UNIOX COUNTY STAR & LEWISBURG CHRONICLE rEK. 21, 1802. Corrwp"aJ-nc of tha Sur a Chronicle A Union County Man at Furt Henry. P it C.allnwa? mast. KentiiekT. ni r' rI "urj,"Trun ) r-i). lu. W'li.j On Wednesday, the 5th in.it., the two brig under command of Geo. Smitli lift I'adueali, anil proceeded up the Ten nessee Uier on steamboats. About nine o'clock that eight, wo landed on the weat bank of ibat river, opposite to where Gen. - Grant's farce, of about 12,000 men, were camped, and three miles below the Rebel Fort, Henrj. Tha latter is on the cast bank of the river, one mile below the dividing line of Kentucky and Tennessee States. Fort Ilieman it on the west bank, a ba'if mile above Fort Henry. Thursday, about 12 o'clock, seven of oar gunboats started up the River, tod began to bombard Fort Ilcory. At the tame time Graot's force advanced Is attack it in the rear; while the force under Soii'h advanced on Fort llicmin. Gen. Tilgh nian, keeping a sufficient number of Reb els in Fort llecry to man the guns, ordered the remainder (8,000 or 9 000) oat to attack Grant's force, but the Rebels fled to the woods ! The cannonading waa very heavy, lasting one hour, when tha Fort waa surrendered. The Rebels bad about 100 killed, and 200 taken prisoners, among whom arc llrig. Gen. Tilghman and Staff. The Federals captured 17 large siege guns, 15 brass field pieces (none of them spiked,) and all the Rebels' ammunition, camp equipag, commissary stores &3., besides a great amount of small arms of every de scription. The amonut of property taken is immense. Tha damage done to our side was small. A ball entered one of the pjrt boles of the gunboat Essex, and (truck the boiler, causing it to explode, scalding teven men to death. Only ono was shot. Just as the cannonading ceased, Smith's force came upon Fort Ilieman. Instead of a strong resistance, as we expected, what was our surprise to find it entirely deser ted! They fled, leaving all their camp equipage, a great number of small arms, blankets, &c. Their tents aro very good, and from the number I think there must Lave been 3,000 to 4,000 men camped here. They were from Alabama aad Mis sissippi. They had a splendid fortiScatioa commeaccd, but no guns mounted yet. Their position was a strong one, and bad they maintained it could have fought to great advantage, but their cowardly legs got the better cf them. We did not get j a sbot at .Uem. The, were .ooking d,.- ner when the cannonading began, aad ran away leaving it on the fire. It was verj cicelv cooked when we got here, and, if it was "Seccah," tasted well. Wa found many of their letters, soma only half fin ished whon the pauic sirzsd them : if they had whipped the Yankees tha way they told their friends they intended do ing, we certainly would have fared badly, bat tbey didn't 1 ffjt. Heed, Co. II. Sth Mo. Vol. Impromptu on reaJinir the vindication of Senator Wilson, in the l'liilaJfl. Tress" of Feb. 17. Once his opponent, now his trne friend. The Press will uphold him, if right, to the end. Forney's a Democrat, patriot, man ! In zeal for the country exceed hitn who can ! Republican Wilson like Hercules toils, II. s hands all unstained with corruption and spoils. Aye. Forney, endorse him! yonr brother is he. And both have well earned the love of the free! Norfolk and Ilichmood papers say "the Union men at Elixabeth City helped tba Yankees (9 put out the fire." Tba peo ple of that city aro required to take ths oath or loss their property. The Rebels talk of sctiDg loose pitch-pine burnieg rafts against the Union s'uipg. Tbey say a Union man near Elizabeth City shot at one of the Rebel soldiers, when the latter killed the Union man in bis own bouse and burned it down, with him in it. They evidently fear that BurnsiJa will at last Strike at Norfolk, and are in bad humor. Tke day ('-2d) desecrated by intugrating their aiz years' President Jeff. Davis will It a sorry day wherever their recent defeats are known to llebeldota. Oea. Cast bas over 200 acres, which, tbangh Ibcy lie within tbe limits of the ci'y of Detroit, have no stores or bouses built npon them. For Ibis property, be I was taxed on a valuation of over 5200.000. i Ilia man of business objected, but when be went before the Assessors to make his objection gmd, he found a land broker present, who offered him $ 100,000 in cash for the property, and bad a lar;e sunt of money in bis bands at a proof that be Bleat what be eaid. At tbe land will be worth to the General's grandchildren three or four times tbe amount, the offer was declined and tbe taxes paid. Some friends of aurs in Akron, Ohio, Lave a little boy cf about six years. Tbe children bad been cautioned, in tbeir mor ning atrifes after bens' eggs, not to take away tbe e ejy but, ono morning, tbe little girl reached tbe nest Erst, seized an egg, and started for the boose. Her dis appointed brother followed, crying out "Mother! mother! uzv, she's Ice it and got the ejj 'hi1 nhl hen mmturn hy !" V. S. Grant, it theught to be Vnch Ifun himself 1 If not, be it much like hitn slow to anger, but strikes a big blow whea he has to fiUt. Floyd has again "itolra" his earcsss, and 5,000 prisoners, fiom ''Uncle Sam." Pil low found himself "outiide of the ditch'' the teeond time ! The Richmond Exaaiiner deeiarea that the Raaooke victory wiil be their rain. (N"9 duubt, '-Every little belpj."; A OVKHTI .! Mao.laatur.ra. Men-haul. V-ha.ieA, 1'uUic USnn ia trt and Country, I'laMi-tiera all wh wiih to baynr aell .nal-t ln w--ll tr ainr.to Uw cilaan of tht lrovbu rg fhrtmtrU. which ha a larK ani uM-raaaing atr-nltiou in a a-nnnunlo matataing a large ronorttoa af active, .laal (irtluccrftaoanuiBeri ajcftlera, an aaj la lb. stala. I 5 el 7 S: t'lo'll 'te 111114 1 f. ; 1 h f 7 ! 1 s i aoiii.l-.-.'liiiU.ai I l! ." n! 4i 5 7, n '-' l"'U;li 11 i.vio i:,i3im -v;t;Maii 1 Ftk. ! si s ;l l I iu ill-; 1.11U 1 i ;tsnra2: 2s'a 4,iV'i-,M-''r,eJ si .1 i l Sep.. I 3 t 6l ' 71 8 91" 11 1' l;:14 11 s 3 ; si i 7 9 lo ll 1." U 14 lit; IT l-'lo'-.'O'Vl -re I i:;ili7!i:iu:-it:-ji April- j ' i 1 1 1 1 ll I' 3 4l 5 ! 7 s 9 : 10.1 1 '1 2 rijn ivm i: if:i ; r a 4 1 1"! I J J1 1-'1'::4'2" i t" .1 i I May.. " 5 5 4 ii 7 l d'lO 11 12 13JJ'lMlli!l7 1 l-.. '.M- Jl ; -;vm :i:ii!';7'.K'.' : al I J! S:lnll!I2 iivt.iis 2'i,i:;us 29 ;3U Jane ll ' 4l :. s I S.lI'lIjlU 1:1 !tfl,17lts,l!i!2ti 11 : a 4 i el 7 1 s! v!m!1I:I2.1 1.14 llS l-jl71S lVlir il jS- n.WjVS J6j.T,2S 'ii 1: a-i-yjjoiJi rh 1 1 Union County Official Record. lWn!rt Ji Sam'l . Whom, LcwWown PotOfl.a; Attociate JufyJttx W SivsToff, MiffliDburg do do- JoHJt W alls, Lewieburg . do Sharif t.tF.TETTK Al.BRItrllT do dO Prthmary 9mvtL B-TSil, do do .V7 f tin: 4itvin.t Merrill. d do thtlnct AUmmryJ . C. Bicuca, New Berlin do TtrasurerJmn A. Mfrtjc, jw.5burir do O-mmtrnvmer T.vir II Kki.lt. ftntT: X Rmt1 rto do Pri.I' ll-ar'kPER. Mtfflinburg do do Jisr. M. Wutfr. W infi-Id ! C"iitmi4!ir.Mr'' rk Arnti K':xrus,-i'if'orf do d i rwtrtjjW J i it l.ty. do Jo d9 nutrj-j U i'ilC?i COKXIUCS do do M'rrtnt.lr ,s1;7.r.jr Tiruii rrui s, MitBinburg; do .J.,rrVrtr "ot(t.An ?HI. !.. Fotvut Hill do C'riftrr K ii mi a )vHLit( Irf-wiiihurg do Auditor iUm rr (' WiiT. llarttuii do do rMMEi. iirnR. I"iitiirat do do Ueriiiicia TuoNf'N, Mitliirilnirf do School q:rint:ndiiati. II cckz1'oR,Nbw Berlin do Post-OlTiccs in Union county. jTrfra -(in Crdy t"iisLj) - A J FonoiRn, P M n .',itr Wr 1 Liin.nti'n. HmT i" narn iirrm -ie Whit' lr MiiU (lligiituwn, Wb.D.Tpi ( h i M King ai i ' Try . Gvh, W Fnv-t Ji s M Crvi.'ht - Mirttn Kti.Iy Mara M ftw H-l-n C IUjm Mark IUll-nn J if Kuilfntuh Md .-tuith .ud1 A Vf tiler I.vt'hurfi (''onnty Sfl) En-r-'h A' "$t ii ylttrmeraTille) M'fTlinfmrg -HltfWnn- i.iref-.n nvnt etui I!irtlTTp) B fti'v Spring il.imrttnne Tp) -,- v lUran ... nnfal4 ilry ValiVy, I'oioo Tp) IToIiJavs lianka close on Xew Tcw'i 1j 4th July Tb4tAkgiTia.gChrlftmu Rorular Union county Courts open . Third M.nviw? in Flirnry May Si-tcmb'r DfCt-niVr r?"Mr. sTAHI.-llook ninticr has " along y- ur Books. Masazines, Newspapers, Ac, for the Book-Binder. 2117 8iDOTa mm Ju.-it opened, oppontto the Riviere LI 0 use, in the Room lately occupied by A. linger. FULL and complete assortment of IV FALL & WINTER CLOTH- I N G. sncb as Overcoats, Dress Coats, Dusi- ne&s Cuals, and Coats of every style and pat tern; and l'antaloor.s and Vests 10 suit Alio, a large variety of L'ndr Cloihine, tiuch at Drawers. Khirt, &c. Alsn.a 6ne assortment of liovs ClothinE of the laleat styles. Also, ll.TS and CAl'S pqual to any otfered in this country. In fart. I haveeverythinp necessary in the shape of Clothing, which I offer at a very small advance for cah. PHILIP (iOODMAM. Ae't. rcAII hinds of Conntry Produce taken in eichanire fortioods. Lewisburg, Oct. SJ.J A ola. Bcna! "ITT have just received from Philadelphia Y and .New York, a very large and well selected slock of WiNTEI. GOODS, which we offer at very reduced prices. We have paid particular attention in the selection of this stock of tioods a very large assort ment of DRY GOODS of every descrip tion. Purchasers will find it their advantase to cive us a call as in prices we defy any of our neighboring lowns for competition. We have al-o replenished onr stock of tirorc rles, Hardware, Qiiecnaware, Ac. SALT, FISH, COAL, PLASTER, Ac. always ltpp! on hand. ilTCOL'M'KY rnODUCE taken in Ex change for (jouds as usual. S. B. Cah paiJ for all kinH of Grain. J.NO WALLS & CO. Lewisbnre, Nov. 3, our neiahborin lowns for competition illnp of Union (Conntn. " I OUSTKD on rollers,varnished,enzraved 1 and lithogravhed in Phtlad. in the best stv.e of ihe art JO by 40 inches in size on a scale of ( inches to the mile. This Map J was carefully surveyed in lH5fi, and is reas- and there are the Town Plots and No.s of Lots' " Lewnbure. MirHmburs, New Uerlin, Har- (leton, and New Columbia. Mountains and IS t reams are traced ibe Tuhlic Knarls, with the distance in perches between mads which .nirrecl also iNameft of Fatin Ownm pn rrally. Church and School Houses, Mills, Ac. The Court House, two of the Lfwishnrj; I'ni versity liJiMmes, the Lew iv burg Ileal Vard, the Union Furuac at WmficM, and Union Seminary at .New Berlin are reproeuted in a separate rnpravinr; each. Kvery FarmT and person of bosiness sVd have one of these Maps for ornament or for reference and information. The original subscription price was $3,50. now reduced to t onlv. IlTFor sale at the Star 4f Vhrnnirt Offie, and bv Da. 8. L. BECK, Lewisburg News Agency. rpiIF! nndersiffned having opened a ISefra; y Oflire in connection with his ROOK, (STATI'OKRY.and VARIKTY Store, he is therefore prepared to receive subscriptions tor Ihe following NEVisrmxs, stctnvF.. it. rbitailelj-liia Inquirer. Preay, todirrr, Mtunl.7 Erc'f r.t, lk.llitr Nrarnpnper, Th. rreibjtrrlan, Chrintian Ailvicate A Journal, Tli M,-thrdit. Auriran AKTirut ttiriKt, Nea Turk ll.rald,Tribaaa,rtaeji,Warl(I.UarTM!rf Heekljr, I'nak Lrsliw, N. V. Ledger, U-rrarj, Waerty llaxxiia., Horn Journal. Tbkae Kotmna, Nick Nack, Klai-kwiMNl, KJ-elic, UarprrV Maaiiot!, I'eteraoa'a, GxdVj'f Laiij'n Hot k, Atlantic M.ntltlr and any others desired. Persons wishing any of the above had better call soon to have advantage of Club llitttt. rSTJrders from a distance promptly attended to. II. VI. CKOTZKR, Nawa Aoist. I.ewishlirg. Pa. Dec. VZ. IKBI irA.M'EI at this Office, on aee'l. a few V buh. PilTATOHS warranted not to decay prematurely ir,-y:';y'l jj I 'J1 31 4 5 6 7 h . I W'lfr'l I ! l-i1 l:;1iIS j 1!1T Is'lv'tm-Jl's : CaPARTELSIIir. - TLe undersigned lave as- (ill,lsoeiateo themselves into eopari- tti lity MTTncrsnip tor me purpose 01 carry taRafej2aaaJ,n0. ., ,u ,mhcriiin. PLtnin". anriCarpenterinr. busiuea in all theiryarious branches, al the ictuisbnrg 5tcum piiining illillo. where ihrv imend 10 kern a stock tf Tine mlirk, Walnut, Chirrv, li-plar, Ssb, Ma ple, and all kHuls of Lumber, Flooring Shel ving, Sulins, Shingles, I.aih, Joist. Stuililin?, Kencin?, Pickets, Ior anil Window Frames, lkxTs, fShullers, Ulimts Hash, Mouldings, Brackets Ac. I'lanine;, Slitting. Scroll Saw ing, &c done at short notice and all work warranted to give salisiaclMHi, both in 1 rice and wurkmausiitp. J. U. DIEFFENDKRFER, MARTIN PRKISRAt'H, HIRAM DltEIMUACH Lawlcbnrg Tlantng Minn, April 1, lDi'O. KMate of JOIIV nRTlV. formrrlj of faloa, lale f Laaraoter runi, dee'e. ETTEKf Testamentary on the Estate of John Hartman, lair of iranurg town ship, Lancaster county, having been duly granted 10 ihe andersisned, all persons indrb- I led thereto are requested to make immediate J payment, and those having claims ortlemands 1 1 I asainst the same will present them lur settle V.1! men! to either of us. HENRY H. KI RTZ. Manheim Tp. JACOB ROI1REK, Jr. East Lam,peter, Nov 27, Iftfil Eircutors TO TAX PAYERS. riMIE Commissioners rf I'nion cniintv have I levied a !PECIAL 1 AX of a mill on ft to pay the Interest on the fl.nAO.A00 State l.oan, also of 1 mill on $1 for the support of the families of our County Vo.nntrrrs (which will not be levied next Spring.) The Books are now in the hand of the Collectors and it is hoped the Ta-Pavers will be very prompt in making payment for this patriotic purpose. By order of the Cnmmisvtoner : Nov, IS. ISM. A. Ki:.Vi:nV, Clerk A Rars Opportunity TS offered, for a Gentleman and Lady to get BOAItlH.N'i, and KENT two handsome Booms on Ihe first floor of that larce andcom modious hoiie of John D- Musser corner of Sih and Market Ht Lewisbttre. For parti culars, enquire of the present occupant, Mrs. MAUI A WILSON. Nov. 16, 151 hnll.Tl Vrxcianle. o AlroMMr Preparation. Di.nuoix isirs ci:i.i:im ti:o O HUMAN IUTTK11S, Frtpartd by Dr. ('. M Jacknn Co., J'httaW o, Witt CTrrrTrLir (THE iivj.n roMn-AiM. i.rf:rM. .i.ArxrirE, Chronic or Nt-r.. u- I" -l-ility, I;-iv.-- vt ih- hlJnrys, and all Diwiu"' ri.-tt p frntn s diBunltrea CrCII ti ron-tir!'"". ln"M nin. puioisnor itioi i to ihe l!vl. Afitlllr cf tl eu innpli. .mfit. Ilturt- , burn. Utvu't f r F'M.rf fuln-- rr m the j-tnm- a h. tur irU'Utloii!i. Iinkinit or Utitu rinij sU Ihe l it 'f tlr- rt"mib, nniiiiin"; of the it. ml, JiurfirJ and IKfflrult itrviithin.', Flotterint the ll.-art.rhokiaa or i Saff-vunnM-nitJation- wli B in a linx pwlure, 1'imnrn , o Wl-t). Vt ot WVLflfforr the Jlifht. P-r nr. A I'nll Painlo the l!tn4, PffiAiene-T of r-'repiration. l'rllownMi of the i-kln and Ky I'nSn in the M-. IU -fc. Chet. Umbo, i'ud'lv'ii Fln-htM of II. t. Birmni in the Hcr.h. Josr.unt linafTiniD,;- or Kill, nd I'.-r rt- t ston of S lrit n l - til pn'iliTt j prrTcnt VKLLUO Hi ' VKK, BI1.IUL3 frt..Klt,tVe. j Tli Fronrletr m eullio the sttentlon rf ttie p.Mie ronfi trnrt In U firlue- d dif Ulton to Um Ulwai- for wl.i- h it i" re-tniui--n-le ). tJietctofntWflTe Ti'irf'liLiI Iv-fi.r- the A nvriCMii n. l ie, and ItK rrrutalton uuri-tl hj nv Mmilri.r.-par;iti..netnt. Th.-t.-timr.ny it.it- f....r pit. n t-v th mMl prominat an-t well km-wa PhTtiri-iu! n.l in liTi luaN in all I-irt" of the v.. unto imm-n-e. and a rHr-fu) peruwil "f th Altnii. pah!i-l 1 annit , allv hv thvt .rt.i ru!"'"- n-' (" 1 -T1t'1' "f ,!.v ct Ihejr aeent-. r.tn tv.t hot witUfT the t keptln.1 that 1 (III ivmrdy is rntliy a'rtfrviiiit .iae fttrai. ct:wii u (t'rum J. Newton Prown. D P . f'-Iit r of tlie Enpycloiw diadf KeluiotiP hnrirl''J(t';- Althooirh not i m f-tt.-r r t .-mm-v-l Tatent Miti.-iitr- in fenerat. through ditrnit f their inRrcdi ntH and elWt.-. I v t Kii"W "f n f"t!:. i.-nt rv.n why a man may n -t t.'T;fv to tlt 1-vn-fit hi- t !ie.f. hv to ham r.-r'ive-l fn)iu pny -iiai-!- iirepfirati-m, in th tiiii tha' hf may this mninL.it.- to tli bunt-ft of "ilv r. I dothi the tn'.re rerdily in regard t" "Ilfxflan4! i;Tm.n li.lt-r,'" pn- and l-y lr f. M. JdrtiM.ii.cf thii eitv, l-rr-anjM I wt prt-itfln-t arwln-t them for yenra, uifler Uiv linpri-'ioii that thy -cr pI.h fly an alroholie mmtnre I ntn m-I.-l t. d ('-my trim I. K.di-rt ShiH UiakT K .. I r th.f reniv.il of thie rtjaii e by proper t.-t. and ffr 'nfinr. m nt to trv them, w ln-n mtl-rirtp trDi icrs-atan l lunz r-"ntnmrd di htiitr. The uy nf three bot tlva of tli ltittr, at the b. jinnin? ot the i reernt yrr. w- r-4l"e.! hr eti-h nt relietaud reat"minf tnf .leree of t-tily and m. nt'il .iior whi' h I had r' l M f"r f ix mnth" Ivt-lt.re, and hud almom dehpatrrd of re ai oin.,'. I Ihep-foie thaoktioU an 1 mv fn-ixl for direct tug me to the u of them. J. NEWTON KKOWN. i'lnUJ a. June t-i, H'0. fau.'i ij lalt.-w CALtWLLL. and ff. L. .V,.V.to.V, Aentfi, lwj.hBr!r THE UNIOX, Arch street, above Third, Fhllad'a. UPTON S. .NEvYCUMEK, Trop'r. THIS Hotel is central, convenient to Fas sen;er Cars to all parts of the city, and in every particular adapted to the comfort and wants of the business public. U?Terms SI. SO per day. Sept. H,'!!!. WINFIELD FACTORY! Hear Ilarllrlon, Union Co., I'a. THE subscriber, thankful for past patronage, would inform his Inends and the public in gene ral, thai he continues to manufac ture all kinds of Woolen (iootla, such as Cloths, Cassimeres. Tweeuis Sallinctts, Jeans, Itlankets and Flannels; also. Carpet and Stocking Yarns. His machinery bein of the best kind in use, and havine employed the best of workmen, he feels sale in saying that his work shall not he surpassed by anyestabhshmentin the country. Atoodsup ply of the above goods kept constantly on hand for sale or to eirhanse lor wool, at prices that can not fail to please. WOOL will be ! Carded in the best ruannerand on the shortest notice. Terms for carrtin?, cash on Ihe de livery of the rolls. MARK HALFPENNY. Winiield Mills, March 30, IBM. LU.M11EU! LOlIlEIt!! fllHB subscribers havefur sale f (in lots in sun purcua.enj a larne Mork of i'lSK IHAH ).f Panel RttifT 1'tank. Ac. Atn A.OOO FIt. HAi LU. 26 inch Sawed Shingles superior quality. ' Also M jii are Timber for Uuilding? : Whirh are offered low for cash, ml onr Mills on South Branch f the White Deer Creek in Hartley township or delivered on the Brush Valley Narrows road at the end of our Road. ft A Diploma for a superior sample rf Planks and a Premium for Rails and Shing les, were awarded ns at the last I'nion Co.Ag. Fair. JOHN M CAT.T. & HONS, ly poreM Hill P O, tnion Co, Pa Stoves! Stoves! TOR sale al the "Intiuttrinl Stnrr HbrA-V l1 No. :. iNo. Sd Bt . PHILADELPHIA, (opposite Christ's Church) the most celebrated Ua. Coiisumlrtc C ooking Ai Ilea. Ilnir Stoi ra of the day LS HUSH, VICTOR COMPLETE and all other Cooking and Hestin Stoves all of which are liuaranteed to Rive entire satisfaction. Please give me a call. 3mSl: WM.'J. NEMAN' 'HE subscriber con- t;nnawe tn f rri nn sli I Ivrrv IltiKlncKV atB'r-4: the Old eiiand on fouth Third street, near Market, and ret-pertfull) solicits the patronage ot his friends and the public eenerallv. i:HARI.E8 F.UESS. Lewishnrs. May it. 1H:0 - TIEI'AIKIXG promptly attcrnled In. Iio not luiC'l ths place, at SCOITS. BOfXTY LAND WARRANT blanks lor all engaged iu the service of the 17.8 in the War of 112. and for their Widows, al the Ste uf lUc Lewu'jur; C'liiotusle, aWIr, ATTEraTIOW ! 8.V r- i.v.- m a nirnnvmiAV I Ian. Karmen'and property-holders attention is cauru to mr loiiowinir iai.ia i IV To elne out the Ntnirw Snr- nvry, the I IKE bl'tM.'lv will he sold delivered next Fall and Siring at 35 and 75 per cent, befow regular prices. Oil K AT WAIKJAIXS! iieldum ever met with, tu get the best Crafted Fruit and Ornamental Trees and Mhrtihhrry. i Thee Trees are all acclimated to the climate j and therefore to be preferred 10 York Slate ; trees whirh seldom grow. It is your iutercst therefore le call and gel good trees at Half Prices and Less ! Apples, Pears, Peaches, ('berries, Almonds, Apnrnt. Plums. tirapes. Strawberries, Shade and Ornamental Trees. Everareens.Vines and Creepers Hardy Roes Ac a good assortment. For Trees or information applv (near the Nursery) 10 GKHIOS MAHSH. A an ton ntf (Am mission nor ! lrwlbiinc F.t.Donf hOMCr hnvmcben appointed sole Aucttoneerir(r I.ewisbi.ro;, is prrparedtn aitrnd to all calls in his line in town anil couatry. Commission Sales. In .April next, I intend to open on Marfce street a Room for the reeeption, and the sale at stated times, of all kinds of iioods at Auc tion. Any one wishinstodtposeof any arti cle ran deposittt wuh me and I will sell it at the best advantage I can and charge a per centase for the same Feb. R. 1S.-9 F A PONEHOWEII JOHN H. BEALE, MERCHANT TAILOR AM) farnllrmriTs 1'iirnlMlilnz Storr, 3i Market St.tjmt alre. the Iianki LKWISBL'RfS, PA. J he subscriber ha removed into the new fitud and rommodion; Strrrnom of Thomas Reher.where he has just received a large and well selected tork of MEN'S CLOTHING, Cloths, Casimeres. Silks, Shirts, Drawers, Ar. I aUutTT AM) MAKEf'X'O OKDER in the best style and moM reasonable terms. Reins; a practical Tailor, and employing the bei workmen, I can confidently inrtte both Old and Kew Cu'tomersAo nt fnrret the Sign The KcdDoor! 8UPERIOR POULTRY. flMIK undrr.Mcncd has tmpnrtarl fmm Ham 1 rtirs. inarmnv.iha(;OI.Ir:N SPAV (iLEI)or I'HEAwMT FOWL. Tha-ebrintr the handomPs fowls knovrn to fxi!, also the most prolific lavers extant, in consennenre of whirh thfy ara popularly known as the "e vfrlastini law r." Thv kp fat on about ; one-third of the feed of the ordinary fowl. The eztrs are of a peculiarly sweet flavor. The e?s of these fowls can be had trf the undersigned at .his residence, or ran be or dered at this office. A.f. KLINti. Mniliiit.tiri. May 1, Ifil :lm Central Foundry nd Machine Shop Mirer, nails. Sarlnrr To. ( j'yriian Manufacturers ut Dullicks Iron a'laaBjMywer and Keaper, Darlint;'a iia'Slf i:ndles Chain llurse Power tfir'is Wtllson's Telegraph Fodder Cut ter, Hiche.,' Iron I'lows.Wiiherow's Seif-inar-penins Plow, and Michigan Iloiible Plow. Also, Stoves and Castings of every descrip j ion. All kinds of Agricultural Iinplements kept on hand for sale. JnMiinrf wurk in Wrought and Cast Iron and Urass done to order. Country produce taken in exchange. tor. GliMXth A itarkrt sin., Lt'alsburg, Pa. la. IJNN, AT LUWISail.Ktj., PKN.VA. Alan rnmmtloner af Ufed for tlie state of ILL I N'nlS anl A t.l l-i iliM A autlis.nu-J to ailmioi-t'T rath, an.i take IV p.,.itifin" an l Afll UTlta to tV u. J in rit her of the hr tatf. aeti a!at. tn tak- the ark now -le'iffvnit-rit tr f rool it nnr f -1 or olht-r ln-triin"it to be rrerl l in eitberof aaid !tat May 7, v 8 A I.T it IflFtR, wwrrtrrt-RRi.il rr Yellow and Rocklogham Ware, IWPnRTUlfl ASH MitUKS 1I While Iron Stone, Glass & Qneensware, Xo. 15C ami 158. Korth Fourth St. rilII.ADCI.PHIA. rv"City and Coun'ry Dealers are invited to stop and examine our Goods tH'iilm The Dimes Saving Institution of Le wlsburg IS ready to receive anv amount on Peposiie from Ten Cents and upwards. Four per .... ann.,m l,.t.... tt.,ll h. naiil on all sprrial deposites of Two Dollars and upwards if deposited two monihs and longer. Office j ir. James tieddes brick Mori.-, siark-et M I 11. P. SM RI.I.EB, Treasurer j Lewislinrf;, Oct. 10, I HBO iHorc illcnt. BEEF. 3IUTT0N, VEAL, Ac, wilt be supplied to the hunsrv reoplctiy t the subscriber, al his shoo on North Fifth street, where he carries on the Butchering ousinesa, ana win supp.y an .touao ; h. lll ha fnimrf -i W..I-.I in frmil ofM'Faddm's Hardware Storeta' at low rates for Cash exclusively. Calves wanted Ueeves and Sheen purchased as usual. Try the New Batcher. CHRISTOPHER GE.MBERLI.NG l.ewisburg. Aug. 1. lH5)y , BUFFALO HOUSE LEWiXVVKG, tMO.V CO, PA, L,. U. IIIttYTCUy I'roprlHor. rpHW new Hotel is situated oppoMte the I Court House, in the most fashionable and beautiful part uf the town, and lor style and convenience can not be surpassed in Central Pennsylvania. Those yiMtinc the Unireraity. or mt;endine Court, will find it the moat convenient and , central pultic house charges will be the i most reasonable .md neither time or expense f will be spared lo bestow erery comfort upon i those who may call. l.ewuDurg, may o.isuu PEIPHER'S LINE T O A.ND FKOM PHILADELPHIA, itvDirrim f ntFU-nT. let Clans ti aamta xr loll poanda. 2.1 do il. a oo 4lh do SS 27 ilo . 4o M ' So - ' rla V beat, Ilje ana Corn, la rants par buabaL rhilad. lepot with Freerf, WW FrreJ, 81 1 Market St. Thankful for the liberal patrnaaee jivea as vre hope by strict attenliua to business lo merit a continuance of the same. THOS PEIPHER Fnr furiher information apply to iy7!)5 U I! M'GI.NLV, AnU, Lew isbnrg DR. I. BRUGGER, IIOMiT-OPATIIIC PII'SIC'I, OFFICE in hi new Brick Block, Market strerL sooth side, between -Ith and Sih (up stain-) tewisbuig. May, IbM 19 Uiiivij'rsity ht Lewisbur FALL SESSION. riMIE several fSt-hod open to the morning , ( tHi umr, Sept. -'Bib, and continue uMll the Molioavs. Tuition, tn r-.U-Cflt with all iliLiaUlal ' iirgt: (!0 95 Tkk At'inr! do 6.1r to 7 4' ynmr tiwnrvrm do 1,12 1 10 4 C"t For furiher inforination.inqiiiry may be Uatde of any tl (h I r . r h?rs, 04- I J. K. I.OOMIS, rresident. Good leus New Goods! .VrT IT rjonpw AA M' i.miim A.' H' ;(; Xtvr uoni'S! ruH fm.i. An nrTHRr iuK t.ILL JMt 117 ATA' If foh fill j.vrt it.Tf:m run ki.i a.u iiv.vrjTA CALL JkXU .VA' CAT.L A.l .S7A7 CALL AMI .Itr.t CALL A.M KFK! x iti. iit'.H, irrr.rrF r rn JiKKMfK, urtr.riK & rn ktKSlf U, tTCLl KK tin klttiULlt, JT( Ll , 1 CO Jame3 F. Linn. J. Eerriil Linn. T F. & J. M. LINN, J Affornej at I-a.T, laEWISUnila, 674 Tinon Omnty, Fenn'a. J. MFRftlLt C fr the ?tate of rwa, with ixtwer to tske !pritkn.a'-knowJvle Irvt-ds.Ae fejs. J Union Conntr, Pa. P rtffi Sf 1 r ?" ttr ar.!! of yfXl a' E"r anil rtP(;nr. t'f?: 1 nrrrau.: ': 1 fienllemi-n ! CITIZENS of Lewisbnr? and vicinity arr J rc.-prctlally inturmrd that the subscriber has bought out the interest of K. L. Hur.s in ' the hnsiness of Mar'iig anit H-ttr Cutting. and I rer.tittiM.th. waiat Ujanla tuai taatitorwidow 1 " t.i...k. i.t.... r r.,'..,.,, j ii,.si.t..n I ahre by rtrtrt atti atira to bo-aanM ha hane fci ci,a I .al.brt.., te a II. I,.. .,,jM,irl.im ailtiuTlrp.tr!,!.. au- at all Uraeai-araat .-an'taa. ( T" a!) who tarrv hrre Oil uv-ir Uarja grt w long . T"et a pvsrant .ft,,., irv i i.it.,.,,, csw, J.tem la. taiua fca.eaw.l.a, ....mMiMea, I rz.-r -aarj. au i ri.n,.r kvn. April f , It. A W. DILI IN, rnf.rrh. FIIIST in hc Market! New Gouds at the Oxj Stand OF IILLLIB A51I StllBCXin. ritllC su!'. enters have just received, and are now opening a large and well selec ted stock ut 1 ; FALL AND WINTER GOODS, embrac.n? all the varietuM usually fooud in SlureN, uli.cil they will seil .--r ... ... At... i. .7 7.. J J I Call anJ see tor specimens of linuds an ! par-1 . . r " ,.,. .. ' ticnlnr vof prices UltDW.N sV LI.O. , Ilr" 1 PICTU RE S. A house ran not be said ! to be well lurnished without some well I selected Pictures. This want can now be i supp: d at V.KUTZLU'S EVANS FAMILY COOPER OllOCEllY Provision Store, on Market street, be! ween 3d and Jtli, LEV;tSSURG. Call an-d Sattsfv YornsELVEs. Oi l! STOCK is larse and well selected embracing evervthm" nsuallv kept in a first-class CROCERY STOKE including an assortment oi QfEKXS-WAItE, IIARO-AVAIiK, (JEl'Alt and W1I.L0V-VAUE. I VAN-' Al.r.KRT 8. COirtR l.ea.Snrr. Msrrh ts. t-11. i The Full ScMiun 1 I 'II I. riimiiinr nn llniitflum' is, to continue u. the Holidays. The Win-ia Srssto will commence Jan- narv 1 Al All the r.lasira!,Malhematica! and English .,.:.,. . f .n n 1 1 1 ft-i n ir t h em el I'e s In r Tene h i n r. w i 1 1 fi n d it to their advantage to enter this Institution. The liible is a Text Dock. Tt lTlO.N per seiun including contingent j expense. PKI M A R V f tVatllnx, W rilinr IMflner, Arithmetic. Ii.-.. - . lirMiii. (.! 1 (li-fl. .i in AltV ANI'KIl K.Xiil.ll'Ii "H lwlHfl nnr M LvNul Al. K.', - - 70 Tuition payable immerti'aieTy npon the close of the session. X1TA dtductvm ff H pr ct trill be made iu thot paying tn Any ascs. io other deductions except fur prutracied sick nen. J- RAMI.PH, bept. 10, I8ri( Principal Hoots and Shoes. The subscriber ha just received at his Store (next door In the Post i OlTicr) a full supply of I tool. & i Shot of every style and variety suitable to ' the season. The stock has been selected with I particular care, anil will be afforded at I VFftT KRDirrD rKK M lOlt m:iDV rtsn. His ol.I friends and enstomers and the nublie generally are invited to call and examine his stock and ju.lee foi Ihemselaea. MAN I FALTli'lilMJ and Ki:PAIULR as herein fore will be attended to wtih promptness and JOBS OICHT05,.irl. Uwl.t.nri. 0t IS, 1HO. C.W.SCIIAFFLE Lewlslinrg, Pa. Wholesale Dealer is llriiss. Medicines, Chemicals, Dye Siutls, Oils. Paints, Varni-shes, Window Glass, Perfumery, Pure Wines and Liquora eipressly for Medicinal I'ses, Fancy Notion !oods.and all the reinlar Patent Medicines of . Ihedav. Ii Particular attention paid to putting up Prescriptions, Family Med- iciuts,4c. Abj Pine Oil au-J Fluid for sale & Vrf JUST ARRIVED nMw mm l&MjhlAr& I At Tint Trim, at NOTICE ""110! PL'RE (Ol'N'TRY JULK. ' "11 ril.l.l AM MtlOKE rspecifiil- M i 1 want ?.lior 4 re : til tliat hi Milk Vv a-n ivts rotiinfd imatmoai rutind. on weeU-dav nx rinnys an I Saturday rTeriii:tr, f M-hen he wifl be clad to furmh them wnh Milk i.r 'tiatn rejiutarlv, rr 111 enra'tfiai.ti- 1 lie? tjr spet;il occaMuns wheu desired. Thanlcfitl for former patri'nafre. he h ipt's to j nr sunauiri iu iue uuutfrmH iue b nix ner e- M-n. 'nrts. J. HATC, Agenu I.ewiNburr, Mnrch i, Mfi. D1VID GIKTER t SOU HAVK rt-iiioved their C liulr and Ca binet Wai c-rttuni to Hie larger and more foninmifious rtHjrus, late the resid ence of Writ. Frtck, on the t urner or Third and UrkrlMti. tcwlvharr. where iUiv hve oj hai:1 ibe LAlitiiiT and lirJST ASOi;r.U:.T of Work ever nfl'rred tihe puMic in thi ictTntr,Cimpri5.nt Urr hurvau and Kataay W .n'i.tart'1 ( the lal! ufaletl. P .tav". llsie-.-.tt f'Iinir. I jn 'ra! I'hiiir., i'.t a.nii I'tiair". V. -t,-- r--. Hit I; nk.. T I lUrVa. J-nnf Lit 1 mn l i l-t-if li-d'T-. I- urv I. itiA-. - V io-r I .iM-v". A.- al-o ft penerat a-4rtrn. rit ..f CfilO.V Htth'K altrara t.n h-nAUTTtiu ar.J iJ2.cr t iiajrs V LIrai- or K fail We alo a?ten.? 10 the I'.NDEKTA KIMi h u H ! in nil it hrri'-h a. K inr :.roirt-f with auey in i H-U- Paltal Vruillr ItutUI t ws, and C'lpbrN cf onr oar a manuUcurc a t.aad. e avre ra-ly at an tjiu-. w fn i au ici:r w not wait ibn ativ aa.l ail t.iifi mav fror un ailh a emit. I Having u..e but Ihr t.r.-t a-. rkrntB.upT; tr.,iiiUNT i'i l urrtfi-. niinitf.irtijr.-j b, m.anj Jaly ennj--tif. n eiih-r in pru.r r t le. 4JLJ Minvartori on V. t Sfrt where ('itljiiir t an I Untie Turn inj.ScrnII and Kip rawHif i- ne on -li- rt tice aii'I ra -liitr!? term-. A unnd a.'ortnienf I l.l vim. K alunvs on h tt f -r . wi 1 Tons hiimi.t.-r.. anJ Ut.i.4 fUilinfj. I Vs litr.iiiit.) ot 4tll ivtiT'.j, ijune as uual. X.H. Aiir wrk nut en hand will Le maJe as n-.n nn r-.-'r. TtinnliJul for p.vt favors, wesiiil expect a cnntiu nine laa" -:ttll-. SswRoots & Shoes IKl r JMIt uuJersirjnr ) wishes to inform the in-I 1 ha'jiunis ol Lru-isbiKi; ami vicinity tha j he ha i , inoi rl nci Coov iu Or. Ilrtitttcer'N IS!o L. l iiaiiktui lor in eiicoura'rrmer.t he has re- j c-ive,!. Le re.p.ctMllv s,.:,c,i, a cuntiuiiauce i of their patr..nn;e. He onlv .leern it neres- I sary, with, nt boa-tin". IS invite the ph!,e to I call and natniue h, a'orli ;hi, own make) of j Eoots, Shoes, Caiters and Children's ' Shots, before pureliavini e seuh-re, 35 he is sttrehe i can sell his own mal,-eas Imvas some ul llu -e ' boasters can sell their city make. I -V 'I- Hi block erruorisPK erera vnrietv '""-'-'.v 1" H ii, r-,.il --. r.-. It lear, .!.. ; , M eiiBjrie ii,. arirM. Call ae.l .tsm- i lu lr. Ur.". r - ; Terms r ASH. April li 1-tU JOH syflKtat. W?I. P. GRASSLES, WatchmaLrr. Jetn lcr &. CIMrr, UMwallellrlirl-s Rniel. "arlirt . trllurt;. Pa. C iMvins op -ned a Shop in P. JgaA "'''wjh Ciotbing Suite, ia j 7"iM Vrrre to all kinds of work I - in hit line. Havin" worked in I ...''- riir. - I i. . . r-Va 3a '"' " ail bis nme.be IS prepared to repair Watches,! C'oeka or JetretrV. rtnd to do En 'ravin?. PI a- ' j ; i.i; r, r ti.il vanizmir in the best stvle I , ,l,e an. All . rk warranle,! , .,.,. : " . i soii'-iiicuun, ii nu ti-inc hi uie very lowest rabt. i ! priceis. AU.i Ar(!onlenr. ani Mtlotleon ' I repaired to ihe ust ntaMir.fr. I L Call in Lf.'.ire- yu gi elcwriere, see for: yure!f antl save roar money. Oct. .5, t noXXKTS. CRAI'K.-!. I iai;i:oN.s, iij.lsioxs, t-II.KS. LACKS. I VELVET?. FLuWEKS, FEATUETI.S. ' Also erer"h:n? comprised in a full assort ment of llillliiory Goods. j New York ar. i I'hilad. liunnet Frames. r.rUUl. t'il P Ll"Plr ' ffWHOI.HSlI.E and HUT AIL. Coun- , , . ,', ., . try uruet ptrunipnv an i cjrrtii i ut e. i SMO s TKR xr, ! - . o i a-1 .a.... V ...U a s ... ni, . . ( m:Mtj e.:i .'triii ft. rnt. Air.A TTOn.NEY AT LAW, I.t'svisltiirc. I'a. lOffl-eef.p-ltitr.' nu!" ttu.e. n--ar ih Cniirt II- u-e 1 t.i7 Collections and prolessional business promptly atteuJed :j OcU Hi, IN61 A lew ol :Bcc iliv. A few of cc ill ves gLr1"' tl for sale verv eheap by Lewishur. Julv 1 rI"S 8 lrpeand choice vart :tl cts. upwar.N. lor saie l-v t;p BKOWX & BKtX O.P.SHIVELY. 3t r t tit - r d" M'-,'e'j i f .e-' sirs. , Al f -r Maaurarltiirr of s Srri . j- ,.t f nnimnti iinf tltn CW ratrntllltlK Ull IPsS.warranieJlo hart Dnherev beairr 1 BlFF.tltl litdllA UAMttlx 51UI.U Bi-US YtHCX Satiillcry, llames.S IIiriIWare,&C. rftl I.' s,l,sciil.er. havinrr carried on ! t f r main ne hhl'.-vI Hnrnrfcn le a t,r .--tat. t-hm-rt in 1 tl-i r (Ji". a u. I II l'ii!:n 'miatv ;rienluri r: iy htn- awiir i-l IHItt.r. j"A vff Ms f..f ajftv-t- nf hi- nrfeiiinn-lup wt'tilii rMhi TtitoJtf f-r fwt.r i f tl.e trn.ln.j f h- j,Tr.i.-lT rrrrx .. mud ml their CO lit i BUa patt. Uiiitv ml NtaA b'S A0. Th- lnth. r h-.I I t on- if . f ;h-? irry l't. tTir-tt In I lie (MO wr. ftuu win ..-. 'i i-s..i-.-t I H ..rkiuvtt - .. ri"-- n.) ! ttt all ntal4 own lu-i 1. aui I tf ii- i - tfiT.'Sfiiti it ni (h- ruturm l ZV.Z r j'oar e ' hritL' J. t'asll antl m. bimI if I 4 ar-l i tl- itI1: uf r ait. O. J 1 .11 il l aiU a.- U x jruvr l..tnnivE'-. UKIMIRIN'O promptly attomJctl to. of l ourttry fro.l nr-.-. laiwi.Sor. April 1, IS1!!. O. P. 9HIVKLT. iim. u: ti nvniiTr, 1527 and 5'29 Struct ttreet, rhihd'a. rpHlS Institute, conducted for two years I past, in this citv, by Mua l'aii anJ her niece M idixi Li'Hmivillv, upon the same prineip'cs as the or.t in Jfew York, established there in the year 1811, a ill '"I"" 1,1 MouJay, Sept. Iti. vita ns u.,ual ample an l complete provision K.r the e lui a- tion of V"nn Ladies, under the direction of Madame lVliervitly. Circulars, and all re s,tiMie intoroiation, can beobtained on appli- ca,ipn ,0 ,h Ptineipal. Fail and Winter Fashions 1861 The Beat Work arxl Lalrat SI j lea TAIL0RI1UG. J"ll. 15. JIILLEK Jt aav aiiB riAIMM I J el v. lrv.ui April II' thankful for past favors f . , . , " would state that he ha, ExeCUtOIS' WotiCw. ceived the Fail and Winter "V'OTICE is hereby aiven, that Letters tes Fashionv, and is prepared 10 i J. 1 i.nneuijirv on ihe last will and testament CUT, MAKE, and litl'.MK of IIFXKY lltorK, late of Lime garments as usual. He will alone township, I mi n univ, have been endeavor, as heretofore, tr. ' cranled to the undersigned, by the Keiuster ef execute his work satisl'acu I Cmon ci-unty.in due form of law; all persons rily l.e.i.-burg, fpt lst;i ... SL'PKRIOR COM. OIL I. tll'S for sale at J. Baker AV s Pru Sure also ibe I'ortlautl ciai Oil. Variety and I News Depot. ri'IlE ut,crihrr krrpa comianll, for M. 1 at the POST OFFICE (Iwlow tat K,Kre Housr) a wrll-sclvclrd sl' of Family Groceries, Confcctionarr and Fruit.''. Funcy No lions, JVrfutiicry & jxzi-i SoaiH. Wall iVpcriffilXJ! and Oil Sla Io.a, Traveling" iiags Dluuk, .School anJ Hymn Books.Ac. I'nrr and Maarazinra-oa iiaaj or to cjulrr. tri m H.'-i..n. Srw Yurk or Phila rlrlphia rh the Trihnn,Time Hrrafif I.n!r. Vi akly. Clipper, i'alice Gazrtir, .l,r cury.Wavfilv, I.i'crarv Compaaina, Harner'i and Lf-lir's MuvtraiFilWraklys. '5frfpv, 0J Harpri's M.igi.j.r.t s, VaLaee Xuulu ajiJ .Nic .ar. Ar. Ac. ill nr wnttii ir.e smo theip mr. rug rwh ir - CEO. W. rOKREXT MKAT AND UMOxT" TAi:oil (i. niinw.v, havin?a,i, l ted in r-rilin? lha hona r of l aw.' -'Iln? tha hnnara nf I .. j Beet Fork, Veal, fee, voma mora ai "rarrfiil thank Mo his BDtOS. t ruU CUliBH rs U'f ttlir Italrnnav r'NM" ",a; nr itilenj?, ti, continue lh h.... , nrs a- heretid- re ' between lrhrjTTe"s inu.r i'at .iarkrt Hr.osa. uakpr Jt Co.'j I tres. Market Sqnare. s Drug Vi..ur..-Vr,)nfi)jvi and Saturdays. CASH is tha avvam. PclS ic pa:rona;e ra- ! "P'r""'r '"'ifitJ, anl sati.tariii n itunrea. -March 15, t.l. . s. STEK.NER, Ag'u J. M. C. RA NCK, ATTOIiXFaY AT Ia-WV,1 ltr,l,urjt I'niun Co., J'a. OFFIfE on Market Sr., three doors west the I.awi.hur- Bank. All professionaf bnsmess entrusted lo his care, promptly at-,r"'!",'n- April IS, IH6I.J (Larv llhlie Mian) Race Strerf. above 3J riiilaJeTphia. W lLLM lX d Yl.1l. PJiOI RATOAX Term?, 1.25 per day. T- th ! rnv an.-ra r,f thfa w.m ker.n ReiM j, we i-air t' vv. tb .t w ba rat. ItvaawasasMjii n - i i t in.;.li, .. ttjs- mf. ami l hat ihnc. luiy M.tnt a a.niiauancfit :her aatronaite. t-4ti-vr-. lr.re!..r, ;l. vi,lt, mr ir,(uiT Itj.ta to tl.-- J.'.-.l .t:y .1 tli.. "Van. car 1 ra-aaa al Hill jii'lj- I .r tin n..- iw, ,.f ,1, aJai.aif.aMl aiTita. thiT U-tU'-l. i- -.-nlr,i, .ntl wuf rBlat fur McrciaMt am r.tta:iM- oi,-n tTijraHT, r w at tidy the waat mni maa- tti th,- af it anr of Mr CfTa'ai f. r. . f 'Mir n..f . all I . i A. .-.n. our a(r.bi. a4 .tlrali.e I ark. at M wall pi .ri to a.p a g'-od nU-I. ne,t hf. to eira ffraeral I ran.fnil;. n. r !1HI;V ; I ' I t.L31A', j lama.. Fab ,tjr,ly 1 iUX KOIta. J. M. IMQWEflY I Fashionable Boot and Shoe Haker, j fiii-th Flih St., LrirMurj, I T FKI's constantly on hand, and mannfae- . .IV lures to onler, all descrtpitona of ! Brtns an expei-it-nctti shoemaker, and am- inn-! to men. a hare il ihe pnhlte paironaifBy he will warrant ail work vhtcB may pass (hroo:u his hands l'ar:ica.ar nntiun will be given to Ladies rx. His Prices are as low as those of anv othet dealerin ihe vrcmitr. He solicits a lair trial. r .1. ti, U n I ihll Km rta ciI.Cd aar.rar n.Mnl ; i i.cwiii.ur,', .ag. vi, tX'V.y J. WALKER & SON 3, DIE MSKEliH. jvGKAVEFaS, AND So a I rre 7Iannrartarera, 3l, S.n'h Third St., I'hihd'lfkia. y. B. Special attention given to Masoaia and oiher s.-ciety seals. Cre783 mViERE HOUSE K. O. II tTZLL, Prop'r. rtlHlS Ht-itl i located in the cemer of la f. U'U n.une io.ire irotn the Court Uoasa l'ersons al'enJing Court. or having other btw sinews in the town, will tint this a pleasant and comfortable home, ('harsex rootlerat t.e-isbur, Pan ?epl. 6, 186'J ml SaXL I. OMWIG, iLraca aarsa OltWIO & HAYES, Attorneys at Law. o Fril'E rn rSoiiih Se-oid near Market 81 April I, 'fil Lew iHburpT, Fa. wrw, Walcb Repairing, Ji - -"' I am now ready to repail ; me nursi v aicbesbuch as Chronoraeiera, I ii. ? r ..... . .1 ..-ii,...-.. su.i fctv ..1 u-ifl uiui in me WCly I best mnnner.tosretherwith everyother kind of work, in our line of bosi.ess. AU work wax- i have ai-o the Ajency for the sale of the relebra'r-1 rral Oil Ijtmps Mgeth with till hna'.es. WtcUa. aic &c Lewivbg,Mar"60 A E bf.Nt'iRMANDIS Anu-ritan Life Insurance & Trust Co., (fapi'al Stoclr -S.Mio.0O0) lO.MPAMV.s Fuildinr;s.Valnoisueet,8 B J corner of Poimh I'hiUdtlphia. I tr Lives insured at the usual Mutual rates or at Joint S:oek rates about 9 per cent, leaa or at Total Abstinecr ra'es the lowest ia tha world. A. W1ULLD1.N, President Jonn C. St-a. fee. 717 UBt.r. MILLPR. Agntt, Lewiabnra UISSOLVTIOX. rpHE t.VPartnersbip heretofore existing I between the undersigneit under the firm ot Hi-asH & moiima(, is this day dissolved bv mutual consent. The Books and Notes art left at the Did Mand for tptejii uUiemrtU. .All who fril interested will please take notice! pr.ThR nrnsn. Lait. Seaita, ISA! J.NO R it.ajtlM !t. "PK. . '. MTORUK K. (a rra-foata XJ of Jt'ifersoa t'oitcye) te'l;t lus Pro. lessional aervtces to the prop'e of Lewisborg an ainnity. ITOIliM en North Front St, near Market, where be may be eonielted al any nine when not proirasionally enraged. Families ol Volunteers (sncb as may be at need) aiierded gratuitous'. Sept. 7, 161 having claims atrmnst said estate will present I them, and those owm; said estate are reijues. ' lei to make imme liate parment. to I MICH M.i. Fltt ICK, Eser- I JAL'oii M.t'i K,