Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, January 17, 1862, Image 3

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i i
I 1
,1 !
i i
A Touching Incident
Tb. bumaniting influences of the grea-
ttttof mil the virtue wis thrilling!? rz-1
amplified in a circumstance which occurred
Bear Sedalia, Missouri, oa the night (file
9th indent, tbe particulars of which have
been eontmonicated to ua by gentleman
well kaowe ia thii city, who happened lo
be preteot at that time. ScJalia is the tcr-
DiDOt of the Paeifia railroad, and a ruili-
tarj poiut of the Federal army, under the
command of Gen. Steel, an accomplished
effieer of the regular service. A short time
iaea he learned that Kbcoezer Maglfi m,
brother of oar. Governor, and a Colonel
in Price's Rebel army, was stealthily ;
lying around bis own premises, going in 1
Occasionally to see his wife, who was excee
dingly and very dangerously ill wiih the
jaundice, and at the came time anticipa'ing
confinement, which bad been terribly
protracted aome six or seven weeks. Upno
the day nieotioned, Gen. Steel dipatched
one of Col. Magoffin's own political frienda
to him, inviting him to couie to the resi
dence of Dr. James R. Hughes and hold
conference witb Col. K. R. Krnwn, io
the presence of the Doctor. Col. Mag flio.
Was at tbe appuinted place when Colonel
Brown arrived. Tbe latter, after the cour
tesies of the evening were interchanged,
Mid: "Col. Mage do, what will you
bave?" Col. M., throwing up Lis band to
bie face, said : "I want to see my dying
wife." Col. Brown immediately replied :
"Von ean do so in emirs safety. Dr.
Hughes and myself will accompany you
as a body-guard." Col. lirowo tbeu asked
him: "Will yon have anythiug else?
Have yon any terms of peace and retonci-1
liation to propose to me as the Federal
geot T" Col. Magoffin psuBcd for a mo
ment, again threw his band op io his head,
and remarked : "Col. Brown, my Lraiu is
addled; I am almost crazy; 1 bave not
lent for three dais aud aicho, I have
slept oat io the cold and io tbe rain, I am
fall of cold. Give me ten day time U
answer, then my poor wile nl eiihcr be
dead and buried, or convalescent."
Col. Brown, full of kind feeling and
deeply affected by the terriMa nuflt rings
and mental agony of this uUjuidtd gtu
tleman, replied : "Van can have i.'' The
three then repaired to the residence of Col.
Magoffin, which was about two miles di
tant' When Col. MagjJfio. approached ihe
bedside ef bis wifo, who was epe.cLles
aud almost senseless, a momentary glisten j
of the eye seemed to indioate a recognition j
of her husband, while at the same lime i
aba made a vary feebla iffjrt to place her (
dying arm around his neck. Dr. Kache-, j
anticipating her wish, a-sisted Ler ; and
then at that perilous hour was domoo-;
Si rated the strength and endurance of the
pure affection of a noble hearted woman
"faithful onto death." She seemed to be
perfectly happy and resigned, as if she
were ready lo exchange the loved of earih
k innf heaven, which were ODsnini;
a her sicht. The scene was ntensely ,
nffecting. Col. Maoffio was bowed down ;
Witb tbe profoundest griff; his heart j
. braised reed r"n.'!..'h'
lady, as -itnesse. to the tbr llini event,
and the humanity of the reJeral Army, .
... 11. Mr. ITutehinaon. tbe ftther I
Md n.,h.r Of Mr, Maguffio, the Colo..!'. :
whole familv, and several ncighbjrs and i
- j
irie . . . . , A..,x,
Ia most mstaoees the chsmhev of death .
sliouU be iicreJ from the apparent profa-
..tic of .ewparsr. -.... ; b. there
tosy be some good aoeompliflicd to the
eaase of hom.oitj ia tbis instance bv do- j
t,u" u J !
. ... .t,. 1'.. Slaunltin i
laUIOaJ but1 Bini.i"ou..i" - e
bu been tbe most aetive, tbe mo?t seduc-
..1. . :.a ...... ;nt.k 1
live, ana ue ..uu... .sv.....
jl Missouri. XYheo Col. Marshall s cavalry
...;m.nl was oassine tbrouch Oenre-
. n.,i M....in.. I
towa, some ume id au8u.., - ,
from a window, shot at anil killcil two ot 1
tbe ueaibvr and wounded oihr. He was
captured bv Col Marshall, tateo to Lex
ia(toa, and kept in the fortification, there
until Col- Malligan surrendered that posr.
He thenweat With fnce tu luue.iuiu.e,. ,
part f the 8'ate, aaJ held a prominent 1
nnaition in bis armv : sod jet while the '
position in nis ar jr , 3
Federal errnj ia deaoancd bj ibee very .
mau at barbarous, this deed of Chrieiian i
cbaritv, wa. perforuied b, .bos. who, yu, .
n.ikixed with tbe afflicted husband, though
.... ge etrooglv eondeww hi" pernieious ;
" , r r......n l
course aul eooneen. iii.it"ii'"'.
The Grand Army of the Union.
The great army of freemen now fight
. . -. . v I:..- n
jot lor " luirginj u. s. i
tributed b .h. Beveral tstates as tollows i
., A .nlnmn shoaii L' the Dtr Cen- 1
. n . .tumi m lwi ih - o . i
tagc of soldiers to the pnpu.aiioo of the
several Stales, the ttird the liumbcr of in
babltanli to each soldier Feat :
. i
Nr.. FernUR. rnpuriui."!
4 tiSS I Mi or 1 ta Si mh.
14.6SG 3.1 1 or 1 to
2,775 5.47 or 1 o
S4 941 5.02 or 1 to
62,013 4 52 or 1 to
0,703 3 04 or 1 to
5.000 4 27 or 1 to
15.000 1 29 or 1 .0
15,007 2.42 or I to
,000 0 1)6 or 1 to 105 "
Meaeicbu's, 30,19o 2 4a or 1 to 41
Miehig.a, 2.3:il 3 !0 or 1 lo 20 "
N. llaoip
N. Jrey,
N. Yoik,
R. bland,
4 10U J w i i n
31,-0 2 41 or 1 to S3 "
10 379 3 13 or 1 to 31 "
12,10 1 94 or 1 to 54 "
110 3KJ 2 h7 or 1 to 35 "
91.441 3 c9 or 1 to 25 "
114 9:'i9 39 or 1 to 29 "
7.1S3 4 Odor 1 to 24"
8,7r0 2 78 or 1 to 38 "
12,779 0.80 or 1 to 125 "
11,915 191 or 1 lo 51 "
Tb. Port Hoyal force ba. captured
altogetbsr about two uiiiHjns ef dollars
oilb of esttuO.
' i;
2? ! -M if
rr 1 '5 l
C: i i -1 ? i -i 1
hi i.: t
'l .1)
: rcb'
I 2I l
I ii'wti'i
1 !7,1 li 2i lil -;
2.-. -J4 . 17
j ; J J
I 1
: v n 11 12,1 ;
'1' 17 ls;i; .Vi
14 li
-1 .'J
.Mil. Ill
l! si 4! S
I ' 5 l 1" 11 !2
lir. u.i:. in 1: 1- 19
! 2. M
i 11 si a
!i ' t in
,14 !.'. t ,17
4 5
1 . 1
'I si si l
si i;lii:ll T.
11 ii- 1
,"1 h-
1 I 1
Union County OiTiciil Record.
rrriMr-t AV-'1 c- '". ll-t"o Poi.tOO.1
Prcth-mntirry S tVI . L 11 I SH, do
iV rf .VC llOli'.t Mf.hMl-L, do
li.-nW ,4f'iii. I f Ii: hue, N. H-rlln
'. Ti'utmtr J -lis A. Mtn7. ..wisl.ntc
O.mm.i :wr-m " Kt.l I. I-Ml"
1 Km I' 1 K ll-'itM'fK. M ill! mini rI ilo
' d- Jtk M. IV uvl, W inti- M
do fViw' J.'H.v B- 7.11. '
l;pr Ciir-ernc. di
mmtUr J,.;.i..r-T,M.ili ntics. NnZielurf do
.SnrtfM i'.sii.siioLra. V.,rsl Hill do
t''iTiwr-.u.Hi Mnilu, l.ewi-l.;ir4 do
AuJuur smilC VI ilt. Ilnrlirt-m do
do II iMi Ml o n". I-"1 '"rx "
do IlKHiintit I'H. Ml-, MUllmt'iir do
AooiajeriKii''i' II IUcii.t,NwIrli do
! rot-Ofiii-cs in Union rotmty.
.llrira oil Brsd, l, i.l.i.l - J l,.r. so. .11. P l
ir',i( ;.-.r I i..ni...ii.Hrayl) o.i u ,ri n-s.e
ll '.ifr l'-'r Vi.ll jUiililono.Mh Li T.
. M kin;;
1 K r.-ir-y
iil,nr:; il .iiiniy eiit) -ft
Hi-: I'atjUi-rpiioe)
Irturrl'-n -tt -n.l ll-rl! T.
: n .f .vj-cifp i.iDn ct' ij ,i -
- K.jM. -i.
Sam; A H .i
j Holidays Hanks clo-i.' on I
New Yi-ar'j Day llli July HiankisiUiiti -Chri-tiiiini
Regular Union county foiirts open
' Third Mondaj In rebriiry aj Jei'ieuiVr DK. uib'i
, Union county VoluntiM-
I l.rijtvMr. l,.-. r..r. f I'nl
rs died in 1S01. i
I John II- l-rr . f liutTnl-ir 1 p.
I N .art Wilkr-.of V.nl liV.:; Tfi.
J ti Utf t). AI. Tin I.t, t.t l.-l'n Tp.
llnt.T J.s.fL.-.'i.oi W't i..ni.
Jau,, , K. M Tii-iiIi-. i'f l:iifi .l. T'.
Se.mu.-t r!i.H...f tiiiwiiy at U
Foil in tlio War fr llie Union, 1SC1.
C' l. J i I'mntTi-n, vt IVun'a.
CH- J.-I.D T
W:tj Tiit"-i"re w itittir-ip, of Conn't.
CitfU. lMlt.aaiivl Lvoit
Sn.tJ.r lllwarJ IK linker, of Or-r-tl.
rrrxfr s T Mil. -Itiiuli siilnltT ha
relumed t - his Mi-p in l.eit.j.s. an n,
a()0 yur B(-lk,, Mazzines, e-pa.e i,
ac., f.,r ihe B-k-Bmder.
lua p
lhe UdVf ni,w (iar.tred in Lew-
'T'4",J ishnro. IV. u l.ere ih. v ill mna.ii
'X "".' ".X ,'ue ,
irund,ale r-mmaml d (i-u. M'Cuuk. j
r,n nf F.nlisiiiieni Thiee ears. ord'ir-
inr the War. at the end of which everv man
,.f Ml11tM tn ., ,n i,-h and ir.iiacre-.
of .a,i, beside the mate apnr. piia is. .V.
Za, 'Z' 5
so , miinl chj,r4(.rr. ,
M mihly I'av-Fn.n. l ' ?lrl,
..- r. ih. .li i.f lieiii" wrrn iliiu :
cnruiucio c ..
I service also Suni.i-iencc.and I rausporiation
from the place of enrolment I" l.ewi-n.ir...
Th. hesi of Horse will be purcnase.i esne
- mjn ( Uji.f
' hors(. ,s h, cuy ran ail.,rd
rau,pped in lhe latest appr
I !'
t informs and
I'nilorms and eouinmenls lurnished liuuie'i
T.xrhinz lh,s place.
JON ATH AN WOl.r K, I apta n
iro-.iu Bru-h '. ..ley.j
WW. M. n H X., 1st Lieut
I.f wisbnrs.Jjiec I. IMil
illop of Union (Eonnti).
.i v i-Kri on roilers.varni-hed.en-raved
gvs inn.ia,,he.l in Plniad. 111 Hie bei
s'v.e of the art-3ti by 4ii mche, in vze-nn
of U) )he mi!(. .,. Map
,ar(.,-Uv sufvfv,d in isi'i, and is rea-
(,ah:y correct. Kadi l"onship is colored, j
iC j
.,, ,i v, -iu,hia. Mouina ii. and ,
streams are traced the 1'uldie., R. a ls
lhe distance in icK. lw.itt.een r.'.-.ds I
widi .
lhe distance in icK. Hiween ri'.-.c.s U'hiCh j
inleriect also Names ..f Farm Ournirs pen- ,
erallv. t;hurch and Sch. ol H uses. Mills. Ac. .
t. i:nn H.oi-e. urn .d lhe l.e.vi.l.ar" I m- 1
j versilv B nidines. lhe l.ewi-hurs Boat Yaid. j
.1.. l i..i. Km lure at W'mlieid, and I nmn 1
s-minarv at New Berlin are rcpre.eiiied in a '
r ,eravi.iz each. i
VIverv Farmer and person of hnsinc sh d
. . . .
, . ,., v,n, inr nrnimrui or 101
nave 1'iir -i" -t
reference and inf'irmato.n. i
The orijiiiai sni.seriptton pr-re was ..i ..o,
now reduced t o.lv. V For sale al
the ur (Vi'.oi'c'' (lifi e. and bv
Da. s I.. lii:i"K. I.ewishnr?
News Aseticy.
riIIE undersigned havinj opened a MTcvv)
I kl- in cnntiectioii woh hi. IIOUK,
sTM'ioNEBV. and VARIETY Store, he is
1 .1 .ill
I 1 1 i; ai 4 s
j 6i 7 M ill l: !J
J;.J,. ' ft .i," i
lii iiiij i . . 1 4 i..:u
' .) .! , 4! .,! 7
, f! ly 11 1.- i:i !i '
l.-.:if. : 1 T 1 I .'I ,
j ,.' J j,.;".'
urWuli. k'k'i
li jn Jl -jss.: :i
777,! ..1 7' I
iherefoie prepared lo recei.e aubscripuons , 0as ; ollNUlr, insr i,," l.u
for the following j I iiix SUt rt
SEwxrirnr. wtctmrs. it. ! 0fih..iv-l.r.nns.i. virnm covn.nTi:
rMladelnhia Inquirer. Pr-ls IrfTO frfonLy and a'! ..' 'ier C k no and Heatin; Moves
,., n..il.r Ww.ratr. The 1'rr.i.ytTMin, Chri-tun
AdTnotr Journ.l. Tin sinnran-r. n.. r.-.n
tori-t, XewTnrll l!er.l.l,Trihane. Time.. World, llr r'f
Weeklr. Tnn Usiie. N. V Le,lcer ren.T. .er'.
MNgaxine. H"in. Joaro.l. Vtnke. Nntioni. .i.-k n. ks,
Bl.i aw.ssl, noetic, lUri-r1 anln, 1'. tern n ..
G.sJe.V L:nl Il k, AlLiitK: M iitlilv
and any others rlestrerl. Persons wishin lr
of the arnive had better call soon t. have
adi-amaze of Club Kut't. liTOrders from a
diiaace protnn'lv attended lo.
H. W. CKOTZEB. Niwi Ait.
l.ewislmrz. Pa.. Dec. 12. Itil
TTTAXTEO t this Office, on acc"t, a few
V hu-h. PtlTATOES warranted not to
decay prematurely
1)UIM clean Tunntby Peed fur sale by
Jno. H. Oooiitin.
' Tl.n - 1,,- ! ...,1 I ..,-. c
' -t" 'v' A -Elated lliciiiseli es into cpam
j- .-- . 'nersnip tor llie p u ,ioe oi c rrv
in IT on llie i.uiiii'i'i 1 n I'!.1 n mc.
rn! Carpentering business in a. I thcirvuiious
branches, al the
L'ciuiobr.rg Claim I'iiir.isig .111'.
wlieri- l!i-v mien I l.i k'" p a Mi i-U t.l I'n.e
Ilt'inli.rk, Walnut, t'hen
I'l-pUr, A sli, Vla-
pie. utid all kimU . I I. ,
Vlhs, fitilliis. MiiiicJes, I. f
Feiicins, INi kc.1., I) -i.r a:i.:
Poors. rhuiirr', Hlnu'v.
Brackets, Aic. I'lanins. !i
!. 1-ls. si'd-l.lllrj,
V'i;ni'iw Fi rnev.
si.ih. VinMir.;s,
Hinj. s.itiII fsau--
inc, Ac, dune ai ti. n m i:re an.i all Wi-tk
warrameit ip k'vc snnsiaeiii n, bciih in rice
aad workuiaiislnp.
j. i. iii:Fn:Ni'!:i;FKR, ;
vxiniN ii;i'.isn n.
Illi: l llllKlMI M'H '
I.i'wUl'nre Ptnniou Vt'A. A; ril I, l-m.
tilalr at .t 1 1 1 ' HAIItMtV. lnrnirrK ol tn'.un. Isle
ol Limrjl.lrr fiiiiili). tiK'it.
ETTKISN Tf'jineiiMrv 011 Hi' l.-lalr ol ,
J .,ii Harriiian. Idle ol Mra-lms town- j
l.anealer cointlv. havin2 been iln'v
aianie 1 t llie uii l-rnL'iie l. ;U ier-ons iiuleh
le,l lliereiu are ri-ij ir!. .1 ! Itfike niiinei.ile
pariii' in. and ih.-f hiras ( l:iun or tru.amN
aam-l llie -a "e i!l nie-em t:i iil lorsrltle
llieul ei Jo r ol u-. I
IIKMIV II. KI !; IZ. Miiiiieini Tp.
ji;ii: Hi ull.i.i!, Jr. l.ai.j ;cr,
: i:
i cili rs
fPI(K (,timni"i'-i'"1''r. t l l n' -n r nin'v linve
I fvi.-.l a ri:riAle I A.V . : a 4 mi
51 m pav ihi 1 cj ' f i t i n ihe ' : v i.ru -mu-l.oin,
al- i ct 1 iniil mt tor 111? mi; p.Tt . 1
ihe lannli- i'f fin ('..iiiry -i.tiuir. r (vt !,:, ti
will mt he h vic I nM r t Tii- U ki
arc tnuv m the h:tM-iN el t!if ' i," rii rs, an-t :l
is hi pM ll:e T.lx-l'.i 'Ts wil! h- vrv pr;'iii(ii
in inaiii'12 pivnie-nr i .r this p.i:n purpt
Bv i.fl'T hi 1 l.e '. nuiitv Mii-r, : I
S v, l'-l. A. Ki:i'.I Cl'ik-
TS ofT-'red. l.T a (I onleman aiol I. olv . cei
1 UUAKIII.Mi. and U!;.N I' iiaiol-imc
Rooms 101 l'ie lil -' ll 1 r 1 I : i' I ir.e ;'l I oil
modi. .0s h oise ol" J.-'.n 1 M n -st-r r. 1 m r of
ii'ii and Mukii f. Levisnuii. IV parti
nil ir ci. iiri I lot' i'.. u! . cij. 0,1, Mis.
M ::t. u ii.siix. Ni V.ir. js-.-.i
ii .;;! 31, tys :.f.i. rr..; ffi:s
: ! ;.-s.
1'rtjmr.il l:4 !' ' '
. r,
1 i li K,
. Iv i.r-iilil 1 I.I.I.' 11 1 1.
i.i.. mi h-i ? '
i J. .-Tt. n l:.-
mi "n
1-1 '
im I I-u
Ue- of th -rn
,. J.lt... z .. 1- -i.r.,
nu t .
1 ,lll-
t.t-, 1 on
Till: UNION".
Arch street, almo TlvrJ, riiiiad'a.
frriiN s. m:cimi:i:. i-iop'r.
Ii .O'l i- cen'r.il. Ci neruei:t to I'as-
r- li. a I parts ol the cttv. itti I
in cvtrv pa: ii.'ii:r aapleii i.i 1,11; coiniull anu
i." ;,ii ne
I f;- Terms iSt.S-'. ri.-r dav. S -pt. is.'fil.
i A"ir liariiClOD, f moil "., I'll.
rrffti' Till: MiliM'riidT, i!i:inlf!il
! Z','J I'.- ; ,i i piir.oi'., u-niid inloriii
! -"rT" I '.os lrier.i': .'.til ii.ep:iil c in "etie
! rSrf. rjl pc r i: on.e. to niati'llac-
i tin e all kin ls d W o. :-i 1; ilMciN. sm ii as
I'loihs.t'asv.rt-.rres. I irt-iii,...-.;!;:,,.:. leans,
i Illanlrels and Fianncis; al .o. Ciri et a'-d
i Siockiii Yam-. His n;ai l.inery l-ein? ol ihe
hesl liiii-1 in ue, aiol loivini einp.oved the
best of workmen, he feels sale in Silvio?
I lhal Hs worli -hall noi oe surpassed hy
any Cfctahli-hineiit in lhe country. A ii 1 i:ti
ply of 'he ai-ove 01 id . kepi coii-iai.i'v 1 n nan I
lor sale or lo exi hnnp, ' Ir-r r.-ont. at prices
1 lhal can ho! lai! to please. WimiI. wi!i he
I'arded in the t'e.i mitritoTand on the -In riet
1 nonce. Terms l-.r cari'trt?, rn-h on ihe dc
I livervof iherol's. MARK HAI.rTEM.'V.
Winfirl.l .Villi, Mam .In, l.i.".v.
Ll'MllHII! I.U.MliKIt !! 1
riHK snhverihers have for sale nvfmm, !
(in !.ts ti suit pur( ha&en-
arse tmK r -ar
Pi.lt Ac. A'"" r.aO t'i.h t;M!.s.
iit; men f aw'd Sh'iiie-. t)p-rt(r ijuahty.
Alsn .ju.ir I I'lltiff Inr Inlil'i.l.f.'
whodi ire oil. re.l low for ca-h .n ..or Mill
on Smnh Urauch of lhe While Deer fieek in
. .rl!cv t..iaro&Wio or deiivercii nn llie H
v Narr.
' al Ihe i
d of ,mr Koa.l.
IV A Llipioina I
A Dipl.
or a supe.-ior sample i f
inn for Kiiils and Sliin
ai lhe la -t I'iiioii C-i.As.
IX M I'A!. I. SIlVis.
iM.itil.'-, and a
le-,i. ere awai
j Fair.
I'r. o
led u
re. i il II i" t. I nioii Co, Ta 1
Stoves! Stoves!
OR sale ai Hie .
tri:l Slure Y.irl.;"
. i-i!ii,Aiii:i.nn..
No. :. N... -d
rppsiic Christ's Church) the rno-tcelebraird
a;i u winch arc t. 1 J rall'eed lo p'Ve entile
ve in. a cad.
M. ''. M'.t AN
'piiK siibi.ril.er t-ou- jr., '
1 nnues t.. carrv - n ihe" ". --feS
l.ltrrv K:inr V;''"- -:iC
lhe llld s.and on r..iiih.iitrai wm s-
Th-r 1 street, near Vailte'. re.pecifntlj
t i lirl's the pafroliSse i.i l.. Inrli1. .I' d thl
I piiohc V er.iln. Ct'l:l.i:s F. I1CSS.
I Lrw-stnir". 'da. . I '
pLl'AIIMNC; .ri.ti..t!
I V I.. ... not tr-. I tt,. I .e. , t
1 Jl all ereii-e,! m ihe ser ice ol ihe t". S
iu the War ol lrlS. and l.T liieir Vidw., at
the uc of the L.wu 'jrj t aioaiie.
r J'rjXLLKXnVX !.TyV -
F.nnoTs'anJ propertv-llo'r, atteoiion is
called l, Itie ..!1owiii2 Tacts:
lT To r'ose , ill lhe l.ftl islllll r
i-i-y, llie F.M Ilii: SI III K will l.e m.i.i
iti iiviTt d next Fall and burin?, at 5 and i0
jier rem. I,e'(,w regular price-,.
i:i".AT JAK(iAIXS!
j!iltfin pvt met uriili, it get ihe hrM f ra ltf1
Tf.nr n i l Oriiamerira! 'l'rffs ani Mirul'Svry.
Tiit'-.e Tr'-i are ail acc!iin.tifil n th chmafe
an t thvrfirr t. be prpfrrrr'fl lo Ynrk State
trves u bich seMuin pruvv. It is your lulerest
(htrreture in call ami get god irecs at
Half Prices and Less!
Apple. Pf-ir!, Pearhes, I'herne-, Almonds,
Apr:rot, IMuni.Urapf"!, Sirawbernr-s, alle
an! Ornamniat Trees. Kverareen-.Vines and
(;rr.-per,.tniy li'.-e Ac a p-'od assnrimeni.
Tur 'i'rer or inlcTmaiinn npplv (n-ar the
Nursery) to CiKIf.trs MAKslI
.lurllnn art! 'minl'lua HuHr In Lewlburp.
fv'iSiSrM? Lesal Aui-iinnccr !
K. t.I9onrliM T havine heen appnincd
"fie Aiirtitihrrrlr I.ewi-hi.r2, i- prepared to
atierifl in ail calls in hi line ia loua and
Commission Sales.
In, April itrw I intern, in open on MarKe
s'rerl a K -mn l.T ihe recepiinn. and the sale
aix'a-fd i.rif i.fll ii)tU d ;"i"' at Atie
f i 'ti- Ar.v ine wihins tudivpicetif any art i-r!-'
ran vin sit't with me and I will e it ai
ih- hf-.1 a 'vani.Lc I ran and charge a per
rc'!:i:i- t'-.'T ihe same :
"! T A IOK!l0VCR
jour: H. SCALE, i
(H nl ! in ir rurKlsliln'i More.
M n in ,SV . n,o,f Jlank,
1.1: vis::i Kii, fa. '
';, or i.rriSer lla removed into lhe new
li l' d :iii I comiii..itn 11 M ireroi.tn of Tli.niias
lo'lii'r.wloTe h- has just received a lare and
Ueit M'irCled slook of
.Mll.N'S CLOTH 1X0,
I'loihs. Castniere. si:ks. Shirts, llrawer. A-c.
I n! o l T AMI M AKI: TII0!:I):R in lhe 1
hel vivie and niosi reasonalile lerms. Bein i
a pr.n Lical Tailor, and ctnplovinc the best ;
wot;,'.) n. I can com". le:i!ly invile lo:h lilii !
and Silt- Cwti 'tifrs do 11'; forget lhe Sin !
'iv. a 1
The Rcil Door
H I J H UK !.B
; superior.
imp. it-il tr.im H un- i
I hiiri'. in t..-i:naiiv. ih-iftI.M.N M'AA-
l.l.i:ir I'HIIAs M' Ko'A'l.. The- tjrin
ihe haii i n.rsf tn-jt'lN 1;i.m n to exist, aSu ;
iie jir-iti:.c l ivei exianl, in rcn-eijiieni-e j
i I' v h ie Ii liny ar-- prpuiar'v km-wn at lhe i
fVr-r!a.tiii Iner." I'n y k''fp iat cti a..at ,
'fe-unr I i-l ihe le.'l tii lh (-r.tiri-irv t.u !. '
'I he are nl a i h v -u'i i-i ihiv. r.
T'tv t-i;a. I it : c,'ii ! ' eS.t.s . i tl.f
ii'tih'r-!?"' d 7t h l: -lit fir i. cr ran ie .r-hri-d
a! (his fliM-r-. A. KI.LMi.
jil.i.'ii-.! M-i. V.iv 1, :;n
(ca!r.il 'i!:it':!ry ?av JIarliiac Slicp
S'ln t. Vi'jIS i:rl:!fp 1 ( it.
rtri,ii:r.'iiirrr. I idtlli.rli In-n
.Vf-r and !f a f' ' r, I'arhr.s'- :
,';'!.. in'.-. T' h-jraph K. h:- r t'ni-
!i i'Hixr-.Wi h'Tt.w'' S 'il-Sftat-
, FLU,
Rti l M ir.i( :Mii I'lu-.
. and "a-nns i f t very decrin
of Agricultural Implements kepi
M. ik tn M'muiiht and Cast Iron
i .
dure t;ilren in etrhnne.
i ntli a M.rlo-t sr. . LenLstiarc. Fa.
( r. ..r
T10i:.i:i 4T I.4W,
I.F.u iiti hi;. rt;.vA.
l,f at. f II. I.t
ni i . i .
.1 In"-- l
.! t.t
n ' an t 111 Ut! to Im u.- ii in
, HI .) wis-1 I" tmkf tl: MfklixNT
i (.--1 r oil.' r inj-trnnu-nl. to !
1 SIn t . l'til
ir r""t
.iti. em:
Stl.T t. "H ill. j
mxi ri Ttm R5 rr I
Yellow and Rockingham Ware, j
DIP-Ti"ft! ! I't,LL"te I! I
Y.'!iiti' Iron Slonctilass & (Juiensware, :
A'.;. l'lOrt".' l'i-. A"'"'i Fourth .St.
riiii,iii:i.piiiA. !
ftti'v and Crutrrv Dealer are invited to i
and examine our (ioods
The Diir.es Saving Institution of Le
wisburg T S readv t; receive anv ammini on Deposile
I from Ten I'ents arid upwards. Kour per
rein, per annum Ir.iere.t will be paid on all
fi'rlnl denos,te. of Two Dollars and upwards
II d-posii.'d urn monihs and Innscr lliiice
ic J,nr.is tie.ldes' l-rn l.- Mock. Market td
II. I'. slll'I.l.EIr, Treasurer
I.ewist.nr;. Oct. HI. infill
f : ji iUoic iUcat.
lLaw,T!l'EF, ?.!VTT0X, VF.AL,
A t-.., V. ill 1-e MippllCII lo Hie nillirv peopio.
ihe sin si-rii er, ai his siu.p on N'orih Filih
Mrcrt, where he carries on lhe lluteheriin;
business, and will -uppiy all kind- of Meal
iu us season. n Wednesday and Sainrdav
ni'iriiiiiv . lie will he foutnl ai Market in trout
ol M Fa Mli.'s Hardware Sioreilr at low rales
lor I 'ash exclu-ively. I.'alves warned Ueeves
and She. p purchased as u-uai. Try lhe New
Lewi-burs. Aua. 1H I85y
LEwisniRr;. r.Yio.v co., r..
I.. It. imtatllR, I'roprlelor.
ri'HIs new Hotel is situated opposite the
j Conn Mouse, in the mosi fashionable and
heaulilul pan of Ihe town, and for slvle and
convenience can not be surpassed in Central
Those vi-mnsr the t'niversity. or ar.endinj
Court, mill find it lhe most convenient and
central public hou-e charges will be lhe
t rea-onahle and neither time or expense
will lie spared io be
ihte uhn may call.
iw every comfort upon
l.ewisburs. May H.IHfiO
J. HI DUTtnX OF Flint.llT.
lit n..f 4S rente rer lull (..uiiU.
1M .lo
4.1 a.. a..
:i .i.i
3.1 d.i d'
4-It iii
( - i
il iir.i. tire a.nj Cora. 14 cat r bUfthL
Philad. llepol wilh
VrW, H'.er.V Freed. Market Pt.
Thank'ul for the libera! p.ir. na?e civen u.
we h-ipe t.v sinct a'l-nitnn in hw.ines. lo
merit a coniinaaure vt ihe .mm.
rim" rriPHr.B
For further irifi.ria'i a api ' i.
lyi'.i.'. C K V.li . L-'r?
iioiitrortTiiK- I itiM la.
FFICE in his new B'lrh lt. ek. V.rke.
yP ,z:i xvt&T:;
I ITnivoroSfvot I nivkliiipn-
pHE several Wt hnt.!;. ipii on ilie mnrnin;
1 of Tmi itotr, feeuL titht a oJ cuuuiiue
uiiiil the Hdi iay--.
inKion, In
C fi.Lr.OF Willi all iuLia. uit rturgtr.
1 ttr At. tiiFu
t:. t. : 4..
u u l.i i:,
i v K-r lur her inrt-rm ion,injui y may be
ma it ol any of lhe 'IVafh'-r. r i-l
J. ft l-tlO.MIS, I'ievi.!riit.
Auction !
Kvi-ry Saturday Afternoon.
Kvory Saturday Afternoon.
Kvery Saturday Afternoon.
Kveiy Satniday Afternoon.
at tw o oci.oi;k.
F. A. Iiic !io r, t ut liunrrr.
114.11 Ili:itM IIRO'M will offer a
portion ol ineir lare iin-k i t (; ) I )S
ai Tnhlic SaV n S-ATI IttlAV. A11211-I -'I n.
and I i?cotiliniie lhe sale everv Na'nntav
alttrnoiin ntilil llie ulo.ie i- closed onlv(i 3
IIIIV ti.'llinv I, KIM K!;:rs.tl ll lin till- Jitrr.air.dr
Ilia l.iini.s, 1.1: HIMMIltim tK::.rraaarrr
Ilia t4ll:lls.l.!:)H:illKs.l lliM tia..0.nrrnsairJr
lo.l (.. (Ills. ,l::ii Kl.ll.1,11 tli!)W l!ii:.lluei n-ari.r
A :eat variety, all l pnl.ir pood-, in ciod ,
order, aiiiono-t tt Inch will Lefouad simellnri
lhat evervb'-dv w a:ils.
The i.'ic uill lie kerl open, in the mean
time, lo arc- iiiincdate ine peoj.le w oh 'o,.i!.
at rosl. Thisopportiitiitv In secure I arjain-,
will s.i; n I e over, ue ll,ereiore aivi.-e every
Lody lo cail soon.
riiAvr.r.r.i.i.v uno's.
I. S. All persons indehled to lis, will
pl'-a-e call anj make selliCincnt, and inercby
save col-. (
James F. Linn. J. Merrill Linn.
& J. M. UXX,
4 .foriievM at I. a it.
' I I n ion f'tunty. Penn'a.
J. MERIULL l C?ttii,i5i.KfT fh.atv of fnwti,
Willi piiwi-r to ttk- I't-ji-.-itii.ii.n-ki:owlv.l(r- r"-"-.Iji.i.r
fff ' jy PHILADELPHIA ! !
S i-l. - AIII A laaimA
. WHITE DELS 5111 1
Uuion County, Vx.
MUICi; CenUinun
rirnZi:.s 1 1 I.r-.vi-hnrc atid victnttr are
. r--p-i'i. it v ii-'i 1 tii f,! ha' 'hf Mi(."frit.'ir
ha- h
M-jh! i I.. if ir're-si ,1 I. flix in
-' . i.f .v'"i- r' i!"'r I'uttiti.nr.'i
... ,r .. . -f ,.. ! ' i -t ift I- ! n .-tit nt -lew
..r,.l.,.ill('l'.M.l''ei..l II ..ht. n - -
-ii. t -:i i.ii 't I" ' 1- h"!- I" tiff
i'. i. tn . i tV- ii.-i f t l ini i!h lh ir .itr.-u-
the h
T ,i -
: Tn ir-t
.I l-I
; a, i.i
A . till 1 IN. Irif li.rh.
In (- wen I in i-h
sfiened ric.uitr. 'J'iiia
supplied at
!!-' eai n t I e "aid
wanf e;;'i mMV l e
Provision Store,
oa .Market strt'rt.ki'mn oil aaJ -llli,
Cam. and
OrR STIU"K is larse ant well selected
ciiil.r.icin2 evervltiiiiL' n-iialiv kepi 111 a
hisi-c ass GKUGEKY sTi llti" iiicliiding an
assoi liueiil ol
tii. u. tvax Ai.nmiT s. .r-KR
Lewi.'iuri, .i.iri-n is, 1-.1.
The .'nil 4..ltll
AT'll.I. conmence on Monday, HO til ,
siept. iMil. Iii coliluiue l.i Hie li.ilnlavs.
'Fhe isrta &tssni will coiumeace Jan-
uarv 4. I'1'-- ... ,
All the Classical. Mathematical and English
liraiiches are laiislil."
Vi.ro 1..IHK and Cutukii dc-iroils of
qiiiiliivm? lliein-elves for Te.o hini;. will find
ii to ihe.r advan:ai?e to enter this Institution.
The llihle is a Text Uork.
TIT IT'IN per session including contingent
HUM tRY 'llemlins. M ritm ts-Hner, Artthmetie.
liHe.iimm.Kl I' S. Ili-t..rv. 1 $5 I
AliV vi'KIi K.Ni.LUll i.Ilnnl included .bote j on
L.soiiAiit. -, ----.--.---. .' " i
TuiMon pavahle immediate! v npnn the close
of lhe session, li' A deduction if 1 p'r cl
u- II be mule In thu.e pnyim; m j.nv!icii. No
other deductions except lor protracted sick-
J. BA.M'oi.ni.
10, l0 Principal ,
Doots and Shoes.
The tih-rriher his j-ist rceived ;
at his Store (next door lo Hie rvst
()lli e)a full supply of ltolt
SIlO.1!. of evcrv style and vaneiy suilaWe io ;
lhe season. The slock has been selected wilh j
pariienlar care, and will be afforded at ,
tKKY lit. Hit till PKItFS H!t HM f.'tl.
His old friends and customers and lhe pnnlio
eeuerally are inviied to call and examine In.
s.i,ek and jin'je loi Ihem-ehes Iv MAN
I F AI "1'1'lSINIi and REPAIKINU as l ei. io
f, re will be aiiendcd to wilh proinpiness and
al reasonable rales.
U.i.Vurir.Oet Is, lfo.
-rrl P, Y sP Tn F
Lewistnrs, Pa.
Kfai.fr ts
Uru-.-s. Medicine.. . hrmic.ls, vr i-iun-.
Hi,., Pa rii., V.rm-iirs, U.ndow li a-n,
Pertnuiei V. Pure W nM and lo'l'l. ra
etpres-iv f-r Me-Vc'iiat I e.
,m i y t, ta.wi. anu a I
tbe rj;i ar I'a'.ll Med.r.n. cf
lhe . . i f I'ai icm irii'.Mii.f J
lei ru'tmt V P-e-erTiion. Fa-. Vlt.
ieme. Ac Ai P i' I F l l 'e
; b l a n k s . ... t-v .
" " .i ' ,':,c'' au' 1.- linrirfT. p -
.J-kt-; v ' ...tiiear. A
1' ' v...vart, n.a
" " I reprireil in lii
t ,1':"
Iv AMiiuun rs alt 1
J, V'-?
want Ml Hi. r ream tiiat
jMiik a';tiu has reuntj n annual lug.:,
on wecW d;v iii TPif'7 and yamrUf e'eftins,
h"ti lie he .1 to liirui-rc iricni w:ih
Miikf i.r ('ri-arn r !rtr ! y. ir hi rx U a n 'i . r. ti.
it s dir s ! i! -rranins w ht-ii )-. r.
'I')i.iii't'l ii r I-T:n'-r .tirffia.-. he hr.pf u,
f !ita.jn,t in iie nMVra!..! n arifth- r sz
I MOS. J. II A 1 f., .Yjvnv
I.v-ilMir'. M.ir- ii 4. I Mf, i.
AVK remove, t r t,.,ir ami 'n-
lln t W ur'-rooin to toe latter
and no ie conimodi.ius r... m-.. Lie lhe reioi
ei.ee of W'm. Frick, on t.':e
t ursernr TlilrS arte Marker s. leflKhur:',
where lio'v have oa ion d ihe I. A Kl i ;.s ,nd
lllT Ai.lill! I dl.. i' o! .r e..r.ll-iel
tola- p.l i'.c in III ".-I r-; . ;-.r 11, pr , ,.jf l r.
.Old 1
list K
1 r u ,io..t4t..i. f it,, i.i.-i .t.,..
. 11.
I.. -I
. ri..-i i.m. k.
l.ii. l in. 1 1 ,t
- t ,.,1 I o .. .. .1 - -Wo.V
il-i.'s v. ,n
.11 u r.. .. ;., r..;
,e I'MiRtM'.'.KiM;
IV.d In
I 11. I.r 111 I.-- Ii vi -i..,i.. 1 w if 1 ,. ,
i.i r'ok's I'.iteo: llrlsllir llijrlal I ;-es.
.4 ..r .pur own 111. 1 1, u r Oil r ;i. . ,,. . 1. ., ,
111 .11:
ani 1
t r - n..-i t
- f.T-r u-
Haii'in? nunc but the hf-t
W KIM r -ill r-.i-i, oi arc nl n"'!
Jcly cuiij't tt'l-n rltii-i mi l-iir-f it :i
I '.y u.-, mi 1
M tnn(i t,,rt f,n A' st ,Vr,W,
where Ciiniifi and JI.ki -r Tun in -n.i!
Hi,. r-n ir.i 1- nej ..ii rt u- ti.- J r i- ti.. . .
A '"! a-t.riiiifnt ,,r I.IMttri; .,1a ;,v
l.Jtn 1 fur V .-l l'i L.tiin:-ti-ri. m.J lt..n J Kmun
I t 1-tlIllM. id .til kill S d
A ii v tt-iTi: n- t ou h.md vviii t tr u,a i
Jf .hi k ; j i !. r pa-t favurs, ue sii!! eip-cl
Shoes fj
f I 'll K nil lers-'.-.e l w:-hes In tnr.
f ha:iiani oj J.- u .si. w. a-.,; vi
I,.- l:a. i i iiiOH U itt-M dour
isi-uirei i::i:.
rm tKf i n-
1 n '.v i!.a
Tii.niiiiiii ii r toe ei.conr:iL;einer.t he lias re.
Ci'ii'.d, he re.pecu!;; -oiie;;.. a ci.:ili:iiiai;ce
of their pall. u nce. H on Iv dpeir.s it neov
sarv, wnh ut hoastin?, lo invite ihe pnMic lo
ca.l and eiamme his sloe; vh,s o a ii iu-is--) ol
Boots, Shoes, Gaiters and Children's
before purchasino e'.eu here, as he is sire h
can sell hi- o n n, i'.e .1. . w .is .,,:i, ui t,, e
boasters can s.-l; thirci'v make.
. B. His st rk
ir.pr;-es everv raretv
Terms I'
Aril I- I-
! Wafi !n:ikrr.JeM, i x :frfT r,
0p tiolir llr;( jik i..t 1. M.irki i i. h lsur,a.
ii.t. Pi -n-il a rti.ip in p.
a 1 :."i (1 rt-, is
y i r ! :.i a'l i. .1 rt" xv-r
m hi- line. H.tvir.s T1rkf1 m
latae ri'..e a i i hi. Ii'i.e, ne is :
ri f.;,rt- 1 itt t ' p t tr V a1 !.ei,
nit!. ii? -t li.itvaii''fi in The Ht"t stvf-
I lo -iv
a i. i M.
1 .!' a' tii''
iti matt'.t-r.
i. r" v :i -z e : 're. 1
! r,v Vi'nr lit (.'-v. O'. I. .r.
lai i:s.
:t.-. n.iiw:::
i katiici:.--.
ATo erervh n" c. r ; ri-e. .n a fall assort
men! ol l 1 1 1 i 1. e . .ool.
.w York a.i! 1'nil.n!. Iloiiit't Frimr-s.
- V I IOI. lis I. E and II K T l I.. C, t!n-
ry liiders prjinpi'v and care u i i v li.iet.
UV A.(it.
3ml! V
3:5 X..nJi Ct
Al' HIV,
l.c-ii islmi s. I'a.
I.,:T.I.1! r ,;-t II u-e.
is and pr.des. noia! i.n-i'ess
, d to ;o. t. Us l-'il
A few of
pri'iiij tly
fMMii? Hives
fir ale vrv cheap hy
JOS. It. liDSS.
pxrif-l.iu:. Jtnv 1
n in ui.'Ts
arceand ciioice vari-
Li'rii. Irom ill els. upward-. f,,r sale by
. . ' - 1. 1 1 1
April HI. 'Ill
n:ovvN ic UKt.
fa. S ; .
M tBalarlurcr r
llarui'.-.. Uiid-
l.'S. S.hW'.OS,
- )
sA. . rmiiniiin :i:nl t!i0
tr patcnl IHIIlMlt'lUI l;s..irrun:eau. hurlui.tors.
Oealcr In
7;;,i,) ;ns 'It.'sn.v -lti"ii 11:111'.?.
BilULIi tliUIV IIHKMs.l..ll.H BHIS.
Fa in- Sniiilli-ry, Harr.fs llarilware.&.c.
fj"'llH sr.ilwi-rii.or. Lavin:
i l.u-fie-. t'-r . ..-nil sr., i..l
.ilwi-rilior. l.a.ini carrioil on
.ilinl rI'ii.!!
1 II
r,.k , ii ..... I . hi ..uiit. .r.r.o.iir. .-i
I,,n ...in i- l uii. I , ; (v.'i v-iT sit., i- . f t.i-
..ri.i,..l.-.!i.-.' I .x, r. .. I.- srnlituJe I. r 1... r- f
llie in.lifi 1 n' ... l. . Iv r -I. .!- k th. ir coutl-
UUml i-.trteiM M- .NhU ?1AMI.
,iSrVS;V.V3ShT..-t r r t tue rvir
W.irSii.. u-..i-'s- m. i..ii l.a-.iu.-. .nJ sii r.iiin.l m
m, sl.-e si' -'"' I'" v. .; s.l. ...a w. r' it-
.rrsnle 1..H I "1" . " remrmsl m
,vh.n.l. , n ..,. me. una if 1 J- '' !'" ""
the ...Hh nf i.ur inen.y 1 iil u t s.n vk lor omr
l'El'Air.INT. .rotnirly nttnml.'il tn.
t fllt:l'f'rCAsll IT KLAlll in ni'-t kiiola
1 ef '
l.i-Siirir. Ar rll 1.1 d.
II P. sllIVKI.V.
iu:. tictv iwnn ir,
1527 mil l-VJ'.l S-inne (., I'lulfVa.
.HIS Infinite, coiidiieie l for two years
past, in lh: cttv. In M.n.iit i h.c.m.v
am ner mi ce m n - . -i
. . . . . ii II....H1 mm ur
same principle
ir.e i i e in icr
YoC. e-iatd
ht ,i there tn the year in. win
MtituhiV. ffpt. '. wit Ils u','u',
III p"-tf pro VIM.' II It's "Is: -r.iu---
,. . f V. nio Ladies, under lhe direction ol
.Madame D'tlervilly. Circulars, and all re
1uisiie inlormaiion. can beohmned on appli
cation to the Principal. Aoe. ,"Blm:
Fall an-1 Winter Fashi.ins
Tl.c llct Urk ami l.atrt Mylr
lh.i'il"i"ul for past favors
.mil I s'lie that he has re
ceived he Fa I an I M "Her
Fashions, and Is crer.'ed lo
t.i noi . as us tai.
He will
., 1 .r. r. as nereiotor-. I..
,rui n il..a:W
t I - I
- I.
1 lalf
t -
I 1 J
Variety and News Depot.
'f'MS nolocrihrr k-epn cnns-anlv for a!e
I at the COST OFFICE (hel.. w ihe Kiviere
Fumilv (Iriii erii.'.-. Coiifw'innnrr nnj
i'ltiit-i. rainy No- fVYi'Mrm
t'wht, J'l i i'iimory & j&-MMS-i4-
."otiiH, Wi.:i l'uj..r iGSJi
aiifl Oil Sliaiii.s, Travt.iiiiir Uaas
JJIaiik, Silifnil uikI 1 1 una Iook..Ai-.
l'iirr sintl .llntrnzitia-N haul
or In onler. Iroiu Busioii. New ork or I'biU
.1elph:a stieh as il.c Tril.iine.Tinies, Her: i,
I.e.l.'er. Weekly. Clipper. Fol'ce (iazeiie. Mer
curv. Waveriv, l.tvrary rnmpamon. Harper',
and (.--lie's F.'i.traied Week i vs. tiodey s an 1
Harper's Magaz.nes, lansee Xoucna anj
Sic .-ics. A c. Ac.
vun rncvp fes rin,
01:0. w. fokhkmt
OU ;. Illliiv. . hav,r. :si..r
in tee ijpj, ,M mi,, ..rr 1.1 Lw.4f -C-
l- iiir? v;r n. v. f ,
J'dst, Willi ih- -! of
nearly three tac
Eeef, Tork, Veil, fcc,
wou:d reimn his 2raiful ihanksn. hi? nnme-
.!i :ner :, r iheir pairof.ace atd an
- Ilia! he a.-er.d- Io ci ri ' line lhe husi
heieo f. re in ih Meal Marliel Jluo.e.
h-tweni :
cnal'! and Baker dc l.'o.'s JJruie
siii ri-. Market .-s.:Tnre.
'.Ini:v,s-Hr;i!r.j!vs and Saturday..
I'AMI j- ih sv-tetn. i'nl I.c patronage re
..ctli. !v s dice 1, j,,,.) ti. taction insured.
March !.-., nl. I. .-i M KKNEI!, Ag't.
atjoi:m:y at law,
L tri!,n"t. I utiH i'.. jU.
k KKK'K fn Marker sr.. three dimr west
lhe l.wii,ur: Hunk. All ProttisShiDal
butn-si rntrusieJ to h rare, pn.nintlv at-
tended '.
pr.l IS, IHCI
d.iile tiliilc n.ian)
Ksce SiriTt, iiltcve '!iilai!e!phia.
:r.) r.':. r::n! KiFTijMX
M.'J". per !ay.
1 f ttii w. !I knon TToae,
U.!r l e rt uovate-il. iinprn(Ht
I 1 it.H .!., 11 j tl,t bj rpct-
it- .f fl - r r atrnnag.
. t-it. r fT.liaulT iiu ti
. m .1 n tr. r..t- an-l - aci
' : ,-.le.nT l mi-nta.
:'. 1 .1 iiv c:-at f.-r Mv-rchtiQt-a
h,--i ti';uivlUm'trd fi-.
; vcrii f.f Vr rn m
ifl? nM. ,;tn- I ,,r. f ft-rl w,il
I It- .t it r.. ffiw.. -.icral
1 IfKMiY t." If.l.WAN,
T f 'il.N fiiltii.
tu'la ab ln-it a h.
tl- l...-1't .. -k r.
Fashiynie Ecot and Shoe maker,
.V.'.'' F'h St , f.' trf'tKury,
KFTrr i-.'h-'.w.t'v in han f. and mannfac
ttiri'i. !. : r. ail :l''tr p-it ns (f 1
I!' . ; . . 'i t ' r :-i:c l i! t-r:t riker. and anf-iiiu-
l" iiirMt a -har- -t ti,e pu:hc pa iron ape,
he ui;i uarraht ail uiiii. uhica mar pais
l'lll 1..." !.rtl
m.i.u uiil be given to Ladies
H;- IV O'1- are a low as thrse of any cthet
deaierm me vicinity, lie solicits a lair trial.
C. tili.ieni t.iat he can sahMv every persuo.
l.cwi"' -ir-, Aug. 31. lBf".y
Seal Irrs l!:ninru turers,
o'l, Siifh T.'iinl $r., I'hi'lultjihia.
X. It S;iecial aneniion given to Matnnia
and other HcieTv seals. 6ui7S3
r r ..
A k n S irh Water 5t., T.rvtsbaix
are manin- rteR-itre preparations lo
supply wiih PURE ICE a! ,or former
cu:oner and a manv new unes as may favor
u with their puirunae.
tt'Ire will be delivered throoghoat th
emiie umiiit r, as to nc com modal t all, at
a- 1 iw prices as can he aiT.Tjet! by any other
, LLlYIHHil.il. M.
It. I1U7.1.L, rrop'r.
Hi IS H lei i !i caif d in the center ol ma
l- u n. one s ; 'inre Irom Ihe I ourt House
persons atiendins t onrt.or havinsotner pu
siin-s in Ihe luwn, will rind ihu a pleasant
and couif .nai'ie home. Charses moderate
I. -wisburj. Fa., Sept. 6, 1S..VJ m3
s-l n.uawm. axra.n ailia
Attrnev3 at Law.
,FF:CE in So
ih Second near Marirel Si
p,ii l.
,Tn LewWiurf;.!
rhslly: I am no
toe iiue.t vv aiches such
ready to repait
s Chronometer.,
Duplex and I.evtr E-capemenis in the verf
best manner, tojeiher with every oiher kiud ol
work iu our line I business. All work war
rai.'ed !' ii'.e sausi.coon.
t""I have a'-. i ih lieprv for the sa'e cl
thece'et ra-d ':! Oil l.;tmp together
won till Sha les. Wicks, sve Ac
Lew isbs. .Mar 'till
American Life Insurance & Trust fo
fCapiMlS oc. i-."l,(i(in)
"10MPANY D'jil.i-n;. Walnut street,8 E
corner ol t ounh I hitatliipnia.
i Lives insured al me usual .nutuai ram
or al Ji int Si. ck rates about 20 per cent. Iea
or at Total Abstinence rates the lowest in the
world. A. WHlLl.l)l.N,Preideul
Jon C. Sm. Sec. .
717 il:i. F. M!I.I.r.R. At. t.ewi.bort
rr-HR r.s-Pa.mcrship heretofore existing
1 I i weeu th- nii.lersiai.ed under .he firm
iHia.it tl""""-" his ''ay lislvei.
, ,v .uuiuai consent. Tn. E-.oks and Note, are
!e!I a:
. (l il r-ian i ot ..ir-iy enumm.. ....
i feil interested will please lane notice.
lur. 5-pt. lv'.'.snl
2JijUlL'ji'ii SXZJ)
DK. . V. M" lllttlH H. (a yra lnaia
uf Jelierson College) icn.lei. hi. P
ir..,,M! service, to ihe people of Lewishon
a,v e nity. t .Tllll.ce on No.ih Front V .
aar Market, where l.e may be consu.ifd at
any naie when not protrs-iona! y ens.Ec..
F.. n,!,e. of Volumeers (. -u. h as mav be .a
aeerf) aiteaded gratuitous'y.-F'---'' UP1
, 5