into the mouth
of the Sense, we saw ilebel signal fires
start up, one after another, and keep ahead
cf us ail the way tho last oue, with high
pointed im", torstkg up, oa the left ef
on a bluff orposite where trj landed,
Thcre was a m.iat interesting chase, by tbe
V after two small sail boats (hat were
scudding along the shore. It was very
amusing to see bow quick they "IrjiTV
'' as she threw a shot across their bows.
I have seen many sunsets in these waters,
tut aoae that was equal in the splendor of
the:r beauty to this one. Many thousand
men githered on the decks to watch its
q iict beauty, and as the bands of each
regiment play.d national airs, and those
that we have beard so of en by tar fire-
s;d-s sang by our sisters and friends in
which we have so often jjiaed ourselves at
s.clal gathering- each cue of us had
enough to do to fathom bis own thoughts,
e bal kft our surgeon sick oa Iloanoke
T' 1 1 ri . m
''e., ma lor. i.arii, or ."ia-s., was ue-
tailed to our regiment. The hospital store
was ia cur saljin, and bis qaiet arrarge-
ment of certain kinds cf medicioe, ia tic
pick thit the bospitai nurse carries oa his
tick, was rather cooler than agreeable,
Then, too, Lis instructions to the band
who are men that carry off the wounded
during the battle, a dangerous and honor-
able duty how to lift them, how to place
them oa the stretcher, were horribly disa-
greeahle. I have faced (be music of bul-
'ct5 tw'ce 1'" prefer to face tbem fifty
times, to seeing the Hand armed with
their "stretchers" once. They are worse
than the wounded and dead. They make
wy esh creep whenever I see tbem. '
Yoa Cln appreciate it somewhat, if you
ever went to get teeth pulled, and saw the
dentist whistle and handle bis forcers
,, . , .
merrily. Hell we all quietly wrote np
. , , , 1 ' e
ojrjoamais, packed our trunks, fixed
... .31 -
everything as we won.i have it were any-
thior irave our last directions theT
" fei ai1 cheerfully said and went
to ota.
Tkurildv was dark and Iowerinc Pant
A Pe;nJi,i3a 13 Uke . picked :
508 cf our W itrl gaos weigh. ;
1000 pounds, into Ihe battle, j
Lennet bad
crew, aad one
ing some 1000
He were amased, yenterday, when the
were amasea, jesterjar, waen tne
.l t i
captain drew them op in line, each armed
.d tk, . hi,
t1r:i fiipi.Ia as wa .iilirl !f nn tlia iTnar'ii
lo years old, stood at tbeir bead, with t
American Hag. LouiJ one aeKnos tee
coarse of that irallant htm band dnrirj !
an American flag. Could one describe the '
course of that gallant little band durinj
. l. - . . j T i i r
B lwo uiJ'i " wouiti va one ui .
most thrilling episodes of war I
oave never reaa ao jtbtng equal to it, e?en
ALknl'i .ul,ir. nf inA ...in
Aipoi a (iisij.T oi ..ap
tha rnt tha iron into the lannoh. ! and
r i. i.. v. i ...v.-
"e u.t nn, ii. tuircia a. me,
Tr"" -bere we were. It was
, ...... . . :
iu mil it.e rep uw ot toe eioes 10 1 nil
dress parade, as we called it, on the quarter we saw it across the Kebel entrecebment io Harrisburg, Friday night, aud another
deck, and told them that if any wished D9t a few days after tie battle. If roads were gentleman ot $00.
to gi, he wouldn't ak them. Their wasn't bad before, we hid eame over the best of j Tbe Philadelphia M. E. Conference pi
aqaiTer. Little George, the Captain's son, them. Tbe clay was stiffer, mire deeper, sei the whole of thir Unin relati)n.
bear the cra.b and roar of lurs'ing bl!
and filling tree. They Shea ruoeod
further up, sortie two milfs, and were
cannonading there for a long while. We
knew there must bo a rat's nest there, cr
tbev tr vjH not b: it it so Ion?. The
launches with the howitx-r moved off first
to the Ticket, near to shore. The I'au-
tuxent and ether boats, took the trjops,
the gun-boats bele'uiog over their beads
where they were landing. Tho the piles
acres the mouth of Slocam's Creek wire
knocked cut, and the Alice 1'ricc ran up
the creek and landed the troop. Col.
Hartranft with tLreC Companies Undid
r.t. We latded tindr Lieut. Col. liell,
ar.d reached an ripen field, where five out
of et-h Ccmpiny were detailed to assist
Capt.Uei.Let. Here were barraeks f .r cav-,
airy, tut they Lad evidently left ia ba?re.
We bad corae one mile al jag the sandy
h:re,hich was very trying ; we were well
bljwn tefjre we reached the field. Hut
it wasnothiag to what was to come. We
pis-cd a little field with a cabin, and were
greeted with the siht of a peach tree in
full bloom. Xex: for fire Uiii.s, we went
through a marihy wool. It bejan to rain,
mi neavv nowiier?. ana I act. rennets
Wiard. Whew 1 what a time. Uaee wo
cams to a ravine. Tbe howi'z.rs were
locked and dragged down. Along came
Cait. Uennet. S-oaie one sajzestcd lock-
Stroud, cap-aia of the gun, former
boatswain, shouted to Wilson to 4-let her
r"p." Some oae said she would ovr;et.
"It can't go over, we can go und-.r," says
S.roud, and away they wmt. A half doz
en Contrabands bad boil. The mud boi
at the bcttoao was tearly waist deep.
Away tb
y went, the mod Ejw, the mea
ue-' iuto it, fcaritl up to the
azle, two of the contrabands disappeared
but, after the piece had passed, came root.
; out like al.igat ors we nearly split
i l.ughtcr. Shroud with his red cap an J
sL.rt looked like n devil. They got her
through, and we pushed on. Half the
time we were knee deep in the black mud.
We thought it tough, bat tougher was to
c-.me yet. After five miles of such work,
we got oa to tho main rjad wh:ch wassol-
id, and we thought tiaiea would be easier,
Capt. Uennet, rlocghing through tbe mud,
would say to our boys, whenever they
Wire ia a touh place, "Hoys, if yoa want
my heart to break, leave tSe." II is Leart
wasn't broken they stuck to Lim. j
We were met by aa ail, who lull as the
li bels had abanion.d the first intrench-
uient. Here's where the gun boats were
prinking so long. We earn up with t'e
marine howitzer battery, and also with or-
ders for oar U'gimcnt to pull the guns,
Oae bad a y oke yoke of oxen to them,
Tbe rest wero dragged ty men. Thcso
poor oxen will be famous as long as the
battle of "Woods' brickyard'' lives in his-
tory, if their story is told. I will try and
tell it. We came along (o (he Ilebel in-
trenchinent. We were ax:zed at its ex-
tent and formidable character. At the
road was a fortification for guns tut they
bad not been mounted cr Wire taken away,
For nearly three miles, an embankment at
least five feet high, and a ditch as deep, ex-
tended. We bad never seen anything like
it. We thought, if th"y abandoned that,
t M .1 ii t . , ,
wnere wou.j mey r'.auo, : lout we cai
cot yd known how much labor had been
expend-d. Here the howitzer battery had
to be manned by a new relief, and Conipa-
ny II. loos: ho.d. I have only to sav that
the labor was beyotfd description. Sixty
rounds of ammunition, ffcrtv ia the box
and twenty in our pockets) guns eiung
on the back b'aLkets soiked with raio,
haversacks full roads of a stiff heavy
clay, that pulled oar shoes off, (more than
a half dczen of our men went into battle
the Eext mcrning in their stocking fect,
and fought it through until Rebel stores
supplied them.) We came to where the
Kaiiroad crossed the wagon road, when we '
met Lieut. Beaver with orders for tbe rest 1
of our Regiment to follow up the Kaiiroad.
lint we would not leave the cannon. ;
Many of tbe men bad picked np chickens i
... , , '
and turkies, but, as they became weary, I
. . ' . ,.
they threw them away in disrast Cap!.'
t . , . , ,
Lennet appropriated tne ox team, (and
kent them until thev laid down to dip f.
ter the battle, all riddled aad stripped with '
jtallets) About nine o clock, that night,
' ia !nr.r...i at ro.,U r,ntl. ;. I
c:, .oi Uj d.wa io'therain aBd
mad icd slept until 1
Two o'clock, Friday, when we started
sgain. Capt. Uennet eaaaj in with bis ox
sgain. Capt. iiennet catna in with bis ox
, , ... . -
team, and stepped awa e, and that was ,
the Ust we saw of him or tbe cannon.unti. t
o l .yAr U T-!..! . I .a
but we plodded on until about firs iu the
morning, when we came ta a fieM and
morning, mien we cams to a ne.4 and
house, and found nam.ida and Runa in '
house, and found Bornside and KenD jn -
l - j - .t t.i.iii ,i i it
uej asieep. a.i.vi;i. ieii reporiea ae oaa .
brourht the cannon, and Geo. Buroside
taU ne would never lorget tbe olst i'a. I
',rlt..l tV. lnnJ .ntnll.. H..I.I .,1 iu
beside ditcb, bivouacked, made coffee, I
laid dawn. M lei-, ached an thaa I i
u .. -i .t u : :
coiiiu am aieen. suuuiaers sora carryia .
' UT ""'; ' i
wasseieo o tloek when we were ordered to (
r.n .. .... ... .1
ia. a gjuii not get mj tcacs in orati i
fer some time. We had been given no
Knfield Ufl- a ftw days before, asd :be
tain bad swelled the stocks so that their
rammers could not be drawn. It was a
pretty go, but it couldn't be helped now,
and the most I btard consoling tb'.mselves
that if the; could only get a chance with
their bayonets they dida't cars about their
rammers. We formed and marched thr '
the wood to the Railroad, where we fuuttd
the other two Companies hal bivouacked,
aad wero bar py to meet I.t. Heaver with
his cheerful "good morning." We f rated
on the Railroad, discharged our ptec.;,
re-leaded, fit down, and smoked a p:pe
We were soon ordered to move on cp tLc
Railroad, loti a,l know what it is to
wali oa these ties how unsaitei it is to
your st-p. Then just place the ties fix
inches closer together have a din can
dods playing on your right at. J left, w.th
lots uf musketry in front have it s
f 'gzy, jeu cau't see a Lujrvd yaris
ahtal hear au oc:anaa. cria
the woods of cannon ball cr shell, c. -e by,
(.1 counted some twenty lying along tb.ro
afterwards) you can't look up, or you .1
miss your footing yoa are too far away
ur anv txenemeui io taer j u i.a"
traveled a.l the day befjr
traveled all the day before, and all sigh-,
in a way that would have killed you at
other tiaies then perhaps via cia have
some idol of our march slonjj the Ri;l-
road. About a q aarter of a mile fr.m the
U bel eatrecchmeLf, wt tor sea over (o tie
I-.ft. We Muasbei ia at a double quick,
and formed about five hundred yards from
the ravine, on the other side cf which the
ilebels lay. Tho Col. stopped the rigix
sing, and foraed it each .Company, as
they farmed, Uy down. We ktpt our noses
close to the ground the tu5hes, ab't two
feet high, were swayed by the balls out
of tbe tree tops, cannoa bai.s showord
down we were reeking wi;h perspiration.
L'i. Morris and U.no came up with us,lty
dowa awhiic, tnen weat off to tee r:ht :
we were on the extreme left of tbe line,
Capt. Xea! came up ia front, and, as the
balls barked the trees all around him, very
politely invited Col.IIariranft to form bis
iteitimcut directly ia rear of the Xew Jer-
fey 9th. Moving op withia a hundred
yards of them, wj were ordered to he
down, where we eaw the New Jersey 9:h
peppering away at the Rcbeli a cooly at
if tbey were deer hunting. We could see
clear down a hollo of the ravine, but
were exposed to a cross-fire, the Rebel
entrenchments ea the bill circling in baif-
moon shape.-
The battle Lad now lasted tome three
boars. Our men were impatient, but tbe
regulation was that any man who fired
without orders should be shot. Artillery
firing had ceased for waut of ammunition.
Oa the right wing of our brigade, tbe 21st
Mass. bad male a charg", were repulsed ;
the New York 5 1st bad suffered heavily ;
and (he New Jers?y 9:h were suffering,
also. As we hear, Gen. Tos'er sent word
to Gen. Uarnside he hadn't gained a foot,
Just then, jcn. Keno sent orders f r the
left wing cf the 51st I'cnn. to move up.
We arose, faced to the left, marched to
the rear, then to the front, down a little
hollow came down with a yell, the
, 5Ist
est of
N Y. cheering us oa rose oa the cn
i:u i f y
a qui, iqj urea voi.ey, loaacj ana urea
a second volley, when Gen Ileco,wha was
standing amon ns, pave the order to stop
firing, aad charge. Tbe bullets rattled like
bail against our Day one's. V, ith shouts.
we rushed down, across a ravine abt
ut a
hundred yards wide, swamp below, and
forest trees felled across.formisg an almost
impassable abattis. How we got over, I
am hardly able to tell, after looking at it
next day I remember Tom Grier and I
were on a big pine tree that ran about ten ,
feet above ail (he rest, when I remarked
to him it was rather perchy at any rate,
we charged across stormed the battery,
(wo iron cannon with tbeir black threats
full opea on us, and loaded as wo after-
ward discovered entered, aad about liij
Rebels surrendered the day was ours.
.. ,
Eixghamiiox, N. Y.. March 17. The
i i..'v.. !. l
e pleoa:d lresbyteri&a thurcb,
unoccupied, as well as the old church, ia
ih ttim.t, kri.1 li h..l,i Th.
loss is $2G,000 ; insured for $!i.CtfO.
' -
At station 12 miles from Manassas
The i
rebel hal kindled a fire under them
wUich failed to torn.
. . . i
A centletnan trom u iiliatnn Tt writes
7 ,b r. , 7 p ' , . .
J'h . V?V
wa robbei o! jj at th I'. !.. ll. ti-T.t
If L 1". - l . .!
unanimously. Two ministers desired to
uc excusca iroin Tjuug un grauita (
hereup3U they voted Aye ! I
e eiused from Toting not granted ' b
hereupon they ToteJ Aye .
. . . . . ...
Jobn liell, atraia Ot "lne L nion, tnc
Constitution, and the K-iforcement of the
aawa, uas uou imj .iiwsip(.'i- aieirira
c uiu nii.ai v,.uiii ii 1 niuii ,
The Seoessioo ortrans loatcd of "their '
tremendous reaction" acini to eotne off in I
.. . .
oM tbeir dupes bow the Ejection went! I
t !
rkt.l T..i. T.... ;. Sii ..... .'.I ;
" ""-j - v jn viu. i
APRIL 1, 1SG2.
basest; wews
rcr.?c:T'o!,i. For:? nr..l nil jootn tt
i.e nliritit!oi;cii l.v tl: nobci.-.aui it!i
th wholo State of Florida.
Union for..-0-j are said to be in "";
?C5.-:nn 'if Cyiursibia, Tcttn. Oilier,
it is ptil..Ii.-l:nl, croiPil C'unilifrlnnJ
Mountain. ai"l J lt.ion troop
were within wiles of KaoxviHu.
A dreaafiil cri'l'i-ion tor.k p'ac? in
the !ovcrtiti:i tit ('art: iJ"? Fa--tf-.
Fourth and Kec-i St?.. ri,i!a.!'.-!i.hiii.
S.itu:-lay mon:ii:ir Ia-t. Five" r.- :.
wcm lu'Mvti into frnL'nicti!- ai::.o-!
in li-t:n -tii-La't .I. nr.d 4" ir -' oth'-T
were niore
cr !l;- wour.tio'l !ri:.ti-
'a!!v vi
l: females, eittjilovei about
the i-rtahliii.iuciit.
We have littl? new? from tho Arxy
of the I'otTitiae. esct j.t of a 'leLti.d
review" cf T ,' so'. llcrs.
flen. IJ:ira-i ' has taken liVaaforf.
N".(h. wii'uout re-irtanco. Ft. Muc-'ii
is cont'letely surroun-lc! r LU
(len. Snmn.'-r penetrate'! a? fir as
AVarrenton ,I::netion. south, the Ite'u
cls retiring Lefure Lira.
Il.ivard Taylor Secretary of I.e
ration fir Gn-Catncron at the Caut
of St. l'eieribttr.
to adjourn FrMay, 11th Apr;!.
It is ?taio l the Ilaltintore.t Ohio '
Iiruli'oa 1 will l e reopuaeJ lor U;Q the
!'.r?t we :k i:i Avril.
It is hi '.'eve J that HeanrejarJ ar.il
TO.iohj other Ilehcls are cutiecntrattrtcr
p.t Corinth, a railway connetiori in
Norther MiasUrii-ti, for another ' ia?:
(rri. Ca'lwallar'cr of r'.lhiJ. is ap
aitittJ a Maj.jr Gen. of Volanteer.s.
Com. Porters inortar fleet :.!!. J
front h:p I-Itit.l lor the Southwest
Pu3 oa tho l!:h. Corn. Farracut's
cunboat fleet, which is to eo op -rate
with Com. Porter, left oa the 17th for
the same place. 1
Both Hoases of the Rebel Coitgrcs.-!
had passed, a re-olnti ati advising that
no cotton should he plauteJ this year.
Fro-n Me'nphis we Ierrri that the
new Tenne?.-ee Ievie are dialasiiaj. '
refu-irt- to light with pike-.
Ly the break of an axie. ?everal ;
cars ran into oach other on the Rail- j
way X. W. of Chicago, killing ten of
the 3d Wisconsin Cavalry, and woan
uin,j several others.
ee?The folljwiog, from the Rochester I
I'nt'jn f- Adccrtiicr, refirs to tbe contem
plated Exhibition at Independent Hail ia
Lewialurg, Saturday afiernooo aai tven-j
lag cf this week : j
' East night,we witnessed the great Pa- ,
noraaia of the War, by A. J. Rus.-cll, and
must admit that.notwithstand.og tbe great
reputation of the artist, and the much we
had heard about this work of art, we had
f iruie d too low an estimate. Such wonder
ful effect w; have seldom seen on canvas.
It transports nae from the picture to (he
rea.::;es of nature, speaking ia a laD-aijrs
cf (he fijh(. They can co( but symra-
thlze with the wounded and djin, and
honor and respect (hose who are rushic-'
onward todocr die. The burning cfG ospori
N.v, Yard struck ns a, parttca.arly fine-
o!d oarcb f nai.cpd.ng up Ion-
tongues of name, high against ths lur.d !
i.,jOnJ Ietri the hufi dmsa r'
case ci uds
of ascending sacke iota a thousand circling
c olunics cl lerr.tte sublimity ; utti
ef Same dinging and creeping ti.entiy up
the tail mats, and hanging like th 'u'jnd s
of serpents from the nutty ropes aad c or J,
severing them from their fastening;
everything partakes of the glare of destruc
tion; the wa'er. the d-cks, the sky, tho
distant city of X.T.'elk, ia fact, it is of
itself a picture of a whole evening's en'er
tainment. In conrlasicn,we eaa not help
ujiicing me encampment ci tj ir. .neL.ei-
A oaoniijht view of ex iu;si;e h ve
lines?, the far eff distance dim and u3i.
the dim impressive f re ground, white
tents of the soldiers reS.-cting long lances
' of silvery light through the uiallow atmos
' pheres of the middle distance, the camp
tires casting their floods of light on shurts,
j trees, rocks, and groups of soldiers
bivouacked around tbem little heeding the
all momentous results, of daring deeds of
i the morrow. There are many other scenes
, worthy of note, and wj are sorry that we
can not devote a greater space to their
' merits."
P RTTT1t'i. tilt .WMTi'Kt'Vr
IV. ANSA U. KINT,o( lu.-cut I?
5? trcr.
'"i frm !tj tiet. in T.-'w
Vrr.I'th n'.t. :
tr. ircl oai I
i u iin. it isr ,.! .r r .ni.-,
,n AT- oa m. lvth, lal.-.a t , tiiu
. Af. l oa Ui lvthT L , tb. ir
W ALL!?. Ii-rin-Tij ft Cuaanseuurr t i .ud:j.
In IMwpTp, Nortt. Co, olt-, J JltS TR JCT.
lo Rah Tr. XCTthrin'I To.. 24 ult., Mrs. CHARITY
Won .Kl'jN,i hr 61ft yrr.
In .-irt-irrf!T n'.t,iofBt aar'ii'T "fCn'.A.C.
?innn. i-7tlinlt.ALH.,tlu;UtcrU Piof CCR-uih-tDeva,
ia it r :h j-t.
. . . ... ., '
lo Sanbnrr. r j n!t, WII.LT H, c oC M'CUy ail
wwnabiiiin,rtte1ut :jr, ;
ly ," criiMlNCS, ;
In V:..To,,.S ikn'i, AtftxaMtCR CrMMINCS,
l.te or MiSH.as-urz. asd .hout ia jrsr.
ILtUJisbura laar&rt.
CarretttH Wakif
Whcit $112 EgZi 12
Rye 55 Tallow S ;
Corn 40 Lard S .
Uats .
2a Ham 1
Iwd Apples , riovorsrd
Firkin Ku'tcr If fMit 4'i
. .... , , ,s , i
ria iouiter... i i viionj cny i j 1
THE UNION," e.-M-uiIioJ in v.uule M)., z.jM.
"CIir.ONIi'LE,"!.:' !;. ! in IS S3 TThole Xo.f 933.
an all ft?:!-"" if ac-'Tf .?r;'.. rr :
TE .'.i-'-i i;. i'rr r-.K.-r tM t're. A -'
line V..' -.-- C'-orrant, K.J
U -iter j I A2-H. M ..an. i;." ' !
It 11
,:.,o-jr :
IjilJi 1.
.'ri? it.
n i ' e r . t
t i i n V .
tl ! lii-?
i iu'
Jill: Lie
1 !:1 H.
l.inutit o AM
j "jtf't
Tirt n e j
MoVIr. sulTH.
i ts A V
- H M
1 a-e i.'-wiNu.-g
r .
eh' .v A-;.:..a..
Tc run
!'. l..i
. nt rer
: J r
irri mr :
. i a i.f tr.e r cr; (; e. ao
re ;
..Lf i at h;s l ti.:?
t--. 10 r. l.at f
. -b at; : i ro.an.)
, r r r
A. r.: I, I'M.
L. U. CHi
r inar W-1-- their mpioyt iarij
j rr.jer?l iich liine v a-is-
:'irit acc. -:;. i- oCCj:rt i i
I T '1
TE n
it. c : 7-:i" i
tar.rr a: -1. e t r-;r.-.r
'I;te l.i :-- i
itii. it.-'..
'utfr.'5 a: i a
. j t:.e r u.-o
i.t. n a-M-tanre
i.a'ore h i-i c.vi
'J h per
wr e c- rt f:;.et
re i '.e:-h a wi'! wortb
e. ao; rrotesiv.r.ai nea
c. f.irso ic 1. r 't.e :
: av cat: r.
i f. r f r;f
t. tr c
tr.c a.. :
i ih'rti at .' tr to ?
vertit.ee an.t vrtt! it:" l"ons
o -t u h " ' y 1 1 u.e e - troe-;' n
r :x to ; t " 2 ao i lh'::r r.:-. 'er.t- wh.cn
:r; t-r wo- L-' r .t -e. ir i. N rr-;.a-
aoy wre aor-i: iv tr.e ttaT.es, tut :t
roe-it vr.-r.he rf ttie ran.
z it ? tn T-rr rrrtii has totcn
z os irio-.v crovt v..!amer. we hz.rt
vr. iv. I a- L .'iV, itr'.-rir.'.of-i B"t ar ! j:
r.ait- t r: t a r- rr. tn c en mv a th e wm
-to r a . w . t -he sa' Art sh' 11! 1 fr'-v
i'ai . n. :n 1 ea e i t y h cea-.Tv. nur btirs
are satp in io hunr f t sttch hdifi as eir.it:.
tta th;r w..l ar. 1 ta' -r vtr 1 -v. at th t.re.
JA. S. M.iWi ic CO.
Lew suture. Tarcti -J. lCi.
INST-RWrn CH'.'i'AM' c
AMii.tlCA I.... ..i'.ph.a.
(i&scrf. r.I.O, 1T.;.
rrtv.ir-l ej.-.nft.oon.nft
Assets-. Jm. I -01 - - l.tl.SUl'J.sl
ARTIH it (i.rnFFIX. President
CH ARLUM 1'LAIT, tSscrtlarr
T? 3u:. t r.'1: anRQaI:y or p-rpe!ua!'r. Mr-cha.-t
Cirair., Krirtitttire, ;aare.t, at
correct rates ui Preuitum.
r.tl.Tia A jest f r I'.-.or. c-.utev. Pa
aiiisiMLiz ALL Rjjrti
' -
' - - i,- . ..-
For the Harvest of 1502!
t, , , , . ,. . T ,
1 ''.Vr'-'U'-J -iiUeLt.u.'ii Ji.e-
iiie-io ri'u n uie .lurac; :
y i Fun i.t n rr
L-i!.ur?, I'a.
ir!.'ni jtn-t-i-r r ITrrfr
-.'"H.lV uur'1 mH.
I II It unrree- tea'e 1 su
L eve" t tr. s;r r ;'.;
ce-. oi tn- - U ir
rro. i" ot it. Dprr;
K ha." ra j" I
to? Vantitact-ore
T-." Ut.' K
Rrv r:
a : xu ii iy
; -. :i ft,'
Maoh nes. a:, t
ihed l:;al
car:-. .
: ir.;. .. 7 r$ atrav
V. .
. . r-,.. i .e atteatton
- : ir.
W HrtLL-s-th?
. .' i - 'r. to- I;, or ii !i-
. j-r. t .- te oae ed
'.-r- 'h- -.o .'uv.r
raw., a
mar t.
."'-1 K:
II.-tr 1 J
n: lt. n ti
wn eo
i a r !. w.t.i HjT 'et: i
E-t.-e tae l.-uiie-,t.f
i.ar -r P.nr ntav
t-- 1'. :. J itie 1 .n
f ,-r.t.s at 1 V. nee', n
ma;- te ra s.l ao 1 i
ulii'-i th? Ct;;;fr tar
i, so as u c Jt as
IV; cur. an.t L'ra- l! x .'s L: : Draf; '
(10 iv I'ra:.) no r;.', cn :hc h-rEs' j
ncn l-arks a-i n-, y a a cm a l it
:-.in ('Tin a com -,r a-.e-j ! ai. a-i'.azes 1
tiourin oa the Ir!;i: Vth?c!s.
A ifa"3 i f h.rsf": -ic'i.if. it'- !b. each.
' c;:; an aac cf rra-- an r.ur w;.h cist.
uiicr.,2? ;u;a:ae.l mi;h ivro Cuir
Bars one I rc-ntirtg jra.-s. anJ the j'.hr i'it
ca;utz c.'J r, .-aca it ttsty aJa; ltd to
i j.
"j t .l. rt will be varum; to irainiaia the
B-.iciieye ;n thenviaN!e poiticu it uuw lccu-p.e-,
that cf tcicr tae
Eest Hachiae ia tie Y7cr!J!
I The
rr.rr; r'tiun th
-nff r
thaai tn their t'r.er.J :".
, . .
r ' thev baie rf.-tivei
la ii.:rr
"?r ar. 1
t 2 il.e :
,,.... i - i , . 4 . . . ,. -
,r na-i.i r
in? ar.i kin 1 i iTicti in
ihtf fnen.N anJ o!chkH
Fur 'rr::- a:r Vc , re Circular,
ma; le h'. ! c any u; tn.r A;'n.v
T.i-r a ri 17:11!:!",:. "i-v"rV
ent I'isIiii--raI:i IJiill. ...-. i
i - i(no t. be im m. ii sun -
EK IS l, ani iu only one wch
l whach cecils ;i fuuih'y. ;."at in tne !( j:
1 injiinn? t.ie ser.i. W A c)er.a ni. re i;i thr
ane I ine thaa an ether mscame in ue-
Tncv a! manuiacture arij kerr hanJ
for air Ip-jtuz' TtaJ Pwr en-J Trrth-r;
Sttrc ioian; whci :s h' c-lrratri - ln-
acion; whica :
J .'" - . , , .rh '.
':t R ' L p
e.ru. r -unity uuf -mtt. .
Surb si, t-i;.
1 1
I ifDi'F.'i
ISSate of Juhn W liillskrr.dec'U
ICT'I LlJ-" ' f A !:r.ii)Mrauon dc bBM fct,
j r:,h iftf V.'i; a!.r.'ir-I. rn th ta! -f
- . . f r ... t-.T-i r-
c'4t have tn ffranied fo l,ORLMA LOW
All pfrt-rn hav.e c:a:o;j aainkt ni rf
'lie viil pre n i inrm ii'rnwna to Orwrj
Mrrrul, AltiTPfT fvT ihe A Joi;nibtriTii.
ealih rf PenesWrstiia
i Jirh W'h t-3'i.er. Mr. WhitTaker, Widuv
1 ai V.iltiam Whittaker, dee'd. who wasoaerf
j h n and he.rs at law rf Ji ho Whitiakrr,
Jec'J, a l tVir iue, if such ihrp be. To
' B rk'e. w.a ir damhirr of Catbartue
II c'le. riee'J. laie Catharine M'hittaaer. ae
r'ti: (ta-i!th'r and h:rs at .'aw of id Ji-ea
Vh.-tVr. i'r . To Vary Jane B akir.
wit? rf Jofh B.ck!. late Marv Jan W kit.
a.-r. one 01 ihr ftausiuen and fceirs at law
. f J ho V."u.:taer. dc'J heira aad lefal
1 r'jirti'3'ir ,,f I hn U hunker, lair ef
East UutTaioc townah.p, I'nion cuaoly. dee'd,
; "TTKnttE5.a Petition hat brew rradard
1 11 rerr.ami ua tte in ihe Orrhaiti' Court
rf the c or. y af' resa.d. prajmt a decree fVr
therc:Se p-rf. nnmce of a wrutra contract
for the a of the real e'a:e ct aaid Joha
Whitta.fr. c-e'd. fitnate m tbe towmhir.
crui!7 and r'ate af resaid. Voe arxt each c f
yi u are hre!e Cifd to te and appear at t&a
tt'V Orpht?i' Crnrt to te he'd at Lewienrr?
f"r the r-noty of t'titrn. e.0 MoBday. the 19ihi
day ci" ATav r.ext. to how cause, if any jf a
kn .w. why the praver f the petiima tboBld
n : t- rrar.tei. ani ac. nveyanee ia fee aim.
p't ira te in purs'iance of Uie tame 10 the
Wi:n m: hr1 and ihr seal ef the aaid
Corset, at Lewistnre. the 27 h i(t of March.
A. I". If 2. SAMLEL KOISH. Clerk.
Arr.l 1. l-2wl
WING bi Ljht, at c. n'tabte'i a!e. ef Pt
P. Sa-iers, Lewisburg. tie followiej
trr. v. 2 :
2 T jos, 1 fivtir; -ore. lot of Tiaware.
"no r-. t Kr.Ch-ia: CSatr, Table, t Bed
a'd Uetii-.i. 1 I, ti-f Window Bind. 1 Wash
S'.on !, 1 .'!..( It, a Ii t of Riz Carpet. 2S yard
Carpet. 1 sett iisht, and lot of Car)iea!V
1 Ao j havirff lanei said prcperty to said Pan
rt-r cur.r; cur pa-arf. we hereby caaiaoa
at. persons n. t to infrtere wiih it.
U;H-.rr. Wir-h lsfi
j IT'E-rT ERANCH Insoranre Compatir.
j or Lock Haven, Pa.
j Instres rr-perty in Ix.ih Tcwa and Ccaa-
-rr cn as reasonable Terms aa any other
1 good Ci mpany.
j Th? larre increasof PresinmXotesnakea
j it a re'iat-e Company to insnre in.
: twonnl of rrriii rs o ti fiirCT. tC.tO.
! J.WC'aiHiJ, See. (i-CHaaviT. Pre
Dee 15. Lewiburr
llr li.e Fa.M.LV oOAP-Ji-alEB.
A" K '.chen Grease can V mate into rood!
ir Direciiuns acccmpaQyinc each Box.
' SOAPis a eas.hr raaie Wiib it, as makicf t
ca w . .i. e.
MannfacfjreJ on'y ry the Patenteei
Fcr.a'a Salt ManufaetBrin j Companr,
- ur. vittm 5u raiuoLiroia.
Feb le. l-Cttyl
i. c:i:kii art. ie.tist.
au reniored to Soaih 3d atreet.foor
d. rs from tie Tcwa Ciock. LEW.
. r.v
IJew tUEd-.-Kew Goods I
TCSEI'II L. HAWX havia? taken tid
ti rocait ur. Jer .tie Teleerapti and Chrviie'd
r :ee,red::ed Uieci.ai; nt.ctl ua an cx.eaa.vw
i varjety cl
:.'.', l'p', Gentl-men't Clfthirftdr.
' A'.sn a !rr- eni splendid stk pf CLOTHf
I C AkSI Vi tKEC, die. watch he will nmit up Im
o-utr. i ne iii.i continues lie tailoring Bus,
aess. He u rr-rarei to execute all work
. eoiruted to h.s care.lo the aatis'.acuon of that
X. B. Cav.i-.s: and Rerair:n(g- done la
order. Lewisbors. .pril lu. 1IS61
HAVING boa-ht at roblie Sale, as ih
pr peni cl Joan i.. Ktxtr. of I'dr i Tp.
Ltinn a har mare, a r'ar hi-rae, a sorrel
5 , ciare. a sorrel cc-'t, nro red cows, t heifer. 9
. e:ts harce, a itti t rarnes, a lot of h.T.
; 5 sboa's, a vaezoo. a barcev, a plow, a bar
i row, brealita-i taol?. a lookint tOasva ecal
' .t re aad pipe, a cockinz store and pp. si
; tresier, 2 br-s act bedsieaj. a bedstead. IT
j var is of carpetioz. a chest, a meat rel. a
rStirn. - tat., an arm chair, 9 chair, aa-i i
J io'eret in IS acres of wheat in ?ae reoni
all of wh ch I havel.anej lu aad left with saiil
j Kenn daring mj pleasure.
New B-r::n, F;b. I, lta p J
warranttd NOS tXPI.OSIVE,
and equal to any KERCSEyE.
Whr bnr an e:o!nire Oil. when a few cents
tntre rpr caiion w.ii furnish too wiia a par
;et U:l ! Made tniy by
Penu'a Silt Maanfacturin'r Companj,
Mo. I;:. K.iaot sl ruiUULtPBU.
Teb 10. ISi'.C.l
Alloracy at Law,
LEwiscrr.a. rxtost ro, n.
COrLTAT:ONS hai in the Ecjiish an J
Herman la-tiaees.
ir.ce at ihe I.w i liilce of Wna. Jones, Caf
L.. usnrr. J 1 4. l i
ALE I.rV. or eirhar.ee for a Sj"e4
1 II rs-.
by KiiliWtK, MXLl KE A CO.
AVTNt: leaned to J iha Snnoiaa and
J. no !". nman. Jr.. near I'nmn Kurcaee.
in ri.tt.in? pernal property
! F 11...... . I... nt U .r.es. ce.en head
of H 'rneJ Cat. f , one Wagua. two Picochf.
' lw.i Harrows, cae Cltiv.ur, a lot ot' Forks
an 1 ItaWes
I beret y caution all per.ns a;ainst inerfe
rm wnn '.hearioTe-camed prrpe riy.as I Ha.
lf4nej item darine hit p'easore.
L..L.irr. M.th Ci. t-i rd
tVMr. srAHI.-Rooia ninifc-r-ha
rtoroeJ to his uop io l.eiourj:. aaia us
aiten-1 to ail amis ot work tn ho Iiwe. Bn?
auttz T 'or B . . Vaiaaises, Newypjpees.
Ao..f. r ihe Botlt-btnder.
y' iTRtitr; COM, OH. tfC
ioriii'uJ 4. oui nil.
r .a
i i
1 1 ; ;
1 .P-PY" RAOctk