Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, March 14, 1862, Image 1

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in mm
11 HI 1MM C
Trcdav Mornin Ftiilav AHeraoon.
1 jL----
Election Da), (next week, Friday.) .
mil afford fowl chances, in every Election
District. l make P CUBS fur the ct A
CaxsicLt. (Should Ihe new lax Bill pa.
M P""Mr .KEtJ" f'ihe
....,.,. thereafter.! IRKLIS
Fpria( Election primed Co order, on huri no
tice, at t Office.
ty Ta-Pyer," in oar next. Aloal.n;
letter from Japi. Liaa, de wn to So mi, re
ceived la.l evening.
Pilar TatkS.-L.a.i Nursery, aear Lew-
..Imti. is be. "" ' " l"""5'
Call il yoa want bargains.
rr-Mine hufl" of the Revere H... a
onnee. a new Tan of rr.ce lor t "
Oo..u customer.. See hi Card ao? .r
ew Adverusmenu lu-day.
.. , ..A ike New A Ivrrti'e
n,ent tw.ee ,J oecaMouelly lrh yuor
memory with the old eae! i
KTbe following are tlecea ,,. .-v.
f tbo LewUburg i MifH.nburg Ttirnj
Company for the ensuing year :
Prestdent-fie ree F M Her
Manacers- Kred k P. ntio. .id-on Biehl,
Adam Sheerer, Martin llreibach
SeC"v and Tre'r-JameN K Linn
enperviior-J & A r ml-r.rW
To Rive f.-ntraets Ae.-E K Walter,!. .11
(iherer at Eat t!aie.
Ptei. Lincoln, Commander in Chief,
lias issued three tjeucral Army orders,
which are Duw published.
Ai.v.m a Jan. 27th, he ordered that
CO Feb. rid, (Washington's llirthday,)
there atiould be a general forward move
meat of all the niaiu forces iu Virginia
and elsewhere.
lirPASTWKVTS. (Ten. M't'lellan is to
-command tbe Army of the l'otomac, and
it expressly relieved from any power or
reapvnsibility elsewhere
2. Gen Frcmnut is restore! tn active
service ia the Centre, or Western Virginia
sad Kastcro Kentucky and Tcuuessec, as
be Mountain Department.
3. Gen. Hallcck commands the West,
or Valley of the Mississippi.
Fiv IM visions. The President eoo-
T.n4 ot tn. ion, .. atutinpung u.v.
one man profitably direct a hundred thou-
caod ia tbe field last week separated the
. ... ... ... t
Ara? of the Potomac into liviions, or
t'nrtw. as follow. :
1 foor division, under Geo. M'DowelL j
j three do. Gen. Sumner.
tbreo do. Geo. lleiatiumaa
4 tbreo do G" Keyes. 1
5 two do Geo. Banks. i
Tbi. moT.meot i. generally approved by j
all who want th. Rebels whipped and tbe
War coded. 1
Smee this order, Manaasa. has been
eleared, and, a. fast a. roads will permit,
lifa will he everywhere mare visible,
IVew AaTR'I.K F Was InCongras,
th. tious. bill, prohibiting soy Officer
from deeradiae our aanio . oiuniccrs into
olate-caieher., passed the Senat. slo-U9
.... rr.L
for, sod only V soting against it. ne
President will aign it, of course.
TViXime's correspondent ssya Gen.
V.oLI.1,Ia& iWHW'-. w r w
Thsak God that manbontiog becomes at
a. . ab hnriA an
all illegal in
"the Una Ol me ir ana iue
m . 1 .
brrme of th. brave '.'
rotteritv will ex.
ottertty win ex-
scrats every slave-catcher, from the out
Jawed pirate who bunts them in the wilds
Cf Africa, t. rhe professed eiviliied Christ
ian in America who violates tba Scripture
command, TAo thalt t deliver vp tlic
,ts.The mechanical .kill, th. industry,
tba perseverance, tb. energy, and tbj
sseresy, evinced by the Rebtls in their
eooent dash with th. "Marritnac," proves
that the war by throwirg them on tbair
own reaottroM has devoloped more favo
nV.e traits for material prosperity, than s
fcalf .ectury of laxy living sponged from
tb. North acd tb. Negroes. Th. attack
of tbo Marrimae was their most brilliant
and manly deed since they began to steal.
Gen. Samuel R. Crnrii.. tk. Her. of
the Arkansas Union victories, wss a rradu-;
BY 0. N. W OUUt-iN Ai u J.
At ALSO per Tear, alwj
aia of W ut Point, and served with hon-1 Other vessels on earh ride were nora-or
or in Mexico. He was practicing law in , loss irjur.i by this singular fihf, in which
law., and a Republican member of Con both parties were surprised by the iron
gran, whan the Slaveholders' Rebellion plated vessels appearing. The Rebels bad
broke eat While such creatures as Bi'l an overwhelming advantage, tbe first day,
rffe left the S,ld to go to Congrcss.CritTts
a,.--.. ij iaxe mo neia, ana proves
P'-k' wader brav. and discreet.
larTbi 7 ? r '." .i
lue -Vc Lrnnmnrv Kates that 1
tha Diptbsria bu viaited kBT. f.iii. !
that borourh and vieir,it.l...;i.
j .t . .
save entaed, tha. far There, i.
Ciab of Sorghum ti rowers, Hughille j
A. R. Sprout, manufactunng the crude ar-'
tide who, after last year s trial, will i
max, more ei tensive preparations for sug
eana .-.li.. ,1 I
ceventcen additional votes were af
' ts11! IQ favor of Ketffi and
Cbeoowuh'i 'nioiireaQliit.nt...a, .k l- .
B.lt. H E Cnf,
av vnifrene., and none aga,u,t.
aWSinoe. Government bu
l. t.i a - . uuiio.iea
avivrrapo, 11 Has Trover! m.,i.
Mrreet in sivin a her
rsr-ar. J 7 . "usaiiou that
T a " d,n"ge- i
t-r Au.iibB Snyder, Ilariraoft' Mi
rin'a Rj at u .. l' r . . . ''I't'
i at li...o k, i.i. ,
tstd t, b-Mzhuu, u ill h-aith
n. tun..r.iaii.3.
In Advance.
an n Nifir w t
The Naval Actions in Hami'toa Roads.
Among Ihe stealings of Virginia, while
jyjing ,(,e LViooists with John Tyler's
j,ejc4 cg," W4S , plrt of Norfolk
nJ.jat,j ,iiu thousands of cannons,
1 n. ship., left .with them by the
treachery or imbecility of Loud cuKers.
Am"ti; the ships thus List to as was the '
Mi.rriu.ic, bui.t ia
buiit ia lSoO, of Z-M tons
burden and 40 cuns.
which the Utibcls
I,ve L.-en r,r. barinir for Dearly a year,
They cat her down to near th water-mark, '
and plated all over her upper works iron
and steel scales or ribs, three inches thick,
with a heavy prfj.-eting nose of ir.n f t
piercing any obstacle, t'be was arni-d
with eight 11 -inch navy puns, two luO
piutid .rmrorg fans, and 400 men.
Some time ago, tb. Ilcucls gave out
(to dcludo the public that the Merrimac
was a failure" too heavy, and wouldo t
work. Hut, for some daya past, their
,thi. Hal.imor. and elsewhere
- ' ....
have been smiling and hinting that the ,
!;,. ... .h.mt In receive a reat
shock, rbi.-, it now arper, was this
splendid frigate, remodeled with ail the
care aud expense they could betow.
Last SatliulW, the amphibious mon-
s'er caijic down from Norfolk, looking like
a submerged bouse with the roof only
above water and a short smoke stack and
fa-staff. She moved slowly on, when the j
I" S. bluekading sUwp, i'nmrhin'l, of
. l g'in, opencJ fire, nut n, r Daus giancea
off with no apparent effect. All the
heavy broadsides rained upou the Merri
! mac, did nut prevent her running her iron
prow with tremendous fjreo into the
Cumberland, laying open her side; the
, M.-rnrnac then tin i a troidsiue dasbed
inTifi tntlt lh. l,umtM'r!an.l .nil Uff lixr
r - --- - - - ' 1 ,
sinking, her men getting eff as best itiey
Simultaneous with this, tbe iron clad
Ucbil steamers JuifSl j'ri and I'-.ri-foirti
came djwn James river and engaged the
I ninn frigate Congmss, i f 50 guns. The
latter not beiiii: in 'htiuc trim, soon
... . .
SItUcx tcr color,, auu tn. u.tets burned
Her. .
ibe Ini 'H frigates M, -,. and St.
I.-wmrt. got up steam and started for the
j ... 1 : . t I l. . I - 1 I L.
relief of our other vessels, and engaged tbe
Merrimae ontii dark. Tbe Minnesota
aud t. Lawrence unfortunately got
agronnd, which prevented the orew of the ,
former from boarding th. Merrimae as
they intended.
It is feared that the Cumb.rlaud lost
in killed, wounded, and drowned, one :
hundred men. The officers of ihe Con-
gress wcro taken prisoners bo privates.
Ili.rino tllO ... .n.-r.ir,t the Pninn rann
, Bun vrrpun wis iiiui- nj iuo ...crrimac
ia her boiler, and was blown up. Our
Zouave was also badly damaged.
A Rebel gunboat was cut io two by tbe
Lieut. J. B. S.MrTil snd 50 otheri were
. , .
probaDij lost oa me t-oogrces.
I Tbe Fiodt on Sunday began in tbe
iwi um mg -umiwr i w uiuu atii vcu iu
.1. - 'f L:-U 1 :
. .....
Prt th. night before) went to tba sssis-
fiflfS -lt fhJt wiMTtaacra.T hlld IhA I irmor
- 4
was attacked by the Wemmac, Jsmestowa
.... . . . ' .
. -
and lorktowo. Alter kve boars of can-
oonading during which, some of the time,
th. Monitor snd tb. Merrimao rubbed
cach other tbe Mcrrimic (apparently in
.it-king condition) was towed off by her
consorts into -Norlo.x baroor about noon,
careening to one side, and not reaching
its fafa harbor until towards evening.
Th. M-nr.-...:.af.. !.h.inil,an,e-,.t
, g
irjured. j
Th. only person wounded on board tic
Monitor waa bar Commander, John S
Worhen, who was injured while looking
out of a porthole for proper information,
lie it is hoped is not badly hurt
The V 'kitvr came out of tbe contest un
harmed, and as ber antagonist bad to re
tire the former is pronounced ber master,
althoogh tb. Monitor is much the smaller
and did tba most damaga-but, at last, ,
victory ieu oa iu t.uiua biuo, aa a u r.
MONITOR may b. tha instrument far
the reduction of Norfolk, annihilating tha
. .
" tpPc the Kobel. in that quarter.
Licnt Jiffers now commands the Moni
tor. The Mcrrimic ( t Virginia, as now
called) is undergoing repairs.
The Relsels say the Monitor "looks like
a Yankee cheese hoi on a raft."
JbaTThe Hampton Roads struggle inau-
i -- u .
ralcs a acw era in naval warfare. Tba
.uoogoi -
J'ruieu or i icucu tuu umb ;
-n1 SitHaf lottery it is claimed is !
superior to Ericsson s. Hut it is (till a
doubt whether these iron vessels
can co
through raging waters.
Ihrouffh ramn? waters. I be Monitor bad
- ".-
Dr" Put out y tbe water at sea, so wa
it bad to be towed into Fortress Mon- ,
-ter of our vessels. j
" I
man io Sntdtr untt was f.'Utid !
i, . r k -k T T TT-rt
ftiiliy and bo I f 1 and cavsts Ij( etlilu j
j dii.aa.d n.u:tLa lot tjui '
V .. - a I P!m.l
Tbe exten.i.o f tie magnetic telegraph
liBe fram "inslonI l)el ,0 Fortress
jjnre occupied 23 days. It was com-
pletfJ t 4 P. M. of Sunday, 9th lost
js( j0 time to five alarm to the I'aionUts
0f tU4 -Vorthern Cities by announcing tbe
fietor, 0f .ua M ooitor ot the Merrimack.
For year, Mr. F.rricsn has been ask-
W? ail U buna a war vessel ; ne oas a.
last obtained it, ami alter some momm
launched his "Battery,'
launched his "Battery," Ust week, from
tin Lontinentai n orK?, urecnpoini, .w
Vork. Her upper KirUs are twelve inches
outer and inner scale", li inches each
of iron, and thirty indies of white oak, in
thickueM. IK-r weight is 'J')1) tons. f'be
is bjmb and ehell pro.f, but pierced f r
air and for !-hirp h iters, and his two
1 1 inch Columbia I, cirryioj; lb. blls
made of H iire blocks of iruu aud these
turnr 1 in the latho. This monster ;
iuto Uimpti.a II nd yul after the three
Ktbcl yesatls bad run iut j and sunk our
Cumberland, and taken and burne i our
Lonjrcss I woolen iru'.us.) auu wnen an
our ships around Fortress M mroe seemed
in the pwer of the liebeis. Our splendid "J "" uurff, . P
r ,, , i .t . It has cost as the tin.e of 1109,000 men,
st.amer M hu,U was aground, and tho mJ f ,,1O0yOil,o,,. AoJ all this iuipcdi
fihting splendidly wju'.j. have fal.cn but lueut g0, w.,h-ui j blow no lives W,
tbe Mmtljr cauia to her r.acue. All the ( aud no giory won. (But "the boys" have
Kcbcl fire was then directed against the long beeu willing to li'ht ) It is doobt
ncw cjaicr, which beat them off ! whether tbcro was ever over lOOOHO
Kebels at a time in Manassas. Ibiy de-
Thu, in Iwj impirtant particulars ' stroyed much, but left behind cjo-idiritlle
the completion of tUa Telegraph, and V'J- ....,.,
., , , .. ., . 1 ' i lha back track of tbe Hebels is (at Ma
tbo arrival tf 4thc cent. e .v .iii'vr. we; . , t , ' , ,-
fr ' i nafsas as nswh'.re) a line of devaotation
were providentially favored, just iu tinws . graily the building of I'nion men,
uf grcati.;: need. bridg-s, fences Ac , burued : railroads d-
lir.V0Ti..N- to rtiE C'Af.sE -The true
' stripe of old. Revolutionary patriotism is
, evinced iu thj f illowing iuciji iil :
W AsitiMiTuN. March In.
Capt Wt'Ri.fcN.wbo liaiiule-l the M.ait T
so skilfully, iiml who was the only one of
her men iijured.) arrived here to day and
rp-jrfed to the Navy I-partmcut iu per
son. His chief ii i iry- is to his eyes, which
are closely bandaged, and he has to bo led
frotu place to place. Many incidents of
iutrct are related by him, and he is sure
three nr In liravu kltot nennlrftl.l tb
. .,;,-,;, '
i Word, n was in bis pilot house, when
tLe yj.rrim,. dircet(rj , whnia broadside
,t it, and received biainjurica from mtnote
I ... I . 1 1 J . , a,
. fragments of ebells and the powder whieb
were driveo through the look out holes
Wordeo was stunutd by the coutaiou,and
was carried away, t In recovering, he first
asked, " Have we saved the M nn-ti i"'
The reply was, "Yes, and whipped the
.It-mWK." "Then," said be, '1 don't
care what beeoines of myself."
President Lincoln has visited this gal
bnt ofBcr, whose promotion in the naval
! will be in the right line of policy.
' " "
A at. i tat it. iivil l'jlj-f
... , .. , ; ., .
! "0li Imocratic New Hampshire" led
, 'n3 for Jtlr- A" . "ties profe.scd s
Ha.irA In arn:h t.a L i na. ra
t """" ""' j'--,
; uuw, i. auo upcu ur uau-way .seeeasionisis
thought the Iemocratio candidate was the
1 nk..t " 1 .I. . .t . T l i-
wvoi tusu. uvi iu4i iiiC iv.opuulICia can
d.date ws an "awful Abolitionist I" (most
Ginitn ftp &' at A nt I f. n rrc . vmm l
; e " -'-"""d -y
. .
, -evertneless, and notwithstanding, Ibey
!. . . , 3
have re-elected Governor isLlclii, with
soma thousands of votes to spare, and also
choose 3 to 1 Republicans for Assembly,
Senate, Council, Xe.
Ono of the New Hampshire Uegimsnts
on tbe l otomac also Toted, giving Uerry
about 4o0 vote, to 12;, for two opponents.
This shows that th. Rep. of that Stale also
.rn . l,rr m, i .rl t i n .1.. A. i, ,j
D J -
they been at bom. to vote legally, our maj.
would have been handsomely increased.
EatVr ae-;n ie H-ll taan ri.itT. in HearrB !"
Speaking of the efforts of tb. Rebel
leaders to destroy tba exposed cotton and
tobacco the ebief export staples of Vir
ginia especially th. AVAnirW l"Ay
savs. that if foreitrs natiitna .l.i anl innn
acknowledge tbe Confederacy "tiie woitf.D
is 11 alt. Mi I'ER Fos ii 1" The worJ J can
get those articles elsewhere, as needed
but was there ever known such a league
of madcaps ? Their destruction of their
. .
own prnP"ty or, rather, that ef their i
rrotlucersKill hart only themselves and
their own country, not merely in tb. pre
sent, but in tbe futnre, also : for, it will
stimulate cotton and tobacco growing in
other parts of the world. Burning th'.ir
uu'y ii;.iiY'iar prvlKctt indicates demoniac
blindness aod desperate stupidity.
The House in Congress passed the res
olution recommended by tbe President
every so-called "Itemoerat," except Leh
i . 1 1 I -r 1 1 1. : I i . . j -
man ( iougiae; ui r niia.j to leu asainsi n.
rh eJln true to ,heir erecdlVfrj
,0OTe lna belore crytb.ng also, leas
on .ays 01. a iximer cmci uiTiuea
i las aod Nays Vallandipbam (whf
prolcns.s to be a i nioa man; dtnigett
William Ellis, a venerable citixen of ,
Anthnnv tawnshin. aim ilav last week star-
' . ' .... r. , . , ,
witn um sieign aua nra oomewaru
"am ' "hiagioovillt,. J ba norae and
' h'
h",'"!'' Wk' n't f"0', ,h,l'r
Mtirr near a cteck. bis ex-remities fn i-,n.
n1 ttn nicnt f -ini us gi nu neait,
akhKn soon cefcad to beat. i
taO. who tht fbarM iVm. rrr .hmll lorcet
Tb iUjn. of tb r;4rit twin t-.av,
tth-n. tr.tb;. ia th mtfl tb eorirT act,
fc.rty n.l lLr. t rrn;nt t priw
WIh-u U.- l..ul miiaun nl tl-; ia- rrj cliinrt
Il.iWI bxwa on new. ... li-U p ft IJ .
Wli-u II ..-w. 1. is JuuMlul, Rr.sl t Wzgth uLlie.
Aul ..ur c?i.i ry. sw-.k. u dy um,
W.I. l.-l tr- I t.unT ri. . int Itw TiiB.ucT
... ll.o.c tre h'lim w!i-n Ihrlliius jit. T-rwl
A I at. J.'nj cr-or. if Jirfeu... d .ut.ts ftn l t-r I
Til" hrl i' k fin'.n ol tbr b! dela.t
Th- ItiM I.-UIM' U .-I II. .Ir.le nl ..r.
Wliu iii. a f 'r'..-e... I'i.ii tur U Won,
A:ul t'.Bi- MI ...uol. 4 f rtb frc'b ilJ. at K.tj irjt'.
ANoTiu:ii tl'ijx or
"Scott's Anaconda."
Maimssas is Ours!
llAKRir,i i!0, M irch 11.
Oov. Cartin recctved a ru.'ssae from !
Washington this uiornin, that Mauai-sas
h been encuated by ihe Uebels, and ,
the l.'uitcd Sulci forces had tkvu posses
sion of it. 1
The pcaC' fu! evsrna'ion of Manassas
iusi as
so ju as taa l resident Daa order: J
a Wauce
proves that it milit have
stroyed: rattle and provisions all taken :
fl)r,.3ls SL j frlllt tr.es cut down, aud Urms
cut op and lines obliterated : people fam-
lstnng : ai,a ail me sijns oi a uespcraic,
wicked foe.
Th.ra is much uncertainty, but Ihe
Rebels have probably concentrated at Uor
donsville, half way to Richmond. Our
troops will "on fo Iiichwmd ."' but with
prudence and caution.
An -e.ijj" 1 slave at Fort Djnolson told
i Geu. Oraut Ibe labels wrc retreating,
"!ich gave him good ground for demand-
IHif an UIIC:'Ulli. I'lua ruilcuuci. .iiau.
I WIM cn0U(.h tl) UM hj9 hjnc9 fot ia.
! formation. Contrabands have been assur-
ig he Army of the Potomac that the
; Rebels bad been reucatiug for days: it
I au.n. nil. t n im ma
I twroa oat to b true.
ClMni.f-TiiWI, Vs., March 10. It is
believed this morning that Winchester was
fully evacuated yesterday. A ttroDg fore,
has started to ascertain.
Wi.NCUEsTEK, March 12 9, P. M.
Jackson having retreated toward S:ras-
burg, l uien forces under Hamilton snd
Williams entered the tows amid tb. cheers
of all tbe people remaining, r.ightj l oion
men bad beea carried to Richmond by tba
Twelve hundred cavalry attempted to
u. - ...i i. r. i .l-..
v.t tl... ,..i i.;, ".n
guns, and horses. We lo.t 4 killed a'cj
1j wounded, of the 1st Maryland R.-ai-
; .
: I s. i I . .-. V 7,4-. ? t ..1
j ,-HiHlllCi I lt lUI 111 AT KtlllStlS
-n i t ,"T-Loyi3 -IircQ 1-
I I ll- Armtnl .hn S,uithr nnL. linn
w,.-... " "
: ProTta .aft a 1, 1 t : , -
' -L""Jl - -IVQ U4t3 Ullil U 'UUUZ.
: Dear Sugar Creek, in Arkansas, gained a
... i. rr 1 irl.'IIJ tfinf.'krtt afas k - l. . 1
- --j cjuiuiuvu
r a l l l fi' l -si- a-.
'"rr' ,u "eoei uencrais an I'orn,
i-i'i!.b 't.i, n-a:
- ..-, y ...', liuuiu J
Our loss is estimated at one thousand in i
killa.il ami tnnnndeil that nf f ha nAn,.
-.-..i. u.,e, rlri;, nuanlittes of Pun.
flJgI provisions, &c, have been captured.
! Our cavalry are in pursuit of tbe flying
cuemy. n . i.-.i.i.r.cr.,
Miir GcD"al commanding
I-1", full reports, from Gen. Cortis,
i snow tbat D,ui"i oi tne enemy surrounded
i his command, and fought from Thursday !
, to Saturday, when on. decisive move of 1
his whole force at tbe bayonet's point broke ets M. Wynkoop was interred in Pottt
them np entirely. The place was PEA 1 ville, by bis mother, who elaims bis re
RU'iJE, in N. V.". Arkansas. O jr loss mains bat his wife, beiag in Philad., has
was 4 0 ooly tbe enemy's over 1,000. instituted suit to remove his body there.
M'Culloch was asaio reported killed ! The Danville Intelligencer, notices a
This brilliant exploit destroys the Rebel hog epidemic there the interesting beast
power there. Sirgel, Jeff. C. I'avis, As-: first refuses to eat, and then dies,
both, and Carr, are especially praised by i Peter K!lcv. an serl ilnei Trlcnm-r.
. co. Curtis Our troops were from Ohio,
Iouiinl' l"if", Io nd MLSonri.
St. Locis, March 10. A special des
patch to the R pu'.liran from Cairo, says
l6it Gen I ope s forces have reached New
J' fw' ?nnJ"
beeu heard in that direction. The Rebels
k.. ...a ... j.: .l. .
forces back by throwing shells from their
troops. Four hundred torpedo have been
found in tbo river and on its banks.
tapmre 01 urnnswirK, in lieorcia.
aid FLCIinoh an.J Feraaa Jiaa, Florida. I
K.iT.TiMonB, March 10 Pefpatcfees i
from Com. Dupiiut, announce the capture !
and orcnpalina of Brunswick, io Georgia, !
and of Kort Clinch, which cumiqaods Fer-
oandina, Florida, br the Cnion fleet.
Little or no resistance was mad. at either
place. They arc both good harbors, and '
each is tb. terminus of a railway. Our
(overnmcnt now holds ihe whole coast of
(.roieia, and tbe beat of East Florida.
The British Government after investiga
tions hav. in effect acknowledged the suf
iicieucv of our blockade of the Rebel rtortn
for tho Seceah .in 7 f.Vei X.rthrn
I. .. l i .k.,... m.,..j..j. ,.t
ut t-
sel. runniug the blockade !"
The pirate Somttr is still blxladel, at
Gihraltcr, by tha Tu-carera, and ber Cap
tain sit"! to ba under aire!.
Tb- Etcpa-roi oi K'j-i-ii has been exttuJ
uij llio i.fchi cf ti.9 Jrta
MARCH 14, 1S62.
1 Trlsaie la ike Meaar) af Ol. ) IWF rUtM.N,
law r tkr Hlsklaa.en, Irtk M. I. mU
A f'Tftio. utitaoti hrmrr.
Vb.M ,.r. of liinfi bi.1 tHt
W .th p-- mad v1 ' " I' eraF4 bua
At aiunArcb of tl.c M.il :
On. "f th. -plid aoH.."
M'hcp work "t bnuB and LaaU
Vn;'d op our titini'. rxbs
And difnlty tHU t .art
But wb.a hi. oatmwd cmantry
l 'lnl ..il t. M.S. fur ltd.
If. j.FMd tli ,id ih1 bioviharo,
And lr. 111. .':t blmj;
AttM Hiniw tbuodT.
Tlit .l.o.k lb Skmm.r sir,
VI Iw- irua l.k.1 trl! u..'-.t.
Hi .ttwKrt Ivxm iu uiercf
Tb- w.r bt.fl 'it St!n4
U'u barkitac iu Li. m.
Ill I.'TI tM-'l Iwturd C'DwruiUA
A I .'3 n I1. 1 .. mi,.!
Tb- iiiht -.f itl-fl,..!. botil-
(..-...-I' 1 li m I... fn.t.-r'-A..
li. Ih- - .irr. t.f S.-'.t:t-l,'
l! C..4 u hi die'
A trn n.n to hi. mantrf,
I nlil b-. l.1et l..'b.
II. l.- .r.l th- "1 I'otT.
li. -1 tht- H-r- il-.th;
Tb- o. aK--y hi. .irtu.-.
Sh.U M.wMim far tiJ iJe.
, Aul li.i-1. i...... "I '!
r-hv.l b- -ur N.l--a' ppi 1-'
vt..h:v.i .. v. m. il n T Rifr.-5
Latest News
ill i t:i.i t.ie it'll
Further particulars of tbe battle of Tea .
Kidge state that Generals Jl'l'ullieb. and
Slack were killed, and C'oloueU M'luth,
Kives, and Herbert, killed or wounded.
Our total loss is S'JO to 1000 tha Itebels
2,000 to 3,000.
The Indians scalped IS
of our elain. Cur Cul. JtU. C. Liavis was
after Price.
Itetails of the battle at Fort Craig, in
Nkw MF.xtro, show a desperate struclj
with tbe Ttxans. Capt.M'L'ray was killed.
Loss of the V. S. troops, 00 killed and
wounded, l.ebel loss mucn greater.
Wi.m.'HEtf.b, March 13 This after
noon, a (tjuadroa of the Chicago Cavalry
pursued Ashby a Rebel Cavairy several
mills. A skirmish took place nine miles
bene, on tb. Strasburg road The Mich
iif.u men took U prisoners, including Lieut.
Murray of Ahby a corps.
elsoo. Ituehanao, Captain of th. Merri
mac, and 17 men, were killed by a shot
fmni the Cumberland entering a porthole.
Geo. ISurnside (March 3d) had reports
of the'evaeuatiuo of Manassas, and it is
hoped is duly ou his guard
boutbero papers now begin to scold
each other about tUir hilt iu looking fur
aa t. j aj iiuui auivisu. aj s arv,u aw iuiih m t
delusion a snare a false hope a curse.
Truly "th. civilised world is against" their
accursed aystetw
A Pin that Teij . United States
, Treasury Notes sr. selling at thirty per
cent, premium in the &at.'&. They are ail
bought op as fast as the peofle can get
j bold of them.
, Beauregard, Brag and Rollins are all
reported at Island No. 10, or below that
point, on tbo Mississippi.
Tbirtv euns bare been fonnd at Colam-
bus,which had been sack by the Rebels.
; ScRASTO-t, Pa, Monday, March 10.
Th9 family of H m. Jordan, residing at
llvrl. Park arr r. .-.ti.,1 Lit nii.ht l,
inLalinir pas from a coal stove. Two,
children were found dead, and the parents
Ja'r ''e. "u' IBtJ en not recover.
. Th ..t.,--..,. nf M-.fc;B
JoUairi gtlte ConTen,i0B ,ndwisc!y eon-1
...... . . . . ' . i
CIa JeaBOt to snow tneir weainess by nomi-
nating a state ticket, cut gava a mucn
j harder kick at 'Abulitioaiaa' than at '5-
. . ww 1 1- L a I
! Artemas Ward, in bis himoroasleet.re, ,
r. M- " J MW
,- at - -Vl , - -
tal Ulili ui aw hi tw liiai,-ii vt.1 eu ww a c kl la erf . ia k
. . . i
for nothing bat to carry peppermint drops
.;, prM.''
I Amnno trinaa rlrownerl. in tha 'fnon.
1 berlsnd." wss iu Chsnlaio. John I. Len-
! hart, a son of the lata Kef. Uenry Len-
: brt, of Willianuport. lis entered lbs
....j iq ..n.
j Th. Rebel sympathising editors find no
j .a't J- 1W ' martial law, Maine
" 6-. -u u.
roog in Abraaain.
CuRiorg Suit Tha late Can. Frsn-
feH , distance of fifty feet, ov.r
the Me,hopPcn ereck.in Wyoming county,
anu w as iuiiidwj aiuea.
Charles W. Putchcr, of Stem's Engia
eer Kcgiraevt, died ia ViIiiam5port, ilm
week, aged 55 years.
The Major of ritlsbure offers fifty
m r its .in, at a dva nntiet f.ir lha Ann
- ? ' J
of the rotottat. .
qTA box df IlirtpUal Supplies will be '
made an at Mrs. Lyndall's, this week and
seut 10 me Army i ins t otomae.
An' wh9 J?ie. toeontribnte
in c tot hi n 17 or dchraciei f r thfl airk in,!
wounded or ia money, will pirate send io
by ISaturdajr, without being called uroo
77TT rTv "
-s Mar. Wm R.,shoa;'s, New B'rlm
,u imon Burrey. Limotnne
, .Sat '
il Mar. Daniel Kane'er's woulatul
do I'awley'ii s;,.ie, .New B-rltn
Sal. : Mar laic .-.. Siahi'a, K.kt BtitTa'oe.
Mr.n.,11 Mar Win S Brewer's, VV die's Mill.
Curmtill Hy
Wheal Etgs II
Ryo 65 Tailow 8
Corn 4.J Lard 8
OaU. aS Ham
Flaxseed 3 ,." Shoa (VSidc...
T'ried Apples. 5rl,-3 Clovewed 3,75
Fiikin UutUr l' Potatoes &0
Flesh butter... 14 Country jop 4 & 6 !
'THE I'XIO.N," established ia lbll HHuie -,-i
"niRONirLE." fstaWisheJ iff ls..V-WIi!eN., 93i.
We will pav from :S to "S p-r m-with
and ail expeaes 1 aeiive A;ents. or eva a
IV-mmi-Mon. I'arlica.ars eiit (ree. Ad ;res
-Erie Sewiu; Machine fompauy, R. J
Oirncral Aeeni. Milan. Ohio." WSv
!f HftmCt B.Uamk Vmdinl w.il n .t
core, ia ia lat siaces bf C'.'ntjmf.:iuB, we
koow iium experience it aft'.irda great rei.ei.
Dvpepsia a JiiTica'; disease to care, bai
Houri..!)'. (ii4 BiTTias wi l s 'n i vrr
cooie it. KeaJ ihe Aavt m anciher cV.umn.
PI? R"trtt
r t . ). .1
r TiiNrrnt ci!
I ool Ni.
S1KA11 '..3h:.V
fe, lri-nl.' r-:n it k )n. . J
it .iurrt.:t:a
fa o.:::i,o
in irt tr rf- ?.
J l.ria . f tb-
In Ibrairk. M.C-r tSIHll CIIUial- U.
In UwMtr4 r.M 1. HI. in.t.HI.Nf.V
Wl. UA!i II -:s: - I I,.,
Itr.i. -
In . l.tu
EKt .Ki..
of Jun'
Tii. B.rkr
...d Ui .vWl,
. I'-
:ir i t. TiAVID 1
. ms.i 1. l-i
. 9:h inX . .' .!ot - rear., KyIH:IL?
CLAkk. .ldi-r iu lb- M-r.n W.r.
In ikn I ni-.n ri- . at k.-C-t'-"r.. Er-,-"lt r-t.
Li-ut Hi..A. UtrnAUl. klsa, .--viii, r, iu
; - -
riiHC scbrriber rr'tjei5 all havinr ttnet-
I t'e I accouti'.s wuh bun to ca.l ai.d eit e,
as he ) ffi'.bj to oiuve awav in a few dav.
Lewisbareiyiarrh It. J AMES .: T.
iuvji;iu: jiol'si;.
IfHlNbur:, la.
K. G. HUTZtU Fm'i.
! rVKEun1er,trnedreiornsh,s sincere ihariA
U-r the patri'naire ezten-led towards hiiu
tv uie rinzens ol I foil atiu ll:e ao.i-.ini'i?
cuuniie. he woo!. I a: i rt-specfieliy
criilinuatiun ot tee sarce. lierealier, perst.s
wh i reiie in Tr-ion c. unrv will be charc-d
but Twait-Fitb cei.ts :nT either Kreakia-t,
lunnrr or Sapper, and !'irrti eems t. r
h. rse feed. K. li. HE1 ILL.
I.eai.tiurc;. March l.t. m:t
at t II M. HIVS JltHlel Store.
Minn, tut hilun im i'iM. riAvt.
f"HEKE mav be l.-ond ibe best a- T;e!
siock ol i' MIL'S in me ne:gr;',..ri3.Tj ,
Fancy anJ Staple I)ry r.(M.ls,vcr cheap,
I l I nfWtVii.iya,
. " V'""1 r" '".: !
bi Yxm anil Needles, 5 cents p-r paper;.
Wait 5kM Voltutt, Wtl't ftt4 al(Mti. f fit V"1 .
Iirwaa. Lt mM- Tw Tnnviau at ry k. .z .
a alt. -a. Uk an 1 . ki-t nrMj.'-ib. t.u.-lv-w,
4'nxbvH -ds. 4U. i Mtl Ware cirrmtlw. l anu-u-
liV ln fiftira. T1n KVt t4 CiW-r 4 ato-swrvao- ut .4
I inn rv1 Hklk7rbi-r. in V.m mvKK. Lmi"-' Lattris
l-BD-it-r' t-.. U'i. to 3t : af t . lM-4u:tty l.nt'
! vt f.lri rv-jwr. rr4 rt rUrl. "tilw I-1 :
Ca'.tt- tlr-Jr' t'JtUm HatrtierrftWf. With reu
ri-r, -ry (rrrll. Ia.j A rl j- fc. J lir I
Kr mod Citls nr Brt. l 1 .. -1 mt. i pi i
Ut-wt itI ik VfU Head y .U. a. M-h t-
1J I'-rlliDory, .Iv. aio te-rj " f
Lmi U"tm H air i. Lv-n ?Jn.j- 1," ,
; i-.r., t-Hb-tiat.i Jru.r.ni.i..t-,aii, i. . , - .
a choice t,Krk of i:i:im'KkiEs. h a Ki.
W'AUE. B..is an I .-h.es. rrorterv. finea .
and Ula.s are, 1 n and H -Low w are. an .
li .ose(..'eniii; artic'es ffenerallv. lert cor.-
ataetj ct nan
aud for sale at the lea. t
II;shest Marke
I rnceri:.! for a'! t:r.Js
cf Pr..dace.
taive me a call bef, reporrhasicjeiiearbere.
Wbit: IV-r JlOla. Mark 1. isi
BY authority from th War D'part-
m"ni, a permanent ITI.Ni
STATICN is esTjibiishei at i-EWI-BURGJ,
t'nicn Co, Pi. Any one d.-v-
roos of serving his conn';y in the
present memcnti us era. can Ifarr. rr
erythmt necessary by applying to the
urcrifcfr. Reutar vtv will Ivf.n
. .
from the day of enftmepi. and boa-i:nc an-i
t lo itzius f,irni$hd lo recruit a; ihp nation
; nanl arrangrmenTS are me f.T forwar !tn
iheo to their rfp?cnre rrg'.ments. H. pme
; th?n are manv raeo who w. l fpe! tt iie;r
pnviKre tn jrn-l by the uVs of those hfro.c
. bovs wbo hare a'rrarir left loioa andat-Mir.-;
ne cooniifs o aplrtd ise sacred Star: ar t
Siripes wh eh har io I;n warerf orsr ih.s
beloved cutsatry. h;rhhas er.jfyed nc.-re
liberty an1 pruspen'.y than aty c;r.erporuc a
; of the eanh.
j Statioa Bunalo Sjusc, c-p pos.tr ilie Court
I U. T. KRED?. M. T . Rrern i-nr O.cer.
Col. Meredith's 5;h Kee. 1'a. V. !.
i Lew sbarg. Marrti 14. IS.
1ST ori-ftlrrw remaining in t:v- Pu
llthce a: L.C. iMSUi. lili, l'i irr
March Tt, lf.S.
Itubb. An ni
furniDrnc.. rsrn-'i-
1 li.,, l.rarl
li-tn-.. Arhaaa
F.-h. Abrabaia
'r-nr. J.ia
liramlv, L rl
li .ttl.l r. M:
ll..kv J.ta
llirb. laaar
II ib. S'laaanm
!l:.'b. Mr. k.rb-t
M:iiarJ.t.baria. a
T.:-e. J
atw.M. ?-;-r
y, .-!-. u a
M- i-i -r-r
m -rrT, r
MttalCati. I
k'i.ei l, M tttt- J
Fs.t-.tr r. Hanruli
aV'lJl. Htll
t'-tia.-.Vr. Kim
(".If. M a.p
."tTlV a tt UT
K nra.a, Mfc I
fr'-ho-.- . .It-hii I
Pti-tT. fTava t
5 -bier, Ar. lr-w
T. f-r. A
WaJtf. John
S tT, Jot... I!
W-var-r. Krr.l,,-1
-4f. Fr0-i M
W aif. tiaar.
Bi-rr. Mr. Vary
W arf., S 6
lioru.ia. IVrry
ll .ieow--rth. J"ii
H)tnuc. iarh Aua
u..ciUi, j
li ID4I.1. Marr
it. "i-n
n. Mm Jacob
KiaCn, l A
K ejr. .I.'bn
Lorx. Mn Manrmprt ,
Persons cailine for ihe above LeTt-rj,
please say ibev arc .AlcerIleli.',
lit ) w t IHtKT. r M
APPE.ILS State anJ County T;
1 Int.
A XT t- law. the tniini5iT ner f
ntoo eoTjnty will mm to ar Appr.i;
from the Triennial eJ'.n,,nt b r the seve
ral Townhtps and TivTt.-h,, i.. ):.., :
rntoti at TtKinae P-r !M tvl. K; r.l U
fm BvrHa x-tttfl h tw-knvr Tel. Anl j
IjDt-i atttlr Vvler W-br Wi !... 14
IlartltTV It3-.;nnirlvl h'-'UX' 7 iiT-t. .iril 17
HrtlU- k evlifm b - lrU. 4i til !
lwia a 5ntAirtJf, Apttl i
Vi-fl-obtir- Wm Hh Hcnelf. Apvt il
Wrwl BHrtaloaj-JaV' kTl'a TwMv. r"il .2
Kat UllrjAlear-stf W. l W ..TlrM 4int i
hrs-favW- - J MVrvi!,hi Ttiaiw-ts. 1,ri .4
st-ilaj Jitrt Lar i" ( i afi . at rii ..i
sUtllottsVla; . CAlWsUU-t (vfl'.-a) Tueyls'. tt.l -J
elO .W. H.-m 4lii -'
.ppra!s will be hM from A. V i I. M.
U'hhtn at aav aiend who think pi . per. f ;
c-rder ut ihe t cmrnt ro-r-
IaCaliab'Aa"s. Milth lt.i.
' 1
Attorney at Lav . . . Leaisbars. Ti.
Ofut i-i Oie Kiaurdtr't VJJi(t.
t,b. S IMS
Important to SlaorniakerrB.
I'VA.NS X COOPEK have akled their
' i .tnca a coo?t asortDArat iti SHOE
r7.V'.V''-N'. n.emakers will fiaJ rrto iheir
a'ivaa'aee to ca.'i and examine our ak- It
,. complete, and cJred Cneap 1t Cli at
;h,,;j nand, t.u M..ct St. between U aai
4:h l.ewiburii
tZif W i3l
Ki -SXjZ' - - V A
. , - ' iT'lk,,- -
fPHE otv.-rihr
Ittltt. !.!
re.epectiii:r' icanas thw
. be tiz rrniwi -J his Hoot xwd boe
I !fr4 ij !tie larce and cuma'4t or
j rot- in Uie; occupied by Mr. iauke ascoll, ua
; Market &iivz9 JliLe lie Eank.
why he will h cnaijie 1 lo otTer-
j M-tiii va'itme Ituol and 1
i Mio . Hi sut-k nl be uuni ?ry Jart
; J e!tclrJ iib gira: C-ixc, and will be ulX
j at prices I" j'xt itir tiinr, an 1 brinj priori
j paitr : hi" own niannfarturr. ht? will be Lf
1 i.. a IX 0.MU AKi itdUtl AT A UW
Hivicc rftnrncJ from PbiTalrfii
wuh a mffl-iie-rir-j nuck vt J.eathr, ifau
in wvaei vt a c-hj piti wi" butv lihocs,ijU
len tar f iiiJ ."tu M.?. wJ! ttj it lo ihetr
aiiaJDta lo fiamnie his icM bete pac-cuditi-
t-:rislvrre', a.-i be will uiirr ibe
Largest t(K-k vf lUmMaile Vrk
in I'mon rotiDlv. Frr-tos io want f CiijF
' uix:if W orw, ui till iii aoos, will be able v
tie i irvin a i.ir -t -ck at prices lover thaa
cv-r '.'cf'Tr nfejTd in Lrwbwr. AIhs.
' fr i iiT'mrut Frewrh t'Alt Mtms, Mococ-
co. Kut. r,., h...tM.l tt,i rrtail.
I. Vive fx-f crnt- itcoui qa ail falcs
a'f'a -two J -tiars, Ux-a'i f"rgp ibe place,
tipp.'vr.v iht? l.w.iborj B ink.
March S. It3 JOH. J?QTT1tES.
ATINO Uu-ht at I'uWic Sale, as fc
property ul J..N.1 l..l.as,caf UniewTp.
t. men 10. a oay mare, a rray Iksc, a starrel
mare, a sorrel cult, two red Cc-ws,S beilera, a
sens han-es, a single harae-s, a lol 01 taay.
S shoats. a wacon. a bo;ev. a ylfw. a Bar
rt.w.z trealna.-i table.a auaiktac faaa,acal
frv aaii pipe, a cookmc sn-v a law speva
.Ire-.er, - Ik. and laeaJaiead, a t-ertsvad, 17
jarrla . f carp-tine, a che.-i. a area, -sel. a
il.urn. - fiv-!, in arm chair, 9 ckarrs. and his
interest in li acres ot whrai m ilae groan. I
all ui which 1 have fc-aiaed lo aw.1 IcA wuh said
f-Vnn during my pleasure.
ew Bertin, Feb. t liis pJ
TilUilt (Oil. ffl.!
J wairaniei NUN EXPI.OSIVB.
anu erjuai lo any Al-'UttSEE.
Whv bur an eapl.i, t ,l, whes a few reals
:i;-rr per gal.ou will tunitsb yt.w wiiia a pav-
i-ci n. i i Mjde oo.'y by
lYuna ?alt MamirActttrii:y Companr,
u. 1.':. a alaul 51, rillUUilflllA.
F'b I", x':Svl
1 AME11IC A Philadelphia.
(Irucaraw4, 1TM.)
Capital C5tW,000.00
Assets. Jan. liCI - . I.4.;i0.81
ARTHl R G. COFFIN, Presideai
CHARLts l tA IT, Secretary
t'Bail lT s annuailr or perfeaually. Mrr
ehandize, (.rain. I' um no re, Ac, tasnrrd. at
current rates ot Premiam.
flirt A;'-: for I'nioa eoanty. Pa
Ail Kitchen lirea. can be made into rood
rOAP bv ujn? SAFOflrlEU.
l"LirecuoD acccrripany.rig each Box.
SO P is as easily cade wita it, aa aakisc a
enp rft'.ftt.
Ma ;:.rac: urc ! mly by ihe Patentees
Tcnc a Salt Manufacturing Corapanj,
o. rr. Walaa I U lint JBJA
Feh i"i. l-.-'.Jvl
f.s rem.-re 1 tn V-iith f Mrt.forrt
c rs from ibe Town Clock, LEW.
btt.v;. r
rnr BRAXCH !ntiran- CfmpaiT,
W r Lock llaaeai, Pm
Insure., Tr-perty in K th Town and Cowa
try oo as rcaonab.e Terms aa any eiiiec
gL't-i Coaip4uy.
The !are mrrrase cf rremiunSutes nakea
it a re.idt-.e CotopAiay io inure ia.
Aw-tni 01 rrrmlaaf a4o a- I a Prtr. M
J.W CitAf .lax. ?-c ;.('.Hiitii, i'rea
Pec 1. Mtii LevistHir
New btand - lVew Goods!
I ri its an Jet ihe Tciecraph ami i'hr aieiw
. ;!irt-,r(ti:tr.J iht ui,ai. j ki.ei m aa exteaaiva
. vsr.cTi ..f
! -fa, 'tJ, Ct a& CA.4i7, Cc.
Ai-.a a larc- an l sptenrlid suV of I LOTH3
C.s.lIKi.l.c.. tliii h he will auAfnals
erirr.a-- he itll cuBUiiue ihe 1'ailcrias Baaa
, ne-s. lie li prepared lo rireule all work
-u rn le i to his cure, lo Ihe saiiafacu.rn of tba
N. B. t'nti'i; acl Reraar-ne rlcae 10
r ler. (I.ewi .huij. April to. It
r-TMi. STAIIIa-ltook Biadtrr-kaa
rrturned to his rahrp ia Leaiabarg. ageta 1e
a:tei.d l- all kin-U tl art-rk in ht line, firms;
alonj v-'tr B-l.. M::ain., c a ipapers.
V.- ...r the K k Hin'ler
A $33 Iron City College SrhoUrihip
IrK saie ai ihe Her . r.eer Cr.
' I.e artarniri..
r FI KI.-i.- r;v.
I 4.'lf f r sa.
.a, CUIt -ala. -il"
us I laud Cuait ull.